There is little that can be done now and anyway what we Europeans say and think is irrelevant. It is fair to assume that the entire European elite is viscerally opposed and always has been to the President. Maybe Macron excepted as the French have no love for us and always act in their own interests.
There has always been an isolationist mood in the US and this looks as if it is going to gather momentum. After all why should a Kansas working man care a fig for anything our media/political elites think or say.
The agonised and uniformly hostile Guardian/BBC/C4 etc etc op eds and leaders might as well be written by Martians to him .They are that irrelevant.
The danger for us is if the President gets this and abandons Europe to it’s now well deserved fate. We have just launched a carrier that without the F35s is useless. Why should we expect the US to provide weapons etc for an ungrateful hostile bunch of nations formerly known as Nato?
Ok I know it is good business for the US but the hostility is so insane that maybe that will not weigh much with the man or woman from Kansas and Nebraska .
It really looks as if the progressives both here and in the US have lost their minds. Destroying Confederate memorials is not going to end well. That war was vicious and the legacy bitter.
It has always been a mark of some degree of civilisation to respect that men can fight bravely in a bad cause and that when a war is over then their bravery should be marked . What is happening and being cheered on by our idiots will cause real lasting damage to both the south and to us.
I have not heard the President do other that try to hold some form of line and that is what he is there for – to try to calm and unite a nation .
The BBC’s behaviour has been disgraceful .
Dave as regards the F35 s From what I understand they are not proving to be the “wonder aircraft” they were made out to be and it could well be the case that we will have the best looking helicopter carrier in the western world – Ideal for “refugee ” rescues.. Since we have so few effective ships in navy these days it will be quite a strain providing adequate screening for this prestige ship.
Maybe we should re-name the Royal Navy as the “Queen Elizabeth Escorting and “Refugee” Rescue service” or QUEERS for short. We could change the colours associated with the Navy from blue to a nice high visibility and transgender friendly pink – and no more of this saluting lark and “Reporting for duty” nonsense – maybe just a gentle squeeze on the derriere and the words “Hello Sailor” whispered softly into the ear.
As regards Trump and America I totally agree with what you have said. Like spoiled children we have insulted them. laughed at their President and stirred the shit endlessly to try and encourage political instability in their nation so who can blame America if it turns its back on Europe and concentrate on their own interests.. The irony is – is that we have/had the most pro British President for years yet these W#####s have been allowed to squander this goodwill all in the name of political correctness.
These people are political toddlers. They have have never been taught the true meaning of the word NO! and think that just because Mummy Theresa in this country indulges their every self centered whim – Daddy Donald across the water will do the same – I think they are much mistaken. Whether we like it or not in Europe “Pax America” has really been the only game in town since the war – I hardly think “Pax Islington” will be an adequate replacement.
I am afraid that our demanding and ungrateful liberal/left wing will have more than gay rights and female boardroom pay to worry about soon. We have imported war across the Mediterranean into Europe and while our liberals are busy undermining and de-stabilising what was once their own society – Just like a cancer this war has metastasis ed and will be coming to a town near us and eventually them too. And I am afraid “Refugee Welcome” placards will provide little protection.
My gut feeling is that we are nearing a tipping point and things could go either way. I was heartened by the fact that the BBC have been so cautious over the recent Sun comments regarding rape by Muslim gangs – I think people are starting to wake up. Unfortunately the last to wake up will be Westminster. Unless of course they have already decided to unfurl the black ISIS approved rāyat as-sawdā banner and and start suing for “peace in our time”
Bang on Oak.
The powers had better wake up soon or they won’t even be able to take refuge in out of the way second homes. Game of Thrones has the White Walkers coming. Better not mention the type of Walkers that are coming for us.
I am quite sure Vladimir Putin has no plans or intention of invading Europe. Apart from anything else, why would he want our muslim problem? But assuming he did, why on Earth should President Trump lift a finger?
The governments of Europe, including our own, hate and insult him. They give him no support, but rely on American defence. If Russian tanks were to roll up to the English Channel, why should Americans care? Their soldiers died in two wars to liberate Europe, I think they have earned the right to tell us that the next time, we are on our own!
“I was heartened by the fact that the BBC have been so cautious over the recent Sun comments regarding rape by Muslim gangs – I think people are starting to wake up.”
This point reminds me of a post I once sent to the Guardian online (soon after the news broke about those Muslim Gangs in northern cities). My two lined post went something like this: I think you will find out that this is just the tip of the iceberg.
It was mmediately deleted. No reason why? Since then I’ve found it nigh impossible to have any post accepted by said MSM.
The danger for us is if the President gets this and abandons Europe to it’s now well deserved fate. We have just launched a carrier that without the F35s is useless. Why should we expect the US to provide weapons etc for an ungrateful hostile bunch of nations formerly known as Nato?
Valid observation. However the UK as a tier 1 partner in the F35 program actually builds (in the UK) 15% of every F35. BAE is one of the biggest arms producers in the world , it actually builds a lot of weapons for the US. The Sword of Damocles can cut both ways.
I received this email from a relative in the US when I wrote in response to an email from her, that it is the mainstream Left in the UK that is anti-Semitic.
“Yes, these are bad days for sure. The difference here, I suppose, is that we now have perhaps the most ignorant president in US history, a man who admires authoritarian rulers in Russia, Turkey and elsewhere while disparaging the democratically elected leaders of our historic allies. The president’s chief political advisor, Steve Bannon, is allied with white-supremacist groups and works just down the hall from the Oval Office. There are other advisors–Miller and Gorka–who may even be worse. I never thought a president of the United States would have to be pressured to denounce Nazism, but that’s where we are in 2017.”
Now to be fair, I have only corresponded briefly with the person who wrote this. But what I am concerned about that in the US and the UK, the media especially in the UK the BBC, are winding up the antifa and left wing supporters so much that there will be a loud bang as the US and Europe blows up – perhaps leaving the likes of North Korea and Russia to fill the space.
The left in Europe and the US no longer respect democracy and the electoral system. Where is this leading?
I have no idea what basis of truth there is in it, but wouldn’t be in the least bit surprised if it were true.
As regards your final sentence… “The left in Europe and the US no longer respect democracy and the electoral system. Where is this leading?” I would hazard a guess that if Corbyn’s lot *do* get in at the next election, our vote will effectively be lost within 4 years and we will struggle to get shot of them.
Your relative sounds like some sort of left wing air head!
For the first, and probably last, time in my life, I actually know someone in the White House. Seb Gorka was a friend of mine in the 1980s. I know him, and I know what she is saying is untrue. I rather suspect that everything the left wing elite and MSM say about the White House is untrue. I do not know and have never met Steve Bannon. He is depicted as some sort of neo-nazi anti-semite. I imagine this is as untrue as the same lies about Seb Gorka.
President Trump is a man who has been in the public eye since the 1970s. He is far better known that the obscure Illinois Senator who became President in 2008, and who had spent a lot of his time with communists and Black Panther terrorists, not that the MSM ever let you know. Trump has never in his life associated with neo-nazis or anti-semites, why should he start when he won the Presidency?
We are facing a culture war. The attack on Confederate statues, which do no harm to anyone, is just the opening shot. It could descend into a full blown civil war faster than the communist left think, and if they think they will win, they could be in for a nasty surprise.
You are spot regarding US isolationist sentiments. It has largely been forgotten that the US took some persuading to get directly involved in the European element of WW2. Many prominent and extremely influential Americans, eg Charles Lindbergh, were against US involvement. The UK was fortunate on two counts, Churchill was PM and he had an American mother with social links to US high society.
The left is conducting a deliberate campaign to antagonise President Trump egged on by the BBC. You only have to look at that awful, nasty, little piece Kuennsberg’s attitude in the first joint US-UK press conference to see that.
The BBC is now brazen in its approach because it sees itself as untouchable. There is a ray of hope. I have detected a general raising of awareness about the BBC’s bias since Brexit/Trump with many people stating their dislike of the BBC. However, only when the money slows and stops will anything change.
I’ve sent a letter to BBC TV Licensing . No more threatograms are to be sent to me . If they think I’m doing something criminal they should book a day in court . Then I’ll come and contest them .
Nibor, did you ask them to Cease and Desist? Two notices of request to Cease and Desist, quoting ss. 1 & 2 of The Protection from Harassment Act 1997 helps to put them on difficult legal ground if they then send you another letter with any form of threat therein.
Never never reply .
Give and tell nothing .
There is no legal requirement to say or admit anything .
Remember – you are not dealing with nice people – you are dealing with al beeb and its tax collectors .
Women get prosecuted more than men because they speak more . Fact not sexism .
Not paying the tv tax is more important than any words we write here. It’s the only tangible thing we have to resist
I wish I could have remembered your last post on this . I tried half a dozen solicitors but they wanted great amounts of money first , so I printed a couple off in the local library and sent one to them .
I’m due August’s missive from them which I’ll let pass .
The standard of journalism in this article is so poor as to be embarrassing, time, and money wasting.
‘Italian teenager’s harassment account goes viral’
It seems to be a synopsis of articles, including social media, from other sources, mainly in quotes. This is a story which happens to many people who travel alone (purposely haven’t said women there). What is it’s point? Of course, the bBBC love a sexual story. And of course, the bit that you really want to know about is the perpetrator….who was it? Are they going to let on?
PS took place in northern Italy, she is the daughter of the mayor – any ordinary person wouldn’t be of interest. This is Italy – they are pretty good at sexual advances there, so what is this really about?? Are the BBC taking the piss again?
From another article related to this, that I googled ‘A study done by Cornell University and anti-street harassment organization Hollaback! found that 69% of women under age 40 in Italy had been followed by a man or group of men that made them feel unsafe during the previous year alone.’
Did they all have an elephant in the room?
So Britain’s Champion is hung out to dry for telling the truth……………………
“The men, who were mostly British-born, were from Iraqi, Bangladeshi, Pakistani, Indian, Iranian and Turkish communities. “
So they weren’t all ‘British-born’ then?
The only thing that matters is whether she is right or wrong. All else is pure waffle.
On another matter that show on gender on BBC2. I cannot say on a family blog what I really think of it.
two real points of interest.
A school nearly 100% white, A first for the. BBC in a long time. Why?
Second. What on earth were the parents and grandparents thinking of allowing their children to be exposed to this.?
Did they really know ? Or were they deceived.
It is easy to dismiss this as yet another Marxist attack on reality but this is children and families we are talking about.
Indefensible and that is that. No further discussion needed or wanted.
Just when you think the BBC could nor act any more stupidly they prove you wrong yet again.
The BBC travels to the Isle of White to do a loony left-wing ideological experiment on some white kids.
The fact that one Gender can get pregnant, and the other cannot is seen by the BBC as a barrier to equality. This barrier can be removed by either the use of abortion, or encouraging girls to change sex or prefer the colour Blue to Pink. This would produce the first “Gender Free Society” in history.
The only drawback would be that this Society would not be able to naturally reproduce, because Boys and Girls would be the same type of Sexless ideal in the BBC’s loony anti sex diversity ideology.
It looks like a Judicial Review of the BBC could reveal that the BBC was worried about complaints of indecency, from the parents of ethnic minorities. So instead the BBC sent an ethnic minority doctor to a hideously white School, so that if the parents complain, the BBC can dismiss the complains as racism against an ethnic minority doctor.
Future Ideas for Gender experiments, for the perverts at the BBC, could be experiments were little boys have their penises cut off in the name of “No more Boys and Girls” Gender Free Equality.
As regards the difference between Boys and Girls. On this occasion I would prefer the left-wing habit of celebrating diversity. The BBC could also help a white male Grandfather from being forced by a ten year old girl, into entering an all girls shop called “Clairs”. I Hope?
I once had the misfortune to shop at “Claire’s” for an eight-year old of my aquaintance. Seeking some guidance as to what girls of that age were ‘into’ I passed that fact onto the nearest shop assistant. Her response, “Are you sure you’re not buying for yourself?” ensured that I have never darkened their pink doors again!
“The fact that one Gender can get pregnant, and the other cannot is seen by the BBC as a barrier to equality.”
These people believe that you can’t just put a wig, heels and lipstick on man and call yourself a woman. It doesn’t work that way. You have to really believe it for it to be true. Then it’s legitable.
BBC1: Thursday: 10.45pm: Don’t Deport Me, I’m British
(Followed by “Queer Britain”, which is then followed by “Queer and Proud”)
Three asylum seekers have sought out gullible unpatriotic BBC middle-class morons, to tell them that they feel “British”, presumably because they do not want to be deported back to some hellhole full of ethnics.
It looks like a Judicial Review of the BBC could reveal that the BBC’s Fraser Steel, a Non-executive Director and Chair of the board of UK Immigration Services Ltd, is helping his incompetent friends in the Immigration Services, by helping the BBC bury bad news about the thousands of failed deportations of uncontentious cases, by focusing on three contentious cases that they have deliberately produced for the BBC.
Point to note, British people cannot be deported by law.
Deportation is the enforced removal of non-UK nationals who have breached UK immigration rules, whether because they are here illegally or because they are ‘over stayers’. Removal from the UK is when the Secretary of State issues a Removal Notice to an individual informing them that they are required to leave the UK.
Imagine for a second you are a somewhat disaffected young Muslim in some grim mill town in the north of England.
You probably watch BBC, and what do you see? Relentless propaganda that white people are bigoted racists, who enslaved millions in colonial escapades, who hate other peoples, hate Muslims, want to close mosques and deport people they don’t like. Incessant reminders that Britain is an evil country, with a history of enslavement and genocide.
Is it any wonder that some vulnerable Muslims find themselves being enticed by ISIS propaganda?
Is it any wonder that some vulnerable Muslims find themselves being enticed by ISIS propaganda?
And now that promotion of victimhood has been given a huge boost by how the left have stated that speaking the truth about Pakistani rape gangs who target little white girls is an racist act. Why even the Pakistani led Muslim council of Britiain agrees with that stance. Buoyed by such support expect Muslims to make even more demands of the kuffer.
Rick, I have often wondered about this. If I were a young second generation Muslim living in a grim-up-north terrace full of boarded up pound shops, I would look around me at the ‘native’ culture of single buggy moms, binge drinkers, fatties on mobility scooters, twoccers racing cars round estates etc and think ‘why should I integrate with that?’
I might, however, then think ‘there’s got to be more to England than this’ and work hard to get into ‘uni’. But there I would be told the history of Britain was a shame and a disgrace, that the country is ‘institutionally racist’ and ‘Islamophobic’, that its culture is ‘appropriated’ and its religion irrelevant, so again, why bother to become a productive citizen?
BBC Breakfast at 7am shows once again that it has become a public sector notice board not a news service
Their headline story is the forthcoming “A” Level results
The BBC try to make some kind of a narrative out of the recent shift in emphasis to exams rather than course work – a youngster brings a smile with her complaint “we are expected to remember stuff and not just learn” Hmmmm
Next headline from the BBC is that some report suggests elderly patients are not complaining enough about their treatment from the NHS. Well there’s a damned if they do, damned if they don’t.
Hey BBC, is anything going on in the world that does not primarily appeal to the interests of the public sector?
Just switched on to Breakcrap…they interview a young woman entrepreneur in the IT Industry……first question by a sofa monkey (who was difficult to understand), but the just of it was “Have you been discriminated against since you entered the IT market? Not asking about her business….Why not I ask? Next question by our own proper Charlie….guess what it’s about.. ..Brexit!! The lady sits on a pro government Brexit panel and she deflected the question. Good on her.
Next, pan to A level results…..a clip of some students taking exams….no incumbents to be seen in the clip!
Then…..a Mother and child travelling in a car…..again, not a majority scene, but, this mother is pushing her son to visit a gay bar with her so that she can set him up on a date!
That A levels segment was used to ignore the sarah champion story which should be headlining but is being ignored as it affects their pals in labour. Sky were doing the exact same with thicko me me me doing all she could to avoid the champion story. Sky have literally become the BBC in their love and defence of the labour party. They want corbyn in and brexit stopped and will do anything to facilitate it.
R4 6 o’clock news.
Signed off the item on Business Leaders and Trump by saying how Trumps policies and opinions are deeply unpopular.
They didn’t even have the decency to insert “by many”. Would have been to much to ask to insert “by some”.
Its just totally untrue.Trump has another rally coming up in Pheonix Arizona . Meanwhile You Tube is blocking Diamond and Silk and other conservative videos supporting Trump .Its scary that they hate him so much .
Of course the NAFTA renegotiations started yesterday and that is why all the increased activity and hysteria has got to this level. Trillions for big business and banks are at stake.
Trump is for the people and America.
I don’t see any explanation from the BEEB as the what NAFTA is and why its draining wealth away from the USA general population.
The media is always waffling on about ‘positive images of black people’. You can’t get much more positive than the Diamond and Silk ladies, who are always upbeat, funny, polite and show common sense without being ‘intellectual’ . Can’t think why they’re not all over the BBC! Actually I can.
Youtube will regret taking on diamond and sik as the donald is a big fan of those two ladies him being a screaming nazi white supremacist and all. He had them at many of his rallies last year as well.
Thanks to the BBC’s Radio 4 Programme TODAY, I come here with good news!
Diane Abbott has a rival in the Labour ranks.
Gordon Marsden, MP, Labour Shadow Minister for Higher & Further Education and Skills made a contribution of Abbottesque proportions at about 7.15am on the subject of A levels, or rather not on the subject of A levels and the results being revealed today.
Thanks to the BBC’s Radio 4 Programme TODAY, I come here with more good news!
Diane Abbott has another rival in the Labour ranks.
Yasmin Qureshi, who is MP for Bolton South East and Shadow Justice Minister, also made a contribution of Abbottesque proportions at about 7.35am on the subject of Sarah Champion and Pakistani-origin men abusing white English girls, or rather not on the subject of Sarah Champion and Pakistani-origin men abusing white English girls.
The TODAY Programme today just gives and gives. I’m laughing and guffawing at the post-newspaper review at approx. 7.40am and the possibly euphemistic discussion over the pink ball to be used for the first day/night Test Match in England.
On a more serious note, the Global Warming Emissions and Climate Change caused by these events could just tip us over the edge into world-wide disaster and thousands of unnecessary deaths. After all, politicians and environmental campaigners tell us that the science is settled and it is the greatest problem (except when they wish to shroud-wave and tax collecting tin-rattle over something else) that humankind faces today.
No questions asked by the BBC TODAY team at all on the subject of this extra unnecessary electricity consumption.
At all.
No questions. None.
But if I want an overseas holiday or to drive three hundred miles every few months to see Granny, I would face the full guilt thing and an interrogation worthy of the Gestapo plus paying extra taxes on top!
Funnily enough re the Newspaper review, I listened to it for the first time for many months just to see if anything had changed. First item, The Guardian, anti-Trump; second item, The i, anti-Trump. No idea what the third item was but a nice lively piece was playing on Classic FM
‘Classic FM’s ‘news’ really is dire, I agree. I have no idea who owns Global but I am pretty sure its CEO must be a SJW, otherwise s/he couldn’t tolerate such rubbish.
I took OG’s advice a while ago and switched to Swiss Classic but, while it spares us the interminable rubbish from John Williams and other movie hacks, I’m not awfully keen on its choices.
popeye, that made me chuckle. It does get wearing, I have to admit.
I remember a little of that with Watergate except the BBC was different back then, they did better journalism and definitely no self-referential news headlines. Also it went in bursts with Watergate. The BBC was, of course, rather late to the party on that one and it was driven more by the print press there and then taken up by our newspapers here. It would also have taken a lot more time and effort to put together a broadcast film, say for Panorama, than it would today.
I was more TV oriented in the 1970s save for cricket and contemporary music. That changes my take on things, too.
Nixon had not, of course, pointed a finger at Jon Sopel and the BBC and said “There’s another beauty, right there!” and excluded them from Press briefings. This time, that kind of makes it personal 🙂 for the BBC and it shows! 🙂
Agree in essence with your post about the 0735 interview but a couple of more serious points aboutbthat disgraceful interview.
First, in the interests of impartiality, we should note that John Humphries tried hard to nail her, citing the specific issue of Pakistani men and ‘white trash’ girls. He pushed several times and this is the first time I can remember the bBBC actually having a go on this basis. Unusual maybe, butbtwo cheera to Humphries.
Second, despite doing this, he got no satisfactory answer. But if it was a car crash interview, it was also revealing. Corbyn’s Labour Party are in total politically correct denial of the issue. The Quereshi woman was a Pakistani and just would not condemn her ‘brother’ Pakistanis in the rape gangs. Not for the first time, the tactic was defelection, saying that all such crimes should be investigated. A lady from a new campaign ‘Enough is enough’ was given air time to condemn outright.
Note this content. Put it in the diary. Labour does not think Pakistani men raping young girls is a specific issue.
Sluff, you are quite right, The Humph gave it a really good go in both interviews that I have referred to above and with John Underhill. (Take his Professorship away, he doesn’t deserve it!)
Your second point is really the thing I was hinting at with my two posts: the Parliamentary Labour Party = Empty Vessels.
Perhaps Labour should rename themselves ‘The Abbott and Costello-Corbyn Party of Great Britain.’ ?
Jo Johnson, the Universities minister was asked by Humphries soon after 8 a.m. about the high pay being received by Vice-Chancellors. I did think Jo missed an opportunity to remind Humphries that the VCs are being paid a lot less that Humphries gets. Mind, I agree that the pay of these people (VCs and Humphries is obscene) but of course it was under Labour that these salary levels were first seen.
Labour will NEVER criticise its imported voter base. Too many votes ( including multiple counts of the fraudulent postal variety ) at stake. That’s why the crimes in Rotherham were allowed to continue. Too many Muslim votes at risk. LABOUR – THE MUSLIM PARTY!
Professor John Underhill from Heriot-Watt University – a scientist – said today, in effect, that he doesn’t really like or believe practical science, just the theoretical stuff.
A level results out today. Black and brown faces all over the screen as usually happens at this time every year.
Education expert Lenny Henry rambling on and on about “something being for everyone” at university, even when your A level results are “all over the place” – or some vague claptrap along those lines.
Doesn’t quite fit in with my understanding of what a university is for, but it probably explains a thing or two.
Followed by a hedgehog expert who at least seems to know what he is talking about. Hedgehogs can swim, so at least I learned something this morning. Perhaps that qualifies me for a “Yooni” degree in hedgehog studies.
Quite agree OG. No bugger was interested when I took end of school exams, so whether its an A* or DD cup its not going to affect my life, so I switch to the shopping channels when the interviewer starts trying to extract information from ‘yeah, yeah, like like’ students.
I AM interested in the vaguely touched on stories about the neglect suffered by the elderly in our hospitals. If our babies and children were treated half as badly as our elderly then all hell would break loose, but hey an adult who dribbles and wants their nappy changing aint so appealing as a 3 month old. But we all reach that stage of life eventually, and those who abuse our elderly would do well to remember that.
Hedgehog studies would be far more useful than many so called degrees from so called universities in 21st century Britain. For a start learning to spell a multi syllable word like hedgehog would improve the students’ English no end.
As for Lenny Henry he was quite funny about twenty years ago but is just a pain the ares now. If all these Folks feel that they are being discriminated against and are victims of this or that , then they are free to leave the country and take their enrichment with them. I for one am certain that if they did leave the country would be a much better place. Oh by the way could they take the BBC with them.
In defence of the humble hedgehog, one of my favourite animals, their biology and behaviour is more interesting than may be supposed. How do hedgehogs mate ? Carefully. I once watched a male trying to mate with a female ( if it had been on the BBC it would have been another male ), but she stuck her back against a fence and would not budge. It took him almost an hour to get the hint and he waddled off. I had a girlfriend like that once, but not for long.
Noticed that ALL the kids in BBC2’s Gender Neutralising programme were WHITE, though. BBC wouldn’t want to try their social engineering on their favourite ethnic groups, would they? Might ‘offend’ them.
The Charlottesville reporting is so dishonest. They claim he ‘failed to condemn the far right fast enough’, when he clearly condemned both sides immediately. The whole ‘not fast enough’ angle is just a confection.
Then they claim faux outrage when he mentions violence from the other side, taking us for idiots who will believe that Antifa suddenly became gentle pacifists when a quick google search will reveal how violent they are. If all these ‘Far Right’ lot were evil incarnate how comes so many ‘counter protestors’ showed up? If Hitler came to my town I would stay inside and lock the doors.
So once again they are exposed as being dishonest, and in trying to get as much mileage out of the smears they only make themselves look worse.
As for the ‘stories’ of Theresa May or whoever condemning the Far Right, it is not a news story at all. Of course if they ask her if she condemns the Far Right she will say she does; it is just another excuse to shout ‘Nazi’ and ‘White Nationalist’ another hundred times. But the whole idea that he did not specifically condemn the ‘Far Right’ fast enough – when he clearly condemned both sides immediately – is fake news, nothing but spin. And the ‘story’ that the Bush presidents condemned the violence is just another excuse for them to shove their propaganda down our throats. It was not an ‘extraordinary intervention’ – of course they would condemn what had happened.
Another victory for Trump in my opinion. I wish they could just let him get on with his job rather than constantly going on the attack and trying to spin everything in the most extreme way to make him look bad. Unlike so many they have bullied in the past he punches back and makes them look bad. They were all hysterical in that press conference – they need to get a grip. It is the media who look like unhinged lunatics, not Trump.
I wonder if people are starting to notice. A friend of mine, not usually given to interest in politics, emailed me this morning asking if I thought there was any bias in how the media was reporting Trump, as it seemed to him the coverage seemed ‘deliberately out to get him.’
Not fast enough angle is as you say just a confection. The smokescreen method employed the same way by the bBBC for the recent pay scandal by making a big thing about the gender gap. That went quiet PDQ.
Trump said from the start how dishonest the press are. They can never just state the facts; everything is saturated with name-calling, deflection, clever editing, narrative, emotional appeals, presenting the exception as the norm and too often outright fabrication.
They’ve even taken to describing Breitbart News as ‘Far Right’ in their attempts to smear Steve Bannon. Problem being that the BBC has gone so far left it’s lost sight of the centre ground of politics. Anyone disagreeing with the BBC’s view of the world is described as ‘Far Right’ . Beeboids never mention that founder Andrew Breitbart was Jewish as are many of the journalists who work for the organisation .
Well yes, but given the number of Momentum supporters who work in the BBC, being Jewish will be no get out of jail free card – it’ll be just one more thing held against them!
Andy S, the editor in chief of Breitbart UK is one Raheem Kassam. Muslim apostate and former advisor to Nigel Farage – I think we can safely say the BBC are not going to say anything nice about Breitbart!
May has a downer on anything she considers right wing. Most of her legislation supposedly brought in to combat Islamic terrorism has in fact been used to target anyone she considers being ‘Far Right’, meaning those who oppose the Islamification of Europe and Britain, and those worried by the detrimental aspects to society of unlimited immigration. May is a Globalist stooge and a dangerous authoritarian.
Weeeeeee!!! Down the rabbit hole we go with Alice with this one! WTF and OMG!
Firstly…we are told that women can do and wear whatever they want, and no man can tell her what to do!…….unless you’re a hypocrit, lunatic lefty and cult of death is involved!
“The leader of Australia’s far-right (note that the disgusting Al ShabeeBBC are stating that as fact) One Nation party has worn a burka on the floor of the nation’s Senate.
Pauline Hanson’s entrance drew audible shock (why? Its just an expression of female empowerment right?) from other senators ahead of a bid by her party to ban the garment in Australia.
Government minister George Brandis condemned Ms Hanson’s stunt and “counselled and cautioned” her against causing offence to religious groups.
Mr Brandis received a standing applause from opposition parties”
So there we have it. If you are a man, you can force a woman to wear what you want if you believe she is right wing (clearly down to that day’s leftist interpretation..)
MSM…political parties….militant fascist lefties….can beat you, attack you, can arrest you, can force you by threat of violence or arrest you to change your beliefs, can make you wear whatever they want, can ban you from saying anything they do not agree with.
Loved this statement..
“In an emotional speech, Mr Brandis said Ms Hanson’s actions risked alienating approximately 500,000 Australians who adhered to the Islamic faith” – yeah, unlike numerous amounts of terror attacks. I mean, who gives a fook about dead white Australians?
Good post, Tothepoint. Some of those Australian Parliament members are obviously gearing up to study over here for a while with Diane Abbott and Yasmin Qureshi.
I’ve been doing my absolute darnedest to avoid as much BBC propaganda and all other fake news as I possibly can. So bad for my blood pressure. However, this utter claptrap about The Donald’s response to the Charlotetsville riots has even filtered through to me in my remote hilltop log the bottom of my garden…
When you cut through all the hysteria and blather it seems that originally some decent locals turned out to demonstrate because yet another statue was in line to be removed. We’ve had far too much revisionist history happening over here, so I sympathise with them.
Of course the usual, bullying, thuggish Antifa mob turned up en mass to intimidate and attack them. It happens all the time and by and large this hard left trash have been given a free hand. Don’t like a speaker at a university get the yobs in and they’ll cause mayhem, have an almighty tantrum, scream “Nazi scum” at anyone they disagree with and usually get their own way. This time they didn’t. Some deeply unpleasant far right, real Nazis, arrived and took on the bullying left and things got ugly.
I can’t really see what more Trump could be expected to say. The original people demonstrating, the decent people concerned about their history and heritage, were attacked by a deeply unpleasant far left bunch of thugs. This time however the bullies got bullied. The far left trash were met my people who actually relish being called Nazis.
What more could Donald say? Both sides are vile.
Anyway, back to Classic FM. The gentle, dulcet tones of John Suchet. “A wonderful melody from Tchaikovsky.”
No pc ism, no lecturing about gender politics, no whinging, discontent minorities, no Trump bashing.
I quite agree, GC the news on Classic FM is atrocious; but it only lasts for five minute and I turn it off. The difference with the Beeb is the entire content is dreadful. I feel as though I’m constantly being lectured by someone that hates me. It’s pervasive on the BBC. The Today prog’, PM, the afternoon play and Woman’s Hour.
Even the dear old Archers, an everyday tale of country folk, has been infested.
They’ve inflicted some appalling and unlikely stories on us lately. The female Muslim vet; not only is she a whizz at cricket (well, I somehow thought she would be) she’s also got the veterinary practice back on its feet. The locals make comments like; “She’s a wonder.” “How did we ever cope without her?” “Thank heavens for Aneesha!”
The latest story involves eastern European workers being abused by foul racists. Graffiti daubed on their caravans and uncouth louts attacking and swearing at them. The dear old Beeb have never been particularly subtle but they’re really scraping below the barrel these days. “We have to stand up for these people, we’d never cope without them.” Happens all the time in BBC land.
The Archers; an everyday tale of pc folk…
Jeff, Mr Trump made the good point in his press conference that the original group of protestors opposed to the removal of statues had been granted legal permission to demonstrate. It wasn’t some band of rednecks that just turned up on the spur of the moment to cause trouble.
There is an interview online with the guy that organised the original demonstration. Apparently it was planned months ago, they got council permission and one week before the council cancelled it. The organiser took them to federal court who said the council could not cancel it as they had given permission to Black lives matter and Antifa in recent months. The local police were supposed to provide security but didn’t turn up. I did wonder about the lack of police on the somewhat bias footage – can you imagine how many police would have been at this type of event in the UK? Whilst the organiser may be putting his slant – the court orders and police agreements can be checked..
The BBC seem to just accept all the Nazi racist shouts without looking at the full story….Fact checker department where are you???
I think Trump said what most ‘normal’ people would have said…but that isn’t the way of the left or BBC…it’s Trump he must be bad…
I do not often praise a BBC programme but I must make an exception concerning the ‘The Town that Thread Built’ , about the rise and fall of Paisley. I was unable to find any trace of the usual BBC PC driven agenda items and themes such as Brit bashing, oppression of third worlders and their exploitation by the Empire etc etc. In fact astonishingly the programme laid the blame for the demise of the cotton thread industry in the town firmly on the shoulders of Globalisation . Uniquely for a story of industrial decline in Scotland Lady T was not even mentioned , let alone blamed. It even had some of the ex workers saying that their jobs had been lost to other countries by the company investing in new plants overseas and then exporting the worker’s skill sets. I say BBC steady on , you are saying exactly what President Trump has been saying for years.
If this type of balanced, and agenda free programme was typical of the BBC I might not hate the corporation. But in my recent experience such programmes are extremely rare in the output of the BBC, so I continue to despise the ‘national’ broadcaster .
Doublethinker, I occasionally find programmes like this, that do not contain any bias or PC nonsense. But they are increasingly rare. Up until the Blair era most BBC programmes weren’t too bad. Either I am getting more conservative, or the BBC is getting more ‘progressive’. I suspect it is mainly the latter!
Watching an unashamedly good programme on the BBC is so rare that it’s sad – it’s a bit like watching a much loved relation with dementia suddenly have a moment of lucidity. It is all the more heartbreaking because it shows you just what he has lost.
This is particularly true of BBC R4. Just every so often it manages to broadcast something that isn’t straight out of the Independent’s or the Guardian’s list of current talking points for the Islington dinner party. The trouble is, such programmes are getting rarer and rarer…
I watched the BBC documentary on Scott’s base camp in Antarctica, after ten minutes I’m wondering where are the BME ? Surely there must be some in the scientific community? Alas none was interviewed or included in any panning shots, but wait diversity was not far from the fore….at last, there you go viewers all the preservation staff where lesbians hardly a man to be seen….phew for a moment I thought the diversity would be left out, but have no fear its there, even in Antarctica.
BTW Global warming mention was “one”
I hear (or in BBC parlance – “some people say”) that post Brexit EU citizens will not need a visa to enter the UK but will need documentation if intending to work. We have a problem already in that the Government is not halting muslim preachers entering the UK to preach their hatred from the quaran. After Brexit, the largest contingent of hatred spouting muslim preachers will be in Europe…………..
Very disturbing, but then I have always said May as an remainer will find a way in which to ensure that the Uk remains in the EU. I mean do you seriously believe that those people with new EU passports (including Romania and Bulgaria) will stick to the British system of fairplay Yeah right.
The bBC is now promoting the view that ISIS is good, those who go to fight ISIS are bad: An education in terror Mutassim is nervous. The 16-year-old has never flown in a plane before. He is looking around at the other passengers waiting at the departure gate in Athens airport…As the flight is called, the Syrian boy runs through the few phrases of Spanish he’s learned. The authorities may ask him questions, and he’s travelling on a fake Spanish passport. It’s cost more than €3000, bought from a chain of people smugglers who helped him escape from Syria, to Turkey and now into Europe. Only a month earlier he had been in Raqqa, a member of the so-called Islamic State. The teenager had been assigned to a city hospital, tending to IS fighters and helping the sick. Before that, he was with one of the propaganda units. But that was another life, one he wants to forget. The airstrikes, the screams, the beheadings, are behind him now. They must remain a secret, as a new start awaits in Germany – but only if the authorities don’t discover that he had trained and served as a Lion Cub for the caliphate.Mutassim is not much a warrior. He is short and nervous. I meet him in the small German village where he is now living. He is smoking – something he’s taken up since he left Syria, as it’s forbidden by IS. And, even though it’s early in the day, he offers me a can of lager. He says he has stopped praying and has abandoned his beliefs. Previously, he had absorbed IS religious lessons, and followed its extremist path.
Omar is 17 years old, but could easily pass for younger. Until, that is, you look into his eyes. They are weary, hunted. He plays the tough guy, and still has the swagger of someone sent to fight for the Islamic State group. He is living in Belgium and has already been thrown out of three refugee hostels for being unruly. He strikes you as someone who is barely getting by. It has taken months for him to fully tell his story, and amid the exaggerations, a picture of abuse emerges. Drinking a blueberry fruit beer, he begins to open up about IS. But his answers are crafted, careful. He is full of bravado, but it soon becomes apparent that his time in IS was mostly a failure.
Qais is from Latakia, Syria. His war started when he was 15 and he joined a rebel group fighting the regime. His battalion commander defected with all of his men to IS. Qais was probably more of a willing defector than he cares to admit, but his story of disillusionment with IS is familiar. Eventually, he escaped and made it to Turkey, where he lives today. He was once an excited child, learning to fire a weapon, willing to join the jihad, ready to fight the Syrian regime, and then to fight infidels. All of that is behind him now.
Pounce, in Germany if you associate with someone who you know to be engaged in illegal activity (Mutassim is, on three counts, at least) are you under an obligation – as in the UK – to inform the authorities?
Grant, I think everyone was hoping for great things from Obama as President. I certainly was. A chance for a modern, 21st century Kennedy to arise. I was in the States just as they (the public) were catching on to him. It was a special moment, much more than this Jezza thing here this summer.
Sadly ‘Yes, we can!’ became ‘No, I haven’t yet.’ and then just plain, ‘I didn’t.’
I posted the other day that Republicans used to be very close to Democrats and vice versa in both social and political and economic matters. That gap has widened and I have been surprised, shocked at how wide it has become. Think it started with Bill Clinton, George W did not really close it but Hillary had too much power in the Obama second term and I think she has poisoned the economy, the social structure and widened the gap further. All that just as a big healing after the Credit Crunch & Bank Crash was really needed in the USA, too.
Add the effect of tertiary education that we on here are now identifying as a cause for the fascist SJW and Antifa and various anarchist groups and you can see why it is falling apart with any Republican in the WH, let alone Trump.
When do we start getting rid of anything Cavalier (or Roundhead, depending on which lot the left find fault with, probably both)
I’m sure Churchill statues will be a target, in fact every statue will upset some lefties, that’s what they do, get upset all the time at everything.
Books next?
Raheem’s, Murray’s, how about Shakespeare (Othello, sooty bosom = racist)
Maybe we need more safe spaces for the lefties so they can have a good cry each time they get upset.
From “fairshares” (sic) in the Guardian responding to the Simon Jenkins opinion piece.
“Far better to actually engage in debate with them in front of an audience Question Time style”
Far better.
Get a Lefty Dimblebum to run the show.
Fill the panel with your supporters.
Fill the audience with your supporters.
Edit any unsatisfactory moments from the recording.
Then have an “Any answers?” to re-inforce the “debate”.
Out of the mouths of babes ..
Tim Cook, the Apple CEO, has joined the ‘condemnation’ of Trump’s response, the Beeb website ‘reports.’ Why don’t the Beeb just ask everyone in the world what they think of Trump and report all negative comments? Now that is a world class journalism.
Why is Trump held responsible for what a few Fringe lunatics do? We all know that Muslim communities must never take any responsibility for their extremists.
Van Jones is a communist. I doubt he shed any tears over the millions of “class traitors” and “enemies of the people” whom his comrades and fellow travellers have murdered over the years.
Quotes from BBC website bbc.con
“The number of university places allocated so far has fallen – with thousands of places still available.
The Ucas university admissions body says that 416,000 places have so far been confirmed – down 2% on last year.”
Could it be that some potential students believed the bullshit spouted by comrade corbyn only to find out
a) it was a croc of shit
b) he lost anyway
On a lighter note
“Lenny Henry has been taking calls to clearing at Birmingham City University, where he is chancellor”
Apparently at Birmingham University you can enroll for a BA in how to be not funny.
I have this feeling that the largest department at the BBC ,their diversity and positive discrimination is thinking
up new ways to show us what they want us to watch and listen to. Their thoughts maybe that we have too
many presenters and reporters from the Indian sub continent talking with Oxbridge accents.
Regional diversity is the name of the game now. So the stars are the like of our Steff McGovern with her quasi
Geordie, Mancunion, accent. To be honest coming from London I cannot understand
half the time what she is talking about with her croaky voice. But she ticks most of the right boxes. If only she
would of come from the sub continent I would given her a grand slam.
BUT now their is a “boy” I don’t think we have seen him yet who tells us what’s coming on next ! He has a kind
of “rap” voice. I expect him at anytime to break out with ” My name is Reeza, I have this bitch named Lisa, I try to
please her, but she has a diseaser, so I put her in the freezer.” Now I expect this boy does tick all of the boxes.
It’s just a question of time before he presenting ” Match of the day” or “Newsnight.” Now that’s what I call divesity!!!
‘The public is learning (even more so) how dishonest the Fake News is. They totally misrepresent what I say about hate, bigotry etc. Shame!’
BOOOOOM! Take that Al Beeb.
He’s right – you would think after how they disgraced themselves during the election cycle they might do some introspection and maybe change their ways. But this last week has been worse than ever. Do they honestly expect us to believe that he loves Nazis and is best mates with KKK leaders?
I love how he ends the tweet with the deliciously patronising put down: ‘Shame!’ Less is more. All their endless hysteria and shrieks of white nationalist etc are trumped by that one cutting word, like a headmaster telling off a naughty pupil; as if to say: “You are letting me down. You are letting the country down. But most of all, you are letting yourselves down.”
I would love to see Sopel’s face as he reads that Tweet!
The Donald seems to be able to handle whatever the toddler-tantrumming media can throw at him.
What I find more worrying is the response of senior Conservative politicians in this country. Eg, Sajid Javid’s tweet: ‘ Neo-Nazis: bad. Anti-Nazis: good. I learned that as a child. It was pretty obvious’.
This shows an terrifyingly dogmatic, doctrinaire and simplistic grasp of history and politics. Was it ‘pretty obvious’ who was in the wrong, Sajid, when the mass rapes and killings by the Red Army were taking place in Berlin in 1945? Was it ‘pretty obvious’ when the KGB took over the headquarters, indeed the very torture chambers themselves, used by the Gestapo in Budapest?
George Orwell in ‘Homage To Catalonia’ pointed out something similar: the Spanish Civil War was not such a clear cut case of good v evil as the left liked to think – and this was from someone who fought on the side of the left and was seriously wounded. For that, he was ostracised by many so called ‘intellectuals’ on the left.
Politics has become a pantomime – there are goodies and baddies, and nothing in between.
“This shows an terrifyingly dogmatic, doctrinaire and simplistic grasp of history and politics.” My own view is that it’s all to do with, ‘singing from the same hymn sheet’ and to be seen to be the same as everybody else more that any technical reasons. Whichever, they are all brain dead anyway.
Problem is Cranmer the goodies generally come out on top in a pantomime. I’m not sure of the outcome on this one. I like to have a bet but I think my money will stay in my wallet on this one.
It appears we have entered some sort of parallel universe where all you have to do is declare yourself an anti-fascist and you can visit out whatever violence you like on those who disagree with you. With the active support of the Prime Minister and senior members of her government.
My vote for top excrement is Sopel.
Sopel of, ” Another Beauty” fame when the Donald first named and shamed the fake News queens.
This “jobby” has been on his element over the Charlottesville affair………….does anyone think this character even gives a
hoot about Charlottesville…………….it just gives him a virtue signalling opportunity and another shot at pouring scorn on Trump.
PS they are in for big bother over there if these statues start coming down………reminds you of of other excrement, Sinn Fein,who as they targeted town halls in N.I routinely binned any British connectivity e.g.. Union Flags, Pictures of HMQ etc.
Headline in online news -‘ Trump Told White Supremacists to Attack Protesters, So They Did’. The article is a wildly feeble attempt to extrapolate some comments Trump made about ejecting protestors from his election rallies, to giving explicit instructions to the neo-nazis at Charlottesville. This is not the National Enquirer or the Huffington Post – this is from Newsweek – a respected mainstream publication. More evidence that the media has lost the plot over Trump. If I worked for Trump I would advise him to sue! One good thing is the comments section is having none of it. My hope is that the anti-Trump hysteria will be so overdone that people will simply stop listening to it.
If I worked for Trump I’d advise him to treat all Western European politicians (including May) as an irrelevance and declare any EU citizens living in the US as suspect enemy aliens, liable for immediate deportation. He should also take steps to abandon Nato and cancel any ongoing defence contracts. And of course ban all BBC ‘journalists’ from ever entering the country again. He has enough on his plate from the likes of CNN, NBC etc.
If our prime minister cannot support the very true observation that far-left thuggery is a threat to free speech then the stupid cow deserves to be humiliated, as do the ‘conservative’ party that agreed to promote her as leader. There is a new threat in the world, and it isn’t a few blokes waving Nazi flags. Time is running out for old Europe, but if Trump can start to salvage America before it’s too late maybe future generations will still have a recognisable anglophone civilisation to live in.
I saw this headline, and at first thought was ‘economic’s’ that will come in handy for investing her millions.
Then i felt bad for thinking that way, because she is quite a special kid.
Its not her fault she is being over played by the liberal establishment, and that always pays big big money, and she will go right to the top, never do a days work in her life, it will not matter one jot her education as in typical lefty style she will get gold plated by awards,the education i presume will be a top notch lefty gaff for a top notch lefty politics course, eitherway she will stay famous and very rich.
WOW….on Radio 2 now, Mr Vine interviewing the harridan YA-Brown and another, Indian chap i think….dynamite. Actually got YAB to say the grooming gangs were MUSLIM….back-tracking so fast she’ll disappear over the horizon, with any luck….i was going to ring in and mention one Nick Griffin…then Vine say’s….Mind you, the BBC got Griffin into a whole load of legal trouble, and my view is..SUE them Nick, take them for everything…God, if i was a top lawyer, i’d represent Nick for free, screw the BBC and the Left…delicious.
You could well be right…the establishment, including the legal system is so Left, i would be blackballed…but..that would reflect badly on them..and i would relish being a foil to the likes of Mansfield and Kennedy…
All the donkeys will get regular sexual health checks……… ”lock your donkeys up”’ must be the equivalent of lock your daughters up, in Britain ”the boys are in town”
Clare, listening to the moron on R2 about the flight was disgusting to anyone who ever had to fly one of those machines to defend our rights. Her argument was nonsense, one minute it was because the aircraft had been repaired and altered and should not fly, then it changed and changed. She would not let another person speak. This is the BBC all over. Get the alt-left (who hate spitfires etc as they stand for rights) in to the debate and it becomes so onesided the presenter cant regain control of it. If it is truly a safety issue, like any old machine, parts are scarce and have to be individually made so a repair can take a long time, however with the vehicles being (if im not mistaken) under RAF control, the repairs would have to go through the same process that any repair does, which I imagine is a nightmare of redtape.
It was on R4 6 o’clock news. I’m in the oil game and know a bit about engines and to ground a fleet of trucks and such like because a design fault is one thing but all of these different types of plane? Seems very odd to me. Am I being suspicious or paranoid?
Since Merlins have been in use since the 1930s it’s a bit bloody late to find a “design fault” in them.
Still, we are now a country where it takes longer to repair Big Ben than it took the Victorians to build it in the first place, so anything is possible.
It’s actually quite normal in aviation and other critical applications for individual faults to ground an entire fleet or class of equipment. It’s not a question of a design fault but of wear. If something breaks after X hours of operation, it’s wise to check the rest of them. It’s very understandable that the RAF would play safe with such a priceless treasure.
My guess would be that what we have here is the BBC failing to give information which they deem unimportant, preferring to reserve endless detail for their fictions about Trump, Islam, ‘Tory Coots’, transgenderism and the rest.
They haven’t even the slightest clue what ‘real people’ are interested in.
An oil-related story about Merlins: My father spent some time in WWII running up new Merlins in Canada before they were shipped to the UK. They had a batch that died within minutes of being started and it turned out that this was because of a lubrication problem, namely that the feed and return oil pipes had been swapped. How could this be when the pipe ends were of different sizes precisely to prevent that ever happening? While the adapters that connected the pipes to the engine block were different for feed and return the threads that screwed into the engine block were the same size, which allowed the adapters to be put in the wrong holes! A silly design error by Rolls-Royce.
Perhaps R-R needn’t feel too bad though as many years later a welder working in a naval dockyard found that he couldn’t connect his welding set to the fixed gas pipes in the chamber that he was supposed to work in. Being a handy lad he went to the workshop and made up an adapter. Armed with this he lit up his set and unfortunately was killed in the explosion that ‘the wrong threads’ had been designed to prevent.
Clare here is what the Nazi DM reports: (Well so the left refer to it)
Yesterday an issue was found with ‘a pin’ in the Hawker Hurricane’s Rolls Royce Merlin engine. A Ministry of Defence spokesman told MailOnline a problem with a pin found in the Hurricane’s engine has resulted in the flights being stopped. He said: ‘A routine inspection has highlighted a fault with one of the Merlin engines in a Hurricane aircraft.
and here is a little incident which transpired across the water in France in June:
Not an easy question to answer with the BBC, but my guess would be that whoever prepared the story was someone to whom the name ‘Merlin’ meant very little, in any context, and who decided it wasn’t a very important story and that few would be interested in the details.
I can think of several types of person who might fit that bill, all of them increasingly prominent at the BBC.
Just the sort of clean living type that should should be appearing on a family TV show… but not on the BBC, for whom he is the go to talking head, right on religious type.
“There was a dark glamour to being HIV positive’: Strictly Come Dancing signing Rev Richard Coles LIED about having the virus for five years, and battled drug addiction in his past”
Many a truth spoken in jest? There are a lot of unsavoury details in this report of which no one should be proud of. Pause For Thought, the BBC love him…
Most BBC clergy seem to be women (preferably lesbians) and gay men. So far, so typical BBC. But here’s a thing: I can’t recall seeing a black clergyman on the BBC. Has there ever been one? It seems odd that there isn’t, seeing as many churches now, particularly in London, are Afro-Caribbean, and the BBC likes to get as many dark faces as it can on our screens. Could it be something to do with their propensity to be rather socially conservative, as opposed to advocating the benefits of sex with strangers in lay-bys like Rev Richard Coles?
You hit the nail on the head. The problem with Beeboids is that they hate christians but they love blacks. So how can they reconcile that with blacks approach to christianity ? It is too confusing for the tiny mind of a Beeboid.
I’ve read some weird things, but that takes the biscuit.
Are gays actually mad? It may explain their disastrously unhealthy lifestyles. I suppose if the Rev Coles still wants HIV he is free to pop along to a chemsex party.
If a country gets the “national treasures” it deserves, we are surely doomed, doomed I tell you.
Rob, I think the weirdest ever gay thing I heard of was the practice of ‘pozzing’ – the desire for consensual infection with the HIV virus via gay sex. At first I assumed this was anti-gay propaganda but it seems it does go on. I would say this is form of mental illness akin to self-harming and not something connected with being gay per se, but I can’t think of a heterosexual equivalent.
“Didn’t she do well?” – where have I heard that before………… Sorry, but with all the hype, I’m sure she would have gone to Oxbridge irrespective of A level results.
She’s probably comparing notes with ‘our’ Nadiya as we speak……………
It’s all so false and transparent.
Oh, I enjoyed watching Trumps conference from Trump Towers. Before I watched it, I heard on the news people questioning why he’d brought it all back up. No mention that every single question that he received from the baying press when announcing a new infrastructure bill was all about Charlottesville.
How many times did he have to keep saying bad people on both sides and the deliberate mendacity when a journo said ‘sorry are you saying the media have been unfair to white nationalists’ when he clearly hadn’t said that.
However, the Beeb’s reporting of it in todays new piece on the website is staggering in it’s disgustingly blatant bias
“Mr Trump is under fire for his response to Saturday’s clashes between far-right and counter protesters in Charlottesville, Virginia, in which he blamed “both sides” for the violence.” Why are they counter protestors – why can’t the Beeb call them far left?
“The rally, attended by neo-Nazis and white supremacists, was in protest at the removal of a statue of Robert E Lee, a general who fought for the pro-slavery Confederacy during the US Civil War.” So every single person at the rally was a neo-Nazi or a white supremacist? That sounds like a rather blanket approach does it not?
“A memorial was held on Wednesday for Heather Heyer, a 32-year-old woman killed when a suspected far-right sympathiser drove a car into a crowd of counter-protesters.” Again with the ‘counter protesters’ line that intentionally doesn’t have the sting of far left and labelling the driver as a far-right sympathiser (which is obviously an equally heinous position to hold). Did the Beeb ever explain the Westminster & London Bridge attacks as a suspected Muslim or even radical Muslim?
Yes, I understand that YouTube commentators like Paul Joseph Watson or Gavin McInnes might have an element of bias to them but the online Beeb is reading more and more like a bona fide left wing YouTube channel rather than a beacon of impartiality and public service. It really is eating itself up in a spiral of left wing hysteria.
Come on – nothing says ‘peaceful’ protester like a mask and a baseball bat. And it’s not like Antifa or BLM have been violent in the past, is it? BLM only killed five Police officers last year. And we all saw how dignified Antifa were on in Inauguration Day, peacefully setting fire to things.
It is so disgraceful how they twist everything Trump says. The BBC remind me of that poem If:
If you can bear to hear the truth you’ve spoken
Twisted by knaves to make a trap for fools
I bet there were a handful of actual Nazis in the whole group, but as Godfrey Elfwick mocks brilliantly: It is better to punch 300 innocent people and 1 Nazi than to punch no Nazis at all.
I watched it. The Left and MSM really hate Trump, especially as he fights back. That press conference was as if it was in a zoo or The Coloseum. Amazing .
Thanks for that. Tucker superb as usual. This is all very worrying. Freedom of speech and freedom generally are at risk. The New Fascists are on our doorstep.
Its the same in the UK the lefts hatred of Lord Kitchener, Lord Mountbatten and Sir Winston Churchill. I was at university when they announced that SWC would be on the £5 note and the SU went into overdrive, hawking every anti-muslim thing that he ever might have said out, to use it as ammunition, but said when a white student was raped that she should have covered more.
A lovely bit of whimsy from the BBC, all pink and fluffy and dressed up with a tinge of sadness about the passing of the pirate pop ships of the 60s (for those of you who remember them). Of course I had to dig further (never trust the BBC to tell the whole truth) and came up with this called “Inside/Out” from their website and archived in 2014.
Sub titled “Pirate Radio” it went on to explain that “It challenged the BBC monopoly” and that “The Labour Government, who had tried so hard to close down the pirates, finally succeeded by passing the Marine Broadcasting Offences Act.”
Ahhh, how sad. But being the BBC they haven’t told you the whole story have they.
Previously unseen documents from the BBC archives disclose how the corporation was so alarmed at the rise of the stations that it launched a secret “dirty tricks” campaign to have them shut down.
The files show the extraordinary lengths to which the corporation went to undermine their new rivals, which operated without restriction from ships or wartime forts outside British territorial waters.
However, the official papers suggest that the on-screen events (reference to British comedy film, The Boat That Rocked) are not far removed from reality. They disclose how the BBC routinely taped Radio Caroline’s output, in the hope that its DJs would say something derogatory about Harold Wilson, the Prime Minister, which they could pass on to Downing Street.
Nonetheless, a report of Caroline’s coverage of Winston Churchill’s funeral in 1965 concluded: “They proceeded to play music of such a funereal character that it made our own solemn music sound like a wedding march”.
The BBC believed that the pirates were part of attempts to break up its monopoly via the backdoor. Its dirty tricks campaign was prompted by the reluctance of politicians to take action against the stations, for fear of alienating young voters. The BBC conducted extensive research into Radio Caroline, which had ships off Felixstowe, Suffolk, and the Isle of Man, including finding out how many of its listeners were under 21 – the voting age, at the time – so it could prove to MPs that a ban on the pirates would not damage their election prospects.
However, the corporation decided not to release its research because “the potential disadvantages to the BBC outweighed the potential advantage… some aspects of the report could be interpreted in such a way as to be favourable publicity for Caroline”.
Pleas take time to look at the Telegraph link. It reveals the duplicitous, conniving, lying nature of the BBC even back in the mid 60’s. Now who’d have thought that. It’s been in their DNA from day one. It wasn’t the Labour Government trying sooo hard. It was the BBC.
Just to add another twist, the an responsible for banning the pirates was the darling of the Left ever since, Anthony Wedgewood Benn! So much for the way ‘musicians’ like Billy Bragg & his ilk idolise the old Stalinist.
Thanks GC.
I pop in each day although I post infrequently as obviously where I live now I’m not exposed to BBC TV or radio (thank goodness) and only go to their website to check out how they’re reporting, or more often is the case, not reporting events. By chance I came across their dishonest fluff piece on the pirates. Very much up there with ‘butter wouldn’t melt’.
Forgot to add about Benn, always banging on about “I fought the Nazis in the last war you know”, forever implying that he was a war hero and ‘one of the few’, so he knew all about war and ‘how dreadful it was’. Always presuming to lecture one and all about it, including John Bolton.
Suddenly he went quiet about it. For anyone else the BBC would have been straight on it, but not Benn. All hushed up. You see the fraudster and liar had not been truthful. Because of his aristocratic connections strings were pulled. Yes he was a Spitfire pilot but his entire war service was spent flying in the skies over Rhodesia and South Africa. The only Focker he met there was himself.
Ian Smith, the future Rhodesian Prime Minister on the other hand was in the thick of it as a Spit and Hurricane pilot. His service is chronicled here and well worth a look.
Crashed and badly injured he refused to go home and continued fighting. Shot down behind enemy lines he organised sabotage raids against the Germans before trekking across the Alps to link up with advancing Americans. Still refused to go home and continued flying against the Germans right up to the end of the war. Chalk and cheese as they say.
Not related to the Beeb but you have to hand it to Kathryn Bigelow and MGM.
At a time when there is bubbling tensions, civil unrest, agenda driven media and race/identity politics what a great time to drop a film that glorifies the nobility and struggle of humble citizens rising up in Detroit in 1967 to express their rage.
Never mind that the main evil white cop is largely fictional, never mind that the sleazy white lawyer is largely fictional. No, let’s celebrate the somehow acceptable explosion of rage that led to 2,509 businesses being burnt or looted. Nice one guys, really clever.
The Detroit riots in 1967 started the cycle of destruction which almost led to the complete failure of a once great city. Even today, Detroit is a shadow of what it once was. Its great days are behind it, and will never return.
The leftists see this as a blueprint for the future of the USA.
And nothing which comes out of Hollywood is true. Ever.
I guess that’s why they want to remake dambusters with an all american cast and using american planes. They will probs all be black americans. Which in 1940s would not have happened in the USA.
Channel 4 had her on last night promoting this movie talking to Matt Frei. I just knew it was coming, the trump question with a smirk on freis face and that let bigelow do her anti trump piece which she is using to promote this movie. No mention at all of the great messiah Barry O bollocky who threw the molotov cocktail when he took sides in the trayvon martin case. 5 years later with the rise of BLM and their protection by the white house with many people dead including cops, that molotov cocktail is still burning but our poisonous media and the ones in the US seem to be disappearing 2009-2016 down the memory hole just like 1997-2010 here, and blameing trump for it all.
Just watching the bBBC coverage of A level results.
Is it just me or has anyone else concluded that white anglo saxon students no longer take these exams?
It may, just for once, be a case of the BBC accurately reflecting the make-up of some schools. One near me when I loved in London appeared not to have a single white pupil.
I’ve no doubt the BBC thinks this is ‘a Good Thing’.
Thank you all for the many excellent posts, which have given me some inspiration:
President Trump has just read about spineless PM May criticising him for his “failure” to condemn just one particular side instead of both. He stands up, opens his cupboard, rummages around, and locates a spare spine. He has it wrapped up and instructs a staff to have it despatched to 10 Downing Street pronto.
He then gives PM May a call: “Howdy, Madam Muddled May, my spare spine is on the way — well, you sounded like you need one — what’s that, you’re now asking something about the BBC? — whaddya mean, where is it, you said I could take care of it, didntcha? [She didn’t]. I’ve got it under my thumb [THUMP]. OK, OK, you can have back your Blubbin’ Baby Company”…
Is Treezer the most stupid PM this country has ever had ? I think she makes John Major seem like an intellectual. Why is she alienating our, historically, greatest ally ?
Grant, the main impression I have of Mrs May is somebody promoted above her ability level who is trying very hard to fake it. She seems to have got in, like Admiral Doenitz, because nobody else wanted the job. By rights Boris Johnson should have become PM when Cameron resigned, there would be a sensible efficient Brexit and the Special Relationship would be in safe hands; the fact that he refused to stand shows some very funny things are going on behind the scenes.
Cranmer, I don’t think Boris is up to being Foreign Secretary, let alone Prime Minister. He was something of a lacklustre Mayor and did not deliver on some key promises. He let TfL get away with fleecing folk and certainly did not control travel costs as he should.
He has distinctly under-performed as Foreign Secretary in a job and at a time he could have really made a name for himself and done some good, both in Europe and around the world. He is a real character and on all but the worst days an affable figure that should be ideal – a potential star – as Foreign Secretary.
I also do not think he has the support in the Parliamentary Party. They know just what he is like from the Editors that Boris worked for in the past!
Am wondering if he has become bored with the whole politics thing now that it seems he has blown a chance at what is called the top job.
Boris was a pretty good journalist but did not have any other jobs so far as I am aware. But most politicians are the same. What shines trough is their low quality, with a few exceptions, The Mogginator being one.
The new word to describe this on Sky is “crash”……. we are waiting for information on this “crash”. Why do these people treat us like foods. “Crash” outside a Kosher restaurant.
Let’s see if we can predict what comes next:
“The BBC has learned, from sources who do not wish to be identified, that the attack in Barcelona may have been inspired by the events in Charlottesville”
You read it first here.
A Nazi cruise had docked there?
On a serious note, hope it doesn’t get worse, as it’s reported that armed men have entered a restaurant. Presume they aren’t police/security
@TRobinsonNewEra has put up a graphic video of Barcelona (about 40 mins ago)
He says on the feed
“No I won’t remove this,everyone must see the result of pandering to these barbarians.Liberals watch this f***ing video their Bloods on you”
Consequence of the UK lying to itself, by saying unchecked Islamic immigration makes no difference to terrorist attacks
…. More terrorist attacks
Consequence of thatvUK cities get downgraded compared to “unenriched” countries.
Interesting about Canada. Lived in Vancouver as a student in my twenties, a couple of decades ago. Great city and a truly multicultural place. There was little trouble and it was very safe, but not perfect. Interesting how theyve managed to avoid the terrorism stuff. Their immigration policy has been very strict and enforced (until recently?), so those immigrants who did get in had been through a strict vetting procedure. It’ll be interesting to see if that changes.
I find Europe pretty boring anyway. But, if I were going on holiday, I would choose Poland, Hungary, East European countries generally. They all have something in common.
The new word to describe this on Sky is “crash”……. we are waiting for information on this “crash”. Why do these people treat us like fools. “Crash” outside a Kosher restaurant.
Maybe it drove out of the Med and straight up the Ramblas. Anyway, I’ve set my stopwatch to time how long before we find out (anything?):
How many deaths/injuries
The drivers nationality
The drivers real nationality
The drivers religion
The drivers state of mental health
Whether terrorism is suspected (now a ridiculous term, they must laught when they put that one out)
seems to be a lot of vehicles hitting crowds lately. Or they are just getting reported more.
” Ok Diversity Department , this is one for us!!” I want witnesses , get me ANYONE with
a middle eastern name to describe what happened.I want somebody else to tell everybody
that it’s got nothing to do with Islam. Whoever did it has got to be mental, is that understood.”
Get to work on this team, Seamus, Faisal , Bernadette and Aamer you are to lead this news
on the incident in Barcelona. If you need any help the team from the Londonistan Programme
will give you any help you need.”
Looks like the Beeb is trying to keep the body count down. Beeb website “at least one person died” Reuters “Spanish media reported at least 13 people were killed”
Beeb behind the curve as ever, drip, drip the truth will out Beeb or no Beeb
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Well, she is back, with a BBC ‘views my own’ ‘take’.
I wonder if she too feels comparing Antifa with DDay troops sums the situation up satisfactorily?
There is little that can be done now and anyway what we Europeans say and think is irrelevant. It is fair to assume that the entire European elite is viscerally opposed and always has been to the President. Maybe Macron excepted as the French have no love for us and always act in their own interests.
There has always been an isolationist mood in the US and this looks as if it is going to gather momentum. After all why should a Kansas working man care a fig for anything our media/political elites think or say.
The agonised and uniformly hostile Guardian/BBC/C4 etc etc op eds and leaders might as well be written by Martians to him .They are that irrelevant.
The danger for us is if the President gets this and abandons Europe to it’s now well deserved fate. We have just launched a carrier that without the F35s is useless. Why should we expect the US to provide weapons etc for an ungrateful hostile bunch of nations formerly known as Nato?
Ok I know it is good business for the US but the hostility is so insane that maybe that will not weigh much with the man or woman from Kansas and Nebraska .
It really looks as if the progressives both here and in the US have lost their minds. Destroying Confederate memorials is not going to end well. That war was vicious and the legacy bitter.
It has always been a mark of some degree of civilisation to respect that men can fight bravely in a bad cause and that when a war is over then their bravery should be marked . What is happening and being cheered on by our idiots will cause real lasting damage to both the south and to us.
I have not heard the President do other that try to hold some form of line and that is what he is there for – to try to calm and unite a nation .
The BBC’s behaviour has been disgraceful .
Dave as regards the F35 s From what I understand they are not proving to be the “wonder aircraft” they were made out to be and it could well be the case that we will have the best looking helicopter carrier in the western world – Ideal for “refugee ” rescues.. Since we have so few effective ships in navy these days it will be quite a strain providing adequate screening for this prestige ship.
Maybe we should re-name the Royal Navy as the “Queen Elizabeth Escorting and “Refugee” Rescue service” or QUEERS for short. We could change the colours associated with the Navy from blue to a nice high visibility and transgender friendly pink – and no more of this saluting lark and “Reporting for duty” nonsense – maybe just a gentle squeeze on the derriere and the words “Hello Sailor” whispered softly into the ear.
As regards Trump and America I totally agree with what you have said. Like spoiled children we have insulted them. laughed at their President and stirred the shit endlessly to try and encourage political instability in their nation so who can blame America if it turns its back on Europe and concentrate on their own interests.. The irony is – is that we have/had the most pro British President for years yet these W#####s have been allowed to squander this goodwill all in the name of political correctness.
These people are political toddlers. They have have never been taught the true meaning of the word NO! and think that just because Mummy Theresa in this country indulges their every self centered whim – Daddy Donald across the water will do the same – I think they are much mistaken. Whether we like it or not in Europe “Pax America” has really been the only game in town since the war – I hardly think “Pax Islington” will be an adequate replacement.
I am afraid that our demanding and ungrateful liberal/left wing will have more than gay rights and female boardroom pay to worry about soon. We have imported war across the Mediterranean into Europe and while our liberals are busy undermining and de-stabilising what was once their own society – Just like a cancer this war has metastasis ed and will be coming to a town near us and eventually them too. And I am afraid “Refugee Welcome” placards will provide little protection.
My gut feeling is that we are nearing a tipping point and things could go either way. I was heartened by the fact that the BBC have been so cautious over the recent Sun comments regarding rape by Muslim gangs – I think people are starting to wake up. Unfortunately the last to wake up will be Westminster. Unless of course they have already decided to unfurl the black ISIS approved rāyat as-sawdā banner and and start suing for “peace in our time”
– I think someone else said that years ago too.
And look what happened next.
Sorry another long rant!
Great post.
Bang on Oak.
The powers had better wake up soon or they won’t even be able to take refuge in out of the way second homes. Game of Thrones has the White Walkers coming. Better not mention the type of Walkers that are coming for us.
‘Better not mention the type of Walkers that are coming for us.’
Gary Lineker’s crisps?
That’s the underground movement!!!
I am quite sure Vladimir Putin has no plans or intention of invading Europe. Apart from anything else, why would he want our muslim problem? But assuming he did, why on Earth should President Trump lift a finger?
The governments of Europe, including our own, hate and insult him. They give him no support, but rely on American defence. If Russian tanks were to roll up to the English Channel, why should Americans care? Their soldiers died in two wars to liberate Europe, I think they have earned the right to tell us that the next time, we are on our own!
“I was heartened by the fact that the BBC have been so cautious over the recent Sun comments regarding rape by Muslim gangs – I think people are starting to wake up.”
This point reminds me of a post I once sent to the Guardian online (soon after the news broke about those Muslim Gangs in northern cities). My two lined post went something like this: I think you will find out that this is just the tip of the iceberg.
It was mmediately deleted. No reason why? Since then I’ve found it nigh impossible to have any post accepted by said MSM.
The danger for us is if the President gets this and abandons Europe to it’s now well deserved fate. We have just launched a carrier that without the F35s is useless. Why should we expect the US to provide weapons etc for an ungrateful hostile bunch of nations formerly known as Nato?
Valid observation. However the UK as a tier 1 partner in the F35 program actually builds (in the UK) 15% of every F35. BAE is one of the biggest arms producers in the world , it actually builds a lot of weapons for the US. The Sword of Damocles can cut both ways.
I received this email from a relative in the US when I wrote in response to an email from her, that it is the mainstream Left in the UK that is anti-Semitic.
“Yes, these are bad days for sure. The difference here, I suppose, is that we now have perhaps the most ignorant president in US history, a man who admires authoritarian rulers in Russia, Turkey and elsewhere while disparaging the democratically elected leaders of our historic allies. The president’s chief political advisor, Steve Bannon, is allied with white-supremacist groups and works just down the hall from the Oval Office. There are other advisors–Miller and Gorka–who may even be worse. I never thought a president of the United States would have to be pressured to denounce Nazism, but that’s where we are in 2017.”
Now to be fair, I have only corresponded briefly with the person who wrote this. But what I am concerned about that in the US and the UK, the media especially in the UK the BBC, are winding up the antifa and left wing supporters so much that there will be a loud bang as the US and Europe blows up – perhaps leaving the likes of North Korea and Russia to fill the space.
The left in Europe and the US no longer respect democracy and the electoral system. Where is this leading?
You may well be correct, Deborah… I was quite interested to read this.
I have no idea what basis of truth there is in it, but wouldn’t be in the least bit surprised if it were true.
As regards your final sentence… “The left in Europe and the US no longer respect democracy and the electoral system. Where is this leading?” I would hazard a guess that if Corbyn’s lot *do* get in at the next election, our vote will effectively be lost within 4 years and we will struggle to get shot of them.
Your relative sounds like some sort of left wing air head!
For the first, and probably last, time in my life, I actually know someone in the White House. Seb Gorka was a friend of mine in the 1980s. I know him, and I know what she is saying is untrue. I rather suspect that everything the left wing elite and MSM say about the White House is untrue. I do not know and have never met Steve Bannon. He is depicted as some sort of neo-nazi anti-semite. I imagine this is as untrue as the same lies about Seb Gorka.
President Trump is a man who has been in the public eye since the 1970s. He is far better known that the obscure Illinois Senator who became President in 2008, and who had spent a lot of his time with communists and Black Panther terrorists, not that the MSM ever let you know. Trump has never in his life associated with neo-nazis or anti-semites, why should he start when he won the Presidency?
We are facing a culture war. The attack on Confederate statues, which do no harm to anyone, is just the opening shot. It could descend into a full blown civil war faster than the communist left think, and if they think they will win, they could be in for a nasty surprise.
She is obviously a bit dim. When has Trump said he admires Erdogan ? Erdogan has slagged off Trump many times.
Dave S,
You are spot regarding US isolationist sentiments. It has largely been forgotten that the US took some persuading to get directly involved in the European element of WW2. Many prominent and extremely influential Americans, eg Charles Lindbergh, were against US involvement. The UK was fortunate on two counts, Churchill was PM and he had an American mother with social links to US high society.
The left is conducting a deliberate campaign to antagonise President Trump egged on by the BBC. You only have to look at that awful, nasty, little piece Kuennsberg’s attitude in the first joint US-UK press conference to see that.
The BBC is now brazen in its approach because it sees itself as untouchable. There is a ray of hope. I have detected a general raising of awareness about the BBC’s bias since Brexit/Trump with many people stating their dislike of the BBC. However, only when the money slows and stops will anything change.
PS. As an aside read this
The headline reads: Who are BBC Radio 1’s new DJs?
Before looking at the photo, have a guess. You won’t be surprised.
I’ve sent a letter to BBC TV Licensing . No more threatograms are to be sent to me . If they think I’m doing something criminal they should book a day in court . Then I’ll come and contest them .
Nibor, did you ask them to Cease and Desist? Two notices of request to Cease and Desist, quoting ss. 1 & 2 of The Protection from Harassment Act 1997 helps to put them on difficult legal ground if they then send you another letter with any form of threat therein.
Take a look at the Malicious Communications Act as well.
Just out of interest, do they address their correspondence to you by name or to something generic such as “The Occupier”?
I wonder whether pro-actively writing to them confirms your existence to them and allows them to pro-actively harass you?
They’ve not had my name , and thus its sent to The Occupier or previously named occupier .
They can have my name if they go to court .
Just out of interest, do they address their correspondence to you by name or to something generic such as “The Occupier”?
I wonder whether pro-actively writing to them confirms your existence to them and allows them to pro-actively harass you?
Never never reply .
Give and tell nothing .
There is no legal requirement to say or admit anything .
Remember – you are not dealing with nice people – you are dealing with al beeb and its tax collectors .
Women get prosecuted more than men because they speak more . Fact not sexism .
Not paying the tv tax is more important than any words we write here. It’s the only tangible thing we have to resist
Fedup ,
I agree with what you say , but in this instance Id be happy to go to court . We could knock this thing on its head .
Thankyou for that . I’ll put it in future correspondence .
Hi Up2 ,
I wish I could have remembered your last post on this . I tried half a dozen solicitors but they wanted great amounts of money first , so I printed a couple off in the local library and sent one to them .
I’m due August’s missive from them which I’ll let pass .
The standard of journalism in this article is so poor as to be embarrassing, time, and money wasting.
‘Italian teenager’s harassment account goes viral’
It seems to be a synopsis of articles, including social media, from other sources, mainly in quotes. This is a story which happens to many people who travel alone (purposely haven’t said women there). What is it’s point? Of course, the bBBC love a sexual story. And of course, the bit that you really want to know about is the perpetrator….who was it? Are they going to let on?
PS took place in northern Italy, she is the daughter of the mayor – any ordinary person wouldn’t be of interest. This is Italy – they are pretty good at sexual advances there, so what is this really about?? Are the BBC taking the piss again?
From another article related to this, that I googled ‘A study done by Cornell University and anti-street harassment organization Hollaback! found that 69% of women under age 40 in Italy had been followed by a man or group of men that made them feel unsafe during the previous year alone.’
Did they all have an elephant in the room?
So Britain’s Champion is hung out to dry for telling the truth……………………
“The men, who were mostly British-born, were from Iraqi, Bangladeshi, Pakistani, Indian, Iranian and Turkish communities. “
So they weren’t all ‘British-born’ then?
The only thing that matters is whether she is right or wrong. All else is pure waffle.
On another matter that show on gender on BBC2. I cannot say on a family blog what I really think of it.
two real points of interest.
A school nearly 100% white, A first for the. BBC in a long time. Why?
Second. What on earth were the parents and grandparents thinking of allowing their children to be exposed to this.?
Did they really know ? Or were they deceived.
It is easy to dismiss this as yet another Marxist attack on reality but this is children and families we are talking about.
Indefensible and that is that. No further discussion needed or wanted.
Just when you think the BBC could nor act any more stupidly they prove you wrong yet again.
A school nearly 100% white, A first for the. BBC in a long time. Why?
Can you see any immigrant family with strong religious beliefs subscribing to the bBCs cock sucking gender free bias,?
Shocking , but sadly there is more than a grain of truth in this awfu image.
Deep within the BBC link is the quote from Corbyn:
“Jeremy Corbyn said Labour would not “demonise any particular group”.”
Yet that is precisely what both Labour and BBC (and others) are doing in the context of Trump’s comments around Charlottesville.
#justsaying for the record.
BBC 2: Can Our Kids Go Gender Free?
The BBC travels to the Isle of White to do a loony left-wing ideological experiment on some white kids.
The fact that one Gender can get pregnant, and the other cannot is seen by the BBC as a barrier to equality. This barrier can be removed by either the use of abortion, or encouraging girls to change sex or prefer the colour Blue to Pink. This would produce the first “Gender Free Society” in history.
The only drawback would be that this Society would not be able to naturally reproduce, because Boys and Girls would be the same type of Sexless ideal in the BBC’s loony anti sex diversity ideology.
It looks like a Judicial Review of the BBC could reveal that the BBC was worried about complaints of indecency, from the parents of ethnic minorities. So instead the BBC sent an ethnic minority doctor to a hideously white School, so that if the parents complain, the BBC can dismiss the complains as racism against an ethnic minority doctor.
Future Ideas for Gender experiments, for the perverts at the BBC, could be experiments were little boys have their penises cut off in the name of “No more Boys and Girls” Gender Free Equality.
As regards the difference between Boys and Girls. On this occasion I would prefer the left-wing habit of celebrating diversity. The BBC could also help a white male Grandfather from being forced by a ten year old girl, into entering an all girls shop called “Clairs”. I Hope?
I once had the misfortune to shop at “Claire’s” for an eight-year old of my aquaintance. Seeking some guidance as to what girls of that age were ‘into’ I passed that fact onto the nearest shop assistant. Her response, “Are you sure you’re not buying for yourself?” ensured that I have never darkened their pink doors again!
Its usually a very feminine Junket Box. She has suggested that I go in to “Clairs” by myself, to buy her a present. So that is now a “No “No”
“The fact that one Gender can get pregnant, and the other cannot is seen by the BBC as a barrier to equality.”
These people believe that you can’t just put a wig, heels and lipstick on man and call yourself a woman. It doesn’t work that way. You have to really believe it for it to be true. Then it’s legitable.
BBC1: Thursday: 10.45pm: Don’t Deport Me, I’m British
(Followed by “Queer Britain”, which is then followed by “Queer and Proud”)
Three asylum seekers have sought out gullible unpatriotic BBC middle-class morons, to tell them that they feel “British”, presumably because they do not want to be deported back to some hellhole full of ethnics.
It looks like a Judicial Review of the BBC could reveal that the BBC’s Fraser Steel, a Non-executive Director and Chair of the board of UK Immigration Services Ltd, is helping his incompetent friends in the Immigration Services, by helping the BBC bury bad news about the thousands of failed deportations of uncontentious cases, by focusing on three contentious cases that they have deliberately produced for the BBC.
Point to note, British people cannot be deported by law.
Deportation is the enforced removal of non-UK nationals who have breached UK immigration rules, whether because they are here illegally or because they are ‘over stayers’. Removal from the UK is when the Secretary of State issues a Removal Notice to an individual informing them that they are required to leave the UK.
The BBC misinforms the viewer in the fake title that “they are British“. But then hidden down in the small print it says they “feel British“.
But then the whole point of the program is that they can be deported because they are not British.
Imagine for a second you are a somewhat disaffected young Muslim in some grim mill town in the north of England.
You probably watch BBC, and what do you see? Relentless propaganda that white people are bigoted racists, who enslaved millions in colonial escapades, who hate other peoples, hate Muslims, want to close mosques and deport people they don’t like. Incessant reminders that Britain is an evil country, with a history of enslavement and genocide.
Is it any wonder that some vulnerable Muslims find themselves being enticed by ISIS propaganda?
The BBC – helping recruit for jihad.
Is it any wonder that some vulnerable Muslims find themselves being enticed by ISIS propaganda?
And now that promotion of victimhood has been given a huge boost by how the left have stated that speaking the truth about Pakistani rape gangs who target little white girls is an racist act. Why even the Pakistani led Muslim council of Britiain agrees with that stance. Buoyed by such support expect Muslims to make even more demands of the kuffer.
Rick, I have often wondered about this. If I were a young second generation Muslim living in a grim-up-north terrace full of boarded up pound shops, I would look around me at the ‘native’ culture of single buggy moms, binge drinkers, fatties on mobility scooters, twoccers racing cars round estates etc and think ‘why should I integrate with that?’
I might, however, then think ‘there’s got to be more to England than this’ and work hard to get into ‘uni’. But there I would be told the history of Britain was a shame and a disgrace, that the country is ‘institutionally racist’ and ‘Islamophobic’, that its culture is ‘appropriated’ and its religion irrelevant, so again, why bother to become a productive citizen?
BBC Breakfast at 7am shows once again that it has become a public sector notice board not a news service
Their headline story is the forthcoming “A” Level results
The BBC try to make some kind of a narrative out of the recent shift in emphasis to exams rather than course work – a youngster brings a smile with her complaint “we are expected to remember stuff and not just learn” Hmmmm
Next headline from the BBC is that some report suggests elderly patients are not complaining enough about their treatment from the NHS. Well there’s a damned if they do, damned if they don’t.
Hey BBC, is anything going on in the world that does not primarily appeal to the interests of the public sector?
Just switched on to Breakcrap…they interview a young woman entrepreneur in the IT Industry……first question by a sofa monkey (who was difficult to understand), but the just of it was “Have you been discriminated against since you entered the IT market? Not asking about her business….Why not I ask? Next question by our own proper Charlie….guess what it’s about.. ..Brexit!! The lady sits on a pro government Brexit panel and she deflected the question. Good on her.
Next, pan to A level results…..a clip of some students taking exams….no incumbents to be seen in the clip!
Then…..a Mother and child travelling in a car…..again, not a majority scene, but, this mother is pushing her son to visit a gay bar with her so that she can set him up on a date!
Then, back to Trump…..Effin hell!
Are they totally stupid or what?
That A levels segment was used to ignore the sarah champion story which should be headlining but is being ignored as it affects their pals in labour. Sky were doing the exact same with thicko me me me doing all she could to avoid the champion story. Sky have literally become the BBC in their love and defence of the labour party. They want corbyn in and brexit stopped and will do anything to facilitate it.
R4 6 o’clock news.
Signed off the item on Business Leaders and Trump by saying how Trumps policies and opinions are deeply unpopular.
They didn’t even have the decency to insert “by many”. Would have been to much to ask to insert “by some”.
Its just totally untrue.Trump has another rally coming up in Pheonix Arizona . Meanwhile You Tube is blocking Diamond and Silk and other conservative videos supporting Trump .Its scary that they hate him so much .
Of course the NAFTA renegotiations started yesterday and that is why all the increased activity and hysteria has got to this level. Trillions for big business and banks are at stake.
Trump is for the people and America.
I don’t see any explanation from the BEEB as the what NAFTA is and why its draining wealth away from the USA general population.
The media is always waffling on about ‘positive images of black people’. You can’t get much more positive than the Diamond and Silk ladies, who are always upbeat, funny, polite and show common sense without being ‘intellectual’ . Can’t think why they’re not all over the BBC! Actually I can.
Youtube will regret taking on diamond and sik as the donald is a big fan of those two ladies him being a screaming nazi white supremacist and all. He had them at many of his rallies last year as well.
Thanks to the BBC’s Radio 4 Programme TODAY, I come here with good news!
Diane Abbott has a rival in the Labour ranks.
Gordon Marsden, MP, Labour Shadow Minister for Higher & Further Education and Skills made a contribution of Abbottesque proportions at about 7.15am on the subject of A levels, or rather not on the subject of A levels and the results being revealed today.
I am sure it was subliminal – but Up2Snuff, as I read your post, I misread that Gordon Marsden is the Minister for Higher and FUTILE Education.
Thanks to the BBC’s Radio 4 Programme TODAY, I come here with more good news!
Diane Abbott has another rival in the Labour ranks.
Yasmin Qureshi, who is MP for Bolton South East and Shadow Justice Minister, also made a contribution of Abbottesque proportions at about 7.35am on the subject of Sarah Champion and Pakistani-origin men abusing white English girls, or rather not on the subject of Sarah Champion and Pakistani-origin men abusing white English girls.
The TODAY Programme today just gives and gives. I’m laughing and guffawing at the post-newspaper review at approx. 7.40am and the possibly euphemistic discussion over the pink ball to be used for the first day/night Test Match in England.
On a more serious note, the Global Warming Emissions and Climate Change caused by these events could just tip us over the edge into world-wide disaster and thousands of unnecessary deaths. After all, politicians and environmental campaigners tell us that the science is settled and it is the greatest problem (except when they wish to shroud-wave and tax collecting tin-rattle over something else) that humankind faces today.
No questions asked by the BBC TODAY team at all on the subject of this extra unnecessary electricity consumption.
At all.
No questions. None.
But if I want an overseas holiday or to drive three hundred miles every few months to see Granny, I would face the full guilt thing and an interrogation worthy of the Gestapo plus paying extra taxes on top!
Funnily enough re the Newspaper review, I listened to it for the first time for many months just to see if anything had changed. First item, The Guardian, anti-Trump; second item, The i, anti-Trump. No idea what the third item was but a nice lively piece was playing on Classic FM
I’d switch off Classic FM about now. It’s ‘news’ is up soon.
I’d switch Classic FM off altogether.
This is much better – no crass ads, fake news, or wet, patronising presenters.
With internet connection to hand, I use Swiss Classic. Sadly, my tranny in the shed only goes Global tripe.
“Now let’s take a ride with the Valkyries.”
‘Classic FM’s ‘news’ really is dire, I agree. I have no idea who owns Global but I am pretty sure its CEO must be a SJW, otherwise s/he couldn’t tolerate such rubbish.
I took OG’s advice a while ago and switched to Swiss Classic but, while it spares us the interminable rubbish from John Williams and other movie hacks, I’m not awfully keen on its choices.
popeye, that made me chuckle. It does get wearing, I have to admit.
I remember a little of that with Watergate except the BBC was different back then, they did better journalism and definitely no self-referential news headlines. Also it went in bursts with Watergate. The BBC was, of course, rather late to the party on that one and it was driven more by the print press there and then taken up by our newspapers here. It would also have taken a lot more time and effort to put together a broadcast film, say for Panorama, than it would today.
I was more TV oriented in the 1970s save for cricket and contemporary music. That changes my take on things, too.
Nixon had not, of course, pointed a finger at Jon Sopel and the BBC and said “There’s another beauty, right there!” and excluded them from Press briefings. This time, that kind of makes it personal 🙂 for the BBC and it shows! 🙂
Agree in essence with your post about the 0735 interview but a couple of more serious points aboutbthat disgraceful interview.
First, in the interests of impartiality, we should note that John Humphries tried hard to nail her, citing the specific issue of Pakistani men and ‘white trash’ girls. He pushed several times and this is the first time I can remember the bBBC actually having a go on this basis. Unusual maybe, butbtwo cheera to Humphries.
Second, despite doing this, he got no satisfactory answer. But if it was a car crash interview, it was also revealing. Corbyn’s Labour Party are in total politically correct denial of the issue. The Quereshi woman was a Pakistani and just would not condemn her ‘brother’ Pakistanis in the rape gangs. Not for the first time, the tactic was defelection, saying that all such crimes should be investigated. A lady from a new campaign ‘Enough is enough’ was given air time to condemn outright.
Note this content. Put it in the diary. Labour does not think Pakistani men raping young girls is a specific issue.
Sluff, you are quite right, The Humph gave it a really good go in both interviews that I have referred to above and with John Underhill. (Take his Professorship away, he doesn’t deserve it!)
Your second point is really the thing I was hinting at with my two posts: the Parliamentary Labour Party = Empty Vessels.
Perhaps Labour should rename themselves ‘The Abbott and Costello-Corbyn Party of Great Britain.’ ?
Jo Johnson, the Universities minister was asked by Humphries soon after 8 a.m. about the high pay being received by Vice-Chancellors. I did think Jo missed an opportunity to remind Humphries that the VCs are being paid a lot less that Humphries gets. Mind, I agree that the pay of these people (VCs and Humphries is obscene) but of course it was under Labour that these salary levels were first seen.
Labour will NEVER criticise its imported voter base. Too many votes ( including multiple counts of the fraudulent postal variety ) at stake. That’s why the crimes in Rotherham were allowed to continue. Too many Muslim votes at risk. LABOUR – THE MUSLIM PARTY!
“You ain’t no scientist, Bruv!”
Professor John Underhill from Heriot-Watt University – a scientist – said today, in effect, that he doesn’t really like or believe practical science, just the theoretical stuff.
Fine if you’re Albert Einstein or Peter Higgs. Is he?
A level results out today. Black and brown faces all over the screen as usually happens at this time every year.
Education expert Lenny Henry rambling on and on about “something being for everyone” at university, even when your A level results are “all over the place” – or some vague claptrap along those lines.
Doesn’t quite fit in with my understanding of what a university is for, but it probably explains a thing or two.
Followed by a hedgehog expert who at least seems to know what he is talking about. Hedgehogs can swim, so at least I learned something this morning. Perhaps that qualifies me for a “Yooni” degree in hedgehog studies.
Why do we give a toss about “students'” ‘A’ level results. Are they news?
Quite agree OG. No bugger was interested when I took end of school exams, so whether its an A* or DD cup its not going to affect my life, so I switch to the shopping channels when the interviewer starts trying to extract information from ‘yeah, yeah, like like’ students.
I AM interested in the vaguely touched on stories about the neglect suffered by the elderly in our hospitals. If our babies and children were treated half as badly as our elderly then all hell would break loose, but hey an adult who dribbles and wants their nappy changing aint so appealing as a 3 month old. But we all reach that stage of life eventually, and those who abuse our elderly would do well to remember that.
““students’” ‘A’ level results. Are they news?”
If they are hedgehogs, yes. In order to be inclusive, I would add voles as well.
Hedgehog studies would be far more useful than many so called degrees from so called universities in 21st century Britain. For a start learning to spell a multi syllable word like hedgehog would improve the students’ English no end.
As for Lenny Henry he was quite funny about twenty years ago but is just a pain the ares now. If all these Folks feel that they are being discriminated against and are victims of this or that , then they are free to leave the country and take their enrichment with them. I for one am certain that if they did leave the country would be a much better place. Oh by the way could they take the BBC with them.
In defence of the humble hedgehog, one of my favourite animals, their biology and behaviour is more interesting than may be supposed. How do hedgehogs mate ? Carefully. I once watched a male trying to mate with a female ( if it had been on the BBC it would have been another male ), but she stuck her back against a fence and would not budge. It took him almost an hour to get the hint and he waddled off. I had a girlfriend like that once, but not for long.
Noticed that ALL the kids in BBC2’s Gender Neutralising programme were WHITE, though. BBC wouldn’t want to try their social engineering on their favourite ethnic groups, would they? Might ‘offend’ them.
“A level results out today”
And another day passes with yet another “Transgender” slot on the Victoria Derbyshire TV show!
The amount of Transgender/Queer propaganda we see on her show is near as bad as the continual onslaught from the Queer/Lesbian TV Commercials!
Click turned on the TV. It’s BBc Breakfast , It’s Lenworth Henry. Click it’s Star Trek on Horror.
The Charlottesville reporting is so dishonest. They claim he ‘failed to condemn the far right fast enough’, when he clearly condemned both sides immediately. The whole ‘not fast enough’ angle is just a confection.
Then they claim faux outrage when he mentions violence from the other side, taking us for idiots who will believe that Antifa suddenly became gentle pacifists when a quick google search will reveal how violent they are. If all these ‘Far Right’ lot were evil incarnate how comes so many ‘counter protestors’ showed up? If Hitler came to my town I would stay inside and lock the doors.
So once again they are exposed as being dishonest, and in trying to get as much mileage out of the smears they only make themselves look worse.
As for the ‘stories’ of Theresa May or whoever condemning the Far Right, it is not a news story at all. Of course if they ask her if she condemns the Far Right she will say she does; it is just another excuse to shout ‘Nazi’ and ‘White Nationalist’ another hundred times. But the whole idea that he did not specifically condemn the ‘Far Right’ fast enough – when he clearly condemned both sides immediately – is fake news, nothing but spin. And the ‘story’ that the Bush presidents condemned the violence is just another excuse for them to shove their propaganda down our throats. It was not an ‘extraordinary intervention’ – of course they would condemn what had happened.
Another victory for Trump in my opinion. I wish they could just let him get on with his job rather than constantly going on the attack and trying to spin everything in the most extreme way to make him look bad. Unlike so many they have bullied in the past he punches back and makes them look bad. They were all hysterical in that press conference – they need to get a grip. It is the media who look like unhinged lunatics, not Trump.
In danger of losing a liberal American friend on Facebook. He posted a long waffle about all this and claimed to be open to counter views.
I shared a few facts, and then saw a deluge of outright abuse from his closer circle. So I politely signed out.
He hasn’t unfriended me, so I still get his witterings.
One of which claims he was unaware of Antifa until this weekend.
Resisting the temptation to suggest he seek alternative sources of information and education to ABCNNBCBBC.
I wonder if people are starting to notice. A friend of mine, not usually given to interest in politics, emailed me this morning asking if I thought there was any bias in how the media was reporting Trump, as it seemed to him the coverage seemed ‘deliberately out to get him.’
Not fast enough angle is as you say just a confection. The smokescreen method employed the same way by the bBBC for the recent pay scandal by making a big thing about the gender gap. That went quiet PDQ.
Trump said from the start how dishonest the press are. They can never just state the facts; everything is saturated with name-calling, deflection, clever editing, narrative, emotional appeals, presenting the exception as the norm and too often outright fabrication.
They’ve even taken to describing Breitbart News as ‘Far Right’ in their attempts to smear Steve Bannon. Problem being that the BBC has gone so far left it’s lost sight of the centre ground of politics. Anyone disagreeing with the BBC’s view of the world is described as ‘Far Right’ . Beeboids never mention that founder Andrew Breitbart was Jewish as are many of the journalists who work for the organisation .
Well yes, but given the number of Momentum supporters who work in the BBC, being Jewish will be no get out of jail free card – it’ll be just one more thing held against them!
Andy S, the editor in chief of Breitbart UK is one Raheem Kassam. Muslim apostate and former advisor to Nigel Farage – I think we can safely say the BBC are not going to say anything nice about Breitbart!
May has a downer on anything she considers right wing. Most of her legislation supposedly brought in to combat Islamic terrorism has in fact been used to target anyone she considers being ‘Far Right’, meaning those who oppose the Islamification of Europe and Britain, and those worried by the detrimental aspects to society of unlimited immigration. May is a Globalist stooge and a dangerous authoritarian.
Ably assisted by the absurd Ms Rudd, who is cut from the same shoddy cloth!
Weeeeeee!!! Down the rabbit hole we go with Alice with this one! WTF and OMG!
Firstly…we are told that women can do and wear whatever they want, and no man can tell her what to do!…….unless you’re a hypocrit, lunatic lefty and cult of death is involved!
“The leader of Australia’s far-right (note that the disgusting Al ShabeeBBC are stating that as fact) One Nation party has worn a burka on the floor of the nation’s Senate.
Pauline Hanson’s entrance drew audible shock (why? Its just an expression of female empowerment right?) from other senators ahead of a bid by her party to ban the garment in Australia.
Government minister George Brandis condemned Ms Hanson’s stunt and “counselled and cautioned” her against causing offence to religious groups.
Mr Brandis received a standing applause from opposition parties”
So there we have it. If you are a man, you can force a woman to wear what you want if you believe she is right wing (clearly down to that day’s leftist interpretation..)
MSM…political parties….militant fascist lefties….can beat you, attack you, can arrest you, can force you by threat of violence or arrest you to change your beliefs, can make you wear whatever they want, can ban you from saying anything they do not agree with.
Loved this statement..
“In an emotional speech, Mr Brandis said Ms Hanson’s actions risked alienating approximately 500,000 Australians who adhered to the Islamic faith” – yeah, unlike numerous amounts of terror attacks. I mean, who gives a fook about dead white Australians?
With TiC, might I wonder how they knew it was her?
Good post, Tothepoint. Some of those Australian Parliament members are obviously gearing up to study over here for a while with Diane Abbott and Yasmin Qureshi.
I’ve been doing my absolute darnedest to avoid as much BBC propaganda and all other fake news as I possibly can. So bad for my blood pressure. However, this utter claptrap about The Donald’s response to the Charlotetsville riots has even filtered through to me in my remote hilltop log the bottom of my garden…
When you cut through all the hysteria and blather it seems that originally some decent locals turned out to demonstrate because yet another statue was in line to be removed. We’ve had far too much revisionist history happening over here, so I sympathise with them.
Of course the usual, bullying, thuggish Antifa mob turned up en mass to intimidate and attack them. It happens all the time and by and large this hard left trash have been given a free hand. Don’t like a speaker at a university get the yobs in and they’ll cause mayhem, have an almighty tantrum, scream “Nazi scum” at anyone they disagree with and usually get their own way. This time they didn’t. Some deeply unpleasant far right, real Nazis, arrived and took on the bullying left and things got ugly.
I can’t really see what more Trump could be expected to say. The original people demonstrating, the decent people concerned about their history and heritage, were attacked by a deeply unpleasant far left bunch of thugs. This time however the bullies got bullied. The far left trash were met my people who actually relish being called Nazis.
What more could Donald say? Both sides are vile.
Anyway, back to Classic FM. The gentle, dulcet tones of John Suchet. “A wonderful melody from Tchaikovsky.”
No pc ism, no lecturing about gender politics, no whinging, discontent minorities, no Trump bashing.
Well, no… I agree, but as discussed elsewhere, you do have to endure Global’s atrocious ‘news’ which is as dire and PC ridden as the BBC’s.
I quite agree, GC the news on Classic FM is atrocious; but it only lasts for five minute and I turn it off. The difference with the Beeb is the entire content is dreadful. I feel as though I’m constantly being lectured by someone that hates me. It’s pervasive on the BBC. The Today prog’, PM, the afternoon play and Woman’s Hour.
Even the dear old Archers, an everyday tale of country folk, has been infested.
They’ve inflicted some appalling and unlikely stories on us lately. The female Muslim vet; not only is she a whizz at cricket (well, I somehow thought she would be) she’s also got the veterinary practice back on its feet. The locals make comments like; “She’s a wonder.” “How did we ever cope without her?” “Thank heavens for Aneesha!”
The latest story involves eastern European workers being abused by foul racists. Graffiti daubed on their caravans and uncouth louts attacking and swearing at them. The dear old Beeb have never been particularly subtle but they’re really scraping below the barrel these days. “We have to stand up for these people, we’d never cope without them.” Happens all the time in BBC land.
The Archers; an everyday tale of pc folk…
Jeff, Mr Trump made the good point in his press conference that the original group of protestors opposed to the removal of statues had been granted legal permission to demonstrate. It wasn’t some band of rednecks that just turned up on the spur of the moment to cause trouble.
There is an interview online with the guy that organised the original demonstration. Apparently it was planned months ago, they got council permission and one week before the council cancelled it. The organiser took them to federal court who said the council could not cancel it as they had given permission to Black lives matter and Antifa in recent months. The local police were supposed to provide security but didn’t turn up. I did wonder about the lack of police on the somewhat bias footage – can you imagine how many police would have been at this type of event in the UK? Whilst the organiser may be putting his slant – the court orders and police agreements can be checked..
The BBC seem to just accept all the Nazi racist shouts without looking at the full story….Fact checker department where are you???
I think Trump said what most ‘normal’ people would have said…but that isn’t the way of the left or BBC…it’s Trump he must be bad…
I do not often praise a BBC programme but I must make an exception concerning the ‘The Town that Thread Built’ , about the rise and fall of Paisley. I was unable to find any trace of the usual BBC PC driven agenda items and themes such as Brit bashing, oppression of third worlders and their exploitation by the Empire etc etc. In fact astonishingly the programme laid the blame for the demise of the cotton thread industry in the town firmly on the shoulders of Globalisation . Uniquely for a story of industrial decline in Scotland Lady T was not even mentioned , let alone blamed. It even had some of the ex workers saying that their jobs had been lost to other countries by the company investing in new plants overseas and then exporting the worker’s skill sets. I say BBC steady on , you are saying exactly what President Trump has been saying for years.
If this type of balanced, and agenda free programme was typical of the BBC I might not hate the corporation. But in my recent experience such programmes are extremely rare in the output of the BBC, so I continue to despise the ‘national’ broadcaster .
Thanks for the recommendation Doublethinker.
Doublethinker, I occasionally find programmes like this, that do not contain any bias or PC nonsense. But they are increasingly rare. Up until the Blair era most BBC programmes weren’t too bad. Either I am getting more conservative, or the BBC is getting more ‘progressive’. I suspect it is mainly the latter!
Watching an unashamedly good programme on the BBC is so rare that it’s sad – it’s a bit like watching a much loved relation with dementia suddenly have a moment of lucidity. It is all the more heartbreaking because it shows you just what he has lost.
This is particularly true of BBC R4. Just every so often it manages to broadcast something that isn’t straight out of the Independent’s or the Guardian’s list of current talking points for the Islington dinner party. The trouble is, such programmes are getting rarer and rarer…
I watched the BBC documentary on Scott’s base camp in Antarctica, after ten minutes I’m wondering where are the BME ? Surely there must be some in the scientific community? Alas none was interviewed or included in any panning shots, but wait diversity was not far from the fore….at last, there you go viewers all the preservation staff where lesbians hardly a man to be seen….phew for a moment I thought the diversity would be left out, but have no fear its there, even in Antarctica.
BTW Global warming mention was “one”
Sorry to appear uncaring but in the case of this particular old aunt ought enough we to be considering euthanasia!
I watched the programme and enjoyed it…it was so ‘normal’ I just assumed it must have been made some time in the pre-Blair era 🙂
One I enjoyed recently was a documentary about Ladybird Books. It was like the BBC programmes of 50 years ago.
I hear (or in BBC parlance – “some people say”) that post Brexit EU citizens will not need a visa to enter the UK but will need documentation if intending to work. We have a problem already in that the Government is not halting muslim preachers entering the UK to preach their hatred from the quaran. After Brexit, the largest contingent of hatred spouting muslim preachers will be in Europe…………..
Very disturbing, but then I have always said May as an remainer will find a way in which to ensure that the Uk remains in the EU. I mean do you seriously believe that those people with new EU passports (including Romania and Bulgaria) will stick to the British system of fairplay Yeah right.
The bBC is now promoting the view that ISIS is good, those who go to fight ISIS are bad:
An education in terror
Mutassim is nervous. The 16-year-old has never flown in a plane before. He is looking around at the other passengers waiting at the departure gate in Athens airport…As the flight is called, the Syrian boy runs through the few phrases of Spanish he’s learned. The authorities may ask him questions, and he’s travelling on a fake Spanish passport. It’s cost more than €3000, bought from a chain of people smugglers who helped him escape from Syria, to Turkey and now into Europe. Only a month earlier he had been in Raqqa, a member of the so-called Islamic State. The teenager had been assigned to a city hospital, tending to IS fighters and helping the sick. Before that, he was with one of the propaganda units. But that was another life, one he wants to forget. The airstrikes, the screams, the beheadings, are behind him now. They must remain a secret, as a new start awaits in Germany – but only if the authorities don’t discover that he had trained and served as a Lion Cub for the caliphate.Mutassim is not much a warrior. He is short and nervous. I meet him in the small German village where he is now living. He is smoking – something he’s taken up since he left Syria, as it’s forbidden by IS. And, even though it’s early in the day, he offers me a can of lager. He says he has stopped praying and has abandoned his beliefs. Previously, he had absorbed IS religious lessons, and followed its extremist path.
Omar is 17 years old, but could easily pass for younger. Until, that is, you look into his eyes. They are weary, hunted. He plays the tough guy, and still has the swagger of someone sent to fight for the Islamic State group. He is living in Belgium and has already been thrown out of three refugee hostels for being unruly. He strikes you as someone who is barely getting by. It has taken months for him to fully tell his story, and amid the exaggerations, a picture of abuse emerges. Drinking a blueberry fruit beer, he begins to open up about IS. But his answers are crafted, careful. He is full of bravado, but it soon becomes apparent that his time in IS was mostly a failure.
Qais is from Latakia, Syria. His war started when he was 15 and he joined a rebel group fighting the regime. His battalion commander defected with all of his men to IS. Qais was probably more of a willing defector than he cares to admit, but his story of disillusionment with IS is familiar. Eventually, he escaped and made it to Turkey, where he lives today. He was once an excited child, learning to fire a weapon, willing to join the jihad, ready to fight the Syrian regime, and then to fight infidels. All of that is behind him now.
Britons joining Kurds to fight IS ‘pose security risk’ to UK
British volunteers fighting against so-called Islamic State in Syria pose a domestic security threat to the UK, a think tank has claimed.
Pounce, in Germany if you associate with someone who you know to be engaged in illegal activity (Mutassim is, on three counts, at least) are you under an obligation – as in the UK – to inform the authorities?
Not if you work for the buggering British children and you get a hard on over little boys and girls.
And you also think that ‘taqqiya’ is some sort of sticky and exotic Islamic foodstuff…
Likely a future for ex Isis statue removal specialists in the West.
Baltimore has removed 4 confederate statues overnight. This in the land of the free. Craziness. I am sure the BBC will condemn this as a provocation.
Grant, Baltimore is a very Democrat City. It is almost ‘southern’ 😉 in its Democratness.
And 71% non-white.
It seems strange that none of this happened when Obama was President. Why suddenly now ? I guess we all know the answer.
Grant, I think everyone was hoping for great things from Obama as President. I certainly was. A chance for a modern, 21st century Kennedy to arise. I was in the States just as they (the public) were catching on to him. It was a special moment, much more than this Jezza thing here this summer.
Sadly ‘Yes, we can!’ became ‘No, I haven’t yet.’ and then just plain, ‘I didn’t.’
I posted the other day that Republicans used to be very close to Democrats and vice versa in both social and political and economic matters. That gap has widened and I have been surprised, shocked at how wide it has become. Think it started with Bill Clinton, George W did not really close it but Hillary had too much power in the Obama second term and I think she has poisoned the economy, the social structure and widened the gap further. All that just as a big healing after the Credit Crunch & Bank Crash was really needed in the USA, too.
Add the effect of tertiary education that we on here are now identifying as a cause for the fascist SJW and Antifa and various anarchist groups and you can see why it is falling apart with any Republican in the WH, let alone Trump.
When do we start getting rid of anything Cavalier (or Roundhead, depending on which lot the left find fault with, probably both)
I’m sure Churchill statues will be a target, in fact every statue will upset some lefties, that’s what they do, get upset all the time at everything.
Books next?
Raheem’s, Murray’s, how about Shakespeare (Othello, sooty bosom = racist)
Maybe we need more safe spaces for the lefties so they can have a good cry each time they get upset.
From “fairshares” (sic) in the Guardian responding to the Simon Jenkins opinion piece.
“Far better to actually engage in debate with them in front of an audience Question Time style”
Far better.
Get a Lefty Dimblebum to run the show.
Fill the panel with your supporters.
Fill the audience with your supporters.
Edit any unsatisfactory moments from the recording.
Then have an “Any answers?” to re-inforce the “debate”.
Out of the mouths of babes ..
Tim Cook, the Apple CEO, has joined the ‘condemnation’ of Trump’s response, the Beeb website ‘reports.’ Why don’t the Beeb just ask everyone in the world what they think of Trump and report all negative comments? Now that is a world class journalism.
Why is Trump held responsible for what a few Fringe lunatics do? We all know that Muslim communities must never take any responsibility for their extremists.
There’s probably an App for that.
The utter lunacy continues. Just spouting utter lies with a saintly look on their faces
Van Jones is a communist. I doubt he shed any tears over the millions of “class traitors” and “enemies of the people” whom his comrades and fellow travellers have murdered over the years.
Twat obviously didn’t see Jeremy Corbyn just last week ‘denouncing violence on both sides’ in Venezuela…..
Wee straw poll –
Who is the bigger shit?
Katty Kay (BBC)
John Sopel (BBC)
Kylie Morris (C4)
That is a tough one !
Sopel gets my vote.
Quotes from BBC website bbc.con
“The number of university places allocated so far has fallen – with thousands of places still available.
The Ucas university admissions body says that 416,000 places have so far been confirmed – down 2% on last year.”
Could it be that some potential students believed the bullshit spouted by comrade corbyn only to find out
a) it was a croc of shit
b) he lost anyway
On a lighter note
“Lenny Henry has been taking calls to clearing at Birmingham City University, where he is chancellor”
Apparently at Birmingham University you can enroll for a BA in how to be not funny.
I have this feeling that the largest department at the BBC ,their diversity and positive discrimination is thinking
up new ways to show us what they want us to watch and listen to. Their thoughts maybe that we have too
many presenters and reporters from the Indian sub continent talking with Oxbridge accents.
Regional diversity is the name of the game now. So the stars are the like of our Steff McGovern with her quasi
Geordie, Mancunion, accent. To be honest coming from London I cannot understand
half the time what she is talking about with her croaky voice. But she ticks most of the right boxes. If only she
would of come from the sub continent I would given her a grand slam.
BUT now their is a “boy” I don’t think we have seen him yet who tells us what’s coming on next ! He has a kind
of “rap” voice. I expect him at anytime to break out with ” My name is Reeza, I have this bitch named Lisa, I try to
please her, but she has a diseaser, so I put her in the freezer.” Now I expect this boy does tick all of the boxes.
It’s just a question of time before he presenting ” Match of the day” or “Newsnight.” Now that’s what I call divesity!!!
Trump punches back with this tweet:
‘The public is learning (even more so) how dishonest the Fake News is. They totally misrepresent what I say about hate, bigotry etc. Shame!’
BOOOOOM! Take that Al Beeb.
He’s right – you would think after how they disgraced themselves during the election cycle they might do some introspection and maybe change their ways. But this last week has been worse than ever. Do they honestly expect us to believe that he loves Nazis and is best mates with KKK leaders?
I love how he ends the tweet with the deliciously patronising put down: ‘Shame!’ Less is more. All their endless hysteria and shrieks of white nationalist etc are trumped by that one cutting word, like a headmaster telling off a naughty pupil; as if to say: “You are letting me down. You are letting the country down. But most of all, you are letting yourselves down.”
I would love to see Sopel’s face as he reads that Tweet!
The Donald seems to be able to handle whatever the toddler-tantrumming media can throw at him.
What I find more worrying is the response of senior Conservative politicians in this country. Eg, Sajid Javid’s tweet: ‘ Neo-Nazis: bad. Anti-Nazis: good. I learned that as a child. It was pretty obvious’.
This shows an terrifyingly dogmatic, doctrinaire and simplistic grasp of history and politics. Was it ‘pretty obvious’ who was in the wrong, Sajid, when the mass rapes and killings by the Red Army were taking place in Berlin in 1945? Was it ‘pretty obvious’ when the KGB took over the headquarters, indeed the very torture chambers themselves, used by the Gestapo in Budapest?
George Orwell in ‘Homage To Catalonia’ pointed out something similar: the Spanish Civil War was not such a clear cut case of good v evil as the left liked to think – and this was from someone who fought on the side of the left and was seriously wounded. For that, he was ostracised by many so called ‘intellectuals’ on the left.
Politics has become a pantomime – there are goodies and baddies, and nothing in between.
“This shows an terrifyingly dogmatic, doctrinaire and simplistic grasp of history and politics.” My own view is that it’s all to do with, ‘singing from the same hymn sheet’ and to be seen to be the same as everybody else more that any technical reasons. Whichever, they are all brain dead anyway.
Problem is Cranmer the goodies generally come out on top in a pantomime. I’m not sure of the outcome on this one. I like to have a bet but I think my money will stay in my wallet on this one.
It appears we have entered some sort of parallel universe where all you have to do is declare yourself an anti-fascist and you can visit out whatever violence you like on those who disagree with you. With the active support of the Prime Minister and senior members of her government.
My vote for top excrement is Sopel.
Sopel of, ” Another Beauty” fame when the Donald first named and shamed the fake News queens.
This “jobby” has been on his element over the Charlottesville affair………….does anyone think this character even gives a
hoot about Charlottesville…………….it just gives him a virtue signalling opportunity and another shot at pouring scorn on Trump.
PS they are in for big bother over there if these statues start coming down………reminds you of of other excrement, Sinn Fein,who as they targeted town halls in N.I routinely binned any British connectivity e.g.. Union Flags, Pictures of HMQ etc.
Headline in online news -‘ Trump Told White Supremacists to Attack Protesters, So They Did’. The article is a wildly feeble attempt to extrapolate some comments Trump made about ejecting protestors from his election rallies, to giving explicit instructions to the neo-nazis at Charlottesville. This is not the National Enquirer or the Huffington Post – this is from Newsweek – a respected mainstream publication. More evidence that the media has lost the plot over Trump. If I worked for Trump I would advise him to sue! One good thing is the comments section is having none of it. My hope is that the anti-Trump hysteria will be so overdone that people will simply stop listening to it.
If I worked for Trump I’d advise him to treat all Western European politicians (including May) as an irrelevance and declare any EU citizens living in the US as suspect enemy aliens, liable for immediate deportation. He should also take steps to abandon Nato and cancel any ongoing defence contracts. And of course ban all BBC ‘journalists’ from ever entering the country again. He has enough on his plate from the likes of CNN, NBC etc.
If our prime minister cannot support the very true observation that far-left thuggery is a threat to free speech then the stupid cow deserves to be humiliated, as do the ‘conservative’ party that agreed to promote her as leader. There is a new threat in the world, and it isn’t a few blokes waving Nazi flags. Time is running out for old Europe, but if Trump can start to salvage America before it’s too late maybe future generations will still have a recognisable anglophone civilisation to live in.
I saw this headline, and at first thought was ‘economic’s’ that will come in handy for investing her millions.
Then i felt bad for thinking that way, because she is quite a special kid.
Its not her fault she is being over played by the liberal establishment, and that always pays big big money, and she will go right to the top, never do a days work in her life, it will not matter one jot her education as in typical lefty style she will get gold plated by awards,the education i presume will be a top notch lefty gaff for a top notch lefty politics course, eitherway she will stay famous and very rich.
WOW….on Radio 2 now, Mr Vine interviewing the harridan YA-Brown and another, Indian chap i think….dynamite. Actually got YAB to say the grooming gangs were MUSLIM….back-tracking so fast she’ll disappear over the horizon, with any luck….i was going to ring in and mention one Nick Griffin…then Vine say’s….Mind you, the BBC got Griffin into a whole load of legal trouble, and my view is..SUE them Nick, take them for everything…God, if i was a top lawyer, i’d represent Nick for free, screw the BBC and the Left…delicious.
“if i was a top lawyer, i’d represent Nick for free”
But I don’t think your career would progress any further.
You could well be right…the establishment, including the legal system is so Left, i would be blackballed…but..that would reflect badly on them..and i would relish being a foil to the likes of Mansfield and Kennedy…
If this is true, and the Express prints some weird stories, I don’t know whether to laugh or cry:
Teenagers infected with rabies after gang-raping a donkey
Jokes about Kiwis and the Welsh are supposed to be just that, jokes. Not so in Morocco, apparently.
What are the odds on the BBC reporting this, or the SKY newspaper reviewers covering it?
All the donkeys will get regular sexual health checks……… ”lock your donkeys up”’ must be the equivalent of lock your daughters up, in Britain ”the boys are in town”
Donkey was obviously a slut and asking for it.
In the Express picture I could see no sign of any hijab or burkah on said Donkeys head.
If you you put an immodest female Donkey in a paddock without a husband or male relation – what can you expect these days.
It wont be long before Theresa agrees to Donkey Modesty Patrols on Mablethorpe Town Beach – and not before time!
And another headline inspiring a rapid response of ”get a f/ckin job”…
But on reflection, you can add ”or go home”.
Kevin Bediouhoune
What to do if you haven’t got a university place
[a picture of black lad above.]
BBC, Channel 4, oxytocin in the tap-water.
How am I going to maintain my xenophobia?
The Battle of Britain Memorial Flight has been grounded due to engine safety fears. No details whatsoever provided by the MSM.
Does anyone know what is going on? Why now? Why all the aircraft?
Rogue safety inspector, bad maintenance, complaints from the Krauts, or what?
A cynic might say its another attempt to erase our history, details are so scant that one couldn’t be blamed for thinking such
Clare, listening to the moron on R2 about the flight was disgusting to anyone who ever had to fly one of those machines to defend our rights. Her argument was nonsense, one minute it was because the aircraft had been repaired and altered and should not fly, then it changed and changed. She would not let another person speak. This is the BBC all over. Get the alt-left (who hate spitfires etc as they stand for rights) in to the debate and it becomes so onesided the presenter cant regain control of it. If it is truly a safety issue, like any old machine, parts are scarce and have to be individually made so a repair can take a long time, however with the vehicles being (if im not mistaken) under RAF control, the repairs would have to go through the same process that any repair does, which I imagine is a nightmare of redtape.
A fault in the Merlin engine, apparently. The only one in the BBF to escape is the Dakota, which doesn’t use Merlins.
It was on R4 6 o’clock news. I’m in the oil game and know a bit about engines and to ground a fleet of trucks and such like because a design fault is one thing but all of these different types of plane? Seems very odd to me. Am I being suspicious or paranoid?
Since Merlins have been in use since the 1930s it’s a bit bloody late to find a “design fault” in them.
Still, we are now a country where it takes longer to repair Big Ben than it took the Victorians to build it in the first place, so anything is possible.
“Since Merlins have been in use since the 1930s it’s a bit bloody late to find a “design fault” in them.”
That was my reaction. Why now? Some clown used the wrong lubricant?
It’s actually quite normal in aviation and other critical applications for individual faults to ground an entire fleet or class of equipment. It’s not a question of a design fault but of wear. If something breaks after X hours of operation, it’s wise to check the rest of them. It’s very understandable that the RAF would play safe with such a priceless treasure.
My guess would be that what we have here is the BBC failing to give information which they deem unimportant, preferring to reserve endless detail for their fictions about Trump, Islam, ‘Tory Coots’, transgenderism and the rest.
They haven’t even the slightest clue what ‘real people’ are interested in.
…..Some clown used the wrong lubricant?…..
Diesel is now the ‘toxic’ fuel, so perhaps elf’n’safety have stepped in !!
Brissles, Castor oil based lube I think in a Spit engine, if my memory serves me well.
Think I may have got that from a WE Johns ‘Biggles’ book or other books about the Battle of Britain and its combatants.
How politically incorrect of me.
Beg y’pardon, all.
OTOH, it could have been from the evidence provided by my nose at a display. 🙂 Burnt, carried on a soft, warm breeze, it is a lovely perfume!
An oil-related story about Merlins: My father spent some time in WWII running up new Merlins in Canada before they were shipped to the UK. They had a batch that died within minutes of being started and it turned out that this was because of a lubrication problem, namely that the feed and return oil pipes had been swapped. How could this be when the pipe ends were of different sizes precisely to prevent that ever happening? While the adapters that connected the pipes to the engine block were different for feed and return the threads that screwed into the engine block were the same size, which allowed the adapters to be put in the wrong holes! A silly design error by Rolls-Royce.
Perhaps R-R needn’t feel too bad though as many years later a welder working in a naval dockyard found that he couldn’t connect his welding set to the fixed gas pipes in the chamber that he was supposed to work in. Being a handy lad he went to the workshop and made up an adapter. Armed with this he lit up his set and unfortunately was killed in the explosion that ‘the wrong threads’ had been designed to prevent.
Clare here is what the Nazi DM reports: (Well so the left refer to it)
Yesterday an issue was found with ‘a pin’ in the Hawker Hurricane’s Rolls Royce Merlin engine. A Ministry of Defence spokesman told MailOnline a problem with a pin found in the Hurricane’s engine has resulted in the flights being stopped. He said: ‘A routine inspection has highlighted a fault with one of the Merlin engines in a Hurricane aircraft.
and here is a little incident which transpired across the water in France in June:
Don’t think they are related, but you never know.
Well I can understand the desire not to lose any of these precious aircraft.
Why not just tell us?
Not an easy question to answer with the BBC, but my guess would be that whoever prepared the story was someone to whom the name ‘Merlin’ meant very little, in any context, and who decided it wasn’t a very important story and that few would be interested in the details.
I can think of several types of person who might fit that bill, all of them increasingly prominent at the BBC.
Different engine, Griffon not Merlin.
Good job they didn’t find any ‘faults’ in 1940.
Just the sort of clean living type that should should be appearing on a family TV show… but not on the BBC, for whom he is the go to talking head, right on religious type.
“There was a dark glamour to being HIV positive’: Strictly Come Dancing signing Rev Richard Coles LIED about having the virus for five years, and battled drug addiction in his past”
Many a truth spoken in jest? There are a lot of unsavoury details in this report of which no one should be proud of. Pause For Thought, the BBC love him…
Most BBC clergy seem to be women (preferably lesbians) and gay men. So far, so typical BBC. But here’s a thing: I can’t recall seeing a black clergyman on the BBC. Has there ever been one? It seems odd that there isn’t, seeing as many churches now, particularly in London, are Afro-Caribbean, and the BBC likes to get as many dark faces as it can on our screens. Could it be something to do with their propensity to be rather socially conservative, as opposed to advocating the benefits of sex with strangers in lay-bys like Rev Richard Coles?
You hit the nail on the head. The problem with Beeboids is that they hate christians but they love blacks. So how can they reconcile that with blacks approach to christianity ? It is too confusing for the tiny mind of a Beeboid.
York, very occasionally.
They should ask Bercow’s protege the the Revd Rose Huntington-something. She would fit the BBC’s requirements exactly.
“There was a dark glamour to being HIV positive’
I’ve read some weird things, but that takes the biscuit.
Are gays actually mad? It may explain their disastrously unhealthy lifestyles. I suppose if the Rev Coles still wants HIV he is free to pop along to a chemsex party.
If a country gets the “national treasures” it deserves, we are surely doomed, doomed I tell you.
Rob, I think the weirdest ever gay thing I heard of was the practice of ‘pozzing’ – the desire for consensual infection with the HIV virus via gay sex. At first I assumed this was anti-gay propaganda but it seems it does go on. I would say this is form of mental illness akin to self-harming and not something connected with being gay per se, but I can’t think of a heterosexual equivalent.
“Didn’t she do well?” – where have I heard that before………… Sorry, but with all the hype, I’m sure she would have gone to Oxbridge irrespective of A level results.
She’s probably comparing notes with ‘our’ Nadiya as we speak……………
It’s all so false and transparent.
Yeah transparency is a funny thing, ”clear” to us, a symptom of leftism however is acute opaque- ties
Oh, I enjoyed watching Trumps conference from Trump Towers. Before I watched it, I heard on the news people questioning why he’d brought it all back up. No mention that every single question that he received from the baying press when announcing a new infrastructure bill was all about Charlottesville.
How many times did he have to keep saying bad people on both sides and the deliberate mendacity when a journo said ‘sorry are you saying the media have been unfair to white nationalists’ when he clearly hadn’t said that.
However, the Beeb’s reporting of it in todays new piece on the website is staggering in it’s disgustingly blatant bias
“Mr Trump is under fire for his response to Saturday’s clashes between far-right and counter protesters in Charlottesville, Virginia, in which he blamed “both sides” for the violence.” Why are they counter protestors – why can’t the Beeb call them far left?
“The rally, attended by neo-Nazis and white supremacists, was in protest at the removal of a statue of Robert E Lee, a general who fought for the pro-slavery Confederacy during the US Civil War.” So every single person at the rally was a neo-Nazi or a white supremacist? That sounds like a rather blanket approach does it not?
“A memorial was held on Wednesday for Heather Heyer, a 32-year-old woman killed when a suspected far-right sympathiser drove a car into a crowd of counter-protesters.” Again with the ‘counter protesters’ line that intentionally doesn’t have the sting of far left and labelling the driver as a far-right sympathiser (which is obviously an equally heinous position to hold). Did the Beeb ever explain the Westminster & London Bridge attacks as a suspected Muslim or even radical Muslim?
Yes, I understand that YouTube commentators like Paul Joseph Watson or Gavin McInnes might have an element of bias to them but the online Beeb is reading more and more like a bona fide left wing YouTube channel rather than a beacon of impartiality and public service. It really is eating itself up in a spiral of left wing hysteria.
Come on – nothing says ‘peaceful’ protester like a mask and a baseball bat. And it’s not like Antifa or BLM have been violent in the past, is it? BLM only killed five Police officers last year. And we all saw how dignified Antifa were on in Inauguration Day, peacefully setting fire to things.
It is so disgraceful how they twist everything Trump says. The BBC remind me of that poem If:
If you can bear to hear the truth you’ve spoken
Twisted by knaves to make a trap for fools
I bet there were a handful of actual Nazis in the whole group, but as Godfrey Elfwick mocks brilliantly: It is better to punch 300 innocent people and 1 Nazi than to punch no Nazis at all.
I watched it. The Left and MSM really hate Trump, especially as he fights back. That press conference was as if it was in a zoo or The Coloseum. Amazing .
Apologies if this already posted.
Tucker Carlson on 15 August re the leftie statue topplers.
Thanks for that. Tucker superb as usual. This is all very worrying. Freedom of speech and freedom generally are at risk. The New Fascists are on our doorstep.
Its the same in the UK the lefts hatred of Lord Kitchener, Lord Mountbatten and Sir Winston Churchill. I was at university when they announced that SWC would be on the £5 note and the SU went into overdrive, hawking every anti-muslim thing that he ever might have said out, to use it as ammunition, but said when a white student was raped that she should have covered more.
Not sure if anyone caught this on the BBC website the other day.
“The final days of the pop pirates”
A lovely bit of whimsy from the BBC, all pink and fluffy and dressed up with a tinge of sadness about the passing of the pirate pop ships of the 60s (for those of you who remember them). Of course I had to dig further (never trust the BBC to tell the whole truth) and came up with this called “Inside/Out” from their website and archived in 2014.
Sub titled “Pirate Radio” it went on to explain that “It challenged the BBC monopoly” and that “The Labour Government, who had tried so hard to close down the pirates, finally succeeded by passing the Marine Broadcasting Offences Act.”
Ahhh, how sad. But being the BBC they haven’t told you the whole story have they.
Here is an article from the Telegraph in 2009:
“BBC’s secret war with the pirates”
Previously unseen documents from the BBC archives disclose how the corporation was so alarmed at the rise of the stations that it launched a secret “dirty tricks” campaign to have them shut down.
The files show the extraordinary lengths to which the corporation went to undermine their new rivals, which operated without restriction from ships or wartime forts outside British territorial waters.
However, the official papers suggest that the on-screen events (reference to British comedy film, The Boat That Rocked) are not far removed from reality. They disclose how the BBC routinely taped Radio Caroline’s output, in the hope that its DJs would say something derogatory about Harold Wilson, the Prime Minister, which they could pass on to Downing Street.
Nonetheless, a report of Caroline’s coverage of Winston Churchill’s funeral in 1965 concluded: “They proceeded to play music of such a funereal character that it made our own solemn music sound like a wedding march”.
The BBC believed that the pirates were part of attempts to break up its monopoly via the backdoor. Its dirty tricks campaign was prompted by the reluctance of politicians to take action against the stations, for fear of alienating young voters. The BBC conducted extensive research into Radio Caroline, which had ships off Felixstowe, Suffolk, and the Isle of Man, including finding out how many of its listeners were under 21 – the voting age, at the time – so it could prove to MPs that a ban on the pirates would not damage their election prospects.
However, the corporation decided not to release its research because “the potential disadvantages to the BBC outweighed the potential advantage… some aspects of the report could be interpreted in such a way as to be favourable publicity for Caroline”.
Pleas take time to look at the Telegraph link. It reveals the duplicitous, conniving, lying nature of the BBC even back in the mid 60’s. Now who’d have thought that. It’s been in their DNA from day one. It wasn’t the Labour Government trying sooo hard. It was the BBC.
Excellent post, TPO!
Just to add another twist, the an responsible for banning the pirates was the darling of the Left ever since, Anthony Wedgewood Benn! So much for the way ‘musicians’ like Billy Bragg & his ilk idolise the old Stalinist.
Thanks GC.
I pop in each day although I post infrequently as obviously where I live now I’m not exposed to BBC TV or radio (thank goodness) and only go to their website to check out how they’re reporting, or more often is the case, not reporting events. By chance I came across their dishonest fluff piece on the pirates. Very much up there with ‘butter wouldn’t melt’.
Forgot to add about Benn, always banging on about “I fought the Nazis in the last war you know”, forever implying that he was a war hero and ‘one of the few’, so he knew all about war and ‘how dreadful it was’. Always presuming to lecture one and all about it, including John Bolton.
Suddenly he went quiet about it. For anyone else the BBC would have been straight on it, but not Benn. All hushed up. You see the fraudster and liar had not been truthful. Because of his aristocratic connections strings were pulled. Yes he was a Spitfire pilot but his entire war service was spent flying in the skies over Rhodesia and South Africa. The only Focker he met there was himself.
Ian Smith, the future Rhodesian Prime Minister on the other hand was in the thick of it as a Spit and Hurricane pilot. His service is chronicled here and well worth a look.
Crashed and badly injured he refused to go home and continued fighting. Shot down behind enemy lines he organised sabotage raids against the Germans before trekking across the Alps to link up with advancing Americans. Still refused to go home and continued flying against the Germans right up to the end of the war. Chalk and cheese as they say.
Not related to the Beeb but you have to hand it to Kathryn Bigelow and MGM.
At a time when there is bubbling tensions, civil unrest, agenda driven media and race/identity politics what a great time to drop a film that glorifies the nobility and struggle of humble citizens rising up in Detroit in 1967 to express their rage.
Never mind that the main evil white cop is largely fictional, never mind that the sleazy white lawyer is largely fictional. No, let’s celebrate the somehow acceptable explosion of rage that led to 2,509 businesses being burnt or looted. Nice one guys, really clever.
The Detroit riots in 1967 started the cycle of destruction which almost led to the complete failure of a once great city. Even today, Detroit is a shadow of what it once was. Its great days are behind it, and will never return.
The leftists see this as a blueprint for the future of the USA.
And nothing which comes out of Hollywood is true. Ever.
I guess that’s why they want to remake dambusters with an all american cast and using american planes. They will probs all be black americans. Which in 1940s would not have happened in the USA.
Channel 4 had her on last night promoting this movie talking to Matt Frei. I just knew it was coming, the trump question with a smirk on freis face and that let bigelow do her anti trump piece which she is using to promote this movie. No mention at all of the great messiah Barry O bollocky who threw the molotov cocktail when he took sides in the trayvon martin case. 5 years later with the rise of BLM and their protection by the white house with many people dead including cops, that molotov cocktail is still burning but our poisonous media and the ones in the US seem to be disappearing 2009-2016 down the memory hole just like 1997-2010 here, and blameing trump for it all.
Just watching the bBBC coverage of A level results.
Is it just me or has anyone else concluded that white anglo saxon students no longer take these exams?
It may, just for once, be a case of the BBC accurately reflecting the make-up of some schools. One near me when I loved in London appeared not to have a single white pupil.
I’ve no doubt the BBC thinks this is ‘a Good Thing’.
Thank you all for the many excellent posts, which have given me some inspiration:
President Trump has just read about spineless PM May criticising him for his “failure” to condemn just one particular side instead of both. He stands up, opens his cupboard, rummages around, and locates a spare spine. He has it wrapped up and instructs a staff to have it despatched to 10 Downing Street pronto.
He then gives PM May a call: “Howdy, Madam Muddled May, my spare spine is on the way — well, you sounded like you need one — what’s that, you’re now asking something about the BBC? — whaddya mean, where is it, you said I could take care of it, didntcha? [She didn’t]. I’ve got it under my thumb [THUMP]. OK, OK, you can have back your Blubbin’ Baby Company”…
Is Treezer the most stupid PM this country has ever had ? I think she makes John Major seem like an intellectual. Why is she alienating our, historically, greatest ally ?
Grant, the main impression I have of Mrs May is somebody promoted above her ability level who is trying very hard to fake it. She seems to have got in, like Admiral Doenitz, because nobody else wanted the job. By rights Boris Johnson should have become PM when Cameron resigned, there would be a sensible efficient Brexit and the Special Relationship would be in safe hands; the fact that he refused to stand shows some very funny things are going on behind the scenes.
Compared to Mrs.May, Admiral Doenitz kept his U-Boats on a straighter course.
Not sure about Boris, but anything would be better than Treezer.
Cranmer, I don’t think Boris is up to being Foreign Secretary, let alone Prime Minister. He was something of a lacklustre Mayor and did not deliver on some key promises. He let TfL get away with fleecing folk and certainly did not control travel costs as he should.
He has distinctly under-performed as Foreign Secretary in a job and at a time he could have really made a name for himself and done some good, both in Europe and around the world. He is a real character and on all but the worst days an affable figure that should be ideal – a potential star – as Foreign Secretary.
I also do not think he has the support in the Parliamentary Party. They know just what he is like from the Editors that Boris worked for in the past!
Am wondering if he has become bored with the whole politics thing now that it seems he has blown a chance at what is called the top job.
Boris was a pretty good journalist but did not have any other jobs so far as I am aware. But most politicians are the same. What shines trough is their low quality, with a few exceptions, The Mogginator being one.
“shines trough”
Did you lose an H or were you just explaining where all the MP snouts are?
(Cough)(Cough)Saudi Arabia(Cough)(Cough)George Soros(Cough)(Cough)Qatar(Cough)(Cough)No children, no interest in the future(Cough)(Cough)
Well said. Do you think Macron is calling Trump to criticise him?
BBC Website ” Van hits crowds in Barcelona “. It is these bloody vans now !
The new word to describe this on Sky is “crash”……. we are waiting for information on this “crash”. Why do these people treat us like foods. “Crash” outside a Kosher restaurant.
it is wrong to blame all vans for the actions of a few
Let’s see if we can predict what comes next:
“The BBC has learned, from sources who do not wish to be identified, that the attack in Barcelona may have been inspired by the events in Charlottesville”
You read it first here.
A Nazi cruise had docked there?
On a serious note, hope it doesn’t get worse, as it’s reported that armed men have entered a restaurant. Presume they aren’t police/security
@TRobinsonNewEra has put up a graphic video of Barcelona (about 40 mins ago)
He says on the feed
“No I won’t remove this,everyone must see the result of pandering to these barbarians.Liberals watch this f***ing video their Bloods on you”
He was just speaking on The Jon Gaunt Show.
Consequence of the UK lying to itself, by saying unchecked Islamic immigration makes no difference to terrorist attacks
…. More terrorist attacks
Consequence of thatvUK cities get downgraded compared to “unenriched” countries.
That article is racist!
Interesting about Canada. Lived in Vancouver as a student in my twenties, a couple of decades ago. Great city and a truly multicultural place. There was little trouble and it was very safe, but not perfect. Interesting how theyve managed to avoid the terrorism stuff. Their immigration policy has been very strict and enforced (until recently?), so those immigrants who did get in had been through a strict vetting procedure. It’ll be interesting to see if that changes.
I find Europe pretty boring anyway. But, if I were going on holiday, I would choose Poland, Hungary, East European countries generally. They all have something in common.
Terrorism pushes UK cities down global ranks.
Enough is enough.
Expect another condemnation of the far right from pathetic Treezer
The new word to describe this on Sky is “crash”……. we are waiting for information on this “crash”. Why do these people treat us like fools. “Crash” outside a Kosher restaurant.
Maybe it drove out of the Med and straight up the Ramblas. Anyway, I’ve set my stopwatch to time how long before we find out (anything?):
How many deaths/injuries
The drivers nationality
The drivers real nationality
The drivers religion
The drivers state of mental health
Whether terrorism is suspected (now a ridiculous term, they must laught when they put that one out)
seems to be a lot of vehicles hitting crowds lately. Or they are just getting reported more.
Looks as though gunmen “stormed ” a bar also. Those men again .
” Ok Diversity Department , this is one for us!!” I want witnesses , get me ANYONE with
a middle eastern name to describe what happened.I want somebody else to tell everybody
that it’s got nothing to do with Islam. Whoever did it has got to be mental, is that understood.”
Get to work on this team, Seamus, Faisal , Bernadette and Aamer you are to lead this news
on the incident in Barcelona. If you need any help the team from the Londonistan Programme
will give you any help you need.”
Looks like the Beeb is trying to keep the body count down. Beeb website “at least one person died” Reuters “Spanish media reported at least 13 people were killed”
Beeb behind the curve as ever, drip, drip the truth will out Beeb or no Beeb