Via @ Tomo
Harrabin has a “fracking not viable” outing on the web site along no doubt with some related pieces on radio and TV. Unusually comments are open…
One has to wonder why Prof.Underhill has waited this long to cast a stone … that said – as the prof must be well aware given his pedigree you can do all the remote sensing and desk studies you like – but the proof of “ground truth” is actually what counts. The prof seems to have chosen academic politics over science – maybe there’s a clue in that.
The funding for exploration drilling will come from Ineos, Cuadrilla, IGas etcetera – it’s very considerate of Prof Underhill to be so protective of investors and shareholders like this – but really… *why* is he doing this now?
Given the present depressed state of the oil business my suspicions are that any novel, low cost production is viewed as a threat by the major players – particularly when it’s in the backyard of a major energy customer.
The ghastly, creepy Harrabin also habitually copies ‘n pastes all the usual anti-fracking BS / slime.
Worth watching – Dellers podcoast with James Lovelock – great chat, during which he explains why fracked energy results in States in the USA paying a tenth of what we do, and also the utter stupidity of felling trees, to ship woodchips to the Former UK to drive Drax.
Jim lovelock has always talked sense and been a realist . That s why you don’t see him on al beeb much. They’d rather stick to their in house non scientists to talk with false authority and effectively encourage fuel poverty.
There’s a wonderful painting of Lovelock in the National Portrait Gallery. He does indeed talk sense as a proper thinking environmentalist rather than a ‘mentalist’-enviro. Somewhat similar with Bjorn Lomborg, another who the BBC appear reluctant to engage with these days.
Good stewardship and adaption rather than the alternative ‘tax and restrict’ but effectively do very little, so beloved of our politicians and Civil Servants. Not a message the BBC like. They enjoy seeing many millions reduced in economic circumstances while they continue to fly and drive unencumbered, often at the taxpayers’ expense anyway.
I hope James Lovelock gets his ton. Only another 23 months to go.
Harra will be getting ready to cutnpaste this DRAX PR stuff
Times pg 14 quoting Imperial commissioned by Drax
“Electric cars are twice as green as 5 years ago”
Figs they quote do NOT include CO2 from construction phase
Ha whilst Drax/GranthanInstitute tricky PR guys fedout that flaky report
BioFuelwatch /CientEarth tricky PR guys were feeding BBC Look North another story
..”Drax now putting out twice as much particulate pollution as before ”
Enviro correspondent @BBCPaulMurphy, went on for 5 minutes
explaining “according to a new report by Biofuel watch Drax particulate emissions are 135% that of when only burning coal”
See the contadiction between them
#1 Drax flaky claim that Drax powered EVs are twice as green *
is matched by
#2 Biofuelwatch claim same Drax powered EVs cause twice as high particulates
* (they mean that cos UK has more renewables the car spends less time being powered by coal or gas power station
..only thing is that people charge their cars at night, when solar power zero)
BBC Website. Test match commentary. Ebony Rainford-Brent is commenting. “Ex- England batter “. Female and black. Cook and Root are batting . Ebony’s comment to W.Indies ” You need to get rid of these two “. Genius. But, she is right. The aim of the fielding side is to get the batsmen out. Seems she has no advice as to how to do it.
PS. Lots of politically incorrect jokes from some about the ” pink ball “. Meanwhile , Ebony’s advice to Royston Chase ” I like his pace, but he doesn’t give it as many revs as you would like to see “. That seems a contradiction. What does it mean anyway ? The BBC , form over substance always .
Barcelona incident outside of a Kosher restaurant so perps probably them neo-Nazis. Waiting for BBC to include Charlottesville in list of vehicle as weapon incidents.
Reference Barcelona, I am confidently expecting Corbyn to ‘condemn ALL errant van drivers’.
Though personally I think it is ‘because of Brexit’.
I wonder what tortured logic the biased BBC will use this time, to avoid mentioning the actual nature of the protagonists.
We all get a bit sick when this terrorism happens don’t we? We on this site know the line al beeb will use . Don’t admit the cause , find another event to deflect . Find a reason to blame the police and then brexit . Have a go at someone for making a comment about evil Islam on the internet .
When the terrorist(s ) get caught it will be 5 guys named ‘mo’
Mohamed, if you please.
If a jumped-up runner insists on it we had better use the same formality with the Terrorists.
Still be “nothing to do with Islam” from AlBeeb.
Sorry being a bit too dry with the “mo” reference particularly since someone is now an athlete formerly known as “mo”.
Shouldn’t say it but I’m waiting for albeeb to have a Muslim ‘security correspondent ‘ like those limp lettuces – Gardner and Carrera . Their media and religious ones are from the evil Islam and they’ve got a Mohammed doing the footy so why not the set??
Are people not getting sick of this bullshit now? The pretence that this is a “perversion” of Islam when it’s clear that Islam is the perversion behind the motivation for all of these disgusting cowardly atrocities!
Sopel on R4 news. Jesus he really has got the bit between his teeth. Listening tonight you’d think Trump was not just a member of the KKK, he formed the organisation. I also love the way Caroline Quin inserts inflections in her voice to emphasise agreement or not. The use of the pause she has off to an art form just to sublimely get the listener onside.
Not the BBC.
A few minutes ago a dim witted liberal posted on the Times web site that it was a pity that community spirit in Barcelona was attacked by a sadist. I replied that he was naive and gullible and that the attackers weren’t sadists but Muslim fundamentalists determined to convert the West to Islam by whatever means was at hand. My comment was deleted within 60 seconds. I had not abused the poster nor anyone else. I had merely stated what is clearly the intention of these terrorists. Even so the Times must have a policy of refusing to acknowledge that Sections of Islam are at war with the West. Free speech is definitely dead in our country. Until these fools wake up and see what is happening around them we are just sliding down the road of Islamification.
Sadiq Muzzie Scum.
He wears a sheet indoors, and reads the kiddy book which causes the adults among us to break out in peals of laughter.
He then trips over his sheet whilst stamping his infantile foot in a Rumpelstiltskin-like display of puerile petulance.
It would make a good pantomime “Sadiq and the (US) billion and a bit thieves, whose Golden Age was invented by Wikipedia, whose wealth is due to White Males whose science disproves the AllahBollox”
Reference Barcelona.
Will all the hand-holders and candle-lighters be asking for their money back?
As an anti-terrorist tactic, it doesn’t seem to be going too well………
Now if only they had campaigned for improved Spanish light commercial vehicle driver training……..
If there are 5 Islamic terrorists I’ll wager they all have mental health issues and should have been stopped by the security services . It wasn’t an Islamic terrorist attack it was a security failure and lessons will yawn be learnt then forgotten
Can anybody please explain what the bBC news service is for. I’ve posted the name of the person, and that he has been arrested. (Yes I know of the so called 13 deaths, but, I’ll wait out on that one) Yet at the bBC its still reporting in a so called fog of war. I for no money have reported what is happening. Spain: Van driven into crowd in Barcelona, 1 reported killed, 32 injured
Now compare that with the car incident the other day in Charlotteville. We were informed by the bBC within minutes that the far right carried it out.
Now if the Daily Star can report that this guy has been arrested, why can’t the much larger funded bBC?
How long will it be before we have to remove statues of Churchill for murdering Germans. Oh and don’t forget Brunel for being part of the industrial revolution which has f****d up the planet.
I seem to recall that the great engineer’s trade mark cigar has already been removed from his statue at the front of Brunel University, in Uxbridge. That occurred some years ago. As you say, it won’t be too long before the entire statue is disappeared…
If you really want to know what has happened in Barcelona, blow out the BBC. It looks like to
me that the diversity and positive discrimination department are running the Barcelona
“incident.” I24 the Israeli on line TV channel is reporting the name of the middle eastern
gentleman who drove the van on to the pavement outside a KOSHER restaurant in Barcelona.
Lets hope for the sake of the BBC that the middle eastern gentleman has mental problems.
Yep – funny quote – not at all like a terrorist attack where 14 people were killed by the front bumper of a van driven by a man shouting ‘Alluah Akhbar’ !
No doubt we will now have to endure hours of BBC and Ch4 hand-wringing over Barcelona, endless analysis of what the PM of Spain did, or, more importantly, did not say, angst and fury from BBC correspondents accusing him of being a liar and all the rest of the amateur circus they call BBC News.
The BBC are developing a multipurpose teddy bear available to all LF payers . The teddy , which is environmentally friendly, can be used to show solidarity with whichever city, town, village is attacked by Jidadists , but , and here is a mark of its versatility, it can also be used to show solidarity with Muslims whose religion is being traduced by the terrorists. In addition it can be used to show furious disapproval of any people who dare to show any form of dissent from the liberal left consensus that multiculturalism and mass migration is an unalloyed good thing.
Treezer says Britain is standing by Spain.
Looks very promising for any Spanish speaking UK cops who can scrutinise Twitter for Spanish Islamophobic comments as part of her clampdown on the backlash from the far right.
How many times did we hear ‘Far Right’ and ‘white nationalist’ over the last week? I have been listening to Five Live for two hours and nobody has mentioned what ideology could possibly be behind this attack.
There must be money in this. Surely the Beeb could have someone on Dragons’ Den with a terror-related business idea. Industry may have declined here but this is one real boom industry. Fantasy Terror League where players pick nationalities and locations, with 10 points for a kill and 2 for an injury? Or someone who has bought loads of candles engraved with hashtags and names of European cities.
8pm news: “Nobody has mentioned a possible motive yet.” Ha ha ha. Those damn Buddhists again forcing peace and acceptance on everyone.
It’s almost like a sick bullshit bingo where albeeb report panic but don’t report facts and don’t use the term
“Islam terrorism”
Criticise president Trump for commenting too quickly
Criticise the police for not identifying the victims quickly enough
Criticise the daily mail for something
As I write this a plane load of Al beeb greats like Huw , dimbly or myrie and a Muslim are on their way tax paid first class to Barca for a few days in the sum .
Jaundiced ? Me?
Another nothing-to-do-with-islam van kills 13 and injures many more.
No mention of islam and muslims, natch.
Notice how the beebistan end the article with a rundown of other ‘Deadly vehicle attacks’, with Charlottesville top of the list, thereby muddying the waters of the real issue in true beebistan fashion: “See? It’s not just muzzies, them nasty white supremacists are at it too.”
“Deadly vehicle attacks
Charlottesville, Virginia, 12 August 2017: James Fields charged with murder after allegedly driving into protesters
Paris, 9 August 2017: A man rammed a BMW into a group of soldiers, injuring six.
London, 3 June 2017: Eight people died when three jihadists drove a van into pedestrians on London Bridge and then stabbed passers-by. A man was killed later in June in a van attack on Muslims in Finsbury Park.
London, 22 March 2017: Four people died when a car rammed into pedestrians on Westminster Bridge, and the driver then stabbed to death a policeman
Stockholm, Sweden, 7 April 2017: Uzbek Rakhmat Akilov killed four people when he drove a lorry into a department store.
Berlin, Germany, 19 December 2016: Tunisian Anis Amri ploughed a truck into a Christmas market at Breitscheidplatz, killing 12 people
Nice, France, 14 July 2016: Tunisian Mohamed Lahouaiej-Bouhlel drove a truck into crowds on the Promenade des Anglais, killing 86 people on Bastille Day
France, December 2014: A van was driven into a Christmas market in Nantes and a car rammed pedestrians in Dijon, leaving more than 20 wounded…”
Now on R4 Briefing Room with
Having a go at America’s “Far Right” AGAIN
“” What do the events in Charlottesville, Virginia, tell us about the far-right in America? “”
David Aaronovitch predictably always tries to make his prog about something anti-Trump or Anti-Right
BBC News at 6:00 a whole 5 minutes coverage on the Barcelona “Crash”. They just hate it when any Islamist terror attack occurs and will do anything to take it out the headlines. Took them ages to actually call it a terror attack even when Spanish police had quickly identified it as one. One BBC brain dead commentator still couldn’t understand how quickly Spanish police had jumped to that conclusion. Probably paid mega bucks too!
I remember disagreeing with a friend on this site about whether the victims of these Islamic terrorist attacks should be shown to us – the public .
I thought they shouldn’t be shown . But I think – now – that is was wrong . People do need to see because they do need to be shocked and revolted .
Al beeb will never do it so another news source must . It’s the way public attitude to this might get a follow up on empty words like ” enough is enough ” remember that wasted air?
I have seen the graphic video posted on an American site and it is horrific .Horrible to watch ,but on the other hand ,the powers that be are trying to sanitise and smooth over these attacks as though they are just blips.
Seeing the full carnage makes me very angry indeed ,and people need to be shaken out of their stupor.
Exactly right .
There will be survivor stories in the days to come as well as the failure of the security services to stop the attack by an evil white van
Candles lit at the scene , cards and flowers , visits by vips . Money raising through the internet and another pop concert .
Remember the wall to wall coverage of a dead young boy on a beach in Europe (Greece)? That helped to get people out on the streets in support of mass immigration and open borders. The BBC has been at the forefront of radicalising parts of the British public to adopt their open borders policy, using images of dead children. When you are shown an image of a dead child – there is no longer any argument. It is pure emotion and rhetoric. Even politicians had to be seen to be responding. Hence they were forced to accept more “refugees”.
That is why it is absolutely essential that Europeans get to see the blood and gore on the European streets, and that is exactly why the Mainstream media refuse to broadcast it. The carnage of the July 2005 London bombings has essentially been forgotten because all the gruesome images were not broadcast.
I wholeheartedly agree. Terrorism should be seen to be the bloody, awful, tragic loss of life and injury that it is. Not be associated with candles and tattered teddies threaded through railings.
“Well then BBC, do you not think you have been wrong to blame one man for what he says about the actions of others or to blame people across a country for the actions of a few in one place?”
BBC ” Er, what ummh, er, who do you have in mind? Ummmm, what does your question relate to?”
“BBC, do you not think you have been wrong to blame one man, President Trump, for what he says about the actions of others or to blame people across a country, white Republicans, conservatives as well as so-called White Supremicists, for the actions of a few in Charlottesville?”
BBC: “Er, er, it is not for us to answer questions like that.”
“BBC, do you not think people will consider you to be total hypocrites now for inviting Jeremy Corbyn to do what you would not allow President Trump to do?”
BBC: “Er, um, no it’s not the same, we are a broadcaster, we are journalists we er …. ”
Patterns only occur when it suits the BBC/liberal left
For example, every UK major town has a Muslim Pakistani rape gang problem but “there is no pattern”. Any person suggesting this loses their job. Infinite numbers of Muslims can drive vans and lorries into people and there will never be a pattern worth debating.
On the other hand, one white male kills Jo Cox and “there is a pattern” of every Brexit voter being a right wing murderering racist bigoted anti Islamic hate filled nutter. Anyone who voted for Trump is also the same.
Also ,one white man drives a van into Muslims and that proves a pattern that all right wingers are murdering scum.
I was just getting desensitised having had no albeeb for 4 days then watched what it said / didn’t say about the Islamic terrorist attack on human beings in Barca .
Being an English person and not having an association with the Civil War I feel a bit constrained .
However the idea that statues should be removed in the same way that there are no statues of Hitler is an insult .
The civil war was not just about slavery .
And the ordinary southerner who fought for their side deserve as much respect as those who fought for the Union .
I’d try to jump forward a generation. Not the 14 years they say is a generation now – but a proper generation – 70 plus years .
Imagine what they ll think of the predominant thought processes of the early 21st century .
Tearing down statues , abusing a democratically elected American President on a daily basis and failing to identify the type of terrorism the west faces when it happens .
I wonder how long before the do-gooders will demand Winston Churchill statutes taken down? The man never went to a Gay Pride march so surely he should be erased from history.
Meanwhile the bust of Nelson Mandela near Waterloo bridge can stay as he was the perfect gentlemen and peace lover just like our Muslim friends.
Sadiq Khan, the mayor of London which has seen two similar vehicle attacks in recent months, tweeted his thoughts were “with the victims of this barbaric terrorist attack in the great city of Barcelona”. “London stands with Barcelona against the evil of terrorism,” he added.
What? No uproar about him not specifically naming the ideology of the perps? I suppose that only matters if those you are denouncing are white and on the right…
The leader of the Welch national party has declared the Barca Islamic terrorist attack on innocent people as an attack by the ” extreme right ” because that’s what ISIS is ‘.
I mean – she must be either pissed or mentally ill to come out with that . It was her own tweet by the way .
Sweet Jesus. How detached from reality must you be after seeing Westminster Bridge, London Bridge, the Christmas fair in Germany that when you see a pic and hear of a transit van mowing down pedestrians have your first thought be ‘Is this more far right terrorism?’
I used to think that these fools were just blinded by their own foolish ideology but I have to concede that they clearly must be dribbling imbeciles.
EE I agree, on other channels, and much earlier it was reported that 13 people had died, yet the Beeb were only reporting 1 dead. Don’t they watch each other’s news output ?????
I’ve a white van…….and I’m not risking it anymore ….. I will be handing it in tomorrow at my local police station before it decides to go off and do something nasty. I’ve locked it in my garage and put wheel locks on it, just in case it tries anything during the night.
That is a bit severe. Have you thought of training it? You have to be firm, use a whip occasionally and be prepared to stone it if it misbehaves. Amputation of a door or window can increase obedience. My van is even more faithful to me than my 8 year old wife.
A van can only commit murder if the driver’s seat is occupied by a certain type of person.
If the driver’s seat has a white man/Brexit voter/UKIP voter etc then the van is incapable of having ability to drive itself and to do evil crimes. The driver is 100% to blame.
On the other hand if the driver’s seat has a Muslim in it (not that it’s even worth mentioning who is in it because it is totally irrelevant) then the van has a life of it’s own.
Following BBC logic , all white vans should be repainted or taken off the roads. Problem solved. Muslims, especially late night taxi drivers in Britain, can then go about their business without suspicion.
EE – careful! If you point out in public that all the vehicles that commit these atrocities have the common factor of an internal combustion engine then you might have to resign from something or other because of your obvious bias against internal combustion engines. Surely all vehicles irrespective of propulsion are equally likely to commit these dreadful acts. In fact, alt-right children’s push-along scooters have frightened at least two pedestrians in the past 10 years alone and must be considered as evil as internal combustion engine vehicles.
As an aside from the mass killing of innocent people in Barca by Islamic terrorist the BBC is proud to announce that it is going to produce an all woman panel show – which I suppose will be Daily .
Surely we should have had this years ago ?
I don’t know when it starts and there will be prizes for forecasting the make up of the panel …
A dyke , a feminist , a feminist dyke and a dyke feminist . A black an Asian a whitee and a refugee of some kind Call me a mysoginist if you want .
To go along with all the other women-only programs that they are proudly ramming down our throats. Strictly Come Dancing (two female presenters doing ballroom dancing together?? plus where did that new female “head” judge come from?), News 24 all day long, every sports programme, Dr Who ( oh sorry Dr Who will have a male gimp assistant for the new Femdom star of the show to be contrasted with all the feisty female assistants over the past few years).
Can anyone give one example of a BBC programme specifically reserved for a man and where men are portrayed in a positive light? I am struggling on this one.
That reminds me of a Fox political programme that I lighted upon recently called Outnumbered, where the studio panel is comprised of five (?) women and one man. I didn’t watch the whole thing because that formula just didn’t seem to work. Too artificial. Perhaps you need to be ♀ to appreciate it?
In light of previous comments on another issue, wondering if anyone has heard anything from Bush & Bush. Thought not. Keeping their heads down on this one. Feeling slightly responsible. Thought not. What about Tony. Thought not. After today’s events you’d think Trump would get a rest from our MSM. No chance. BBC & I TV could hardly contain themselves in their delight to get back on it.They really do make me feel ill at times.
All this politically correct crap avoiding the M-word. I see it as a challenge to get the word in whenever possible – just not in print because I will have to resign from something if I get caught out. We were sitting in a crowded cafe the other day talking about which Christmas Market to visit in Europe. My wife said she thought there might be one in Cologne and I agreed in a casual manner saying something along the lines of “Yes there must be something there because that was where the M*****S gang-raped all those women a year or so ago.” I am just waiting for some libtard latte sipper to complain…….oh boy!
Meanwhile on BBC1 now “Don’t deport me I’m British-the stories of 3 men who arrived in Britain as children but now face deportation….contains upsetting scenes.”
Followed by “Queer Britain-porn idols: Riyadh Khalaf explores the world of queer porn”
How many more people do Muslims need to murder, maim and rape in the West before (FINALLY) a government arises, even in just one country, which is going to do what we all know needs to be done?
They don’t belong in our societies and demonstrate by their activities and behaviour, on practically a daily basis, that they never shall. They belong in Dar al-Islam not Dar al-Harb.
The people of the West have been brainwashed by the liberal left into fearing being labelled racist to such an extent that they simply dare not do anything more than emote and show solidarity with whichever city is the scene of the latest Muslim attack. They are like rabbits in the headlights. No matter how many die in these attacks, no matter how many children get raped, no matter how their lives are changed to accommodate Islam, they are too scared of being labelled racist to protest. The liberal left elite have control, they decide the agenda and ,for reasons well beyond my understanding , they seem to want to tolerate the barbarism of Islam. Even a moron can see where this toleration will lead to in time but to say so is to be racist.
Watching Sky news at the moment,, “The lights on the Eiffel Tower are about to be turned off as a tribute to those that lost their lives…”
Do you ever get the feeling you’re watching a nightmare version of Groundhog Day?
Now, let me see what else can we do to stop these outrages and really put the fear of God into these raghead psychopaths? Hmmm, let me see…
Oh yes, a candlelight vigil, a few politicians waffling about “unity” a mountain of rotting flowers, sobbing teenagers, teddy bears, toys and plastic hearts. And don’t forget to get the Spanish flag on your Facebook page.
Oh and if you hear any of those dangerous, narrow minded bigots mentioning border controls immediately scream “racist” at them.
You forget a visit to a local mosque by the bBC where they interview some Inman who talks about his fears of a backlash by people who don’t understand that Islam is a religion of peace.
The more I hear and see of the msm I am now getting to be sure that the British government – of any hew – has approved the output of al Beeb and the other public broad casters. They will do anything to avoid the British from turning on the growing Muslim population or other ethnic groups.
I can’t explain why the msm wants to separate Blighty from America though – apart from the overarching anti Brexit stance of the political class with their second homes in mainland Europe.
It’s eerie that someone previously posted up the lyrics from the Manic Street Preachers’ “If you tolerate this then your children will be next”. The lyrics to that song include the line “I’ve walked Las Ramblas but not with real intent”.
BBCPaulMurphy’s report does mention the emssions are from the tall chimney
and he did tweet a photo including it
he then tweeted me to tell me that he is unaware of the BBC regulation requiring power station photos to be darkened to help the wind/solar mafia
The usual propaganda spouted by people who have never worked in industry or have no scientific grounding is to use an image of water cooling towers to depict pollution.
They have been doing it for years.
Message to Al Beeb’s researchers……….
when you visit this site. I would suggest that you just google ‘Water Cooling Towers’, because all you see coming out of the flue is pure clean steam!
“A fake British” broadcaster using fake news .
AlBeeb, up to the minute on the Barcelona “incident” “What do we know so far?”
Sound familiar?
They produce their analysis without using the word [Muslim].
Square brackets [] contain my analysis.
The article currently ends with :-
“The Islamic State militant group claimed the perpetrator was one of their “soldiers” in a release sent out via their self-styled news agency, Amaq.
However, they have offered no proof of this”
“self styled” = No credibility whatsoever.
“claimed” We can all make claims.
“militant” = belonging to a long-extinct Labour movement.
“no proof”
Ergo, until ISIS, Hamas, Hezbollah, Boko IQ 55, AlShabbab, etc offer proof, we all have to believe they are innocent. White as the driven snow.
I feel like a monitor in the Grammar School I once attended, scrutinising the work of junior pupils while the teacher
had a fag, in the classroom, really.
BBC 0/10 on every subject, except stupidity and evil.
What a persuasive argument. Well worth the Licence fee.
The delay in the ABeeb reporting bollox, is down to this.
They press the button to run the £50,0000,000:00 “excuses for 1500 years of Muzzie mass murder” software algorithm we pay for. It fails 100%.
The next ten hours is spent in euphuistic efforts to excuse the inexcusable.
I am convinced, it is all our fault, again.
The gall of the Beeb with Barcelona is staggering. For all their venom at Trump for not singling out the white supremacists, I don’t know how they can have the stones to deliberately ignore the ideology of the van driver.
Their silence after their endless crowing that we should specifically single out those to blame couldn’t offer a more crystal example of their pro Muslim, anti West stance. Yes, it’s not surprising but the level of their hypocrisy is staggering.
They are even daring to run a feature on Trump where he talks about killing muslim terrorists with bullets dipped in pig blood that dealt a hammer blow to Islamic terrorists. I don’t care whether the story is true or a myth but why would the BBC be talking about this when they are steadfastly refusing to comment on the ideology of the attackers?
Poor things must be torn. They’ve got another chance to take a pop at Trump but doing so would force their hand in admitting something they don’t want to. Or of course, they just run the story and hope that no one makes the connection because we are all too stupid to notice how ‘clever’ they are.
How many times since the Charlottesville valley have they screamed ‘Far Right’ and ‘White Nationalist’, though in that case there were clearly plenty of ordinary people as well as extremists. This Barcelona case is cut and dried as to the motive but after 12 hours of coverage still no mention of the ‘I’ or ‘M’ word. Al Beeb would have us believe the real threat we face is ‘white nationalism.’
“The heresy of heresies was common sense.”
1984, George Orwell.
Hi Payne by name. I too found it amazing that the BBC feckers would use the blood of victims of yet another Islamic Muslim attack in Europe in order to mount another attack in their campaign against Donald Trump. The BBC have truly mastered the Islamic doctrine of deflection known as Taqiyya.
It is amazing isn’t it? They are so blinded by their hatred of Trump that they can’t even recognise how it’s corrupting virtually every piece of news that they relay to the world.
Oh, this is priceless. Not content with the inane stupidity of Leanne Wood, CNN anchor Wolf Blitzer has said “there will be questions if what happened in Barcelona was at all a copycat version of what happened in Charlottesville”.
This guy is meant to be an anchor, yet his world news knowledge is so limited that he thinks this is the first type of vehicle manslaughter attack.
Has he really not heard of the Nice van attack, the Berlin lorry attack, the Westminster Bridge attack or the London Bridge attack.
His stupidity, or deliberate ignorance, is staggering.
This is sheer comedy. Next they will be saying that muslim terrorists learned their trade from white supremicists . Unbelievable. ISIS and the others must be laughing their heads off in the knowledge that they are winning and the Western Establishment is surrendering.
It is comedy. Such a shame that a decent sharp comedian isn’t ‘allowed’ to use this material to poke fun at the left. If they tried, they’d never work again on the Beeb.
The beebistan website have changed their story from the earlier moronic and mendacious:
“Deadly vehicle attacks
Charlottesville, Virginia, 12 August 2017:
Paris, 9 August 2017:
London, 3 June 2017″ etc…
To the equally misleading:
“Europe’s deadly vehicle attacks:
Paris, 9 August 2017: A man rammed a BMW into a group of soldiers, injuring six.
London, 19 June 2017: A man is killed in a van attack on Muslims outside a mosque in Finsbury Park.” etc
Notice that in both ‘articles’ they posit that the important common denominator are ‘vehicles’, which allows them to slip in a ‘far-right’ and an ‘anti-muslim’ killing. In other words they are filing this under the category of ‘deadly vehicle attacks’, not ‘muslim terror attacks’, thereby diverting attention from islamic terrorism, blurring the real issue and allowing them to point the finger at ONE far-right attack and ONE anti-muslim attack.
In the context and aftermath of Barcelona, it’s as meaningless as listing killings by, say, men wearing green checked shirts: That’s not the point!
Typical beebistan deviousness.
One minute into Toady and they preview an interview with an actor in a show set in Detroit in the 1960s about civil unrest.
ACTOR: It is about Police brutality against the black community.
INTERVIEWER: It could have been set today then.
Some inspiration for anyone who might be fancying a good riot this evening.
Have to have noticed how much SJW stuff focuses on past injustices? There just is not enough injustice to go around these days as so many problems have largely been fixed.
‘Sadiq Khan has failed to build any social housing in London in the past 12 months despite promising to construct thousands of houses every year during his election campaign’.
Surely affordable housing stories are right up the BBC’s alley khan?
Just as predicted BBC London are acting as the Labour Mayor’s PR news filtering outfit – puffing any good news giving the bloke credit where it is not due whilst surpressing the negatives.
“So-called Islamic State has said it was behind the Las Ramblas attack, saying in a brief statement carried by its Amaq news agency that it was carried out by “Islamic State soldiers”. The group gave no further evidence or details to back this claim.”
Hang on a minute..did the bBBC ask for ‘proof’ before concluding that the Charlottesville ‘attack’ was a “white supremist neo nazi?
Further, did they ask for ‘proof’ of POTUS alleged liaisons with bedwetting prostitutes?
Or how about ‘proof’ that there is such a thing as climate change?
Good deflector story of ‘Muslims as victims ‘ from al beeb – mudslide in some African country . Hundreds dead . British Government sends taxpayers money .
They haven’t blamed president Trump or Brexit yet .
R4 6 o’clock news was quite staggering in its schedule.
After the headlines the news and the weather, spoke about Barcelona. This finished at 6:12. Straight into Trump & Statues.
Next was business news and you guessed it, Trumps economics adviser is about to quit so what impact is this going to have on the American economy.
And yes Beeb I copped the item about the film. Jaw dropping in its timing.
P.S. Have they yet made the connection with Charlottesville & Barcelona, the obvious common denominator being Trump. Surprised the backroom boys haven’t come up with this one yet.
‘L-R: Abbie McCarthy, Yasser and Katie Thistleton’
Yasser…? What Yasser Arafat? The Nobel Peace Prize winner… I thought the Israelis bumped him off… or he died of AIDS, or something?
You have to feel a little sorry for Matt Edmonson (a young white bloke) playing second fiddle as far as BBC PR is concerned with his picture inexplicably relegated to 4th slot down the page.
Fedup – I switched on and heard half of that story too. I thought how odd, has there been some sort of right wing bomb attack or something similair?. It was rambling on about Friday prayers and muslim victims – blah blah blah – Seemed totally incoherent. Just an emphasis of lots of muslim dead.
Quite honestly it was about as subtle as a turd in a swimming pool – Important story – yes but definitely not suitable for this morning – unless of course you have some sort of political agenda. Now who could possibly have that?
Regarding my earlier point – I think also that the BBC were looking for some sort of moral equivalency in the “suffering stakes”
I think their thought processes go something like this
Hundreds of followers of the “prophet” die by an act of God in in a mudslide
Whearsas only 13 westerners died “by the will of God – (Inshallah) Obviously that puts Islam well and truly above the westerners in the “suffering stakes”
Posted above but do the BBC know that about 20% of Sierra Leoneans ? If so, I suppose Beeboids consider that they are expendable. Only muslim lives matter.
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andyjsnapeFeb 24, 15:13 Start the Week 24th February 2025 ‘Sheer terror’ as van loaded with fireworks set alight “Police said the man – described as white, in his…
vladFeb 24, 15:10 Start the Week 24th February 2025 [img][/img] Joking aside, there’s a serious point here: when it comes to stupid Micky Mouse jobs like BBC ‘reporter’, DEI…
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Richard PinderFeb 24, 14:36 Start the Week 24th February 2025 Hurtful Words Act 2025: An Act for the more effectual punishing of His Majesty’s Subjects, and bringing the Offenders to…
Via @ Tomo
Harrabin has a “fracking not viable” outing on the web site along no doubt with some related pieces on radio and TV. Unusually comments are open…
One has to wonder why Prof.Underhill has waited this long to cast a stone … that said – as the prof must be well aware given his pedigree you can do all the remote sensing and desk studies you like – but the proof of “ground truth” is actually what counts. The prof seems to have chosen academic politics over science – maybe there’s a clue in that.
The funding for exploration drilling will come from Ineos, Cuadrilla, IGas etcetera – it’s very considerate of Prof Underhill to be so protective of investors and shareholders like this – but really… *why* is he doing this now?
Given the present depressed state of the oil business my suspicions are that any novel, low cost production is viewed as a threat by the major players – particularly when it’s in the backyard of a major energy customer.
The ghastly, creepy Harrabin also habitually copies ‘n pastes all the usual anti-fracking BS / slime.
Worth watching – Dellers podcoast with James Lovelock – great chat, during which he explains why fracked energy results in States in the USA paying a tenth of what we do, and also the utter stupidity of felling trees, to ship woodchips to the Former UK to drive Drax.
Jim lovelock has always talked sense and been a realist . That s why you don’t see him on al beeb much. They’d rather stick to their in house non scientists to talk with false authority and effectively encourage fuel poverty.
There’s a wonderful painting of Lovelock in the National Portrait Gallery. He does indeed talk sense as a proper thinking environmentalist rather than a ‘mentalist’-enviro. Somewhat similar with Bjorn Lomborg, another who the BBC appear reluctant to engage with these days.
Good stewardship and adaption rather than the alternative ‘tax and restrict’ but effectively do very little, so beloved of our politicians and Civil Servants. Not a message the BBC like. They enjoy seeing many millions reduced in economic circumstances while they continue to fly and drive unencumbered, often at the taxpayers’ expense anyway.
I hope James Lovelock gets his ton. Only another 23 months to go.
Debunk of Harra’s “Fracking is not viable story”
Via BackingFracking on Facebook
to see more click the date stamp below
Even donkeys are slags nowadays!
Could make jokes involving the word ass, but it just doesn’t seem right!
Harra will be getting ready to cutnpaste this DRAX PR stuff
Times pg 14 quoting Imperial commissioned by Drax
“Electric cars are twice as green as 5 years ago”
Figs they quote do NOT include CO2 from construction phase
Ha whilst Drax/GranthanInstitute tricky PR guys fedout that flaky report
BioFuelwatch /CientEarth tricky PR guys were feeding BBC Look North another story
..”Drax now putting out twice as much particulate pollution as before ”
Enviro correspondent @BBCPaulMurphy, went on for 5 minutes
explaining “according to a new report by Biofuel watch Drax particulate emissions are 135% that of when only burning coal”
See the contadiction between them
#1 Drax flaky claim that Drax powered EVs are twice as green *
is matched by
#2 Biofuelwatch claim same Drax powered EVs cause twice as high particulates
* (they mean that cos UK has more renewables the car spends less time being powered by coal or gas power station
..only thing is that people charge their cars at night, when solar power zero)
BBC Website. Test match commentary. Ebony Rainford-Brent is commenting. “Ex- England batter “. Female and black. Cook and Root are batting . Ebony’s comment to W.Indies ” You need to get rid of these two “. Genius. But, she is right. The aim of the fielding side is to get the batsmen out. Seems she has no advice as to how to do it.
PS. Lots of politically incorrect jokes from some about the ” pink ball “. Meanwhile , Ebony’s advice to Royston Chase ” I like his pace, but he doesn’t give it as many revs as you would like to see “. That seems a contradiction. What does it mean anyway ? The BBC , form over substance always .
Spin, Grant, spin. The BBC ought to know all about spin, I guess. 😉
LOL !!!
Barcelona incident outside of a Kosher restaurant so perps probably them neo-Nazis. Waiting for BBC to include Charlottesville in list of vehicle as weapon incidents.
Or were they just looking to knock Christopher Columbus off his perch at the bottom of Las Ramblas?
Reference Barcelona, I am confidently expecting Corbyn to ‘condemn ALL errant van drivers’.
Though personally I think it is ‘because of Brexit’.
I wonder what tortured logic the biased BBC will use this time, to avoid mentioning the actual nature of the protagonists.
We all get a bit sick when this terrorism happens don’t we? We on this site know the line al beeb will use . Don’t admit the cause , find another event to deflect . Find a reason to blame the police and then brexit . Have a go at someone for making a comment about evil Islam on the internet .
When the terrorist(s ) get caught it will be 5 guys named ‘mo’
Mohamed, if you please.
If a jumped-up runner insists on it we had better use the same formality with the Terrorists.
Still be “nothing to do with Islam” from AlBeeb.
Sorry being a bit too dry with the “mo” reference particularly since someone is now an athlete formerly known as “mo”.
Shouldn’t say it but I’m waiting for albeeb to have a Muslim ‘security correspondent ‘ like those limp lettuces – Gardner and Carrera . Their media and religious ones are from the evil Islam and they’ve got a Mohammed doing the footy so why not the set??
Are people not getting sick of this bullshit now? The pretence that this is a “perversion” of Islam when it’s clear that Islam is the perversion behind the motivation for all of these disgusting cowardly atrocities!
Sopel on R4 news. Jesus he really has got the bit between his teeth. Listening tonight you’d think Trump was not just a member of the KKK, he formed the organisation. I also love the way Caroline Quin inserts inflections in her voice to emphasise agreement or not. The use of the pause she has off to an art form just to sublimely get the listener onside.
Jon Sopel. Hell hath no fury ……
Sopel, complete and utter prat.
Imagine if Sopel and Kuenssberg had a child. It would sneer from birth.
“he formed the organisation”
That would be Democrats.
Not the BBC.
A few minutes ago a dim witted liberal posted on the Times web site that it was a pity that community spirit in Barcelona was attacked by a sadist. I replied that he was naive and gullible and that the attackers weren’t sadists but Muslim fundamentalists determined to convert the West to Islam by whatever means was at hand. My comment was deleted within 60 seconds. I had not abused the poster nor anyone else. I had merely stated what is clearly the intention of these terrorists. Even so the Times must have a policy of refusing to acknowledge that Sections of Islam are at war with the West. Free speech is definitely dead in our country. Until these fools wake up and see what is happening around them we are just sliding down the road of Islamification.
Barcelona attack: 13 dead, 32 injured
Time: 17.11
One dead 32 injured
BBC Breaking News Time: 18.15.
Guess who’s spreading fake news? BBC are complete and utter scum.
I missed out the word ‘incompetent’ I should have written: BBC are complete and utter incompetent scum.
By 19-30 the BBC had caught up and admitted , I am using the word admitted deliberately, that there were 13 dead.
Spot on, Dt.
I don’t suppose the bBBC will report this…..
“Amaq News agency stated that ISIS was claiming responsibility for the Thursday terror attack in Barcelona, Spain”
Sadiq Khan is under fire for not condemning the Islamist attack in Barcelona fast enough.
His election has emboldened Islamists.
Here are a load of biased people who agree with my position expressing their ‘outrage.’ A quick scan of Twitter is enough research.
Do loads of emotive interviews with everyone affected and make sure they stick to our narrative.
Relate it to the Holocaust. Invoke similarities between Islamism and Nazism.
And there you have it! Four days of ‘news’ coverage.
Sadiq Muzzie Scum.
He wears a sheet indoors, and reads the kiddy book which causes the adults among us to break out in peals of laughter.
He then trips over his sheet whilst stamping his infantile foot in a Rumpelstiltskin-like display of puerile petulance.
It would make a good pantomime “Sadiq and the (US) billion and a bit thieves, whose Golden Age was invented by Wikipedia, whose wealth is due to White Males whose science disproves the AllahBollox”
There is a sequel, tomorrow.
Reference Barcelona.
Will all the hand-holders and candle-lighters be asking for their money back?
As an anti-terrorist tactic, it doesn’t seem to be going too well………
Now if only they had campaigned for improved Spanish light commercial vehicle driver training……..
If there are 5 Islamic terrorists I’ll wager they all have mental health issues and should have been stopped by the security services . It wasn’t an Islamic terrorist attack it was a security failure and lessons will yawn be learnt then forgotten
On BBC 1 tonight: Nadiya’s European hash tag adventure. Learn how to come up with the tastiest hash tag when Islamic terrorism has boiled over.
Can anybody please explain what the bBC news service is for. I’ve posted the name of the person, and that he has been arrested. (Yes I know of the so called 13 deaths, but, I’ll wait out on that one) Yet at the bBC its still reporting in a so called fog of war. I for no money have reported what is happening.
Spain: Van driven into crowd in Barcelona, 1 reported killed, 32 injured
Now compare that with the car incident the other day in Charlotteville. We were informed by the bBC within minutes that the far right carried it out.
Now if the Daily Star can report that this guy has been arrested, why can’t the much larger funded bBC?
Seems the BBC is ahead of the curve in one area:
How long will it be before we have to remove statues of Churchill for murdering Germans. Oh and don’t forget Brunel for being part of the industrial revolution which has f****d up the planet.
I seem to recall that the great engineer’s trade mark cigar has already been removed from his statue at the front of Brunel University, in Uxbridge. That occurred some years ago. As you say, it won’t be too long before the entire statue is disappeared…
If you really want to know what has happened in Barcelona, blow out the BBC. It looks like to
me that the diversity and positive discrimination department are running the Barcelona
“incident.” I24 the Israeli on line TV channel is reporting the name of the middle eastern
gentleman who drove the van on to the pavement outside a KOSHER restaurant in Barcelona.
Lets hope for the sake of the BBC that the middle eastern gentleman has mental problems.
Not sure itv is any better. What a bizarre quote:
Yep – funny quote – not at all like a terrorist attack where 14 people were killed by the front bumper of a van driven by a man shouting ‘Alluah Akhbar’ !
Anyhow. Anytime. Anywhere. That’s the terrifying reality of Islamic terrorism.
If you want to avoid attacks from ‘white nationalists’ just stay at home when they decide to meet up.
No doubt we will now have to endure hours of BBC and Ch4 hand-wringing over Barcelona, endless analysis of what the PM of Spain did, or, more importantly, did not say, angst and fury from BBC correspondents accusing him of being a liar and all the rest of the amateur circus they call BBC News.
On the other hand…
The BBC are developing a multipurpose teddy bear available to all LF payers . The teddy , which is environmentally friendly, can be used to show solidarity with whichever city, town, village is attacked by Jidadists , but , and here is a mark of its versatility, it can also be used to show solidarity with Muslims whose religion is being traduced by the terrorists. In addition it can be used to show furious disapproval of any people who dare to show any form of dissent from the liberal left consensus that multiculturalism and mass migration is an unalloyed good thing.
Treezer says Britain is standing by Spain.
Looks very promising for any Spanish speaking UK cops who can scrutinise Twitter for Spanish Islamophobic comments as part of her clampdown on the backlash from the far right.
Yeah, standing by Spain apart from their ridiculous demands for Gibraltar.
How many times did we hear ‘Far Right’ and ‘white nationalist’ over the last week? I have been listening to Five Live for two hours and nobody has mentioned what ideology could possibly be behind this attack.
There must be money in this. Surely the Beeb could have someone on Dragons’ Den with a terror-related business idea. Industry may have declined here but this is one real boom industry. Fantasy Terror League where players pick nationalities and locations, with 10 points for a kill and 2 for an injury? Or someone who has bought loads of candles engraved with hashtags and names of European cities.
8pm news: “Nobody has mentioned a possible motive yet.” Ha ha ha. Those damn Buddhists again forcing peace and acceptance on everyone.
It’s almost like a sick bullshit bingo where albeeb report panic but don’t report facts and don’t use the term
“Islam terrorism”
Criticise president Trump for commenting too quickly
Criticise the police for not identifying the victims quickly enough
Criticise the daily mail for something
As I write this a plane load of Al beeb greats like Huw , dimbly or myrie and a Muslim are on their way tax paid first class to Barca for a few days in the sum .
Jaundiced ? Me?
BBC have there muslim witness a AAMER ANWAR……however he has appeared on the BBC before……..strange That?
Is it the same bloke ???
Human rights lawyer Aamer Anwar receives death threats…..
Noticed that Halifax – nice touch from al beeb.
Peace March from all those nice Muslims in our towns up and down Blighty after Prayers in their mosques Friday . Right?
And the bus drivers son doing the rounds of tv studios in the morning expressing solidarity of Muslims ( lie ).
Another nothing-to-do-with-islam van kills 13 and injures many more.
No mention of islam and muslims, natch.
Notice how the beebistan end the article with a rundown of other ‘Deadly vehicle attacks’, with Charlottesville top of the list, thereby muddying the waters of the real issue in true beebistan fashion: “See? It’s not just muzzies, them nasty white supremacists are at it too.”
From now on expect much to be made of “Right Wing terrorism as in Charlottesville”.
“Deadly vehicle attacks
Charlottesville, Virginia, 12 August 2017: James Fields charged with murder after allegedly driving into protesters
Paris, 9 August 2017: A man rammed a BMW into a group of soldiers, injuring six.
London, 3 June 2017: Eight people died when three jihadists drove a van into pedestrians on London Bridge and then stabbed passers-by. A man was killed later in June in a van attack on Muslims in Finsbury Park.
London, 22 March 2017: Four people died when a car rammed into pedestrians on Westminster Bridge, and the driver then stabbed to death a policeman
Stockholm, Sweden, 7 April 2017: Uzbek Rakhmat Akilov killed four people when he drove a lorry into a department store.
Berlin, Germany, 19 December 2016: Tunisian Anis Amri ploughed a truck into a Christmas market at Breitscheidplatz, killing 12 people
Nice, France, 14 July 2016: Tunisian Mohamed Lahouaiej-Bouhlel drove a truck into crowds on the Promenade des Anglais, killing 86 people on Bastille Day
France, December 2014: A van was driven into a Christmas market in Nantes and a car rammed pedestrians in Dijon, leaving more than 20 wounded…”
Interesting that the Beeb doesn’t name the names of the attackers in the Britain. Why would that be…
Now on R4 Briefing Room with
Having a go at America’s “Far Right” AGAIN
“” What do the events in Charlottesville, Virginia, tell us about the far-right in America? “”
David Aaronovitch predictably always tries to make his prog about something anti-Trump or Anti-Right
BBC News at 6:00 a whole 5 minutes coverage on the Barcelona “Crash”. They just hate it when any Islamist terror attack occurs and will do anything to take it out the headlines. Took them ages to actually call it a terror attack even when Spanish police had quickly identified it as one. One BBC brain dead commentator still couldn’t understand how quickly Spanish police had jumped to that conclusion. Probably paid mega bucks too!
I remember disagreeing with a friend on this site about whether the victims of these Islamic terrorist attacks should be shown to us – the public .
I thought they shouldn’t be shown . But I think – now – that is was wrong . People do need to see because they do need to be shocked and revolted .
Al beeb will never do it so another news source must . It’s the way public attitude to this might get a follow up on empty words like ” enough is enough ” remember that wasted air?
I have seen the graphic video posted on an American site and it is horrific .Horrible to watch ,but on the other hand ,the powers that be are trying to sanitise and smooth over these attacks as though they are just blips.
Seeing the full carnage makes me very angry indeed ,and people need to be shaken out of their stupor.
Exactly right .
There will be survivor stories in the days to come as well as the failure of the security services to stop the attack by an evil white van
Candles lit at the scene , cards and flowers , visits by vips . Money raising through the internet and another pop concert .
Won’t bring anyone back .
Remember the wall to wall coverage of a dead young boy on a beach in Europe (Greece)? That helped to get people out on the streets in support of mass immigration and open borders. The BBC has been at the forefront of radicalising parts of the British public to adopt their open borders policy, using images of dead children. When you are shown an image of a dead child – there is no longer any argument. It is pure emotion and rhetoric. Even politicians had to be seen to be responding. Hence they were forced to accept more “refugees”.
That is why it is absolutely essential that Europeans get to see the blood and gore on the European streets, and that is exactly why the Mainstream media refuse to broadcast it. The carnage of the July 2005 London bombings has essentially been forgotten because all the gruesome images were not broadcast.
I wholeheartedly agree. Terrorism should be seen to be the bloody, awful, tragic loss of life and injury that it is. Not be associated with candles and tattered teddies threaded through railings.
Jeremy Corbyn thinks
“Well then BBC, do you not think you have been wrong to blame one man for what he says about the actions of others or to blame people across a country for the actions of a few in one place?”
BBC ” Er, what ummh, er, who do you have in mind? Ummmm, what does your question relate to?”
“BBC, do you not think you have been wrong to blame one man, President Trump, for what he says about the actions of others or to blame people across a country, white Republicans, conservatives as well as so-called White Supremicists, for the actions of a few in Charlottesville?”
BBC: “Er, er, it is not for us to answer questions like that.”
“BBC, do you not think people will consider you to be total hypocrites now for inviting Jeremy Corbyn to do what you would not allow President Trump to do?”
BBC: “Er, um, no it’s not the same, we are a broadcaster, we are journalists we er …. ”
Adrian Goldberg on 5Live:
“There is nothing we could possibly do to prevent attacks like these is there?”
No – absolutely nothing we could possibly do.
Odd how there have been none of these attacks in Eastern Europe. How could they possibly not have happened there? It is a real head scratcher.
I’m sure we could get some tips from Israel. They’ve had to deal with our enemy for long enough .
Patterns only occur when it suits the BBC/liberal left
For example, every UK major town has a Muslim Pakistani rape gang problem but “there is no pattern”. Any person suggesting this loses their job. Infinite numbers of Muslims can drive vans and lorries into people and there will never be a pattern worth debating.
On the other hand, one white male kills Jo Cox and “there is a pattern” of every Brexit voter being a right wing murderering racist bigoted anti Islamic hate filled nutter. Anyone who voted for Trump is also the same.
Also ,one white man drives a van into Muslims and that proves a pattern that all right wingers are murdering scum.
I was just getting desensitised having had no albeeb for 4 days then watched what it said / didn’t say about the Islamic terrorist attack on human beings in Barca .
My hatred for albeeb has just been refreshed .
Dispite everything that has happened this evening they still manage to come up with this.
Impartial, free and fair
What the f**k…..
That long piece “Why the fuss over Confederate statues?”
must have taken days to construct so was obviously prepared long before tonight’s attack
Aye, but they chose to post it tonight…
Ta Stew I ll read it with interest .
Being an English person and not having an association with the Civil War I feel a bit constrained .
However the idea that statues should be removed in the same way that there are no statues of Hitler is an insult .
The civil war was not just about slavery .
And the ordinary southerner who fought for their side deserve as much respect as those who fought for the Union .
I’d try to jump forward a generation. Not the 14 years they say is a generation now – but a proper generation – 70 plus years .
Imagine what they ll think of the predominant thought processes of the early 21st century .
Tearing down statues , abusing a democratically elected American President on a daily basis and failing to identify the type of terrorism the west faces when it happens .
What a f***ed up mind set they had back then eh ?
I wonder how long before the do-gooders will demand Winston Churchill statutes taken down? The man never went to a Gay Pride march so surely he should be erased from history.
Meanwhile the bust of Nelson Mandela near Waterloo bridge can stay as he was the perfect gentlemen and peace lover just like our Muslim friends.
Sadiq Khan, the mayor of London which has seen two similar vehicle attacks in recent months, tweeted his thoughts were “with the victims of this barbaric terrorist attack in the great city of Barcelona”. “London stands with Barcelona against the evil of terrorism,” he added.
What? No uproar about him not specifically naming the ideology of the perps? I suppose that only matters if those you are denouncing are white and on the right…
On another note… i wonder if the latest peace offering via van might make some of these idiot anti-tourist mob see sense…
Apparently another 600 of the perps buddies were ferried in to Spain just today.
On Twitter –
The leader of the Welch national party has declared the Barca Islamic terrorist attack on innocent people as an attack by the ” extreme right ” because that’s what ISIS is ‘.
I mean – she must be either pissed or mentally ill to come out with that . It was her own tweet by the way .
The moral equivalences and bonkers associations and relative body counts from nut jobs in politics and media just keep piling up.
Poor Mishal must be having a terrible time with that death chart of hers.
Sweet Jesus. How detached from reality must you be after seeing Westminster Bridge, London Bridge, the Christmas fair in Germany that when you see a pic and hear of a transit van mowing down pedestrians have your first thought be ‘Is this more far right terrorism?’
I used to think that these fools were just blinded by their own foolish ideology but I have to concede that they clearly must be dribbling imbeciles.
Because Thomas Mair
The media is not a reflection of reality

Due to Public Relations BS merchants etc.
BBC tv news at 10 still in usual denial mode. The white van murdered 13 people. Muslim not mentioned.
EE I agree, on other channels, and much earlier it was reported that 13 people had died, yet the Beeb were only reporting 1 dead. Don’t they watch each other’s news output ?????
I’ve a white van…….and I’m not risking it anymore ….. I will be handing it in tomorrow at my local police station before it decides to go off and do something nasty. I’ve locked it in my garage and put wheel locks on it, just in case it tries anything during the night.
That is a bit severe. Have you thought of training it? You have to be firm, use a whip occasionally and be prepared to stone it if it misbehaves. Amputation of a door or window can increase obedience. My van is even more faithful to me than my 8 year old wife.
A van can only commit murder if the driver’s seat is occupied by a certain type of person.
If the driver’s seat has a white man/Brexit voter/UKIP voter etc then the van is incapable of having ability to drive itself and to do evil crimes. The driver is 100% to blame.
On the other hand if the driver’s seat has a Muslim in it (not that it’s even worth mentioning who is in it because it is totally irrelevant) then the van has a life of it’s own.
Following BBC logic , all white vans should be repainted or taken off the roads. Problem solved. Muslims, especially late night taxi drivers in Britain, can then go about their business without suspicion.
EE – careful! If you point out in public that all the vehicles that commit these atrocities have the common factor of an internal combustion engine then you might have to resign from something or other because of your obvious bias against internal combustion engines. Surely all vehicles irrespective of propulsion are equally likely to commit these dreadful acts. In fact, alt-right children’s push-along scooters have frightened at least two pedestrians in the past 10 years alone and must be considered as evil as internal combustion engine vehicles.
As an aside from the mass killing of innocent people in Barca by Islamic terrorist the BBC is proud to announce that it is going to produce an all woman panel show – which I suppose will be Daily .
Surely we should have had this years ago ?
I don’t know when it starts and there will be prizes for forecasting the make up of the panel …
A dyke , a feminist , a feminist dyke and a dyke feminist . A black an Asian a whitee and a refugee of some kind Call me a mysoginist if you want .
To go along with all the other women-only programs that they are proudly ramming down our throats. Strictly Come Dancing (two female presenters doing ballroom dancing together?? plus where did that new female “head” judge come from?), News 24 all day long, every sports programme, Dr Who ( oh sorry Dr Who will have a male gimp assistant for the new Femdom star of the show to be contrasted with all the feisty female assistants over the past few years).
Can anyone give one example of a BBC programme specifically reserved for a man and where men are portrayed in a positive light? I am struggling on this one.
The whitey will probably be disabled as that’s the only way whitey would be allowed on.
That reminds me of a Fox political programme that I lighted upon recently called Outnumbered, where the studio panel is comprised of five (?) women and one man. I didn’t watch the whole thing because that formula just didn’t seem to work. Too artificial. Perhaps you need to be ♀ to appreciate it?
In light of previous comments on another issue, wondering if anyone has heard anything from Bush & Bush. Thought not. Keeping their heads down on this one. Feeling slightly responsible. Thought not. What about Tony. Thought not. After today’s events you’d think Trump would get a rest from our MSM. No chance. BBC & I TV could hardly contain themselves in their delight to get back on it.They really do make me feel ill at times.
All this politically correct crap avoiding the M-word. I see it as a challenge to get the word in whenever possible – just not in print because I will have to resign from something if I get caught out. We were sitting in a crowded cafe the other day talking about which Christmas Market to visit in Europe. My wife said she thought there might be one in Cologne and I agreed in a casual manner saying something along the lines of “Yes there must be something there because that was where the M*****S gang-raped all those women a year or so ago.” I am just waiting for some libtard latte sipper to complain…….oh boy!
If Mrs D and myself are talking about them we say Klingons in place of the M word, lest anyone overhear and make a complaint.
Meanwhile on BBC1 now “Don’t deport me I’m British-the stories of 3 men who arrived in Britain as children but now face deportation….contains upsetting scenes.”
Followed by “Queer Britain-porn idols: Riyadh Khalaf explores the world of queer porn”
How many more people do Muslims need to murder, maim and rape in the West before (FINALLY) a government arises, even in just one country, which is going to do what we all know needs to be done?
They don’t belong in our societies and demonstrate by their activities and behaviour, on practically a daily basis, that they never shall. They belong in Dar al-Islam not Dar al-Harb.
Oh well let’s have a transitional period post Brexit and let a few hundred thousand more potential terrorists in.
The people of the West have been brainwashed by the liberal left into fearing being labelled racist to such an extent that they simply dare not do anything more than emote and show solidarity with whichever city is the scene of the latest Muslim attack. They are like rabbits in the headlights. No matter how many die in these attacks, no matter how many children get raped, no matter how their lives are changed to accommodate Islam, they are too scared of being labelled racist to protest. The liberal left elite have control, they decide the agenda and ,for reasons well beyond my understanding , they seem to want to tolerate the barbarism of Islam. Even a moron can see where this toleration will lead to in time but to say so is to be racist.
Watching Sky news at the moment,, “The lights on the Eiffel Tower are about to be turned off as a tribute to those that lost their lives…”
Do you ever get the feeling you’re watching a nightmare version of Groundhog Day?
Now, let me see what else can we do to stop these outrages and really put the fear of God into these raghead psychopaths? Hmmm, let me see…
Oh yes, a candlelight vigil, a few politicians waffling about “unity” a mountain of rotting flowers, sobbing teenagers, teddy bears, toys and plastic hearts. And don’t forget to get the Spanish flag on your Facebook page.
Oh and if you hear any of those dangerous, narrow minded bigots mentioning border controls immediately scream “racist” at them.
You forget a visit to a local mosque by the bBC where they interview some Inman who talks about his fears of a backlash by people who don’t understand that Islam is a religion of peace.
The more I hear and see of the msm I am now getting to be sure that the British government – of any hew – has approved the output of al Beeb and the other public broad casters. They will do anything to avoid the British from turning on the growing Muslim population or other ethnic groups.
I can’t explain why the msm wants to separate Blighty from America though – apart from the overarching anti Brexit stance of the political class with their second homes in mainland Europe.
It’s eerie that someone previously posted up the lyrics from the Manic Street Preachers’ “If you tolerate this then your children will be next”. The lyrics to that song include the line “I’ve walked Las Ramblas but not with real intent”.
BBC fun with subliminal graphics
In a story about Drax particulate emissions they illustrate that with a photo of cooling towers which emit ONLY steam
BBCPaulMurphy’s report does mention the emssions are from the tall chimney
and he did tweet a photo including it
he then tweeted me to tell me that he is unaware of the BBC regulation requiring power station photos to be darkened to help the wind/solar mafia
The usual propaganda spouted by people who have never worked in industry or have no scientific grounding is to use an image of water cooling towers to depict pollution.
They have been doing it for years.
Message to Al Beeb’s researchers……….
when you visit this site. I would suggest that you just google ‘Water Cooling Towers’, because all you see coming out of the flue is pure clean steam!
“A fake British” broadcaster using fake news .
Have the BBC reported the earlier explosion in Barcelona which was thought to be a bomb making venue?
Does ‘Blue Peter’ run the BBC?……………………
AlBeeb, up to the minute on the Barcelona “incident” “What do we know so far?”
Sound familiar?
They produce their analysis without using the word [Muslim].
Square brackets [] contain my analysis.
The article currently ends with :-
“The Islamic State militant group claimed the perpetrator was one of their “soldiers” in a release sent out via their self-styled news agency, Amaq.
However, they have offered no proof of this”
“self styled” = No credibility whatsoever.
“claimed” We can all make claims.
“militant” = belonging to a long-extinct Labour movement.
“no proof”
Ergo, until ISIS, Hamas, Hezbollah, Boko IQ 55, AlShabbab, etc offer proof, we all have to believe they are innocent. White as the driven snow.
I feel like a monitor in the Grammar School I once attended, scrutinising the work of junior pupils while the teacher
had a fag, in the classroom, really.
BBC 0/10 on every subject, except stupidity and evil.
What a persuasive argument. Well worth the Licence fee.
The delay in the ABeeb reporting bollox, is down to this.
They press the button to run the £50,0000,000:00 “excuses for 1500 years of Muzzie mass murder” software algorithm we pay for. It fails 100%.
The next ten hours is spent in euphuistic efforts to excuse the inexcusable.
I am convinced, it is all our fault, again.
The gall of the Beeb with Barcelona is staggering. For all their venom at Trump for not singling out the white supremacists, I don’t know how they can have the stones to deliberately ignore the ideology of the van driver.
Their silence after their endless crowing that we should specifically single out those to blame couldn’t offer a more crystal example of their pro Muslim, anti West stance. Yes, it’s not surprising but the level of their hypocrisy is staggering.
They are even daring to run a feature on Trump where he talks about killing muslim terrorists with bullets dipped in pig blood that dealt a hammer blow to Islamic terrorists. I don’t care whether the story is true or a myth but why would the BBC be talking about this when they are steadfastly refusing to comment on the ideology of the attackers?
Poor things must be torn. They’ve got another chance to take a pop at Trump but doing so would force their hand in admitting something they don’t want to. Or of course, they just run the story and hope that no one makes the connection because we are all too stupid to notice how ‘clever’ they are.
How many times since the Charlottesville valley have they screamed ‘Far Right’ and ‘White Nationalist’, though in that case there were clearly plenty of ordinary people as well as extremists. This Barcelona case is cut and dried as to the motive but after 12 hours of coverage still no mention of the ‘I’ or ‘M’ word. Al Beeb would have us believe the real threat we face is ‘white nationalism.’
“The heresy of heresies was common sense.”
1984, George Orwell.
Hi Payne by name. I too found it amazing that the BBC feckers would use the blood of victims of yet another Islamic Muslim attack in Europe in order to mount another attack in their campaign against Donald Trump. The BBC have truly mastered the Islamic doctrine of deflection known as Taqiyya.
It is amazing isn’t it? They are so blinded by their hatred of Trump that they can’t even recognise how it’s corrupting virtually every piece of news that they relay to the world.
Oh, this is priceless. Not content with the inane stupidity of Leanne Wood, CNN anchor Wolf Blitzer has said “there will be questions if what happened in Barcelona was at all a copycat version of what happened in Charlottesville”.
This guy is meant to be an anchor, yet his world news knowledge is so limited that he thinks this is the first type of vehicle manslaughter attack.
Has he really not heard of the Nice van attack, the Berlin lorry attack, the Westminster Bridge attack or the London Bridge attack.
His stupidity, or deliberate ignorance, is staggering.
This is sheer comedy. Next they will be saying that muslim terrorists learned their trade from white supremicists . Unbelievable. ISIS and the others must be laughing their heads off in the knowledge that they are winning and the Western Establishment is surrendering.
It is comedy. Such a shame that a decent sharp comedian isn’t ‘allowed’ to use this material to poke fun at the left. If they tried, they’d never work again on the Beeb.
The beebistan website have changed their story from the earlier moronic and mendacious:
“Deadly vehicle attacks
Charlottesville, Virginia, 12 August 2017:
Paris, 9 August 2017:
London, 3 June 2017″ etc…
To the equally misleading:
“Europe’s deadly vehicle attacks:
Paris, 9 August 2017: A man rammed a BMW into a group of soldiers, injuring six.
London, 19 June 2017: A man is killed in a van attack on Muslims outside a mosque in Finsbury Park.” etc
Notice that in both ‘articles’ they posit that the important common denominator are ‘vehicles’, which allows them to slip in a ‘far-right’ and an ‘anti-muslim’ killing. In other words they are filing this under the category of ‘deadly vehicle attacks’, not ‘muslim terror attacks’, thereby diverting attention from islamic terrorism, blurring the real issue and allowing them to point the finger at ONE far-right attack and ONE anti-muslim attack.
In the context and aftermath of Barcelona, it’s as meaningless as listing killings by, say, men wearing green checked shirts: That’s not the point!
Typical beebistan deviousness.
One minute into Toady and they preview an interview with an actor in a show set in Detroit in the 1960s about civil unrest.
ACTOR: It is about Police brutality against the black community.
INTERVIEWER: It could have been set today then.
Some inspiration for anyone who might be fancying a good riot this evening.
Have to have noticed how much SJW stuff focuses on past injustices? There just is not enough injustice to go around these days as so many problems have largely been fixed.
The editorial line of Toady on the Barca Islamic terrorist mass murder is almost embarrassing clear and dishonest .
They’ve got a new presenter who sounds a bit embarrassed by our Justin just chunders .
It’s like a story about flooding and not saying it was caused by water
Or making an omelette without saying eggs are involved .
Painful to hear. Must limit exposure to shameful lies .and omissions
I think the bBBC are preparing an investigative programme iinto Spanish van driver training standards.
Close – Security Correspondent Gordon Corera presented an item on vehicle crash barriers on BBC TV news a few minutes ago.
BBC London News headline this morning with a breathtakingly brassnecked bit of pro-Labour Mayor Sadiq Khan PR
One year on from Boris Johnson’s 24 hour tube initiative coming into effect up steps Little Man Khan to be passed the credit by BBC London.
Talking of what has happened in the past 12 months, what’s this story his pals at the Beeb have missed….?
‘Sadiq Khan has failed to build any social housing in London in the past 12 months despite promising to construct thousands of houses every year during his election campaign’.
Surely affordable housing stories are right up the BBC’s alley khan?
Just as predicted BBC London are acting as the Labour Mayor’s PR news filtering outfit – puffing any good news giving the bloke credit where it is not due whilst surpressing the negatives.
“So-called Islamic State has said it was behind the Las Ramblas attack, saying in a brief statement carried by its Amaq news agency that it was carried out by “Islamic State soldiers”. The group gave no further evidence or details to back this claim.”
Hang on a minute..did the bBBC ask for ‘proof’ before concluding that the Charlottesville ‘attack’ was a “white supremist neo nazi?
Further, did they ask for ‘proof’ of POTUS alleged liaisons with bedwetting prostitutes?
Or how about ‘proof’ that there is such a thing as climate change?
Good deflector story of ‘Muslims as victims ‘ from al beeb – mudslide in some African country . Hundreds dead . British Government sends taxpayers money .
They haven’t blamed president Trump or Brexit yet .
I wonder if the thickos at the BBC know that about 20% of Sierra Leoneans are Christians ?
R4 6 o’clock news was quite staggering in its schedule.
After the headlines the news and the weather, spoke about Barcelona. This finished at 6:12. Straight into Trump & Statues.
Next was business news and you guessed it, Trumps economics adviser is about to quit so what impact is this going to have on the American economy.
And yes Beeb I copped the item about the film. Jaw dropping in its timing.
P.S. Have they yet made the connection with Charlottesville & Barcelona, the obvious common denominator being Trump. Surprised the backroom boys haven’t come up with this one yet.
Was your PS meant as a little joke? Because the answer is Yes, at 0710 on Toady !!!!
You are surely kidding me!!!!
Howsabout that then, ethnics and girls….
‘Who are BBC Radio 1’s new DJs?’
Oh… let me guess…. two women and an ethnic?
‘L-R: Abbie McCarthy, Yasser and Katie Thistleton’
Yasser…? What Yasser Arafat? The Nobel Peace Prize winner… I thought the Israelis bumped him off… or he died of AIDS, or something?
You have to feel a little sorry for Matt Edmonson (a young white bloke) playing second fiddle as far as BBC PR is concerned with his picture inexplicably relegated to 4th slot down the page.
Fedup – I switched on and heard half of that story too. I thought how odd, has there been some sort of right wing bomb attack or something similair?. It was rambling on about Friday prayers and muslim victims – blah blah blah – Seemed totally incoherent. Just an emphasis of lots of muslim dead.
Quite honestly it was about as subtle as a turd in a swimming pool – Important story – yes but definitely not suitable for this morning – unless of course you have some sort of political agenda. Now who could possibly have that?
Regarding my earlier point – I think also that the BBC were looking for some sort of moral equivalency in the “suffering stakes”
I think their thought processes go something like this
Hundreds of followers of the “prophet” die by an act of God in in a mudslide
Whearsas only 13 westerners died “by the will of God – (Inshallah) Obviously that puts Islam well and truly above the westerners in the “suffering stakes”
Posted above but do the BBC know that about 20% of Sierra Leoneans ? If so, I suppose Beeboids consider that they are expendable. Only muslim lives matter.