Sarah Brett on 5 Live asserted as fact that Breitbart was a Far-Right publication and that its readership was mainly white supremacists. Perhaps Breitbart should get the lawyers in.
The BBC has also been snearing at Trump all day for his latest comments about the destruction or removal of Confederate statues…
US President Donald Trump has denounced the removal of “beautiful” Confederate statues amid a heated national debate about US race relations.
“Sad to see the history and culture of our great country being ripped apart with the removal of our beautiful statues and monuments,” he tweeted.
“You can’t change history, but you can learn from it,” he continued.
Mr Trump drew outrage by defending organisers of a white supremacist rally that left a woman dead and dozens hurt.
Did Trump ‘defend the organisers of a white supremacist rally’ or did he correctly point out that there was violence on both sides?….and it is only the violence from the Right that the BBC et al focus on and denounce.
As for tearing down statues of Confederates because they fought to keep slavery going…on that logic Mount Rushmore would have to be blown up as two of its Presidential heads were slave owners…George Washington and Thomas Jefferson….founding fathers of the nation…they’ll have to go!….
CNN has published a hitlist…don’t see Mount Rushmore on it oddly enough….
Hit List: CNN Publishes Map of Confederate Monuments in U.S.
I can see a time when most decent folk in the US will become sick of being called racist just because of the colour of their skin and looking on as the liberal establishment seems intent on wiping out white people and their culture…they will become ‘radicalised’.
The so-called rise of the Far-Right is in fact the fault, ironically, of the self-same liberal establishment that so hates it…the liberal policies that are forced upon everyone using the threat of being publicly labelled a racist are themselves so extreme that it forces people nto the streets to protest and oppose them.
Yeah there was stuff from both sides but the KKK vs the PC brigade really are levels apart. There’s a difference between social justice types trying to silence a debate and people actively advocating some of the white supremacist stuff. I’ve been in the states enough to know that some of what they want is in no way ‘equivalent’ to jobsworths at a school trying to rebrand the religious holidays or ban playground sports. To an extent, it’s like a reverse Godwins Law though where (simply put) when someone mentions the nazis, if you don’t condemn then you’ve lost the debate.
As for the statues thing, a percentage of them probably should go, they’re celebrations of great military men who were otherwise nasty pieces of work fighting for slavery, not a noble cause and probably should be moved to a special park where they can be viewed in the correct context. It’s just a shame that Lee and Jefferson/Washington etc are slowly being highjacked in the debate. And I doubt we’ll see Martin Luther King stuff being ripped down due to his personal life.
My cartoon take on it
Lincoln ” Don’t trust quotes you read on the internet. Laugh of the day, so far !
Levels apart. really?
I would expect that generalisation from Katty and Sopel. Never mind the alt-left violence at Berkeley, Ferguson, Baltimore etc etc.The deliberate (and successfully media backed) programme of re-writing Americas history. The Confederate flag has been taken down, now the statues and monuments are going, next will be the re-naming of roads, parks, mountains, lakes, schools, cities – maybe even states. You just keep believing that a tiny number of nutters dressing up in white hoods pose the same level of threat to democracy.
I’ll admit that we have the same thing in the UK except if it’s people from the colonial era (some people even cite Churchill!) where there’s very much 2 distinct sides to the story. A lot of the slavery era stuff though is really just a case of some successful soldiers who did little to advance society other than fight to retain slavery. A lot of the campaigners are too ignorant to see the difference though which is why they’re not clambering to tear down statues of Jefferson and the like because the founding fathers were supposedly nothing but just “stupid white slaveowners” I expect that we’ve likely close to peak crazy though. There’s that whole metaphor about the frog in the slowly burning water and I hope that in this case going quickly from nothing to “jail people who oppose the destruction of the Washington Monument” in the space of a few months will be enough to discredit the movement for the bunch of crazies it is.
I think the Civil War states of the South should reprise the reason for the war in the first place…not slavery, but the imposition of ruinous taxes..and they should break from the North again, refuse to pay taxes, …will the North invade again ?…interesting to ponder…..These imbeciles defiling the figures of the past and trashing Southern history deserve what’s coming to them…..i’d be giving them the Rebel Yell and using canister on them, then the bayonet….lovely….they are worthless specimens.
SC, agree with some of what you say. There are some real nutters in the US on the opposite side to Democrats – and they are not nice people and they have guns, too. I note your ‘middle-way’ Jurassic Park for statues – it might work. But people live in communities, not theme parks.
I think you need to recognise that in the US many ordinary working class and professional people are fervent Republicans (my closest friends in the US are – makes for interesting collisions with a wobbly conservative Brit!) and they may not wave guns or hide foodstuffs and ammo in their barricadable lodges in the mountains and forests but they do not want to give in to what – especially in previous generations – is close to or actually is Communism. Am with them on that front!
I can’t go along with white supremacism because the evidence is plainly against it. We see the effects of stupid white men and women in our newspapers and hear it on the radio today and probably every day. (See Public Health England for a great example!)
But we also have to accept the other evidence that fascism is existing at the end of four pointing fingers while the other one is pointed by a variety of people (many well-meaning – well-meaning but wrong) who are instantly labelling everyone who is not a Democrat as a Nazi, especially their President.
That is the massive danger here: the real Nazis are on the left/Left/LEFT however strong a label you wish to apply. Evidence? Think on this: what does pulling down a statue do for 1. this generation and all who are alive now, and 2. for those not yet born? Remember, more than genes pass through generations.
I would suggest the answer is this:
1. It makes some people feel good and some people feel bad, resentful and may leave many people apathetic. That may bear all sorts of strange fruit now, or it may not. Hopefully not.
2. It creates ignorance of the past.
That leads to another question for you, what do you think ignorance of the past, together with perhaps some lingering resentments or real hurt & anger may do in future?
Questions, questions, … sorry … but what do you see as the biggest problem here? The statues? Or deliberate, wilful ignorance of a reality?
My opinion is that the left should stop trying to airbrush history but at the same time the right needs to accept that a lot of it is the opposite of the supposed gloriousness they attribute to it. You have the right to free speech, even/especially if it offends, but if it’s a publicly funded park then the rules have to be somewhat different. It’s the same reason that (on the other side of the coin) Muslims are welcome to stick to Sharia Law in their home but not promote it in faith schools.
Any time people mention Democrats mind, I always like to point out that when the Republicans freed the slaves, the democrats founded the KKK, it was Woodrow Wilson who funded ‘Birth of a Nation’, he also was the one who introduced segregation to DC (in the 20th century) and it was Eisenhower who desegregated schools.
Your effort at peacemaker and solution finder is entirely admirable, Sir, I salute you.
But there is a but. You say “at the same time the right needs to accept that a lot of it is the opposite of the supposed gloriousness they attribute to it” and that is where I think your efforts may founder.
Firstly, on a misunderstanding of ‘Right’ (and ‘Left’), secondly, on the assumption that the ‘Right’ attribute gloriousness to these statues or what they represent (evidence: General Robert E. Lee – hint: he lost!!!) and thirdly, what these statues represent to most people whether natives, immigrants or tourists: part of the past, mere decoration.
Thanks for your last para, it helps to underline my point about ‘ignorance’.
My take is that you suggest the ‘right’ concede to the left…. we have been doing that for decades, haven’t you noticed the rise of cultural Marxism at all?
I do not concede to the left at all, not one iota.
When do we stop conceding in your opinion Calvin, when the only monuments left are celebrations of all things socialist and perverse?
It is important to keep a record of a nations past, you can learn from history. Further slavery had little to do with the war it was an incidental part of that war ( ultimately it was about International finance V debt free banking ). These monuments are works of art, have you seen the left’s attempt at art.. try the Tate sometime! Or try Paul joseph Watson on YTube ‘Why modern art sucks’ ( or a similar permutation ).
No, the problem is that to me the ‘right’ is about deregulating markets, allowing people to practice religion and say what they want. It has nothing to do with race or genetic superiority. I’m very right wing for instance but in spite of that (or possibly because of that) I would theoretically support open door immigration but with no access to benefits; I don’t see the problem, you attract hard working people that way.
In the US the ‘right’ has stupidly decided to ally and brand itself with people who focus entirely race. That doesn’t happen here. Can you imagine Dan Hannan doing a joint event with the EDL? No, because they have fundamentally different ideas about what ‘right wing’ ideology is supposed to consist of.
You use the word ‘right’ it is all encompassing and can mean what you choose, for the left ‘right’ is racist fascist ( yawn ) etc
The conservative / libertarian right ( myself ) hasn’t aligned with anybody.
As Anne Coulter points out, there are as many Nazis in America ( KKK approx 4000 members ) as there are transgenders… virtually non existent, so tiny in numbers they shouldn’t even make the news. They are not worth talking about except the mass media want people to believe the Nazi right is on the rise, apparently you have been taken in by this propaganda. The Nazis on this parade in Charlottsville….. do you know how many there were? Did you know that the organizers didn’t want these people involved? Can you give me an example of how the right has branded itself entirely on race?
Yes definite touch of 1984 becoming true . Editing out the past
“I can’t go along with white supremacism because the evidence is plainly against it. We see the effects of stupid white men and women in our newspapers and hear it on the radio today and probably every day. (See Public Health England for a great example!)”
I think that’s a very strange argument. I don’t think the fact that some white people are not exceptionally intelligent or competent overrules what we have achieved which, IMO, is unparalleled not only in its influence but in its breadth as well. Where did newspapers, radio and most of our health breakthroughs come from in the first place? Africa?
Clare, I am not diminishing the achievements of white men and women but as a scientist you would accept, surely, that you have to consider all the factors behind those achievements.
For example, I find myself patiently explaining to those who voted Remain in the EU and are in mourning at the thought of the loss of the UK banking industry to Frankfurt (despite the fact they are ‘on the Left’ – well Guardian readers, anyway!) is that it is just not going to happen after Brexit. Why? The Greenwich meridian runs through London, that’s why. Oh, and Frankfurt is probably not as nice as London. Have not been in the centre, so cannot be certain. It certainly does not have the extra facilities and attractions of London.
If I drop you (assuming you are a white woman) into Africa with exactly the same resources as a Kenyan friend of mine, do you think you would survive as well, if not better, and achieve as much if not more than her? OK, she would have possibly an unfair advantage as a former policewoman and although normally a Nairobi outskirts dweller, she has spent a lot of time amongst nomadic peoples in the north. She would know a lot of ‘hacks’. BTW, she – like you – has a PhD.
I received quite a good education at various schools and just remembering some of it reminds me that (some of) my ancestors were painting their very white skin blue and were swinging and singing in the trees with those of Scottish Calvin some time after Africans (in the widest sense) had built pyramids, invented various forms of writing and writing materials, created accountancy, estate and State administration and had, up to a point, mapped the heavens.
I now think of some other friends of mine, quite awesome to be in a room with them, really. Two Chinese, one Indonesian and one white English but totalling four PhDs! Yeah, I know, PhD, schmee-haich-dee.
Africans are no cleverer or more stupid than us. I am aware that there are studies and also evidence emerging of differences in software, probably more correctly firmware, in the bodies of different gender, let alone races, but let’s avoid a Google moment on that until it is definitely decided. I am a sceptic so far.
If we are going to be strictly racial I have more evidence for you. Assuming you and I fit the Caucasian bracket then we are completely outdone, proportionately & disproportionately, by the achievements of small oriental, Semitic-outbred, people group mostly originating in the middle East from three to two thousand years ago, before moving north-west. Care to guess who?
A few points, very quickly and in no particular order (much of this was discussed here relatively recently so I’m not going to go over it all again):
No point in discussing individuals, only the wider picture matters. And what about those PhDs? They’re a European qualification, not a Chinese one.
The Greenwich Meridian is not a natural, geological or geographical phenomenon, it was created by …. ?
Europeans overall have arguably performed better in Africa than native Africans. Same goes for Australia etc
The oldest parts of Stonehenge are older than the pyramids by a large margin, so the old “woad argument” doesn’t really explain a great deal. Nor were the “Dark Ages” as dark as used to be believed. Look at some of the recent discoveries.
Specific talents can be found in individual races but, IMO, Europeans have excelled in a broader range of activities than any other, from Mozart to Newton, from Faraday to Michelangelo, from Wagner to Darwin, from Wren to Einstein (see below). I could go on all day.
Certain specific advances were made elsewhere at certain times but where did they lead? How broad were they? What use did they put them to?
Europe was settled relatively recently. The last Ice Age ended around 11,700 years ago and affected N Europe. You would have expected this to have held us back but it didn’t, it was a stimulus.
Your reference to Jews is interesting. Why have they excelled in Europe/N America, not the Middle East or anywhere else (apart from modern Israel, which is arguably European culturally). I would say because Europe was alone in creating the right environment for them to prosper. It could even be argued that their higher average IQ, around 105 I believe, is a by-product of their oppression. Lots of research on this which I’m not even going to attempt to summarise here.
Lastly, why does it seem that much of the world wants to move to European countries, or countries founded by Europeans? Why is this and so many things discussed in English more than any other language?
Clare, sure a white man created the meridian as we know it but take a read of the Wiki page on the subject. Think you will find it interesting. “Before the establishment of a common meridian, most maritime countries established their own prime meridian, usually passing through the country in question.”
It rather proves my point: black, brown, yellow and white, no difference. Industry, commerce, technology of the time, dominance of trade (especially by sea) those were the factors at work not skin colour. Economics. A happy accident in the modern era but a blessed one for the UK!
The same with European development.
You got the wrong answer to my question by the way. Think again. It wasn’t the Jewish people. Close relatives but not Jews in the strict sense but, rather interestingly from a religious point of view, inter-mixed with the very earliest Christians. Have another go.
Although again, I think they – the Jewish people – would also help prove my point. My GP at one time was African. And Jewish. It is not the skin colour or racial attributes, if any, but the opportunity, background, environment, need, desire, discipline and so on. Compare and contrast Ashkenazi Jews and Oriental Jews.
Here’s more evidence of stupid white men, if you need it. Who introduced alcohol, drugs, guns and Communism to Africans?
True, we also helped re-introduce them to Christianity (the early Church was a split between Jew and African) but we even messed that up in modern times with mixing in a false prosperity teaching/prosperity gospel. That reminds me to also mention distinct differences between whites: have you heard of ‘the Protestant work ethic’?
Jews were not always oppressed but when they were what happened to the clever ones and what happened to the less clever ones and what happened to the stupid ones or the ones who did not get the means or opportunity to migrate or move? The story is told in Ezra, Nehemiah and Daniel.
Finally in response to your final point, I will add an old story with a great truth behind it: Jesse James [ see what I did there? – a neat circle back to Confederate times 😉 ] was asked by someone why he robbed banks. His reply?
” It’s where the money is.”
Have a good weekend.
The Africans did not builds the pyramids they did not invent writing or map the heavens, the Africans in Egypt now are a legacy civilization, inheritors of a previous civilizations technology science and maths etc, African Egyptians know this. Look at the features of the Pharaoh’s they are not negroid. In fact their art shows negro’s being used as slaves. The great civilization that produced the great wonders of the world disappeared in a cataclysm of some kind.
History as we are taught is becoming fraught almost daily by inconsistencies about our past, Darwinism itself is now becoming increasingly hard to sustain as a true history of our evolution.
If all of the great stuff came from Africans you have to explain why they are so backward and cannot do the stuff they apparently once did.
I remember being told about an incident in an American University when the Egyptology department received Booklets from the Egyptian government about an exhibition dedicated to Ramesses the Great, regarded as the greatest, most celebrated, and most powerful pharaoh of the Egyptian Empire.
Knowing that the Black studies department was interested in the history of Egypt, they gave some of the booklets to them.
The Black studies department then complained to the Egyptian government when they found out that images of Ramesses the Great, showed him as a white man with ginger hair.
White skinned men with red hair have been described and recorded by many ancient cultures over the globe. King Tut’s DNA show him to be European. This news didn’t make the BBC for some reason!
Just as well. It was a story concocted by a Swiss firm selling DNA kits and has been widely debunked. Our present state of knowledge about Tut doesn’t even allow us to be entirely certain about his immediate ancestry.
I don’t usually cite Wikipedia but if anyone is interested, this is pretty reliable:
This is more authoritative:
Also there was a shock in the Archaeology department when it was found out that mummies of the first civilisation on Chinese territory, in a tomb in China, were also found to be ginger haired white men.
I think it did appear on the telly, but I doubt it was on the BBC.
But I don’t think it was just DNA. The mummies preserved the hair colour, as well as the skulls, which have Caucasian features, as does the younger looking face depicted by the statue of Ramesses the Great. Other Pharaohs also had Ginger hair and I think most of the mummies in China had Blond hair. There are also written records from ancient Greece about this.
I think the proof is that after 3,500 years of admixture from Black slaves brought up the Nile, its no wonder modern Egypt is only a shadow of its ancient greatness. And it looks as if Europe is going the same way, but much more quickly. In fact within my lifetime.
Jerry, could it have been a wee Scots engineer who built a prototype pyramid and the Pharaoh of the time was so grateful he bunged the guy in his own coffin & tomb when he passed as a mark of respect?
Jerry, did you read this bit of my post “… Africans (in the widest sense) had…” ? In retrospect my brain should have changed ‘widest’ to ‘continental’ but I didn’t think of it at the time.
Africans are not backward on an individual basis. Did you read this in my post: “BTW, she – like you – has a PhD.” ?
And how would you answer this question: “Assuming you and I fit the Caucasian bracket then we are completely outdone, proportionately & disproportionately, by the achievements of small oriental, Semitic-outbred, people group mostly originating in the middle East from three to two thousand years ago, before moving north-west. Care to guess who?”
I am sorry, but while there is slight physiological and neurological differences and capabilities between races that are still being studied and researched, there is slim to the point of non-existency evidence, that any race on this planet is superior and certainly not whites, especially when it comes to starting from scratch with equal opportunity.
It was probably unwise to mention the failure of Darwinism, too, because does not that prove my case? We have a common ancestry. Skin colour is just that, skin deep (near enough ) and brought about by a need for survival. Some might say that was a thoughtful provision on the part of a Creator God. The latest science looks like being the undoing of Darwinism: DNA testing, where it often throws up quite a racial mix in a persons heritage over centuries despite their appearing white with red hair.
I would not disagree that most parts of Africa are a basket case but look at the evidence of the causes, not at the black man and woman. That is your mistake. Look at war in Angola, in Congo. Look at Zimbabwe: a well functioning country until the gangsters took charge. And look at where change is happening in the opposite direction, say, in Ghana. Look at the influence of religion as well as gangsters and corrupt politicians. Often that is the destructive force and the differentiating characteristic that you mistake to come from skin colour.
Our regular contributor Grant will be able to give you better stories, good and bad, about Africa, especially from the west coast. Got to go & reply to Clare. Have a good weekend.
‘Look at Zimbabwe: a well functioning country until the gangsters took charge’. Shouldn’t it read: ‘Look at Zimbabwe a well functioning country until the natives took charge’. It’s the same over most of Africa. Countries left in a prosperous state by Europeans at independence have been ruined under native rule & are now permanently dependent on foreign aid.
You are quite right Jerry, the Africans did not build the monuments of Egypt. The Ancient Egyptians appear to have been Caucasoid & not Negroid, we have the art & the mummies to prove it. Indeed, the mummy of Rameses II has red hair, certainly not a sub-Saharan feature. The art of Ancient Egypt is totally different from that found anywhere else in Africa. Some Pharaohs e.g. Amenemhat III are believed to be of Asiatic origin, see his bust in the Egyptian Museum in Cairo. There was a dark skinned Nubian dynasty featuring kings from further south but this was much later when Egypt was in decline, they were not the founding stock, and the greatest monuments had already been built.
Martin, continental Africans, I should have written. See my reply to Jerry. Egypt, unless it has been moved, sits in continental Africa does it not? OK, it’s on the edge, I know!
I think you will find many skin variations across Africa and especially across north Africa. Migration, temporary or permanent is not new and goes back to the ancients, that is pre-Pyramids. To try to claim any superiority on the part of ‘whites’ on that basis is farcical. You will have to do better than that. Much better.
In fact, I would advise that you don’t bother. Go instead and look at Brazil, Papua New Guinea and South Korea. Much more interesting.
Did I use the word white? No, I didn’t, I used Caucasoid as opposed to Negroid. No one is denying migration at anytime. Sir Alan Gardiner suggested in his book ‘Egypt of the Pharoahs’ that The inhabitants of the Sahara were gradually driven into the Nile valley by gradual desication of the region. Gardiner’s book may be old but the idea is quite reasnable. If there are continental Africans that implies the existence of non-continental Africans? What the hell are they?
Recent science seems to think that we came from five distinct ‘mother’s’ as it were. I t may explain the different races, U2Snuff is wrong to state that it is only skin colour that makes us different we are in fact biologically different to other races.
Cro magnon man is supposed to follow Neanderthal man in the sequence of hominds,, however recent discoveries not only show we co existed but the oldest skeletal remains of cro magnon man is older than the oldest Neanderthal remains.
History is so wrong on many counts. But big ego’s in the scientific community scientific papers and books means too much would be lost if they had to do what they should,, re write history.
Jerry, I do not think I am not wrong according to present science: seem to recall there was an announcement a year or two back that said that according to findings so far they thought they HAD found a difference but it is far from proven. But do not forget, a large part of white supremacy argument is achievement based, not under the skin.
You are right about the narrowing of inheritance. As I posted earlier, this is where DNA research and testing is creating cracks in Darwinism and all that is built upon it.
Jerry, I forgot to mention that under-the-skin charecteristics between races may change given time and diet, eg. Chinese general lactose intolerance to their adapting to cheese and buying from us in increasing quantities. Three cheers for UK cheese makers and exporters!
Oops double neg was a typo! (Goes away embarrassed.)
I am not, personally, a great believer in the supreme virtue of IQ as a measure of much other than IQ (whatever that is – it has yet to be properly established). However, it is undeniable that IQ represents some facet of what we call ‘intelligence’ and that Africans score consistently lower than Caucasians who, in turn, score lower than Ashkenazi Jews and some Chinese. The lowest scores, apparently, are found in Somalia and, always assuming it means anything, they are alarmingly low.
And just to firmly put the sarcophagus lid on this, current research into ancient Egypt categorically refutes any suggestion that ‘Africans’ (in the sense of sub-Saharan Africans) played a part in the building of the pyramids and neither did slaves.
When I said that negro’s were used as slaves I didn’t mean that they were used to build the pyramids if indeed you are alluding to that ( I wasn’t sure )!
These Pyramids can be found all over the world in one guise or another, they weren’t tombs, they had something to do with astronomy as far as I can research.
Even modern technology couldn’t build the great pyramid now. The idea that it was built using ramps and copper tools is a joke, copper is softer than granite soft tools don’t cut a harder material, merely scratch it before you have to sharpen / replace the tool!
The accuracy, mathematical measurements and placement of the great pyramid on our planet defies the knowledge modern science gives people that apparently built It at the time.
Charles Hapgood and the Piri Reis map offer a similar conundrum.
“Even modern technology couldn’t build the great pyramid now.”
Elf ‘n’ Safety wouldn’t permit it.
“Even modern technology couldn’t build the great pyramid now.”
I think that is probably incorrect. We just wouldn’t see the need to do it.
The worlds leading building companies with the heaviest machinery doubt they could build it, and certainly not with the same accuracy.
I think you’re engaging in sophistry. If we wanted to create a pile of stones 450+ft high, I’m sure we could, we just don’t have the need to do so – it would be pointless – and we have not, therefore, built machinery to handle large lumps of rock in that way. It could be said that although the pyramids are impressive in their bulk, they are primitive and over-engineered. In that respect you are right in saying that modern building companies could not do it in that way, but only because there is no demand. It is not that we lack the technology to do so. To suggest that it would be impossible under any circumstances is absurd.
Europe built great cathedrals of considerable complexity nearly 1,000 years ago. More recently, the Troll A oil platform, 1550 ft tall, is a remarkable achievement. We built it because it made sense to do so.
just a few facts about the great pyramid.
It is aligned perfect North something apparently wasn’t known at the time.
It is located at the exact centre of the earths land mass.
It is eight sided.
This is only apparent on two occasions a year, the equinoxes when the angle of the sun shades one side of one side.
The equinoxes are related to precession which in turn is why we have the zodiacs.
The golden number/ ratio and Pi are written all over it’s dimensions before pythagorus was around.
The stones are fitted so closely that a credit card cannot be fitted between the dry joints.
If you transpose the pyramid on the north hemisphere of earth as a diagram the base fits the width of the earth and the height the height of the northern hemisphere exactly, the equatorial circumference of the pyramid represents earth at a ratio of 43200 to 1
The sun takes 2160 years to cross one sign of the zodiac, if you times 2160 by 20 you get 43200
The circumference of the height represents the polar circumference of the earth.
There are dozens more mathematical equations of the pyramid to earth relationship, these are not chance they are built into this monument.
The great pyramid is the oldest pyramid, all the ones that are falling down are later ones, the technology was lost soon after it’s construction.
Simple… I don’t think so!
Jerry Owen:
Your argument seems to be all over the place. You clearly said: “Even modern technology couldn’t build the great pyramid now.”
My argument is, it could, it’s just that we’d have no use whatsoever for such a thing.
You introduce an argument based on construction machinery, then abandon it just as quickly.
All that is needed is Ai WeiWei and a crowd sourced campaign.
I think you miss my point deliberately ( and totally ignore the mathematical features of the edifice I have brought to your attention). My point to be clear is that the technology that built the pyramids is lost and they cannot be replicated, indeed the pyramids built shortly after are falling apart so by default that technology was lost in historical time very quickly. Your argument that we can’t build such a thing now is because we don’t need it is absolutely no argument in that we could build it if we wanted to… the worlds leading construction engineers acknowledge it, the biggest problem is the huge horizontal reach that would be needed. Your point about cathedrals, they are by comparison narrow, height is not an issue with a narrow base. By the way I love your oxymoron that the pyramids are ‘primitive and over engineered’ !!.. priceless.
Guest Who
Yup.. you got me there we can build a little pyramid in lego so one of the largest buildings man has ever made in granite and limestone complete with chambers tunnels Pi and golden ratio factors built that has lasted thousands of years and survived earthquakes is of course an absolute doddle… is that your best shot?
Clare, small problem with that ‘white achievement’ is that in the modern world there may have been Chinese, Indians and Africans involved in building it!
There is no such thing as a “mathematical” measurement. The golden ratio and pi are irrational numbers. As a measurement can only be given to a certain accuracy, a measurement is expressed in terms of a rational number. If a child draws a good circle, it tells you nothing about its mathematical knowlege of pi. The golden ratio is also involved in the distribution of the leaves and flowers of plants and trees. This does not mean plants and trees have a mathematical knowlege of the golden ratio.
‘There is no such thing as a mathematical measurement’…. oh dear!!
Trees and plants are part of nature, the great pyramid you may have noticed is man made with all the measurements deliberately built in.
If I carve a globe out of a block of granite, and so create a man-made object, the measured ratio of, say radius to volume will involve some approximation to pi whether I have ever heard of pi or not. Measured values tell you nothing about design intentions unless you are claiming phyllotaxis seems to obey mathematical rules because they were designed in by some super designer. You cannot make infinite precision measurements that could tell you a plank was exactly pi metres long.
Up2snuff: “together with perhaps some lingering resentments or real hurt & anger may do in future?”
For the answer to that question, you only have to look to Ulster. There, there is considerable resentment of Catholics/Protestants dating back to good old 1690……. (and before…..) People there live quite happily with their Catholic/Protestant neighbours….. But, still refer to “them….”
Or, go to Scotland with the famous Highland Clearances. Ignoring, of course, that a lot of the crofters dispossessed were sent to Canada (mainly) and USA. And, many of the lairds provided hundreds of acres for the crofters (only a couple of acres to farm – and not their own land either) to farm and, subsequently became prosperous. But,there is still the hatred against (all) the English – forgetting, of course that the blacksmith in, say, Somerset had nothing to do with the land grab….
And, as was pointed out here recently, many of the Lairds were Scots a almost all of the factors and others who carried out their dirty work were Scots.
Tell me, please, exactly what percentage of the statues are you proposing “probably should go”??
I live in the southeastern United States near to a Confederate statue. Like the others, it is a classic sculpture of the highly idealized style that was popular of the era. These statues across the south and also the north, were erected as sober reminders of the far in excess of a half a million Americans who died in a brutal internal struggle; sometimes brother against brother. To many of the men who fought for the South…those “otherwise nasty pieces of work” …..the war was fought over State’s rights and an attempt to preserve a way of life that was about far, far more than slavery — which was being phased out as the war started. Slavery became the tool President Lincoln used to create enough opposition to Southern Secessionists to be able to defeat them. It is impossible from the perspective of a 2017 mentality to understand the ideals of that time and place. With respect, ScottishCalvin, please do not impugn the honor of dead soldiers by today’s morality.
All the statues should remain…history should not be erased.
Well my wife is from the Northern Neck of Virginia, not far from Stratford Hall (Lee’s plantation) and she’ll be the first to say that regardless of morality, Lee was one of the first to oppose erecting monuments and statues to the confederate army, he was pretty clear about it. I take the view that controversial figures shouldn’t have statues in public parks and the best way to oppose the removal demands is to spread education and demand that left wing figures (often hypocrites) are similraly exposed. In the UKs case it would be quite nice to have a campaign to debunk and get rid of all the crap about Mandela.
Scottish, While not agruing with you on whether or not Lee wanted memorial statues to the Confederacy, I still believe all the statues should remain. The blood of many Americans was spilled on both sides, each of whom thought they were fighting for what was right. I do disagree about educating the “Left” about history, as it seems they are incapable of education on matters of history. I completely agree with the concept of exposing the truth about other memorialized figures- — especially Mandela.
Do we remove Karl Marx’s tombstone from Highbury Park?
Are you suggesting that Marx is “controversial ” ? Heaven forbid.
The problem is who decides what should be removed ? I think that they are all part of history and should remain.
SC, problem with that is you then have to define ‘controversial’. Anyone can say that pretty much a statue to anyone in any place is ‘controversial’. Especially the way liberal-leftism has infected everything.
Why debunk Mandela? Thing I liked about him was his change of heart in prison. That’s a good reason for putting up a statue! Shame about all the other stuff surrounding him now.
The opposing violent groups have one thing in common. They both hate Jews.
I wonder what the long term effect of demolishing statues which may have been in place for generations .
Will it make people more sympathetic to the views of the other side ? Will it store up more hatred ? Opening old wounds ?
I suppose our nearest comparison was the erection of a statue of ‘ bomber ‘ Harris which was long over due and who deserved that honour for bombing the heart out of the reich – with or without Dresden .
Fedup, good point. This is becoming a fascinating Thread in that it wakens all sorts of thinking and/or past knowledge. I have just been reminded, IIRC, how badly some Confederate States were treated after the end of the Civil War and also how badly some Confederates treated each other in peacetime. Now some of that I recognise I have received via ‘Hollywood filter’ but even so, I think history was not too badly done by.
Hatred and old wounds can be opened when one side is incapable of polite reasoned debate. A result of being incredibly self-indulgent all round. The others want a quiet life and so leave LeftMob to it, LeftMob are incapable of debate and rational thought as well as letting others have their way and thus it perpetuates.
The BBC are primarily an activist organisation. Once you recognise this then it becomes easier to understand what is going on. The thing is it is so blatant – I would call them hysterical. Ultimately I blame our government – as they are the ones with the power to sort this out. The trouble is our government is filled with careerist politicians who are only interested in their own career progression and cutting deals with their chums in and outside of Parliament.
Mohammad was a slave owner and enslaved hundreds of thousands of people.
So I would hope the BBC would support the pulling down of every mosque in the country.
The current leftist obsession with pulling down statues is just another facet of the leftist attempt to rewrite history and erase our cultural heritage and tradition. The BBC’s Robin Hood of many years ago is a classic example The BBC Robin Hood was the “hero” because he was made to share “progressive” BBC values in relation to women’s rights, social justice, islam etc. A pioneer ahead of his time. The same thing happened in say the Three Musketeers, Ripper Street and to an extent Poldardk. All BBC historical drama is ahistorical. There is no attempt to create characters who would have attitudes that would be typical of the age. The villains of the piece are always parodies, representing the bacwardness of the pre-BBC Unenlightenment.
The left wants to destroy our cultural heritage for the same reason as ISIS and the Taliban want to destroy pre-Islamic and non-islamic cultural heritage. Anything that does not fit in with their ideology is “evil” and must be destroyed.
The fad for going back and putting history on trial by pardoning homosexuals for crimes for which they were convicted pre-legalisation and pardoning those who were shot for cowardice in WWI is just another expression of this impulse. The so called “progressive left” is so arrogant that it believes it has found the ultimate set of universal moral principles that will never be improved on. This overbearing smugness sees them delivering moral lectures about homosexuality to Africans, women’s rights in the Middle East and even correcting the “injustices” of the past. A totalitarian ideology in every sense of the word. Even dissenting voices from the past have to be silenced and those who are deemed not to have been “progressive” enough in bygone ages erased from history and collective memory. As with Stalin and ISIS, the mere physical elimination of an ideological enemy is not enough, they must be turned into nonpersons who never existed.
Excellent post, ID — excellent!
I truly hope the threads next week can be about something other than the turmoil here in the U.S. It has been INSANE here this week. Well, more so than usual…
Off topic, but it has occurred to me many times over the years how unfair it is that I, along with everyone else outside the U.K., get to listen to the BBC without paying the license fee. Thanks; I owe you all – and I’m grateful for this forum.
You are rubbing tons of salt into the wound by reminding us that we are forced to pay good money for the privilege of letting the malodorous effluent that the BBC claims is first class political analysis ooze its way into our living rooms. Oh HORROR!! I have just realised I have used the word “living room”. Translated into German this could be “Lebensraum”. Without realising it I have opened myself up to accusations of being a nazi, slave-owning, white supremacist mass murder er of Jews. This is the level of political analysis on the media in Britain. Using the phrase “final solution” can lose you your job. The Sun is criticised for using the supposedly incendiary “Muslim problem”. You really could not make it up.
BTW I just checked up on the permit situation
– Yes the Right Nationalists had a permit for that park
The city had tried earlier in the week to revoke it
but with the ACLU’s help the revocation had been thrown out.
– A key legal point was that the Antifa had a permit to march in another area of the city
and the city was showing prejudice in not trying to revoke their permit.
– On the day of the park gathering the Antifa must have broken their permit cos they came to the park.
the police stood down and asked crowds to disperse between 11am and 12
Later in the afternoon the antifa had been marching perhaps in their legal area ..when some got hit by the car
Maybe we can remove the name of Mandela from road names and schools etc given that Nelson was responsible for setting up the military wing of the ANC and hence accountable for the landmine campaign that they had to stop because even they admitted was killing too many innocent civilians. I mean landmines, could there be a more offensive weapon to the left?
But oh no, teflon Mandela won’t be subject to any historical revisiting.
I always liked that Ricky Gervais line about how Nelson never tried to set fire to factories or blow government property up again when they finally let him out of jail so maybe you have to look at it and conclude that “prison works” I always quite liked that “Free Nelson Mandella” song mind, for a long time hoped they’d bust him on a driving offence or something so they could send him back to jail and re-release it
Now you have YouTube to the rescue.
Mandela was a convicted terrorist and his truly gruesome “necklace” wielding wife the murderer of young Stompie Moeketsi among others (and still not in jailed for the offence thanks to her corrupt pals in the ANC). Really nice people, don’t you think?
ScottishCalvin, I am reminded of an episode of ‘Only Fools and Horses’ when Del Boy bought a stock of ‘Free Nelson Mandela’ t-shirts the day before it was announced he had been released. He then tried to change the m to read ‘He’s Free: Nelson Mandela’.
Cranmer. That reminds me of a cartoon I saw back in the Apartheid days in the eighties.
A bearded bloke is wearing a t-shirt which reads “BOYCOTT SOUTH AFRICAN FRUIT”
A puzzled bloke points to the the slogan and says “No he’s not. He’s a Yorkshire prat!”
Pulling down monuments in the USA or the removal of Cecil Rhodes statue in the UK are the equivalent of book burning in Nazi Germany To all sensible people it shows how extreme the left has become. Hopefully , it makes ordinary people realise that it is time to end the free run that the left has been given across the ‘ cultural’ spectrum for the past fifty years.
The objective is to erase white people from history altogether.
And the future.
Yes. Certainly, when Europe is muslim, I would expect a Genocide.
You are quite right.
May made the ridiculous statement that no moral? equivalence can be made between fascists and the opponents of fascism. When you consider that Stalin fought fascism it is obvious that opposition to fascism is no guarantee that you are on the “side of the angels” Wasn’t it Rousseau who said “All men should be free” and when challenged by someone who asked “What if some men do not want freedom”, replied “Then they must be made free”. The left always ends up murdering people “for their own good and the good of society”.
Indeed. There is a difference, I think, between removing symbols of a previous regime shortly after it has ended (eg, when the hammer and sickle was removed from countries in eastern Europe after 1989, or the statue of Saddam Hussein was toppled in Iraq).
I don’t think people have a problem with that. But to remove statues such as those of confederate statemen, 150 years after the defeat of the regime they represented, strikes me as purely ideological and a dangerous attempt to rewrite history.
We laugh now at Victorians who ‘bowdlerised’ (censored) historical texts such as Shakespeare and even the Bible, but this is exactly what the left are doing in the USA.
Excellent points, Cranmer; well said.
Why is it that now, anything not to the left of Stalin is labelled ‘far right’
Have we not got a ‘right’ set of politicians and behaviour?
EG, leads me right back to the key point I was making at the top: ignorance is a far bigger danger.
I don’t think it is possible to search past posts here, selecting first by User name, then refining via key words. But you could try via this site’s search facility to find one of mine where I explained that ‘Right’ is really rooted in lazy, convenient Cold War labelling of the 1950s and is not actually now, in effect, the opposite of ‘Left’ but that they are really descriptions of the same thing: totalitarianism.
As the man contributing to BBC R4 TODAY Programme this morning in first hour said (result of Opinion Poll?), most people in the US want to keep the statues.
The real struggle lines are an assymetric muddle:
Most people in the centre v. ‘The Left’ and ‘The Right’ v. Government.
I hope they do not become battle lines but I think that that is where the next war will probably be drawn, certainly for the UK. As ever, maybe it will start in the USA and find its way here? Mostly happened that way in my lifetime.
I think we are in a version of the cold war now, only instead of the west v USSR, it is a largely ideological war between totalitarianism (the alliance of the left with politicised radical Islam) on one side and conservatism/nationalism/rationalism/libertarianism on the other. But it is a supra-national war because it is being fought between institutions and individuals and groups, not nations.
At the moment totalitarians seem to be winning, but it may not always be so. Social media comments on the Spanish attacks have been interesting. There is condemnation of course, but also a lot of anger about the pussyfooting in the media and by politicians about who is responsible. I don’t recall that so much in earlier attacks.
Cranmer, interesting post.
Certainly there was a statement, by a Spaniard?, on TODAY this morning that indicated that we are now at war with Islam. Had Mishal or one of the other regulars been behind the mic at that point there might have been a slight intake of breath and a very quick interruption. However, Simon Jack was having his first go on TODAY as everyone except Justin must be off on their hols or at a Festival with Jezza somewhere.
I don’t think though that most Conservatives or conservatives are ‘of the Right’. Neither are a significant number of normal Labour Party voters ‘of the Left’. There’s a great middle-ground in the UK, Cranmer, that has been kicked around for nigh on sixty years by the extremes and if they are the c/n/r/l grouping you mention, then I think they have two sets of opponents before you even get on to ‘the Establishment’ and ‘Government’. It will be a very asymmetric conflict because the Army post Afghanistan/Iraq will probably split two ways as may the Police.
These other opponents are the vast swathe of ‘the Left’ (incorporating Fascists of both Left & Right) and a much, much smaller grouping of, for want of a better name, Asset Stripper Hard Tories. I’m thinking now of a Conservative Party politician here, whose face and name have just popped into my head, but I dare not name him for obvious reasons! I could be wrong about him. He might also sue!
This begs the question about this ‘New Cold War’ of yours as far as the UK is concerned: could you ascribe the EU Referendum result or part of that to it?
“To all sensible people it shows how extreme the left has become.”
As I and many others have commented before being to the centre or to the right in political thinking makes one far right.
How far to the right you are depends on how far to the left the opposition is.
As a good example just observe the BBC and how far they have blatantly moved to the left …and presenting it as the norm.
magicoat, yes but only as far as the left is concerned. That is their description of everyone who is not completely them. Your post does not make it clear that a label applied by a narrow group may well be an incorrect label.
The BBC have dropped out of being an independent news gathering & presenting organisation on one hand and a teacher and entertainer on the other. They are now tied to Liberal Leftism that may at any time wobble around a vague middle point in Socialist liberalism. As evidence witness the credence they gave to Obama, Major & Blair in the run up to the EU Referendum.
Their whole thinking is geared to that part of the political spectrum, they are its prisoners, and so will increasingly lose value to the great mass of people they do not represent. By taking on a constituency, you risk losing all others, BBC!
Seems Katty Kay will be personally conveying them to a guest room he has built, modelled on the one Yvette Cooper is still redecorating.
Sources close to the BBC editorial pixie have learned.
It seems that in Left World, Corbyn won the UK general election and Obama is still US president!
Terry Pratchett from beyond the grave!!
The BBC are a complete joke last nights One Show asking if statutes of historical British should be pulled down all but one of people asked said yes they truly despise British history while at same time pandering to Islam and pushing multiculturalism.
This is how it starts, the BBC has sown the seeds the left will adopt.
The BBC are running an article called “Massacre: The afternoon that changed a town forever”
Obviously this must be about the Islamic terrorist attacks in Spain yesterday surely? If not then it must be related to a different attack like Nice, Berlin, London maybe?
Not of course not. We are talking about the utter scum that the BBC is. They have dragged up the Hungerford attacks, i.e. a white Neo-Nazi. It is 30 years exactly TOMORROW but I wonder why they have brought it a day forward?!?
Of course in this article the attack was definitely carried out by a white man and not by an inanimate object such as a van or a lorry.
Dear BBC, go f**k yourselves.
I should have added…. after the Hungerford attacks the public and MPs attitude was “this can never happen again” and new gun laws were brought in quickly. We haven’t had an attack like this since then.
Nowadays, with Islamic terrorism, there is no action whatsoever apart from the likes of Brendan Cox saying “they are trying to divide us” and Sadiq Khan would say “it’s part and parcel of living in a village”.
How times have changed.
Tabs, where is your evidence for this: ” the Hungerford attacks, i.e. a white Neo-Nazi”.
I have just read the article and the speculation by the two academics included in it and they and Bethan Bell do not state that at all.
Oh my god….listening to R4 and the issue is the lack of females in “alt right” versus “alt left”…..and they are interviewing a jewish woman from left…what a shocker….a nice balanced discussion. Apparently people “of colour” all over america are being persecuted….isn’t white a colour?
And now another American banging (worked for Hilary Clinton campaign…shocker!) on about all whites are racist and all white men are sexists….it’s WHITE MEN who are the problem… I can’t listen any more to this one sided debate. The BBC should be ashamed..
The BBC has absolutely no idea how many women are supporters of what it likes to term the ‘alt right’. It may well be (as is the case on this blog) that fewer women post (or, rather, fewer identify themselves as female, for the obvious reasons) but that doesn’t mean they are not readers of Right wing blogs and websites, or that there is not considerable support for conservative (small ‘c’) views among women.
The BBC so abhors the Right that it never troubles itself to find out about it. Indeed, BBC kacks are more concerned with ‘understanding’ ISIS than they are the views of the West’s own citizens, who have decided, quite rightly, that we have had enough.
GC, you make an interesting point. Certainly, the BBC would probably tar the Conservative Woman web-site and its contributors AND readers as ‘on the right’, ‘The Right’ and/or ‘Alt-Right’. Hopefully it would not describe or even think of them as ‘neo-Nazis’ but we know the BBC is very capable of silly.
I’m quite sure the BBC would categorise CW as being ‘of the Right’ as, indeed, it is. What they will never do, however, is equally label themselves as far Left which, of course, they are. How else could you categorise any organisation that only opposed the Bliar/Brown terror from the Left?
GC, I prefer to think of them as more just right.
As in correct.
Most of the time.
Bit like my Mum.
But different.
Listening to the BBC on R4 over the past week or so and I’m wondering how soon it will be before we pull down Nelson’s Column or at least take the top off it.
After all, he was beastly to the French, wasn’t he?
After putting this link up, I listened to the song. I was struck how a song from the war years was so prophetic.
It foresaw – predicted – the Marshall Aid plan, the formation of the ICSF, liberal/socialist social engineering and German economic recovery. Amazing! Who says ‘pop, jazz and rock and roll music’ addles the brain and is for airheads?! I tried to check exactly when it was written but the Wiki page does not say.
1943 apparently
The song was banned by the BBC at the time for being too pro-German!
New version for the BBC.
DON’T LET’S BE BEASTLY TO THE GERMANS Noel Coward Noel Coward written and recorded 1943
Don’t let’s be beastly to the Muslims
When their victory is ultimately won,
It was just those nasty Isis
Who persuaded them to fight,
And their adhan and nasheeds
Are really far worse than their bite!
Let’s be meek to them
And turn the other cheek to them,
And try to bring out their latent sense of fun.
Let’s give them full air parity
And treat the rats to charity
But don’t let’s be beastly to the Mus!
We must be kind,
And with an open mind
We must endeavour to find a way
To let the Muslim know that,
when the war is over
They are not the ones who’ll have to pay.
We must be sweet, And tactful and discreet,
And when we’ve suffered defeat
We mustn’t let them feel upset,
Or ever get the feeling
That we’re cross with them or hate them,
Our future policy must be to instate them.
Didn’t quite finish that in time but you get the picture.
NNN, thanks for that date. The Wiki mentions the BBC ban but I think it was due to to lyrics being misheard through the wireless loudspeakers and the crystal set headphones of the time!
So accurate
I don’t agree in any way with the tearing down of statues.Rather the history of the men behind the events including the democratic party being the KKK needs to be well taught .So that we don’t repeat history.
Somehow the left have managed to pin the racist label on conservatives as a whole ,not the few Nazi nutters .The left are the racists with their identity politics and shutting down of debate which is perpetuated now by all parties.
Trump wasn’t referring to black v white .He was referring to the violence which happened on the day between two equally violent groups,one of who had a permit ,the other did not. That is fact.
Channel 4 News referred to the illegal destruction of a confederate statue by left wing thugs as ‘they took it down’ .. how decent and civilized eh!
They then went on to say that D Trump supported the statues remain in place, their take ‘was that he needed to appeal to his base support ( does that mean that 60 million plus voters are confederate rednecks ) even if it meant dividing America even more’.
So C4 see that illegally destroying a public monument out of discrimination by activist leftists is some how equivalent to a democratically elected president carrying out his mandate and condemning illegal behaviour, further this is dividing America even more!
I used to wonder what planet these people live on, but increasingly I am wondering what planet I Iive on!
I fear we are rapidly reaching a point where we can’t even exist on the same planet as them. The two sides are so polarised that this is going to end in violence. Unfortunately, our media have fallen into the hands of one of the parties and that is only hastening the day when the fire breaks out as there is no longer any balanced view being broadcast. Its absence will only lead to further extremism as it encourages the Left and is ignored by the Right.
Perhaps this is what the Left wanted all along? They do have some strange, murky ideas when you start digging.
GC, yes. I was surprised the other day when I refreshed my memory about the exact date in the year of Kristallnacht that it tied in exactly with mobs of young Democrat supporters (and others, no doubt) demonstrating and smashing up things in American cities the night after Donald Trump was elected President.
That might be an unfortunate coincidence or perhaps considered a bad omen.
I think there is no doubt that much of the violence in the USA is being at least ‘encouraged’ (personally I think ‘orchestrated’ would be better) by the far Left and financed by some very shadowy figures, of whom Soros is just one.
If you look into the theories propounded by the Frankfurt School Marxists and the Gramscians, it’s not hard to work out what is going on. They are trying to precipitate a societal collapse and, let it be said, doing so quite successfully.
Socialists at the BBC would deny that they support these aims and, quite possibly, many of them do not, but they do not need to for it to happen. All they need to do is encourage the general drift in the desired direction – and that is what they excel at. They are foot soldiers in a pre-revolutionary war.
I don’t know about Soros, GC. Certainly markets taking fright and bouncing up and down is a chance for people with money to make more money. A steady, settled market is no good for creating and increasing traded wealth.
I had to be educated a while back on the significance and hierarchy of the various ‘black flag’ so-called anarchist groups, something like three or four distinct groupings and each more hard-line than its predecessor. Add Antifa and more moderate ‘lefty’ groups and there’s plenty of folk there for a demo (maybe a punch up, too) rather than a debate.
Frankfurt School? September may have a head to head with Angela v Martin at the Ballot Box.
As for Gramscians, I know some fervent EU enthusiasts who are paid up to that. Quite strange that conflict of interest but I guess they think it will give the EU even more power in the end.
Out now!
I am not a conspiracy theorist but I do think that civil war is the intention of the deep state in America, out of chaos you can bring order as the people will demand it, that order being the NWO. Some will say that is a conspiracy theory however many presidents and even our own Gormless Brown used the term.
YouTube will supply plenty of proof of these speeches Bush seniors being particularly chilling.
No matter how much the right ‘concede’ the left will push as they need the backlash to fulfill their plans.
So remember when you’re feeling very small and insecure
How amazingly unlikely it is your birth
And pray that there’s intelligent life somewhere up in space,
Because there’s bugger all down here on Earth
We should destroy all trees as they are racist symbols of slavery and oppression. Black people were lynched from them and today many suffer from Post Traumatic Slave Syndrome flashbacks in the presence of trees.
‘Mickey Fearn, the National Park Service Deputy Director for Communications and Community Assistance, made headlines when he claimed that black people don’t visit national parks because they associate them with slaves being lynched by their masters…
“African-Americans have felt unwelcome and even fearful in federal parklands during our nation’s history because of the horrors of lynching.” What do national parks have to do with lynchings? Many national parks have trees. People were hung from trees. It’s racial guilt by arboreal association. Trees are racist down to their roots’.
‘Black people are triggered by trees and suffer Post Traumatic Slave Syndrome flashbacks.’
Hear that. Get rid of trees, ask Treezer’s toy boy Mayor of London to rid the parks of trees. Sod the environmental benefits, this is oppression.
Think I am joking
see link
After statues, maybe paintings, writings, all cemeteries containing those who were on the ‘wrong’ side – that’s Japanese and Germans in recent times but it depends on how far back in history you wish to go? The Romans were pretty oppressive and heavily into slavery, as were or are the Arabs and various Asian states.
Those ancient cave paintings in France will have to go. Graffiti AND cruelty to animals: just not acceptable.
Again it begs the question…why aren’t these leftists kicking off about attitudes in Saudi Arabia?
And theres more ………..
Those ‘men’ are it it again in Finland . Breaking news on the way !
The real divide as i see it now, is basically hormonal, and the differing degrees of adult autism dividing society down 2 paths.
One path still has the majority of feet walking on it, the other path not so many, and so they throw rocks at the people on the other path to win them over to their path… old Arab negotiating technique.
Both paths contain mainly separate generation’s, one older in general the majority path, and the young minority path.
Theres all kinds of sub groups on each path, but thats complicated by hormornal-ly imbalanced people deciding the language used to describe it, far left hard left alt-left soft left centre left,.
see so centre left is left of centre….in the middle of hard left soft left, and far left and alt left……….so thats easy soft left are a little more left than centred politics, hard left are twice as left as the soft left are left.
So the centre left are twice as left as the soft left and 100% more left than the hard left, but 100% less left than the alt left, who are 200% more left than the centre left are left………right easy enough.
And now theres just the alt-left, the leftist left of all left 400% more left than the soft left are left,.. 300% more left than the hard left are left,…….200% more left than the centre left are left,…………etc
On the majority path you onyly have far and alt right, far right is 1,000,000,000% more right than soft left,,,,,, and alt right 1,000,000,000,000% more right than the soft left.
No-one on the left path is on the right, the left path does not have a right side on it.
The culture war is not between young and old, thats just how the demographic’s unfold.
It is between the junk food chemically koshed generation, and the un-chemically koshed.
It is why there’s so many beta people, the left path beta people gave it a nice mumsy name femisation, a great gift to society, kind loving kids,
De-testosterone-isation of the mass’s a devious and quite purposeful endeavour by the UN and EU Marxist’s/Eugenist’s .
Which results in the identity idiocracy above.
Manxie, interesting post. Think you are on to something but not necessarily chemicals, although according to the Beeb, the use of designer drugs among young and young – middle-aged adults was shockingly high the last time they could be bothered to tell me about it.
Don’t forget the power of fashion and peer pressure. And repeated peer pressure from generation to generation. Now it has worked down three or four generations. The Baby-Boomers were the first to be subjected to it on a large scale (yes, it’s been around for centuries) with advertising and marketing bolted on. Add in the factor of smaller families and children without siblings can, understandably, be desperate to fit in just to keep some friends.
Look at the success of Facebook and similar. The fact that kids cannot give up these sites even when they are being bullied.
OT, but the picture editor at Reuters needs applauding:
One of the great pieces of evidence against ‘white supremacy’ and another reason why I don’t subscribe is that white hegemony (which I do recognise) has already passed in this century to China.
The next great piece of evidence against ‘white supremacy’ is already on its way. World hegemony will pass from China to India very soon. Not just in population size terms, that is a mixed blessing as the Chinese have already found. But in economic, educational, scientific, engineering and social improvement terms. Like the Chinese, India already has massive business power.
One of the factors that has held India back has been their rigid caste system. The British have left India with a great ‘infrastructure’ legacy but now their class system is changing, with some more help from the west – both from the ‘white world’ but also from returning Indians – to an economic class system. As that accelerates, assuming this world keeps on turning, they will find world power has been transfered from white to yellow and on to their hands. Our world is actually quite a small planet; the time for fighting over race should be way, way done.
PS: The Chinese are already feeling the heat closer to home, from Viet Nam
Marky Mark has reminded me with his post on the S.t.W Thread that I should post this for the doubters above:
MM, At risk of dragging another specific Thread (Fools Rush In) into this one, I have been reminded that the ancient peoples of Egypt did indeed include a black skinned population, the Cushites, at the time of the Pyramids.