The Left’s intention is to destroy the Western world and remake it as utopian multicultural paradise. What the Left seems to miss is that the West is, for all its faults, the best of all possible worlds and that when they destroy it the world doesn’t get better it gets much, much worse and descends into third world squalor, poverty and violence as those wonderful multicultural Western paradises turn out to have become the realms of warlords, criminal gangs and tyrants, Somalia writ large….and with no West to help ‘police’ the world, to spread and encourage democracy, the whole world gets even darker.
Who are the real fascists…those who defend Western values creating an environment where free speech, tolerance, and human rights are developed and preserved, acting as a beacon for the whole world or those on the Left whose anti-Western rhetoric mirrors that used by the Nazis?….
If enough Americans can be persuaded of all of that — that America is inherently racist, that America is and has been a lie — then it’s over. That is the objective, and we are in the midst of it. Sometimes you’re so close to the forest you don’t see the trees. That’s what we are in the midst of here: An ongoing effort to erase America by discrediting the entire premise of our culture, our history, our founding. The objective is to create in as many American minds as possible that America as founded is not worth defending. Serious times.
US commentator Rush Limbaugh spells out who is the real threat to America whilst in Britain we have the BBC….The BBC which peddles its anti-Christian, anti-White, anti-Israel, anti-West, anti-Capitalism (except when the big companies support the EU or at least the freedom to import cheap wage slaves), pro-IRA, pro-Islamist terrorism, pro-Muslim, pro-EU, pro-the ‘West must pay for its sins’, pro-mass immigration and pro-climate change alarmism, is as much to blame for driving this narrative of destroying the West as the likes of Soros or Corbyn or indeed Ralph Miliband, the man who really did hate Britain and all it stood for…….
Friday on his nationally syndicated radio show, conservative talker Rush Limbaugh said given the state of affairs in the country, particularly in the wake of last week’s events in Charlottesville, VA, it could be said the country was on the cusp of a second civil war.
Limbaugh insisted much of the angst was being driven by forces from the outside wanting to see the United States cease being a “super powerful nation.”
Partial transcript as follows (courtesy of
America is under attack from within. Our culture, our history, our founding are under the most direct assault I have seen in my life. And I’m sure it’s the same with you. We haven’t seen anything like this. You might even get away with saying that we are on the cusp of a second civil war. Some of you might say that we are already into it, that it has already begun. However you characterize it, though, we are under attack from within. And it’s being bought and paid for by people from outside America, in addition to inside.
I’m thinking of people like George Soros and any other number of international financiers whose objective it is to take the United States out and down as a superpower, to literally erase the United States as a powerful or super powerful nation.
Now, folks, in order to defend America, which I believe is incumbent upon all of us, in order to defend America, you have to begin knowing our history. If you’re gonna defend the United States of America, you have to know our history. You have to know the purpose of the United States of America. You have to know unequivocally and proudly the United States’ place in history. And that is why erasing and distorting our history is crucial for the left to succeed.
None of this that is happening on the left is random. None of the riots, none of the protests. They are not the result of the left being offended by individual acts. Antifa didn’t show up in Charlottesville because they found out something was going to happen that offended them. They showed up in Charlottesville to create mayhem and cause hell. They showed up in Ferguson, Missouri, to do the same thing.
They showed up in Baltimore to do the same thing — and wherever they show up today and tomorrow and next week, it’s by design, on purpose, has an objective and an agenda. And that agenda is to erase American history. That agenda is to distort, erase, and impugn our history. It is crucial if they are to succeed. Because, you see, if enough Americans can be persuaded that America, as founded, is unjust — if enough Americans can be persuaded that America as founded is inherently racist and immoral and illegitimate — then it will be all that much easier to erase America as founded.
The two go hand in hand, which is the objective of all of these groups on the left. Whatever they’re called and wherever they go and however they organize and whatever their day-to-day purpose, their objective is to erase the history of America. It’s to restate it, to recharacterize it in such a way as to convince a majority of Americans that their country is illegitimate and has been from the get-go — is unjust and racist and bigoted and has been from the get-go.
If enough Americans can be persuaded of all of that — that America is inherently racist, that America is and has been a lie — then it’s over. That is the objective, and we are in the midst of it. Sometimes you’re so close to the forest you don’t see the trees. That’s what we are in the midst of here: An ongoing effort to erase America by discrediting the entire premise of our culture, our history, our founding. The objective is to create in as many American minds as possible that America as founded is not worth defending. Serious times.
This is a very, very serious effort that is underway. Sadly, it has a lot of allies. It has a lot of people helping it that ought to be opposing it, but they are choosing what they think is the path of least resistance, which is defined by the media. You’ve got several Republicans who I believe are unwittingly participating in the effort to cast America as indefensible, particularly with Donald Trump as president. Trump as president is, in their view…
The attacks on Trump, the characterization of his presidency, is designed to show how really flawed America is. That somebody like this could be elected, that means it’s time to get rid of the Constitution. That means it’s time to get… Whatever made Trump possible, it’s time to change it and get rid of it. This is very, very serious stuff happening here, and it has the aid and support of the media, which means it has the aid and support of the worldwide left and the Democrat Party.
America’s profound morality, kindness, widespread prosperity, and design for equal opportunity should be self-evident. But that assumes that factual, historically accurate reporting in education is taking place, and we know that it isn’t. It is a shame and a near crime that the profound morality and greatness and kindness and widespread prosperity and equal opportunity that is America isn’t known. It is a crime that those characteristics of our country are in the process being recast and erased. We are getting hysterically inaccurate reporting.
We have been in the midst of hysterically inaccurate education for generations. America is unique. America copied no other country. Every other country was a copycat of others, with governments that denied individual freedom, denied opportunity, denied sovereignty. That’s what was copied. Tyranny was copied, nation to nation, people to people. That is the history of humanity: Living in tyranny, living under authoritarianism, living in poverty, living in sickness — until the United States came along, which copied nothing.
The United States and its founders rejected all of that tyranny, oppression, poverty. In America, the individual was the supreme power. That is being erased under the premise that the individual is corrupt. The individual is likely a racist or a transphobe or a homophobe or some other ill-prepared sack of humanity, and so we need to overcome the corruption that is the individual, that incomparable embrace of humanity that is the United States of America.
There’s no place on this planet that human beings would rather be than the United States of America. And yet people born and raised in this country have been persuaded that America is a sinkhole, a hellhole, a sewer, a garbage dump, or a dungeon, and they’re in the process of actually creating all of that — under the guise that civil rights, equality, and liberty. The incomparable embrace of humanity that is the United States is under attack. Leftists, Democrats seek control over 100% of the population. They accomplish this with lies, such as the Affordable Health Care Act.
They accomplish it with one lie after another. The lies being told today are the lies designed to convince people their country is not worth maintaining as it is, their country is not worth maintaining as founded because it was founded as racist, sexist, bigoted, homophobic (you know the drill), immoral and illegitimate. Ignorant people will not remain free for very long. The media is working on a path parallel with school systems to actively and passively distort information to wipe out from the vestiges of our history and our memory any collection of stories that testify to the greatness of America and her people.
Mark Steyn deals with this as well. He sees it as an attempt to delegitimise the Constitution of the USA. I can see civil war looming if it goes on as the well armed country people will not stand for it.
Americans who burn the Stars and Stripes were originally called Tories, then they called themselves British Empire Loyalists, then they called themselves Confederates, and then they called themselves Communists and now they call themselves Democrats.
By condemning the violence of Confederates who now support the Union, but not the violence by Union supporters who now no longer tolerate statues of Confederate Generals respected by the Union and its Presidents. Must be an attempt by the Swamp (Which is now revealed to include Theresa May) to reignite the American Civil War.
The Democrats used to call it the Solid South, voting heavily for Democratic candidates for President. So this must be revenge by the Democrats against the people in the South, for rejecting the Democratic Party. Just like the Labour Party’s rejection of the high-IQ but poorly educated working classes, for voting with the high-IQ highly educated Tories for Brexit.
What is the difference between Donald Trump and Jeremy Corbyn?
When Trump condemns all forms of violence, the far left, inevitably led by the BBC, swarm all over his comments. Why did he leave it 15 minutes before condemning this, that and the other? Why did he leave a comma out there? Why did he say that sentence first? Why didn’t he say this? Why did he say that?
And Trump’s crime? Because he lumped the far left anarchist thugs in with the neo Nazi far left thugs.
Oh but when it comes to Corbyn and his equivalence between Maduro’s state controlled far left death squads and unarmed demonstrators who are on the verge of starvation, well that’s alright then. Corbyn refuses to unequivocably single out and condemn state sponsored murder and lumps it in with demonstrators who are on the streets protesting the removal of democracy.
When those contradictions are pointed out you get the likes of the odious (in more ways than one) Owen Jones having a foot stamping tantrum and the BBC bending over backwards (or forwards) to justify Corbyn’s support for a murderous far left regime. No difficult questions there. No swarming over his remarks. Just blind acquiescence from the BBC who, don’t forget, have been told to ‘go easy on Jeremy’.
No mention of the presence of thousands of Cuban secret police in Venezuela. No mention that most of the ruling clique in Venezuela, especially senior military, are heavily involved in, and enablers of the cocaine cartels’ drug trafficking through that country. Hugo Chavez’s daughter has over $4 billion stashed away in foreign bank accounts.
And just don’t get me started on the BBC’s response to the Fort Hood Islamic terrorist massacre. Not one query from the BBC when Obama declared that it was ‘work place violence’ and went on to instruct government departments not to use the phrase ‘Islamic terrorism’. Oh no. Every day the BBC entrenches itself even more in excusing the outrages of the far left and Islamic jihad.
If only we had true conservative commentators and radio talk shows like in the States.At least there you can find an alternative to MSM like Rush Limbaugh .He has ahuge following.When you think that BBC has a near monopoly of radio and TV its quite depressing.
We are living through Tyranny now so far as I can see .Central control is running and regulating more of our lives,be it the local council or the government.Erasing history , building appalling bland buildings is gathering speed.No classical back ward looking architecture allowed.
My council is imposing all sorts of fines and regulating the air we breathe to an alarming extent ,and still they get voted in .But they giveaway lots of “Free” stuff in the summer. Music concerts and events to keep the proles happy.
Maybe a large proportion of people don’t care that they are becoming less free and enjoy being serfs.Or maybe they just don’t realise.
The frog in boiling water analogy really works for Blighty.
The vast majority of people don’t think about stuff. They’ve been undereducated by inadequate lefty teachers and not been taught to think. Further education does not guarantee thought either.
So people watch and vote ( maybe) tribally and think they are engaged with the world by Facebook , twitter and blogs like this for their subject interest.
Freedom went a long time ago when personal responsibility became unfashionable
Apathy is bred by control. I’ve always maintained that left, right, communism, capitalism is to some a little difficult to discern as long as the state maintains control. Communism probably the most extreme case admittedly. The end result being that as long as middle income tax payers get the car, the latest gadgets and just enough left to take the wife and children to Toremalinos for a fortnight he is apathetically content.
Strange how our words start to sound revolutionary – but not is a right on Corbin kind of way.
I wonder if the State will ever fail to provide enough to keep people controlled.
The more I see the editorial approach of al Beeb and msm – itv , c4, the more I see the firm hand of a civil service directive to minimise anti Muslim sentiment. The colour of the government would matter. It’s all agreed. They just assume people who notice – such as the people on this site – aren’t important enough to affect the policy.
“But they giveaway lots of “Free” stuff in the summer. Music concerts and events to keep the proles happy.”
In ancient Rome, they called it bread and circuses. Now there’s no bread, just circuses.
It’s ok… the BBC running order is set for balance….
Krankie makes me so proud to be a Scot.
Krankie makes me deny my scottish heritage and has turned me into an english nationalist
So Sturgeon regrets the word “Nationalist”
Maybe she should change her flag to the: LBGTQBBC party.
The media belongs in the gutter
Thank you for the find.
The BBC are loathsome. It hurts that this organisation has “British” attached to it.
I’m guessing this picture won’t be going bacterial on the twitter thing ….thank you for posting it. I was against shocking pictures- but not any more. We need to see
May innocent rest in peace and the guilty burn .
the powers that be tried to have people flood the internet with cuddly cat pictures to hide the barcelona reality
It is in their DNA, Nazi socialists were only on the right of the Russian socialists.
Like the hard Left being on the right of the far left, 2 bunches of assholes does not a conservative make.
Who are the real fascists…those who defend Western values creating an environment where free speech, tolerance, and human rights are developed and preserved, acting as a beacon for the whole world or those on the Left whose anti-Western rhetoric mirrors that used by the Nazis?….
its encouraging to see some genuine honest anger among some Spanish men. But the majority, the snowflakes, behaved exactly like Elois. Sheep being herded to the slaughter, taking selfies of each other, laying tea candles and flowers as the Muslim Morlocks/Orcs headed them to the slaughter house.
Its discouraging, that in just 60 years after WWII, we have given rise to a generation that does not know how to defend itself.
How is it possible? Is there something in the water?
Or something in the BBC?
In civilised countries, being slow to anger is a good thing. It keeps things stable for most of the time and allows law enforcement to do its job.
Problem is – bring in uncivilised people and it all falls apart, made worse by a legal system that has got its priorities wrong.
The “Hypocrisy” image posted by GWF, above, says it all. I think people need to be confronted by what terrorism actually does. Those with strong stomachs should Google “Ebba Akerlund” from Stockholm. That is the reality that the BBC, the rest of the MSM, the police and the government don’t want us to understand. We might get angry, prise ourselves away from our TVs, and actually want something done. Years ago, a senior policeman said in an unguarded moment that if the public really knew what was going on there would be a rebellion. Can’t find a reference to this, unfortunately, but you wouldn’t hear that now.
It is the result of Pandora’s Box politics, pure and simply.
Cynical political pygmies like Blair and Obama uncork policies designed to rub people’s noses in diversity and positive discrimination and state hiring sprees, and once that cork is out there is no way it is going back in, at least not without a fight.
You can’t unhire almost a million extra civil servants once installed. You can’t revert to fairness and meritocracy and common sense once you present those prone to violence that if you had a son they would look like that.
And you can totally get away with it when you have rewired the education system to churn out hundreds of thousands of ‘media’ graduates on the backs of working folks’ taxes, all dedicated to pumping out a unique, poisonous message.
Melanie Philips is trending on Twitter

Seems on Radio4 she refused to agree the truth that the definition
“fascist” = “anyone who is not a socialist”
Yes, I imagine the Hackney Hippo is a fervent antifascist. Howeveer, she is on public record claiming that Mao was a great man and a force for good. Even criminals have a hierarchy of “goodness”. The armed robber tries to exculpate himself by denouncing the child rapist. It is the same with the left. The left condemn Nazis to deflect attention from the mass murder committed by their leftist heroes Mao, Stalin etc. Comrade Corbyn no doubt laments the downfall of the Soviet Union and would like to recreate it in Britain. The BBC would never dream of suggesting Corbyn’s policies might result in the recreation of a police state and the Gulag, while UKIP, say, are aching to copy the Nazis.
Meanwhle over on Countryfile, the dim Towniefile presenters are telling us ‘shock horror most male DAIRY cars are shot at birth”
…. as they build their narrative
They spoiled that narrative later by revealing these days many farmers use sex selected semen.
As ever with the Lib verse doing a little digging opens up a maze of corruption.
Cos you see Countryfile showed video from one farm , but edited out the farmer speaking cos he didn’t fit their “CAREFULLY CONSTRUCTED” narratives.
“John Bell was not featured in the segment as he feels his story was not the one that Countryfile wanted to run”
He said NFU had done its own research and from travelling around the country he only knew of one farmer who regularly shot bull calves at birth. (these days)
Another Mr Oakes said: “They approached us looking to do a story saying there are tens of thousands shot at birth.”
The Townies might be shocked that there aren’t sheds of happy male chicks, growing up, next to the sheds housing hens.
“10-100k Bull Calf are shot p.a.”
BBC don’t do science
#1 what a vague number
#2 Numbers should never be given without full context
like they never mentioned that the UK has 1.9 million cows most calving once per year
John said: “It is disappointing the Countryfile chose to report the story the way they did, it could have been a very positive piece about how the Dairy and beef farming industries have jointly tackled the dairy bull calf issue instead of highlighting a practice that is now uncommon with unsubstantiated figures”
10-100k “We are however highly doubtful of the accuracy of this figure due to no corroboration from any industry sources and the thriving industry in dairy bull calves.”
BBC1 – grooming gangs Sarah Champion etc.
Nazil just said “British Pakistani men have a problem”
quickly correcting himself to “SOME British Pakistani men”
slot just ended. Transgeder man who became a woman in the military
contradiction from the start “I’ve known since I was 5 , I puton my mothers dress and liked it…but it was tight”
(hangon you said you were 5 years old ?
“My father came in was furious”
“I kept my secret for 19 years in the RAF and then came out”
“The RAF was fine, but my family disowned me”