Here you go, a new Open Thread. The BBC disgusts me at the best of times BUT last night (Friday) on it’s 10PM BBC1 news, it chose to entirely ignore the Jihad killings in Finland. What an abhorrence of a broadcaster.
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If Islam wants to be a strong religion it must stop hiding behind weak words like Islamophobia [0]. Islam should no longer be scared of books of fiction [1], Islam should not be scared of cartoons [2], Islam should not be scared of homosexuals [3] and Islam should give 50% of its followers an equal voice [4].
[0] Dislike of or prejudice against Islam or Muslims, especially as a political force.
[1] Salman Rushdie, Satanic Verses 1988 {wiki}
[2] Jyllands-Posten, 2005 {wiki}
[3] Islam and Homosexuals {wikiislam}
[4] Do women have equal rights in Islam? How come Islamic men don’t wear full face veils? So many beautiful men!
Hi MarkyMark – it is not about being scared of these things – it is about forcing others to submit to Islam.
Agree or lose your head, hands or feet. Not necessarily in that order.
Was trying to show that Islam has weak spots that should be scratched, just like tolerance being used against western cultures.
HALAL- for the Many (Muslim only jobs), Not the Few (non-Muslims allowed to work in HALAL authorised businesses).
Marky, I’m afraid you misunderstand islam almost entirely.
May I recommend a good book:
A Politically Incorrect Guide to Islam
By Robert Spencer
The things you speak of enable the psychopaths to run islamic culture and society.
It is never going to change, as in their faith the word of the prophet, and god, are immutable, and ro suggest change is blasphemy ending with a very painful death.
There will never be any change, and you can ask any questions you like.
There is no cosy nice version, there is only one islam.
I am aware of Islams’ totalitarian nature, but our responses should be multiple and the words easy to swallow by different people.
Say Islam cannot be changed then the alternative is to ban it, with great resistance and a united front by Muslim men and women.
Say Islam needs to include women’s opinion and for women not to be used as breading machines – you now have a discussion with 50% of the followers listening at least.
Mark, you simply couldnt ban islam, any more than you can ban thoughts.
You can ensure a degree of physical separation between the moslems and other faiths by national borders. Even that cant be 100% successful, but below a certain percentage their violent tendency can almost be eliminated.
As for the effects of the females of the species? They ate utterly and totally subservient and dependent on the males. The males are empowered by the religion, women have no influence whatsoever in the real world.
I don’t want izlam to be a strong religion. izlam is Just Plain Wrong. We need a strong information campaign to counter izlam but with the BBC (and the rest of the Media so far as I can tell) apparently trying to promote this vile so called religion it isn’t going to happen. What can we do? Are we just a pathetic view who come here to let off steam? Where is the mass protest against izlam taking over all of our lives?
The wording I used was to show Islam is not strong and acts totalitarian when confronted by fiction, cartoons and women. These are cracks in its armour to be opened up. Islam will then be shown for what it truly is …
I said ‘so called religion’.
Mistake – wrote view when I meant few.
The fact that it is classified as a religion whether it is or not is what protects it against any sensible anti izlamisation policies such as Pres Trump tried to instigate.
Saudi Money and izlamophile media and politicians militate against any hope of izlam shrivelling up and going away. The question is not what to do about izlam but how to get people to be bothered.
Islam is a cult not a religion. Look up the definitions.
Let me try a different tack … “Islam claims to be a mature and complete vision for life but is scared of fiction, cartoons, women and pigs.”
Hi MarkyMark – I think it is best to stick with the empirical facts. When you use words “scared” that is not an empirical fact – that is a debatable interpretation. And what does it really mean for a religion to be scared? I think you are trying to personify Islam into a person that is scared. What you could say is that in “your opinion” Islam is acting like a scared person … By labelling your statement an opinion – then someone can’t really argue against it as an opinion – they might disagree with it, but it is still a valid opinion in as far as opinion’s go.
The other thing to consider is how useful is it to personify “Islam as being Scared”? Are you saying Islam is scared – because you want people to feel pity and sympathy for Islam? Do you want people to put a comforting hand on Mr Islam’s shoulder and say, it will be all right, don’t worry, we will support you through your fear?
Or do you want people to say to Mr Islam, don’t be so scared, have some balls, go out and fight for what you think is right for yourself and your followers. Be ruthless, be determined, be righteous, don’t be scared – make others scared of you, rather you of them. If you read the Quran – that is one of the instructions that is actually preached.
Third time lucky …
“Islam claims to be a mature and complete vision for life but has been shown to be unable to tolerate books of fiction[1], cartoons[2], women’s beauty[3], women’s opinions[4], alcohol[5], science[6], pigs[7] and a difference of opinion. Can the words inclusive and diverse be used for Islam when it hides behind the word Islamophobia [8]?”
Broadcasting-on-Behalf-of-the-Caliphate – I removed the personalised word ‘scared’ and it works a lot better.
Despairada – I removed the idea of it getting stronger through change, but highlighted how it tries to be complete (all inclusive) but rejects many things.
lojolondon – removed the word religion.
[1] Fiction – Salman Rushdie, Satanic Verses 1988
[2] Cartoons – Jyllands-Posten Muhammad cartoons controversy
[3] Women’s beauty – Islamic Face Veils
[4] Women’s opinion – Islamic Sharia Councils
[5] Alcohol – Islamic Halal/Haram
[6] Science – Koran has all the answers
[7] Pigs – Islamic Halal
[8] Islamophobia – Dislike of or prejudice against Islam or Muslims, especially as a political force.
– Interesting that you are allowed to dislike or have prejudice for the Labour or Conservative Parties (political forces), but are not allowed to show dislike to Islam under Islamophobia?
When BBC TV presenters and talk show guests talk about Islamophobia, they should be asked write down on a piece of paper their interpretation of the word Islamophobia.
Then read out all the definitions – will they all be the same?
BBC: Barcelona attack: Government says terror cell dismantled
One paragraph caught my attention: “[Spanish] police shot dead five suspected attackers, “ Yes that would dismantle them.
Not from the BBC but I just heard the same claim.
Quite how anyone can say everything is hunky dory when admitting a few dodgy folk are still out and about (a few paras down) seems… impressively premature.
We can all sleep easy in our beds tonight then. That old “move along, nothing to see here” trick.
Yeah, dismantled completely by craftsmen,…….with the least gun-powder required.
I watched some shaky footage of one of the terrorists getting snuffed out. I was disturbed at the number of shots that were needed to put him down though, and it wasn’t like he was firing back. Either the Spanish police need to go back to the target range, or they’ve swapped 9mm rounds for spud guns!
Agreed – I saw the same and thought the same. Not safe to be a passer-by in that area!!
Not exactly SAS is it !
Pistol rounds as a whole are not very reliable manstoppers, especially against attackers jacked up on religious fervour. That is why the US Army dropped the .38 for the .45 after their war with the Moros in the Philippines. The 9mm is a good round, but unless it hits the brain or the spinal cord it might not stop a determined attacker.
The first rule of a gun fight is to bring a rifle or a shotgun, but obviously this is not always possible, and the Spanish police did well in the circumstances. Our coppers would have been chopped to pieces while they tried to deploy their CS gas or tazers.
Someone who tried to stop Finland attack is called Hassan, so Beeb are leading news bulletins with his heroic story.
“I am not a hero,” he says, with a heavily foreign accent. “I just want to help everybody.”
If he had been a cockney called Bill we would have heard nothing about him. Another PR coup for open borders!
Still a muzlim. Still part of the izlamic takeover. Become an ex muslim and I’ll listen.
In which the BBC media editor informs and educates the public on what is ‘best’:
Katty Kay likely just had a ‘moment’.
This is his previous employer, btw:
He is talking total crap, and the messages below the article show what most people think of this so-called ‘history writer’, even on a site as left-wing as the Independent!
Take from them the thing they care about
On a less important note, just watched Nigel Lawson’s interview on the Parliament channel. Make things a lot more interesting if he were 30 years younger.
BBC Website reports that “Russia knife attacker ” has wounded 7 people before being shot dead. Daily Mail further reports that he was from Dagestan ” strongly muslim region ” and that ISIS claim that it was a terrorist attack. Expect this story to disappear from the BBC pronto.
I wonder if the BBC will run with this story and demand answers?
I think not…
Barcelona attack: Imam’s home raided as police hunt terror mastermind – Sky News
“but his neighbours told El Pais his teachings about Islam were not radical.
They said he taught Moroccan-dialect Arabic to children and was very reserved.”
Taqiyya at its best!
The pot continues to simmer:
I switched on BBC Breakfast at 8:15am today and caught the end of an “expert” being interviewed. He was asked “should we get used to the terror attacks?”. He replied something like “yes, there is nothing else we can do apart from accept that occasional attacks will happen”. No possible other solutions were offered or debated.
I make a cup of tea come back and now some Professor “of being a leftie” was being interviewed. He final question was “can Trump survive?”. His answer “No, he will be gone by next June”. No possible other solutions were offered or debated.
Fair, balanced and impartial!
I guess he was not asked ” what happens if the terrorist attacks become increasingly frequent as they seem to be doing ? “. ?
Yes, some “experts” are lining up in droves to tell us how habituated they have become by the neverending succession of Muslim atrocities. The best way to defeat terrorism is to pretend it does not exist. Even the notdead Hitchens thinks we have not buried our heads deep enough in the sand and all that coverage of muslim butchery should be simply suppressed or merely hinted at in the media. Exactly the same tactic was adopted by Pravda, where you would never find any reporting about train accidents or other major disasters.
There was even one expert suggesting that we should physically redesign cities to impede the progress of Muslim machete swingers. The Muslim problem is an imported one. The sooner the importation is reversed the better.
The news on R4 after “Sunday”, or whatever it is called, mentioned the attack in Finland. We are informed that some unnamed heroic Brit who “does not want to be known as a hero” has been stabbed helping a woman victim. The Britishness, the heroism, the modesty. Surely, I thought, this could only be one of the “good” Muslims the BBC so eagerly seek out to show the prejucided indigenous population – especially those neonazi, white supremist, Brexit voters – how wrong they are. You can imagine the surprise I felt when the modest hero wss revealed to be Hassan somebodyoranother.
The BBC propaganda axe never leaves the grindstone. Even the news is an opinion piece.
I watched a bit of BBC1 Sunday Morning Live. It had it’s usual transgender interview but they also had a discussion about Sarah Champion MP losing her job for saying Muslim men are raping UK kids. The tone of the discussion was “it’s racist” and she shouldn’t mention “Muslim men”.
A short while later a terror “expert” was giving advice on how to survive the next attack. He said “stay vigilant and be aware of your surroundings and also be aware of the people around you”. The elephant in the room was he wouldn’t say what kind of people should we be aware of. His basic advice was to always check where you can run and hide to escape the ‘enrichment’. His other advice was to have a family agreement where you will meet up if you get separated. Top quality advice to fight terror!
The Liberal left have got so confused the only option left is to allow Islam to rape and murder us. On the plus side candle stick makers have never seen such a boom to their businesses.
The liberal left’s unwillingness to understand the reality of Muslim sexual practices is similar to the Victorian reaction to the publication of Burton’s unexpurgated version of the Arabian Nights.
The comfortable fairy tale version of the Islamic world was attacked. The penchant for donkey rape and raping fair-skinned girls and boys has not diminished since then. Or even before then as the stories of white people enslaved by the Ottomans attest. Even in the sixties there were newspaper investigations into “white slavery” centered on the wealthy gulf states and the usual places like Tripoli and Beirut. Ironically, the Arab nationalists, like Nassar, did a lot to curb the trade.
What the Islamic world was and is really like seems to have been forgotten and re-remembered in a number of waves.
Not the bBBC but as bad as… Sky news here with their speculations about the Terrorists motives and “excuses” for their failed ‘plan A’!
Barcelona may have been ‘Plan B’ for incompetent bomb-makers – Sky News
“they believe, the unbelievers are going to pay.”
[unbelievers of what? ISLAM possibly?]
“Pay for the Crusader war against the Muslim Umma. Pay for the disappointment of thwarted immigrant dreams. Pay with their lives in a vast and glorious conflagration.”
Nothing startling about this assertion –
They’re well on their way, ably assisted by all Western Governments.
BBC News just after 09:00. Not bias but the female newsreader will be sent for re-education. In a piece on Iraqi forces trying to retake a town, she stated that the town was “…held by Islamic State”. I think, a few seconds later (my washing machine almost drowned her out – every cloud, and all that) she did add ‘so-called’ to the next utterance and I think I may have seen her wince as the producer screamed “SO-CALLED, IT’S SO-CALLED FOR ALLAH’S SAKE!”.
Ullo Ullo whats this from the Beeb ?
“Hard Brexit ‘offers £135bn annual boost’ to economy”
‘Shock and awe…….’
We are leaving , the quicker the better .
The people have spoken !
Still not quick enough mind…..
Also, it’s interesting how they only flog the economic argument as if there couldn’t possibly be any other…With respect to the bbc article you link it is heaving with caveats (eg, “Campaigners against a hard Brexit said the plan amounts to “economic suicide”.) After all, can’t leave the ignorant masses with no doubt that leaving is unequivocally a good thing can one?!.
It is better to be poor in a democracy than rich in a tyranny.
Yep – totally shocking that the BiasedBBC has decided to publish the truth at last!!
I wonder when the BBC’s obsession with the ‘Partitioning’ of India will cease? Fed up with the BBC telling that story yet not emphasising that the Partitioning all came about simply because, in a nutshell, the muslims couldn’t live alongside the Hindu’s and Sikhs. I am obviously simplifying the history but, that’s the bare bones of the matter. Probably in BBC ‘think’, its best not to emphasise that point as otherwise, the dim viewer might be led to ask him/herself the fundamental question, ‘So are we better equipped to live alongside hostile muzzies that the Indians?’
Does not explain how muslims , hindus and sikhs lived together for hundreds of years.
After reading your post, I had a look at Wikipedia, purely as a starting point, not an authority.
The impression it gives is that the coexistence was not entirely peaceful. For example:
Muhammad bin Qasim (early 8th century)
The earliest documented religious wars in India are from the 8th century, when Islamic armies attacked the Hindu and Buddhist kingdoms in the northwest parts of Indian subcontinent, now modern Pakistan and parts of Indian states of Gujarat, Rajasthan and Punjab in the early 8th century. Muhammad bin Qasim and his army, assaulted numerous towns, plundered them for wealth, enslaved Buddhists and Hindus, and destroyed temples and monasteries.[33] In some cases, they built mosques and minarets over the remains of the original temples, such as at Debal and later in towns of Nerun and Sadusan (Sehwan)[34] After each battle all captured men were executed and their wives and children enslaved. One fifth of the booty and slaves were dispatched back as khums tax to Hajjaj and the Caliph.
I think I’d like to know more.
Not entirely peaceful . I was not thinking of the 8th century bit the few hundreds of years before Partition.
Europe was not so peaceful in the 8th century and never really has been, including today.
Lived together, Grant but not necessarily peacefully or equally.
The official estimate number of Muslim slaughters of Hindus is 80 million. However, Muslim historian Firistha (b. 1570) wrote (in either Tarikh-i Firishta or the Gulshan-i Ibrahim) that Muslims slaughtered over 400 million Hindus up to the peak of Islamic rule of India, bringing the Hindu population down from 600 mil to 200 million at the time.
At best Hindus and Sikhs were granted Dhimmi status with all the restrictions
Yes, but I was really thinking of the period after the commencement of British rule. Up until partition. I should have made that clearer in my first post .
It’s always the same story where intercommunal violence is concerned. Everything is hunky-dory for decades or even centuries, then these is a sudden eruption of extreme violence. This happened in the Balkans after the collapse of communism, for example. Even the most enthusiatic proponent of multiculturalism, or multitribalism as we should call it, implicitly concedes that multitribalism as it now exists in Britain is inherently unstable. Why else would they be so concerned that an ill chosen phrase could unleash a pogrom or a terrorist attack a backlash in the form of mass murder? Like someone trying to balance a pencil on its point, the slightest disturbance can lead to disaster. The “progessives”” anxieties about Brexit and the continual references to “spikes in hate crime” in response to the referendum show how nervous they are about the effectiveness of their own policy.
Any unforeseen political or societal change could unleash a catastrophe.
Cohesion through diversity!
I guess that’s why the authorities have a fainting fit at the idea that we could have firearms for self-defence. But the criminals never seem to have much problem getting hold of them.
When there’s another economic mega-crash and nothing is left in the kitty for welfare payments, I’m sure Paul Mason will be there blaming it on racism when it’s all kicking off.
For those who would insist that “Islamic terrorism” is a perversion of Islam and seek to separate the two.
I found this very interesting comment whilst reading a discussion on a Telegraph article.
Well worth a read.
“Actually, thousands of educated and well off Muslims travelled to be part of the ISIS Caliphate as their religion teaches them to answer to such a call to a Caliphate. Many sold their homes and posessions to make that journey, donating the proceeds to the Caliphate. A Caliphate, incidentilly, headed by a scholar of Islam who has a PhD in Islamic studies, knows the Qu’ran and the haddiths off by heart and who has attempted to implement the purest, most literal form of Islam as taught directly by their prophet. A literal, word-for-word implementation of the Qu’ran and the Haddiths as written, cannot possibly be considered a misinterpretation of Islam. The fact that many Muslims who are not observant Muslims, who do not live as devout Muslims, have denounced ISIS version of Islam, is not a valid refutation that ISIS IS the purest form of Islam on the planet. If appeal to authority is your thing, then the Caliph is better placed to interpret the Qu’ran than any liberal who has never read a Qu’ran in their lives, or any Muslim who could well be practicing their Islamic Duty of Taqiyya. (deceive the non-believers)”
Perhaps the eminent Proff can advise the government on how to get rid of the top heavy, grossly inefficient administration that runs the NHS can be addressed -Lost records, appointments double booked, shortages of front line nurses and doctors etc etc etc etc.
He could also advise on how to make ‘Health Tourism’ become a profitable side of the service to the benefit of the people in the UK ……………
Why should anyone accept that because Hawking is an expert or genius in his particular field, that what he says about the NHS carries more weight than the minister in HMG (whom I can’t abide btw) who is responsible for running it and has been doing so for years?
Or indeed more weight than the view of anybody else who has experience of the NHS?
It’s called the “J.K. Rowling effect”.
Also known as the “Malala Yousafzai” effect.
Also known as the “Brendan Cox” effect.
Also known as the “Hollywood’s (insert actors name)” effect.
aka ” The Nadia effect “.
But no-one ever asks these people for their opinions on science. I wonder why ?
The Al Gore effect
Agreed. Hawking could use his scientific knowledge to advise the NHS on its computer systems which are crap. Instead of that , he uses his fame to make cheap political points. My late father , who was not an academic but would have been if it was not for WW2 , once said to me ” Many of the academics I have met are experts in their field, but quite stupid when they step outside it “.
Quite so. He is very certain of what he considers to be the calamity of Brexit, too. Stick to black holes, old son, something you are said to know something about. However (sotto voce) I have heard it murmured that doubts are being cast on Hawking’s black holes theories, but I shouldn’t think that will gain traction for a while.
Somebody needs to switch him off then, after 30 seconds, switch him back on again.
Another possibility is that the ‘Russians’ have ‘hacked him’ like the democrats (sic) have accused the Don.
Finally, I suggest he gets another accent like you get on the satnav voices, maybe a Geordie one or a Jamaican one.
There could be a market for voiceboxes in different languages and dialects. Maybe Hawking would sound more coherent in Swahili. Worth a try. But I suspect he would still be talking crap.
Change it to Hebrew, which should be easy since his voice box which he uses to urge a boycott of Israeli products has software made by Israeli scientists.
Good point . Sums up the hypocrisy of Hawking and the Left generally.
Steven Hawking, Stevens hawking what ?……….leftist nonsense NHS or Climate Change………..well named ……like Traffic division cop PC Butt, or environmentalist professor D Greenfield.
Liberal economist I. Poor.
or a million other aptly named numpties.
Don’t mock Professor Hawking, he is not a numpty, he has the gift of knowledge and can teach us many things:
So, whats REALLY happening in Cromer?
Can anyone inform ?
Listening to Broadcasting House this morning it was obvious that the people interviewed were under very strict instructions on what they could and couldn’t say. I have googled. It seems to be travellers and there seems to have been someone stabbed, but that is all I could find out. I don’t do the Twitter thing but perhaps someone who does could tell us more – because the BBC sure is missing something out.
” Our mission To enrich people’s lives with programmes and services that inform, educate and entertain.”
Inform, educate and entertain ? 😀
Mission creep, in extremis…
I am registered for Twitter – so I took my own advice and did what I have never done before and found this tweet which seems to cover it. It has been slightly adjusted so as not to offend.
Travellers everywhere mate. Raped a young girl yesterday. Stealing, fighting, all pubs and shops closed early in Cromer and Sheringham.
Other tweets suggest that police thought it better to close everything down than intervene.
Still not sure why this couldn’t have all been spelled out. Odd references to ‘gypos’ but not to Romanians – so assume not true gypsies.
Also some reports of a girl raped at a bus stop, then the town was smashed up by Travellers. Police just closed the bars and restaurants hoping the issue would go away.
The crabs have turned bolshy…
But not us lobsters!
Where have you been ? Deep sea diving ?
Grant –
Thanks for asking. Actually, I haven’t been too well recently, but I’m hopefully on the mend now.
It looks like I’m not destined for the thermidor just yet!
Sorry to hear that. But you only have yourself to blame for drinking too much sea water . You have not missed much because the Trolls are still on their school holidays.
I agree , I didn’t have enough whisky in it!
Interestingly the BBC have a small article from yesterday about the Cromer rape at a bus stop
but they didn’t put that “minor” detail into the link taffman provided above. Perhaps they don’t want the words ‘Travellers’ and ‘rape’ in the same article…
By 2pm R2 news had a caveat
“People are saying that the events are connected to large groups if travellers (from Ireland not English gypsies) who recently arrived.. But but there is no evidence…”
The BBC online news item has an odd little paragraph about travellers in the town that looks like it has just been pasted in. There is no other mention of who the perpetrators might be so why mention gypsies? What on earth has happened to journalism? You know, going out in the streets asking people questions in order to get some idea of what actually went on? The BBC moans about ‘fake news’ but what do they expect when their own reports would put Pravda to shame?
Broadcasting House on Radio 4 this morning had Ruth Lea as one of the newspaper reviewers. ‘Oh’, I said to Mr D, they have Ruth Lea on to prove there isn’t bias. It turned out that she was there in the centre of a pincer movement attack by two people who well fitted the BBC’s purpose. But Ruth was well equal to the two of them put together. The first was Francesca Simon who writes the ‘Horrid Henry’ books; American and obviously not a pro-Trump supporter. She agrees with all these statues of wicked slave owners being torn down in America whatever else they have done. The other person was Peter Bradshaw, film critic of The Guardian (cannot imagine what his politics are (sarcasm intended). So first Ruth was attacked by both the other reviewers because she said that people should be judged considering the time in which they lived. (Not unreasonable in my book). But Peter Bradshaw started on about how right wing people during the Iraq war were calling for Sadam’s statues to be torn down – now forgive me if I am wrong but I don’t remember anybody in the West calling for the statues to be torn down but it was done spontaneously by people who lived under a very repressive regime. I thought the US is the ‘Land of the Free’ and has just had a black President for 8 years – so compared to Iraq not such a very repressive regime, I think.
Then Brexit. Peter Bradshaw as the well known financial expert (and film critic) said that a whole lot of money would be poured into Brexit, like the Olympics – he said, to ensure its success. Ruth Lea asked him, ‘What money?’. ‘Indeed’, he replied ‘What money?’ Ruth Lea said there wasn’t any. ‘Exactly’, said Peter Bradshaw. A fine example of the level of debate that is produced by the Left; make any statement however outrageous and when asked to justify just come back with a meaningless non-sequitur.
I too do not recall any Right-wingers or Westerners calling for statues of Saddam to be removed. It just shows how ignorant Lefties, like Bradshaw, perpetuate Fake News, aided and abetted by the masters of Fake News, the BBC.
SKY news today going quite big on Anti-semitism and that One in six British Jews (17%) reported feeling unwelcome in Britain and over a third (37%) said they had felt the need to conceal their Judaism in public.
Some 65% of respondents said they believed the Government was not doing enough to protect them, and over four-fifths feel the Labour party is too tolerant of anti-Semitism.
I wonder why the BBC is not even covering this race hatred on TV or on-line. Surely they remember the second world war eh or maybe there biased editorial team needs history lessons.
Maybe something to do with hatred of Jews or maybe Corbyn has stepped in to stop publication
Imaprtiality and Unbiased my A*se
Perhaps more Jews could come forward and tell us why?
“It comes at a time when Jews across Europe have spoken of concern after attacks in Paris and Copenhagen.”
Just who is making these attacks ?
Taffman……. Just who is making these attacks ?
My thoughts exactly ! I know those of the Jewish faith tend to stick to their own enclaves, so us living in the wider world have very little contact with them on a regular basis. If they are attacked by our Muslim ‘friends’ its historically understandable and mention should be made of the perpetrators; if its Christians then I find it even more despicable and quite frankly unbelievable that my own fellow countryman can be responsible for attacks on a religion that do us no harm. We don’t go on the attack on those practicing Buddhism/Shinto/Hindu/Sikhism etc who equally live with us in harmony, so I cannot see the problem.
On my first day working in the NHS, my new boss (Cons. Psychiatrist), decided to tell me his was Jewish. I think he said it for my reaction, but he came unstuck, because I answered … “and ? , I’m Christian I hope its not going to cause you a problem”, he laughed immediately and we got on fine. It was something that I never gave a second thought to, but clearly he felt he needed to tell me.
We have Jews (Europeans who fled the Nazis) married in to one side of my Mother’s family, and Muslims (Kurds who fled Turkish oppression) married in to one side of my Father’s, which could have made for some interesting family gatherings, but I have to say religion has never come up once as an issue at these events.
Those kind of large family gatherings were all in the past mind you, most of those relations are elderly, or dead and gone now (RIP), and current generations have little to do with each other. Seems to me that British people are withdrawing more and more into local groups and enclaves. I can’t blame anyone, when I stick my head outside I’m not impressed with what I see either.
Paradoxically, the PC Multicultural Cult of the Lefties has torn this country apart, everyone seemed to get along better before any of that crap – maybe the point was that ‘minority’ groups were forced to comply with the way of life chosen by the native majority, tolerant though that native majority certainly was. My ‘foreign’ relations all came to live here knowing that they’d have to adapt to be accepted, and more than happy to make whatever changes were required to be accepted as ‘British’, in fact incredibly proud to be granted British Citizenship, it’s very different with modern immigrants.
British Board of Jewish Deputies are very close to their Moslem Brothers.
And they don’t like Tommy Robinson because he does not like Moslems
Certainly my daughter now does not reveal her faith when making job applications (there are some positions she held at university that would have been relevant in job applications). She did work for a London local authority in an office full of left wingers and when her colleagues found out she was Jewish they made life so unpleasant (low level, constant attacks on Israel in her hearing etc but not enough for a formal complaint and part of the problem was her boss and their boss) that she was pleased to leave at the end of her contract without another job to go to. Fortunately she picked another one up really quickly but she made sure she hid her religion. Fortunately where she works now is a much nicer type of person, they have found out after several months, and it is not a problem.
But what does it say about a country which once fought the Nazis and now some Jews feel they have to hide their Jewishness ? I am proud of the former and ashamed of the latter.
That’s despicable, Deborah and good to hear that she is treated a lot better in her new job. Diversity is embracing all cultures – unless you’re Jewish, ethnic English, Christian, heterosexual… have I missed anything?
That is about right. ” Diversity” is about hatred of white people , Christians, Jews, heterosexuals , men ( unless they are muslim men ) and so on. It is about narrow-minded , hate-filled bigotry.
The simplistic arguments from the, “ban everything/ permit everything” people have all the depth and value of rice pudding skin.
German and Finnish muslim terror attacks already off the beebistan ‘news’ web-shite.
Replaced by a heart-warming article on 2 migrants sweeping streets in Rome.
May be true, may be staged by beeb, whom I don’t trust further than I can spit.
Either way, it’s not news, its propaganda.
Charlie, that BBC migrant news page is hilarious. There are one or two serious articles – including the one about Italy’s attempts to stop migration, which seem to be working – alongside laughable propaganda items about migrant street cleaners etc.
Over on Countryfile, the dim Towniefile presenters are telling us ‘shock horror most male DAIRY cows are shot at birth”
…. as they build their narrative
They spoiled that narrative later by revealing these days many farmers use sex selected semen.
As ever with the Lib verse doing a little digging opens up a maze of corruption.
Cos you see Countryfile showed video from one farm , but edited out the farmer speaking cos he didn’t fit their “CAREFULLY CONSTRUCTED” narratives.
“John Bell was not featured in the segment as he feels his story was not the one that Countryfile wanted to run”
He said NFU had done its own research and from travelling around the country he only knew of one farmer who regularly shot bull calves at birth. (these days)
Another Mr Oakes said: “They approached us looking to do a story saying there are tens of thousands shot at birth.”
“10-100k Bull Calf are shot p.a.”
BBC don’t do science
#1 what a vague number
#2 Numbers should never be given without full context
like they never mentioned that the UK has 1.9 million cows most calving once per year
John said: “It is disappointing the Countryfile chose to report the story the way they did, it could have been a very positive piece about how the Dairy and beef farming industries have jointly tackled the dairy bull calf issue instead of highlighting a practice that is now uncommon with unsubstantiated figures”
10-100k “We are however highly doubtful of the accuracy of this figure due to no corroboration from any industry sources and the thriving industry in dairy bull calves.”
I am not an expert but I would have thought it would have thought there are laws to govern this. If it is happening and the farmers are breaking the law there should be consequences. I gave up watching Countryfile months ago. It gives no insight into country life and is just more BBC PC Lefty crap .
Grant ..of course it’s not breaking the law to kill male animals early and keep females for breeding and milking
Even in nature herds are at least 2/3 female.
Where do these bellends think steak comes from,……..a little clue,…….”’cows” with dicks, are steak,………….cows with dicks and nutz are called bulls, altho ya wont find to many.
Why would they shoot a beef calf they can sell, a cow has to calf to produce milk.
1020am BBC1 – grooming gangs Sarah Champion etc.
Nazil just said “British Pakistani men have a problem”
quickly correcting himself to “SOME British Pakistani men” Transgender man who became a woman in the military
Contradiction from the start
“I’ve known since I was 5 , I put on my mothers dress and liked it…but it was tight”
(hangon you said you were 5 years old ?
“My father came in was furious”
“I kept my secret for 19 years in the RAF and then came out”
“The RAF was fine, but my family disowned me”
7:35 am Radio 4 Leftyverse explodes cos Melanie Phillips was on re Charlottes ville
She refused to agree the truth that the definition
“fascist” = “anyone who is not a socialist”
She was on against Rabbi Jeffrey Salkin (whereas dim LibMob tweet that there was no counter voice)
Link to her Times article
A bunch of gypsy criminals invade Cromer. What is the response of the police ? Put the town in “lockdown “. The British police are not the solution , they are part of the problem. Will there be arrests ? Will there be prosecutions ? I doubt it.
I’ve been attending to a mass of ironing this morning (it’s a wild rock and roll life!) and catching up on some Beebistan brainwashing. Christ, it’s endemic!
Firstly I had a gander at Countryfile, surely there couldn’t be anything alarming lurking in the cowsheds?
Well, only that the two main presenters are both now ethnic minorities. When did this happen? Why did this happen? Am I going to be accused of being a closet Klanist for even noticing and questioning this unexpected manifestation? Possibly…Then, when Countryfile had departed, scraping dung off its designer wellies, they played a little advert for an up and coming programme, No More Boys and Girls. You must have seen it. Now this really is odd.
They gather a group of 7 or 8 year olds, look at their attitudes to “gender stereotypes” and indoctrinate the poor little mites into believing some PC hogwash about “gender neutrality”. It’s utterly terrifying.
Some poor little lad was filmed whimpering, “I’ve completely changed my mind…” Just who thought this Big Brother intervention by PC Nazis was a good idea? Who the hell are the BBC to inflict their devious and dubious opinions on young minds in such a creepy and sinister fashion?
The term “Orwellian” is clearly overused, but blimey, what else would you call this? I’m amazed that there hasn’t been a public outcry. Perhaps we Brits are now so bovine and passive that we just gormlessly gobble up any tripe that our masters choose to feed us. I think it’s a pretty wretched state of affairs.
So, if I can paraphrase that poor little mite from this dreadful prog’. “I’ve completely changed my mind about the BBC…”
And you can stick the license fee up your XXXX!
That is great. Can you do my ironing for me ?
The contribution of ethnic minorities to British country life, farming and nature conservation cannot be underestimated. The countryside would not survive without them . We should be grateful .
Its the only time you will see ethnics in the countryside. Photos should be taken for future generations.
LOL !!! It reminds me of the extremists in the USA who say that blacks do not go to National Parks because the trees remind them of lynching !
To be fair I did (one time only!) see an Indian family tramping about on a walk in the Brecon Beacons, with proper footwear and binoculars. I’m not a member of my local walking/rambling group but a friend informs me it’s all white folks.
In a sense I wouldn’t blame a BME person for avoiding those kind of groups because they tend to be full of mad old communist hippy eco-freaks!
………………… tend to be full of mad old communist hippy eco-freaks!………………
You clearly haven’t seen the walking groups in my village !!! they start off in my road, a merry band of pensioners talking like chipmunks on speed because they’re grateful to have someone to talk to, and 2 hours later they return -hanging on to each other as a result of a very refreshing pit stop at the pub and clearly too p…..d to speak ! Eco topics are way down the list for this bunch !
I live out in the sticks and I go out mountain biking. I very often bump into large groups of pensioners out for a stroll. All hideously white.
Brissles – Lol, admittedly my sample size is small as I only went on two walks with that particular ramblers group. I thought I’d joined an outdoors SWP/Green Party convention. I obviously need to relocate away from the city to find some normal people!
Perhaps they were connected to the very excellent Brecon Balti – if it’s still open
Anyone who has lived in India or Africa will know that rambling is not part of the culture in those places. Walking in the country is for poor people who have no choice but to frazzle and risk getting eaten by mozzies or something bigger. So trying to get darker people to do it in Britain is actually a form of forcing our own hideous white culture on them. The BBC should be ashamed!
For anyone that watched the ‘final’ episode of I Know Who You Are and thought ¿Qué?, the reason is that the BBC showed ten episodes while the Spaniards, (is that ‘racist’?), made and showed sixteen.
Rumour has it that the remaining episodes will be shown ‘later’ but it would have been nice of the BBC to say so when showing the first part.
However I’m still waiting for the last series of The Tripods from 1985 so I know to be patient!
(Probably never to be shown; “See! That’s what happens when you fools leave ‘Europe’!)
JimS I remember avidly watching a Sci Fi series where people from another Planet came here, and were kept in quarantine, a few years ago. It had great potential and I think we saw about 6 episodes before the plug was pulled. So no ending, no explanation, nothing, except a waste of 6 hours of my time. (this seems to be par for the course now – most of the tv programmes are a waste of my time)
I remember avidly watching a Sci Fi series where people from another Planet came here, and were kept in quarantine, a few years ago. It had great potential and I think we saw about 6 episodes before the plug was pulled.
That was because:
1) Everybody was white
2) They all spoke English
3) Nobody was Homosexual
4) They didn’t mention
Global warmingclimate change5) They openly smoked and drank alcohol
6) No Muslims (Which is why the bBC never shows Star Trek any-more)
My elderly mum with Alzheimers still enjoys “Songs of Praise “. But she asks me “why do the BBC keep changing the timing ? “. Today it is said to be 2.15 pm, presumebly to make way for athletics , yawn !. When the BBC start televising muslim friday prayers, as they will, would they change the timing to accommodate sport ? Rhetorical question really.
Grant , they’ll probably put it in the Christmas schedule .
If there is one !
Grant, some say the BBC use the trick of confusingly changing the times of programmes they wish to dump, so they can truthfully claim viewer numbers have declined. (Didn’t they do this before they halted ‘Dr Who’ many years ago?) I can well imagine they’d like to ditch ‘SOP’ for chants from a Londonistan mosque.
As for ‘Songs of Praise’, from what I’ve seen it’s been so happy-clappy, modernist and celebrity-obsessed for many years that I’m surprised it has any elderly viewers left. You’d be unlikely to get “Onward Christian Soldiers’ – unless it was performed by a steel band in a Calais refugee camp!
To the credit of the BBC (and the CofE) one of the few religious broadcasts still worthy of the name is Radio 3’s choral evensong, which uses liturgy largely unchanged since 1662. As I understand it, Canon Law prevents the service being buggered about with or modernised. I wonder how much longer it will last, though?
Questions any half decent news org should be asking why:
UK: Pakistani community in Rotherham sees itself as the real victims.
A mindset the likes of the bBC promotes.
Clearly the BBC are the only one who cares, because no bugger else does. Sorry, but ‘British’ Muslim or not they will never get any sympathy no matter what our esteemed national broadcaster wishes to report. Lefties might comment otherwise, but I know of even the staunchest of Labourites who agree in private with the views of Enoch Powell.
The Islamic ‘community’ does its normal thing of keeping its collective head down . Not much condemnation of the latest mass murder but betcha al beeb day time tele will be talking hate crime again as some poor soul throws a pork sausage at a mosque .
Not sure if anyone saw the 1:00 p.m. news on BBC1.
The lead just shows how low this disgraceful organisation goes. It was an interview with a father of one of the Barclenoa perpetrators showing supposed anger and upset at the Imam who was behind the attack. He has caused me to lose my son etc etc.
Well what about the relatives of the REAL victims of this atrocity. Why don’t the Beebistan seek out the innocent people who have had their lives ripped apart.
I’m sorry but this shows how low the BBC stoops now.
If I was one of the relatives of someone injured, maimed or killed by these disgusting people, the last person I would want to see right now would be one of the perpetrators relatives.
They are a disgrace and put their politics ahead of anything IMV
The BBC are typical Leftists. They do not care how many people’s lives are ruined to satisfy their perverted ideology. They are vermin.
BBC guide for reporting terrorism
#1 Always make out it’s nothing to do with Islam
#2 When it’s obvious it’s an Islamic attack rush to find a Muslim to air as a victim.
…. Protect Islam uber allies.
If Whitey-Righty is caught riding his bicycle without lights then hype the report.
…… If it was dark at the time then really really hype the report.
I thought this was worth a screen grab. The BBC uses the word terror without inverted commas or someone says
Totally accurately but also totally outside the ridiculous guideline on the use of the word.
Another thing the BBC has ignored. In April of this year Barcelona City Council voted to support BDS against Israel proving conclusively that kowtowing to Palestinian terrorism is no protection against domestic terrorism. In other words, Karma.
Presumably the response of the BDS movement in Catalonia to the carnage in Barcelona will receive the same BBC attention. EUROPE IS TO BLAME
Just following the strict editorial lines. Portray them as the victim as did Sky with other relatives looking bewildered and talking in the same pitiful tone. They may well be upset but now is not the time to be showing them on MSM.
Cartoon from spectator
In case anyone doesn’t get it: Do bears shit in the woods?
Goodish op-piece in yesterday’s DT by Ed Hussain: “Don’t blame the West, the terror won’t stop until Muslims reject the caliphate.” It’s a start.
But in some ways the DT are as PC as the beebistan. Yesterday’s whole editorial was equating Islamism with right wing extremism, not understanding the fundamental difference that one is a cause, the other an effect, or reaction.
Stop mass migration from the 3rd world – especially the muslim world – and right-wing extremism loses its raison d’etre.
No, DO blame the West (more specifically its leaders), the terror won’t stop until Europeans reject Muslims and they are forced to return to their own lands.
As that RL player once said: “It’s not rocket surgery, it’s not brain science.”
Al beebs printed version The Guardian is reporting that extra checks are being planned for people hiring vans . Nice idea on paper . Except that it is easy to set up a business hiring out vans and more practically – how much to buy a van to use to run over infidel women , children and men? Or to borrow the mosques’ van to go on a suicide run?
The State must come up with something more practical than that.,
Going back to lack of ethnics in the countryside – perhaps that’s the safety place to go on holiday ! unless of course tractors and combine harvesters become the weapon of choice; at least alarm bells would start ringing if a swarthy young man wanted to hire one – like they do (if they could identify one that is)
Here’s the BBC at its vile, biased worst.
The respected economist Prof Patrick Minford has released a report saying that a ‘hard Brexit’ would boost the economy by £135 bn. The BBC reports this on its Fake News website but gives Prof Minford a short opening paragraph of two, omits any data explaining his reasoning and then devotes the rest of its report (by some unnamed Brexitophobe hack) to rubbishing the Professor’s ideas by qouting from the lickspittle Eurpohile Monique Ebell. It’s a totally disproportionate hatchet job.
This is the BBC’s methodology in a nutshell. On the rare occasion it reports a story that goes against its narrative, it devotes most of its report to those opposing its headline. On the other hand, when it runs, say, a pro-Labour or pro-EU story, opposing voices are excluded. It’s always ‘but Labour says’ as its methodology.
We need to be rid of the BBC. Tomorrow wouldn’t be too soon.
I should like to see Ebell in a live debate against Minford, on al Beebus, about his report…no…I thought not.
Prof. Minford is a respected economist even by many Lefties. But Beeboids do not understand economics. For them it does not matter. Anything which goes against their Marxist agenda has to be rubbished .
We have had decades of mass immigration and cultural Marxism. Shouldn’t the planned utopia have arrived, at least in part, by now? I imagine the terrorism, rape gangs and de facto blasphemy laws are mere teething problems, probably caused by evil white men being too provocative. Paradise should be here soon enough. I can’t wait. Thank God they have rescued us from all that terrible peace, humour and solidarity.
Here is the Farage discussing the Barcelona terrorism in an interview with Richard Madeley, who in the course of which reveals himself to be a total c**t.
Madeley is just a Leftie journalist shit.
He has always been a total cunt.
Bit out of his depth. Loose women more his league.
Al, Grant, Goat, Synch
Nigel appears to be agreeing that the Pershing story is a myth (between 3-4mins) but did we get to the bottom of it?
See earlier thread Beltane et. al. Midweek Thread Aug 18, 8:51am.
Obviously the internet, snopes, modern ‘historians’ etc. cannot be trusted in this matter.
So has anyone access to Gen. Pershing’s ‘My Life before the World War, 1860–1917: A Memoir’?
Whether the story is true or not, it seems like a good idea. And there appear to be other examples.
Madeley is a vile, inadequate creature.
Madeley made a right cunt of himself with that interview but dont forget garroway either. Shes married to former labour henchman and bullyboy derek draper. Garroway is a nasty piece of work underneath that smiley mumsy exterior. Labour at any cost with her .Jeremy kyle is standing in this week and hes just as bad
This mornings live debate on BBC1 asked the question “is the response to the grooming gangs racist ” ?
How typical of the BBC to totally ignore the real question ,are the grooming gangs racist as they are abusing white girls.? Or even does religion play a role in the abuse of non Islamic girls ?
I didnt watch the debate because there is no point ,The BBC manages to sanitise any debate where Race and Islam is involved and manages to label any one with concerns racist. They must have a script permanently on standby.
What a disgusting question, and they got plenty of negative comments
Adam Henson moving his animals about
“this is Camilla, she’s a lovely old cow” #countryfile
This weeks prog is mostly about the presenters
“Tom the Grim Heaper” host of the “Room of Doom”
” Not much of a mention that Blenheim is home of our greatest leader Churchill”
Except that he might have been born there, it was never his home. Try Chartwell, or Hyde Park Gate as his actual homes.
Trump tweeted
Someone over on Guido has noted that the BBC has yet again given it’s airwaves to Brendan Cox. And asked ‘why?’ This response and summation is not far wide of the mark. It’s the BBC post atrocity toolkit.
‘BBC standard operating procedures, I’m afraid.
After an attack;
– Ignore the story if possible. If not, minimise the numbers involved
– Do not use the word ‘Terrorist’
– Do not use the ‘M’ word
– If possible use the word ‘incident’
– Deflect from the attackers motives / religion and number of attacks by mentioning, Thomas Mair, Finsbury Park, Charlotteville (and repeat as often as possible)
– Call for Brendan C o x (but FFS don’t ask him why he left ‘Save the Children)
– If C o x isn’t available (he will be – he can be found at his keyboard) send for Owen Jones
– Broadcast film of people singing and lighting candles and ‘not looking back in anger’
– Find loony left professor of ‘peace studies’ who will blame the West for the ‘incident’
– Find a victim who fits the profile of the attackers
– Find a ‘hero’ who fits the profile of the attackers
– Find a witness who fits the profile of the attackers
– Find an interviewee who fits the profile of the attackers who will say that they fear a backlash from Righty Whitey
– Invite ‘Tell Mama’ along and get them to report fake statistics showing an upturn in hate crimes
– Set up a Newsnight panel of people who fit the profile of the attackers and will say that ‘this is nothing to do with Is**m.
Why is Brendan Cox consulted for his opinion about Jihad attacks?
As far as I’m aware his wife wasn’t killed by a Muslim terrorist, in fact she wasn’t killed by a terrorist of any hue; the police never described Thomas Mair as a terrorist, nor did the judge at his…er…”trial” and neither did Mair himself.
Cox and his dead wife are (were) part of the class of Progessives, who have caused / are causing such enormous damage to our country and society; they are the Judas Goats who will lead all of us to destruction, if we let them, but unlike the said goats they will also end up on their pets’ chopping block.
No. 88, think you missed the one that stood out, for me, in the BBC’s reporting of last week’s Barcelona attack. They immediately tried to portray the suspects/perpetrators as drug and drink-addled regular guys, ie. not daily praying, Mosque attending, sermon listening regular Muslims.
Here’s a link to the real history of slavery which the biased BBC and other will never report on – up to 180 million Blacks were taken into slavery by Muslim countries, and it wasn’t abolished until 1980 !
You should know that it is still happening today ! Legal abolition in Africa means nothing , especially in Arab countries. Arabs also enjoy enslaving Filipinas . They have a sport of taking them into the desert, gang-raping them and killing them. All videoed , of course.
Some black Africans escape the Arabs and live to tell the stories of the rapes and the beheadings. But most just disappear in Arab countries. It would be a good topic for a BBC documentary.
Grant, you beat me to it. Spot on.
Then there’s the trafficking. I wonder where all the money traffickers make from their awful trade goes?
Why doesn’t the BBC with its massive resources for journalism do a real, deep investigative piece on that? Follow the money and work back and forth. Or would it reveal embarrassing donations to certain political parties in Europe, perhaps?
Could be . Also much of the trafficking is probably ethnic minorities and a certain religion and that is a a no-go area for the wankers at the BBC.
Having had students from a selection of countries including some from the Middle East boarding with us via the local language school, various conversations would occur on a range of matters. Suffice to say I would dispute the date quoted. Not saying some of the domestic staff are not happy with their lot but I would glean from the chats that an awful lot of the workforce particularly from the Indian sub continent aren’t exactly treated with the greatest respect. As an aside we mainly had adults staying with us and without a doubt the Italians were the ones who seemed to think the way we did. Two professional guys from Switzwerland stayed with us on separate occasions and both thought anyone who thought the EU was a good idea was mad.
Why do the BBC constantly promote the American singer Taylor Swift? They currently have two headlined stories about her on their Newsbeat Channel and one headlined story on the CBBC Newsround Channel – these stories have been headlined throughout this weekend. Last week the BBC headlined stories on Taylor Swift on their news homepage, their world news homepage, the US and Canada news section and their Entertainment news section. Over the past ten days the BBC have run more than 15 news stories on her.
The other thing I have noticed is that Ed Sheeran is also a favoured person that the BBC constantly promotes. I thought he must be gay or something – but apparently he is not. So if anyone can explain that I would much appreciate it. The BBC never promote someone without a reason.
Just in case you were wondering about the Fascist left and it’s starry eyed view of Islam here’s the BBC print arm’s take on something very sinister indeed, and sure to be reported on the broadcast wing.
It will be interesting to see how this develops. What will happen, as history tells us, is that there will be a “reformed Islam” which will attract some “westernised Muslims” – but if Islam ever gets into power, at some point there will be a reversion back to the “book” (the Quran) and these westernised Muslims will be labelled heretics and told to repent or face death.
The reformers will eventually find themselves debating with an AK 47, and very swiftly lose the argument.
It took at least three hundred years (roughly from the start of the Reformation to the end of the Spanish Inquisition) for Christianity to reach the point of reform where it wasn’t actively persecuting those who didn’t agree with it. In that time thousands – probably millions – were killed in religious wars. So I don’t hold out much hope for a Muslim reform any time soon!
It took at least three hundred years (roughly from the start of the Reformation to the end of the Inquisition) for Christianity to reach the point of reform where it wasn’t actively persecuting those who didn’t agree with it. In that time thousands – probably millions – were killed in religious wars. So I don’t hold out much hope for a Muslim reform any time soon!
” Ok Diversity and positive discrimination department I really want you to go for it today. I will get Mishal Hussain
to read the news. I really want all the right wing fascists to squirm tonight. Ok I know an English 7 year old boy
is dead BUT I want the centre of the news bulletin tonight to be on the poor father of one of the boys involved
in the incidents in Spain.” “Boss do you think that it might be thought to be insensitive if we appear to be showing
sympathy for one of the Islamic Terrorists father, while a 7 year old English and 13 other people are lying on slabs
in a Barcelona Morgue?” “How dare you refer to the perpetrators of the collateral damage as Islamic Terrorists, Smith your sacked. I want an advert in the Guardian tomorrow for Smith’s replacement.”
I had to switch it off. It crossed a line as far as I was concerned. There is something wrong with these people at the BBC. They lack something that most of us possess. I call it a sense of humanity or some sense of decency.
As for complaining there is no point at all. They will never get it.
Dave-I was so incensed that I did phone up. The complaints centre is in Northern Ireland, I was
making an analogy about the BBC interviewing a sad dad of an IRA bomber after being shot dead
by the British Army after setting off a bomb and killing women and children. i called the
perpetrators in Barcelona ISLAMIC TERRORIST BASTARDS and I was warned not to use such
language. Maybe if I said ALLAHU AKBAR it would of been more acceptable.
Radio 4 leads news briefing with fact that the Police are cracking down on online ‘hate crime.’ Isn’t that reassuring?
The test is whether or not the victim perceives the words to be abusive, i.e. a subjective test which could include virtually anything; no doubt any disagreement would constitute ‘hate crime’ and certainly the sword of Damocles of going to court would now hang over any online discussion as the threshold for ‘hate speech’ is set so low. What a waste of Police resources. The state should not Police opinions. That is tyranny.
On Toady their guest quoted a Guardian article which said online abuse led to events like Charlottesville! Leftist intolerance of other opinions has nothing to do with it. The message is clear: disagree with an SJW and you are a Nazi. Later on they will be speaking to victims of ‘online hate crime.’ Will that include all Conservatives and white men? I doubt it.
This cell in Barcelona almost pulled off an even deadlier attack; had those gas canisters not gone off hundreds more could be dead. Who cares about mass murder and an escalating war when hurt feelings are at stake? Thank God we have our treasured national broadcaster to protect us in these scary times. I feel safe in their hands.
Absolutely Beeb Brother, but don’t bother reporting a burglary as they don’t have the resources to investigate.
I’m across the Channel at the mo, counting down the days to when I’m back in Blighty next month. The bBC news home page is a disgrace when you view it abroad, hardly any British news on it. I had a look at one Across the Channel Home Page article, ‘When is the next solar eclipse in my country?’
I tried England, Great Britain, Britain, United Kingdom and got the same message each time – ‘Sorry, we don’t recognise your country’. Says it all, doesn’t it?
“‘Sorry, we don’t recognise your country’.” ‘But we faintly hear the call to prayer……………..’
Amazing catchall definition on Radio Humberside
hate crime against women = any act that comes from a position of power
See how that includes an attack against white straight men within the definition
“Women cannot be sexist against men, cos women are not in a position of power”
Her definition of misogynistic hate crime against women is asking a woman to smile” ..”cos you don’t know something bad might have happened , her mother* might have died”
* ( that’s sexist ! She didn’t suggest “father”.
Now what’s the first thing a woman might say to your young son ?
” hello young man, give us a smile”.
The activist sees to advocating a mental burka for men
You couldn’t open a conversation with your future wife with any words
…. Whereas a lesbian could say anything.
Named : Molly Hollanbach
… Now they are reading out the tweets calling her a nutter.
BTW her saying “men are in the position of power is sexist, as it depends on the situation eg in a female dominated environment like a primary school , the woman would probably trusted but not the man.
The local MP is actually complaining about eg ” women being touched as they walk past”
I wonder if such events are disprortionately due to ‘enrichers’.
Molly Atkinson I think
Presenter is still reading the tweets that are coming in against Political Correctness
Name seems to be Molly Akaz
The talk was instigated by Melanie Onn
” sexism against women should be booked by police as a hate crime”
Funny that “Onn was selected as the Labour candidate for Great Grimsby from an all-women shortlist in July 2014”