Big Brother wants to know all about you…..the BBC’s collection of personal information as you register for the iPlayers was passed off as a an attractive positive that meant they could personalise and tailor their service to you and your watching habits. Of course it was mainly a means to try and force you to sign up to the licence fee had you not done so but it does have its potential for the gathering of personal information about you and it seems the BBC want to go even further…..From the Telegraph….
Future BBC iPlayer could tell who is in the room and notice when the children have gone to bed
The BBC is developing a new version of the iPlayer that harnesses artificial intelligence, with the potential for your television to ‘spy’ on the household and tell who is in a room.
As part of the corporation’s quest to “personalise” its services, it has joined forces with Microsoft to build an experimental version of iPlayer.
The prototype uses voice recognition technology, allowing users to talk to their television. When a user says, ‘Show me something funny,’ it presents a list of comedy programmes. It responds to the question, ‘What’s going on in the world?’ by automatically playing the BBC News channel.
Cyrus Saihan, the BBC’s head of digital partnerships, distribution and business development, outlined his vision of the service’s future when the technology has caught up.
“There could be interesting scenarios in a typical family setting,” he said.
“Just by listening to the voices in the room, your TV could automatically detect when there are multiple people in the living room, and serve up a personalised mix of content relevant to all of you in the room.
BBC experiments with voiceprints
There could be interesting scenarios in a typical family setting too. Just by listening to the voices in the room, your TV could automatically detect when there are multiple people in the living room, and serve up a personalised mix of content relevant to all of you in the room. When your children leave the room to go to bed, BBC iPlayer might hear that the children are no longer there and then suggest a different selection of content for you and your partner. All of this personalisation could happen without anyone having to press a button, sign in and out or change user profiles.
If you want to know what is going on in the world, the last place one would wish to look is at BBC news. The recent terrorist atrocities of last week In Finland, Germany, Russia and to a lesser extent Spain establish that.
If one wants to learn of critical analysis as to why things may be happening that will never be found on MSM such as BBC news. They have no comprehension as to why terrorist events happen, it is a mystery to them and a common cause cannot be identified. Talk about being blinkered, and being led by the blind.
The BBC proclaim views, not set out news. To call it news is in breach of trade descriptions (after all one is forced to pay for its service against threat of imprisonment)
Be highly suspicious of “smart” anything, be they energy meters, phones, or televisions. “Smart” usually means smart in both directions…
Two essential books for ‘modern’ living: 1984 and the Koran. Both describe life inside our ‘room’, behind our backs, while the BBC and the politicians want us to look scaredly out of the window to the non-existent threat from ‘the far-right’.
Animal Farm might also be useful when looking at BBC pay and pensions and the BBC licence fee
I think it’s funny itself to speak to the tv and ask the BBC for comedy. It would reply ;” you’d better find another channel unless you want to watch some repeats from 20 years ago.” Or ” do you want to watch some smug snowflake at the Edinburgh lefty hug?” .
Al Beeb has promised to introduce a check to make sure only licence payers can use their i player. I’m sure it will take a day to get round it or someone sets up an alt iPlayer. I will not pay the licence fee until al Beeb loses the ‘al’.
I refused to sign up .I can live without it. I pay the licence tax ,I shouldn’t need to give any more details than that.Are people outside Britain still getting the content for free.? I don’t sign up for Facebook ,google ,you tube or anything else that wants to use my information to monitor what I’m doing and bombard me with adverts.
You can always sign in as: Sir Jimmy Savile, Woodlands Cemetery, Scarborough. North Yorkshire.
T May, 10 Downing Street, Whitehall, London, SW1A-1AA ?