Beeb website reports on two Birmingham gangs issued with injunctions. Their photos shows what a vibrant bunch they are. If only the Police had received more diversity training then these lads would never have got involved in crime. Just as well the Police employed more BAME officers as obviously the colour of a Police officer’s skin has a massive effect on whether or not someone decides to become a criminal.
“Rival gangs dubbed the ‘Burger Bar Boys’ and the ‘Johnson Crew’ are banned from making YouTube music videos boasting about shooting each other in a landmark court ruling”
Let’s admit it – we, the indigenous British, have all benefitted hugely from such diversity. It makes us much more understanding of their values and the contributions these people make to our general wellbeing. They have clearly been misunderstood, and I would trust any of them to escort my daughter to a disco.
Brissles – it could be worse; you could be growing old as a Briton in Britain circa 2050 which, if nothing changes, would be as a member of an ethnic minority and very possibly a despised one at that.
Agreed, just after WW2 there were approximately 9000 BAME people in the UK and now we’re staring at the countdown timer of a demographical bomb.
The one thing to take heart from, however, is that no people throughout history allowed themselves to become extinct without a fight and neither Britons nor other Western Europeans will do so.
It’s just that things haven’t got bad enough yet, that will change if there is a major economic collapse and we can’t feed the UK population via domestic production or afford to buy it from abroad; then the proverbial will hit the fan.
It’s not a good day for the laughing stock of reliable journalism, the BBC. Not content with confirming the appointment of the Europhiliac, Scottish Labour hack Sarah Smith as Andrew Neil’s replacement (see comments elsewhere) it now appears that someone in their pretend news room has mislaid the Naz Shah story. The one where she retweets a comment suggesting that victims of rape should ‘shut up about it for the sake of diversity’
No ‘ordeal by headline until she resigns’ for Ms Shah from our tenth rate broadcaster, just the eerie silence punctuated with the occasional swipe at Treezer of Brexit.
Hi Pounce, when I clicked on your link my anti-virus software came up with a message saying my laptop had picked up a virus and had successfully isolated it. I assume your blog is on a server and maybe that server has been infected. I don’t know exactly how these things work and what you can do about it if anything (warn the blogger platform people), but I thought I would pass it on. I assume this is early days with your blog (I recall suggesting you and others starting one) and these are the type of things bloggers have to get experience and knowledge of. If my virus checker says I have downloaded a virus by clicking on your link – then that would suggest your own computer may or may not be compromised. Best wishes.
Cryxos trojans display an alarming notification message saying that the user’s computer or web browser has been ‘blocked’ due to a virus infection, and that their personal details are ‘being stolen’. The user is then directed to call a phone number for assistance in the ‘removal process’. This is a version of a ‘call support’ scam.
Automatic action
Depending on the settings of your F-Secure security product, it will either automatically delete, quarantine or rename the suspect file, or ask you for a desired action. … information on how my virus software is removing / isolating the threat of having this virus on my laptop …
Technical Details
Cryxos trojans are typically encountered when the user inadvertently opens a malicious or compromised webpage hosting a malicious JavaScript file. When the script runs, it will display a notification message that makes it appear as though the user’s device is infected with a virus; the user is urged to call a given phone number for technical support in removing the infection.
The notification message displayed by Cryxos trojans varies by language. Some variants will also open a web page in the browser displaying what appears to be a legitimate vendor’s website to further enhance the impression that the message is authentic. Other variants will display an image of a screenshot of a web page: … images are shown of the warning messages that appear on your computer …
Some Cryxos variants will also play an audio recording repeating the information displayed in the notification message and giving the phone number that the user is supposed to contact for ‘further assistance’.
In addition to displaying the message, some Cryxos variants will display the user’s IP address, open multiple web browser pages, or perform other actions designed to cause alarm.
Support scams
These trojans are essentially part of a ‘call support’ or ‘tech support’ scam; they are designed to trick the user into believing their device is infected. If the user does contact the number displayed, they are then typically pressured into paying for the ‘assistance’.
In some cases, the user may be asked to give the technician remote access to the machine, potentially leading to a device hijack and compromise of any information stored on the device.
For more information about such scams, see:
Microsoft Safety & Security Center: Avoiding technical support scams
Apple Communities: Phony ‘tech support’ / ‘ransomware’ popups and web pages
It would be interesting to find out why this is happening now. Obviously a lefty journo like Smith would take over sooner or later as Brillo was the only independent journo at al beeb. The politicians ( on the left) will breath easier knowing they won’t be getting a hard time anymore . If I was a Tory mo I would nt go near albeeb if given the choice
So Brillo replaced by the daughter of the leader of the Labour Party , coburns other half is a labour MP,
The fella who does the itv Sunday politics is the son of a labour Peer. No bias at all .
Not boding well for men in dresses, rowdy protesters etc., when the takeover comes.
Boy in a Saudi Arabian, mostly empty car park, wearing headphones and jiving to the, ‘Macarena’ arrested for disturbing the peace.
More lies from the BBC Today programme. BBC Claim Climate Change Is Cutting Crop Yields In Africa
At about 44 minutes in, a fairly sensible report from Kenya about improving agriculture methods is introduced with this shameless comment:
Climate change is cutting crop yields [in Africa]
The data from the UN FAOSTAT shows the opposite to be true:
Also BBC says this
‘Increasing atmospheric CO2: effects on crop yield, water use and climate”:
Check the science Abstract :
\\Probable effects of increasing global atmospheric CO2 concentration on crop yield, crop water use, and world climate
….CO2 enrichment *increased * agricultural weight yields by an 36%. //
I listened to that, Stew, and was horrified. There was a lot that Alastair Leithead did not tell the listener about the area of Kenya that he was reporting from. He used the magic words ‘Climate Change’ but did not explain that the CC in that area has a human farming cause and is not due to climate itself changing.
Leithead is certainly clocking up some Anthropogenic Global Warming Air Miles, criss-crossing Africa as he is at present.
Roughly 3.2 million EU citizens in the UK . 100 get sent a letter to leave by mistake. 99.999999% of people in this or similar positions of error will simply get on the phone (Or visit) and sort it out within minutes. But to the left this is a human rights issue worthy of breaking news status. Update:
The bBC have now inserted this into the above: James McGrory, executive director of the pro-EU group Open Britain, said: “This is shameful stuff from the same department that gave us the disgraceful ‘go home’ vans a few years ago.”It’s little wonder that many EU citizens feel worried about their future status in the UK when they hear of people with every right to be here getting letters threatening their deportation.”
The same James McGrory that got his arse handed to him by brillo a few months back talking bollocks on brexit. With brillo going the left wing bias at the beeb will be off the scale. Daily politics will be unwatchable.
“I did my best to keep my spirits up on Tuesday while guest-hosting America’s Number One radio show, but actually I was near overwhelmed by an awful sickening sadness, which is not the best disposition for broadcast entertainment. I woke up to the news that, during the night, in Baltimore, Maryland, the oldest monument to Christopher Columbus in the United States had been destroyed by someone called “Ty” and his chum:
A 225-year-old monument commemorating Christopher Columbus was vandalized early Monday amid the nationwide debate on removing Confederate statues and monuments.
.. ..
Indeed. It’s hard to have a ‘conversation’ with a guy wielding a sledgehammer.”
– Mark Steyn Aug2017
These people are to be likened to the fanatical Islamists who also destroy symbols they do not like. This is the same kind of blind hatred. Such fanaticism as displayed will no doubt lead to murder next, just like with the Islamists. The people who do these things must be caught and punished.
The aim is the same, to eradicate ‘history’. It is not simply vandalism.
MM, At risk of dragging another specific Thread (Fools Rush In) into this one, I have been reminded that the ancient peoples of Egypt did indeed include a black skinned population, the Cushites, at the time of the Pyramids.
The authorities seem racist when handing out knighthoods
when Geoffrey Boycott comments on this by saying
“I need to black up my face to get a knighthood”
It is really strange that ALL MetroBubble media people including Express and Mail?
call his comment racist.
It’s not racist, cos there is no black victim of his comment , the victim of his comment are the racist authorities.
(The best they could stretch it to claim he is saying some Sir only got his knighthood cos he high profile and black
but if we reverse the roles and it was a black person saying “I need to white up” no one would call him racist)
BBC confirm Geoffrey Boycott will keep his role as a pundit on Test Match Special despite (BBC thinks he should not be keeping the role?) perceived racist comments (who did he hurt? who is the victim?)
The BBC reported a Waheed Saleem was in the Sky Audience and found that Geoff Boycotts remark disgusting and vile.
Waheed Saleem, who was in the audience, told BBC Sport: “I was completely disgusted. I don’t think anyone saw it as a light-hearted joke. I was absolutely gobsmacked.”
The BBC decide to make a highly promoted article out of Waheed Saleem’s opinion. How the BBC were in contact with Waheed Saleem and whether or not Waheed Saleem is an Islamic activist or BBC favoured persons or on the BBC pay role were not reported.
I did a quick google search and found the twitter account of Waheed Saleem – looking at his twitter account he seems to be a professional Social Justice Warrior describing everything as shocking and demanding action.
Waheed Saleem describes himself as: “Political & social commentator, philosopher, fighter for social justice and equality. Member of a few Boards and attend lots of events!” He is from Birmingham, UK.
Waheed Saleem @waheedsaleem
“Political & social commentator, philosopher, fighter for social justice and equality. Member of a few Boards and attend lots of events!”
Sadly, the Mail, included in the rogues’ gallery, has been lurching ever further to the Left in the past year or so. It seems to be beyond the wit of its writers to even consider, just for a moment, that Boycott might have had a point.
I suspect the rag is desperate to claim it isn’t on the far Right, so routinely jumps on a passing bandwagon such as this, to shore up its credentials. If so, it’s a stupid move as its readers would prefer more Katie Hopkins and less of this knee-jerk yelping ‘racism!’ at every opportunity. Guardianistas are going to hate it anyway, so why keep trying to appease them?
Antisemitic comments get solicitor £25K fine +£10K costs
“Majid Mahmood, criminal defence solicitor in Britain, fined £25,000 & suspended for FB comments ”
“Mahmood, a solicitor for 12 years, said that ‘somebody needs to shoot all the Israeli Zionists dead then send their bodies to America as a present for Obama and his Zionist pals’”
Brysea-And this is why Jewish schools have security like FORT KNOX.And this is a highly educated
solicitor who has made comments like this. I don’t watch the Londonisan Programme anymore
on the BBC. Has Assad Ahmed or Riz Lateef featured this on their programme yet?
According to the website of his current employers:
“Majid has a substantial practice in criminal law and also does work in the area of Immigration law and Taxi Licensing. In his spare time Majid likes to travel, and tend to his Coy Carp.”
Clare Foges argues that the idea of “hate crime” is racist/sexist as it means “white males” are treated as second class victims of the same crimes.
She calls for the CPS to recognise the difference between mud-slinging and ACTUAL threats which should be taken seriously.
The whole hate speech clamp down is just a smokescreen to enable the liberal left elite to shut down comments they don’t like. Just another tool to destroy opposition to their world view. It reeks of sinister Orwellian motives.
That memory hole at Al Beeb is getting so big it could soon swallow the entire country. Soon they will just have to report on natural events like the eclipse as reality is increasingly diametrically opposite to what they tell us is so.
Imagine if a white MP did something even remotely as bad as what Naz Shah did today – the Beeb would have a lynch mob round. And here we are talking about young lives being ruined not mere ‘offence.’ The house of cards is falling apart.
I see the bBC are reporting today on the newly released Clinton memoir ‘What Happened’.
My first thought was: why bother with this non-news? The woman is history and never was fit to be running a country.
My second thought: why am I not surprised to see their headline comment referencing her televised debate with Trump: “my skin crawled as he stood over me”. In much the same way I suppose as the skin crawled of the many folk who have crossed her, just as they were meeting their untimely deaths?
More bullshit from bbc.con
First of all we have this from Monday Ben Nevis snow free for first time in 11 years
You just wonder where the climate change plug will come but amazingly it doesn’t. However, as usual, a little bit of scrutiny reveals the bullshit.
Compare this written in 2017……
“A lack of snow last winter has been a major factor,”
with this written in 2016…….
“However, snow expert Iain Cameron has described the depth of the white stuff on the mountain’s North Face as “astonishing”
Photographs of the snow, which could be more than 15m deep in places,
blah blah blah. Which is it? no snow or too much snow? You couldn’t make it up but they obviously have.
Not the bbc but CNN. The Donald is really driving this lot nuts after another great speech last night. ‘Whats that i hear, CNN sucks, CNN sucks’. Couldnt happen to a nicer bunch.
Whilst we all agree that CNN are nuts along with the rest of the MSM, there is no doubt that we are witnessing an attempt by the liberal left to force President Trump out of office. It will be a turning point in history if they succeed. A democratically elected POTUS , the most powerful position in the world, has been brought down by the liberal left elite. What price democracy? But it may well prove to be a hollow victory . Will Trump supporters allow it to go unchallenged? I doubt it. They may well decide that mass demonstration is the way forward and I believe that most rank and file police in the US are with the President so they may well side with the demonstrating Tump supporters and then who knows what happens. The liberal left may have bitten enough to choke themselves. I do hope so.
KatieH thanks for that clip. I think Scott Adams (creator of ‘Dilbert’) is correct on his blog when he says the leftist media is suffering from a form of mass hysteria over Trump. It’s quite staggering that a mainstream TV channel can show presenters calling their President a liar, mentally ill, morally unfit etc.
I don’t think Trump will be going anywhere and recent polling looking forward to the Senate elections next year, showed that of the 10 seats that were at risk of changing to the other party 8 of them were Democrat.
– Feel free to double check my maths.
– Does Laura Pidcock have a report on who receives the food bank (nurses/firefighters/doctors)
– I have assumed it’s the number of parcels received 16.5k and not the number of people
Is this boneheaded Labour MP (but I repeat myself) actually claiming that well paid public sector workers need food banks?
If a Ukip member posted anything half as moronic it would be on the news, but the left wing BBC/MSM give soft headed Labourites (repeating myself again) a free pass to spout any sort of mad nonsense.
Nothing about Naz Shah on Beeb website. Don’t they have a whole team of thought Police checking for any offensive comments by public figures? They collared Geoff Boycott for his heinous remarks about blacking up.
They do have an article about women only carriages on trains; good old Al Beeb, always sticking up for women. Apparently sexual assaults are on the increase. I wonder why that might be and whether our noble national broadcaster might address that issue. Seeing as none of our leaders want to discuss the issue I guess women’s only carriages on trains in Northern towns could become de facto information centres on how to avoid rape gangs. It would also save groomers the hassle of having to search through carriages with men on when they feel a bit rapey.
Europe will be increasingly at risk from terrorists posing as migrants unless western capitals help Libya {times aug2017}
“Faiez Serraj, head of the United Nations-backed unity government based in Tripoli, warned that would-be terrorists were among the tens of thousands of people able to pass unvetted into his country across its open southern borders.
‘When migrants reach Europe, they will move freely. If, God forbid, there are terrorist elements among the migrants, a result of any incident will affect all of the EU,’ he said.
His comments, which follow last week’s terrorist attacks in Spain that police have linked to radical groups in north Africa, come as Libya and Italy send an…”
MarkyMark, if a British or American person (ie, Farage or Trump) had made comments like those of Mr Serraj, the media would be busily crucifying them right now.
Good point. Change the author to see how it sounds – more morally right!
Douglas Murray has suggested a solution to stem the flow by vetting in Libya for example. Could help build infrastructure as well to originating countries.
Build the wall … but why are people leaving Mexico?
When is “Enough Is Enough”?
When is diversity enough? 50/50? 90/10?
When is equality enough? 50/50? 20/80?
When is immigration enough? 10? 1K? 1Million?
When is voting age reduction enough?
Some chap called Mohammed given 18 years for trying to get a pipe bomb through security at Manchester airport . Why keep him alive . Execution would save tax payers money and give al beeb plenty to moan about .,
Don’t think al beeb mention Mohammeds’ motive . Wonder what it was?
QUESTION:- Do the ethnics living here and hating us equal the ones who journeyed miles and risked death to get here?
Seems a lot here just hate it but these days plane tickets are very affordable. It causes me to wonder.
Gaxvil, the following is just my theory (I’m not holding my breath for any major journalistic investigation of this) but the impression I get is the poor b*stards who come over in kids’ dinghies from Africa are mostly just chasing some dream of the good life in the west that they’ve glimpsed on TV. The ones that really hate the west are those who have been here a long time or born here and who have been exposed to the cultural self-hatred of the British and who have seen enough of British working class culture to know that they want no part of it. This makes them ripe for radicalisation and sows hatred of the west.
Lord Wreath – I should clarify. By ‘seen enough of working class culture’ I do mean enough of the bad aspects, which sadly have been encouraged by de-industrialisation and the benefits culture over the last 30 years.
Fine – I’m new to this site so I don’t know when to take things literally or read between the lines. Without wishing to sound too relativistic, I would include middle class people who reject their better fortune and consider it cool and necessary to ape the worst aspects of life lower down the social scale.
In my experience, the sons and daughters of people in the liberal professions, if we still use that phrase, are the worst by a large margin. Give me a genuine working class socialist every time.
The PM programme tonight semed to be pushing some line about Mrs May doing a U-turn in proposing that the European Court of Justice would still have a role to play post-Brexit.
Unless my ears are deceiving me they then offered no evidence whatsover to support this statement. Instead we had a pack of BBC ‘experts’ telling us what various EU leaders, (not part of the negotiating team), had said in the past. So I conclude it is really the BBC that thinks the ECJ should continue to rule over Britain.
Common sense should tell us that when two parties make an agreement, (say the US and the EU), one of the parties is hardly likely to say, “sure, your courts and your courts alone get to police this deal”. Similarly what part of ‘sovereign nation’ do the BBC not get? How can we possibly accept a situation where foreigners in this country are covered by a different law to that of the native citizens, (“I’m a UK citizen working in the USA, go chase yourself US cops!”). Yet the BBC thinks that the EU will insist that its citizens in the UK should be ‘protected’ by the ECJ. [I do realise that Muslims, foreign and ‘home-grown’ aren’t subject to UK law but that isn’t affected by Brexit).
Still clutching at those straws and spinning out fanciful debates that only require a terribly simple and awfully brief answer.
Not happy living in Britain – unless you’re serving a prison sentence – no one is making you stay.
Gonna be a good old bust up anyway . Out of the EU . Out of the the ECJ. UK law supreme . Then pull out of the ECHR . Then we can start rolling back reasons for not deporting enemies and re instate the death penalty . We’d need a new parliament to achieve that of course – can but hope
American waiter fired for writing ‘Ching Chong’ on receipt because he didn’t catch her (Chinese) name.
Gosh it’s hard to go through life without offending someone and it only takes one word and you become an enemy of the state.
I worry what I might say in my sleep or that my squinting to focus might get misconstrued.
I think this is entirely right – especially about the press. When even a nominally Conservative government tailors its policies to appease a dominant broadcaster, which is most certainly does, then you can say the broadcaster (and its dead tree press fellow travellers) is calling the shots,.
Regarding: American waiter fired for writing ‘Ching Chong’ on receipt because he didn’t catch her (Chinese) name.
In the end the only people employable will be the ethnic minorities who speak their own language.
It is the people that are being offended that are determining the agenda. Except white people are not allowed to be offended, because if they are offended they are called racist or white supremacists.
I wonder if the Chinese version of Twitter/Facebook has ever erupted into a storm in a coffee cup for an employee writing Gweilo or ‘foreign devil’ on the side of a Starbucks type takeaway?
gaxvil and Broadcasting-on-Behalf-of-the-Caliphate
If I was this man’s boss I would have fired him on the spot if not for the racism but for stupidity and horrendous customer relations. It also probably avoided a lawsuit and resulting bad publicity if the customer had decided to sue the restaurant as employer (principal) for the waiter’s (agent) action.
Whatever he thought of the customer he should never have written it down and handed it to the customer on the receipt. True, Ching Chong is considered a racist taunt on the level of nigger, kike or bog Irish but how different would it have been if he had written big-nosed (or tits or bum) woman, crippled guy or simply ugly?
Commenting on a customer’s appearance is an absolute no-no and it really makes no difference if the comment was accurate or even in the employee’s mind a compliment.
To deegee – If this was the first incident I wouldn’t fire the waiter I would review my training procedures. The waiter needed to link the receipt to the customer quickly. Most waiters are running around all the time with little time to think. I wouldn’t put the blame on the waiter unless they disobeyed training – which I highly doubt. I would apologise to the customer and say we are updating our training procedures and leave it at that. Only if the waiter was a particular problem (e.g. constantly rude etc) or had specifically disobeyed instructions would I discipline him
Surely it’s a question of degree. Are you suggesting that the waiter wasn’t aware that ‘ching chong’ was offensive without training? Even ‘Chinese lady at table #4’ could be considered offensive by some. Common sense, if the name on the receipt was important would be to ask the customer again.
BTW most waiters receive zero training other than how to use the cash register.
Ching chong and ching chang chong are pejorative terms sometimes employed by speakers of English to mock or play on the Chinese language, people of Chinese ancestry, or other East Asians perceived to be Chinese. Several public commentators have characterized the term as derogatory while noting that assaults or physical intimidation of East Asians are often accompanied by racial slurs or imitation Chinese.
deegee – “Are you suggesting that the waiter wasn’t aware that ‘ching chong’ was offensive without training? ”
What – Ching Chong is offensive? Are you sure? In what way is it offensive? The guy doesn’t speak Chinese and is unfamiliar with Chinese phonetics. And feck common sense. Common sense is often wrong. You are making absolutist assumptions and that is the road to social justice warriorhood.
Anyway so the guy gets sacked. They employ a new member of staff. According to you they don’t need any training because it is “common sense”. And what about the person who got sacked – he is going to be branded a racist and become a social pariah? My view focused on training and assessing the situation on an individual basis – not making absolutist dogmatic rulings.
Lol ! Ching Chong, – that reminds me of my estate agency days and the fun we had with some surnames. One in particular was called (and apologies if anyone here has the name) ….. Glasscock – yep. My young teenage colleague quipped “bet you can see him coming”. oh dear. Its life ! our humour is gradually being eroded away. The same years ago with blokes chancing their arm with girls in the office – now its all squeals and cries of sexual assault, back then it was dealt with by a few well chosen words – most said in humour.
My neighbour’s child who is about four calls me ‘Mr Lanky’. I’m not sure why, since I’m not particularly tall (maybe I appear so to him). Should I be offended by this in some way and can I get some compo out of it?
StewGreen and Rick Bradford kindly gave me leads on how to bar the Guardian from my Google ‘Suggested for you’ sites, but it’s true, there is no apparent easy way to stop all the leftie stuff they spout showing on my screen when I start up to get headlines!
I have absolutely no wish to read anything by Guardian employees, and it makes me feel sad that they are even allowed to spout their bile, while hiding behind ‘hate’ laws and ‘diversity requirements’. No wonder they keep whining on about needing more money – it’s in their mindset to whinge and complain, always after a feeble ‘story’, pinched no doubt from real journalists.
There are four out of six by that awful bunch on my headline screen at the moment. May I repeat, you’re not welcome here, you ‘Guardian and most of the bbbc’, (but a biased bbbc headline to reaffirm their hatred of Britain does indeed help the adrenalin, before I click to more interesting subjects).
Please can someone write an application to help to stop these parasitical lefties infesting my screen? I’ve tried to understand the ‘hosting’ bits, but am afraid that as I worked in real business for a living until I retired, I left all that to guys and gals who understood what they were doing, and I’d rather get real for most of the time – well at least until tincture-time…
Recall the photo shopped fake photo of Trump supposedly with Putin?
Software is now out there that, in real time, can alter facial expressions and actions. So in our future the odd lie by omission or cleverly edited bit of video will seem as nothing.
Recall the photo shopped fake photo of Trump supposedly with Putin?
Software is now out there that, in real time, can alter facial expressions and actions. So in our future the odd lie by omission or cleverly edited bit of video will seem as nothing.
In Google news click the gear wheel on top right of the screen
select sources
Then make the settings something like this
with Breitbart as the preferred source
As you said even though I have Guardian is blocked, it still shows me Guardian stories
You can check if a restart fixes this by typing this into the address bar chrome://restart and pressing enter
The browser will then restart with all you old tabs still kept alive
I see what you mean about brainwashing
OK it wants to show me a Trump item as top story
..but they choose to frame it with a photo of a Klu Klux Klan pointy hat
In her book does Hillary explain why she laughed when describing how she got a child rapist off a rape charge?
Hillary was an ambitious lawyer and considered cases as a problem solving exercise – aiming to win cases by all means possible to further her own career. There was zero room for sentiment or caring.
Whereas her husband Bill Clinton does exude warmth – she doesn’t. She is a very calculating emotionless individual. That is one of the reasons why she lost despite the social justice warrior movement getting behind her.
Wait until Hillary’s book “What Happened Hardcover by Hillary Rodham Clinton” is in the library or Oxfam @ 99p.
‘In the past, for reasons I try to explain, I’ve often felt I had to be careful in public, like I was up on a wire without a net. Now I’m letting my guard down.’
– Hillary Rodham Clinton, from the introduction of What Happened
Feck off BBC – another BBC news homepage story promoting Islam – here we have another promoting Islamic garb and the “freedom” it gives to women. It never fecking stops.
Headlined: “Six supersized food creations. If you love food then you’ll want to see Newsround’s pick of the biggest food creations from across the planet.”
Click on the link and the first supersized food chosen by Newsround is … somethink cooked up at an East London Mosque: “Twelve volunteers cooked the giant samosa, which weighed in at a whopping 153.1 kg, at an East London mosque.”
More Islam – you just can’t get away from it on the BBC. Once in a while is fine. But not every fecking day on all BBC channels promoting Islam. No other religion gets a word in, while Christianity is demonised with stories of paedophile priests and white supremacy.
“Click on the link and the first supersized food chosen by Newsround is … somethink cooked up at an East London Mosque:” – Recipe? – ‘four full buckets of fertiliser, 8 kilos of ball bearings………’?
BBC News @22:20 Gary “£1.75m + BT Sport + Crisps + Pension” Lineker being interviewed by BBC for his BBC views on the BBC Sport regarding football and not Brexit. Doesn’t he flood the waves with his opinion anyway on his own programme?
“Brexit: Theresa May says UK leaving EU court’s jurisdiction”
Al Beeb taking a hammering again on HYS. Evidence that their propaganda is not working. They must be getting pretty desperate now.
See the ‘Highest Rated’ HYS.
USA, China, Japan, India, Canada, Australia etc etc all want a free trade agreement with us.
None of the above require free movement of trade or THEIR courts to have the ultimate say in OUR laws…….UP:852
Obviously the ECJ will expect to
have jurisdiction over every other country in the world where EU nationals reside as well then ?
Completely nonsense. UP:697
– this is a great comment, ECJ laws being demanded in UK for EU citizens is a stepping stone to allow it to happen all over the World. UK let us do it? Why not China?
One of the reasons we are leaving the EU was that we wanted to have control of our own laws therefore why would we want the ECJ?
If migrants in UK want to be ruled under ECJ then they need to move from the UK to an EU country – simple, end of!
We need to take a hard line and cater for the many not the few to quote Corbyn!
If, as seems very likely, massive levels of violence break out somewhere in Europe I should imagine it will spread rapidly throughout the EU. The whole mess, migration, islam, the looney Marxist left is coming to a head. It will be ironic that the collection of countries that have come together, in part, to prevent inter alia, another ‘World War’ will have directly caused the next by its own inability to honestly manage the peoples wishes. It has to be this way, a ‘re-boot’ of the system. Any bets on whether it will be the US which kicks off first?
G- I reckon that anglophone countries will be the last to openly rebel (outside of small pockets of US ‘survivalist’ types who will probably be sadly crushed). Our people have been used to democracy and the separation of church and state for much longer than everywhere else. It will take time for the majority of the populace to realise that it has finally failed and that their governments now see them as the enemy.
In general we’ll probably see the indigenous UK population increasingly abandon dangerous urban cities for the shires, but eventually there will have to be a move abroad somewhere.
Anyway – For it all to ‘kick-off’ locally (in the short term) my bets are on France or Italy. The fact that the EU is doomed should give us all some cheer at least.
on BBC Breaking
“A rock concert in the Dutch city of Rotterdam has been cancelled
and a bus containing gas canisters found nearby after a tip-off from Spanish police, the city’s mayor says.”
They must have read your post ………………………………
A bit of a time lapse there would you say?
Do they get their news leads from this site?
Apparently the tip off came from Spanish police/authorities investigating the recent atrocities in Barcelona.
However, “it is not thought the two are linked”
Really? How?
Our media along with the US media is really upset by the President’s speech in Arizona. They just do not get it all. This is a culture war and President Trump wants to win it and do it on behalf of millions of us who are not progressive , not college educated ( which is now shorthand for being progressive but is an absurd simplification) , not part of a well rewarded elite living off the taxpayer or by exploitation of the capitalist system.
I think he has read the Art of War and maybe studied ( or his advisors have) the campaigns of the best generals in history.
Surprise and deception and sowing confusion. This is so effective- witness the meltdown on CNN last night- and so difficult to counter quickly.
His support looks solid where it really matters. The Guardian hates him so what. The BBC/C4/Sky hate him so what. CNN and the rest hate him so what. They are on hostile ground and are not going to matter much longer.
Time to clean house as they say.
Heck, Trump feels aggrieved and is hitting back. The media criticise so many things normal folk love and the media would popularize so many things normal folk abhor.
The media have vilified him since he first stood up – how come they are so surprised, so hurt, offended and outraged?
DaveS, spot on. They just don’t get it. They created Trump and now he is President using the very same media that created him.
Gax, yes. He collared them right at the beginning of his Presidency and they then had the chance to ‘go straight’ but as Charlottesville showed, a large chunk of the mdia are more ‘bent’ than ever. The old deference, respect, national hierarchy & hegemony, for the President and his office in the USA has gone, so as it’s a bare knuckle fight, Trump has taken the gloves off and will give as good as he gets.
Hi Manxman – I see your point – but it can be explained by the shadow cast by the black lives matter banner – the shadow from the banner is partly hiding the shadow cast by the white guy’s body – but you can just make out the shadow cast by his head – which is in the expected place.
Now a van carrying a number of gas canisters registered in Spain has been found by the Dutch Police.
The RoPpers are making a big mistake targeting concerts, because as we all know the numbers of left wing Fascists supporters of Islam are probably at their highest concentrations at these concerts. If they carry on attacking them eventually even the most blinkered and bigoted Fascist will realise its not safe to enjoy the things they like because of Islam, and turn on the Muslims and the Fascist mentors for their lies.
This might actually be the biggest single turning point against Islam for some time.
Everything is your fault.
But there’s no need to say sorry, because the BBC is busy apologising on your behalf.
Barely a week goes by without its guilt-ridden liberals blaming Britain for all the world’s woes. Self-loathing is their hobby — it makes them feel better.
Film-maker Gurinder Chadha, brought up in Southall, London, was at pains throughout India’s Partition: The Forgotten Story (BBC2) to emphasise that Britain alone was responsible for millions of deaths and decades of conflict following the separation of Pakistan in 1947.
More project fear………………….
“Food industry warns of Brexit workforce shortage”
Please note that EU workers come here to earn a wage not out of the ‘goodness of their hearts’ to stop us from starving.
Just give them work permits like any another independent, sovereign nation.
R4 8pm News
halfway down they mention “pipe bomb airport guy jailed for 18 years
…OK that is news ..but it’s probably the “report once then bury” technique.
But then the news ended by saying “And in her new book Hillary said Donald Trump gave her the creeps during the debate”
..#1 that’s NOT NEWS , but rather another damm advert for Team Hillary
#2 Everyone else in the world is wondering
but then she propably knows a lot of creepy dark secrets
“The only skin being crawled on are the bodies of the multiple suicides, car crashes, death robberies etc of those who outed the Clintons.
Conspiracy theory? Maybe, but when numbers exceed five, let alone ten and now twenty (thirty?) it looks very suspicious.”
Hi all.
Been away in Oregon for a few days. Here are a few snippets, not strictly BBC, but certainly shows up the narrowness of the bBBC Leftmob universe.
1. At a very popular tourist spot outside Portland, the dryers in the toilets were Dyson airblades. How about that? Amazing eh? A British company successfully selling products to a non-EU state 6000 miles away. And via the company of a great Eurosceptic to boot. Such successes are unlikely to feature on the bBBC of course.
2. A sticker on the wall of a Republican and Trump supporting diner frequented by motor bikers. BACA. Stands for Bikers Against Child Abuse. Simple. What a shame the BBC and all those child-abuse councils cannot be so clear cut with where they stand on the issue.
3. Local Fox news was very neutral on a lot of local stuff, kids on vacation, local issues, initiatives in local stores etc. It was right wing on politics but not unreasonably so. It doesn’t fawn over Trump but just gives him a fair hearing. It wears its heart on its sleeve and you know whee you are. It is certainly not the right wing fascist rag that it’s made out to be by LeftMob and certainly no more right wing than the bBBC is left.
All in all, quite a heartening visit.
Lovely place, Sluff, one I would like to visit. Have an Oregonian friend here in the UK.
Oregon came to mind recently while the BBC & some Remoaners were pushing the pro-unrestricted immigration thing for the UK and Europe. Said friend told me many years ago about one of Oregon’s mottoes: ‘We welcome those who come to visit but prefer people not to stay to live here.’
The State knew it did not have the natural resources, the infrastructure or the tax base to be able to handle the widespread migration pressure that would have occurred from 1970 onwards without being adversely changed. California chose a different path and have had massive problems and still do.
I was saddened that Portland (and I think Eugene, also) was a target for fascist alt-left 😉 LeftMobs on 9/10th November and the following weekend in 2016.
Switch on R4 or R5 in middle of night and there’s s 50% chance that the BBC is doing a hit piece on Trump or Climate.
Eg just been on about Ted Cruz and Rick Perry ..Energy in Texas.
Going Green in the Oil State
The Documentary
“Why has a heavily Republican city in Texas, chock full of climate change sceptics, become the first city in the South to be powered entirely by renewable energy”
That Chap Calvin O’Rafferty, the BBC had a friend of his on a popular television series a long, long time ago. He was called kevin O’Grady if memory serves me right.
So the BBC are replacing Brillo on the Sunday Politics with the daughter of the ex Labour Leader John Smith. It was only a matter of time before they got Brillo because of his non BBC liberal left consensus views. To replace him with the daughter of the ex Labour Leader is brazen even for the BBC . Can anyone imagine her being critical of Labour or asking Labourites hard questions?
On the wider front my view is that the Brexit referendum result and the election of President Trump shocked the liberal left elite .so they have decided to ensure that these results can be reversed and also that nothing like them can happen again. One of the key weapons in politics is control of news . They thought that they had this pretty well sewn up. But social media , and in this country , the impartiality restrictions on broadcasters gave a chink in their armour. Remember the BBC was actually quite reasonable in the months leading up to the referendum when they Remain would win. It only afterwards that they showed their true extreme Remain bias.
So the response is to use the excuse of fake news and hate crime to secure control of social media. They will gradually tighten the screw and with a few years the type of none liberal left consensus comment you find on sites like this will eventually be targeted. The likes of Breitbart , Delingpole, Steyn will be the first in the firing line.
The BBC will root out all forms of dissent from its liberal left orthodoxy within its ranks. It will also become even more virulent in its attacks on people who don’t share its values. Orwell was a prophet and only 31 years before his time.
At least Sarah Smith, daughter of former Labour leader John Smith, will have her labour views balanced by the others on the program:
Jo Coburn who once referred to ‘we’ when talking about the labour party, and trousered £2,500 for chairing Labour party debates.
Laura Kuenssberg’s wealthy father generously donated to the Scottish Labour party helped save it. For some odd reason, the wise scots wouldn’t vote for a labour party run by Ed Milliband.
I wish Andrew Neil well with his weekends off in France, and hope he can continue on the Daily Politics for a while to come.
All news must be on message. Wales Today last evening had a news item on the ‘consultation’ about new rules to be introduced on certain rvers in Wales that all fish caught must be released back into the river. Of course the story included the fact that over fishing was not the only cause of stock depletion, climate change was the FIRST other factor mentioned.
BBC Radio 4 TODAY Programme correctly showing up @ 8.53am approx. its own rubbish from earlier this morning and that of two contributors on the subject of walking, by interviewing by telephone one of its standard favourites: Hunter Davies.
Up2snuffFeb 24, 10:25 Start the Week 24th February 2025 Flotsam, apparently – BBC cash crisis not withstanding – if I heard correctly, Jeremy Bowen has gone from Israel to…
diggFeb 24, 10:23 Start the Week 24th February 2025 Spot on Flotsam, it’s an attempt to say “Be like nice down to earth Jeremy” to the punters!
DYKEVISIONSFeb 24, 10:22 Start the Week 24th February 2025 Very good analysis JohnC. It is weird that Bowen parrots the exact same lines on Al Beeb’s live ‘Toady’ show…
diggFeb 24, 10:21 Start the Week 24th February 2025 BBC sounds…. Will Starmer win over Trump? Let me correct that for you BBC, I think it should be more…
FlotsamFeb 24, 10:11 Start the Week 24th February 2025 I see a lot of complaints on this forum about BBC’s Jeremy Bowen’s reportage. I haven’t seen Jeremy in action…
ThatcherrevolutionaryFeb 24, 10:10 Weekend 22nd February 2025 Surely Milliband mis-heard when he was told to go on a ‘Fact Hunt’
Up2snuffFeb 24, 10:06 Start the Week 24th February 2025 TOADY Watch #1 – BBC in cash crisis? The BBC have only themselves to blame; BBC profligacy in action. They…
Beeb website reports on two Birmingham gangs issued with injunctions. Their photos shows what a vibrant bunch they are. If only the Police had received more diversity training then these lads would never have got involved in crime. Just as well the Police employed more BAME officers as obviously the colour of a Police officer’s skin has a massive effect on whether or not someone decides to become a criminal.
Birmingham gangs banned from city in landmark ruling
The article has photos of 18 men. There must be something, anything, that links them to gangs and crime – but I can’t see it!
Where have you, and the other contributors below, been?
Crimewatch “Most Wanted” has been like this since the programme started.
“Rival gangs dubbed the ‘Burger Bar Boys’ and the ‘Johnson Crew’ are banned from making YouTube music videos boasting about shooting each other in a landmark court ruling”
Yep – that’ll show ’em
Let’s admit it – we, the indigenous British, have all benefitted hugely from such diversity. It makes us much more understanding of their values and the contributions these people make to our general wellbeing. They have clearly been misunderstood, and I would trust any of them to escort my daughter to a disco.
This is not the Britain I grew up in – or expected to grow old in. Just take a long hard look at them, and then shake your head.
Brissles – it could be worse; you could be growing old as a Briton in Britain circa 2050 which, if nothing changes, would be as a member of an ethnic minority and very possibly a despised one at that.
Very true Al. For hundreds of years we’ve never changed, and its taken 60 odd years – the blink of an eye, to become what we have.
Agreed, just after WW2 there were approximately 9000 BAME people in the UK and now we’re staring at the countdown timer of a demographical bomb.
The one thing to take heart from, however, is that no people throughout history allowed themselves to become extinct without a fight and neither Britons nor other Western Europeans will do so.
It’s just that things haven’t got bad enough yet, that will change if there is a major economic collapse and we can’t feed the UK population via domestic production or afford to buy it from abroad; then the proverbial will hit the fan.
They all look like the regular ” promising footballer ” types who come to a sticky end in ‘drive bys’.
They look like they deserve a visit from the TV licence gestapo . He ll fix them .
What a fine body of men.
Reminds me of photographs taken during WW1.
It’s not a good day for the laughing stock of reliable journalism, the BBC. Not content with confirming the appointment of the Europhiliac, Scottish Labour hack Sarah Smith as Andrew Neil’s replacement (see comments elsewhere) it now appears that someone in their pretend news room has mislaid the Naz Shah story. The one where she retweets a comment suggesting that victims of rape should ‘shut up about it for the sake of diversity’
No ‘ordeal by headline until she resigns’ for Ms Shah from our tenth rate broadcaster, just the eerie silence punctuated with the occasional swipe at Treezer of Brexit.
The BBC – always reliably beneath contempt,
Context of the fake tweet
Because she is an intolerant Pakistani
I’ve knocked out a post on my blog regards this nasty piece of work:
UK: Pakistani MP supports the view that for the good of diversity, child rape victims should remain silent if their abusers are Pakistani.
Hi Pounce, when I clicked on your link my anti-virus software came up with a message saying my laptop had picked up a virus and had successfully isolated it. I assume your blog is on a server and maybe that server has been infected. I don’t know exactly how these things work and what you can do about it if anything (warn the blogger platform people), but I thought I would pass it on. I assume this is early days with your blog (I recall suggesting you and others starting one) and these are the type of things bloggers have to get experience and knowledge of. If my virus checker says I have downloaded a virus by clicking on your link – then that would suggest your own computer may or may not be compromised. Best wishes.
HARMFUL FILE: “BloggerTemplateLinkWrapper[1].htm” blocked.
ALIASESTrojan.Cryxos, JS:Trojan.Cryxos, Trojan:JS/Kotka.A, Trojan:JS/Kotka.B
Cryxos trojans display an alarming notification message saying that the user’s computer or web browser has been ‘blocked’ due to a virus infection, and that their personal details are ‘being stolen’. The user is then directed to call a phone number for assistance in the ‘removal process’. This is a version of a ‘call support’ scam.
Automatic action
Depending on the settings of your F-Secure security product, it will either automatically delete, quarantine or rename the suspect file, or ask you for a desired action. … information on how my virus software is removing / isolating the threat of having this virus on my laptop …
Technical Details
Cryxos trojans are typically encountered when the user inadvertently opens a malicious or compromised webpage hosting a malicious JavaScript file. When the script runs, it will display a notification message that makes it appear as though the user’s device is infected with a virus; the user is urged to call a given phone number for technical support in removing the infection.
The notification message displayed by Cryxos trojans varies by language. Some variants will also open a web page in the browser displaying what appears to be a legitimate vendor’s website to further enhance the impression that the message is authentic. Other variants will display an image of a screenshot of a web page: … images are shown of the warning messages that appear on your computer …
Some Cryxos variants will also play an audio recording repeating the information displayed in the notification message and giving the phone number that the user is supposed to contact for ‘further assistance’.
In addition to displaying the message, some Cryxos variants will display the user’s IP address, open multiple web browser pages, or perform other actions designed to cause alarm.
Support scams
These trojans are essentially part of a ‘call support’ or ‘tech support’ scam; they are designed to trick the user into believing their device is infected. If the user does contact the number displayed, they are then typically pressured into paying for the ‘assistance’.
In some cases, the user may be asked to give the technician remote access to the machine, potentially leading to a device hijack and compromise of any information stored on the device.
For more information about such scams, see:
Microsoft Safety & Security Center: Avoiding technical support scams
Apple Communities: Phony ‘tech support’ / ‘ransomware’ popups and web pages
It would be interesting to find out why this is happening now. Obviously a lefty journo like Smith would take over sooner or later as Brillo was the only independent journo at al beeb. The politicians ( on the left) will breath easier knowing they won’t be getting a hard time anymore . If I was a Tory mo I would nt go near albeeb if given the choice
They do have the choice, but they choose to pander to the BBC.
So Brillo replaced by the daughter of the leader of the Labour Party , coburns other half is a labour MP,
The fella who does the itv Sunday politics is the son of a labour Peer. No bias at all .
Not boding well for men in dresses, rowdy protesters etc., when the takeover comes.
Boy in a Saudi Arabian, mostly empty car park, wearing headphones and jiving to the, ‘Macarena’ arrested for disturbing the peace.
Quite right too. Crime against music . The Koran does say though shalt not listen to the Macarena
Bit tough if they stick red hit pokers in his ears though
Fedup, what?!
You mean they would force him to listen to the Red Army Choir?
That’s inhumane!
How long for?
Times frontpage warns NGO Mediterranean taxi service is probably bringing in terrorists
Wow ! Who would have thunk it ?
When will scientists learn?
2 Australian scientists have examined the facts and come to the conclusion that most, if not all warming, seen in last 150 years is natural.
Clearly, they haven’t been watching the BBC. Clearly they need to be sent a link to BBC Iplayer!
Paul Homewood
Also BBC says this
‘Increasing atmospheric CO2: effects on crop yield, water use and climate”:
Check the science Abstract :
\\Probable effects of increasing global atmospheric CO2 concentration on crop yield, crop water use, and world climate
….CO2 enrichment *increased * agricultural weight yields by an 36%. //
Obviously any Russian claim needs skepticism but
I listened to that, Stew, and was horrified. There was a lot that Alastair Leithead did not tell the listener about the area of Kenya that he was reporting from. He used the magic words ‘Climate Change’ but did not explain that the CC in that area has a human farming cause and is not due to climate itself changing.
Leithead is certainly clocking up some Anthropogenic Global Warming Air Miles, criss-crossing Africa as he is at present.
The bBC and its faux outrage:

EU citizen detention letters sent in error
Roughly 3.2 million EU citizens in the UK . 100 get sent a letter to leave by mistake. 99.999999% of people in this or similar positions of error will simply get on the phone (Or visit) and sort it out within minutes. But to the left this is a human rights issue worthy of breaking news status.
The bBC have now inserted this into the above:
James McGrory, executive director of the pro-EU group Open Britain, said: “This is shameful stuff from the same department that gave us the disgraceful ‘go home’ vans a few years ago.”It’s little wonder that many EU citizens feel worried about their future status in the UK when they hear of people with every right to be here getting letters threatening their deportation.”
The same James McGrory that got his arse handed to him by brillo a few months back talking bollocks on brexit. With brillo going the left wing bias at the beeb will be off the scale. Daily politics will be unwatchable.
I’m no historian, but didn’t the Ancient Egyptians, sometime during their civilisation, keep (black) African Nubians as slaves? If this was so, then I can only imagine the terrible trauma suffered by all of those now living in African countries to the south of Egypt, when they are reminded of this crime by the continuing provocative existence of the Pyramids. As a self-appointed protector of the feelings of these tormented folk, I demand that these things be removed. It’s outrageous that they (Pyramids) are allowed to continue to stand and cause so much hurt. { – comments – Niels Jensen (Aust) • Aug 23, 2017}
“I did my best to keep my spirits up on Tuesday while guest-hosting America’s Number One radio show, but actually I was near overwhelmed by an awful sickening sadness, which is not the best disposition for broadcast entertainment. I woke up to the news that, during the night, in Baltimore, Maryland, the oldest monument to Christopher Columbus in the United States had been destroyed by someone called “Ty” and his chum:
A 225-year-old monument commemorating Christopher Columbus was vandalized early Monday amid the nationwide debate on removing Confederate statues and monuments.
.. ..
Indeed. It’s hard to have a ‘conversation’ with a guy wielding a sledgehammer.”
– Mark Steyn Aug2017
These people are to be likened to the fanatical Islamists who also destroy symbols they do not like. This is the same kind of blind hatred. Such fanaticism as displayed will no doubt lead to murder next, just like with the Islamists. The people who do these things must be caught and punished.
The aim is the same, to eradicate ‘history’. It is not simply vandalism.
MM, At risk of dragging another specific Thread (Fools Rush In) into this one, I have been reminded that the ancient peoples of Egypt did indeed include a black skinned population, the Cushites, at the time of the Pyramids.
The authorities seem racist when handing out knighthoods
when Geoffrey Boycott comments on this by saying
“I need to black up my face to get a knighthood”
It is really strange that ALL MetroBubble media people including Express and Mail?
call his comment racist.
It’s not racist, cos there is no black victim of his comment , the victim of his comment are the racist authorities.
(The best they could stretch it to claim he is saying some Sir only got his knighthood cos he high profile and black
but if we reverse the roles and it was a black person saying “I need to white up” no one would call him racist)
BBC confirm Geoffrey Boycott will keep his role as a pundit on Test Match Special despite (BBC thinks he should not be keeping the role?) perceived racist comments (who did he hurt? who is the victim?)
The BBC reported a Waheed Saleem was in the Sky Audience and found that Geoff Boycotts remark disgusting and vile.
Waheed Saleem, who was in the audience, told BBC Sport: “I was completely disgusted. I don’t think anyone saw it as a light-hearted joke. I was absolutely gobsmacked.”
The BBC decide to make a highly promoted article out of Waheed Saleem’s opinion. How the BBC were in contact with Waheed Saleem and whether or not Waheed Saleem is an Islamic activist or BBC favoured persons or on the BBC pay role were not reported.
I did a quick google search and found the twitter account of Waheed Saleem – looking at his twitter account he seems to be a professional Social Justice Warrior describing everything as shocking and demanding action.
Waheed Saleem describes himself as: “Political & social commentator, philosopher, fighter for social justice and equality. Member of a few Boards and attend lots of events!” He is from Birmingham, UK.
Could be this guy …
Waheed Saleem @waheedsaleem
“Political & social commentator, philosopher, fighter for social justice and equality. Member of a few Boards and attend lots of events!”
Great turnout at Birmingham Central Mosque for the English Tea Party showing the diversity against the #EDL protest in Birmingham
Exceptional England performance at @edgbaston #ENGvsWI it could be all over today
I’m voted have you? Chance to make a difference to the lives of young people just by clicking!
Very pleased #Muslim religious leaders will provide authoritative religious rulings in British context!Much needed
“This is why young European Muslims are joining Isis … One factor common amongst these attackers is their youth” {independent aug2017}
Sadly, the Mail, included in the rogues’ gallery, has been lurching ever further to the Left in the past year or so. It seems to be beyond the wit of its writers to even consider, just for a moment, that Boycott might have had a point.
I suspect the rag is desperate to claim it isn’t on the far Right, so routinely jumps on a passing bandwagon such as this, to shore up its credentials. If so, it’s a stupid move as its readers would prefer more Katie Hopkins and less of this knee-jerk yelping ‘racism!’ at every opportunity. Guardianistas are going to hate it anyway, so why keep trying to appease them?
The closer you are to the truth the greater will be your persecution by the so called liberal left.
Guardian luvvies will not be moving north ..the bosses have decided to keep the HQ in London
Antisemitic comments get solicitor £25K fine +£10K costs
“Majid Mahmood, criminal defence solicitor in Britain, fined £25,000 & suspended for FB comments ”
“Mahmood, a solicitor for 12 years, said that ‘somebody needs to shoot all the Israeli Zionists dead then send their bodies to America as a present for Obama and his Zionist pals’”
“Mahmood had referred to ‘chosen people’ and said it was a shame a plane carrying Israelis ‘didn’t blow up mid air’. ”
When even lawyers are getting caught out, things have got very, very bad indeed.
Brysea-And this is why Jewish schools have security like FORT KNOX.And this is a highly educated
solicitor who has made comments like this. I don’t watch the Londonisan Programme anymore
on the BBC. Has Assad Ahmed or Riz Lateef featured this on their programme yet?
According to the website of his current employers:
“Majid has a substantial practice in criminal law and also does work in the area of Immigration law and Taxi Licensing. In his spare time Majid likes to travel, and tend to his Coy Carp.”
Any fishing programmes at the BBC he could appear on?
Maybe his carp are acting coy because they’re secretly Jewish 🙂
I don’t suppose majid can use the ” I was drunk ” mitigation as that won’t go down very well at the terrorism planning base/ mosque.
Clare Foges argues that the idea of “hate crime” is racist/sexist as it means “white males” are treated as second class victims of the same crimes.
She calls for the CPS to recognise the difference between mud-slinging and ACTUAL threats which should be taken seriously.
Someone tweeted the article in 4 parts
The whole hate speech clamp down is just a smokescreen to enable the liberal left elite to shut down comments they don’t like. Just another tool to destroy opposition to their world view. It reeks of sinister Orwellian motives.
That memory hole at Al Beeb is getting so big it could soon swallow the entire country. Soon they will just have to report on natural events like the eclipse as reality is increasingly diametrically opposite to what they tell us is so.
Imagine if a white MP did something even remotely as bad as what Naz Shah did today – the Beeb would have a lynch mob round. And here we are talking about young lives being ruined not mere ‘offence.’ The house of cards is falling apart.
I see the bBC are reporting today on the newly released Clinton memoir ‘What Happened’.
My first thought was: why bother with this non-news? The woman is history and never was fit to be running a country.
My second thought: why am I not surprised to see their headline comment referencing her televised debate with Trump: “my skin crawled as he stood over me”. In much the same way I suppose as the skin crawled of the many folk who have crossed her, just as they were meeting their untimely deaths?
I think she’ll just never get over being beaten for the top job by a man who never held public office and stood in front of people and spoke his mind.
My skin crawled every time I heard her screeching voice.
I wonder how Seth Rich felt as he lay dying in the street?
More bullshit from bbc.con
First of all we have this from Monday
Ben Nevis snow free for first time in 11 years
You just wonder where the climate change plug will come but amazingly it doesn’t. However, as usual, a little bit of scrutiny reveals the bullshit.
Compare this written in 2017……
“A lack of snow last winter has been a major factor,”
with this written in 2016…….
“However, snow expert Iain Cameron has described the depth of the white stuff on the mountain’s North Face as “astonishing”
Photographs of the snow, which could be more than 15m deep in places,
blah blah blah. Which is it? no snow or too much snow? You couldn’t make it up but they obviously have.
“Snow expert ” LOL. It will be a university degree next if it isn’t already.
US judge was ambused by a gun man
He and his aide a probabtion officer returned fire killing the gun man.
Judge was wounded.
Not the bbc but CNN. The Donald is really driving this lot nuts after another great speech last night. ‘Whats that i hear, CNN sucks, CNN sucks’. Couldnt happen to a nicer bunch.
Whilst we all agree that CNN are nuts along with the rest of the MSM, there is no doubt that we are witnessing an attempt by the liberal left to force President Trump out of office. It will be a turning point in history if they succeed. A democratically elected POTUS , the most powerful position in the world, has been brought down by the liberal left elite. What price democracy? But it may well prove to be a hollow victory . Will Trump supporters allow it to go unchallenged? I doubt it. They may well decide that mass demonstration is the way forward and I believe that most rank and file police in the US are with the President so they may well side with the demonstrating Tump supporters and then who knows what happens. The liberal left may have bitten enough to choke themselves. I do hope so.
KatieH thanks for that clip. I think Scott Adams (creator of ‘Dilbert’) is correct on his blog when he says the leftist media is suffering from a form of mass hysteria over Trump. It’s quite staggering that a mainstream TV channel can show presenters calling their President a liar, mentally ill, morally unfit etc.
I don’t think Trump will be going anywhere and recent polling looking forward to the Senate elections next year, showed that of the 10 seats that were at risk of changing to the other party 8 of them were Democrat.
BBC2 9pm Part 2 of the Gender Neutral school
wait 2 years for the BBC to get sued about this child exploitation
“16.5K in County Durham in receipt of food parcels. To the nurses, to the doctors, to the firefighters.”
– Laura Pidcock, Labour MP (one to watch)
County Durham population 50,000
Days required 50,000 * 365 = 18,250,000 days required to feed people
Food Parcel lasts 3 days 16000 * 3 = 48000 days worth
Those requiring food parcels 48000 / 18250000 = 0.2% using food parcels = 100 people.
Laura Pidcock | Maiden Speech @ 3:31
– Feel free to double check my maths.
– Does Laura Pidcock have a report on who receives the food bank (nurses/firefighters/doctors)
– I have assumed it’s the number of parcels received 16.5k and not the number of people
Is this boneheaded Labour MP (but I repeat myself) actually claiming that well paid public sector workers need food banks?
If a Ukip member posted anything half as moronic it would be on the news, but the left wing BBC/MSM give soft headed Labourites (repeating myself again) a free pass to spout any sort of mad nonsense.
Nothing about Naz Shah on Beeb website. Don’t they have a whole team of thought Police checking for any offensive comments by public figures? They collared Geoff Boycott for his heinous remarks about blacking up.
They do have an article about women only carriages on trains; good old Al Beeb, always sticking up for women. Apparently sexual assaults are on the increase. I wonder why that might be and whether our noble national broadcaster might address that issue. Seeing as none of our leaders want to discuss the issue I guess women’s only carriages on trains in Northern towns could become de facto information centres on how to avoid rape gangs. It would also save groomers the hassle of having to search through carriages with men on when they feel a bit rapey.
Europe will be increasingly at risk from terrorists posing as migrants unless western capitals help Libya {times aug2017}
“Faiez Serraj, head of the United Nations-backed unity government based in Tripoli, warned that would-be terrorists were among the tens of thousands of people able to pass unvetted into his country across its open southern borders.
‘When migrants reach Europe, they will move freely. If, God forbid, there are terrorist elements among the migrants, a result of any incident will affect all of the EU,’ he said.
His comments, which follow last week’s terrorist attacks in Spain that police have linked to radical groups in north Africa, come as Libya and Italy send an…”
Some previous “warnings/threats” over migrants …
– Gaddafi wants EU cash (£4bn) to stop African migrants { aug2010}
– Migrant crisis: Turkey (Erdogan) threatens EU with new surge (EU Tax Payers are paying Erdogan £2.6 billion) { nov2016}
No story on BBC site {bbc search}
– Isn’t this already happening? So confused …
MarkyMark, if a British or American person (ie, Farage or Trump) had made comments like those of Mr Serraj, the media would be busily crucifying them right now.
Good point. Change the author to see how it sounds – more morally right!
Douglas Murray has suggested a solution to stem the flow by vetting in Libya for example. Could help build infrastructure as well to originating countries.
Build the wall … but why are people leaving Mexico?
Help Libya, help Turkey, help Morocco. Where will it end?
When is “Enough Is Enough”?
When is diversity enough? 50/50? 90/10?
When is equality enough? 50/50? 20/80?
When is immigration enough? 10? 1K? 1Million?
When is voting age reduction enough?
“Enough Is Enough” – but what is enough?
Some chap called Mohammed given 18 years for trying to get a pipe bomb through security at Manchester airport . Why keep him alive . Execution would save tax payers money and give al beeb plenty to moan about .,
Don’t think al beeb mention Mohammeds’ motive . Wonder what it was?
QUESTION:- Do the ethnics living here and hating us equal the ones who journeyed miles and risked death to get here?
Seems a lot here just hate it but these days plane tickets are very affordable. It causes me to wonder.
Gaxvil, the following is just my theory (I’m not holding my breath for any major journalistic investigation of this) but the impression I get is the poor b*stards who come over in kids’ dinghies from Africa are mostly just chasing some dream of the good life in the west that they’ve glimpsed on TV. The ones that really hate the west are those who have been here a long time or born here and who have been exposed to the cultural self-hatred of the British and who have seen enough of British working class culture to know that they want no part of it. This makes them ripe for radicalisation and sows hatred of the west.
Hmmm in days gone by it would be Panorama Special though.
A new dimension –
“seen enough of British working class culture”
I assume you mean the worst of British working class culture, or at least I hope you do.
At least some family members don’t seem to have any objection to white, working class girls however.
Lord Wreath – I should clarify. By ‘seen enough of working class culture’ I do mean enough of the bad aspects, which sadly have been encouraged by de-industrialisation and the benefits culture over the last 30 years.
Fine – I’m new to this site so I don’t know when to take things literally or read between the lines. Without wishing to sound too relativistic, I would include middle class people who reject their better fortune and consider it cool and necessary to ape the worst aspects of life lower down the social scale.
In my experience, the sons and daughters of people in the liberal professions, if we still use that phrase, are the worst by a large margin. Give me a genuine working class socialist every time.
The PM programme tonight semed to be pushing some line about Mrs May doing a U-turn in proposing that the European Court of Justice would still have a role to play post-Brexit.
Unless my ears are deceiving me they then offered no evidence whatsover to support this statement. Instead we had a pack of BBC ‘experts’ telling us what various EU leaders, (not part of the negotiating team), had said in the past. So I conclude it is really the BBC that thinks the ECJ should continue to rule over Britain.
Common sense should tell us that when two parties make an agreement, (say the US and the EU), one of the parties is hardly likely to say, “sure, your courts and your courts alone get to police this deal”. Similarly what part of ‘sovereign nation’ do the BBC not get? How can we possibly accept a situation where foreigners in this country are covered by a different law to that of the native citizens, (“I’m a UK citizen working in the USA, go chase yourself US cops!”). Yet the BBC thinks that the EU will insist that its citizens in the UK should be ‘protected’ by the ECJ. [I do realise that Muslims, foreign and ‘home-grown’ aren’t subject to UK law but that isn’t affected by Brexit).
Still clutching at those straws and spinning out fanciful debates that only require a terribly simple and awfully brief answer.
Not happy living in Britain – unless you’re serving a prison sentence – no one is making you stay.
Gonna be a good old bust up anyway . Out of the EU . Out of the the ECJ. UK law supreme . Then pull out of the ECHR . Then we can start rolling back reasons for not deporting enemies and re instate the death penalty . We’d need a new parliament to achieve that of course – can but hope
American waiter fired for writing ‘Ching Chong’ on receipt because he didn’t catch her (Chinese) name.
Gosh it’s hard to go through life without offending someone and it only takes one word and you become an enemy of the state.
I worry what I might say in my sleep or that my squinting to focus might get misconstrued.
At such times I ask myself, “Darn it! Just who’s running this country?”
I answer myself, “The left wing press, the BBC, a few piss poor politicians and of course, the Eurocrats”
I think this is entirely right – especially about the press. When even a nominally Conservative government tailors its policies to appease a dominant broadcaster, which is most certainly does, then you can say the broadcaster (and its dead tree press fellow travellers) is calling the shots,.
Regarding: American waiter fired for writing ‘Ching Chong’ on receipt because he didn’t catch her (Chinese) name.
In the end the only people employable will be the ethnic minorities who speak their own language.
It is the people that are being offended that are determining the agenda. Except white people are not allowed to be offended, because if they are offended they are called racist or white supremacists.
I wonder if the Chinese version of Twitter/Facebook has ever erupted into a storm in a coffee cup for an employee writing Gweilo or ‘foreign devil’ on the side of a Starbucks type takeaway?
gaxvil and Broadcasting-on-Behalf-of-the-Caliphate
If I was this man’s boss I would have fired him on the spot if not for the racism but for stupidity and horrendous customer relations. It also probably avoided a lawsuit and resulting bad publicity if the customer had decided to sue the restaurant as employer (principal) for the waiter’s (agent) action.
Whatever he thought of the customer he should never have written it down and handed it to the customer on the receipt. True, Ching Chong is considered a racist taunt on the level of nigger, kike or bog Irish but how different would it have been if he had written big-nosed (or tits or bum) woman, crippled guy or simply ugly?
Commenting on a customer’s appearance is an absolute no-no and it really makes no difference if the comment was accurate or even in the employee’s mind a compliment.
To deegee – If this was the first incident I wouldn’t fire the waiter I would review my training procedures. The waiter needed to link the receipt to the customer quickly. Most waiters are running around all the time with little time to think. I wouldn’t put the blame on the waiter unless they disobeyed training – which I highly doubt. I would apologise to the customer and say we are updating our training procedures and leave it at that. Only if the waiter was a particular problem (e.g. constantly rude etc) or had specifically disobeyed instructions would I discipline him
Surely it’s a question of degree. Are you suggesting that the waiter wasn’t aware that ‘ching chong’ was offensive without training? Even ‘Chinese lady at table #4’ could be considered offensive by some. Common sense, if the name on the receipt was important would be to ask the customer again.
BTW most waiters receive zero training other than how to use the cash register.
deegee – “Are you suggesting that the waiter wasn’t aware that ‘ching chong’ was offensive without training? ”
What – Ching Chong is offensive? Are you sure? In what way is it offensive? The guy doesn’t speak Chinese and is unfamiliar with Chinese phonetics. And feck common sense. Common sense is often wrong. You are making absolutist assumptions and that is the road to social justice warriorhood.
Anyway so the guy gets sacked. They employ a new member of staff. According to you they don’t need any training because it is “common sense”. And what about the person who got sacked – he is going to be branded a racist and become a social pariah? My view focused on training and assessing the situation on an individual basis – not making absolutist dogmatic rulings.
Some poor waiter gets his action dissected, scrutinized and analysed like his name is Donald Trump FFS.
Lol ! Ching Chong, – that reminds me of my estate agency days and the fun we had with some surnames. One in particular was called (and apologies if anyone here has the name) ….. Glasscock – yep. My young teenage colleague quipped “bet you can see him coming”. oh dear. Its life ! our humour is gradually being eroded away. The same years ago with blokes chancing their arm with girls in the office – now its all squeals and cries of sexual assault, back then it was dealt with by a few well chosen words – most said in humour.
My neighbour’s child who is about four calls me ‘Mr Lanky’. I’m not sure why, since I’m not particularly tall (maybe I appear so to him). Should I be offended by this in some way and can I get some compo out of it?
StewGreen and Rick Bradford kindly gave me leads on how to bar the Guardian from my Google ‘Suggested for you’ sites, but it’s true, there is no apparent easy way to stop all the leftie stuff they spout showing on my screen when I start up to get headlines!
I have absolutely no wish to read anything by Guardian employees, and it makes me feel sad that they are even allowed to spout their bile, while hiding behind ‘hate’ laws and ‘diversity requirements’. No wonder they keep whining on about needing more money – it’s in their mindset to whinge and complain, always after a feeble ‘story’, pinched no doubt from real journalists.
There are four out of six by that awful bunch on my headline screen at the moment. May I repeat, you’re not welcome here, you ‘Guardian and most of the bbbc’, (but a biased bbbc headline to reaffirm their hatred of Britain does indeed help the adrenalin, before I click to more interesting subjects).
Please can someone write an application to help to stop these parasitical lefties infesting my screen? I’ve tried to understand the ‘hosting’ bits, but am afraid that as I worked in real business for a living until I retired, I left all that to guys and gals who understood what they were doing, and I’d rather get real for most of the time – well at least until tincture-time…
Recall the photo shopped fake photo of Trump supposedly with Putin?
Software is now out there that, in real time, can alter facial expressions and actions. So in our future the odd lie by omission or cleverly edited bit of video will seem as nothing.
Recall the photo shopped fake photo of Trump supposedly with Putin?
Software is now out there that, in real time, can alter facial expressions and actions. So in our future the odd lie by omission or cleverly edited bit of video will seem as nothing.
In Google news click the gear wheel on top right of the screen

select sources
Then make the settings something like this
with Breitbart as the preferred source
As you said even though I have Guardian is blocked, it still shows me Guardian stories
You can check if a restart fixes this by typing this into the address bar chrome://restart and pressing enter
The browser will then restart with all you old tabs still kept alive
I see what you mean about brainwashing

OK it wants to show me a Trump item as top story
..but they choose to frame it with a photo of a Klu Klux Klan pointy hat
Many thanks again, SG.
Best to try and squeeze out the rubbish from bbbc and the graun, by preferences for everyone else then?
But aren’t they desperate to keep wittering on about KKK as well. They’ll dig out a pic of savile in a beretta next!
C’mon Brer Rabbit, Dan Dare and all the real news then..;0)
Not BBC but in her book, which I shall not be buying, Hillary Clinton describes Trump as a ” creep “. That revolting bitch never did humour or irony !
Reckon it her book should be on the curriculum as a lesson to kids how NOT to be.
In her book does Hillary explain why she laughed when describing how she got a child rapist off a rape charge?
Hillary was an ambitious lawyer and considered cases as a problem solving exercise – aiming to win cases by all means possible to further her own career. There was zero room for sentiment or caring.
Whereas her husband Bill Clinton does exude warmth – she doesn’t. She is a very calculating emotionless individual. That is one of the reasons why she lost despite the social justice warrior movement getting behind her.
“No One Left to Lie To: The Triangulations of William Jefferson Clinton” {amazon} would be a better book to buy first.
Wait until Hillary’s book “What Happened Hardcover by Hillary Rodham Clinton” is in the library or Oxfam @ 99p.
‘In the past, for reasons I try to explain, I’ve often felt I had to be careful in public, like I was up on a wire without a net. Now I’m letting my guard down.’
– Hillary Rodham Clinton, from the introduction of What Happened
“Hitchens asks you to consider the treatment of Kathleen Willey, a friend of the President (Bill Clinton) whose husband had died unexpectedly. She went to the Oval Office to ask for a job and was rewarded by ‘the guiding by the presidential mitt of her own hand on to his distended penis’. When she spoke out, everyone believed her, although many wished she’d held her tongue.” {theguardian may1999}
Feck off BBC – another BBC news homepage story promoting Islam – here we have another promoting Islamic garb and the “freedom” it gives to women. It never fecking stops.
Top news story on the CBBC News Channel:
Headlined: “Six supersized food creations. If you love food then you’ll want to see Newsround’s pick of the biggest food creations from across the planet.”
Click on the link and the first supersized food chosen by Newsround is … somethink cooked up at an East London Mosque: “Twelve volunteers cooked the giant samosa, which weighed in at a whopping 153.1 kg, at an East London mosque.”
More Islam – you just can’t get away from it on the BBC. Once in a while is fine. But not every fecking day on all BBC channels promoting Islam. No other religion gets a word in, while Christianity is demonised with stories of paedophile priests and white supremacy.
Manchester Airport pipe bomb plotter Nadeem Muhammad jailed {bbc aug2017}
“A man who tried to smuggle a pipe bomb on to a plane at Manchester Airport has been jailed for 18 years.”
The court heard that Muhammad was born in Pakistan but had an Italian passport. The “crude improvised explosive device” was discovered by airport security when his hand luggage went through scanners at the airport.
No evidence or intelligence was found to support the idea Muhammad was driven by a terrorist motive.
– who did he fly to see in Italy?
– which Mosque was he attending and did they know him?
– 18 years sentence – so it was a bomb? How did he build it?
“Click on the link and the first supersized food chosen by Newsround is … somethink cooked up at an East London Mosque:” – Recipe? – ‘four full buckets of fertiliser, 8 kilos of ball bearings………’?
And promoting supersized food. These are the people who endorse the sugar tax and blab on about child obesity.
BBC News @22:20 Gary “£1.75m + BT Sport + Crisps + Pension” Lineker being interviewed by BBC for his BBC views on the BBC Sport regarding football and not Brexit. Doesn’t he flood the waves with his opinion anyway on his own programme?
The presenter I do like leaves the BBC, the one I don’t even watch gets more airtime on the BBC and was probably paid for the extra appearance.*sigh*
Somewhere Danny Cohen brushes away a tear. Shame his missus didn’t last in her gig.
“Brexit: Theresa May says UK leaving EU court’s jurisdiction”
Al Beeb taking a hammering again on HYS. Evidence that their propaganda is not working. They must be getting pretty desperate now.
See the ‘Highest Rated’ HYS.
USA, China, Japan, India, Canada, Australia etc etc all want a free trade agreement with us.
None of the above require free movement of trade or THEIR courts to have the ultimate say in OUR laws…….UP:852
Obviously the ECJ will expect to
have jurisdiction over every other country in the world where EU nationals reside as well then ?
Completely nonsense. UP:697
– this is a great comment, ECJ laws being demanded in UK for EU citizens is a stepping stone to allow it to happen all over the World. UK let us do it? Why not China?
One of the reasons we are leaving the EU was that we wanted to have control of our own laws therefore why would we want the ECJ?
If migrants in UK want to be ruled under ECJ then they need to move from the UK to an EU country – simple, end of!
We need to take a hard line and cater for the many not the few to quote Corbyn!
Brexit: Theresa May says UK leaving EU court’s jurisdiction { aug2017}
If, as seems very likely, massive levels of violence break out somewhere in Europe I should imagine it will spread rapidly throughout the EU. The whole mess, migration, islam, the looney Marxist left is coming to a head. It will be ironic that the collection of countries that have come together, in part, to prevent inter alia, another ‘World War’ will have directly caused the next by its own inability to honestly manage the peoples wishes. It has to be this way, a ‘re-boot’ of the system. Any bets on whether it will be the US which kicks off first?
G- I reckon that anglophone countries will be the last to openly rebel (outside of small pockets of US ‘survivalist’ types who will probably be sadly crushed). Our people have been used to democracy and the separation of church and state for much longer than everywhere else. It will take time for the majority of the populace to realise that it has finally failed and that their governments now see them as the enemy.
In general we’ll probably see the indigenous UK population increasingly abandon dangerous urban cities for the shires, but eventually there will have to be a move abroad somewhere.
Anyway – For it all to ‘kick-off’ locally (in the short term) my bets are on France or Italy. The fact that the EU is doomed should give us all some cheer at least.
Paul Watson says keep saying Alt-Left
I think nowadays we ought not refer to the BBC as a news broadcaster, but rather “the Alt left anti british propaganda party” or similar.
How about “Fake News Broadcaster ” ?
on BBC Breaking
“A rock concert in the Dutch city of Rotterdam has been cancelled
and a bus containing gas canisters found nearby after a tip-off from Spanish police, the city’s mayor says.”
They must have read your post ………………………………
A bit of a time lapse there would you say?
Do they get their news leads from this site?
I got it from the same BBC page
but when they did their stealth edit it came up with a different later time.
Apparently the tip off came from Spanish police/authorities investigating the recent atrocities in Barcelona.
However, “it is not thought the two are linked”
Really? How?
Our media along with the US media is really upset by the President’s speech in Arizona. They just do not get it all. This is a culture war and President Trump wants to win it and do it on behalf of millions of us who are not progressive , not college educated ( which is now shorthand for being progressive but is an absurd simplification) , not part of a well rewarded elite living off the taxpayer or by exploitation of the capitalist system.
I think he has read the Art of War and maybe studied ( or his advisors have) the campaigns of the best generals in history.
Surprise and deception and sowing confusion. This is so effective- witness the meltdown on CNN last night- and so difficult to counter quickly.
His support looks solid where it really matters. The Guardian hates him so what. The BBC/C4/Sky hate him so what. CNN and the rest hate him so what. They are on hostile ground and are not going to matter much longer.
Time to clean house as they say.
Heck, Trump feels aggrieved and is hitting back. The media criticise so many things normal folk love and the media would popularize so many things normal folk abhor.
The media have vilified him since he first stood up – how come they are so surprised, so hurt, offended and outraged?
Twatism Gax.
DaveS, spot on. They just don’t get it. They created Trump and now he is President using the very same media that created him.
Gax, yes. He collared them right at the beginning of his Presidency and they then had the chance to ‘go straight’ but as Charlottesville showed, a large chunk of the mdia are more ‘bent’ than ever. The old deference, respect, national hierarchy & hegemony, for the President and his office in the USA has gone, so as it’s a bare knuckle fight, Trump has taken the gloves off and will give as good as he gets.
Wow – this could become iconic. I am sure the Main Stream Media will try to suppress it.
Thanks, Thoughtful. Image of the year??
It looks fake to me, the shadows dont line up,………….is it just me ?
Hi Manxman – I see your point – but it can be explained by the shadow cast by the black lives matter banner – the shadow from the banner is partly hiding the shadow cast by the white guy’s body – but you can just make out the shadow cast by his head – which is in the expected place.
Pretty good if its legit i just wasnt quite sure,..
“”The mayor of Rotterdam, Ahmed Aboutaleb ….. “”
Now a van carrying a number of gas canisters registered in Spain has been found by the Dutch Police.
The RoPpers are making a big mistake targeting concerts, because as we all know the numbers of left wing Fascists supporters of Islam are probably at their highest concentrations at these concerts. If they carry on attacking them eventually even the most blinkered and bigoted Fascist will realise its not safe to enjoy the things they like because of Islam, and turn on the Muslims and the Fascist mentors for their lies.
This might actually be the biggest single turning point against Islam for some time.
Now, 00:10 AM – driver of the van reported to be “Spanish”
From Barthelona? In the East? Or more the Middle?
Mail gave the BBC a bit of a kicking I see
More project fear………………….
“Food industry warns of Brexit workforce shortage”
Please note that EU workers come here to earn a wage not out of the ‘goodness of their hearts’ to stop us from starving.
Just give them work permits like any another independent, sovereign nation.
New BBC page , about Ian Katz’s letter about the Welsh issue
I wonder what ‘snoring boring’ is in Welsh?
The guy seems Teflon.
Speaking of WAGS, I see Mrs. Katz’ little progesterone posse is running into some problems with advertisers due to ‘content issues’.
Maybe hubs can drag her back on the show to speak for Mums everywhere to boost profile?
R4 8pm News
halfway down they mention “pipe bomb airport guy jailed for 18 years
…OK that is news ..but it’s probably the “report once then bury” technique.
But then the news ended by saying “And in her new book Hillary said Donald Trump gave her the creeps during the debate”
..#1 that’s NOT NEWS , but rather another damm advert for Team Hillary
#2 Everyone else in the world is wondering
but then she propably knows a lot of creepy dark secrets
“The only skin being crawled on are the bodies of the multiple suicides, car crashes, death robberies etc of those who outed the Clintons.
Conspiracy theory? Maybe, but when numbers exceed five, let alone ten and now twenty (thirty?) it looks very suspicious.”
“Bill, dinner’s ready. Put your trousers back on, get rid of that cigar and wash your hands before coming down….”
Hi all.
Been away in Oregon for a few days. Here are a few snippets, not strictly BBC, but certainly shows up the narrowness of the bBBC Leftmob universe.
1. At a very popular tourist spot outside Portland, the dryers in the toilets were Dyson airblades. How about that? Amazing eh? A British company successfully selling products to a non-EU state 6000 miles away. And via the company of a great Eurosceptic to boot. Such successes are unlikely to feature on the bBBC of course.
2. A sticker on the wall of a Republican and Trump supporting diner frequented by motor bikers. BACA. Stands for Bikers Against Child Abuse. Simple. What a shame the BBC and all those child-abuse councils cannot be so clear cut with where they stand on the issue.
3. Local Fox news was very neutral on a lot of local stuff, kids on vacation, local issues, initiatives in local stores etc. It was right wing on politics but not unreasonably so. It doesn’t fawn over Trump but just gives him a fair hearing. It wears its heart on its sleeve and you know whee you are. It is certainly not the right wing fascist rag that it’s made out to be by LeftMob and certainly no more right wing than the bBBC is left.
All in all, quite a heartening visit.
Lovely place, Sluff, one I would like to visit. Have an Oregonian friend here in the UK.
Oregon came to mind recently while the BBC & some Remoaners were pushing the pro-unrestricted immigration thing for the UK and Europe. Said friend told me many years ago about one of Oregon’s mottoes: ‘We welcome those who come to visit but prefer people not to stay to live here.’
The State knew it did not have the natural resources, the infrastructure or the tax base to be able to handle the widespread migration pressure that would have occurred from 1970 onwards without being adversely changed. California chose a different path and have had massive problems and still do.
I was saddened that Portland (and I think Eugene, also) was a target for fascist alt-left 😉 LeftMobs on 9/10th November and the following weekend in 2016.
Producer bragging about his propaganda show on Green Energy in Texas
Switch on R4 or R5 in middle of night and there’s s 50% chance that the BBC is doing a hit piece on Trump or Climate.
Eg just been on about Ted Cruz and Rick Perry ..Energy in Texas.
Going Green in the Oil State
The Documentary
“Why has a heavily Republican city in Texas, chock full of climate change sceptics, become the first city in the South to be powered entirely by renewable energy”
Why ? They ask
Lots of sunshine?
Not at night of course ..and Texas is a hurricane area
bet some solar farms get sold on , and then blown away in a hurricane.
The middle of the night here is evening or morning elsewhere. The BBC knows how to reach folk.
Suddenly world Service has £289m extra to spend
I wonder when they will get Esperanto on line, once enough staff have been hired?
BBC are reporting GCSE results (Photo taken from Home Page)
That Chap Calvin O’Rafferty, the BBC had a friend of his on a popular television series a long, long time ago. He was called kevin O’Grady if memory serves me right.
They don’t make ’em like that any more, more’s the pity. Was that Spike Milligan playing the PakiPaddy?
Yes it was Spike. What makes me laugh are the faces of the other members of the cast especially when he spits after saying ‘Bangladesh’.
I wonder if the BBC are ever going to show this missing Doctor Who film ever again…
So the BBC are replacing Brillo on the Sunday Politics with the daughter of the ex Labour Leader John Smith. It was only a matter of time before they got Brillo because of his non BBC liberal left consensus views. To replace him with the daughter of the ex Labour Leader is brazen even for the BBC . Can anyone imagine her being critical of Labour or asking Labourites hard questions?
On the wider front my view is that the Brexit referendum result and the election of President Trump shocked the liberal left elite .so they have decided to ensure that these results can be reversed and also that nothing like them can happen again. One of the key weapons in politics is control of news . They thought that they had this pretty well sewn up. But social media , and in this country , the impartiality restrictions on broadcasters gave a chink in their armour. Remember the BBC was actually quite reasonable in the months leading up to the referendum when they Remain would win. It only afterwards that they showed their true extreme Remain bias.
So the response is to use the excuse of fake news and hate crime to secure control of social media. They will gradually tighten the screw and with a few years the type of none liberal left consensus comment you find on sites like this will eventually be targeted. The likes of Breitbart , Delingpole, Steyn will be the first in the firing line.
The BBC will root out all forms of dissent from its liberal left orthodoxy within its ranks. It will also become even more virulent in its attacks on people who don’t share its values. Orwell was a prophet and only 31 years before his time.
At least Sarah Smith, daughter of former Labour leader John Smith, will have her labour views balanced by the others on the program:
Jo Coburn who once referred to ‘we’ when talking about the labour party, and trousered £2,500 for chairing Labour party debates.
Laura Kuenssberg’s wealthy father generously donated to the Scottish Labour party helped save it. For some odd reason, the wise scots wouldn’t vote for a labour party run by Ed Milliband.
I wish Andrew Neil well with his weekends off in France, and hope he can continue on the Daily Politics for a while to come.
At least Sarah can assured that new on message Labour MPette will be happy to hang with her, so expect many invitations to chat.
All news must be on message. Wales Today last evening had a news item on the ‘consultation’ about new rules to be introduced on certain rvers in Wales that all fish caught must be released back into the river. Of course the story included the fact that over fishing was not the only cause of stock depletion, climate change was the FIRST other factor mentioned.
The wardens around here are on double time checking licences of many new ‘men’ from the fruit farms looking to supplement their EU wages.
BBC Radio 4 TODAY Programme correctly showing up @ 8.53am approx. its own rubbish from earlier this morning and that of two contributors on the subject of walking, by interviewing by telephone one of its standard favourites: Hunter Davies.
Perhaps he had telephoned in to complain!
Wouldn’t put it past him.