The anti-Semitic [though you wouldn’t know it now listening to the BBC…fully rehabilitated there] Naz Shah demonstrates not just her own hypocrisy as she ‘challenges the Daily Mail’ claiming it is trying to silence those who challenge racism and sexism [hmm…Daily Mail has been at forefront of the campaign to expose Rotherham etc] but also shows she is of like-minds with the BBC as they try to, er, silence those who challenge racism and sexism……
Daily Mail trying to do what it does best, trying to silence those that challenge racism & sexism #StopFundingHate
— Naz Shah MP (@NazShahBfd) August 18, 2017
Oh but wait….earlier she retweeted this message from what is in fact an Owen Jones parody site [none needed I would have thought]…..and it is real….just remember it was Naz Shah who organised that ‘outraged’ letter complaining about the Sun’s article that talked of a ‘Muslim problem’ in relation to sex attacks on white girls….
Naz Shah MP (Labour) retweeted @Owen_Jones84 :
RT @Owen_Jones84: @AreeqChowdhury @NazShahBfd Exactly Areeq, those abused girls in Rotherham and elsewhere just need to shut their mouths…
Ms Shah, according to wiki ped, is a bit of a labour case study which even al beeb might be a bit reticent in putting live on air because she might go into an actionable rant .
She defeated George Galloway and is PPS to Comrade John McDonald so is pure lefty labour ( for Bradfordistan ) .she presumably wants the top job one day and sees herself up against the likes of the bus drivers’ son and more conventional labourites like Chuka and Kinnock Junior
She must be thinking that if there is a sudden general election and the electorate fail to see through Corbin she ll be on her way to a cabinet job as a faithful disciple [ religious irony] of Corbin and McDonald.
She d probably do most damage in the Home Office . We ll see. For the record i am not Jewish or Muslim or as you might guess – a supporter of the Labour Party.
If she really did tweet this..I am not a twit(terer)
Why is no fuss being made of it? Does the BBC not think it is completely unacceptable?
I looked into how to complain about an MP and there doesn’t seem to be any way to complain about it through parliamentary means…
Can you image if an MP said ‘Jimmy Saville’s victims should have just kept their mouths shut…’ or Trump had said something along the same lines.
The country is doomed with people like her in any position of power
“The country is doomed with people like her in any position of power”
In my opinion, the True Muslim believer is probably the one we see in Syria/Irag killing innocent children by the knife, bomb, IED.
I’ve looked into the Muslim faith a bit and I’m coming to the conclusion that the true Muslim infidel is the one we see in British secular life, our neighbour, who owns the corner shop, the local taxi driver! This female Labour MP is a perfect example of the Muslim Infidel. In my opinion your local Muslim Doctor, teacher, nurse are not what genuine Muslims look like!
Lets put it this way. If they really admitted their true allegiance/beliefs this nation would be turned upside down!
JamesArthur, she ‘liked’ and ‘retweeted’ it rather than writing it herself, and claims it was a mistake. Whilst that would be no excuse for a right-winger, in this case it seems to be accepted much as ‘the prisoner fell down stairs’ used to be.
There is no other word to describe what has been allowed to happen in Britain but a grotesque WAR CRIME. But this war crime is worse then others. A “normal” war crime is one in which a victorious invader rubs in his victory by raping the women folk of the defeated enemy. It is not just sex but flaunting victory in the enemy male’s face. We can rape your women and girls, and YOU MAN can do nothing about it.
But this war crime was not normal. It is one in which the home authorities allowed rapes( Grooming in Orwellian language) on a grand scale to happen against their own kith and kin. For such a war crime, there is no parallel in history.
By the same token, there is no punishment that can be meted out that would fit the crime. In any case, there are so many culprits – ranging from Home secretaries, PMs, police chiefs, ministers of various departments, that a proper investigation and levy, would not just bring the government down, but cause the downfall of parliamentary government or worse. So the matter will be starved of oxygen ( a kind of DNR notice) and the War Crime will be buried forever.
There is a possibility that this huge and gruesome War Crime, a sad and grotesque affair, may yet save the UK and Europe, from a fate worse then death.
Naz (who seems to be in favour of re-locating problems – such as Israel) is probably also in favour of of radical solutions to embarrassing problems..
If the Rotherham mass rape victims dont shut up – Maybe she should arrange their mass transportation to what remains of the IS Caliphate ( Where their silence could be guaranteed as well as as some other lessons all in the interests of diversity)
I could call her a hypocrite but actually she is not. Her liking of this fake Owen Jones tweet shows, how much of the Labour party, currently thinks, where it is justifiable to cover up the most disgusting of crimes if the it threatens the loyalty to Labour of certain religious/ethnic minorities. The sacking of Sarah Champion of course is another side of the same coin.
If anything Nazs only crime is being too quick to agree to such a suggestion. I am sure if she waits a few years this particular tweet will probably (with the help of the BBC) have become a mainstream and acceptable view.
I would love to say that our current “Tory” Government is an innocent in all of this. However this is more than unlikely judging by the fact that Theresa May was at the Home Office and and would have been more than aware of the cover up.
Politics has always been a mucky business.- but these days morality has become nothing more than a politically expedient robe of state to be pulled on and then quickly disregarded when the new “progressive” status quo is threatened.
How about relocating all muslims to Saudi Arabia or , better still, Afghanistan ?
How about removing all countries bordering Israel to Antarctica?
Sex slavery on an industrial basis to humiliate the Kuffar is not ordinary criminal activity. The intent of Muslims is to humiliate the Kuffar so that he acknowledges that Islam is superior and converts to Islam. Combined with violent actions, terrorism, criminality, Benefit fraud on a grand scale, this is a war crime against the Crown.
All Muslims, not just Pakistanis, are working towards that goal. Therefore it is the duty of the government to put a stop to it, with force if necessary, and banish the invaders. This is the prime duty of government – to defeat the enemies of the Crown, and to make sure it never happens again.
Grant it would probably be ok to say it about jews (because she did) but if you were to say it about muslims that would be considered “Hate”
Thing is Grant she can say what she likes because she is on the “right” side.
When K Hopkins used some ill judged words in the heat of the moment she was hung up to dry by the BBC/MSM. And when Sarah Champion made an honest attempt to look at the problem regarding “asian men” and rape/misogyny she was sacked.
No one wants to deal with it because it does not fit the narrative the left are trying to peddle aided and abbe ted by the BBC If thousands of muslim girls had been raped by white Caucasian UK nationals we would have never have heard the end of it and rightfully so. So what is special about this particular group of rapists that they need extra media protection.?
The BBC in particular now regard themselves as policy former’s rather than a public broadcaster. And therefore can manipulate news to their hearts content.
In the light of all this news suppression and dishonest reporting “Some people are saying” that the left is trying to hide something.- I wonder what?
Top post and spot on .
If she did say this then by definition she is unfit for office in any civilised society. She demonstrates a lack of understanding of the basis of law in this country. That it applies to all.
The BBC will not cover this for the usual reasons. Any statement by a conservative that remotely resembled this would be news item number one for days.
We have to accept that the BBC is now purely a mouthpiece for a particular view of the world. A British Pravda without the decency to admit it.
“… I wonder whether the intention of the Question is to put British Muslims on notice. Therefore, does the Minister accept that terrorism has no home in any religion and that, in his Question, the noble Lord, Lord Pearson, is either being naive or it is a wilful act of incitement to Islamophobic prejudice with the presumed intent to insult Islam?” – Baroness Uddin – House of Lords – 24jan2017 {}
… end of debate … the power of a word …
I’m increasingly disappointed by the Archbishop of York – John Santamu. There was much hope placed on him. He now just toes the government and BBC line.
I wonder why the BBC hasn’t mentioned her ‘retweet’ in it’s news. Surely an MP retweeting something like that is newsworthy, it sure would be if the said politician was of the right.
I agree. The BBC have plenty of tweets to copy and paste to make an article – like these…
We thought these people were harmless do gooders – but we now know better.
Remember to copy the text from the twitters when possible – as twitter links means twitter have control – remember CloudFlare yesterday?
With reference to Naz Shah retweeting “Exactly Areeq, those abused girls in Rotherham and elsewhere just need to shut their mouths. For the good of #diversity!”
Naz Shah MP @NazShahBfd 18Aug
Daily Mail trying to do what it does best, trying to silence those that challenge racism & sexism #StopFundingHate
paul @captainpeahead 7:57 PM – Aug 22, 2017
But you will brush aside victims of grooming gangs , where’s the march for the girls or stand up for women against abuse or rape
Naz Shah MP went to “” event {}, which attracts speakers like Mehdi Hasan who posted this The Numbers Don’t Lie: White Far-Right Terrorists Pose a Clear Danger to Us All { – Mehdi Hasan – may2017}
This story shows how to make data not seem as bad by grouping and looking for a story that fits your point of view. Please look at the data and decide yourself. I suggest you look at it and think of what trend you would determine, then read Mehdi Hasan interpretation.
106 vs 119 killings
During the September 11 attacks in 2001, 2,996 people were killed and more than 6,000 others wounded, which is missing from the data in the graph.
The report continues: “Of the 85 violent extremist incidents that resulted in death since September 12, 2001, far-right wing violent extremist groups were responsible for 62 (73 percent) while radical Islamist violent extremists were responsible for 23 (27 percent).” That’s a margin of almost three to one.
Even if one excludes 9/11, one needs to normalise to the number of non-Muslims to Muslims.
Assume 350m non-Muslims in the US. Say 8m Muslims. Or a normalised ratio of 0.177 *10^^-6 and for Muslims 2.87 *10^^-6. That is Muslims are 16 times more likely to commit murderous acts then non-Muslims. This is with 9/11 casualties excluded.
Mehdi Hasan is a Taqiyya spouting invader Muslim. His figure is true only because Muslims are still a tiny minority in America.
As we now know home grown (seeded by Islamic ideology) terrorism is at play, this ratio16/1 can only increase so we need to … wait until it goes away. Now all the grown ups have backed and sorted out gay marriage we should have time to face this problem.
I have complained the the BBC about this obvious bias, just for my own sanity really as we all know what the reply will be.
Muslim prayer at Oldham city council
This shows far the country has fallen. We stopped Christian prayer to be inclusive, and this is what has happened.
Note that the imam quotes Koran 5:32.
Its pure Taqiiya. The quote refers to Jews and not to Muslims. Muslims are allowed to wage war ( terror) in dar al harb.
Dhimmis bowing their heads to Islam. Pass the sick bag.
Yes those stupid women are whores of Islam…anybody know their names? that up…ridicule and insult them.
Except it isn’t true.
There is only a requirement for prayers without any qualification that it needs to be Christian, and its up to the Mayor to choose who reads them.
The Imam recited a standard Islamic prayer he probably doesn’t understand the meaning or significance of it as he cannot speak classical Arabic.
The sad thing is the idiotic Labour drones who bow their heads in surrender while not having a clue what is being said, but blindly accepting it as all being acceptable.
The imam refers to the recent spate of terrorist attacks by the RoP, and then tries to absolve Islam by quoting Koran 5:32. So he knows what he is doing. This quote has been trotted out since 9/11, every time the RoP applied Koranic injunction to kill non-Muslims – probably the only peaceful quote in the Koran, else others would have been quoted.
It sent me into guffaws when I first heard it on Sept 12 2001, and with dismay as our politicians swallowed it. They still swallow it, or the imam would not have trotted it out..
As for the rest of the Koran, it is likely the imam does not know his religion, and its continuous call to murder non-Muslims.
Here is
Toronto Masjid Mosque Calls for the Death of All Jews and Christians
So who knows what is being said in Arabic in Oldham.
This sounds nice and fluffy …
“…Whosoever kills a human being, it shall be as if he had killed all mankind..” Q5:32
But don’t stop there! Because if you carry on to read Q5:33…
“The only reward of those who make war upon Allah (does that include ignoring him?) and His messenger (does that include drawing him?) and strive after corruption in the land will be that they will be killed or crucified, or have their hands and feet on alternate sides cut off, or will be expelled out of the land (other options include just laughing at them or debating them but does not seem to be on the cards). Such will be their degradation in the world, and in the Hereafter theirs will be an awful doom; ” Q5:33
… or in other words …
“The Queen had only one way of settling all difficulties, great or small. ‘Off with his head!’ she said, without even looking round.”
– Alice in Wonderland, banned in China (1931)
Muslim prayer at Oldham city council
This shows far the country has fallen. We stopped Christian prayer to be inclusive, and this is what has happened.
Note that the imam quotes Koran 5:32.
Its pure Taqiiya. The quote refers to Jews and not to Muslims. Muslims are allowed to wage war ( terror) in dar al harb.
Ooops. Double post.
But then considering the reality of the trajectory of the UK, it probably is prophetic.
Just look at these idiot councillors as they bow their heads as the imam prays to allah for their destruction.
Can Christian prayer be ever the norm in the affairs of state in any Muslim country. From that, it does not require genius levels of intelligence that once Muslims are a majority in the UK, non-Muslims will be subject to the same persecution and arbitrary slaughter as in Muslim majority nations.
I feel physically sick..F*ck me…seen it all. The ethnic British hanging their heads in shame I should think..”dhimmis”! I had not realised it had gone this far..we’re doomed.
There doesn’t seem to be anything in the mainstream media about why these prayers were being said or what the context was. Somebody has, however, submitted a FOI application asking why to Oldham council. Personally I don’t think there should be any type of prayers in council meetings. I know Parliament opens with prayer but this is done early in the morning and is not part of the main proceedings.
At one time I would agree with you. But not now. We are a United Kingdom of Her Majesty the Queen, Defender of the Protestant Christian faith.
Every council proceedings should start with a prayer for the well being and good health of HM, for it is her kingdom, her town, and her council.
Those who in conscience cannot, must be excluded, for by their act they have shown they have allegiance to something or someone other then Her Majesty.
Love the ‘Owen Joans’ website Alan, thanks for the link. Lots of nice pictures to annoy lefty liberals with.
There is also a twitter feed for someone called Allen Silly who looks rather like a chirpy cockney songstress that we all know and love…
Can Naz Shah (Labour MP) and Nadiya Hussain (BBC Cook) explain why the Muslim religion of peace needs an Extravagant military parade ahead of pilgrimage season { aug2017}
“A military parade is held in Mecca, Saudi Arabia, before the annual (Muslim only) Hajj pilgrimage.”
@0:25 “The parade was to showcase the security forces ahead of the season (Hajj 2017)”
– Does this happen every year? Not seen it mentioned before on the news.
– Will Nadiya Hussain include this in her TV License payer (by threat of prison) sponsored pilgrimage {bbc may2017} which includes her liberal BBC crew consisting of gays, Muslim apostates, atheist and Jewish crew members?
Saudi forces parade in Mecca ahead of Hajj {youtube sep2016} with rocket launches from 2016!
The Labour party – party of Anti-Semites, Paedophiles, mass rapists, Benefit fraudsters, and Jihad lovers.