Daily Mail trying to do what it does best, trying to silence those that challenge racism & sexism #StopFundingHate https://t.co/Yp40CBD7WJ
— Naz Shah MP (@NazShahBfd) August 18, 2017
Nazty Naz Shah [so very in line with the BBC’s own values] has been trying to silence the free Press or at least intimidate and bully them into publishing only pro-Muslim material, apparently they are not allowed to print anything critical of Islam or Muslim behaviour if it is linked to their religion….she organised a letter attacking the Sun for pointing out there is a problem with Muslim men targeting white girls and she’s targeting the Mail by trying to stop companies working with it using the lefty site #StopFundingHate…naturally you stop ‘hate’ by hating those whom you hate….in this case ‘right-wing’ papers….
Stop Funding Hate’s focus is companies that advertise in The Sun, The Daily Mail and The Daily Express. It calls for them to pull their ads and urging customers to make clear their disapproval.
In the Mail’s case they are targeting Nectar…telling you to cut up your card and send it back to Nectar…
Dear @nectar ~
Why are you funding hate? #nectar #DailyFail #StopFundingHate pic.twitter.com/KpSG15oFPw— Sequin World ???????? (@ann_sequinworld) August 15, 2017
If you really want to stop funding hate I suggest you cut up your TV License and send half to your MP and half to Lord Hall Hall and inform them you will not be renewing it, the BBC being the most prolific and powerful spreader of hate and division out there as it hates whites, men, Christians, Jews, Hindus, Buddhists, straight people, police, military, Tories, loathes UKIP, hates and abuses Leavers as stupid, bigoted racists and not forgetting the right-wing Press. However it does love terrorists, Muslim, Irish whomever as long as they are fighting ‘The West’ or ‘The Establishment’ or Jews. The BBC promotes an extremist open borders immigration policy regardless of the consequences, or in fact, possibly desiring the destabilising effects and conflicts that will arise [have arisen] as Western society is torn apart and destroyed by waves of migrants with absolutely no intention of integrating and conforming to the standards expected of them in order to maintain a cohesive and stable society.
My personal moral crusade ( religious hate reference) of non payment on the to licence tax is gathering support . There are YouTube videos of how to deal with licence inspectors – not speaking to them about anything – easy .
Apart from the steam let off here there is nothing more that can be done but not using a tv or not paying the TV tax . My circumstances allow to do it but I can understand the “peace of mind” argument too .
The likes of ms shah does a service by growing the gap between us and them.
We could start, especially ‘if of a certain age’, to draw to the attention of one’s MP as well as the Secretary of State for Culture, Media & Sport, the AGE DISCRIMINATION against those of State Pensionable age who will not be entitled to an ever increasingly expensive Licence Fee that IS available FREE to THOSE OVER 75 years of age.
I suspect that this may be the next measure impos.. er, no, let us say …. the next measure the BBC are requested to adopt by the current Conservative Government and probably also by the next Labour Government. After all, both those Parties and the BBC are in favour of increasing equality, are they not?
Every little helps………………..
Tell your mates.
Last Friday BBC Trending/ BBC Tech Tent both covered the blocking of Daily Stormer in their usual tricky ways
” GoDaddy, Google and Cloudflare stop providing internet services to the Daily Stormer”.
BBC Trending attempted to legitimize the banning of the site by running the story along side the story of the another problematic site which advertises sexslaves for sale which of course should be banned.
The BBC reporter couldn’t get the name Cloudflare right on the webstory
Article had open comments like
“17 Aug 2017 11:56
I wish they would do the same to the Alt Right here on BBC HYS who consistently populate these forums with their vile Brexit propaganda”
They put up a second story on same topic
The Radio edition of BBC Trending
Let us all stop funding UK born/immigrant terrorists who hate us!
It would seem Khalid Masood (Westminster Attack 22.03.2017 5 Innocents Killed) was on benefits which comes out of National Insurance payments by the workers of the UK. Thus, it would seem prior to these findings the workers in the UK were unknowingly funding terrorism. But now we know terrorists operate using welfare benefits it would seem we are knowingly paying terrorists.
Can I suggest that the Government please make sure NI payments by UK workers don’t go into the hands of terrorists by removing the terrorists in the first place. Can you also calculate how much we have/are funded terrorism via welfare benefits by simply getting all known terrorists (left,right,islamic) arrested to-date and those on the watch list and check welfare payments made to them or their immediate family (under various names possibly).
Another example is where imams preaching intolerance such as Anjem Choudary (preached hate 1999-2016) to his hundreds of worshippers (5 times a day, everyday), can all imams be checked if they are on welfare benefits, paid by UK workers, and these payments be stopped immediately. It is the community that needs to fund the imams if they want religious teachings, similar to how the Church of England was funded with donations in the past.
The father-of-four (Anjem Choudary preaching hate 1999-2016) takes home more than £25,000 a year in benefits and lives in a £320,000 house in Leytonstone
Can the Government stop protecting the BBC under the TV License, prison if you don’t pay as it has funded and provided safe spaces for paedophiles (total financial payments yet to be supplied) and seems to promote the Islamic ideology with programmes such as ‘What is the right punishment for blasphemy?’ – Shazia Awan and avoid the hard questions and talk about arranged marriages with Nadiya Hussain, rather than polygamy, apostates, Halal, homosexuals, Sharia , blasphemy and her responses to drawing cartoons and of course Salman Rushdie’s novel ‘Satanic Verses’ which the Ayatollah Khomeini did not like (80 million Muslim people follow this man’s beliefs and ideas).
“…and don’t you worry. It’s coming to a place near you…we cannot have state subsidized preachers…give it up or give it to your deadliest enemy and pay for the rope that will choke you.“
Perhaps it’s because I’m a cynical old bastard! But did anyone else notice ‘on the BBCs 6pm news , aunty’s’ hero of Barcelona looked Muslim. Ffs of all the People who got caught up in this horror the producers must have searched high and low for someone who had to fit in with it’s own adjenda ..
Yes Foxcote I noticed it too – the guy who was labelled a ‘Brit hero’ with his ‘typically British’ non-English name and ‘typically British’ dark skin and eastern features. Nothing wrong with that one could argue but equally, something very wrong with how the bBC sacrifices fully impartial news reporting in order to push it’s infuriating PC agenda..
I don’t watch the Beeb, but was this the guy? Tommy said he was a Sikh.
“the producers must have searched high and low for someone who had to fit in with it’s own agenda ..”
I think it is worse than that.
Many comments on this site very recently about the expenses paid holidays in warm and sunny places enjoyed, at our expense, by hordes of lefty scum, sorry my mistake, BBC “reporters”.
If the lefty scum have a problem finding “suitable” “eye witnesses” plan B is followed.
Use the “eye witnesses” who got on the plane with the “reporters”.
foxcote, do you mean Finnish attack, http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-40987854? Think James Woods may have muddled the two attacks: Hassan Zubier looks very like the man in the Twitter post.
Wow! A lot of coverage giving homage to Hassan Zubier .. Finland killings: Briton who helped victims says he is ‘not a hero’ {bbc aug2017}
Hassan Zubier – BBC Search – five entries, lots of coverage
Roy Larner : BBC Search – two entries, one dedicated to Roy month after event
“I (Roy Larner) got stabbed and sliced eight times. They got me in my head, chest and both hands. There was blood everywhere.
“They were saying, ‘Islam, Islam!’. I said again, ‘F*** you, I’m Millwall!’
Am just about to post on the main Thread but this little segment demonstrates the difficulties that news organisations, including the BBC, face. The BBC, however, are more than adequately resourced to deal with it, not least because they invariably have correspondents who can reach the scene.
There does appear to be an attempt to equivocate by finding an equivalent ‘hero’ to set against the ‘villains’ in these terrorist attacks.
A dangerous game.
One day there may be none. What do you do then? Cheat a little? Cheat a lot?
Regarding pedophiles are we going to see another Clinton body bag trail at the BBC.
The BBC, who blocked her groundbreaking investigation from airing and spent the next few years attempting to destroy her reputation, are reporting that she died of “complications from a stroke.”
Acknowledging her life was under threat during the time she was investigating Savile and BBC elites, MacKean said her conscience left her no option but to pursue the truth and expose the culture of pedophila. The mother of two children believed it was her duty..
Liz MacKean is the second high profile BBC journalist to die in suspicious circumstances after attempting to expose the truth about the pedophile ring operating in the upper reaches of the establishment. Jill Dando, former Crimewatch host, also tried to alert her bosses to the pedophile ring at the BBC, warning that “big name” stars were implicated. {libertytoday aug2017}
“It was as an investigative reporter that she really shone, shining a light on issues from the dumping of toxic waste off the African coast to Jimmy Savile, the story for which she is probably best known.
MacKean announced she was taking voluntary redundancy from the BBC in May 2013.” {bbc aug2017}
– God bless this fearless woman Liz Mackean.
– So if Liz Mackean and Jill Dando had not pursued this cause – then what? Would Savile still be a Knighted Kids presenter on our TV sets via repeats of Jim’ll Fixit which had 286 episodes?
BBC run quickly past Jimmy Savile, who they funded and provided a safe space for his perversion, notice that Liz was not hounded out but took voluntary redundancy – which story is the truth?
It is the hallmark of elites throughout history that they know how to behave to preserve the rule of the elite almost by instinct and with very little training. Those who don’t behave as they ought to are threatened with expulsion and if their unacceptable behaviour continues they are expelled . If they kick up a stink or threaten the interests of the elite they suffer consequences. The BBC is a key part of the liberal left elite and will be protected by the elite at all costs. Our membership of the EU is also key to the elite and will not be surrendered to a mere democratic vote, hence the determined resistance of the Remoaners that we see. No doubt there is also much threatening and malicious undermining that we don’t see. Just the same script is being played out across the Atlantic with the attempts to force The President to conform or step down. Revolutions only succeed when the elite of the previous regime is effectively neutralised or eliminated .
Important to remember also that the ‘elite’ cross all political party boundaries.
That is why there is nobody to vote for.
As has been said before, now that UKIP have been sabotaged we need a new political movement.
Guess what’s missing from this story?
BBC … Jayne Senior exposes gang rapes (1400+still going on over country) over many years which were not stopped earlier by police, reporters, BBC reports, councils and local community gets labelled whistleblower.
It just seems they want to attack Jayne’s character and discredit the work she has done as a whistleblower. BBC aug2017
Or women who did job of 500 other people maybe? Whistleblower?
It’s taken me quite a long time to come around to the idea of refusing to pay the licence fee, but…
It’s not only their appalling coverage of Trump, Brexit, or the way they filter every news item they bring us through the distorting lens of a pc prism. It’s their coverage of everything.
When former IRA terrorist Martin McGuiness died, had you been under the age of 30, or suffering with political amnesia, you could be forgiven for thinking that some sort of saint had died. The nasty old knee-capper was treated like Mother Theresa. I just didn’t recognise the man.
If their news coverage is blatant then their drama / history / cultural coverage is insidious. In the past few months I’ve been informed that in 1066 William the Conqueror’s main lieutenant was black. Utter nonsense!
A pal phoned me the other evening and told me to quickly switch on Eastenders, “It’s priceless” he laughed. And there was the scene; a typical London pub, 5 people sitting chatting at the bar, a black bloke, a white bloke a black woman, a white woman and sitting at the end, a young Muslim girl. Really! It’s the sort of multiculturalism we would all like to believe in but is a sheer, nonsensical fantasy. Anyone visiting London’s east end these days would be a tad startled when confronted by the reality. Lots and lots of Muslims; not many pubs…
Every drama has an ethnic minority in a position of authority. Judge, police chief, surgeon, forensics scientist.
Their soaps are now little more than propaganda vehicles led by political dogma with silly stories woven within them. Even the poor old Archers has been infested by the disease.
In the past few weeks we’ve had; hard working eastern European crop pickers racially abused and assaulted by post Brexit locals. A female, Muslim vet who is single handedly saving every animal and human in Ambridge. The male vet; white, weak as water, pathetic gambler, is being blackmailed by the arch baddie; white, corrupt, devious, nasty piece of work. Not to worry, Aneesah will sort it.
“How did we ever cope without Aneesha?” “Isn’t she wonderful?” “Thank heavens she chose to come here.” “Oh, I hope she stays” Don’t worry, she will.
This girl’s so good she’d get a rasher of bacon back on its feet.
Even when Eastenders started in 1984, I recall criticism of the unrealistic ethnic makeup of the residents – ie, mostly white cockneys with a few ethnic minorities. Even back then it would have been more realistic to have had the whites in the minority. Pretty soon they’ll have to move it to the Essex coast and call it Southenders!
Can a muslim vet treat pigs?
Can a muslim vet treat pigs?
Oddly enough I know a muslim vet (well, a trainee one) and the answer is ‘yes’. Muslims are not allowed to eat pork or consume products made from pigs, but there are no restrictions on treating pigs, having piggy banks, watching Peppa Pig on TV (which has been translated into Arabic), selling pork pies in shops or other things. Until quite recently, there were Muslim pig farmers in Egypt, producing meat for tourists and expats etc. The ‘super-sensitive’ muslim so-beloved of the BBC is not very representative.
Actually Saudi Arabia has a massive pork industry they breed millions of pigs to produce insulin to treat diabetes a common problem in that area.
Good on yer Jeff- welcome to the non payment club. Helps not to watch it too. Ignore the threatening letters from the gestapo
Middle East Enders.
How about “waste of time enders” just like 99.5 percent of the BBC output ?
The day after the Daily Mail pension story about the BBC, the BBC running this one seems…. ‘Brave’…
Maybe they should interview Tony Hall and ask what his retirement will be like after being paid from a Government Enforced Tax With Threat of Prison to it’s payers.
Tony Hall – Gifts and Hospitality Q1 April-June 2015
27/04/15 Tony and guest [s.40] Theatre 2 x tickets for The Vote at Donmar
– Guess no more free tickets to the Theatre provided by his BBC position and connections when he retires, he supports the arts by turning up for free and not paying for it out of his own salary.
– Tony Hall, Director-General , Salary£450K (renumeration £450K = pension?) {bbc expenses aug2017}
– Lord Tony Hall to earn £532,000 as new BBC boss by drawing pension on top of salary {telegraph nov2012}
“Nazty Naz Shah [so very in line with the BBC’s own values] ”
She knows that otherwise she – and the other BBC Muslim employees – would to be out on their ear!
I notice this morning that another new Muslim employee reading the weather on breakfast TV. It seems that every time I click on BBC News Sport or Holiday show there”s another new Muslim face!?
Last time I checked the number of sports reporters at BBC News only it was 32-ish! 32!? This does not include MoD pundits, Athletics etc etc. Shocking! Its a gravy train alright!
The BBC’s obsession with Islam is psychotic. Not many sikh or chinese presenters, if any, for example. I wonder if the BBC could be taken to court under anti-discrimination laws ?
“London chose me as their mayor, not just an ethnic minority, not just a religious minority, but a Londoner of Islamic faith.” – Sadiq Khan, {cnn.com sep2016}
– Ethnic minority – tick
– Religious minority – tick
– Londoner of Islamic faith – tick
– Being a good decision maker and being able to run a large city (5th Largest Economy) – not mentioned
– Very odd that Sadiq Khan’s London Manifesto 2016 does not mention voting for him because of his Islamic Faith? I might be wrong – but could not find a sentence saying ‘Vote for me because I believe in Allah’.
Remember ; owning or possession of a TV does not mean you have to have a TV licence . It’s receiving live broadcasts that require a licence . You don’t have to prove that you are not receiving live broadcasts , they have to prove that you are , which is near impossible .
You don’t have to prove your innocence , they have to prove you are guilty .
There are two ways to counter them
Ignore them , don’t reply to them , shut the door on them , don’t give your name to them .
Withdraw the Implied Right of Access to them , tell them to stop stalking and harrasing you , use international obligations against them , dare them to take you to court .
“There are two ways to counter them”
Make that four, upon which I shall not currently further elaborate.
If anyone can improve on four I shall be delighted to both become better informed and apologise.
BBC/TVL goons dont hang around when I open the door to them, I think it might have something to do with the 140 pounds of slobbering Bullmastiff {insert large dog of choice} sitting next to me ready deal with any unwanted intruders.
All well and good if you haven’t got a Mrs who is daft enough to answer the door and confirm her name! Blamed the kids for distracting her then decided it’s too much hassle to have to worry about the goons using dirty tricks to obtain fake ‘evidence’.
Will Naz Shah now label The Times as racist after today’s front page (https://www.thetimes.co.uk/edition/news/migrant-crisis-europe-under-threat-from-terrorists-posing-as-migrants-jz9908nct) (£) headlined Europe under threat from terrorists posing as migrants?
On other pages:
The Pope is revealed as a supporter of Catholicism
Bears are suspected of fertilising the woods
‘there is an opportunity for us to create a BBC television experience that is uniquely tailored to each audience member’
I’ll bet. Especially those watching the Asian Channel.
Nice TV, BTW.
Muslim jihadis kill dozens. So what if a single Muslim gives help to the dying or wounded. That act will not bring back the dead. At best the act is natural. Or it could be Good Cop Bad Cop routine. Kill the Kuffars by the dozens, and yet get plaudits from the BBC.
The only way we can avoid the death of Western civilisation is Separation from Islam and Muslims. This clear and present threat to HM’s realm must be countered – by a coup if necessary.
Quite shocking that no one has posted the disgraceful twitter comments made by Naz Shah, an MP whose anti semitic comments were so virulent even Jeremy Corbyn was forced to suspend her, has sickeningly supported her pro paedophilia comments and anti Sarah Champion stance:
“Those abused girls in Rotherham and elsewhere need to shut their mouths. For the good of diversity.”
Clearly the ‘good of diversity’ in this case means Muslim men, and other Muslims.
Puts me in mind of an old leftie protest song which need the lyrics slightly re-written:
Diversity – Good God! What is it good for?
Absolutely nothing
say it again
Diversity – what is it good for?
Absolutely nothing
Diversity I despise, ’cause it means destruction of innocent lives
it ain’t nothing but a heart-breaker
(Diversity) friend only to the undertaker
Oh, war it’s an enemy to all mankind
The point of war blows my mind
War has caused unrest
Within the younger generation
Induction then destruction
Who wants to die, ah, Diversity, good god why’all
What is it good for
Absolutely nothing
Say it, say it, say it
Diversity, huh
What is it good for
Absolutely nothing listen to me
I haven’t had a TV licence for years. Every so often I get a letter from the TV licensing authority containing a declaration which I fill in to say that I only use my TV for watching DVDs. I have yet to have a visit. I stopped getting a licence because I found that I was not watching any TV, there are so many more interesting things to do & it was therefore a waste of money. I’m glad I stopped because looking at the MSM websites now its revolting globalist propaganda.
Hope everyone is looking forward to the Dad’s Army Christmas special. Again..
Just watched Breakfast..they flashed up the 10% increase for 1800 BBC workers…and mentioned it…that was all…no comment. Can you imagine if it was MPs getting that rise how much news there would be. I think they couldn’t avoid it just because it was on the front page…If it had been page 2 doubt it would have be shown.
BBC Press Office digs deep…
So in the other-worldly BBC you get a 10% rise for being promoted?
Yet more proof they’re living in a la-la land most private sector companies could only dream of.
Give the boys, girls and Cisgenders at the BBC a break. It must be hard work getting paid stellar salaries for undermining your cultural values and doing your best to wreck the society that has been so generous to you!
I am afraid the BBC (due to gutless politicians) is currently untouchable – But like all cancers it will eventually destroy itself along with its host.
Sitting pretty there, ladies.
It’s a Black Maria play.
The writing is on the wall, and they know it.
So they are shoehorning in more staff and jacking wages so they are too expensive to fail.
And if that doesn’t work, the redundancies are sweeeeeet.
Oaknash – the problem gutless politicians have is they are rather prone to non-performance related pay rises too, so best not poke that wasp’s nest of a multi billion broadcaster.
Still, surely soon the news of all these modest salaries will see these market rate ‘talents’ poached? Anytime? When you’re ready? Surely CNN, or Al Jazeera?
Nick and Jon together. Bliss.
Of course, some DNA is more impartial than others…
No wonder Shah hates the Daily Mail. It recently exposed her as a liar about her family background and of course we already know she’s a racist . Apart from being anti Semitic, she’s now playing to the gallery in her Bradford constituency by criticising white female victims of south Asian rapist and paedophile gangs, which I would bet are still at work today .
We are going to see increasing numbers of Muslims with views like Shah’s elected to parliament as ghettos make up more constituencies .
OT, but in the subject of stopping funding, there is a another side to BBC profile boycotts:
The BBC is, of course, still uniquely funded
Here is another reason to not renew your BBC viewing tax, Been reading that auntie beeb has a large hole in her pension fund. anyone else confirm this ??
That’s been the case for a while. This is from 2014
The BBC has been forced to double the amount it needs to plough into its pension scheme to £740m over the next four years, to try and plug a funding deficit that has ballooned to £2bn……..Licence fee payers will foot the bill, with the BBC shying away from attempting to increase staff contributions after a bruising battle over reforming the pension scheme in 2010 that led to industrial action.
Like much of the public sector, this particular scheme is final salary based and has over 50,000 members.
Yet another bunch of middle class, public sector workers who can maintain their lavish benefits at the expense of the private sector taxpayer -most of whom would give their eye teeth for such a pension – just by going on strike.