The BBC are going crazy promoting a story that is now three hours old with the headline: ‘Serial liar’ jailed after bogus rape claims”. A 25 year old white woman has been jailed for TEN YEARS for making up bogus rape claims. The BBC had plastered this story (and her face) on the BBC homepage, the BBC News homepage, their UK news section and their English News section.
The BBC specifically name two of the victims of the bogus claims: … “In a victim impact statement, Mahad Cassim, who was wrongly convicted of raping Beale in 2010 … Beale had also falsely claimed she was groped by a stranger, Noam Shahzad, in a pub in July 2012. She alleged she was then gang-raped by him and other men … ”
Compare the coverage of the above story with the Live ManHunt story two days ago of an “Asian” who attempted to rape a ten year old girl in Surrey. That story never made the BBC homepage nor the BBC News homepage – and they quickly buried the story. And that Asian paedophile is still on the loose.
So why are the BBC going crazy headlining all over their website this white woman who made the bogus claims of rape. And why are the BBC only specifically naming Mr Mahad Cassim and a Mr Shahzad, both with Muslim/Pakistani sounding names, as those who have been falsely accused of rape? (Mahad is a contraction for Muhammad).
Is it to put the idea in viewers heads that many of the recent stories that they may have heard about regarding gang rape by people with Pakistani and Muslim sounding names may in fact be bogus – as in this story the BBC are desperately promoting?
And what about the impact on real rape victims? This woman got ten years of prison time after her allegations of rape failed to be proved. Will real rape victims be more likely or less likely to report rape after reading this story?
My first thought on this was surprise that a woman has actually been given a custodial sentence. And now knowing that at least some of her victims were from the special community I can see why it was quite a long stretch even though she’ll be out in 5 years. No doubt to continue where she left off.
I was also thinking how in the hell the police continued to investigate her serial allegations – a giant lesbian land whale, with whom even the most unfinicky bloke with the biggest beer goggles would have trouble getting it on.
Then again, look at Rotherham etc and see what lines of enquiry they don’t pursue. The Police Service seems just like another useless, tick-box , local authority type employer – a dumping ground for more useless apparatchiks emerging from our ‘universities’.
It is very unusual for the BBC to come up with a headline ‘telling it like it is’ and using language that would normally offend left-liberal sensibilities to the degree which, had it been any other news medium, would have had the Corbynite howling mob decrying their ‘judgementalism’ on social media.
Which just goes to prove my theory which spawned the idea of Lefty Top Trumps – Islam is Top Trump, even when ‘rape’ and a lesbian is involved.
Ah, the penny drops! This one had gone right over my head, as the version I heard didn’t mention the name of the “men”, and I hadn’t gone to the website.
A classic case of how they dupe the casual listener; and I should know better after all these years.
Maybe each new open thread should contain a link to the last page of the previous open thread – otherwise comments posted at the end of a previous open thread get overlooked? Especially as the old thread suddenly disappears down the listing as it is unlocked from the top of the homepage.
Good point. The organisation of this site is weird in many ways. I would have thought a website expert could sort it out pretty quickly. I am not, but I am sure there are many who could do it .
Nice one . But I think “Charles Kennedy’s bar tab ” was a bit too much, so to speak ! The point about recess is well made. Seems that, whatever problems there are , politicians still have long holidays. Mind you, in the case of Treezer, it should be a lifetime.
So, we’ve just had a conclusion of a court case where a bloke on a bike designed for the Velodrome, killed a woman when he rode into her. Yes, it appears she is partly to blame (walking out) but the fact remains he was on a bike that is not only not legal to ride on British Roads, it has no brakes (Note the bBC saying no front brakes) Now as this is the bBC, they have knocked out an article , which tries to legitimise idiots riding a track bike on British roads with no brakes which is illegal. Why I ride a bike without a brake’ Michael – not his real name – has worked as a bike courier for the last year and a half and believes the case – which led to an Old Bailey trial and national media attention – has “whipped up hatred against cyclists”. “I’ve heard other couriers saying to me they feel on edge and that pedestrians have looked at them differently,” he says.
Hatred against Cyclists!!!…Really?
Michael rides a fixie – a fixed-wheel bicycle – with no front brake. This is illegal. By law, a bike on a public road in the UK must have two brakes. A fixed-wheel bicycle has a single gear, no freewheel mechanism and dropped handlebars. The rear fixed wheel of a fixie – which a rider can slow using the pedals – counts as a brake. “I didn’t actually know it was against the law until this case,” he says.
Utter bollocks, Cyclists talk, they will walk across and comment on your bike and there are a lot of informative cyclists out there.
“”It takes a long time to get used to riding a bike without brakes,” Michael says. “People do it because it’s this personal sensation of control with the bike. You never get that quick in London, it’s more about how you cycle. I think most couriers who spend hours riding every day have the credentials.” He does admit you “can probably slow down quicker with a front brake”.”
Hang on, this twat claims he didn’t know it was illegal, but the above, points in the direction that he does know. That is further illuminated by his next: Mrs Briggs’s husband, Matthew, asked why those who rode bikes without a front brake would take that “risk with somebody else’s life But Michael does not believe he is taking a risk: “I wouldn’t ride it if I felt there was a risk to others.” He does concede that it makes riding “exciting” and “fun” but says his fellow couriers are among the most trained urban cyclists in London.
So a woman is killed by a twat with no brakes and the bBC trys to paint people on bikes as the real victims who know what they are doing. How strange to see the School boy Editor bBC taking the opposite stance to that of common sense
Oh and by the way that twat after the crash, had a skull and bones tattooed on the side of his head which is used to denote he is hard and killed someone:
The bBC, defending the arseholes who spolit it . for everybody else.
Spot on – what an irresponsible article by the BBC. Anyone who has ever ridden a bike knows that the front brake has most of the stopping power. It’s ridiculous to claim otherwise.
As an overly-cautious touring/commuting cyclist for 30 years (my moniker is really a bit of self-mockery) I’m largely ignorant of the sub-culture of these urban cyclist nutjobs. Most of the people I see misbehaving on bikes (pavements, red lights etc.) are the sort of lawless tossers who reek of weed and are just taking advantage of cycling’s largely unregulated nature. Probably banned motorists too.
When I started cycling it was on Hertfordshire’s (now increasingly overcrowded) rural roads where the other cyclists I saw on a Sunday morning were often older fellas who used to say hello and give you a cheery wave. No doubt to the young farts of the type who wrote that article I’m just another old git viewing the past through rose-tinted spectacles. But it was real, and it’s another piece of our country that seems to be disappearing.
TC I agree. There were no posy helmets to wear, and we were probably at more risk because of the horses and carts that thundered past us ! In London the traffic is always at a standstill so I would have thought it impossible for a speeding car to knock a cyclist over, yet the helmets are still in evidence. I suppose a lamppost leaping out in front of you is another threat.
As an ex motorcyclist, my brake pedal, single disk, was rarely used – except to balance the machine when appropriate. The front, twin disk, front brake was the one that stopped the machine quickly.
Stamping on the brake pedal would merely lock the back wheel due to the weight transfer (E=0.5MVsquared) plus the forward momentum to the front wheel. It is easily possible on a modern sports bike to lift the back wheel by overuse of the front brake.
How this clown thought that he could ride ‘safely’ using such an (illegal) machine is beyond belief. Especially as he was riding something silent and ‘probably’ undertaking slow or stationary traffic, undertaking seeming to be a ‘right’ of our current generation of treaders, as known by motorcyclists.
Typical Lycra Lout in need of some respect for other people, pedestrians as well as drivers.
“Big net migration fall since Brexit vote, latest estimates show”
Unless they have reinvented mathematics, there’s still more coming in than going out .
Yes, like an extra quarter of a million people per year!
And yet: ‘The Lib Dems called the overall drop in net migration a “deeply worrying Brexodus of EU citizens”, blaming the government’s failure to guarantee their rights to stay in the UK after Brexit.’
Which shows that the politicians don’t understand the figures that they put out to fool us either. (They love to talk about rates of change [as if they understood calculus!] rather than the ‘real’ numbers – so a zero ‘rate of inflation’ hides the fact that we are still paying last year’s rise).
Jim I thought it was first quarter – not the whole year.
The so called CBI bemoaned the number. Well if all they care about his profit and low page fuck them. Being over run with entitled foreigners it not to the general benefit and must be stopped. I hope it gets too expensive for the guest workers to stay here so they can piss off to the fourth reich.
The net figure is irrelevant.
It is the gross figure which matters as this is the total number of those have been allowed in: who (for the most part) will be foreigners; whereas most of those who leave will be Britons clearing off in search of something better and I think that it is a fair assumption to make that we won’t be replacing “like with like” to say the least.
The CBI and the rest of the global markets d**k heads want a continual source of cheap labour and easier access for all the cr@p they import into the UK, many of those in big business don’t even want borders and nation states to exist in any meaningful sense anymore; they add costs and so reduce their profits.
That is the one worrying thing about Brexit: we leave and those c**ts end up with far, far too much influence on UK immigration policy.
The bBC and half the story: Appeal over Bradford park football match killing The family of a man who died after he was attacked while playing football with friends has issued a new appeal to find those responsible a year on. Beyake Keita-Ann, 21, died in hospital three weeks after the assault in Attock Park, Bradford, on 23 August 2016. He was taking part in the game during the early evening in the park when he was attacked. His mother said: “No family should have to suffer the pain and anguish of losing a child like this.”
And what the bBC doesn’t want the reader to know: (Taken from the Taliban and Argus) Beyake Keita Ann, 21, died from a severe head injury in Leeds General Infirmary after his life support was switched off, three weeks after he was assaulted in Attock Park, Bradford Moor, on August 23. Senior investigating officer, Detective Chief Inspector Ian Scott, told the Bradford hearing that a football was kicked out of the pitch during a game between friends and hit a vehicle. He said an Asian man, who had nothing to do with the group, kicked the ball away. There was a very small incident and the football game carried on. Det Chief Insp Scott said Mr Keita Ann was sat at the side, not participating in the game, when a large group of Asian men turned up at the football pitch. Some were armed with baseball bats. He said that during that incident, Mr Keita Ann received a fatal blow to the head.
.Thats what the beeb do best, they stop people worrying about ”some stuff” by not worrying them with it.
And important stuff like climate change they make sure we know the truth no matter how distressing it maybe to be confronted your great great grandson could be balls deep in irish sea if we just carry on as if.
Feck em, everyone of my family can out run the irish sea, anyway its a fine sea, the little shit can learn to swim….maybe there wont be as many floaters in it then either.
A cursory read of the Taliban and Argus is a real eyeopener.
If the powers that be wanted to pacify the Hindu Kush, there would be no need to send troops to Afghanistan – they could start in Bradfordstan.
Chaos as police stop Hungary migrant train – Gavin Hewitt – BBC -Sep 2015 @53s
“… then a really distressing incident happened. A women who was carrying a small baby began crying for help (photo of lady carrying baby). One of her companions tried to help her (photo of man with women on track, riot police reaching towards them) Somehow there became a push and a shove with the police. She ended up on the railway lines (by the male refugee dragging her and the baby to the floor, but this is not said) with the riot police trying to pull her back, and this of course inflamed all the other people…”
– BBC – Gavin Hewitt – Sep 2015
– Video is still on the BBC website, a story hiding a story – is that crass enough?
– Crass : showing no intelligence (to TV Licence payers) or sensitivity (To Reality).
– Possible alternative content : “Male refugee forces pregnant women refugee holding child down onto a train track, police drag him away for her safety? Riot police then lift women with child off track with tender arms.”
You can always tell when Al-Beebia gets caught bang to rights. It’s when they start making like a Dowager Duchess with sniffy comments about how ‘crass’ their opponents are and the like.
Meanwhile, I don’t recommend holding your breath waiting for programs about Kriss Donald or the Manchester bombing. Nothing about how the son of a known extremist was able to all but hand out pamphlets in Piccadilly Gardens titled ‘Why I’m Going To Blow Up Infidels’ is of any public interest whatsoever, apparently.
“The killing of Stephen Lawrence and the tragedy of Grenfell are among the most important social stories of our times”
Oh yes? Says who?
Kriss Donald – abducted, tortured and murdered ……. and forgotten by the MSM.
Alan Cartwright – more recently, murdered for his bike ……. and forgotten by the MSM.
A complete list of lives that don’t matter to the BBC would take all day to put together.
On al Beeb today Hattie Harmon was interviewed for 45 minutes . Never was there a more entitled victim of being a woman. ( I speak as a chap) . Stopped from getting the top job blah blah. But if anyone saw her performances screeching at PMQs when the boss was away you could see how limited she was. Peter Hennessy was soft on her today but let her talk and talk . She is obviously on the al Beeb A list and is destined to be on the al Beeb board or a presenter or both when she is elevated to the house of expenses as baroness manhater .
within the last 7 months, the BBC has done 7 progs telling the life story of Harriet Harman
a total of about 4 hours.
In addition she’s been a panelist/guest on a number of shows like Graham Norton, Book shows etc.
Quick links to our discussion from this morning
Thursday Evening Standard ‘Quote of the day’ is supplied from Harriet Harridian herself.
‘I didn’t want her eyes to fall on my perfect baby’.
This in reference to Margaret Thatcher approaching when she had a young babe in arms and hid in a room to avoid …….. what exactly?
Stupid horrible person she was – and still is. I expect all at the freebie broadsheet (who the feck would pay good money for it?) were falling about over such right on witticisms. These people may not have invented nasty invective, but in their smug self righteousness, they have made it their weapon of choice and deploy it daily – every opportunity they have.
What the BBC avoids mentioning until over half way through the feature, is that the tanker itself is an ice breaker. Therefore, it doesn’t need an ice breaker with it.
Quote : “The ship, which features a lightweight steel reinforced hull, is the largest commercial ship to receive Arc7 certification, which means it is capable of travelling through ice up to 2.1m thick.”
So correct title should be
“Ship with ice breaker capability crosses ice without extra icebreaker”
Correct title “Ship with ice breaker capability crosses ice, without extra icebreaker” BBC screenshot
I don’t see anything to suggest that the hull is ‘lightweight’ – is that BBC-speak for ‘high tensile’?
The BBC story worries that heavy oils may be used to propel the ships but the diesels are LNG-capable. If the ship is carrying the stuff wouldn’t it make sense to use it as fuel too, at least out-bound?
these people are professional deceivers who will never miss a trick.
They are scumbags from top to bottom.. a rotten organisation..rotten to the core!
Shame on them..and shame on all of those employed by al beebi.
They are a big part of the lying filth that are destroying our traditional British values and way of life. They are beneath contempt!
I just noticed the BBC photo labels the ship as an icebreaker
Correct title “Ship which is an ICEBREAKER crosses ice, without extra icebreaker ,it sails backwards” See these screenshots from BBC story
a. Ice is unusual on the planet earth – only 15% of the earth’s time has any ice on it.
b. this is the second coldest period mankind has known in the last 10K years.
c. erm further down it says …The ship is the first of a new fleet specially constructed to sail through ice all year round. – so what’s the problem?
In other words the BBC is a lying, deceiving , nasty little shit that is out to terrify people who only read headlines. Stop the license fee now.
What a joke they are. The artic sea ice is mercurial at the best of times and we’ve heard many occasions of icebreakers sent up to check on the melting ice caps, only to then get frozen in.
However, if it was melting, that would be a good thing as it would make it easier for ships to get round which would facilitate better trade and protect jobs and investment – a phrase that the Beeb endlessly bang on about the issuing their anti Brexit propaganda.
Strangely – she was not quizzed about NCCL support for reducing the age of consent to TEN. In fact , why have an age of consent at all? Didn’t affect Sir jimmy saville that lovable al Beeb staple or the Miriad of Muslim monsters fiddling with young white girls while all around don’t want to have their race finger pointed at them .
Nor did she get the question about sending her kids to grammar schools
Nor the one about her expenses claims and her attempt to get expenses out of FOI ( in fairness some corrupt tories wanted this too).
Stew ,you are right .
I came across the V D show a few days ago and they were indeed discussing the grooming and rape gangs,asking have we done enough and is it still happening ? They had on a couple of interesting talking heads who thought we hadn’t and were being complacent and I though ,yes they are finally going there.
Then the interviewer,not V D ,started on about how terrible it was of Sarah Champion to call out Pakistani culture and how its not helpful ,its divisive.etc etc. So yet again the BBC heaps blame on the people who are trying to solve the problem .Its the BBC all over.Im sure they think this is being impartial. Im surprised they don’t invite one of the rapists on to give his side of the story like they do terrorists.
I’m watching old Bake Offs on Dave. I have seen them before and in general I can remember who either just missed the final or got there. The manipulation of the BBC becomes all the more obvious. Those who are there for their entertainment value have Paul and Mary go a bit soft on them. If they are a bit boring whatever their colour, they get criticised for their flavour (how can we ‘see’ that on the tv?) so an excuse to consider them leaving the competition. To be fair, the BBC still cannot totally protect their favourites, tonight two of them had their creme caramel collapse, so one of them had to go. Bus it is obvious how those about to go receive comments to undermine their confidence, watch Mary say she doesn’t like the ‘bake’ for example, however nice; today the one who was going to go was criticised because his cake was too tall. We will have to see how Channel 4 deals with things.
The producer of the R5 Kermode film show blocked me on Facebook
“You posted a link to a Breitbart story, so I’m blocking you”
(Context : Delingpole had been the only guy to comment on Michael Mann being on Radio4, so his Breitbart story was the ONLY news source I could give a link to)
Such tantrums are common with the tolerant left
20 facets come up, so they rather than focus on the argument they look for the 1 justification they can use to get you out of their bubbleworld
On another forum, I innocently mentioned not long ago a convenient link to a news piece that had been picked up and published by Breitbart. It had an interesting effect.
It immediately flushed out some alt-left trolls.
I have it in mind to do it again, every now and then.
And surprise surprise, the Beeb won’t let you comment on this article.
I guess when Hilary can label all Trump supporters as a basket of deplorables, left wingers describe women voting for Trump as turkeys voting for Christmas and everyone from US congresswomen to our very own David Attenborough calling for him to be shot, it’s quite easy to imagine that ‘smearing’ Antifa as promoting violence wouldn’t be that hard.
A quick search on YouTube of people questioning masked Antifa footsoldiers will make it crystal clear what their attitude is of violence against those who disagree with them.
The bBC has been really vocal about state executions in the US, Japan and Saudi Arabia whilst turning a blind eye to the much more numerous executions in China and Iran. Whenever anybody gets their neck stretched in the former, the bBC will roll out human rights groups by the bucket load in which to condemn the execution of people (other than SA) who have sat on deaths row for years. But when its China and Iran , the bBC simply reports the story. Funny enough the US has just executed a white man and the bBC has simply reported the story, for the life in me I cannot understand why , seeing as the vast majority of black men who have been executed in the US have also been found guilty of the murder of people of a different colour: Florida inmate Mark Asay executed by experimental injection
I think the reason why the Hockey Stick is so important to the BBC, is that the BBC faces legal action once Michael Mann fails his legal challenges.
The BBC has produced documentaries going back many years, which defend his Scientific fraud.
The Hockey Stick is the only one of over a hundred scientific papers on Global Warming. It has not been replicated and since an article on isotopic results from tree rings showed me that Michael Mann had produced scientific fraud, is not likely to be replicated.
This is important because the Hockey Stick was the only paper to produce a graph that statistically correlated with the Carbon Dioxide hypothesis, while all the other 99 papers, including the one produced by Dr Tim Ball, statistically correlate more closely with the length of the Solar Cycle theory of Global Warming, which has now developed into the speed of plasma in the Sun, generates the strength of the magnetic field of the Sun, regulates the strength of Cosmic Rays, regulates the Earths Cloud Albedo, which regulates Climate Change, Theory.
Dr. Tim Ball implies that Michael Mann should be in jail for scientific fraud. Michael Mann obviously cannot prove to the world that he has not produced scientific fraud. So the liable case has failed and accusing the BBC of supporting scientific fraud would follow, and be legally allowed but censored by the BBC. Mensa members may be the first to take legal action against the morons at the BBC.
From Personal experience, I think the point when Climate science went mad was when a scientific paper found that feedback was negative not positive. This was important because the scientists who debated this with Astronomers admitted that there wasn’t any evidence for Carbon Dioxide warming. But that this was because any effect was within the margin of detectability, but with positive feedback producing the warming.
So when negative feedback was proven, these scientists became silent, the debate ended, and with the addition of the failure of Computer Models using the Arrhenius formula, coming to fruitition, the sceptics had won. But then people with high IQ’s are a small minority, the environ-morons at the BBC represent the majority. These Marxist nutters now use “The Debate is over” as their latest Censorship strategy. They couldn’t criticise anything Lord Lawson said, so they try to censor what he said by insisting on “Debate is over” Censorship.
There are many BBC irritations which grind, but by far, the worst is the climate fraud the bbc has committed – simply because it suited their politics.
“The science is settled” argument, made by Guardian reading BBC newscasters, is deeply troubling. No science is ever settled. Not ever. Matters are only settled in a religious context, due to belief. In science there is constant inquiry, else the inquiry ceases to be science.
The removal of all scientists from the BBC airwaves, if they questioned the arts and humanities ‘certainties’ on global warming, should have been the death knell for the BBC. People like Prof David Bellamy, Nigel Calder, Professor Lovelock, et al, may not be right but they have studied the issues with open minds and drawn different conclusions to Guardian arts and humanities journalists thus ought to be heard.
Leading climate scientists like Professor Lindzen, Prof Curry, Prof Singer are just simply banned from the BBC channels, making way for the staggeringly well financed, political pressure groups such as Friends of the Earth and Greenpeace.
Last year a radio 4 program interviewed scientists about the Met Office’s ludicrous global warming hypothesis and how the Met Office predictions have consistently failed over the last 15 years. The program was removed from Iplayer, never repeated and the two producers sent on a ‘climate awareness course’.
‘The Nobel Prize winning’ Michael Mann has been reckless in defending his flawed hypothesis – and no, he didn’t win the Nobel Prize and was forced to remove that claim from his C.V.. As Richard Pinder says above, his court case is proving an embarrassment not least because he is in contempt of the court because he won’t reveal his data sets – for obvious reasons!
But don’t get carried away. Even if Mann loses, the BBC will rally around and twist the news, just as they did when Al Gore’s deceitful An Inconvenient Truth was removed from school’s by a high court judge.
For the record, even the scientists who support the ‘man made global warming claim’, such as the UN’s IPCC, say that there has been only a ¼ of degree warming since 1950 and that mankind could only be responsible for up to half that. Thus mankind ‘could be’ responsible for up to 1/8th of a degree warming in almost 70 years. Hardly sufficient for the shouty people in the streets to attack police officers or the BBC to broadcast falsehoods for 15 years.
scribbling, “There are many BBC irritations which grind, but by far, the worst is the climate fraud the bbc has committed – simply because it suited their politics.”
You are right but I think you will find that, as far as the BBC are concerned, it also suited their tax returns and PAYE payments in order to accumulate wealth.
One of the things that alerted me to the possibility that Anthropogenic Global Warming and Climate Change might be not all it was cracked up to be was not just some very dodgy science, or the so-called wholesale and very quick acceptance by the scientific community nor the alacrity with which it was taken up and responded to by politicians around the world.
It was the fact that the people most likely to be disadvantaged by AGW &CC, were the ones whose taxes were increased to ‘pay for it’. It was not the wealthy and high earners of the world, especially the western world, who were asked to put their hands in their pockets to raise the cash needed. The tax burden was pushed way down the income & wealth ladder in the UK by AGW & CC.
Now that the BBC’s high paid ‘stars’ have been revealed, you can understand why a 40% top rate of Income Tax was applicable for so long, especially after Black Wednesday. 50% or more would have been appropriate for several years after 1992, as well as a second time after 2007-2009. The Government’s coffers at Treasury had to be re-filled so they went for any easy option and an easy target to provide the cash.
The high earners at the BBC no doubt sighed a collective sigh of relief and have enjoyed the rich pickings ever since. Except, of course, those who still feel they pay too much tax compared to the common man and go in for dodgy (legal) tax avoidance schemes or are able to use service companies to reduce their tax burden.
I wonder how the twenty-fifth anniversary of the two events (one next month) will be treated by the BBC?
Another method used to close down debate on AGW is the one that goes ‘you are not a qualified scientist so you can’t discuss it’. Substitute ‘priest’ for ‘scientist’ and you have basically the same argument used in the past against anyone who questioned the authority of the church. This one is used particularly against people like Lord Lawson who, although not scientists, are intelligent and perceptive and able to weigh up arguments on evidential merit.
Lord Lawson is the Chairman of the GWPF which has a scientific Academic Advisory Council made up mostly of Professors, about 19. Many are causational climate scientists such as Atmospheric Physicist Richard Lindzen and Solar Astronomer Henrik Svensmark.
The BBC does not casually invite Atmospheric Physicists and Solar Astronomers on to BBC programs, and only two seem to be approved by Greenpeace and Friends of the Earth, Mike Lockwood and Joanna Haigh.
Lord Lawson is therefore forced to be the spokesman for these scientists.
Good old Trump, telling it like it is regarding Pakistan and Islamic terror, a word his useless muslim predecessor couldn’t even bring himself to utter, never mind tackle.
“He launched a blistering attack on Pakistan, publicly articulating what his predecessors only said in private.
“We have been paying Pakistan billions and billions of dollars at the same time they are housing the very terrorists that we are fighting,” declared the president. “It is time for Pakistan to demonstrate its commitment to civilisation, order, and to peace”.
“We have been paying the BBC billions and billions of pounds at the same time they are housing the very terrorists that we are fighting,” declared the prime minister. “It is time for the BBC to demonstrate its commitment to civilisation, order, and to peace”.
Good to see the Beeb reporting on a ‘white supremacist’ who killed thirty years ago. No space for the Naz Shah story, but this beauty is put front and centre of the website. Nothing like some anti white race baiting to start the day.
Today and website report at length upon Ian Watkins, a white child abuser. All we heard about the Newcastle gang was how badly the Police dealt with it.
“Look over here! White people abuse children as well!”
They really are beneath contempt. There is a world of different between isolated white weirdos and industrial-scale rape gangs who believe that any white girl not protected by her father and covered up is fair game; even as they were sent down many of the rapists believed they had done nothing wrong. And if anyone knew someone who was abusing children they would let the authorities know at once. What is so terrifying is how in all of these cases the ‘communities’ not only turned a blind eye but actively tried to cover it up.
I would love to know what goes on behind closed doors at the BBC.
“We must find some white paedophiles fast and give their crimes extensive coverage!”
They ran a whole Panorama episode about the rape gang problem and instead prosecuted the messenger for inciting racial hatred and let the paedophiles run amok! Those men must have thought they were in paradise.
The BBC and other leftists seem to live mentally in the world of the 1970s where immigrant communities are wide-eyed innocents slaving away in textile mills and being set upon by ‘paki bashers’ and skinhead boot boys at every corner, and denounced and oppressed by suave Tory racists in government. This idea is welcomed by those who wish to cover up these rape scandals.
Imagine if the Spanish complained about large groups of British yobboes drinking, fighting and vomiting in the streets of their holiday resorts. If the BBC used their Pakistani method of reporting, rather than investigate and admit the problem, they would probably dig up a couple of old Spanish blokes who once got drunk and fell asleep in the town square and say ‘look, the Spaniards are guilty as well!’
Review: Edge of the City { aug2004}
“A Barnardos expert says “scores” of young men are involved; her local social services colleague says there is a massive hole in what the authorities can do. The filmmakers talk to one girl who has had 100 sexual partners (partners? who has 100?).”
The real question is why hasn’t anyone been charged with child abuse. Whatever the racial background of those involved this is a serious crime and should be treated as such. Ian, Bristol – commenting in 2004 (and 13 years later!) ?
BBC Website. ” From Egyptian girl to Scottish man “. ” Transgender centre stage at Edinburgh Fringe “. The BBC’s obsession with this small minority affliction is surely a sign of mental illness ?
I have never met anyone transgender and I have met a lot of people. The way the Beeb bang on about it you would think the majority of people want to change gender.
I thought gender was a social construct? That is what the Beeb has told us. Why not just act like the other gender then? That is what SJWs would say if they were consistent.
Or as my neighbour puts it:
“We’ve hardly begun to unearth the people who may be disadvantaged or victimised or vulnerable in some way. Each and every one of us is a minority whose rights need to be addressed.”
Needless to say, ‘each and every one of us’ doesn’t include white people, men, heterosexuals, Christians etc.
Same here. Has the BBC actually asked Transgenders if the want all this publicity ? Or have they just chosen another tiny minority to use for their own perverted political purposes and to be tossed aside when the BBC move on to their next obsession ? I doubt if Beeboids actually care about the people in the “causes ” they espouse. They are just tools to be used.
This is a very interesting point. The BBC, in common with its fellow travellers on the far Left, indulges in identity politics as a means of hastening societal collapse in the belief (shared with Pol Pot) that society can be stripped back to a bare state and refashioned in the form it desires.
Thus, the individuals used in its identity politics programme campaign are irrelevant. I’ve heard quite a few intelligent homosexuals say that they never asked for all this prominence and don’t want it. I am sure the same is true of genuine transsexuals, most of whom seem to wish to merge as seamlessly as possible into the opposite sex, not be used as weapons in someone else’s war.
Political correctness is like capitalism in that it has to seek out new markets or die. The reason transgender stuff is popular is because with the ’72 genders’ or whatever it is, it’s a gift that keeps on giving to the media and other grievance-mongers.
I believe these people dislike the idea that a transgender person should just quietly try to pass as a member of their opposite sex. To the PC brigade/identity politics types that is like mixed race people attempting to ‘pass’ as white in the 1950s; they view it as playing into the hands of the oppressor. Shout it loud, we’re trannies and proud! is their preferred slogan.
BB… the trouble is, the BBC is Londoncentric where transgenders and other ‘speciality categories’ tend to congregate. Out here in the ‘real’ world – outside the M25, we barely know the word transgender and rarely see a mixed face family – well ones that include a different race father anyway !!!. If anything we are more aware of non-English being spoken wherever we go.
When the bacon on the Mosque in Bristol was investigated was the Mosque paying their council taxes for the services from the Police to cover the investigation?
I ask this question because if the Bristol Mosque ( Jamia mosque in Totterdown ) was not paying the Bristol council taxes, then the Mosque should not have the support of the Police for such trivial incidents, which I am sure God will resolve in the future, and Police services should only be for serious crime. Unless their is no more serious crime in Bristol, then by all means chase these people.
– If any Mosque is not paying council tax for Police services then they should not be entitled (unless religion is being given a special privilege) to use the Police services for bacon hate. They could ask their great God (all powerful) to resolve it and save Police (taxpayer) money and time which could be used for other serious cases. Unless their is no longer any serious (drug/murder/rape/theft) crime in Bristol?
If Mosques don’t pay taxes (applies to Churches, Temples) then they become low priority unless it is a serious crime and all other crime has been resolved.
“Police were scrambled to an area of Bradford Thursday night after an angry mob of local Muslims (Religion Of Peace – where is the local Imam to bring peace and kindness and forgiveness?) gathered because copies of Quran had been found in a skip. (But they didn’t remove them and move on?)”
“A spokesman for The Book Centre said: “While the Book Centre site is being cleared, no Islamic material of any sort was purposefully disposed of. A small workforce was instructed to clear two storerooms from which some material made its way into the skip.”
“In the six years since I began using a wheelchair, I’ve been prayed for multiple times, in multiple languages, by people of varying religions.
… ….
Instead, I thanked the nun, wiped the sweat from my forehead, and probably gave her the best day of her religious career.
I stood up from my wheelchair and without a backward glance, I walked up the steps to the Sacre-Coeur.”
Beeb home page: white paedophile and white racist killer. Present the exception as the norm and give it disproportionate coverage, whilst ignoring the disproportionate amount of crime perpetrated by other groups. What a beauty!
Some major pro immigration pieces on BBC Today – they never miss a chance. Boris hectored by Mishal for saying most migrants from Libya are economic and young male . Then an attempt to reignite the ‘child migrants’ at Calais fiasco. 650 currently waiting, apparently. Bring on the dental checks, I say.
Rationing al beeb exposure – I caught the last 30 mins of Toady . Lord god it was awful . A couple of lefty do gooders go to calais to help the ‘ children ‘get into Blighty. I bloody fumed.
There was no question whether this was right or wrong . Same attitude as with global warming , multiculturalism and other al beeb staples . Just awful. I sympathise with anyone else who heard it .
Yes, I was horrified to see Barbara Roach Labour Immigration minister 1999-2001? making an appearance on Newsshite last night. She believes unquestioningly in uncontrolled mass immigration and is probably one of those most to blame for the mess we are now in. Since her welcome departure from public view she seems to have been busying herself with Migration Museums. Her reemergence can only be an ill porten
Mishal seemed to take Trump’s remarks about Charlottesville as a personal insult against her fellow antifascists like Stalin, Ulbrich, Honecke, the IRA, the Baadermeinhof gang, ec., etc. The idea that you can sanctify your support fo another form of totalitarianism by denouncing evil “fascism” is ridiculous.
Yes, Roach should be high up the list of those to be prosecuted for treason. Blair heads the list, of course, but Roach and a handful of others should be facing a life sentence for what they have done.
GC- I’m still hoping for the restoration of the death penalty before I’m dead, for murder, treason, inciting terrorism, wilful mismanagement of the country’s finances and border control, and for the few terrorists who somehow manage to surrender before getting shot down like the rabid dogs they are.
I’d even give these people a proper trial and all!
But fast forward into the 2050’s or so and if the UK is ‘under new management’ – well then I’m sure death sentences will be handed out like in the French Revolution reign of terror. I think we have a limited time period in which to keep things reasonably civilised.
I just can’t understand this mindset that because someone wants to come into the UK, that means they are entitled to do so.
Does this also mean that if I wanted to go into Mishal’s house, I am entitled to do so? I would love to see someone put this right back to a BBC anchor and see them flap around for a coherent answer.
R4 6 o’clock. Usual format before the news telling us about forthcoming items. When he got to telling us Corbyn would be on his voice went up a couple of octaves as if he’d just found a tenner on the floor.
Always a sign there’s no news, when Sky start banging on again about plastic in the oceans. Simple answer to that – don’t blame the public, blame the manufacturers who produce the bloody plastic containers that we’re all forced to use !
Brissles that is exactly what I was shouting at the TV. Dont blame us and don’t tax us .Get on to the real culprits big business and food manufacturers . Sky even encouraging every one to get involved .Well if I could buy less plastic and packaging I would but what’s the betting the the price would rocket. people need to start taking the packaging off and dumping it in the stores.Thats direct action.
Sky could send their reporters, who have nothing to do, on a journey to the plastic and pick it up (or sift for it) after they film it – journalism with a difference?
Before and after footage!
BBC’s Chris ‘£2.3m + CarFest + Hidden Businesses’ Evans might be able to help as well – seems a bit underused for his value at the moment.
I would blame the politicians. They can pass legislation regarding packaging if they want to. Maybe not if we are in the EU. Debs, or dumping it on the doorsteps of their MP ! I agree that business should be more responsible but some things just have to be legislated for.
I was wondering if the MSM will touch on the lack of diversity at the Notting Hill Carnival. Unlike a lot (not all) of the indigenous population who seem to have embraced the event, a certain section of our society don’t seem very interested.
Surely the bBBC should be investigating this matter urgently as diversity seems so important to them. I suspect the uncomfortable truth will have them running a mile.
At least Boris made an effort but I bet Mr. Khan wont be able to get away quick enough.
As a whitee who went to the carnival when I was too young to know better and promptly got mugged while the boys in blue watched and did nothing – every year I pray for cold and wet.
This year I suppose acid will be the weapon of choice but I suppose it might be a bit difficult for them to shoplift .
Al Beeb and the boys in blue always say it was peaceful even when there is a riot. Great cultural event eh?
Plod even joins in the “fun”. Thinking that , if they “get down and get with it ” , they can ingratiate themselves with the revellers. Little do they know that it just brings contempt from the Carnival people and the rest of us. PC Plod, always determined to prove the truth of the saying ” Thick copper “.
Feel the same . I want my police force to do what it says on the tin. Touchy feely, nicey nicey has set law & order back years if not decades. I have a connection with the Met and when I suggest a certain way of dealing with a problem to said connection the reply is “we cant do that”. Everything has just been blended into grey in this PC country with no clear black & white. The armed forces are going the same way. “Mind what your doing with that gun, you might hurt somebody. Don’t want you ending up in court laddy”
If all Notting Hill Carnival attendees could find a bin or take their litter home they could reduce the London council tax bill by £158K per year. Every little helps.
MM……. “everyone take their litter home ???” That’s like asking Blair to apologise ! We’ve bred a couple of generations who can find their way to their mouth but not the litter bin. Our local park is awash with detritus from teenagers after the weekend, despite several empty litter bins dotted about. Another example of ‘how life is better than 60 years ago”. Yeah, right.
All cultures and traditions are equal … August 2016 …. Mumbai …
I stood in a sea of rubbish. All around me were waves of plastic packets, wrapped around bottles, wedged between milk and cement bags and discarded items of clothing. I bent down and saw the smaller details – countless cigarette butts and lighters and bottle tops, snakes of rope and straws. Much of it smeared with human faeces.
I had to remind myself what it was – a beach – and that there was sand underneath this muck in which I stood, ankle deep and overwhelmed. It was one thing seeing a photograph from the comfort of home; it was another thing being on Mumbai’s Versova Beach and confronting the sheer volume of waste.
And people ACTUALLY want to go on holiday to India ??????? It so annoys me that we have Indian nationals over here pontificating what should and shouldn’t be done in MY country, (sod the fact that they may have a British passport – means bugger all to me), when the place of their birth is a complete sh……hole, and they should be back there putting it to rights. There isn’t anyone I know who have visited that region without them falling ill, and one actually returned home attached to a drip !
Brissles – it baffles me too. One old (lefty) friend of mine was ill for a year after a 3 week visit, and still claimed it was a marvellous experience! I never met anyone who hasn’t had a similar tale of woe, even if they stayed in proper westernized hotels. A young bloke in my office is heading off there soon and has just had his NHS jabs for various exotic diseases.
I told him that unless you are scrupulously careful you’ll still probably get dysentery-like diarrhoea whatever you do. I didn’t mean to alarm the poor chap but someone has to school these witless millennials!
Basically it’s not my idea of a holiday, with the heat, completely different culture, and the begging would get right on my nerves too.
A bin bag build-up hanging around despite an end to a months-long strike has been turned into a barricade in protest, Birmingham residents say.
Rubbish mountains have been a familiar sight on the city’s streets over the summer, but the scene in Winson Green on Thursday evening marked a change.
This time, the rubbish piles were strewn across a road to form a deliberate blockade, according to some people living near the site.
Labour-run Birmingham City Council said it was “very disappointed” by the union’s warning and said Unite was “effectively holding the city to ransom”.{bbc aug2017}
Another fake debate on V D.How do we encourage integration ? I came in on the English lessons segment with an Asian lady complaining the government has cut funding for English language lessons and so they cannot be found .
No discussion about why much of the population doesn’t want to learn English and especially in the case of women are not allowed to.
So its all the governments fault. What about personal responsibility and spending a little of your own money. ? I go into shops in my area where the owners are speaking to each other over me in an Asian language and I find that the height of rudeness. Polish mothers pick their small children up from nursery and are speaking to them in Polish,so many don’t want to converse in English.
It’s madness. You CHOOSE to move a country yet you don’t think it’s YOUR responsibility to learn the language to make it easier for you to abuse, sorry, integrate with the society of your new home.
This supermarket took foreign food off its shelves to protest against racism { aug2017}
‘A supermarket in Hamburg has removed all foreign-made food from its shelves for a day to protest xenophobia in Germany.
The supermarket stunt has received support from within the German political class, with centrists describing it as “wise.” (GOOD people? Wise is not good) Far-right (BAD people) politicians, however, branded the move as “completely mad.”’
(Note that the political left and right are different in Germany to other countries. No Mention of what the far-left thought of all this!)
– It’s not about the food. Food does not want to kill you! Food does not worry about your skin colour.
– Racism : prejudice, discrimination, or antagonism directed against someone of a different race based on the belief that one’s own race is superior.
– Xenophobia : dislike of or prejudice against people from other countries.
– BBC conflating, mixing things in the article and title?
I can imagine the removal of foreign-made food might go down well – it must relieve the monotony of all that pork, sauerkraut and kartoffeln that seems to make up 95% of the German diet (okay, liver dumplings aren’t too bad). But the real problem in the West is xenophilia, where some people have an unnatural and unhealthy obsession with things that are foreign and different, spilling over from curiousity and interest into a neurotic condition, supplemented with an irrational hatred of their own kind and culture. A close variant of this islamophilia. So common are these anomalies that a broadcaster exists to cater for them, known as the BBC.
“Racism : prejudice, discrimination, or antagonism directed against someone of a different race based on the belief that one’s own race is superior.”
So if you don’t believe that your race is superior, just different, you’re not a racist? Whites would never be allowed to get away with that argument.
If you’re white and you make any reference to race, in virtually any context, you’re probably a racist. Blacks, on the other hand, can say almost anything because, according to the Marxist definition of racism, only those in power can be racist. So a black man with a baseball bat waiting for a white person to come along is not racist because he’s righting the wrongs of the past.
One of the German BBCs has been commemorating the 25th anniversary of the so-called Rostock-Lichtenhagen Pogrom, It was not really a pogrom as no one was killed but many people were severely beaten up. This was the worst racialially motivated violence in Germany since WWII. I had totally forgotten about it, but it seems to have been almost a practice run for Merkel’s Madness. When the Wall disappeared there was a euphoric mood welcoming Aussiedler, the Volga Germans, Siebengebirge Deutsche etc “heim ins Reich”which also extended to East Europeans and refugees from the Balkan wars. But the welcoming mood turned. West Germans decided that the Ossis where not a gift from God and those Germans by blood who had been stranded in the USSR and its satellites were not very nice at all. As the BBC article points out, there were thousands of attacks on refugee centres in 2016, so history has repeated itself in a big way. The Rostock incident was on a much larger scale with 5,000 plus rioters threating violence to refugees and injuring the police, who withdrew completely at one stage. This only goes to show that happy-clappy multiculturalism can only exist within a police state or under a strong-man. The disappearance of Honecker and Tito unleashed a potential for violence in the former DDR and there were actual pogroms in the former Yugoslavia. Assad in Syria played a similar role keeping the lid on the pressure cooker. Herr Röttgen CDU, chairman of the Foreign Affaires Committe, was on a chat show last night claiming “Germany can’t be blackmailed”. He was being serious, but seemed to have forgotten that his government has paid billions to the Turkish strong-man to solve their “refugee” crisis. Orban, another strong-man also did his bit to save Germans from their folly.
Yet Merkel the Mad looks very likely to be back in power after the German elections that are only a month away. Attempts are being made to remove the immunity to prosecution of Fruake Petry, an MP in the Saxony state parliament, so that she can be tried for perjury in relation to statements she made to some election committee or another. The AfD are about 10% in the polls.
Text search: jobs x 0; employment x 0; safety x 2; brexit x 0;
“Last year, for example, it announced its intention to carry out platooning trials but was later frustrated after some European lorrymakers declined to participate.” (Which lorrymakers? German? France? Spainish?)
Guess they just have to be careful which operation system (computer control software) they install.
iOS for Mac Desktop Computers.
iPod for iPods.
iSlam for Lorries?
Dads have an automatic braking system if the lorry gets too close to an object . One lorry emergency braked on a motorway when a pigeon flew across the front of it .
Dafs have an automatic braking system if the lorry gets too close to an object . One lorry emergency braked on a motorway when a pigeon flew across the front of it .
“WARNING SOME MIGHT FIND OFFENSIVE: This is the crash of an airbus at an airshow. The cause of the crash was the computer thought the pilots attempt to pull up would stall the aircraft so it carried on in a strait line and crashed.”
His actions were particularly depraved and in my opinion there really doesn’t seem to be any justification for keeping him alive. I don’t understand the leniency in sentencing in other cases, none of these men will ever contribute anything beneficial to our society and so should be removed from it permanently, they will never be rehabilitated or changed.
I have three daughters and would gladly do time if any of them were abused in any way by anyone, irrespective of race or religion. I strongly believe that abusers like this should be at the very least castrated and suspect that the majority of our population would readily accept the reintroduction of the death penalty for those found guilty of such crimes.
“Most, but not all, of the more serious incidents of rape and attempted rape and some of the more serious sexual assaults I have described took place on Savile’s own premises and not at the BBC. They were, however, connected with Savile’s work for the BBC. Usually, Savile either met the victim at the BBC or else he groomed the victim by offering the opportunity to attend the BBC before taking the victim elsewhere, often to his home or campervan. … For example, the News of the World made allegations about the taking of pornographic pictures of young girls and the picking-up of girls under 16 by male members of staff on the programme (Top of the Pops 1969-1971). {THE JIMMY SAVILE INVESTIGATION REPORT – feb2016}“
TMS. England win the toss, choose to bad. Great batting pitch and good batting weather. Score after less than 1 hour 26-2. Can’t find any pro-Windies bias from the BBC yet, but will keep my eyes and ears open .
Just had a quick look at the BBC’s web-site News page.
UK OVER-OPTIMISTIC ABOUT LIBYA – JOHNSON Yeah, I could have (and did) told you that before it happened. BTW, Boris was a shambles this morning on the TODAY Programme. Charles Dance, immediately following as an interviewee, was similarly shambolic. Made me wonder if their Green Room drinks had been spiked!
EXPERIMENTAL JAB EXECUTES RACIST KILLER. Health trial gone wrong at the doctor’s surgery? Someone, who had killed a racist, was jabbed. Not another out of control umbrella? Woz it the Russians wot dun it?
DVLA BANS ‘OFFENSIVE’ LICENCE PLATES Old news, very old news. They have been doing that for decades.
A SIZE 8 MODEL ASKS: WHY DO JEANS SIZES VARY? An Editor at the BBC really does need to ‘get a grip’.
If they do not, may I recommend that they get the sack instead?
(That is only the top section of the w/s News Page. I cannot take any more! Someone else can read the rest.)
A nice clear speech, but Linda Pidcock can you clarify …
– do you mean 16.5K people need food parcels or do you mean 16.5K food parcels are used? Two very different things.
– is 16.5K parcels just for the nurses, doctors and firefighters or for people in other circumstances, you focus on these professions because more of them use food banks?
– do you have a breakdown of the people collecting food parcels with a link?
– Population of County Durham (50K @ 2011) and a food parcel being usable for one day means parcels feed 0.09% of County Durham?
– if 16.5K people are using food parcels all the time, then 16.5/50 then 33% of County Durham are struggling to be feed – this statistic would be very scary indeed and a better one to use if correct?
If Durham wasn’t so far away from me, I’d pick up a parcel of free food too. Who wouldn’t? The whole food bank thing is used misleadingly as a poverty index. It’s nothing of the sort . Or perhaps there was no poverty before the noughties when food banks were invented?
BBC Radio Poo…. sorry 2 yesterday.. ‘net migration to the UK is down as EU workers are moving to Sweden and Finland as work opportunities are better there. EU workers no longer want to come to the UK as the see it as xenophobic and racist since Brexit’.
So on the one hand they are not coming here because opportunities are better in Sweden and Finland, but on the other it’s because ‘weez waaaaycist’…. talk about the BBC having their cake and eating it!
My sister lives in an area with a large number of well established fruit trees. As fewer people bake these days (it’s not a Muslim area), and most of it ripens around the same time, it’s normal to place a box of the surplus fruit on the front garden wall so people can help themselves.
People must be in dire straits in this neighbourhood because the fruit disappears very quickly. I blame Brexit.
On the 29th of December, the BBC reported that Kevin Creehan, wrongly jailed for placing bacon on the door of a mosque, had mysteriously died in prison.
We are still waiting to be told under what circumstances he died. The BBC, which finds resources to investigate stories all around the world when they fit its far Left narrative, has so far found none to investigate either Mr Creehan’s death or the official cover-up which seems to be going on.
The interview by Mishal Husain ( on the Today programme this morning with Boris Johnson was a disgrace. She talked over him continually, not allowing him to finish a reply. Why Oh why do these people like Boris readily succumb to this line of interviewing? Is it because they have not got the strength of their convictions? Amazing how, when one answers harshly, “Do you mind allowing me to answer your question without interference”, they simply pipe down and become subdued like a scalded child. In Husains case, she has a similar history with Boris so perhaps getting away with it previously is, as a Pakistani muzzie, seen as his weakness. Or could it be that Ministers respect the exalted superior position of the BBC and treating it as a higher authority to that of the Government is a prerequisite?
Personally, I do favour the ‘John Nott’ style of response to a rude interviewer :
I watched the Day /Nott interview at the time. It was great when Nott walked out. Robin Day, total nonentity Beeboid who never did a real job in his life. Good riddance.
Mishal discovered that as the interview got going and by going ‘off-piste’, Mishal got him waffling. If you listen to it again, watch for the change of tone in Mishal’s voice. She is not very good at disguising it. It provides a clue when the interviewee should don helmet and flak jacket. Once Boris is waffling, the interviewer can dance around him and make him look stupid.
Mishal’s talkover is a weakness and it comes from her annoyance at not getting an answer that will fit with her and the BBC’s ‘agenda’. It also comes, I think, from her political inclinations. Think she knows that so she tries to disguise ‘losing her rag’ by getting pushy with talkover.
It doesn’t help that the UK Government had various duplicitous ‘histories’ and ‘positions’ with Gaddafi & Libya and Assad & Syria.
I wouldn’t be surprised if Boris has never, ever sat down with a good specialist who could give him strategies for dealing with live media interviews. I can hear him say “I can’t be bothered with all that sort of stuff”. He’s certainly had the experience in broadcast media and should be able to deal with it but I do not think he’s that kind of bloke.
He’s counting on his natural charm and jokiness to get by and you cannot rely on that for ever, especially when Foreign Secretary.
I think, politically, Boris is finished and he knows he is finished.
He’ll probably be PM by Christmas, now that I have written that!
I agree. Boris did his best to help Anglo-American relations by stating that the President was “wrong” in what he said about Charlottesville. Really Boris? I thought the President was 100% right in what he said, but even if you disagreed, as Foreign Secretary is it your job to insult our closest ally?
Most of the mainsteam right, by which I mean the Conservative party and right-of-centre journalists, are mild mannered, inoffensive, ineffective, apologists who seem to think that their role is to oversee the lefty, identity driven takeover with as little fuss as possible. Mustn’t make a scene.
The Left is ruthless and has largely won the social arguments. We need fighters who don’t mind upsetting people, or perhaps even see some virtue in it. The Left isn’t offended anywhere near as often as it should be – get them genuinely angry (not the feigned variety that we see every day) and they come out in their true colours or they fall apart. Look at Abbott – one of the few lefties to come under sustained attack due to her extreme incompetence. What happened? She went into hiding.
No, I don’t think so. In my opinion it can be said that they have won in that most people, many of whom admittedly should know better, generally discuss social affairs within parameters set by the Left. Sorry to say it but, in many respects, the Left has been hugely successful. Look at our towns and cities. And we have a Conservative party that has no interest in undoing the damage or conserving anything. The ratchet always moves to the left.
The DT recently published an article identifying 71 (or was it 72) genders. Mass rape in Rotherham. Where are the vitriolic protests? This is madness.
Just my opinion and obviously I’m generalising. Clearly people here are different, but we’re hardly a cross section.
Lord Wreath, I agree. Orwell noticed that as early as the 1930s, the intelligentsia had developed a strict system of shibboleths and taboos in their discourse. This is probably why in ‘1984’ he wrote ‘if there is hope it lies in the proles’ because he knew the British working class didn’t adhere to these rules. What’s happened since then is that the ‘rules’ of the left wing elite have, via the education system and the media, filtered down into the middle and lower middle classes as well. In Orwell’s time they still subscribed to an older, patriotic, Christian code of thought.
I agree My Lord, take heart though that looking at the comments from Diane Abbott’s Twitter people are starting to realise and actually have a memory for what has been done.
Plus people viewing politicians actions on TV and questioning for themselves how they respond to what they have said, rather than believing what BBC or what people tell them.
Will the truth win? I don’t know but hope at least a big shift is coming. Yes the Left took control of the conversation – but freedom is never given, I think we have learnt to fight for it.
The longer the report on Kevin Crehan is delayed the more theories will appear to fill the hole. 8 months to investigate what is being suspected as a suicide?
Speculation is mounting (from who?is this the only theory?) over how a man who carried out a bacon mosque attack died in prison – with many suggesting that he may have killed himself. (why reinforce this view? pure speculation?)
He died in HMP Bristol on Tuesday, December 27 (2016) while serving a 12-month sentence for the crime.
Speaking at the time of Crehan’s death, Avon and Somerset Police said it was not treating his death as suspicious
The group also shouted racist (what was shouted? Was it racist or religious?) abuse at a member of the mosque.
Where is his family.I would be shouting from the rooftops for an explanation .If a black person dies in custody the BBC hit the must be an enquiry button . 12 months for throwing bacon at a mosque.Its tragic.Where is Human Rights watch agitating for answers .I despair of this country.
It will be the establishment all covering up for each other (the usual suspects, and including the press) whilst ‘pretending’ to assist anybody trying to find out the truth.
Much is being made of the GCSE results of late and I don’t know whether to laugh or cry!
I’ve seen quite a few actual questions now and I would have expected myself, and my contemporaries, to answer them all at age 11. I was schooled in the 50s and 60s and I’m shocked to see that expectations have dropped so far.
So was I, and no, it isn’t just you. I still have my “O” and “A” level exam papers. Totally uncompromising – don’t know how I passed anything. I’d like to confront my nephews and nieces with them but I don’t think it would go down well.
“A” level exams in particular scared us shitless back then, but we just got on with it. When I went on to do a degree, I at least felt prepared.
Pounce… must be some mistake. Emma Peel (Diana Rigg) comes across as a powerful, assertive, confident and capable woman. We all know such things didn’t exist until relatively recently, which is why there have never been any female prime ministers and such. Women in the 1960s were demure creatures, who had hands that did dishes with mild green fairy liquid and chewed on OXO cubes.
The US Department of Homeland Security (DHS) has placed Cambodia, Eritrea, Guinea and Sierra Leone under sanctions—which means that visa applications from those countries’ nationals will be denied—because they refuse to take back their illegal invader nationals deported from America.
In the case of Guyana, that government almost immediately agreed to take back 112 of 113 backlogged deportees. Officials for the Gambia also said they took steps last year after being hit with sanctions.
Re. Gambia. The US visa sanctions were part of an international effort to oust the previous President Jammeh and it succeeded. The new President Barrow has agreed to accept deportees and the USA has agreed to lift sanctions. Good result . The USA is assisting Gambia in locating Jammeh’s assets in the USA.
Not reported on our ‘trust worthy’ and ‘world renowned’ BBC Site?
Enforced £145 per year tax, generating £3.5bn, by threat of prison paying presenters like Chris ‘£2.3m’ Evans salaries who is supposed to be a socialist and uses the BBC to promote his CarFest business by linking it to the BBC Children In Need charity (more of a self promoting BBC programme).
True ! Whenever the BBC reports on any topic on which I have some personal knowledge, whether Gambia or anything else , they display their ignorance. So I assume that they are equally ignorant of other topics.
The US Gambian deportees were mainly exiles from the Jammeh regime who had failed in their asylum claims. They faced certain death if they had been returned. Jammeh , a lunatic, blocked it because he preferred them outside rather than killing them if they returned. I know some of them personally. But, don’t expect any in depth analysis from the BBC.
The Island, like your post but can we include the witch, Anna Soubry….and it should also include Mark Carney (although he is not deselectable) as I believe he is a real enemy of Brexit
Carney is a big enemy of the UK. What the Forex is Canadian doing as Governor of the Bank of England. He should bugger off to Canada. This is not his country .
Agreed. And that’s exactly the point. Sooner or later he will bugger off, perhaps to Canada or perhaps somewhere more sunny, he’s a confirmed globalist. Neither nor his children will be around to experience the fall-out of his decisions on the UK. The Governor of the Bank of England should be English.
His missus, IIRC, is English and the kids have dual nationality so they may well be around. Daddy has bought a big house that we are all paying for. Carney is/was Osborne’s pet. He talks a lot. Mostly, it seems, to drive the £ down, very occasionally up. Doesn’t seem to do much that’s useful. As others have suggested here re Macron, the term Obama-like (or Obama-lite?) may become a standard label for some such as he.
Lefty politician refuses to have Tory friends
#Famous LibMob tolerance.
See how
#1 They act tribally
#2 They fear and hate against the. Outgroup
So they are Xenophobic by action
Note the PROJECTION there cos “xenophobe” is their favourite slur against anyone who won’t agree with them.
BBC seems keen to push this sudden new meme
“Oh the number of students overstaying turns out to be almost nil
“all the exit check surveys we ran for 6 years were wrong”
Well that meme is “too wow to be true”
What, all over a sudden the problem of student overstaying has gone away ?
Some people seem too keen to believe this new explanation.
BRISSLESMar 31, 22:14 Start the Week 31st March 2025 All out broadcasting on Islamic Eid – celebrating in Parliament no less too. Can we expect other religious festivals to…
tomoMar 31, 22:14 Start the Week 31st March 2025 we’ve too many of these types in the UK … [img][/img]
ZephirMar 31, 20:40 Start the Week 31st March 2025 Well, well, part 2: “Guardian editors helped fuel Southport riots by showing contempt for the white working class, peer claims…
tomoMar 31, 20:25 Start the Week 31st March 2025 Actually, quite a fair comparison [img][/img]
ScrobleneMar 31, 20:12 Start the Week 31st March 2025 Perhaps when the awful, corrupt EU gets its accounts signed off, (never done), they can pontificate, meanwhile normal British citizens…
ZephirMar 31, 20:10 Start the Week 31st March 2025 I would suspect a surfeit of Prosecco or whatever crap this lot consume.
Fedup2Mar 31, 20:07 Start the Week 31st March 2025 Perhaps she has adopted the US Democrat recent practice of swearing at public speeches to show ‘authenticity ‘ …. Apparently…
Rob in CheshireMar 31, 19:56 Start the Week 31st March 2025 Democracy is a system whereby the citizens can vote for anyone their betters allow them to.
The BBC are going crazy promoting a story that is now three hours old with the headline: ‘Serial liar’ jailed after bogus rape claims”. A 25 year old white woman has been jailed for TEN YEARS for making up bogus rape claims. The BBC had plastered this story (and her face) on the BBC homepage, the BBC News homepage, their UK news section and their English News section.
The BBC specifically name two of the victims of the bogus claims: … “In a victim impact statement, Mahad Cassim, who was wrongly convicted of raping Beale in 2010 … Beale had also falsely claimed she was groped by a stranger, Noam Shahzad, in a pub in July 2012. She alleged she was then gang-raped by him and other men … ”
Compare the coverage of the above story with the Live ManHunt story two days ago of an “Asian” who attempted to rape a ten year old girl in Surrey. That story never made the BBC homepage nor the BBC News homepage – and they quickly buried the story. And that Asian paedophile is still on the loose.
So why are the BBC going crazy headlining all over their website this white woman who made the bogus claims of rape. And why are the BBC only specifically naming Mr Mahad Cassim and a Mr Shahzad, both with Muslim/Pakistani sounding names, as those who have been falsely accused of rape? (Mahad is a contraction for Muhammad).
Is it to put the idea in viewers heads that many of the recent stories that they may have heard about regarding gang rape by people with Pakistani and Muslim sounding names may in fact be bogus – as in this story the BBC are desperately promoting?
And what about the impact on real rape victims? This woman got ten years of prison time after her allegations of rape failed to be proved. Will real rape victims be more likely or less likely to report rape after reading this story?
reposted from old thread, cheers BoBotC!
My first thought on this was surprise that a woman has actually been given a custodial sentence. And now knowing that at least some of her victims were from the special community I can see why it was quite a long stretch even though she’ll be out in 5 years. No doubt to continue where she left off.
I was also thinking how in the hell the police continued to investigate her serial allegations – a giant lesbian land whale, with whom even the most unfinicky bloke with the biggest beer goggles would have trouble getting it on.
Then again, look at Rotherham etc and see what lines of enquiry they don’t pursue. The Police Service seems just like another useless, tick-box , local authority type employer – a dumping ground for more useless apparatchiks emerging from our ‘universities’.
Strange thing is she was convicted on July6th
Yet the BBC make the big deal only after sentencing
I don’t think it’s subjudice after conviction.
It is very unusual for the BBC to come up with a headline ‘telling it like it is’ and using language that would normally offend left-liberal sensibilities to the degree which, had it been any other news medium, would have had the Corbynite howling mob decrying their ‘judgementalism’ on social media.
Which just goes to prove my theory which spawned the idea of Lefty Top Trumps – Islam is Top Trump, even when ‘rape’ and a lesbian is involved.
Ah, the penny drops! This one had gone right over my head, as the version I heard didn’t mention the name of the “men”, and I hadn’t gone to the website.
A classic case of how they dupe the casual listener; and I should know better after all these years.
Thank you for “schooling” me!
Maybe each new open thread should contain a link to the last page of the previous open thread – otherwise comments posted at the end of a previous open thread get overlooked? Especially as the old thread suddenly disappears down the listing as it is unlocked from the top of the homepage.
Good point. The organisation of this site is weird in many ways. I would have thought a website expert could sort it out pretty quickly. I am not, but I am sure there are many who could do it .
Put the links in the header content to the last post and the previous stories.
Quicklink to previous open thread posts from Thursday morning
My roundup on the week’s news:
Nice one . But I think “Charles Kennedy’s bar tab ” was a bit too much, so to speak ! The point about recess is well made. Seems that, whatever problems there are , politicians still have long holidays. Mind you, in the case of Treezer, it should be a lifetime.
After posting on this site for a couple of months now I am afraid that I’m starting to see that Brass Eye was, like 1984, a warning to us all.
“Why can we no longer think of the British Isles, without the word Paedo in front of them?{youtube @0:59}”
“Not many cars to nick here, so instead they hijack pedestrians and run them around at terrifying leg speeds. It’s called git surfing. All too often the git is one of their own mothers. {youtube @0:42}”
“Pipe to Pipe Bushman code for two pedophiles having sex with each other whilst watching children through a shrub {featuring Gary ‘£1.75m + BT Sport + Crisps + Pension’ Lineker –
– Gary Lineker, worth every penny when on BrassEye!
So, we’ve just had a conclusion of a court case where a bloke on a bike designed for the Velodrome, killed a woman when he rode into her. Yes, it appears she is partly to blame (walking out) but the fact remains he was on a bike that is not only not legal to ride on British Roads, it has no brakes (Note the bBC saying no front brakes) Now as this is the bBC, they have knocked out an article , which tries to legitimise idiots riding a track bike on British roads with no brakes which is illegal.
Why I ride a bike without a brake’
Michael – not his real name – has worked as a bike courier for the last year and a half and believes the case – which led to an Old Bailey trial and national media attention – has “whipped up hatred against cyclists”. “I’ve heard other couriers saying to me they feel on edge and that pedestrians have looked at them differently,” he says.
Hatred against Cyclists!!!…Really?
Michael rides a fixie – a fixed-wheel bicycle – with no front brake. This is illegal. By law, a bike on a public road in the UK must have two brakes. A fixed-wheel bicycle has a single gear, no freewheel mechanism and dropped handlebars. The rear fixed wheel of a fixie – which a rider can slow using the pedals – counts as a brake. “I didn’t actually know it was against the law until this case,” he says.
Utter bollocks, Cyclists talk, they will walk across and comment on your bike and there are a lot of informative cyclists out there.
“”It takes a long time to get used to riding a bike without brakes,” Michael says. “People do it because it’s this personal sensation of control with the bike. You never get that quick in London, it’s more about how you cycle. I think most couriers who spend hours riding every day have the credentials.” He does admit you “can probably slow down quicker with a front brake”.”
Hang on, this twat claims he didn’t know it was illegal, but the above, points in the direction that he does know. That is further illuminated by his next:
Mrs Briggs’s husband, Matthew, asked why those who rode bikes without a front brake would take that “risk with somebody else’s life But Michael does not believe he is taking a risk: “I wouldn’t ride it if I felt there was a risk to others.” He does concede that it makes riding “exciting” and “fun” but says his fellow couriers are among the most trained urban cyclists in London.
So a woman is killed by a twat with no brakes and the bBC trys to paint people on bikes as the real victims who know what they are doing. How strange to see the School boy Editor bBC taking the opposite stance to that of common sense
Oh and by the way that twat after the crash, had a skull and bones tattooed on the side of his head which is used to denote he is hard and killed someone:

The bBC, defending the arseholes who spolit it . for everybody else.
BBC Parliament . Brexit negotiations. David Davis. Very calm and handles himself well in front of Select Comittee Rooms.
Lord Whitby spoke to fill the room with air, the Lord who never spoke to anyone from the Leaving the European Union side.
Imagine UK Mps having fight for our corner?
The BBC should be upstanding citizens and report Michael (not his real name) to the Police as his is breaking the law everyday.
Then again half of the BBC
still arehad raped and molested children and they covered those crimes up so I won’t hold my breath.Pounce,
Spot on – what an irresponsible article by the BBC. Anyone who has ever ridden a bike knows that the front brake has most of the stopping power. It’s ridiculous to claim otherwise.
As an overly-cautious touring/commuting cyclist for 30 years (my moniker is really a bit of self-mockery) I’m largely ignorant of the sub-culture of these urban cyclist nutjobs. Most of the people I see misbehaving on bikes (pavements, red lights etc.) are the sort of lawless tossers who reek of weed and are just taking advantage of cycling’s largely unregulated nature. Probably banned motorists too.
When I started cycling it was on Hertfordshire’s (now increasingly overcrowded) rural roads where the other cyclists I saw on a Sunday morning were often older fellas who used to say hello and give you a cheery wave. No doubt to the young farts of the type who wrote that article I’m just another old git viewing the past through rose-tinted spectacles. But it was real, and it’s another piece of our country that seems to be disappearing.
TC I agree. There were no posy helmets to wear, and we were probably at more risk because of the horses and carts that thundered past us ! In London the traffic is always at a standstill so I would have thought it impossible for a speeding car to knock a cyclist over, yet the helmets are still in evidence. I suppose a lamppost leaping out in front of you is another threat.
As an ex motorcyclist, my brake pedal, single disk, was rarely used – except to balance the machine when appropriate. The front, twin disk, front brake was the one that stopped the machine quickly.
Stamping on the brake pedal would merely lock the back wheel due to the weight transfer (E=0.5MVsquared) plus the forward momentum to the front wheel. It is easily possible on a modern sports bike to lift the back wheel by overuse of the front brake.
How this clown thought that he could ride ‘safely’ using such an (illegal) machine is beyond belief. Especially as he was riding something silent and ‘probably’ undertaking slow or stationary traffic, undertaking seeming to be a ‘right’ of our current generation of treaders, as known by motorcyclists.
Typical Lycra Lout in need of some respect for other people, pedestrians as well as drivers.
“Big net migration fall since Brexit vote, latest estimates show”
Unless they have reinvented mathematics, there’s still more coming in than going out .
Yes, like an extra quarter of a million people per year!
And yet:
‘The Lib Dems called the overall drop in net migration a “deeply worrying Brexodus of EU citizens”, blaming the government’s failure to guarantee their rights to stay in the UK after Brexit.’
Which shows that the politicians don’t understand the figures that they put out to fool us either. (They love to talk about rates of change [as if they understood calculus!] rather than the ‘real’ numbers – so a zero ‘rate of inflation’ hides the fact that we are still paying last year’s rise).
Jim I thought it was first quarter – not the whole year.
The so called CBI bemoaned the number. Well if all they care about his profit and low page fuck them. Being over run with entitled foreigners it not to the general benefit and must be stopped. I hope it gets too expensive for the guest workers to stay here so they can piss off to the fourth reich.
The net figure is irrelevant.
It is the gross figure which matters as this is the total number of those have been allowed in: who (for the most part) will be foreigners; whereas most of those who leave will be Britons clearing off in search of something better and I think that it is a fair assumption to make that we won’t be replacing “like with like” to say the least.
The CBI and the rest of the global markets d**k heads want a continual source of cheap labour and easier access for all the cr@p they import into the UK, many of those in big business don’t even want borders and nation states to exist in any meaningful sense anymore; they add costs and so reduce their profits.
That is the one worrying thing about Brexit: we leave and those c**ts end up with far, far too much influence on UK immigration policy.
The BBC, protesting much, methinks:
The bBC and half the story:
Appeal over Bradford park football match killing
The family of a man who died after he was attacked while playing football with friends has issued a new appeal to find those responsible a year on. Beyake Keita-Ann, 21, died in hospital three weeks after the assault in Attock Park, Bradford, on 23 August 2016. He was taking part in the game during the early evening in the park when he was attacked. His mother said: “No family should have to suffer the pain and anguish of losing a child like this.”
And what the bBC doesn’t want the reader to know: (Taken from the Taliban and Argus)
Beyake Keita Ann, 21, died from a severe head injury in Leeds General Infirmary after his life support was switched off, three weeks after he was assaulted in Attock Park, Bradford Moor, on August 23. Senior investigating officer, Detective Chief Inspector Ian Scott, told the Bradford hearing that a football was kicked out of the pitch during a game between friends and hit a vehicle. He said an Asian man, who had nothing to do with the group, kicked the ball away. There was a very small incident and the football game carried on. Det Chief Insp Scott said Mr Keita Ann was sat at the side, not participating in the game, when a large group of Asian men turned up at the football pitch. Some were armed with baseball bats. He said that during that incident, Mr Keita Ann received a fatal blow to the head.
Funny how the bBC left that salient snippet out.
Just like they leave out whole news like this one:
Shahid Ali, 31, of Manchester, ‘took advantage’ of 14 year-old Bradford girl after meeting her on Facebook
I can’t find any mention of this on the BBC website.
.Thats what the beeb do best, they stop people worrying about ”some stuff” by not worrying them with it.
And important stuff like climate change they make sure we know the truth no matter how distressing it maybe to be confronted your great great grandson could be balls deep in irish sea if we just carry on as if.
Feck em, everyone of my family can out run the irish sea, anyway its a fine sea, the little shit can learn to swim….maybe there wont be as many floaters in it then either.
`Controlling people’s viewpoint, that is what BBC is about.
You are not a number, you are a free man …or woman.
Not a problem!!!!!!!!!!!!!
A cursory read of the Taliban and Argus is a real eyeopener.
If the powers that be wanted to pacify the Hindu Kush, there would be no need to send troops to Afghanistan – they could start in Bradfordstan.
The big guns have come out in support:
Get HuffWho behind you and… game changer.
Worth reading the link to see just how deranged the BBC can get.
BBC Press Office – time to reflect?
“Story about @BBC in today’s Mail missing a few crucial facts (but never let that get in the way of a good headline).” {twitter BBC Press Office jun2015}
Chaos as police stop Hungary migrant train – Gavin Hewitt – BBC -Sep 2015 @53s
“… then a really distressing incident happened. A women who was carrying a small baby began crying for help (photo of lady carrying baby). One of her companions tried to help her (photo of man with women on track, riot police reaching towards them) Somehow there became a push and a shove with the police. She ended up on the railway lines (by the male refugee dragging her and the baby to the floor, but this is not said) with the riot police trying to pull her back, and this of course inflamed all the other people…”
– BBC – Gavin Hewitt – Sep 2015
Watch the video and the male refugee (companion trying to help?) drags the women and baby to the floor, by force.
– Video is still on the BBC website, a story hiding a story – is that crass enough?
– Crass : showing no intelligence (to TV Licence payers) or sensitivity (To Reality).
– Possible alternative content : “Male refugee forces pregnant women refugee holding child down onto a train track, police drag him away for her safety? Riot police then lift women with child off track with tender arms.”
You can always tell when Al-Beebia gets caught bang to rights. It’s when they start making like a Dowager Duchess with sniffy comments about how ‘crass’ their opponents are and the like.
Meanwhile, I don’t recommend holding your breath waiting for programs about Kriss Donald or the Manchester bombing. Nothing about how the son of a known extremist was able to all but hand out pamphlets in Piccadilly Gardens titled ‘Why I’m Going To Blow Up Infidels’ is of any public interest whatsoever, apparently.
BBC Press Office:
“The killing of Stephen Lawrence and the tragedy of Grenfell are among the most important social stories of our times”
Oh yes? Says who?
Kriss Donald – abducted, tortured and murdered ……. and forgotten by the MSM.
Alan Cartwright – more recently, murdered for his bike ……. and forgotten by the MSM.
A complete list of lives that don’t matter to the BBC would take all day to put together.
On al Beeb today Hattie Harmon was interviewed for 45 minutes . Never was there a more entitled victim of being a woman. ( I speak as a chap) . Stopped from getting the top job blah blah. But if anyone saw her performances screeching at PMQs when the boss was away you could see how limited she was. Peter Hennessy was soft on her today but let her talk and talk . She is obviously on the al Beeb A list and is destined to be on the al Beeb board or a presenter or both when she is elevated to the house of expenses as baroness manhater .
Maybe she should have joined the ‘Conservative’ (sic) Party? Thatcher, Harmon, May? Actually would we notice any difference if she had May’s job?
within the last 7 months, the BBC has done 7 progs telling the life story of Harriet Harman
a total of about 4 hours.
In addition she’s been a panelist/guest on a number of shows like Graham Norton, Book shows etc.
Quick links to our discussion from this morning
Hattie Harman: Female, Socialist, Feminist, ‘Victim’, Stupid: what’s not to like? Ticks all their boxes.
Thursday Evening Standard ‘Quote of the day’ is supplied from Harriet Harridian herself.
‘I didn’t want her eyes to fall on my perfect baby’.
This in reference to Margaret Thatcher approaching when she had a young babe in arms and hid in a room to avoid …….. what exactly?
Stupid horrible person she was – and still is. I expect all at the freebie broadsheet (who the feck would pay good money for it?) were falling about over such right on witticisms. These people may not have invented nasty invective, but in their smug self righteousness, they have made it their weapon of choice and deploy it daily – every opportunity they have.
BBC Online News:
“”First tanker crosses northern sea route without ice breaker””
‘Global Warming’ you are expected to surmise?
What the BBC avoids mentioning until over half way through the feature, is that the tanker itself is an ice breaker. Therefore, it doesn’t need an ice breaker with it.
Total and utter deceite by the BBC.
Quote : “The ship, which features a lightweight steel reinforced hull, is the largest commercial ship to receive Arc7 certification, which means it is capable of travelling through ice up to 2.1m thick.”
So correct title should be
“Ship with ice breaker capability crosses ice without extra icebreaker”
Well done StewGreen. Deduct £1 from your TV License for doing the reporting of the BBC.
Send invoice to BBC or claim it on Lord Hall’s expenses.
I don’t see anything to suggest that the hull is ‘lightweight’ – is that BBC-speak for ‘high tensile’?
The BBC story worries that heavy oils may be used to propel the ships but the diesels are LNG-capable. If the ship is carrying the stuff wouldn’t it make sense to use it as fuel too, at least out-bound?
If I am not mistaken, then this was done in 1969 by the tanker Manhattan:
So this is hardly news.
The BBC don’t do science or history and Shukman is an idiot.
these people are professional deceivers who will never miss a trick.
They are scumbags from top to bottom.. a rotten organisation..rotten to the core!
Shame on them..and shame on all of those employed by al beebi.
They are a big part of the lying filth that are destroying our traditional British values and way of life. They are beneath contempt!
I just noticed the BBC photo labels the ship as an icebreaker
a. Ice is unusual on the planet earth – only 15% of the earth’s time has any ice on it.
b. this is the second coldest period mankind has known in the last 10K years.
c. erm further down it says …The ship is the first of a new fleet specially constructed to sail through ice all year round. – so what’s the problem?
In other words the BBC is a lying, deceiving , nasty little shit that is out to terrify people who only read headlines. Stop the license fee now.
What a joke they are. The artic sea ice is mercurial at the best of times and we’ve heard many occasions of icebreakers sent up to check on the melting ice caps, only to then get frozen in.
However, if it was melting, that would be a good thing as it would make it easier for ships to get round which would facilitate better trade and protect jobs and investment – a phrase that the Beeb endlessly bang on about the issuing their anti Brexit propaganda.
I don’t suppose Mrs Harman was quizzed about her links to the National Council for Civil Liberty and the Paedophile information exchange?
Yes, there was a picture of her at a PIE gathering alongside that other Bliar-era Labour stalwart, Ms Jowell, earlier this evening.
Funny how this is never mentioned by the BBC, isn’t it? Anyone would think they were in cahoots.
I meant to say earlier this evening on Going Postal.
Strangely – she was not quizzed about NCCL support for reducing the age of consent to TEN. In fact , why have an age of consent at all? Didn’t affect Sir jimmy saville that lovable al Beeb staple or the Miriad of Muslim monsters fiddling with young white girls while all around don’t want to have their race finger pointed at them .
Nor did she get the question about sending her kids to grammar schools
Nor the one about her expenses claims and her attempt to get expenses out of FOI ( in fairness some corrupt tories wanted this too).
Tweet worth sharing
“I kinda wish some people would get as mad about Pakistani grooming gangs
… as they do at a person who dares to talk about it.”
Stew ,you are right .
I came across the V D show a few days ago and they were indeed discussing the grooming and rape gangs,asking have we done enough and is it still happening ? They had on a couple of interesting talking heads who thought we hadn’t and were being complacent and I though ,yes they are finally going there.
Then the interviewer,not V D ,started on about how terrible it was of Sarah Champion to call out Pakistani culture and how its not helpful ,its divisive.etc etc. So yet again the BBC heaps blame on the people who are trying to solve the problem .Its the BBC all over.Im sure they think this is being impartial. Im surprised they don’t invite one of the rapists on to give his side of the story like they do terrorists.
I’m watching old Bake Offs on Dave. I have seen them before and in general I can remember who either just missed the final or got there. The manipulation of the BBC becomes all the more obvious. Those who are there for their entertainment value have Paul and Mary go a bit soft on them. If they are a bit boring whatever their colour, they get criticised for their flavour (how can we ‘see’ that on the tv?) so an excuse to consider them leaving the competition. To be fair, the BBC still cannot totally protect their favourites, tonight two of them had their creme caramel collapse, so one of them had to go. Bus it is obvious how those about to go receive comments to undermine their confidence, watch Mary say she doesn’t like the ‘bake’ for example, however nice; today the one who was going to go was criticised because his cake was too tall. We will have to see how Channel 4 deals with things.
Quicklink to previous open thread posts from Thursday morning
BBC as ever in the thick of things…
Impartially, of course.
Oh, and on the subject of the BBC and smears…
The producer of the R5 Kermode film show blocked me on Facebook
“You posted a link to a Breitbart story, so I’m blocking you”
(Context : Delingpole had been the only guy to comment on Michael Mann being on Radio4, so his Breitbart story was the ONLY news source I could give a link to)
Such tantrums are common with the tolerant left
20 facets come up, so they rather than focus on the argument they look for the 1 justification they can use to get you out of their bubbleworld
I didn’t realise Kermode had a producer. I though the title was ‘reptile handler’.
On another forum, I innocently mentioned not long ago a convenient link to a news piece that had been picked up and published by Breitbart. It had an interesting effect.
It immediately flushed out some alt-left trolls.
I have it in mind to do it again, every now and then.
And surprise surprise, the Beeb won’t let you comment on this article.
I guess when Hilary can label all Trump supporters as a basket of deplorables, left wingers describe women voting for Trump as turkeys voting for Christmas and everyone from US congresswomen to our very own David Attenborough calling for him to be shot, it’s quite easy to imagine that ‘smearing’ Antifa as promoting violence wouldn’t be that hard.
A quick search on YouTube of people questioning masked Antifa footsoldiers will make it crystal clear what their attitude is of violence against those who disagree with them.
Berkeley Protester getting arrested for not removing mask !! ANTIFA {youtube apr2017}
– Easy, if Antifa don’t remove masks then arrest them. If they do then let them protest.
The bBC has been really vocal about state executions in the US, Japan and Saudi Arabia whilst turning a blind eye to the much more numerous executions in China and Iran. Whenever anybody gets their neck stretched in the former, the bBC will roll out human rights groups by the bucket load in which to condemn the execution of people (other than SA) who have sat on deaths row for years. But when its China and Iran , the bBC simply reports the story. Funny enough the US has just executed a white man and the bBC has simply reported the story, for the life in me I cannot understand why , seeing as the vast majority of black men who have been executed in the US have also been found guilty of the murder of people of a different colour:
Florida inmate Mark Asay executed by experimental injection
Any excuse to whip up a bit of anti-white hatred.
Beeb: masters of hate speech.
Execution league 2016 1. China 2. Iran 3. Saudi Arabia 4. Iraq 5. Pakistan
(Amnesty International )
China does not count when considering executions – i.e. they do not count their executions so it does not count.
Hope China are keeping the same book keeping methods when reporting back to the Paris Agreement?!
I think the reason why the Hockey Stick is so important to the BBC, is that the BBC faces legal action once Michael Mann fails his legal challenges.
The BBC has produced documentaries going back many years, which defend his Scientific fraud.
The Hockey Stick is the only one of over a hundred scientific papers on Global Warming. It has not been replicated and since an article on isotopic results from tree rings showed me that Michael Mann had produced scientific fraud, is not likely to be replicated.
This is important because the Hockey Stick was the only paper to produce a graph that statistically correlated with the Carbon Dioxide hypothesis, while all the other 99 papers, including the one produced by Dr Tim Ball, statistically correlate more closely with the length of the Solar Cycle theory of Global Warming, which has now developed into the speed of plasma in the Sun, generates the strength of the magnetic field of the Sun, regulates the strength of Cosmic Rays, regulates the Earths Cloud Albedo, which regulates Climate Change, Theory.
Dr. Tim Ball implies that Michael Mann should be in jail for scientific fraud. Michael Mann obviously cannot prove to the world that he has not produced scientific fraud. So the liable case has failed and accusing the BBC of supporting scientific fraud would follow, and be legally allowed but censored by the BBC. Mensa members may be the first to take legal action against the morons at the BBC.
From Personal experience, I think the point when Climate science went mad was when a scientific paper found that feedback was negative not positive. This was important because the scientists who debated this with Astronomers admitted that there wasn’t any evidence for Carbon Dioxide warming. But that this was because any effect was within the margin of detectability, but with positive feedback producing the warming.
So when negative feedback was proven, these scientists became silent, the debate ended, and with the addition of the failure of Computer Models using the Arrhenius formula, coming to fruitition, the sceptics had won. But then people with high IQ’s are a small minority, the environ-morons at the BBC represent the majority. These Marxist nutters now use “The Debate is over” as their latest Censorship strategy. They couldn’t criticise anything Lord Lawson said, so they try to censor what he said by insisting on “Debate is over” Censorship.
There are many BBC irritations which grind, but by far, the worst is the climate fraud the bbc has committed – simply because it suited their politics.
“The science is settled” argument, made by Guardian reading BBC newscasters, is deeply troubling. No science is ever settled. Not ever. Matters are only settled in a religious context, due to belief. In science there is constant inquiry, else the inquiry ceases to be science.
The removal of all scientists from the BBC airwaves, if they questioned the arts and humanities ‘certainties’ on global warming, should have been the death knell for the BBC. People like Prof David Bellamy, Nigel Calder, Professor Lovelock, et al, may not be right but they have studied the issues with open minds and drawn different conclusions to Guardian arts and humanities journalists thus ought to be heard.
Leading climate scientists like Professor Lindzen, Prof Curry, Prof Singer are just simply banned from the BBC channels, making way for the staggeringly well financed, political pressure groups such as Friends of the Earth and Greenpeace.
Last year a radio 4 program interviewed scientists about the Met Office’s ludicrous global warming hypothesis and how the Met Office predictions have consistently failed over the last 15 years. The program was removed from Iplayer, never repeated and the two producers sent on a ‘climate awareness course’.
‘The Nobel Prize winning’ Michael Mann has been reckless in defending his flawed hypothesis – and no, he didn’t win the Nobel Prize and was forced to remove that claim from his C.V.. As Richard Pinder says above, his court case is proving an embarrassment not least because he is in contempt of the court because he won’t reveal his data sets – for obvious reasons!
But don’t get carried away. Even if Mann loses, the BBC will rally around and twist the news, just as they did when Al Gore’s deceitful An Inconvenient Truth was removed from school’s by a high court judge.
For the record, even the scientists who support the ‘man made global warming claim’, such as the UN’s IPCC, say that there has been only a ¼ of degree warming since 1950 and that mankind could only be responsible for up to half that. Thus mankind ‘could be’ responsible for up to 1/8th of a degree warming in almost 70 years. Hardly sufficient for the shouty people in the streets to attack police officers or the BBC to broadcast falsehoods for 15 years.
scribbling, “There are many BBC irritations which grind, but by far, the worst is the climate fraud the bbc has committed – simply because it suited their politics.”
You are right but I think you will find that, as far as the BBC are concerned, it also suited their tax returns and PAYE payments in order to accumulate wealth.
One of the things that alerted me to the possibility that Anthropogenic Global Warming and Climate Change might be not all it was cracked up to be was not just some very dodgy science, or the so-called wholesale and very quick acceptance by the scientific community nor the alacrity with which it was taken up and responded to by politicians around the world.
It was the fact that the people most likely to be disadvantaged by AGW &CC, were the ones whose taxes were increased to ‘pay for it’. It was not the wealthy and high earners of the world, especially the western world, who were asked to put their hands in their pockets to raise the cash needed. The tax burden was pushed way down the income & wealth ladder in the UK by AGW & CC.
Now that the BBC’s high paid ‘stars’ have been revealed, you can understand why a 40% top rate of Income Tax was applicable for so long, especially after Black Wednesday. 50% or more would have been appropriate for several years after 1992, as well as a second time after 2007-2009. The Government’s coffers at Treasury had to be re-filled so they went for any easy option and an easy target to provide the cash.
The high earners at the BBC no doubt sighed a collective sigh of relief and have enjoyed the rich pickings ever since. Except, of course, those who still feel they pay too much tax compared to the common man and go in for dodgy (legal) tax avoidance schemes or are able to use service companies to reduce their tax burden.
I wonder how the twenty-fifth anniversary of the two events (one next month) will be treated by the BBC?
Another method used to close down debate on AGW is the one that goes ‘you are not a qualified scientist so you can’t discuss it’. Substitute ‘priest’ for ‘scientist’ and you have basically the same argument used in the past against anyone who questioned the authority of the church. This one is used particularly against people like Lord Lawson who, although not scientists, are intelligent and perceptive and able to weigh up arguments on evidential merit.
Lord Lawson is the Chairman of the GWPF which has a scientific Academic Advisory Council made up mostly of Professors, about 19. Many are causational climate scientists such as Atmospheric Physicist Richard Lindzen and Solar Astronomer Henrik Svensmark.
The BBC does not casually invite Atmospheric Physicists and Solar Astronomers on to BBC programs, and only two seem to be approved by Greenpeace and Friends of the Earth, Mike Lockwood and Joanna Haigh.
Lord Lawson is therefore forced to be the spokesman for these scientists.
Good old Trump, telling it like it is regarding Pakistan and Islamic terror, a word his useless muslim predecessor couldn’t even bring himself to utter, never mind tackle.
“He launched a blistering attack on Pakistan, publicly articulating what his predecessors only said in private.
“We have been paying Pakistan billions and billions of dollars at the same time they are housing the very terrorists that we are fighting,” declared the president. “It is time for Pakistan to demonstrate its commitment to civilisation, order, and to peace”.
“We have been paying the BBC billions and billions of pounds at the same time they are housing the very terrorists that we are fighting,” declared the prime minister. “It is time for the BBC to demonstrate its commitment to civilisation, order, and to peace”.
If only.
Awh! Before I saw the “if only” I thought I’d awoken from a nightmare where Europe was being invaded and the BBC were cnuts! Oh bother!
The predictable anti-Trump , pro-Pakistan article.
Good to see the Beeb reporting on a ‘white supremacist’ who killed thirty years ago. No space for the Naz Shah story, but this beauty is put front and centre of the website. Nothing like some anti white race baiting to start the day.
Today and website report at length upon Ian Watkins, a white child abuser. All we heard about the Newcastle gang was how badly the Police dealt with it.
“Look over here! White people abuse children as well!”
They really are beneath contempt. There is a world of different between isolated white weirdos and industrial-scale rape gangs who believe that any white girl not protected by her father and covered up is fair game; even as they were sent down many of the rapists believed they had done nothing wrong. And if anyone knew someone who was abusing children they would let the authorities know at once. What is so terrifying is how in all of these cases the ‘communities’ not only turned a blind eye but actively tried to cover it up.
I would love to know what goes on behind closed doors at the BBC.
“We must find some white paedophiles fast and give their crimes extensive coverage!”
The BBC is a vile disgrace. One white paedophile gets more coverage than all the muslim rapists combined. Beeboids are perverts.
“He should have been stopped sooner.”
They ran a whole Panorama episode about the rape gang problem and instead prosecuted the messenger for inciting racial hatred and let the paedophiles run amok! Those men must have thought they were in paradise.
Yes and the Muslim paedos could have been stopped sooner if people had listened to
Tommy Robinson.
EDIT: or even had they listened to the girls themselves.
The BBC and other leftists seem to live mentally in the world of the 1970s where immigrant communities are wide-eyed innocents slaving away in textile mills and being set upon by ‘paki bashers’ and skinhead boot boys at every corner, and denounced and oppressed by suave Tory racists in government. This idea is welcomed by those who wish to cover up these rape scandals.
Imagine if the Spanish complained about large groups of British yobboes drinking, fighting and vomiting in the streets of their holiday resorts. If the BBC used their Pakistani method of reporting, rather than investigate and admit the problem, they would probably dig up a couple of old Spanish blokes who once got drunk and fell asleep in the town square and say ‘look, the Spaniards are guilty as well!’
“…in 2004, Channel 4, we due to broadcast a documentary called ‘On the Edge of the City’. That also exposed that very story we are talking about tonight (Grooming Girls by Pakistani Muslims in UK). The police asked Channel 4 to not show that documentary, because the BNP were boasting it would be a great advert for the BNP. Because of that all sorts of people jumped in to say you must not show this, they must not investigate this. Muslim leaders said they shouldn’t be doing this. The fact is we can’t sweep things under the carpet in Britain @4:20 .. Diversity has limits @9:00″ {youtube}
– Douglas Murray
Review: Edge of the City { aug2004}
“A Barnardos expert says “scores” of young men are involved; her local social services colleague says there is a massive hole in what the authorities can do. The filmmakers talk to one girl who has had 100 sexual partners (partners? who has 100?).”
The real question is why hasn’t anyone been charged with child abuse. Whatever the racial background of those involved this is a serious crime and should be treated as such. Ian, Bristol – commenting in 2004 (and 13 years later!) ?
BBC Website. ” From Egyptian girl to Scottish man “. ” Transgender centre stage at Edinburgh Fringe “. The BBC’s obsession with this small minority affliction is surely a sign of mental illness ?
Toot an’ car, Mon?
I have never met anyone transgender and I have met a lot of people. The way the Beeb bang on about it you would think the majority of people want to change gender.
I thought gender was a social construct? That is what the Beeb has told us. Why not just act like the other gender then? That is what SJWs would say if they were consistent.
Or as my neighbour puts it:
“We’ve hardly begun to unearth the people who may be disadvantaged or victimised or vulnerable in some way. Each and every one of us is a minority whose rights need to be addressed.”
Needless to say, ‘each and every one of us’ doesn’t include white people, men, heterosexuals, Christians etc.
Same here. Has the BBC actually asked Transgenders if the want all this publicity ? Or have they just chosen another tiny minority to use for their own perverted political purposes and to be tossed aside when the BBC move on to their next obsession ? I doubt if Beeboids actually care about the people in the “causes ” they espouse. They are just tools to be used.
This is a very interesting point. The BBC, in common with its fellow travellers on the far Left, indulges in identity politics as a means of hastening societal collapse in the belief (shared with Pol Pot) that society can be stripped back to a bare state and refashioned in the form it desires.
Thus, the individuals used in its identity politics programme campaign are irrelevant. I’ve heard quite a few intelligent homosexuals say that they never asked for all this prominence and don’t want it. I am sure the same is true of genuine transsexuals, most of whom seem to wish to merge as seamlessly as possible into the opposite sex, not be used as weapons in someone else’s war.
Political correctness is like capitalism in that it has to seek out new markets or die. The reason transgender stuff is popular is because with the ’72 genders’ or whatever it is, it’s a gift that keeps on giving to the media and other grievance-mongers.
I believe these people dislike the idea that a transgender person should just quietly try to pass as a member of their opposite sex. To the PC brigade/identity politics types that is like mixed race people attempting to ‘pass’ as white in the 1950s; they view it as playing into the hands of the oppressor. Shout it loud, we’re trannies and proud! is their preferred slogan.
BB… the trouble is, the BBC is Londoncentric where transgenders and other ‘speciality categories’ tend to congregate. Out here in the ‘real’ world – outside the M25, we barely know the word transgender and rarely see a mixed face family – well ones that include a different race father anyway !!!. If anything we are more aware of non-English being spoken wherever we go.
A new part of the empire?
“A prison sentence if I do not pay the BBC TV License which pays Ruby Wax’s wages.” = “Tweet us (iPM) or email your sentence to ipm”
“Is this sentence OK? What is Ruby Wax’s hourly rate compared to BBC’s Chris ‘£2.m’ Evans, would it be more value for money using Chris Evans?”
Comedian Ruby Wax, is reading Your News this week. Tweet us or email your sentence to
iPM: Radio show & podcast which starts with listener stories.
Saturdays on @BBCRadio4 Tweets by @eddiemair , @lukejones03 and @CloseEm
I am sure that the other regular newsreaders will be taking a pay cut to pay Ruby.
Is Ruby Wax transgender?
No it iis all natural wax.
When the bacon on the Mosque in Bristol was investigated was the Mosque paying their council taxes for the services from the Police to cover the investigation?
I ask this question because if the Bristol Mosque ( Jamia mosque in Totterdown ) was not paying the Bristol council taxes, then the Mosque should not have the support of the Police for such trivial incidents, which I am sure God will resolve in the future, and Police services should only be for serious crime. Unless their is no more serious crime in Bristol, then by all means chase these people.
Bacon on mosque offender dies in prison { dec2016}
“A man (Kevin Crehan) who placed bacon on the doors of a Bristol mosque has died in prison while serving a 12-month sentence.”
Huge show of support at Totterdown mosque { jan2016}
– If any Mosque is not paying council tax for Police services then they should not be entitled (unless religion is being given a special privilege) to use the Police services for bacon hate. They could ask their great God (all powerful) to resolve it and save Police (taxpayer) money and time which could be used for other serious cases. Unless their is no longer any serious (drug/murder/rape/theft) crime in Bristol?
– This follows on from a previous post regards Bill Maher (USA Comedian) that if Churches don’t pay taxes then why should they expect to use the fire fighter services when they can pray to God for rain.
I think they might be exempted as they’ll have registered as a charity
If Mosques don’t pay taxes (applies to Churches, Temples) then they become low priority unless it is a serious crime and all other crime has been resolved.
A book does not justify Police action : “VIDEO: Police Scrambled to Bradford as Quran in Skip Sparks Hysteria and Violent Threats” { mar2017}
“Police were scrambled to an area of Bradford Thursday night after an angry mob of local Muslims (Religion Of Peace – where is the local Imam to bring peace and kindness and forgiveness?) gathered because copies of Quran had been found in a skip. (But they didn’t remove them and move on?)”
“A spokesman for The Book Centre said: “While the Book Centre site is being cleared, no Islamic material of any sort was purposefully disposed of. A small workforce was instructed to clear two storerooms from which some material made its way into the skip.”
Comedy? BrassEye? Nope, the BBC – The nun who prayed and made me walk { aug2017}
“In the six years since I began using a wheelchair, I’ve been prayed for multiple times, in multiple languages, by people of varying religions.
… ….
Instead, I thanked the nun, wiped the sweat from my forehead, and probably gave her the best day of her religious career.
I stood up from my wheelchair and without a backward glance, I walked up the steps to the Sacre-Coeur.”
– I would like to see the follow up article on this if the BBC has time, say 6 months then 12 months.
– Is this on the same level as “Uri Geller spoon sculpture removed over planning ‘hunch’ { oct2015}” (Uri was shown to be a fraud by James Randi, but BBC never mention this)
Beeb home page: white paedophile and white racist killer. Present the exception as the norm and give it disproportionate coverage, whilst ignoring the disproportionate amount of crime perpetrated by other groups. What a beauty!
Some major pro immigration pieces on BBC Today – they never miss a chance. Boris hectored by Mishal for saying most migrants from Libya are economic and young male . Then an attempt to reignite the ‘child migrants’ at Calais fiasco. 650 currently waiting, apparently. Bring on the dental checks, I say.
Rationing al beeb exposure – I caught the last 30 mins of Toady . Lord god it was awful . A couple of lefty do gooders go to calais to help the ‘ children ‘get into Blighty. I bloody fumed.
There was no question whether this was right or wrong . Same attitude as with global warming , multiculturalism and other al beeb staples . Just awful. I sympathise with anyone else who heard it .
Yes, I was horrified to see Barbara Roach Labour Immigration minister 1999-2001? making an appearance on Newsshite last night. She believes unquestioningly in uncontrolled mass immigration and is probably one of those most to blame for the mess we are now in. Since her welcome departure from public view she seems to have been busying herself with Migration Museums. Her reemergence can only be an ill porten
Mishal seemed to take Trump’s remarks about Charlottesville as a personal insult against her fellow antifascists like Stalin, Ulbrich, Honecke, the IRA, the Baadermeinhof gang, ec., etc. The idea that you can sanctify your support fo another form of totalitarianism by denouncing evil “fascism” is ridiculous.
Yes, Roach should be high up the list of those to be prosecuted for treason. Blair heads the list, of course, but Roach and a handful of others should be facing a life sentence for what they have done.
GC- I’m still hoping for the restoration of the death penalty before I’m dead, for murder, treason, inciting terrorism, wilful mismanagement of the country’s finances and border control, and for the few terrorists who somehow manage to surrender before getting shot down like the rabid dogs they are.
I’d even give these people a proper trial and all!
But fast forward into the 2050’s or so and if the UK is ‘under new management’ – well then I’m sure death sentences will be handed out like in the French Revolution reign of terror. I think we have a limited time period in which to keep things reasonably civilised.
I just can’t understand this mindset that because someone wants to come into the UK, that means they are entitled to do so.
Does this also mean that if I wanted to go into Mishal’s house, I am entitled to do so? I would love to see someone put this right back to a BBC anchor and see them flap around for a coherent answer.
R4 6 o’clock. Usual format before the news telling us about forthcoming items. When he got to telling us Corbyn would be on his voice went up a couple of octaves as if he’d just found a tenner on the floor.
Always a sign there’s no news, when Sky start banging on again about plastic in the oceans. Simple answer to that – don’t blame the public, blame the manufacturers who produce the bloody plastic containers that we’re all forced to use !
Brissles that is exactly what I was shouting at the TV. Dont blame us and don’t tax us .Get on to the real culprits big business and food manufacturers . Sky even encouraging every one to get involved .Well if I could buy less plastic and packaging I would but what’s the betting the the price would rocket. people need to start taking the packaging off and dumping it in the stores.Thats direct action.
Sky could send their reporters, who have nothing to do, on a journey to the plastic and pick it up (or sift for it) after they film it – journalism with a difference?
Before and after footage!
BBC’s Chris ‘£2.3m + CarFest + Hidden Businesses’ Evans might be able to help as well – seems a bit underused for his value at the moment.
I would blame the politicians. They can pass legislation regarding packaging if they want to. Maybe not if we are in the EU. Debs, or dumping it on the doorsteps of their MP ! I agree that business should be more responsible but some things just have to be legislated for.
I was wondering if the MSM will touch on the lack of diversity at the Notting Hill Carnival. Unlike a lot (not all) of the indigenous population who seem to have embraced the event, a certain section of our society don’t seem very interested.
Surely the bBBC should be investigating this matter urgently as diversity seems so important to them. I suspect the uncomfortable truth will have them running a mile.
At least Boris made an effort but I bet Mr. Khan wont be able to get away quick enough.
As a whitee who went to the carnival when I was too young to know better and promptly got mugged while the boys in blue watched and did nothing – every year I pray for cold and wet.
This year I suppose acid will be the weapon of choice but I suppose it might be a bit difficult for them to shoplift .
Al Beeb and the boys in blue always say it was peaceful even when there is a riot. Great cultural event eh?
“Al Beeb and the boys in blue always say it was peaceful even when there is a riot.”
And never mention how many police were needed to achieve their modest idea of peace. Thousands, I believe?
Plod even joins in the “fun”. Thinking that , if they “get down and get with it ” , they can ingratiate themselves with the revellers. Little do they know that it just brings contempt from the Carnival people and the rest of us. PC Plod, always determined to prove the truth of the saying ” Thick copper “.
Feel the same . I want my police force to do what it says on the tin. Touchy feely, nicey nicey has set law & order back years if not decades. I have a connection with the Met and when I suggest a certain way of dealing with a problem to said connection the reply is “we cant do that”. Everything has just been blended into grey in this PC country with no clear black & white. The armed forces are going the same way. “Mind what your doing with that gun, you might hurt somebody. Don’t want you ending up in court laddy”
Don’t forget the coppers natty little rainbow cars! How the rappers view message I’m not sure.
Synch, Jerry,
Quite agree.
And hiding the true cost of Notting Hill Carnival?
Who pays for this event and policing?
What does it look like after the event and the streets have to be cleaned?
Costs of Cleaning operation for Notting Hill Carnival {foi 2016}
2005 £132,612
2006 £137,440
2007 £141,147
2008 £151,699
2009 £148,529
2010 £149,989
2011 £152,303
2012 £152,775
2013 £152,717
2014 £158,199
2015 £158,158
If all Notting Hill Carnival attendees could find a bin or take their litter home they could reduce the London council tax bill by £158K per year. Every little helps.
MM……. “everyone take their litter home ???” That’s like asking Blair to apologise ! We’ve bred a couple of generations who can find their way to their mouth but not the litter bin. Our local park is awash with detritus from teenagers after the weekend, despite several empty litter bins dotted about. Another example of ‘how life is better than 60 years ago”. Yeah, right.
All cultures and traditions are equal … August 2016 …. Mumbai …
I stood in a sea of rubbish. All around me were waves of plastic packets, wrapped around bottles, wedged between milk and cement bags and discarded items of clothing. I bent down and saw the smaller details – countless cigarette butts and lighters and bottle tops, snakes of rope and straws. Much of it smeared with human faeces.
I had to remind myself what it was – a beach – and that there was sand underneath this muck in which I stood, ankle deep and overwhelmed. It was one thing seeing a photograph from the comfort of home; it was another thing being on Mumbai’s Versova Beach and confronting the sheer volume of waste.
The problem with litter isn’t plastic, it’s apathy {timesofindia aug2016}
And people ACTUALLY want to go on holiday to India ??????? It so annoys me that we have Indian nationals over here pontificating what should and shouldn’t be done in MY country, (sod the fact that they may have a British passport – means bugger all to me), when the place of their birth is a complete sh……hole, and they should be back there putting it to rights. There isn’t anyone I know who have visited that region without them falling ill, and one actually returned home attached to a drip !
Brissles – it baffles me too. One old (lefty) friend of mine was ill for a year after a 3 week visit, and still claimed it was a marvellous experience! I never met anyone who hasn’t had a similar tale of woe, even if they stayed in proper westernized hotels. A young bloke in my office is heading off there soon and has just had his NHS jabs for various exotic diseases.
I told him that unless you are scrupulously careful you’ll still probably get dysentery-like diarrhoea whatever you do. I didn’t mean to alarm the poor chap but someone has to school these witless millennials!
Basically it’s not my idea of a holiday, with the heat, completely different culture, and the begging would get right on my nerves too.
Birmingham residents think bin bag ‘barricade’ is a protest { aug2017}
A bin bag build-up hanging around despite an end to a months-long strike has been turned into a barricade in protest, Birmingham residents say.
Rubbish mountains have been a familiar sight on the city’s streets over the summer, but the scene in Winson Green on Thursday evening marked a change.
This time, the rubbish piles were strewn across a road to form a deliberate blockade, according to some people living near the site.
The Bearded Broz, who have cleared 45 tonnes of waste in Birmingham during the six-week strike, were criticised in the socialist Morning Star.
Labour-run Birmingham City Council said it was “very disappointed” by the union’s warning and said Unite was “effectively holding the city to ransom”.{bbc aug2017}
– Cracks appearing in the United Front?
Another fake debate on V D.How do we encourage integration ? I came in on the English lessons segment with an Asian lady complaining the government has cut funding for English language lessons and so they cannot be found .
No discussion about why much of the population doesn’t want to learn English and especially in the case of women are not allowed to.
So its all the governments fault. What about personal responsibility and spending a little of your own money. ? I go into shops in my area where the owners are speaking to each other over me in an Asian language and I find that the height of rudeness. Polish mothers pick their small children up from nursery and are speaking to them in Polish,so many don’t want to converse in English.
It’s madness. You CHOOSE to move a country yet you don’t think it’s YOUR responsibility to learn the language to make it easier for you to abuse, sorry, integrate with the society of your new home.
This supermarket took foreign food off its shelves to protest against racism { aug2017}
‘A supermarket in Hamburg has removed all foreign-made food from its shelves for a day to protest xenophobia in Germany.
The supermarket stunt has received support from within the German political class, with centrists describing it as “wise.” (GOOD people? Wise is not good) Far-right (BAD people) politicians, however, branded the move as “completely mad.”’
“This shelf is pretty boring without diversity.” (you can have diverse food without the actual culture)
Dog Meat Trade in Thailand Is Under Pressure and May Be Banned { nov2014}
(Note that the political left and right are different in Germany to other countries. No Mention of what the far-left thought of all this!)
– It’s not about the food. Food does not want to kill you! Food does not worry about your skin colour.
– Racism : prejudice, discrimination, or antagonism directed against someone of a different race based on the belief that one’s own race is superior.
– Xenophobia : dislike of or prejudice against people from other countries.
– BBC conflating, mixing things in the article and title?
Key Difference: Xenophobia is the fear of the different and the hesitance of accepting the unknown, while racist is a downright rejection of someone that is different from you in terms of race, color, ethnicity, etc. {}
I can imagine the removal of foreign-made food might go down well – it must relieve the monotony of all that pork, sauerkraut and kartoffeln that seems to make up 95% of the German diet (okay, liver dumplings aren’t too bad). But the real problem in the West is xenophilia, where some people have an unnatural and unhealthy obsession with things that are foreign and different, spilling over from curiousity and interest into a neurotic condition, supplemented with an irrational hatred of their own kind and culture. A close variant of this islamophilia. So common are these anomalies that a broadcaster exists to cater for them, known as the BBC.
It’s a bit inconsistent though, isn’t it?
“Racism : prejudice, discrimination, or antagonism directed against someone of a different race based on the belief that one’s own race is superior.”
So if you don’t believe that your race is superior, just different, you’re not a racist? Whites would never be allowed to get away with that argument.
If you’re white and you make any reference to race, in virtually any context, you’re probably a racist. Blacks, on the other hand, can say almost anything because, according to the Marxist definition of racism, only those in power can be racist. So a black man with a baseball bat waiting for a white person to come along is not racist because he’s righting the wrongs of the past.
Speaking of foreign food, has anybody tried those Korean meatballs?
They’re the dogs bollocks ……
Lobbie, brilliant one.
Just for the weekend!
One of the German BBCs has been commemorating the 25th anniversary of the so-called Rostock-Lichtenhagen Pogrom, It was not really a pogrom as no one was killed but many people were severely beaten up. This was the worst racialially motivated violence in Germany since WWII. I had totally forgotten about it, but it seems to have been almost a practice run for Merkel’s Madness. When the Wall disappeared there was a euphoric mood welcoming Aussiedler, the Volga Germans, Siebengebirge Deutsche etc “heim ins Reich”which also extended to East Europeans and refugees from the Balkan wars. But the welcoming mood turned. West Germans decided that the Ossis where not a gift from God and those Germans by blood who had been stranded in the USSR and its satellites were not very nice at all. As the BBC article points out, there were thousands of attacks on refugee centres in 2016, so history has repeated itself in a big way. The Rostock incident was on a much larger scale with 5,000 plus rioters threating violence to refugees and injuring the police, who withdrew completely at one stage. This only goes to show that happy-clappy multiculturalism can only exist within a police state or under a strong-man. The disappearance of Honecker and Tito unleashed a potential for violence in the former DDR and there were actual pogroms in the former Yugoslavia. Assad in Syria played a similar role keeping the lid on the pressure cooker. Herr Röttgen CDU, chairman of the Foreign Affaires Committe, was on a chat show last night claiming “Germany can’t be blackmailed”. He was being serious, but seemed to have forgotten that his government has paid billions to the Turkish strong-man to solve their “refugee” crisis. Orban, another strong-man also did his bit to save Germans from their folly.
Yet Merkel the Mad looks very likely to be back in power after the German elections that are only a month away. Attempts are being made to remove the immunity to prosecution of Fruake Petry, an MP in the Saxony state parliament, so that she can be tried for perjury in relation to statements she made to some election committee or another. The AfD are about 10% in the polls.
‘Self-driving’ lorries to be tested on UK roads { aug2017} leading story on site, no mention of mass unemployment or job losses from this technology.
Text search: jobs x 0; employment x 0; safety x 2; brexit x 0;
“Last year, for example, it announced its intention to carry out platooning trials but was later frustrated after some European lorrymakers declined to participate.” (Which lorrymakers? German? France? Spainish?)
Can they be programmed not to do terrorist attacks ?
Guess they just have to be careful which operation system (computer control software) they install.
iOS for Mac Desktop Computers.
iPod for iPods.
iSlam for Lorries?
They’ll be a lot easier to hijack at Calais too.
MM, so poetic, that last one.
Ooops, I may have to get me coat!
Not intentional (I Slam), just re-read it! Ha!
Guess the situations just provide the jokes themselves as Mark Steyn would say : Where the Streets Have No Jokes … { apr2016}
Dads have an automatic braking system if the lorry gets too close to an object . One lorry emergency braked on a motorway when a pigeon flew across the front of it .
Dafs have an automatic braking system if the lorry gets too close to an object . One lorry emergency braked on a motorway when a pigeon flew across the front of it .
Airbus airshow crash (fly by wire fail) {youtube nov2006}
“WARNING SOME MIGHT FIND OFFENSIVE: This is the crash of an airbus at an airshow. The cause of the crash was the computer thought the pilots attempt to pull up would stall the aircraft so it carried on in a strait line and crashed.”
– Hope your Dad is OK!
LOL ! My late father had an automatic braking system and it was dangerous too !
My Dad had one too – it was called my Mum.
LOL ! Women can always be relied on to put the brakes on men !
BBC 2 at 11am. News starts off with headlines re pop paedo Ian Watkins, for reasons discussed previously.
BBC choice of archive footage – appearance on Top of the Pops!
I understand he was a member of a beat-combo group called lostprophets.
Hmm… paedophilia and prophets… is there some sort of connection there?
“BBC 2 at 11am. News starts off with headlines re pop paedo Ian Watkins, for reasons discussed previously.
BBC choice of archive footage – appearance on Top of the Pops!”
Was probably teaming up with Jimmy Saville afterwards.
So why does a white paedophile get 29 years in comparison with darker Muslim ‘men’ getting 18 years for more offences?
His actions were particularly depraved and in my opinion there really doesn’t seem to be any justification for keeping him alive. I don’t understand the leniency in sentencing in other cases, none of these men will ever contribute anything beneficial to our society and so should be removed from it permanently, they will never be rehabilitated or changed.
I have three daughters and would gladly do time if any of them were abused in any way by anyone, irrespective of race or religion. I strongly believe that abusers like this should be at the very least castrated and suspect that the majority of our population would readily accept the reintroduction of the death penalty for those found guilty of such crimes.
I also believe that the BBC would not.
Police missed a number of chances to bring paedophile Ian Watkins to justice sooner, an investigation has found. { aug2017} …
“Most, but not all, of the more serious incidents of rape and attempted rape and some of the more serious sexual assaults I have described took place on Savile’s own premises and not at the BBC. They were, however, connected with Savile’s work for the BBC. Usually, Savile either met the victim at the BBC or else he groomed the victim by offering the opportunity to attend the BBC before taking the victim elsewhere, often to his home or campervan. … For example, the News of the World made allegations about the taking of pornographic pictures of young girls and the picking-up of girls under 16 by male members of staff on the programme (Top of the Pops 1969-1971). {THE JIMMY SAVILE INVESTIGATION REPORT – feb2016}“
The BBC, who blocked her (Liz MacKean) groundbreaking investigation from airing and spent the next few years attempting to destroy her reputation, are reporting that she died of “complications from a stroke.” { aug2017}
The culture of the BBC enabled Savile and Hall’s offending to go undetected for decades { feb2016}
– how do I stop paying for something I have seen to not represent my interests? Ah, I see, just shut up and keep paying ….
TMS. England win the toss, choose to bad. Great batting pitch and good batting weather. Score after less than 1 hour 26-2. Can’t find any pro-Windies bias from the BBC yet, but will keep my eyes and ears open .
Just had a quick look at the BBC’s web-site News page.
UK OVER-OPTIMISTIC ABOUT LIBYA – JOHNSON Yeah, I could have (and did) told you that before it happened. BTW, Boris was a shambles this morning on the TODAY Programme. Charles Dance, immediately following as an interviewee, was similarly shambolic. Made me wonder if their Green Room drinks had been spiked!
EXPERIMENTAL JAB EXECUTES RACIST KILLER. Health trial gone wrong at the doctor’s surgery? Someone, who had killed a racist, was jabbed. Not another out of control umbrella? Woz it the Russians wot dun it?
DVLA BANS ‘OFFENSIVE’ LICENCE PLATES Old news, very old news. They have been doing that for decades.
A SIZE 8 MODEL ASKS: WHY DO JEANS SIZES VARY? An Editor at the BBC really does need to ‘get a grip’.
If they do not, may I recommend that they get the sack instead?
(That is only the top section of the w/s News Page. I cannot take any more! Someone else can read the rest.)
“…sixteen and a half thousand people in County Durham in receipt of food parcels. To the nurses, to the junior doctors, to the firefighters…” @3:27 {Laura Pidcock | Maiden Speech | jul2017}
A nice clear speech, but Linda Pidcock can you clarify …
– do you mean 16.5K people need food parcels or do you mean 16.5K food parcels are used? Two very different things.
– is 16.5K parcels just for the nurses, doctors and firefighters or for people in other circumstances, you focus on these professions because more of them use food banks?
– do you have a breakdown of the people collecting food parcels with a link?
– Population of County Durham (50K @ 2011) and a food parcel being usable for one day means parcels feed 0.09% of County Durham?
– if 16.5K people are using food parcels all the time, then 16.5/50 then 33% of County Durham are struggling to be feed – this statistic would be very scary indeed and a better one to use if correct?
*statistics can be so confusing*
If Durham wasn’t so far away from me, I’d pick up a parcel of free food too. Who wouldn’t? The whole food bank thing is used misleadingly as a poverty index. It’s nothing of the sort . Or perhaps there was no poverty before the noughties when food banks were invented?
BBC Radio Poo…. sorry 2 yesterday.. ‘net migration to the UK is down as EU workers are moving to Sweden and Finland as work opportunities are better there. EU workers no longer want to come to the UK as the see it as xenophobic and racist since Brexit’.
So on the one hand they are not coming here because opportunities are better in Sweden and Finland, but on the other it’s because ‘weez waaaaycist’…. talk about the BBC having their cake and eating it!
My sister lives in an area with a large number of well established fruit trees. As fewer people bake these days (it’s not a Muslim area), and most of it ripens around the same time, it’s normal to place a box of the surplus fruit on the front garden wall so people can help themselves.
People must be in dire straits in this neighbourhood because the fruit disappears very quickly. I blame Brexit.
” Fewer people bake these days ( It’s not a muslim area ) “. LOL !
Wowee, the BBC & MSM will be a bit shattered by that! They think Nadiya is wonderful and the answer to everything.
Liked her take on the Leaning Tower of Pisa which she gave to the Queen.
Must have made a mess in the Bentley.
On the 29th of December, the BBC reported that Kevin Creehan, wrongly jailed for placing bacon on the door of a mosque, had mysteriously died in prison.
We are still waiting to be told under what circumstances he died. The BBC, which finds resources to investigate stories all around the world when they fit its far Left narrative, has so far found none to investigate either Mr Creehan’s death or the official cover-up which seems to be going on.
The interview by Mishal Husain ( on the Today programme this morning with Boris Johnson was a disgrace. She talked over him continually, not allowing him to finish a reply. Why Oh why do these people like Boris readily succumb to this line of interviewing? Is it because they have not got the strength of their convictions? Amazing how, when one answers harshly, “Do you mind allowing me to answer your question without interference”, they simply pipe down and become subdued like a scalded child. In Husains case, she has a similar history with Boris so perhaps getting away with it previously is, as a Pakistani muzzie, seen as his weakness. Or could it be that Ministers respect the exalted superior position of the BBC and treating it as a higher authority to that of the Government is a prerequisite?
Personally, I do favour the ‘John Nott’ style of response to a rude interviewer :
I watched the Day /Nott interview at the time. It was great when Nott walked out. Robin Day, total nonentity Beeboid who never did a real job in his life. Good riddance.
Boris wasn’t prepared.
Mishal discovered that as the interview got going and by going ‘off-piste’, Mishal got him waffling. If you listen to it again, watch for the change of tone in Mishal’s voice. She is not very good at disguising it. It provides a clue when the interviewee should don helmet and flak jacket. Once Boris is waffling, the interviewer can dance around him and make him look stupid.
Mishal’s talkover is a weakness and it comes from her annoyance at not getting an answer that will fit with her and the BBC’s ‘agenda’. It also comes, I think, from her political inclinations. Think she knows that so she tries to disguise ‘losing her rag’ by getting pushy with talkover.
It doesn’t help that the UK Government had various duplicitous ‘histories’ and ‘positions’ with Gaddafi & Libya and Assad & Syria.
I wouldn’t be surprised if Boris has never, ever sat down with a good specialist who could give him strategies for dealing with live media interviews. I can hear him say “I can’t be bothered with all that sort of stuff”. He’s certainly had the experience in broadcast media and should be able to deal with it but I do not think he’s that kind of bloke.
He’s counting on his natural charm and jokiness to get by and you cannot rely on that for ever, especially when Foreign Secretary.
I think, politically, Boris is finished and he knows he is finished.
He’ll probably be PM by Christmas, now that I have written that!
Boris is never prepared . I cannot understand how a buffoon like that can be Foreign Secretary .
I agree. Boris did his best to help Anglo-American relations by stating that the President was “wrong” in what he said about Charlottesville. Really Boris? I thought the President was 100% right in what he said, but even if you disagreed, as Foreign Secretary is it your job to insult our closest ally?
What a buffoon.
Boris is just a journalist , egotist , turned politician. Not a serious person. Just a child who will never grow up.
Most of the mainsteam right, by which I mean the Conservative party and right-of-centre journalists, are mild mannered, inoffensive, ineffective, apologists who seem to think that their role is to oversee the lefty, identity driven takeover with as little fuss as possible. Mustn’t make a scene.
The Left is ruthless and has largely won the social arguments. We need fighters who don’t mind upsetting people, or perhaps even see some virtue in it. The Left isn’t offended anywhere near as often as it should be – get them genuinely angry (not the feigned variety that we see every day) and they come out in their true colours or they fall apart. Look at Abbott – one of the few lefties to come under sustained attack due to her extreme incompetence. What happened? She went into hiding.
Let’s see some passion.
“…largely won the social arguments.” – dominated, controlled or shouted loudest surely?
No, I don’t think so. In my opinion it can be said that they have won in that most people, many of whom admittedly should know better, generally discuss social affairs within parameters set by the Left. Sorry to say it but, in many respects, the Left has been hugely successful. Look at our towns and cities. And we have a Conservative party that has no interest in undoing the damage or conserving anything. The ratchet always moves to the left.
The DT recently published an article identifying 71 (or was it 72) genders. Mass rape in Rotherham. Where are the vitriolic protests? This is madness.
Just my opinion and obviously I’m generalising. Clearly people here are different, but we’re hardly a cross section.
Lord Wreath, I agree. Orwell noticed that as early as the 1930s, the intelligentsia had developed a strict system of shibboleths and taboos in their discourse. This is probably why in ‘1984’ he wrote ‘if there is hope it lies in the proles’ because he knew the British working class didn’t adhere to these rules. What’s happened since then is that the ‘rules’ of the left wing elite have, via the education system and the media, filtered down into the middle and lower middle classes as well. In Orwell’s time they still subscribed to an older, patriotic, Christian code of thought.
I agree My Lord, take heart though that looking at the comments from Diane Abbott’s Twitter people are starting to realise and actually have a memory for what has been done.
Plus people viewing politicians actions on TV and questioning for themselves how they respond to what they have said, rather than believing what BBC or what people tell them.
Will the truth win? I don’t know but hope at least a big shift is coming. Yes the Left took control of the conversation – but freedom is never given, I think we have learnt to fight for it.
Put some skin in the game and see what happens …
You might be right. A lot of people are losing patience, that’s for sure. Then there was Brexit.
We used to be a bolshie people, I hope we haven’t lost it entirely.
I’d be delighted if my earlier comment turned out to be wrong.
The longer the report on Kevin Crehan is delayed the more theories will appear to fill the hole. 8 months to investigate what is being suspected as a suicide?
Suicide speculation over death of bacon mosque attacker Kevin Crehan { mar2017}
Speculation is mounting (from who?is this the only theory?) over how a man who carried out a bacon mosque attack died in prison – with many suggesting that he may have killed himself. (why reinforce this view? pure speculation?)
He died in HMP Bristol on Tuesday, December 27 (2016) while serving a 12-month sentence for the crime.
Speaking at the time of Crehan’s death, Avon and Somerset Police said it was not treating his death as suspicious
The group also shouted racist (what was shouted? Was it racist or religious?) abuse at a member of the mosque.
BBC Version: Bacon on mosque offender dies in prison { dec2016}
BBC Search “Kevin Crehan” – no updates on 25.08.2017 – Eight Months Since Death 27.12.2016 – but not suspicious? Eight months to let the public fill the void with their own theories!
BBC, what are you doing?
Can we have a refund from our enforced Tax paid under threat of prison on every month you fail to keep us updated?
Where is his family.I would be shouting from the rooftops for an explanation .If a black person dies in custody the BBC hit the must be an enquiry button . 12 months for throwing bacon at a mosque.Its tragic.Where is Human Rights watch agitating for answers .I despair of this country.
It will be the establishment all covering up for each other (the usual suspects, and including the press) whilst ‘pretending’ to assist anybody trying to find out the truth.
Much is being made of the GCSE results of late and I don’t know whether to laugh or cry!
I’ve seen quite a few actual questions now and I would have expected myself, and my contemporaries, to answer them all at age 11. I was schooled in the 50s and 60s and I’m shocked to see that expectations have dropped so far.
Or is it just me? Silly old fool 🙁
“I was schooled in the 50s and 60s”
So was I, and no, it isn’t just you. I still have my “O” and “A” level exam papers. Totally uncompromising – don’t know how I passed anything. I’d like to confront my nephews and nieces with them but I don’t think it would go down well.
“A” level exams in particular scared us shitless back then, but we just got on with it. When I went on to do a degree, I at least felt prepared.
“I was schooled during the 50 and 60s”:
And we could watch quality programs such as the Avengers;
Pounce… must be some mistake. Emma Peel (Diana Rigg) comes across as a powerful, assertive, confident and capable woman. We all know such things didn’t exist until relatively recently, which is why there have never been any female prime ministers and such. Women in the 1960s were demure creatures, who had hands that did dishes with mild green fairy liquid and chewed on OXO cubes.
Good point.
Some strong female characters in the early Bond films as well.
Come to think of it, there were formidable women of a different kind such as Edith Evans in The Importance of Being Earnest (1952).
Don’t mess with Pussy Galore.
Oh, I don’t know ……
Amazing what can be done when the time comes and change is all around –
Pity the UK “leaders” couldn’t all grow balls and do the same. The UK sits at the table of the “World Leaders”? Feigning ‘world leadership’……….
The US Department of Homeland Security (DHS) has placed Cambodia, Eritrea, Guinea and Sierra Leone under sanctions—which means that visa applications from those countries’ nationals will be denied—because they refuse to take back their illegal invader nationals deported from America.
In the case of Guyana, that government almost immediately agreed to take back 112 of 113 backlogged deportees. Officials for the Gambia also said they took steps last year after being hit with sanctions.
DHS Sanctions Four Third World States For Refusing To Take Back Deportees { aug2017}
– BBC Site Search “Sanctions Guyana” – no results as of 25.08.2017 *sigh*
Re. Gambia. The US visa sanctions were part of an international effort to oust the previous President Jammeh and it succeeded. The new President Barrow has agreed to accept deportees and the USA has agreed to lift sanctions. Good result . The USA is assisting Gambia in locating Jammeh’s assets in the USA.
Not reported on our ‘trust worthy’ and ‘world renowned’ BBC Site?
Enforced £145 per year tax, generating £3.5bn, by threat of prison paying presenters like Chris ‘£2.3m’ Evans salaries who is supposed to be a socialist and uses the BBC to promote his CarFest business by linking it to the BBC Children In Need charity (more of a self promoting BBC programme).
But good news for Gambia!
True ! Whenever the BBC reports on any topic on which I have some personal knowledge, whether Gambia or anything else , they display their ignorance. So I assume that they are equally ignorant of other topics.
The US Gambian deportees were mainly exiles from the Jammeh regime who had failed in their asylum claims. They faced certain death if they had been returned. Jammeh , a lunatic, blocked it because he preferred them outside rather than killing them if they returned. I know some of them personally. But, don’t expect any in depth analysis from the BBC.
The BBC , World Leaders in Fake News !
Exactly my point.
If the BBC reported it it would probably be slanted as ‘USA bullies vulnerable countries into taking dangerous deportees’.
If the BBC reported it it would probably be slanted as ‘USA bullies vulnerable countries into taking dangerous deportees’.
10:35 BBC 1 Comedy Lecture : Ben Elton with live audience of BBC luvvies like Neil Kinnock.
Mainly about sitcoms.
Apparently some people experienced difficulties signing this:
I thought there would be more support.
See also
The Island, like your post but can we include the witch, Anna Soubry….and it should also include Mark Carney (although he is not deselectable) as I believe he is a real enemy of Brexit
English Gent
Agree about Sourbry (and Carney of course). There’s plenty to choose from.
Carney is a big enemy of the UK. What the Forex is Canadian doing as Governor of the Bank of England. He should bugger off to Canada. This is not his country .
Agreed. And that’s exactly the point. Sooner or later he will bugger off, perhaps to Canada or perhaps somewhere more sunny, he’s a confirmed globalist. Neither nor his children will be around to experience the fall-out of his decisions on the UK. The Governor of the Bank of England should be English.
His missus, IIRC, is English and the kids have dual nationality so they may well be around. Daddy has bought a big house that we are all paying for. Carney is/was Osborne’s pet. He talks a lot. Mostly, it seems, to drive the £ down, very occasionally up. Doesn’t seem to do much that’s useful. As others have suggested here re Macron, the term Obama-like (or Obama-lite?) may become a standard label for some such as he.
Lefty politician refuses to have Tory friends
#Famous LibMob tolerance.
See how
#1 They act tribally
#2 They fear and hate against the. Outgroup
So they are Xenophobic by action
Note the PROJECTION there cos “xenophobe” is their favourite slur against anyone who won’t agree with them.
BBC seems keen to push this sudden new meme
“Oh the number of students overstaying turns out to be almost nil
“all the exit check surveys we ran for 6 years were wrong”
Well that meme is “too wow to be true”
What, all over a sudden the problem of student overstaying has gone away ?
Some people seem too keen to believe this new explanation.
Various contributors have referred above to various BBC errors and slack or inaccurate reporting.
On WatO today (BBC R4 1pm on) it was actually very funny, almost all the way through, right from the very beginning.
At one point you can almost hear Ed Stourton thinking “I wish I had read that through again and re-edited it.”
Grooming gangs : Seems to me councils are looking for excuse for their failure to use existing laws over last 25 years.
Rotherham article mentions police corruption
Black bin bags matter
So a load of f-niks (Not Muslims or whites) decided to block a road in Birmingham with bags of rubbish (And then not reported by the bBC decide to have a rubbish bag fight) and the bbC paints them as the real victims:
Birmingham residents think bin bag ‘barricade’ is a protest
Causing a road accident? Possibly stopping emergency services? Caught on camera admitting to the crime?