I don’t post here much anymore on account of the fact that I barely watch or listen to any BBC product these days. However, I saw the first five minutes of the BB1 six o’clock news last night, the headline item being that net immigration is less hundreds of thousands per annum now compared to many hundreds of thousand per year over the last two decades. Big deal. (Any chance of getting an expert from Migration Watch on BBC news? Don’t be silly).
Anyway, some goon reporter was sent to a bus station in London and found a Romanian heading back to his homeland due to racism caused by…DA-DA.. Brexit, heavily prompted by our fearless reporter of course. With flawless subtlety the same reporter then went to a chicken farm in Oxfordshire where the famer was grumbling that he couldn’t find enough cheap labour so instead of expanding he was reducing his business (who did that sort of work pre 2004 anyway?). With the Dutch and others ballsing up their egg production recently and the depreciation of the pound one would have thought that the beeb could have found a good news story in the chicken farming community? Rhetorical question, naturally. Click.
Same here Jack – I have no TV and generally listen to the radio. However R4 of late (if it was possible) has become increasingly Iirritating. Today I switched it on twice and turned it off both times fairly quickly. I think they were interviewing an “asylum seeker” and later on what sounded like some other some other “dusky gentleman” Both were going on about all the tears they or their families had shed. I could not be bothered to even listen to the rest of the interview to hear the context of what they were saying. However I would lay money that it was yet another whitey guilt trip which these days seems to be their stock in trade.
Whilst I have no reason to doubt the validity of these peoples stories – The BBC really has become the father of lies. and misrepresentation. They know as well as we do that at least 80% of asylum seekers are in fact economic migrants – yet they never really focus on this instead they constantly hose us down with hard luck stories from sniffling individuals in order to give the impression that all of these people are genuine asylum cases.
Even assuming that these people have lost their homes – I do not think that we have an obligation to permanently house everyone who has upset their current Government. I would have thought house them until things have changed for the better then send them home. And only in the very rarest of cases should we give them citizenship.
The BBC really has become the channel for emotional incontinence. It probably thinks it is following the trend – but in truth I think it is setting it just as much.
Still these days I suppose candles and Teddies are the only game in town
Charlie – I am always touched by how “grateful” many of these asylum seekers appear to be when given shelter in the West – It always gives me a lovely warm feeling in my tummy when I see them making themselves at home!
The left are quite vocal on how much the Queens costs (She actually makes money and hands it over to the treasury, for which she is handed back a sum to pay her way (Staff/food/utilities etc) The child rapists at the bBC keep on interviewing those who feel we should get rid of the Royal Family and replace them with an elected figurehead. (who spend money and don’t make any, or even have any decorum) Today its been revealed that Emmanuel Macron (President Hyperthermia ) has spent around £8000 a month on make-up since he was elected in May. Instead of expressing any form of outrage the bBC , the child rapists think its quite funny: Does President Macron’s make-up bill make you blush?
Whilst I’m on about President Hyperthermia has anybody seen the bbC mention this: Emmanuel Macron called ‘arrogant’ and ‘inexperienced’ by Polish prime minister Beata Szydlo in worker spat
President Emmanuel Macron of France risked creating an East-West rift in Europe on Friday after warning that Poland was heading for “the margins” of the bloc. Poland hit back that the French premier was “arrogant”, inexperienced, and had no right to push it around. The spat came after after Warsaw categorically rejected Mr Macron’s push to overhaul the so-called “posted workers” directive – a controversial EU rule enabling companies to send temporary workers from low-wage countries to richer ones without paying local social charges. Speaking in the Bulgarian coastal city of Varna, Mr Macron said: “Poland today is not a country that can show Europe the way, it’s a country that has decided to go against European interests in many areas.” “Europe was built on public freedoms that Poland is infringing today,” he added. “The country is placing itself on the margins of Europe’s future history,” he added, saying it had “isolated itself”. Mr Macron had already prompted Polish ire recently by warning it could not treat the EU like a “supermarket”.
“The country is placing itself on the margins of Europe’s future history”
Monsieur Macron… perhaps Poland does not like the ‘makeup’ of Europe’s future history, with its internal collapse stemming from degeneracy, corruption, civilisation disconfidence and ethnic cleansing-levels of immigration and Islamification. Stop tarting yourself in the mirror, read Jean Raspail’s ‘Camp of the Saints’ and handover the reigns to Marine Le Pen. Maybe then your children – sorry, you’re not going to have any children in the circumstances, I mean those of ordinary Frenchmen and women – might have a future.
Can anyone tell me what Macron has actually done since he became President ? Apart from insult Poland. Seems to me that he is a French Obama. Totally useless.
IR – well said.
When he’s done with the rouge and mascara perhaps Macron will look at some demographics and realise that (Western) Europe will have no future history except as a dark ages land of barbarians (as a lot of it was 1500 yrs ago). It would be a nice retort if the Polish prime minister, and the heads of the Visegrad nations told him so.
Al beeb news ( normally avoid it ) a non news item about a lung clinic in Rotherham. Treats ex miners as we as smokers with health problems. Very sympathetic . Too sympathetic to the smokers.
If you smoke I might offend you but I hate smokers . I hate inhaling other people’s smoke . If they want to die from smoking that fine for them . But don’t damage me . If al beeb wanted to be biased about something make it anti smoking . It avoids blaming Islam for anything but its attitude to many things – like smoking – needs attention
Perhaps I have committed a hate crime now but my health counts for more
Another one in the job 5 minutes and already out of touch. Can’t they think for themselves, pause and come to the conclusion that this might not look good.
I paraphrase Jon Snow “the MSM are part of the liberal elite and disconnected from the public
in the real world there were problems people documented them on a blog
but we in the media were oblivious
I’m talking about Grenfell residents blog, we in the MSM ignored people for so long and only woke up after the big fire”
If only the message from Jon Snow could filter into the mindset of the media? https://t.co/bm0xzPkliq
Oh a damoscene conversion. Isn’t it ironic that journalist royalty like snow, dimbley, peston and countless other beeboids are or feel disconnected from ‘ ordinary people’? The fucking cheek of it. I grew up in a council flat. In a London borough which has always been socialist. Never listening to the poll tax payers – the same mindset as al Beeb . Social care and the NHS here is shit. We are overwhelmed by non English speakers and their kids.
And it takes a fucking fire for a champagne socialist like snow to realise he is disconnected. John – have a puff on your sad weed and go back to your pals at Glasto.
And these people form opinion for the weak minded and judge others. I am using ‘f’ words here because they reflect the verbal violence I feel because of the damage they have done to Blighty. Roll on an ‘extreme’ right wing government after the revolution eh? De ranting now.
BBC Look North reporting on new security measures for Newcastle United at St Jame’s park this evening.
Newcastle United fans have been warned of matchday delays as stadium security has been stepped up in the wake of recent terror attacks.
Supporters have been urged not to bring bags into St James’ Park and anyone that does will undergo a full search – causing further delays..
It would appear that those right wing supremacists are infiltrating football stadiums.
I have a better idea though…. perhaps if they just did profiling before the supporters entered, I am sure they would figure out the likely perpetrators…
How’s the BBC doing re its 5 public purposes ?
I translate some BBC speak
Impartial = LibSupremacist
Learning =Brainwashing
Creative/Creativity = another word for lying
diversity1 = reflect London skin colour
diversity2 = reflect CONFORMITY of thought
reflect the United Kingdom, its culture and values to the world
….. = MOCK & belittle the UK, its culture and values to the world http://www.bbc.co.uk/aboutthebbc/insidethebbc/whoweare/publicpurposes/
They could (if they were honest) boil it down to one purpose and one sentence :
“We’re here -thanks to the licence fee- to promote cultural marxism and communism in order to expedite the fall of the western world and usher in chaos, and we don’t care about the future or how many millions of lives it will eventually cost.”
MM – I recall reading that the only two places outside western Europe and the Anglosphere, which had comparable free speech laws were Hong Kong and Japan; the both of which had developed those by having been run by Britain and America respectively, although HK no longer.
But never mind eh? The Carnival’s coming, yippee, the carnival of noise, crime, drugs, knifings, vandalism and violence.
The beeb will be drooling over it, lots of diversity, nice and ethnic. The locals all forced to board up their homes and get as far away from the ‘fun’ as possible.
At least Sky are quoting ‘Somali man’ and ‘shouting Allahu Akbar’. The pride of Britain BBC just like to check their facts first…ie make sure they can cover up as much inconvenient info as possible.
Can I be the first to apologise to the attacker on behalf of the UK and EU. We apologise for shooting you and also for the lack of Halah food on our oil tankers/cargo ships which your fellow Solmali pirates board.
A new study of antisemitism in Europe has found that the country with the lowest rate of antisemitism, despite having a relatively large Jewish population, is… Russia.
The study, by the Oslo-based Center for Studies of the Holocaust and the University of Oslo, looked at France, Britain, Germany, Sweden, Norway, Denmark, and Russia. The author, Johannes Due Enstad, observed that Russia does not treat Muslims’ transgressions with near impunity as Western Europe does. The relatively few antisemitic acts that do occur in Russia are committed mainly by the far right. That’s why the numbers are low.
– Melanie Phillips on Friday, August 25, 2017
That’s very interesting. I wonder what has happened. Oh, and will the BBC do any investigation? Last one first, probably not.
Not so long ago, anti-Semitism was rife in Russia and led, of course, to a million plus Jews leaving there to go to Israel. This begs a couple of questions: has Russia reformed is one? The other is: has the rest of the world got worse as far as anti-Semitism is concerned?
EuroeNews@20:51 Headling “Germany Bans FAR-LEFT Website”
“…in Hamburg in July when nearly 200 police officers were injured by masked protesters against the G20 summit. He said the site (Far-Left) had been used to organise the violence, exchange tips and rally activists. ”
They are ALL English L13! Get with the programme!
If they are born here, regardless of where their parents or grandparents hail from, then they are as English as you; me; cricket; tea and crumpets; morris dancing and football hooliganism.
“Al Shubtill on August 25, 2017 at 10:28 pm
They are ALL English L13! Get with the programme!
If they are born here, regardless of where their parents or grandparents hail from, then they are as English as you; me; cricket; tea and crumpets; morris dancing and football hooliganism.”
“If they are born here, regardless of where their parents or grandparents hail from, then they are as English as you;”
That reminds me of an argument a few years ago with a colleague from Lanarkshire (I think it was) who used the well worn approach: “people born in England are as English as you are”.
Unfortunately for him, I had seen him coming. I asked him if the Queen Mother was English or Scottish. The answer was, Scottish of course, her family was Scottish. I pointed out that she was born in London, making her English unless, of course, we accepted his argument and made Indian families Indian.
I was born in Hong Kong, so that makes me Chinese. When I was a little boy , my late father used to tell me that I would have to do National Service in the Chinese Army.
My grandmother was born in India. As were her parents. And their parents. And their parents before them. So, nearly 150 years in India. Yet, when partition came it was time to leave, and nobody on any side considered her to be ‘Indian’ for a moment.
Odd that. But maybe a useful precedent.
Fathers name Mason Izbad
His Mother who is also his auntie, is shocked beyond belief, she had no idea Grant, said he hadn’t played with machete’s since he was a baby.
LOL ! Not many babies play with machetes where I come from. Mother also Auntie ? Reminds me of the Bob Monkhouse joke when he moved into a small village. ” My neighbour introduced me to his wife and his sister. It was the same woman “.
StewGreenMar 7, 01:28 Midweek 5th March 2025 “Mental Health” probably Unless he is is white British , which means he’s a far far far right bigoted TERRORIST
StewGreenMar 7, 01:26 Midweek 5th March 2025 The #BiasedBBC news dept is really a PR org to promote the London Lib-Supremacist causes See how their England “news”…
Fedup2Mar 6, 22:59 Midweek 5th March 2025 Poppy Atkinson – 10 – was the little girl killed by a car yesterday . The killer – 40 -…
StewGreenMar 6, 22:37 Midweek 5th March 2025 BTW James Goddard tweeted about this case at 10pm last night That is well before anyone else picked up on…
Fedup2Mar 6, 22:26 Midweek 5th March 2025 Not BBC On YouTube there is a 10 part series called ‘first among equals ‘ which is a 1986 TV…
StewGreenMar 6, 22:24 Midweek 5th March 2025 @Marky isn’t your second graphic deceptive ? Your post is about NATO but that graphic appears to be the growth…
KaiserMar 6, 22:21 Midweek 5th March 2025 oddly I came across exactly the same suggestion in the daily sceptics chats this morning
StewGreenMar 6, 22:19 Midweek 5th March 2025 Afghan CHILD rapist in Falkirk I just saw the British Stand video from the morning I see someone mentioned the…
FlotsamMar 6, 21:39 Midweek 5th March 2025 There could be plusses to Charles III being Islamic. Camilla in a burqua.
Fedup2Mar 6, 21:13 Midweek 5th March 2025 No – I don’t know – but if the primary purpose / duty – of the firm is to keep…
R4 MoL “I see no reason for the idea that less school children can swim today than in the past”
Lack of imagination.
Some enrichers have a culture that doesn’t fit with swimming.
I don’t post here much anymore on account of the fact that I barely watch or listen to any BBC product these days. However, I saw the first five minutes of the BB1 six o’clock news last night, the headline item being that net immigration is less hundreds of thousands per annum now compared to many hundreds of thousand per year over the last two decades. Big deal. (Any chance of getting an expert from Migration Watch on BBC news? Don’t be silly).
Anyway, some goon reporter was sent to a bus station in London and found a Romanian heading back to his homeland due to racism caused by…DA-DA.. Brexit, heavily prompted by our fearless reporter of course. With flawless subtlety the same reporter then went to a chicken farm in Oxfordshire where the famer was grumbling that he couldn’t find enough cheap labour so instead of expanding he was reducing his business (who did that sort of work pre 2004 anyway?). With the Dutch and others ballsing up their egg production recently and the depreciation of the pound one would have thought that the beeb could have found a good news story in the chicken farming community? Rhetorical question, naturally. Click.
Same here Jack – I have no TV and generally listen to the radio. However R4 of late (if it was possible) has become increasingly Iirritating. Today I switched it on twice and turned it off both times fairly quickly. I think they were interviewing an “asylum seeker” and later on what sounded like some other some other “dusky gentleman” Both were going on about all the tears they or their families had shed. I could not be bothered to even listen to the rest of the interview to hear the context of what they were saying. However I would lay money that it was yet another whitey guilt trip which these days seems to be their stock in trade.
Whilst I have no reason to doubt the validity of these peoples stories – The BBC really has become the father of lies. and misrepresentation. They know as well as we do that at least 80% of asylum seekers are in fact economic migrants – yet they never really focus on this instead they constantly hose us down with hard luck stories from sniffling individuals in order to give the impression that all of these people are genuine asylum cases.
Even assuming that these people have lost their homes – I do not think that we have an obligation to permanently house everyone who has upset their current Government. I would have thought house them until things have changed for the better then send them home. And only in the very rarest of cases should we give them citizenship.
The BBC really has become the channel for emotional incontinence. It probably thinks it is following the trend – but in truth I think it is setting it just as much.
Still these days I suppose candles and Teddies are the only game in town
BBC the home of a good cry¬!
Oh dear, it seems not all migrants are sweeping the streets of Rome:
“Police and refugees clash in Rome.”
Charlie – I am always touched by how “grateful” many of these asylum seekers appear to be when given shelter in the West – It always gives me a lovely warm feeling in my tummy when I see them making themselves at home!
The left are quite vocal on how much the Queens costs (She actually makes money and hands it over to the treasury, for which she is handed back a sum to pay her way (Staff/food/utilities etc) The child rapists at the bBC keep on interviewing those who feel we should get rid of the Royal Family and replace them with an elected figurehead. (who spend money and don’t make any, or even have any decorum) Today its been revealed that Emmanuel Macron (President Hyperthermia ) has spent around £8000 a month on make-up since he was elected in May. Instead of expressing any form of outrage the bBC , the child rapists think its quite funny:
Does President Macron’s make-up bill make you blush?
Whilst I’m on about President Hyperthermia has anybody seen the bbC mention this:
Emmanuel Macron called ‘arrogant’ and ‘inexperienced’ by Polish prime minister Beata Szydlo in worker spat
President Emmanuel Macron of France risked creating an East-West rift in Europe on Friday after warning that Poland was heading for “the margins” of the bloc. Poland hit back that the French premier was “arrogant”, inexperienced, and had no right to push it around. The spat came after after Warsaw categorically rejected Mr Macron’s push to overhaul the so-called “posted workers” directive – a controversial EU rule enabling companies to send temporary workers from low-wage countries to richer ones without paying local social charges. Speaking in the Bulgarian coastal city of Varna, Mr Macron said: “Poland today is not a country that can show Europe the way, it’s a country that has decided to go against European interests in many areas.” “Europe was built on public freedoms that Poland is infringing today,” he added. “The country is placing itself on the margins of Europe’s future history,” he added, saying it had “isolated itself”. Mr Macron had already prompted Polish ire recently by warning it could not treat the EU like a “supermarket”.
President Hyperthermia: Fucks old women.
“The country is placing itself on the margins of Europe’s future history”
Monsieur Macron… perhaps Poland does not like the ‘makeup’ of Europe’s future history, with its internal collapse stemming from degeneracy, corruption, civilisation disconfidence and ethnic cleansing-levels of immigration and Islamification. Stop tarting yourself in the mirror, read Jean Raspail’s ‘Camp of the Saints’ and handover the reigns to Marine Le Pen. Maybe then your children – sorry, you’re not going to have any children in the circumstances, I mean those of ordinary Frenchmen and women – might have a future.
Can anyone tell me what Macron has actually done since he became President ? Apart from insult Poland. Seems to me that he is a French Obama. Totally useless.
IR – well said.
When he’s done with the rouge and mascara perhaps Macron will look at some demographics and realise that (Western) Europe will have no future history except as a dark ages land of barbarians (as a lot of it was 1500 yrs ago). It would be a nice retort if the Polish prime minister, and the heads of the Visegrad nations told him so.
I Dont think he does, i think she is an ornament pounce, he may break bones at her age.
Al beeb news ( normally avoid it ) a non news item about a lung clinic in Rotherham. Treats ex miners as we as smokers with health problems. Very sympathetic . Too sympathetic to the smokers.
If you smoke I might offend you but I hate smokers . I hate inhaling other people’s smoke . If they want to die from smoking that fine for them . But don’t damage me . If al beeb wanted to be biased about something make it anti smoking . It avoids blaming Islam for anything but its attitude to many things – like smoking – needs attention
Perhaps I have committed a hate crime now but my health counts for more
R4 news reporting Macron’s make up costs. Guillotine anyone.
Times earlier said €26K for his personal beautician
Another one in the job 5 minutes and already out of touch. Can’t they think for themselves, pause and come to the conclusion that this might not look good.
I paraphrase Jon Snow “the MSM are part of the liberal elite and disconnected from the public
in the real world there were problems people documented them on a blog
but we in the media were oblivious
I’m talking about Grenfell residents blog, we in the MSM ignored people for so long and only woke up after the big fire”
This bloke has lost it completely. Nice little bungalow far away awaits him. Perhaps Vince Cable could join him.
Oh a damoscene conversion. Isn’t it ironic that journalist royalty like snow, dimbley, peston and countless other beeboids are or feel disconnected from ‘ ordinary people’? The fucking cheek of it. I grew up in a council flat. In a London borough which has always been socialist. Never listening to the poll tax payers – the same mindset as al Beeb . Social care and the NHS here is shit. We are overwhelmed by non English speakers and their kids.
And it takes a fucking fire for a champagne socialist like snow to realise he is disconnected. John – have a puff on your sad weed and go back to your pals at Glasto.
And these people form opinion for the weak minded and judge others. I am using ‘f’ words here because they reflect the verbal violence I feel because of the damage they have done to Blighty. Roll on an ‘extreme’ right wing government after the revolution eh? De ranting now.
Jon Snow, wanker.
BBC Look North reporting on new security measures for Newcastle United at St Jame’s park this evening.
Newcastle United fans have been warned of matchday delays as stadium security has been stepped up in the wake of recent terror attacks.
Supporters have been urged not to bring bags into St James’ Park and anyone that does will undergo a full search – causing further delays..
It would appear that those right wing supremacists are infiltrating football stadiums.
I have a better idea though…. perhaps if they just did profiling before the supporters entered, I am sure they would figure out the likely perpetrators…
How’s the BBC doing re its Mission& Values ?

Creative/Creativity = another word for lying
How’s the BBC doing re its 5 public purposes ?

I translate some BBC speak
Impartial = LibSupremacist
Learning =Brainwashing
Creative/Creativity = another word for lying
diversity1 = reflect London skin colour
diversity2 = reflect CONFORMITY of thought
reflect the United Kingdom, its culture and values to the world
….. = MOCK & belittle the UK, its culture and values to the world
LOL ! BBC = Bullshit
They could (if they were honest) boil it down to one purpose and one sentence :
“We’re here -thanks to the licence fee- to promote cultural marxism and communism in order to expedite the fall of the western world and usher in chaos, and we don’t care about the future or how many millions of lives it will eventually cost.”
Now list the “United Kingdom – it’s culture and values to the world.”
– Freedom of Speech
– Freedom of Ideas
– Freedom to Offend
Now show me other countries or cultures where this is thriving and the norm?
MM – I recall reading that the only two places outside western Europe and the Anglosphere, which had comparable free speech laws were Hong Kong and Japan; the both of which had developed those by having been run by Britain and America respectively, although HK no longer.
Evening Standard carry the story of a jobless illegal immigrant from Egypt (claimed to be Syrian) who murdered a carer in Hyde Park yesterday.
I’m baffled for many reasons:
1) I thought all migrants were genuine refugees, like the beebistan tells us.
2) I thought they were all doctors and engineers, eager to repay their host country for our generosity.
3) I can’t find this story on beebistan website, even after drilling down to London.
@Charlie always best to do a Twitter search
Aug 11 BBC report conviction
Aug 24 BBC report sentence ..under local news
But never mind eh? The Carnival’s coming, yippee, the carnival of noise, crime, drugs, knifings, vandalism and violence.
The beeb will be drooling over it, lots of diversity, nice and ethnic. The locals all forced to board up their homes and get as far away from the ‘fun’ as possible.
BBC news 20:29 man shot in Brussels after attacking soldiers … more to come
yep just a MAN again, doesn’t SOUND like anything to do with Islam (sic)
BBC MO “make sure you don’t mention Islam”
At least Sky are quoting ‘Somali man’ and ‘shouting Allahu Akbar’. The pride of Britain BBC just like to check their facts first…ie make sure they can cover up as much inconvenient info as possible.
meanwhile Spain increases their importation at the other end. They’re all going mad.
How can it be some people have other info ?
(all media say just “man” except Belgium state broadcaster quoted below)
Can I be the first to apologise to the attacker on behalf of the UK and EU. We apologise for shooting you and also for the lack of Halah food on our oil tankers/cargo ships which your fellow Solmali pirates board.
There’s an account called TerrorEvents
The very unbeeboid Melanie Phillips
A new study of antisemitism in Europe has found that the country with the lowest rate of antisemitism, despite having a relatively large Jewish population, is… Russia.
The study, by the Oslo-based Center for Studies of the Holocaust and the University of Oslo, looked at France, Britain, Germany, Sweden, Norway, Denmark, and Russia. The author, Johannes Due Enstad, observed that Russia does not treat Muslims’ transgressions with near impunity as Western Europe does. The relatively few antisemitic acts that do occur in Russia are committed mainly by the far right. That’s why the numbers are low.
– Melanie Phillips on Friday, August 25, 2017
That’s very interesting. I wonder what has happened. Oh, and will the BBC do any investigation? Last one first, probably not.
Not so long ago, anti-Semitism was rife in Russia and led, of course, to a million plus Jews leaving there to go to Israel. This begs a couple of questions: has Russia reformed is one? The other is: has the rest of the world got worse as far as anti-Semitism is concerned?
When the Bolsheviks seized power in Russia, they made anti-Semitism a capital crime.
EuroeNews@20:51 Headling “Germany Bans FAR-LEFT Website”
“…in Hamburg in July when nearly 200 police officers were injured by masked protesters against the G20 summit. He said the site (Far-Left) had been used to organise the violence, exchange tips and rally activists. ”
– Tipping point for the news?
Did any English people pass any GCSE’s ? Just asking
Loooool…….excellent observation.
They probably did but they don’t count as far as MSM is concerned
They are ALL English L13! Get with the programme!
If they are born here, regardless of where their parents or grandparents hail from, then they are as English as you; me; cricket; tea and crumpets; morris dancing and football hooliganism.
“Al Shubtill on August 25, 2017 at 10:28 pm
They are ALL English L13! Get with the programme!
If they are born here, regardless of where their parents or grandparents hail from, then they are as English as you; me; cricket; tea and crumpets; morris dancing and football hooliganism.”
You mean like a dog born in a stable is a horse?
“If they are born here, regardless of where their parents or grandparents hail from, then they are as English as you;”
That reminds me of an argument a few years ago with a colleague from Lanarkshire (I think it was) who used the well worn approach: “people born in England are as English as you are”.
Unfortunately for him, I had seen him coming. I asked him if the Queen Mother was English or Scottish. The answer was, Scottish of course, her family was Scottish. I pointed out that she was born in London, making her English unless, of course, we accepted his argument and made Indian families Indian.
Didn’t speak to me for weeks.
I was born in Hong Kong, so that makes me Chinese. When I was a little boy , my late father used to tell me that I would have to do National Service in the Chinese Army.
You won’t be laughing when a letter calling you up lands on the doormat tomorrow morning.
I’d start getting fit if I were you.
My grandmother was born in India. As were her parents. And their parents. And their parents before them. So, nearly 150 years in India. Yet, when partition came it was time to leave, and nobody on any side considered her to be ‘Indian’ for a moment.
Odd that. But maybe a useful precedent.
They have named the man ventilated in Brussel’s that was radicalised by the Machete he was Mamood Izbad,
Looks like a Norwegian name to me .
Fathers name Mason Izbad
His Mother who is also his auntie, is shocked beyond belief, she had no idea Grant, said he hadn’t played with machete’s since he was a baby.
LOL ! Not many babies play with machetes where I come from. Mother also Auntie ? Reminds me of the Bob Monkhouse joke when he moved into a small village. ” My neighbour introduced me to his wife and his sister. It was the same woman “.