“Had it not been for the fact that my (unmarried) partner is British, and that our daughter, too, is British, I would have liked to leave the UK after the referendum,” she said.
“I felt unwelcome and unwanted.
“As it was, I felt forced to apply for British citizenship, which was tedious, lengthy and difficult, as well as an expensive process.”
She found it tedious, lengthy and difficult to apply to be British.
What a whinger.
Becoming British is an immense privilege. Maybe she doesn’t deserve it.
“Becoming British” is a misnomer. What is usually meant is acquiring British citizenship.
Becoming a citizen is a legal process not a cultural one. The advantages of becoming a citizen are legal and economic.
You are right, and I do not accept that you can become British if you were not born in Britain and do not have long standing cultural ties to Britain..
My wife is Norwegian and has lived in the UK for approximately 30 years, and she would never dream of applying for British citizenship.
Her view is that you can be given a right to reside, but that you should not be able to change your citizenship. She is born Norwegian and always will be Norwegian.
I guess it boils down to whether you have pride in your country of birth. Whether you have any feelings of nationality.
I can recall when we were first married, about 30 years ago, Norway was not in EFTA and it took about 5 years before she was given a permanent right to reside in the UK. We had to go through the general boarder control and if the boarder guard annoyed her, she use to lecture them on how wonderful Norway was. She use to say I come from a rich country not a 3rd world country like the UK, we don’t have homeless people sleeping on the streets etc etc. giving them a 5 minute rant on the wonders of Norway.
Back in the 1980s one could often see Norwegians wearing a T shirt or a badge on a ruck sack saying: there are only 2 types of people in the world, those that are Norwegians and those that wish they were Norwegians. The irony was that they actually believed that.
They are very nationalistic, and many people would fly the Norwegian flag each day, and it would always be flown on Independence Day, Birthdays, Christmas day . No politician would ever dare criticise someone for flying the national flag. If a Norwegian politician had tweeted like Emily Thornberry, they would have been out of a job. They would have been shamed and would never get re-elected
A pity that the liberal left have prevented us from having pride in our country and are doing their utmost to erase its glorious past which we should be proud of, not ashamed of.o
Unfortunately, the Norwegians who took over the British conglomerate Trafalgar House did not cover themselves in glory, promising a more egalitarian regime but delivering the exact opposite.
They spent a fortune on North Aston Hall in Oxfordshire for the exclusive use of board members, only allowing the plebs the occasional visit when the tax implications of directors’ benefits was pointed out. They ended up selling it at a loss. There are other examples. Grotesque hypocrisy.
The brits were like that, everyone was nationalistic, sc2.. home was where you were proud to say you from,………front and foremost your identity.
Unless my memory is going wonky………….they used to mock us on the fast show for being nationalistic and thick/
Then Blair, Hitler couldn’t achieve the social fabric damage Blair has achieved, an evil greedy stupid man.
The Evening Standard was pretty shit before they hired Osborne – but yee gawds he has managed to make it even shitter. It is a lefty lovefest full of absolute garbage – day after day . Trump is bad , Brexit is bad , photos of every nationality under the sun (except English) all passing GCSE’s and A Levels. Budding black astronauts accidentally getting stabbed in East London. I only pick it up for a laff on the way home. I mean come on has George Osborne actually met a black person or somebody in full pillar box in his privileged life ? to think this excuse for a bloke was Chancellor of the Exchequer and Cameron was PM what were we thinking ?
Hi Lock13 – Did Britain really have a choice regarding George Osborne as Chancellor of the Exchequer? The choice of MPs to choose from at the General Election was fairly woeful – packed with inexperienced, poorly educated wannabees. Osborne’s cv was dreadful and he only got opportunities because he was born into privilege and had political connections.
If you go through every single MP in Parliament you will find it is packed with low quality, inexperienced wannerbees with their own personal and external agendas. There is a crisis of political leadership in this country and no-one is talking about it. I am all for Brexit but have no confidence in the quality of the majority of our politicians.
The low quality, spineless and talentless politicians is a major problem for our Brexit negotiations.
I would not wish to see politicians negotiating an exit deal. they cannot arrange a piss up in a brewery, and have absolutely no understanding of the real world, or how to secure a commercial deal. Look at the mess they created before we had even served the Article 50 notice, and how we had compromised matters by all this talk of soft Brexit, second referendum, economic disaster, and then we had the fiasco of the General Election. Talk about screw ups.
i would much prefer experienced hard nosed commercial negotiators handling the exit negotiations. JCB and Wetherspoons were in favour of Brexit, so I would much prefer to see some of their guys dealing with matters.
I could not agree more, the more I hear from politicians, the more I despise them. So what does that say about their advisors? They are certainly not worth the money they get, either group.
Holy feck – they kept that under wraps. I would wager a bet that he converted to Islam in order to prevent the risk of his beheading at the hands of the family and community he was marrying into it, when he decided to marry Bangladeshi born Ms Rahala Noor. A quick google reveals “he had to convert to Islam” in order to marry her.
Always makes me grin in a sardonic manner…..look at the absurd laws now, more infringements of our freedoms, enthusiastically pushed by crazed Chief Cons, drunk on power and with the politicians ears, eager to please them….take this latest sorry arsed officer saying immigrants will be given priority in assistance…what?…sorry, is that not an infringement of the oath of Constable?….As a scout, don’t laugh, back in the 60’s on, our troop were armed to the teeth, i had two 8 inch sheath knives on my belt and a hand axe….others had Brit. Army machete’s, Kukhuri’s, Tomahawks and all manner of knives…no-body raised an eyebrow, on Church parades we’d march through the High St looking like mercenaries !…but no-one was harmed, all the Scout leaders and assts were ex-forces….i was given my knives by a Police officer who was a scout leader as well, he had a drawer full, taken off of toughs and crooks….how we’ve changed..for the worse.
I was being sarcastic. I don’t think there is any health risk from chlorinated chicken, it was just used as an excuse to attack Brexit and promote the EU.
And of course, we add salt (sodium chloride) when seasoning food, or when cooking potatoes. Essentially potatoes are cooked, not just rinsed, in chlorinated water.
The Americans are litigious people, so you can bet your bottom dollar if there was any problem the food industry/shops selling this product would have been sued to high heaven
As someone said above, the claim is made to undermine the benefits of free trade that will open up after Brexit.
Answer – al beeb hasn’t covered it but sky led with it ..you just get the feeling that al beeb wants to shut its eyes and ears. The arrested bod will , no doubt , be cast as a fruit hoop.
In my opinion the BBC are risking the lives of the public. If this is the start of large organised multiple location terror attack then not reporting anything whatsoever on TV could lead people to go about their lives like any other typical Friday night. If the known facts were reported the public could make their own minds up whether to stay indoors tonight.
People from the shires are avoiding London and certain other cities. The PTB know this and are in a funk over it. Hence the lies and the failure to report incidents .
It will not work as this sort of deception never does. In fact avoiding London is a sensible act of self preservation. The chance of being involved in an attack is slight but there is a chance so why would anyone put themselves or their children at risk? Human beings do not act stupidly where their children are concerned.
I have posted this story before.
I travelled to Camden, not far from W2, to pick up my stepdaughter who had got herself into ‘financial problems’ (a regular occurrence).
Whilst waiting for her mother to sort out luggage etc. I went to buy a paper. I then noticed that I had been ‘clocked’ by an ethnic on a bike who kept re-appearing and staring at me.
As a 15-16ST ex rugby player he seemed to loose interest when I smiled and ‘approached’ him.
As the smiling guy above demonstrates – they hate that but can’t deal with derision.
What he says isnt hate or racism,………..what he does is mock scornfully, his scorn is born of observation,. plus the bottle in the left hand means he isnt gonna take shit, the muzzy goes ape shit, because is scared of him, the guy knows their cowards, i also think the other doormen weren’t to far away……………..your gonna need a lot of lads like him, because you are up against a generation of the muslims white pals aswell, the new british muslims.
Sky got the brussells attack down to 30 seconds of a knife man attacking screaming allah Akbar before having his life surgically removed by high velocity rounds . Burn yer bugger .
What the feck is the point of this story? Why are the BBC not reporting Man hugs Christian Priest, or man hugs Jewish Rabbi.
Why do the BBC only create stories and headlines of “Muslim hugs victims”, “Muslim helps victim”, “Muslim is a British hero”, “Muslim gives blood to save victims”, “Muslim doctor helps victim”, “Muslims lay flowers for victims”after every fecking Islamic terrorist attack?
I remember a year or two back while listening to an “Any Questions ” show they mentioned the “Muslim woman wins Great British Bake-off”. Wasn’t it just so wonderful? ! , they all gushed…proof positive that the great multicultural fake-off was a wonderful success. One of the panelists foolishly posited that it was a shame she had won the contest with a boring old British recipe; expecting no doubt something more exotic from a woman who wears her religion on her head. The other panelists pounced on the virtue mis-signal…. Surely, one of them purred, she IS a traditional British woman!” Aaargh!
I hope you did not see her new series, yes she has one, where her idea of a Bakewell Pudding was a piece of marzipan rolled out then a spoon of jam on half, folded it and said “that is a Bakewell Tart”.
Supposedly she had been to Bakewell, but obviously had never been near the place.
How is it possible that the BBC have buried this? Sky are all over it; it’s their top story, ITV ditto and it’s doing the rounds on the internet, but the Beeb…virtually sweet FA.
A man (ahem!) armed with a knife, attacks and injures two policemen outside Buckingham Pa;ace.
Police aren’t ruling out a terrorist attack.
The BBC are however reporting a terrorist attack in Brussels above the one in our capital.
So, in the very heart of London, there is a potential terrorist attack on the monarch’s palace and it’s all but ignored by our state broadcaster.
They are an utter disgrace!
With respect I think that’s a bit off.
If a couple of coppers have had to shed blood dealing with a misunderstood Muslim then respect to them as far as I’m concerned . I wonder if we ll find out why the knife chappy wasn’t disposed of in the same way as the one in Belgium .,
Fair comment. On the other hand, they don’t do themselves any favours, although priorities are not set at PC level.
Something on the news only this morning about the police not responding to complaints from people who speak good English.
Don’t have any details but, as someone on SKY pointed out, 6’6″ Latvian bloke with poor English gets a visit, whereas 5′, 80 year old woman with excellent English is ignored?
They also , in effect, said there is no point in white , middle aged engish speakers calling the police.
Presumebly they still have to pay their taxes. UK just gets worse every day. I feel sorry for the people who want to leave but, for various reasons, can’t.
The people who protect us are all that stands between a civil and barbaric society.
The laws are being used against us to protect hate preachers and jihadists wrapped up as migrants on welfare. In effect we pay people to terrorise us.
The gates are being held open … we only sleep safely at night because of those protecting us, but we fail them when they have to hesitate because of being unsure of the consequences of their actions in.
Agreed. I usual I blame the politicians and Government. They are sending out mixed messages. It must be very difficult for decent policemen to know what to do. This is is encouraging the forces of darkness who must be convinced that they will triumph in the end. Very sad.
Really does seem to be State policy to minimise events which will alarm the public. Al beeb and the government must be together on this. Al beeb will report both events late so that few will hear of this tonight – if there is another van attack there really will be questions for them to answer – but only from us
Thank you my Lord
I was trying to be generous. My true views about what we should do about Muslims in Blighty cannot be put down in print. Nor Lawrence and the victim industry. The government knows there was never a mandate to change the colour and culture of Blighty so it knows the ordinary British don’t like it. So rather than allow the British to “express themselves ‘ about what successive governments have done to ruin us they choose to brain wash and use propaganda through influential areas such as al Beeb,
Sorry to be wordy but I have to restrain my views – many here will read my mind though…
Great Britain. Longest suicide note in history. RIP. It would take a massive revolution to stop the rot and I don’t see it coming from the snowflake generation.
Yes, when I click on a link to a specific comment from the “Recent Comments” panel on the RHS, it never takes me there, I have to scroll up and down looking for it, or go back and click again.
Not too bad with one, but if I have tried to open several comments in separate tabs, it’s a pain.
I’ve had the same problem for moths and assumed it was something to do with my choice of browser. I am now in the habit of automatically clicking twice to go to specific posts. I’m a great fan of this site but I do get the sense that it’s been left to drift a bit.
I hear they want to take down the statues of Robert E. Lee, Stonewall Jackson and even Lord Nelson.
I am tempted to talk about Gramsci and the left’s cultural war imperative which they use because they can’t win an argument on facts.
Ahh who cares…. here’s Lynyrd Skynrd putting it in a nutshell for us;
“In light of the knife attack in London (and Brussels) I wonder why the bBC hasn’t reported this story:
UK: London Police say they will no longer come out after a crime if you’re healthy, middle-aged white and speak good English’”
So does that mean there’s no point in white people reporting hate crime anymore?
Errrrrm…..oh yeah I forgot-there never was any point.
Pounce, I got the same virus alert when I clicked. I would be interested in knowing how many others it affects (Dystopian? … others?). The last time I mentioned it – the impression I got was that no-one else was affected by it – or at least their anti-virus software didn’t come up with a – harmful file “bloggerTemplateLinkWrapper[1].htm” blocked – message.
Broadcasting-on-Behalf-of-the-Caliphate wrote: I got the same virus alert when I clicked.
That’s strange as the link takes you to the blogger website. As blogger is owned by google, I doubt it would be affected by a virus. That said a quick check shows that the following sites did get flagged up by at least one AV progam in 2014 as seeded with the Future Worm TikusTeam.exe
I run 2 separate AV (paid for) programs on my computer and I actually scan my computer everyday. I can only presume that you have received a false positive. That said, I would still be careful.
I use “F-Secure Safe” AV software. It came with Virgin Media broadband. Then Virgin Media said they would no longer be supporting AV software as part of their broadband provision – and advised me and everyone else to go with F-Secure Safe.
So I am not sure what is going on, but as no-one else seems to be getting this message – perhaps there is an issue with my laptop and / or the AV software I am using.
It’s certainly becoming No Country for Old White Men, with the valiant efforts of our International Constabulary for the Third World and Antifa Safe Spaces!
bBBC still pedalling their bullcr@p with the blatant lie that “Alluha Akbar” means “God is greatest”.
Why don’t they tell the truth that it means “Allah is greater (than your god)”
I’ve also noticed how newsreaders / reporters will say that an “Islamist” (?) “…shouted out ‘God is Great’ in Arabic.”
It’s as though they’ve been told not to actually say the words themselves just the al Beebus approved translation of them. I presume to avoid offending the followers of the Religion of Perpetual Offence.
Has anyone (who still bothers to watch the bBBC) noticed the narrative being pushed in Eastenders?
Poor misunderstood family on benefits-struggling to make ends meet-accused by the nasty old white man of burgling his flat below them. Black woman who recently visited job centre can feel their pain…
“Eastenders” is a BBC fairytale set in a fantasy East End where the pub hasn’t been converted into a mosque, and no-one owns a washing machine or a kettle.
“Police injured outside Buckingham Palace”.
Europe has been invaded by stealth, the EU and Al Beeb has aided and abetted ………………………….. http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-41055985
Our government’s first duty and commitment is the Defence the Realm and its people.
Poor cop injured by one of the people he is paid to protect. Hope he can still operate his keyboard checking out twitter hate mail and reports of burka tuggers and bacon throwers. The police were the first to surrender
Despite the recent propaganda they still want to migrate here ……………………
“EU applications for UK citizenship up 80% since Brexit” http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-41053684
The MPs that read this site need to get it ‘sorted’.
Earn your bloody wages !
Do any MPs read this site? It is clear that none with any patriotism, backbone or basic understanding of the normal indigenous population do. Otherwise we would have policies introduced and action taken to protect the country; certainly the bBBC would be dismantled by now.
Still, I suppose if one or two such MPs existed they wouldn’t be able to do much. The remaining 640+ (and the HoL) surely view the contributors to this site with disdain.
Both of the above whilst of around the same length of time as the bBC video, explain so much more and point out that this is about early Christianity in the Holy land, funny enough before Islam came out of its cave. I quote from the latter link: “The inscription cites 6th-century Roman emperor Justinian as well as Constantine, who served as abbot of a church founded by Justinian in Jerusalem. Archaeologists believe it will help them to understand Justinian’s building projects in the city. The full inscription reads: “The most pious Roman emperor Flavius Justinian and the most God-loving priest and abbot, Constantine, erected the building in which (this mosaic) sat during the 14th indiction.” Indiction is an ancient method of counting years that was used for taxation purposes. Archaeologists said the inscription suggests the mosaic dated to the year 550/551 AD.”
The bBC, the biggest promoter of anti-Semitism in the world
Lovely SJW article on Beeb website about Notting Hill carnival, about how those nasty racist Police don’t like being spat at. They have Stormzy – their favourite ‘grime’ artist, whom they worship as a role model for young men- to say how it’s not fair the Police pick on them and not revellers at Glastonbury.
Here are some lyrics from Stormzy’s peaceful album ‘Gang Signs.’
“I’ve got the big size twelves for my feet
Your face ain’t big for my boot.”
“All of my mandem move so foul
Dead MCs, blud, leave me alone.”
“I start merking when I’m under attack
Should’ve thought twice before you opened your trap
Come into a nuclear war with a strap.”
BBC always happy to cultivate the politics of disaffection. Personally i would be more than happy if the police had let the batons fly at Glasters – it might have knocked some sense into our snowflakes so they realised that away from Islington it can be a hard old world out there and actually there are people quite similair to those our friendly neighborhood Stormzy sings about (or worse).
Maybe if a few more of them at turned up at Glastonbury and done a few stabbings these snowflake kidz may start to think about what they are inflicting on themselves and on us too.
Then again maybe not – I suspect any violence of his sort would have presented nothing more than an aftermath selfy opportunity , and the bragging rights that they went to Glasters the year it “got real, dude”
They then segue to a Muslim couple doing all they can to present ‘counter narratives’ to jihadis. Isn’t that lovely? Counter narratives . . . Outreach . . . Can’t you just not want to rape and murder? Is it really that hard?
They say teachers and social workers should say something if they are concerned about an individual. No sh*t, Sherlock. Unfortunately professionals are so petfrified of being accused of racism that they generally just say nothing.
God I need a safe space! Ten minutes of watching BBC breakfast and my blood pressure is through the roof!
Unfortunately the BBC/MSM love to play these silly games – Make everyone paranoid about being seen as “waycist” so they keep their mouth shut when they should be shouting the place down about what is going on. Then in the next breath glibly and in a totally disingenuous way make all these pious platitudes about what people should be looking for – Its mind games nothing more as they have no real concern for “society” as they consider themselves above such lowly things. And in actual fact are leading the charge to destroy all our long held values that have taken centuries (through the pain and sufferings of others) to create.
BB – as regards your blood pressure – I would strongly recommend you ditch the telly, plus you are not giving the likes of Linnekar/Lord Hall any more money.I am sure my pressure reduced down years ago – and if I want some “ranting ammo” I just put on R4 for thirty seconds!
Oak, it’s rather sad but I ditched the telly and the LF completely in 2005 and became a radio regular. Now I find that not only am I not listening to programmes on R4 that previously were musts – Book of the Week, comedy, You & Yours, after lunch comedy/quiz, Afternoon Drama, Feedback, Moral Maze, Book at Bedtime, etc., – even while working, I am now switching off more and more and am enjoying the silence, the relief from the BBC blether.
In addition, now that I am forced to sign in to listen to BBC Radio via a PC, I’m finding that that is an unwelcome hassle and am starting to think ‘why bother?’.
The BBC are losing their audience at the Youth/Young adult end of the spectrum. They are in danger of losing me, entirely – for radio as well – at the other end of the age range. When it comes to the point where I can have a free TV Licence, some years ahead, I am not sure I will bother.
If the BBC is losing its business at both ends of the age range, in time the two sectors will join up. What will the BBC do then?
Just carry as it is of course! BBC gets it’s money no matter what. It doesn’t have to listen to it’s audience. That’s the ridiculous nature of the licence fee and year 11 charter
I agree Up2S – I used to have a radio in every room and would switch on one before switching the other off. Now, especially in the car it is Classic FM, and everywhere else is silence. In the evening I am more than likely writing emails to friends or doing projects on the computer. For 5 minutes (and I promise you it is no more than that) we have a short section of Gems tv which is better comedy than anything on the BBC.
I am uncertain whether I want this Women’s Rugby World Cup to come to an end.
I have heard various sports segment TODAY items together with BBC main news items on this event and some of it has been hilarious. What correspondents and contributors have been saying, with various background agendas at work and other ‘directed’ questions and statements, along with the usual sports specialists contributions, from female commentators especially – and the language they use – is constantly funny. Really entertaining, a laugh a minute.
Don’t know about the footie action on the pitch but the waffle and words have been wonderful.
The BBC are going to keep me up to date on the storm in Texas that’s nice of them but I live near London. Why don’t you investigate why we need a ring of steel around our Capital City? Who are we worried about ?
In decreasing order of importance.
1. Storms never used to occur. Anywhere. Anytime. So it must all due to global warming.
2. A lefty-band, Coldplay, had to cancel a performance (no, me neither).
3. A BBC manager was about to go on holiday to Texas.
4. It’s a relatively big storm, in the scheme of things. Just don’t let the folks in SE Asia who get typhoons know about it as they’ll want theirs reported, too.
As it says on the BBC website:
Are you affected by Hurricane Harvey? Let us know about your experiences. Email haveyoursay@bbc.co.uk with your stories.
Switch on bingo R4 7:15am
– Oh it’s a woman on a Texas island talking about hurricane
– Oh she’s being fed a question “So what do you think about Al Gore saying these extreme weather events are coming more common and stronger …”
“Oh yes sea level rise is real” (who says it isn’t ?)
Seems she just happens to be a Democrat councillor
Odds on me switching on and it being a Republican skeptic ?
The same clip minus the Gore question was then used on the BBC radio Lincolnshire 9am News
Sorry if this has already been shown. WTF
BBC manage to out racist even the KKK.
Dave Cullen hits out at the BBC on their pidgin English website. I demand a Glaswegian BBC website now. Cum oan big man, gea us or oon shoo.
It says that BBC Pidgin is aimed at West African audiences. I have met thousands of W. Aficans in West Africa, including from former British colonies, Gambia, Sierra Leone, Ghana and Nigeria. And not all of them educated. I have never heard one speak Pidgin even to each other. Guess my sample is not typical. Where did the BBC get this idea ? Forms of Pidgin are spoken all round the World. Why choose W. Africa ? This is crazy.
The ‘idea’ possibly involves further ‘too overstaffed to pay redundancy’ empire building by a cuts-coping, cash-strapped empire building BBC. You could ask Lord Hall, but he likely will say it is a secret.
Would have been a good time to get some clarity on writing fiction, cartoons, halal, CGM (child genital mutilation) and what can generate lone wolf attacks by mental people.
Love Trumps Hate, and it is a statement that …
– dodges the real questions
– makes you feel good about humanity
– stops any awkward questions
– means everyone can agree (except those carrying out the killings)
Adrian, Cressida… dahlings. Can we just push the crowd back a little more for the shot, after all, we are paying them €20 each? Okay, good. Everyone? Take 43… get ready… lights… action… and go!
Was he a “Muslim man” or an “Asian man” – Or is that dependent on whether he lives in Rotherham or somewhere else. – I think the BBC knows the difference. I am afraid I get very confused these days.
Hi Ahmad, is that a stick of dynamite in your pants, or are you just happy to see me?
ps They call him a Muslim man, yet they don’t call the terrorists – Muslim. So why is there a need for stories of Muslim hugathon, and people hugging Muslim Imans etc.
He drew the short straw in the Mosque last night to do this job. “If you don’t mind doing this tomorrow just to let them know we’re not all like that. Besides Abdul you know it’s for the greater good” I absolutely despair how shallow our society has become.
Al Beeb exposes its true nature during islamic terrorist incidents. Last night soldiers in Belgium shot dead a chappie with a knife screaming allah Akbar. The 8am news reported that much but the programme did not cover it. So this is normality now. Twitter will be the main news source because people put what they see on it – which happened at Buckingham palace on Friday night.
Maybe news and events start up after summer when the tanned beeboids hit screens again.
TODAY Programme, 7-7.30am they interview a former Chief Constable and David Davies MP (the other one) on the Daily Mail front page alarm, based on Deputy Commissioner Mackey’s statement, that the Metropolitan Police would be placing crime against indigenous Britains and well spoken immigrants on a low priority, while attending to non-English speakers first.
At the end of the interview, Justin Webb (I think) asks a question on an unrelated item: arming the police. In the 8am News, that becomes a ‘headline’.
Solidarity with the Queen, we stand with the Queen, we are not afraid, candles outside the Palace, and the man with the piano playing John Lennon’s Imagine is on his way.
Blair Not Hope.
Hope Not Hate.
“Mr Blair .. who do represent and who voted for you? Mr Juncker who do you represent and who voted for you? Ms Merkel who do represent and who voted for you to enforce all EU policies” …. Would be my first set of questions.
Note to the organisers of this site. Please no more photos of Blair , I’m sure that he makes many users of this site violently ill. The only acceptable photo will be his death mask. Can you please remember to advise where the party to celebrate his death Will be. Bring plenty of drink folks it will be a rave.
I am just being told by the BBC web-site about a tragic accident on the M1 near Newport Pagnell with many fatalities. It appears to be very serious.
The BBC have been droning on for 36 hours or more on Radio 4 (with items also on their web-site) about Bank Holiday weekend travel chaos on roads and railways, some of the coverage was quite pitiful in terms of intelligence and quality. Indeed they revisited this subject on the TODAY Programme (R4 7-9am) but did not mention this accident. As it was coming up, specially flagged as Breaking News on the w/s, I assumed it had only just occurred while the TODAY Programme was on air. The BBC could, of course, have included it in the 9am News but I was already switching off to avoid Saturday Live I did not hear any reference to it.
I was surprised to learn just now that the accident had occurred at 3.15am (BST).
They were probably checking that no ethnic or religious ‘minority’ or immigrant was involved before running the story.
Like the Communist Commissars in the Soviet military, they’re more concerned with ideological purity than doing their job of reporting news. (When things got really desperate for the USSR in WW2, the Commissars were reigned in or scrapped, and power given back to the officers.)
“… switching off to avoid Saturday Live”. I, also. One laments the passing of its predecessor with John Peel – amusing, quirky, non-PC, and non-luvvie, followed by the Travel programme which was good even in the hands of Toxvig.
10:30am WTF Now on Radio 4 another prog about cross dressing, ..oh it’s actually supposed to be about the war
“Although there was a widespread expectation that war would cause society to return to Victorian ideals about the roles of men and women, instead it started challenged traditional norms.” http://www.bbc.co.uk/programmes/b09293yn
The beebistan Film programmes on TV and Radio salivating over Detroit. This is so up their street. Innocent blacks brutalised and killed by racist white cops, with the cameras lingering sadistically on the violence.
The net effect of such films? Actors, directors, and producers get to feel all sanctimonious for their virtue signalling; blacks feel even more aggrieved, enraged and entitled; whites even more cowed; more race hate is generated all round; race and community relations are set back a few decades; but never mind, everyone involved in the film gets an Oscar, so it was worth it.
I saw a McDonald’s ad recently at the cinema, which would have led one to believe that Britain’s population was 85% BAME or mixed race.
Some of the worst propaganda against Britons is now delivered via advertising.
I have decided to come out and admit to be a 65 year old white heterosexual male who speaks good English , albeit with a northern accent, and I have no disabilities and don’t have any particularly serious mental issues ( wife disagrees with that ), I own my home and don’t use food banks. And I am in a rant.
What hope is there for me? I am ignored by advertisers apart from Saga and Spec Savers. I am at the bottom of the police priority list. I am despised by the BBC and the National Trust along with most other institutions in this country. I once felt at home in this country . In fact I used to be patriotic but now the country I loved has been replaced by one I increasingly dislike. We used to be a pleasant and cohesive land , bound together by deep cultural and historical ties , in which our democracy flourished and some of us , perhaps naively trusted the state broadcaster.
Then without any democratic vote we were forced to endure the immigration of millions of folks who had cultures and values very different from ours but which they refused to change. We were told that we would have to change our ways to accommodate these invaders and that it was racist if we didn’t. This policy of putting the invaders before our own people has continued for twenty or more years. Yet they are still allowed to despoil our country , our young girls being the most disgusting example of this. I now think that I am at the bottom of the heap in what was my own country. To say I resent this is to put it mildly , I am Very angry about what has happened to the country and to millions like me who paid our taxes , obeyed the law , tried to be sensible patriotic citizens. No one on the ‘other side’ will get any help from me .
I could (almost) have written all that myself except that I’m 67 and therefore 2 years ANGRIER 🙁
Both my grandfathers fought in WW1 and suffered with lifelong injuries and both had brothers killed. My father and his brothers fought overseas for the entirety of WW2. I once felt very proud of their efforts and sacrifice but, now I feel it was all a terrible, shameful waste and I HATE all those who have brought me to feel this. If here is an afterlife, how do I explain what happened to my ancestors?
CB – while I can’t answer your question perhaps I can give you some meaning for it.
I’m sure you are aware of the saying that those who don’t learn from history are destined to repeat it.
The factor that seems to repeat itself in many of the conflicts that humans have engaged in since we discovered salt preserves meat about 8,000 years ago is that the evil power seekers are ultimately overthrown and a more intelligent balanced society results.
One element that I can identify that makes this almost a given, is by looking at those who desire power. I can almost guarantee that if I were to ask most here that if I was an angel and offered them ultimate power of life and death over everybody else in the world or continuing their lives with friends and family, such as they have, most if not all would select the latter.
Why this would be the case is that most here are free and independent thinkers, who are able to look at facts and think things through to a logical conclusion and make judgements based on what is then seen. Therefore few here will feel themselves mentally inferior and are passionate about their conclusions, yet still open to other views that might increase their visions.
So it’s worth understanding who are those who seek ultimate power?
It can only be those who have an inferiority complex, however disguised. Only by achieving power can they convince themselves and believe that they are really superior, regardless of real consequences to others around them.
However, because of this inferiority complex, probably a result of the way they were brought up, and consequently their mind never really developing, they are inferior thinkers. Which is why our side will always eventually win a war against them.
This is what history shows us.
Now if we are to learn from the lessons of history, the next time we are victorious we must hold on to power to prevent the inferior types from seeking to fill those positions. Hopefully too we will make a society that ‘inferior’ beings are no longer created and all see how to develop their minds properly.
All this is to say – your grandparents, father and uncles efforts were not in vain.
We may not want power, and after winning the war just want to return to our families and friends to further our joy and fulfilment. But we have a responsibility to hold on to power to prevent it being misused again in the future.
I appreciate your reply and hear what you say but, I don’t feel optimistic for the future. I really feel, at this time, that the inmates are almost totally in control of the asylum.
I begin to doubt my own sanity now that I see and hear alien thought processes, to my own, day in day out on TV. Only very rarely do I hear voices of reason now 🙁
Your pessimism is understandable given the ‘climate’ we live in here in the UK.
Other than a few in the media there are very little, if any, voices of reason.
Brexit is a good example however, that despite our media and politicians doing their utmost to keep us under the EU thumb, most subjects decided they wanted OUT. This shows there are plenty of voices of reason out there, well aware of what’s really going on, but we can’t expect them to be given an outlet. This does not mean that if push comes to shove there wouldn’t be a civil war, as seems quite a possibility in the future.
Not to mention other nations in Europe and around the world who do not accept the same bullshit that’s been hoisted on us.
For sure the ‘forces’ we are up against differ from previous wars, and we need to find the way to counter their strategy. The fact that we are able to go into new territory and think things through is why I believe we will ultimately triumph.
Top post ! I am 61. Sold my house in UK last year. Shifted all financial assets overseas , outside Europe. Yes, risky . But is having all your eggs in the Europe basket less risky ? The only family I have in UK is my mother, 92. This was a deliberate policy when I could see which way the UK is going. All very sad, but I find the UK quite depressing now. I am an alien in my own country , so what is the point in being there ?
Fully understand all of that. Too reasonable for a rant.
I notice that you didn’t feel obliged to insert a caveat about not being racist. Too many people do and, in my opinion, it gives the impression that you’re on the defensive, braced for a hammering.
According to some on the Left, I am a racist. I suppose this whole site is. However, I never explain and I never apologise. Stopped caring years ago and, guess what, I still have plenty of friends and even my family still speak to me (with one exception, which is a blessing).
Lord Wreath (like the name)
I think that the modern definition of racist ,developed by the liberal left , is someone who is not happy to see their country and culture being taken over by others. Long ago, before the liberal left were allowed to change the meaning of words to whatever they wished, it meant believing that your culture was superior and wanting tio impose it on others. I am may be judged by some to fall foul of the modern definition but not the second. I can of course think of a whole religion that is guilty of the older definition across every country it is present in.
Numerous definitions of racist are appearing from yoonie professors in the US who support BLM.
All white people are racist.
Therefore we can dump the word ‘racist’, and just use the word ‘white’
I have developed a mental Blacklist of products. If the product reminds me of a politically correct advert. I change to another brand, permanently.
In Marxism, the workers (Models used in adverts) are more important than the customer. With the advertising industry being infested by left-wing Arts and Media studies parasites, its no wonder this is happening. You also get this with the Marxists of the Advertising Standards Authority. Apparently the feminists on the authority have decreed that only white males should be used for washing-up liquid and vacuum cleaner adverts.
Me too Richard, if there is an alternative choice, I will not patronise those companies who have diversified away from the portrayal of the majority of the population ie white and Christian. In all areas of life the erosion of this category is being felt. Why are we the only ones to see this ???? I’m also at a loss as to why criticism is lodged at the Beeb for not employing enough BAME – er, what ? for years now most of the sports /entertainment /science / outside reporting has seen a plethora of black or Asian faces on screen – the ratio of which far outweighs their numbers in reality. However, this is only ‘now’ – with reports that the birthrate is up for foreign born women in this country, then from two generations we’ll be a spent force. Glad I wont be around to witness it.
Please forgive me if I’m wrong but, like a few people here, myself included, I’m inferring that you won’t see 21 again. If I’m right, do you find yourself caring less and less what people think? I don’t mean being gratuitously rude, although there are times when I feel like making an exception, but just being a little less sensitive about the feelings of people who insist on saying things which are hypocritical or just downright silly?
I’ve always remembered a bit of advice my wife was given years ago when she did some temporary teaching in a language school for foreign students (fee paying, not immigrants). After a bad day with a particularly awful class of Italian teenagers who would rather have been somewhere else, the DOS (Director of Studies) said that she could either end the day being upset, or end the day with the students being upset. Which would she prefer? She never let it happen again.
I put this into practice a couple of months ago after a family friend was particularly rude about Brexit voters and English people. I didn’t enjoy doing it but at least the other party ended up feeling worse than I did.
There are quite a few people in the BBC I dream about having a go at.
Lord W
Yes, I do feel I couldn’t give a monkeys anymore whether people agree with my views or not. I wasn’t brought up to be ill mannered, and still say pardon or sorry at the drop of a hat ! BUT like a friend of mine (I may have told this before) who, when asked if she wants to see the photographs of the grandchildren of some acquaintance or stranger, blatantly says ‘no’ !! following it up with, “they are very precious to you, but mean nothing to me”, and so is relieved of unnecessary pressure to oooooh and aaaahhhh over babies and toddlers who really all look the same.
I’m never rude, but have become more forthright in my comments as I’ve aged, and anyway I want to get everything out and said, in case I get to the stage where I forget and there’s no fun in that !
Now seems the man from Luton who had a 4 foot sword with him ( we ll never see) apparently drove at police near Buck House ?? Any betting on a history of being a fruitcake ?? With parents saying he was a quiet boy who would never do that and wants to be a footballer .
600 rape threats a day? No disrespect Jess (actually, now I think about it, yes, with all disrespect), I call bullshit on your claim. You are an attention seeking liar as well as a Labour MP. But I repeat myself.
According to Wiki, came from well off middle class socialist family. Ambition ” To be Prime Minister ” . Quote on events in Cologne ” The same thing happens every day in Birmingham “.
If the price of having Sir Mohammed Farrah win a few gold medals is the importation of around 250,000 of his no-mark, drug dealing, criminal countrymen (including those in his own family), then I would have to say it wasn’t worth it.
Stew- I got so fed up with the dimbly monarchy that I thought I’d research their production company through Companies House .theres a lot of free information but I wasn’t willing to pay the £5? For the full company report. Needless to say that the family holds position in the company
I won’t watch a programme in they are involved. The sense of superiority they show is offensive – every one is entitled to legally reduced the tax they pay but when much of their work involves morality it’s a bit different . I suspect one way or another all beeboids do the same whether they profess PAYE or not – and its all compulsory taxation on punters .
Times Letters : Oxford prof of demography David Coleman.
says its a con to exclude foreign students from migrant statistics
And against international practice.
I posted about this earlier. It is a paternalistic insult to West Africans. It is BBC racism. The BBC need to be asked if any stupid Beeboids have ever met a West African who speaks Pidgin ? I live in Gambia and I have never met one. I was chatting today with some West African friends online. And telling them about this . Their reaction ” Why ? No-one here will understand it “. Beeboids are morons.
When I read those examples of pidgin I laughed, just as I did with Harry Enfield’s ‘Me kaan believe it not custard’ skit which somebody posted the other day.
Then I felt a bit guilty, because there’s nothing wrong with it is an informal language per se, but it does feel very patronising as Grant has said. The BBC have made a big error here, as shocking as if someone on the 9 o’clock news were to announce ‘..And now over to our correspondent in Bongo-Bongo Land’.
Ive always believed what you are made of is who you are,…………refering to Britishness as the thread opener.
The dog born in a barn etc isnt a horse.
Geography doesnt make you, genes make you who you are, parents make you who you are.
A chinese girl in a liverpool chippie with a toe-curling scouse accent, is still a chinese girl.
‘Im 50/50 and identify strongly as a manxman as i have never resided anywhere else ,nor have i ever wanted to.
I was born in cheadle the last of a long line, i had married siblings when i was born, i was born in my grand mothers front room, then brought back home the Island.
Funny old world innit
My daughters manx born aswell, 50% irish, 25% manx 25% brit……………
My grandson manx born 25% irish 62.5% brit 12.5 % manx.
It all gets a lil confusing.
See obama, a blackman,……………..er no,………..white mother,………..whiteman with black victim status, does it get any better.
When you say Brit, don’t you mean English ?
or Lancastrian ?
The way I see it is British is the umbrella term for people coming from the British Isles except Eire
And Scots, English, Manx, Channel Islander are sub categories.
Also that Nationality, Citizenship and ethnicity are slightly different concepts.
Interesting how Shane from the Pogues is counted as Irish but never grew up there cos he lived all his life in London cos his dad’s a uni prof.
I’d count him as English, but ethnic-Irish
infact my mother herself was 50% irish 50% manx……..4 generations and my grandson is ?.
My daughter is 62.5% irish 12.5% manx and 25% brit.
My grandson is really 62.5% brit 31.25% irish 6.25% manx…
So when i said above the chinese girl in liverpool is still a chinese girl, you can scrub that, she’s a scouser….
Because my grandson is a manxman like me.
Sorry stu didnt see your reply, i dont know about lancastrian etc,…a brit is just an englishman to me, taff’s jock’s and paddy’s…….. the other traps, …
The local scene that i grew up in, was only around 40% of todays population, the brits hadnt arrived en-mass, only holiday makers,………we were very tight knit, prejudiced even.
My guess is that you are using Brit to mean people from Great Britain is the big Island and that you’d probably lump in Channel Islanders and Shetlanders in with them.But to me you are Manx, British and European like you carry a British passport I presume.
I also use the word Anglo for anyone who follows British cultural traditions irrespective of skin colour ie some Canadians, Kiwis, Anglo-Indians etc. Possibly some South Africans and Caribbean as well.
She didnt plan on dropping me in cheadle Stew the old lady said it was the cabin pressure that set her off early, on the flight over, they were all prop planes then,.
I feel British now Stew, i see britain in a much different light now than back when i didnt like brits much, that was because they came, and everything catered to them, but they didnt murder us, they just stole alot of my rabbiting shooting territory etc, complaining continuously as the realities of stepping back in time 20yrs dawned on them, holidays are nice, but we closed for 6 months in essence, and there was very little apart from pubs, pubs to cater for 100,000+ week in week out, ghost towns, but when we were open, the place was buzzin with skirt…………anyway ive drifted again, into talking about my island.
I now associate myself to england in the same sense now, if they f/ck off the immigrants, i can go back to not giving yall a second thought.
But that aint going to happen.
the bucket and spade brigade, i miss them alot…………….people from blackpool probably have the same memories.
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previous posts
They might be at the gates of our Monarchy …. emboldened …
“Had it not been for the fact that my (unmarried) partner is British, and that our daughter, too, is British, I would have liked to leave the UK after the referendum,” she said.
“I felt unwelcome and unwanted.
“As it was, I felt forced to apply for British citizenship, which was tedious, lengthy and difficult, as well as an expensive process.”
You can rely on the BBC to promote the views of some miserable person as typical. Is she really that representative?
What did she have to do to pass? have a good wash
She found it tedious, lengthy and difficult to apply to be British.
What a whinger.
Becoming British is an immense privilege. Maybe she doesn’t deserve it.
Why do foreign people want to become something else ? I am English I don’t want to be German or Hungarian what the fk is wrong with these people
“Becoming British” is a misnomer. What is usually meant is acquiring British citizenship.
Becoming a citizen is a legal process not a cultural one. The advantages of becoming a citizen are legal and economic.
You are right, and I do not accept that you can become British if you were not born in Britain and do not have long standing cultural ties to Britain..
My wife is Norwegian and has lived in the UK for approximately 30 years, and she would never dream of applying for British citizenship.
Her view is that you can be given a right to reside, but that you should not be able to change your citizenship. She is born Norwegian and always will be Norwegian.
I guess it boils down to whether you have pride in your country of birth. Whether you have any feelings of nationality.
I can recall when we were first married, about 30 years ago, Norway was not in EFTA and it took about 5 years before she was given a permanent right to reside in the UK. We had to go through the general boarder control and if the boarder guard annoyed her, she use to lecture them on how wonderful Norway was. She use to say I come from a rich country not a 3rd world country like the UK, we don’t have homeless people sleeping on the streets etc etc. giving them a 5 minute rant on the wonders of Norway.
Back in the 1980s one could often see Norwegians wearing a T shirt or a badge on a ruck sack saying: there are only 2 types of people in the world, those that are Norwegians and those that wish they were Norwegians. The irony was that they actually believed that.
They are very nationalistic, and many people would fly the Norwegian flag each day, and it would always be flown on Independence Day, Birthdays, Christmas day . No politician would ever dare criticise someone for flying the national flag. If a Norwegian politician had tweeted like Emily Thornberry, they would have been out of a job. They would have been shamed and would never get re-elected
A pity that the liberal left have prevented us from having pride in our country and are doing their utmost to erase its glorious past which we should be proud of, not ashamed of.o
Unfortunately, the Norwegians who took over the British conglomerate Trafalgar House did not cover themselves in glory, promising a more egalitarian regime but delivering the exact opposite.
They spent a fortune on North Aston Hall in Oxfordshire for the exclusive use of board members, only allowing the plebs the occasional visit when the tax implications of directors’ benefits was pointed out. They ended up selling it at a loss. There are other examples. Grotesque hypocrisy.
It appears they bought into the lefty myth of Scandinavian superiority.
Should have been: “were pointed out”.
The brits were like that, everyone was nationalistic, sc2.. home was where you were proud to say you from,………front and foremost your identity.
Unless my memory is going wonky………….they used to mock us on the fast show for being nationalistic and thick/
Then Blair, Hitler couldn’t achieve the social fabric damage Blair has achieved, an evil greedy stupid man.
She now has three nationalities. Before being given the honour of British citizenship she should have been made to renounce the others.
If the gullible bitch does feel unwelcome, it’s only because she’s been watching too much BBC and reading too much Guardian.
The Evening Standard was pretty shit before they hired Osborne – but yee gawds he has managed to make it even shitter. It is a lefty lovefest full of absolute garbage – day after day . Trump is bad , Brexit is bad , photos of every nationality under the sun (except English) all passing GCSE’s and A Levels. Budding black astronauts accidentally getting stabbed in East London. I only pick it up for a laff on the way home. I mean come on has George Osborne actually met a black person or somebody in full pillar box in his privileged life ? to think this excuse for a bloke was Chancellor of the Exchequer and Cameron was PM what were we thinking ?
(Evening) Standards have fallen.
Hi Lock13 – Did Britain really have a choice regarding George Osborne as Chancellor of the Exchequer? The choice of MPs to choose from at the General Election was fairly woeful – packed with inexperienced, poorly educated wannabees. Osborne’s cv was dreadful and he only got opportunities because he was born into privilege and had political connections.
If you go through every single MP in Parliament you will find it is packed with low quality, inexperienced wannerbees with their own personal and external agendas. There is a crisis of political leadership in this country and no-one is talking about it. I am all for Brexit but have no confidence in the quality of the majority of our politicians.
The low quality, spineless and talentless politicians is a major problem for our Brexit negotiations.
I would not wish to see politicians negotiating an exit deal. they cannot arrange a piss up in a brewery, and have absolutely no understanding of the real world, or how to secure a commercial deal. Look at the mess they created before we had even served the Article 50 notice, and how we had compromised matters by all this talk of soft Brexit, second referendum, economic disaster, and then we had the fiasco of the General Election. Talk about screw ups.
i would much prefer experienced hard nosed commercial negotiators handling the exit negotiations. JCB and Wetherspoons were in favour of Brexit, so I would much prefer to see some of their guys dealing with matters.
I could not agree more, the more I hear from politicians, the more I despise them. So what does that say about their advisors? They are certainly not worth the money they get, either group.
“has George Osborne actually met a black person or somebody in full pillar box in his privileged life”
Possibly. Maybe through his brother, who converted (I suppose the BBC term would be ‘upgraded’) to Islam and took the name Mohammed. Prior to being struck off as a psychiatrist.
Holy feck – they kept that under wraps. I would wager a bet that he converted to Islam in order to prevent the risk of his beheading at the hands of the family and community he was marrying into it, when he decided to marry Bangladeshi born Ms Rahala Noor. A quick google reveals “he had to convert to Islam” in order to marry her.
That’s love, brings out the criminally stupid in everyone.
“…a black person or somebody in full pillar box…
Is that like a nigger in the woodpile?
Dunno I didn’t get any qualifications only black people , mudslimes and refugees pass GCSE’s and A Levels – I’ve seen it on the BBC
Police injured outside Buckingham Palace
Ho hum….. it’s going to be a long weekend and it’s not even Ramadan.
Edit: BBC say ‘knife’ the rest of the world says it’s a sword.
..or a machete, more normally used as ‘jungle’ tool. Also wielded by a Somali looking for Ali’s Snack bar, must have lost his A2Z!
Always makes me grin in a sardonic manner…..look at the absurd laws now, more infringements of our freedoms, enthusiastically pushed by crazed Chief Cons, drunk on power and with the politicians ears, eager to please them….take this latest sorry arsed officer saying immigrants will be given priority in assistance…what?…sorry, is that not an infringement of the oath of Constable?….As a scout, don’t laugh, back in the 60’s on, our troop were armed to the teeth, i had two 8 inch sheath knives on my belt and a hand axe….others had Brit. Army machete’s, Kukhuri’s, Tomahawks and all manner of knives…no-body raised an eyebrow, on Church parades we’d march through the High St looking like mercenaries !…but no-one was harmed, all the Scout leaders and assts were ex-forces….i was given my knives by a Police officer who was a scout leader as well, he had a drawer full, taken off of toughs and crooks….how we’ve changed..for the worse.
In Gambia I have 2 machetes and my watchman has one. They call them “cutlasses ” there. Naturally we only use them for gardening !
Great scene . Always makes me laugh !
While the US gets serious with VW, the complicit EU does FA
Diesel pollution, poisoned eggs and pork, what next will the EU bring us? Still, at least there’s no chlorinated chicken.
…..chicken washed with chlorinated water.
What do you make you morning ‘cuppa’ with?
I was being sarcastic. I don’t think there is any health risk from chlorinated chicken, it was just used as an excuse to attack Brexit and promote the EU.
Sorry FD.
I was merely pointing out that that we, in the UK, get Chlorine (&Fluorine) washed every time we switch on a tap.
No offense intended. I should have added a —– 😀
and you get a few mouthfuls each time you go swimming!
(That’s chlorine not chicken….unless you go swimming in chicken soup of course!)
Chwarae teg (fair play)
With the amount of time I spent ploughing up and down swimming pools I would be banned from entry to the EU.
Yes , Rhif saith
Chwarae teg!
And of course, we add salt (sodium chloride) when seasoning food, or when cooking potatoes. Essentially potatoes are cooked, not just rinsed, in chlorinated water.
The Americans are litigious people, so you can bet your bottom dollar if there was any problem the food industry/shops selling this product would have been sued to high heaven
As someone said above, the claim is made to undermine the benefits of free trade that will open up after Brexit.
You forgot inadequately regulated and inspected/checked consumer electrical devices.
Islamic terrorist attack in Belgium and
Police attacked at Buckingham palace ( source twitter and evening standard) . Will albeeb cover either at the 2200 news???
…and the answer is no.
TV headline news at 22:00 is
1. RBS
2. Begium Islamic attack
3. Hurricane Harvey
4. Cricket
move along please, just another normal day in London.
According to Sky the ‘incident occurred’ at 8.35PM.
Obviously not mentioned on the BBC’s favoured twatter feeds.
What a load of merchants – cockney rhyming slang.
Answer – al beeb hasn’t covered it but sky led with it ..you just get the feeling that al beeb wants to shut its eyes and ears. The arrested bod will , no doubt , be cast as a fruit hoop.
In my opinion the BBC are risking the lives of the public. If this is the start of large organised multiple location terror attack then not reporting anything whatsoever on TV could lead people to go about their lives like any other typical Friday night. If the known facts were reported the public could make their own minds up whether to stay indoors tonight.
Personally I would avoid London totally.
“Personally I would avoid London totally.”
I used to have a W2 address in the 70s. Haven’t been back, apart from business, since then.
People from the shires are avoiding London and certain other cities. The PTB know this and are in a funk over it. Hence the lies and the failure to report incidents .
It will not work as this sort of deception never does. In fact avoiding London is a sensible act of self preservation. The chance of being involved in an attack is slight but there is a chance so why would anyone put themselves or their children at risk? Human beings do not act stupidly where their children are concerned.
I have posted this story before.
I travelled to Camden, not far from W2, to pick up my stepdaughter who had got herself into ‘financial problems’ (a regular occurrence).
Whilst waiting for her mother to sort out luggage etc. I went to buy a paper. I then noticed that I had been ‘clocked’ by an ethnic on a bike who kept re-appearing and staring at me.
As a 15-16ST ex rugby player he seemed to loose interest when I smiled and ‘approached’ him.
As the smiling guy above demonstrates – they hate that but can’t deal with derision.
“Wankers and cowards.”
Try it in the ‘shires’ boys.
What he says isnt hate or racism,………..what he does is mock scornfully, his scorn is born of observation,. plus the bottle in the left hand means he isnt gonna take shit, the muzzy goes ape shit, because is scared of him, the guy knows their cowards, i also think the other doormen weren’t to far away……………..your gonna need a lot of lads like him, because you are up against a generation of the muslims white pals aswell, the new british muslims.
Doubt if they’re in much of a hurry to visit towns like Rotherham either.
Probably Norwegian!
Maybe the BBC have always been this incompetent but the availability of news through the internet has just highlighted the fact
Or maybe not. Didn’t they used to report things BEFORE they happened? Re building 7 on 9/11.
Does that mean the BBC blew up the third tower? What feckers they are!
BBC Online News:
“”Brussels attack: Man shot (dead) after stabbing troops””
“”Police injured outside Buckingham Palace””
Any facts missing from these reports? The BBC are paid vast sums of free money to get it right.
Sky got the brussells attack down to 30 seconds of a knife man attacking screaming allah Akbar before having his life surgically removed by high velocity rounds . Burn yer bugger .
It was all done by Mudslimes – do I win a prize
Compare those stories with the BBC’s
“Barcelona attack: Father of youngest victim hugs imam. Xavier Martinez, the father of three-year-old Xavi who died in the Barcelona attack, hugs Imam Driss Salym”
What the feck is the point of this story? Why are the BBC not reporting Man hugs Christian Priest, or man hugs Jewish Rabbi.
Why do the BBC only create stories and headlines of “Muslim hugs victims”, “Muslim helps victim”, “Muslim is a British hero”, “Muslim gives blood to save victims”, “Muslim doctor helps victim”, “Muslims lay flowers for victims”after every fecking Islamic terrorist attack?
I remember a year or two back while listening to an “Any Questions ” show they mentioned the “Muslim woman wins Great British Bake-off”. Wasn’t it just so wonderful? ! , they all gushed…proof positive that the great multicultural fake-off was a wonderful success. One of the panelists foolishly posited that it was a shame she had won the contest with a boring old British recipe; expecting no doubt something more exotic from a woman who wears her religion on her head. The other panelists pounced on the virtue mis-signal…. Surely, one of them purred, she IS a traditional British woman!” Aaargh!
I hope you did not see her new series, yes she has one, where her idea of a Bakewell Pudding was a piece of marzipan rolled out then a spoon of jam on half, folded it and said “that is a Bakewell Tart”.
Supposedly she had been to Bakewell, but obviously had never been near the place.
“It is too early in this investigation to speculate any further.”
(Unless of course had he been white, old and healthy in which case we wouldn’t have even bothered to attend)
How is it possible that the BBC have buried this? Sky are all over it; it’s their top story, ITV ditto and it’s doing the rounds on the internet, but the Beeb…virtually sweet FA.
A man (ahem!) armed with a knife, attacks and injures two policemen outside Buckingham Pa;ace.
Police aren’t ruling out a terrorist attack.
The BBC are however reporting a terrorist attack in Brussels above the one in our capital.
So, in the very heart of London, there is a potential terrorist attack on the monarch’s palace and it’s all but ignored by our state broadcaster.
They are an utter disgrace!
Were the UK police at Buckingham Palace to hold the gates open?
Just a misunderstanding over bacon?
Yes PC33 and PC1295 both blokes were seen snogging each other in a rainbow coloured patrol car
With respect I think that’s a bit off.
If a couple of coppers have had to shed blood dealing with a misunderstood Muslim then respect to them as far as I’m concerned . I wonder if we ll find out why the knife chappy wasn’t disposed of in the same way as the one in Belgium .,
Fair comment. On the other hand, they don’t do themselves any favours, although priorities are not set at PC level.
Something on the news only this morning about the police not responding to complaints from people who speak good English.
Don’t have any details but, as someone on SKY pointed out, 6’6″ Latvian bloke with poor English gets a visit, whereas 5′, 80 year old woman with excellent English is ignored?
They also , in effect, said there is no point in white , middle aged engish speakers calling the police.
Presumebly they still have to pay their taxes. UK just gets worse every day. I feel sorry for the people who want to leave but, for various reasons, can’t.
The people who protect us are all that stands between a civil and barbaric society.
The laws are being used against us to protect hate preachers and jihadists wrapped up as migrants on welfare. In effect we pay people to terrorise us.
The gates are being held open … we only sleep safely at night because of those protecting us, but we fail them when they have to hesitate because of being unsure of the consequences of their actions in.
Agreed. I usual I blame the politicians and Government. They are sending out mixed messages. It must be very difficult for decent policemen to know what to do. This is is encouraging the forces of darkness who must be convinced that they will triumph in the end. Very sad.
Really does seem to be State policy to minimise events which will alarm the public. Al beeb and the government must be together on this. Al beeb will report both events late so that few will hear of this tonight – if there is another van attack there really will be questions for them to answer – but only from us
I think that’s one way of looking at it, but perhaps a bit generous?
If the BBC is concerned about causing alarm, why are they so eager to stir up the black population at every opportunity?
I see that yet another programme on Stephen Lawrence is in the pipeline. Why? A lot of people have died since 1993.
Thank you my Lord
I was trying to be generous. My true views about what we should do about Muslims in Blighty cannot be put down in print. Nor Lawrence and the victim industry. The government knows there was never a mandate to change the colour and culture of Blighty so it knows the ordinary British don’t like it. So rather than allow the British to “express themselves ‘ about what successive governments have done to ruin us they choose to brain wash and use propaganda through influential areas such as al Beeb,
Sorry to be wordy but I have to restrain my views – many here will read my mind though…
Great Britain. Longest suicide note in history. RIP. It would take a massive revolution to stop the rot and I don’t see it coming from the snowflake generation.
Very wise, Mr Fedup. It’s getting to the point when we have to be very careful.
I’ll bear that in mind.
Yes, the BBC are determined to cause bad race relations although pretend the opposite. They are big liars.
It was probably because he was known to be a muslim and shot dead, therefore a martyr in the eyes of the sick perverts at the BBC.
PS. Ended up in the wrong place . I don’t know why. It is not just the BBC which is unique, so is this site in more ways than one ! Or is it just me ?
Yes, when I click on a link to a specific comment from the “Recent Comments” panel on the RHS, it never takes me there, I have to scroll up and down looking for it, or go back and click again.
Not too bad with one, but if I have tried to open several comments in separate tabs, it’s a pain.
I’ve had the same problem for moths and assumed it was something to do with my choice of browser. I am now in the habit of automatically clicking twice to go to specific posts. I’m a great fan of this site but I do get the sense that it’s been left to drift a bit.
said it before and I’ll say it again.
Not my kid raped or run down by a van.
I’m not your usual BBC idiot. I will fuck you up if you come at me.
I hear they want to take down the statues of Robert E. Lee, Stonewall Jackson and even Lord Nelson.
I am tempted to talk about Gramsci and the left’s cultural war imperative which they use because they can’t win an argument on facts.
Ahh who cares…. here’s Lynyrd Skynrd putting it in a nutshell for us;
Nothing wrong with some southern charm from the land of cotton.
Obviously not at all pc, but my favourite Elvis song is American trilogy. just love the richness of his voice.
Are we going to get ANTIFA attacking Lynard Skynard concerts? Possibly not – I don’t think they’d like the fans kicking the sh@t out of them……
In light of the knife attack in London (and Brussels) I wonder why the bBC hasn’t reported this story:
UK: London Police say they will no longer come out after a crime if you’re healthy, middle-aged white and speak good English’
“In light of the knife attack in London (and Brussels) I wonder why the bBC hasn’t reported this story:
UK: London Police say they will no longer come out after a crime if you’re healthy, middle-aged white and speak good English’”
So does that mean there’s no point in white people reporting hate crime anymore?
Errrrrm…..oh yeah I forgot-there never was any point.
Pounce, I got the same virus alert when I clicked. I would be interested in knowing how many others it affects (Dystopian? … others?). The last time I mentioned it – the impression I got was that no-one else was affected by it – or at least their anti-virus software didn’t come up with a – harmful file “bloggerTemplateLinkWrapper[1].htm” blocked – message.
BOBOTC…if you are referring to Pounces link to police story it works fine for me.
Broadcasting-on-Behalf-of-the-Caliphate wrote:
I got the same virus alert when I clicked.
That’s strange as the link takes you to the blogger website. As blogger is owned by google, I doubt it would be affected by a virus. That said a quick check shows that the following sites did get flagged up by at least one AV progam in 2014 as seeded with the Future Worm TikusTeam.exe
I run 2 separate AV (paid for) programs on my computer and I actually scan my computer everyday. I can only presume that you have received a false positive. That said, I would still be careful.
I use “F-Secure Safe” AV software. It came with Virgin Media broadband. Then Virgin Media said they would no longer be supporting AV software as part of their broadband provision – and advised me and everyone else to go with F-Secure Safe.
So I am not sure what is going on, but as no-one else seems to be getting this message – perhaps there is an issue with my laptop and / or the AV software I am using.
It’s certainly becoming No Country for Old White Men, with the valiant efforts of our International Constabulary for the Third World and Antifa Safe Spaces!
http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-politics-41041946 Oh dear! Stop immigration, start repatriation.
“The poisonous tone of last year’s Brexit campaign”
Ah so the remain campaign wasn’t poisonous?
bBBC still pedalling their bullcr@p with the blatant lie that “Alluha Akbar” means “God is greatest”.
Why don’t they tell the truth that it means “Allah is greater (than your god)”
I’ve also noticed how newsreaders / reporters will say that an “Islamist” (?) “…shouted out ‘God is Great’ in Arabic.”
It’s as though they’ve been told not to actually say the words themselves just the al Beebus approved translation of them. I presume to avoid offending the followers of the Religion of Perpetual Offence.
Has anyone (who still bothers to watch the bBBC) noticed the narrative being pushed in Eastenders?
Poor misunderstood family on benefits-struggling to make ends meet-accused by the nasty old white man of burgling his flat below them. Black woman who recently visited job centre can feel their pain…
No. WRT to BBC News.
Wot’s Eastenders???
“Eastenders” is a BBC fairytale set in a fantasy East End where the pub hasn’t been converted into a mosque, and no-one owns a washing machine or a kettle.
Eastenders is a tax on the gormless…
“Police injured outside Buckingham Palace”.
Europe has been invaded by stealth, the EU and Al Beeb has aided and abetted …………………………..
Our government’s first duty and commitment is the Defence the Realm and its people.
Poor cop injured by one of the people he is paid to protect. Hope he can still operate his keyboard checking out twitter hate mail and reports of burka tuggers and bacon throwers. The police were the first to surrender
Despite the recent propaganda they still want to migrate here ……………………
“EU applications for UK citizenship up 80% since Brexit”
The MPs that read this site need to get it ‘sorted’.
Earn your bloody wages !
Do any MPs read this site? It is clear that none with any patriotism, backbone or basic understanding of the normal indigenous population do. Otherwise we would have policies introduced and action taken to protect the country; certainly the bBBC would be dismantled by now.
Still, I suppose if one or two such MPs existed they wouldn’t be able to do much. The remaining 640+ (and the HoL) surely view the contributors to this site with disdain.
I watched this on the bbC the otherday and then forgot all about it. its 1 min long, anybody else notice what I did, which I thought was strange:
Note, I’ve checked other news coverages and nobody else does the same thing.
Both of the above whilst of around the same length of time as the bBC video, explain so much more and point out that this is about early Christianity in the Holy land, funny enough before Islam came out of its cave. I quote from the latter link:
“The inscription cites 6th-century Roman emperor Justinian as well as Constantine, who served as abbot of a church founded by Justinian in Jerusalem. Archaeologists believe it will help them to understand Justinian’s building projects in the city. The full inscription reads: “The most pious Roman emperor Flavius Justinian and the most God-loving priest and abbot, Constantine, erected the building in which (this mosaic) sat during the 14th indiction.” Indiction is an ancient method of counting years that was used for taxation purposes. Archaeologists said the inscription suggests the mosaic dated to the year 550/551 AD.”
The bBC, the biggest promoter of anti-Semitism in the world
Lovely SJW article on Beeb website about Notting Hill carnival, about how those nasty racist Police don’t like being spat at. They have Stormzy – their favourite ‘grime’ artist, whom they worship as a role model for young men- to say how it’s not fair the Police pick on them and not revellers at Glastonbury.
Here are some lyrics from Stormzy’s peaceful album ‘Gang Signs.’
“I’ve got the big size twelves for my feet
Your face ain’t big for my boot.”
“All of my mandem move so foul
Dead MCs, blud, leave me alone.”
“I start merking when I’m under attack
Should’ve thought twice before you opened your trap
Come into a nuclear war with a strap.”
He sounds like a fine and upstanding citizen.
He will do well BB, cos ees edgy innit.
BBC always happy to cultivate the politics of disaffection. Personally i would be more than happy if the police had let the batons fly at Glasters – it might have knocked some sense into our snowflakes so they realised that away from Islington it can be a hard old world out there and actually there are people quite similair to those our friendly neighborhood Stormzy sings about (or worse).
Maybe if a few more of them at turned up at Glastonbury and done a few stabbings these snowflake kidz may start to think about what they are inflicting on themselves and on us too.
Then again maybe not – I suspect any violence of his sort would have presented nothing more than an aftermath selfy opportunity , and the bragging rights that they went to Glasters the year it “got real, dude”
The BBC news anchor even quoted Stormzy’s tweet! His entire ‘ouevre’ is about glorifying gansterism.
Why could there possibly be more of a problem with arrests at Notting Hill Carnival than at Glastonbury? It’s baffling.
They then segue to a Muslim couple doing all they can to present ‘counter narratives’ to jihadis. Isn’t that lovely? Counter narratives . . . Outreach . . . Can’t you just not want to rape and murder? Is it really that hard?
They say teachers and social workers should say something if they are concerned about an individual. No sh*t, Sherlock. Unfortunately professionals are so petfrified of being accused of racism that they generally just say nothing.
God I need a safe space! Ten minutes of watching BBC breakfast and my blood pressure is through the roof!
Unfortunately the BBC/MSM love to play these silly games – Make everyone paranoid about being seen as “waycist” so they keep their mouth shut when they should be shouting the place down about what is going on. Then in the next breath glibly and in a totally disingenuous way make all these pious platitudes about what people should be looking for – Its mind games nothing more as they have no real concern for “society” as they consider themselves above such lowly things. And in actual fact are leading the charge to destroy all our long held values that have taken centuries (through the pain and sufferings of others) to create.
BB – as regards your blood pressure – I would strongly recommend you ditch the telly, plus you are not giving the likes of Linnekar/Lord Hall any more money.I am sure my pressure reduced down years ago – and if I want some “ranting ammo” I just put on R4 for thirty seconds!
Oak, it’s rather sad but I ditched the telly and the LF completely in 2005 and became a radio regular. Now I find that not only am I not listening to programmes on R4 that previously were musts – Book of the Week, comedy, You & Yours, after lunch comedy/quiz, Afternoon Drama, Feedback, Moral Maze, Book at Bedtime, etc., – even while working, I am now switching off more and more and am enjoying the silence, the relief from the BBC blether.
In addition, now that I am forced to sign in to listen to BBC Radio via a PC, I’m finding that that is an unwelcome hassle and am starting to think ‘why bother?’.
The BBC are losing their audience at the Youth/Young adult end of the spectrum. They are in danger of losing me, entirely – for radio as well – at the other end of the age range. When it comes to the point where I can have a free TV Licence, some years ahead, I am not sure I will bother.
If the BBC is losing its business at both ends of the age range, in time the two sectors will join up. What will the BBC do then?
Just carry as it is of course! BBC gets it’s money no matter what. It doesn’t have to listen to it’s audience. That’s the ridiculous nature of the licence fee and year 11 charter
I agree Up2S – I used to have a radio in every room and would switch on one before switching the other off. Now, especially in the car it is Classic FM, and everywhere else is silence. In the evening I am more than likely writing emails to friends or doing projects on the computer. For 5 minutes (and I promise you it is no more than that) we have a short section of Gems tv which is better comedy than anything on the BBC.
Thanks mate. I am just going to watch sport all day – no more politics for me this weekend!
Maybe once Ms. Smiff gets her feet under the table she’ll ask some awkward questions others seem less keen on?
I am uncertain whether I want this Women’s Rugby World Cup to come to an end.
I have heard various sports segment TODAY items together with BBC main news items on this event and some of it has been hilarious. What correspondents and contributors have been saying, with various background agendas at work and other ‘directed’ questions and statements, along with the usual sports specialists contributions, from female commentators especially – and the language they use – is constantly funny. Really entertaining, a laugh a minute.
Don’t know about the footie action on the pitch but the waffle and words have been wonderful.
The BBC are going to keep me up to date on the storm in Texas that’s nice of them but I live near London. Why don’t you investigate why we need a ring of steel around our Capital City? Who are we worried about ?
In decreasing order of importance.
1. Storms never used to occur. Anywhere. Anytime. So it must all due to global warming.
2. A lefty-band, Coldplay, had to cancel a performance (no, me neither).
3. A BBC manager was about to go on holiday to Texas.
4. It’s a relatively big storm, in the scheme of things. Just don’t let the folks in SE Asia who get typhoons know about it as they’ll want theirs reported, too.
As it says on the BBC website:
Are you affected by Hurricane Harvey? Let us know about your experiences. Email haveyoursay@bbc.co.uk with your stories.
A typhoon has been blowing across Philippines for a few days now. I do not know if there are any casualties. Have the BBC reported it ?
9 are dead in the Macau typhoon
..but BBC won’t tell you that
Oh 12
Flood warning up as Typhoon Jolina hits Phl August 26, 2017
Is it because most of them are not muslim and / or black ?
Switch on bingo R4 7:15am
– Oh it’s a woman on a Texas island talking about hurricane
– Oh she’s being fed a question “So what do you think about Al Gore saying these extreme weather events are coming more common and stronger …”
“Oh yes sea level rise is real” (who says it isn’t ?)
Seems she just happens to be a Democrat councillor
Odds on me switching on and it being a Republican skeptic ?
The same clip minus the Gore question was then used on the BBC radio Lincolnshire 9am News
Five year old punished for imaginary transgender crime. The sort of the thing the BBC loves, no doubt:
Sorry if this has already been shown. WTF
BBC manage to out racist even the KKK.
Dave Cullen hits out at the BBC on their pidgin English website. I demand a Glaswegian BBC website now. Cum oan big man, gea us or oon shoo.
It says that BBC Pidgin is aimed at West African audiences. I have met thousands of W. Aficans in West Africa, including from former British colonies, Gambia, Sierra Leone, Ghana and Nigeria. And not all of them educated. I have never heard one speak Pidgin even to each other. Guess my sample is not typical. Where did the BBC get this idea ? Forms of Pidgin are spoken all round the World. Why choose W. Africa ? This is crazy.
The ‘idea’ possibly involves further ‘too overstaffed to pay redundancy’ empire building by a cuts-coping, cash-strapped empire building BBC. You could ask Lord Hall, but he likely will say it is a secret.
Would have been a good time to get some clarity on writing fiction, cartoons, halal, CGM (child genital mutilation) and what can generate lone wolf attacks by mental people.
Probably a contrived set-up rather than spontaneous. The sort of thing the BBC would organise.
Love Trumps Hate, and it is a statement that …
– dodges the real questions
– makes you feel good about humanity
– stops any awkward questions
– means everyone can agree (except those carrying out the killings)
Yes, makes no damn difference to the real world.
Adrian, Cressida… dahlings. Can we just push the crowd back a little more for the shot, after all, we are paying them €20 each? Okay, good. Everyone? Take 43… get ready… lights… action… and go!
Was he a “Muslim man” or an “Asian man” – Or is that dependent on whether he lives in Rotherham or somewhere else. – I think the BBC knows the difference. I am afraid I get very confused these days.
Hi Ahmad, is that a stick of dynamite in your pants, or are you just happy to see me?
ps They call him a Muslim man, yet they don’t call the terrorists – Muslim. So why is there a need for stories of Muslim hugathon, and people hugging Muslim Imans etc.
He drew the short straw in the Mosque last night to do this job. “If you don’t mind doing this tomorrow just to let them know we’re not all like that. Besides Abdul you know it’s for the greater good” I absolutely despair how shallow our society has become.
Al Beeb exposes its true nature during islamic terrorist incidents. Last night soldiers in Belgium shot dead a chappie with a knife screaming allah Akbar. The 8am news reported that much but the programme did not cover it. So this is normality now. Twitter will be the main news source because people put what they see on it – which happened at Buckingham palace on Friday night.
Maybe news and events start up after summer when the tanned beeboids hit screens again.
BBC creating its own News headlines?
TODAY Programme, 7-7.30am they interview a former Chief Constable and David Davies MP (the other one) on the Daily Mail front page alarm, based on Deputy Commissioner Mackey’s statement, that the Metropolitan Police would be placing crime against indigenous Britains and well spoken immigrants on a low priority, while attending to non-English speakers first.
At the end of the interview, Justin Webb (I think) asks a question on an unrelated item: arming the police. In the 8am News, that becomes a ‘headline’.
Naughty, BBC!
Oh that’s a frequent trick at weekends. Whatever is said on the Sunday Politics or Marr show becomes the headlines later in the day.
Is it now the Queen’s turn to stand in front of the Nation and say “Enough is Enough!”, or is this “More than Enough!” for Buckingham Palace?
“Plenty Enough”?
“Just Enough”?
Will our politicians condemn both sides of the violence – from the attacker and the Police protecting our way of life?
Solidarity with the Queen, we stand with the Queen, we are not afraid, candles outside the Palace, and the man with the piano playing John Lennon’s Imagine is on his way.
In what capacity is that treasonous bastard Blair meeting Juncker ? Will minutes of the meeting be published ?
Blair Not Hope.
Hope Not Hate.
“Mr Blair .. who do represent and who voted for you? Mr Juncker who do you represent and who voted for you? Ms Merkel who do represent and who voted for you to enforce all EU policies” …. Would be my first set of questions.
If a more detestable character has ever walked this planet I hope I never cross paths with him. Just who the f%*! does he think he is.
He is scum, pure and simple .
Note to the organisers of this site. Please no more photos of Blair , I’m sure that he makes many users of this site violently ill. The only acceptable photo will be his death mask. Can you please remember to advise where the party to celebrate his death Will be. Bring plenty of drink folks it will be a rave.
I am just being told by the BBC web-site about a tragic accident on the M1 near Newport Pagnell with many fatalities. It appears to be very serious.
The BBC have been droning on for 36 hours or more on Radio 4 (with items also on their web-site) about Bank Holiday weekend travel chaos on roads and railways, some of the coverage was quite pitiful in terms of intelligence and quality. Indeed they revisited this subject on the TODAY Programme (R4 7-9am) but did not mention this accident. As it was coming up, specially flagged as Breaking News on the w/s, I assumed it had only just occurred while the TODAY Programme was on air. The BBC could, of course, have included it in the 9am News but I was already switching off to avoid Saturday Live I did not hear any reference to it.
I was surprised to learn just now that the accident had occurred at 3.15am (BST).
BBC News: keeping you informed.
The BBC is always the last with the news and usually get it wrong ! BBC, not fit for purpose.
They were probably checking that no ethnic or religious ‘minority’ or immigrant was involved before running the story.
Like the Communist Commissars in the Soviet military, they’re more concerned with ideological purity than doing their job of reporting news. (When things got really desperate for the USSR in WW2, the Commissars were reigned in or scrapped, and power given back to the officers.)
“… switching off to avoid Saturday Live”. I, also. One laments the passing of its predecessor with John Peel – amusing, quirky, non-PC, and non-luvvie, followed by the Travel programme which was good even in the hands of Toxvig.
Brexit has poisoned integration says MPs, reported by the BBC
Not going well for BBC on the comments
Yes, things were going so well before Bexit.
Top rated comment when I looked:
“Let’s face it, many coming to this country have no intention of integrating anyway unless it’s into their own ‘community’. ”
Can’t improve on that.
10:30am WTF Now on Radio 4 another prog about cross dressing, ..oh it’s actually supposed to be about the war
“Although there was a widespread expectation that war would cause society to return to Victorian ideals about the roles of men and women, instead it started challenged traditional norms.”
The beebistan Film programmes on TV and Radio salivating over Detroit. This is so up their street. Innocent blacks brutalised and killed by racist white cops, with the cameras lingering sadistically on the violence.
The net effect of such films? Actors, directors, and producers get to feel all sanctimonious for their virtue signalling; blacks feel even more aggrieved, enraged and entitled; whites even more cowed; more race hate is generated all round; race and community relations are set back a few decades; but never mind, everyone involved in the film gets an Oscar, so it was worth it.
Times : about prejudice against straight white males in ads
I saw a McDonald’s ad recently at the cinema, which would have led one to believe that Britain’s population was 85% BAME or mixed race.
Some of the worst propaganda against Britons is now delivered via advertising.
I have decided to come out and admit to be a 65 year old white heterosexual male who speaks good English , albeit with a northern accent, and I have no disabilities and don’t have any particularly serious mental issues ( wife disagrees with that ), I own my home and don’t use food banks. And I am in a rant.
What hope is there for me? I am ignored by advertisers apart from Saga and Spec Savers. I am at the bottom of the police priority list. I am despised by the BBC and the National Trust along with most other institutions in this country. I once felt at home in this country . In fact I used to be patriotic but now the country I loved has been replaced by one I increasingly dislike. We used to be a pleasant and cohesive land , bound together by deep cultural and historical ties , in which our democracy flourished and some of us , perhaps naively trusted the state broadcaster.
Then without any democratic vote we were forced to endure the immigration of millions of folks who had cultures and values very different from ours but which they refused to change. We were told that we would have to change our ways to accommodate these invaders and that it was racist if we didn’t. This policy of putting the invaders before our own people has continued for twenty or more years. Yet they are still allowed to despoil our country , our young girls being the most disgusting example of this. I now think that I am at the bottom of the heap in what was my own country. To say I resent this is to put it mildly , I am Very angry about what has happened to the country and to millions like me who paid our taxes , obeyed the law , tried to be sensible patriotic citizens. No one on the ‘other side’ will get any help from me .
I could (almost) have written all that myself except that I’m 67 and therefore 2 years ANGRIER 🙁
Both my grandfathers fought in WW1 and suffered with lifelong injuries and both had brothers killed. My father and his brothers fought overseas for the entirety of WW2. I once felt very proud of their efforts and sacrifice but, now I feel it was all a terrible, shameful waste and I HATE all those who have brought me to feel this. If here is an afterlife, how do I explain what happened to my ancestors?
CB – while I can’t answer your question perhaps I can give you some meaning for it.
I’m sure you are aware of the saying that those who don’t learn from history are destined to repeat it.
The factor that seems to repeat itself in many of the conflicts that humans have engaged in since we discovered salt preserves meat about 8,000 years ago is that the evil power seekers are ultimately overthrown and a more intelligent balanced society results.
One element that I can identify that makes this almost a given, is by looking at those who desire power. I can almost guarantee that if I were to ask most here that if I was an angel and offered them ultimate power of life and death over everybody else in the world or continuing their lives with friends and family, such as they have, most if not all would select the latter.
Why this would be the case is that most here are free and independent thinkers, who are able to look at facts and think things through to a logical conclusion and make judgements based on what is then seen. Therefore few here will feel themselves mentally inferior and are passionate about their conclusions, yet still open to other views that might increase their visions.
So it’s worth understanding who are those who seek ultimate power?
It can only be those who have an inferiority complex, however disguised. Only by achieving power can they convince themselves and believe that they are really superior, regardless of real consequences to others around them.
However, because of this inferiority complex, probably a result of the way they were brought up, and consequently their mind never really developing, they are inferior thinkers. Which is why our side will always eventually win a war against them.
This is what history shows us.
Now if we are to learn from the lessons of history, the next time we are victorious we must hold on to power to prevent the inferior types from seeking to fill those positions. Hopefully too we will make a society that ‘inferior’ beings are no longer created and all see how to develop their minds properly.
All this is to say – your grandparents, father and uncles efforts were not in vain.
We may not want power, and after winning the war just want to return to our families and friends to further our joy and fulfilment. But we have a responsibility to hold on to power to prevent it being misused again in the future.
I appreciate your reply and hear what you say but, I don’t feel optimistic for the future. I really feel, at this time, that the inmates are almost totally in control of the asylum.
I begin to doubt my own sanity now that I see and hear alien thought processes, to my own, day in day out on TV. Only very rarely do I hear voices of reason now 🙁
Your pessimism is understandable given the ‘climate’ we live in here in the UK.
Other than a few in the media there are very little, if any, voices of reason.
Brexit is a good example however, that despite our media and politicians doing their utmost to keep us under the EU thumb, most subjects decided they wanted OUT. This shows there are plenty of voices of reason out there, well aware of what’s really going on, but we can’t expect them to be given an outlet. This does not mean that if push comes to shove there wouldn’t be a civil war, as seems quite a possibility in the future.
Not to mention other nations in Europe and around the world who do not accept the same bullshit that’s been hoisted on us.
For sure the ‘forces’ we are up against differ from previous wars, and we need to find the way to counter their strategy. The fact that we are able to go into new territory and think things through is why I believe we will ultimately triumph.
Don’t lose hope!
Top post ! I am 61. Sold my house in UK last year. Shifted all financial assets overseas , outside Europe. Yes, risky . But is having all your eggs in the Europe basket less risky ? The only family I have in UK is my mother, 92. This was a deliberate policy when I could see which way the UK is going. All very sad, but I find the UK quite depressing now. I am an alien in my own country , so what is the point in being there ?
Fully understand all of that. Too reasonable for a rant.
I notice that you didn’t feel obliged to insert a caveat about not being racist. Too many people do and, in my opinion, it gives the impression that you’re on the defensive, braced for a hammering.
According to some on the Left, I am a racist. I suppose this whole site is. However, I never explain and I never apologise. Stopped caring years ago and, guess what, I still have plenty of friends and even my family still speak to me (with one exception, which is a blessing).
Lord Wreath (like the name)
I think that the modern definition of racist ,developed by the liberal left , is someone who is not happy to see their country and culture being taken over by others. Long ago, before the liberal left were allowed to change the meaning of words to whatever they wished, it meant believing that your culture was superior and wanting tio impose it on others. I am may be judged by some to fall foul of the modern definition but not the second. I can of course think of a whole religion that is guilty of the older definition across every country it is present in.
Numerous definitions of racist are appearing from yoonie professors in the US who support BLM.
All white people are racist.
Therefore we can dump the word ‘racist’, and just use the word ‘white’
It seems that being white is the modern equivalent of original sin.
Meanwhile last weeks news
Advertising corps profits fall
No danger of BBC’s revenue falling.
Hitchens vs ASA
I have developed a mental Blacklist of products. If the product reminds me of a politically correct advert. I change to another brand, permanently.
In Marxism, the workers (Models used in adverts) are more important than the customer. With the advertising industry being infested by left-wing Arts and Media studies parasites, its no wonder this is happening. You also get this with the Marxists of the Advertising Standards Authority. Apparently the feminists on the authority have decreed that only white males should be used for washing-up liquid and vacuum cleaner adverts.
Me too Richard, if there is an alternative choice, I will not patronise those companies who have diversified away from the portrayal of the majority of the population ie white and Christian. In all areas of life the erosion of this category is being felt. Why are we the only ones to see this ???? I’m also at a loss as to why criticism is lodged at the Beeb for not employing enough BAME – er, what ? for years now most of the sports /entertainment /science / outside reporting has seen a plethora of black or Asian faces on screen – the ratio of which far outweighs their numbers in reality. However, this is only ‘now’ – with reports that the birthrate is up for foreign born women in this country, then from two generations we’ll be a spent force. Glad I wont be around to witness it.
“Glad I wont be around to witness it.”
Please forgive me if I’m wrong but, like a few people here, myself included, I’m inferring that you won’t see 21 again. If I’m right, do you find yourself caring less and less what people think? I don’t mean being gratuitously rude, although there are times when I feel like making an exception, but just being a little less sensitive about the feelings of people who insist on saying things which are hypocritical or just downright silly?
I’ve always remembered a bit of advice my wife was given years ago when she did some temporary teaching in a language school for foreign students (fee paying, not immigrants). After a bad day with a particularly awful class of Italian teenagers who would rather have been somewhere else, the DOS (Director of Studies) said that she could either end the day being upset, or end the day with the students being upset. Which would she prefer? She never let it happen again.
I put this into practice a couple of months ago after a family friend was particularly rude about Brexit voters and English people. I didn’t enjoy doing it but at least the other party ended up feeling worse than I did.
There are quite a few people in the BBC I dream about having a go at.
Lord W
Yes, I do feel I couldn’t give a monkeys anymore whether people agree with my views or not. I wasn’t brought up to be ill mannered, and still say pardon or sorry at the drop of a hat ! BUT like a friend of mine (I may have told this before) who, when asked if she wants to see the photographs of the grandchildren of some acquaintance or stranger, blatantly says ‘no’ !! following it up with, “they are very precious to you, but mean nothing to me”, and so is relieved of unnecessary pressure to oooooh and aaaahhhh over babies and toddlers who really all look the same.
I’m never rude, but have become more forthright in my comments as I’ve aged, and anyway I want to get everything out and said, in case I get to the stage where I forget and there’s no fun in that !
I’m sure that I heard on Toady this morning, something along the lines of :-
“What will the Notting Hill Carnival be like this year after Grenfell?”
WTF! Anybody would think that al Beebus actually want there to be a riot.
Oh! Of course! They do, silly me.
I’m used to signs which tell little girls how to wear their hijab (Indonesia/Malaysia)
Story update
Now seems the man from Luton who had a 4 foot sword with him ( we ll never see) apparently drove at police near Buck House ?? Any betting on a history of being a fruitcake ?? With parents saying he was a quiet boy who would never do that and wants to be a footballer .
I just hope, for the plod’s sake, that they haven’t arrested a Guards officer with his ceremonial sword.
Or worse, the DoE in a bad mood.
He was always a bit of a loner.
Cops knew about him, but nothing was done. Blame cops.
So the knife as reported earlier grew into a sword.
yeah a 4ft knife.
Eton deputy head fired for leaking exam to staff.
Pakistani born Mo Tanweer
Subject Pre-Uni Economics
Last month NGO rescue ship impounded
Now whistleblower at Save the Children says
“I saw few migrants in danger for their lives”
I just searched Twitter for : Jess Phillips rape
Today : 20 tweets mention the newspaper stories
25 Aug , nothing
So I conclude such rape threats are very well filtered by twitter
600 rape threats a day? No disrespect Jess (actually, now I think about it, yes, with all disrespect), I call bullshit on your claim. You are an attention seeking liar as well as a Labour MP. But I repeat myself.
According to Wiki, came from well off middle class socialist family. Ambition ” To be Prime Minister ” . Quote on events in Cologne ” The same thing happens every day in Birmingham “.
Somali drug gang ENRICHED Exeter
“Cuckooing” = take over vulnerable persons house as drugs den
(I think that was a trial delayed from 2015)
No doubt this will top the 6 o’clock ‘News’. Not.
If the price of having Sir Mohammed Farrah win a few gold medals is the importation of around 250,000 of his no-mark, drug dealing, criminal countrymen (including those in his own family), then I would have to say it wasn’t worth it.
And in another court on same day in Gloucester 2 black guys convicted of similar crime.
Why does the Times not show their photos ?
MP Damien Collins calls for secret Bbc salaries to be revealed
Eg Dimbleby paid by production companies
Stew- I got so fed up with the dimbly monarchy that I thought I’d research their production company through Companies House .theres a lot of free information but I wasn’t willing to pay the £5? For the full company report. Needless to say that the family holds position in the company
I won’t watch a programme in they are involved. The sense of superiority they show is offensive – every one is entitled to legally reduced the tax they pay but when much of their work involves morality it’s a bit different . I suspect one way or another all beeboids do the same whether they profess PAYE or not – and its all compulsory taxation on punters .
Trump rally in Phoenix –
BBC version – http://www.bbc.co.uk/programmes/p05d3kgd
Westmonster version –
Any difference?…………………..
Times Letters : Oxford prof of demography David Coleman.
says its a con to exclude foreign students from migrant statistics
And against international practice.
The racist BBC? –
I posted about this earlier. It is a paternalistic insult to West Africans. It is BBC racism. The BBC need to be asked if any stupid Beeboids have ever met a West African who speaks Pidgin ? I live in Gambia and I have never met one. I was chatting today with some West African friends online. And telling them about this . Their reaction ” Why ? No-one here will understand it “. Beeboids are morons.
PS. Beeboids should consider that many West Africans speak and write better english than most British and certainly most Beeboids.
When I read those examples of pidgin I laughed, just as I did with Harry Enfield’s ‘Me kaan believe it not custard’ skit which somebody posted the other day.
Then I felt a bit guilty, because there’s nothing wrong with it is an informal language per se, but it does feel very patronising as Grant has said. The BBC have made a big error here, as shocking as if someone on the 9 o’clock news were to announce ‘..And now over to our correspondent in Bongo-Bongo Land’.
Ive always believed what you are made of is who you are,…………refering to Britishness as the thread opener.
The dog born in a barn etc isnt a horse.
Geography doesnt make you, genes make you who you are, parents make you who you are.
A chinese girl in a liverpool chippie with a toe-curling scouse accent, is still a chinese girl.
‘Im 50/50 and identify strongly as a manxman as i have never resided anywhere else ,nor have i ever wanted to.
I was born in cheadle the last of a long line, i had married siblings when i was born, i was born in my grand mothers front room, then brought back home the Island.
Funny old world innit
My daughters manx born aswell, 50% irish, 25% manx 25% brit……………
My grandson manx born 25% irish 62.5% brit 12.5 % manx.
It all gets a lil confusing.
See obama, a blackman,……………..er no,………..white mother,………..whiteman with black victim status, does it get any better.
When you say Brit, don’t you mean English ?
or Lancastrian ?
The way I see it is British is the umbrella term for people coming from the British Isles except Eire
And Scots, English, Manx, Channel Islander are sub categories.
Also that Nationality, Citizenship and ethnicity are slightly different concepts.
Interesting how Shane from the Pogues is counted as Irish but never grew up there cos he lived all his life in London cos his dad’s a uni prof.
I’d count him as English, but ethnic-Irish
infact my mother herself was 50% irish 50% manx……..4 generations and my grandson is ?.
My daughter is 62.5% irish 12.5% manx and 25% brit.
My grandson is really 62.5% brit 31.25% irish 6.25% manx…
So when i said above the chinese girl in liverpool is still a chinese girl, you can scrub that, she’s a scouser….
Because my grandson is a manxman like me.
Sorry stu didnt see your reply, i dont know about lancastrian etc,…a brit is just an englishman to me, taff’s jock’s and paddy’s…….. the other traps, …
The local scene that i grew up in, was only around 40% of todays population, the brits hadnt arrived en-mass, only holiday makers,………we were very tight knit, prejudiced even.
My guess is that you are using Brit to mean people from Great Britain is the big Island and that you’d probably lump in Channel Islanders and Shetlanders in with them.But to me you are Manx, British and European like you carry a British passport I presume.
I also use the word Anglo for anyone who follows British cultural traditions irrespective of skin colour ie some Canadians, Kiwis, Anglo-Indians etc. Possibly some South Africans and Caribbean as well.
She didnt plan on dropping me in cheadle Stew the old lady said it was the cabin pressure that set her off early, on the flight over, they were all prop planes then,.
I feel British now Stew, i see britain in a much different light now than back when i didnt like brits much, that was because they came, and everything catered to them, but they didnt murder us, they just stole alot of my rabbiting shooting territory etc, complaining continuously as the realities of stepping back in time 20yrs dawned on them, holidays are nice, but we closed for 6 months in essence, and there was very little apart from pubs, pubs to cater for 100,000+ week in week out, ghost towns, but when we were open, the place was buzzin with skirt…………anyway ive drifted again, into talking about my island.
I now associate myself to england in the same sense now, if they f/ck off the immigrants, i can go back to not giving yall a second thought.
But that aint going to happen.
the bucket and spade brigade, i miss them alot…………….people from blackpool probably have the same memories.