Grant, no jesting, I was a little shocked by that. As we both recognise, anything directed at teens will, inevitably, be seen by pre-teens or younger. Not suitable material in my view.
Forget all this nonsense talk of ‘sacking’ and ‘P45s’, just sign here, tell all your mates and have a read of the “reasons for signing”.
They very much reflect the comments posted on here.
Maybe the English is simple, cos kids these days are often not born in Britain or not accustomed to speaking English that much.
BBC Three commissioning say
“BBC Three aims to connect with 16 to 34 year olds, so tone is really important on the channel. ”
“The tone of the channel
BBC Three content is modern, distinctive and relevant (though not exclusively) to our core 16-34 year-old target audience. We aim to speak to this audience with * intelligence *and on a level and in a way that will stimulate strong emotion and provoke reaction.”
BTW have you met a recent uni graduate ?
… many seem like they can barely write.
I see Beeb website reporting one of their loveies Russell Brand got married. How on earth can anyone take this bunch seriously when they think this is worthy of the NEWS website. Sorry, just remembered he’s one of them!!!!!!
I wonder what Laura Gallacher saw in the millionaire ‘socialist’ Russell Brand!
Maybe she likes hypocrites who pretend to be socialists ?
Maybe she likes very thick men?
Maybe she wanted a man child to mother?
Or maybe she is thick and stupid and in need of money?
A few more children on the way and Brand will soon lose his houses and wealth in the divorce settlement;
maybe she isn’t so stupid after all.
Countryfile : Oh these poor dairy farmers they can’t get enough money from the dairy corps
They’ve gone to selling their milk direct door to door.
the Twitterati clap..unaware that the dairy corps used to be farmers cooperatives until the farmers got greedy and sold them off
Arla is still a Farmer-Owned Cooperative
BBC News 20:21 27Aug2017 – Jeremy Corbyn now is able to find train seats {order-order aug2017} whilst sat next to Keir Starmer (Labour Shadow Brexit Secretary). Followed by Chuka Umunna MP.
Followed by Frank Field, Labour MP – ‘Jeremy is on a journey … … people can keep the faith of those who came out, we aren’t doing any rating or u-turning or anything else (but your leader is having a journey? Your leader is against what you wanted when leaving the EU.)’
BBC News 20:31 – Visiting Hull City of Culture
Item 1: Julian Clary Writing books (culture of hull? Clary was born in Surbiton, Surrey)
Item 2: UK Pride – Man dressed as women who looks like a man dressed as a women (culture?)
Item 3: Bill Bailey in an Exhibition of some history (culture)
Coverage on the news channel was even more top heavy on the LGBT subject. If I was putting a lot of work into promoting Hulls year of culture I’d be pretty pissed off that the Beeb seem he’ll bent on pushing their agenda via this event. Yesterday it was Manchester pride. It’s relentless the amount of coverage this gets on the Beeb.
– natural erosion that is taking place everyday, conflated with Climate change, now American’s watching Bill Maher have a new story to tell their friends.
Really !
Is this headline news ? “Russell Brand marries partner Laura Gallacher”
Get rid of the Telly Poll Tax. Its an unaccountable government robbery of the British people.
Of course it is,
Hes rude to old people, hang on rude full stop, he sleeps around, whilst not short of a bob or two, he wants the rich to be divested of their wealth and he supports Labour..
A ‘Dalek’ moment on Countryfile this evening – how did their wheelchair-bound presenter get across that ploughed field?
(How do Daleks get up stairs? It’s been a long time since I watched Doctor Who but I believe the ring of rectangular panels was added to give them that ability. No sign of panels on our man’s chair though).
‘Bigging Up’ their calendar must fill about 25% of that increasing weird programme.
Here in the UK during this agenda-busting summer in which a BBC weatherman frankly admits “There’s nothing much to write home about” they will happily cross a continent or two to source their weather stories….
So of course we have to be subjected to the typically incontinent superlative-laden BBC response to the storms on the Texas coast: “Catastrophic floods, causing devastation”
And then comes the reflexive stumbling reach for their dubious End Of Times scenario: “Quite unprecedented, really”
I see The Sun and some other papers reporting arrests at the Notting Hill carnival, although a relatively small amount for the size of the event. Scoured the Beeb website but no mention just all the usual multicultural love in stuff. Reporting facts that go against the Mantra seems a complete no no these days.
Inhabitants who live close to Notting Hill suffer a crime wave during this event, but unless they live in the exact ‘designated’ Carnival area then this collateral crime is not included in any statistics. (described to me by a contact in the Met).
It’s becoming more obvious by the day that the whole elite establishments agenda = Brexit, Soft Brexit and finally yippee No Brexit. You can just picture the editorial meeting trying to come up with an alternative to U-Turn.
Yes. “Backlash” suggests it is a reaction to something instead of a U-turn. The Remoaners are pulling out all the stops. Complete waste of time as the EU will collapse anyway. They are living in the past. The rest of the world has moved on.
Since the late Bank Holiday in August was established in 1965. So I am guessing it is probably not even the hottest August 28th on record. Definately some gymnastics going on here .
Hottest day in England , worst ever storms in US what could they be trying to say here ?
Funny how the BBC has not mentioned the 1900 Galveston Hurricane for comparison that killed 6,000 – 8,000 people with winds of 145 mph and a 15 ft storm surge – now why would they not mention this storm from 1900 ?
That’s an easy one Lock. The BBC was founded in 1922. Nothing of any significance happened before this date. Along with the philosophies behind such gems as cooking programmes, house-sales, antique hunts and low-appeal sports, it keeps things simple for dedicated viewers.
In a nutshell Jack Cohen IsBlog shows exactly why I will not watch or listen to the lying BBC ‘News’ regarding the Palestinian/Israel conflict. I cannot disagree at all with his assessment…
Credit: IsBlog
Pres. Trump has sent his representatives, Jared Kushner and Jason Greenblatt, to the region again to see if they can revive the peace process. Actually they would need to resuscitate it because it has been dead for a long time. And anyone knowing the details of the situation will realize that, as with resuscitating a dead person, this game is not feasible. Every time the possibility of a real peace compromise comes close the Palestinians manage to evade it.
This time they are considering dissolving the Palestine Authority (PA) that has been their representative entity that was established by the Oslo Accords in 1994 as a step in the direction of a possible Palestine State. But, State-building is not their thing, they are more concerned with destroying a State – Israel – than with building one. In order to do this they have lied and prevaricated. They have been split into many factions, each trying a different strategy to destroy Israel. The Fatah faction of the PLO, that runs the PA, has the strategy of pretending to want peace, while at the same time inciting violence against Israelis, sponsoring terrorism and educating their children to hate Jews. Hamas that controls Gaza has no such reservations, they are at war with Israel and they openly proclaim their intention to destroy Israel with no pretensions. They fire rockets from Gaza at Israeli population centers and have waged several wars.
The leader of Fatah and the PA is Pres. Mahmud Abbas, who at 82 years old is past his sell-by date, he should have retired years ago, but cannot. He has no selected successor and cannot allow elections since they will end in violence. He cannot make any moves towards peace that would be seen as concessions to Israel or the US and he would end up dead, assassinated probably by Hamas. His regime is illegal, corrupt and incompetent. His people know it, but can’t do anything about it. His main aim now its to avoid a violent end and to retire with his ample funds stolen from the donations that the EU and US continue to lavish on an intransigent and unrepentant community.
Taylor Force was a former US marine on a course in Israel who was stabbed to death in Tel Aviv by a Palestinian terrorist. The terrorist was shot dead but his family are being paid a large sum each month, a subsidy that supports terrorism. The funds for these payments to terrorists and their families comes from the aid that the US and others pay the PA. At last someone is doing something about this. The “Taylor Force Act” that is before the Senate would stop all aid payments to the PA until this financial support for terrorism stops. Not one Democrat has signed on to support this Act, so we see where their interests lie. Let’s hope it passes and the PA loses all its support, as well as UNRWA that subsidizes terror in Gaza and the so-called refugee camps, and let’s hope the PA collapses. Then we will see the true reality of the situation, that the US and other western countries are subsidizing the terrorist murders of Israeli Jews.
Piece in Saturdays Guardian about the impact of the pounds value on travellers. They managed to quote one chap coming back from Pissa saying “they can’t understand why we’re doing this”. Not my experience at all. We have had waiting staff young and old shaking our hands in congratulations. The majority of people we have engaged on the subject are all for getting out and are fully aware that Italys economy has been completely screwed by Merkel’s mottly crew.
Sorry Grant. Blaming spellchecker again. I visited PISA in June. Probably the least interesting place I’ve been to in Italy in all honesty. Bit of a box ticker with no atmosphere.
Labour does a u turn on staying in the single market and allowing freedom of movement. What do the BBC Today do at 8.35 on a bank holiday morning when most listeners are switching on? Why interview the SNP of course, for a bit of gratuitous anti Tory propaganda and a remainers’ discussion.
Good Socialist principles mean that the rich i.e. Brits, have to pay for and support the poor. Labour: Free Movement good. What about Corbyn agreeing with Merkel to dissipate all them (‘dem’ in BBC Pidgin) lovely Black migrants and muslims with low IQ toward the UK when they have naturalisation (and Free Movement rights) so we could support them? Its not working for the Visegrad 4 but, hey, the Corbynista dummies in Westminster would love it to work here. The other benefit in the bargain for the Socialists would be to help speed up the islamification of the UK.
God help us!
G – the Left always benefits by bringing in more people who cannot or won’t assimilate. More public sector jobs (for the useless arts graduates to keep them occupied) in Government, local government, Quangos and ‘charities’.
With the sizeable number of ‘refugees’ with mental health problems, their demands for NHS treatment, social workers and associated do-gooders etc, this leads to fewer services for the indigenous people who’ve actually paid into the system. Nasty no-good racists that they are!
And that’s why smart people who want to bring up their children normally will begin to leave the big cities for the posher suburbs, then the countryside, and eventually abroad to escape the whole rotten broken system.
Extended Today interview with AC Grayling, left liberal remainer and Trump hater, to publicise his book. Soft questions from Webb and little more than an extended advert for the biased BBC’s views.
Just listened to this. Grayling basically insulting anyone’s intelligence who voted out or Trump. At the end when Webb suggested his book was basically against what had been voted for Grayling came up with the line that it was an analysis of the events. Who’s he trying to kid.
BBC none too hot on geography – again – this morning on R4’s TODAY: France, apparently, is west of Birling Gap.
Funny. I always thought it was Bognor Regis.
Not too good on science or memory, either. Is the BBC becoming demented? Has W1A got Alzheimers? Gas at the seaside? First and obvious suggestion would be an ozone cloud concentration. The symptoms appear to fit. Been a while since I was incapacitated by an ozone cloud on me hols but I do remember them and it happening to me.
Never mind. The BBC may be none too hot on geography and science and asking questions but at least they are good on heat and telling me it is hot in summer. This is going to be the hottest late August Bank Holiday evvva!
Hang on a minute! Late August Bank Holiday? Late? When was the Early Bank Holiday this month? Unlike the BBC, I have been paying attention. I did not get one. I’ve been deprived. It’s unfair. I want compensation. I demand equality. I should be paid as much as the Director General.
Will the BBC ask questions? Will the BBC campaign on my behalf? I’m a minority here. I need the BBC on my side!
The BBC believes that geography is a social construct and can be fluid. For instance, it considers that villages and peoples of the Arabian peninsula, Indian sub-continent and Sub-Saharan Africa can be transported to Europe, where they miraculously become ‘European’.
So, a second man arrested in connection with Buck Palace attack. Starting to sound less like a lone wolf with mental problems having a bad day, and more like a muslim terror attack.
What will it take for the public and the authorities to wake up to the threat? A royal killed? An explosion near a nuclear power station as was planned in Belgium? Or, worst of all, the unthinkable, the unimaginable: an attack on Broadcasting House with multiple casualties? I shudder at the mere thought.
But never mind all that, let’s have a laugh at “42 things Donald did on his summer holiday” by our old beauty, Jon smug-sanctimonious-superior-sneering-aren’t I clever- I once shook hands with saint o’bama, that’s how important I am – Sopel.
It will take the death of a number of MPs and , even then, I doubt the Goverment will act. Not that I am in anyway condoning such an act if it happens. As for the BBC, the “Terrorists’ friend ” will always be immune .
Agreed Grant – Actually I don’t think terrorist acts by the religion of war and rape are the greatest danger we face. More worrying is islamisation by stealth – islam creep (creep being the apt word). With full beebistan collusion of course.
A pious piece about adding lead to petrol. It quite rightly demands to know why evil capitalists kept adding lead to fuel for so long, when all knew it was dangerous to mankind. Lead added to petrol killed tens of thousands and left many more with brain and respiratory problems.
Tomorrow, the BBC will be running an equally pious piece on why the left forced diesel fuel on the public. For decades, the morally superior BBC promoted the ‘clean/green’ alternative to carbon infected petrol. Diesel kills about 30,000 people every year in the UK alone, and leaves tens of thousands more with brain damage and respiratory problems.
AC Grayling on Today, today –
Reckons we need a new political system because he lost the Exit EU Referendum and further, Trump is all wrong. The people have to have a better way of being represented in Government so as to avoid disasters like Brexit and Trump. Problem for me is, if there is different systems in place and the people still vote for Brexit/Trump what then Mr Grayling?
A C Grayling – part of the problem. ‘Drain the Swamp’.
Ah yes, an idea that many on the left would find attractive. If the people weren’t allowed to vote then the left could force their will up on everyone then we would enjoy socialist utopias like the old Soviet Union, the former China, Cuba and Venezuela. No need for the police the delightful Antifa could don their black masks and attack anyone who doubted the BBC’s views. No need for any of the US channels that people actually watch voluntarily, they would be forced to watch the BBC.
I think what the likes of people who use initials instead of first names like Mr Grayling doesn’t understand is what it is like to be uncomfortable. Worrying about being able to pay bills. Seeing foreigners come in and take jobs. Profits not being fairly shared with workers.
My family wasn’t well off but worked hard to get I’m “ok” .
Now I am no socialist . I believe in the mainly market system – everyone for themselves -with personal responsibility not state dependency. I didn’t hear Mr Grayling but by the very fact al Beeb gave him air time they knew he’d be on message. I wonder if there was an alternative view ?on a phone line which ‘drops out’ as usual.
The BBC only gives an alternative view when it suits its narrative and then it can take up 80 per cent of the entire article. This is done under the time honoured ‘but Labour says’ principle and was perfectly demonstrated the other day when Prof Patrick Minford’s views on Brexit were glibly dismissed in a short paragraph, followed by yards of rubbish from a Europhile opponent, who was given most of the coverage.
Thanks G
I guess Mr Grayling has a bit of Empire guilt so polpular with al Beeb being the son of a banker and was born in our African empire ( wiki – I have time to research at the moment). Inherited wealth – an academic all his life – on the liberal gravy train talking and writing crap about liberal issues.
I hadn’t realised Grayling was another one of the Afrika Korps. I have to say I have met a disproportionate number of guilt-ridden imbeciles who have fled the dark continent and then spent their time in Britain lecturing us on how awful we are and have been. Think Peter Hain… I suspect he was one of the first.
I always wonder why, if Africa and Africans are so wonderful, they trouble us with their presence, rather than staying, or returning, to help the places they so admire.
Spot on. At the end of the day , these racist hypocrites despise Africans and only care about themselves. Why did scum like Hain not go back to RSA after apartheid was abolished ? Answer, he was on a good screw in UK and he knew that RSA ruled by Africans would be shit. And he was right but would never admit it .
The point of reference for the people albeeb expose us too is one of the difficulties people face. There are common motivations such as those of mr Grayling -whom I have never read or met –
but there are others – al Beeb journos and policitician who only know school – uni journo/researcher – using parent money or influence – they are easy –
as are (most) non white labour `MPs.
You can add to the list. It’s only a few exceptional politicians and journos who do what they do because they think it’s right. The rest are careerists in their own niche and a peerage later .
The Times says: “A white Christian child was taken from her family and forced to live with a niqab-wearing foster carer in a home where she was allegedly encouraged to learn Arabic.
The five-year-old girl, a native English speaker, has spent the past six months in the care of two Muslim households in London. The foster placements were made, against the wishes of the girl’s family, by the scandal-ridden borough of Tower Hamlets.”
The child actually cries every time she is taken back to these culturally enriching families. The social services have said she begs to be released from the muslim households.
The Muslims have banned her from eating her favourite meal, even when her mother gave it to her, as the “carbonara meal contained bacon” The Muslim families do not even speak English, so the poor isolated child cannot understand what they are saying.
All this from Tower Hamlets council, yep the one misruled by Lutfur Rahman, who was found guilty of corrupt and illegal electoral practices.
Why aren’t Tower Hamlet’s social service being arrested for child cruelty?
When will the BBC mention this appalling heartless act
That sounds akin to a war crime.
There needs to be a record of those who participate in or facilitate such things, so they can be brought to account at the proper time.
And no, as in Nuremburg, ‘I was just obeying orders’ will not be an acceptable defence.
Hi taffman – and it was Rotherham Borough Council that removed those children and placed them with Muslims. It is likely that these children were then raped. Rotherham Borough Council were not just passive in allowing Muslim rape gangs to flourish, their decisions actually helped that process.
According to the Express, there were 106 arrests on the first day, with more than a third of these, 42, for drugs offences. There were also eight arrests for possession of an offensive weapon or knife/ blade, nine public order arrests and ten common assault arrests. Some nine arrests for sexual offences were also carried out, and six arrests for assault of police officers.
“But despite this string of attacks, relatively few people have been killed by terrorist attacks in the UK in recent years.”
Then look at how many people have been killed in ENGLAND. Other than the 7/7 attacks in 2005, more people have been killed in England than any year since 1980 and 1974.
The 1974 = Birmingham Pub Bombings (by the way) were accidental dealths according to an IRA fighter.
That piece is ridiculous and The Telegraph ought to be ashamed of itself.
It takes absolutely no account of the many Islamic attacks that have been foiled. One alone, a plot to blow up 10 passenger jet airliners as they left the Uk would have led to causalities of around 3,000. Nor does anyone seem to recall that following the bomb attacks on the London underground, a group of Muslims tried to repeat the same atrocity but with explosives that, fortunately didn’t go off.
That’s just the UK. The Belgian authorities foiled a plot to use a drone to drop radioactive waste into the middle of Brussels, hence why the entire population of Belgium were given iodine tablets. What on earth would the death figure have been had they succeeded.
“It takes absolutely no account of the many Islamic attacks that have been foiled. ”
Or the cost of achieving it, or the number of people who have survived with severe injuries, or the restrictions placed on our freedom to (allegedly) keep us safe.
Not many black men killed by the police either. Try peddling that statistic in the MSM.
The British, and other, Intelligence services doing a great job. But we are let down by the useless politicians and journalists. Almost none of them have done a real job in their whole worthless lives. They feed in the same gutter.
The author of that piece in The telegraph is by a “data correspondence” called Ashley Kirk. if you look up Ashley Kirk – he is not the pretty aspiring model one. He also scribes for the Guardian and , no doubt, is an aspiring beeboid wanting to do that Lefty Numbers programme they do – less or more.
To talk about how few people are killed or injured through islamic or republican terrorism is an absolute insult
and this kid should be sacked or taken to the aftermath.
he is right course – at current levels – you are more likely to win the lottery than get killed in a terrorist attack. But if those animals go for a mass casualty attack he may have to shift his slide rule and actuarial views.
And The Telegraph editor must have gone on holiday.
The author of that piece in The telegraph is by a “data correspondence” called Ashley Kirk. if you look up Ashley Kirk – he is not the pretty aspiring model one. He also scribes for the Guardian and , no doubt, is an aspiring beeboid wanting to do that Lefty Numbers programme they do – less or more.
To talk about how few people are killed or injured through islamic or republican terrorism is an absolute insult
and this kid should be sacked or taken to the aftermath.
he is right course – at current levels – you are more likely to win the lottery than get killed in a terrorist attack. But if those animals go for a mass casualty attack he may have to shift his slide rule and actuarial views.
And The Telegraph editor must have gone on holiday.
The Telegraph went Left Wing years ago. I just googled ” Daily Telegraph ” and the first thing that came up was ” Is the Telegraph a tabloid “. A once great newspaper is just a rag now.
@Arthurp The articles major deception is that it is a re-release
The Article is NOW dated August 27, yet OLDEST comments are dated 30 May 2017
When the original article was released
* Talk about lying with numbers ! *
Look at this May 30 tweet, that takes you to TODAY’s article ; it’s not like I got in a time machine or something
(journo is a child called Ashley_J_Kirk )
How many people are killed by terrorist attacks in the UK? | Read: by Telegraph
Why terrorist attack is different to car accident
A terrorist attack is a low risk high impact event
: In a car crash you die and your families life changes
: With a terrorist attack you die and millions of lives are affected
#1 It effects the economy eg. reduces tourism and investment for years
#2 Millions of people who used to spend 2 minutes at airport security now spend 10
#3 Your tube ticket/taxes go up to pay for all the extra security
The thing is : it’s always best to skim the title and then go to the bottom of the page to see if it’s been debunked in the top comments
And indeed here you find some good points
I’ll add
#4 Terrorist attacks are targetted, so impact some groups more than others
The Jewish school is more at risk whilst the London ethnic-Muslims are more at risk from backlash and ethnic profiling security at airports/visas etc.
#5 The next car crash insn’t going to be the magnitude of 911 or start WW1
car crashes have a much smaller pool of outcomes.
The way the BBC covers and creates news in the India-Pakistan-Bangladesh-Myanmoor World Region proves beyond any doubt that Pakistani Islamists and Alt-Left Progressives are controlling the BBC output.
They have gone absolutely crazy over the past four days creating and promoting a story involving a local Indian guru and his followers. They are headlining their stories as “Rapist Indian Guru”, and it is currently being promoted on the BBC homepage, BBC news homepage, their World News Section, their Asia News Section and their Indian News Section. Here are some of the headlines
1) Rapist Indian guru jailed for 10 years
2) Inside rape guru’s ‘mini city’ complex
3) How a divided India fuelled the rise of the gurus (anti-Hindu story)
Guru relates to a Hindu holy man. You will never see the BBC headline a story: Rapist Pakistani Iman, Rapist British Muslims etc. But they have absolutely have no problem creating headlines such as “Rapist Hindu”, “Rapist Priest” etc. In fact they will find any excuse to create such headlines, taking relatively small stories from obscurity to frontline news in order to promote their anti-Hindu, anti-Christian, anti-India, pro-Pakistani, pro-Islamist, pro-Muslim agendas.
“Indian media reported that Gurmeet Ram Rahim Singh’s followers had set a vehicle on fire just ahead of sentencing. Violence after Friday’s verdict in Panchkula in northern Haryana state had killed some 38 people”
– judging by the BBC’s editorialising of the India-Pakistan 70th anniverasy this outbreak of religious violence will be down to British divide and rule policies (TM Diane Abbott)
By the way, it’s always interesting to note those peculiar new snippets of BBC newspeak which now regularly slip into their reports: “A controversial Indian godman convicted of rape on Friday has been sentenced to 10 years in prison” – GODMAN ??!!
That incident happened in Seattle in June. The black guy was actually reporting for his college paper when the chick with a dick tried to use numbers in which to get his own way. As for not knowing how to fight. never go for the head, its the hardest part of the body. The funny thing is, so many people shove themselves in your face in which to try and bully others. Allowing somebody who knows where to strike to have a very easy time in which to take them out.
A lot of the above techniques look good because the uke (The attacker, but more correctly the one been thrown) knows he has to roll or else suffer a broken limb. I’ve used a lot of the above and similar in real life. People are always surprised by how quickly things are finished and how a seemingly passive guy can turn violent in seconds. The irony here is, no anger is expressed from our side, if anything, I have always been that little bit scared.
What a boon it must be to be a homosexual these days. The entire public sector from BBC through to the Police oblidged to publicly celebrate your sexuality. No disapproval of any tendency to promiscuity is allowed to be aired. No distaste will ever be voiced should your taste be for intergenerational relationships (cf Tom Daley)
Switch On Bingo – R4 News WatO banging on about Stonewall riots when I switched on
– Not UK
– Not current news, just tenuous anniversary link
(anniversary of pride rally which was inspired by Stonewall riots)
– Switch to R5 they are taking line ‘well Trumps not doing much about the Hurricane”
Just had a walk with the lab, on the hottest aug bank holiday eva, decent jumper and wind-cheater needed it was so hot, normal commotion, of bird song and flymo’s , few kids here and there, and an old dear litter picking around the village paths sprightly and about mid 70s.
I’m taking regular such anti-bbc/creeping islam therapies now, recommended.
Theres another bloody flymo just kicked off…….they are like an infectious disease , picked up by the ears of wives, and spread to husbands verbally.
Here in sunny Perthshire, God’s own county, it is not sunny. Overcast, cool, rain showers, windy, typical late august day. The leaves are falling and the swallows are gathering. In 2 weeks time I am going to be flying with them to rainy Gambia ( not in the same aeroplane ), where no-one gives a monkey’s about global warming. Bliss !
4pm Radio 4 again for the minorities
At least they talk about Leeds carnival rather than London Notting Hill
“After the violence directed at black people in Nottingham and Notting Hill in the 1950s,
and the naked racism expressed in Smethwick during the 1964 general election,
a group of pioneering West Indians came up with a simple and defiant riposte: Carnival.
.. behind the scenes of Carnival to its Leeds West Indian HQ in Chapeltown ”
Even at 3:30 the Food programme had quite a bit on Caribbean Cooking saltfish
Hard Talk : Daniel Hannan was on
You know the drill
: If a LibMob guy is on it’s Soft Talk
: If it’s none Lib then it’s HARD HARD Talk : Sackur is frothing with unresonableness he made out that Boris saying “Go Whistle” is worse than Juncker asking for £96bn leaving fee in the first place
Here’s another recent episode
The groups that “spew racism” in the mainstream can be “more dangerous perhaps than the skinhead group that everyone recognises as something marginal,”
“It is always easy to tell the haters if they are wearing swastikas or are in white sheets,” he said,
“it is harder to recognise the haters who are in business suits
, that’s why we think it is so important to point out when we see them,”
the Southern Poverty Law Center (SPLC) president, Richard Cohen, has told BBC Hardtalk’s Stephen Sackur.
Tucker et al refer to th SPLC as discredited and debunked, a highly political lefty org who has recently published a list of hate groups, so that funders, sponsors etc can dump them. The list included Jihadwatch, Ayan Hirsi Ali, and some sort of family promotion group, can’t remember their name. From this info you can see that the BBC would love them. Sorry if I’m stating info that you already know.
Maybe the BBC think it is joined up thinking but I was listening to The Food Programme with Shiela Dillon about salt cod. She finished up with an item where a lady from Leeds but from St Kitts was preparing a traditional Caribbean dish of salt cod to sell at the Leeds carnival. Next programme was about the Leeds Carnival with lots of steel drum music and the rich deep tones of a Caribbean man talking about the programme. Sometime I just want a programme about England (not Wales, Scotland or Northern Ireland) about English traditions, nothing about climate change, not being presented by someone disabled unless they have been a presenter for years, and where there is no talk about rainbows, gender or others on that spectrum. Surely it cannot be that hard? Well actually it is getting more difficult to be aware if such programmes exist because I am watching and listening far far less. I don’t even know if Shaun the Sheep still appears.
JohnCMar 4, 03:17 Start the Week 3rd March 2025 WTF is Trudeau doing in there ?. That is just a TDS convention. There is a LOT of hate, spite…
atlas_shruggedMar 4, 01:14 Start the Week 3rd March 2025 The Germans knew this was coming. They just did not know what city would be hit first. Here is Nuremberg…
atlas_shruggedMar 4, 01:04 Start the Week 3rd March 2025 The roof looks in good nick. Just like the cathedral at Notre-Dame in Paris.
tomoMar 4, 00:52 Start the Week 3rd March 2025 We absolutely need some British judges subject to this sort of challenge.
Van HelsingMar 4, 00:33 Start the Week 3rd March 2025 I rather think their ambition is loftier than their reach. Trump holds the cards in this one.
JohnCMar 4, 00:29 Start the Week 3rd March 2025 This sounds like what that talk about Obama and the Logan act was really about. ‘ a United States federal…
JohnCMar 4, 00:22 Start the Week 3rd March 2025 taff, the usual BBC response is to simply not report it. A search with Google shows several UK sites reporting…
JohnCMar 4, 00:00 Start the Week 3rd March 2025 I think you overcomplicate it there Zelazek: Trump is outspokenly right-wing. And the Left absolutely hate people like him with…
What age group is BBC IIi aimed at? (including boxed items at the foot of page!)
Teens and young adults.
No. Under 5s. Beeboids love children .
Grant, no jesting, I was a little shocked by that. As we both recognise, anything directed at teens will, inevitably, be seen by pre-teens or younger. Not suitable material in my view.
Another nail in the DG’s ‘P45 coffin’ ?
I think Tony Hall must be sacked or resign.
Has any BBC DG ever been sacked ?
Grant, effectively, yes; George Entwistle.
I think Sir Charles Curran came very close to it. He was very disliked by the public, especially the sports and motor racing enthusiasts.
I had forgotten about him. He carried the can for the Lord Mcalpine scandal. A bit unlucky really.
Forget all this nonsense talk of ‘sacking’ and ‘P45s’, just sign here, tell all your mates and have a read of the “reasons for signing”.
They very much reflect the comments posted on here.
Aimed at under 5s? Does that refer to their age or IQ?
Maybe the English is simple, cos kids these days are often not born in Britain or not accustomed to speaking English that much.
BBC Three commissioning say
“BBC Three aims to connect with 16 to 34 year olds, so tone is really important on the channel. ”
“The tone of the channel
BBC Three content is modern, distinctive and relevant (though not exclusively) to our core 16-34 year-old target audience. We aim to speak to this audience with * intelligence *and on a level and in a way that will stimulate strong emotion and provoke reaction.”
BTW have you met a recent uni graduate ?
… many seem like they can barely write.
Stew, it wasn’t the English I was worried about – it was the content, especially as indicated at the foot of the page.
It has always puzzled me why the ‘watershed’ never applied to radio and, here, to the BBC web-site.
All university degrees outside the disciplines of science and medicine awarded since 1997 are null and void. Discuss.
I see Beeb website reporting one of their loveies Russell Brand got married. How on earth can anyone take this bunch seriously when they think this is worthy of the NEWS website. Sorry, just remembered he’s one of them!!!!!!
As Mrs Merton would have said
I wonder what Laura Gallacher saw in the millionaire ‘socialist’ Russell Brand!
Maybe she likes hypocrites who pretend to be socialists ?
Maybe she likes very thick men?
Maybe she wanted a man child to mother?
Or maybe she is thick and stupid and in need of money?
A few more children on the way and Brand will soon lose his houses and wealth in the divorce settlement;
maybe she isn’t so stupid after all.
Let’s hope she insisted that Brand had an AIDS test before they married. Mind you, he probably has one every week anyway. Pitiful creature.
AIDS, yes, he needs any sort of help he can get!
It’s the fourth one -beggars belief who pays these sub-average human beings money ? they have no fkking talent – oh yes it is the BBC
Countryfile : Oh these poor dairy farmers they can’t get enough money from the dairy corps
They’ve gone to selling their milk direct door to door.
the Twitterati clap..unaware that the dairy corps used to be farmers cooperatives until the farmers got greedy and sold them off
Arla is still a Farmer-Owned Cooperative
They always used to sell door to door, several here still do, oneway or another they will produce and sell cos that’s what they do.
BBC News 20:21 27Aug2017 – Jeremy Corbyn now is able to find train seats {order-order aug2017} whilst sat next to Keir Starmer (Labour Shadow Brexit Secretary). Followed by Chuka Umunna MP.
Followed by Frank Field, Labour MP – ‘Jeremy is on a journey … … people can keep the faith of those who came out, we aren’t doing any rating or u-turning or anything else (but your leader is having a journey? Your leader is against what you wanted when leaving the EU.)’
Freedom of movement will end when we leave the European Union. Britain’s immigration system will change, but Labour will not scapegoat migrants nor blame them for economic failures. {Labour Manifesto GE17}
BBC News 20:31 – Visiting Hull City of Culture
Item 1: Julian Clary Writing books (culture of hull? Clary was born in Surbiton, Surrey)
Item 2: UK Pride – Man dressed as women who looks like a man dressed as a women (culture?)
Item 3: Bill Bailey in an Exhibition of some history (culture)
Coverage on the news channel was even more top heavy on the LGBT subject. If I was putting a lot of work into promoting Hulls year of culture I’d be pretty pissed off that the Beeb seem he’ll bent on pushing their agenda via this event. Yesterday it was Manchester pride. It’s relentless the amount of coverage this gets on the Beeb.
SkyAtlantic @22:52 – three people all Anti-trump. I really like Bill Maher but wish they would check their guests responses.
Guest says Trump builds sea wall in Scotland to stop climate change, for his Luxury Golf Course. Found article and mentions –
“His representatives argued the barrier was needed to stop erosion along the sand dunes at Doughmore beach but Clare County Council revealed the plans had been withdrawn on Monday.” {independent dec2016}
– natural erosion that is taking place everyday, conflated with Climate change, now American’s watching Bill Maher have a new story to tell their friends.
Donald Trump’s plan to build huge wall at Irish golf course scrapped amid concern for rare snail {independent dec2016}
– They did mention a good point on Afghanistan – in that having a border ready troops if Taliban in Pakistan get the nukes.
Really !
Is this headline news ? “Russell Brand marries partner Laura Gallacher”
Get rid of the Telly Poll Tax. Its an unaccountable government robbery of the British people.
Of course it is,
Hes rude to old people, hang on rude full stop, he sleeps around, whilst not short of a bob or two, he wants the rich to be divested of their wealth and he supports Labour..
A ‘Dalek’ moment on Countryfile this evening – how did their wheelchair-bound presenter get across that ploughed field?
(How do Daleks get up stairs? It’s been a long time since I watched Doctor Who but I believe the ring of rectangular panels was added to give them that ability. No sign of panels on our man’s chair though).
‘Bigging Up’ their calendar must fill about 25% of that increasing weird programme.
Here in the UK during this agenda-busting summer in which a BBC weatherman frankly admits “There’s nothing much to write home about” they will happily cross a continent or two to source their weather stories….
So of course we have to be subjected to the typically incontinent superlative-laden BBC response to the storms on the Texas coast: “Catastrophic floods, causing devastation”
And then comes the reflexive stumbling reach for their dubious End Of Times scenario: “Quite unprecedented, really”
When actually it is a regular occurrence. The BBC, world leaders in Fake News.
I see The Sun and some other papers reporting arrests at the Notting Hill carnival, although a relatively small amount for the size of the event. Scoured the Beeb website but no mention just all the usual multicultural love in stuff. Reporting facts that go against the Mantra seems a complete no no these days.
Inhabitants who live close to Notting Hill suffer a crime wave during this event, but unless they live in the exact ‘designated’ Carnival area then this collateral crime is not included in any statistics. (described to me by a contact in the Met).
BBC Website describes Labour’s U-turn over Brexit not as a U-turn but as a “backlash “. Bias ? What bias ?
It’s becoming more obvious by the day that the whole elite establishments agenda = Brexit, Soft Brexit and finally yippee No Brexit. You can just picture the editorial meeting trying to come up with an alternative to U-Turn.
Yes. “Backlash” suggests it is a reaction to something instead of a U-turn. The Remoaners are pulling out all the stops. Complete waste of time as the EU will collapse anyway. They are living in the past. The rest of the world has moved on.
Since the late Bank Holiday in August was established in 1965. So I am guessing it is probably not even the hottest August 28th on record. Definately some gymnastics going on here .
Hottest day in England , worst ever storms in US what could they be trying to say here ?
Funny how the BBC has not mentioned the 1900 Galveston Hurricane for comparison that killed 6,000 – 8,000 people with winds of 145 mph and a 15 ft storm surge – now why would they not mention this storm from 1900 ?
That’s an easy one Lock. The BBC was founded in 1922. Nothing of any significance happened before this date. Along with the philosophies behind such gems as cooking programmes, house-sales, antique hunts and low-appeal sports, it keeps things simple for dedicated viewers.
Thx got it 🙂
In a nutshell Jack Cohen IsBlog shows exactly why I will not watch or listen to the lying BBC ‘News’ regarding the Palestinian/Israel conflict. I cannot disagree at all with his assessment…
Credit: IsBlog
Pres. Trump has sent his representatives, Jared Kushner and Jason Greenblatt, to the region again to see if they can revive the peace process. Actually they would need to resuscitate it because it has been dead for a long time. And anyone knowing the details of the situation will realize that, as with resuscitating a dead person, this game is not feasible. Every time the possibility of a real peace compromise comes close the Palestinians manage to evade it.
This time they are considering dissolving the Palestine Authority (PA) that has been their representative entity that was established by the Oslo Accords in 1994 as a step in the direction of a possible Palestine State. But, State-building is not their thing, they are more concerned with destroying a State – Israel – than with building one. In order to do this they have lied and prevaricated. They have been split into many factions, each trying a different strategy to destroy Israel. The Fatah faction of the PLO, that runs the PA, has the strategy of pretending to want peace, while at the same time inciting violence against Israelis, sponsoring terrorism and educating their children to hate Jews. Hamas that controls Gaza has no such reservations, they are at war with Israel and they openly proclaim their intention to destroy Israel with no pretensions. They fire rockets from Gaza at Israeli population centers and have waged several wars.
The leader of Fatah and the PA is Pres. Mahmud Abbas, who at 82 years old is past his sell-by date, he should have retired years ago, but cannot. He has no selected successor and cannot allow elections since they will end in violence. He cannot make any moves towards peace that would be seen as concessions to Israel or the US and he would end up dead, assassinated probably by Hamas. His regime is illegal, corrupt and incompetent. His people know it, but can’t do anything about it. His main aim now its to avoid a violent end and to retire with his ample funds stolen from the donations that the EU and US continue to lavish on an intransigent and unrepentant community.
Taylor Force was a former US marine on a course in Israel who was stabbed to death in Tel Aviv by a Palestinian terrorist. The terrorist was shot dead but his family are being paid a large sum each month, a subsidy that supports terrorism. The funds for these payments to terrorists and their families comes from the aid that the US and others pay the PA. At last someone is doing something about this. The “Taylor Force Act” that is before the Senate would stop all aid payments to the PA until this financial support for terrorism stops. Not one Democrat has signed on to support this Act, so we see where their interests lie. Let’s hope it passes and the PA loses all its support, as well as UNRWA that subsidizes terror in Gaza and the so-called refugee camps, and let’s hope the PA collapses. Then we will see the true reality of the situation, that the US and other western countries are subsidizing the terrorist murders of Israeli Jews.
Piece in Saturdays Guardian about the impact of the pounds value on travellers. They managed to quote one chap coming back from Pissa saying “they can’t understand why we’re doing this”. Not my experience at all. We have had waiting staff young and old shaking our hands in congratulations. The majority of people we have engaged on the subject are all for getting out and are fully aware that Italys economy has been completely screwed by Merkel’s mottly crew.
“Pissa ” ? Actually, maybe you got it right first time !
Pissa in the Central African Republic – come on Grant keep up thought you was the Mayor of Pissa 🙂
LOL ! Oh that Pissa. Yes, very popular tourist destination. Lots of leaning towers there after people have had a few too many !
Speaking of Africa. BBC website, main headline ” Kenya plastic bag ban comes into force “. Another headline ” Ethiopia- a role model for Africa “.
Sorry Grant. Blaming spellchecker again. I visited PISA in June. Probably the least interesting place I’ve been to in Italy in all honesty. Bit of a box ticker with no atmosphere.
Actually, I followed up Lock’s comment and there is a village ” Pissa ” in Central Africa. I bet it has atmosphere !
Labour does a u turn on staying in the single market and allowing freedom of movement. What do the BBC Today do at 8.35 on a bank holiday morning when most listeners are switching on? Why interview the SNP of course, for a bit of gratuitous anti Tory propaganda and a remainers’ discussion.
Good Socialist principles mean that the rich i.e. Brits, have to pay for and support the poor. Labour: Free Movement good. What about Corbyn agreeing with Merkel to dissipate all them (‘dem’ in BBC Pidgin) lovely Black migrants and muslims with low IQ toward the UK when they have naturalisation (and Free Movement rights) so we could support them? Its not working for the Visegrad 4 but, hey, the Corbynista dummies in Westminster would love it to work here. The other benefit in the bargain for the Socialists would be to help speed up the islamification of the UK.
God help us!
G – the Left always benefits by bringing in more people who cannot or won’t assimilate. More public sector jobs (for the useless arts graduates to keep them occupied) in Government, local government, Quangos and ‘charities’.
With the sizeable number of ‘refugees’ with mental health problems, their demands for NHS treatment, social workers and associated do-gooders etc, this leads to fewer services for the indigenous people who’ve actually paid into the system. Nasty no-good racists that they are!
And that’s why smart people who want to bring up their children normally will begin to leave the big cities for the posher suburbs, then the countryside, and eventually abroad to escape the whole rotten broken system.
Extended Today interview with AC Grayling, left liberal remainer and Trump hater, to publicise his book. Soft questions from Webb and little more than an extended advert for the biased BBC’s views.
Arrogance of an overpaid academic, EE, supported by the arrogance of an overpaid broadcaster? (The BBC, that is.)
Just listened to this. Grayling basically insulting anyone’s intelligence who voted out or Trump. At the end when Webb suggested his book was basically against what had been voted for Grayling came up with the line that it was an analysis of the events. Who’s he trying to kid.
BBC none too hot on geography – again – this morning on R4’s TODAY: France, apparently, is west of Birling Gap.
Funny. I always thought it was Bognor Regis.
Not too good on science or memory, either. Is the BBC becoming demented? Has W1A got Alzheimers? Gas at the seaside? First and obvious suggestion would be an ozone cloud concentration. The symptoms appear to fit. Been a while since I was incapacitated by an ozone cloud on me hols but I do remember them and it happening to me.
Never mind. The BBC may be none too hot on geography and science and asking questions but at least they are good on heat and telling me it is hot in summer. This is going to be the hottest late August Bank Holiday evvva!
Hang on a minute! Late August Bank Holiday? Late? When was the Early Bank Holiday this month? Unlike the BBC, I have been paying attention. I did not get one. I’ve been deprived. It’s unfair. I want compensation. I demand equality. I should be paid as much as the Director General.
Will the BBC ask questions? Will the BBC campaign on my behalf? I’m a minority here. I need the BBC on my side!
The BBC believes that geography is a social construct and can be fluid. For instance, it considers that villages and peoples of the Arabian peninsula, Indian sub-continent and Sub-Saharan Africa can be transported to Europe, where they miraculously become ‘European’.
So, a second man arrested in connection with Buck Palace attack. Starting to sound less like a lone wolf with mental problems having a bad day, and more like a muslim terror attack.
What will it take for the public and the authorities to wake up to the threat? A royal killed? An explosion near a nuclear power station as was planned in Belgium? Or, worst of all, the unthinkable, the unimaginable: an attack on Broadcasting House with multiple casualties? I shudder at the mere thought.
But never mind all that, let’s have a laugh at “42 things Donald did on his summer holiday” by our old beauty, Jon smug-sanctimonious-superior-sneering-aren’t I clever- I once shook hands with saint o’bama, that’s how important I am – Sopel.
It will take the death of a number of MPs and , even then, I doubt the Goverment will act. Not that I am in anyway condoning such an act if it happens. As for the BBC, the “Terrorists’ friend ” will always be immune .
Agreed Grant – Actually I don’t think terrorist acts by the religion of war and rape are the greatest danger we face. More worrying is islamisation by stealth – islam creep (creep being the apt word). With full beebistan collusion of course.
A pious piece about adding lead to petrol. It quite rightly demands to know why evil capitalists kept adding lead to fuel for so long, when all knew it was dangerous to mankind. Lead added to petrol killed tens of thousands and left many more with brain and respiratory problems.
Tomorrow, the BBC will be running an equally pious piece on why the left forced diesel fuel on the public. For decades, the morally superior BBC promoted the ‘clean/green’ alternative to carbon infected petrol. Diesel kills about 30,000 people every year in the UK alone, and leaves tens of thousands more with brain damage and respiratory problems.
AC Grayling on Today, today –
Reckons we need a new political system because he lost the Exit EU Referendum and further, Trump is all wrong. The people have to have a better way of being represented in Government so as to avoid disasters like Brexit and Trump. Problem for me is, if there is different systems in place and the people still vote for Brexit/Trump what then Mr Grayling?
A C Grayling – part of the problem. ‘Drain the Swamp’.
Ah yes, an idea that many on the left would find attractive. If the people weren’t allowed to vote then the left could force their will up on everyone then we would enjoy socialist utopias like the old Soviet Union, the former China, Cuba and Venezuela. No need for the police the delightful Antifa could don their black masks and attack anyone who doubted the BBC’s views. No need for any of the US channels that people actually watch voluntarily, they would be forced to watch the BBC.
I think what the likes of people who use initials instead of first names like Mr Grayling doesn’t understand is what it is like to be uncomfortable. Worrying about being able to pay bills. Seeing foreigners come in and take jobs. Profits not being fairly shared with workers.
My family wasn’t well off but worked hard to get I’m “ok” .
Now I am no socialist . I believe in the mainly market system – everyone for themselves -with personal responsibility not state dependency. I didn’t hear Mr Grayling but by the very fact al Beeb gave him air time they knew he’d be on message. I wonder if there was an alternative view ?on a phone line which ‘drops out’ as usual.
No, no alternative view – needless to say…………..
The BBC only gives an alternative view when it suits its narrative and then it can take up 80 per cent of the entire article. This is done under the time honoured ‘but Labour says’ principle and was perfectly demonstrated the other day when Prof Patrick Minford’s views on Brexit were glibly dismissed in a short paragraph, followed by yards of rubbish from a Europhile opponent, who was given most of the coverage.
Thanks G
I guess Mr Grayling has a bit of Empire guilt so polpular with al Beeb being the son of a banker and was born in our African empire ( wiki – I have time to research at the moment). Inherited wealth – an academic all his life – on the liberal gravy train talking and writing crap about liberal issues.
I hadn’t realised Grayling was another one of the Afrika Korps. I have to say I have met a disproportionate number of guilt-ridden imbeciles who have fled the dark continent and then spent their time in Britain lecturing us on how awful we are and have been. Think Peter Hain… I suspect he was one of the first.
I always wonder why, if Africa and Africans are so wonderful, they trouble us with their presence, rather than staying, or returning, to help the places they so admire.
Spot on. At the end of the day , these racist hypocrites despise Africans and only care about themselves. Why did scum like Hain not go back to RSA after apartheid was abolished ? Answer, he was on a good screw in UK and he knew that RSA ruled by Africans would be shit. And he was right but would never admit it .
The point of reference for the people albeeb expose us too is one of the difficulties people face. There are common motivations such as those of mr Grayling -whom I have never read or met –
but there are others – al Beeb journos and policitician who only know school – uni journo/researcher – using parent money or influence – they are easy –
as are (most) non white labour `MPs.
You can add to the list. It’s only a few exceptional politicians and journos who do what they do because they think it’s right. The rest are careerists in their own niche and a peerage later .
Whatever you do avoid reading The Times front page this morning. It will make you sick with rage.
In fact, I advise you not to read my summary:
The Times says: “A white Christian child was taken from her family and forced to live with a niqab-wearing foster carer in a home where she was allegedly encouraged to learn Arabic.
The five-year-old girl, a native English speaker, has spent the past six months in the care of two Muslim households in London. The foster placements were made, against the wishes of the girl’s family, by the scandal-ridden borough of Tower Hamlets.”
The child actually cries every time she is taken back to these culturally enriching families. The social services have said she begs to be released from the muslim households.
The Muslims have banned her from eating her favourite meal, even when her mother gave it to her, as the “carbonara meal contained bacon” The Muslim families do not even speak English, so the poor isolated child cannot understand what they are saying.
All this from Tower Hamlets council, yep the one misruled by Lutfur Rahman, who was found guilty of corrupt and illegal electoral practices.
Why aren’t Tower Hamlet’s social service being arrested for child cruelty?
When will the BBC mention this appalling heartless act
That sounds akin to a war crime.
There needs to be a record of those who participate in or facilitate such things, so they can be brought to account at the proper time.
And no, as in Nuremburg, ‘I was just obeying orders’ will not be an acceptable defence.
scribblingscribe et al
Remember this ?
“UKIP couple have foster children removed from care”………….
Hi taffman – and it was Rotherham Borough Council that removed those children and placed them with Muslims. It is likely that these children were then raped. Rotherham Borough Council were not just passive in allowing Muslim rape gangs to flourish, their decisions actually helped that process.
I don’t want to be difficult but you are describing some comedy script right?
I mean – that’s not real is it ? Not in Blighty ?
As a child i was taken into care but from the gay death cult into the care of Christians. Guidelines were set:
No Religion
No meat
When I was 16 I was allowed to make my own mind up, Put it this way, I didn’t choose the dark side.
Can she be saved from FGM or is it already done.
Is she being prepared for grooming and being passed around her many new ‘uncles’
Scribbling – When will the BBC mention this appalling heartless act? When pigs fly. Oops.
According to the Express, there were 106 arrests on the first day, with more than a third of these, 42, for drugs offences. There were also eight arrests for possession of an offensive weapon or knife/ blade, nine public order arrests and ten common assault arrests. Some nine arrests for sexual offences were also carried out, and six arrests for assault of police officers.
Well that’s the Proms for you.
Another enriching day of diversity. But no killings?
How to lie with statistics
Article in Telegraph
“But despite this string of attacks, relatively few people have been killed by terrorist attacks in the UK in recent years.”
Then look at how many people have been killed in ENGLAND. Other than the 7/7 attacks in 2005, more people have been killed in England than any year since 1980 and 1974.
The 1974 = Birmingham Pub Bombings (by the way) were accidental dealths according to an IRA fighter.
That piece is ridiculous and The Telegraph ought to be ashamed of itself.
It takes absolutely no account of the many Islamic attacks that have been foiled. One alone, a plot to blow up 10 passenger jet airliners as they left the Uk would have led to causalities of around 3,000. Nor does anyone seem to recall that following the bomb attacks on the London underground, a group of Muslims tried to repeat the same atrocity but with explosives that, fortunately didn’t go off.
That’s just the UK. The Belgian authorities foiled a plot to use a drone to drop radioactive waste into the middle of Brussels, hence why the entire population of Belgium were given iodine tablets. What on earth would the death figure have been had they succeeded.
“It takes absolutely no account of the many Islamic attacks that have been foiled. ”
Or the cost of achieving it, or the number of people who have survived with severe injuries, or the restrictions placed on our freedom to (allegedly) keep us safe.
Not many black men killed by the police either. Try peddling that statistic in the MSM.
The British, and other, Intelligence services doing a great job. But we are let down by the useless politicians and journalists. Almost none of them have done a real job in their whole worthless lives. They feed in the same gutter.
The author of that piece in The telegraph is by a “data correspondence” called Ashley Kirk. if you look up Ashley Kirk – he is not the pretty aspiring model one. He also scribes for the Guardian and , no doubt, is an aspiring beeboid wanting to do that Lefty Numbers programme they do – less or more.
To talk about how few people are killed or injured through islamic or republican terrorism is an absolute insult
and this kid should be sacked or taken to the aftermath.
he is right course – at current levels – you are more likely to win the lottery than get killed in a terrorist attack. But if those animals go for a mass casualty attack he may have to shift his slide rule and actuarial views.
And The Telegraph editor must have gone on holiday.
The author of that piece in The telegraph is by a “data correspondence” called Ashley Kirk. if you look up Ashley Kirk – he is not the pretty aspiring model one. He also scribes for the Guardian and , no doubt, is an aspiring beeboid wanting to do that Lefty Numbers programme they do – less or more.
To talk about how few people are killed or injured through islamic or republican terrorism is an absolute insult
and this kid should be sacked or taken to the aftermath.
he is right course – at current levels – you are more likely to win the lottery than get killed in a terrorist attack. But if those animals go for a mass casualty attack he may have to shift his slide rule and actuarial views.
And The Telegraph editor must have gone on holiday.
The Telegraph went Left Wing years ago. I just googled ” Daily Telegraph ” and the first thing that came up was ” Is the Telegraph a tabloid “. A once great newspaper is just a rag now.
I can choose to buy a lottery ticket. Some have had no choice to make in being murdered.
@Arthurp The articles major deception is that it is a re-release
The Article is NOW dated August 27, yet OLDEST comments are dated 30 May 2017
When the original article was released
* Talk about lying with numbers ! *
Look at this May 30 tweet, that takes you to TODAY’s article ; it’s not like I got in a time machine or something
(journo is a child called Ashley_J_Kirk )
Why terrorist attack is different to car accident
A terrorist attack is a low risk high impact event
: In a car crash you die and your families life changes
: With a terrorist attack you die and millions of lives are affected
#1 It effects the economy eg. reduces tourism and investment for years
#2 Millions of people who used to spend 2 minutes at airport security now spend 10
#3 Your tube ticket/taxes go up to pay for all the extra security
The thing is : it’s always best to skim the title and then go to the bottom of the page to see if it’s been debunked in the top comments
And indeed here you find some good points
I’ll add
#4 Terrorist attacks are targetted, so impact some groups more than others
The Jewish school is more at risk whilst the London ethnic-Muslims are more at risk from backlash and ethnic profiling security at airports/visas etc.
#5 The next car crash insn’t going to be the magnitude of 911 or start WW1
car crashes have a much smaller pool of outcomes.
The way the BBC covers and creates news in the India-Pakistan-Bangladesh-Myanmoor World Region proves beyond any doubt that Pakistani Islamists and Alt-Left Progressives are controlling the BBC output.
They have gone absolutely crazy over the past four days creating and promoting a story involving a local Indian guru and his followers. They are headlining their stories as “Rapist Indian Guru”, and it is currently being promoted on the BBC homepage, BBC news homepage, their World News Section, their Asia News Section and their Indian News Section. Here are some of the headlines
1) Rapist Indian guru jailed for 10 years
2) Inside rape guru’s ‘mini city’ complex
3) How a divided India fuelled the rise of the gurus (anti-Hindu story)
Guru relates to a Hindu holy man. You will never see the BBC headline a story: Rapist Pakistani Iman, Rapist British Muslims etc. But they have absolutely have no problem creating headlines such as “Rapist Hindu”, “Rapist Priest” etc. In fact they will find any excuse to create such headlines, taking relatively small stories from obscurity to frontline news in order to promote their anti-Hindu, anti-Christian, anti-India, pro-Pakistani, pro-Islamist, pro-Muslim agendas.
Totally spot on !! Rape is fine with the BBC so long as it is done by a muslim. Beeboids are perverts.
Or a senior member of the SWP.
Isn’t Singh a Sikh name? Not that you’d expect the useless overpaid beeboids to know that.
“Indian media reported that Gurmeet Ram Rahim Singh’s followers had set a vehicle on fire just ahead of sentencing. Violence after Friday’s verdict in Panchkula in northern Haryana state had killed some 38 people”
– judging by the BBC’s editorialising of the India-Pakistan 70th anniverasy this outbreak of religious violence will be down to British divide and rule policies (TM Diane Abbott)
By the way, it’s always interesting to note those peculiar new snippets of BBC newspeak which now regularly slip into their reports: “A controversial Indian godman convicted of rape on Friday has been sentenced to 10 years in prison” – GODMAN ??!!
Typical cock-sucking cross dressing racist lefty:
I do not have a clue what that was about but they certainly do not know how to fight !
That incident happened in Seattle in June. The black guy was actually reporting for his college paper when the chick with a dick tried to use numbers in which to get his own way. As for not knowing how to fight. never go for the head, its the hardest part of the body. The funny thing is, so many people shove themselves in your face in which to try and bully others. Allowing somebody who knows where to strike to have a very easy time in which to take them out.
A lot of the above techniques look good because the uke (The attacker, but more correctly the one been thrown) knows he has to roll or else suffer a broken limb. I’ve used a lot of the above and similar in real life. People are always surprised by how quickly things are finished and how a seemingly passive guy can turn violent in seconds. The irony here is, no anger is expressed from our side, if anything, I have always been that little bit scared.
First words from Leftard “I have no idea why he hit me”.
Glad to be gay
What a boon it must be to be a homosexual these days. The entire public sector from BBC through to the Police oblidged to publicly celebrate your sexuality. No disapproval of any tendency to promiscuity is allowed to be aired. No distaste will ever be voiced should your taste be for intergenerational relationships (cf Tom Daley)
It will soo be homophobic hate crime to turn down a gay proposition or resist being sodomised.
Switch On Bingo – R4 News WatO banging on about Stonewall riots when I switched on
– Not UK
– Not current news, just tenuous anniversary link
(anniversary of pride rally which was inspired by Stonewall riots)
– Switch to R5 they are taking line ‘well Trumps not doing much about the Hurricane”
I blame the hurricane on Brexit not on Trump.
The hurricane came from a Russian butterfly flapping it’s wings
With Houston deluged and law and order all gone to hell when can we expect to see all those Texas rednecks rioting and looting?
BBC News Magazine 10 things we didn’t know last week
News snippets Sliced and diced for your convenience
(MetroBubble stuff mostly Not really useful)
That BBC Stories unit has its own Facebook page filled with SJW issues like ‘look at me I am trans, I’m an oppressed immigrant/woman etc’
Just had a walk with the lab, on the hottest aug bank holiday eva, decent jumper and wind-cheater needed it was so hot, normal commotion, of bird song and flymo’s , few kids here and there, and an old dear litter picking around the village paths sprightly and about mid 70s.
I’m taking regular such anti-bbc/creeping islam therapies now, recommended.
Theres another bloody flymo just kicked off…….they are like an infectious disease , picked up by the ears of wives, and spread to husbands verbally.
I’m out frying eggs on the pavement Manxman
Not even a solar oven would work here today Lock13.
Here in sunny Perthshire, God’s own county, it is not sunny. Overcast, cool, rain showers, windy, typical late august day. The leaves are falling and the swallows are gathering. In 2 weeks time I am going to be flying with them to rainy Gambia ( not in the same aeroplane ), where no-one gives a monkey’s about global warming. Bliss !
Thanks stew.
That page is gonna be a rich vein to vent within.
My opening shot.
”Adam’s story is a journey from female to male” [ and pic.]
Sardonic Manxman
Only the Re-incarnation stage to complete then.
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4pm Radio 4 again for the minorities
At least they talk about Leeds carnival rather than London Notting Hill
“After the violence directed at black people in Nottingham and Notting Hill in the 1950s,
and the naked racism expressed in Smethwick during the 1964 general election,
a group of pioneering West Indians came up with a simple and defiant riposte: Carnival.
.. behind the scenes of Carnival to its Leeds West Indian HQ in Chapeltown ”
Even at 3:30 the Food programme had quite a bit on Caribbean Cooking saltfish
Hard Talk : Daniel Hannan was on
You know the drill
: If a LibMob guy is on it’s Soft Talk
: If it’s none Lib then it’s HARD HARD Talk : Sackur is frothing with unresonableness he made out that Boris saying “Go Whistle” is worse than Juncker asking for £96bn leaving fee in the first place
Even by the low standards of the BBC, Sackur is a shit.
He’s a “Sackur Shit”
Here’s another recent episode
The groups that “spew racism” in the mainstream can be “more dangerous perhaps than the skinhead group that everyone recognises as something marginal,”
“It is always easy to tell the haters if they are wearing swastikas or are in white sheets,” he said,
“it is harder to recognise the haters who are in business suits
, that’s why we think it is so important to point out when we see them,”
the Southern Poverty Law Center (SPLC) president, Richard Cohen, has told BBC Hardtalk’s Stephen Sackur.
Tucker et al refer to th SPLC as discredited and debunked, a highly political lefty org who has recently published a list of hate groups, so that funders, sponsors etc can dump them. The list included Jihadwatch, Ayan Hirsi Ali, and some sort of family promotion group, can’t remember their name. From this info you can see that the BBC would love them. Sorry if I’m stating info that you already know.
Maybe the BBC think it is joined up thinking but I was listening to The Food Programme with Shiela Dillon about salt cod. She finished up with an item where a lady from Leeds but from St Kitts was preparing a traditional Caribbean dish of salt cod to sell at the Leeds carnival. Next programme was about the Leeds Carnival with lots of steel drum music and the rich deep tones of a Caribbean man talking about the programme. Sometime I just want a programme about England (not Wales, Scotland or Northern Ireland) about English traditions, nothing about climate change, not being presented by someone disabled unless they have been a presenter for years, and where there is no talk about rainbows, gender or others on that spectrum. Surely it cannot be that hard? Well actually it is getting more difficult to be aware if such programmes exist because I am watching and listening far far less. I don’t even know if Shaun the Sheep still appears.
Something along the lines of Down Your Way with Johners. Happy days.