This small quote from Adrian Chiles demonstrates all that is wrong with the BBC and its employees…its smug superiority and condescending attitude…..Trump was talking about sending troops to Afghanistan and the need to deal with Pakistan…Chiles decides he knows much better and Trump needs his advice…
‘Has he has Pakistan explained to him?…It’s a complicated place’
Encapsulates the whole BBC attitude towards Trump.
Don better watch out lest Ade decides to report him to someone.
Isnt he the guy he grassed on Carol Thatcher to the BBC thought police for an indiscreet comment in private? Low IQ creep with one of those faces you want to slap.
Yes, it was him and that other fat gassbag – Jo Brand.
How many actual Pakistanis does Chiles know I wonder. Its about time someone called them out for their harbouring of terrorists and general lawlessness in certain parts .Talk to sensible secular Pakistanis and they will acknowledge it.
How this useless individual manages to keep working in media is beyond me. It must be his accent .Its certainly not his presenting skills.
adrian chiles yet another overpaid BBC talking head who thinks he knows better than the rest of us, I take it chiles as never studied the history of that part of the world pakistan 1947 to 1957 even to 2017 there are plenty of Sikhs, Hindus, Christians and other minorities who could tell this BBC talking head chiles about the reality of life in pakistan, Makes me glad that apart from what the EU steals out of my taxes to fund the BBC to push pro EU propaganda the BBC no longer gets any of my money
Chiles , thick as two short planks. I remember when he used to present ” Business Lunch ” and at least had the honesty to admit that he knew nothing about business or markets. Doesn’t that just sum up the BBC ?
But to be fair, he does know about lunch…..
Let us start with a simple concept … all those people on the UK terror watch list, 20,000 that can’t be watched all at once, please cross reference with being paid social welfare (benefits) and deport with families now.
Does a terror watch list exist in the UK and how is it used by police? { jun2017}
“With recent events across the country people are talking more about the terror watch list – but does it actually exist?”
“There are names that are down as extremists and we’ve been told there are more than 20,000 of those in the UK, but they are not watched all the time.
“If they did anything out of the ordinary – if they weren’t in their normal location, if they were acting in an odd way and it was brought to somebody’s attention, or they did something criminal – then they would be looked at doubly.”
– See how the BBC says ‘Does a terror watch list exist..(raises doubt)‘, a better title would be ‘Information about 20,000 people on UK’s terror watch list (gives facts)‘
– Try and match these two statements – ‘If they did anything out of the ordinary’ and ‘but they are not watched all the time’.
– See what happened? We can’t watch them all the time, but when they do something odd we will get them, even though the chances are we missed it because we can’t watch them all the time.
Love to see this Adrian chump parachuted in to Balochistan……..and taken prisoner by the Balochs.
And then strung up by the Balochs?