‘Ordinary Muslims’
A senior reporter has left Channel 4 News amid presenting a package last week promoting a racist Islamist who supported ramming attacks. Last Thursday Channel 4 News aired a film presented by reporter Assed Baig showcasing Muslim women who “fight back by rejecting stereotypes”. The film heaped praise on notorious anti-Israel activist Nadia Chan. Guido
And yet the BBC still employs so many who help promote the exact same cause.
The BBC does not want you to know the truth about Islam and the consequences for British society of the steady encroachment of that ideology upon it….turning Britain back hundreds of years to the kind of society we have spilled large amounts of blood, spent large amounts of treasure, and invested huge amounts of political, social and philosophic time to end. It is one of the biggest ironies of all that the über liberal BBC should champion an ideology that is innately opposed to every value a liberal progressive holds. As said before…
‘How strange must our system of politicks appear in future ages, when it appears, that while we were carrying on offensive wars in all quarters of the globe with vast fleets and armies, that an enemy rode triumphant in our own harbours.’
As we fight the Islamists with vast armies and at great expense abroad they ride triumphant at home cheerled by the BBC.
The BBC spends a good deal of time trying to counter the idea that the consequence of mass Muslim immigration to Europe will be that Islam will rapidly become the dominant ideological narrative that rules Europeans’ lives…and today we see the BBC is still cheerleading for Islam even as we hear yet more evidence that things are not going to end well…and I don’t mean the violence, I mean the social and political ‘creep’ of Islamisation and attitudes prevalent in Muslim communities….’Jihad’ by demographics, by law, by politics, by the media….all using the tactic of using ‘Islamophobia’ as a means to guilt-trip people into bowing to Muslim blackmail….if you don’t comply then you are a racist islamophobe and Muslims will be justified in becoming angry and radicalised….bombs and truck attacks are your fault.
Today we hear a 5 year old white christian girl has been placed with quite clearly religious Muslims…twice….she was not allowed to eat her own food, was told that European women are stupid and alcoholic and that Christmas and Easter are stupid, that she should learn Arabic and that her crucifix necklace was taken off her. Kind of akin to child abuse you might suggest putting any child in such a placement never mind a non-Muslim.
The BBC begs to differ and has immediately come out with a counter narrative that tells us how wonderful Muslim foster carers are…
‘My Muslim family and our foster kids’
Here, we speak to a Muslim woman whose family has been fostering children from all religions for 25 years.
For as long as she can remember, Esmat Jeraj’s family has taken in foster children.
Their London home where she lives with her Mum, Dad, brother and sister has provided care and affection to some 60 children over a quarter of a century.
Some, like Esmat, have been Muslim, but there’s been a real mix of Christians, Hindus and Sikhs too.
“I have never found ethnicity, race or religion has been an issue,” says the 28-year-old community organiser.
We know that is bunkum…multiculturalism fosters distrust and a breakdown in communities….curiously as today the BBC told us…
Meik Wiking’s new book, The Little Book of Lykke: The Danish Search for the World’s Happiest People, takes his readers on a global pursuit of happiness by gathering evidence, stories and tips from the happiest corners of the planet and presenting the ultimate guide on to how to find inner fulfilment. He joins us on the programme.
We are told that for a happy society you need a sense of belonging, a sense of family, togetherness, trust and security…and you don’t get that in societies where different peoples and cultures are forced to live together but which in no way integrate…and in many cases have no intention of integrating.
We know this from previous studies such as this famous one...note the ‘BBCesque’ attitude [as above] that this study shouldn’t be published without a counter-narrative to ‘disprove’ it…….
A bleak picture of the corrosive effects of ethnic diversity has been revealed in research by Harvard University’s Robert Putnam, one of the world’s most influential political scientists.
His research shows that the more diverse a community is, the less likely its inhabitants are to trust anyone – from their next-door neighbour to the mayor.
This is a contentious finding in the current climate of concern about the benefits of immigration. Professor Putnam told the Financial Times he had delayed publishing his research until he could develop proposals to compensate for the negative effects of diversity, saying it “would have been irresponsible to publish without that”.
The core message of the research was that, “in the presence of diversity, we hunker down”, he said. “We act like turtles. The effect of diversity is worse than had been imagined. And it’s not just that we don’t trust people who are not like us. In diverse communities, we don’t trust people who do not look like us.”
The BBC’s extremist immigration policies promise a future society at war with itself…if it’s not already.
The BBC is dangerous for our society, for peace, cohesion and stability.
To any non-Muslim reader of the Koran, Islamophobia – fear of Islam – seems a natural reaction, and, indeed, exactly what that text is intended to provoke. Judged purely on its scripture – to say nothing of what is preached in the mosques – it is the most viciously sectarian of all religions in its heartlessness towards unbelievers. As the killer of Theo Van Gogh told his victim’s mother this week in a Dutch courtroom, he could not care for her, could not sympathise, because she was not a Muslim.
The trouble with this disgusting arrogance and condescension is that it is widely supported in Koranic texts, and we look in vain for the enlightened Islamic teachers and preachers who will begin the process of reform. What is going on in these mosques and madrasas? When is someone going to get 18th century on Islam’s medieval ass?
I looked for the Beebs reporting of this horror story with the 5 year girl being brought up by the bigoted bin bag people. In vain.
BBC update on ‘Muslim foster Christian child’ … Ruling over ‘Muslim foster case’ girl { aug2017}
A judge has ruled a Christian girl should live with a family member in a case in which it was claimed (isn’t this established fact? BBC did you speak to the council?) she was placed with a Muslim foster family.
The local authority involved, the London Borough of Tower Hamlets, has rejected reports the foster family did not speak English. (But they would not give details)
It said the girl had been placed with an English-speaking, mixed-race family.
Tower Hamlets Council said it had always intended to place the five-year-old in a relative’s permanent care. (But suddenly can find a member of the family when pressed by the press?).
‘Tower Hamlets Council has the welfare of children at the heart of what we do.’ … ‘Girl, 5, fined £150 for lemonade stand { jul2017}‘
‘Muslim foster Christian Child’ story was mixed with other stories here ‘BBC foster Muslim’ reported under a grouped news page “‘Newspaper headlines: Brexit clashes and ibuprofen ‘health alert’” { aug2017}.
“The Times follows up its lead from Monday – criticising an east London council for placing a five-year-old white Christian girl in the foster care of a devout Muslim family who don’t speak English and couldn’t meet her needs.”
– 3/4 way down the article. Very hard to find. Not available in the BBC £3.5bn organisation search results!
– what does devout mean in Muslim terms? They follow all parts of Islam theology? Would it be better to use moderate Muslims?
Devout Muslim means they believe in Sharia law, Burkas, FGM, jihad, honour killing, wife-beating, underage sex and marrying children. So nothing like a devout Christian, Hindu, Sheikh, Jew or Bhuddist, for example….
Agree lojolondon, Utterly incomprhensible, however we must all understand that, those that wish to destroy any semblance of Sovereignty over the present 27 countries inc UK that make up the EU are hell bent on ramming the ideological advancement of MULTICULTURALISM down our throats no matter the consequences. For 40 yrs Europe has quite simply allowed itself to be controlled, subjugated and enslaved by those real controllers of the Euoropean Union. Those whose agenda from the 1950’s was to create a one state Europe, a one place for all people’s of all colour whatever denomination, or ideological preference they follow. Now the shit from all those years of evilness will soon hit the fan. Preditions? What do you think?
We are fast becoming a Muslim colony, brought about by Muslim colonisers. I’m all for decolonisation of Britain.
We are heading to a real hot war, which will be started by Muslims, as they make a move to seize power and install Sharia.
Who was behind the jihadist attacks on Europe and North America? { aug2017}
Text Search: islam x 5; allah x 0; jihad x 10; extreme x 3; muslim x 0
In total, the 63 attacks caused 424 deaths and left almost 1,800 people injured.
Fewer than one in five perpetrators was a convert to Islam, with a significantly higher percentage in North America than in Europe. (if they were Muslim already, is this included in the convert to Islam figure?)
The relationship between terrorism and migration is a complex one and has been at the centre of extremely polarising debates, particularly during the European migrant crisis.
However, the number of attackers who were illegally in a country or who arrived as refugees is small. (no figure given – just use word small – why?)
Very interesting report it links to …
FEAR THY NEIGHBOR: RADICALIZATION AND JIHADIST ATTACKS IN THE WEST – Lorenzo Vidino, Francesco Marone, Eva Entenmann {pdf 2017}
“One data that stands out in this report is that 73% of perpetrators were citizens of the country in which they committed the attack. This provides further confirmation of the predominantly homegrown (but seeded from abroad?) nature of the current threat, even in the context of growing concerns about the potential infiltration of terrorists in migration flows the West”
– What is a convert (17% of attackers, 100% converts in Canada) – someone who converts before carrying out an attack or someone who is a Muslim always? It does not define convert.
– 73% homegrown, so 27% could be stopped immediately by strong borders?
– 27% of 424 attacks = 115 lives saved (in a simplistic equation)
Hi Markymark, if you count the number of times the BBC use the words “we” and “however” that also helps in working out what the BBC’s purpose might be in producing such an article.
The sorry facts which show the BBC has moved beyond bias, into pure propaganda {thecanary may2016}
The BBC and its political editor Laura Kuenssberg are under fire this week, following local election coverage which has been dismissed as nothing short of propaganda by people across the country. But how did we get here?
These are not trivial conflicts of interests. The two (James Harding/Rona Fairhead) individuals primarily responsible for driving the News and Politics agenda for the BBC, are instead driving forward their personal and professional causes – and the licence fee payer is footing the bill.
The Rise Of The Alt-Left British Media {buzzfeed may2017}
They’ve been mocked, ignored, and dismissed as conspiracy mongers – but a small group of hyperpartisan British media outlets have quietly built enormous audiences on Facebook in the space of just two years with relentlessly pro-Corbyn coverage. But how will the British alt-left media cope with the election?
“We are absolutely biased,” said Kerry-Anne Mendoza, editor of The Canary, when asked about its approach to covering the news. “We’re biased in favour of social justice, equal rights – those are non-negotiable things. We’re in this as an issue-driven organisation.”
Mendoza insisted her site remains happy to criticise Labour when the party diverges from left-wing positions.
27 Times BBC News Failed So Hard It Just Failed {buzzfeed oct2015}
Buzzfeed on avoiding Fake News – Fiona Rutherford, news reporter at BuzzFeed on avoiding Fake News. {bbc newsround feb2017}
I regard C4 as the unruly sibling of the BBC. C4 has a remit to be ‘controversial ‘ so it is freed from the more onerous but still flouted obligations placed on the BBC. Sooner or later , both of these organisations must be offloaded from their quasi public sector status . C4 isn’t heavily subsidised but it’s still infused with the same metropolitan, left wing, anti British attitudes that have taken over at the BBC.
Baig was tolerated for far too long at C4. His Islamist tweets have long been exposed by Guido Fawkes . C4 did nothing. But when you hear the appalling comments by Jon Snow, are you suprised?
BBC Website says that british children’s “biggest fear is crime “. But not a mention of muslim grooming , rape and paedophilia.
Grooming, paedophilia, rape – now what organisation would want to hush that up?
Prevent scheme ‘built on Islamophobia and should be axed’ { aug2017}
The government’s anti-radicalisation strategy, Prevent, is “ineffective and counterproductive” and should be withdrawn, according to a new report.
She (Hifsa Haroon Iqbal) said: “To base your judgment on an interview with 36 people, to state what actually is very much more opinions from newspaper reports and to claim that a strategy that has been working for a number of years is broken, I think, is misrepresenting it and is confusing people.”
– Was looking at AssedBaig@AssedBaig Aug 29 twitter
– This report is spreading quickly Waqas Tufail, Member who produced report and it is in Guardian to.
– See how this works. You get a title from some news that you agree with and link to it, hoping no one reads it. But this is aided by the title which does not reflect the story’s conclusion.
– BBC please change the title of this “Prevent scheme ‘built on Islamophobia and should be axed'”
– “Prevent scheme under attack from flawed report based on 36 people’s opinions using the word Islamophobia”
High court overturns lifetime bans for Trojan horse teachers (Inamulhaq Anwar and Akeel Ahmed) {guardian oct2016}
Judge cites ‘serious procedural impropriety’ in major setback for DfE over handling of Park View school allegations.
… I guess there is no way to stop the following behaviour … extract from Ofsted report ….
The academy has a programme of personal development, and spiritual, moral, social and cultural development, alongside opportunities to develop leadership skills. Students are invited to develop moral understanding through the weekly themed Islamic assemblies. However, no opportunities exist for non-Muslims to attend alternative assemblies. Leaders do not sufficiently review the opportunities offered to ensure breadth, balance, choice and coverage. {Park View – Birmingham – ofsted mar2014}
List of Rockwood Academy / 138059 / Ofsted reports
“Low IQ people always look for a scapegoat, people like @TRobinsonNewEra fail to understand the beauty, nuance & intricacies of Islam” – Asim Malik @nintendo7nerd
“Nuance ” ? LOL !
Good Lord! I would have said old Tommy Robinson was pretty intelligent. He’s a little bit inarticulate but then he probably hasn’t been to Eton. As for the beauty, nuance & intricacies of Islam, please somebody tell me what is beautiful about ‘Kill them (the idolaters) wherever you find them’ (Sura 9 verse 5, the verse of the Sword)?