No opportunity lost at the BBC…absolutely no proof the storms in Texas have anything to do with ‘man-made’ climate change…but the BBC can’t help raising the notion...
Record water levels are only expected to surge following a huge storm in Houston, Texas. Can events like Hurricane Harvey be linked to climate change and if so, what can we do to mitigate them? Professor Sir Brian Hoskins is chair of the Grantham Institute for Climate Change at Imperial College London.
And yes, that’s Brian Hoskins the fanatical pro-climate change alarmist who happens to now work for the fanatical pro-climate change propagandist Grantham Institute. No bias there then.
There’s never been a storm like it.….ahem…..
There have been many flood disasters in the Houston area, even dating to the mid-1800s when the population was very low. In December of 1935 a massive flood occurred in the downtown area as the water level height measured at Buffalo Bayou in Houston topped out at 54.4 feet.
By way of comparison, as of 6:30 a.m. this (Monday) morning, the water level in the same location is at 38 feet, which is still 16 feet lower than in 1935. I’m sure that will continue to rise.
Are the rainfall totals unprecedented?
Even that question is difficult to answer. The exact same tropical system moving at, say, 15 mph might have produced the same total amount of rain, but it would have been spread over a wide area, maybe many states, with no flooding disaster. This is usually what happens with landfalling hurricanes.
Instead, Harvey stalled after it came ashore and so all of the rain has been concentrated in a relatively small portion of Texas around the Houston area. In both cases, the atmosphere produced the same amount of rain, but where the rain lands is very different. People like those in the Houston area don’t want all of the rain to land on them.
There is no aspect of global warming theory that says rain systems are going to be moving slower, as we are seeing in Texas. This is just the luck of the draw. Sometimes weather systems stall, and that sucks if you are caught under one. The same is true of high pressure areas; when they stall, a drought results.
As Terrible As Harvey Is, The Galveston Hurricane Of 1900 Was Much, Much Worse
The Great Galveston Hurricane was a Category 4 storm, with winds of up to 145 mph (233 km/h), which made landfall on September 8, 1900, in Galveston, Texas, in the United States, leaving about 6,000 to 12,000 dead. It remains to the present day the deadliest natural disaster in US history.
Well if it’s not man made climate change then it must be due to Brexit. In any case it is nothing to do with Islam. [/sarc]
You forgot that other BBC bogeyman……..Presedent Donald Trump.
I asked one of the most rational, brightest scientist I know. A scientist working in this area, a young scientist in my lab – ‘If there was just one thing he had to do about the situation (population growth, climate change) we face, what would it be?”
His reply?
“Teach my son how to use a gun.”
Ending in a book by Stephen Emmott called ’10 Million’
– the most rational scientist advocates weapons?
– author asks a scientist who he works with everyday – and shows only one response, possibly the worst one?
– wouldn’t the better answer be “We’ve made great advances in science so far and can make more. We need to ensure we have a population that understands science and makes rational decisions, not based on group mania. The best advice is to teach your son knowledge, critical thinking and independence.“
Mistake – should be 10 billion, and not 10 million (early morning!)
Stephen Emmott’s population book is unscientific and misanthropic {guardian jul2013}
Ten billion’ book by Microsoft scientist is error-strewn, full of exaggeration and weak on basic science, says Chris Goodall
I don’t believe Hurricane Harvey is God’s punishment for Houston electing a lesbian mayor. But that is more credible than “climate change.” – Ann Coulter Retweeted POLITICO Magazine
I don’t think Hurricane Harvey is God’s punishment for us electing an idiot president. But that is more credible than Ann Coulter. – George Takei Retweeted Ann Coulter
Watching SKY news last night my wife was saying that Trump was getting a right trashing in the ‘Metro’ a freebee paper at her workplace. I said that he could find a cure for aids and cancer and it still wouldn’t be good enough.
Sky were saying that Trump had gone to the disaster area early because previous presidents had been criticised for not turning up early enough, Trump had clearly ‘learnt’ from previous presidents they told us. SKY then had a Democrat on to interview and his first statement was that Trump had turned up to the disaster zone for a ‘glorified photo opportunity’… my analogy seemed to be about right!
President Trump should just send the whole US Army and US Navy in as a training and logistics exercise.
Pick all the Houston citizens up in large Blackhawk helicopters and drop them in into California’s Sanctuary Cities whilst the Army rebuild Houston’s infrastructure in a 3 days time and then return all the people to new houses.
Money well spent on US Army – Tick
US Army get some hands-on experience of logistics and real life training – Tick
USA gets to show off their Army (rather than parade them down a street as per China) – Tick
Hollywood get the rights to the film – Tick
World pissed off at Trump – Tick
You beat me to it, I was thinking about posting something similar.
I was in the States when the hurricane hit Texas and the reporting of the storm was ridiculous. The reporter(s) would appear to be buffeted around with the wind giving their breathless accounts of the “unprecedented magnitude” while in the background there were people out walking dogs, jogging, driving around… It’s a bloody joke they way the MSM behave.
Of course, the BBC just couldn’t resist but imply that this is all down to Global warmi… oops, Climate change. They do what they always do and that’s imply by showing flooding and then ask an, ahem, “expert” to provide their view. They will also use this type of footage in months to come alongside shots of the tailpipe of a car and the classic howler power station cooling towers (emitting water vapor no less….). But facts don’t matter it’s the constant drip drip drip brainwashing we’ve been accustomed to. Just like the constant references to “warmest Day” during weather forecasts…. e.g. warmest day of the week so far (on a Sunday)…
Anyway, back to the main topic: James Delingpole covers it quite nicely here:
And also here:-
News is just entertainment and PR
By the BBC’s own admission there have been bigger weather events this last fortnight than Harvey.
Last weeks Science in Action opened with the words “1200 the rain and storms in South Asia killed 1,200 people”
The Greenblob led by big Green Hedgefund man Jeremy Grantham are desperate to get their PR in, hence their guys are sitting outside the BBC studuios ready to tell us we need more SUBSIDISED windturbine/solar gimmicks.
Paul Homewood has good right ups as ever
Quote at Notalot
\\“…cos with the air getting warmer it picks up more moisture.”
Completely and totally untrue. This is a Grade A scientific HOWLER. The vapour pressure above a plane liquid surface is entirely set by the conditions in the liquid.
It makes me SHUDDER at the degradation of Academia that anyone so stupid was not thrown out of University in his first week.//
..Well the thing is MSM just phone round scientists until they get a nice quote.
It is always those who don’t know the complexities who give the simplest quotes
A Professor Groen was just on LBC speaking like “…cos with the air getting warmer it picks up more moisture.”
I could tell from his further words he didn’t know what he was talking about.
Over the past year or so, and particularly since the Paris COP21 disaster, most of the brighter climate activists have realised the jig is up, and so have moved on to other rewarding SJW activities like knocking down statues, hurling moronic abuse at President Trump, and blocking free-speech meetings in the name of preventing Fascism.
Only a few dim-bulb activists failed to keep up, are still working the climate beat, but even they’ll get the message sooner or later.
It was never about ‘saving the planet’ and certainly not about saving humanity, which the environmentalists hate anyway, but just another stick to hammer successful capitalists with. As the saying goes: “If you can’t join them, beat them.“
My cartoon on Houston and the week (a bit earlier than usual this week as I’m off on holiday tomorrow)
Holiday to Glasgow ? Are you sure it is not Mecca ?
Edinburgh tomorrow, Glasgow afterwards, Findhorn later in the month. Visiting family but no, none of them are Mecca Bingo fans. I did always find it weird they named the company that, given that Islam forbids gambling. I find it weirder still that some activist group hasn’t yet forced them to change it…
Findhorn, nice part of Scotland and you will be in time for the end of the Salmon fishing season. Tight lines !
Proclaiming a big hurricane as a sign of climate change is like proclaiming a burnt piece of toast as the face of Jesus.
Sea level propaganda, on the rapid;y melting Greenland ice sheet, 7ft sea level rises etc etc, all ”could be” very horrendous.
1850-1930 = 80 years = 32 hurricanes making landfall.
1931 – 2017 = 87 years =32 hurricanes making landfall.
Catagories. clearly stated.
1 = 14 and 12
2 = 10 and 8
3 = 3 and 8
4 = 4 and 2
Thats global warming for ya.
Unnamed 1 Jun-25 1851
Unnamed 1 Jun-26 1854
Unnamed 2 Sep-18 1854
Unnamed 1 Sep-13 1865
Unnamed 2 Jul-15 1866
Unnamed 1 Oct-02 1867
Unnamed 2 Aug-17 1869
Unnamed 3 Sep-16 1875
Unnamed 2 Aug-23 1879
Unnamed 3 Aug-13 1880
Unnamed 2 Jun-14 1886
Unnamed 4 Aug-20 1886
Unnamed 1 Sep-23 1886
Unnamed 2 Oct-12 1886
Unnamed 2 Sep-21 1887
Unnamed 1 Jun-17 1888
Unnamed 1 Jul-05 1891
Unnamed 1 Aug-30 1895
Unnamed 1 Sep-13 1897
Unnamed 4 Sep-09 1900
Unnamed 2 Jun-29 1909
Unnamed 3 Jul-21 1909
Unnamed 1 Aug-27 1909
Unnamed 2 Sep-14 1910
Unnamed 2 Oct-16 1912
Unnamed 1 Jun-27 1913
Unnamed 4 Aug-17 1915
Unnamed 4 Aug-18 1916
Unnamed 1 Aug-07 1918
Unnamed 3 Sep-14 1919
Unnamed 1 Jun-22 1921
Unnamed 1 Jun-28 1929
Unnamed 4 Aug-14 1932
Unnamed 2[notes 4] Aug-07 1933
Unnamed 3 Sep-05 1933
Unnamed 2 Jul-25 1934
Unnamed 1 Jun-27 1936
Unnamed 2 Aug-08 1940
Unnamed 3 Sep-23 1941
Unnamed 1 Aug-21 1942
Unnamed 3 Aug-30 1942
Unnamed 2 Jul-27 1943
Unnamed 2 Aug-27 1945
Unnamed 1 Aug-24 1947
Unnamed 2 Oct-04 1949
Audrey 2 Jun-27 1957
Debra 1 Jul-25 1959
Carla 4 Sep-11 1961
Cindy 1 Sep-17 1963
Beulah 3 Sep-20 1967
Celia 3 Aug-03 1970
Fern 1 Sep-10 1971
Allen 3 Aug-10 1980
Alicia 3 Aug-18 1983
Bonnie 1 Jun-28 1986
Chantal 1 Aug-01 1989
Jerry 1 Oct-16 1989
Bret 3 Aug-23 1999
Claudette 1 Jul-15 2003
Rita 2 Sep-24 2005
Humberto 1 Sep-13 2007
Dolly 1 Jul-23 2008
Ike 2 Sep-13 2008
Harvey 4[notes 5] Aug-26 2017
Number of recorded storms affecting United Statesl. 3 x 60yr periods. the average decade is 18, so i have used that for 1840s.
1840s 18
1850s 17
1860s 15
1870s 19
1880s 25
1890s 20
total 114
1900s 17
1910s 21
1920s 15
1930s 18
1940s 23
1950s 20
total 114
1960s 15
1970s 12
1980s 17
1990s 15
2000s 19
2010s 7
Total 85
That’s global warming for you,………
Arsewipes everyone ”should” know cold fronts cause the most severe weather,
We live on a planet warming in little steps between El Nino’s, gently thawing out from the 2nd coldest period in the planets existence, gradually decreasing cold fronts is less severe storms.
Lets have a look in 30 year climatic cycles,……
Period Number of recorded storms
affecting United States
1840s 18
1850s 17
1860s 15
Total 50
1870s 19
1880s 25
1890s 20
Total 64
1900s 17
1910s 21
1920s 15
Total 53
1930s 18
1940s 23
1950s 20
Total 61
1960s 15
1970s 12
1980s 17
Total 44
1990s 15
2000s 19
2010s 7
Total 41 with 2.25 yrs remaining.
Period Number of recorded storms
Cat 4
Unnamed 4 Aug-20 1886
Unnamed 4 Sep-09 1900
Unnamed 4 Aug-17 1915
Unnamed 4 Aug-18 1916
Unnamed 4 Aug-14 1932
Carla 4 Sep-11 1961
Harvey 4 Aug-26 2017
Cat 3
Unnamed 3 Sep-16 1875
Unnamed 3 Aug-13 1880
Unnamed 3 Jul-21 1909
Unnamed 3 Sep-14 1919
Unnamed 3 Sep-05 1933
Unnamed 3 Sep-23 1941
Unnamed 3 Aug-30 1942
Beulah 3 Sep-20 1967
Celia 3 Aug-03 1970
Allen 3 Aug-10 1980
Alicia 3 Aug-18 1983
Bret 3 Aug-23 1999
Cat 2
Unnamed 2 Sep-18 1854
Unnamed 2 Jul-15 1866
Unnamed 2 Aug-17 1869
Unnamed 2 Aug-23 1879
Unnamed 2 Jun-14 1886
Unnamed 2 Oct-12 1886
Unnamed 2 Sep-21 1887
Unnamed 2 Jun-29 1909
Unnamed 2 Sep-14 1910
Unnamed 2 Oct-16 1912
Unnamed 2 Aug-07 1933
Unnamed 2 Jul-25 1934
Unnamed 2 Aug-08 1940
Unnamed 2 Jul-27 1943
Unnamed 2 Aug-27 1945
Unnamed 2 Oct-04 1949
Audrey 2 Jun-27 1957
Rita 2 Sep-24 2005
Ike 2 Sep-13 2008
All storms are getting weaker, and further apart………if a lefty told you it was raining you would have to check to believe them.
Now that is an experiment I have recently conducted and I can report that the BBC’s Met Office phone app is unreliable to such a degree (for my area) that in real time it frequently is clear when they say it is raining and vice versa.
In fact, using the amateur friendly, publicly accessible radar maps (not the billion dollar ones we pay for the Met Office to have) it was child’s play to work out that the BBC/Met Office prediction for Monday night/Tuesday’s rain was hopelessly wrong – as it proved to be,
Why, it’s almost as if they don’t even bother with real data and just use computer models….