Not BBC bias but a good friend [from the Islamist and anti-semitic MPACUK] of the BBC responds to the reaction to the C4 Islamist video….he says the negative reaction is the result of a Zionist conspiracy……hate speech? Will he get his collar felt?….will the BBC et all be damning him as they did with Kevin Myers? Myers of course was using ‘positive dscrimination’ to praise Jews, this guy is using the old anti-semitic trope of a Jewish cabal running the world for their own advantage….a tad more negative than Myers’ comments……I await the reaction with interest…..And I can’t help thinking maybe there is something to be said for the burka…..
Hi Alan, thanks it is important to remember to save things because mainstream media will just delete reports, tweets, broadcasts that on reflection they realise is incriminating.
As regards the “Jewish lobby” there is no Jewish lobby. Firstly there are not that many Jews to begin with, secondly many Jews nowadays in the West are “atheist Jews” and “progressives” who spend most of their time acting as progressives individuals that believe in the main stream media nonsense.
Jews are outnumbered by Muslims in the UK by about 10 to 1.
I recently looked at a Muslim website – I would say it was ‘moderately radical’ because I wanted to get some perspective on the recent Muslim fostering case.
The overall feeling I got was of a group of people who are demanding that their host nation changes its ways to fit in with their view of the world, and not vice-versa.
Isn’t this the attitude of the worst aspects of the hated British Empire – about which we are supposed to hang our heads in shame and grovel for forgiveness for all eternity, world without end?
BBC – Most of the “progressive” Jews have also been indoctrinated by our own education system and media and are also victims of the same “intellectual vanity ” that seems to afflict much of our own middle classes.
I would suggest that meglomaniac shitbags like Sorros have no more allegiance to worldwide Judaism than the BBC is loyal to indiginous Brits.
More to the point – what a ghastly collection of bitter ingrates – . All I could hear was I WANT! WE WANT! WE THINK ! WE WONT!
And a number of these were “educationalists” – whatever that is – No wonder multiculturalism is doomed to fail and society is becoming more polorised by the day. I would not put any of these personalities within 100 miles of developing children – unless of course I was trying to sow the seeds of chaos for the future – DISCUSS !
Who on earth employs Nadia and Tabetha? They ooze anger and spite through every pore. Who would think they could educate any child to be an asset of this country? And who would dream of giving them the oxygen of publicity except for either Channel 4 or the BBC.
And the logical follow-on from you point is – they should be fired if they are paid with taxpayers money. My guess is that most likely they work for a religious school….
To me this looks like a classic case of BBC, Al-Guardian, leftard, islamic “Dont do as I do but do as I say” to me. And the BBC, Al-Guardian, leftards, muslims and their useful idiots wonder why we dont take them or what they have to say seriously anymore.
I agree that the BBC Guardian axis of evil are ridiculous but they are highly dangerous . They have influence because , although they believe in utter rubbish, they have control of the media and they use this power skill fully to control the news and politics of the country. In the last thirty or forty years they have moved the centreof gravity of the country well to the left. If they continue to wield this influence I have no doubt that they will succeed in the Islamification of the country. Oh and by the way they will prevent any meaningful Brexit as well. Perhaps Islamification is not their true aim, after all they seem to espouse the cause of various groups which are in direct conflict with Islam, but it is certainly where we will end up if we continue down this path. As Orwell said, most leftist thought is like playing with fire without realising that it burns. The liberal left today play with Islam but they don’t realise that it will consume them, which I really don’t care much about, but it will also consume the rest of us and I do still care about that.
As to Jewish lobby , if there is a Jewish lobby I hope they use whatever influence they have to alert our spineless politicians to the dangers of Islamification. In my view Jews are a welcome , well integrated and valued part of a British society which we have benefited from and been truly enriched by over the past couple of hundred years. Just the opposite to the Muslim invasion we are living through.
“anymore” What is this anymore?
You should never have taken what they say seriously.
They remain, as an organisation dedicated to the destruction of the UK, and dedicated to the destruction of European people, a serious menace.
A menace that due to their treason, should be eradicated.
Jos – I for one take them very seriously indeed. Terrifyingly so.
We hear about ” The Jewish Lobby ” but never “The Muslim Lobby “. Why ?
What horrible..truly horrible…ugly minded creatures these are…do we hear from the Sikhs, Hindus, Chinese, etc.. i won’t include the West Indians because they can be as grasping and ungrateful as muslims at times, blaming their ills on the white man,…no, most have settled down and get on with their lives, unhindered by their religion or beliefs, and certainly make few demands upon the white majority.But Muslims.?… As long as we have the BBC and Guardian winding them up, nothing will change..and of course, a craven Govt that bends to their demands while destroying our freedoms one by one to appease them or because of their threats and violence….nothing will change…but it must….and i’m afraid violence will erupt when the people belatedly wake up and see the danger Islam really does pose for our way of life..
Why are the BBC and Lefty Establishment, including Treezer, unable to see a muslim ass without licking it ? The rest of us manage ok.
Grant, my guess is that at a very high level (COBRA etc) it has been decided that the media and government must enforce positive promotion of moderate Islam, in an attempt to appease the radicals.
Sadly probably true and very stupid. It will just encourage them. They really do not understand the true nature of the enemy.
I agree. How else do you explain the tolerance of the Conservative party towards the BBC over the past twenty or thirty years.
There was a brave labour MP who challenged the anti Semitic language of the BBC foreign correspondent to the then Director of the BBC over a decade ago.
Otherwise, other MP’s would permit by their silence for the BBC to promote those who incited violence and hatred One eg
It only takes good people to remain silent for evil to triumph ( not sure who said that ) and that’s why this site is so important
Lynette – Edmund Burke (arguably).
The only thing necessary for the triumph of evil is for good men to do nothing.
Edmund Burke.
Couldn’t agree more with the sentiment.
Reported your comment by mistake. Sorry.
Just chucking this one in as it is in context:
Jewish Chronical and condemnation of the EDL’s Islamophobia.
Unfortunately being Jewish doesn’t come with automatic immunity to Libtardiness.
Any organisation (Jewish or Gentile) who ascribes serious usage to the fabricated “Islamophobia” term isn’t viewing the world through an unclouded lens. Jews can be their own worst enemies sometimes.
“Islamophobia” makes as much sense as “Naziphobia”
Well, we have seen the future: a nasty bunch of aggressive, mouthy, permanently ‘aggrieved’ wimmin, leftist and islamist, who are anti ‘Prevent terrorism’, ergo pro-terrorism. Their power and influence will only increase with numbers. Watch and tremble. The process is irreversible. Britain is f****d.
Agreed. There is no way back now. We are witnessing the death of freedom, democracy and western civilisation. What makes it especially galling for me is that it is aided and abetted by the Quislings whose current freedoms derive from our traditions. All very sad.
Can’t help feeling that these women have more to fear from their fundamentalist dark age bretheren than they do from us Westerners! I mean, who allowed them out without a chaperone and full facial zip up!
It is funny that they complain about sexism in Western society but not in Islam. They are truly demented .
“Turning to this place, this building is intimidating. It reeks of the establishment and of power; its systems are confusing—some may say archaic—and it was built at a time when my class and my sex (female) would have been denied a place within it because we were deemed unworthy. I believe that the intimidating nature of this place is not accidental. The clothes, the language, and the obsession with hierarchies, control and domination are symbolic of the system at large. But the most frustrating thing has been to sit opposite those people who tell me that things are better, and that suffering has lessened for my constituents. … ” Laura Pidcock{youtube}
“There are few countries in the world where you can go in one generation from immigrant to parliamentarian. Michael Howard spoke of the British dream—people choosing this country because of its tolerance and its opportunity. It is a land where a girl from Nigeria can move, aged 16, be accepted as British and have the great honour of representing Saffron Walden. … As Woody Allen said about sex, “If it’s not messy, you’re not doing it right.” The same is true of democracy. It is not always predictable; its results are not always elegant; it can throw up results that no one expected—but we adjust. The British Parliament always has adjusted, and that is why it is the oldest in the world: it takes its lead from the British people.” Kemi Badenoch{youtube}
I thought that Laura was referring to a mosque !
Ha, it was to try and cheer Charlie Martel up, but I see what you mean ‘The clothes, the language, and the obsession with hierarchies, control and domination are symbolic of the system at large.‘- Laura Pidcock
Great names these days…are they stage ones or are there real people out there who gave their kids names like “Pidcock”?
Lost count of the comedy-used to think the American Indians has the wackiest and least ironic names-but Champion..Cox…Nugee…Pidcock…Balls…the Left seems to own them now.
Never kissed a Lefty-let alone ever fucked one-can I get that T-shirt from Labour HQ?
How many Edwards, Jeremys and Harriets can a Peoples Party stand?
She is summing up Islam without being aware of it. Dozy cow !
Miss Pidcock seems to have got lost on the way to her sixth form college. She clearly fails to understand that every society and institution throughout the world has its own forms of clothes, language, and hierarchies. She will find them, if she has eyes to see, in Parliament, in a mosque, in a university womens’ group and in a northern working mens’ club. A truly mature person, rather than an overgrown schoolgirl, realises that much more can be achieved by working WITH these things rather than kicking against them. They are a form of theatre. Only a puritan would say that the theatre’s props, scenery and costume are there to intimidate. A wise person sits back and learns something from the play.
Great comment.
Thanks. She is the opposite of someone like Jacob Rees-Mogg who is intelligent enough to see that Parliament ‘s traditions, and by extension those of the Constitution, the Crown and the Nation, are not there to oppress, they are there to protect. The sovereign, since the Glorious Revolution, is a symbol of power held accountable to the people. The wigs, gowns etc are there to emphasise the office, not the individual. The ritual is there to show continuation and community, so that the Pidcocks of this world might realise that history did not begin with their birth and that Parliament is a not a playground for their ideological hobby-horses.
I fear that the likes of Laura,Jo and Jess are the future of British politics as the left succumbs to Islam.
What`s the betting that there`ll soon be safe spaces, no platforming efforts in Parliament so the cry babies and snowflakes can have a place not to breastfeed-seeing as kids are not their reason for anything.
Of course the likes of Ben Bradshaw and Vince Cable will have the right to also breastfeed their virtual babies-and it would transphobic hate crime to tell them that they`re deluded fantasists-and totally mad to identify as black Xhosi tribal mommas.
Sorry-but that`s where we`re going…unless Islam bombs some sense into them.
Glad I saw this video so thanks for posting.
Took a man to speak over them all didn`t it…hope Channel 4 get put before a Sharia Court to explain their sexist and patronising take on these wonderful brides of Allah. Apparently, their mosques are not yet big enough to have these debates as our bloke said-so can only hope that Regents Park and West Ham get given permission to expand huh?
What a glorious take on when lefty liberal tokenistic entitlement meets Anjem Hamzas lap toppets.
These “friends” are the new “Last Of The Summer Whine” pin ups for our era…all bolshy words learnt on the back of a breakfast club free schools cereal box…and you`ll never be able to stuff their moths with enough liberal gold to stop them whipping your head off whilst you dream they`ll only take their tops off(euggh!).
A case study in passive aggresive Chomsky chow down with malice and Jon Snows Islamic Green bleeds into Batmanghedghlis old jam blankets.
Fuck me-we`re in trouble, but at least I`ve seen it.
If I ally this to all those snowflake freejobs as described each week in “The Fix”-then all these very sinister non jobs and self regarding titles they give themselves, only shows how asleep at the wheel we`ve all been.
Jihadi Spongemongers…
Well the BBC is not reporting that Israel recently destroyed 6 EU funded schools in the Palestinian West Bank areas.
It was on Russia Today
Belgium “slammed Israel’s actions “. The Israelis must be shitting themselves. If Belgium invades Israel , Israel is doomed.
Grant – in a stand up fight between chocolate soldiers – I would back Belgium any day you like.
Not only that I would argue that because of the hot climate Israeli chocolate soldiers could never keep up with Belgium ones because it they would be constantly melting.
Also Belgium has Belvas , Wittamer and not forgetting Pierre Marcolini – Whilst all Israel has is IMI (who make the Uzi submachine gun) I understand IMI s expertise in luxury chocolate making is light years behind the Belgiums.
It would be interesting to see how the BBC would report the European Union funding the construction of anything in the UK with complete disregard, indeed contempt, for planning permission and ignoring injunctions from British courts to cease. Probably applaud the creeping loss of British sovereignty.
These ‘schools’ were constructed in weeks and in operation days. They provided great propaganda with tearful children who just so wanted to go to school. What will happen to them? When the camera crews withdraw they will go back to their existing legal schools.
One could argue that the EU has more right to build in Britain. After all the UK is still formally part of the EU and subject to its laws. Brext, shmexit Britain still hasn’t exited. What right does the EU claim to create facts on disputed ground?
It would be interesting to see how the BBC would report the European Union funding the construction of anything in the UK with complete disregard, indeed contempt, for planning permission and ignoring injunctions from British courts to cease. Probably applaud the creeping loss of British sovereignty.
These ‘schools’ were constructed in weeks and in operation days. They provided great propaganda with tearful children who just so wanted to go to school. What will happen to them? When the camera crews withdraw they will go back to their existing legal schools.
One could argue that the EU has more right to build in Britain. After all the UK is still formally part of the EU and subject to its laws. Brext, shmexit Britain still hasn’t exited. What right does the EU claim to create facts on disputed ground?
The vid ends with ..”this group think moderate muslims like them should be listened to”
And i thought no wonder muzzlim men muzzle them, they are just choc-full of venom.
and there you have it , these are the “MODERATE” ones
If the establishment really does consider this collection of bitter, harridans with an overarching sense of entitlement as reasonable “moderate” representatives of multicultural Britain then I am afraid all is probably lost.
But maybe that is the point.
In a sense theses “friends” are a perfect product of the left – similair to much of our own yoof – not only with an overarching sense of entitlement and expectations but also with a deep seated bitterness to our own society nurtured by race hustlers such as Shah, Abbot and probably “Choudry” types.
The fact that successive Governments has allowed these situations to develop unhindered says much about out politicians own loyalty to our society and their politiical courage. In all truth there is very little difference between Theresa May and Jeremy Corbyn these days. We are all still been led to the same destination the only difference being Theresas hand cart will probably be making a few more stops on the way.
It was also quite telling that our fashionable young presenter calling for support for Nadia and urging muslims to stand up more was obviously exercising his freedom of choice in clothes looking cool and comfortable in his summer shirt and “aviator” shades whilst the “friends” had also obviously exercised their own “freedom of choice” all looking more like something you would find stacked in a carpet delivery van rather than practical and comfortable.
Never ceases to amaze me that the sistas never seem to notice this.
When Hatty wore her T shirt saying “This is what a feminist looks like” I remember thinking at the time – “you got that right babe” – Sitting on your fat arse, talking shit and actually doing nothing!
LOL !!!!
Lucy bruv, that is well wicked innit!
Alan, thanks for preserving and showing here that Channel 4 item. I think there is some disingenuity going on there.
Assed Baig mentioned the Government report ‘Missing Muslims’ and said it was about Muslims being missing from representation in British life.
In just checking the BBC’s reporting of the Tower Hamlets fostering case, I looked at information about the Judge involved. A Muslim. A woman. But I also stumbled across a piece of information about the Sylheti community in Britain and they have an annual award, British Bangladeshi Power & Inspiration 100.
That is just one small part of the Muslim diaspora in Britain today. Missing Muslims in British life? Don’t think so. If the Bangladeshis can put up 100 high achievers every year, then the rest of the Muslim community should be able to match or exceed that number. Missing?
Not much.
I don’t suppose Channel 4 will visit those gyms in a month to see how many of these women are still tapping those heavy punching bags.