The Left has spent decades trying to rewrite history to present Britain and the West as the most evil and immoral societies on earth, savagely exploiting and oppressing the charming, peaceful and innocent brown skinned people who otherwise populate the rest of the globe in harmonious cow-like amiableness.
The BBC has been party to this massive deception and attempt to revise the truth in favour a narrative that suits its own agenda that seeks to blame Britain for everything bad in the world and thus provide an excuse for the attempts to undermine and destroy British society, culture, military, economic and political power. Support for evermore extreme devolution and the splitting up of the United Kingdom is one aspect of this attempt to dismantle ‘Great Britain’, the collusion, collaboration with and selling out to, the European Union is of course just another part of this….as is open borders and the importation of millions of people who have no respect for, or loyalty to, Britain. They’re here for the money….but the BBC and the EU know the real purpose of this policy…to dilute the British population and make any vote such as another EU referendum dependent on the decisions of the new ‘citizens’…and they are fully expected to vote, when they get the chance, for the EU. It is in effect a form of ethnic cleansing deliberately forced upon us by the EU….it’s politics and demographics not economics.
The BBC’s coverage of Partition is a classic example of its blame game as the Mail reports…
From the BBC school of history… why everything is Britain’s fault: CHRISTOPHER STEVENS reviews last night’s TV
Everything is your fault. But there’s no need to say sorry, because the BBC is busy apologising on your behalf.
Barely a week goes by without its guilt-ridden liberals blaming Britain for all the world’s woes. Self-loathing is their hobby — it makes them feel better.
Film-maker Gurinder Chadha, brought up in Southall, London, was at pains throughout India’s Partition: The Forgotten Story (BBC2) to emphasise that Britain alone was responsible for millions of deaths and decades of conflict following the separation of Pakistan in 1947.
She returned to this theme repeatedly, even though all her evidence contradicted the claim. Whenever the facts indicated that the sundering of India was due to ego clashes between its leaders or the aftermath of World War II, Gurinder nodded grimly and blamed Britain.
She especially accused Sir Winston Churchill, who she said despised Hindus. He was the epitome of the British Establishment, she sneered — though anyone who knows the first thing about Churchill will realise he was an outsider in every society.
The British Raj deliberately promoted hatred between Muslims, Sikhs and Hindus, she claimed, in a policy of ‘divide and rule’. But to prove her point she travelled to Delhi and Calcutta, two of the most multi-cultural cities on Earth — a living legacy of British policies for a united India.
Unforgiveably, she claimed that when rioting broke out in Calcutta in 1946, the British government could have stopped the violence ‘like that’ — snapping her fingers. The hundreds of deaths were ‘a real victory for Divide and Rule’, she jeered
Who is really to blame for the violence in India during Partition? Muslims. Muslims demanded their own state and thus created the situation that led to the ethnic cleansing and mass murder. Muslim separatism. The BBC is quick to talk of ‘White Separatists’ but doesn’t use the same language for Muslims who even in Britain demand separate rules and special treatment for themselves.
Here is a perfect example of why everything that goes wrong in a post colonial country is not Britain’s fault in the slightest…from the Spectator….Rhodesia is destroyed by Black gangsters….the BBC would of course find a way of pinning the blame on Britain….
The rule of law is disappearing in Africa
Since Independence in 1980, it was the commercial farmers who drove economic growth with output rising on average by 15 per cent per annum during the first 18 years. Increasingly they were being joined by black farmers and by 1997 some 1200 of the 6,000 farmers that existed at Independence in 1980, were black. They employed a third of the national workforce, enjoyed no subsidies of any kind and generated half our exports. 60 per cent of local industry was dependent on them for markets or raw material.
They were recognised as being among the most productive farmers in the world, holding world records in yields and advanced conservation techniques.
Zimbabwe was totally self-sufficient in almost all foodstuffs at prices that were the envy of our neighbours.
Then they made a mistake – they voted for the opposition in 2000 and the gates of hell opened. In the next five years the infrastructure built up and paid for by the farmers was destroyed. 25,000 tractors of 75 horse power or more were stolen. 300,000 hectares of irrigation were destroyed, the equipment from transformers to pumps to pipelines, torn up and sold for scrap. Three million beef cattle and hundreds of thousands of other animals including wild animals were slaughtered for consumption. 23,000 homesteads and 350,000 staff houses were taken and in most cases burnt or vandalised. Farm buildings worth hundreds of millions were destroyed. 10,000 farm dams, built by the farmers themselves, were left full and idle, many breaching when no maintenance was carried out.
After 10 years, Zimbabwe crashed. By 2008, our inflation was doubling prices every three hours, three quarters of our population was on food aid, nearly all food was being imported and employment had crashed to just 10 per cent of all adults – 70 per cent in the Civil Service. The great majority of the farms taken over by force were derelict and abandoned – a third of our banks went into liquidation. We had 150,000 cases of cholera, 60,000 cases of tuberculosis and 50 000 cases of malaria. One third of our population had fled the country and another 3 million had died of causes from malnutrition to starvation and exposure.
At a meeting in Harare in early August, Mr. Mugabe stated quite clearly, that the persons responsible for the murder of white Zimbabwean farmers during the land invasions would ‘never be prosecuted’. Tens of thousands of people who were members of Zapu and lived in the south west of the country were murdered, beaten, raped, tortured and harassed between 1983 and 1987 during a campaign that Mr. Mugabe named ‘Gukurahundi’ or the storm that ‘washes clean’. Over a million-people fled the genocide and moved to South Africa and Botswana. Not a single person has been prosecuted for any of these crimes.
During the campaign that Mr. Mugabe called ‘Murambatsvina’, which roughly translates as getting rid of the ‘rubbish’, another 1.2 million people were displaced in 2005, this time from informal settlements around the towns, and dumped in the bush hundreds of kilometres from town in the middle of winter. Thousands died of exposure and hunger. Their only crime was to vote against the Zanu PF Party of Mr. Mugabe.
We have recorded over 700 murders of MDC leaders and the numbers imprisoned and beaten or tortured must run into thousands. So many have been hospitalised that we have an organisation that is solely dedicated to helping these victims with medical expenses.
The Spectator forgot the best bit. 10 years ago diamonds were discovered in the East of Zimbabwe. Mugabe sent in the army and they have taken possession of the whole area. The area is now mined by his own private army. They built an airport there and dealers fly in and buy diamonds and all the proceeds go directly to Mugabe.
Nothing much is going to change. ZANU owns the army and police. They are regarded as the strongest force in Africa at present. The Chinese are slowly getting their claws into Zimbabwe. Mugabe was supported by the Chinese during the “revolution” and it’s pay back time. Slowly they will suck the life blood out of the country.
You have it wrong … diamonds were stolen from Mugabe … Zimbabwe’s Robert Mugabe: Foreign companies ‘stole diamonds’ { mar2016}
“Zimbabwean President Robert Mugabe has accused foreign mining companies of stealing the country’s wealth, after an announcement that the government will take control of all diamond mines.
Mr Mugabe accused the companies of “swindling” and “smuggling” in an interview with state-run ZBC TV.
Mr Mugabe dismissed any possibility of a diplomatic rift with China over the new policy, saying that he had personally complained to President Xi Jinping about the poor deal Zimbabwe was getting from its joint ventures with Chinese mining companies.
Zimbabwe’s economy has struggled since a government programme seized most white-owned farms in 2000, causing exports to tumble.”
– Should BBC news articles say who reported on and generated them in the interests of transparency?
Regarding India,
It isn’t the first time I have posted this link.
I like to remind people from time to time that Islam tears/has torn apart every nation in it’s grasp.
India was hit particularly badly.
I would also recommend that anyone interested should brush up on Sikh history. There is a people group who have demonstrated effective resistance to Muslim domination. We as a nation could learn a few things.
I hear from time to time that Britain ruled India on a shoestring by modern, civil service standards. Apparently a lot of responsibility was left to the locals and I think British presence in the South was even thinner.
I know this is not a very academic way of looking at it, but it seems highly unlikely to me that Britain could have been responsible for every single misfortune under these circumstances. I should think you’d need something along the lines of a Nazi occupation to achieve that.
Quite right Clare. The British in India were amazingly few in numbers. That goes for the army too. There was no way Britain could have averted a genuine popular rebellion. The reason they were there so long is because there was a strong feeling of acceptance among the mass of the population. It was they way it worked. Britain could never impose a police state on India and wouldn’t have bothered to try. The idea that the the Brits could have stopped the violence at the Partition is ludicrous bordering on the criminal.
Partition came about when the secular Moslem Jinnah had learned from Gandhi how to be stubborn, obstructive and devious when dealing with the British. So, sensing power, Jinnah in turn became equally unreasonable with the INC. In short Jinnah had played Gandhi’s game. He became Gandhi’s Gandhi as it were.
As a general rule the biggest fault of British Colonial rule was parsimony, not oppression. And contrary to the rubbish taught and believed today the British Empire was not controlled by a small group of avaricious schemers and sabre rattlers planning new conquests. The old saying that the Empire was acquired in a fit of absence of mind is far nearer the truth. It was to be honest a ramshackle affair but one that last three hundred years and covered much of the globe. It’s lack of control was a contributing factor to it’s success ironically. Though in the case of the American rebellion it showed the weakness that can arise from too little authority. They rebellious colonists were never rebelling against real oppression. And one should never believe that when they called George the Third’s rule a ‘tyranny’ they meant they were under some sort of yoke. The word tyrant in those days just meant ruling without a popular assembly. As shown by Greek history there could be benign tyrannies and oppressive democracies. True, the Americans did not have seats in the British Parliament (but neither did many parts of Britain at that stage) however the Colonies had their own assemblies which were, to varying degrees, democratically elected and controlled most of the business of the territories. In fact Connecticut and Rhode Island were allowed to chose their own governors. I am going to stop my self here or I will get on to the Australian distortions and…
Suffice to say that the Britain should study it’s own history properly and teach it properly to the British people and not rely on the nationalist distortions of former colonies and the grief mongering Marxists of academia. And the fact that among the worse perpetrators of deceitful history is the public broadcaster the BBC is horrendous.
Come on, Brits get a grip! Throw these guilt merchants out on their backsides!
What if, in an alternate world, there was no partition?
I assume the British would be blamed for that too 🙁
Hatred of the West by the Left is well established, with this goes hatred of Western culture.
I am an artist & when I consider how great and powerful western culture is I feel that it totally eclipses cultures from outside Europe & other places where European art developed, the USA for example. Most non-western cultures treat art as decorative even if it is used in religious or ritual functions. Nowhere outside western art can such figures as Beethoven, Shakespeare, Rembrandt, or Titian be seen, figures whose art is not only an expression of their own individuality & humanity but also produces a power-packed emotional impact on all those who are lucky to share & experience what they produced.
For me our culture is paramount, it is unique throughout the world, it was hard-fought as well. It proves that artistically the West completely outstrips everywhere else.
It is not a culture that should be endangered by the influx of alien peoples who do not understand our traditions & philosophies, in fact an influx of others who positively seek to deconstruct or destroy our culture.
So considering how great a contribution our Hellenic, Judeo-Christian culture has enriched everyone on the planet, why then are so many artists & figures in the cultural world so far on the Left? It just doesn’t make sense to me. I am a person who belives strongly in individual expression & completely against collectivism, so for me being an artist & having a socialist viewpoint is completely incompatible.
Artwork using toys to mock ISIS banned from FREEDOM OF SPEECH exhibition over attack fears {express sep2015}
SATIRICAL artwork using children’s toy characters from the Sylvanian Families to mock Islamic State (ISIS) has been banned from a freedom of speech exhibition over fears it could spark a TERROR ATTACK.
The sinister twist on the popular children’s toys has been pulled from the schedule at the Passion for Freedom exhibition at London’s Mall Galleries after police raised “serious concerns” about the possibility of a terrorist atrocity against visitors.
“Allah did not create man so that he could have fun. The aim of creation was for mankind to be put to the test through hardship and prayer. An Islamic regime must be serious in every field. There are no jokes in Islam. There is no humour in Islam. There is no fun in Islam. There can be no fun and joy in whatever is serious.”
—Ayatollah Khomeini, jan1980 (Khomeini is still Inspiring 80 million people every day)
I wish TV critics would stop complaining in outraged terms about the BBC producing Leftist crap. That (together with it being a source of employment for Leftists) is its entire function. It seeks to dominate, indeed it actively campaigns against, anybody or anything which threatens that dominance. The only intellectually reputable position is campaigning to scrap it. The we hate anybody or anything which is not on the Left BBC makes self-serving Leftist garbage is hardly a story.