Watch the above video in which Varoufakis describes the mechanisms and attitudes by which the EU attempts to run Europe, to rein in recalcitrant states and how it negotiates change and upheaval. He notes that they are totally unconcerned with ‘economics’…as we know the EU is a political project that must ‘succeed’ regardless of cost…much like the USSR….they are quite prepared to see countries ruined if it keeps them inside the EU and under its control….it has so much political capital tied up in the project that it cannot turn back whatever happens.
Varoufakis states that to deal with the EU you need sensible proposals and a big deterrent for when they try to crush you. Sound familiar? Such as ‘No deal is better than a bad deal’…but that is something the BBC thinks is madness…and yet it is our biggest card….apart from how much we choose to pay them…and Mishal Hussain this morning was relentlessly suggesting that we must pay up now, presumably whatever asked, in order to ‘move things along’.
Varoufakis also stated that disunity brings defeat and ‘insiders’ [EU collaborators] undermine the government’s negotiating position. So why does the BBC do everything in its power to sow dissent and disuntiy and to constantly prop up the Remainders who are trying to undermine Brexit? The BBC is doing massive damage to our negotiating position as it continues to promote the idea that Brexit will never happen and that the EU need not take negotiations seriously.
Everything Varoufakis says indicates why the EU should be torn apart and consigned to the history bin. Co-operation yes, subjugation no.
Top Video well worth 30 min of your time.
I wonder why 17,500,00 of us want out? Over to you Ms Barnier (and the BBC).
Probably much more than 17,500,00 now.
Mrs 7 voted remain – not now, courtesy of the behaviour of Drunker et al.
PS. You missed a 0. Reading above so did I. Should have used 17.5M.
Looks like maxi- troll is still a remoaner.
Surprise, surprise.
Brilliant demolition of the EU ! Superb from someone who had an inside view. A must watch .
No way would an interview like that be broadcast on the BBC.
There is a world of difference in the ideal of ‘Europe’ and the practices of the ‘European Union’. For me the very concept of Europe stands for diversity of nations, Western values of law and liberty, culture and civilisation and the Enlightenment and Christianity. If you want to know what Europe is, then imagine a world without Europe. No Christianity, just the dead hand of Islam. No science, just superstition. No Enlightenment, just despotism. No capitalism or free enterprise, no idea of human rights, property rights, law of contract. No scientific interest in the past or present, no hope for the future. No social mobility or meritocracy, but endless drudgery and slavery. No sense of progress. The list goes on. Geographically Europe encompasses Russia, Ukraine, and the Balkans. Culturally it includes North and South America, Australia and New Zealand. Yet, none of this matters to the European Union in its monomania to destroy nationalism at almost any price to the people of Europe.
Depressing insight that in dealing with the EU bureaucracy reason is not enough, but you need a ‘nuclear option’. His, the restructuring of Greek bonds held by the ECB, was foiled as the EU realised there was disunity in the Greek camp and the threat was a bluff. Our nuclear option is ‘no deal no money’, which is why the EU is pushing ‘no money no deal’. However, unlike Greece we do not need a deal. The problem with that is that the deep state in the UK is still anti Brexit and pro EU.
Our tactic should be to walk away. That is how one deals with a used car salesman.
Sit back and enjoy as the EU offers one deal after another.
Our goal – no tariff barriers. Finish.
All other stuff like immigration, European courts etc are not on the table.
Stop paying our contributions immediately and wait and see what the pathetic little EU pygmies do about it. Except Treezer doesn’t have the balls to do it. She is not Maggie.
It was worthwhile just to watch a man assert his masculine authority.
On the very same day I watched JR Mogg doing the same with another female journo.
Then an American, president of Korea Economic Institute of America, assert his authority in an interview on RT by Oksana Boyko. The topic was the increasing danger of North Korea igniting a world war.
The interesting aspect was all three women, after a little rebellion, readily accepted a man’s authority.
Is this a new era dawning, when men re-assert their authority, after a prolonged walkabout, over a civilisation they created.
I sincerely hope so, as we need men led by men, to stop the Islamisation of the West, and to defeat this menace of Islam and the EU, for good. No nonsense Churchills and Trumans.
Women generally empathize with other women, particularly if women with children are in distress. This is to women’s credit, for they help men in taking a compassionate attitude. Hence the ever increasing social services budget. But when millions of Muslims from all over the world, with women and children in the van guard, are allowed into Europe, because German women, with Merkel in the lead, empathize, then we have a catastrophe in the making.
Now these same German women are being raped. Little girls, compassionate by nature, are being crushed under HGVs, then I have to ask why men, duty and nature bound to protect, defend, and scourge the threat, have abrogated their God given authority by handing leadership to women.
I don’t think it can be to attract the female vote, as women will generally vote for a strong man over a woman, unless the male alternatives are all effeminate. Then of course a genuine woman is always more attractive then an effeminate male.