Bristol events : When Liberals say “Conversation” , that means “only speak if you agree with us”
Thu 19 October 2017
Immigration and Future Cities
Thangham Debbonaire* MP, John Harris and Sunder Katwala ,
18:00-19:00 Watershed Free, but booking required
In the wake of the decision to leave the EU following the 2016 referendum, British Future and HOPE not Hate have been conducting a National Conversation on Immigration, which will feed into a Home Affairs Select Committee inquiry on the future of immigration policy in the UK.
How might immigration change after Brexit? What are the risks or opportunities?
Can a common ground be found or will there be further polarisation?
(* is that an actual name ? like of a person not just a rapper ?)
Fri 20 October 2017
National Conversation on Immigration Workshop
Jill Rutter, 09:15-10:30 Watershed Free, but booking required
What does Bristol think about immigration, past, currently and for the future?
As part of 60 workshops around the country, British Future and HOPE not Hate bring together people from the Bristol community to discuss and debate attitudes to immigration, thoughts on the future of immigration and what might change about Bristol if there were changes to immigration policy.
The level of ignorance at the BBC is now unlimited. All night they have been saying the vote tonight is to pass the Brexit bill. NO it is only second reading. There is over 64 hours of debate and committee stage and third reading to go yet. The BBC news service is as accurate as the reporting of the attack on the Pole in Harlow. Which was a travesty against Farage.
I expect the Bill to be rejected by the Lords which might help finally see that august body for the self serving grace and favour club that it is.
Incidentally does the Government have any plans at all for electoral reform, ie boundaries, expenses, and voter fraud?
Biased BBC in full shit-stirring mode on the 10pm news.
They report from the British Virgin Islands.
It has been trashed by the Hurricane.
They ‘interview’ a householder whose house has been flattened.
‘Could you do with more help?’ asks the bBBC reporter.
‘Yes!’ comes the not-unexpescted reply.
Conclusion and desired narrative? The evil Tory government are not spending enough money on disaster relief.
They really are the pits.
I couldn’t help a chortle when I thought of all the people and corporations basing themselves in the Virgin Islands to avoid paying tax now complaining that the UK government should be doing and spending more to re-build the island.
One of the all-time great examples of wanting to both have your cake and eat it!
It was clear what we were meant to think from the opening headlines, when Huw announced, “British troops FINALLY arrive…”.
In fact that whole bulletin came across like Soviet propaganda. There was also a puff piece on windmill production that could have been done about tractors 50 years ago.
You`d have thought that Sir Elton and the luvvies at the BBC would have called for the footy to be canned in Russia…to protest gay rights and fiddling in Trumps election victory.
I mean-Jimmy Carter even did this in 1980…so why aren`t the BBC calling for this?
Or is sport and money, broadcasting privileges above petty politics when the BBC have a spare camera going and a bit of our dosh to splash on Russian rent boys?
That is the trouble with this type of elitest. They think bad language shows intelligence . it just show them to be idiots.
Virtue signalling to the bodysnatched and terminally stupid.
Graham Linehan is another Geldof or Norton. Plastic paddies who fight the good fight from the BBC, but never in their own country.
Irelands TRUE talent like the Clancys and Dubliners were far more radical, but didn`t need the BBC to play to the gallery…this load of cossetted eunuchs aren`t able to live off RTE pay, so get here to do so from us.
Another thing-Linehan and Matthews were great writers, David Schneider is a fine comedy actor of old, and Steve Coogan is brilliant.
How come their comedy is so good at revealing what tits they are?…and yet they insist on being self same boobs and eejits in real life? Don`t they do irony, self-respect or humility at drama school?
There’s little doubt that BBC Breakfast is designed to cater lagely to the interests and short attention span of mothers and youngsters getting ready for the school run.
Why otherwise in a typical report would the show ponder and fret at some length as to the medical advisability of taking one or two small glasses of wine a week during pregnancy or “whilst trying to become preganant” (there’s a joke or two there – but let’s let that go).
But don’t imagine the BBC wants to coddle and wrap young girls in protective cotten wool. As we’ve seen previously in some mixed-up wrong-headed ideological dash for supposed equality the BBC is keen to regularise and to promote women’s contact sports – particularly unpleasant is our national broadcaster’s bizarre penchant for women’s boxing.
Let’s be clear – it’s not just reporting – it is whole-hearted promotion and propagandising – referring to some female boxer BBC sports presenter Sally Nugent this morning relates with glee how this woman has “won all her fights by a knock out”
Sally Nugent: “Great to see that happening ! ”
At moments like this on the BBC I like to recall the wit and wisdom of the late great Tony Hancock with his own brand of medical advice : “A good punch up the bracket never hurt anyone”
There was a great documentary about the Forth Bridge on Channel 5 on Sunday. What heroes helped build it – gruelling, dirty, dangerous work. There is a plaque to commemorate the men who lost their lives during its construction. Think how many they have helped get around easier, and think how many heroic men there are doing dirty, dangerous work in construction – never once complaining that women overwhelmingly avoid such unglamorous but vital work. Over 90% of workplaces fatalities are men, and you never see a woman collecting your bin bags. Odd how ‘equality’ campaigners never talk about this as it must be the most flagrant case of inequality around.
I wonder if the Beeb could produce a documentary about the heroes who died building the Forth?
As we know from the BBC Moslem’s have made a major contribution to Britain, and I was wondering how they did this work on the bridge wearing those pyjama type clothes, and how they managed to find a place to pray five times each day..
That whole ‘hate fact’ of biology. I remember them interviewing a woman football manager who was annoyed one of her players has got pregnant! Imagine that in the men’s game.
“We just signed Messi for 200 million but he got pregnant! Next time we will have to sterilise our big money signings!”
I was in Rome a couple of years ago and saw three emptying bins on the street and cleaning the pavements. To say they were well turned out would be doing them a disservice. For fear of being sexist and all that I have to say it was equally as good a memory as all the wonders of that great city.
Can only imagine that the Forth Bridge was REALLY built by black labour, an Indian takeaway mogul and with loads of women serving the cafes with a dog or two to eat the scraps.
Therefore you will find that no white Scottish men were invloved( and for the few that might have been-absolutely NO English engineering eh?).
I therefore expect a BBC Scotland film on Channel 4 soon to celebrate Tommy Sheridans mum and her pet , and the local Muslim curry house owner-who created an unlikely friendship to make pervy boots for the bridge builders, so they could dance across the Firth and support Patricia Nevins Guardian campaign to have a sex change.
Reckon there`s three plaques and two statues here, no white men though who actually DID things and died in their building.
AISI, This alcohol thing is interesting because another Sally-waste-of-space is involved, Dame Sally Davies. It has been known in Scotland for decades if not centuries that alcohol can help prevent premature birth. Before anyone gets excited about partying in pregnancy, it used to be prescribed by the thimbleful – yes, a few millilitres – and half of that would be water. Oh, and I think that may have been a per week dosage although I would have thought that that is getting into the realms of homeopathy.
If you are pregnant and reading this do not do it without asking your GP first and getting their approval.
Dame Sally-waste-of-space has, apparently, changed her mind on consumption of alcohol during pregnancy.
Why do we taxpayers need Public Health England?
Mr Hunt, Sir, please consider closing it down and give the tax money to the NHS instead. In fact, don’t think about, just do it – please!
I felt sorry for myself, having caught the last few minutes of Burgon. This buffoon would have been a minister if a few thousand people in certain constituencies had voted the other way. A stupid craven man who would be a lackey of the union barons. Back to the 70’s!
A Thought for the Day for the BBC: you like to portray our Government as useless and hated and Labour as better. Half the country, maybe, might agree with you.
That same public opinion, when faced with endless disruption caused by strikes by public sector workers is likely to see that 50% decline by 50%. In your permanent state of amnesia BBC, permit me to remind you how the Junior Doctors were rapidly losing public support after just a couple of weeks of their ‘industrial inaction’ late last year and at the start of 2017.
It’s interesting to wonder just how many people take their received opinion from the bbc or sky. How many enjoy the ‘security’ of believing false narratives. How many actually seek facts and how many really don’t give politics a thought.
I reckon most decent people have a baseline of what is right and fair.
It’s interesting to wonder just how many people take their received opinion from the bbc or sky. How many enjoy the ‘security’ of believing false narratives. How many actually seek facts and how many really don’t give politics a thought.
I reckon most decent people have a baseline of what is right and fair.
Isn`t it true that some parts of Africa will charge you more if you get your beef “pre-chewed”…a sign of being posh, and not needing to chew through the roughest of big game burgers?
The British public get their news pre -chewed, salted with tears, laced with bile or fairy dust…and left out with the maggots for the proles, as they dine with Corbyn or Lady Antonia Fraser.
When the people wake up to fake news in this country, it may change-until then, the clowns who seek prechewed or prefabricated BBC lies as “news” deserve all they get-no excuse now is there?
Can always tell when Brexit goes a stage further when the BBC fail to report on it as its big 8.10 story on Today can`t you?
Presumably this package of Brexit Revolt as promised by the BBC all day yesterday failed to match the hoopla, seeing as their chums lost the vote.
So no Kier, no Anna, no Lord this or Sir Ken/Vince that. All confined to barracks or nannys muffin suckings at the Oxbridge hearth.
So-back to the TUC and some Venezuelan-type civil disorder to be puffed up and unleashed if poss.
Thankfully, it`s Richard Burgon to lead it….and, as we heard, no rat in a sack would bother its arse to fight such a flatuelent useless article, Corbyns cock ring.
In certain parts of the World, past experience lending predictability, they ascribe certain times of the year a season eg: Tornado, Cyclone, Rainy, Hurricane.
They did not adopt this practice when Trump said he was ditching the Paris Agreement.
That BBC website article on Sweden apparently is a rebuttal of Trump’s criticism of European refugee policy. Then follows loads of pictures showing what they call the reality. Actually, it cherry picks a random selection of “feel-good” pictures which is no more representative than Trump’s comments – the equivalent of “look, there’s a squirrel”. Pictures of young immigrant musicians actually show Orthodox Christian kids; for Muslims music is haram. Then a picture of immigrants watching football, headlining three young kids whereas the greater number of people are in their twenties and thirties busy on smartphones and laptops.
All typical Beeb bias; you know, when good news, show smiling immigrants, when it’s bad news show sullen whites.
And while I’m on a rant I’ll throw in ITV and Channel 4. I really don’t watch much TV at all but I watched a drama last week where a man’s partner was kidnapped – naturally she was white and her partner was coloured (or is it black? I’m not up to speed on this). The boss police woman was Asian and her (white) underling appears to be a nasty bit of stuff. I switched off. I caught a bit of “Liar” last night and immediately I noticed more miscegenation (and that’s before the adverts). Don’t ask me about other characters; I again switched over to a decent programme about space colonisation – the sort of thing BBC should stick to.
I’m so p****d off with being preached to that
Essential propaganda for the bodysnatched. The sensible course is to write Sweden off . It will fail as a state and quite honestly good riddance to it.
… Birmingham to host Commonwealth Games but Council/Government are finding it hard to resolve emptying bins ….
Birmingham bin strike: John Clancy resigns as city council leader { 11sep2017}
“Refuse workers started strike action on 30 June in a dispute over job re-grading and shift patterns. The Unite union says restructuring plans threaten the jobs of more than 120 staff, while the council says the changes will modernise the service and save £5m a year.”
caption: “Residents in one part of the city marked 50 days since their rubbish had last been collected”
[I recall being on a bus in Fife during snowy weather and a resident of Lochgelly remarked that the snow had been laying in the street for a week now. A sharp-witted non-resident of that fair place said, “That’s the only thing that would be left laying there!”]
Victoria Derbyshire programme is on now. First time I have ever watched it. She continually interrupts the pro Brexit Tory and allows the Labour Remainer to interrupt. She does not interrrupt the Remainer Labour politician and does not allow the Tory Brexiteer to interrupt.
Next topic on the show is How can Labour get Jeremy Corbyn elected?
I switched the television off. Completely disgusted.
Why on earth do the Tories not expose the Fascist Labour Party supporting BBC? In not doing so the Tories are showing themselves to compliant to the BBC and weak. For goodness sake when on tv why don’t the Tories tell the presenter that they are being biased?
I’m not sure who I am most disgusted with, the biased poll tax funded Fascist Labour supporting BBC or the cowardly Tories!
Whilst many of us work-the BBC peddle this crap to the infirm, the feckless and the young excluded from schools.
The rot set in with TV-AM back in the early 80s.
There is no reason for daytime telly at all-and about time we pushed to get it removed.
This 24/7 crap is what has softened the brains of this nation, and rots kids forming morality too.
Why don`t we get a campaign to get pay per view-the TV linense only £50 to those who refuse to watch it until working hours are done, and pub closing at 11.
Tactics my friends!
“ANCHA, Nigeria (Morning Star News) – Muslim Fulani herdsmen in central Nigeria’s Plateau state massacred 20 Christians, including children, as they slept in the hours after midnight on Friday (Sept. 8) in an apparent reprisal attack that mystified villagers, sources said.
Police reportedly said the attack was an act of vengeance after the discovery last week of a slain and beheaded Fulani boy who was a resident of Ancha village, Miango District in the Bassa Local Government Area. But a village Christian told Morning Star News that the area’s terrified residents were at a loss to explain why they were targeted, as the murder of the Fulani took place at another village.”
We’ve seen this 100 times before with the BBC. Some ethnic cleansings are OK, some are not.
Ethnic cleansing of San people by Zulu peoples? OK. Ethnic cleansing of Greek people from Asia Minor by Turks? OK. Ethnic cleasing of Jews from North Africa? OK. Ethnic cleansing of white South African farmers? OK. Ethnic cleansing of Tibetans by Han Chinese? OK (didn’t used to be, but the BBC have now abandoned that once fashionable cause). Ethnic cleansing of Asians from East Africa. No problem. Ethnic cleansing of Serbs from Kosovo. OK. Ethnic cleansing of Germans from Eastern Europe. Good.
Radio 3 treated us to America from West Side Story this morning.
Our presenter felt he had to share a listener’s comment that ‘the lyrics don’t sit well with Trump’s America’.
This listener wishes they would keep to the music and save the snide anti-Brexit/anti-Trump remarks for the champagne break in the BBC’s w(h)ine bar.
P.S. Puerto Rico has been US sovereign territory since 1898 and free-movement to the US has been possible since 1917. But then ‘them latinos all look/sound the same, innit?’
Obviously neither the listener nor the presenter actually read the lyrics which present two vastly opposed views of the USA which, between them, certainly encompass “Trump’s America” (which is an all-purpose descriptor for something the BBC doesn’t like).
Oh I think they do!
“Gee Officer Krupke” sums up the Obama mindset-and I bet Trump would know this song, as well as the lefty hypocrisy over the idea of “America”.
Word Search: Brexit x 0; global x 0; referendum x 2; BBC says it was ‘fall in the value of sterling since the EU referendum’ but in the ONS report sited it says that ‘increasing global commodity prices’ are a factor as well, but this is not in the BBC article.
Russia’s Military Drills Near NATO Border Raise Fears of Aggression {nytimes jul2017}
WASHINGTON — Russia is preparing to send as many as 100,000 troops to the eastern edge of NATO territory at the end of the summer, one of the biggest steps yet in the military buildup undertaken by President Vladimir V. Putin and an exercise in intimidation that recalls the most ominous days of the Cold War.
Hypocrites? Not really, just safeguarding their interests as they see it. Russia and China will always look out for North Korea as it’s anti American – Simples.
Russia would like all of Europe and the Middle East. China would like South East Asia and pretty much the World.
The Great Games have never gone away.
Russia and Chinas gerographies and histories are clear on what they`re doing, and we used to have people who knew this and said so.
But we`re in the EU and believe in the UN , much as we once believed in the Gold Standard and The League of Nations. Russia and China are only doing what self-interested nation states do when they`re independent, proud and have empire historical greatness, based on size, dynastic history and cultural power.
If we leave the European Union for these reasons alone-then we`ll still have a nation.
The EU presumes on “divine winds”( but no Christ,so no winds) and “cultural soft superpower” rights to save it. But begs the USA to fund their preposterous pretensions. Trump has seved notice on this, and he`s right-so we should really cement that specail relationship with his country before the windows close.
The EU begs its own surrender and throat cutting, the dopey European people seem intent on allowing this…we don`t, we won`t.
Islam is here, soft lefty EUSSR-type socialislam won`t save them in Brussels, time to rebuild anew while there`s still a chance of finding some foundation.
Looks like it’s one of those images which is set not to appear inline on third parties.
So you’ll have to right click the link to open it in a new tab.
Then close that tab and you’ll be back here.
Just watched two Tucker pieces. One hijab woman had set up a self defence program in case of attack by racists but when asked, ‘Was it Trump supporters who shot the two thousand plus this year alone in Chicago’ (where she lives)??? Nothing.
Then a black man on about Trumps Supremacist speech. Tucker points out that Trump said the opposite but the black man says, ‘Ah but that’s not what he thinks.’ Mindreading Lefties eh?
It’s not just a different opinion – they really are mentally ill.
I watched a very interesting documentary on BBC4 yesterday evening. It appears we have to get off this planet within the next 100 years otherwise mankind is finished so Professor Hawking tells us. The programme was devoted to exploring the practicalities of actually becoming able to travel to the 4.6 Light Year distant nearest planet. All very technical: the possibilities are boundless – if you are only looking at the challenge through the eyes of a scientist. But wait, what would allah say about this? What would his servant muhammed say? What indeed would their followers currently think about it? I can only guess.
Prof. and all the rest with brilliant brains, come down to earth for a moment. Within 100 years the World will be ruled by a savage who belongs in a cave. Perhaps you could figure that into your calculations and then see what pops out the other end.
Yes, all getting a bit ahead of themselves. They all live in one of Hawking’s parallel universes where everyone drives electric cars, uses green energy made from their poo and votes Green.
Yup, take a look at: “I have compiled a short list of distinguished and outstanding present day muslim scientists involved in space exploration.” –
Spot the one living and working anywhere in the Middle East…………..
Perhaps it works on the principle that, ‘bring the Middle East to us and, hey presto the expression becomes accurate!’
Saudi Arabia
A Saudi 12th-grade textbook mentions evolution by name only where it claims that Charles Darwin has “denied Allah’s creation of humanity”.[35] The rest of the textbook focuses on descriptions of the taxonomic ranks: it makes no further mention of evolution, only quoting Qur’an verses as relevant to certain groups of animals.[35]
Iranian scientific development, especially the health-related aspects of biology, has been a goal of the Islamic government since the Iranian Revolution of 1979.[35] Since Iranian traditional practice of Shi’a religion isn’t preoccupied with Qur’anic literalism as in case of fundamentalist Wahhabism but ijtihad, many influential Iranian Shi’ite scholars, including several who were closely involved in the Iranian Revolution, are not opposed to evolutionary ideas in general, disagreeing that evolution necessarily conflicts with the Muslim mainstream.[35] Evolution is incorporated in the science curriculum starting from the 5th grade. An emphasis is placed on empirical evidence, such as the study of fossils, rather than Islamic scripture, thus portraying geologists and other types of scientists as the authoritative voices of scientific knowledge.[35]
Although it has been claimed that evolution is not taught in Pakistani universities;[12] the Higher Education Commission of Pakistan, which is the federal body which sets standards of course content, has knowledge and understanding of evolution as being compulsory for several courses such as microbiology,[39] bioinformatics,[40] zoology,[41] botany[42] as well as others. In 2006, the Pakistan Academy of Sciences became a signatory of the InterAcademy Panel Statement on “The teaching of evolution.”[43] Many of the contemporary titles on the creation-evolution controversy, such as those by biologist Richard Dawkins, are available for general sale.[44]
In June 2017, the education ministry announced the removal of evolution from the secondary school curriculum; as of that date the only other Muslim majority country where evolution is challenged in the education system was Saudi Arabia, where the concept is briefly named and heavily criticized in the curricula.[59]
“Saudi Arabia”. I bought a Bartholomew’s World Atlas in the stationers up the road from where I lived just outside Dharhran. It wan’t until I got it home I noticed the wrapper had been tampered with. On closer inspection, I found that it had been opened and every mention of ‘Israel’ had been redacted including the index at the back. Sick. Human progress? Not if islam has anything to do with it.
Looking for a reason to cancel Sky ?
Windfarm spin for Green Hedgefunds
Times front page headline ” Record-breaking wind farm will cut cost of green energy”
Hornsea1 gets £140/MWh
Hornsea2 piggy backs same infrastructure so able to bid £57.50 on its Contract For Difference
Unicorns ate not paying for that £140 subsidy rate, no you are in every service/product you pay for.
Wonder why UK productivity doesn’t rise ?
£57.50 MWh for Hornsea 2 a breakthru? Actually it relies on infrastructure paid for by Hornsea 1 – charging £140 MWh
Islington performed near the bottom of the distribution on wellbeing, environmental quality, housing affordability and safety. Scoring 379th out of 380 on personal wellbeing overall, residents of Islington reported among the lowest levels of happiness (371st) life satisfaction (372nd) and feelings that their life is worthwhile (379th). They also reported among the highest levels of anxiety (367th). The borough also ranked second to last on the environmental qualitydomain, with particularly high concentrations of NO2 and PM10 (ranking 377th and 378th) and limited access to green space (ranking 358th). Housing in Islington was among the least affordable in Britain, with the median house priced at over 16 times the local median income. Islington was ranked 369th out of 380 in crime, with 122 reported offences per 1,000 people. Woman’s Hour Report: The best places in Britain for women {sep2017}
“Rotherham has returned Labour MPs since 1933 following the earlier period before 1923 dominated by the Liberal and Conservative parties. In every example the majority has been relatively large in this period, meaning that since that date the result has been a safe seat.”
Do the neo-nazi soldiers have big bombs ?
Nope , in court today one was charged with having a Breivik book ..also had pepper spay
The other soldier and civilian were just charged with being a member of a banned group.
BBC-UmbrellaGate : At HydePark Gate
10 Sept : Radio2 concert goers told ” You can’t take that umbrella in their cos it looks like a golfing umbrella ”
It poured down, and then people told you can’t have your umbrella back, it’s been chucked.
#r2hydepark had a great time. Unfortunately my non-golf umbrella was confiscated. Told I could get back but now told it's been thrown away!
Teaching in crisis – “…..Around 50,100 teachers left the state sector in 2015”. Leaving is on the increase and is not balanced by those joining. London is the worst, but I can’t for the life of me, guess why our multicultural capital should be this way.
“Overall, slightly more teachers left the state sector than entered in 2015. Around 50,100 left and 49,700 entered.” But, what about the massive increase in pupil numbers? No mention.
I have never had reason to scrutinise the ‘Full Fact’ information but, it may be me, but I think it is rather selective. Not one valid reason is given for teachers leaving. I talk to a teacher in her forties regularly and her opinion on the issue would stand a ‘Full Fact’ check on its own.
I have never had a desire to teach but I can imagine the youngsters entering the profession that think that it is a ‘rewarding’ thing to do. Bet they don’t continue with that view. A plethora of different languages; violence and abuse; deteriorating standards. No fear.
Teaching IS in crisis. It`s hard to know where to start. They no longer teach anything worth knowing and examine their nostrums in a corrupt and debased manner.
Many of the kids aren`t even potty trained before they start, and have a variety of drug dependent crusties instead of parents. They`ve only even known the screen by way of a babysitter, and are now wholly dependent on their phones and computers for any socialisation.
However weirdly or badly they behave-they`ll have an army of mums and misfits getting jobs as assistants or counsellors to defend them, and a social worker to provide the Big Mac vouchers.
The good and experienced are teachers held hostage until retirement or have left already-if not on meds and booze addictions, hanging on until the bingeing at the weekend. Any good youngsters either consent to the big lies and become head teachers at 27( none of that learning your craft crap here-it`s all computers anyway)-or they burn out like missionaries might have done in the Upper Volta way back.
Thankfully, robots will replace them in the next few years-who needs overpaid trained parrots to cipher and regurgitate what Blair, Obama and Nicky Morgan consider to be worth knowing?
No-compulsory education by the state is a scandal, much as paying a dog license used to be-or a TV License is now.
Dead right.
All they leave with round here is an STD and some hate crime hotlines.
The good parents and kids of this country deserve so much better.
What Thatcher indulged and Major suggested? Blair set in concrete and we`ll not get it back.
Who`d be a teacher?
Leaflets on recycling batteries, sex clinic opening hours and how to nick a black mask for the riots seems to be all they get after thirteen years of mind massages.
Here’s a fine example of the left’s, ‘LOVE NOT HATE’ :- Eric Bolling from Fox News – his 19 year old son has died.
Lefty filth are celebrating. Really? They’re not far removed from IS.
Ofcom taps Channel4 for news mistake that everyone already knew about. Naming a bloke in prison as the Westminster terrorist.
Ofcom must be ffing slack if they can only spit 4 in inaccuracies in 3 years of C4 news..Mist people could spot 4 in each 15 mins of the show.
Well, I guess they’ve finished talking about their holidays and decided where to go for the Christmas bash, they have to make it look like they’re doing something.
Giving Ofcom oversight of the was purely cosmetic.
They are all over the gay marriage in Australia debate – so much virtue to be signalled on this one. Even in this country it was probably 5000th on people’s list of things to be concerned about. A lovely, safe subject for them to burnish their egos over.
If it doesn’t give the presenter a virtuous glow as they talk about it, then it’s not news. That’s the Beeb’s rule of thumb.
As with Climate statistics, the BBC’s use of “since records began” (re inflation) suggests very little account is taken of data from before the staff grew hair they could sit on However, clothing and footwear prices had the biggest impact, climbing 4.6% year-on-year, their highest level since records began.
NISA, if the BBC are claiming “However, clothing and footwear prices had the biggest impact, climbing 4.6% year-on-year, their highest level since records began.” then they haven’t looked back further than 1980.
Records were kept before 1980 (in fact UK Inflation records go back about 300 years, although not detailed in the same way as now) and show that adult clothing nearly doubled in price in June 1979.
How? Why?
Geoffrey Howe, Chancellor of the Exchequer increased VAT from 8% to 15%. Taken in conjunction with any manufacturers, wholesalers and retailers price increases on child and adult clothing for that month, I think that comes out a little higher than 4.6%.
Martha Kearney spends 10 minutes, if that, on the latest inflation figures and haranguing Liz Truss MP over pay rises for two groups of ‘essential workers’.
She then spends 20 minutes on the death of Sir Peter Hall and in fawning awe at elderly luvvies’ (possibly slightly faulty) memories of Sir Peter.
So glad that the slightly-essential BBC and the totally non-essential Martha Kearney get their priorities right.
Essential workers like Martha Kearney and Chris Evans I bet?
I too noted this Lefty/luvvie double headed sandwich on Today this morning-one minute raging about the call to civils disobedience as McClusky wants. And then some Dowager Duchess twaddle over the death of a Left bank luvvie that all remembered back in the 70s.
Like the love child of Mick McGahey and Dame Edith Sitwell the BBC aren`t they? Craven lefties, steel production in the mornings, Tolstoy in the evenings back in Bloomsbury.
Fred Kite played it for laughs, the likes of Sarah and Emily seem to have missed out on the joke.
Dame Vanessa, Lord Neil and all the others…what a rebellion huh?
Jesus , that a handful of autistic nutters will send rape threats over Twitter is the price we pay for free speech.
Those saddos are not in the same leagues as Grooming Gangs yet Labour MPs keep sending police after them.
Cat Smith just did that, and she’s organised a parliamentary debate on Thursday.
How would I feel as an MP if I diverted police like that , knowing that is taking police resources away from REAL victims ?
I suspect a lot of the ‘trolls’ we hear so much about are actually people sending abuse to themselves under fake usernames. Victimhood is currency these days.
Saw some bloke called “Parody” on from Highways England telling us all that we`ll need to pay to see Stonehenge if he can put a tunnel under the site.
One of my favourtie views on the A303-but the Nationsl Trust lesbian thinks I need to stump up or drive away.
Barking-hence the name Parody I s`pose.
Is anybody collecting these “staged names” of those inerviewed on the Beeb?
I`ve lost count of how many “Gaspings, pantings” and Goodbodys” I`ve seen on the strraplines of the talking there someone with a subversive funnybone there at the BBC I wonder?
“I suspect a lot of the ‘trolls’ we hear so much about are actually people sending abuse to themselves under fake usernames.”
I’ve always considered Maxiboy to be a “self-abuser”.
Times : Melanie Phillips calls Lammy a nutter for producing evidenceless report about white prejudice instead of actually addressing the real problems those vulnerable BAME have in the first place.
I’m afraid if I were Trump I might not be inclined. He might ask her to reign in the bbc but I forgot that’s like asking Aung San Su Chi to reign in the whole of the Burmese. military – impossible.
– ‘An Audit of Geopolitical Capability’ – that Britain is a cultural superpower, second only to the United States in its ability to propel liberal and democratic values around the world.
– Dear BBC, take care not to ‘sap at any nation’s confidence and wellbeing’.
I don’t know abut anyone else but I’d rather swap being a ‘cultural superpower’ with being a much better funded and staffed military power to look after our borders and people closer to home. Any culture we are likely to export currently is of a Marxist nature as opposed to 18th & 19th century liberalism – and I’m sure that’ll do a fat lot of good to developing nations who might still look up to us as a model.
BBC tick boxing
Maybe African born comedian Daliso Chaponda is funny ..but he didn’t win the Britain’s Got Talent final
However his skin colour probably had something to do with him getting a Radio 4 4 episode contract signed in June airing in November.
Times has a double page on him today.
Look it’s really rather simple: by paying £150 per year to the cultural Marxists you are contributing to your own disenfranchisement. Surely no amount of ‘comedy’ such as Mrs Brown’s Boys is worth that price? You’re also helping to enrich people like Gary Lineker who actually hates your guts (what a nice guy). So? What on earth are you waiting for?
Roku, Kodi…. easy ways to watch Catch-up services – and there’s always Youtube. And for those who really can;t break the habit, Amazon, Netflix etc. – though why anyone would pay for those services is frankly beyond me. With hundreds of thousands of films/TV on YT + tens of thousands more on my Roku stick there’s enough viewing for a 100 hundred lifetimes! All you have to do is break the habit. Simple.
And if you really can’t live without the BBC, if life without Bailiff TV is truly horrifying, then just get yourself an i-player login – there’s loads of them floating around the net (nudge, nudge). And there’s always Torrents . . . Even then quite a lot of BBC stuff eventually finds its way onto Youtube.
So stop paying the TV tax – it’s the only way. Labour will never stop it and the Tories are too gutless – only last year they granted a further 11 years. The licence will always be a reality – until which time it is funded from direct taxation. Before that chilling prospect it is the duty of every citizen who cares about truth and integrity to bring this corrosive organisation to its knees. Oh and not watching BBC will not bother them an iota. BBC loses market share year on year – they don’t care – it is expected . . . Stop paying the TV tax. Be bold, be brave.
I gave up TV in 2005 and by the year end I missed it slightly. By 2007 New Year, not at all. I used iPlayer a little when I finally selected a Broadband ISP but often found that I forgot to watch stuff or the iPlayer did not work properly or my ISP didn’t deliver decent speed. That ruined the 2012 Olympics for me.
Because of that I started to neglect iPlayer although I downloaded the BBC ‘improved’ version in January 2013. It still had defects. I then neglected it even more.
Following the rule change, on 1 September 2016, I haven’t watched any TV broadcasts, even non-BBC catch-up which is still legally open to me. There are so many alternatives that do not require the TV Tax.
Amen to that DavidS! Also, if you ditch the telly you can reconnect with the joys of real life. I spend most evenings nowadays either in the local pub, the parish church at choir practice, or the local sports club. It’s all good fun and better for the blood pressure than watching the dross on BBC!
Sadly the alternative if we all stopped paying the TV Tax would be an immediate switch to general taxation paying for the Labour party’s propaganda. I am amazed that nationalisation of the Grauniad hasn’t happened yet.
charm, that might be a step too far for the UK population. Smacks of the Poll Tax if added to Council Tax and will be initially inflationary for a year however it is done. There will be too much opposition to adding it to Income Tax, especially from other broadcasters.
If enough Licence Fee-payers gave up TV to seriously affect the BBC’s income then I expect they will start to take on limited advertising as well as ask for subcriptions for different ‘extras’.
Think the ‘refuseniks’ will have to reach a level of over 15% or more before there is a real fuss. Close to one in five households giving up, I think, will be a trigger point. It’s currently around one in twenty.
“They are all over the gay marriage in Australia debate”
Something for the SJWs, EBGBs or whatever to consider – Their favourite types have strapped two kids (15 & 17) to a bed frame and electrocuted them. Their crime? Wanting to marry someone of the OPPOSITE sex.
No doubt this practise will be coming soon to an enriched city near you.
The Today programme this morning (12th September) full of how the University of Bath researched palliative care services for children and come up with the conclusion they needed more money. Whilst I do have sympathy for every parent having to deal with a child in that situation – could I ever envisage an amount of money that researchers would decided was more than enough and that the BBC would care to tell us about? I only heard this on the headlines, I don’t know if there was a longer item about it and indeed if there was, if it told us who had commissioned the research but I do feel the results were probably a foregone conclusion before pen was even put to paper (or do I say letter on the keyboard hit?).
Happened to be in the waiting room at a car dealer’s this morning, having my car serviced (or I would never have seen the following). Victoria Derbyshire spouting off about university students getting into debt through gambling – and hanging the blame on everyone else but the students themselves. Classic comments about the students never having been taught anything about gambling in their precious little snowflake lives. This comes just after the news last week that university students were being given video lessons on how to use the public bus service.
Basic stuff, one might have thought, but no, the BBC was really serious about these little fledglings escaping the womb of the bank of mum and dad, the constant free transport by their parents to wherever they wanted to go, and having to face up to reality for once in their little protected lives…. and the Beeb was also serious about spending untold quantities of cash on supporting them through this education process.
then there was the report last week that far too many kids are arriving at primary school without any social basics whatsoever, and so much time having to be spent by teachers/teaching assistants/headmasters educating them on how to wipe their nose (and other parts), pay attention to what they are being taught, and basically just behave themselves reasonably.
On the other hand – six-year-olds are deemed by the Beeb as being perfectly capable of defining their gender/sexuality…
richard D, “This comes just after the news last week that university students were being given video lessons on how to use the public bus service.”
Quite right, too. Had to resort to the bus network in a strange part of London last week following a rail breakdown. It was not straightforward on how to get from where I was – point A – to where I wanted to be – Point B. We have had seventeen (17!) years of Mayors of London having control over the transport network and none of them have made the bus network any more user-friendly unless you know in advance what bus number you require and where the stops are and have them marked on a map that you are carrying..
All very well, Up2snuff – but the students in question were attending the University of Surrey, in Guildford, and it wasn’t, AFAIK, an instruction on how to plot a route from A to B, it was simply how to get on a bus and travel in a reasonably mannerly fashion.
Now I bet that a fair proportion of these little darlings wouldn’t think twice about setting off with their mates or on their own to backpack in some of the remotest places in the world… but when it comes to using public transport in Surrey…..?
I sympathise with your plight after a rail breakdown, however, I don’t think any cities, never mind London, provide easy access to the type of information for which you were looking. But simply loading the ‘HERE’ Maps app (or its current equivalent) onto a phone will provide exactly the sort of public transport information you require.
richard, the sad truth is that one-time leafy, glorious Surrey – that once seemed so civilised to me from a London viewpoint – now has its own, as well as from other counties, ill-educated & feral youth descending on the hallowed halls of Guildford. They have to be taught how to use and behave on buses. They probably have to be taught how to make beds, shop for and cook vegetables, too.
Good job that the dietetics course at UoS is still one of the foremost in the UK.
Richard, whenever I hear these ‘snowflake’ stories I watch this clip to remind myself of what the youth of one hundred years ago had to go through. Why the —- did they bother?
“The innocent souls (15-year-old girl had allegedly run away with her 17-year-old boyfriend) were tied to a charpai (rope bed) and given electric shocks,” said Aman Marwat, the police officer who arrested the two fathers and two uncles and is pursuing some 30 members of the jirga (a tribal council) who have gone into hiding.
… “The girl was killed and buried first followed by the murder of the boy the next day,” he added.
“Laws seem useless,” said Maliha Zia Lari, associate director with Karachi-based Legal Aid Society. “The boy’s father did not think he could seek protection from the state and the jirga (a tribal council) members did not fear any reprisals from it either.” Teenage couple electrocuted in Pakistan in ‘honor killing’ { sep2017}
– All cultures are equal and should be integrated wholesale via diversity, some more than others
I predict, ‘Being electrocuted is part and parcel of living in a city’.
They can add it to the ever growing list of ‘improvements’ along with banning alcohol and legalising paedophiles.
Today there is an #AmplifyWomen hashtag on Twitter
In aid of Hillary Clinton’s new book.
Well no one is going to hijack that !
They think they can get away with just broadcasting LibMob “Hate not Hope” against Trump
And not remembering real victims like the 5,000 Grooming Gang Victims.
Storm Aileen set to bring strong winds to parts of the UK
Hurricane Irma: More than 100 high risk prisoners escaped
Chesterfield’s ‘awful’ Princess Diana tribute mocked
Police and prison staff to get more than 1% pay cap
Traveller family slavery gang jailed for almost 80 years
UK inflation rate rises to 2.9%
Sky to stream midweek English Football League games after new £600m TV dea
County Championship – Essex take ninth Warwickshire wicket
Sam Warburton: Surgery rules out Wales and Cardiff Blues player for four month
Quiz: Which video game character are you?
England’s Tree of the Year finalists unveiled
Giant Star Wars AT-AT model built in front garden
North Korean defector: My life could end instantly
Bisexual, disabled and looking for love
I wish I’d told my son he could start again after dropping out
Ah when I look at BBC homepage headlines
The newspage is slightly different and addsa massive slide show
“Is this the most powerful person in the world ? (Angela Merkel)
328 MP’s voted to respect the result of the Referendum: 292 against, 30 abstained, a majority of 36 votes.
For: 310 Tories, 10 Democratic Unionists, 7 Labour (Ronnie Campbell, Frank Field, Kate Hoey, Kelvin Hopkins, John Mann, Dennis Skinner and Graham Stringer) and Ann-Marie Morris.
Against: 240 Labour, 34 Scottish Nationalists, 12 Liberal Democrats, 4 Plaid Cymru, Silvia Hermon (Unionist) and Caroline Lucas (Green).
Abstained: 15 Labour ( Ian Austin, Kevin Barron, David Crausby, Caroline Flint, Yvonne Fovargue, David Hanson, Lindsay Hoyle, Helen Jones, Kevan Jones, Ged Killen, Madeleine Moon, John Spellar, Anna Turley, Derek Twigg and Rosie Winterton ), 7 Sinn Fein, 6 Tories ( David Amess, Nick Boles, Kenneth Clarke, Eleanor Laing, Johnny Mercer and Gary Streeter ), John Bercow (Speaker) and Mhairi Black (SNP)
Interesting listening to You & Yours on R4 today. An “expert” from King’s College was saying that the pound has fallen massively against the US dollar since and thanks to Brexit.
I am being selective, but today the GBP is about 5c lower against the USD than it was in February 2016 – a fall of 3.6% over 19 months. In the 12 months prior to February 2016, the pound fell by more than 20c against the USD and, of course, well before the referendum result or even a referendum being given a date.
Funny old world.
Perhaps he’s worried that the new competitiveness of the pound will stimulate UK industrial output to a level where the next generation will spurn the likes of Kings College, their meaningless degrees and £50k of student debt to actually contribute to GDP by working and living in the real world, learning as they go.
Reality Check for those living in academia. No wonder they’re running scared.
The Sage – you are being no more selective than those pundits who always pick, as their staring point for these calculations of ‘massive falls in the value of the pound against the dollar’ the extremely artificially high, and unsustainable, value of the pound in the day(s) just prior to the referendum result.
Mair economics: Eddie Mair on PM tries to stir up the nurse that challenged Mrs May about public sector pay freezes. He tells her that ‘even a one percent rise is a pay cut in real terms, because of inflation’.
No Eddie, a pay cut is when you get paid less this year than last year. Even with inflation a one percent rise is better than no rise surely?
My wife works for the NHS (I know – evil). Anyway she’s not a nurse or a doctor and is heading for being downgraded a whole pay band or maybe lose her job altogether. All part of the great plan. She just works on cancers and stuff so quite unnecessary really.
You beat me to it Jim.
How they’ve got the nerve to discuss anyone’s salary after the revelations of the great and the goods pay packets at the beeb beggars belief. How they preach on high.
CAGE.NGO Website
“Unfortunately our accounts were recently shut down following the arrest of CAGE Outreach Director Moazzam Begg.”
Cage News Headlines …
– PREVENT is about Policing Dissent not Safeguarding
– Revealed: Home Office ‘outsourcing’ surveillance to Far Right Henry Jackson Society
– Home Office ‘outsourcing’ surveillance to Far Right Henry Jackson Society – Report Summary
– Blacklisted: The secretive Home Office Unit silencing voices of dissent
– CAGE responds to senior police chief: PREVENT is a toxic policy that causes deep mistrust
– PREVENT Mythbusters
– Muslims must challenge “extremism” assumptions and continue to contribute on their own terms
– Revealed: When PREVENT really put BOOTS on the ground
– Response to Nazir Afzal letter: ERG22+ is used in PREVENT training
– We need a return to justice, not more anti-terror laws
– British government uses failed Prevent as a bargaining tool in Brexit
– When PREVENT officers came knocking on my door
– CVE has always been about targeting Islam and so has PREVENT – Inclusion of CAGE as “controversial” in PREVENT training manual shows how the policy strangles debate on crucial issues
– Terror Watchdog tries to sell failed PREVENT strategy despite not being his remit
– Trump: A Mirror Image of Our Inner Prejudices
– Towards a closed society: The worrying themes of the leaked OSCT PREVENT Catalogue
– Burkini ban is fashioned from the same patriarchal tyranny of Muslims as Prevent
– The Ongoing Extremes of David Cameron
– Graphic: Student referred to PREVENT for voicing his views
“‘Ahmad’ was referred to social services by his secondary school because he was perceived to be on the path to becoming “radicalised”. In one of his Home Economic classes, the teacher requested all students to bring in meat or poultry, but Ahmad said to his teacher in front of the class: “But government is banning halal meat!” The teacher questioned why, and Ahmad replied, “Because government hates Muslims”.
– Just stumbled on this ‘And I just wonder what the hell the BBC is doing giving you all this airtime’ to Asim Qureshi.
pugnaziousFeb 23, 19:38 Weekend 22nd February 2025 Migrants aren’t the problem…they are the victims of racist Irish people….says BBC. ‘Ireland’s view of immigration one year since Dublin…
Fedup2Feb 23, 19:27 Weekend 22nd February 2025 It’s really hard to see anything ‘good ‘ ( for TTK ) coming out of meetings with 47 and JD…
Up2snuffFeb 23, 19:17 Weekend 22nd February 2025 MM, what? Industrialised tech you mean our steel industry, car industry and oil & gas industry?
Up2snuffFeb 23, 19:13 Weekend 22nd February 2025 Fed, you are correct, especially those wasters, Major, Blair and Brown. Gordon Brown as Chancellor sold off the UK’s Gold…
Richard PinderFeb 23, 19:09 Weekend 22nd February 2025 Starmer’s US Visit Set for Tense Talks as VP JD Vance Criticizes UK Censorship Laws: Vice President JD Vance…
MarkyMarkFeb 23, 18:54 Weekend 22nd February 2025 “… but can be influenced (NOT THEIR CHOICE) by “choice architecture” (WHO CHOOSES THE CHOICE) into making better choices (BETTER…
MarkyMarkFeb 23, 18:53 Weekend 22nd February 2025 Miliband’s net zero promises are false, Tony Blair’s think tank warns Investing in green technology unlikely to reverse long-term decline…
MarkyMarkFeb 23, 18:49 Weekend 22nd February 2025 “The Health Pooled Fund (HPF3) will reduce maternal and under-five mortality rates in South Sudan, through (i) the delivery of…
MarkyMarkFeb 23, 18:36 Weekend 22nd February 2025 Bradford city of culture…. “For 30 years Muhammed Saeed was a well-respected GP with one of the largest patient lists…
Bristol events : When Liberals say “Conversation” , that means “only speak if you agree with us”
Thu 19 October 2017
Immigration and Future Cities
Thangham Debbonaire* MP, John Harris and Sunder Katwala ,
18:00-19:00 Watershed Free, but booking required
In the wake of the decision to leave the EU following the 2016 referendum, British Future and HOPE not Hate have been conducting a National Conversation on Immigration, which will feed into a Home Affairs Select Committee inquiry on the future of immigration policy in the UK.
How might immigration change after Brexit? What are the risks or opportunities?
Can a common ground be found or will there be further polarisation?
(* is that an actual name ? like of a person not just a rapper ?)
Fri 20 October 2017
National Conversation on Immigration Workshop
Jill Rutter, 09:15-10:30 Watershed Free, but booking required
What does Bristol think about immigration, past, currently and for the future?
As part of 60 workshops around the country, British Future and HOPE not Hate bring together people from the Bristol community to discuss and debate attitudes to immigration, thoughts on the future of immigration and what might change about Bristol if there were changes to immigration policy.
The Economist goes as FakeNews as the BBC

Look at their graph ..before the beginning of the 20th Century there were no natural disasters ??
Paul Homewood takes them apart
The level of ignorance at the BBC is now unlimited. All night they have been saying the vote tonight is to pass the Brexit bill. NO it is only second reading. There is over 64 hours of debate and committee stage and third reading to go yet. The BBC news service is as accurate as the reporting of the attack on the Pole in Harlow. Which was a travesty against Farage.
I expect the Bill to be rejected by the Lords which might help finally see that august body for the self serving grace and favour club that it is.
Incidentally does the Government have any plans at all for electoral reform, ie boundaries, expenses, and voter fraud?
Biased BBC in full shit-stirring mode on the 10pm news.
They report from the British Virgin Islands.
It has been trashed by the Hurricane.
They ‘interview’ a householder whose house has been flattened.
‘Could you do with more help?’ asks the bBBC reporter.
‘Yes!’ comes the not-unexpescted reply.
Conclusion and desired narrative? The evil Tory government are not spending enough money on disaster relief.
They really are the pits.
I couldn’t help a chortle when I thought of all the people and corporations basing themselves in the Virgin Islands to avoid paying tax now complaining that the UK government should be doing and spending more to re-build the island.
One of the all-time great examples of wanting to both have your cake and eat it!
It was clear what we were meant to think from the opening headlines, when Huw announced, “British troops FINALLY arrive…”.
In fact that whole bulletin came across like Soviet propaganda. There was also a puff piece on windmill production that could have been done about tractors 50 years ago.
England players have been told not to use Wifi in Russia in case they are hacked.
Hillary lost – get over it. Maybe she should not have dismissed Trump voters as ‘a basket of deplorables.’
They never miss a chance to push their agenda. Nudge nudge, wink wink.
You`d have thought that Sir Elton and the luvvies at the BBC would have called for the footy to be canned in Russia…to protest gay rights and fiddling in Trumps election victory.
I mean-Jimmy Carter even did this in 1980…so why aren`t the BBC calling for this?
Or is sport and money, broadcasting privileges above petty politics when the BBC have a spare camera going and a bit of our dosh to splash on Russian rent boys?
Frankie Boyle has serious competition for the HIGNFY host gig. Or Newsnight Economics Editor slot. One of the two.
That is the trouble with this type of elitest. They think bad language shows intelligence . it just show them to be idiots.
Virtue signalling to the bodysnatched and terminally stupid.
Graham Linehan is another Geldof or Norton. Plastic paddies who fight the good fight from the BBC, but never in their own country.
Irelands TRUE talent like the Clancys and Dubliners were far more radical, but didn`t need the BBC to play to the gallery…this load of cossetted eunuchs aren`t able to live off RTE pay, so get here to do so from us.
Another thing-Linehan and Matthews were great writers, David Schneider is a fine comedy actor of old, and Steve Coogan is brilliant.
How come their comedy is so good at revealing what tits they are?…and yet they insist on being self same boobs and eejits in real life? Don`t they do irony, self-respect or humility at drama school?
Great to see that happening?
There’s little doubt that BBC Breakfast is designed to cater lagely to the interests and short attention span of mothers and youngsters getting ready for the school run.
Why otherwise in a typical report would the show ponder and fret at some length as to the medical advisability of taking one or two small glasses of wine a week during pregnancy or “whilst trying to become preganant” (there’s a joke or two there – but let’s let that go).
But don’t imagine the BBC wants to coddle and wrap young girls in protective cotten wool. As we’ve seen previously in some mixed-up wrong-headed ideological dash for supposed equality the BBC is keen to regularise and to promote women’s contact sports – particularly unpleasant is our national broadcaster’s bizarre penchant for women’s boxing.
Let’s be clear – it’s not just reporting – it is whole-hearted promotion and propagandising – referring to some female boxer BBC sports presenter Sally Nugent this morning relates with glee how this woman has “won all her fights by a knock out”
Sally Nugent: “Great to see that happening ! ”
At moments like this on the BBC I like to recall the wit and wisdom of the late great Tony Hancock with his own brand of medical advice : “A good punch up the bracket never hurt anyone”
There was a great documentary about the Forth Bridge on Channel 5 on Sunday. What heroes helped build it – gruelling, dirty, dangerous work. There is a plaque to commemorate the men who lost their lives during its construction. Think how many they have helped get around easier, and think how many heroic men there are doing dirty, dangerous work in construction – never once complaining that women overwhelmingly avoid such unglamorous but vital work. Over 90% of workplaces fatalities are men, and you never see a woman collecting your bin bags. Odd how ‘equality’ campaigners never talk about this as it must be the most flagrant case of inequality around.
I wonder if the Beeb could produce a documentary about the heroes who died building the Forth?
Beeb Brother
As we know from the BBC Moslem’s have made a major contribution to Britain, and I was wondering how they did this work on the bridge wearing those pyjama type clothes, and how they managed to find a place to pray five times each day..
BB: “you never see a woman collecting your bin bags.”
I have. But not recently. Wonder what happened to her? Maybe taking a break to have a baby? Er ….. .
Something men cannot do.
That whole ‘hate fact’ of biology. I remember them interviewing a woman football manager who was annoyed one of her players has got pregnant! Imagine that in the men’s game.
“We just signed Messi for 200 million but he got pregnant! Next time we will have to sterilise our big money signings!”
I was in Rome a couple of years ago and saw three emptying bins on the street and cleaning the pavements. To say they were well turned out would be doing them a disservice. For fear of being sexist and all that I have to say it was equally as good a memory as all the wonders of that great city.
Can only imagine that the Forth Bridge was REALLY built by black labour, an Indian takeaway mogul and with loads of women serving the cafes with a dog or two to eat the scraps.
Therefore you will find that no white Scottish men were invloved( and for the few that might have been-absolutely NO English engineering eh?).
I therefore expect a BBC Scotland film on Channel 4 soon to celebrate Tommy Sheridans mum and her pet , and the local Muslim curry house owner-who created an unlikely friendship to make pervy boots for the bridge builders, so they could dance across the Firth and support Patricia Nevins Guardian campaign to have a sex change.
Reckon there`s three plaques and two statues here, no white men though who actually DID things and died in their building.
“Can only imagine that the Forth Bridge was REALLY built by black labour”
But it was, David Lammy says so. Ken Loach and the BBC are making a film about it. This is a sneak preview of the film set:
Don’t know who’s innit. Lenny Henry perhaps.
You see posters at roadworks on the motorway: “My Mum works here”.
AISI, This alcohol thing is interesting because another Sally-waste-of-space is involved, Dame Sally Davies. It has been known in Scotland for decades if not centuries that alcohol can help prevent premature birth. Before anyone gets excited about partying in pregnancy, it used to be prescribed by the thimbleful – yes, a few millilitres – and half of that would be water. Oh, and I think that may have been a per week dosage although I would have thought that that is getting into the realms of homeopathy.
If you are pregnant and reading this do not do it without asking your GP first and getting their approval.
Dame Sally-waste-of-space has, apparently, changed her mind on consumption of alcohol during pregnancy.
Why do we taxpayers need Public Health England?
Mr Hunt, Sir, please consider closing it down and give the tax money to the NHS instead. In fact, don’t think about, just do it – please!
The Humph has just interviewed Richard Burgon MP on TOADY in the 8.11am segment.
I felt really sorry for John.
I felt sorry for myself, having caught the last few minutes of Burgon. This buffoon would have been a minister if a few thousand people in certain constituencies had voted the other way. A stupid craven man who would be a lackey of the union barons. Back to the 70’s!
EE, quite right.
A Thought for the Day for the BBC: you like to portray our Government as useless and hated and Labour as better. Half the country, maybe, might agree with you.
That same public opinion, when faced with endless disruption caused by strikes by public sector workers is likely to see that 50% decline by 50%. In your permanent state of amnesia BBC, permit me to remind you how the Junior Doctors were rapidly losing public support after just a couple of weeks of their ‘industrial inaction’ late last year and at the start of 2017.
It’s interesting to wonder just how many people take their received opinion from the bbc or sky. How many enjoy the ‘security’ of believing false narratives. How many actually seek facts and how many really don’t give politics a thought.
I reckon most decent people have a baseline of what is right and fair.
It’s interesting to wonder just how many people take their received opinion from the bbc or sky. How many enjoy the ‘security’ of believing false narratives. How many actually seek facts and how many really don’t give politics a thought.
I reckon most decent people have a baseline of what is right and fair.
Isn`t it true that some parts of Africa will charge you more if you get your beef “pre-chewed”…a sign of being posh, and not needing to chew through the roughest of big game burgers?
The British public get their news pre -chewed, salted with tears, laced with bile or fairy dust…and left out with the maggots for the proles, as they dine with Corbyn or Lady Antonia Fraser.
When the people wake up to fake news in this country, it may change-until then, the clowns who seek prechewed or prefabricated BBC lies as “news” deserve all they get-no excuse now is there?
Can always tell when Brexit goes a stage further when the BBC fail to report on it as its big 8.10 story on Today can`t you?
Presumably this package of Brexit Revolt as promised by the BBC all day yesterday failed to match the hoopla, seeing as their chums lost the vote.
So no Kier, no Anna, no Lord this or Sir Ken/Vince that. All confined to barracks or nannys muffin suckings at the Oxbridge hearth.
So-back to the TUC and some Venezuelan-type civil disorder to be puffed up and unleashed if poss.
Thankfully, it`s Richard Burgon to lead it….and, as we heard, no rat in a sack would bother its arse to fight such a flatuelent useless article, Corbyns cock ring.
In certain parts of the World, past experience lending predictability, they ascribe certain times of the year a season eg: Tornado, Cyclone, Rainy, Hurricane.
They did not adopt this practice when Trump said he was ditching the Paris Agreement.
Compare Egyptian journalist gloats over Hurricane Irma, calls it “sign from Allah,” quotes Qur’an {sep2017} with September 24, 2015: At least 2,236 pilgrims were killed during a stampede. @ Hajj in Mecca {wiki}.
Irma death toll in US rises to 10; leaves ‘devastation’ in Florida Keys {11sep17}
Watch when the BBC use words like ‘real’, as in ‘what it is really like in Sweden’. Migrants are doing well. Trump misled the world about Sweden.
G.W.F., as in BBC = alternative REALity.
Aldi & selling alcohol –
muslims are clearly unemployable.
I wonder what our our muslim Prime Minister would think about it. Hint:
Such a welcoming person that’s why she is doing nothing to reduce the imports of muslims – the other 50%+ other than those from the EU.
Sanjay the hindu speaks up for britain, good lad
That bare flesh she’s showing is a bit “haram” isn’t it?
Save lives, just fuck the Muzzies off.
Vote UKIP.
I have just added the Conservatives to my list of proscribed organisations.
That BBC website article on Sweden apparently is a rebuttal of Trump’s criticism of European refugee policy. Then follows loads of pictures showing what they call the reality. Actually, it cherry picks a random selection of “feel-good” pictures which is no more representative than Trump’s comments – the equivalent of “look, there’s a squirrel”. Pictures of young immigrant musicians actually show Orthodox Christian kids; for Muslims music is haram. Then a picture of immigrants watching football, headlining three young kids whereas the greater number of people are in their twenties and thirties busy on smartphones and laptops.
All typical Beeb bias; you know, when good news, show smiling immigrants, when it’s bad news show sullen whites.
And while I’m on a rant I’ll throw in ITV and Channel 4. I really don’t watch much TV at all but I watched a drama last week where a man’s partner was kidnapped – naturally she was white and her partner was coloured (or is it black? I’m not up to speed on this). The boss police woman was Asian and her (white) underling appears to be a nasty bit of stuff. I switched off. I caught a bit of “Liar” last night and immediately I noticed more miscegenation (and that’s before the adverts). Don’t ask me about other characters; I again switched over to a decent programme about space colonisation – the sort of thing BBC should stick to.
I’m so p****d off with being preached to that
Essential propaganda for the bodysnatched. The sensible course is to write Sweden off . It will fail as a state and quite honestly good riddance to it.
2022 Commonwealth Games: Birmingham congratulated by vanquished Liverpool { 07sep2017}
“Birmingham has been congratulated by the mayor of Liverpool after being named England’s candidate to host the 2022 Commonwealth Games.”
… Birmingham to host Commonwealth Games but Council/Government are finding it hard to resolve emptying bins ….
Birmingham bin strike: John Clancy resigns as city council leader { 11sep2017}
“Refuse workers started strike action on 30 June in a dispute over job re-grading and shift patterns. The Unite union says restructuring plans threaten the jobs of more than 120 staff, while the council says the changes will modernise the service and save £5m a year.”
caption: “Residents in one part of the city marked 50 days since their rubbish had last been collected”
Nothing gets to lie in the streets of Liverpool.
[I recall being on a bus in Fife during snowy weather and a resident of Lochgelly remarked that the snow had been laying in the street for a week now. A sharp-witted non-resident of that fair place said, “That’s the only thing that would be left laying there!”]
At least they`ve got free hurdles and plenty bin bags to land on after the pole vault. And no-this is not a reference to our black burqa chums.
Victoria Derbyshire programme is on now. First time I have ever watched it. She continually interrupts the pro Brexit Tory and allows the Labour Remainer to interrupt. She does not interrrupt the Remainer Labour politician and does not allow the Tory Brexiteer to interrupt.
Next topic on the show is How can Labour get Jeremy Corbyn elected?
I switched the television off. Completely disgusted.
Why on earth do the Tories not expose the Fascist Labour Party supporting BBC? In not doing so the Tories are showing themselves to compliant to the BBC and weak. For goodness sake when on tv why don’t the Tories tell the presenter that they are being biased?
I’m not sure who I am most disgusted with, the biased poll tax funded Fascist Labour supporting BBC or the cowardly Tories!
ahhh the delights of catching VD, im sure you will be more careful next time
Whilst many of us work-the BBC peddle this crap to the infirm, the feckless and the young excluded from schools.
The rot set in with TV-AM back in the early 80s.
There is no reason for daytime telly at all-and about time we pushed to get it removed.
This 24/7 crap is what has softened the brains of this nation, and rots kids forming morality too.
Why don`t we get a campaign to get pay per view-the TV linense only £50 to those who refuse to watch it until working hours are done, and pub closing at 11.
Tactics my friends!
[Black] Christian lives matter BBC! Why are their no bleeding-heart reports about the ongoing slaughter of Non-Muslims in the world?
“ANCHA, Nigeria (Morning Star News) – Muslim Fulani herdsmen in central Nigeria’s Plateau state massacred 20 Christians, including children, as they slept in the hours after midnight on Friday (Sept. 8) in an apparent reprisal attack that mystified villagers, sources said.
Police reportedly said the attack was an act of vengeance after the discovery last week of a slain and beheaded Fulani boy who was a resident of Ancha village, Miango District in the Bassa Local Government Area. But a village Christian told Morning Star News that the area’s terrified residents were at a loss to explain why they were targeted, as the murder of the Fulani took place at another village.”
Comment of worth in complement from ‘Monkey Brains’ on this equally worthy thread:
We’ve seen this 100 times before with the BBC. Some ethnic cleansings are OK, some are not.
Ethnic cleansing of San people by Zulu peoples? OK. Ethnic cleansing of Greek people from Asia Minor by Turks? OK. Ethnic cleasing of Jews from North Africa? OK. Ethnic cleansing of white South African farmers? OK. Ethnic cleansing of Tibetans by Han Chinese? OK (didn’t used to be, but the BBC have now abandoned that once fashionable cause). Ethnic cleansing of Asians from East Africa. No problem. Ethnic cleansing of Serbs from Kosovo. OK. Ethnic cleansing of Germans from Eastern Europe. Good.
The BBC always has its favourites.”
if you did not know Irma was caused by Brexit
Radio 3 treated us to America from West Side Story this morning.
Our presenter felt he had to share a listener’s comment that ‘the lyrics don’t sit well with Trump’s America’.
This listener wishes they would keep to the music and save the snide anti-Brexit/anti-Trump remarks for the champagne break in the BBC’s w(h)ine bar.
P.S. Puerto Rico has been US sovereign territory since 1898 and free-movement to the US has been possible since 1917. But then ‘them latinos all look/sound the same, innit?’
Obviously neither the listener nor the presenter actually read the lyrics which present two vastly opposed views of the USA which, between them, certainly encompass “Trump’s America” (which is an all-purpose descriptor for something the BBC doesn’t like).
Oh I think they do!
“Gee Officer Krupke” sums up the Obama mindset-and I bet Trump would know this song, as well as the lefty hypocrisy over the idea of “America”.
Here’s a few details from the inflation numbers. Coffee – up 5.1%. Petrol – up 5.1%. Clothing – up 5.1%. Oils and fats (including butter) – up 5.9%. Electricity – up 9%. Then there is the price of fish – up 9.6%. … That’s because the economy is growing only modestly. If only it were growing as fast as prices.{ 12sep2017}
Word Search: Brexit x 0; global x 0; referendum x 2;
BBC says it was ‘fall in the value of sterling since the EU referendum’ but in the ONS report sited it says that ‘increasing global commodity prices’ are a factor as well, but this is not in the BBC article.
Depreciation may have influenced this but increasing global commodity prices could also be a factor in the rise in inflation in the UK and the EU overall. { 12sep2017}
Venezuela : Inflation 741%
South Sudan : Inflation 79%
United Kingdom : Inflation 2.6%
Switzerland : Inflation -0.34%
Northern Mariana Islands : Inflation -0.8%
Greece – Inflation : Inflation -0.89%
One of the biggest, and one of the oldest, taxes in this latter sense is inflation. Governments have stolen their people’s resources this way, not just for centuries, but for thousands of years.{ – Taxing the Poor -dec2012}
Both Russia and China reiterated their proposal that the US and South Korea freeze all military drills – which anger North Korea – and asked for a halt in the deployment of the controversial anti-missile system Thaad, in exchange for Pyongyang’s cessation of its weapons programmes. { 12sep2017}
… Russia less than 2 months ago …
Russia’s Military Drills Near NATO Border Raise Fears of Aggression {nytimes jul2017}
WASHINGTON — Russia is preparing to send as many as 100,000 troops to the eastern edge of NATO territory at the end of the summer, one of the biggest steps yet in the military buildup undertaken by President Vladimir V. Putin and an exercise in intimidation that recalls the most ominous days of the Cold War.
It is very tempting for them to push through from Belarus to Kaliningrad and control a corridor there. Whose’s to say that won’t happen?
Hypocrites? Not really, just safeguarding their interests as they see it. Russia and China will always look out for North Korea as it’s anti American – Simples.
Russia would like all of Europe and the Middle East. China would like South East Asia and pretty much the World.
The Great Games have never gone away.
Russia and Chinas gerographies and histories are clear on what they`re doing, and we used to have people who knew this and said so.
But we`re in the EU and believe in the UN , much as we once believed in the Gold Standard and The League of Nations. Russia and China are only doing what self-interested nation states do when they`re independent, proud and have empire historical greatness, based on size, dynastic history and cultural power.
If we leave the European Union for these reasons alone-then we`ll still have a nation.
The EU presumes on “divine winds”( but no Christ,so no winds) and “cultural soft superpower” rights to save it. But begs the USA to fund their preposterous pretensions. Trump has seved notice on this, and he`s right-so we should really cement that specail relationship with his country before the windows close.
The EU begs its own surrender and throat cutting, the dopey European people seem intent on allowing this…we don`t, we won`t.
Islam is here, soft lefty EUSSR-type socialislam won`t save them in Brussels, time to rebuild anew while there`s still a chance of finding some foundation.
Sixty-two countries could see investments of up to US$500 billion over the next five years, according to Credit Suisse, with most of that channelled to India, Russia, Indonesia, Iran, Egypt, the Philippines and Pakistan. { – China’s $900 billion New Silk Road. What you need to know – jun2017}
Orwell was quoted earlier

“If liberty means anything at all, it means the right to tell people things they do not want to hear.”
(original preface to Animal Farm)×407.jpg
Looks like it’s one of those images which is set not to appear inline on third parties.
So you’ll have to right click the link to open it in a new tab.
Then close that tab and you’ll be back here.
Just watched two Tucker pieces. One hijab woman had set up a self defence program in case of attack by racists but when asked, ‘Was it Trump supporters who shot the two thousand plus this year alone in Chicago’ (where she lives)??? Nothing.
Then a black man on about Trumps Supremacist speech. Tucker points out that Trump said the opposite but the black man says, ‘Ah but that’s not what he thinks.’ Mindreading Lefties eh?
It’s not just a different opinion – they really are mentally ill.
I watched a very interesting documentary on BBC4 yesterday evening. It appears we have to get off this planet within the next 100 years otherwise mankind is finished so Professor Hawking tells us. The programme was devoted to exploring the practicalities of actually becoming able to travel to the 4.6 Light Year distant nearest planet. All very technical: the possibilities are boundless – if you are only looking at the challenge through the eyes of a scientist. But wait, what would allah say about this? What would his servant muhammed say? What indeed would their followers currently think about it? I can only guess.
Prof. and all the rest with brilliant brains, come down to earth for a moment. Within 100 years the World will be ruled by a savage who belongs in a cave. Perhaps you could figure that into your calculations and then see what pops out the other end.
Yes, all getting a bit ahead of themselves. They all live in one of Hawking’s parallel universes where everyone drives electric cars, uses green energy made from their poo and votes Green.
Yup, take a look at: “I have compiled a short list of distinguished and outstanding present day muslim scientists involved in space exploration.” –
Spot the one living and working anywhere in the Middle East…………..
Perhaps it works on the principle that, ‘bring the Middle East to us and, hey presto the expression becomes accurate!’
Saudi Arabia
A Saudi 12th-grade textbook mentions evolution by name only where it claims that Charles Darwin has “denied Allah’s creation of humanity”.[35] The rest of the textbook focuses on descriptions of the taxonomic ranks: it makes no further mention of evolution, only quoting Qur’an verses as relevant to certain groups of animals.[35]
Iranian scientific development, especially the health-related aspects of biology, has been a goal of the Islamic government since the Iranian Revolution of 1979.[35] Since Iranian traditional practice of Shi’a religion isn’t preoccupied with Qur’anic literalism as in case of fundamentalist Wahhabism but ijtihad, many influential Iranian Shi’ite scholars, including several who were closely involved in the Iranian Revolution, are not opposed to evolutionary ideas in general, disagreeing that evolution necessarily conflicts with the Muslim mainstream.[35] Evolution is incorporated in the science curriculum starting from the 5th grade. An emphasis is placed on empirical evidence, such as the study of fossils, rather than Islamic scripture, thus portraying geologists and other types of scientists as the authoritative voices of scientific knowledge.[35]
Although it has been claimed that evolution is not taught in Pakistani universities;[12] the Higher Education Commission of Pakistan, which is the federal body which sets standards of course content, has knowledge and understanding of evolution as being compulsory for several courses such as microbiology,[39] bioinformatics,[40] zoology,[41] botany[42] as well as others. In 2006, the Pakistan Academy of Sciences became a signatory of the InterAcademy Panel Statement on “The teaching of evolution.”[43] Many of the contemporary titles on the creation-evolution controversy, such as those by biologist Richard Dawkins, are available for general sale.[44]
In June 2017, the education ministry announced the removal of evolution from the secondary school curriculum; as of that date the only other Muslim majority country where evolution is challenged in the education system was Saudi Arabia, where the concept is briefly named and heavily criticized in the curricula.[59]
Creation and evolution in public education {wiki}
“Saudi Arabia”. I bought a Bartholomew’s World Atlas in the stationers up the road from where I lived just outside Dharhran. It wan’t until I got it home I noticed the wrapper had been tampered with. On closer inspection, I found that it had been opened and every mention of ‘Israel’ had been redacted including the index at the back. Sick. Human progress? Not if islam has anything to do with it.
Looking for a reason to cancel Sky ?
Windfarm spin for Green Hedgefunds
Times front page headline ” Record-breaking wind farm will cut cost of green energy”
Hornsea1 gets £140/MWh
Hornsea2 piggy backs same infrastructure so able to bid £57.50 on its Contract For Difference
Unicorns ate not paying for that £140 subsidy rate, no you are in every service/product you pay for.
Wonder why UK productivity doesn’t rise ?
Where is the best place to be a woman in Britain? { sep2017}
“Islington, in north London, was rated the worst place for women to live.”
Islington performed near the bottom of the distribution on wellbeing, environmental quality, housing affordability and safety. Scoring 379th out of 380 on personal wellbeing overall, residents of Islington reported among the lowest levels of happiness (371st) life satisfaction (372nd) and feelings that their life is worthwhile (379th). They also reported among the highest levels of anxiety (367th). The borough also ranked second to last on the environmental qualitydomain, with particularly high concentrations of NO2 and PM10 (ranking 377th and 378th) and limited access to green space (ranking 358th). Housing in Islington was among the least affordable in Britain, with the median house priced at over 16 times the local median income. Islington was ranked 369th out of 380 in crime, with 122 reported offences per 1,000 people.
Woman’s Hour Report: The best places in Britain for women {sep2017}
Dear BBC, who is in charge of Islington … Islington North (UK Parliament constituency) {wiki}
2017, Labour, Jeremy Corbyn, 40,086 73.0% +12.7
2015, Labour, Jeremy Corbyn, 29,659 60.2% +5.8
2010, Labour, Jeremy Corbyn, 24,276 54.5% +3.3
2005, Labour, Jeremy Corbyn, 16,118 51.2% −10.7
2001, Labour, Jeremy Corbyn, 18,699 61.9% −7.4
1997, Labour, Jeremy Corbyn, 24,834 69.3% +11.9
1992, Labour, Jeremy Corbyn, 21,742 57.4% +7.4
1987, Labour, Jeremy Corbyn, 19,577 50.0% +9.6
1983, Labour, Jeremy Corbyn, 14,951 40.4% −12.2
1979, Labour, Michael O’Halloran, 12,317 52.6% −5.3
Jeremy Corbyn @jeremycorbyn “Excessive rents & a lack of affordable housing are ruining the lives of young people. @UKLabour will cap rents to provide homes #ForTheMany.” {twitter jun2017}
What about Rotherham?
Rotherham (UK Parliament constituency) {wii}
“Rotherham has returned Labour MPs since 1933 following the earlier period before 1923 dominated by the Liberal and Conservative parties. In every example the majority has been relatively large in this period, meaning that since that date the result has been a safe seat.”
Sophie Rayworth with the headlines at the top of the flagship BBC 1pm News fluffs her autocue:
“Boris Johnson flees to the Caribbean… er… flies to the Caribbean…”
Methinks the BBC anti-Tory office culture is strong with this one.
Do the neo-nazi soldiers have big bombs ?
Nope , in court today one was charged with having a Breivik book ..also had pepper spay
The other soldier and civilian were just charged with being a member of a banned group.
is the breivik manifesto banned?
BBC-UmbrellaGate : At HydePark Gate
10 Sept : Radio2 concert goers told ” You can’t take that umbrella in their cos it looks like a golfing umbrella ”
It poured down, and then people told you can’t have your umbrella back, it’s been chucked.
Teaching in crisis – “…..Around 50,100 teachers left the state sector in 2015”. Leaving is on the increase and is not balanced by those joining. London is the worst, but I can’t for the life of me, guess why our multicultural capital should be this way.
“Overall, slightly more teachers left the state sector than entered in 2015. Around 50,100 left and 49,700 entered.” But, what about the massive increase in pupil numbers? No mention.
I have never had reason to scrutinise the ‘Full Fact’ information but, it may be me, but I think it is rather selective. Not one valid reason is given for teachers leaving. I talk to a teacher in her forties regularly and her opinion on the issue would stand a ‘Full Fact’ check on its own.
I have never had a desire to teach but I can imagine the youngsters entering the profession that think that it is a ‘rewarding’ thing to do. Bet they don’t continue with that view. A plethora of different languages; violence and abuse; deteriorating standards. No fear.
And additionally, I’m afraid too many precious, cosseted young people find the world of work a dreadful shock.
Teaching IS in crisis. It`s hard to know where to start. They no longer teach anything worth knowing and examine their nostrums in a corrupt and debased manner.
Many of the kids aren`t even potty trained before they start, and have a variety of drug dependent crusties instead of parents. They`ve only even known the screen by way of a babysitter, and are now wholly dependent on their phones and computers for any socialisation.
However weirdly or badly they behave-they`ll have an army of mums and misfits getting jobs as assistants or counsellors to defend them, and a social worker to provide the Big Mac vouchers.
The good and experienced are teachers held hostage until retirement or have left already-if not on meds and booze addictions, hanging on until the bingeing at the weekend. Any good youngsters either consent to the big lies and become head teachers at 27( none of that learning your craft crap here-it`s all computers anyway)-or they burn out like missionaries might have done in the Upper Volta way back.
Thankfully, robots will replace them in the next few years-who needs overpaid trained parrots to cipher and regurgitate what Blair, Obama and Nicky Morgan consider to be worth knowing?
No-compulsory education by the state is a scandal, much as paying a dog license used to be-or a TV License is now.
Dead right.
All they leave with round here is an STD and some hate crime hotlines.
The good parents and kids of this country deserve so much better.
What Thatcher indulged and Major suggested? Blair set in concrete and we`ll not get it back.
Who`d be a teacher?
Leaflets on recycling batteries, sex clinic opening hours and how to nick a black mask for the riots seems to be all they get after thirteen years of mind massages.
Here’s a fine example of the left’s, ‘LOVE NOT HATE’ :- Eric Bolling from Fox News – his 19 year old son has died.
Lefty filth are celebrating. Really? They’re not far removed from IS.
Examples listed here
Ofcom taps Channel4 for news mistake that everyone already knew about. Naming a bloke in prison as the Westminster terrorist.
Ofcom must be ffing slack if they can only spit 4 in inaccuracies in 3 years of C4 news..Mist people could spot 4 in each 15 mins of the show.
Well, I guess they’ve finished talking about their holidays and decided where to go for the Christmas bash, they have to make it look like they’re doing something.
Giving Ofcom oversight of the was purely cosmetic.
They are all over the gay marriage in Australia debate – so much virtue to be signalled on this one. Even in this country it was probably 5000th on people’s list of things to be concerned about. A lovely, safe subject for them to burnish their egos over.
If it doesn’t give the presenter a virtuous glow as they talk about it, then it’s not news. That’s the Beeb’s rule of thumb.
As with Climate statistics, the BBC’s use of “since records began” (re inflation) suggests very little account is taken of data from before the staff grew hair they could sit on
However, clothing and footwear prices had the biggest impact, climbing 4.6% year-on-year, their highest level since records began.
NISA, if the BBC are claiming “However, clothing and footwear prices had the biggest impact, climbing 4.6% year-on-year, their highest level since records began.” then they haven’t looked back further than 1980.
Records were kept before 1980 (in fact UK Inflation records go back about 300 years, although not detailed in the same way as now) and show that adult clothing nearly doubled in price in June 1979.
How? Why?
Geoffrey Howe, Chancellor of the Exchequer increased VAT from 8% to 15%. Taken in conjunction with any manufacturers, wholesalers and retailers price increases on child and adult clothing for that month, I think that comes out a little higher than 4.6%.
Radio 4 1-1.45pm WatO
Martha Kearney spends 10 minutes, if that, on the latest inflation figures and haranguing Liz Truss MP over pay rises for two groups of ‘essential workers’.
She then spends 20 minutes on the death of Sir Peter Hall and in fawning awe at elderly luvvies’ (possibly slightly faulty) memories of Sir Peter.
So glad that the slightly-essential BBC and the totally non-essential Martha Kearney get their priorities right.
Essential workers like Martha Kearney and Chris Evans I bet?
I too noted this Lefty/luvvie double headed sandwich on Today this morning-one minute raging about the call to civils disobedience as McClusky wants. And then some Dowager Duchess twaddle over the death of a Left bank luvvie that all remembered back in the 70s.
Like the love child of Mick McGahey and Dame Edith Sitwell the BBC aren`t they? Craven lefties, steel production in the mornings, Tolstoy in the evenings back in Bloomsbury.
Fred Kite played it for laughs, the likes of Sarah and Emily seem to have missed out on the joke.
Dame Vanessa, Lord Neil and all the others…what a rebellion huh?
Jesus , that a handful of autistic nutters will send rape threats over Twitter is the price we pay for free speech.
Those saddos are not in the same leagues as Grooming Gangs yet Labour MPs keep sending police after them.
Cat Smith just did that, and she’s organised a parliamentary debate on Thursday.
How would I feel as an MP if I diverted police like that , knowing that is taking police resources away from REAL victims ?
I suspect a lot of the ‘trolls’ we hear so much about are actually people sending abuse to themselves under fake usernames. Victimhood is currency these days.
Saw some bloke called “Parody” on from Highways England telling us all that we`ll need to pay to see Stonehenge if he can put a tunnel under the site.
One of my favourtie views on the A303-but the Nationsl Trust lesbian thinks I need to stump up or drive away.
Barking-hence the name Parody I s`pose.
Is anybody collecting these “staged names” of those inerviewed on the Beeb?
I`ve lost count of how many “Gaspings, pantings” and Goodbodys” I`ve seen on the strraplines of the talking there someone with a subversive funnybone there at the BBC I wonder?
“I suspect a lot of the ‘trolls’ we hear so much about are actually people sending abuse to themselves under fake usernames.”
I’ve always considered Maxiboy to be a “self-abuser”.
Times : Melanie Phillips calls Lammy a nutter for producing evidenceless report about white prejudice instead of actually addressing the real problems those vulnerable BAME have in the first place.
May asking Donald Trump for help on this – there’s cheeky!–sector.html
I’m afraid if I were Trump I might not be inclined. He might ask her to reign in the bbc but I forgot that’s like asking Aung San Su Chi to reign in the whole of the Burmese. military – impossible.
“Declinist narratives are never productive. They sap at any nation’s confidence and wellbeing. Irrespective of one’s stance in relation to ‘Leaving’ or ‘Remaining’ inside the European Union, we need at this moment concrete suggestions and proposals that seek to empower the United Kingdom as it accelerates its withdrawal.” {henryjacksonsociety sep2017}
– ‘An Audit of Geopolitical Capability’ – that Britain is a cultural superpower, second only to the United States in its ability to propel liberal and democratic values around the world.
– Dear BBC, take care not to ‘sap at any nation’s confidence and wellbeing’.
I don’t know abut anyone else but I’d rather swap being a ‘cultural superpower’ with being a much better funded and staffed military power to look after our borders and people closer to home. Any culture we are likely to export currently is of a Marxist nature as opposed to 18th & 19th century liberalism – and I’m sure that’ll do a fat lot of good to developing nations who might still look up to us as a model.
BBC tick boxing
Maybe African born comedian Daliso Chaponda is funny ..but he didn’t win the Britain’s Got Talent final
However his skin colour probably had something to do with him getting a Radio 4 4 episode contract signed in June airing in November.
Times has a double page on him today.
Susan Calman is not funny, but she is a gay, Scottish woman so the Beeb give her lots of work.
Is she in a wheelchair as well?
Look it’s really rather simple: by paying £150 per year to the cultural Marxists you are contributing to your own disenfranchisement. Surely no amount of ‘comedy’ such as Mrs Brown’s Boys is worth that price? You’re also helping to enrich people like Gary Lineker who actually hates your guts (what a nice guy). So? What on earth are you waiting for?
Roku, Kodi…. easy ways to watch Catch-up services – and there’s always Youtube. And for those who really can;t break the habit, Amazon, Netflix etc. – though why anyone would pay for those services is frankly beyond me. With hundreds of thousands of films/TV on YT + tens of thousands more on my Roku stick there’s enough viewing for a 100 hundred lifetimes! All you have to do is break the habit. Simple.
And if you really can’t live without the BBC, if life without Bailiff TV is truly horrifying, then just get yourself an i-player login – there’s loads of them floating around the net (nudge, nudge). And there’s always Torrents . . . Even then quite a lot of BBC stuff eventually finds its way onto Youtube.
So stop paying the TV tax – it’s the only way. Labour will never stop it and the Tories are too gutless – only last year they granted a further 11 years. The licence will always be a reality – until which time it is funded from direct taxation. Before that chilling prospect it is the duty of every citizen who cares about truth and integrity to bring this corrosive organisation to its knees. Oh and not watching BBC will not bother them an iota. BBC loses market share year on year – they don’t care – it is expected . . . Stop paying the TV tax. Be bold, be brave.
DavidS, I don’t.
I gave up TV in 2005 and by the year end I missed it slightly. By 2007 New Year, not at all. I used iPlayer a little when I finally selected a Broadband ISP but often found that I forgot to watch stuff or the iPlayer did not work properly or my ISP didn’t deliver decent speed. That ruined the 2012 Olympics for me.
Because of that I started to neglect iPlayer although I downloaded the BBC ‘improved’ version in January 2013. It still had defects. I then neglected it even more.
Following the rule change, on 1 September 2016, I haven’t watched any TV broadcasts, even non-BBC catch-up which is still legally open to me. There are so many alternatives that do not require the TV Tax.
Amen to that DavidS! Also, if you ditch the telly you can reconnect with the joys of real life. I spend most evenings nowadays either in the local pub, the parish church at choir practice, or the local sports club. It’s all good fun and better for the blood pressure than watching the dross on BBC!
David S:
Sadly the alternative if we all stopped paying the TV Tax would be an immediate switch to general taxation paying for the Labour party’s propaganda. I am amazed that nationalisation of the Grauniad hasn’t happened yet.
charm, that might be a step too far for the UK population. Smacks of the Poll Tax if added to Council Tax and will be initially inflationary for a year however it is done. There will be too much opposition to adding it to Income Tax, especially from other broadcasters.
If enough Licence Fee-payers gave up TV to seriously affect the BBC’s income then I expect they will start to take on limited advertising as well as ask for subcriptions for different ‘extras’.
Think the ‘refuseniks’ will have to reach a level of over 15% or more before there is a real fuss. Close to one in five households giving up, I think, will be a trigger point. It’s currently around one in twenty.
“They are all over the gay marriage in Australia debate”
Something for the SJWs, EBGBs or whatever to consider – Their favourite types have strapped two kids (15 & 17) to a bed frame and electrocuted them. Their crime? Wanting to marry someone of the OPPOSITE sex.
No doubt this practise will be coming soon to an enriched city near you.
The Today programme this morning (12th September) full of how the University of Bath researched palliative care services for children and come up with the conclusion they needed more money. Whilst I do have sympathy for every parent having to deal with a child in that situation – could I ever envisage an amount of money that researchers would decided was more than enough and that the BBC would care to tell us about? I only heard this on the headlines, I don’t know if there was a longer item about it and indeed if there was, if it told us who had commissioned the research but I do feel the results were probably a foregone conclusion before pen was even put to paper (or do I say letter on the keyboard hit?).
Happened to be in the waiting room at a car dealer’s this morning, having my car serviced (or I would never have seen the following). Victoria Derbyshire spouting off about university students getting into debt through gambling – and hanging the blame on everyone else but the students themselves. Classic comments about the students never having been taught anything about gambling in their precious little snowflake lives. This comes just after the news last week that university students were being given video lessons on how to use the public bus service.
Basic stuff, one might have thought, but no, the BBC was really serious about these little fledglings escaping the womb of the bank of mum and dad, the constant free transport by their parents to wherever they wanted to go, and having to face up to reality for once in their little protected lives…. and the Beeb was also serious about spending untold quantities of cash on supporting them through this education process.
then there was the report last week that far too many kids are arriving at primary school without any social basics whatsoever, and so much time having to be spent by teachers/teaching assistants/headmasters educating them on how to wipe their nose (and other parts), pay attention to what they are being taught, and basically just behave themselves reasonably.
On the other hand – six-year-olds are deemed by the Beeb as being perfectly capable of defining their gender/sexuality…
Dear, oh dear, oh dear….
richard D, “This comes just after the news last week that university students were being given video lessons on how to use the public bus service.”
Quite right, too. Had to resort to the bus network in a strange part of London last week following a rail breakdown. It was not straightforward on how to get from where I was – point A – to where I wanted to be – Point B. We have had seventeen (17!) years of Mayors of London having control over the transport network and none of them have made the bus network any more user-friendly unless you know in advance what bus number you require and where the stops are and have them marked on a map that you are carrying..
All very well, Up2snuff – but the students in question were attending the University of Surrey, in Guildford, and it wasn’t, AFAIK, an instruction on how to plot a route from A to B, it was simply how to get on a bus and travel in a reasonably mannerly fashion.
Now I bet that a fair proportion of these little darlings wouldn’t think twice about setting off with their mates or on their own to backpack in some of the remotest places in the world… but when it comes to using public transport in Surrey…..?
I sympathise with your plight after a rail breakdown, however, I don’t think any cities, never mind London, provide easy access to the type of information for which you were looking. But simply loading the ‘HERE’ Maps app (or its current equivalent) onto a phone will provide exactly the sort of public transport information you require.
richard, the sad truth is that one-time leafy, glorious Surrey – that once seemed so civilised to me from a London viewpoint – now has its own, as well as from other counties, ill-educated & feral youth descending on the hallowed halls of Guildford. They have to be taught how to use and behave on buses. They probably have to be taught how to make beds, shop for and cook vegetables, too.
Good job that the dietetics course at UoS is still one of the foremost in the UK.
Richard, whenever I hear these ‘snowflake’ stories I watch this clip to remind myself of what the youth of one hundred years ago had to go through. Why the —- did they bother?
“The innocent souls (15-year-old girl had allegedly run away with her 17-year-old boyfriend) were tied to a charpai (rope bed) and given electric shocks,” said Aman Marwat, the police officer who arrested the two fathers and two uncles and is pursuing some 30 members of the jirga (a tribal council) who have gone into hiding.
“The girl was killed and buried first followed by the murder of the boy the next day,” he added.
“Laws seem useless,” said Maliha Zia Lari, associate director with Karachi-based Legal Aid Society. “The boy’s father did not think he could seek protection from the state and the jirga (a tribal council) members did not fear any reprisals from it either.”
Teenage couple electrocuted in Pakistan in ‘honor killing’ { sep2017}
– All cultures are equal and should be integrated wholesale via diversity, some more than others
I predict, ‘Being electrocuted is part and parcel of living in a city’.
They can add it to the ever growing list of ‘improvements’ along with banning alcohol and legalising paedophiles.
Today there is an #AmplifyWomen hashtag on Twitter
In aid of Hillary Clinton’s new book.
Well no one is going to hijack that !
They think they can get away with just broadcasting LibMob “Hate not Hope” against Trump
And not remembering real victims like the 5,000 Grooming Gang Victims.
The true story of the Islamic Supremacist war on free speech as told by those on the front lines fighting for our First Amendment rights, including Mark Steyn, Ayaan Hirsi Ali, Geert Wilders, Douglas Murray, Raheem Kassam, Pamela Geller, Robert Spencer, Ezra Levant, Paul Weston, Milo Yiannopolous and cartoonists living under death threat Lars Vilks and Bosch Fawstin. {}
BBC Search ‘Can’t we talk about this’ does not find the film ‘Can’t We Talk About This?’ above, or maybe not.
– BBC £3.5bn News Service on the cutting edge of debate and what is happening in the world.
“…give it up or give it to your deadliest enemy and pay for the rope that will choke you.“ {youtube Christopher Hitchens on paying for religion, a bit like the BBC religion}
Storm Aileen set to bring strong winds to parts of the UK
Hurricane Irma: More than 100 high risk prisoners escaped
Chesterfield’s ‘awful’ Princess Diana tribute mocked
Police and prison staff to get more than 1% pay cap
Traveller family slavery gang jailed for almost 80 years
UK inflation rate rises to 2.9%
Sky to stream midweek English Football League games after new £600m TV dea
County Championship – Essex take ninth Warwickshire wicket
Sam Warburton: Surgery rules out Wales and Cardiff Blues player for four month
Quiz: Which video game character are you?
England’s Tree of the Year finalists unveiled
Giant Star Wars AT-AT model built in front garden
North Korean defector: My life could end instantly
Bisexual, disabled and looking for love
I wish I’d told my son he could start again after dropping out
Teachers’ pay declining, warns OECD
… But BBC pay has been going up forever !
Ah when I look at BBC homepage headlines
The newspage is slightly different and addsa massive slide show
“Is this the most powerful person in the world ? (Angela Merkel)
Nothing in BBC article regards “Mrs Merkel’s political opponents were strongly in favour. But the chancellor, who signalled her backing for a free vote only on Monday, voted against.'” { jun2017} … “Is this the most powerful person in the world” who does not like gay marriage and the BBC are unwilling to notice that slight flaw in the article.
But the BBC always include whose for and against gay relationships …. don’t they?
328 MP’s voted to respect the result of the Referendum: 292 against, 30 abstained, a majority of 36 votes.
For: 310 Tories, 10 Democratic Unionists, 7 Labour (Ronnie Campbell, Frank Field, Kate Hoey, Kelvin Hopkins, John Mann, Dennis Skinner and Graham Stringer) and Ann-Marie Morris.
Against: 240 Labour, 34 Scottish Nationalists, 12 Liberal Democrats, 4 Plaid Cymru, Silvia Hermon (Unionist) and Caroline Lucas (Green).
Abstained: 15 Labour ( Ian Austin, Kevin Barron, David Crausby, Caroline Flint, Yvonne Fovargue, David Hanson, Lindsay Hoyle, Helen Jones, Kevan Jones, Ged Killen, Madeleine Moon, John Spellar, Anna Turley, Derek Twigg and Rosie Winterton ), 7 Sinn Fein, 6 Tories ( David Amess, Nick Boles, Kenneth Clarke, Eleanor Laing, Johnny Mercer and Gary Streeter ), John Bercow (Speaker) and Mhairi Black (SNP)
Interesting listening to You & Yours on R4 today. An “expert” from King’s College was saying that the pound has fallen massively against the US dollar since and thanks to Brexit.
I am being selective, but today the GBP is about 5c lower against the USD than it was in February 2016 – a fall of 3.6% over 19 months. In the 12 months prior to February 2016, the pound fell by more than 20c against the USD and, of course, well before the referendum result or even a referendum being given a date.
Funny old world.
Maybe if, like Germany, we invented a currency and had, like Germany a manufacturing base.
Perhaps he’s worried that the new competitiveness of the pound will stimulate UK industrial output to a level where the next generation will spurn the likes of Kings College, their meaningless degrees and £50k of student debt to actually contribute to GDP by working and living in the real world, learning as they go.
Reality Check for those living in academia. No wonder they’re running scared.
The Sage – you are being no more selective than those pundits who always pick, as their staring point for these calculations of ‘massive falls in the value of the pound against the dollar’ the extremely artificially high, and unsustainable, value of the pound in the day(s) just prior to the referendum result.
Mair economics: Eddie Mair on PM tries to stir up the nurse that challenged Mrs May about public sector pay freezes. He tells her that ‘even a one percent rise is a pay cut in real terms, because of inflation’.
No Eddie, a pay cut is when you get paid less this year than last year. Even with inflation a one percent rise is better than no rise surely?
My wife works for the NHS (I know – evil). Anyway she’s not a nurse or a doctor and is heading for being downgraded a whole pay band or maybe lose her job altogether. All part of the great plan. She just works on cancers and stuff so quite unnecessary really.
What a pity your wife doesn’t work on gender reassignment – she’d have a job for life.
You beat me to it Jim.
How they’ve got the nerve to discuss anyone’s salary after the revelations of the great and the goods pay packets at the beeb beggars belief. How they preach on high.
“I think Asim (Qureshi), despite all his cleverness comes across as an apologist for Emwazi (aka ‘Jihadi John’) and I haven’t been able to turn on the BBC without hearing you or seeing you. And I just wonder what the hell the BBC is doing giving you all this airtime. I really don’t know what the BBC is doing...” – {youtube – @11:53 – mar2015 – Asim Qureshi is exposed by the BBC’s Andrew Neil as a fraud and Jihadist supporter/apologist}
A very privileged apologist for evil: An heiress wife. A £700k Surrey home. How the public school educated ‘human rights’ champion (Asim Qureshi) who praised Jihadi John lives the good life in the country he’s trying to destroy {dailymail mar2015}
CAGE.NGO Website
“Unfortunately our accounts were recently shut down following the arrest of CAGE Outreach Director Moazzam Begg.”
Cage News Headlines …
– PREVENT is about Policing Dissent not Safeguarding
– Revealed: Home Office ‘outsourcing’ surveillance to Far Right Henry Jackson Society
– Home Office ‘outsourcing’ surveillance to Far Right Henry Jackson Society – Report Summary
– Blacklisted: The secretive Home Office Unit silencing voices of dissent
– CAGE responds to senior police chief: PREVENT is a toxic policy that causes deep mistrust
– PREVENT Mythbusters
– Muslims must challenge “extremism” assumptions and continue to contribute on their own terms
– Revealed: When PREVENT really put BOOTS on the ground
– Response to Nazir Afzal letter: ERG22+ is used in PREVENT training
– We need a return to justice, not more anti-terror laws
– British government uses failed Prevent as a bargaining tool in Brexit
– When PREVENT officers came knocking on my door
– CVE has always been about targeting Islam and so has PREVENT
– Inclusion of CAGE as “controversial” in PREVENT training manual shows how the policy strangles debate on crucial issues
– Terror Watchdog tries to sell failed PREVENT strategy despite not being his remit
– Trump: A Mirror Image of Our Inner Prejudices
– Towards a closed society: The worrying themes of the leaked OSCT PREVENT Catalogue
– Burkini ban is fashioned from the same patriarchal tyranny of Muslims as Prevent
– The Ongoing Extremes of David Cameron
– Graphic: Student referred to PREVENT for voicing his views
“‘Ahmad’ was referred to social services by his secondary school because he was perceived to be on the path to becoming “radicalised”. In one of his Home Economic classes, the teacher requested all students to bring in meat or poultry, but Ahmad said to his teacher in front of the class: “But government is banning halal meat!” The teacher questioned why, and Ahmad replied, “Because government hates Muslims”.
– Just stumbled on this ‘And I just wonder what the hell the BBC is doing giving you all this airtime’ to Asim Qureshi.