I might have missed it but, the pound has risen significantly against the monopoly money today……..not a squeak from the free, fair and impartial t*ats. Normally it only has to look like dropping and the UK is falling apart due to Brexit.
Well, on radio Newcastle this morning. On a discussion about child gender, Saint Anna Foster (host) announced that she knows lots of gender fluid people who work for radio Newcastle
Why am I not surprised…….
It is child abuse plain and simple. Just like CoE schools dishing positive propaganda on Islam – enough already.
Next we’ll move to white six year olds who think they should be black or should only have one leg.
Great line in Rita Chuckrabbitt’s Myanmar/Bangladesh report. Some of the desperately deprived – who appear to be living in very similar communal conditions to those they have left (plastic sheet replacing thatch) – had the superb presence of mind to bring along a solar panel or two………to charge their mobiles. Marie Antoinette eat your heart out.
Did anyone catch Jim Naughtie on the Today programme this morning interviewing that chap from the AfD in Germany? The guy was perfectly reasonable and sensible, talking about how Islam is not compatible with German norms. He suggested that the Muslim ‘refugees’ should return to the countries from whence they came, once their homelands were safe. Jim seemed to recoil, and asked if there were echoes of the Nazis. The AfD chap pointed out that the Nazis persecuted Jews because of their race and that Islam is an all-encompassing belief system for the whole of a person’s life. Jim just didn’t get it.
Are these metro-liberals deliberately nasty self-haters or just very, very stupid?
I’m not surprised that Jim didn’t get it. It is part of the BBC’s credo that only the nazi ideology can be referred to as evil. Anyone who refers to Islam as an evil religion on the BBC is either met with incredulity or moral outrage. I would call a religion that calls for the murder of nonbelievers or people wishing to renounce their faith evil. I can’t see any difference between the nazi idea that racial suppremcy on bogus biological grounds gives you the right to enslave Untermenschen and that being the chosen people of Allah gives you the right to enslave the Kuffar. No one argues that we need a more liberal interpretation of Mein Kampf to bring about a more tolerant and inclusive form of Nazism, or that Hitler’s life, speeches and Tischreden somehow can be given a more cuddly modern interprtation. The same thing applies to the life and sayings of the Prophet.
ID, excellent post. Some well made points, particularly the bit about more liberal interpretation of Mein Kampf.
One of Charles Manson’s ideologies was that there was to be a race war between blacks and whites. The blacks would win due to the sheer weight of numbers, and all the whites would be wiped out except for “his” people who would be hiding out in cave until after the war . He also believed that black people would be unable to govern properly so they would look to him and “his family” to lead them and they would become rulers of the world. That’s why he killed white people adding many slogans in their blood such as “Pigs” or “Piggies” in order to provoke this war. Pigs was mainly then used by black criminals against the police. (Piggies was taken from the Beatles White Album which Manson thought showed the Beatles were on his wavelength. )
I believe that the extreme left think this way about Muslims. They want the sheer weight of Muslim demographics to overwhelm the white host populations until the only whites left will be the rich liberals in their gated communities. The Muslims will then call for them to lead them, as the left (who always exhibit the bigotry of low expectation) believe that the Muslims will not be able to govern without them.
The left are inherently stupid as the Muslims will be able to govern themselves, as they already do in nearly 60 countries already, and the white left will have to convert or be killed as the Muslims will have no further use for them.
Not bias but I just thought I’d warn any of you thinking about watching rellik.
It’s crap.
The most annoying part though is the racket of a sound track which is both unpleasant and far far too loud.
Probably done by some trendy 16 year old who thinks ‘outside the box’
There used to be a comment site on the points of view BBC website and they were forever getting complaints about noisy ‘backing’ soundtracks but as you will guess the BBC were always in the right and anyone complaining was wrong. A common theme repeated with every complaint. Never their fault, always us.
They used the trick of finding somebody who wasn’t put off with whatever they were doing and said the old ‘some people like it’ reply.
Anyway, spare yourselves some time and don’t bother with this series.
C4 news tonight a total bash the British. We’re not good at hurricanes, we sell arms to nasty countries and of course the usual Brexit negativity. Equally as slanted as BBC.
Some Scottish tit on the bbc WS saying May should block all UK arms sales because weapons kill people.
They only represent a few thousand jobs and a £30 billion income.
He did suggest those employed could be put to work on green projects!
They should have clobbered tem and clobbered them good at the outset. Too much pussyfooting and spinning some sort of lions playing with lambs fantasy has led us here.
Shit – I got pretty depressed at devout Muslims attempting genocide on Christians, slaying over 3000 innocents on 9/11 and blowing up kids at a pop concert. Simpson has maybe been living under a rock?
On “Today” just now, John Humphreys discussing BBC reportage of some ‘big issues’ over the years – and how it went very wrong.
From the flawed science of climate change denial to the absolutely no-science whatsoever of the vaccination/autism fiasco, he discussed the obligation the BBC has to balance the argument in radio debate.
Sadly he didn’t acknowledge that the issue is BALANCED debate, ie the even-weightedness of the authority of the debaters; an opinion is as valid as the uninformed opinion of the next person, but for educated debate you have to have people who are equally qualified to put their INFORMED opinion forward. …..
Typically she doesn’t understand the Fallacy of Authority
An argument stands on it’s own merit independent of who makes it.
So just cos an expert says something that doesn’t make it true.
BUT Expert is the first starting point , and then you try to test their arguments; ideally by inviting a counter expert to do that Challenging so they thrash it out.
The common problems with ONLY using experts are
#1 Groupthink ..many industries you have to hold a particular view to get in.
#2 Being too close to the trees , from inside the forest they are too close and can’t see the full argument like outsiders/public can.
#3 The public PAY for the implementation of policies , so their concerns have to be addressed however crazy they are.
If only 1% of the public think homeopathic malaria tablets work , then it is well worth bringing them on and addressing their points instead of sneering at them and ignoring them.
R5 just reported new migrant route opening up : Black Sea to Romania & across Hungarian border into EU
“9 ships in last 7 weeks”
So far the Oxfam Save The Childtentaxi service not started.
Indeed some boats intercepted and collected by Turkish Coast Guard.
Beeb website nobly declares that the rise in homelessness is driven by the government’s welfare reforms.
Obviously a net immigration of hundreds of thousands per year has no effect whatsoever. Open borders means you need more homes? That’s a hate fact. Plus the poorest who are vulnerable to homelessness are more likely to compete with immigrants for low skilled work.
Government is accused of a ‘light touch approach’ they sneer. Ha! Of course the Beeb is so tough on immigration, which is the biggest driver of homelessness. I accuse the Beeb of a light touch approach on immigration.
I just watched a great interview with Thomas Sowell. He says diversity has been accepted as a positive in spite of there being no evidence that it is; in fact the evidence shows that it leads to division. It’s so obvious really; thought crime to mention it though.
R4 this morning. Drunker is apparently making a speech today outlining future direction of the EU. Reporter saying how difficult last year was with Brexit and we HAD the migrant crisis. Yes, HAD the migrant crisis. So that’s that then, all is rosy in the garden, no more problems because that has been filed away in the past. Pathetic. And to top it off the news tells us the increase in homelessness is due to austerity etc. No connection with the influx then, no just those nasty Tories fault.
BBC Breakfast talking an awful lot of wind this morning – the show celebrates the arrival of “the first named storm of the season”
Storm Aileen – I suspect we can thank the Irish Met Office for that one – which you could say is a little prejudicial of me.
Speaking of which – aside from a massive plug for the sprinkler industry and a truly heartfelt plea on behalf of the public sector for big pay rises – the BBC takes their cue from the TUC this morning to make race the flavour of the day.
‘Discrimination!’ they cry. The gender pay gap was so last week – this morning it’s ‘The Race Pay Gap’
The BBC may find that once you set this hound running there’s no knowing where it will go.
Think about it. Say the UK takes in 1,000 refugee Rohingya muslim villagers tomorrow – then why on earth shouldn’t one of them have a seat in the Tory cabinet, why isn’t one a FTSE 100 CEO, how about one running the England Women’s Soccer team? Must be racism, right?
AsISeeIt – Good points. It always astonishes me that that the BBC and the Left don’t understand the false premise of their argument about equality – that the abilities and aptitudes of the sexes, the races and the ethnicities are all equal in every way and therefore the proportion of each group in every profession should match their percentage in the population. This is clearly preposterous but everybody on the BBC seems to believe it. It’s like a virus or something. The real danger of importing millions of low IQ Third World people, illiterate even in their own languages, is not that white racism will prevent them becoming MPs and CEOs but that these people will drag our civic life down to the corrupt, brutal and ineffectual standards of their countries of origin and destroy the precious civilisation that we have taken many centuries to build.
There is no pursuit of profession where there is an equal split of all races, genders, sexualities et cetera. Black men dominate football; Asians dominate medicine and pharmacy; football supporters tend to be predominantly white working class; gay men often excel at interior design; Italians often run restaurants. So what? I thought ‘diversity’ was a good thing?
I taught a Rastafarian boy who loved nothing more than listening to music? cooking with his dad and spending time with his family. He was totally happy just having a bar job – it gave him the time and money to live the relaxed life he wanted. Is he ‘oppressed’ because nobody from his family will ever become a partner in a law firm? He would hate that – 70 hour weeks leaving no time for him to lead the life he wanted.
So much of Beeb dogma has zero basis in evidence – it just feels nice. The great thing about being on the Left is if anyone disagrees with you you can get them arrested for ‘hate speech.’ Nothing says sound argument like having to call the Police.
Oh the irony! Nick Robinson, in Silicon Valley discussing the bias of Google News with the chap who runs it.
Something about glass houses and stones springs to mind.
Beeb running with survey of anti Semitic attitudes. Just like the bias in the justice system report, this is not actual ‘news.’ News is someone got stabbed or there was a car crash. None of this is stuff that is actually happening; it’s all thoughts, feelings and opinions. They focus on such stuff as increasingly they feel uncomfortable reporting on stuff which is actually happening.
8.10 on Toady: ‘news’ story about app called task Rabbit, i.e. an advert. Prick Robinson travels to San Francisco to talk to the company. CEO is a black woman though! Money well spent on Robinson’s holiday. PR plugs increasingly replace news as well as it is safe and easy, plus marketing people do all the work for our lazy churnalists. £3 billion for this garbage?
“An expert at building and scaling large, mission-minded organisations, Stacy leads TaskRabbit as CEO. She previously was COO of TaskRabbit for 3 years. Prior to joining the company, she spent nearly a decade at Google heading online sales and operations. In 2015, Stacy was appointed to the HP Inc. Board of Directors and named one of Fortune’s 40 Under 40. She holds a B.S. in Economics from the Wharton School of Business and an M.B.A. from Stanford University. Stacy resides in Palo Alto with her husband, two daughters, and Zeus, the greatest Yorkie in the world. ”
Was no-one available at the London office?
Robinson is probably on his way to do a promotion for the BBC’s favourite fruit-based IT company and their products that only a BBC employee can afford.
Old news and featured in Fox News ads long ago. Oh but we’re not allowed Fox News any longer.
The alacrity with which they spend our money disgusts me but then, easy come easy go.
No need to read anything about “anti-semitism” as defined or “researched” by the BBC.
Being lefty liars-and having served Labour purposes until the kibbitzim went private in the main-the Left and Islam (who dictate all current Euro, anti-Trump vehicles) have decided that Jews are an irritation or an outright inconvenience.
All progressive lefties and BDS/Islamosupporters , by definition; now hate Israel and its Jewish basis. They single-handedly are holding back the tide of blood in the Middle East, and their repeated dealing with Islam makes them hated.
Islam and Socialism are totalitarian jew baiting complete political systems with a utopian gloss.
One and the same nowadays, both want Jews caged, then removed..out of public life or on a bloody beach being the different ultimate destinations for the Jews.
95% of anti-Semitism comes from Progressive people and regressive Islamic followers.
The BBC hopes for 99.9%, as long as Schneiders, Milibands, and Weskers take their thirty Euros from the license fee.
Over a quarter of British people ‘hold anti-Semitic attitudes’, study finds {bbc.co.uk sep2017}
Researchers also found a correlation in anti-Jewish and anti-Israel attitudes.
They found more than half of Muslims (55%) held at least one anti-Semitic attitude.
“There does seem to be some relationship between levels of religiosity in the Muslim population and anti-Semitism.”
The study also revealed that anti-Semitic attitudes were higher than normal among people who classified their politics as “very right-wing”.
The researchers said the prevalence was considerably higher among right-wingers than on the left. (how did they define right/left wing?)
– BBC uses word British to include everyone (rather than distinguish between groups), when it’s horrible (tick)
– BBC fail to add link to report so it can be verified (tick)
– BBC have to include Muslims excuse which should have been fixed at start of polling – “although a smaller number of Muslims were included in the statisticians’ nationally representative sample.” (tick)
– BBC end with right-wing worse than Muslim and worse left-wing (tick)
– BBC use terms such as ‘considerably higher ‘ or ‘higher than normal’ rather than values so you cannot compare results (tick)
– BBC fail to breakdown data into cities for comparison (tick)
– BBC fail to add word Muslim to article (failed)
– BBC have to include word Islamophobia (failed)
– BBC impartial news article (failed)
I read ‘Bad Science’ by Ben Goldacrd and it really opened my eyes to how criminally bad the methodology is for so many surveys et cetera which are pushed by the media.
My nephew worked for a survey company once. He was complaining about the time wasted in making repeat calls to the addresses that had been allocated to him as his pay depended on getting completed forms.
I asked him how he got to the survey location as he didn’t have his own transport. He said that there was a driver that dropped him off. I asked if the driver worked full-time in that role. I was told that the driver did survey work too. “So how does he manage to get his forms filled in?” “Oh, he fills them in himself”.
The “B”BC and other lefties, no doubt including the “researchers” will never define left wing. In fact they cannot define it as they believe that to describe something as left-wing is to put a limit on leftness, and they don’t believe any limit should be put on leftness and the further left you go the better. Just when you think they have reached a left-ward limit they surprise you by going further left:
Think how left the Labour Party had reached – then McDonnell produces Mao’s little red book and throws it onto the box in the commons. It beggars belief.
Think Corblimey, when you thought he’d gone to the extreme by praising and honouring IRA murderers, he then goes and repeatedly honours anti-Israel terrorist murderers.
“…McDonnell produces Mao’s little red book and throws it onto the box in the commons…”
Mao Tse Tung murdered over 100 million of his people in the name of his Communist utopia. That kind of mass-killing makes the National Socialists look like rank amateurs in comparison, but you’ll never hear a Guardian or BBC commentator get outraged by McDonnell’s (or the Corbyn/Momentum Labour Party’s) devotion to a horrific ideology that has repeatedly embarked on mass-murders, terror, torture and enslavement around the world.
These are the kind of wilfully self-deluding fools who see nothing wrong with wearing a Che Guevara T-shirt or flying the Hammer & Sickle, praising Castro as ‘a hero of the Revolution’ or singing The Red Flag at Labour Party rallies. Somehow, none of this is ever equated with the decades of suffering it all represents.
If I sound like I’m on a soapbox about this stuff these days, it’s because I am. I’m researching the history of Cambodia under the Khmer Rouge – you know; all the stuff we never got taught at school (quite deliberately so). It’s utterly shocking. It’s unbelieveable. I feel angry to the core of my being that so much of this has been hidden from me for so long by so many. I feel a visceral hatred for the duplicity of our educators; the malignant cunning with which the truth about Communism’s bloody history has been carefully airbrushed out of history whenever it collides with the leftist narrative is completely reprehensible.
McDonnell and his Marxist cronies in the Labour Party are a f*cking disgrace to all that is decent. I apologise for the language, but anyone who did what he did should have been hounded out Parliament and roundly castigated for his poor taste and lack of judgement.
Well worth the study ObiWan, this whole S.E Asia region from the Korean War until removal of the Burmese generals needs a good look.
So much went on in Laos, Cambodia, Burma and Vietnam that tells me something about how China are getting their grip on that whole region now…and the Americans seem helpless.
The Left, Communism and true evil beyond what we`ve known seems to be something that the BBC or Labour would rather we not study..so maybe we need some online MOOCs or such to dig deeper. Before Facebook and Google prevent such independent thinking.
Marky – I have just scanned the re[prt before a further read and within 2 minutes it is easy to see how the BBC have skewed their report which actually creates division. I might put in a complaint about this
The report distinguishes between true antisemitism ” where open dislike of Jews is combined with
developed negative ideas about Jews” and in the UK it does not exceed 2.4% of British adults..so 97.6% are not antisemtic..the other definition is those people who hold 1 or more negative views of jews as interpreted by jews…
“contrasted with other European Jewish populations, UK Jews are the least worried about antisemitism in their country”…. a good positive UK finding…
“According to previous Pew surveys, about 7% to 8% of the general population of the UK hold unfavourable opinions about Jews, and the situation has remained at this level since the early 1990s. ” So no change in 30 years..
So actually quite a positive….except >55% of muslims hold antisemitc views…and by its own admission the sample size of muslims was not high enough…hmm no mention of this on BBC
BBc Breakfast. And they are oh so worried about the cap on public sector workers. Funny that they didn’t seem in the slightest bit bothered about the crap pay rises I had as a public sector worker between 1983-2001. To the extent in the Nineties Newnight ran a piece on one of our strikes running around trying to find anyone who might of adversely effected by our action. The reality being next to nobody would have been. Funny how the agenda changes
What if we got a few trannies in there to hit him with a handbag containing a brick or something like that?
Where would we stand, law-wise?
Worth a test…are there any Tory geezerbirds, or are their willies the last site of reasoned conservative principle?
Just asking.
Tori Amos appears on breakfast for some free publicity for her new album. She incoherently says the right things. Paris accord, climate change blah blah blah. Me for one I’ll be buying her new record shortly after never, Now on Talkingpics TV watching a 1953 film somewhat more interesting.
They clearly get free tickets to all these artists’ events and launch parties; it’s a lovely safe ‘news’ item where everyone is a winner, apart from the mugs who pay £3 billion for the service.
This is their problem isn`t it?
I`m a great fan of Tori Amos, but now she`s gone to the dark side so blatently, I`ll no longer bother.
Their wish to be virtuous for record sales and appearances on Radio 2 etc seems to be good marketing-but the quiet majority slink off and won`t return. But we`ll remember.
What caught my eye? – The researchers found: “……more than half of Muslims (55%) held at least one anti-Semitic attitude.” And,
“There does seem to be some relationship between levels of religiosity in the Muslim population and anti-Semitism.”
“…some relationship…..” Indeed? The muslim cult handbook, the quaran is virtually totally based on a hatred of the Jews. What kind of so-called researcher can arrive at that conclusion unless no muslim was interviewed and the ‘facts’ are just made up?
…………”Over a quarter of British people ‘hold anti-Semitic attitudes’, study finds” –
I really don’t know where they find these people from, but being of a certain age with a wide circle of friends and acquaintances, I’ve yet to hear or know anyone holding ant-Semetic views. Comments on Muslims however…………
Well said Clare. I would go further and say that Jews don’t have ANY profile outside certain areas, so if the population of Gt Britain is 64.11 million (2013) – then 16 million – according to the study- have anti semetic views !!! Load of bo……ks methinks.
The BBC’s Shalu Yadav and Neha Sharma met the refugees in unofficial camps and asked them about belongings they were able to bring and those they had to leave behind.
Rohingya refugees: Choosing what to save and what to leave {bbc.co.uk sep2017}
Hundreds of thousands of Rohingya Muslims have been arriving in Bangladesh with minimal belongings they gathered in a last-minute rush. They say they had to flee to save their lives from assaults by the Myanmar military and the majority Buddhists population, claims the government denies.
The BBC’s Shalu Yadav and Neha Sharma met the refugees in unofficial camps and asked them about belongings they were able to bring and those they had to leave behind.
– BBC focusing on the important questions of Rohingya in the adult world … life, religion, death and dresses. *sigh* (I did not watch the report, sorry)
Don’t know whether this has already been covered here but I certainly don’t recall hearing about the case of British Matthew Halls on the BBC.
Matthew Halls was sacked by the University of Oregon as artistic director of the highly regarded Oregon Bach Festival, in spite of his popularity and widely acknowledged success, because some idiot white liberal overheard a comment that she was determined to regard as racist. Apparently he joked to the black countertenor, Reginald Mobley, about his southern American accent as part of some ongong banter between the two. Mobley has fully supported Halls, knew perfectly well that he was joking, and pointed out that he had also made jokes about Halls’ British accent.
The toxic nature of the accusation means that his chances of finding a similar position elsewhere are probably seriously damaged.
The university has now come out with a totally meaningless statement which I won’t bother with here. The signatory to this statement is Jayanth Banavar, below, a recent arrival from the computer, mathematical and natural sciences college of the University of Maryland. He is paid an eye watering $475,000 a year, with a $1,000 per month car allowance. It is not clear whether he even knows who Bach was.
This is far from the first time that a career has been potentially ruined because some lefty idiot has decided to take offence on behalf of somebody else, without knowing the context and probably not giving a damn in any case. To its credit, RT covered this today, sensibly pointing out that devaluation of the word “racist” is not doing any favours to genuine victims of racism.
At first cultural Marxism had real oppression to fight, such as racism, sexism and homophobia. All of these problems have been dealt with as well as humanly possible. Increasingly now they have become the oppressors, stifling free speech, humour and haunting every corner of our lives with the witchcraft of political correctness – where even when you had no intention to offend you can be found guilty and have your life ruined. The virus is burrowed so deep now we can probably never eradicate it.
Said it before but it gives you an inkling of life under the Stasi or KGB. Son in junior school, ‘We don’t dare say anything negative about Islam in class’. We were talking about his recent RE lesson on the religion of peace. That’s sad when young children have to self censor and BTW it’s a CoE school.
“……Said it before but it gives you an inkling of life under the Stasi or KGB”. Not forgetting islam of course. Anyone that has lived at the centre of the muslim faith – Saudi Arabia – will appreciate it operates just the same as any State where the KGB or Stasi played a part. In view of the fact that Saudi and other Gulf States pour billions into the West to assist the terraforming by their islamic brethren, when they finally achieve their goal, they will expect ‘pay-back’. The way of the muslim.
“Murdoch” (as he was politely referenced by Maitliss on Newsnight) has had his bid to complete his ownership of Sky referred to competition watchdogs, in part because of suggestions of creating too much influence. I have just responded to Moneysavingexperts poll of readers. The main source of news for 57% of respondents is the BBC. Sky/Times/Sun rack up 7%.
I took a screenshot but I can’t upload it right now
Right now it’s “main source of news”
BBC – 58%
Guardian – 7%
Twitter 6%
Facebook 6%
Mail 5%
Sky News 5%
None of 5%
Sun 2%
Local Radio 1%, The i 1%, Telegraph 1%
All other papers like Times 0%
It will be skewed towards the type of people who read MSE
Ethnic Background of voters
What’s your ethnic group? (4400 votes)
White – English/Welsh/Scottish/Northern Irish/British 4047 votes (92%)
White – Irish 69 votes (2%) Gypsy or Irish Traveller 0 votes (0%) White – Other 115 votes (3%)
All other categories inc mixed , won’t say etc. : just 3%
Where do you get most of your news from (whether online, TV, radio or in print)? (4595 votes)
BBC News 2661 votes (58%)
Buzzfeed 7 votes (0%)
Channel 4 4 votes (0%)
Daily Express 9 votes (0%)
Daily Mail 231 votes (5%)
Daily Mirror 19 votes (0%)
Daily Star 1 votes (0%)
Daily Telegraph 69 votes (2%)
Facebook 250 votes (5%)
Financial Times 11 votes (0%)
Huffington Post 7 votes (0%)
ITV News 22 votes (0%)
Local radio 65 votes (1%)
Reddit 25 votes (1%)
Sky News 238 votes (5%)
The Guardian 308 votes (7%)
The i 33 votes (1%)
The Independent 21 votes (0%)
The Sun 7 votes (0%)
The Times 79 votes (2%)
Twitter 276 votes (6%)
None of the above/other 230 votes (5%)
Would rather not say 22 votes (0%)
What religion do you identify with? (4585 votes)
I’m an atheist 1426 votes (31%)
I’m agnostic 616 votes (13%)
Christian (Church of England) 1292 votes (28%)
Christian (Catholic) 366 votes (8%)
Christian (other) 446 votes (10%)
Buddhist 21 votes (0%)
Hindu 19 votes (0%)
Humanist 46 votes (1%)
Jedi 27 votes (1%)
Jewish 35 votes (1%)
Muslim 15 votes (0%)
Pagan 23 votes (1%)
Sikh 12 votes (0%)
Other 74 votes (2%)
Would rather not say 167 votes (4%)
What’s your ethnic group? (4584 votes)
White – English/Welsh/Scottish/Northern Irish/British 4222 votes (92%)
White – Irish 71 votes (2%)
White – Gypsy or Irish Traveller 0 votes (0%)
White – Other 116 votes (3%)
Mixed 35 votes (1%)
Asian/British Asian – Indian 46 votes (1%)
Asian/British Asian – Pakistani 9 votes (0%)
Asian/British Asian – Bangladeshi 2 votes (0%)
Asian/British Asian – Chinese 8 votes (0%)
Asian/British Asian – Other 6 votes (0%)
Black/Black British – African 7 votes (0%)
Black/Black British – Caribbean 14 votes (0%)
Black/Black British – Other 1 votes (0%)
Arab/British Arab 2 votes (0%)
Other 9 votes (0%)
Would rather not say 36 votes (1%)
Yesterday the fools at the weather centres were forecasting storms of an almost Biblical nature for the North of England. We were warned not to leave our homes unless it was absolutely necessary, and this was all going happen in the wee small hours between 02:00 and 04:00. I considered building an ark, the forecasts were so alarmist, and what happened?
Nothing !
A mild breeze and a little rain was all it produced.
If they can’t even forecast a few hours in the future correctly then what chance do they have of getting climate change right ?
The Met Office weather warning expired at 10:00am so presumably after that there’s every chance of some cataclysmic weather event occurring?
They feed weather data from records going back hundreds of years into a super computer – not difficult.
Why various cretins should want to talk it up and give people undue stress is beyond me.
Here in East Anglia a neighbour’s bin blew over. I had to spend a couple of minutes picking up paper and plastic and putting it in my bin – which hadn’t blown over.
And the propagandist Met Office has resumed its idiotic practice of giving names to storms – doubtless to try to persuade us that made-made catastrophic global warming is the cause of storminess (another lie in a very big list).
Storms? Oh, you/they mean Atlantic depressions. Common as muck, often produce wind and rain, especially at this time of year, and nothing to get excited about, let alone attach a silly name to.
I’ve noticed on Classic FM, at the moment, when they broadcast a weather “forecast”, they have a tag line advertising the Met Office, and how good it is, afterwards. The funniest one is that they reckon they’ve been making accurate forecasts for 150 years. Maybe they have made a handful of accurate forecasts, but the majority leave a lot to be desired.
The priority for spending your taxes always seems to be people who have never and will never contribute to the country. Closely followed by aliens, illegal and other, from thousands of miles away. Bringing up the rear are diffuse minorities with demands the more extreme the better.
Genuine, hard working people really don’t stand a chance. They might like some quality healthcare, decent education and jobs over the minimum wage but that’s just tough.
Beeb Website reporting that Drunker in his speech reckons we will regret it. Every time this t$@t opens his mouth you realise the opposite is true. The level of delusion of the people running that club is hard to comprehend when the signs are all around. Drunker, Merkel etc. just don’t get it and it is them who should be worried not us.
“The level of delusion of the people running that club is hard to comprehend when the signs are all around.”
What worries me is the way this is reported by all our “Correspondents” from the BBC, ITV , SKY. CH4 and so on. They take what is said by the EU as fact and gospel and hardly mention an alternative viewpoint. Contrast that with any news item about what the Government is doing or a pro British announcement . A string of counter views will be highlighted. A good example today would be Teresa May making a statement about public sector pay. Whether you agree with her or not, the major reporting consisted of what the unions and the Labour party had to say about it. If the EU had made the same statement it would have been reported just as they have done with Junker’s speech.
My counter to the worry you express gb is that I just keep pointing out to people the wrongs that the MSM keep spouting. I encourage people to look at this site, read Douglas Murrays book and generally try to point out at every opportunity the misinformation and downright lies that are fed to the masses. I find it quite enriching and therapeutic. Its the ones that just accept things and shrug their shoulders that are the difficult ones to get to listen.
Well there`s a first!
Kiri Te Kanawa was interviewed on the Today show.
She sings no longer, and I waited until the end to see why not.
This being the BBC, I guessed that it would be due to Brexit…then to migration wrongs…then sexist treatment…and then I got desperate, citing Maori injustices and even Islamphobia or Trumps leaving thr Paris Accords…just being Trump even?
But no-she got out on top, wanted the youngsters to learn and she`d not match them any more…
Wow!…Kiri was not used to push a BBC agenda, the BBC didn`t try to do a Dench on her.
Well, that was my Thought For The Day-first time in years, there`s not been the BBC nudge on a piece they choose to give us on Today.
This politcs-free crap copuld catch on, but sense it`ll be a few more years before the BBC revisit this “objective, letting people speak for themselves” lark.
Well done Kiri…and a feathered hat tip to the lady who didn`t push the BBC angle at her either.
“Headlines tonight. Euro MPs new headsets play the sounds of screaming women. …. The Bank of England is in chaos as the Pound has been stolen…” {youtube comedy or is it?}
I noticed it was Mona Siddiqui doing Thought For The Day – again! I don’t dislike the woman – I wish there were more Muslims like her – but she is pretty bland. Talks a lot in cliches and bromides. The BBC I think use her as the acceptable face of Islam but I don’t think she’s rated by her own community.
Word Search: bill x 0; foundation x 0; husband x 0;
– A politician who is afraid of the opinion of millions of people should not be in politics.
– If Hillary had chosen polices that the people of the USA liked she would have been liked
– Did she take into account people’s feelings towards your husband Bill Clinton?
Funny thing but around twenty years ago when I or another would come out with some ludicrous idea and fall about laughing. I began saying, Don’t! You know they’ll do it.
Back then we were semi serious but these days, hardly at all.
Hence the comedy of the past utilising ‘ridiculous’ scenarios can no longer exist.
Not BBC bias, but my God see how Diamond and Silk enter discussions with liberals. You Tube and a bit of technology.
Just think how BBC bias can be countered in this way.
Imagine someone interrupting Andrew Marr, Victoria Derbyshire etc with this type of You Tube remake.
Imagine how to combat anti Brexit bias
Hurrah for Junckers! I see an end to our overcrowding issues.
Who will not want to flee to the new, revitalised, bigger, better, European Union and leave us regretful Brexiteers in our, soon to be, sparsely populated back-water? German or French European President – wait and see.
I have been concerned about the fate which awaits panto dames.
I think I have found an answer. Perhaps they can declare themselves to be women for each performance and then return to their male identities after the curtain goes down
I see the BBC is gasping and squealing at the thought of Fox increasing its “monopoly” of tv news.
Odd, since at least 75% of people in the UK get their news from the BBC, (its various news tv plus radio channels and websites). I’d have thought Sky’s measly 21% of audience reach is hardly a monopoly.
Perhaps the BBC would like to give up part of its news service to another group. Then BBC wouldn’t have a virtual monopoly so no one could accuse them of being mindless hypocrites.
I think the official view at the BBC is that this sort of thing is OK so long as the views espoused are left wing or very left wing. https://t.co/qfQ2FtT5hS
You mean ok for other countries. Quite how anyone thinks Fox could threaten the bbc and MSM but it’s not about that, it’s about control and the bbc showing us who runs Britain’s news media and has it’s foot firmly on the neck of truth.
Followed the twitter above regarding ‘BBC left wing or very left wing‘- started with comment on ‘not enough women’ and then ‘wrong experience’. I would rather it was 1) experience 2) experience ….
@MM First the Parliament Science & Technology Committee announced its members then super tweeter Rutherford started his twisted logic
Note how at one point he fails to understand that the comm is about science ..by saying Climate non experts should not be allowed (even tho Stringer the Labour MP Skeptic is an expert on Climate thru experience)
Sci & Tech Committee Verified account @CommonsSTC
We are pleased to announce that our membership has been confirmed and @CommonsSTC is up and running: http://goo.gl/Tgi5CW
1) Not a single woman 2) 1 of these men has a 1st degree in bioscience, 1 in chemistry. The rest are economics or law.
He digs himself in a hole by first moaning that only 2 members are science grads and saying one should be banned cos he’s “a denier!”
..that MP is actually one of the 2 science grads
Is this an official @bbc campaign against an elected MP? Who do you think you are?
Ah what the BBC guideline on the Radio service employees tweeting ?
As @PeakLogic tweeted Rutherford in June
See the bottom screenshot
Adam there is a reason we can only find ONE – BBC Editorial Guidelines 2015 for Radio staff prevent personal political tweeting + pic.twitter.com/T39e3PFzPJ
Sorry – didn’t look at credentials for these guys and non-girls. But you are right – it’s like taking the word ‘illegal’, then turn it into ‘undocumented’ and add ‘dreamers’.
So now we are talking about sending people with dreams out of the country, and not people who ignored border control and broke into the country.
Science to Gender Equality to Climate Change to “I’m outraged that they are employing all male climate change deniers.”
Dr Adam Rutherford@AdamRutherford : Back off man, I’m a scientist bbc link
– ‘Back off man, I’m a scientist’ sounds like hate or a threat?
R4 drama now .. Emulates Grenfell
Scene is public enquiry to do with deaths by exploding boiler at run down estate full of neerDo wells and immigrants.
Popularists have the upperhand want to set terms.
Judge wants to stick to the law
It had a BBC happy ending
… For sake of the people the judge resigned in favour of a TV presenter taking over.
The crux bit was a pantomime bit, when z immigrant whistle blower came forward to testify against the evil white gas man..and the gov guy called her a liar
Brexit, Erdogan, Putin and now Trump. Something is rotten in the state of democracy.
The stink first became unmistakable in India in May 2014, when Narendra Modi, a member of an alt-right Hindu organization inspired by fascists and Nazis, was elected prime minister. Like Donald Trump, Mr. Modi rose to power demonizing ethnic-religious minorities, immigrants and the establishment media, and boasting about the size of a body part.
To paraphrase Jean-Paul Sartre: If the truth remains cloaked in the motherland, in the colonies it stands naked. Before Mr. Trump’s election in America exposed the failures of democracy, they had been revealed in Mr. Modi’s India. Most disturbing, in both places, the alt-rightists were enabled by the conceits, follies and collusion of impeccably mainstream individuals and institutions.
Any attempt to rebuild democracy must reckon with the deeper reasons for its great and drastic transformation — above all in India, where Hindu supremacism, in its cruelty and callousness, anticipated the big, big American fan of Hindu.
Yeah but Remainers and Democrats have not yet had to flee on flimsy rafts or die walking a 1000 miles to escape the perceived tyranny and repression but we may well have to.
Laurie Taylor on Thinking Allowed does his usual sneering, this time about ‘management jargon’, one of those pseudo-sciences as his co-contributor calls it.
As a so-called ‘social scientist’ Taylor has made his living by pseudo-science but the irony is lost on him.
If Only They Didn’t Speak English – Notes From Trump’s America – Jon Sopel – £20
Jon Sopel lifts a lid on the seething resentments, profound anxieties and sheer rage that found its embodiment in a brash, unpredictable and seemingly unstoppable figure. (Trump)
In this fascinating, insightful portrait of American life and politics, Jon sets out to answer our questions about a country that once stood for the grandest of dreams but which is now mired in a storm of political extremism, racial division and increasingly perverse beliefs.
MarkyMarkFeb 23, 21:03 Start the Week 24th February 2025 In the lecture, Rand admonishes American businessmen for apologizing for capitalism and for, in some cases, directly funding detractors of…
non-licence payerFeb 23, 21:03 Start the Week 24th February 2025 bBC still chosing to ignore the visit you get from the Greater Manchester Police if you choae to criticise your…
MarkyMarkFeb 23, 20:46 Start the Week 24th February 2025 Books for the future … [img]https://www.worldofbooks.com/cdn/shop/files/1399807447.jpg?v=1718329871&width=493[/img] https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=L4WerEdbHxI
non-licence payerFeb 23, 20:42 Start the Week 24th February 2025 Fed that was a sneaky early bird new thread. Five weeks now before phase two of Storm Rachel (Brian Monteith…
MarkyMarkFeb 23, 20:28 Start the Week 24th February 2025 wwfc – Your claim has upset me so that means I can get you arrested and then I can be…
BBC News today explains that the Fox buyout of Sky would be a very bad thing because they wouldn’t be as totally unbiased as themselves :-0
I might have missed it but, the pound has risen significantly against the monopoly money today……..not a squeak from the free, fair and impartial t*ats. Normally it only has to look like dropping and the UK is falling apart due to Brexit.
What a load of w…ers.
Close it NOW, it is not fit for purpose.
Well, on radio Newcastle this morning. On a discussion about child gender, Saint Anna Foster (host) announced that she knows lots of gender fluid people who work for radio Newcastle
Why am I not surprised…….
It is child abuse plain and simple. Just like CoE schools dishing positive propaganda on Islam – enough already.
Next we’ll move to white six year olds who think they should be black or should only have one leg.
Great line in Rita Chuckrabbitt’s Myanmar/Bangladesh report. Some of the desperately deprived – who appear to be living in very similar communal conditions to those they have left (plastic sheet replacing thatch) – had the superb presence of mind to bring along a solar panel or two………to charge their mobiles. Marie Antoinette eat your heart out.
Did anyone catch Jim Naughtie on the Today programme this morning interviewing that chap from the AfD in Germany? The guy was perfectly reasonable and sensible, talking about how Islam is not compatible with German norms. He suggested that the Muslim ‘refugees’ should return to the countries from whence they came, once their homelands were safe. Jim seemed to recoil, and asked if there were echoes of the Nazis. The AfD chap pointed out that the Nazis persecuted Jews because of their race and that Islam is an all-encompassing belief system for the whole of a person’s life. Jim just didn’t get it.
Are these metro-liberals deliberately nasty self-haters or just very, very stupid?
I’m not surprised that Jim didn’t get it. It is part of the BBC’s credo that only the nazi ideology can be referred to as evil. Anyone who refers to Islam as an evil religion on the BBC is either met with incredulity or moral outrage. I would call a religion that calls for the murder of nonbelievers or people wishing to renounce their faith evil. I can’t see any difference between the nazi idea that racial suppremcy on bogus biological grounds gives you the right to enslave Untermenschen and that being the chosen people of Allah gives you the right to enslave the Kuffar. No one argues that we need a more liberal interpretation of Mein Kampf to bring about a more tolerant and inclusive form of Nazism, or that Hitler’s life, speeches and Tischreden somehow can be given a more cuddly modern interprtation. The same thing applies to the life and sayings of the Prophet.
ID, excellent post. Some well made points, particularly the bit about more liberal interpretation of Mein Kampf.
One of Charles Manson’s ideologies was that there was to be a race war between blacks and whites. The blacks would win due to the sheer weight of numbers, and all the whites would be wiped out except for “his” people who would be hiding out in cave until after the war . He also believed that black people would be unable to govern properly so they would look to him and “his family” to lead them and they would become rulers of the world. That’s why he killed white people adding many slogans in their blood such as “Pigs” or “Piggies” in order to provoke this war. Pigs was mainly then used by black criminals against the police. (Piggies was taken from the Beatles White Album which Manson thought showed the Beatles were on his wavelength. )
I believe that the extreme left think this way about Muslims. They want the sheer weight of Muslim demographics to overwhelm the white host populations until the only whites left will be the rich liberals in their gated communities. The Muslims will then call for them to lead them, as the left (who always exhibit the bigotry of low expectation) believe that the Muslims will not be able to govern without them.
The left are inherently stupid as the Muslims will be able to govern themselves, as they already do in nearly 60 countries already, and the white left will have to convert or be killed as the Muslims will have no further use for them.
Not bias but I just thought I’d warn any of you thinking about watching rellik.
It’s crap.
The most annoying part though is the racket of a sound track which is both unpleasant and far far too loud.
Probably done by some trendy 16 year old who thinks ‘outside the box’
There used to be a comment site on the points of view BBC website and they were forever getting complaints about noisy ‘backing’ soundtracks but as you will guess the BBC were always in the right and anyone complaining was wrong. A common theme repeated with every complaint. Never their fault, always us.
They used the trick of finding somebody who wasn’t put off with whatever they were doing and said the old ‘some people like it’ reply.
Anyway, spare yourselves some time and don’t bother with this series.
C4 news tonight a total bash the British. We’re not good at hurricanes, we sell arms to nasty countries and of course the usual Brexit negativity. Equally as slanted as BBC.
Some Scottish tit on the bbc WS saying May should block all UK arms sales because weapons kill people.
They only represent a few thousand jobs and a £30 billion income.
He did suggest those employed could be put to work on green projects!
That’s what Corbyn says.
Because if we disarm no one would dare attack us – they would respect us -yeah right.
“because weapons kill people”
So do cars, trucks and vans.
And so does poison planted in food stores as Isis recommends.
Look out for far right people in shops trying to create a backlash
They should have clobbered tem and clobbered them good at the outset. Too much pussyfooting and spinning some sort of lions playing with lambs fantasy has led us here.
Russia, China and now Burma don’t mess around.
It might be CNN but Australia has suffered a Flu season twice as bad as normal, and what happens over there almost inevitably will come here too.
H3N2 can be fatal so get yourself a mask capable of protecting yourself and let the stupid lefties take the heat!
It’s in his DNA. Apparently.
Not going well in the comments for John.
Especially his conflating faith with nationality, less than accurately, like wot is not supposed to be dun.
Shit – I got pretty depressed at devout Muslims attempting genocide on Christians, slaying over 3000 innocents on 9/11 and blowing up kids at a pop concert. Simpson has maybe been living under a rock?
Typically she doesn’t understand the Fallacy of Authority
An argument stands on it’s own merit independent of who makes it.
So just cos an expert says something that doesn’t make it true.
BUT Expert is the first starting point , and then you try to test their arguments; ideally by inviting a counter expert to do that Challenging so they thrash it out.
The common problems with ONLY using experts are
#1 Groupthink ..many industries you have to hold a particular view to get in.
#2 Being too close to the trees , from inside the forest they are too close and can’t see the full argument like outsiders/public can.
#3 The public PAY for the implementation of policies , so their concerns have to be addressed however crazy they are.
If only 1% of the public think homeopathic malaria tablets work , then it is well worth bringing them on and addressing their points instead of sneering at them and ignoring them.
Fox video : Why did Amazon, Walmart slash the price of Hillary Clinton’s book by 40%?
She’s a kind of derangement totem for the left.
I know not all our posts may hit the mark but Twitter is akin to providing children encouragement to play with their poo.
Hillary’s new book is out!

R5 just reported new migrant route opening up : Black Sea to Romania & across Hungarian border into EU
“9 ships in last 7 weeks”
So far the Oxfam Save The Childtentaxi service not started.
Indeed some boats intercepted and collected by Turkish Coast Guard.
I see EDL tweet has details
The hijab count looks rather high.
Quelle surprise ……
And all desperate to get the decadent, Muslim hating West rather than an Islamic nation.
Beeb website nobly declares that the rise in homelessness is driven by the government’s welfare reforms.
Obviously a net immigration of hundreds of thousands per year has no effect whatsoever. Open borders means you need more homes? That’s a hate fact. Plus the poorest who are vulnerable to homelessness are more likely to compete with immigrants for low skilled work.
Government is accused of a ‘light touch approach’ they sneer. Ha! Of course the Beeb is so tough on immigration, which is the biggest driver of homelessness. I accuse the Beeb of a light touch approach on immigration.
I just watched a great interview with Thomas Sowell. He says diversity has been accepted as a positive in spite of there being no evidence that it is; in fact the evidence shows that it leads to division. It’s so obvious really; thought crime to mention it though.
R4 this morning. Drunker is apparently making a speech today outlining future direction of the EU. Reporter saying how difficult last year was with Brexit and we HAD the migrant crisis. Yes, HAD the migrant crisis. So that’s that then, all is rosy in the garden, no more problems because that has been filed away in the past. Pathetic. And to top it off the news tells us the increase in homelessness is due to austerity etc. No connection with the influx then, no just those nasty Tories fault.
BBC Breakfast talking an awful lot of wind this morning – the show celebrates the arrival of “the first named storm of the season”
Storm Aileen – I suspect we can thank the Irish Met Office for that one – which you could say is a little prejudicial of me.
Speaking of which – aside from a massive plug for the sprinkler industry and a truly heartfelt plea on behalf of the public sector for big pay rises – the BBC takes their cue from the TUC this morning to make race the flavour of the day.
‘Discrimination!’ they cry. The gender pay gap was so last week – this morning it’s ‘The Race Pay Gap’
The BBC may find that once you set this hound running there’s no knowing where it will go.
Think about it. Say the UK takes in 1,000 refugee Rohingya muslim villagers tomorrow – then why on earth shouldn’t one of them have a seat in the Tory cabinet, why isn’t one a FTSE 100 CEO, how about one running the England Women’s Soccer team? Must be racism, right?
AsISeeIt – Good points. It always astonishes me that that the BBC and the Left don’t understand the false premise of their argument about equality – that the abilities and aptitudes of the sexes, the races and the ethnicities are all equal in every way and therefore the proportion of each group in every profession should match their percentage in the population. This is clearly preposterous but everybody on the BBC seems to believe it. It’s like a virus or something. The real danger of importing millions of low IQ Third World people, illiterate even in their own languages, is not that white racism will prevent them becoming MPs and CEOs but that these people will drag our civic life down to the corrupt, brutal and ineffectual standards of their countries of origin and destroy the precious civilisation that we have taken many centuries to build.
There is no pursuit of profession where there is an equal split of all races, genders, sexualities et cetera. Black men dominate football; Asians dominate medicine and pharmacy; football supporters tend to be predominantly white working class; gay men often excel at interior design; Italians often run restaurants. So what? I thought ‘diversity’ was a good thing?
I taught a Rastafarian boy who loved nothing more than listening to music? cooking with his dad and spending time with his family. He was totally happy just having a bar job – it gave him the time and money to live the relaxed life he wanted. Is he ‘oppressed’ because nobody from his family will ever become a partner in a law firm? He would hate that – 70 hour weeks leaving no time for him to lead the life he wanted.
So much of Beeb dogma has zero basis in evidence – it just feels nice. The great thing about being on the Left is if anyone disagrees with you you can get them arrested for ‘hate speech.’ Nothing says sound argument like having to call the Police.
Oh the irony! Nick Robinson, in Silicon Valley discussing the bias of Google News with the chap who runs it.
Something about glass houses and stones springs to mind.
Al, He’s probably trying to pick up some tips or swapping ideas on how best to feed the worlds minds with crap.
He could also have a chat with Peter Barron, who has a truly unique perspective on this very topic.
The BBC surely will approve…
Beeb running with survey of anti Semitic attitudes. Just like the bias in the justice system report, this is not actual ‘news.’ News is someone got stabbed or there was a car crash. None of this is stuff that is actually happening; it’s all thoughts, feelings and opinions. They focus on such stuff as increasingly they feel uncomfortable reporting on stuff which is actually happening.
8.10 on Toady: ‘news’ story about app called task Rabbit, i.e. an advert. Prick Robinson travels to San Francisco to talk to the company. CEO is a black woman though! Money well spent on Robinson’s holiday. PR plugs increasingly replace news as well as it is safe and easy, plus marketing people do all the work for our lazy churnalists. £3 billion for this garbage?
Stacy Brown-Philpot:
“An expert at building and scaling large, mission-minded organisations, Stacy leads TaskRabbit as CEO. She previously was COO of TaskRabbit for 3 years. Prior to joining the company, she spent nearly a decade at Google heading online sales and operations. In 2015, Stacy was appointed to the HP Inc. Board of Directors and named one of Fortune’s 40 Under 40. She holds a B.S. in Economics from the Wharton School of Business and an M.B.A. from Stanford University. Stacy resides in Palo Alto with her husband, two daughters, and Zeus, the greatest Yorkie in the world. ”
Was no-one available at the London office?
Robinson is probably on his way to do a promotion for the BBC’s favourite fruit-based IT company and their products that only a BBC employee can afford.
What a surprise, the first story on Jeremy Vine is the greatest thing since Alexander Graham Bell.
Why not go the whole hog and get Disney et al pay for the BBC?
Old news and featured in Fox News ads long ago. Oh but we’re not allowed Fox News any longer.
The alacrity with which they spend our money disgusts me but then, easy come easy go.
No need to read anything about “anti-semitism” as defined or “researched” by the BBC.
Being lefty liars-and having served Labour purposes until the kibbitzim went private in the main-the Left and Islam (who dictate all current Euro, anti-Trump vehicles) have decided that Jews are an irritation or an outright inconvenience.
All progressive lefties and BDS/Islamosupporters , by definition; now hate Israel and its Jewish basis. They single-handedly are holding back the tide of blood in the Middle East, and their repeated dealing with Islam makes them hated.
Islam and Socialism are totalitarian jew baiting complete political systems with a utopian gloss.
One and the same nowadays, both want Jews caged, then removed..out of public life or on a bloody beach being the different ultimate destinations for the Jews.
95% of anti-Semitism comes from Progressive people and regressive Islamic followers.
The BBC hopes for 99.9%, as long as Schneiders, Milibands, and Weskers take their thirty Euros from the license fee.
Over a quarter of British people ‘hold anti-Semitic attitudes’, study finds {bbc.co.uk sep2017}
Researchers also found a correlation in anti-Jewish and anti-Israel attitudes.
They found more than half of Muslims (55%) held at least one anti-Semitic attitude.
“There does seem to be some relationship between levels of religiosity in the Muslim population and anti-Semitism.”
The study also revealed that anti-Semitic attitudes were higher than normal among people who classified their politics as “very right-wing”.
The researchers said the prevalence was considerably higher among right-wingers than on the left. (how did they define right/left wing?)
– BBC uses word British to include everyone (rather than distinguish between groups), when it’s horrible (tick)
– BBC fail to add link to report so it can be verified (tick)
– BBC have to include Muslims excuse which should have been fixed at start of polling – “although a smaller number of Muslims were included in the statisticians’ nationally representative sample.” (tick)
– BBC end with right-wing worse than Muslim and worse left-wing (tick)
– BBC use terms such as ‘considerably higher ‘ or ‘higher than normal’ rather than values so you cannot compare results (tick)
– BBC fail to breakdown data into cities for comparison (tick)
– BBC fail to add word Muslim to article (failed)
– BBC have to include word Islamophobia (failed)
– BBC impartial news article (failed)
I read ‘Bad Science’ by Ben Goldacrd and it really opened my eyes to how criminally bad the methodology is for so many surveys et cetera which are pushed by the media.
They should have asked some general questions on free speech and equality in the survey, just to be clear …
If a man writes a piece of fiction, should he have a death contract put on his life?
If a man declares he is homosexual should he be shunned?
If a man who draws a cartoon should he be sent death threats?
Do you think you should be given a job based solely on your religion?
Do you think you should discriminate against animals?
Do you think men and women are equal, or should men always be in control of women?
My nephew worked for a survey company once. He was complaining about the time wasted in making repeat calls to the addresses that had been allocated to him as his pay depended on getting completed forms.
I asked him how he got to the survey location as he didn’t have his own transport. He said that there was a driver that dropped him off. I asked if the driver worked full-time in that role. I was told that the driver did survey work too. “So how does he manage to get his forms filled in?” “Oh, he fills them in himself”.
“how did they define right/left wing?”
The “B”BC and other lefties, no doubt including the “researchers” will never define left wing. In fact they cannot define it as they believe that to describe something as left-wing is to put a limit on leftness, and they don’t believe any limit should be put on leftness and the further left you go the better. Just when you think they have reached a left-ward limit they surprise you by going further left:
Think how left the Labour Party had reached – then McDonnell produces Mao’s little red book and throws it onto the box in the commons. It beggars belief.
Think Corblimey, when you thought he’d gone to the extreme by praising and honouring IRA murderers, he then goes and repeatedly honours anti-Israel terrorist murderers.
“…McDonnell produces Mao’s little red book and throws it onto the box in the commons…”
Mao Tse Tung murdered over 100 million of his people in the name of his Communist utopia. That kind of mass-killing makes the National Socialists look like rank amateurs in comparison, but you’ll never hear a Guardian or BBC commentator get outraged by McDonnell’s (or the Corbyn/Momentum Labour Party’s) devotion to a horrific ideology that has repeatedly embarked on mass-murders, terror, torture and enslavement around the world.
These are the kind of wilfully self-deluding fools who see nothing wrong with wearing a Che Guevara T-shirt or flying the Hammer & Sickle, praising Castro as ‘a hero of the Revolution’ or singing The Red Flag at Labour Party rallies. Somehow, none of this is ever equated with the decades of suffering it all represents.
If I sound like I’m on a soapbox about this stuff these days, it’s because I am. I’m researching the history of Cambodia under the Khmer Rouge – you know; all the stuff we never got taught at school (quite deliberately so). It’s utterly shocking. It’s unbelieveable. I feel angry to the core of my being that so much of this has been hidden from me for so long by so many. I feel a visceral hatred for the duplicity of our educators; the malignant cunning with which the truth about Communism’s bloody history has been carefully airbrushed out of history whenever it collides with the leftist narrative is completely reprehensible.
McDonnell and his Marxist cronies in the Labour Party are a f*cking disgrace to all that is decent. I apologise for the language, but anyone who did what he did should have been hounded out Parliament and roundly castigated for his poor taste and lack of judgement.
I quite and wholeheartedly agree.
Khmer Rouge is less interesting in education than … Toilets, showers …. Careful consideration should be given to the use of facilities that are appropriate to the student’s preferred or chosen gender. {education.vic.gov.au – Gender identity} (this is a work generating industry in itself – gender fluid documents)
Well worth the study ObiWan, this whole S.E Asia region from the Korean War until removal of the Burmese generals needs a good look.
So much went on in Laos, Cambodia, Burma and Vietnam that tells me something about how China are getting their grip on that whole region now…and the Americans seem helpless.
The Left, Communism and true evil beyond what we`ve known seems to be something that the BBC or Labour would rather we not study..so maybe we need some online MOOCs or such to dig deeper. Before Facebook and Google prevent such independent thinking.
Marky – I have just scanned the re[prt before a further read and within 2 minutes it is easy to see how the BBC have skewed their report which actually creates division. I might put in a complaint about this
The report distinguishes between true antisemitism ” where open dislike of Jews is combined with
developed negative ideas about Jews” and in the UK it does not exceed 2.4% of British adults..so 97.6% are not antisemtic..the other definition is those people who hold 1 or more negative views of jews as interpreted by jews…
“contrasted with other European Jewish populations, UK Jews are the least worried about antisemitism in their country”…. a good positive UK finding…
“According to previous Pew surveys, about 7% to 8% of the general population of the UK hold unfavourable opinions about Jews, and the situation has remained at this level since the early 1990s. ” So no change in 30 years..
So actually quite a positive….except >55% of muslims hold antisemitc views…and by its own admission the sample size of muslims was not high enough…hmm no mention of this on BBC
Selective reporting, igoring inconvenient factors. Why does BBC come into your mind when you read that first sentence of mine?
BBc Breakfast. And they are oh so worried about the cap on public sector workers. Funny that they didn’t seem in the slightest bit bothered about the crap pay rises I had as a public sector worker between 1983-2001. To the extent in the Nineties Newnight ran a piece on one of our strikes running around trying to find anyone who might of adversely effected by our action. The reality being next to nobody would have been. Funny how the agenda changes
If you call a transvestite a nasty name on social media you’re likely to get a visit from PC Plod and a prosecution.
Len McCluskey calls for the laws of the land to be ignored and mass insurrection in all the national newspapers and he gets a free pass.
What sane person would follow Len McCluskey on an illegal strike with the prospect of possibly losing their job.
Anybody who goes on an illegal strike should immediately be sacked
What if we got a few trannies in there to hit him with a handbag containing a brick or something like that?
Where would we stand, law-wise?
Worth a test…are there any Tory geezerbirds, or are their willies the last site of reasoned conservative principle?
Just asking.
Tori Amos appears on breakfast for some free publicity for her new album. She incoherently says the right things. Paris accord, climate change blah blah blah. Me for one I’ll be buying her new record shortly after never, Now on Talkingpics TV watching a 1953 film somewhat more interesting.
They clearly get free tickets to all these artists’ events and launch parties; it’s a lovely safe ‘news’ item where everyone is a winner, apart from the mugs who pay £3 billion for the service.
This is their problem isn`t it?
I`m a great fan of Tori Amos, but now she`s gone to the dark side so blatently, I`ll no longer bother.
Their wish to be virtuous for record sales and appearances on Radio 2 etc seems to be good marketing-but the quiet majority slink off and won`t return. But we`ll remember.
The BBC –
“Over a quarter of British people ‘hold anti-Semitic attitudes’, study finds” –
What caught my eye? – The researchers found: “……more than half of Muslims (55%) held at least one anti-Semitic attitude.” And,
“There does seem to be some relationship between levels of religiosity in the Muslim population and anti-Semitism.”
“…some relationship…..” Indeed? The muslim cult handbook, the quaran is virtually totally based on a hatred of the Jews. What kind of so-called researcher can arrive at that conclusion unless no muslim was interviewed and the ‘facts’ are just made up?
“…BBC poll in 2015 found that 27% of British Muslims had quote ‘Some sympathy’ (27% or a third) for the people who went into the offices of Charlie Hebdo and killed the cartoonists, editors and journalists there. Channel 4 poll from last year (2015), found that only 1% of UK Muslims think that publications should have the right to publish the cartoons of Mohammed.”
– Douglas Murray
… here is the report from Channel 4 in 2015 (last year) , if the BBC are bothered …
And in your (Muslim) opinion, should any publication have the right to publish pictures which make fun of the Prophet? Yes 1% // No 87%
…………”Over a quarter of British people ‘hold anti-Semitic attitudes’, study finds” –
I really don’t know where they find these people from, but being of a certain age with a wide circle of friends and acquaintances, I’ve yet to hear or know anyone holding ant-Semetic views. Comments on Muslims however…………
“I really don’t know where they find these people from”
Hazard a guess ……
To*er Ham**ts
La**ur Party He*d Off*ce
As Jews do not have a high profile outside certain areas, it’s possible that some idiots are genuinely confusing Jews with Israelis.
Well said Clare. I would go further and say that Jews don’t have ANY profile outside certain areas, so if the population of Gt Britain is 64.11 million (2013) – then 16 million – according to the study- have anti semetic views !!! Load of bo……ks methinks.
“Despite this, the researchers said they found that levels of anti-Semitism in Great Britain were among the lowest in the world.” {bbc.co.uk sep2017}
– where is anti-Semitism highest in the world, please BBC do tell? A link? Some data? A name? A country?
The BBC’s Shalu Yadav and Neha Sharma met the refugees in unofficial camps and asked them about belongings they were able to bring and those they had to leave behind.
Rohingya refugees: Choosing what to save and what to leave {bbc.co.uk sep2017}
Hundreds of thousands of Rohingya Muslims have been arriving in Bangladesh with minimal belongings they gathered in a last-minute rush. They say they had to flee to save their lives from assaults by the Myanmar military and the majority Buddhists population, claims the government denies.
The BBC’s Shalu Yadav and Neha Sharma met the refugees in unofficial camps and asked them about belongings they were able to bring and those they had to leave behind.
– BBC focusing on the important questions of Rohingya in the adult world … life, religion, death and dresses. *sigh* (I did not watch the report, sorry)
Don’t know whether this has already been covered here but I certainly don’t recall hearing about the case of British Matthew Halls on the BBC.
Matthew Halls was sacked by the University of Oregon as artistic director of the highly regarded Oregon Bach Festival, in spite of his popularity and widely acknowledged success, because some idiot white liberal overheard a comment that she was determined to regard as racist. Apparently he joked to the black countertenor, Reginald Mobley, about his southern American accent as part of some ongong banter between the two. Mobley has fully supported Halls, knew perfectly well that he was joking, and pointed out that he had also made jokes about Halls’ British accent.
The toxic nature of the accusation means that his chances of finding a similar position elsewhere are probably seriously damaged.
The university has now come out with a totally meaningless statement which I won’t bother with here. The signatory to this statement is Jayanth Banavar, below, a recent arrival from the computer, mathematical and natural sciences college of the University of Maryland. He is paid an eye watering $475,000 a year, with a $1,000 per month car allowance. It is not clear whether he even knows who Bach was.
This is far from the first time that a career has been potentially ruined because some lefty idiot has decided to take offence on behalf of somebody else, without knowing the context and probably not giving a damn in any case. To its credit, RT covered this today, sensibly pointing out that devaluation of the word “racist” is not doing any favours to genuine victims of racism.
“Some of these cases (arrests) are just plain stupid. Looking at me in a funny way. Is this some kind of joke Savage?” {youtube @1:04}
At first cultural Marxism had real oppression to fight, such as racism, sexism and homophobia. All of these problems have been dealt with as well as humanly possible. Increasingly now they have become the oppressors, stifling free speech, humour and haunting every corner of our lives with the witchcraft of political correctness – where even when you had no intention to offend you can be found guilty and have your life ruined. The virus is burrowed so deep now we can probably never eradicate it.
Said it before but it gives you an inkling of life under the Stasi or KGB. Son in junior school, ‘We don’t dare say anything negative about Islam in class’. We were talking about his recent RE lesson on the religion of peace. That’s sad when young children have to self censor and BTW it’s a CoE school.
“……Said it before but it gives you an inkling of life under the Stasi or KGB”. Not forgetting islam of course. Anyone that has lived at the centre of the muslim faith – Saudi Arabia – will appreciate it operates just the same as any State where the KGB or Stasi played a part. In view of the fact that Saudi and other Gulf States pour billions into the West to assist the terraforming by their islamic brethren, when they finally achieve their goal, they will expect ‘pay-back’. The way of the muslim.
“Murdoch” (as he was politely referenced by Maitliss on Newsnight) has had his bid to complete his ownership of Sky referred to competition watchdogs, in part because of suggestions of creating too much influence. I have just responded to Moneysavingexperts poll of readers. The main source of news for 57% of respondents is the BBC. Sky/Times/Sun rack up 7%.
Farage gets stuck into BBC lies.
@NISA that poll is here, and you can click the bottom of the page to see the results
I took a screenshot but I can’t upload it right now
Right now it’s “main source of news”
BBC – 58%
Guardian – 7%
Twitter 6%
Facebook 6%
Mail 5%
Sky News 5%
None of 5%
Sun 2%
Local Radio 1%, The i 1%, Telegraph 1%
All other papers like Times 0%
It will be skewed towards the type of people who read MSE
Ethnic Background of voters
What’s your ethnic group? (4400 votes)
White – English/Welsh/Scottish/Northern Irish/British 4047 votes (92%)
White – Irish 69 votes (2%) Gypsy or Irish Traveller 0 votes (0%) White – Other 115 votes (3%)
All other categories inc mixed , won’t say etc. : just 3%
BTW the survey gender :
Straight women : 58%, straight men 35%
Gay men 3%, Lesbian 1%, female bi 1%
don’t know 1%
Strange about all those “missing” gays, the BBC seems to think 20% are not straight
The MoneySavingExpert.com 2017 Census.
Where do you get most of your news from (whether online, TV, radio or in print)? (4595 votes)
BBC News 2661 votes (58%)
Buzzfeed 7 votes (0%)
Channel 4 4 votes (0%)
Daily Express 9 votes (0%)
Daily Mail 231 votes (5%)
Daily Mirror 19 votes (0%)
Daily Star 1 votes (0%)
Daily Telegraph 69 votes (2%)
Facebook 250 votes (5%)
Financial Times 11 votes (0%)
Huffington Post 7 votes (0%)
ITV News 22 votes (0%)
Local radio 65 votes (1%)
Reddit 25 votes (1%)
Sky News 238 votes (5%)
The Guardian 308 votes (7%)
The i 33 votes (1%)
The Independent 21 votes (0%)
The Sun 7 votes (0%)
The Times 79 votes (2%)
Twitter 276 votes (6%)
None of the above/other 230 votes (5%)
Would rather not say 22 votes (0%)
What religion do you identify with? (4585 votes)
I’m an atheist 1426 votes (31%)
I’m agnostic 616 votes (13%)
Christian (Church of England) 1292 votes (28%)
Christian (Catholic) 366 votes (8%)
Christian (other) 446 votes (10%)
Buddhist 21 votes (0%)
Hindu 19 votes (0%)
Humanist 46 votes (1%)
Jedi 27 votes (1%)
Jewish 35 votes (1%)
Muslim 15 votes (0%)
Pagan 23 votes (1%)
Sikh 12 votes (0%)
Other 74 votes (2%)
Would rather not say 167 votes (4%)
What’s your ethnic group? (4584 votes)
White – English/Welsh/Scottish/Northern Irish/British 4222 votes (92%)
White – Irish 71 votes (2%)
White – Gypsy or Irish Traveller 0 votes (0%)
White – Other 116 votes (3%)
Mixed 35 votes (1%)
Asian/British Asian – Indian 46 votes (1%)
Asian/British Asian – Pakistani 9 votes (0%)
Asian/British Asian – Bangladeshi 2 votes (0%)
Asian/British Asian – Chinese 8 votes (0%)
Asian/British Asian – Other 6 votes (0%)
Black/Black British – African 7 votes (0%)
Black/Black British – Caribbean 14 votes (0%)
Black/Black British – Other 1 votes (0%)
Arab/British Arab 2 votes (0%)
Other 9 votes (0%)
Would rather not say 36 votes (1%)
How sad.
Good news from Norway. The BBC won’t be reporting on the Norwegian election.
Vedum’s rising force also wants to ban the burka, leave Schengen and increase defence spending. … Once again the big winner at the ballot box is the party standing up for a true national democracy.{westmonster.com – EUROSCEPTICS MAKE GAINS IN NORWAY- sep2017}
BBC £3.5bn News Search for ‘Vedum’ not reporting above , but the only article found on BBC £3.5bn News Site had this in it …. “If I was British I would be against UK membership [of the EU]” Trygve Slagsvold Vedum, Norwegian Agriculture Minister
Yesterday the fools at the weather centres were forecasting storms of an almost Biblical nature for the North of England. We were warned not to leave our homes unless it was absolutely necessary, and this was all going happen in the wee small hours between 02:00 and 04:00. I considered building an ark, the forecasts were so alarmist, and what happened?
Nothing !
A mild breeze and a little rain was all it produced.
If they can’t even forecast a few hours in the future correctly then what chance do they have of getting climate change right ?
The Met Office weather warning expired at 10:00am so presumably after that there’s every chance of some cataclysmic weather event occurring?
They feed weather data from records going back hundreds of years into a super computer – not difficult.
Why various cretins should want to talk it up and give people undue stress is beyond me.
Here in East Anglia a neighbour’s bin blew over. I had to spend a couple of minutes picking up paper and plastic and putting it in my bin – which hadn’t blown over.
I blame Trump for pulling out of the Paris Scam.
And the propagandist Met Office has resumed its idiotic practice of giving names to storms – doubtless to try to persuade us that made-made catastrophic global warming is the cause of storminess (another lie in a very big list).
Storms? Oh, you/they mean Atlantic depressions. Common as muck, often produce wind and rain, especially at this time of year, and nothing to get excited about, let alone attach a silly name to.
I’ve noticed on Classic FM, at the moment, when they broadcast a weather “forecast”, they have a tag line advertising the Met Office, and how good it is, afterwards. The funniest one is that they reckon they’ve been making accurate forecasts for 150 years. Maybe they have made a handful of accurate forecasts, but the majority leave a lot to be desired.
The priority for spending your taxes always seems to be people who have never and will never contribute to the country. Closely followed by aliens, illegal and other, from thousands of miles away. Bringing up the rear are diffuse minorities with demands the more extreme the better.
Genuine, hard working people really don’t stand a chance. They might like some quality healthcare, decent education and jobs over the minimum wage but that’s just tough.
Beeb Website reporting that Drunker in his speech reckons we will regret it. Every time this t$@t opens his mouth you realise the opposite is true. The level of delusion of the people running that club is hard to comprehend when the signs are all around. Drunker, Merkel etc. just don’t get it and it is them who should be worried not us.
“The level of delusion of the people running that club is hard to comprehend when the signs are all around.”
What worries me is the way this is reported by all our “Correspondents” from the BBC, ITV , SKY. CH4 and so on. They take what is said by the EU as fact and gospel and hardly mention an alternative viewpoint. Contrast that with any news item about what the Government is doing or a pro British announcement . A string of counter views will be highlighted. A good example today would be Teresa May making a statement about public sector pay. Whether you agree with her or not, the major reporting consisted of what the unions and the Labour party had to say about it. If the EU had made the same statement it would have been reported just as they have done with Junker’s speech.
My counter to the worry you express gb is that I just keep pointing out to people the wrongs that the MSM keep spouting. I encourage people to look at this site, read Douglas Murrays book and generally try to point out at every opportunity the misinformation and downright lies that are fed to the masses. I find it quite enriching and therapeutic. Its the ones that just accept things and shrug their shoulders that are the difficult ones to get to listen.
Well there`s a first!
Kiri Te Kanawa was interviewed on the Today show.
She sings no longer, and I waited until the end to see why not.
This being the BBC, I guessed that it would be due to Brexit…then to migration wrongs…then sexist treatment…and then I got desperate, citing Maori injustices and even Islamphobia or Trumps leaving thr Paris Accords…just being Trump even?
But no-she got out on top, wanted the youngsters to learn and she`d not match them any more…
Wow!…Kiri was not used to push a BBC agenda, the BBC didn`t try to do a Dench on her.
Well, that was my Thought For The Day-first time in years, there`s not been the BBC nudge on a piece they choose to give us on Today.
This politcs-free crap copuld catch on, but sense it`ll be a few more years before the BBC revisit this “objective, letting people speak for themselves” lark.
Well done Kiri…and a feathered hat tip to the lady who didn`t push the BBC angle at her either.
It deserves a national holiday. Call it, Today Day.
“Headlines tonight. Euro MPs new headsets play the sounds of screaming women. …. The Bank of England is in chaos as the Pound has been stolen…” {youtube comedy or is it?}
I noticed it was Mona Siddiqui doing Thought For The Day – again! I don’t dislike the woman – I wish there were more Muslims like her – but she is pretty bland. Talks a lot in cliches and bromides. The BBC I think use her as the acceptable face of Islam but I don’t think she’s rated by her own community.
“I (Hillary Clinton) have come to terms with the fact that a lot of people – millions and millions of people – decided they just didn’t like me,” she writes. “Imagine what that feels like (for an adult politician or a child?),”
{bbc.co.uk sep2017}
– from BBC article ‘What Happened: The long list of who Hillary Clinton blames’
Word Search: bill x 0; foundation x 0; husband x 0;
– A politician who is afraid of the opinion of millions of people should not be in politics.
– If Hillary had chosen polices that the people of the USA liked she would have been liked
– Did she take into account people’s feelings towards your husband Bill Clinton?
“Hitchens asks you to consider the treatment of Kathleen Willey, a friend of the President (Bill Clinton) whose husband had died unexpectedly. She went to the Oval Office to ask for a job and was rewarded by ‘the guiding by the presidential mitt of her own hand on to his distended penis’. When she spoke out, everyone believed her, although many wished she’d held her tongue.” {theguardian may1999}
This is BBC now … a comedy in 1994 where the TV Presenter causes a war between Hong Kong and Australia and they have a reporter waiting to report on the War that the TV Presenter created … art imitating real life imitating art {youtube – The DayToday Episode 05 Magnificent – BBC2 1994 – @17:13}
Funny thing but around twenty years ago when I or another would come out with some ludicrous idea and fall about laughing. I began saying, Don’t! You know they’ll do it.
Back then we were semi serious but these days, hardly at all.
Hence the comedy of the past utilising ‘ridiculous’ scenarios can no longer exist.
Not BBC bias, but my God see how Diamond and Silk enter discussions with liberals. You Tube and a bit of technology.
Just think how BBC bias can be countered in this way.
Imagine someone interrupting Andrew Marr, Victoria Derbyshire etc with this type of You Tube remake.
Imagine how to combat anti Brexit bias
Wonderful !!!
Hurrah for Junckers! I see an end to our overcrowding issues.
Who will not want to flee to the new, revitalised, bigger, better, European Union and leave us regretful Brexiteers in our, soon to be, sparsely populated back-water? German or French European President – wait and see.
Quick question:- If a straight man dresses up and performs a drag act or sketch as did Dick Emery, Benny Hill etc., is it a hate crime?
I have been concerned about the fate which awaits panto dames.
I think I have found an answer. Perhaps they can declare themselves to be women for each performance and then return to their male identities after the curtain goes down
Hmmm …….. ?
What about the Lumberjack Song from Monty Python?
I see the BBC is gasping and squealing at the thought of Fox increasing its “monopoly” of tv news.
Odd, since at least 75% of people in the UK get their news from the BBC, (its various news tv plus radio channels and websites). I’d have thought Sky’s measly 21% of audience reach is hardly a monopoly.
Perhaps the BBC would like to give up part of its news service to another group. Then BBC wouldn’t have a virtual monopoly so no one could accuse them of being mindless hypocrites.
You mean ok for other countries. Quite how anyone thinks Fox could threaten the bbc and MSM but it’s not about that, it’s about control and the bbc showing us who runs Britain’s news media and has it’s foot firmly on the neck of truth.
Followed the twitter above regarding ‘BBC left wing or very left wing‘- started with comment on ‘not enough women’ and then ‘wrong experience’. I would rather it was 1) experience 2) experience ….
We are pleased to announce that our membership has been confirmed and @CommonsSTC is up and running: http://goo.gl/Tgi5CW
1) Not a single woman
2) 1 of these men has a 1st degree in bioscience, 1 in chemistry. The rest are economics or law.
Not very impressive
I’m afraid it is worse:
@gstringermp is a trustee of Nigel Lawson’s Global Warming Policy Foundation
ht @beicwrtaff
We need you righteous indignation on this. Please write to your MPs. It is not OK to have science so misrepresented in a democracy.
I think the official view at the BBC is that this sort of thing is OK so long as the views espoused are left wing or very left wing.
@MM First the Parliament Science & Technology Committee announced its members then super tweeter Rutherford started his twisted logic
Note how at one point he fails to understand that the comm is about science ..by saying Climate non experts should not be allowed (even tho Stringer the Labour MP Skeptic is an expert on Climate thru experience)
He digs himself in a hole by first moaning that only 2 members are science grads and saying one should be banned cos he’s “a denier!”
..that MP is actually one of the 2 science grads
Ah what the BBC guideline on the Radio service employees tweeting ?
As @PeakLogic tweeted Rutherford in June
See the bottom screenshot
Sorry – didn’t look at credentials for these guys and non-girls. But you are right – it’s like taking the word ‘illegal’, then turn it into ‘undocumented’ and add ‘dreamers’.
So now we are talking about sending people with dreams out of the country, and not people who ignored border control and broke into the country.
Science to Gender Equality to Climate Change to “I’m outraged that they are employing all male climate change deniers.”
Dr Adam Rutherford@AdamRutherford : Back off man, I’m a scientist bbc link
– ‘Back off man, I’m a scientist’ sounds like hate or a threat?
The British Antarctic Survey installed gently heated panels at 12 metres depth off the West Antarctic coast to mimic rock surfaces and then over 9 months monitored how marine creatures colonised and grew on them. All creatures flourished on panels at 1 degree C above today’s chilly waters and in fact grew astonishingly quickly on them. But a 2 degree increase saw some continue to flourish vigorously but many species fail.*[1] Experiment mastermind Lloyd Peck tells Adam what the findings may mean, and describes the extraordinary cold water diving skills that made the experiment a success.
*[1] Guess Darwin was right, survival of the fittest. But it didn’t kill everything by going up to 2 degrees? What temperature killed everything?
2C above TODAY’S temp would take hundreds of years at most IPCC predictions
By then we’ll have fusion or CO2 sorted out anyway
@PaulM has done a good writeup about Beeboid Rutherford’s political campaigning
R4 drama now .. Emulates Grenfell
Scene is public enquiry to do with deaths by exploding boiler at run down estate full of neerDo wells and immigrants.
Popularists have the upperhand want to set terms.
Judge wants to stick to the law
It had a BBC happy ending
… For sake of the people the judge resigned in favour of a TV presenter taking over.
The crux bit was a pantomime bit, when z immigrant whistle blower came forward to testify against the evil white gas man..and the gov guy called her a liar
Brexit, Erdogan, Putin and now Trump. Something is rotten in the state of democracy.
The stink first became unmistakable in India in May 2014, when Narendra Modi, a member of an alt-right Hindu organization inspired by fascists and Nazis, was elected prime minister. Like Donald Trump, Mr. Modi rose to power demonizing ethnic-religious minorities, immigrants and the establishment media, and boasting about the size of a body part.
To paraphrase Jean-Paul Sartre: If the truth remains cloaked in the motherland, in the colonies it stands naked. Before Mr. Trump’s election in America exposed the failures of democracy, they had been revealed in Mr. Modi’s India. Most disturbing, in both places, the alt-rightists were enabled by the conceits, follies and collusion of impeccably mainstream individuals and institutions.
Any attempt to rebuild democracy must reckon with the deeper reasons for its great and drastic transformation — above all in India, where Hindu supremacism, in its cruelty and callousness, anticipated the big, big American fan of Hindu.
The Incendiary Appeal of Demagoguery in Our Time {nytimes.com nov2016}
Pankaj Mishra: Why are people so angry? Blame modernity {bbc.co.uk feb2017}
– Pankaj Mishra is about to do a review of Douglas Murray’s ‘The Strange Death of Europe’ {amazon}
Yeah but Remainers and Democrats have not yet had to flee on flimsy rafts or die walking a 1000 miles to escape the perceived tyranny and repression but we may well have to.
“The problem is that they are educated just enough to believe what they’ve been taught. And not educated enough to question what they’ve been taught.”
Bought a box of Cornflakes – inside was a degree in art history and doctorate in media studies – YIPPEEE !
The wind is in the sails of Europe it has blown through the window of opportunity. Pass the Windeze.
You’ve all probably seen this but it is, Mark Steyn talking common sense yet again –
Laurie Taylor on Thinking Allowed does his usual sneering, this time about ‘management jargon’, one of those pseudo-sciences as his co-contributor calls it.
As a so-called ‘social scientist’ Taylor has made his living by pseudo-science but the irony is lost on him.
R4 MediaShow live : panel discussion on Future of TV
Live from Telly Soc meetup in Cambridge
Includes D Mail dep editor
“Netflix has 100m subscribers”
Against BBC’s 20m
Amol Rajan (BBC) Retweets book advert for Jon Sopel (BBC) … using the BBC name and TV License Payers money, BBC Brand, BBC Audience, BBC Trust to push his merchandise.
If Only They Didn’t Speak English – Notes From Trump’s America – Jon Sopel – £20
Jon Sopel lifts a lid on the seething resentments, profound anxieties and sheer rage that found its embodiment in a brash, unpredictable and seemingly unstoppable figure. (Trump)
In this fascinating, insightful portrait of American life and politics, Jon sets out to answer our questions about a country that once stood for the grandest of dreams but which is now mired in a storm of political extremism, racial division and increasingly perverse beliefs.
Full transcript of BBC interview with President Barack Obama (with Jon Sopel) {bbc.co.uk jul2015}
SOPEL: Let me just ask you this – finally, because- I’m sure you would like it to be written that President Obama turned “Yes we can” into –
OBAMA: “Yes we did.”
SOPEL: “Yes we did.”
OBAMA: Yeah.