Odd how the BBC makes absolutely nothing of the revelation that George Osborne, much like James Chapman [a BBC goto remainer], seems a tad overwrought about Brexit, and wants to murder Theresa May and do very odd things with her…
Osborne’s animus against May is complicated in origin — personal, political, ideological, tactical — but purely felt. When I met him at the Standard this past spring, he was polite enough about the prime minister. But according to one staffer at the newspaper, Osborne has told more than one person that he will not rest until she “is chopped up in bags in my freezer”.
The BBC also looks the other way when it comes to left-wing ‘hate’. When a right-wing Whatsapp group talked of gassing chavs the BBC were on the story right away and yet nothing about a left-wing group making similar comments…
Labour supporters 'jokingly' encourage fellow student to gas, poison or burn his Tory housemates https://t.co/TXvg9rJe5w
— Daily Mail U.K. (@DailyMailUK) September 10, 2017
About as funny as “The Now Show” and other hilarious AlBeeb “comedy” output.
Incitement to murder is a serious offence. Too much to expect Plod will do other than SFA; they are too busy investigating why some Muzzie child opened her school desk to find a sausage roll left there by a former pupil in 1831.
To me it sounds very similar to the pronouncements made today by “The So-Called Islamic State” [In Albeeb speak all Muzzie actions are so-called unless the BBC think they can be made to sound praiseworthy with a bit of “So-Called Journalism”. Naturally, if not, those involved are not real Muslims.]
To me it also sounds very similar to the pronouncements Lenin made during the Russian Civil War.
In fact the only element missing from The Labour Party backed murder incitement, is Lenin’s hortatory instruction to ensure all those involved in Anti-Bolshevik activity were a target of reprisals.”Act against EVERYONE not a known Bolshevik, do not be concerned if some are innocent”.
Loveable Lenin, he was a great comedian, laugh a minute. Actually not a minute, during the Revolution and Civil war the Bolsheviks murdered someone every 14 seconds, day and night, every day.
“Although not perfect…”
Funny how that weaselish way of shrugging off horrendous atrocities by the hard left’s heroes isn’t applied when giving conservatives a voice despite making occasional politically incorrect statements or being too laddish in their youth.
Remembering Osborne constantly warning Britain about the dire consequences of Brexit now fades into a kind of comedy routine.
The whole experience has obviously badly affected our George who went from a soft Tory to the editor of a hate filled London Evening Standard . Being a Londoner I am exposed to it regularly . It is more a printed edition of al beeb than the sad and angry Guardian .
I wonder how others would have responded if he said hateful things on the day after a female labour backbencher came to a sticky end ?
He really is beyond shame now . Goes to show the low calibre of the politicians we are given to vote for .,