The other night we were watching a program about Monty Python and the lumberjack song came on, and I mentioned to Mrs Pounce how times have changed, in that dressing up in women’s clothing is deemed….natural. How wearing fancy dress is no longer acceptable, and how those who so called political elites who demanded equality: Women, Nonwhites, Gays protestgroups have themselves become the most intolerant people going and the champion for all this is… The bBC
There is a great episode in season 6 of South Park where the children are sent to a Nazi-style boot camp of tolerance for questioning their teacher’s extreme sexual perversions. It is spot on. Tolerance is not the same as adulation which is what is demanded of us.
The Political Correctness Enforcement Squad formerly known as ‘The Police’ originally thought the two explosions were caused by ‘industrial fireworks’ what ever they are, but it now transpires that these were bombs were packed with nuts bolts and nails. Salford is a predominantly white area even if much of it is populated by violent scum who would attack you as soon as look at you. This is hardly likely to by the work of a ‘right wing extremist gang’, or a turf war between drug gangs especially given where the arrests were made.
If it does turn out to be another group of Muslims then this new MO is extremely frightening. Driving into a white area, planting a bomb on a suburban street and then detonating it and leaving the scene. Of course it could just be them practicing for a larger and more high profile attack in which the targets will be human beings.
“At about 7pm on Thursday officers saw a Lexus car on Stockport Road, which was thought to be stolen and linked to the explosions.
Officers followed the Lexus for a short time before it stopped and reversed, ramming the police car near to Regent Road in Salford.
The occupants of the car abandoned the vehicle and attempted to escape on foot but officers soon caught up with them and detained them.
The men, aged 20, 24, 24, and 29, have since been bailed pending further enquiries.”
The way our society is heading, there seems to be a lot to be said for their way of life !!!! I cant ever remember seeing a BAME member of Amish (although I stand to be corrected)
– BBC fail to mention their own fact checking service which came up with £276m per week (-74m)? So they don’t believe or trust it on the news {biasedbbc} or on the website were you can find it?
After reading the above tweet a number of times. I realised that it is about how real women who object to having chicks with dicks sharing their own spaces (toilets/prisons etc) and who are now been physically attacked by said chicks with dicks because they (the real women) are deemed bigots. As i said, I had to read it a number of times in which to grasp exactly what the fuss is about.
Having been on a short sabbatical and minimising routine exposure to main stream media – particularly news – I have been trying to figure out what – really – is going on. I wondered what the demographic of this website is. Although having no evidence I deduced that many will be over 40 and therefore can recall when coverage of events was different – sort of fairer. But things are more polarised now – back then we were generally anti the reds and everything was configured around the Cold War.
The point I am making is that a good few of those running things – such as al Beeb – do not know what this country was like . Coupled with industrial quantities of information they are different to us.perhaps sons and daughters- and politicians have no choice but to accept this too.
This sounds a bit defeatist on my part but I try to be a realist and objective if possible – relying on fact and evidence – specific or general. For instance – Brexit – many here are pro and albeeb is taken as anti. But I don’t think it s just that simple. I think they are really scared of it because it was a vote outside their understanding and experience. Those remainers with vested interests and earned a living from it would always fight it . But those scared are frightened that their reading of our country might not be what they thought it was.
On Parsons Green. I carefully watched al Beeb rabid coverage and I think this will turn out to be non Islamic terrorism . You can guess how al Beeb s rabies will go over board if this is the case. And as I write at noon Saturday al Beeb is announcing an 18 old arrested at Dover . We’ll see.
I agree up to a point. The younger people have been educated in a system that is heavily biased in favour of the liberal left and have been subjected to non stop propaganda from the BBC for all of their lives. So they tend to agree with the liberal left one world philosophy, which is naive to say the least. By any objective criteria the problems that the whole of the West has with Islam shows that we simply are not ‘ one world’ no matter how much the left want us to be. In fact they want it to be so so much that they bury their heads in the sand and pretend that Islam is not in a struggle for domination with the West. They are leading their respective countries to hell.
The ‘one world’ collectivists, the so-called ‘left’, are quite happy for the ‘one world’ Islamists to take over the world.
Once that has happened they think that the Islamists will give up on religion and hand over control to the left-wing leaders-in-waiting.
I agree on the horrible mistake the liberals have made in allowing an alien belief and culture into the West .
We are not living in an age of remedies and the demographics are dead against us. This is one of the reasons I will write less here. The only opportunity the British people had to register their disapproval of what their betters have done was the brexit vote. Any that can easily be nullified
Fed up ,
There are few outlets which allow free comment . Which is why I value reading other people’s opinions posted on this site. We are overwhelmed by folks parroting the liberal left line on TV , newspapers etc. Please stay a regular contributor to this site which is one of the few places one can go and realise not everyone believes in the tripe which the BBC bombard us with.
My guess that the Parsons Green chappy would be called ‘ right wing seems wrong ‘
So if it’s put down as an Islamic terrorist he will either be 1. Traumatised by his refugee experience 2. Suffering from mental deficiency 3 suffering from the delusion illness suffered by internet hackers .
They’ll do their best to with hold names ” for legal reasons ” to avoid naming a “mo”.
Fedup, sorry for the late reply to this, but I wanted to say please don’t give up on the younger generations.
As someone who has children and works with younger people, I can assure you they’re not all brainwashed by any means, although you’re right about the relentless pressure at school, college and Yuni. I experienced it myself (not being much over 40), getting noticeably worse as my education progressed and older educators left the profession, however I was also reared by my parents to think for myself, and a lot of younger people are quite capable of doing the same, or learn to as they get a little older and wiser.
What goes around, comes around, and there are indications that among the more intelligent (not necessarily academic) youngsters there is a strong counter current who resent the monopoly of the ‘liberal’ left. It’s not surprising really, youth will always rebel, and the ‘great causes’ of the last generation (progressive liberalism) are now looking dated and attached to an older generation, which is never ‘cool’ with the more self confident and forward thinking youth.
If we take the BBC, for example, despite every (pathetic and often ill-conceived) effort to the contrary, it is seen as catering to the middle aged and middle class (as I think it always has), and to the most popular values among that group (ie ‘progressive liberalism’). Also, never forget, despite the never-ending scaremongering, the ‘knowing no different’, and unrelenting pressure to conform, a third of 18-25 year olds did vote Brexit… I like to consider them the ‘forgotten third’ of our youth, and if they were mostly not studying at Yuni, perhaps that’s because they could see modern higher education for the money making con it really is (from someone who works in academe and hates what it has become).
Thanks Big, I’m not allowed near the young due to my bail conditions ( joke – false truth ) but your comment reduces my hopelessness. To be able to think for oneself in the face of the onslaught of correctness faced by people is an achievement. I had forgotten about the number of younger people who voted for Brexit.
Perhaps on the “up” side the quality of non al Beeb c4 itv TV such as Netflix and others seemed to be breaking the oppressive monopoly. I don’t pay for TV at all now so I don’t know how good they are. I’m happy buying DVD box sets on the cheap- west wing , wire ,Supranos – great stuff. No licence for me. ,
Little bit of cynicism on my part – if the arrested person – suspect for Parsons Green – is not called Mo but has a non Islamic name we will know by the end of today. If it’s a mo we won’t hear for quite some time.
Al Beeb must have their list of pro Islam /anti right mouth pieces on speed dial .just make sure Brexit and trump get a mention too.
Fed up,
If he isn’t called Mo or similar then I am unconvinced he is the perpetrator or if he is that it isn’t a false flag operation. If the authorities claim it is a far right attack I am highly sceptical. It would be another excuse to turn the heat up on censorship of the internet and stop people from knowing what is going on. I put nothing past this Tory government and I know that Labour would be even worse, much worse. The senior ranks of the police long since forfeited my trust in anything they say with reference to terrorism. Phobias are irrational, fear of Islam is not irrational, in fact NOT fearing Islam if you are not a Muslim is irrational and there are hundreds , perhaps thousands of examples world wide to prove this. Are there similar examples of other religions inflicting mass murders on non believers in the past ten or twenty years? No of course not . People who fear Islam have good grounds for doing so.
Indeed they are, yet they appear very real to those who suffer from them. So real that they can keep people trapped in their homes, or be in such total fear that they would kill in order to escape.
They are certainly not trivial but life changing illnesses, and based on the way the Fascist left use them to insult other people whose views they disagree with it is in diametric opposition to the way they treat every other mental health condition.
Meaningless platitude. In 1940, to say ‘London will never be defeated’ would mean the alternative was either London would be completely destroyed or the UK would surrender to Germany. In 2017, how exactly would this ‘defeat’ manifest itself? If anything, we are already defeated, because the government shows no sign of even admitting what the problem might be, let alone trying to deal with it. Khan uses these platitudes because it taps into a (rapidly disappearing) race-memory of the Blitz, and allows him to sound grandiose while doing precisely nothing.
Caroline Flint MP like many others doesn’t understand the internet age.
In the Times “Social media is a refuge for bullies, Twitter and Facebook should know the true identity of their users”
The difference today is that a gay personin Iran can be free in Facebook, corrupt politicians can easily be denounced without fear if retribution
Yes the negative is that 100 loonies can write rape threats.
But if one actually raped child is able thru social media to expose her abuser, then the anonymity is worth it.
Online – there are words
Offline – there are kicks, punches, knives and rapes
Devote resources to policing the real world.
“without fear of retribution”
I do not think you can rely on that at all. Facebook, Twitter et al, will do whatever the Government/Police/Lefty organisation want.
To protest that supermarkets don’t have VAT on food , but pubs do
“Wetherspoon’s pubs in England, Wales and Northern Ireland will be cutting the price of all food and drink by 7.5 per cent on Wednesday 20 September”
(Alcohol prices not reduced in Scotland as that’s against Scots law )
The Basilica of Saint Denis (Basilique Saint-Denis) is an important Catholic basilica located in Saint Denis, a northern suburb of Paris.
Saint-Denis is notable for its Gothic architecture and for being the burial site of French monarchs, which makes it comparable to Westminster Abbey in England.
The building is of unique importance historically and architecturally as its choir, completed in 1144, shows the first use of all of the elements of Gothic architecture.
Good to see Jane Austen on the new ten pound note; the Beeb were all over this story as a triumph for feminism. Shame the next day someone from another ‘oppressed’ group tried to nail bomb a load of women and children.
Doesn’t the term ‘abbey’ exclude the non religious and false religions like Islam ? Why not Westminster mosque or Westminster community centre? ( I’m in that kind of mood )
Disclosure – being a Roman Catholic along the lines of JRM – I wonder when the c of e would be good enough to give us our Abbey back please? ( emoji joke)
F2: Be grateful that the CofE will not give any of your cathedrals back. They cost a fortune to maintain and cannot legally be demolished and replaced by smaller, cheaper buildings in keeping with the size of 21st century congregations.
A paper by the Bruges Group from a few years ago showed that the direct contribution to the EU , [ the £350 Million less rebate per week ] , was only part of the money we paid them .
With the indirect payments , [ percentages of VAT , fuel duty , import duties plus other hidden costs to UK industies ],
the total amount we were having to pay was far higher than the much denied £ 350 Million per week .
????‼️???????? UK: BBC guest says we shouldn't call Parsons Green an Islamic attack even though he admits that it was "probably" done by an Islamist.
Never mind the truth, what we must avoid is inciting islamophobia. Presumably the victims of this and every previous (and future) attack are just collateral damage – acceptable as long as islamophobia is kept down.
I think that you have nailed it. The government, BBC, Labour, Lib Dems, police ( at least the higher ranks) judiciary and the rest of the liberal elite all take the view that you Outline above . They are prepared to accept many hundreds , perhaps a few thousand, dead and many thousand injured , spread out of course over a number of years, and want the rest of us to do the same. Of course most of the elite will never be exposed to the danger they expect the rest of us to bear with quiet fortitude whils holding hands and singing in candle light.
What astonishes me is where do they expect this policy of abandoning the British people to end? It seems that Islam is unlikely to be tamed or to adopt British values. So the longer these pathetics liberal leftists appease it the stronger it will grow until eventually it takes over. So either they are incredibly stupid , which is unlikely , or they have done a calculation that shows that Islam is bound to triumph in the end and their job is to keep us quiet for as long as possible. A bit like those Jews who ran the ghettos for the Nazis whilst knowing the terrible fate which awaited those that they were in charge of but chose never to tell them.
And it was the same result for the KAPO’S as well. What anybody will do to stay alive.
If you can ever get a copy of the 1960 film KAPO with Susan Strasberg, this I believe gives a
very fair reflection.
I had to listen a few times to the ex head of counter terrorism – since when was the truth twisted so randomly. It’s not Islamist…but probably Salafist
“Salafism is an ultra-conservative reform branch or movement within Sunni Islam that developed in Arabia in the first half of the 18th century It advocated a return to the traditions of the “forefathers'” (the salaf).” Courtesy of Wiki
Since over 90% of UK Muslims (according to the recent survey promoted by the BBC) are Sunni, it would seem right to call it Islamic no matter how you cut the cake?
Just more lies from the authorities and BBC to keep us calm. Saying perpetrators had mental issues or changing their name are now time expired excuses, so they will start trying to blame other non Muslim groups . Just wait for the hints to start in the Guardian or BBC and police statements.
I watched helplessly while one of a pair of islamic religious police (mutaween) ripped a small crucifix off an American’s neck in a Panda Store in Saudi Arabia. He was with his wife and small child, just shopping. The small crucifix was thrown on the floor and ground into same floor with the foot of the religious policeman. One of many instances I recall when living and working at the centre of the islamic cult. I was reminded of that instance while reading:
We used to call that sort of behaviour, Assault in the UK. I suspect the Politically Correct thought Police now turn a blind eye.
Coming to a town or city near you soon. Rest assured. The British public have no idea what’s coming down the tracks at full speed toward them………..
Putting things under feet/shoes bears a very strong & definite meaning in The Middle East.
We don’t speak the same language. It’s an insult in the strongest terms .
To be underfoot is considered to be utterly subject, defeated.
Not only have they no idea, but they really don’t give a shit, either. The country, like the rest of the western world is absolutely fucked. And it’s our own stupid fault.
I accidentally came across this on You Tube, and I thought it was worth sharing.
I don’t share the man’s politics, but all due credit to him on this issue…
His constituency is next to my home area. Like Lobster, I disagree with his policies, but, he has been consistent on his anti-EU stance and his pro-democratic reasons.
To Amber Rudd (Sky)
” Um, we’ve all seen the pictures of the device on the train; from what you know and have been told, was this device designed to maim and kill ? ”
What DO THEY teach them at Journalist school ??? and all credit to Amber Rudd for keeping a straight face.
Brissles, I suspect Media Studies degrees have taken over from ‘journalist school’. ‘Name five TV soaps since 1974’ was a question in a final exam, I’ve been told. It’s great to know that an expensive three-year course qualifies you to win all pub quizzes and Trivial Pursuit games, isn’t it?
I took a short course in journalism course forty years ago. A merciless tutor hurled our work back to be rewritten if we’d so much as missed a comma, let alone produced the cliches, euphemisms, slang, political bias and inaccuracy we see today. Mind you, I am getting a feel for the true meanings of journalistic language. For example:
‘A community devasted and in shock’ = ‘Some are a bit pissed off and inconvenienced round here.’
‘A divisive figure’ = ‘We in the newsroom think he’s a fascist pig.’
‘A huge left-wing demonstration went off peacefully’ = ‘We cropped the photo, so you didn’t see there were 350 people, and half of them had machetes and black masks.’
“Community” – a group of local people we approve of.
“Residents” – a group of local people we don’t approve of.
“Tension” – violence caused by people we approve of, probably living in a “community”.
“The far right” – silly people who ask really really difficult questions.
“Riot” – violence we can blame on people we don’t approve of – the police, whites, the “far right” etc.
“Impatience” – shouty members of the “community” on the verge of causing “tension”.
“Culture” – the antisocial habits of people we approve of, see “community” above.
“British Culture” – sorry ?
Helena …………….. short course in journalism course forty years ago. A merciless tutor hurled our work back to be rewritten if we’d so much as missed a comma, let alone produced the cliches, euphemisms, slang, political bias and inaccuracy we see today. …
Well said ! Similar thing with me – learnt typing at school but had to attend night school for ‘shorthand’ – anyone remember that ???? how many journalists use it – or have even heard of it. With the advent of iPhones with voice recorders its another skill that isn’t necessary anymore, BUT very useful when batteries run out !
With the 35,000 known jihadists in the UK, by my reckoning, they could string thin wire, at the right height, along most of our dedicated cycle routes. Now there’s an idea which probably occurs to some people. I wonder who……………
‘The couple are known for fostering many children and young people over several decades.
In 2010 they were rewarded for their work by being made MBEs by the Queen at Buckingham Palace.
Speaking to the BBC after being told of the award, Mrs Jones said: “Helping other people is rewarding, and I treat them how I would like to be treated if I was in that situation.”
Raided after taking in migrants.
Now you see why Bob Geldof , JK Rowling and Lily Allen have held back
In the same report carefully avoiding the M word amber Amber Rudd tells how we can learn from these sorts of incidents… make it difficult for people to put together a bomb from this material.
She means a Lidl’s bag for life. Geddit. A bomb in a bag for life.
We can expect a full campaign of dissembling and disinformation from the BBC over the coming days as it becomes increasingly clear that the bomber was a ‘juvenile’ refugee. In other words, precisely what ISIS promised us and what Nigel Farage, among others, warned about. Already the BBC is restricting information relating to the attack.
We can also expect yet more fake outrage as it becomes clear that Pres Trump was quite right when he tweeted that the perpetrator was on the police’s radar – this much seems certain judging from a neighbour’s comments reported by the Sun. Had the UK been warned about this individual by the NSA?
Let’s hope Trump reveals all because we can be certain that Amber Rudd and the BBC won’t if they can possibly avoid it. Once again the British establishment conspires against Britons.
Reluctantly, I am showing my ignorance.
I have never heard of GoingPostal before.
I shall, of course find out for myself.
Any more tips you, or any other contributor, can suggest for worthwhile reading material, would be most welcome.
So when Treezer goes the BBC Asian Network ‘not helpful’ route. And the BBC suddenly get four square behind a Tory PM briefly, it becomes pretty clear who really isn’t happy and why.
‘Elmbridge CAN is a community group, based in Elmbridge, Surrey, UK. We aim to build a culture of welcome to refugees within the local community, and work to achieve the settlement of more refugees in the Borough of Elmbridge.
Elmbridge CAN is a member of the City of Sanctuary Movement.’
Didn’t a well to do lady living in the leafy lanes of Surrey foster a man-child when the first wave came over ? after being fed, watered and a place found at an education facility, he fleeced her and legged it . I’d rather walk over hot coals thank you very much.
It would be interesting if one could time travel a few folks from around 1950. Show them 21st Century Britain and then listen to the bbc Lefty justifications.
I came across this essay written in 1979, by someone who had been a fervent socialist and then, after a spell seeing it close up in Moscow, realised the inevitable disaster it produces. The sentiments still hold today:
I laugh at it all now, but at the time you can imagine what a shock it was to someone like myself, who had been brought up to regard liberal intellectuals as the samurai, the absolute elite, of the human race, to find that they could be taken in by deceptions which a half-witted boy would see through in an instant. I never got over that; it always remained in my mind as something that could never be erased. I could never henceforth regard the intelligentsia as other than credulous fools who nonetheless became the media's prophetic voices, their heirs and successors remaining so still.
Thanks Rick.
My afternoon reading for later.
I think of all those Christian titans and apologists who quietly walked off the public stage and media platforms back in the 70s, only to die unremarked and unlamented.
Or mocked as old fuddy-duddies. To my mind, it started with C.S Lewis-and died with Mary Woodhouse.
I notice/feel a sea change going on at the moment. None of us gives a fk about Mohammed and his van , knife or bomb in a bucket anymore – bring it on we’ll kick the crap out of you. What I notice is everyone is going who the fk thinks it a good idea to have these welfare leaching good for nothing pieces of shit in our Country ? – we are looking at you MP’s and little Sadiq we have all had enough – try inviting us to another candlelit vigil or wear a towel on your head concert
“”Deputy Assistant Commissioner Basu (a muslim and head of Scotland Yard’s Counter Terrorist Branch) said the police were “incredibly grateful’ no one was killed”.””
“I (Khan, the muslim Mayor of London) am ‘incredibly grateful’ to the police and intelligence services for doing everything possible to keep Londoners safe.”
Is ‘incredibly grateful’ the ‘new speak’ for muslims in authority?
Why do we have muslim as our head of Scotland Yard’s Counter Terrorist Branch FFS?
That’s like having a muslim in charge of making sure our schoolgirls are all safe.
they are ‘incredibly grateful’ for the MSM running interference for them and are ‘incredibly grateful’ 48% of the british public are so fucking stupid that candle sales are the biggest growth area in the country rather than rope!
I’ve been dipping into the news throughout the day, trying to get any info about the bucket attack at Parsons Green.
I’ve seen Theresa Maybe dithering, then Amanda Rudd blathering and last and probably least, the hapless and hopeless Cressida Dick waffling. My God what a motley, uninspiring, politically correct trio.
Blimey, old Cressida, in that bloody silly hat looks like Stan Laurel in drag. For the love of God is this really the best we can muster? I wouldn’t trust these three to run a village fete, let alone keep our people safe.
I don’t mean to be miserable or defeatist, but our political elite are completely inadequate. This is going to get a whole lot worse before it gets any better. We need a Churchill and we’ve got the three stooges.
Better stock up on candles…
This is a most important point. They are inadequate and I suspect they know it. Interestingly the Chinese who have no time for our version of democracy do not tolerate incompetent leaders.
One of the gripes the ineffectual elite has with President Trump is that he is competent and does not hesitate to hire and fire .
Great post Jeff,
Yes, what a bunch.
In addition to what you say about Cressida Dick, Assistant Commissioner Mark Rowley always reminds me of Cowboy, the bespectacled and ineffectual NCO in the film Full Metal Jacket.
To the staff of Radio London’s German service!” he wrote.
I have only just started listening to your programme, ‘Letters without signatures’, but I like it a lot, since it airs opinions you don’t find in our media
I doubt the irony begins to occur to the BBC. It becomes more like the GDR in this country daily. A country in which you’ll be jailed and quite possibly murdered for putting bacon in the wrong place.
Do they not see the hypocrisy, or are they actually rather more cynical and sinister, knowing perfectly well what they are doing? My feeling is the idiot followers are the first, but the exploitative leaders are the second.
The BBC’s former most favoured victim (and soon former Laureate?) is discovering what happens when she comes up against the highest ranked victim group.
Identity politics Top Trumps is a fascinating game……..
You remember how Basil Fawlty when caught in some embarrassing mistake or misdemeanour would desperately attempt to conjour a distraction with the sudden cry “Oh my God, look over there!”
On the verge of the likely revelation of a recent so-called refugee who has turned out to be a murderous terrorist the liberal elite of Police Politicians and National Broadcasters are indeed now doing the full Basil Fawlty act.
The Newspaper Review is a dodgy moment where unapproved thoughts might be expressed on the BBC. No matter, BBC Breakfast welcomes in left-leaning BBC house poet and professional northerner Ian McMillan to reliably cover the train bombing, arrest of the 18-year-old and police swoop on the refugee house – but to use his supposed literary wit to distract us. The ‘banality’ of this terrorist act is our Ian’s theme.
By the way, the dictionary meaning of banal : ‘so lacking in originality as to be obvious and boring’
Reminds one of our London Mayor Sadiq Khan’s quip about terrorism being just something to put up with, the inevitable consequence of living in a big city.
Our liberal licence-funded laureate is soon moving on to happier themes about Boris Johnson and telling us how he likes to visualise Tory Party splits as arguments between different pieces of a household cruet set. Oh how the BBC presenters happily laughed along with him. Like Spurs supporters lauding Harry Kane “He’s one of our own”. No mention of Labour Party splits from our Ian.
BBC Front Page news reports that a foster couples home has been searched by armed police in Surrey in connection with the Parsons Green bombing.
On the same page are the newspaper reviews – most of the front pages declare in bold letters that the couples house who was searched fostered…’REFUGEES’.
it is reported that the man arrested at Dover was 21.
The BBC are not asking the questions that the newspapers are, such as
1. Was the man arrested in connection with the bombing a ‘refugee’
I accept that we don’t know many facts yet but the questions are fair considering the situation the UK finds itself in. The BBC often offers speculations about all manner of subjects but as usual is turning a blind eye to stories like this.
If the ‘bombing’ had nothing to do with Muslims or Islam a couple of more questions are begged.
Is the suspect a Muslim?
If this bombing had nothing to do with Islam, then why does Islamic State claim that it was one of their terror cells carried out Parsons Green tube bombing?
Breaking news, second man (21) arrested
Poetic justice rarely comes to visit but when it does, it does with impact.
The couple who took in the 18 year old child migrant (no doubt) both received an MBE for their services to children. Apparently, they have fostered “hundreds” of children but only recently turned to child migrants and refugees. Fact is, they took an active role in rearing the most recent terrorist we know about. Do I hear calls to “strip” them of their MBE’s? No don’t be daft, any do-gooder who supports a muslim terrorist is automatically given a ‘get-out-of-jail-free’ card. They were probably filmed at some stage within a group of others waving a placard: “We Want More Refugees”. Conversely, the 18 year old muslim now under arrest no doubt used the fosterers by exercising the other thing they are good at: lying i.e. takiyya. These are parasites who use the good will of the, essentially de facto, Christian people of this country to further the insatiable desire enshrined in the Quaran, to kill or maim others that dont follow their twisted cult.
Perhaps the couple will now think twice before taking in a child migrant, but I doubt it as they are normally equally as blind as the terrorist is.
There are many of these folk who Foster “kids” particularly when they do so for large numbers of them and have done it over a long period of time; do this because it is highly remunerative. I would think that said remuneration will be even higher when those being Fostered are “asylum seekers” or “refugees”.
There are some of them who are useful idiots or who see it as their “Christian” duty to help demographically suicide their own country and there are some who are just greedy b@st@rds, who don’t give a f**k as long as they are making money.
I haven’t been able to determine yet whether these folk in Surrey fall within any of the categories above or are simple misguided good eggs.
On bBBC breakfast news snowflake TV this morning, a feature about a (nother) benefit concert tonight for the Grenfell Tower residents.
Have not millions already been raised already?
How much more do the residents need?
And why the continuing virtue-signalling?
I suppose its the bandwagon effect. Many other worthy causes exist but don’t get the left wing kudos of being able to attack the government along the way.
PS According to the bBBC report 86 families have agreed to go to the concert arranged for their benefit. Which means a sizeable proportion have not. Yep, they are not attending a free concert arranged for their very own benefit. Perhaps the invitation was not in the correct languages. Or maybe they are at work tonight.
I don’t wish to take anything away from the plight of the G/Residents, but I remember an age (not that long ago) when victims of tragedies had to ‘just to get on with it’. Its called ‘life’. There were no fund raising events or concerts for the parents of Aberfan, the families of Lockerbie, or the many coal mining tragedies where miners were trapped and killed after a pit cave-in. My Dad and both grandfathers suffered injury and life-long breathing problems after a lifetime of underground working, and remember the stories of them pulling dead colleagues out of collapsed mine shafts. No therapy for them, or raised funds for their families.
Yeah, I know, its a different time now, and ironically am just listening where kids at school are to be given lessons on how to cope with trauma when they deal with life after school.
Near future news? The accused came to Britain as a small child and was a British citizen… He converted to Islam… He was home grown… Neighbours said he was a nice, polite boy and they are shocked… Teachers has no idea… He was vulnerable… Experienced casual racism… He became radicalised due to Britain’s foreign policy… The security services once had him on their radar but had insufficient resources to investigate… drone… zzz… zzz….
Letter in today’s ST rebutting MSM views on climate change with reference to clean cars. So many of these tree huggers either forgot what they learnt at school or choose to conveniently ignore it. Newton’s third law “For every action there is an equal and opposite reaction “.
I read in the Times that in the socialist nirvana of Venezuela, bank withdrawals are now limited to the equivalent of 31p a day, and this only after queuing for hours.
Hardly enough to buy a roll of toilet paper. Not that you can, as it is unavailable in some areas.
Personally, I blame the situation on Trump and Brexit, so I am very surprised the bBBC have not been reporting on the situation over there. Perhaps a benefit concert or two could be arranged?
We are supposed to be a democracy but we have learned more from a foreign government via one tweet than we got out of our government about the Parsons Green bomber. The persistent reluctance to release information on spurious national security grounds is an insult to us. As are the usual attempts to placate us by referring to cobra meetings etc. The MSM just play along with this macabre game. Surely all this cannot wash for much longer. This isn’t terrorism that we grew up with such as Palestinian or Irish. The Muslim attack on us is entirely different, in many crucial ways. The major difference is that the millions of Muslims in our country makes it impossible to eradicate or combat Muslim violence via policing and intelligence methods. The violence is spinning out of control . Sooner or later the government needs to come clean and stop the platitudes.
Moreover we must stop making things worse by not referring to the words Muslim and Islam in relation to this violence. We must also stop aggravating the problem by letting in more Muslims . The so called ‘child’ refugees whom Cameron finally let in against his better judgement are a case in point. Sooner or later one was bound to attack us.
Bang on England. I wonder if any of our cabinet said any of your points in the latest Cobra get together. It really isn’t as difficult as they would have us believe. Spoke to a German chap on Friday and he said public opinion is swaying with more and more speaking out. Interesting to see what the upcoming election brings.
Thanks . Sometimes I can’t believe that the media react to Muslim violence so formulaically and that we don’t seem to produce a single politician of substance to say career be damned and to lead the resistance . In the 1930s, they had Churchill. We have no-one.
Did anyone see the camouflage, dissembling and downright deceit on the Marr show? Our latest terrorist “incident” was placed safely on the back burner. The chattering classes are much more animated about what Boris wrote and what Trump tweeted.
Slimy John Sopel slithered onto the sofa and sat there like a self satisfied slug, oozing anti Trump vitriol.
At least, and at last, it has been confirmed that the “Bucket Bomber” was a refugee. I’d love to see one or two of those “gimps” who stand there with “REFUGEES WELCOME!” placards interviewed. But no…
And then we had Amber Rudd, our Home Secretary; clearly brought in to give Boris a slap and ticked off by Marr for trying to keep another raghead out of our country. She sat there, as stiff as starch, like a rather tetchy librarian, who was a tad miffed that my Agatha Christie was overdue.
Our daughters are raped. We’ve had kids blown to smithereens while enjoying a pop concert. Policemen and tourists murdered. And can you honestly say you feel safe when you get on a train / bus / tube these days?
If you’re not a Londoner you’d be amazed at what most of our bridges resemble these days. Great chunks of concrete strategically placed to dissuade ROPers from a bit of pedestrian culling.
There’s a lovely Regency street, just off St James’s Park, with a beautiful wrought iron gate, now smothered in hideous blocks.
I don’t think anyone could deny that our ghastly politicians have brought us the “rivers of blood” so eloquently prophesised back in the 1960s. “We must be mad, stark raving mad.”
I believe the chap that said this was at one time a leading politician.
If you consider the EU as an invasive force which we pay to destroy us, and compare it to paying jihadist welfare payments to destroy us or letting Saudi’s finance our country to destroy us.
It would seem we’ve mixed trade with ideology to our own detriment.
The BBC’s attacks on our greatest ally’s president, led by John (another beauty) Sopel, are relentless. If Trump discovered a cure for diabetes, the BBC headline would be ‘Trump FAILS to Find Altzheimer’s Cure’
Now we’re treated to the usual platitudes, that we won’t give in to fear, hate, or be divided, and that we’ll carry on as normal.
But perhaps a bit of fear and hate of our enemies might be just what we need. And we should NOT carry on as normal. Normal is what got us into this mess.
tomoMar 3, 23:39 Start the Week 3rd March 2025 Still no mention on the BBC… Even given the Daily Mail’s hyperbolising it’s pretty crazy…
JohnCMar 3, 23:29 Start the Week 3rd March 2025 Two dead after car drives into crowd in Germany Damn those cars : when will they stop driving into…
JohnCMar 3, 23:24 Start the Week 3rd March 2025 I think the recent statements from the EU of how they want to be the worlds leading military superpower opened…
KikuchiyoMar 3, 23:11 Start the Week 3rd March 2025 Zelenskyy has repeatedly expressed his gratitude to the US for their assistance and opened his remarks in the Oval office…
JeffMar 3, 22:48 Start the Week 3rd March 2025 I find it ironic… For as long as Donald Trump has been involved in politics we’ve been warned by the…
KikuchiyoMar 3, 22:40 Start the Week 3rd March 2025 Could it be that everyone wants peace (except Putin), but that some might disagree with how Trump is going about…
The other night we were watching a program about Monty Python and the lumberjack song came on, and I mentioned to Mrs Pounce how times have changed, in that dressing up in women’s clothing is deemed….natural. How wearing fancy dress is no longer acceptable, and how those who so called political elites who demanded equality: Women, Nonwhites, Gays protestgroups have themselves become the most intolerant people going and the champion for all this is… The bBC
There is a great episode in season 6 of South Park where the children are sent to a Nazi-style boot camp of tolerance for questioning their teacher’s extreme sexual perversions. It is spot on. Tolerance is not the same as adulation which is what is demanded of us.
Here’s a story of a two terrorism incidents which haven’t even been reported by the BBC:
The Political Correctness Enforcement Squad formerly known as ‘The Police’ originally thought the two explosions were caused by ‘industrial fireworks’ what ever they are, but it now transpires that these were bombs were packed with nuts bolts and nails. Salford is a predominantly white area even if much of it is populated by violent scum who would attack you as soon as look at you. This is hardly likely to by the work of a ‘right wing extremist gang’, or a turf war between drug gangs especially given where the arrests were made.
If it does turn out to be another group of Muslims then this new MO is extremely frightening. Driving into a white area, planting a bomb on a suburban street and then detonating it and leaving the scene. Of course it could just be them practicing for a larger and more high profile attack in which the targets will be human beings.
“At about 7pm on Thursday officers saw a Lexus car on Stockport Road, which was thought to be stolen and linked to the explosions.
Officers followed the Lexus for a short time before it stopped and reversed, ramming the police car near to Regent Road in Salford.
The occupants of the car abandoned the vehicle and attempted to escape on foot but officers soon caught up with them and detained them.
The men, aged 20, 24, 24, and 29, have since been bailed pending further enquiries.”
Treezer increases security alert. Man arrested for Parson’s Green attack.
Isis have claimed responsibility says the Sun.
I wonder who is behind it?
My money is on these buggers.
The way our society is heading, there seems to be a lot to be said for their way of life !!!! I cant ever remember seeing a BAME member of Amish (although I stand to be corrected)
Therefore come out from among them, and be you separate, says the Lord, and touch not the unclean thing; and I will receive you. 2 Corinthians 6:17
Poland or Hungary anyone? Does the BBC get that far?
Well the man on the right does have a long beard, and a decidedly dodgy jacket so I’d say that makes him a prime suspect !
Surely the logical outcome of transgender aspirations, if they’re all pregnant?
The one on the right – the one with the beard and black clothing , is likely a terrorist.
Yep, what IS it about beards (never moustaches) and religion ????
Beeb reporting Trump’s tweets “unhelpful” at the same time reporting panic and stampedes.
VERY helpful to the terrorists.
Whereas Treezer sticking her oar in about Trumps post-Charlottesville comments was of course completely acceptable.
BBC editorial integrity is a many splendoured thing.
High standards are laudable.
Double standards are BBC second nature.
Brexit: Boris Johnson repeats Leave’s £350m for NHS figure { 16sep2017}
He (Jeremy Corbyn) said: “The foreign secretary even has the gall to dredge up the fantasy of £350 million a week extra for the NHS. (no mention of BBC who put the figure as £276million per week!)
… but not mention in article of the BBCs trusted fact checking machine (at £3.5bn per year) …
Reality Check: Are we giving £350m a week to Brussels? { 22apr2016}
The claim: “We are giving £20bn a year or £350m a week to Brussels.”
Reality Check verdict: We are not giving £20bn a year or £350m a week to Brussels – Britain pays £276m a week to the EU budget because of the rebate.
– BBC fail to mention their own fact checking service which came up with £276m per week (-74m)? So they don’t believe or trust it on the news {biasedbbc} or on the website were you can find it?
Problem with Special Victimhood is that it leads not to equality but to privilege
Times calls out Trans-Supremacists here
After reading the above tweet a number of times. I realised that it is about how real women who object to having chicks with dicks sharing their own spaces (toilets/prisons etc) and who are now been physically attacked by said chicks with dicks because they (the real women) are deemed bigots. As i said, I had to read it a number of times in which to grasp exactly what the fuss is about.
Having been on a short sabbatical and minimising routine exposure to main stream media – particularly news – I have been trying to figure out what – really – is going on. I wondered what the demographic of this website is. Although having no evidence I deduced that many will be over 40 and therefore can recall when coverage of events was different – sort of fairer. But things are more polarised now – back then we were generally anti the reds and everything was configured around the Cold War.
The point I am making is that a good few of those running things – such as al Beeb – do not know what this country was like . Coupled with industrial quantities of information they are different to us.perhaps sons and daughters- and politicians have no choice but to accept this too.
This sounds a bit defeatist on my part but I try to be a realist and objective if possible – relying on fact and evidence – specific or general. For instance – Brexit – many here are pro and albeeb is taken as anti. But I don’t think it s just that simple. I think they are really scared of it because it was a vote outside their understanding and experience. Those remainers with vested interests and earned a living from it would always fight it . But those scared are frightened that their reading of our country might not be what they thought it was.
On Parsons Green. I carefully watched al Beeb rabid coverage and I think this will turn out to be non Islamic terrorism . You can guess how al Beeb s rabies will go over board if this is the case. And as I write at noon Saturday al Beeb is announcing an 18 old arrested at Dover . We’ll see.
I agree up to a point. The younger people have been educated in a system that is heavily biased in favour of the liberal left and have been subjected to non stop propaganda from the BBC for all of their lives. So they tend to agree with the liberal left one world philosophy, which is naive to say the least. By any objective criteria the problems that the whole of the West has with Islam shows that we simply are not ‘ one world’ no matter how much the left want us to be. In fact they want it to be so so much that they bury their heads in the sand and pretend that Islam is not in a struggle for domination with the West. They are leading their respective countries to hell.
The ‘one world’ collectivists, the so-called ‘left’, are quite happy for the ‘one world’ Islamists to take over the world.
Once that has happened they think that the Islamists will give up on religion and hand over control to the left-wing leaders-in-waiting.
Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha fcuking ha.! And our women will sing all the way to the mosque.
I agree on the horrible mistake the liberals have made in allowing an alien belief and culture into the West .
We are not living in an age of remedies and the demographics are dead against us. This is one of the reasons I will write less here. The only opportunity the British people had to register their disapproval of what their betters have done was the brexit vote. Any that can easily be nullified
Fed up ,
There are few outlets which allow free comment . Which is why I value reading other people’s opinions posted on this site. We are overwhelmed by folks parroting the liberal left line on TV , newspapers etc. Please stay a regular contributor to this site which is one of the few places one can go and realise not everyone believes in the tripe which the BBC bombard us with.
Thanks double – i will hang around this blog –
My guess that the Parsons Green chappy would be called ‘ right wing seems wrong ‘
So if it’s put down as an Islamic terrorist he will either be 1. Traumatised by his refugee experience 2. Suffering from mental deficiency 3 suffering from the delusion illness suffered by internet hackers .
They’ll do their best to with hold names ” for legal reasons ” to avoid naming a “mo”.
Fedup, sorry for the late reply to this, but I wanted to say please don’t give up on the younger generations.
As someone who has children and works with younger people, I can assure you they’re not all brainwashed by any means, although you’re right about the relentless pressure at school, college and Yuni. I experienced it myself (not being much over 40), getting noticeably worse as my education progressed and older educators left the profession, however I was also reared by my parents to think for myself, and a lot of younger people are quite capable of doing the same, or learn to as they get a little older and wiser.
What goes around, comes around, and there are indications that among the more intelligent (not necessarily academic) youngsters there is a strong counter current who resent the monopoly of the ‘liberal’ left. It’s not surprising really, youth will always rebel, and the ‘great causes’ of the last generation (progressive liberalism) are now looking dated and attached to an older generation, which is never ‘cool’ with the more self confident and forward thinking youth.
If we take the BBC, for example, despite every (pathetic and often ill-conceived) effort to the contrary, it is seen as catering to the middle aged and middle class (as I think it always has), and to the most popular values among that group (ie ‘progressive liberalism’). Also, never forget, despite the never-ending scaremongering, the ‘knowing no different’, and unrelenting pressure to conform, a third of 18-25 year olds did vote Brexit… I like to consider them the ‘forgotten third’ of our youth, and if they were mostly not studying at Yuni, perhaps that’s because they could see modern higher education for the money making con it really is (from someone who works in academe and hates what it has become).
Thanks Big, I’m not allowed near the young due to my bail conditions ( joke – false truth ) but your comment reduces my hopelessness. To be able to think for oneself in the face of the onslaught of correctness faced by people is an achievement. I had forgotten about the number of younger people who voted for Brexit.
Perhaps on the “up” side the quality of non al Beeb c4 itv TV such as Netflix and others seemed to be breaking the oppressive monopoly. I don’t pay for TV at all now so I don’t know how good they are. I’m happy buying DVD box sets on the cheap- west wing , wire ,Supranos – great stuff. No licence for me. ,
“Legal action in defence of our right to self-determination” is how I would have put it.
He is right. The city is Islamic, and once Islamic can never return to Infidel control.
Little bit of cynicism on my part – if the arrested person – suspect for Parsons Green – is not called Mo but has a non Islamic name we will know by the end of today. If it’s a mo we won’t hear for quite some time.
Al Beeb must have their list of pro Islam /anti right mouth pieces on speed dial .just make sure Brexit and trump get a mention too.
Fed up,
If he isn’t called Mo or similar then I am unconvinced he is the perpetrator or if he is that it isn’t a false flag operation. If the authorities claim it is a far right attack I am highly sceptical. It would be another excuse to turn the heat up on censorship of the internet and stop people from knowing what is going on. I put nothing past this Tory government and I know that Labour would be even worse, much worse. The senior ranks of the police long since forfeited my trust in anything they say with reference to terrorism. Phobias are irrational, fear of Islam is not irrational, in fact NOT fearing Islam if you are not a Muslim is irrational and there are hundreds , perhaps thousands of examples world wide to prove this. Are there similar examples of other religions inflicting mass murders on non believers in the past ten or twenty years? No of course not . People who fear Islam have good grounds for doing so.
“Phobias are irrational”
Indeed they are, yet they appear very real to those who suffer from them. So real that they can keep people trapped in their homes, or be in such total fear that they would kill in order to escape.
They are certainly not trivial but life changing illnesses, and based on the way the Fascist left use them to insult other people whose views they disagree with it is in diametric opposition to the way they treat every other mental health condition.
London has already been defeated by Khan and his clan.
Unlike the heroes of Rotherham? 1400 rapes and virtually no reaction?
Khan was sworn in as Mayor of London under the Koran (may2016). He supported HALAL companies.
Meaningless platitude. In 1940, to say ‘London will never be defeated’ would mean the alternative was either London would be completely destroyed or the UK would surrender to Germany. In 2017, how exactly would this ‘defeat’ manifest itself? If anything, we are already defeated, because the government shows no sign of even admitting what the problem might be, let alone trying to deal with it. Khan uses these platitudes because it taps into a (rapidly disappearing) race-memory of the Blitz, and allows him to sound grandiose while doing precisely nothing.
Caroline Flint MP like many others doesn’t understand the internet age.
In the Times “Social media is a refuge for bullies, Twitter and Facebook should know the true identity of their users”
The difference today is that a gay personin Iran can be free in Facebook, corrupt politicians can easily be denounced without fear if retribution
Yes the negative is that 100 loonies can write rape threats.
But if one actually raped child is able thru social media to expose her abuser, then the anonymity is worth it.
Online – there are words
Offline – there are kicks, punches, knives and rapes
Devote resources to policing the real world.
“without fear of retribution”
I do not think you can rely on that at all. Facebook, Twitter et al, will do whatever the Government/Police/Lefty organisation want.
Witherspoon’s profits up 16%
… Good on them for being on the side of the public.
.. Unlike the remainiac businesses undermining democracy.
To protest that supermarkets don’t have VAT on food , but pubs do

“Wetherspoon’s pubs in England, Wales and Northern Ireland will be cutting the price of all food and drink by 7.5 per cent on Wednesday 20 September”
(Alcohol prices not reduced in Scotland as that’s against Scots law )
I wonder how long before Christians are stoned trying to enter Westminster Abbey or St Pauls.
See London before it is an Islamic zone.
Fate of St Denis.
The Basilica of Saint Denis (Basilique Saint-Denis) is an important Catholic basilica located in Saint Denis, a northern suburb of Paris.
Saint-Denis is notable for its Gothic architecture and for being the burial site of French monarchs, which makes it comparable to Westminster Abbey in England.
The building is of unique importance historically and architecturally as its choir, completed in 1144, shows the first use of all of the elements of Gothic architecture.
St Denis is now a Muslim zone.
Not strictly an example of BBC bias, but this is what it has contributed to
G.W.F. – Thanks for posting that.
Good to see Jane Austen on the new ten pound note; the Beeb were all over this story as a triumph for feminism. Shame the next day someone from another ‘oppressed’ group tried to nail bomb a load of women and children.
Ah, the joys of cultural Marxism.
Doesn’t the term ‘abbey’ exclude the non religious and false religions like Islam ? Why not Westminster mosque or Westminster community centre? ( I’m in that kind of mood )
Disclosure – being a Roman Catholic along the lines of JRM – I wonder when the c of e would be good enough to give us our Abbey back please? ( emoji joke)
F2: Be grateful that the CofE will not give any of your cathedrals back. They cost a fortune to maintain and cannot legally be demolished and replaced by smaller, cheaper buildings in keeping with the size of 21st century congregations.
A paper by the Bruges Group from a few years ago showed that the direct contribution to the EU , [ the £350 Million less rebate per week ] , was only part of the money we paid them .
With the indirect payments , [ percentages of VAT , fuel duty , import duties plus other hidden costs to UK industies ],
the total amount we were having to pay was far higher than the much denied £ 350 Million per week .
Click to access CostOfTheEU2008.pdf
Never mind the truth, what we must avoid is inciting islamophobia. Presumably the victims of this and every previous (and future) attack are just collateral damage – acceptable as long as islamophobia is kept down.
I think that you have nailed it. The government, BBC, Labour, Lib Dems, police ( at least the higher ranks) judiciary and the rest of the liberal elite all take the view that you Outline above . They are prepared to accept many hundreds , perhaps a few thousand, dead and many thousand injured , spread out of course over a number of years, and want the rest of us to do the same. Of course most of the elite will never be exposed to the danger they expect the rest of us to bear with quiet fortitude whils holding hands and singing in candle light.
What astonishes me is where do they expect this policy of abandoning the British people to end? It seems that Islam is unlikely to be tamed or to adopt British values. So the longer these pathetics liberal leftists appease it the stronger it will grow until eventually it takes over. So either they are incredibly stupid , which is unlikely , or they have done a calculation that shows that Islam is bound to triumph in the end and their job is to keep us quiet for as long as possible. A bit like those Jews who ran the ghettos for the Nazis whilst knowing the terrible fate which awaited those that they were in charge of but chose never to tell them.
And it was the same result for the KAPO’S as well. What anybody will do to stay alive.
If you can ever get a copy of the 1960 film KAPO with Susan Strasberg, this I believe gives a
very fair reflection.
I had to listen a few times to the ex head of counter terrorism – since when was the truth twisted so randomly. It’s not Islamist…but probably Salafist
“Salafism is an ultra-conservative reform branch or movement within Sunni Islam that developed in Arabia in the first half of the 18th century It advocated a return to the traditions of the “forefathers'” (the salaf).” Courtesy of Wiki
Since over 90% of UK Muslims (according to the recent survey promoted by the BBC) are Sunni, it would seem right to call it Islamic no matter how you cut the cake?
I despair….
Just more lies from the authorities and BBC to keep us calm. Saying perpetrators had mental issues or changing their name are now time expired excuses, so they will start trying to blame other non Muslim groups . Just wait for the hints to start in the Guardian or BBC and police statements.
Do not despair, just keep on responding with our truths to their lies.
Paying piper and calling the tune comes to mind. James
I watched helplessly while one of a pair of islamic religious police (mutaween) ripped a small crucifix off an American’s neck in a Panda Store in Saudi Arabia. He was with his wife and small child, just shopping. The small crucifix was thrown on the floor and ground into same floor with the foot of the religious policeman. One of many instances I recall when living and working at the centre of the islamic cult. I was reminded of that instance while reading:
We used to call that sort of behaviour, Assault in the UK. I suspect the Politically Correct thought Police now turn a blind eye.
Coming to a town or city near you soon. Rest assured. The British public have no idea what’s coming down the tracks at full speed toward them………..
Putting things under feet/shoes bears a very strong & definite meaning in The Middle East.
We don’t speak the same language. It’s an insult in the strongest terms .
To be underfoot is considered to be utterly subject, defeated.
Yup Lucy, seen to full effect when the Iraqi crowd started throwing their sandals at statues of Saddam.
Not only have they no idea, but they really don’t give a shit, either. The country, like the rest of the western world is absolutely fucked. And it’s our own stupid fault.
Don’t go to Muslim countries for holidays then.
I’m sure at least some here will have seen this. From Barenakedislam yesterday. It’s spot on.
Lucy Pevensey
So accurate, but this confirms my belief that Government is behind the BBC and other media response to attacks.
I wouldn’t put it past the liberal left ( which include the present government) to be running false flag operations.
Add “ensure the photo is of an emaciated child with a tear-stained, unwashed, face”.
Very good, except that it leaves out the bit about the PM or some top brass announcing a clampdown on ‘internet hate crime’ or ‘online extremism’ etc.
I accidentally came across this on You Tube, and I thought it was worth sharing.
I don’t share the man’s politics, but all due credit to him on this issue…
Well I have seldom seen eye to with Dennis but I am pleased that we agree on this.
His constituency is next to my home area. Like Lobster, I disagree with his policies, but, he has been consistent on his anti-EU stance and his pro-democratic reasons.
To Amber Rudd (Sky)
” Um, we’ve all seen the pictures of the device on the train; from what you know and have been told, was this device designed to maim and kill ? ”
What DO THEY teach them at Journalist school ??? and all credit to Amber Rudd for keeping a straight face.
Have they asked Cat Stevens for his view?
Yes, they asked if his cat’s name was Steven.
Brissles, I suspect Media Studies degrees have taken over from ‘journalist school’. ‘Name five TV soaps since 1974’ was a question in a final exam, I’ve been told. It’s great to know that an expensive three-year course qualifies you to win all pub quizzes and Trivial Pursuit games, isn’t it?
I took a short course in journalism course forty years ago. A merciless tutor hurled our work back to be rewritten if we’d so much as missed a comma, let alone produced the cliches, euphemisms, slang, political bias and inaccuracy we see today. Mind you, I am getting a feel for the true meanings of journalistic language. For example:
‘A community devasted and in shock’ = ‘Some are a bit pissed off and inconvenienced round here.’
‘A divisive figure’ = ‘We in the newsroom think he’s a fascist pig.’
‘A huge left-wing demonstration went off peacefully’ = ‘We cropped the photo, so you didn’t see there were 350 people, and half of them had machetes and black masks.’
Well, I’m sure you all have your favourites!
“Community” – a group of local people we approve of.
“Residents” – a group of local people we don’t approve of.
“Tension” – violence caused by people we approve of, probably living in a “community”.
“The far right” – silly people who ask really really difficult questions.
“Riot” – violence we can blame on people we don’t approve of – the police, whites, the “far right” etc.
“Impatience” – shouty members of the “community” on the verge of causing “tension”.
“Culture” – the antisocial habits of people we approve of, see “community” above.
“British Culture” – sorry ?
Helena …………….. short course in journalism course forty years ago. A merciless tutor hurled our work back to be rewritten if we’d so much as missed a comma, let alone produced the cliches, euphemisms, slang, political bias and inaccuracy we see today. …
Well said ! Similar thing with me – learnt typing at school but had to attend night school for ‘shorthand’ – anyone remember that ???? how many journalists use it – or have even heard of it. With the advent of iPhones with voice recorders its another skill that isn’t necessary anymore, BUT very useful when batteries run out !
A bucket is just a sub calibre barrel, surely?
Going ‘just a bucket’ route seems…. quaint… given how excited the media get about barrels elsewhere.
“XXX sparked outrage.”
Coming closer and closer and closer…………..
With the 35,000 known jihadists in the UK, by my reckoning, they could string thin wire, at the right height, along most of our dedicated cycle routes. Now there’s an idea which probably occurs to some people. I wonder who……………
“”Foster couple’s home in Surrey raided by terror police””
“”The elderly pair won awards for their work with child refugees, it has emerged, as police continue to investigate the Tube attack.””
BBC have not mentioned this so far.
Dover Sentry
It has just come up on BBC
‘The couple are known for fostering many children and young people over several decades.
In 2010 they were rewarded for their work by being made MBEs by the Queen at Buckingham Palace.
Speaking to the BBC after being told of the award, Mrs Jones said: “Helping other people is rewarding, and I treat them how I would like to be treated if I was in that situation.”
Raided after taking in migrants.
Now you see why Bob Geldof , JK Rowling and Lily Allen have held back
In the same report carefully avoiding the M word amber Amber Rudd tells how we can learn from these sorts of incidents… make it difficult for people to put together a bomb from this material.
She means a Lidl’s bag for life. Geddit. A bomb in a bag for life.
Yvette is still decorating her spare room, though.
When not issuing vacuous statements about how Tony Blair is her first love.
GW: Shouldn’t that last line read “Mrs. Balls”?
We can expect a full campaign of dissembling and disinformation from the BBC over the coming days as it becomes increasingly clear that the bomber was a ‘juvenile’ refugee. In other words, precisely what ISIS promised us and what Nigel Farage, among others, warned about. Already the BBC is restricting information relating to the attack.
We can also expect yet more fake outrage as it becomes clear that Pres Trump was quite right when he tweeted that the perpetrator was on the police’s radar – this much seems certain judging from a neighbour’s comments reported by the Sun. Had the UK been warned about this individual by the NSA?
Let’s hope Trump reveals all because we can be certain that Amber Rudd and the BBC won’t if they can possibly avoid it. Once again the British establishment conspires against Britons.
Reposted in your name on GoingPostal – hope you don’t mind…
I’m flattered, Old Goat. GP is a great blog. I don’t have time to contribute but I do read it.
Reluctantly, I am showing my ignorance.
I have never heard of GoingPostal before.
I shall, of course find out for myself.
Any more tips you, or any other contributor, can suggest for worthwhile reading material, would be most welcome.
So when Treezer goes the BBC Asian Network ‘not helpful’ route. And the BBC suddenly get four square behind a Tory PM briefly, it becomes pretty clear who really isn’t happy and why.
‘Elmbridge CAN meets foster carer, Penny Jones MBE’
‘Elmbridge CAN is a community group, based in Elmbridge, Surrey, UK. We aim to build a culture of welcome to refugees within the local community, and work to achieve the settlement of more refugees in the Borough of Elmbridge.
Elmbridge CAN is a member of the City of Sanctuary Movement.’
‘Wherever refugees go, we want them to feel safe and find people who will welcome them.’
“Elmbridge CAN community group”
These people are morally deficient. They have no right to put their whole community in danger.
Didn’t a well to do lady living in the leafy lanes of Surrey foster a man-child when the first wave came over ? after being fed, watered and a place found at an education facility, he fleeced her and legged it . I’d rather walk over hot coals thank you very much.
Jean Valjean?
The DM is stating that the poor 18 year old refugee (Lilly allan where are you now?) who was arrested at Dover trying to leave the country had been arrested at Parson Green and then released by the MET.
UK: London failed bombing: 18 year refugee arrested at port trying to leave country.
I wonder if this poor “18 year old” refugee is one of the bearded “child refugees” the libtards were so eager to help not so long ago!
well he’ll definitely be getting a shave now
It would be interesting if one could time travel a few folks from around 1950. Show them 21st Century Britain and then listen to the bbc Lefty justifications.
I came across this essay written in 1979, by someone who had been a fervent socialist and then, after a spell seeing it close up in Moscow, realised the inevitable disaster it produces. The sentiments still hold today:
I laugh at it all now, but at the time you can imagine what a shock it was to someone like myself, who had been brought up to regard liberal intellectuals as the samurai, the absolute elite, of the human race, to find that they could be taken in by deceptions which a half-witted boy would see through in an instant. I never got over that; it always remained in my mind as something that could never be erased. I could never henceforth regard the intelligentsia as other than credulous fools who nonetheless became the media's prophetic voices, their heirs and successors remaining so still.
The author was Malcolm Muggeridge, and the full essay, titled The Great Liberal Death Wish, and well worth reading, is online at
Thanks Rick.
My afternoon reading for later.
I think of all those Christian titans and apologists who quietly walked off the public stage and media platforms back in the 70s, only to die unremarked and unlamented.
Or mocked as old fuddy-duddies. To my mind, it started with C.S Lewis-and died with Mary Woodhouse.
Having watched the MSM coverage of the latest “incident ” I feel like Bill Murray.
Let’s put Mohammed Bucket Boy in Brixton so a few of the lads can kick the shit out of him
Think maybe Burma was trying to get ahead of the curve and who can blame them?
At least bucket boy was concerned about the environment and used a Lidls plastic bag for life as endorsed by the EU
I suspect that his type are in the majority in the prisons.
Really I don’t – they get off with everything – you could kill kids with a nail bomb and be let off and given a new T.V if your name is Mohammed
He might bump into a few bacon throwers and hijab tuggers who could give him a hard time in the showers.
I notice/feel a sea change going on at the moment. None of us gives a fk about Mohammed and his van , knife or bomb in a bucket anymore – bring it on we’ll kick the crap out of you. What I notice is everyone is going who the fk thinks it a good idea to have these welfare leaching good for nothing pieces of shit in our Country ? – we are looking at you MP’s and little Sadiq we have all had enough – try inviting us to another candlelit vigil or wear a towel on your head concert
Fine line between, taking pride in our tolerance and being, plain fuckin’ stupid.
it’s been crossed
This line being in the sand, and/or red, Obama styly?
Quotes from today re Tube Bombing:
“”Deputy Assistant Commissioner Basu (a muslim and head of Scotland Yard’s Counter Terrorist Branch) said the police were “incredibly grateful’ no one was killed”.””
“I (Khan, the muslim Mayor of London) am ‘incredibly grateful’ to the police and intelligence services for doing everything possible to keep Londoners safe.”
Is ‘incredibly grateful’ the ‘new speak’ for muslims in authority?
Why do we have muslim as our head of Scotland Yard’s Counter Terrorist Branch FFS?
That’s like having a muslim in charge of making sure our schoolgirls are all safe.
they are ‘incredibly grateful’ for the MSM running interference for them and are ‘incredibly grateful’ 48% of the british public are so fucking stupid that candle sales are the biggest growth area in the country rather than rope!
…Why do we have muslim as our head of Scotland Yard’s Counter Terrorist Branch FFS?…….
I rather suspect that not many people know this ! I certainly didn’t !
But I doubt that you were surprised. Doubtless (s)he has been fast-tracked to that post. Does anyone else remember the Peter Principle?
“We dodged a bullet” likely deemed inappropriate at such a time.
Thoughts and prayers. Peace and love. Out.
I’ve been dipping into the news throughout the day, trying to get any info about the bucket attack at Parsons Green.
I’ve seen Theresa Maybe dithering, then Amanda Rudd blathering and last and probably least, the hapless and hopeless Cressida Dick waffling. My God what a motley, uninspiring, politically correct trio.
Blimey, old Cressida, in that bloody silly hat looks like Stan Laurel in drag. For the love of God is this really the best we can muster? I wouldn’t trust these three to run a village fete, let alone keep our people safe.
I don’t mean to be miserable or defeatist, but our political elite are completely inadequate. This is going to get a whole lot worse before it gets any better. We need a Churchill and we’ve got the three stooges.
Better stock up on candles…
good post Jeff
This is a most important point. They are inadequate and I suspect they know it. Interestingly the Chinese who have no time for our version of democracy do not tolerate incompetent leaders.
One of the gripes the ineffectual elite has with President Trump is that he is competent and does not hesitate to hire and fire .
Great post Jeff,
Yes, what a bunch.
In addition to what you say about Cressida Dick, Assistant Commissioner Mark Rowley always reminds me of Cowboy, the bespectacled and ineffectual NCO in the film Full Metal Jacket.
Assistant Commissioner Mark Rowley
He reminds me of Anton Lesser – who plays the Chief Super in Endeavour.
Except I think you are perhaps a bit too optimistic!
‘This is going to get a whole lot worse before it gets any better’ , if it get better
I suspect those three especially have long had all the candles they need.
All they appear to lack is marbles.
This is old but still pure gold. Milo being interviewed by the BBC.
Yes great. Milo has been down, but he is now bouncing back. We need him
Jean Valjean?
“Met Commissioner Cressida Dick: ‘London is carrying on”
It sounds like there may be a new ‘Carry On’ film coming out. Carry on Constable 2 ?
I believe they’ve already done Carry On Dick.
Since the days of Kenneth Williams and Terry Scott, the baddies have all come over the Khyber. What a carry on.
Dick moves are simply part and parcel of dodging shrapnel in Sadiq’s big city.
What is London expected to do other than ‘carry on’?
Did they expect everyone to leave.
Everyone to hide indoors forever.
People will ‘carry on’ because that’s what people do.
It’s nothing to do with some kind of blitz spirit.
Dick is aptly named.
Carry On Over the Dead and Mutilated Bodies. Should be a scream.
The German schoolboy jailed for writing to the BBC
I doubt the irony begins to occur to the BBC. It becomes more like the GDR in this country daily. A country in which you’ll be jailed and quite possibly murdered for putting bacon in the wrong place.
The BBC seems somewhat of a poisoned chalice when it comes to coverage, and promotion.
This poor lad, Malala….
Exactly the same thought struck me Roland!
Do they not see the hypocrisy, or are they actually rather more cynical and sinister, knowing perfectly well what they are doing? My feeling is the idiot followers are the first, but the exploitative leaders are the second.
Seems the BBC is now in the business of issuing ultimatums.
Maybe they will send some of the lads from capita round?
The BBC’s former most favoured victim (and soon former Laureate?) is discovering what happens when she comes up against the highest ranked victim group.
Identity politics Top Trumps is a fascinating game……..
You remember how Basil Fawlty when caught in some embarrassing mistake or misdemeanour would desperately attempt to conjour a distraction with the sudden cry “Oh my God, look over there!”
On the verge of the likely revelation of a recent so-called refugee who has turned out to be a murderous terrorist the liberal elite of Police Politicians and National Broadcasters are indeed now doing the full Basil Fawlty act.
The Newspaper Review is a dodgy moment where unapproved thoughts might be expressed on the BBC. No matter, BBC Breakfast welcomes in left-leaning BBC house poet and professional northerner Ian McMillan to reliably cover the train bombing, arrest of the 18-year-old and police swoop on the refugee house – but to use his supposed literary wit to distract us. The ‘banality’ of this terrorist act is our Ian’s theme.
By the way, the dictionary meaning of banal : ‘so lacking in originality as to be obvious and boring’
Reminds one of our London Mayor Sadiq Khan’s quip about terrorism being just something to put up with, the inevitable consequence of living in a big city.
Our liberal licence-funded laureate is soon moving on to happier themes about Boris Johnson and telling us how he likes to visualise Tory Party splits as arguments between different pieces of a household cruet set. Oh how the BBC presenters happily laughed along with him. Like Spurs supporters lauding Harry Kane “He’s one of our own”. No mention of Labour Party splits from our Ian.
BBC Front Page news reports that a foster couples home has been searched by armed police in Surrey in connection with the Parsons Green bombing.
On the same page are the newspaper reviews – most of the front pages declare in bold letters that the couples house who was searched fostered…’REFUGEES’.
it is reported that the man arrested at Dover was 21.
The BBC are not asking the questions that the newspapers are, such as
1. Was the man arrested in connection with the bombing a ‘refugee’
I accept that we don’t know many facts yet but the questions are fair considering the situation the UK finds itself in. The BBC often offers speculations about all manner of subjects but as usual is turning a blind eye to stories like this.
If the ‘bombing’ had nothing to do with Muslims or Islam a couple of more questions are begged.
Is the suspect a Muslim?
If this bombing had nothing to do with Islam, then why does Islamic State claim that it was one of their terror cells carried out Parsons Green tube bombing?
Breaking news, second man (21) arrested
More information coming in…
If this refugee says he was 18, 21 would be at the low end of his likely age.
Poetic justice rarely comes to visit but when it does, it does with impact.
The couple who took in the 18 year old child migrant (no doubt) both received an MBE for their services to children. Apparently, they have fostered “hundreds” of children but only recently turned to child migrants and refugees. Fact is, they took an active role in rearing the most recent terrorist we know about. Do I hear calls to “strip” them of their MBE’s? No don’t be daft, any do-gooder who supports a muslim terrorist is automatically given a ‘get-out-of-jail-free’ card. They were probably filmed at some stage within a group of others waving a placard: “We Want More Refugees”. Conversely, the 18 year old muslim now under arrest no doubt used the fosterers by exercising the other thing they are good at: lying i.e. takiyya. These are parasites who use the good will of the, essentially de facto, Christian people of this country to further the insatiable desire enshrined in the Quaran, to kill or maim others that dont follow their twisted cult.
Perhaps the couple will now think twice before taking in a child migrant, but I doubt it as they are normally equally as blind as the terrorist is.
There are many of these folk who Foster “kids” particularly when they do so for large numbers of them and have done it over a long period of time; do this because it is highly remunerative. I would think that said remuneration will be even higher when those being Fostered are “asylum seekers” or “refugees”.
There are some of them who are useful idiots or who see it as their “Christian” duty to help demographically suicide their own country and there are some who are just greedy b@st@rds, who don’t give a f**k as long as they are making money.
I haven’t been able to determine yet whether these folk in Surrey fall within any of the categories above or are simple misguided good eggs.
On bBBC breakfast news snowflake TV this morning, a feature about a (nother) benefit concert tonight for the Grenfell Tower residents.
Have not millions already been raised already?
How much more do the residents need?
And why the continuing virtue-signalling?
I suppose its the bandwagon effect. Many other worthy causes exist but don’t get the left wing kudos of being able to attack the government along the way.
PS According to the bBBC report 86 families have agreed to go to the concert arranged for their benefit. Which means a sizeable proportion have not. Yep, they are not attending a free concert arranged for their very own benefit. Perhaps the invitation was not in the correct languages. Or maybe they are at work tonight.
Or maybe they don’t want to admit officially that they were sub-tenants?
I don’t wish to take anything away from the plight of the G/Residents, but I remember an age (not that long ago) when victims of tragedies had to ‘just to get on with it’. Its called ‘life’. There were no fund raising events or concerts for the parents of Aberfan, the families of Lockerbie, or the many coal mining tragedies where miners were trapped and killed after a pit cave-in. My Dad and both grandfathers suffered injury and life-long breathing problems after a lifetime of underground working, and remember the stories of them pulling dead colleagues out of collapsed mine shafts. No therapy for them, or raised funds for their families.
Yeah, I know, its a different time now, and ironically am just listening where kids at school are to be given lessons on how to cope with trauma when they deal with life after school.
Near future news? The accused came to Britain as a small child and was a British citizen… He converted to Islam… He was home grown… Neighbours said he was a nice, polite boy and they are shocked… Teachers has no idea… He was vulnerable… Experienced casual racism… He became radicalised due to Britain’s foreign policy… The security services once had him on their radar but had insufficient resources to investigate… drone… zzz… zzz….
Letter in today’s ST rebutting MSM views on climate change with reference to clean cars. So many of these tree huggers either forgot what they learnt at school or choose to conveniently ignore it. Newton’s third law “For every action there is an equal and opposite reaction “.
I read in the Times that in the socialist nirvana of Venezuela, bank withdrawals are now limited to the equivalent of 31p a day, and this only after queuing for hours.
Hardly enough to buy a roll of toilet paper. Not that you can, as it is unavailable in some areas.
Personally, I blame the situation on Trump and Brexit, so I am very surprised the bBBC have not been reporting on the situation over there. Perhaps a benefit concert or two could be arranged?
A propos of nothing, should we be reporting a hate crime?
We are supposed to be a democracy but we have learned more from a foreign government via one tweet than we got out of our government about the Parsons Green bomber. The persistent reluctance to release information on spurious national security grounds is an insult to us. As are the usual attempts to placate us by referring to cobra meetings etc. The MSM just play along with this macabre game. Surely all this cannot wash for much longer. This isn’t terrorism that we grew up with such as Palestinian or Irish. The Muslim attack on us is entirely different, in many crucial ways. The major difference is that the millions of Muslims in our country makes it impossible to eradicate or combat Muslim violence via policing and intelligence methods. The violence is spinning out of control . Sooner or later the government needs to come clean and stop the platitudes.
Moreover we must stop making things worse by not referring to the words Muslim and Islam in relation to this violence. We must also stop aggravating the problem by letting in more Muslims . The so called ‘child’ refugees whom Cameron finally let in against his better judgement are a case in point. Sooner or later one was bound to attack us.
Bang on England. I wonder if any of our cabinet said any of your points in the latest Cobra get together. It really isn’t as difficult as they would have us believe. Spoke to a German chap on Friday and he said public opinion is swaying with more and more speaking out. Interesting to see what the upcoming election brings.
Thanks . Sometimes I can’t believe that the media react to Muslim violence so formulaically and that we don’t seem to produce a single politician of substance to say career be damned and to lead the resistance . In the 1930s, they had Churchill. We have no-one.
Did anyone see the camouflage, dissembling and downright deceit on the Marr show? Our latest terrorist “incident” was placed safely on the back burner. The chattering classes are much more animated about what Boris wrote and what Trump tweeted.
Slimy John Sopel slithered onto the sofa and sat there like a self satisfied slug, oozing anti Trump vitriol.
At least, and at last, it has been confirmed that the “Bucket Bomber” was a refugee. I’d love to see one or two of those “gimps” who stand there with “REFUGEES WELCOME!” placards interviewed. But no…
And then we had Amber Rudd, our Home Secretary; clearly brought in to give Boris a slap and ticked off by Marr for trying to keep another raghead out of our country. She sat there, as stiff as starch, like a rather tetchy librarian, who was a tad miffed that my Agatha Christie was overdue.
Our daughters are raped. We’ve had kids blown to smithereens while enjoying a pop concert. Policemen and tourists murdered. And can you honestly say you feel safe when you get on a train / bus / tube these days?
If you’re not a Londoner you’d be amazed at what most of our bridges resemble these days. Great chunks of concrete strategically placed to dissuade ROPers from a bit of pedestrian culling.
There’s a lovely Regency street, just off St James’s Park, with a beautiful wrought iron gate, now smothered in hideous blocks.
I don’t think anyone could deny that our ghastly politicians have brought us the “rivers of blood” so eloquently prophesised back in the 1960s. “We must be mad, stark raving mad.”
I believe the chap that said this was at one time a leading politician.
Now, what was his name?
If you consider the EU as an invasive force which we pay to destroy us, and compare it to paying jihadist welfare payments to destroy us or letting Saudi’s finance our country to destroy us.
It would seem we’ve mixed trade with ideology to our own detriment.
Excellent post Jeff. But so depressing ! Where are our leaders?
The BBC’s attacks on our greatest ally’s president, led by John (another beauty) Sopel, are relentless. If Trump discovered a cure for diabetes, the BBC headline would be ‘Trump FAILS to Find Altzheimer’s Cure’
I watched Marr and said to my Mrs, “the BBC are using Trump and Boris as scapegoats and distractions from the latest Islam terrorist incident”.
Now we’re treated to the usual platitudes, that we won’t give in to fear, hate, or be divided, and that we’ll carry on as normal.
But perhaps a bit of fear and hate of our enemies might be just what we need. And we should NOT carry on as normal. Normal is what got us into this mess.