The BBC have made no effort at all to analyse the situation in Myanmar. The Buddhist majority have simply had enough of Islamic ‘militants’ murderous activities and have fought back. Good for them. The BBC’s sympathy and support for the muslim Rohingya is, of course, entirely predictable. It is an almost reflex reaction.
What I find unforgivable is that they have quite unjustifiably turned on one of the bravest women in history.
You want to be careful. That sort of talk will get you a visit from Plod who will have to divert to you resources they might otherwise direct to solving crime.
I’ve just torn myself away from ‘Sunday Politics’ for a few moments to swirl and squeeze the teabag. I will henceforth always remember the panel. First sight with the new Sarah Smith? Glum just about sums it up. Could it be because the said Sarah Smith is clothed in red presumably in sympathy with the first day of the Labour Party Conference?
What else would be expect from one of John Smiths daughters?
Wonder if Jonathan Aitkens if Chris Pattens girls are similarly favoured by the liberal media?
Or are they given the Carol Thatcher blackspot these days?
Basically, the media are simply Blairs government in exile.
Or maybe they choose other names to go by like Toynbees and Harmans-God knows what wormwood is already at work by employing these types by stealth all over the media.
They despise us. They despise our way of life.
Why do they keep coming?
Can I just turn up somewhere and be welcomed, get loads of free stuff and preferential treatment?
And would that country supress, under legal sanction, any reaction to such by the populous?
And could I set about building a sub culture while preaching subversion and plotting terror?
Of course not. So how come they can?
“The BBC understands that Boris Johnson is not to lose his job after writing on Brexit in yesterdays Telegraph”.
Something akin to this was second in the BBC news headlines at 8am this morning on Radio 4. Is there anybody but us chickens who are monitoring what the BBC are doing here? Utterly disgusting.
Meanwhile “BBC sources sure as hell aren`t going to be asking why George Osborne remains in any job in public life,afer hoping that Terehesa May will end up in his freezer,chopped up into small pieces”.
No-the BBC approve of that. Bastards!
“The BBC understands” is simply a euphemism used by the BBC, meaning “We have made this up…”. Ditto, “The BBC has learned” and “A source who does not wish to be identified”.
Reckon you`ve got a Thesaurus here…”what they say”as opposed to “what we know”.
“The BBC understands”…no translation needed,an oxymoron in itself.!
In fact, the more they bed in with Grenfell, Hillsborough, Rohingya, Trump and Boris….the less we need to listen, the more urgent the need to cut the cashflow and kill them off.
As said elsewhere…the BBC chooses Stephen Lawrence and Jo Cox, Leveson and Hillsborough over Kriss Donald and Gary Newlove, Benghazi and Mid-Staffs or Bradford fire.
Choose your own lies and bias-only wish I could charge vast salaries in tax shelters at your expense to do it.
Second suspect in custody. Aw shucks, there goes the lone wolf theory.
Our esteemed leaders babble and burble things, it is quite apparent they don’t believe, yet they expect that we should.
Britain’s Five Point Plan To Defeat Radical Islamic Terror:-
1) It’s fine, keep calm, don’t panic.
2) What Problem?
3) You’re a Racist.
4) Shut Up.
5) You’re Under Arrest.
“there goes the lone wolf theory.”
Hardly. He could be a member of a group of Lone Wolves, maybe several thousand strong. Remember… 2 + 2 = 5, as Orwell pointed out (sort of pre-dating Abbott-style mathematics, if you think about it).
Last June, two women were murdered by lone wolf psychopaths.
One was Jo Cox. the other was Ellen Higginbottom. Both happened up north ,one on each side of the Pennines.
One death suits the BBC and its media camp followers-the other is not even worthy of mention, just a price paid for care in the community being another phrase for doing f***all.
Jos death was meant to get us to stay in the EU, perfect timing. The other?…well…meh!
When are we going to deal with this perpetual evil at the BBC?
Poor Ellen Higginbottom and her family.
If only she`d pimped off the public purse as an arts director like Peter Hall eh?…the BBC might then care, but doubt it.
The existential problem which faces our country isn’t addressed by any major political party. The problem being that Britons will become a minority within their own country in fifty to sixty years time and that this will happen even if ALL immigration were ended immediately, due to the far, far higher birthrates of immigrants and their offspring than the British.
This will demographic change will lead to increasing “White flight” from our cities and large towns; increased crime; terrorism; corruption and a general lowering of the quality of life for the majority of Britons.
The composition of and support for political parties will alter along ethnic lines and so will the composition of Parliament to reflect the demographic change. The canary in the coal mine for this is London and other cities are following on hard on its heels.
There are no mainstream politicians, including N.F., who ever mention this and any political party which does and begins to gather momentum such as the B.N.P. is crushed and a “softer” alternative on the Right is promoted i.e. UKIP.
I don’t know what the future holds for the generations of my grandchildren or great-grand children but if no-one in power has the will and the guts to do something about it, then they will curse us for what they will come to face: being a despised minority in their own homeland.
Most people with any sense knows what needs to happen, yet it is NEVER mentioned by our politicians or the MSM. I have come to view the entire: Brexit; Remainer; Leaver; Brexiteer; Remoaner etc etc as a complete irrelevance. It doesn’t matter a damn, it won’t alter a thing whether we are in the EU or out; the demographic course on which our country is set will not be changed by our membership or otherwise of the EU; NATO; UN or anything else.
“The canary in the coal mine for this is London and other cities are following on hard on its heels.”
Sorry, I’m not looking for a fight, but I have to laugh at this.
Did you know that Bradford had a Muslim mayor in 1985? Those who express concern and anger about what is happening now should have been paying attention 30 years ago. Did they seriously believe that this was a one-off? A recent survey of 1,100 pregnant women in Bradford revealed that 70 per cent have husbands who are first cousins.
It isn’t just the BBC that ignores events outside London.
Good point Clare.
Well remember spitting venom at Ray Honeyford as an NUT rep in Haringey in the mid 80s.
Also remember our bile being saluted high and low by the likes of Eric Pickles and the tasteful broadsheets. Great day when he hounded him out and hung him out to dry-Lord alone knows what business it was of me and my kind in Outer London, but hey-the Lefties domain is the world is it not?
The likes fo Pickles have learned nothing, and Rushdie squashed any pretence that Islam could be corraled or tamed…and we live with all the consequences.
Ray Honeyford deserves a statue, and we should hang lefties who still reckon he was wrong upon it.
I myself left unions and London soon after-and apologise profusely for being such a tool back then-but where was the likes of Scruton or CS Lewis, Solzhenitsysn and Bernard Lewis?…banned or on the margins, prison or dead and defeated?
Our kids need to know all this…hoping that I`m doing my bit these days.
He does. Shame it’s too late for an apology. And Eric Pickles deserves a kicking.
An another thing – it’s a bit rich for the imbecile who made that film in Scotland’s National Portrait gallery to refer to indigenous British people as “inbred”.
Not just a demographic timebomb but a genetic/medical one as well.
“Did you know Bradford had a Muslim mayor in 1985?”
He was the “Lord Mayor” of Bradford, an honorary position given to a councillor chosen by fellow councillors and not elected by those eligible residents within the area covered by the Bradford Metropolitan Council. If it was an elected position he would have lost, as outside Bradford and a few towns within the council area, such as Keighley, the electorate are overwhelmingly still British and that was the case even more so in 1985.
London is the bellwether because it is (effectively) a city state, its population dwarfs that of places like Bradford and it is the capital and the seat of power; what happens there emanates out into the rest of the country.
Your attempt to minimise the significance of this doesn’t convince. Bradford started to change noticeably in the 1960s, starting in Manningham and spreading outwards, and the fact remains, it saw fit to have a Muslim mayor in 1985 but hardly anybody outside drew any conclusions from this. As chrisH reminds us, Ray Honeyford identified important issues in The Salisbury Review in 1984 – probably read more widely in London than West Yorkshire. The problems he discussed are commonplace now. A “canary in a coal mine”, to use your analogy, is a warning. Bradford was a warning, well articulated by Honeyford, but nobody paid any attention.
Believe it or not, I am actually aware that London is bigger than Bradford. One essential difference is that Bradford is dominated by Pakistani Muslims whereas London’s immigrants are more diverse, less united, arguably more fractious (Sadiq Khan notwithstanding), less in evidence in the centre, and further diluted by a huge commuter and visitor influx that smaller places like Bradford do not have. In effect, its population is not confined to its electoral register. London has powerful interests that will protect its position to some extent, a further factor lacking in poorer places like Bradford. IMO, somewhere like Bradford or Oldham will crack before London does – that canary warning again. I have family there and they are worried.
Unfortunately, places like Bradford (and Rotherham, of course) have demonstrated that they are more than capable of creating problems of their own. Not everything “emanates” from London, seat of power or not.
I can’t quite see what this back and forth between us is about: that I think that London is the “canary” whereas in your opinion it’s Bradford. Is that it? A bit like a couple arguing whether it was the faulty dishwasher or tumble dryer which caused the fire as their house burns to the ground in front of them.
If so fine, I accept that’s your view but whether it is London which is the precursor of what the future will be or it’s Bradford, neither is going to prove to be a very pleasant place to live in half a century when the British are no longer the majority of the population.
Knowing Rotherham and surrounding areas extremely well, I can understand what Clare is getting at, but living within shouting distance of London, what Al says is also true, however its true that London being much larger, the early years of migrant influx wasn’t felt as great as in the north. I spent my school holidays in Rotherham from the early 1950’s onwards and the only black faces were the miners coming off shift work. Bradford was just starting to import labour for the mills, following in the steps of Wolverhampton. I had many friends who lived in London around this time, and the migrants mainly from the WI courtesy of the Windrush mainly billeted themselves around the Brixton area. As the migrant population increased areas like Hounslow and Southall were taken over by the Pakistani/Indian communities, Tower Hamlets saw a rise in Somalians etc, and all this contributed to the rise of the white flight out of the capital. Rotherham is now unrecognisable to the warm, homely, friendly and generous place I remember from my childhood in the 50’s and as a teenager in the 60’s, and it depresses me greatly. And wonder why migrants from Pakistan and Eastern Europe descended on the place in huge numbers as they clearly didn’t work down the mines !
I get the impression that you’re not really comfortable with people disagreeing with you.
Sooner or later things are going to kick off somewhere. I’m certain of it. It would be useful to know where this is most likely to be. In the UK, my bet is on a northern town or city – and a whole city centre, not just the equivalent of Tower Hamlets which, dare I say, wouldn’t matter that much in the scheme of things.
It’s really about the future, not the past Al Shubtill. Just assuming that it will be London, because that’s where everything happens first, is dangerous. Honeyford’s words are more relevant today than they ever were, but the issues were ignored. It shouldn’t happen again. Ignore “Londonistan” for a while and keep an eye on Bradford, Oldham etc. And Luton maybe, although I don’t know the place.
Luton is yet another place that has been ‘taken over’ by the Asian community, particularly an area called Bury Park, almost an overspill of Southall. Not that long ago Luton was famous for producing hats, a great nightclub called Caesars Palace, and an OK football team, but now its more famous for producing potential ‘cells’ of terrorists. Sadly there are not many places left in Britain that hasn’t been affected by migrants. South coast seaside resorts now accommodate thousands of Eastern Europeans, the mid-shires have refugee holding camps erected in the countryside, a lot of our coastline is fair game for any fearless migrant arriving on a Li-Lo, and we just roll over and have our tummy tickled. The whole situation is abhorrent.
In some perverse way, I almost wish there was a god-awful tragedy, where “we will not let them divide us” will not be enough to appease; in the meantime we just shrug our shoulders.
Was back in Luton a few weeks ago, back in Bury Park.
To see all the football fans and boys going down the left hand side of the road to the game at Kenilworth, and to see all the hijjabs and Muslim blokes in their jim jams on the right hand side heading up the road-well it would have made a great photo and told me all I need to know about the fundamental difference between white bloke culture and the coming Islamic surge.
Sure glad I left long ago.
“What’s the solution? If Muslim people are in the wrong and they are committing crimes… you know, no one is above the law.” – Stacey Dooley
“If the law of the land is Islamic, we will respect the law of the land. If it’s not Islamic (the law) then the law of the land, and those who make them, can go to hell quite honestly.” – Anjhem Chordary
“Oh my God!” – Stacey Dooley
“Because Allah says in the Koran Q33v1 ‘Fear Allah, and do not obey the disbelievers and the hypocrites. Is David Cameron a Muslim of a disbeliever? Guys?” – Anjhem Chordary
“Disbeliever!” – mumbles crowd of 5 other Muslims
“So you (a Muslim) can’t obey him. So he (David Cameron) can go to hell.” – Anjhem Chordary
I don`t need to look too deeply into the case of the Parsons Green bomber do I?
Do gooding liberals in a leafy suburb of London hope to get a few orphans from Syria, but end up with some “Shave The Children” spawn, probably at Roehampton Uni doing crap Chemistry(clearly). MBEs and the pick of the stories for Mumsnet or Womans Hour maybe?
And now our vulnerable and troubled young boy needs to head home for his teddy, only to be stopped in Dover.
How cruel-should we not be ashamed of ourselves?
My only point is this…when the BBC and Sadiq say that ” we must carry on as usual-and this we are doing” won`t apply to 100+ houses in the area that were evacuated, not to the immediate neighbours getting their houses searched and endless media crews and police closing stable doors with blue tape.
No-like taking shoes off and emptying our lifes posessions on any internal flights these days-no victory for Bin Laden there is there?
Get used to it then?…and why not?
Shorthand – not often you see that. I am a trained “hack”. That was in 1996, when I qualified, before the events we see now, the tragedies, began. At university, in the early 1990s, you could see the warped leftie indoctrination begin. That was just a normal degree, nothing vocational like a professional, respected, newspaper journalism course I did later. But even then, I remember the very day, the lecturer asking us what it meant to be British. One by one, around the assembled desks, the “workshop”, we had to speak our minds. Almost everyone, in 1991, spoke about things and achievements we believed the British represented. Good things, like freedom of speech, an open society, our history. It was my turn and I said the word “bravery”. The ponytailed lecturer ridiculed me. My words were based on the old family films I had watched as a boy, like Zulu, and the Dambusters, and the great, immeasurably modest Tommies who died on the Somme. You know, those wet Sundays, with the old tellies. I had a rude New Zealander have a go at me a few years ago, about the idea of “us” bringing them into the Great War. 18,000 dead compared to 800,000 British Tommies – that sort of knock became easy to do, and accepted, due to what had been taught in educational institutions, and a sense that the British were weak, arrogant, and cheap. Before that, in the early 1990s, before the leftie sickness we have today, no other student mocked my view or chuckled. Our view as young, open British citizens was normal and accepted. But even then I could see what was happening. In the SU bar were posters, asking, what is Islam? Then, for the lefties, just a sort of curious, exotic idea. A few years ago, I saw the low budget US film, with Robert Redford, called “Lions and Lambs”. A film from the superpower, which had not even had to bother mentioning us, a moving bit, with the lecturer Redford explaining how the German troops wrote poems about the “British Lions” in WW1. What a great country – a mix of education and the media dumbed it all down, or forgot it. In 1996, my reporter course – not at all the “meeja” you see today, sheer shorthand, media law, etc, tuition, politics was not part of the programme, in the sense that we or the lecturers did not push our political views. But I distinctly remember the first week. A female looker from Sunderland, dull teaching middle class family, as we introduced ourselves. Her boast, I am very, very left wing. This from a girl who came from an area, a big northern city, already seemed to trendily hate her country. She would later become a reporter. I live overseas now, but I watched the Brexit coverage from the same sort of local papers I worked on before I joined a national magazine company – where Paul Mason worked and walked on the same floor, and I spoke to from time to time. And you could see the massive, insidious middle class leftie propaganda agenda. Tragic; total and utter disregard for the local people who relied on those weekly rags. In southern England, where I had been a local reporter 20 years ago, were “cool” and qualified reporters, in secret, pushing not just their PC agendas, but those of their editors. Every story, just slightly, sort of hinted that the Brexit/Conservative man was a bit creepy, a bit dirty, or offensive. That was how these stories were written. But clever readers, in the comments section, sometimes pointed out, no, that was not what was said, or inferred. That the audience had not felt that way. The small comments, actually, but unseen maybe by 90% of the readers, actually balanced the story. Or actually made it a fact.
Seconded Lobster.
Great to hear from you Mr Tastic.
My thoughts are that -since Reagans era-there`s been a collective effort to take the citadels of what used to be the cultural commanded heights.
These days, it`ll be spinnaker towers and minarets, Emirates zip wires and Media City vanity builds…not that they`ll tell you they aren`t allowed into mosques…they`ll ask Faisal or Mishal for the voice of the Arab Mews.
We once had Thatcher and Reagan-we indulged Major and Bush Snr(both were catastrophic and long term dangers).
We then got Clinton and then Blair-and goodnight the gates of Vienna.
My only point here is that the independent minded, the reasoned and those with history, courage or conscience have long deserted public sector work and media, education or social policy.
Who of independent mind will do the States bidding on the national curriculum, child protection or European courts defiance?…all the elite now all share their Common Purpose agenda and Soros handbook.
Clearly there ARE good people keeping their counsel-but will lose their jobs if they defy the rush to hell we`re now on.
Who would now want to go into journalism, teaching or social services these days apart from the avenging angels of Alinsky or Gramsci? We once had Malcolm Muggeridge-now we get Jon Snow.
My guess is that some students went to Woodstock, others went to the moon. Some students found that being a student blowhard rebel got you a Bernstein and Woodward filming and a chance to laugh at the the thickies youd be paid to film risking their sorry lives…so you could hound Nixon and bitch on about wrongdoing from those you were permitted to embed with.
Today is the anniversary of the death of Spiro Agnew-that the American left so hated him, means he`s a hero.
“A spirit of national masochism prevails, which encourages an effete corps of impudent snobs to characterise themselves as intellectuals. They meddle in the university dormitories, but this criminal left belong in penitentiaries. It craves conflict and collision to tear democracy apart, but spouts cant about renewal and reform. None of this is for the Philosophy Departments, it ought to be for the Department of Justice”
I`ve conflated, but he`d be happy….RIP Spiro!
………….Seemingly not trained in the use of paragraphs……
I think its a ‘sign of the times’. Learning English at school before modernism took over, I was taught to indent the first line of a paragraph when writing a letter; to centre Yours faithfully/sincerely ; and NEVER start a sentence with BUT/BECAUSE/ or AND. It now appears the norm and would give my old English Language teachers a touch of the vapours. The rulebook has been thrown out of the window it seems.
I always cringe when hearing news presenters say “and now over to our Ireland / Poland / Denmark (etc etc) correspondent”. It wouldn’t be right to say “our Irish / Polish / Danish correspondent as it would indicate they are of that country. However, what’s wrong with saying ” and now over to our correspondent in Ireland / Poland / Denmark” ? it would be grammatically better and I wouldn’t get so irritated !!!
I pleaded with the local newspaper “The Harrow Times ” not to publish readers letters who told lies against the Jews living in the Jewish state. It had nothing to do with local issues that were relevant to local people. All this would do was incite hatred against Jews living in Harrow. My comments were ignored and the hateful letters continued on a regular basis. I was told I could write in and challenge it .
This was the same reply that the BBC gave me when I complained about the strong racist comments of listeners that Jimmy Young read out on his programme on Radio 2 years ago. What the editor of the newspaper and the BBC couldn’t grasp is that by publically broadcasting lies again and again they become acceptable. Refuting such lies doesn’t help as the hateful comments can be emphasised in the process. No amount of comments against them will put these comments back into the rubbish bin where they belong.
“Panorama wonders”?
Certainly wanders …if Juncker offers a buffet and some chandeliers, expect Mardell and Peston to grab Alans Big Plate and fill their turn ups on our tab.
And expect Marr to wave his disability blue badge for top parking rights.
Florence soon-oh how spiffing…and doubtless the decline of Trump when the Vermont leaf fall gets good.
Why do we pay?…remind me again.
It will of course be a hatchet job with I doubt little analysis of event’s leading to the position Germany finds itself in. I love the way the beeb feel they have the higher moral ground to be able to pin labels on people and organisations.
A ‘Must Miss’ note for your diary!
If and it’s a very big if, the Nazis ever do make a comeback – they may be the salvation of the Judeo Christian, white West or what may be left of them. What an appalling thought but if the Left Lib Islam lovers carry on – it just might happen and they will, cry as they might, have brought it all on themselves.
Ms Rudd: …”But as this unfolds and as we do our investigations, we will make sure we find out how he was radicalised if we can,” she said.
Erm, how about starting with that book, whatsitsname, oh yes: the koran.
I noticed that the usual ‘all and sundry’ were criticising the US president for claiming that the Parsons Green terrorist was ‘in the sights of Scotland yard’. Cue all sorts of faux outrage.
And guess what….. around 48 hours later we find out that the guy was actually arrested at the same Tube station a couple of weeks ago….. Cue all sorts of apologies, yeah ? ….. Nah – don’t be daft !
Jo Swinson, the liberals deputy chief, has, at the libdem conference, came out and criticised Trump calling him, a bully, a mysogynist and a racist.
If you were Trump, how would you feel about your ‘so called’ closest allies coming out with all this hate.
Obviously she also wants any visit by Trump to the UK cancelled.
I wonder if our politicians and gangs like the BBC realise how much damage they are doing to relations with a big powerful country, trying its best to help us in so many ways such as being at the front of the queue for trading, when they come out with all this hate speak towards America.
They don’t speak for me but them gobbing off to virtue signal and show off to other snowflakes how right on they are is doing real harm to relations with such a good friend.
I wouldn’t blame Trump if he simply washed his hands of us because of windbags such as Swinson.
I notice the BBC regularly, and without fail, pounces on apocalyptic ant-Brexit quotes from Mr Michael O’leary, chief exec of Ryanair…giving him plenty of airtime to vent his spleen against the majority of voters in the recent referendum on EU membership.
Today, we find that Ryanair are cancelling around 50 flights a day for the foreseeable future, with little or no notice as to which flights exactly the company will cancel, affecting around 300,000 to 400,000 passengers – many of whom appear today to be getting no help from Ryanair to resolve their travel problems…. and the BBC story on their web page doesn’t even mention Mr O’Leary – far less demand a statement from him.
Ah well, what else can you expect from our unbiased national broadcaster ?
G – I sincerely hope that was a tongue-in-cheek question. If you consider that a company which screws up to the extent that it winds up cancelling something approaching a half a million contracts, with little or no notice, is a well-run company….well, perhaps we may differ on that point.
I am pretty sure that those who are planning trips in the next few weeks, and may not know till the last second that their flight has been cancelled, might also take some issue with that perception. Of course, unlike Ryanair, they cannot just cancel their trip at the drop of a hat to make other plans without losing their airfares, because they have no idea what Ryanair is going to do, because Ryanair, having taken their money, refuses to give any reasonable notice of their flight being cancelled !
In addition – I wonder if Ryanair is still selling seats it may cancel at a whim over the next few weeks ?
Yup to one. A company managed this way is an irresponsible company and there is provision in the Companies Act (if registered in the UK) for the Directors to be held to account. If anyone chooses to use it.
Ryanair also fighting EU over jurisdiction over employee rights. Ryanair wants to apply Irish law to employees rather than EU law. But we must not leave …
I might be missing something in the reports here, but :
‘Speaking to the Andrew Marr Show earlier, Ms Rudd said there was “no evidence” to suggest so-called Islamic State were behind the attack.’
Is this correct? do they seriously expect people to believe that bs? In the same bBBC report it says that the elderly foster couple were quoted as ‘doing a job others wouldn’t do’ – well they weren’t doing it very well, however well-intentioned. Which bright spark thinks it’s a good idea to give young, fighting aged foreign men to a 71 yr old woman and 88 (!!!) yr old man. Could they physically withstand a bodily attack? Were they checked to see if they were suitable to be in such a position? Come on Panorama, lets have some questions asked. Won’t hold my breath.
‘Ms Rudd said there was “no evidence” to suggest so-called Islamic State were behind the attack.’
If bucket boy had escaped, off on the ferry from Dover never to be seen again, amber Amber could have maintained that argument.
It seems that someone has cocked it up and arrested bucket boy, not knowing that he was supposed to get away.
Every time this entitled nobody gets on the telly, i`m reminded that-contrary to her thinking-we did NOT vote for May or the likes of Rudd.( either in 2016 or even this year). Rudd and Marr, the likes of Peston think it`s all about heads on poles or leaders. No. It`s all about getting out of the EU at any price-but that price being nothing.
Who gives a damn about Rudd and her Remainers? Only the bubble that we popped last June.
Rudd, Hammond-f*** off!
Farage was all we wanted, Boris now has the manifesto.
No more Remainer-crap please, or else watch us rage in the next few years. Jo Swinson-Anna Soubry? For Gods sake, THESE are exactly the anonymous has-beens and never wases that Brexit has got to muck out.
I think we can be certain that the BBC will be asking none of those questions. It never does and that is one of the many reasons it deserves to be wound up. It steals the oxygen from the rest of the media, leaving almost no room for anyone else to establish an alternative and it decides what we are allowed to hear or not.
Marr should have roasted the atrocious Amber Rudd this morning but he left her off the hook. Given his far Left background and the usual way he tries to undermine Tories, that really shows us how far the BBC is willing to go to cover up the sordid background to this latest act of terrorism.
Country file tonight. Lake District report by Ellie, who bumps into a Muslim group of young men who are walking in in the Fells. They didn’t look enthusiastic, in fact they looked as if they were there under sufferance. The BBC didn’t plant the youths there did they? For some reason the youths didn’t look into the camera.
It was so obviously staged that the Countryside producers should be ashamed of themselves. Just as an aside, what the hell was Bimbo 1 wearing? I wouldn’t be surprised if she was bitten by tics and get Lyme disease. Bimbo 2 also featured this week but I am sure regular viewers will know who I mean.
Funnily enough the BBC-so Euro friendly, so willing to promote the EU-seems to tell us zip about what was happening in Frances big cities on Wed.
Anti-Macron demos…all over-but no news of this. Ditto Merkels problems, and the lack of any choice in Germany-half the kids of Spain, Portugal, Greece and Italy unable to work or having to emigrate after Junckers Eurozone failed then for the nth year running.
Hell-even Vince Cable trashed Juncker this week as being overpaid and the Brexit dream.
But the BBC seems to think that some things from Europe and the EU are best left unsaid-only upsets the poor sheep on the way to the abbatior I suppose.
Just musing to myself – If George Osborne wants to chop up Treezer and put the bits in his freezer, is that not considered a thought crime? Thought not.
bbc WS discussing climate change and statistics.
Someone offered this:- A correlation has been found between rising cheese consumption and rising incidents self strangulation by bedding. Strange it’s not on the main news headlines or being featured on a Panorama Special but give it time.
So nearly half the secondary kids in school have had-or are no longer getting-any so called “Religious Education”? This is against the law…but(of course) some laws are fine to break or ignore.
A two tier justice system, where the law is one thing for some of us, nothing much and a flexible feast for our betters.
Very European, very Napoleonic-thank God, we`re leaving so we can write laws again.
Really dangerous this, once you have loads of laws, but they`re not enforced or heeded-then it`s Italy next and then Mussolini not far behind.
Let`s see a few prosecutions shall we?
“our own laws”
Intended to protect us, but used against us.
Intended to protect and preserve us.
Since a man cannot serve two masters it is necessary to ignore one master.
Follow our own, new, legitimate, condign, legislation, exclusively.
When the UK, or at any rate London, is ruled by salafist Sharia Law just think for a moment.
No alcohol – no pork products – no visible females – no music – no cinemas – no theatres –
and on the other hand
Call to prayer five times a day – no tourists – no churches –
Doesn’t it sound like paradise on earth?
Of course the economics would mean no money for public services
BUT the one big advantage would be no female politicians! I am not a mysogonist, let women into parliament by all means, but look at the current crop and think “Is that the finest selection of women in the UK at the moment?”
“Really dangerous this, once you have loads of laws, but they`re not enforced or heeded-then it`s Italy next and then Mussolini not far behind.”
Problem is, (if you remember the old Roneo Vickers duplicating machine with the handle on the side), the Government IS the RV machine: > 3500 Statutory Instruments ANNUALLY never mind the additional full Acts. All churned out for the sake of churning them out. The Police don’t understand the laws not even superficially. They are driven to act only when public opinion or the media highlight an issue that is not being investigated. I always think, the Former Soviet Union had its communism to control the people. Us? We just have our ‘Laws’ to address the same function – to suppress the people. Classic example? – so-called, ‘Hate Crimes’.
Tessa Jowell has brain cancer.
Reports AlBeeb.
Recently diagnosed, I diagnosed it twenty years ago.
Caused by a rare carcinogenic bacillus with a long Linnaean binomial name
We need a statue of her, Cox and Seacole snogging.
Knock down a statue of that racist Grace Darling to make room.
Knock down a statue of that other racist, the pretend nurse, Edith Cavell, as well.
More statues, of the dead, please
OOooooh, Grace Darling and Edith Cavell. Along with Elizabeth Fry and Florence Nightingale – they were the names of my School Houses – that takes me back. Do they still have such things today ?
“Brexit: Boris Johnson accused of ‘misusing’ statistics”
As I have posted here before, anyone who nails his flag to the Brexit mast will get lampooned by Al Beeb and the Liblabtard media……….
Nigel Farage, Donald Trump, Jacob Rees-Mogg and now Boris Johnson.
The remoaners are trying their damnedest to undermine and sabotage the democratic will of the British people.
Remember the result of the 2016 referendum .
Why oh why are we still in the EU?
BJ £350m (before rebate) BBC Fact Check £276m (after rebate).
Gosh, BBC say it’s only £276m per week after rebate. Hold on, does that mean EU has £74m of UK money in a bank, gaining interest for a year and then they give it back to us?
£74m @ 2% interest = £1.48m interest for the EU to spend as they please.
Note that whilst the UK does not have £74m in the UK Account, the UK cannot use this money to pay off debt or interest payments. But again, it’s only £276m per week and not £350m – and BBC never refer to their own fact checking site – which means they don’t trust themselves?
My parting comment of this morning …………..
Despite Al Beeb’s propaganda, I think that Boris Johnson would be a better Prime Minister than T May.
May is a ‘remainer’, time for her to go .
“If and it’s a very big if, the Nazis ever do make a comeback – they may be the salvation of the Judeo Christian, white West or what may be left of them.”
Maxi is deceiving by omission there,
cos @Gaxvil’s sentence was followed by a qualifier.
: “What an appalling thought, but”
Maxi could have commented directly underneath Gaxvil’s post, but chose not to , instead repasting the incomplete quote halfway down the page.
Full post was :
If and it’s a very big if, the Nazis ever do make a comeback – they may be the salvation of the Judeo Christian, white West or what may be left of them. What an appalling thought but if the Left Lib Islam lovers carry on – it just might happen and they will, cry as they might, have brought it all on themselves
ie Gaxvil is not suggesting that Nazis coming back is a realistic or desirable thing.
Thank you for that. Maxi adopts the, highly transparent and well worn bbc, trick of using incomplete pieces to support their case where they have zero to offer from their corner.
The National Socialists -known as the Nazis – will never return in that form. However the ingredients are there for an absolute belief system where any dissent is crushed. For example Up until the referendum came along there was a collective silence over the word “immigration” with the instant allegation of ‘racism’ coming in very quickly thereafter.
It’s one of the reasons why people voted to leave the EU. They’ve just had enough of foreigners and it was the first time the British people had a chance to say what they thought about politicians of all colours had fucked the country ( swear word chosen with thought ) . In a way the like of al Beeb caused that vote. Let’s hope it really does get carried through in the way JRM describes. [ no hard no soft just Brexit }
If it turns out the Tube bomber was a Syrian refugee, I hope the ‘wankerati’ of Cumberbatch, Lily Allen et alia realise how reckless their virtue signalling has been. Is it really worth scores dying in the most horrific fashion just so they get to feel good about themselves?
– Please note that Benedict Cumberbatch was in the safety of his dressing room, where reality does not appear during the recording of his appeal for migrants.#HelpIsComing
Expect something along the lines of: “This is clearly a very disturbing incident but undoubtedly it is a one-off and totally unrepresentative of refugees in general. The solution is to take greater steps to welcome vulnerable child refugees, such as ensuring they are placed with families of similiar cultural and religious backgrounds, plus remove any pressures for them to integrate and fit into what is still an institutionally racist country. Whilst child refugees are increasingly being demonised in the media and in Trump’s America, Britain should start its own ‘Dreamers’ programme, building on our traditional generosity as exemplified in the Kindertransport programme of WWII.”
(c) 2017 Deranged Actor, Celebrity, Labour and Conservative Party Alliance
BBC Radio 4 Today. Lovely heart warming report on how the Yemeni Muslim community in South Shields has integrated completely into the community in the hundred plus years they’ve been here. Report ends with the imam screeching out his call to the Muslim faithful loudly down the streets from his minaret. Message: Give them time and Muslims will integrate into any community……except what the BBC doesn’t include in it’s social engineering is that because of their intensive breeding, THEY will be the community. Reporter’s name was Rashid something or other, so no bias there then.
My imagination, or is there a somewhat subdued atmosphere on BBC Breakfast from our Steph and Dan this morning. Of course there’s the predictable opportunity to bash Boris care of the anti-Brexit print press front pages and somehow they find a Strictly Come Dancing puff piece to share with us. A chat with Vince Cable gives him a platform to bash Trump but it all seems to lack the usual bonhomie at the BBC end. Some entertainment awards cheer them up as does fashion news.
Watch Claudia Unpronoucable with her three unrelated headlines on BBC London News and you would have not the slightest idea whatsoever that there had been a terror attack and ongoing police operation. Odd.
Of course back in the national BBC Breakfast studio they are oblidged to relate the BBC-agenda-busting news of the police search of the “Middle Eastern Chicken Shop”, plus reference to the arrest of Iraqi and Syrian refugees apparently attempting mass murder on the Tube.
This moment is agenda-busting for the BBC because the BBC scolded anyone brave enough to question the importation of just these sort of people. Remember Steven Nolan attacking that caller to his show who pointed out that we knew nothing about these so-called refugees?
Dear God, another ‘prime’ family for the advertising industry. Do they ‘concoct’ them for the cameras ? because I never see anything like the numbers of mixed race families in my daily life that are constantly portrayed on the tele.
The Ministry of Truth – miniTrue in Newspeak – was startlingly different from any other object in sight. It was an enormous pyramidal structure of glittering white concrete, soaring up, terrace after terrace, three hundred meters into the air.
… from the imagination of George Orwell in 1948 to the Qatar owned (95%) building ‘The Shard’ in mar2012 …
The Shard is 309.6 metres (1,016ft) high. The building reached its top height on 19 June. The area of the glass façade is 56,000 sq metres (602,779 sq ft), which equals eight football pitches. There are 44 lifts, including double-decker lifts. { shard – guardian jul2012}
Started reading George Orwell’s 1984 again. First few pages are very interesting with things like ‘It was the part of the economy drive in preparation for Hate Week‘ and ‘Junior Anti-Sex League’.
Did anybody else catch the Dominic O’Connell interview with Gerard Lyons on Today at about 7:20? It was supposed to be an interview about UK productivity, but that lasted about 30 seconds before O’Connell directed it towards Boris Johnson. If anybody was any doubt about the lack of bias at the BBC they should listen to this. It was a sneering interview, at one point O’Connell even laughed sarcastically at a response from Lyons.
Al, actually they have. At the time of the EU Referendum, the BBC ran a FactCheck and their 2014 figure, supplied by HMRC, came out as £361 million per week.
O’Connell has a lot of form . He is virulently anti-Brexit and uses the R4 business news slot to push this. An analysis of business news on, perhaps, BBC Watch showed how biased the reports are.
Gerard Lyons is an excellent economist, pro leave,who talks much sense on Brexit. His book jointly authored with Liam Halligan, is being serialised in the Telegraph and is worth reading. You won’t find anything like it on BBC.
Seems Laura K is back from the school hols and has honed her talents (woefully underpaid versus BBC men; she and Katty rote a letter* to Tony about this):
This is the policy questions, and was probably always going to be this autumn because guess what, money talks
*She also raises the issue of expensive multiple personnel trips to the USA when local staff are already there. Given her Trump outing, Katty may find that…. ironic.
Let’s celebrate al beebs triumph at the Emmys [ whatever they are ] last night for spending a shed load of taxpayers money to deliver so much world beating television eh? For the record I don’t think they won anything – I don’t know if any of their many satire programmes or excellent pro Brexit shows got a mention either ….
Al Beeb won for the Nature show with the snakes catching a lizard sequence ( I think ) and cumberbatch got nominated for being yet another Sherlock.
No shortage of Cumberbatches queuing up on BBC soft sofas to pre-empt their victories either.
Presumptuous lefties all.
Glad none of the usual luvvies won anything, so the BBC need to find out how our national treasure John Oliver did.
Alec Baldwin may well share a blood group with Stanley-so that`s one to us surely?
Beeb website reports PWC pays BAME people less than whites overall, due to that massively racist hate fact that overall BAME individuals fill more junior roles. O the racism, paying people less for working fewer hours in less demanding roles.
I wonder what the race pay gap is against whites in medicine? 80%?
Nothing like some race baiting to start the day. Good old auntie.
R4 Now Sopel appears to be doing an advert for his book
The prog is about “myths”
… and they started by talking about Enoch Powell’s speech/dreams, cos there is a new play about him.
Their subtext ‘He/Trump say the racist things the public feel, but are not allowed to say’
Blurb : “There are more competing ideologies in Jon Sopel’s ‘Notes from Trump’s America’ which paints a picture of a country riven by divisions between black and white, rich and poor, the urban and the rural.”
For those who don’t have time to read it, seems a 21 year old American, born Scott Schultz, but now self identifying as a Bacon, Lettuce and Tomato sandwich (if I understand the acronym correctly?) and going under the name of ‘Scout’ Schultz, was shot dead by policemen at the Georgia Institute of Technology where ‘they’ (umm… ‘their’ choice of err… reference) were studying something to do with Computing.
This is tragic of course, a young life cut short, and ‘their’ mum and friends are understandably traumatised, but ‘they’ were wielding a knife at the time (and according to some carrying a gun too), refused to put the weapon down despite being told to by the police multiple times, and were saying mad things.
‘They’, we’re told, ‘had numerous medical issues, suffered from depression and had attempted suicide two years ago’, really? I never would have guessed. Crazy people need treatment, and quite possibly detainment in a secure facility, not to be pandered to by ‘progressives’ with their ‘liberal agendas’ of everything weird being ‘better’ than everything normal.
Her being gay or whatever is not relevant; it’s the whole brandishing a weapon and disobeying the Police thing which was the problem. It’s just like when Black Lives Matter protest about Police brutality; if you stay in and watch a film instead of going out robbing then you will not have problems with the Police.
Perhaps fifty years ago homosexuals faced real discrimination, but now nobody cares. Except for one group which gets a free pass from our liberal superiors.
A slightly unusual biased BBC example.
St Vincent of Cable was interviewed on Toady this morning at arounf 0750.
Now whatever his many failings, and many on this esteemed website have a pretty clear idea of those, St Vince is always courteous, calm, and measured.
Which made the contrast with the Toady interviewer all the more clear cut.
St Vince was not trying particularly to evade answering questions, but the guy could hardly finish a sentence. Constant interruptions even when he was actually trying to answer the question asked.
I was left hoping Cable would say something like “you seem to want to do all the talking so why don’t you also answer the questions yourself as well as asking them”. And then remain silent.
Total ineptitude from the bBBC’s ‘finest talent’ and cheap at only £4bn a year.
Above @thirdoption (September 17, 2017 at 3:12 pm) mentions the Panorama edition against Germany’s AfD
That’s a special edition on TUESDAY (Monday’s Panorama is about African immigration)
Notice how Panorama immediately frame AfD as nazis, which I believe is not true for vast majority of AfD
Next week – we hear from the leader of an alleged terrorist group on trial for attempted murder. ????
– Will the BBC £3.5bn News Service with Panorama look at the other parties that are on the rise that are linked to people’s dissatisfaction and Islam – are they left, center or right in ideology?
Re the entry about expenses claims by MP s ( not forgotten) 119 of 650, according to law society gazette have a legal background or are lawyers. So the law makers attention to detail on what they could or not claim wasn’t too good. Or maybe they are not that good lawyers .
I like the claim of Mrs balls claiming £33 for a poppy wreath. I’d have resigned in shame for that one.
Tonights’s Panorama
Africa’s billion pound #migrant trail & impact of £260m of #EU #taxpayers money spent on stopping people coming.
“Why is the EU spending thousands on new businesses for former people smugglers in Niger?”
“Panorama asks if European migration policies “could be leaving some migrants in an ever more dangerous limbo.””
asks if EU efforts to tackle the smugglers could be leaving some migrants in an ever more dangerous limbo.
Ben reveals how hard it will be to stop the trade, which employs millions of people in some of the world’s poorest countries and traces the smuggling route from the shores of Libya, the gateway to Europe and one of the most brutal places on the migrant trail, back through the ghettos in the deserts of Niger, where the local economy is dependent upon human trafficking.
He finishes the investigation in Nigeria, where many begin their journey, and where young girls are committing themselves to years of prostitution to pay their way to Europe.
BBC One tomorrow, looking at horrors people face on the migrant trail & the impact of millions of EU money spent on stopping people coming
Watching a bit of Business Live at 5.30am and the subject turned to Burma.The female talking head was lamenting that the world needs to do something about the treatment of Muslims overflowing into Pakistan .She bemoaned that these people are always being labelled as violent and troublemakers. Hmmm I wonder why .
Anyway ,the other day ,I saw the female Prime minister of Pakistan being interviewed on the BEEB and she was telling the guy in no uncertain terms its not Pakistans problem its the internal politics of Burma to sort out. He kept pushing and pushing her telling her she must be more humanitarian but she stuck to her guns.
What right do these BBC talking heads to lecture foreign leaders about their policies.And where is their left wing heroine Aung San Suu Kyi who they fought so hard to get released from house arrest.?
“…where is their left wing heroine Aung San Suu Kyi who they fought so hard to get released from house arrest.?
Unfortunately, she was detained by the pressing need to deal with an Islamic Insurgency in her country. It’s inconvenient – I’m sure she’d rather be receiving plaudits and treasure from her many admirers in the progressive media, but, alas, armed Islamist thugs determined to murder their way towards their new Islamic state in Myanmar won’t give her the time of day, so needs must.
As for the BBC… morally virtuous BBC activists all feel personally empowered to bait and harangue any and all who, in their view, deserve some political criticism. Gone are the days of objective commentary. Long gone. Three decades of heavily political ‘edukashun’ in universities that are now little more than Marxist Training Centres has turned out generations of pre-programmed, doctrinaire leftist activists with only one ‘correct’ point-of-view on any given pre-approved narrative.
Bono wrote a great song about Aung San Suu Kyi called “Walk On” in 2001.
Unlike Walesa and Mandela, our heroine has actually elevated herself above her people and not been an embarrassment after liberation. The liberal like victims and failure-they do NOT like people who deviate from the BBC script of liberal incompetence (The Obam Doctrine). Anyone who knows what Kyi went through can only admire her nationalist pride and defiance-like her dad, a brave patriot. No wonder the libtatrds hate her. Her Nobel has been put to work, not simply given for being black(Obama again).
Will have to wear some chrysanthemums in her honour soon. Could catch on.
I’m guessing al Beeb won’t be putting up a statue of their saint outside Salford house or whatever it’s called ( dimbley?, Attenborough?) after she has thrown all the Muslims out of her country . Remember all that hot air campaigning to get her out of house arrest?
Listening to R4 this morning all you heard was Boris gate interwoven with how the Emmys took the proverbial out of Trump…played parts of it…oh how they laughed….some slight mention of a bombing…
Who knew that John Oliver was a British comedian who`s done well on US telly? Like Craig Ferguson-a real flop here in the UK, but adored on key liberal outlets in the USA.
All I know about Oliver is his goading of Trump to enter the US Presidential elections….well worth a watch.
As for telly being the future in the USA-well, if you compare it to the hopeless Hollywood output that no-ones now watching?…then fine. But the rest of us have long gone.
Basically, all the BBC puff about these US telly awards was to get in as many digs at Trump as they could here in Britain-but we all know that is all the BBC seek from the likes of Oliver and Colbert-liberal shills for Hillary, one and all.
After the Oscars, guess this telly award thing restores them to “irrelevant” as opposed to “an utter farce”
I’ve seen him a few times – it’s the smug east coast liberal stuff al Beeb and channel 4 identify with . If he ever needs a job in Blighty they’ll welcome him with open arms. Reminds of the nasty 1980s version of Ben Elton stand up.
JohnCMar 4, 03:17 Start the Week 3rd March 2025 WTF is Trudeau doing in there ?. That is just a TDS convention. There is a LOT of hate, spite…
atlas_shruggedMar 4, 01:14 Start the Week 3rd March 2025 The Germans knew this was coming. They just did not know what city would be hit first. Here is Nuremberg…
atlas_shruggedMar 4, 01:04 Start the Week 3rd March 2025 The roof looks in good nick. Just like the cathedral at Notre-Dame in Paris.
tomoMar 4, 00:52 Start the Week 3rd March 2025 We absolutely need some British judges subject to this sort of challenge.
Van HelsingMar 4, 00:33 Start the Week 3rd March 2025 I rather think their ambition is loftier than their reach. Trump holds the cards in this one.
JohnCMar 4, 00:29 Start the Week 3rd March 2025 This sounds like what that talk about Obama and the Logan act was really about. ‘ a United States federal…
JohnCMar 4, 00:22 Start the Week 3rd March 2025 taff, the usual BBC response is to simply not report it. A search with Google shows several UK sites reporting…
JohnCMar 4, 00:00 Start the Week 3rd March 2025 I think you overcomplicate it there Zelazek: Trump is outspokenly right-wing. And the Left absolutely hate people like him with…
The BBC have made no effort at all to analyse the situation in Myanmar. The Buddhist majority have simply had enough of Islamic ‘militants’ murderous activities and have fought back. Good for them. The BBC’s sympathy and support for the muslim Rohingya is, of course, entirely predictable. It is an almost reflex reaction.
What I find unforgivable is that they have quite unjustifiably turned on one of the bravest women in history.
We can hate Islam without hating people. And it is both sane and morally right to do so. Islam is an evil cult the world would be better without.
You want to be careful. That sort of talk will get you a visit from Plod who will have to divert to you resources they might otherwise direct to solving crime.
Roland – yes, bacon crime.
Seems to me the ‘Snowflake Candle Manufacturers Co-operative’ marketing budget was very badly spent with the Parsons Green bomb.
I’ve just torn myself away from ‘Sunday Politics’ for a few moments to swirl and squeeze the teabag. I will henceforth always remember the panel. First sight with the new Sarah Smith? Glum just about sums it up. Could it be because the said Sarah Smith is clothed in red presumably in sympathy with the first day of the Labour Party Conference?
What else would be expect from one of John Smiths daughters?
Wonder if Jonathan Aitkens if Chris Pattens girls are similarly favoured by the liberal media?
Or are they given the Carol Thatcher blackspot these days?
Basically, the media are simply Blairs government in exile.
Or maybe they choose other names to go by like Toynbees and Harmans-God knows what wormwood is already at work by employing these types by stealth all over the media.
They despise us. They despise our way of life.
Why do they keep coming?
Can I just turn up somewhere and be welcomed, get loads of free stuff and preferential treatment?
And would that country supress, under legal sanction, any reaction to such by the populous?
And could I set about building a sub culture while preaching subversion and plotting terror?
Of course not. So how come they can?
“The BBC understands that Boris Johnson is not to lose his job after writing on Brexit in yesterdays Telegraph”.
Something akin to this was second in the BBC news headlines at 8am this morning on Radio 4. Is there anybody but us chickens who are monitoring what the BBC are doing here? Utterly disgusting.
Meanwhile “BBC sources sure as hell aren`t going to be asking why George Osborne remains in any job in public life,afer hoping that Terehesa May will end up in his freezer,chopped up into small pieces”.
No-the BBC approve of that. Bastards!
“The BBC understands” is simply a euphemism used by the BBC, meaning “We have made this up…”. Ditto, “The BBC has learned” and “A source who does not wish to be identified”.
Reckon you`ve got a Thesaurus here…”what they say”as opposed to “what we know”.
“The BBC understands”…no translation needed,an oxymoron in itself.!
In fact, the more they bed in with Grenfell, Hillsborough, Rohingya, Trump and Boris….the less we need to listen, the more urgent the need to cut the cashflow and kill them off.
As said elsewhere…the BBC chooses Stephen Lawrence and Jo Cox, Leveson and Hillsborough over Kriss Donald and Gary Newlove, Benghazi and Mid-Staffs or Bradford fire.
Choose your own lies and bias-only wish I could charge vast salaries in tax shelters at your expense to do it.
Second suspect in custody. Aw shucks, there goes the lone wolf theory.
Our esteemed leaders babble and burble things, it is quite apparent they don’t believe, yet they expect that we should.
Britain’s Five Point Plan To Defeat Radical Islamic Terror:-
1) It’s fine, keep calm, don’t panic.
2) What Problem?
3) You’re a Racist.
4) Shut Up.
5) You’re Under Arrest.
“there goes the lone wolf theory.”
Hardly. He could be a member of a group of Lone Wolves, maybe several thousand strong. Remember… 2 + 2 = 5, as Orwell pointed out (sort of pre-dating Abbott-style mathematics, if you think about it).
Last June, two women were murdered by lone wolf psychopaths.
One was Jo Cox. the other was Ellen Higginbottom. Both happened up north ,one on each side of the Pennines.
One death suits the BBC and its media camp followers-the other is not even worthy of mention, just a price paid for care in the community being another phrase for doing f***all.
Jos death was meant to get us to stay in the EU, perfect timing. The other?…well…meh!
When are we going to deal with this perpetual evil at the BBC?
Poor Ellen Higginbottom and her family.
If only she`d pimped off the public purse as an arts director like Peter Hall eh?…the BBC might then care, but doubt it.
This should win Corbyn a few votes until they replace Labour
Watch out for interviews from these guys on the BBC Socialists, aren’t they?
May or may not be interesting … Searched Google for ‘eid pakistan 2017’ and got lovely ladies wearing long dresses,nice.
… then I google search for ‘eid pakistan 2017 celebrations’ and get nice pictures, lots of hugs.
… then I google search eid pakistan 2017 celebrations halal and still all nice on the internet
… eid pakistan 2017 celebrations halal slaughter then we see the reality ….
** NASTY IMAGE ** Pakistanis watch butchers slaughtering a camel, on the last day of the Muslim holiday of Eid al-Adha, or “Feast of Sacrifice”, in a street in Karachi. .
The existential problem which faces our country isn’t addressed by any major political party. The problem being that Britons will become a minority within their own country in fifty to sixty years time and that this will happen even if ALL immigration were ended immediately, due to the far, far higher birthrates of immigrants and their offspring than the British.
This will demographic change will lead to increasing “White flight” from our cities and large towns; increased crime; terrorism; corruption and a general lowering of the quality of life for the majority of Britons.
The composition of and support for political parties will alter along ethnic lines and so will the composition of Parliament to reflect the demographic change. The canary in the coal mine for this is London and other cities are following on hard on its heels.
There are no mainstream politicians, including N.F., who ever mention this and any political party which does and begins to gather momentum such as the B.N.P. is crushed and a “softer” alternative on the Right is promoted i.e. UKIP.
I don’t know what the future holds for the generations of my grandchildren or great-grand children but if no-one in power has the will and the guts to do something about it, then they will curse us for what they will come to face: being a despised minority in their own homeland.
Most people with any sense knows what needs to happen, yet it is NEVER mentioned by our politicians or the MSM. I have come to view the entire: Brexit; Remainer; Leaver; Brexiteer; Remoaner etc etc as a complete irrelevance. It doesn’t matter a damn, it won’t alter a thing whether we are in the EU or out; the demographic course on which our country is set will not be changed by our membership or otherwise of the EU; NATO; UN or anything else.
“The canary in the coal mine for this is London and other cities are following on hard on its heels.”
Sorry, I’m not looking for a fight, but I have to laugh at this.
Did you know that Bradford had a Muslim mayor in 1985? Those who express concern and anger about what is happening now should have been paying attention 30 years ago. Did they seriously believe that this was a one-off? A recent survey of 1,100 pregnant women in Bradford revealed that 70 per cent have husbands who are first cousins.
It isn’t just the BBC that ignores events outside London.
Good point Clare.
Well remember spitting venom at Ray Honeyford as an NUT rep in Haringey in the mid 80s.
Also remember our bile being saluted high and low by the likes of Eric Pickles and the tasteful broadsheets. Great day when he hounded him out and hung him out to dry-Lord alone knows what business it was of me and my kind in Outer London, but hey-the Lefties domain is the world is it not?
The likes fo Pickles have learned nothing, and Rushdie squashed any pretence that Islam could be corraled or tamed…and we live with all the consequences.
Ray Honeyford deserves a statue, and we should hang lefties who still reckon he was wrong upon it.
I myself left unions and London soon after-and apologise profusely for being such a tool back then-but where was the likes of Scruton or CS Lewis, Solzhenitsysn and Bernard Lewis?…banned or on the margins, prison or dead and defeated?
Our kids need to know all this…hoping that I`m doing my bit these days.
“Ray Honeyford deserves a statue”
He does. Shame it’s too late for an apology. And Eric Pickles deserves a kicking.
An another thing – it’s a bit rich for the imbecile who made that film in Scotland’s National Portrait gallery to refer to indigenous British people as “inbred”.
Not just a demographic timebomb but a genetic/medical one as well.
“Did you know Bradford had a Muslim mayor in 1985?”
He was the “Lord Mayor” of Bradford, an honorary position given to a councillor chosen by fellow councillors and not elected by those eligible residents within the area covered by the Bradford Metropolitan Council. If it was an elected position he would have lost, as outside Bradford and a few towns within the council area, such as Keighley, the electorate are overwhelmingly still British and that was the case even more so in 1985.
London is the bellwether because it is (effectively) a city state, its population dwarfs that of places like Bradford and it is the capital and the seat of power; what happens there emanates out into the rest of the country.
Your attempt to minimise the significance of this doesn’t convince. Bradford started to change noticeably in the 1960s, starting in Manningham and spreading outwards, and the fact remains, it saw fit to have a Muslim mayor in 1985 but hardly anybody outside drew any conclusions from this. As chrisH reminds us, Ray Honeyford identified important issues in The Salisbury Review in 1984 – probably read more widely in London than West Yorkshire. The problems he discussed are commonplace now. A “canary in a coal mine”, to use your analogy, is a warning. Bradford was a warning, well articulated by Honeyford, but nobody paid any attention.
Believe it or not, I am actually aware that London is bigger than Bradford. One essential difference is that Bradford is dominated by Pakistani Muslims whereas London’s immigrants are more diverse, less united, arguably more fractious (Sadiq Khan notwithstanding), less in evidence in the centre, and further diluted by a huge commuter and visitor influx that smaller places like Bradford do not have. In effect, its population is not confined to its electoral register. London has powerful interests that will protect its position to some extent, a further factor lacking in poorer places like Bradford. IMO, somewhere like Bradford or Oldham will crack before London does – that canary warning again. I have family there and they are worried.
Unfortunately, places like Bradford (and Rotherham, of course) have demonstrated that they are more than capable of creating problems of their own. Not everything “emanates” from London, seat of power or not.
I can’t quite see what this back and forth between us is about: that I think that London is the “canary” whereas in your opinion it’s Bradford. Is that it? A bit like a couple arguing whether it was the faulty dishwasher or tumble dryer which caused the fire as their house burns to the ground in front of them.
If so fine, I accept that’s your view but whether it is London which is the precursor of what the future will be or it’s Bradford, neither is going to prove to be a very pleasant place to live in half a century when the British are no longer the majority of the population.
Knowing Rotherham and surrounding areas extremely well, I can understand what Clare is getting at, but living within shouting distance of London, what Al says is also true, however its true that London being much larger, the early years of migrant influx wasn’t felt as great as in the north. I spent my school holidays in Rotherham from the early 1950’s onwards and the only black faces were the miners coming off shift work. Bradford was just starting to import labour for the mills, following in the steps of Wolverhampton. I had many friends who lived in London around this time, and the migrants mainly from the WI courtesy of the Windrush mainly billeted themselves around the Brixton area. As the migrant population increased areas like Hounslow and Southall were taken over by the Pakistani/Indian communities, Tower Hamlets saw a rise in Somalians etc, and all this contributed to the rise of the white flight out of the capital. Rotherham is now unrecognisable to the warm, homely, friendly and generous place I remember from my childhood in the 50’s and as a teenager in the 60’s, and it depresses me greatly. And wonder why migrants from Pakistan and Eastern Europe descended on the place in huge numbers as they clearly didn’t work down the mines !
I get the impression that you’re not really comfortable with people disagreeing with you.
Sooner or later things are going to kick off somewhere. I’m certain of it. It would be useful to know where this is most likely to be. In the UK, my bet is on a northern town or city – and a whole city centre, not just the equivalent of Tower Hamlets which, dare I say, wouldn’t matter that much in the scheme of things.
It’s really about the future, not the past Al Shubtill. Just assuming that it will be London, because that’s where everything happens first, is dangerous. Honeyford’s words are more relevant today than they ever were, but the issues were ignored. It shouldn’t happen again. Ignore “Londonistan” for a while and keep an eye on Bradford, Oldham etc. And Luton maybe, although I don’t know the place.
Nothing further to add on this.
Luton is yet another place that has been ‘taken over’ by the Asian community, particularly an area called Bury Park, almost an overspill of Southall. Not that long ago Luton was famous for producing hats, a great nightclub called Caesars Palace, and an OK football team, but now its more famous for producing potential ‘cells’ of terrorists. Sadly there are not many places left in Britain that hasn’t been affected by migrants. South coast seaside resorts now accommodate thousands of Eastern Europeans, the mid-shires have refugee holding camps erected in the countryside, a lot of our coastline is fair game for any fearless migrant arriving on a Li-Lo, and we just roll over and have our tummy tickled. The whole situation is abhorrent.
In some perverse way, I almost wish there was a god-awful tragedy, where “we will not let them divide us” will not be enough to appease; in the meantime we just shrug our shoulders.
Was back in Luton a few weeks ago, back in Bury Park.
To see all the football fans and boys going down the left hand side of the road to the game at Kenilworth, and to see all the hijjabs and Muslim blokes in their jim jams on the right hand side heading up the road-well it would have made a great photo and told me all I need to know about the fundamental difference between white bloke culture and the coming Islamic surge.
Sure glad I left long ago.
“What’s the solution? If Muslim people are in the wrong and they are committing crimes… you know, no one is above the law.” – Stacey Dooley
“If the law of the land is Islamic, we will respect the law of the land. If it’s not Islamic (the law) then the law of the land, and those who make them, can go to hell quite honestly.” – Anjhem Chordary
“Oh my God!” – Stacey Dooley
“Because Allah says in the Koran Q33v1 ‘Fear Allah, and do not obey the disbelievers and the hypocrites. Is David Cameron a Muslim of a disbeliever? Guys?” – Anjhem Chordary
“Disbeliever!” – mumbles crowd of 5 other Muslims
“So you (a Muslim) can’t obey him. So he (David Cameron) can go to hell.” – Anjhem Chordary
Non muslims destined to go to hell, British Police Go To Hell Muslim Extremists. [May 2013]
“Stacey Dooley returns to her hometown of Luton, in the UK, to investigate Muslim extremists protesting the arrest of Mona Thorney, the wife of the Stockholm bomber.”
“In some perverse way, I almost wish there was a god-awful tragedy, where “we will not let them divide us” will not be enough to appease”
Give it time.
How much worse does it need to be than Manchester? And look how we dealt with that.
Three of the London 7/7 bombers came from Leeds. The fourth lived in Huddersfield before moving to Aylesbury.
Ever wondered why?
I don`t need to look too deeply into the case of the Parsons Green bomber do I?
Do gooding liberals in a leafy suburb of London hope to get a few orphans from Syria, but end up with some “Shave The Children” spawn, probably at Roehampton Uni doing crap Chemistry(clearly). MBEs and the pick of the stories for Mumsnet or Womans Hour maybe?
And now our vulnerable and troubled young boy needs to head home for his teddy, only to be stopped in Dover.
How cruel-should we not be ashamed of ourselves?
My only point is this…when the BBC and Sadiq say that ” we must carry on as usual-and this we are doing” won`t apply to 100+ houses in the area that were evacuated, not to the immediate neighbours getting their houses searched and endless media crews and police closing stable doors with blue tape.
No-like taking shoes off and emptying our lifes posessions on any internal flights these days-no victory for Bin Laden there is there?
Get used to it then?…and why not?
Shorthand – not often you see that. I am a trained “hack”. That was in 1996, when I qualified, before the events we see now, the tragedies, began. At university, in the early 1990s, you could see the warped leftie indoctrination begin. That was just a normal degree, nothing vocational like a professional, respected, newspaper journalism course I did later. But even then, I remember the very day, the lecturer asking us what it meant to be British. One by one, around the assembled desks, the “workshop”, we had to speak our minds. Almost everyone, in 1991, spoke about things and achievements we believed the British represented. Good things, like freedom of speech, an open society, our history. It was my turn and I said the word “bravery”. The ponytailed lecturer ridiculed me. My words were based on the old family films I had watched as a boy, like Zulu, and the Dambusters, and the great, immeasurably modest Tommies who died on the Somme. You know, those wet Sundays, with the old tellies. I had a rude New Zealander have a go at me a few years ago, about the idea of “us” bringing them into the Great War. 18,000 dead compared to 800,000 British Tommies – that sort of knock became easy to do, and accepted, due to what had been taught in educational institutions, and a sense that the British were weak, arrogant, and cheap. Before that, in the early 1990s, before the leftie sickness we have today, no other student mocked my view or chuckled. Our view as young, open British citizens was normal and accepted. But even then I could see what was happening. In the SU bar were posters, asking, what is Islam? Then, for the lefties, just a sort of curious, exotic idea. A few years ago, I saw the low budget US film, with Robert Redford, called “Lions and Lambs”. A film from the superpower, which had not even had to bother mentioning us, a moving bit, with the lecturer Redford explaining how the German troops wrote poems about the “British Lions” in WW1. What a great country – a mix of education and the media dumbed it all down, or forgot it. In 1996, my reporter course – not at all the “meeja” you see today, sheer shorthand, media law, etc, tuition, politics was not part of the programme, in the sense that we or the lecturers did not push our political views. But I distinctly remember the first week. A female looker from Sunderland, dull teaching middle class family, as we introduced ourselves. Her boast, I am very, very left wing. This from a girl who came from an area, a big northern city, already seemed to trendily hate her country. She would later become a reporter. I live overseas now, but I watched the Brexit coverage from the same sort of local papers I worked on before I joined a national magazine company – where Paul Mason worked and walked on the same floor, and I spoke to from time to time. And you could see the massive, insidious middle class leftie propaganda agenda. Tragic; total and utter disregard for the local people who relied on those weekly rags. In southern England, where I had been a local reporter 20 years ago, were “cool” and qualified reporters, in secret, pushing not just their PC agendas, but those of their editors. Every story, just slightly, sort of hinted that the Brexit/Conservative man was a bit creepy, a bit dirty, or offensive. That was how these stories were written. But clever readers, in the comments section, sometimes pointed out, no, that was not what was said, or inferred. That the audience had not felt that way. The small comments, actually, but unseen maybe by 90% of the readers, actually balanced the story. Or actually made it a fact.
Thanks for that – an excellent post!
Seconded Lobster.
Great to hear from you Mr Tastic.
My thoughts are that -since Reagans era-there`s been a collective effort to take the citadels of what used to be the cultural commanded heights.
These days, it`ll be spinnaker towers and minarets, Emirates zip wires and Media City vanity builds…not that they`ll tell you they aren`t allowed into mosques…they`ll ask Faisal or Mishal for the voice of the Arab Mews.
We once had Thatcher and Reagan-we indulged Major and Bush Snr(both were catastrophic and long term dangers).
We then got Clinton and then Blair-and goodnight the gates of Vienna.
My only point here is that the independent minded, the reasoned and those with history, courage or conscience have long deserted public sector work and media, education or social policy.
Who of independent mind will do the States bidding on the national curriculum, child protection or European courts defiance?…all the elite now all share their Common Purpose agenda and Soros handbook.
Clearly there ARE good people keeping their counsel-but will lose their jobs if they defy the rush to hell we`re now on.
Who would now want to go into journalism, teaching or social services these days apart from the avenging angels of Alinsky or Gramsci? We once had Malcolm Muggeridge-now we get Jon Snow.
My guess is that some students went to Woodstock, others went to the moon. Some students found that being a student blowhard rebel got you a Bernstein and Woodward filming and a chance to laugh at the the thickies youd be paid to film risking their sorry lives…so you could hound Nixon and bitch on about wrongdoing from those you were permitted to embed with.
Today is the anniversary of the death of Spiro Agnew-that the American left so hated him, means he`s a hero.
“A spirit of national masochism prevails, which encourages an effete corps of impudent snobs to characterise themselves as intellectuals. They meddle in the university dormitories, but this criminal left belong in penitentiaries. It craves conflict and collision to tear democracy apart, but spouts cant about renewal and reform. None of this is for the Philosophy Departments, it ought to be for the Department of Justice”
I`ve conflated, but he`d be happy….RIP Spiro!
Ditto Lobster !
And so good to hear from a ‘professional’ hack, who in depth studied his craft, AND used shorthand ! (something I mentioned in an earlier posting)
Good post but I have 1 minor quibble: the leftie rot set in way before the 1990’s.
“I am a trained “hack””
Seemingly not trained in the use of paragraphs.
Yet another “proud Brit” who loves their country so much they live somewhere else….
Are only UK residents allowed to proud Brits?
………….Seemingly not trained in the use of paragraphs……
I think its a ‘sign of the times’. Learning English at school before modernism took over, I was taught to indent the first line of a paragraph when writing a letter; to centre Yours faithfully/sincerely ; and NEVER start a sentence with BUT/BECAUSE/ or AND. It now appears the norm and would give my old English Language teachers a touch of the vapours. The rulebook has been thrown out of the window it seems.
I always cringe when hearing news presenters say “and now over to our Ireland / Poland / Denmark (etc etc) correspondent”. It wouldn’t be right to say “our Irish / Polish / Danish correspondent as it would indicate they are of that country. However, what’s wrong with saying ” and now over to our correspondent in Ireland / Poland / Denmark” ? it would be grammatically better and I wouldn’t get so irritated !!!
I pleaded with the local newspaper “The Harrow Times ” not to publish readers letters who told lies against the Jews living in the Jewish state. It had nothing to do with local issues that were relevant to local people. All this would do was incite hatred against Jews living in Harrow. My comments were ignored and the hateful letters continued on a regular basis. I was told I could write in and challenge it .
This was the same reply that the BBC gave me when I complained about the strong racist comments of listeners that Jimmy Young read out on his programme on Radio 2 years ago. What the editor of the newspaper and the BBC couldn’t grasp is that by publically broadcasting lies again and again they become acceptable. Refuting such lies doesn’t help as the hateful comments can be emphasised in the process. No amount of comments against them will put these comments back into the rubbish bin where they belong.
Panorama on BBC2 next week focuses on the AfD party (Alternative fur Deutschland) or, what Panorama likes to call the “Rise of the new Nazis”–germanys-new-nazis—panorama/
“During the program Panorama wonders if the rest of Europe should be concerned.”
No Panorama, I’m not concerned in the slightest. What I worry about doesn’t contain the word Nazi.
“Panorama wonders”?
Certainly wanders …if Juncker offers a buffet and some chandeliers, expect Mardell and Peston to grab Alans Big Plate and fill their turn ups on our tab.
And expect Marr to wave his disability blue badge for top parking rights.
Florence soon-oh how spiffing…and doubtless the decline of Trump when the Vermont leaf fall gets good.
Why do we pay?…remind me again.
Good stuff chrisH
It will of course be a hatchet job with I doubt little analysis of event’s leading to the position Germany finds itself in. I love the way the beeb feel they have the higher moral ground to be able to pin labels on people and organisations.
A ‘Must Miss’ note for your diary!
If and it’s a very big if, the Nazis ever do make a comeback – they may be the salvation of the Judeo Christian, white West or what may be left of them. What an appalling thought but if the Left Lib Islam lovers carry on – it just might happen and they will, cry as they might, have brought it all on themselves.
True, like the bbc has taken over from the fire and brimstone preachers of old as arbiters of morality.
to – +++++++++++++++++++++ X ++++++++++++++++++++++++++
Ms Rudd: …”But as this unfolds and as we do our investigations, we will make sure we find out how he was radicalised if we can,” she said.
Erm, how about starting with that book, whatsitsname, oh yes: the koran.
I noticed that the usual ‘all and sundry’ were criticising the US president for claiming that the Parsons Green terrorist was ‘in the sights of Scotland yard’. Cue all sorts of faux outrage.
And guess what….. around 48 hours later we find out that the guy was actually arrested at the same Tube station a couple of weeks ago….. Cue all sorts of apologies, yeah ? ….. Nah – don’t be daft !
Jo Swinson, the liberals deputy chief, has, at the libdem conference, came out and criticised Trump calling him, a bully, a mysogynist and a racist.
If you were Trump, how would you feel about your ‘so called’ closest allies coming out with all this hate.
Obviously she also wants any visit by Trump to the UK cancelled.
I wonder if our politicians and gangs like the BBC realise how much damage they are doing to relations with a big powerful country, trying its best to help us in so many ways such as being at the front of the queue for trading, when they come out with all this hate speak towards America.
They don’t speak for me but them gobbing off to virtue signal and show off to other snowflakes how right on they are is doing real harm to relations with such a good friend.
I wouldn’t blame Trump if he simply washed his hands of us because of windbags such as Swinson.
Jo Swinson? a nonentity. Who is she anyway?
I notice the BBC regularly, and without fail, pounces on apocalyptic ant-Brexit quotes from Mr Michael O’leary, chief exec of Ryanair…giving him plenty of airtime to vent his spleen against the majority of voters in the recent referendum on EU membership.
Today, we find that Ryanair are cancelling around 50 flights a day for the foreseeable future, with little or no notice as to which flights exactly the company will cancel, affecting around 300,000 to 400,000 passengers – many of whom appear today to be getting no help from Ryanair to resolve their travel problems…. and the BBC story on their web page doesn’t even mention Mr O’Leary – far less demand a statement from him.
Ah well, what else can you expect from our unbiased national broadcaster ?
richard D,
Whatever, a well managed company, yes?
The market i.e. customers, will make their decision.
G – I sincerely hope that was a tongue-in-cheek question. If you consider that a company which screws up to the extent that it winds up cancelling something approaching a half a million contracts, with little or no notice, is a well-run company….well, perhaps we may differ on that point.
I am pretty sure that those who are planning trips in the next few weeks, and may not know till the last second that their flight has been cancelled, might also take some issue with that perception. Of course, unlike Ryanair, they cannot just cancel their trip at the drop of a hat to make other plans without losing their airfares, because they have no idea what Ryanair is going to do, because Ryanair, having taken their money, refuses to give any reasonable notice of their flight being cancelled !
In addition – I wonder if Ryanair is still selling seats it may cancel at a whim over the next few weeks ?
Yup to one. A company managed this way is an irresponsible company and there is provision in the Companies Act (if registered in the UK) for the Directors to be held to account. If anyone chooses to use it.
Ryanair also fighting EU over jurisdiction over employee rights. Ryanair wants to apply Irish law to employees rather than EU law. But we must not leave …
I might be missing something in the reports here, but :
‘Speaking to the Andrew Marr Show earlier, Ms Rudd said there was “no evidence” to suggest so-called Islamic State were behind the attack.’
Is this correct? do they seriously expect people to believe that bs? In the same bBBC report it says that the elderly foster couple were quoted as ‘doing a job others wouldn’t do’ – well they weren’t doing it very well, however well-intentioned. Which bright spark thinks it’s a good idea to give young, fighting aged foreign men to a 71 yr old woman and 88 (!!!) yr old man. Could they physically withstand a bodily attack? Were they checked to see if they were suitable to be in such a position? Come on Panorama, lets have some questions asked. Won’t hold my breath.
‘Ms Rudd said there was “no evidence” to suggest so-called Islamic State were behind the attack.’
If bucket boy had escaped, off on the ferry from Dover never to be seen again, amber Amber could have maintained that argument.
It seems that someone has cocked it up and arrested bucket boy, not knowing that he was supposed to get away.
Her brother was one of the main leaders of the remain campaign – Roland Rat. Sorry, I mean Rudd.
We really need a Brexit government.
Every time this entitled nobody gets on the telly, i`m reminded that-contrary to her thinking-we did NOT vote for May or the likes of Rudd.( either in 2016 or even this year). Rudd and Marr, the likes of Peston think it`s all about heads on poles or leaders. No. It`s all about getting out of the EU at any price-but that price being nothing.
Who gives a damn about Rudd and her Remainers? Only the bubble that we popped last June.
Rudd, Hammond-f*** off!
Farage was all we wanted, Boris now has the manifesto.
No more Remainer-crap please, or else watch us rage in the next few years. Jo Swinson-Anna Soubry? For Gods sake, THESE are exactly the anonymous has-beens and never wases that Brexit has got to muck out.
I think we can be certain that the BBC will be asking none of those questions. It never does and that is one of the many reasons it deserves to be wound up. It steals the oxygen from the rest of the media, leaving almost no room for anyone else to establish an alternative and it decides what we are allowed to hear or not.
Marr should have roasted the atrocious Amber Rudd this morning but he left her off the hook. Given his far Left background and the usual way he tries to undermine Tories, that really shows us how far the BBC is willing to go to cover up the sordid background to this latest act of terrorism.
Not a word about this on the Beeb….of course not!
Well done, Poland. Keep it up….you and all the other Visigrad countries.
It’s called Democracy, Mr Juncker!!!!!
As for Boris…go for it, lad. Exactly what was needed but don’t get ambushed at the Tory conference by those lying b*****d snowflakes!!!
Does the BBC £3.5bn News Machine find ‘poland protests’ {} against Juncker on Saturday {breitbart}? Let’s see the results ….
18dec2016 Poland protests: Crowds renew calls for press freedom
24jul2017 Poland candlelit protest draws thousands
02apr2016 The Newsroom: Poland Protests against Anti-Abortion Law
19dev2015 Poland protests: Tens of thousands march again
12dec2015 Poland protests: Thousands march ‘to defend democracy’
(more if you want to look, but nothing on Poland Anti-EU march on sat 17sep2017)
OK, lets try BBC £3.5bn Search Engine for ‘Poland Juncker’ {} …
12dec2014 Jean-Claude Juncker warns UK over immigration curbs
27aug2014 Will the EU get a dream team?
(just two articles, 3 years old from your £3.5bn BBC News Service)
– BBC returns two items on Juncker and Poland?
– Nothing on Saturday’s Anti-EU march in Poland on the £3.5bn BBC News Service?
– What are we paying for exactly?
– Why not get your BBC non-News in Pidgin “Tanzania: Cockroach business don ‘open my life’: … money on top na to train and sell cockroach for human being and animal to dey chop. {}”
– Even Tinder Poo story converted to Pidgin ‘Woman wan troway poo-poo, come trap for window {}‘, but no news on Poland?
Country file tonight. Lake District report by Ellie, who bumps into a Muslim group of young men who are walking in in the Fells. They didn’t look enthusiastic, in fact they looked as if they were there under sufferance. The BBC didn’t plant the youths there did they? For some reason the youths didn’t look into the camera.
The mountain clearly wouldn’t go to Mohamed so Mohamed must go to the mountain.
Hopefully no pig farms up there in the fells, or farm dogs.
It was so obviously staged that the Countryside producers should be ashamed of themselves. Just as an aside, what the hell was Bimbo 1 wearing? I wouldn’t be surprised if she was bitten by tics and get Lyme disease. Bimbo 2 also featured this week but I am sure regular viewers will know who I mean.
At least Ellie would be safe -she’s not twelve years old !
Probably on a route March from an Isis training camp
“Rise from your knees or you will be crying for your children every day”
Funnily enough the BBC-so Euro friendly, so willing to promote the EU-seems to tell us zip about what was happening in Frances big cities on Wed.
Anti-Macron demos…all over-but no news of this. Ditto Merkels problems, and the lack of any choice in Germany-half the kids of Spain, Portugal, Greece and Italy unable to work or having to emigrate after Junckers Eurozone failed then for the nth year running.
Hell-even Vince Cable trashed Juncker this week as being overpaid and the Brexit dream.
But the BBC seems to think that some things from Europe and the EU are best left unsaid-only upsets the poor sheep on the way to the abbatior I suppose.
Alicia, perhaps even more seriously:
Not good for the BBC to allow us to see parts of the EU destroying itself before our very eyes (compliments of other news sources)?
Just as Israel deserves the free world’s support, the time has come to also consider how to protect the Swedes. If we do not manage to do so, within one generation, Europe may very well have to cope with another Islamic State, this time inside its own territory. The moment we start abandoning our own, our days are numbered. { 09aug2017}
Come on Poland, join the party.
Just musing to myself – If George Osborne wants to chop up Treezer and put the bits in his freezer, is that not considered a thought crime? Thought not.
I wonder if a member of National Action (or similar) had posted that somewhere online, what the reaction would have been?
I find the words ‘Osborne’ and ‘thought’ in the same sentence very odd.
bbc WS discussing climate change and statistics.
Someone offered this:- A correlation has been found between rising cheese consumption and rising incidents self strangulation by bedding. Strange it’s not on the main news headlines or being featured on a Panorama Special but give it time.
So nearly half the secondary kids in school have had-or are no longer getting-any so called “Religious Education”? This is against the law…but(of course) some laws are fine to break or ignore.
A two tier justice system, where the law is one thing for some of us, nothing much and a flexible feast for our betters.
Very European, very Napoleonic-thank God, we`re leaving so we can write laws again.
Really dangerous this, once you have loads of laws, but they`re not enforced or heeded-then it`s Italy next and then Mussolini not far behind.
Let`s see a few prosecutions shall we?
Sharia law ‘subservient’ to English courts, says Jack Straw { oct2008}
Sharia law is and must remain “subservient” to the English courts, Jack Straw has said.
… roll on from 2008 to 2013, different systems of law resolved? …
Panorama goes undercover to investigate what is really happening in Britain’s Sharia Councils – Islamic religious courts. Some women reveal they have suffered domestic violence ignored by these councils as campaigners say it is time to tackle the parallel legal system which can run counter to British law. { apr2013}
Her husband is refusing to grant her one and the couple have been coming here for a year.
She accuses him of refusing to work, ignoring the children and verbally abusing her. He vehemently denies it. When Dr Hasan orders the husband to leave the room, the woman breaks down in tears.
“I hate him, I can’t even bear to look at him, he has ruined my life,” she sobs.
Dr Hasan (Sharia Council Member) sends the couple away for another month to try to save their marriage, with the help of Allah.
Ayesha’s husband was in prison for violence, but Dewsbury Sharia Council told her she would have to go to mediation with him. { apr2013}
… what Muslims think of the BBC in 2013, and the BBCs reporting on Sharia Councils …
Well whatever the case is, I don’t really take bbc as a reliable source as to the going ons back home.
Especially Panorama, it has a history of hype against Muslims.
Another example of BBC anti-Muslim tosh { 08jul13}
We have no need for a Sharia law. We have our own laws. We have done for hundreds of years.
“our own laws”
Intended to protect us, but used against us.
Intended to protect and preserve us.
Since a man cannot serve two masters it is necessary to ignore one master.
Follow our own, new, legitimate, condign, legislation, exclusively.
As I said elsethread:
When the UK, or at any rate London, is ruled by salafist Sharia Law just think for a moment.
No alcohol – no pork products – no visible females – no music – no cinemas – no theatres –
and on the other hand
Call to prayer five times a day – no tourists – no churches –
Doesn’t it sound like paradise on earth?
Of course the economics would mean no money for public services
BUT the one big advantage would be no female politicians! I am not a mysogonist, let women into parliament by all means, but look at the current crop and think “Is that the finest selection of women in the UK at the moment?”
“Really dangerous this, once you have loads of laws, but they`re not enforced or heeded-then it`s Italy next and then Mussolini not far behind.”
Problem is, (if you remember the old Roneo Vickers duplicating machine with the handle on the side), the Government IS the RV machine: > 3500 Statutory Instruments ANNUALLY never mind the additional full Acts. All churned out for the sake of churning them out. The Police don’t understand the laws not even superficially. They are driven to act only when public opinion or the media highlight an issue that is not being investigated. I always think, the Former Soviet Union had its communism to control the people. Us? We just have our ‘Laws’ to address the same function – to suppress the people. Classic example? – so-called, ‘Hate Crimes’.
Tessa Jowell has brain cancer.
Reports AlBeeb.
Recently diagnosed, I diagnosed it twenty years ago.
Caused by a rare carcinogenic bacillus with a long Linnaean binomial name
We need a statue of her, Cox and Seacole snogging.
Knock down a statue of that racist Grace Darling to make room.
Knock down a statue of that other racist, the pretend nurse, Edith Cavell, as well.
More statues, of the dead, please
OOooooh, Grace Darling and Edith Cavell. Along with Elizabeth Fry and Florence Nightingale – they were the names of my School Houses – that takes me back. Do they still have such things today ?
I sense another open letter from the girls to Tony.
One feels their pain.
Wonder how many hours Macron spends … Macron keeps up appearances with €26,000 makeup bill since May {guardian aug2017}.
Hillary could compare.
“Brexit: Boris Johnson accused of ‘misusing’ statistics”
As I have posted here before, anyone who nails his flag to the Brexit mast will get lampooned by Al Beeb and the Liblabtard media……….
Nigel Farage, Donald Trump, Jacob Rees-Mogg and now Boris Johnson.
The remoaners are trying their damnedest to undermine and sabotage the democratic will of the British people.
Remember the result of the 2016 referendum .
Why oh why are we still in the EU?
BJ £350m (before rebate) BBC Fact Check £276m (after rebate).
Gosh, BBC say it’s only £276m per week after rebate. Hold on, does that mean EU has £74m of UK money in a bank, gaining interest for a year and then they give it back to us?
£74m @ 2% interest = £1.48m interest for the EU to spend as they please.
Note that whilst the UK does not have £74m in the UK Account, the UK cannot use this money to pay off debt or interest payments. But again, it’s only £276m per week and not £350m – and BBC never refer to their own fact checking site – which means they don’t trust themselves?
{old post}
“Vince Cable: I could become prime minister”
So could I. So could I. 😀 😀 😀
I’d vote for you, taffman!
Is this man Nuts?
“Vince Cable ‘optimistic’ despite Welsh Lib Dem woes”
We voted Out of the European Union Mr Cable, you are still not listening! 😀
I think he is ‘getting a little elderly’. Do you remember that a national newspaper once got him to fall for a ‘totty sting’ ?
“PM is ‘driving the Brexit car”
Expect a “Car Crash”!
My parting comment of this morning …………..
Despite Al Beeb’s propaganda, I think that Boris Johnson would be a better Prime Minister than T May.
May is a ‘remainer’, time for her to go .
Let’s just leave this one here:
“If and it’s a very big if, the Nazis ever do make a comeback – they may be the salvation of the Judeo Christian, white West or what may be left of them.”
Maxi is deceiving by omission there,
cos @Gaxvil’s sentence was followed by a qualifier.
: “What an appalling thought, but”
Maxi could have commented directly underneath Gaxvil’s post, but chose not to , instead repasting the incomplete quote halfway down the page.
ie Gaxvil is not suggesting that Nazis coming back is a realistic or desirable thing.
Thank you for that. Maxi adopts the, highly transparent and well worn bbc, trick of using incomplete pieces to support their case where they have zero to offer from their corner.
He/she’s clearly an up-and-coming apprentice anxious to hone his new skills here.
I’d love to know how you found that. I can’t even locate my own previous comments on this site if I want to check something.
Great post and really helpful. Your internet/technology skills are appreciated.
The National Socialists -known as the Nazis – will never return in that form. However the ingredients are there for an absolute belief system where any dissent is crushed. For example Up until the referendum came along there was a collective silence over the word “immigration” with the instant allegation of ‘racism’ coming in very quickly thereafter.
It’s one of the reasons why people voted to leave the EU. They’ve just had enough of foreigners and it was the first time the British people had a chance to say what they thought about politicians of all colours had fucked the country ( swear word chosen with thought ) . In a way the like of al Beeb caused that vote. Let’s hope it really does get carried through in the way JRM describes. [ no hard no soft just Brexit }
You didn’t ‘leave it here’ maxi. You took it out of context to smear someone, you utter bollockhead.
If it turns out the Tube bomber was a Syrian refugee, I hope the ‘wankerati’ of Cumberbatch, Lily Allen et alia realise how reckless their virtue signalling has been. Is it really worth scores dying in the most horrific fashion just so they get to feel good about themselves?
Posh old Mr Cumberbatch who probably has millions stashed away in off shore bank accounts, like all of his class normally do, with his numerous foreign mansions scattered across the world, is now lecturing the British people on immigration.The likes of fucking Benedict and his high brow wealthy chums will not be having their area’s resources and local services cut back to the bone as hundreds of thousands of so called “refugees” arrive in hordes into Britain.Benedict and family will be in the Caribbean mansion, sipping expensive wine and giggling that life is so good, while the local British working-class back in the UK will be getting thrown out of their council homes to make room for the horde of newcomers. He should stick with his tv work and stop this Bono type shit, it’s embarrassing. {youtube – from comments section – ‘Benedict Cumberbatch’s full length refugee appeal’}
– Please note that Benedict Cumberbatch was in the safety of his dressing room, where reality does not appear during the recording of his appeal for migrants.#HelpIsComing
Expect something along the lines of:
“This is clearly a very disturbing incident but undoubtedly it is a one-off and totally unrepresentative of refugees in general. The solution is to take greater steps to welcome vulnerable child refugees, such as ensuring they are placed with families of similiar cultural and religious backgrounds, plus remove any pressures for them to integrate and fit into what is still an institutionally racist country. Whilst child refugees are increasingly being demonised in the media and in Trump’s America, Britain should start its own ‘Dreamers’ programme, building on our traditional generosity as exemplified in the Kindertransport programme of WWII.”
(c) 2017 Deranged Actor, Celebrity, Labour and Conservative Party Alliance
You forgot to insert a warning about the dangers of the far right sharpening their rashers as we speak.
Who would have thought that bacon and books of fiction were so scary? A cartoon can cause a backlash against bacon orders?
A consumer boycott was organised in Saudi Arabia, Kuwait, and other Middle Eastern countries against Denmark. On 5 March 2006, Ayman al-Zawahiri of Al-Qaeda urged all Muslims to boycott not only Denmark, but also Norway, France, Germany and all others that have “insulted the Prophet Mohammed” by printing cartoons depicting him. {wiki – Jyllands-Posten Muhammad cartoons controversy}
BBC Radio 4 Today. Lovely heart warming report on how the Yemeni Muslim community in South Shields has integrated completely into the community in the hundred plus years they’ve been here. Report ends with the imam screeching out his call to the Muslim faithful loudly down the streets from his minaret. Message: Give them time and Muslims will integrate into any community……except what the BBC doesn’t include in it’s social engineering is that because of their intensive breeding, THEY will be the community. Reporter’s name was Rashid something or other, so no bias there then.
Race riots in South Shields as far back as 1919. No doubt a BBC editor is contemplating a centenary special as we speak.
Crime in Northumbria Police > West Shields and Riverside {}
Crime in South Tyneside compared with crime in other similar areas {}
– Have a look at rising crime levels. Might be connected but without detail hard to tell. Significant jump in Violent Crime sep2015?
My imagination, or is there a somewhat subdued atmosphere on BBC Breakfast from our Steph and Dan this morning. Of course there’s the predictable opportunity to bash Boris care of the anti-Brexit print press front pages and somehow they find a Strictly Come Dancing puff piece to share with us. A chat with Vince Cable gives him a platform to bash Trump but it all seems to lack the usual bonhomie at the BBC end. Some entertainment awards cheer them up as does fashion news.
Watch Claudia Unpronoucable with her three unrelated headlines on BBC London News and you would have not the slightest idea whatsoever that there had been a terror attack and ongoing police operation. Odd.
Of course back in the national BBC Breakfast studio they are oblidged to relate the BBC-agenda-busting news of the police search of the “Middle Eastern Chicken Shop”, plus reference to the arrest of Iraqi and Syrian refugees apparently attempting mass murder on the Tube.
This moment is agenda-busting for the BBC because the BBC scolded anyone brave enough to question the importation of just these sort of people. Remember Steven Nolan attacking that caller to his show who pointed out that we knew nothing about these so-called refugees?
The BBC has a new series starting next week on the human body and the changes it goes through during life.
Here’s the photo of a typical family that they’re using to promote the show.
Dear God, another ‘prime’ family for the advertising industry. Do they ‘concoct’ them for the cameras ? because I never see anything like the numbers of mixed race families in my daily life that are constantly portrayed on the tele.
Bloody hell – five kids? That’s not very kind to the planet is it?
Just think of their carbon footprint in the years to come …..
Carbon footprint?…..that’s racist and you have been reported to the appropriate snowflake authority.
Will that include FGM?
The Ministry of Truth – miniTrue in Newspeak – was startlingly different from any other object in sight. It was an enormous pyramidal structure of glittering white concrete, soaring up, terrace after terrace, three hundred meters into the air.
… from the imagination of George Orwell in 1948 to the Qatar owned (95%) building ‘The Shard’ in mar2012 …
The Shard is 309.6 metres (1,016ft) high. The building reached its top height on 19 June. The area of the glass façade is 56,000 sq metres (602,779 sq ft), which equals eight football pitches. There are 44 lifts, including double-decker lifts. { shard – guardian jul2012}
Started reading George Orwell’s 1984 again. First few pages are very interesting with things like ‘It was the part of the economy drive in preparation for Hate Week‘ and ‘Junior Anti-Sex League’.
Did anybody else catch the Dominic O’Connell interview with Gerard Lyons on Today at about 7:20? It was supposed to be an interview about UK productivity, but that lasted about 30 seconds before O’Connell directed it towards Boris Johnson. If anybody was any doubt about the lack of bias at the BBC they should listen to this. It was a sneering interview, at one point O’Connell even laughed sarcastically at a response from Lyons.
Heard it, yes O’Connell would hardly allow Lyons to answer the questions he was putting to him without interrupting.
Al beebus deride the £350 million figure as being untrue, yet they never tell us what they believe the correct amount to be.
Al, actually they have. At the time of the EU Referendum, the BBC ran a FactCheck and their 2014 figure, supplied by HMRC, came out as £361 million per week.
You may need to scroll around for 15 June 2016 post, headlined ‘Reality Check: Your Questions on Cost of EU Membership.’.
They should get James O’Brien on. For ‘balance’.
How I loathe their sneering. They preach about ‘hate speech’ but nothing shows more contempt than how they talk down their noses to us.
O’Connell has a lot of form . He is virulently anti-Brexit and uses the R4 business news slot to push this. An analysis of business news on, perhaps, BBC Watch showed how biased the reports are.
Gerard Lyons is an excellent economist, pro leave,who talks much sense on Brexit. His book jointly authored with Liam Halligan, is being serialised in the Telegraph and is worth reading. You won’t find anything like it on BBC.
Whenever you hear an MP spouting rubbish just take a look at the link above which is a factual testimony of the values they really hold.
Seems Laura K is back from the school hols and has honed her talents (woefully underpaid versus BBC men; she and Katty rote a letter* to Tony about this):
*She also raises the issue of expensive multiple personnel trips to the USA when local staff are already there. Given her Trump outing, Katty may find that…. ironic.
Let’s celebrate al beebs triumph at the Emmys [ whatever they are ] last night for spending a shed load of taxpayers money to deliver so much world beating television eh? For the record I don’t think they won anything – I don’t know if any of their many satire programmes or excellent pro Brexit shows got a mention either ….
Al Beeb won for the Nature show with the snakes catching a lizard sequence ( I think ) and cumberbatch got nominated for being yet another Sherlock.
No shortage of Cumberbatches queuing up on BBC soft sofas to pre-empt their victories either.
Presumptuous lefties all.
Glad none of the usual luvvies won anything, so the BBC need to find out how our national treasure John Oliver did.
Alec Baldwin may well share a blood group with Stanley-so that`s one to us surely?
Beeb website reports PWC pays BAME people less than whites overall, due to that massively racist hate fact that overall BAME individuals fill more junior roles. O the racism, paying people less for working fewer hours in less demanding roles.
I wonder what the race pay gap is against whites in medicine? 80%?
Nothing like some race baiting to start the day. Good old auntie.
R4 Now Sopel appears to be doing an advert for his book
The prog is about “myths”
… and they started by talking about Enoch Powell’s speech/dreams, cos there is a new play about him.
Their subtext ‘He/Trump say the racist things the public feel, but are not allowed to say’
Blurb : “There are more competing ideologies in Jon Sopel’s ‘Notes from Trump’s America’ which paints a picture of a country riven by divisions between black and white, rich and poor, the urban and the rural.”
Caught this online this morning:
For those who don’t have time to read it, seems a 21 year old American, born Scott Schultz, but now self identifying as a Bacon, Lettuce and Tomato sandwich (if I understand the acronym correctly?) and going under the name of ‘Scout’ Schultz, was shot dead by policemen at the Georgia Institute of Technology where ‘they’ (umm… ‘their’ choice of err… reference) were studying something to do with Computing.
This is tragic of course, a young life cut short, and ‘their’ mum and friends are understandably traumatised, but ‘they’ were wielding a knife at the time (and according to some carrying a gun too), refused to put the weapon down despite being told to by the police multiple times, and were saying mad things.
‘They’, we’re told, ‘had numerous medical issues, suffered from depression and had attempted suicide two years ago’, really? I never would have guessed. Crazy people need treatment, and quite possibly detainment in a secure facility, not to be pandered to by ‘progressives’ with their ‘liberal agendas’ of everything weird being ‘better’ than everything normal.
Her being gay or whatever is not relevant; it’s the whole brandishing a weapon and disobeying the Police thing which was the problem. It’s just like when Black Lives Matter protest about Police brutality; if you stay in and watch a film instead of going out robbing then you will not have problems with the Police.
Perhaps fifty years ago homosexuals faced real discrimination, but now nobody cares. Except for one group which gets a free pass from our liberal superiors.
So, it would be more correct to say they are now going under the name of The Deceased?
A slightly unusual biased BBC example.
St Vincent of Cable was interviewed on Toady this morning at arounf 0750.
Now whatever his many failings, and many on this esteemed website have a pretty clear idea of those, St Vince is always courteous, calm, and measured.
Which made the contrast with the Toady interviewer all the more clear cut.
St Vince was not trying particularly to evade answering questions, but the guy could hardly finish a sentence. Constant interruptions even when he was actually trying to answer the question asked.
I was left hoping Cable would say something like “you seem to want to do all the talking so why don’t you also answer the questions yourself as well as asking them”. And then remain silent.
Total ineptitude from the bBBC’s ‘finest talent’ and cheap at only £4bn a year.
Above @thirdoption (September 17, 2017 at 3:12 pm) mentions the Panorama edition against Germany’s AfD
That’s a special edition on TUESDAY (Monday’s Panorama is about African immigration)
Notice how Panorama immediately frame AfD as nazis, which I believe is not true for vast majority of AfD
I do hope (not hate) that Panorama look at all alternative parties on the rise … In Europe, where populist rhetoric and Islamophobia are on the rise and minorities feel increasingly pushed to the margins of society, Muslims are establishing their own political parties to make their voices heard and to solve their political problems. { apr2017}
Let’s look at DENK/Netherlands: “According to the manifesto (DENK), imams should not only be appointed to mosques, but also in health care, prisons and the armed forces.” {wiki}
– Separation of state and religion is not possible by adding Imam’s everywhere?
– Which version of the Koran will the Imams teach in the police and army? Salfist? Wahhabism? Sunni? Shiite?
UDM/France: Slip of the keyboard? It writes about women but uses the word ‘him’: “Strangely, the first attacks on Islam were already focused on the position of women. Many rights had been granted to him (should this not be her?), such as freely demanding a man’s hand, speaking in public, working and even, unlike other monotheistic religions, seeking divorce.” {}
– A slip of the keyboard or mind?
– No mention of Mohammed, Prophet or Allah on the site? Is this not odd for a Muslim Party?
New Movement for the Future/Australia: “The party claims to be for Austrians of a Turkish immigrant background, but insists that it is not purely Turkish or Islamic. The party supports Turkish president Recep Tayyip Erdoğan and opposes the 2016 Turkish coup d’état attempt. It describes itself as center-right.” {wiki}
– Will the BBC £3.5bn News Service with Panorama look at the other parties that are on the rise that are linked to people’s dissatisfaction and Islam – are they left, center or right in ideology?
Re the entry about expenses claims by MP s ( not forgotten) 119 of 650, according to law society gazette have a legal background or are lawyers. So the law makers attention to detail on what they could or not claim wasn’t too good. Or maybe they are not that good lawyers .
I like the claim of Mrs balls claiming £33 for a poppy wreath. I’d have resigned in shame for that one.
Fedup –
If Mrs Balls had any shame she would never have married Ed.
Tonights’s Panorama
Africa’s billion pound #migrant trail & impact of £260m of #EU #taxpayers money spent on stopping people coming.
“Why is the EU spending thousands on new businesses for former people smugglers in Niger?”
“Panorama asks if European migration policies “could be leaving some migrants in an ever more dangerous limbo.””
asks if EU efforts to tackle the smugglers could be leaving some migrants in an ever more dangerous limbo.
Watching a bit of Business Live at 5.30am and the subject turned to Burma.The female talking head was lamenting that the world needs to do something about the treatment of Muslims overflowing into Pakistan .She bemoaned that these people are always being labelled as violent and troublemakers. Hmmm I wonder why .
Anyway ,the other day ,I saw the female Prime minister of Pakistan being interviewed on the BEEB and she was telling the guy in no uncertain terms its not Pakistans problem its the internal politics of Burma to sort out. He kept pushing and pushing her telling her she must be more humanitarian but she stuck to her guns.
What right do these BBC talking heads to lecture foreign leaders about their policies.And where is their left wing heroine Aung San Suu Kyi who they fought so hard to get released from house arrest.?
“…where is their left wing heroine Aung San Suu Kyi who they fought so hard to get released from house arrest.?
Unfortunately, she was detained by the pressing need to deal with an Islamic Insurgency in her country. It’s inconvenient – I’m sure she’d rather be receiving plaudits and treasure from her many admirers in the progressive media, but, alas, armed Islamist thugs determined to murder their way towards their new Islamic state in Myanmar won’t give her the time of day, so needs must.
As for the BBC… morally virtuous BBC activists all feel personally empowered to bait and harangue any and all who, in their view, deserve some political criticism. Gone are the days of objective commentary. Long gone. Three decades of heavily political ‘edukashun’ in universities that are now little more than Marxist Training Centres has turned out generations of pre-programmed, doctrinaire leftist activists with only one ‘correct’ point-of-view on any given pre-approved narrative.
Bono wrote a great song about Aung San Suu Kyi called “Walk On” in 2001.
Unlike Walesa and Mandela, our heroine has actually elevated herself above her people and not been an embarrassment after liberation. The liberal like victims and failure-they do NOT like people who deviate from the BBC script of liberal incompetence (The Obam Doctrine). Anyone who knows what Kyi went through can only admire her nationalist pride and defiance-like her dad, a brave patriot. No wonder the libtatrds hate her. Her Nobel has been put to work, not simply given for being black(Obama again).
Will have to wear some chrysanthemums in her honour soon. Could catch on.
I’m guessing al Beeb won’t be putting up a statue of their saint outside Salford house or whatever it’s called ( dimbley?, Attenborough?) after she has thrown all the Muslims out of her country . Remember all that hot air campaigning to get her out of house arrest?
John Peel gets a tower named after him though….wonder if Jerry Lee Lewis gets the same honour before he pegs it?
10am News: Radio5 5 excited to announce that Trump hating impressionist has won an Emmy
and of course play a clip
Listening to R4 this morning all you heard was Boris gate interwoven with how the Emmys took the proverbial out of Trump…played parts of it…oh how they laughed….some slight mention of a bombing…
Who knew that John Oliver was a British comedian who`s done well on US telly? Like Craig Ferguson-a real flop here in the UK, but adored on key liberal outlets in the USA.
All I know about Oliver is his goading of Trump to enter the US Presidential elections….well worth a watch.
As for telly being the future in the USA-well, if you compare it to the hopeless Hollywood output that no-ones now watching?…then fine. But the rest of us have long gone.
Basically, all the BBC puff about these US telly awards was to get in as many digs at Trump as they could here in Britain-but we all know that is all the BBC seek from the likes of Oliver and Colbert-liberal shills for Hillary, one and all.
After the Oscars, guess this telly award thing restores them to “irrelevant” as opposed to “an utter farce”
I’ve seen him a few times – it’s the smug east coast liberal stuff al Beeb and channel 4 identify with . If he ever needs a job in Blighty they’ll welcome him with open arms. Reminds of the nasty 1980s version of Ben Elton stand up.