The BBC clearly learns nothing from Rochdale and Rotherham etc etc etc as it refuses to publish the nationality and status of the alleged Tube bucket bomber…the Mail published it a day ago, the Telegraph headlines it today….
Parsons Green attack: ‘Iraqi’ refugee suspected of trying to bomb Tube ‘was spoken to by police several times’
Of signifcant importance to most people…..a Muslim refugee given refuge in a western country, and shown great kindness by his foster family who took him in, repays all that by trying to carry out a mass murder on a train. It might be appropriate for people to know this in order that they can assess what the impact of further such immigration might be and if it is really sensible to import potential trouble into the UK. Why did an Iraqi come here to seek asylum? Iraq is not a country in mass disorder. He could have gone to a safe place in Iraq but chose to make his way here….initially no doubt as he was told he would be given everything on a plate that he might not get in Iraq before then radicalising and setting off bombs on a train.
The BBC does not want you to think like that, it does not want immigration and terrorsim, or the crime wave across Europe, to be linked to immigration…and yet it is…we should be told.
Now that the Telegraph has identified the bomber and others will do so as well, the BBC will be forced to acknowledge this also…no doubt it will be a quick line half way down a page and rapidly forgotten in further reports….rest assured they will be digging hard to find a back story for the bomber that they can try and exploit to make it seem like he is a victim and it is Britain’s fault that he was turned into a potential mass murderer.
At present this is the nearest the BBC come to making the link...
The BBC’s home affairs correspondent Dominic Casciani, who was at the scene, said a large number of officers have been working inside the property and a forensics tent is in place in the back garden.The house belongs to an elderly couple known for fostering hundreds of children, including refugees.
However no suggestion that the alleged bomber was a refugee himself….
A second man has been arrested as part of the investigation into the attack.
The 21-year-old was arrested in Hounslow, west London, on Saturday night on suspicion of a terror offence and is in custody in south London.
An 18-year-old man is also being held on suspicion of a terror offence over the Parsons Green explosion.
Remarkably there is no mention also of the claim that the alleged bomber had been arrested previously by the police as both the Mail and Telegraph claim…the BBC instead report Amber Rudd dodging responsibility for a possible cock-up that allowed the attack to happen…naturally the BBC don’t speculate about that…they prefer to say it is all bunkum so that they can attack Trump….
She added that US President Donald Trump’s suggestion that the terrorist behind the attack was “in the sights of Scotland Yard” was “pure speculation”.
The BBC’s home affairs correspondent Dominic Gramsciani ..
Sorry , must I must not speed read .
So many questions. So little hope of honest answers. The Government and the BBC conspiring against the people of this country.
Shouldn’t we stop pretending that they are refugees or that they have ever been refugees. Isn’t it time we started describing them as what they really are, Fundamentalist Muslim Infiltrators determined to destroy our Judeo/Christian based culture, our way of life and the rights and freedoms fought for and developed over countless centuries.
Not that the bBBC will ever admit that simple truth, they prefer to play their usual trick of finding an method possible to shift the blame onto us by reinventing history to claim that all the ills and injustices on earth are all our fault and have been since the beginning of time.
We are not really serious in prosecuting the religious war that has been declared on us.
If we were
1. We would be openly dessicating the ideology of Jihad that is integral to Islam, on state funded channels like the BBC.
2. Naming the men arrested
3. Have a serious command level structure of people endowed by nature to wage war – real men. Not what we have at the moment – three women – May, Rudd, Dick, and a Muslim.
This present state in the West has accepted as natural law, there is no difference between men and women. Nature disagrees, and we are already paying.
We need a Churchill who could spot a fascist ideology a mile off, and point it out.
This present state in the West of there being no difference between men and women, has been accepted as a law of nature. Nature disagrees, and we are already paying.
We need a Churchill, who could spot a fascist ideology a mile off, and point it out. And ones like Montgomery, Patton, Dowding, and not Teresa, Amber, Cressida, and a Muslim in the front line in London.
Where have all the men gone, long time passing?
Where have all the men gone, long time ago?
Where have all the men gone?
Women voters have picked them everyone
Oh, when will we ever learn?
Oh, when will we ever learn?
A civilisation can only survive as long as the strength of its men in arms, and their character does not fade, under attack from barbarism without, and feminism and effeminacy from within.
The pretense has to be upheld till this generation of politicians responsible for putting Britain in an existential catastrophe, have passed on.
By that time it will be too late. Hence the urgent task right now, of shifting the blame for terror/Jihad on the Internet, instead where it really belongs – on politicians preening virtue. These idiots never calculated that the demographic growth of Muslims is such, that they will reduce almost every other, to a minority in a short period of time.**
Fifty years and Europe will be Sharia, unless there is a miracle. And that is unlikely as there are hardly any people who pray to God. So I don’t think God will have mercy on us and grant us a miracle.
The Mail reports today that the 21 year old came from an area of Syria relatively unscathed by the civil war. He went to Egypt then took the charity protected boat service to Italy and was at Croydon ‘ within weeks’. Perhaps via Calais? Many of you may know this but will the BBC tell us? There was no case for taking in this immigrant , supporting him on the welfare state or paying unsuspecting dupes a handsome sum to foster him for a while. Everything about the system is wrong. He should either be in Italy, France or preferably sent back to Syria.
But the authorities tell us that “radicalisation”??, is because of the Internet. Nothing to do with Islam apparently, or the millions of Muslims allowed in by the political elite.
A year or so ago the BBC , Labour and numerous charities were lobbying their socks off for tens of thousands migrants to be allowed into the UK. They kept on calling them vulnerable child refugees . Those who pointed out that with every genuine refugee you got several economic migrants and a free terrorist ,were labelled uncaring ,racist , facist , hard hearted scum. The lobbyists eventually convinced the naive and gullible that we should let in children . These happened to be almost always males with beards who looked at least twenty years old. But the gullible and naive were joined by the mass battalions of virtue signallers and even more were let in, despite polls showing that the majority of the British people didn’t want them for the reasons outlined above. Well now we see that one of these ‘vulnerable children ‘ , has just tried to murder as many innocent Brits as he could, luckily with little success, so the fears of the majority have proved entirely correct and the gullible and naive , so well represented by the BBC, have been shown to be just that, gullible and naive. But do we hear any remorse? Do these fools accept that if this terrorist migrant had succeeded the blood of the victims would have been on their hands. They would have contributed to the deaths of innocent people on the tube. Some of the warm hearts need to recognise that they have soft brains and that letting your emotions rule your head in cases like this is bloody dangerous.
Of course many of the hard core lobbyists , including I suspect the BBC, knew all along that taking in migrants would lead to this but in their warped minds the death of a few hundred or a few thousand innocent Brits is a price worth paying to build their multi culty utopian hell hole. Some of the more extreme may even regard all Brits as guilty and think that there is no such thing as an innocent Brits. Those people are our most dangerous enemies who undermine our country from within every day.
Beeb deliberately behind the curve, we now do get some info on the suspect.
Parsons Green Tube bomb: Police still questioning suspects
“Local council leader Ian Harvey said he understood the 18-year-old was an Iraqi orphan who moved to the UK when he was 15 after his parents died.”
There seems to be quite a lot for a savvy journalist to uncover hear, I’m sure the Beeb have there best working on it.
Pound to a penny, it is found his parents are still alive and that the bBC not only finds them , but reports that bomber boy is a good boy who would never harm a flea and that somehow racism in the UK is to blame.
Racism and Islamophobia.
PS: Why does my spell checker not recognize “Islamophobia”
“I’m sure the Beeb have there best working on it”
Yes – their best FICTION writers.
For whatever reason there are no readers comments about the Parson’s Green attack on the time, express , mail , BBC or guardian. Unless my I pad is playing up there seems to be a media ban on the public making any comment in the MSM. If I have missed something please let me know. If there really is a clamp down on public comments I think it is a very serious escalation in the war by the ruling elite on the British public’s right to freedom of speech. I am very surprised that the Mail and express have been cowed into not allowing their readers the right to comment.
The media is ban is total. Even the Daily Express has folded under government pressure.
The ruling elite (elite? sic) would rather the incidents are not reported upon at all – it only upsets people. This is known as The Sweden Option.
Yes this is very worrying, clearly all us plebs are off message. The Sun however seems to have shown some back bone!
FINGER NICKIN’ GOOD Parsons Green attack – Shocking moment SECOND fostered Syrian refugee Yahya Farroukh, 21, is seized by cops over botched Tube bombing after being tackled outside a takeaway
Plenty of comments on Breitbart.
Exactly. The uk government can’t easily pressurise Breitbart , or this site, but where they can shut down freedom of speech they are doing so. What is more all the stuff about fake news and hate speech is aimed at getting the public prepared for when they start to shut down the likes of Breitbart and the likes of this site. We live in dangerous times when the British government is actually suppressing its own people.
Raheem Kassam’s proposals sound strong, but they wont work. In fact, they virtually assure the end of Western civilisation, by making us believe that we are doing everything necessary to defeat Islam.
To defeat Islam, one has to remove it. Without growth Islam cannot survive, as it rests on the proposition of expansion. As long as the Muslim population is expanding in dar al Harb, it is winning. Final victory is when Muslim population is the majority.
The whole sorry situation is depressing. When will these ‘leaders’ be brought to account for their treason?
In that Sun report, it says that his (one of the accused) family was not happy that he was living with a Christian family. WTF!!!
Are these the words of a refugee’s family, glad to be safe in another country? Some high profile person needs to be asking these questions.
The problem is that we don’t know just how long he has been in the UK and the age when he entered, however it does beg the question what on earth the council were doing finding a foster home for a 21 year old ADULT MAN ?
Most British youngsters unfortunate enough to find themselves in care are kicked out at the age of 16 if they don’t enter further education, and then again at 18 when they are expected to make their own way in the world.
Is it the case that yet again a different set of rules is being applied to a certain group of people which is not applied to the rest?
The real problem is, why is he here at all! The British people in survey after survey say they don’t want anymore Muslim migrants . Why are we being made to take these awful people who despise us , hate our values and try to murder us. It beggars belief that our government is doing this to us.
Because the political elite want to murder us. We are not the population they like.