How soon they forget, when it is convenient to do so. The BBC has been running one if its surveys that whatever the answer they get they know they can run a sensationalist and alarmist story….usually along the lines of the Far Right must be reined in!!!!
Apparently MPs are getting more abuse than ever…twitter is aflame with it….MPs are shocked and scared…and as the BBC informed us this morning on the Today show…they are ever more vigilant and aware of the dangers ‘since the death of Jo Cox’.
Really? They weren’t aware of the dangers since the attempted murder of Stephen Timms by a Muslim in 2010?
The last serious assault on a parliamentarian was the 2010 stabbing of Labour MP Stephen Timms.
Timms, MP for East Ham, was stabbed twice in the stomach at his constituency surgery in east London on 14 May 2010. The surgeon who operated on him described the injuries he suffered as “potentially life-threatening” because of the possible loss of blood and infection had he not been treated. He spent five days in hospital with abdominal injuries.
His attacker was a 21-year-old radicalised student, Roshonara Choudhry, who told police she wanted to kill the former government minister for supporting the Iraq war. She was pulled off the MP by his assistant and held by a security guard.
Odd how the BBC forgets that one. Or indeed the many, many murders by the BBC’s favourite terrorist group [pre-the golden age of Islamic terror] The IRA…and let’s not forget that the man, and his side-kick, who is leading the Labour Party is a man who vocally supported the IRA’s use of murder to further their political aims…something the BBC tried to gloss over during the last election….
1979 – Airey Neave
During the Troubles, Irish republicans frequently targeted ministers. In March 1979 Airey Neave, the shadow Northern Ireland secretary, died in hospital after his car was blown up as he drove out from the underground car park beneath parliament’s New Palace Yard. The Irish National Liberation Army claimed responsibility for the bomb.
A former army officer who had successfully escaped from Colditz during the second world war, Neave had been an outspoken opponent of republican violence during the Troubles in Northern Ireland.
1981 – Robert Bradford
Ulster Unionist MP the Rev Robert Bradford was assassinated by IRA gunmen in November 1981 while attending a political surgery at a community centre in south Belfast. A caretaker was also killed in the attack.
1983 – Edgar Graham
Another UUP politician, the Northern Ireland assembly member was killed in December 1983. A law lecturer at Queen’s University in Belfast, he was chatting to a colleague on campus when IRA gunmen walked up to him and shot him repeatedly in the head.
1984 – Sir Anthony Berry
The IRA Brighton hotel bombing targeted then prime minister Margaret Thatcher and her cabinet during the Conservative party conference. Thatcher escaped without injury but five people in the Grand Hotel were killed, including a Conservative MP, Sir Anthony Berry, who was deputy chief whip. His wife was injured but survived. Norman Tebbit’s wife Margaret was among those injured in the blast and was left permanently disabled.
1990 – Ian Gow
Ian Gow, another Conservative MP and former army officer who was opposed to the Anglo-Irish Agreement, was killed outside his East Sussex home in July 1990 when the IRA placed a Semtex car bomb under his Austin Montego. The IRA claimed responsibility for the murder, stating that the MP for Eastbourne had been targeted because he was a “close personal associate” of the prime minister, Margaret Thatcher.
Alan, strange how times change.the Irish republican terrorists tried to kill a prime minister and others . Almost like it never happened. Al Beeb hated thatcher and still do. Or when they tried to kill the cabinet in number 10 by mortar attack. . When a minor backbencher ( female – labour ) gets killed it’s remembered every chance they get.
If politicians can’t stand heat they should find another easier job. Few represent a constituency other than themselves. Employing their own families, accepting ‘hospitality’ from foreign governments, obscene expenses claims and allowing our country to be over run ( sorry – enriched by vibrancy and various heritages) .
I caught a Tory mp bleating about it on the wireless earlier today. There are plenty queuing up to get the taxpayers shilling and a nice £300 a day seat in the Lords old people’s home.
I bet people in other jobs , like barmen in pubs , nurses and drivers of one man operators of busses get more threatening times than MPs.
it was on the radio all day and yet “MOMENTUM” was never mentioned
And yet abuse was very funny when it was Nigel Farage on the receiving end.
Roland –
If they think it’s bad now they can only guess what they’ll get if they track back on our exit from the EU in 556 days ( I’ve got the app).. or have to pay a ransom to still have bmws and Brie imported.
But what are they doing about it-Dam all, just as now the Germans who it seems likely are to vote the most evil traitor of their country into power once more-the BBC/K Adler last night showed a group of healthy looking young Muslims dancing with another group of youg people showing the exponent of how multiculturalism is working so well, ‘such integration going so well,’ say they, how stupid they are. Germany from all that can read over the last few years and in view of the splendidly generous action by Merkel to welcome approx 800.000 immigrants mostly Muslim into Germany, they are sitting but no doubt unbeknowingly on a time bomb, that will rock the Germanic foundations and the rest of Europe. The Hungarian Prime Minister appears to realise what enjoyning the followers of Islam really means. There will be no integration of Muslims into Germany, only the gradual squeeze from that set of people who will soon win the votes to do as they please-why does London have a Muslim Mayor? Simple, if five candidates for example were put up against Khan all representing differing political stances, their votes would split five ways, but the Muslim only votes for the Muslim, that’s how we have a Muslim London Mayor-what next?
Tarien – it does seem strange that the krauts are willing to vote for a woman who has imported so much trouble into their country and Europe – for what ?
Krauts seem to suffer from their own national delusions – Hitler before – foreign culture now .
Maybe they’ll do a brexit in the vote at the weekend but seems they’ve been brainwashed even more than our people
Yes Fedup2 their brainwashing began sometime ago, now as the radio claimed thismorning that upwards of one million immigrants were allowed to enter Germany, their real and their leftist approach whose intention is to destroy the western world and will if allowed remake it as a utopian multicultural paradise!! Once in 1974 I voted for open trade with Europe amongst other national advantaged facilities and we all hoped it might be a force for good. Those dreams have been put to shame-looking at the EU today it is not what it might have become but has develpped into a totalitarian monster allowing Europe to be overrun by the massive pressure from illegal immigration many from countries where there is no war all encourgaged by Europe through & with the help of Social Media/BBC et al, as today Europian cities are rocked by deadly Islamic terror attacks on a regular basis yet despite this the EU wants to continue Muslim immigration wether legal or not-is Merkel working for President Putin?