The BBC have finally found a narrative to explain a terrorist bomb on the Tube planted, allegedly, by refugees…
Two men who have links to a foster home in Surrey are still being questioned by police after Friday’s Tube attack.
On Saturday an 18-year-old man, thought to be an Iraqi orphan, was arrested in Dover port, and a 21-year-old was detained in Hounslow.
Douglas Murray must have a crystal ball…or long held experience of how the likes of the BBC try to cover up, explain away and excuse Muslim terrorism informs his insights…
Unlike events some weeks ago at, say, Charlottesville (which is on another continent), blame for events in London on Friday will not be allowed to spill out anywhere. Probably not even onto the culprits themselves. They will be described as ‘boys’ or ‘young men’ or ‘kids’. We will hear about how they were ‘pushed’ to their actions in some way. If their country of origin was one we were militarily engaged in (Iraq) this will be deemed a contributing factor. If their country of origin is a country we have not been militarily engaged in (Syria) this will be deemed a contributing factor.
This site also predicted the tired old ruse by the BBC to justify or excuse mass murder….
Now that the Telegraph has identified the bomber and others will do so as well, the BBC will be forced to acknowledge this also…no doubt it will be a quick line half way down a page and rapidly forgotten in further reports….rest assured they will be digging hard to find a back story for the bomber that they can try and exploit to make it seem like he is a victim and it is Britain’s fault that he was turned into a potential mass murderer.
The bBC will opine somewhat loudly about how straight white men are evil incarnate. We see that in their coverage of Trump/Tommy Robinson/ any bloke who looks funny at a terrorist or even a black chick with a dick racist. Yet when its Muslims who are doing the killing (Which is 24/7 nowadays) then the child cock sucking arse bandits at the bBC will find a way in which to make the follower of allah a victim.
Before anybody throws the racist card at me, I’m a brownskinned Paki who left the gay death cult from an early age by getting taken into care. So if any copper wants to look me up, expect me to go Public to the Media about your Politically correct agenda.
Pounce ,
You’re a brown skinned Brit with Paki genealogy or whatever we can term it . I’m of the Brit way of thinking, which is why other countries get founded , like the USA , Australia , etc . It’s all in the mind , not the blood.
It is truly heart warming to see your example.
May I please enquire as to where you see matters going in the next couple of decades if there isn’t a massive change of political direction?
For my part (and this is by way of prophesy not advocacy, in case Jeremy Paxman happens to be reading in) I am now convinced that there is going to be an awful backlash and not the “backlash” the MSM narrative would try to have us believe. This is also going to sweep up huge numbers of completely innocent, hard-working and well meaning people (yes, of ALL colours….). All predictable and indeed predicted. However, one particularly hopes for the Robespierre fate of the traitor class currently running the show.
As for agents of the state reading in (and they WILL be reading in on sites like this) be under no illusion that they will know precisely who we are if they wish to know. In real time too. The pseudonym’s mean nothing.
For the record, I would be very disturbed indeed if the system didn’t have such an ability because it would mean we are not being protected (such as this “protection” is at the moment but once the real will to use our power kicks in it is good to know we do, in fact, have such power).
Anyhow, Pounce, good on you.
Why are they always looking for excuses? We have to put up with lie after lie from the politicians & the MSN. The BBC try to turn it round & make it look as if it’s our fault, but as Pounce says above, Islam is a death cult. They do it because their religion commands it & promises them a reward of Paradise where they will be ‘wed…. unto fair ones with wide, lovely eyes’. Mind you, these two were too cowardly to die ‘in the way of Allah’.
So according to the BBC these terrorists are not Muslim child refugees but orphans. So nothing to do with Islam. Nothing to do with Muslim child refugees the UK keeps allowing in. Just orphans that have become radicalised.
I remember the BBC kicking up a storm demanding the British Government accept “child refugees” congregating at Calais. With such pressure from the media and lobby groups the David Cameron Government committed Britain to accepting an additional 20,000 angry Islamists – I mean vulnerable “child refugees” by the year 2020.
And as soon as the BBC mention one of those held just might be an Iraqi orphan and that police are continuing with their enquiries, they rapidly deprioritise the story. It has been completely dropped from the BBC homepage, the BBC News Homepage, and currently occupies low priority slots on the UK News and English News sections.
Meanwhile the BBC announces a further expansion of its BBC World Service – to the Horn of Africa. BBC editor Will Ross says he is looking forward to bringing BBC truth to this area of the world too.