The self-obsessed luvvies spent their time at the Emmys attacking their pet hate Trump.
Alec Baldwin sneered that Trump hadn’t won an Emmy for all his time on television…
Yeah…but…he did win the Presidency……so suck on that for the next three years or more smart Alec….
As the ratings tank, nobody watching any more and getting lower viewing figures by the year.
The whole fake news ents cartel no longer need to get a salary based on popularity or ratings, just their virtue and liberal patronage. Hence the unoriginal and hopelessly unfunny love-ins among themselves.
Guess we`ll never know how many potential purchasers of their product decide not to buy-I for one won`t be bothering with Dolly Parton again.
I’m beginning to have doubts about Trump. He has caved in on DACA & an amnesty for illegal aliens. He is becoming tamed & beginning to betray his base. These ‘luvvies’ have hated him from the word go however, & they will probably continue to do so whatever he does.
The BBC were interviewing Jan Ravens of Dead Ringers who is talented but overestimates herself and her clique.
She managed to plug a show somewhere she was starring in , and think we should base our opinions on the Brexit negotiations and David Davis on a BBC comedy .
I’d rather read the runes on who to vote for by watching Trumpton and Andy Pandy .
Correct, they were free to criticise the POTUS.
Try that in an Islamic country.
Reflect on the fate of those who criticised Uncle Joe and Lenin.
Reflect on the fate of those who did not even criticise Communist leaders.
The USA is not perfect, but large numbers of people still wish to live there.
Most of the problems in the USA are caused by the “liberals” or the “migrants” the liberals have imported for their votes.
Truthseeker – if I may, can I add one small qualification to your excellent post.
They were free to criticise the current POTUS.
If anyone had tried a similarly sneering demeanour to Alec Baldwin’s, or come out with similar filthy-minded comments like those offered previously by another luvvie who took part in the Trump-hate-fest that was this year’s Emmy awards, Stephen Colbert (he of the ‘c*ck-holster’ comment about Mr Trump) – but had directed them towards the previous POTUS, then all hell and Armageddon would have broken loose, with demands for the death penalty right up front.
Lovely, fair-minded people, these so-called ‘celebrities’ – and their sycophants.
Qualify, away all you like.
If someone can produce the argument couched in more expert, more cogent, terms, I am all in favour of it.
Many of my comments are for the benefit, I hope, of the new, neutral, users of this superb site. It is them I am hoping to attract to this most deserving of causes.
I have no hopes of converting the dimwits who, as adults, still believe the nonsense they were taught when they were five.
“President Obama mocks Donald Trump over birth certificate conspiracy, Celebrity Apprentice & his presidential ambitions! {youtube 30 Apr 2011}”