Trump’s UN speech – nothing any sentient being could take exception to.
No doubt the bbc has it’s best lexicographers, psychologists and fiction writers attempting to prove me wrong.
“Ah but he didn’t mention this” or “He said that but thinks this” and “Whatever he says we’ll find something, anything – his tie, his wife’s shoes, anything because we are your bbc – free but not fair or impartial and we are dyed in the wool liars.”
We already know that BBC news and radio staff ignore the rules on Social Media use
as they relentlessly tweet hate against Trump and Brexit
But the Rutherford case draws my attention to the rules on staff including their PERSONAL views within the programmes they are making (as regards ANY controversial topics).
Despite them Rutherford always rushes to push the latest Green/solar gimmick in his prog
..and gushes over controversial figures like Michael Mann, feeding him free kicks against his political opponents.
And the Venezuelan president also slammed the “cowardly left” around the world who have turned against his country’s Bolivarian Revolution. “It scares them to hear the word Venezuela,” he said, mocking them as “traitors in red jackets who call themselves Chavistas.”
{ 19sep2017}
The Russian government has warned Poland that it will face sanctions if it removes monuments glorifying the Soviet victory in World War Two. Last month Poland updated its “de-communisation” legislation, banning “totalitarian” symbols, which would include Soviet propaganda monuments. Now Russian foreign ministry officials have warned of “asymmetric measures” if Poland removes Soviet war monuments.
I have seen the Russian memorials . Even when the USSR was collapsing they were well looked after. Red geraniums on each young man’s grave. So many in the last months of the war and it would be a terrible thing to touch them . Each cemetery had it’s memorial usually a sculpture and they are very much part of it. Leave well alone
R4 4pm Michael Rosen just opened up the prog by talking about ?
Guest Malorie Blackman from Barbados talking about Barbadian English (Creole)
In a few minutes on Radio 4: Word of Mouth – 19/09/2017 – Malorie Blackman on Language: #pid:b0952qq5
Commenting on Diane Abbott’s honour, awards co-founder Linda Riley said: “For thirty years Diane Abbott has been a strong and visible advocate for BAME people living and working in Britain. She has blazed a trail in ensuring that UK Parliament better reflects the diversity of society it is designed to represent, standing up for issues that affect those who are black or ethnic minority.”
I’m a West Indian mum and West Indian mums will go to the wall for their children.
My forebears refused to cut the sugar cane for plantation owners, and I am recognisably a product of that background.
When fast food is not a treat but a dietary staple, the children surf the internet all day in dark corners of the room and are bombarded with latest gadgets. Things replace parental standards.
I believe every abortion is a tragedy.
My London constituency in Hackney has one of the highest levels of gun crime in the country. But the problem is no longer confined to inner city areas. Gun crime has spread to communities all over Britain.
In politics, the people I most despise are those who have no values.
Now they are making a big deal about British sticking plasters coming only in pink
and that being completely different to black peoples skin
Well they are different to white peoples skin also
Hi MarkyMark – good research. It is clear from the BBC output that they have employed Nadiya for the purpose of pushing the BBC a) Open borders agenda b) Islamifying Britain agenda c) anti-English agenda.
We should now be calling them out over calling us “white” then.
Got my Revlon chart out, will decide on my topaz blush shade and make them include that on their censuses.
I refuse to be typecast as white…I`m topaz blush today, but this will change after Mothers Day.
Rumour from inside the camp (oops! Am I allowed to use that word?) suggest that Antiques Roadshow has been a very unhappy ship for a long while, with a huge gulf between the ‘experts’ and the production team.
R4 4:30pm Matthew Parris celebrates the first woman ELECTED to parliament
No not that one !
But rather an Irish one, who never took her seat.
And shot live rounds at British soldiers ..some who died.
And married a Polish count
Constance Markievicz
Despite the diggers shifting soil and the absence of trains sweeping overhead, it is easy to picture what the huge concourse at London Bridge station will look like when it opens in three years’ time.
At peak times, more than 16,000 passengers an hour will travel down escalators from the platforms to this vast open area, the size of the pitch at Wembley, connecting to new destinations like Peterborough and Cambridge.
Alongside the rows of shops will stand the original Victorian archways, with a walkway connecting the riverbank to the[QATARI OWNED] Shard and Borough Market.
£6.5bn in redevelopment. But just one Muslim boy with a bucket is part and parcel of living in a big city.
I really want the President to refuse to come and say why. London is a hostile third world hellhole and far too dangerous for an American President now and besides there is just no point. . It is the erstwhile capital city of a great people and now it is not. I really wish he would put this May and the mayor in their places for good.
I got a new digital radio which you can programme to turn off when ever it recognises particular words in al Beeb broadcasts . I have put ‘Trump’ Brexit ‘diversity”heritage ‘ ‘community ‘ ‘extreme right’ in it. There is silence in my house.
Poor Kate hoey – one of the few MPs who stick to their guns – is under fire for daring to criticise al beebs coverage of Brexit of newsnight. I can’t comment because as a once regular Tonight then Newsnight viewer I stopped years ago,
I have spent two hours on the Guardian site today.
Hilarious, and encouraging.
Cif gets more extreme, every day.
The Guardianista comments become more implausible than the “opinion”. Which is difficult. Fewer too.
Many comments from people like myself (except they are not banned, yet), just enjoying themselves, exposing the nonsense, poking the liars with a stick or waving a red flag at them. I expect they are getting bored, the Lefty writers and commenters stopped being a challenge years ago.
More non-whites then ever amongst the opinion writers. They do not even attempt to hide their hatred of white people any more. Or our literature, science, architecture.
They get the begging bowls out in a nanosecond though.
No Japanese or Korean opinions though, I wonder why, no I don’t.
More apologies from Polly & Co every day. They do wish they were not white. Perhaps suicide is indicated.
Facts are no longer sacred.
Move over Momentum, The runaway Guardian is heading for the buffers at top speed.
“More people read the Guardian than ever . . .” Correct, just like they read the Beano when young.
It is great fun. I particularly like the insults. In fact I feel cheated if I am not insulted many times each time I make a comment. The thing is we conservatives just do not care and like a bit of a joke and a bit of aggravation.
– Army Lt. Col. Khallid Shabazz, March 2015
– Current US Chaplin (feb 2017), who is Muslim, in charge of spiritual guidance of 14,000 Christian soldiers says beheading is OK under Islam
The BBC Presenter of Radio 4‘s “Inside Science“, Adam Rutherford, has been reprimanded by the BBC for organising an Anti-Science campaign against the re-selection of the Labour MP Graham Stringer, to the House of Commons Science & Technology Committee, despite the fact Stringer is the only scientist on the Committee, and its not the job of BBC employees, to lobby Parliament against appointing a Scientist to a Science Committee, in the same way that the BBC discriminates against Causational Climate scientists from attending BBC Climate Science seminars.
Rutherford, a Geneticist who worked with Geneticist Steve Jones, both appointed experts on Climate science by the BBC, called on environmental activists to complain about Stringer in letters to their Members of Parliament, and invited the chair of the committee onto his programme.
As far as we can see, the senior management at the BBC has told Rutherford that he can keep his job with the BBC, but has been advised to keep a low profile from now on.
This follows other incidents including an incident when the BBC ruled that a radio debate about climate change, involving former Chancellor of the Exchequer Lord Lawson should have been censored.
That was widely condemned by MPs, including both Members of Parliament with scientific qualifications. Peter Lilley, saying it shows the BBC is ‘afraid of letting a single critic point out that the climate change emperor has no clothes’. His Labour colleague Graham Stringer who is also a scientist said: ‘This is a form of censorship’.
Graham Stringer said about his complaint about Rutherford
“I appreciate the BBC’s swift and appropriate response to my complaint. I have been a member of the Science and Technology Committee for 10 years.
I have a degree in chemistry and have worked as a scientist in industry for a decade. I will continue to use my scientific training to look at all the issues that come before the Committee, including global warming.”
I understand that members of the Royal Society of Chemistry have managed to keep the society free from being dragged into the shit hole that the Royal Society has found itself in, as regards its position on Climate Science. This I presume is because the formula used to calculate carbon-dioxide warming in a Planetary Atmosphere, is a Chemical formula that Chemists and Atmospheric Physicists with Chemical training, should be the first scientists to see, that the assumed results of the formula do not, and have never produced any real results in the real world.
Sceptics have managed to save the reputation of the “Royal Society of Chemistry” for the future survival of the “age of reason“ in its battle against the BBC and its favoured employees like Rutherford and Cox, who remain employed by the BBC.
Poor Al beeb – being attacked on many fronts. According to the Telegraph Mr Farage is stated as saying he will refuse to pay his TV licence if John Sweeney – a reported of huge ego – does not apologise for his accusation about ” blood on his. Hands” in relation to the non existent brexit hate crime in Harlow ( where plod imported polish police to ” reassure” local foreigners wasting taxpayers money).
Al beeb has been pretty good at playing the underdog victim in these circumstances.
If Nigel goes ahead with this,he can expect a shed load of people like us in a Peoples Revolt. We too are insulted,mocked and despised by the BBC.
Could be the end of the BBC, if we were to get behind him. He is entirely right to demand an apology, Sweeney sacked-or to get us all to refuse to pay for the likes of the BBC.
I reckon that public Christianity in the UK died with the aborted efforts to nail Cliff Richard. He`s been Britains lone token public Christian for years who preceeded most of us, and had national recognition as such. This case in 2014 put the BBC off that cliff edge of theirs, and into the abyss of hell.
Nigel is onto something-if he gets no fulsome apology and Sweeneys head on a platter as well-then the rest of us need to get behind him and refuse to pay for this one reason.
Let`s do this one for Sir Cliff!
The London BBC news are all over a story about the latest outrage the police have caused by entering a mosque and (can you believe it?) NOT REMOVING THEIR SHOES!
Well, let’s be honest here; the police are called to an incident inside the mosque and, without any thought of cultural sensitivity, blithely rush in. Quite clearly this is deeply offensive and every single offending officer should immediately be sacked…possibly beheaded.
Back on planet earth for a while, don’t you think, if you were a bloody rag-head, after the endless problems this poxy third world superstition has caused, you’d just try to keep quiet for a bit. Maybe keep your head down. Not this lot. They’re furious. They are incandescent with rage. Well, let’s be honest, they usually are pissed off about something or other, I sometimes wonder how they put up with us…
The videos showing the outrage have “gone viral” and, as you might expect, the BBC showed us the darned thing numerous times, while their gimp reporter sat there in his socks.
Meanwhile Muzzies across Blighty are so angry that they’re threatening to return to their homelands.
Oh. if only…
BBC Beyond 100 Days (BBC job creation scheme#9989) – Both presenters (Kay/Christian) sneer at pauses in Trump’s speech to UN regarding North Korea and Venezuela.
The BBC cut the footage of Diane Abbott’s embarrassing moment short so she didn’t look a fool – strange thing about footage, what you do and don’t show.
Is Theresa REALLY concerned about modern slavery? Concerned enough to identify slavery as an [ISLAMIC] practise?
Didn’t think so.
She’s asking “Londoners” to look out for signs of slavery in their own “communities”.
I wonder if their will be a citation for those who blow the whistle on MUSLIM rape gangs?
Don’t think so.
Will she be wagging her finger at part-and-parcel Kahn?
Don’t think so.
What this is more likely to be is a virtue-signalling exercise to try to help her reputation.
Nigel Farage on LBC, has just effectively announce that he will lead the non-payment of the BBC Licence Fee martyrs, if the BBC does not apologise for its “Fake News” story saying “Nigel Farage has blood on his hands” after a drunken Polish immigrant Arkadiusz Jozwik was killed by a 16-year-old boy from Harlow in Essex, who has now been sentenced to 3½ years in a young offenders institution for manslaughter.
The CPS suggested there was no evidence that the lad who punched Mr Jozwik was driven by anti-Polish prejudice. Evidence in court suggested that Jozwik and his friend “appeared to be drunk and smelt of alcohol”. Blood tests showed Mr Jozwik was around twice the drink-drive limit. In court, the boy responsible for the killer punch claimed the Polish men were “aggressive and loud” and saying: “Fight me, fight me.”
He also said it was the Poles who used racist language. He said one of the Polish men grabbed a friend of his and called him a “nigger”. And according to psychological reports the boy regretted his actions and felt remorse over Mr Jozwik’s death. He did not mean to kill him. Therefore what “BBC Fake News” called a murder, turned out to be manslaughter.
Even Jozwik’s brother Radek has said “None of us had ever suffered any racism. I never thought his death was race-related. I think he was in the wrong place at the wrong time. English people have always been friendly and welcoming.”
The 16 year old was sentenced to three-and-a-half years in a young offenders institution, for manslaughter.
I believe Farage said that he went to the BBC and personally handed over his complaint to Lord Hall.
Well NIgel has had my support for years but now he has my fervent unswerving commitment. Mind you I would offer the same to anyone who took on the bloated, biased, BBC.
From Vince Cable’s speech…
“Let me be clear about this. This is not a call for a re-run. This is not a call for a second referendum on Brexit. This is a call for a first referendum on the facts. When we know what Brexit means, the people should get the choice: The Government deal or an ‘exit from Brexit’. We know, of course, that our call will be resented by the Brexit fundamentalists. We will be denounced as traitors and saboteurs. I’m half prepared for a spell in a cell with Supreme Court judges, Gina Miller, Ken Clarke, and the governors of the BBC. But if the definition of sabotage is fighting to protect British jobs, public services, the environment and civil liberties, then I am a proud saboteur. Brexiteers will say: “we have already voted to leave. How dare you people flout democracy.”
“the governors of the BBC.” he said. so they are Brexit saboteurs.
Vince and his band of deviants are neither Liberal or Democratic-unless it`s meant in the North Korean sanse.
Can anyone imagine our side going to such lengths to defy the winning side in the referendum?
This is terminal for them and they know it.
Vince has nine seats as I recall…he speaks for nobody but his fellow creeps.
Nick Cleggs pension possibly depends on this, they really are nasty little liars aren`t they?
I might leave Ken Clarke out of it but the rest of Cables list I would gladly put in a cell. He’s pretty much wrong on all the other topics he mentioned aswell.
And as for calling me a fundamentalist in the current climate is in extremely poor taste. I might just report it as a hate crime as surely a tenuous link can be made.
Presumably ‘the facts’ will include details of the ‘ever closer union’ proposed by Junker?
The ‘remain’ campaign kept very quiet about the direction that the EU was headed, pretending that the status quo would be maintained, (but we would like it to be ‘reformed’, i.e. a few powers returned to the member states, no chance!).
Dover Sentry, I’ve wondered for some time whether the coming of Blair, and all that followed, had something to do with the fact that most of the WW2 generation and the National Service generation had retired from public life by then. Certainly the cultural revolution of the 1960s was linked to the coming of age of the first generation that had never really known war or hardship. Blair (and in the states, Clinton) was the triumph of that generation.
I prefer to think that someone finally decided to empty the cesspit of hell and out flowed Blair, his cabinet, the Clintons and most other politicians of their generation.
That said, the real damage was done by the generation before – led by the Marxists expelled from Germany who took Frankfurt school madness with them to US (for the most part) universities. It was they who laid the groundwork for the 1960s.
You`re onto something big here Cranmer.
When I was growing up, even I knew that we`d all have been speaking German had the old coots I was expected to dislike had not sacrificed their all for me and mine.
Only trouble was that they had tired of history and of renewal after the draining victory over the Nazis-and freewheeled into the second half of the century, grateful that they could still have kids , get dentures, avoid the workhouse and get their kids to univeristies via grammar schools. And a pension too. All very laudable and understandable. But no churches, no vison, no faith, drift and the perpetual infestation by the clever lefties like Laski, Hobsbawn and Eagleton over here in Britain.
That generation died off, we left knew nothing of those “spiritual forces and higher powers” that create Eus, UNs, Vietnams and Afpaks…so now here we are, having to learn the hard way-with no experience of fighting, no awareness of what death and destruction are in reality. Our grandparents and parents did…they`d not have let islam stamp on our faces as we`ve done.
And they`d have strung up the quislings, starting with David Frost maybe?
It’s a bit like the ‘Life on Mars’ series. Intended to ‘educate’ us into the idea that life in the Seventies was all so wrong and disgusting.
They got that very wrong, from the viewing figures.
Biased BBC 1 news at 2215.
Huw Edwards reports that the deaths at Grenfell Tower may be slightly lower than previous estimates.
He also reports that the Police are considering various charges against individuals and corporations whose actions or negligence may have contributed.
But strangely, Huw did not join the dots to report that the reason the death toll estimate has gone down is that the police are investigating fraudulent claims by so-called residents.
Now why would our fine impartial national broadcaster be so selective with its reporting?
I am surprised that they reported it at all. It is the BBC, they are not exactly known for their reliability are they; as Peter Sissons pointed out years ago, when he worked for BBC news and current affairs (and it has got much worse since then) he lost count of the number of times he was told by his editor, just summarize what is in today’s Guardian
Anyone really think that May is committed to Brexit, other than leaving under a deal which effectively leaves us in? I have argued that she is a creature of the lefties in the BBC and as Guido points out her Brexit supremo is a former admirer of soviet communism.
May needs to go fast, and go in a blaze of public humiliation as a warning to others
If Treezer were genuinely in favour of Brexit A/ she wouldn’t have campaigned for Remain and B/ she wouldn’t have Remainiacs like Rudd and Hammond in her cabinet. All three need to go – and the sooner the better.
I think nobody in the higher echelons of the Conservatives really wanted to preside over Brexit, as they are part and parcel of the globalised, pro-EU, international elite. Let’s just hope that the Brexit negotiations continue reasonably well and that a new breed of pro-Brexit, patriotic Tories can start working their way to the top. Mr Rees-Mogg of course is one such but claims he does not want to be PM; perhaps someone similar will arise. Cometh the hour, cometh the man (or woman).
Panorama was billed as being about AfD
But rather it seems to be about a Right wing terrorist group operating in Freital.
Although such bad crimes should be exposed and punished, they haven’t yet mentioned any connection with AfD
ah 45 mins in they mentioned AfD literally the last minute of the prog.
I was told to use to use yogurt for any fungal issues down below.
None of this vaginitis and Tena pants stuff back then, just thrush itchings or cystitis.
Never used mayo, but -coming to think of it- thousand island dressing has the colour I`d have expected, had some lady decided she wasn`t happy with us.
It was a simpler time-off to make our salad now, all this has made me a bit peckish.
“Parsons Green bombing: Third arrest over Tube attack”
Despite the road sign , something tells me that he is not going to be Welsh.
Beeb website reports criticism of Trump’s UN ‘hate speech’. Apparently Iran’s foreign minister did not like it; I am sure he is a bastion of fair-minded objectivity.
Should you try and cuddle people who seek to destroy you? That is clearly the Beeb’s policy and we are all seeing how disastrous that is. Bullies like Kim only respect strength.
Of course the noble Beeb would never sink to hate speech. Their treatment of Trump and Brexit voters has been entirely decent and balanced.
As the BBC quote Iran and await an FOI re what North Korea says-if THESE are what the BBC are reduced to, then Trump is on Gods side!
Do the BBC ever think of who their new pals and rentaquotes are…and why we despise them?
A typical BBC Alt-Left feature.
Why are the BBC so concerned about America’s business? Why don’t they look at how the police behave in middle-east countries?
Classic bbc SOP when on dodgy ground: pose it as a question and then ‘report’ the opinion they like as ‘news’.
If bottle-blonde All-American Katty Kay ever finds herself confronted by a nutter with a knife, I wonder if this will be what first springs to mind if a police officer is in range?
BBC Breakfast this morning carries lots of news about Mexican earthquakes and Caribbean hurricanes – not the sort of news that is likely to affect millions about to commute to work here in the UK.
Can’t help but feel the Licence fee levied on the masses is subsidising the interests of a minority with a global-mindset.
Lanky lightweight Dan Walker notices that “the main stories we’re covering are not actually on the front pages of the papers”.
Dan rationalises that this may just be a matter of timing – we’ll take his word for it.
“BBC Breakfast this morning carries lots of news about Mexican earthquakes and Caribbean hurricanes – not the sort of news that is likely to affect millions about to commute to work here in the UK.”
Oh I don’t know – what about all those millions of black actors that are commuting to work for the TV advertisers nowadays?
AISI, don’t have a problem with the BBC delivering world news to me but where was positive news about the EU and Europe from 1973-1992 and 1992-2016? Where was any news whatsoever about the Syrian conflict & peace process for the last two months? What about some news from Ukraine? Gaza & Israel? The rest of Oceana, Australia apart. The rest of Latin America, apart from Brazil & Venezuela – precious little from that last one, despite the horrors going on there? What about the small ASEAN countries: Vietnam is storming ahead in recovery from its past horrors. Any news about that, BBC? Nope.
Nothing for weeks on end but then a BBC News Programme will suddenly ‘rediscover’ the rest of the world and have something for me that they think I should know. That is not news coverage: it is propaganda.
Cranmer, or hiding behind “the BBC was not allowed in/allowed to speak to XYZ without police or soldiers present” when they then let slip some days later there is a Rohynga refugee community here in the UK!
I bought some new trousers the other day. Where were they made? Indian sub-continent sweatshop? No. Indonesian or Phillipines sweatshop? No. They were made in Vietnam.
Archaeologists are not immune to the fads and fashions of the day. I would take any such pronouncements with a pinch of salt. In fact no, make it a sackful.
That is a crucial fact, isn’t it? This all preceded the founding of the religion of peace. It seems most people manage to rub along ok but there are always problems with the ROP
Probably at the the same time Humpreys (£650000) was asking a foreign office minister what we are going to do for Mexico ( as in send taxpayers money there).? I choked on my cup of tea on this one. Humpreys is a post war son of the declining empire. A grammar school boy. He sees Blighty as a world donor . The oecd won’t let our government to use the £13 000 000 000 taxpayers money in the overseas development fund on developed countries. So we could be spending even more tax money for Mexico . Send charity money by all means but not taxpayers – yours and mine. Or at best take a few million out of the BBC budget and send that
Trump on North Korea – Let’s turn to a negotiator under six Presidents (hmm thinks: had they or he achieved, we wouldn’t be having the conversation) who was, “shocked” and an opinion from the free, fair impartial, Iran and Venezuela.
Sometimes I really am intrigued by al beebs mindset.
They get all hot and bothered about trans this and trans that as well as whether boys and girls should be boys and girls.
In the same breath they wonder why depression and suicide is rising. Do they really need an answer when they are fucking ( chosen word ) so many people up with this stuff. All because a handful of queers are moaning . Queers is ok to use because al Beeb had a queer week recently.
Indeed and sorry but being gay is not on any scale of ‘normal’ neither is men wearing dresses.
It’s an aberration and if only there were a treatment as featured today on the bbc?
I hear that PM, (is that a time or something else?), has discovered a new letter to add to the LGBT series, ‘A’, so is promising us a piece on this sub-species soon.
Is this what Sesame Street was all about? – “Today’s Minority Group is represented by the letter ‘X’ and the number 0.04, its percentage of the population”.
gax, it is more so when he is obviously politicking. John Humphrys used to be a very good journalist but he is now very old and very much past his best. Time to retire, John.
Like many at the BBC he is being paid shed loads of money to air his defective memory & attention span of a gnat on air while trying to beat his Monarch’s Government of the Day (and its Ministers) over the head with a besom. This morning was hilarious: Owen Paterson 2:0 John Humphrys; Alan Duncan 3:0 John Humphrys; Laura Kuenssberg 0:-1 John Humphrys. (I wonder if a BBC ‘engineer’ found a sudden fault that needed an urgent change of ‘connections’?)
The witch-finders have become the witches.
They are trying to keep the UK population under their spells.
What about the constant threat of terrorism? Thanks to their suicidal multiculturalism and open borders policy young people must be terrified of what the country will look like when they are older. It’s bad enough now but I don’t see how it will not get much, much worse. That none of our leaders has any policy ideas whatsoever to deal with it would depress even the most resilient amongst us. And you can get put in prison for even mentioning the problem! It’s just like 1984.
Being gang raped and tortured probably does not work wonders for your self esteem either.
Yes, the reason for the austerity measures was not to saddle our children with the misery of debt but I guess they think debt far worse than Beirut in Birmingham.
The picture shown in the link is accompanied by the caption “Burkas? We prefer bikinis” and is one of several posters being used by the AfD (Alternative for Germany) party in their campaign for the upcoming elections in Germany.
Sky report that they are “radical far right” and “reminiscent of the Nazis”. They say that these posters are highly controversial and then try and somehow smear President Trump by mentioning that the company who run the advertising once did some work for him.
They then state that with the AfD about to win seats in the German parliament it is “deeply alarming for the German political establishment”.
Someone needs to tell Sky that the way elections work is that the people vote for a party and the party with the most votes wins. If that means that the “establishment” lose then they need to take a good hard look at the reasons why.
The sooner Rupert Murdoch takes back control of Sky the better.
Wonderful wonderful, Laura Kussiberg had the plug pulled on her speechyfying this morning-a deligh tNOT to hear her self opinionated self. Why on earth is employed by the BBC? Because she projects a socialist style & thought much like those that run the BBC.
From Katya Adler to Humphries the BBC Today team are again doing their ‘Hilary bit’ in support of the status quo in Germany. No objective analysis; no balance (anaylis of the opposing parties); no sharp questions. Just a fluffy and soft appraisal of Mummy’s benefits, supported by carefully selected interviewees. So much obvious support for “Mummy” Merkel it is nauseating. I turned the radio ‘off’ and it stayed that way.
I used to listen to radio news output – it could be interesting, surprising, enlightening. Not these days though, any subject and I can predict exactly what will be said down to the last syllable.
The whole point was DIVERSITY of opinion – remove that and you get Soviet style wallpaper news, ‘Another bumper potato harvest and the Western imperialists will never triumph’.
Gaxvil – the BBC’s obsession with diversity of everything (except political opinion) is actually rather sinister, because it makes it look ‘inclusive’ on the surface, with muslim cake bakers, gay vicars, lesbian dancers, tranny potters etc. The average viewer looks at it and thinks ‘well the BBC must be alright, because they allow everyone to take part!’ Yet those with the ‘wrong’ views – even if they are gay, or black – do not get a look-in.
R5 9am is supposed to be a phone-in, but it’s just a kckathon against Boris Johnson
as they invited a series of LibMob voices like Jon Snow to give their opinion
..9:21am there is actually a caller
an anti-Boris caller.
Zeinab Badawi absolutely frothing against Péter Szijjártó, Hungarian Foreign Minister.
Totally on the immigration issue, the normal emotional blackmail.
‘How dare Hungary put up razor wire border ..when it’s a place that Liggle Children cross’
TV version
Notice how the Radio Version page doesn’t even mention who’s being interviewed
8:30am Hate monger NIcky Campbell made another sneering comment about Farage
probably in response to this
@Nigel_Farage has hand-delivered a letter to the BBC demanding an apology over the “blood on hands” report
My guess is that BBC is looking for a bustup with Farage, thus an excuse not to air him anymore.
“Some years ago I wrote about an Oxford student who spent a night in the slammer and was fined £80 for asking a mounted policeman (if you’ll forgive the expression): “Do you know your horse is gay?” With hindsight, it seems entirely reasonable to assume, if their cruisers are gay, so are their mounts.” When Opposite World Moves In Next Door {steynonline – 18sep2017}
“…liable to arrest you for catching their eye at the urinal. In those days, they’d cuff you if they thought you were looking for gay sex. Now they cruise around trying to jolly you into giving it (gayness) a go.”
“The cool thing is these new liveried vehicles look totally awesome as you’re speeding past the eleven-year-old girls being taken as sex slaves of Lancashire’s many “Asian” grooming gangs en route to the LGBT Outreach Ball. ”
“Possibly they have alternative vehicles for Islamic outreach and dispatched the Burqamobile. “
I liked the anonymous quote, via Tim Neilson, via Mark Steyn:
“Margaret Thatcher famously said that the problem with socialism was that you eventually run out of other people’s money. Similarly, the problem with open borders lunacy is that eventually you run out of other people’s neighbourhoods.”
Also a lovely Steynism:
” .. grooming is to Northern England as oil is to Saudi Arabia – underground but everywhere.”
Let’s have a “MONTY PYTHON” feature every day from the BBC!! May I suggest the third most important
news story on the BBC Website today. ” Sexism outrage as women fined for urinating in public. ” Are the BBC
taking the piss? Read it , it will remind you of Monty Python’s 100 meters for folk with weak bladders.
Of course all the usual suspects come into play ” where do you go to have a dump in Holland if you are a
transgender? As John Littledick from the Mail would say ” You couldn’t make it up.”
Quarter of 14-year-old girls ‘have signs of depression’
They have been watching too much AlBeeb TV . They need to get out more.
– So turn boys into girls or gender neutral characters will help?
– Do we think talking about gender fluidity will cause fewer mental health issues?
– BBC, well done to linking to the report!
– The report does not show what questions were asked to define mental health, so I cannot make an informed decision on the data provided.
– Are they confusing or conflating growing up with mental health?
Have had a quick look at this “research”. It`s nothing of the kind-just a 7Up questionannire like I used to do in Jackie and in Womans Realm.
Basically if I too had to sit in failing schools where the bullies and the needy take up the little attention that a teacher might give to me-as opposed to my time at Loreto Convent. If my dad was absent, by dint of goverment nudgings since the 80s, and if any shyness or nerdiness was seen as a mental condition in need of medication or counselling from the former nit nurse…then I too, (along with all the other girls I know and knew) would also be hanging onto Laurie Taylors bell bottoms and saying I was “depressed”.
Oh-and when I was a kid, Liverpool Univeristy actually did things and didn`t give degrees to Beatles or Sonia/Kelly Katona as well…and the BBC weren`t getting onto my phone to groom me into misery and futile weeping as they do via Reddit.
Given the news as sloshed up by the BBC-any girl who cared, was trusting or decent WOULD think the world is shit. If there were nuns allowed in class, they might know better…but the BBC sets the miserabelist tone that their teachers duly replicate.
No-not depression-just a natural response to the BBC and compulsory holding pens for Islam-where once they used to be schools.
Two more psychologically disturbed young lone wolves arrested in Wales in connection with the London tube bomb.
Just in case you might think they are moslems here is a photo of a Welshman with his extremist flag
Very soon Treezer will block access to the internet for these Welsh extremists
Theresa May could have re-iterated this at the U.N. meeting … “Because when immigration is too high (no figure given), when the pace of change is too fast, it’s impossible to build a cohesive society. It’s difficult for schools and hospitals and core infrastructure like housing and transport to cope. And we know that for people in low-paid jobs, wages are forced down even further while some people are forced out of work altogether. … So there is no case, in the national interest, for immigration of the scale we have experienced over the last decade.”
Theresa May as Home Secretary // Speech to the Conservative Party Conference – in full / 06.10.2015
JohnCMar 4, 03:17 Start the Week 3rd March 2025 WTF is Trudeau doing in there ?. That is just a TDS convention. There is a LOT of hate, spite…
atlas_shruggedMar 4, 01:14 Start the Week 3rd March 2025 The Germans knew this was coming. They just did not know what city would be hit first. Here is Nuremberg…
atlas_shruggedMar 4, 01:04 Start the Week 3rd March 2025 The roof looks in good nick. Just like the cathedral at Notre-Dame in Paris.
tomoMar 4, 00:52 Start the Week 3rd March 2025 We absolutely need some British judges subject to this sort of challenge.
Van HelsingMar 4, 00:33 Start the Week 3rd March 2025 I rather think their ambition is loftier than their reach. Trump holds the cards in this one.
JohnCMar 4, 00:29 Start the Week 3rd March 2025 This sounds like what that talk about Obama and the Logan act was really about. ‘ a United States federal…
JohnCMar 4, 00:22 Start the Week 3rd March 2025 taff, the usual BBC response is to simply not report it. A search with Google shows several UK sites reporting…
JohnCMar 4, 00:00 Start the Week 3rd March 2025 I think you overcomplicate it there Zelazek: Trump is outspokenly right-wing. And the Left absolutely hate people like him with…
Oh dear …
Stop Fiction (TICK)
Stop Cartoons (TICK)
Ensure BBC is Always Positive (TICK)
Control Schooling (TICK)
Control Dress Code (TICK)
Control Immigration (TICK)
Control A Political Party (TICK)
Control Disagreement and Language (TICK)
Add an Alternative Law (TICK)
Control Food Production (TICK)
Control Banking (TICK) ….
The UK is headed for trouble. It already has a two-tier legal system, which has allowed Muslim rape gangs to abuse “white girls” en masse with little attention; it has at least 85 operational sharia courts that are “operating beyond the reach of British law“; and now, it is virtually requesting that Islamic banking rescue Britain due to Brexit. { sep2017}
Trump’s UN speech – nothing any sentient being could take exception to.
No doubt the bbc has it’s best lexicographers, psychologists and fiction writers attempting to prove me wrong.
“Ah but he didn’t mention this” or “He said that but thinks this” and “Whatever he says we’ll find something, anything – his tie, his wife’s shoes, anything because we are your bbc – free but not fair or impartial and we are dyed in the wool liars.”
It was a brilliant speech. What a statesman, he speaks well. That won’t have gone down well with the liberal elites.
We already know that BBC news and radio staff ignore the rules on Social Media use

as they relentlessly tweet hate against Trump and Brexit
But the Rutherford case draws my attention to the rules on staff including their PERSONAL views within the programmes they are making (as regards ANY controversial topics).
Despite them Rutherford always rushes to push the latest Green/solar gimmick in his prog
..and gushes over controversial figures like Michael Mann, feeding him free kicks against his political opponents.
“I never raised a son like this one” — Mother of So. African cannibal shot by police after he refused to stop eating a woman he’d beheaded. {twitter @AnnCoulter}
Comment: Just because he wouldn’t stop eating a woman he beheaded, doesn’t mean he’s a bad guy!! It’s just a misunderstanding. #CannibalLivesMatter
Comment: But…but…he wasn’t a fine young cannibal?
… because all cultures, religions and traditions are equal. Let’s see how the BBC reports on this …
President Trump at the UN –
‘The problem in Venezuela is not that socialism was implemented unsuccessfully, but that socialism was implemented completely’
My favourite Trump quote so far.
“Venezuela : A rabbit is not a cute pet. It’s 2.5kg of Meat”

And the Venezuelan president also slammed the “cowardly left” around the world who have turned against his country’s Bolivarian Revolution. “It scares them to hear the word Venezuela,” he said, mocking them as “traitors in red jackets who call themselves Chavistas.”
{ 19sep2017}
Missed this with all the USA statue destruction … Russia warns Poland not to touch Soviet WW2 memorials { jul2017}
The Russian government has warned Poland that it will face sanctions if it removes monuments glorifying the Soviet victory in World War Two. Last month Poland updated its “de-communisation” legislation, banning “totalitarian” symbols, which would include Soviet propaganda monuments. Now Russian foreign ministry officials have warned of “asymmetric measures” if Poland removes Soviet war monuments.
I have seen the Russian memorials . Even when the USSR was collapsing they were well looked after. Red geraniums on each young man’s grave. So many in the last months of the war and it would be a terrible thing to touch them . Each cemetery had it’s memorial usually a sculpture and they are very much part of it. Leave well alone
R4 4pm Michael Rosen just opened up the prog by talking about ?
Guest Malorie Blackman from Barbados talking about Barbadian English (Creole)
Diane Abbott Scoops Major Gong At Diversity In Media Awards {voice-online 17sep2017}
Commenting on Diane Abbott’s honour, awards co-founder Linda Riley said: “For thirty years Diane Abbott has been a strong and visible advocate for BAME people living and working in Britain. She has blazed a trail in ensuring that UK Parliament better reflects the diversity of society it is designed to represent, standing up for issues that affect those who are black or ethnic minority.”
White people love playing ‘divide & rule’. We should not play their game.
I’m a West Indian mum and West Indian mums will go to the wall for their children.
My forebears refused to cut the sugar cane for plantation owners, and I am recognisably a product of that background.
When fast food is not a treat but a dietary staple, the children surf the internet all day in dark corners of the room and are bombarded with latest gadgets. Things replace parental standards.
I believe every abortion is a tragedy.
My London constituency in Hackney has one of the highest levels of gun crime in the country. But the problem is no longer confined to inner city areas. Gun crime has spread to communities all over Britain.
In politics, the people I most despise are those who have no values.
Diane Abbott Foundation spent nearly £30,000 on awards ceremony, accounts reveal: Sum was more than 80 per cent of annual budget of small education charity of which MP is the director
Now they are making a big deal about British sticking plasters coming only in pink

and that being completely different to black peoples skin
Well they are different to white peoples skin also
Headlines tonight. Nato annulled after delegate swallows treaty. I’m so sorry yells exploding cleaner. And bearded cleric in oily chin insertion. Those are the headlines. God I wish they weren’t.” {youtube – The Day Today Episode 04 – Stretchcast}
I think more diversity in sticking plasters would enrich us all 😉
Nadiya Hussain opens up about her panic disorder ‘monster’ { sep2017}
Nadiya Hussain has spoken about her constant struggle with a panic disorder, saying her “whole life revolves around not falling apart”.
She has previously spoken about how racial abuse is part of her life and has been “for years”.
The Chronicles of Nadiya: Trailer – BBC One: Nadiya discovers her roots in Bangladesh on a journey of food and family.{youtube}
… in other alternative Bangladesh news …
Islam is peaceful. Just ask Rafiqi Islam, a loving husband, who told his wife that he had a present for her, blindfolded her to make it a surprise and then cut off her fingers. Then the rest of the Islam family mopped up the blood, while Mr. Islam threw her fingers into the trash, and after a few hours took her to the hospital where they warned her to tell the doctors that she had an accident.
Either we go on playing the game of blindfold and machete, or we take off the blindfold, take away the machete and show Mr. Islam the door. { – Daniel Greenfield – jun2016}
Nadiya; “Some days the monster shouts in my face. No matter where I turn, he will keep shouting at me. I can’t get him out of my face,” she said.
I imagine a lot of Muslim wives share her experience (allegedly).
Hi MarkyMark – good research. It is clear from the BBC output that they have employed Nadiya for the purpose of pushing the BBC a) Open borders agenda b) Islamifying Britain agenda c) anti-English agenda.
What about those awful blue ones that clumsy butchers wear?
Where does this mean they come from…?
We should now be calling them out over calling us “white” then.
Got my Revlon chart out, will decide on my topaz blush shade and make them include that on their censuses.
I refuse to be typecast as white…I`m topaz blush today, but this will change after Mothers Day.
If Corbyn is able to take his beard oiff, then he`ll be Michael Rosen. Dopey Islington Lefties fawned over by the BBC, Both of them.
Bust up at Antiques Roadshow, regular experts get fed up with Producers boyfriend policing what gets on air.
Rumour from inside the camp (oops! Am I allowed to use that word?) suggest that Antiques Roadshow has been a very unhappy ship for a long while, with a huge gulf between the ‘experts’ and the production team.
Shades of Top Gear, perhaps?
R4 4:30pm Matthew Parris celebrates the first woman ELECTED to parliament
No not that one !
But rather an Irish one, who never took her seat.
And shot live rounds at British soldiers ..some who died.
And married a Polish count
Constance Markievicz
Oh It`s Mathhew Parris.
Odious traitor to all things current and conservative, so clearly a job for life at the BBC.
£6.5bn London Bridge redevelopment
Despite the diggers shifting soil and the absence of trains sweeping overhead, it is easy to picture what the huge concourse at London Bridge station will look like when it opens in three years’ time.

At peak times, more than 16,000 passengers an hour will travel down escalators from the platforms to this vast open area, the size of the pitch at Wembley, connecting to new destinations like Peterborough and Cambridge.
Alongside the rows of shops will stand the original Victorian archways, with a walkway connecting the riverbank to the[QATARI OWNED] Shard and Borough Market.
£6.5bn in redevelopment. But just one Muslim boy with a bucket is part and parcel of living in a big city.
Like a Bridge over troubled waters, I will lay thee walls down ….
Just another meretricious lump in a dying useless city.
Brilliant speech by Trump. It guarantees that Treezer and her Emir will not want him to come here.
No because Khan carries the cosh May is under.
I really want the President to refuse to come and say why. London is a hostile third world hellhole and far too dangerous for an American President now and besides there is just no point. . It is the erstwhile capital city of a great people and now it is not. I really wish he would put this May and the mayor in their places for good.
I got a new digital radio which you can programme to turn off when ever it recognises particular words in al Beeb broadcasts . I have put ‘Trump’ Brexit ‘diversity”heritage ‘ ‘community ‘ ‘extreme right’ in it. There is silence in my house.
Poor Kate hoey – one of the few MPs who stick to their guns – is under fire for daring to criticise al beebs coverage of Brexit of newsnight. I can’t comment because as a once regular Tonight then Newsnight viewer I stopped years ago,
I have spent two hours on the Guardian site today.
Hilarious, and encouraging.
Cif gets more extreme, every day.
The Guardianista comments become more implausible than the “opinion”. Which is difficult. Fewer too.
Many comments from people like myself (except they are not banned, yet), just enjoying themselves, exposing the nonsense, poking the liars with a stick or waving a red flag at them. I expect they are getting bored, the Lefty writers and commenters stopped being a challenge years ago.
More non-whites then ever amongst the opinion writers. They do not even attempt to hide their hatred of white people any more. Or our literature, science, architecture.
They get the begging bowls out in a nanosecond though.
No Japanese or Korean opinions though, I wonder why, no I don’t.
More apologies from Polly & Co every day. They do wish they were not white. Perhaps suicide is indicated.
Facts are no longer sacred.
Move over Momentum, The runaway Guardian is heading for the buffers at top speed.
“More people read the Guardian than ever . . .” Correct, just like they read the Beano when young.
It is great fun. I particularly like the insults. In fact I feel cheated if I am not insulted many times each time I make a comment. The thing is we conservatives just do not care and like a bit of a joke and a bit of aggravation.
“We have infiltrated into the Americans’ command control centers over the recent years,” he (General Amir Ali Hajizadeh) was quoted as saying in a television interview broadcast on PressTV, another Iranian-controlled outlet. {jihadwatch sep2017}
– Guess it takes more than 9 months (Trump’s administration) to infiltrate the USA Command Control Centers with the Islamic Guard?
“The Koran says don’t let the hatred of a people move you to deal with people unjustly. The Prophet Mohammed beheaded people who were extremely unjust to him. {youtube – Khallid Shabazz – mar2015}”
– Army Lt. Col. Khallid Shabazz, March 2015
– Current US Chaplin (feb 2017), who is Muslim, in charge of spiritual guidance of 14,000 Christian soldiers says beheading is OK under Islam
Jolly good rant from Gaunty.
The BBC Presenter of Radio 4‘s “Inside Science“, Adam Rutherford, has been reprimanded by the BBC for organising an Anti-Science campaign against the re-selection of the Labour MP Graham Stringer, to the House of Commons Science & Technology Committee, despite the fact Stringer is the only scientist on the Committee, and its not the job of BBC employees, to lobby Parliament against appointing a Scientist to a Science Committee, in the same way that the BBC discriminates against Causational Climate scientists from attending BBC Climate Science seminars.
Rutherford, a Geneticist who worked with Geneticist Steve Jones, both appointed experts on Climate science by the BBC, called on environmental activists to complain about Stringer in letters to their Members of Parliament, and invited the chair of the committee onto his programme.
As far as we can see, the senior management at the BBC has told Rutherford that he can keep his job with the BBC, but has been advised to keep a low profile from now on.
This follows other incidents including an incident when the BBC ruled that a radio debate about climate change, involving former Chancellor of the Exchequer Lord Lawson should have been censored.
That was widely condemned by MPs, including both Members of Parliament with scientific qualifications. Peter Lilley, saying it shows the BBC is ‘afraid of letting a single critic point out that the climate change emperor has no clothes’. His Labour colleague Graham Stringer who is also a scientist said: ‘This is a form of censorship’.
Graham Stringer said about his complaint about Rutherford
“I appreciate the BBC’s swift and appropriate response to my complaint. I have been a member of the Science and Technology Committee for 10 years.
I have a degree in chemistry and have worked as a scientist in industry for a decade. I will continue to use my scientific training to look at all the issues that come before the Committee, including global warming.”
I understand that members of the Royal Society of Chemistry have managed to keep the society free from being dragged into the shit hole that the Royal Society has found itself in, as regards its position on Climate Science. This I presume is because the formula used to calculate carbon-dioxide warming in a Planetary Atmosphere, is a Chemical formula that Chemists and Atmospheric Physicists with Chemical training, should be the first scientists to see, that the assumed results of the formula do not, and have never produced any real results in the real world.
Sceptics have managed to save the reputation of the “Royal Society of Chemistry” for the future survival of the “age of reason“ in its battle against the BBC and its favoured employees like Rutherford and Cox, who remain employed by the BBC.
Poor Al beeb – being attacked on many fronts. According to the Telegraph Mr Farage is stated as saying he will refuse to pay his TV licence if John Sweeney – a reported of huge ego – does not apologise for his accusation about ” blood on his. Hands” in relation to the non existent brexit hate crime in Harlow ( where plod imported polish police to ” reassure” local foreigners wasting taxpayers money).
Al beeb has been pretty good at playing the underdog victim in these circumstances.
If Nigel goes ahead with this,he can expect a shed load of people like us in a Peoples Revolt. We too are insulted,mocked and despised by the BBC.
Could be the end of the BBC, if we were to get behind him. He is entirely right to demand an apology, Sweeney sacked-or to get us all to refuse to pay for the likes of the BBC.
Yes, Alicia,
Get rid of the BBC News, then force them to register as a political party with the Electoral Commission.
What is the latest news on Cliff Richard?
I reckon that public Christianity in the UK died with the aborted efforts to nail Cliff Richard. He`s been Britains lone token public Christian for years who preceeded most of us, and had national recognition as such. This case in 2014 put the BBC off that cliff edge of theirs, and into the abyss of hell.
Nigel is onto something-if he gets no fulsome apology and Sweeneys head on a platter as well-then the rest of us need to get behind him and refuse to pay for this one reason.
Let`s do this one for Sir Cliff!
The London BBC news are all over a story about the latest outrage the police have caused by entering a mosque and (can you believe it?) NOT REMOVING THEIR SHOES!
Well, let’s be honest here; the police are called to an incident inside the mosque and, without any thought of cultural sensitivity, blithely rush in. Quite clearly this is deeply offensive and every single offending officer should immediately be sacked…possibly beheaded.
Back on planet earth for a while, don’t you think, if you were a bloody rag-head, after the endless problems this poxy third world superstition has caused, you’d just try to keep quiet for a bit. Maybe keep your head down. Not this lot. They’re furious. They are incandescent with rage. Well, let’s be honest, they usually are pissed off about something or other, I sometimes wonder how they put up with us…
The videos showing the outrage have “gone viral” and, as you might expect, the BBC showed us the darned thing numerous times, while their gimp reporter sat there in his socks.
Meanwhile Muzzies across Blighty are so angry that they’re threatening to return to their homelands.
Oh. if only…
I hope one of the policemen hadn’t trodden in some dog shit on the pavement outside.
Uphold the law or religious sensibilities? You cannot have both, and this is what happens when you try to put religion above the law and reason …
Saudi police ‘stopped’ fire rescue (stopped 15 schoolgirls from leaving a blazing building because they were not wearing correct Islamic dress) { mar 2002}
BBC Beyond 100 Days (BBC job creation scheme#9989) – Both presenters (Kay/Christian) sneer at pauses in Trump’s speech to UN regarding North Korea and Venezuela.
I remember when Diane Abbott was at a police conference and got a negative reception and walked off the stage the wrong way and had to embarrassingly turn and go the other way. {youtube 17may2017}
The BBC cut the footage of Diane Abbott’s embarrassing moment short so she didn’t look a fool – strange thing about footage, what you do and don’t show.
Some news the msm won’t be reporting on any time soon.
Who would’ve thunk it
So Paris accord renegotiated? Saudi Arabia no longer classed as developing country? BBC to report on it ….
News from the diversity minefield
Talk Sport Radio provide a chuckle, “In the England Women’s football, Russia are down to ten men..”
Never mind the red cards, let’s hope that’s not a sackable offence for the presenter.
Sorry if someone has already highlighted this today. I saw the newspaper on the train.
Is Theresa REALLY concerned about modern slavery? Concerned enough to identify slavery as an [ISLAMIC] practise?
Didn’t think so.
She’s asking “Londoners” to look out for signs of slavery in their own “communities”.
I wonder if their will be a citation for those who blow the whistle on MUSLIM rape gangs?
Don’t think so.
Will she be wagging her finger at part-and-parcel Kahn?
Don’t think so.
What this is more likely to be is a virtue-signalling exercise to try to help her reputation.
I must correct my abominable spelling! I mean there. not their. “I wonder if there will be a citation”
They normally have a duty Rasta and a queer woman – normally Scottish – what’s gone wrong ?
Nigel Farage on LBC, has just effectively announce that he will lead the non-payment of the BBC Licence Fee martyrs, if the BBC does not apologise for its “Fake News” story saying “Nigel Farage has blood on his hands” after a drunken Polish immigrant Arkadiusz Jozwik was killed by a 16-year-old boy from Harlow in Essex, who has now been sentenced to 3½ years in a young offenders institution for manslaughter.
The CPS suggested there was no evidence that the lad who punched Mr Jozwik was driven by anti-Polish prejudice. Evidence in court suggested that Jozwik and his friend “appeared to be drunk and smelt of alcohol”. Blood tests showed Mr Jozwik was around twice the drink-drive limit. In court, the boy responsible for the killer punch claimed the Polish men were “aggressive and loud” and saying: “Fight me, fight me.”
He also said it was the Poles who used racist language. He said one of the Polish men grabbed a friend of his and called him a “nigger”. And according to psychological reports the boy regretted his actions and felt remorse over Mr Jozwik’s death. He did not mean to kill him. Therefore what “BBC Fake News” called a murder, turned out to be manslaughter.
Even Jozwik’s brother Radek has said “None of us had ever suffered any racism. I never thought his death was race-related. I think he was in the wrong place at the wrong time. English people have always been friendly and welcoming.”
The 16 year old was sentenced to three-and-a-half years in a young offenders institution, for manslaughter.
I believe Farage said that he went to the BBC and personally handed over his complaint to Lord Hall.
I believe the above information is censored by the BBC.
Well NIgel has had my support for years but now he has my fervent unswerving commitment. Mind you I would offer the same to anyone who took on the bloated, biased, BBC.
From Vince Cable’s speech…
“Let me be clear about this. This is not a call for a re-run. This is not a call for a second referendum on Brexit. This is a call for a first referendum on the facts. When we know what Brexit means, the people should get the choice: The Government deal or an ‘exit from Brexit’. We know, of course, that our call will be resented by the Brexit fundamentalists. We will be denounced as traitors and saboteurs. I’m half prepared for a spell in a cell with Supreme Court judges, Gina Miller, Ken Clarke, and the governors of the BBC. But if the definition of sabotage is fighting to protect British jobs, public services, the environment and civil liberties, then I am a proud saboteur. Brexiteers will say: “we have already voted to leave. How dare you people flout democracy.”
“the governors of the BBC.” he said. so they are Brexit saboteurs.
Vince and his band of deviants are neither Liberal or Democratic-unless it`s meant in the North Korean sanse.
Can anyone imagine our side going to such lengths to defy the winning side in the referendum?
This is terminal for them and they know it.
Vince has nine seats as I recall…he speaks for nobody but his fellow creeps.
Nick Cleggs pension possibly depends on this, they really are nasty little liars aren`t they?
I might leave Ken Clarke out of it but the rest of Cables list I would gladly put in a cell. He’s pretty much wrong on all the other topics he mentioned aswell.
And as for calling me a fundamentalist in the current climate is in extremely poor taste. I might just report it as a hate crime as surely a tenuous link can be made.
Or in BBC speak a “so-called” fundamentalist.
“The governors of the BBC.”
Out of the mouths of babes and old duffers …….
Presumably ‘the facts’ will include details of the ‘ever closer union’ proposed by Junker?
The ‘remain’ campaign kept very quiet about the direction that the EU was headed, pretending that the status quo would be maintained, (but we would like it to be ‘reformed’, i.e. a few powers returned to the member states, no chance!).
I hope he buries the Limp dems. He is insulting all those who voted to leave,.
If Brexit has done one good thing, it has exposed the thoughts of the Politicians on both sides of the argument.
It drew a line in the ground and then asked where do you stand.
Sorry for finding a positive because Gary ‘£1.75m + Crisps + Wages Paid Under Threat of Prison’ Lineker says he could not find one … ‘It’s hard to see a single positive (in BREXIT)‘ Gary Lineker on Twitter
I am about to commit the unforgivable crime on this site of praising the BBC. You have been warned.
Horizon is not my favourite series. They push all the standard BBC “lines to take”.
However I have just watched Goodbye Cassini from BBC2 which was a brilliant programme. This edition alone justified all the cost of making it.
Very occasionally , the BBC produce programmes that match the quality of their output 25 years ago i.e. pre-Blair.
Programmes now are shameless products of BBC alt-Left politics.
Dover Sentry, I’ve wondered for some time whether the coming of Blair, and all that followed, had something to do with the fact that most of the WW2 generation and the National Service generation had retired from public life by then. Certainly the cultural revolution of the 1960s was linked to the coming of age of the first generation that had never really known war or hardship. Blair (and in the states, Clinton) was the triumph of that generation.
I prefer to think that someone finally decided to empty the cesspit of hell and out flowed Blair, his cabinet, the Clintons and most other politicians of their generation.
That said, the real damage was done by the generation before – led by the Marxists expelled from Germany who took Frankfurt school madness with them to US (for the most part) universities. It was they who laid the groundwork for the 1960s.
You`re onto something big here Cranmer.
When I was growing up, even I knew that we`d all have been speaking German had the old coots I was expected to dislike had not sacrificed their all for me and mine.
Only trouble was that they had tired of history and of renewal after the draining victory over the Nazis-and freewheeled into the second half of the century, grateful that they could still have kids , get dentures, avoid the workhouse and get their kids to univeristies via grammar schools. And a pension too. All very laudable and understandable. But no churches, no vison, no faith, drift and the perpetual infestation by the clever lefties like Laski, Hobsbawn and Eagleton over here in Britain.
That generation died off, we left knew nothing of those “spiritual forces and higher powers” that create Eus, UNs, Vietnams and Afpaks…so now here we are, having to learn the hard way-with no experience of fighting, no awareness of what death and destruction are in reality. Our grandparents and parents did…they`d not have let islam stamp on our faces as we`ve done.
And they`d have strung up the quislings, starting with David Frost maybe?
Thanks charmbrights. The BBC is a cancer in our national life. It is good that some against the odds are still making good programmes.
It’s a bit like the ‘Life on Mars’ series. Intended to ‘educate’ us into the idea that life in the Seventies was all so wrong and disgusting.
They got that very wrong, from the viewing figures.
Biased BBC 1 news at 2215.
Huw Edwards reports that the deaths at Grenfell Tower may be slightly lower than previous estimates.
He also reports that the Police are considering various charges against individuals and corporations whose actions or negligence may have contributed.
But strangely, Huw did not join the dots to report that the reason the death toll estimate has gone down is that the police are investigating fraudulent claims by so-called residents.
Now why would our fine impartial national broadcaster be so selective with its reporting?
I am surprised that they reported it at all. It is the BBC, they are not exactly known for their reliability are they; as Peter Sissons pointed out years ago, when he worked for BBC news and current affairs (and it has got much worse since then) he lost count of the number of times he was told by his editor, just summarize what is in today’s Guardian
See also the comments from ex-BBC Scott Gronmark, which I posted earlier today.
Anyone really think that May is committed to Brexit, other than leaving under a deal which effectively leaves us in? I have argued that she is a creature of the lefties in the BBC and as Guido points out her Brexit supremo is a former admirer of soviet communism.
May needs to go fast, and go in a blaze of public humiliation as a warning to others
If Treezer were genuinely in favour of Brexit A/ she wouldn’t have campaigned for Remain and B/ she wouldn’t have Remainiacs like Rudd and Hammond in her cabinet. All three need to go – and the sooner the better.
I think nobody in the higher echelons of the Conservatives really wanted to preside over Brexit, as they are part and parcel of the globalised, pro-EU, international elite. Let’s just hope that the Brexit negotiations continue reasonably well and that a new breed of pro-Brexit, patriotic Tories can start working their way to the top. Mr Rees-Mogg of course is one such but claims he does not want to be PM; perhaps someone similar will arise. Cometh the hour, cometh the man (or woman).
Panorama was billed as being about AfD
But rather it seems to be about a Right wing terrorist group operating in Freital.
Although such bad crimes should be exposed and punished, they haven’t yet mentioned any connection with AfD
ah 45 mins in they mentioned AfD literally the last minute of the prog.
‘It’s OK to make mayonnaise while on your period’
Bloody marvellous, pass the me the Salad Cream instead!
I see your mayonnaise period and raise you my dad period:
Coming soon on the BBC: The transexual boys who want to have periods.
(Editor: Enough menstruation stories. Period)
I will go with the Editor.
I was told to use to use yogurt for any fungal issues down below.
None of this vaginitis and Tena pants stuff back then, just thrush itchings or cystitis.
Never used mayo, but -coming to think of it- thousand island dressing has the colour I`d have expected, had some lady decided she wasn`t happy with us.
It was a simpler time-off to make our salad now, all this has made me a bit peckish.
“Parsons Green bombing: Third arrest over Tube attack”
Despite the road sign , something tells me that he is not going to be Welsh.
Along with Cardiff – Swansea’s next.
There has been another arrest in Wales , I blame the Taffia .
Aung San Suu Kyi. Last time I looked the BBc were bigging her up. What changed?
She’s protecting her people from muzzies.
Beeb website reports criticism of Trump’s UN ‘hate speech’. Apparently Iran’s foreign minister did not like it; I am sure he is a bastion of fair-minded objectivity.
Should you try and cuddle people who seek to destroy you? That is clearly the Beeb’s policy and we are all seeing how disastrous that is. Bullies like Kim only respect strength.
Of course the noble Beeb would never sink to hate speech. Their treatment of Trump and Brexit voters has been entirely decent and balanced.
So, is that North Korea, Iran and the bbc that don’t like Trumps UN speech.
Although Col Gaddafi, the president of the African Union, praised Barack Obama and even referred to him as “our Obama”, the US president did not return the compliments { – Muammar Gaddafi delivers 100 minute speech to UN general assembly – sep2009}
The leader (Col Gaddafi) claims that tradition demands he travels with a Bedouin tent but previous applications to erect it in Central Park and in suburban New Jersey had to be abandoned following complaints. … He also likes to travel with a camel but there has been no sign of such an animal on his latest visit.
… Found 3 Items when searching for BBC £3.5bn News Service ‘Gaddafi speech at un’ …
Lockerbie protests greet Gaddafi: { sep2009}: Mrs Flynn said she was “absolutely shocked” that Scottish Justice Secretary Kenny MacAskill “took it upon himself to release Megrahi”
As Mugabe and Gaddafi use their slot within the UN General Assembly to make speeches attacking the West, what was the reaction in Africa? { sep2009}
.. attacking the West good? Attacking Evil Bad? ….
As the BBC quote Iran and await an FOI re what North Korea says-if THESE are what the BBC are reduced to, then Trump is on Gods side!
Do the BBC ever think of who their new pals and rentaquotes are…and why we despise them?
BBC Online News:
“”Are US police too quick to shoot knife-wielding suspects?””
A typical BBC Alt-Left feature.
Why are the BBC so concerned about America’s business? Why don’t they look at how the police behave in middle-east countries?
Classic bbc SOP when on dodgy ground: pose it as a question and then ‘report’ the opinion they like as ‘news’.
If bottle-blonde All-American Katty Kay ever finds herself confronted by a nutter with a knife, I wonder if this will be what first springs to mind if a police officer is in range?
Not quick enough is the answer.
Seems they have forgotten about the Westminster attack when PC Keith Palmer was fatally stabbed:.
BBC Breakfast this morning carries lots of news about Mexican earthquakes and Caribbean hurricanes – not the sort of news that is likely to affect millions about to commute to work here in the UK.
Can’t help but feel the Licence fee levied on the masses is subsidising the interests of a minority with a global-mindset.
Lanky lightweight Dan Walker notices that “the main stories we’re covering are not actually on the front pages of the papers”.
Dan rationalises that this may just be a matter of timing – we’ll take his word for it.
“BBC Breakfast this morning carries lots of news about Mexican earthquakes and Caribbean hurricanes – not the sort of news that is likely to affect millions about to commute to work here in the UK.”
Oh I don’t know – what about all those millions of black actors that are commuting to work for the TV advertisers nowadays?
Don’t forget, some important people have Islands down there.
AISI, don’t have a problem with the BBC delivering world news to me but where was positive news about the EU and Europe from 1973-1992 and 1992-2016? Where was any news whatsoever about the Syrian conflict & peace process for the last two months? What about some news from Ukraine? Gaza & Israel? The rest of Oceana, Australia apart. The rest of Latin America, apart from Brazil & Venezuela – precious little from that last one, despite the horrors going on there? What about the small ASEAN countries: Vietnam is storming ahead in recovery from its past horrors. Any news about that, BBC? Nope.
Nothing for weeks on end but then a BBC News Programme will suddenly ‘rediscover’ the rest of the world and have something for me that they think I should know. That is not news coverage: it is propaganda.
Good point. As if the BBC would give a stuff about Burma if it was Christians clashing with the army instead of Bengali muslims.
Cranmer, or hiding behind “the BBC was not allowed in/allowed to speak to XYZ without police or soldiers present” when they then let slip some days later there is a Rohynga refugee community here in the UK!
I bought some new trousers the other day. Where were they made? Indian sub-continent sweatshop? No. Indonesian or Phillipines sweatshop? No. They were made in Vietnam.
You will not hear about that on the BBC News.
Toady 8.08am: Archaeologists have found that living in the Orkney Islands thousands of years ago were diverse societies and they all got along!
Pass the sick bag. They may have got on back then but it sure as hell is not working now. Nothing says friendly coexistence like a nail bomb.
Archaeologists are not immune to the fads and fashions of the day. I would take any such pronouncements with a pinch of salt. In fact no, make it a sackful.
BB, there were clearly no muzzies there to upset the apple cart…………..
That is a crucial fact, isn’t it? This all preceded the founding of the religion of peace. It seems most people manage to rub along ok but there are always problems with the ROP
G, apples? Orkney?
Must have been the Anthropogenic Global Warming and Climate Change.
Probably at the the same time Humpreys (£650000) was asking a foreign office minister what we are going to do for Mexico ( as in send taxpayers money there).? I choked on my cup of tea on this one. Humpreys is a post war son of the declining empire. A grammar school boy. He sees Blighty as a world donor . The oecd won’t let our government to use the £13 000 000 000 taxpayers money in the overseas development fund on developed countries. So we could be spending even more tax money for Mexico . Send charity money by all means but not taxpayers – yours and mine. Or at best take a few million out of the BBC budget and send that
Do these people not hear their beloved bbc news then?
NHS spend hiring private ambulances £78,000,000.
Trump on North Korea – Let’s turn to a negotiator under six Presidents (hmm thinks: had they or he achieved, we wouldn’t be having the conversation) who was, “shocked” and an opinion from the free, fair impartial, Iran and Venezuela.
Sometimes I really am intrigued by al beebs mindset.
They get all hot and bothered about trans this and trans that as well as whether boys and girls should be boys and girls.
In the same breath they wonder why depression and suicide is rising. Do they really need an answer when they are fucking ( chosen word ) so many people up with this stuff. All because a handful of queers are moaning . Queers is ok to use because al Beeb had a queer week recently.
Indeed and sorry but being gay is not on any scale of ‘normal’ neither is men wearing dresses.
It’s an aberration and if only there were a treatment as featured today on the bbc?
I hear that PM, (is that a time or something else?), has discovered a new letter to add to the LGBT series, ‘A’, so is promising us a piece on this sub-species soon.
Is this what Sesame Street was all about? – “Today’s Minority Group is represented by the letter ‘X’ and the number 0.04, its percentage of the population”.
I never much minded John Humphries but £650,000 – Really? That’s obscene.
gax, it is more so when he is obviously politicking. John Humphrys used to be a very good journalist but he is now very old and very much past his best. Time to retire, John.
Like many at the BBC he is being paid shed loads of money to air his defective memory & attention span of a gnat on air while trying to beat his Monarch’s Government of the Day (and its Ministers) over the head with a besom. This morning was hilarious: Owen Paterson 2:0 John Humphrys; Alan Duncan 3:0 John Humphrys; Laura Kuenssberg 0:-1 John Humphrys. (I wonder if a BBC ‘engineer’ found a sudden fault that needed an urgent change of ‘connections’?)
The witch-finders have become the witches.
They are trying to keep the UK population under their spells.
Be gone, foul fiends!
What about the constant threat of terrorism? Thanks to their suicidal multiculturalism and open borders policy young people must be terrified of what the country will look like when they are older. It’s bad enough now but I don’t see how it will not get much, much worse. That none of our leaders has any policy ideas whatsoever to deal with it would depress even the most resilient amongst us. And you can get put in prison for even mentioning the problem! It’s just like 1984.
Being gang raped and tortured probably does not work wonders for your self esteem either.
Yes, the reason for the austerity measures was not to saddle our children with the misery of debt but I guess they think debt far worse than Beirut in Birmingham.
Sky news has become an absolute disgrace in it’s so-called impartial reporting.
The picture shown in the link is accompanied by the caption “Burkas? We prefer bikinis” and is one of several posters being used by the AfD (Alternative for Germany) party in their campaign for the upcoming elections in Germany.
Sky report that they are “radical far right” and “reminiscent of the Nazis”. They say that these posters are highly controversial and then try and somehow smear President Trump by mentioning that the company who run the advertising once did some work for him.
They then state that with the AfD about to win seats in the German parliament it is “deeply alarming for the German political establishment”.
Someone needs to tell Sky that the way elections work is that the people vote for a party and the party with the most votes wins. If that means that the “establishment” lose then they need to take a good hard look at the reasons why.
The sooner Rupert Murdoch takes back control of Sky the better.
Had the misfortune to hear a bit of the ‘News Quiz’ – the alleged woman comedian stumbled over the word, PLURALITY, as well she might.
Sky news was once painfully impartial, but that all changed about 3 years ago and it became a miniBBC. Shame.
Wonderful wonderful, Laura Kussiberg had the plug pulled on her speechyfying this morning-a deligh tNOT to hear her self opinionated self. Why on earth is employed by the BBC? Because she projects a socialist style & thought much like those that run the BBC.
tarien, a ‘Churchill’ comment is, I think, appropriate after your post : “Oh, yesss!” “Ohhh, yesssss!”
From Katya Adler to Humphries the BBC Today team are again doing their ‘Hilary bit’ in support of the status quo in Germany. No objective analysis; no balance (anaylis of the opposing parties); no sharp questions. Just a fluffy and soft appraisal of Mummy’s benefits, supported by carefully selected interviewees. So much obvious support for “Mummy” Merkel it is nauseating. I turned the radio ‘off’ and it stayed that way.
I used to listen to radio news output – it could be interesting, surprising, enlightening. Not these days though, any subject and I can predict exactly what will be said down to the last syllable.
The whole point was DIVERSITY of opinion – remove that and you get Soviet style wallpaper news, ‘Another bumper potato harvest and the Western imperialists will never triumph’.
Gaxvil – the BBC’s obsession with diversity of everything (except political opinion) is actually rather sinister, because it makes it look ‘inclusive’ on the surface, with muslim cake bakers, gay vicars, lesbian dancers, tranny potters etc. The average viewer looks at it and thinks ‘well the BBC must be alright, because they allow everyone to take part!’ Yet those with the ‘wrong’ views – even if they are gay, or black – do not get a look-in.
I have a vague memory of an old joke. Something about being ok if he was a Protestant Jew but not a Catholic one.
R5 9am is supposed to be a phone-in, but it’s just a kckathon against Boris Johnson
as they invited a series of LibMob voices like Jon Snow to give their opinion
..9:21am there is actually a caller
an anti-Boris caller.
Zeinab Badawi absolutely frothing against Péter Szijjártó, Hungarian Foreign Minister.
Totally on the immigration issue, the normal emotional blackmail.
‘How dare Hungary put up razor wire border ..when it’s a place that Liggle Children cross’
TV version
Notice how the Radio Version page doesn’t even mention who’s being interviewed
8:30am Hate monger NIcky Campbell made another sneering comment about Farage
probably in response to this
@Nigel_Farage has hand-delivered a letter to the BBC demanding an apology over the “blood on hands” report
My guess is that BBC is looking for a bustup with Farage, thus an excuse not to air him anymore.
David Keighley gives the background
BBC Watch: BBC bias turns street scuffle into anti-Brexit cause celebre
“Some years ago I wrote about an Oxford student who spent a night in the slammer and was fined £80 for asking a mounted policeman (if you’ll forgive the expression): “Do you know your horse is gay?” With hindsight, it seems entirely reasonable to assume, if their cruisers are gay, so are their mounts.”

When Opposite World Moves In Next Door {steynonline – 18sep2017}
“…liable to arrest you for catching their eye at the urinal. In those days, they’d cuff you if they thought you were looking for gay sex. Now they cruise around trying to jolly you into giving it (gayness) a go.”
“The cool thing is these new liveried vehicles look totally awesome as you’re speeding past the eleven-year-old girls being taken as sex slaves of Lancashire’s many “Asian” grooming gangs en route to the LGBT Outreach Ball. ”
“Possibly they have alternative vehicles for Islamic outreach and dispatched the Burqamobile. “
Looks like a new test card .
I liked the anonymous quote, via Tim Neilson, via Mark Steyn:
“Margaret Thatcher famously said that the problem with socialism was that you eventually run out of other people’s money. Similarly, the problem with open borders lunacy is that eventually you run out of other people’s neighbourhoods.”
Also a lovely Steynism:
” .. grooming is to Northern England as oil is to Saudi Arabia – underground but everywhere.”
“To site the other person you just said that would trigger you Sam Harris, Mark Steyn said this the other day, this is the conversation we will be having when the Mullahs nuke us. Everyone will be discussing if someone is transgender despite the fact they’ve had no operation (ref Jack Monroe in UK)” {youtube – audio – 7 Times Douglas Murray Offended Your Idiotic Beliefs}
7 Times Douglas Murray Offended Your Idiotic Beliefs
Dinosaurs were gay – that’s why they died out.
Let’s have a “MONTY PYTHON” feature every day from the BBC!! May I suggest the third most important
news story on the BBC Website today. ” Sexism outrage as women fined for urinating in public. ” Are the BBC
taking the piss? Read it , it will remind you of Monty Python’s 100 meters for folk with weak bladders.
Of course all the usual suspects come into play ” where do you go to have a dump in Holland if you are a
transgender? As John Littledick from the Mail would say ” You couldn’t make it up.”
Quarter of 14-year-old girls ‘have signs of depression’
They have been watching too much AlBeeb TV . They need to get out more.
The proportion of girls identied as having emotional problems based on their parents’ reports increased from 12% at age 11 to 18% at age 14. In boys there was no corresponding increase {click image for pdf –}
Average levels of emotional symptoms, such as feeling depressed and anxious, increased from early childhood through to mid-adolescence.
continuous low mood or sadness; feeling hopeless and helpless; having low self-esteem; feeling tearful ;feeling guilt-ridden ;feeling irritable and intolerant of others; having no motivation or interest in things; finding it difficult to make decisions; not getting any enjoyment out of life; feeling anxious or worried; having suicidal thoughts or thoughts of self-harming { sep2017}
– So turn boys into girls or gender neutral characters will help?
– Do we think talking about gender fluidity will cause fewer mental health issues?
– BBC, well done to linking to the report!
– The report does not show what questions were asked to define mental health, so I cannot make an informed decision on the data provided.
– Are they confusing or conflating growing up with mental health?
Have had a quick look at this “research”. It`s nothing of the kind-just a 7Up questionannire like I used to do in Jackie and in Womans Realm.
Basically if I too had to sit in failing schools where the bullies and the needy take up the little attention that a teacher might give to me-as opposed to my time at Loreto Convent. If my dad was absent, by dint of goverment nudgings since the 80s, and if any shyness or nerdiness was seen as a mental condition in need of medication or counselling from the former nit nurse…then I too, (along with all the other girls I know and knew) would also be hanging onto Laurie Taylors bell bottoms and saying I was “depressed”.
Oh-and when I was a kid, Liverpool Univeristy actually did things and didn`t give degrees to Beatles or Sonia/Kelly Katona as well…and the BBC weren`t getting onto my phone to groom me into misery and futile weeping as they do via Reddit.
Given the news as sloshed up by the BBC-any girl who cared, was trusting or decent WOULD think the world is shit. If there were nuns allowed in class, they might know better…but the BBC sets the miserabelist tone that their teachers duly replicate.
No-not depression-just a natural response to the BBC and compulsory holding pens for Islam-where once they used to be schools.
Two more psychologically disturbed young lone wolves arrested in Wales in connection with the London tube bomb.
Just in case you might think they are moslems here is a photo of a Welshman with his extremist flag
Very soon Treezer will block access to the internet for these Welsh extremists
The Taffia ! 😀 😀 😀
Treezer tells the UN she is warning the tech firms about internet extremism. We all know where that will lead.
How about warning a few of the mosques?
Just ban the internet, knives, cars and going out in public, especially if you are a woman. Problem solved.
Ban photocopiers? “Mr Khan* had gone to the local print shop to have fifty copies of Forty-Four Ways to Support Jihad printed and bound. The staff later called the police…” {steynonline sep2017}
* Khan is not connected with Sadiq Khan. Sadiq Khan does support Halal jobs for Muslims, modesty for all.
// refers to Theresa May to warn tech firms over terror content { 20sep2017}
The Eastern Europeans had a fear of typewriters, once upon a time.
Since cured, I am pleased to report.
Theresa May could have re-iterated this at the U.N. meeting … “Because when immigration is too high (no figure given), when the pace of change is too fast, it’s impossible to build a cohesive society. It’s difficult for schools and hospitals and core infrastructure like housing and transport to cope. And we know that for people in low-paid jobs, wages are forced down even further while some people are forced out of work altogether. … So there is no case, in the national interest, for immigration of the scale we have experienced over the last decade.”
Theresa May as Home Secretary // Speech to the Conservative Party Conference – in full / 06.10.2015
… rather than more internet security. { 20sep2017}