Every flippin day I wake up to BBC pushing green madness at me
6am This morning BBC radio Lincolnshire excitedly report
“And Lincolnshire Police are aiming to be Greenest police with the introduction of green measures and the trialling of an electric patrol car”*
Ah MarcJonesLincs The Police and Crime Commissioner Tweets
“Will be speaking to @BBCRadioLincs aft 8 about electric cars for community policing & aspiration to see @lincspolice be greenest Force in UK
..Background an item in the Sleaford Standard
IMHO FFS Green leadership should not be a police priority
No the boys/girls in BLUE, do not need to go GREEN
* beware the Law of unintended consequences *
The patrol cars are actually ONLY for community roles like following up victim support etc
but they’ll have little second hand value, and would not be able to give chase if they saw anything etc.
Will be speaking to @BBCRadioLincs aft 8 about electric cars for community policing & aspiration to see @lincspolice be greenest Force in UK
This is an excellent point. ‘Green’ isn’t a colour any longer, it is a very distinct political opinion – a form of ecological socialism. By having called it ‘Green’ its proponents have made it sound safe and unexceptional, so they can promote and champion it in ways and places that they wouldn’t dare any other political, or religious, point of view.
The BBC’s promotion of all things ‘Green’ is just another way in which it breaches its charter and refuses to be impartial.
Green Religion is often a gambler’s fallacy
.. of remembering your WINS, and forgetting your LOSSES
Here What counts is full savings minus FULL costs
eg by replacing a halogen lighting unit installed just 2 years ago
You’ve lost asset value (and use bit extra heating)
Scenario carry on as normal,
.. ALL police garage old halogen lights would get replaced by LED in 15 years ..So you arrive at the same low leccy bills in 15 years time
Scenario act now,
..Savings =Lower bills over 15 years, – asset writedowns -extra heat -admin/interest costs paid by gov
In the newspaper he says “Whenever we look at replacing vehicles we will look at if it can be electric, or a hybrid or petrol – diesel is the last resort.”
well there is no saving in that
Overall to the taxpayer who finance all subsidies : The diesel will be the cheapest option
and have range/performance advantages
..Green vehicles have the disadvantage that even when empty on power, they are still carting a heavy battery around.
And police garage would need to get a whole lot of extra tech in.
So the PCC MJ breaks rules on Public Transparency
He Blocked me even tho I never swore or insulted him
I just questioned the maths of his claims
BTW an extra thing : In the newspaper the PCC says
“We have made sure all our stations have charging points”
So whilst he bigs up a saving due to LED, he omits to mention he’s taken AWAY budget in order to install charging points.
So PCC MJ breaks rules on Public Transparency He Blockedme even tho I never swore or insulted him Public spending need TRUTH not PR trickery pic.twitter.com/dRE3JHCCMr
Ah I just noticed that he’s not the one who installed the charging points yet
The paper mixed his quotes with the Gloucester Dep PCC
“He and the Police and Crime Commissioner went to a low carbon conference “
So America is going through, “Law enforcement and Security Services used to sanction and to oppress citizens, not because they have committed a crime BUT simply that they have an opinion”.
I did like the President of Egypt, “It is not feasible to believe that 1.6 billion Muslims can kill 7.5 Billion others in order to uphold their doctrine.”
… could this be a misleading shortened title? Let me have a go…
“Theresa May ‘prepares €20bn demand from EU for damage done to UK property/citizens because of influx of terrorism approved by Merkel by not approved by EU citizens‘ after reaching truce with Boris Johnson”
JohnCMar 4, 03:17 Start the Week 3rd March 2025 WTF is Trudeau doing in there ?. That is just a TDS convention. There is a LOT of hate, spite…
atlas_shruggedMar 4, 01:14 Start the Week 3rd March 2025 The Germans knew this was coming. They just did not know what city would be hit first. Here is Nuremberg…
atlas_shruggedMar 4, 01:04 Start the Week 3rd March 2025 The roof looks in good nick. Just like the cathedral at Notre-Dame in Paris.
tomoMar 4, 00:52 Start the Week 3rd March 2025 We absolutely need some British judges subject to this sort of challenge. https://www.youtube.com/shorts/9VZN2jTwxKc?feature=share
Van HelsingMar 4, 00:33 Start the Week 3rd March 2025 I rather think their ambition is loftier than their reach. Trump holds the cards in this one.
JohnCMar 4, 00:29 Start the Week 3rd March 2025 This sounds like what that talk about Obama and the Logan act was really about. ‘ a United States federal…
JohnCMar 4, 00:22 Start the Week 3rd March 2025 taff, the usual BBC response is to simply not report it. A search with Google shows several UK sites reporting…
JohnCMar 4, 00:00 Start the Week 3rd March 2025 I think you overcomplicate it there Zelazek: Trump is outspokenly right-wing. And the Left absolutely hate people like him with…
Every flippin day I wake up to BBC pushing green madness at me
6am This morning BBC radio Lincolnshire excitedly report
“And Lincolnshire Police are aiming to be Greenest police with the introduction of green measures and the trialling of an electric patrol car”*
Ah MarcJonesLincs The Police and Crime Commissioner Tweets
“Will be speaking to @BBCRadioLincs aft 8 about electric cars for community policing & aspiration to see @lincspolice be greenest Force in UK
..Background an item in the Sleaford Standard
IMHO FFS Green leadership should not be a police priority
No the boys/girls in BLUE, do not need to go GREEN
* beware the Law of unintended consequences *
The patrol cars are actually ONLY for community roles like following up victim support etc
but they’ll have little second hand value, and would not be able to give chase if they saw anything etc.
This is an excellent point. ‘Green’ isn’t a colour any longer, it is a very distinct political opinion – a form of ecological socialism. By having called it ‘Green’ its proponents have made it sound safe and unexceptional, so they can promote and champion it in ways and places that they wouldn’t dare any other political, or religious, point of view.
The BBC’s promotion of all things ‘Green’ is just another way in which it breaches its charter and refuses to be impartial.
Green Religion is often a gambler’s fallacy
.. of remembering your WINS, and forgetting your LOSSES
Here What counts is full savings minus FULL costs
eg by replacing a halogen lighting unit installed just 2 years ago
You’ve lost asset value (and use bit extra heating)
Scenario carry on as normal,
.. ALL police garage old halogen lights would get replaced by LED in 15 years ..So you arrive at the same low leccy bills in 15 years time
Scenario act now,
..Savings =Lower bills over 15 years, – asset writedowns -extra heat -admin/interest costs paid by gov
In the newspaper he says “Whenever we look at replacing vehicles we will look at if it can be electric, or a hybrid or petrol – diesel is the last resort.”
well there is no saving in that
Overall to the taxpayer who finance all subsidies : The diesel will be the cheapest option
and have range/performance advantages
..Green vehicles have the disadvantage that even when empty on power, they are still carting a heavy battery around.
And police garage would need to get a whole lot of extra tech in.
So the PCC MJ breaks rules on Public Transparency
He Blocked me even tho I never swore or insulted him
I just questioned the maths of his claims
BTW an extra thing : In the newspaper the PCC says
“We have made sure all our stations have charging points”
So whilst he bigs up a saving due to LED, he omits to mention he’s taken AWAY budget in order to install charging points.
Ah I just noticed that he’s not the one who installed the charging points yet
The paper mixed his quotes with the Gloucester Dep PCC
“He and the Police and Crime Commissioner went to a low carbon conference “
So America is going through, “Law enforcement and Security Services used to sanction and to oppress citizens, not because they have committed a crime BUT simply that they have an opinion”.
I did like the President of Egypt, “It is not feasible to believe that 1.6 billion Muslims can kill 7.5 Billion others in order to uphold their doctrine.”
Why Muslims are the world’s fastest-growing religious group {pew}
– Why use guns when you can use maths … and where are a lot of these sub-Saharan people heading?
Hmm …………….. they do say things go in circles. I can see a future where we’ll be living in palisaded hill forts and walled settlements.
gax, re President of Egypt: was that the BBC TODAY programme journos & presenters operating the pocket calculator for him?
Or Diane Abbott?
Wonderful Daily Telegraph f/p pic of Bojo today – looking just like Jamie Oliver.
Or is it Jamie Oliver looking just like Bojo?
“Theresa May ‘prepares €20bn EU budget offer‘ after reaching truce with Boris Johnson”
… could this be a misleading shortened title? Let me have a go…
“Theresa May ‘prepares €20bn demand from EU for damage done to UK property/citizens because of influx of terrorism approved by Merkel by not approved by EU citizens‘ after reaching truce with Boris Johnson”
If you do not have control of your borders, with a meaningful set of immigration laws and the right to keep people out of your country, then you do not really have a country. {gatestoneinstitute.org 19sep2017}