‘a frenzied race hate attack triggered by the Brexit vote’
Do we need a special inquiry into the BBC’s handling of Brexit? It has consistently attacked every aspect of the process, promoting every utterance from Brussels as if they were the only viable and sensible options whilst ridiculing and denouncing everything that comes from the British side. Not only that but a more sinister aspect of BBC reporting is apparent whereby it has been demonising and dehumanising Leave voters and politicians associated with the Leave side [just look how it has been treating Boris in the last couple of days…with lies and smears] claiming they are racists and linking them to the Far Right and Nazis…and to murders.
The BBC fabricated an astonishing claim that the death of a Polish man in Harlow was the result of a racist attack that was inspired by Brexit. This was a complete lie and even in the immediate aftermath of the death there was no evidence that this was in any way motivated by race. That didn’t stop the BBC concocting a massive lie that was intended to bolster its narrative that Brexit had made Britain a ‘more racist and nastier place’…..or rather that white, British people are savage racists at heart…all of them.
Even more outrageous, and all the more ironic considering the BBC has been recently telling us how politicians are facing ever more abuse and attacks, they set Nigel Farage up as the man to blame for the death broadcasting a claim that he ‘had blood on his hands’….
‘But I mean, Nigel Farage, I mean, thank you for that, because you are part of this death, and you’ve got blood on your hands, thanks to you, thanks for all your decision, wherever you are, er . . . yeah, it’s your call.’
Nigel Farage says he may well refuse to pay the licence fee…hmmm…hardly a suitably hardline response to the BBC putting his life on the line…..Farage and his family having had death threats since Brexit…the BBC isn’t interested in those though…..they do like to keep up the ‘amusing’ abuse though…this report from the US was illustrated with a picture of Nigel Farage on the frontpage leader even though he had absolutely nothing to do with the story….just another attempt in the BBC drive to portray Farage as a machiavellian schemer who won the Brexit vote by tricking and manipulating us….Nigel – the robot that could tell you how to vote. The BBC desperate to make us think the vote was ‘stolen’….they pull the same tricks with Trump’s win.
It turns out that the Polish man who died was in fact extremely drunk and it was he, not the youth who punched him, who made racist comments and became aggressive first. The death was not murder but judged as manslaughter. This was not a hate crime [on the part of the youth] but just one of those late night fracas that have tragic ends.
The BBC’s narrative has been sickeningly racist, anti-white, anti-British and has been deliberately shaped to malign Brexit as driven by the Far Right and paint all Leave voters as racist little englanders who want to chase immigrants out of the country. Just watch the Newsnight video below in which Brexit is held to blame for making Britain a much more ugly and nastier place…apparently…..
News Watch has been following this in great detail…
BBC’s Harlow ‘Brexit race hate’ claims debunked
News-watch formally submitted detailed complaints to the BBC’s Complaints Unit. With total predictability, they were dismissed.
Meanwhile, the deluge of anti-Brexit BBC reporting has continued, including the angle that race-hate was involved in the vote. And how did the BBC report Friday’s sentencing hearing? With a headline that this was not a race hate murder connected to Brexit? That Daniel Sandford had been wrong to afford such prominence to that possibility? That the (English) killer had been provoked by racist chants by a drunken Polish man 25 years his senior? And that the Farage blood-on-hands quote had now been shown to be preposterous?
Of course not. Tucked away in the BBC’s regional website Essex pages is a short 280-word report that makes no mention of last year’s intemperate sensationalism by the corporation, and notes only towards the end the key point that the racism involved did not emanate from the killer.
Brendan O’Neil in Spiked also comments and notes that the reporting was part of a concerted effort to undermine Brexit…
A killing in Harlow: the shame of Remainers
We must confront the elite’s lies about the killing of Arek Jozwik.
It’s the great shame of Remainers. Yes, there was ‘rampant hatred’ in Britain in the weeks after the Brexit vote. But it wasn’t in places like Harlow. It didn’t come from ordinary Brexiteers. It was in political circles and media circles, where the contempt for Brexit speedily morphed into contempt for the lower orders that voted for it. Into denunciations of entire towns and classes. Into bile about the ‘low-information voters’ who had wrecked the elite’s pristine Britain. Into a fact-lite conviction that the rabble were in the grip of violent hatred. It wasn’t evidence but prejudice that made them turn on Harlow and by extension the rest of working-class Britain. The demonisation of Harlow was the truly hateful thing back then, and it was also the pinnacle of ‘post-truth’: that is, it was based on a lie. In raging against the alleged hatred of the Harlow hordes and others, elite Remainers revealed their own hatreds, their classist fear of democracy, their low political outlook that meant they were even willing to exploit the death of a migrant to attack the lives and beliefs of the less well-off.
RIP, Mr Jozwik. Britons are deeply sorry you were killed in our country where you made your home, and that our political and media elite used your death to propagate untruths.
Complaining to the BBc is pointless. I hope Farage has a legal case for defamation. It is all the BBc really understands. Like all bullies it cannot take a hit. The downside is that our money is going to be used to defend the BBC. Truly now a monstrous organisation that is an affront to the nation .
Having tried it, I can only concur. The BBC has insulated itself from criticism. It has no effect. Like an invasive species (Japanese knotweed comes to mind) it just has to be removed.
I’m surprised that Farage is even sat on that BBC chair, or has clothes on, or brushes his teeth, or wears shoes, or uses any type of taxi, uses a umbrella, or lives in a house, pays his bills, has a TV, uses a mobile (can’t stand the phrase – Cell Phone) because all the above are very good reasons why Brexit should be cancelled immediately!
The BBC might need a better champion than ex Newsnight Anger and Protests and Rabble Rousing Editor Paul Mason telling the nation what ‘we’ want:
Clearly he shares a ready room at the BBC with Ken Clarke for any EU counter attack, but this one on an elected MP in defence of an unelected, uniquely funded propaganda machine seems at best ironic.
Mr Farage would, by not paying his licence, put himself on the wrong side of the law. He should not go down that route.
What he needs to do is take legal action against the BBC. If he needs crowdfunding to do it I don’t doubt there will be plenty people willing to contribute.
Why not deny the BBC tax Money? I won’t pay. I would gladly go ‘per to view ‘ for the few hours a week I watch it but must pay a fee to watch other channels . I hope others are encouraged not to pay. With instructions on how to block licence inspectors on commission and countering prosecuting authorities in court.
This is a serious matter because al Beeb is shaping a country in a way of its multicultural Islamic choosing
They don’t get any telly tax from people like me and don’t dare to come near . Like the bullies they are they go for soft targets .
Don’t pay the BBC. You’ll get stupid threatening letters , but that’s all .
It’s not a case of denying the BBC the money. Unless he never watches live TV, which seems very unlikely, he’d be breaking the law. Someone in his position can’t afford to be on the wrong side of the law.
Forcing the EU referendum and winning it was a magnificent contribution from Nigel. But in the great scheme of things leading a movement that resulted in the removal of all public funds from the BBC would its equal. interestingly the battle lines would be almost the same as the Brexit struggle. The liberal left supporting their state funded propaganda fog horn , the British people on the other side. At least those British people who don’t work for the public sector or some subsidised charity. NIgel would be just the charismatic leader that would be needed. Please NIgel take the foul corporation on I’m sure you will get a lot of support.
Perhaps he has no TV ?
Perhaps he has no TV ?
Highly unlikely for someone who has to keep abreast of political developments, I’d say.
And if he doesn’t, why is he paying it now?
“Nigel Farage you have blood on your hands…”
This isn’t journalism in any recognisable or reasonable sense. This is blatant, poisonous and provocative propaganda. I listen to Nigel most evenings on LBC and he’s told us that he can’t walk down the street now without a bodyguard. A lot of the bile, bigotry and hatred emanates from our state sponsored broadcaster. They’re supposed to report the news, not distort it to promote their own nasty narrative.
And when a case is as contentious and volatile as this, with the death of a young man, you’d better make sure you’ve got your facts straight. The BBC have known for a long time that the ugly remarks made by the young Pole were wrong. It’s now been established by the courts. We’re waiting for an apology. It’s the very least they can do.
Any honest, reasonable and decent organisation would have done it already.
I’m not holding my breath.
I’m surprised Nigel is threatening not paying the tv licence, the BBC will love that as it is illegal if he watches BBC tv.
He must have a good lawyer, he should just sue them, however maybe his lawyer should find out who is actually responsible for this particular broadcast and take them to court, not the BBC, this may stop the BBC using licence payer’s money for paying to defend them?
Just been listening to Nick Ferrari all morning, now O’Brien has started, time to turn off the radio.
I’ve never had the misfortune of listening to O’Brien, as I’m at work by then. But the tweets via LBC and trailers for his programme make him out to be an unprincipled, bitter little shit.
It was good to hear this matter getting an airing on Nick Ferrari’s show. I don’t think Mr Ferrari is a fan of the BBC.
“an unprincipled, bitter little shit”
Let me guess. He is on the Left politically and loves the BBC.
To be fair to JO’B, it was refreshing to hear him backtracking a little bit on Grenfell, he was talking with a reporter (unusual as he usually only talks to sycophants ) who had to relay the unpalatable news (to SJWs) of the reducing death toll there, due to fraudulent claims being discovered. JO’B stated words to the effect that perhaps Grenfell had been over politicised on the back of these claims, well who knew ?
I said to my son (who is a bit of a Lefty) that the Grenfell incident has been talked about on the media a hell of a lot more than the well over a thousand teenage girls who had their lives ruined by the drugs, drink, torture and mass rape that has happened in many towns.
The thing about non payment by the famous is it works to publicise the Telly tax hypocracy .Charles Moore announced several years back he would no longer be paying to draw attention to the bias and the BBC have never chased him up .He wrote an artticle about it. No the BEEB only chase up and imprison the poor.
They know someone like him or Farage is going to generate a lot of negative publicity for them.The anti BBC sentiment is be moving more mainstream ,no doubt and they cannot hold back the dam forever.
Farage would follow it through to the end on principle if he decides to do it.
I hope that all ‘Kipper’ supporters follow him?
I wonder how many people have actually been jailed for not paying the tv tax?
Nothing about Poles being racist is there ?
Poles hated the Russians stationed in their country . If you delivered a refrigerated load that was for Soviet troops placed there they the Poles would immediately sign your CMR ( a proof of delivery and part insurance document ) as received in good condition , then switch the fridge off . They’d unload it the next day . Imagine how fresh the load was then .
Because the BBC doesn’t mix with ordinary Eastern Bloc workers it doesn’t hear about the ones who hate going back to their own country . Why ? Because after a period of time here , they love the gentlemanly ways we have here , like holding doors open for strangers , flashing lights to give way and thanking people who do such things .
Don’t expect the BBC to do any in depth reporting about that .
I am not a lawyer, but I am guessing that there are not sufficient grounds for slander against the BBC or otherwise Mr Farage would have taken them to court. As someone points out, funding it would not be a problem as I am sure many people would wish to contribute to Mr Farage’s expenses, myself included.
It would be interesting to hear from any legal minds who post here. There was a retired lawyer on LBC this morning who reckoned there might be a case against the BBC as publisher, but he acknowledged that was not his area of expertise.
To keep giving a fraud a platform to sell more fraud, to give a pedophile a safe-space, to pay opinionated people large wages who are supposed to be socialists but thrive on capitalism, to forget the 71 genders when drawing contracts, to pay grown ups who phone people and talk about having sex with their granddaughter and then invite them back for more pay, to let Directors claim £34 pounds on expenses when they earn 450k, to give these people on high wages free pass to opera and nights out, to write news that hides details, to over use a term like right-wing and forget the left-wing, to give Labour an easy ride, to drop the term Islam and Muslim when reporting, to forget Roy Larner who fought terrorists with his fists, to make everything political and sexual.
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I would say it was too late for BBC reform. They have been given time and enough events to force changes. At every opportunity they have carried on as before knowing the money will keep on flowing in from threat of prison to the population. I only recently found out that I help pay someone £2.3m who I don’t listen to, have no interest in and they (Chris Evans) us the BBC to promote their own businesses during fund raising events (CarFest). The BBC knew this payment revelation was coming so why no independent Panorama Programme to reveal the extent of it all – paying salaries to paedophiles, give safe space to paedophiles, promoting Labour ideals but not following them (gender pay), presenters using twitter to spread their own views on politics and possibly breaking the BBC guidelines (Lineker/Brexit/6M twitter followers), replacing video footage with photos to hide a nasty refugee and not correcting it (Gavin Hewitt/Sep2015) and then have the audacity to tell everyone how to spot Fake or False News.
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What organisation behaves like this and its customers have no way to stop buying its product, and thus no way to stop its bad behaviour? BBC because of the unique way it is funded
To think they could go all holier than thou about fake news when they are the prime purveyors of it.
At least the way al Beeb reported the Harlow incident – and the way politicians and the inept Essex police – fell into the hate caused by Brexit narrative is a case study of clear bias. If they retract at all it will be buried somewhere.
I just wish there was a public space for a pro Brexit – right of centre reporting of events . There seems to be nobody providing that service now.