Alluha Akbar ( no offense , let alone hate, intended if the spelling is incorrect) would be a more appropriate motto for the 21st century BBC.
I felt the need to get my apology in first before Saunders thought police came knocking!
If they come after you they’ll need to come after YouTube and a huge number of posters AND most junior / infant school kids, the schools and their parents.
I think a lot about causing offence on this blog – which is the only one to which I contribute. Our freedom of speak is now restricted on the off chance that someone might be offended. I also fear the monitoring of this site with authorities with a list of isp addresses should anyone here go beyond displaying their disapproval of the way al Beeb supports the way things have become in our once great country.
I think it was “Nation shall speak peace unto nation.” You used to be able to see the slogan just below the statue of Ariel on the wall above the main entrance to (old) Broadcasting House. Maybe it is still there. “Pretentious crap” is a bit harsh, but fair.
How about a more modern version: “Thank you for your comment regarding editorial bias in our programming, which we are investigating.”
Headline is “Olivia has replaced Amelia as the most popular baby girls’ name in England and Wales, while Muhammad has entered the top 10 most popular boys’ names.”
Whereas in fact the real story is Mohamed (including all various spellings) is TOP BOYS NAME FOR THE 5TH YEAR RUNNING
1. Oliver – 6,623
2. Harry – 5,284
3. George – 5,263
4. Jack – 4,751
5. Jacob – 4,485
6. Noah – 4,305
7. Charlie – 4,190
8. Muhammad – 3,908
9. Thomas – 3,898
10. Oscar – 3,894
You will see Muhammad is listed as entering the top 10 list of boys names for the first time – LIE
THE TRUTH IS THAT In all, there were 7,084 Muhammad, Mohammad, and Mohammed boys born in 2016 — ahead of the official first place boy’s name Oliver, which saw 6,623 boys in 2016.
Putting this into perspective. There were 696,271 live births in England and Wales in 2016. Assuming 50% were female then ~348,136 were male. The top ten boys names represent (including an extra 3,894 for Mohammed variations) is slightly over 7% of all male births.
Muhammad, Mohammad, and Mohammed boys born in 2016 are 2% of all male births. Given that Muslims make up 4.4% of the total UK population and that most Muslim families have, at least (not sure how polygamy – legal or not figures for the name game), one named Mohammed (all spellings) that shouldn’t leave your nappies in too much of a knot.
Nice analysis and it indicates towards the true problem. They have half a dozen names and would never contemplate a non-Muslim name. If every ‘white’ (for want of a better term) boy born next year had to be named from a shortlist of 3 or 4 names, I imagine the number of kids called “John” would be somewhat higher next time around.
I don’t want a survey looking at the number of Muhammads and asking “why are there so many Muslims?” but I would like a debate along the lines of “Why do people begging for asylum and government assistance consider giving their child a western name a badge of shame and dishonour?”
Assuming that all variations of Mo are Muslim and that Muslims represent 4% of the population and that they give birth at the same rate as everyone else then all of the Moes, (2%), represent half of all Muslim boy births.
Which proves nothing but that Muslims lack imagination when it comes to naming boys.
Unsurprisingly the BBC side with terror states over Donald Trump. In the BBC World News section they headline President Trumps UN speech as: “Trumps UN Hate Speech Criticised”.
Socialist apologists don’t like it when the failed, bloody, calamitous historical record of their favoured ideology is pointed out to them. I really enjoyed Trump’s UN address. How nice to see a POTUS stand in front of those venal progressive scumbags and spell out their rank hypocrisy to their faces. To hear socialism called out on a global stage as the vile, depraved, divisive, murderous toxic bile it has been, is and always will be.
The BBC must be especially incensed – I can imagine the Corporation’s progressive cadre seething with barely disguised rage as their treasured world view is once again punched squarely in the face by the facts. Trump’s appeal for help to avert a humanitarian disaster already unfolding in Venezuela – once again, thanks to the wonders of collectivist socialism – was a wonderful thing to see. I’m not sure what America can really do, but if they can rally other Latin American nations to intervene in Venezuela’s socialist slide towards absolute catastrophe then all the better.
I stayed away from watching any msm coverage of Trump’s UN address. I watched the whole speech, unedited, online in HD via YouTube. No ‘explainers’, no ‘commentators’, nobody to game the speech with ‘nuance’. Life is so much more enjoyable when you cut out the fake news and think for yourself.
You’ve highlighted several really important issues there, a particularly important one being of the power of the Internet to steal back from propagandists like the BBC and CNN the ability to distort – or, as they would have it, ‘explain’ or ‘contextualise’ – what someone else says.
We have seen two perfect examples of this recently, the first being Boris Johnson’s £350 million article, the second being Pres. Trump’s address to the UN. The very last thing the liberal elite want is riff raff like you or me having access to raw information that they haven’t been able to distort or ‘analyse’ beforehand.
Armed with their second rate educations and third rate minds, BBC hacks believe they are essential to enable little people like us to ‘make sense of’ the world. Without them there to interpret everything for us, we will make terrible decisions.
Like leaving the EU. Or electing a government which acts in our interests.
This is why BBC ‘journalists’ really hate the Internet. It threatens their freedom to lie.
“The very last thing the liberal elite want is riff raff like you or me having access to raw information that they haven’t been able to distort or ‘analyse’ beforehand.”
RT’s CrossTalk had a lot to say about this very recently, and the US’s attempts to have RT designated a “foreign agency”, or something or other (I forget the precise term).
They are definitely worried and that is what is really behind the ‘crack downs’ on Internet use championed by politicians. It achieves two ends – it persuades the feeble minded that our betters are ‘doing something’ when, of course, they are not and it enables the ‘elite’ to exert yet more control over what we think and do. Tyrants down the ages have always sugared the pill of their tyranny with a coating of ‘for your own good’.
This “crack down” has naff all to do with terrorism, extremism or whatever anyone wishes to call it. Its all about stopping middle England’s law abiding citizens having access to information and contact with people that the state believe can undermine them. A classic example is the way the recent protests in Poland, Denmark, France etc. have gone largely unreported. The BBC censors our news intake with the complicity of HMG already so this is just the next step. The Government is hiding behind the terrorist smoke screen to be able to carry out whatever level of censorship they feel they need to keep us silenced. Be in no doubt, the Orwellian future is just around the corner if not upon us already ladies and gentlemen.
I think this is also why many media sites remove comment options on articles. Partly, to be fair, it is about libel and the need to monitor abuse, but also I think they don’t like how easy it is for ordinary non-journalists to disprove statements in articles and offer an alternative viewpoint.
I think Murdoch dropped Fox as a way to curry favour with the government to let him take over Sky. Fat lot of good it did him, as the bid has been referred to the Competition & Markets Authority.
If Murdoch has any sense he will reinstate Fox, as the so-called conservative government will screw him whatever he does.
In Trump’s press conference just before he was inaugurated the Beeb tried to portray it as chaotic when on reality it was measured, controlled and you got a sense that this was a natural born leader who could achieve great things.
Of course the Beeb just reported their reporter’s infantile questions about whether he would consider his position because of the farcical piss gate nonsense they had made up. They try to make out he is the unhinged one, whilst they just wanted to focus on an obviously false story rather than the substantive business of running the world’s most powerful country. It was embareasing.
Yes the internet could well be the greatest ever gift of freedom and liberty. It is effectively a universal First Amendment which is why our leaders hate it so much.
Provided that the Presidency of the incumbent in the WH can be guaranteed to last at least as long as Roosevelt, I would support the UK becoming the far eastern member of the USA. I would willing pay at least our EU contributions to join. There we have a man who articulates what many of us feel and believe and who recognises that the decades of liberalism has led the West into high danger. At times he may do so in rather lurid and unusual ways and never having been groomed for high office he can and does make the odd blunder . Plus of course his liberal left enemies , almost the entire establishment, are out to get him and exploit every opportunity he gives them. But he is doing what those who voted for him want. We need more like him to stick up for ordinary folks and for the West. Sadly we have no one in this country that comes remotely close.
I m not sure whether the North Atlantic Free Trade Agreement still applies but many years ago there was talk of joining that on leaving the EU.
I like those contra- history jobs where Blighty won the war of independence and the plan to centre the British empire in North America would have gone ahead. We could have then gone on to take South America from the Spanish and Portuguese. More pink bits on the map.
Held that North Korea’s invasion of South Korea in the Korean War constituted a “breach of peace” and demanded immediate cessation of hostilities.
25 June 1950
Urged North Korea to reconsider its withdrawal from the Nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty (NPT) and abide by its international obligations.
11 May 1993
Condemned North Korea’s 2006 launch of ballistic missiles and imposed sanctions.
15 July 2006
The UNSC unanimously strengthened its oil sanctions regime against the DPRK, in response to that country’s sixth nuclear test.
11 September 2017
North Korea forbids all forms of freedom of expression, political opposition or independent media.
The country is suffering from a food crisis with mass undernourishment in rural areas, with many starving to death
An estimated 100,000 North Korean citizens are held in brutal prison camps for those who dare to break the rules
Torture, forced labour and public executions in the camps are commonplace according to escapees
Many prisoners are “guilty by association” – ie. if a member of a family is found to have committed a crime, the entire family is imprisoned
The United Nations has repeatedly condemned what it calls “systemic human rights abuse” in North Korea and has placed tough sanctions on the secretive regime
Polish firms employing North Korean ‘slave labourers’ benefit from EU aid { –
As many as 800 North Korean “slave labourers” are working in the shipbuilding and construction sectors in Poland, in some cases for companies that are receiving financial support from the European Union. … The UN estimates that North Korea earns as much as £1.6 billion a year from labourers it sends overseas, with that money used to fund the regime’s nuclear weapons and missile programmes.
This style of ‘journalism’ is so awful: just get people who support your agenda to comment and build the article around their opinions. It’s so infantile and amateurish. Why not report what was said and leave us to formulate our own opinions? With anything there will be strong opinions for and against. This would be bad enough for a GCSE media studies project but for an organisation with a budget of billions it is disgraceful.
What about some voices against all the SJW crap they shove down our throats, which the vast majority of people oppose? How many people are sick and tired of being told how to think by professional victims who have no discernible life skills or talents whatsoever? Oh no – that would be ‘hate speech.’ Meanwhile they are free to spew hatred at the leader of our nation’s most important ally.
Just why is it called the “BRITISH” broadcasting corporation, it has no sense of being British, in fact it is the very opposite. It attacks on every occasion every thing that our Country means and stands for. And as for England the hatred is open as we see on all occasions. They support everything that will destroy our Nation.
Suggestions for the BBC to make programmes about that really show the nation and the world ;
How the police don’t police anymore, but act as an anti insurrection force against middle class people , and as salesmen for cctv and security apparatus. Something you can get for free from the manufacturers and insurance companies.
How judges and magistrates are 15 years behind the time and love criminals and have no idea what the criminals think of them .
What the effect of a ” Hard Brexit” will have on the ordinary people of the 27 other countries, the unemployment , businesses collapsing, loss of revenue, possible world depression for everyone except Barnier , Juncker , Merkel , and EUro elite .
The Gramscians infiltration of the university’s, police , civil service, teaching, media and especially the good old BBC
New ways to fund the BBC !
Real racism in migrants who come here .
The real cost of immigration .
The way the senior civil service takes lots of British taxpayers money then acts as though it’s paid by someone else .
How the police give up on taking action against foreigners who transgress the laws .
The snooty attitude of the anointed visionaries. ( and do an interview with Thomas Sowell ) .
Why Donald Trump is right , the swamp needs draining in ALL countries .
The most perplexing questions of 2017 ready to be answered by BBC Panorama …
a. If a man writes a piece of fiction, should he have a death contract put on his life?
b. If a man declares he is homosexual should he be shunned?
c. If a man draws a cartoon should he be sent death threats?
d. Do you think you should be given a job based solely on your religion?
e. Do you think you should discriminate against animals?
f. Do you think UK Tax Payers should support and pay for Sharia to operate in the UK?
g. Should dogs be shunned from society, considering they have helped mankind a lot?
a. If no, then please write to Iran to remove current death sentence for Salman Rushdie. (Fiction)
b. If no, then please ask for it to be stopped in Majority Muslim Countries. (Homosexuals)
c. If no, then please ask this to be stopped in Majority Muslim Countries. (Cartoons)
d. If no, then remove the restriction that only Muslims can recite from the Koran and slaughter the animals for Halal food. (Positive Religious/Employment Discrimination)
e. If no, then start using pork products in your baking. (Animal Discrimination)
f. Halal food, bought, enforces the Sharia laws as it conforms to Sharia doctrine.
g. If no, then every Muslim should adopt a dog for the family to break this barrier. (Animal Discrimination)
Surprised al Beeb hasn’t managed to blame trump, Brexit or fictitious global warming for the earthquake, comrade harrabin will probably have an expert in the morning to explain all.
On Toady this morning, Alan Duncan was being interviewed with the barely concealed narrative of perceived slow government response to the hurricane-affected UK territories in the Caribbean.
The interviewer then asks ” what are you doing about Mexico?” (Referencing the overnight earthquake)
I so wish he had said ” waiting for them to tell us what help they need, you stupid thicko”
If only the likes of Sir Alan Duncan(one of the biggest oiliest creeps still in political life) would have the nous to rattle a big bucket around when being interviewed-with all money and loose change from Montague/Webb etc all being passed on to Mexico/Leeward Islands or the BBCs chosen crisis in need of our funding. And name and shame the millionaires in BBC Towers who DON`T put a fat cheque into the bucket.
As long as he remembers to bring it home though-if you leave that at the BBC, someone will put some fairy lights in it, and offer it to some rent boy drug pusher type by the end of the show.
Now-re Mexico-any chance of those vibrant migrants in the USA getting on a plane or the Trump Train , going home to help their fellow nationals after this earthquake? Donald could remove an awful lot of looters and drug dealers from his country AND help the Mexicans get their country back and thriving, with all those exciting and enriching gangs from MS13 etc.
Just a suggestion.
Heard that too sluff- Humpreys is raising his distain level. I wish CCHQ would just refuse to put their people up for interview until al Beeb learns some manners and adopts a less sneering attitude.
I wished Duncan would have raised the barrier to using all that 13 billion overseas aid budget to aid overseas when it really is needed as opposed to building roads for the taliban to get to ambushes quicker in their afgee crap hole.
Panorama featured ‘Germany’s new Nazis’ last night, and I knew exactly who the target would be, given the coming German election, and how they would be discredited. I was not disappointed: the programme started by looking at a group of thuggish young men who, incensed by Merkel’s ILLEGAL opening of German borders, went on the rampage, destroying property and threatening asylum seekers and economic migrants in Freital. (Nobody was killed). Suddenly the real target, the centrist AfD drifted into view, portrayed as a continuation of the Freital mob. I call them centrist because the CDU has drifted to the left under Merkel, and there is a vacuum in the centre, which the AfD is filling.
There IS in fact a far-right party in Germany (a legal one) which may possibly have some sympathy for the Nazi cause (if proven they would have been banned). It is called the NPD. But Panorama was not after the NPD; it was out to do what all the German media are doing in order to maintain the current cosy, authoritarian consensus: making out that the AfD are Nazis. I call it an authoritarian consensus as the two largest parties are in a coalition and the boss, Mrs Merkel has declared that there is NO ALTERNARTIVE to her policies. (Does that have an anti-democratic ring to it?) Merkel has actually broken many laws and spat on her oath when taking office. But Panorama gleefully reported that the Saxony State Prosecutor was taking action against the ‘far-right’ for …well…er …hmm…wanting to keep Germany essentially German? Disliking a chancellor who views the German constitution with contempt and thinks SHE IS the state?
And as for the naughty, naughty AfD who think you should have alternatives in politics because of something called democracy, the BBC, unsurprisingly, lost no time bringing out the swastikas. Trust a BBC programme to smear the democratic and peaceful centre in politics; they simply don’t recognise it!
I think the more perceptive among us get it that, if you’re not Alt Left, Progressive Liberal, Globalist, Green then you simply must be a Nazi and it strikes me as on the level of, some little child telling another, “You smell so there!”
Not so long ago there were simply, racists, xenophobes, trans-phobes, homophobes, Islamophobes, fascists and white supremacists – so progress indeed.
Now we have just Nazis. Well, I guess that makes things simpler and will make banner writing so much easier.
I wonder how many actually know anything of European history and the Nazis?
“…I wonder how many actually know anything of European history and the Nazis?”
I’m willing to bet far more know something at least about the Nazis than they ever will about the Communists. 30 years of progressive, revisionist education has seen to that. The Nazis (real name: National Socialists – see that trick? It’s the same one progressives played with the Khmer Rouge (real name: Communist Party of Kampuchea (they didn’t ever call themselves the ‘Khmer Rouge’!) have always been promoted by these dissemblers in education as the biggest of ‘big bads’, happy as they are to overlook Communism’s far greater crimes in the 20th century.
So yeah – that’s how we end up with something vaguely called ‘Nazis’ as some mythical Public Enemy No.1. If you ignore history, just chuck it down the memory hole, forget all about it and pretend it either never happened or somehow wasn’t the real thing we can all live in world where socialism didn’t murder well over 100 million people as it repeatedly strove to achieve a Communist utopia.
Welcome to history, 2017 – not quite as it happened, but why worry about the details?
I always enjoy seeing the reaction of leftists when I point out that the Nazis and the Soviets were on the same side for TWO YEARS in the Second World War! In fact, if Hitler had not been so stupid and vainglorious as to invade Russia, they might well have remained allies.
The ‘Far Right’ is such a huge problem. Remember those English Nazis arrested the other week then released without charge as they posed no threat? Someone said they might even be writing some letters to a local pub landlord because their music was too loud on Saturday. Grrrrrrr.
And yes, it is noted that the corrupt, morally and intellectually bankrupt Left, would support and defend any amount of vile scum in order to defend their own squalid views.
Simultaneously, something happened this month to our immigration laws. Now it is much easier to obtain a legal permit to stay in Portugal (Sweden-style, basically). In just one week since the law went into effect, we have 1300% more immigration requests per week compared with the previous law: 4,037 permits in a single week! Source (in Portuguese)
… this follows on nicely with …
“New rule: If churches don’t have to pay taxes, they can’t call the fire department when they catch fire. Sorry reverend, that’s one of those services that goes along paying in. I’ll use the fire department I pay for. You can pray for rain.” – Bill Maher
The BBC tell us that Emir Khan of the Londonistan Caliphate has said that islamic radicalisation is only taking place through the internet and that is (he is quoted as saying), “the only game in town” (“all part and parcel” no doubt). So, clearly the Emir ignores the influence of the islamic cult handbook, the quaran which is littered with hatred toward the kuffar i.e. you and me and equally importantly, all of the islamic cult preachers who one presumes to suddenly be no longer preaching hatred of us on our soil. Always good to know. You have to agree, its takiyya at its best although totally transparent.
What else WOULD Sadiq Khan say?
Islamic sock puppet, duly elected by the London clots…they deserve each other, only wish the good kids and folk can realise what`s being done to their city in their name.
If you saw something on the internet, surely the first thing you would do is speak to your imam at the mosque and other co-religionists who would instantly shun you and explain how terribly wrong that interpretation of the faith is? Why on earth would you not discuss such matters at your place of worship?
‘Radicalised on the internet’ is such a fake narrative which once again allows our invertebrate leaders to avoid having to make tough decisions and say ‘offensive’ facts. They see our lives as collateral damage. They just kick the can down the road as they want all the luxurious trappings of power without having to deal with any of its responsibilities.
Farron vs Khan. A religious comparison? One religion is more equal than the other and will win you votes.
Sadiq Khan was sworn in as the new Mayor of London and requested the Qu’ran rather than the Bible on May 2016…as the book is so important for Khan to choose, let’s ask some questions (references from Marmaduke Pickthall translation).
Is Muhammad the Perfect Moral Example?
… is everything done in the Qu’ran acceptable in the 21st Century? Q33:21
“Ye have indeed in the Messenger of Allah a beautiful pattern (of conduct) for anyone whose hope is in Allah and the Final Day, and who engages much in the Praise of Allah.”
Islamophobia summed up in one sentence in the Qu’ran – “O you who believe! Ask not about things which, if made plain to you, may cause you trouble.”. or as interpreted by me “Don’t think too hard, just get back to reading THE book and look for the answer there.”
– See what Obama did there, women ‘choose’ and are ‘not forced’. Which culture or country are we talking about? A Muslim women in USA or a Muslim women in Iran or Saudi Arabia. A Muslim women in Bradford, UK?
Can I be the first to predict what will be coming re the Parsons Green bomb plot?
Martha Kearney is the leaky sieve,the dumb waitress of BBC buffets, soon to be placed before us.
She and her boy Danny Shaw said this
1. Our 18 year old man/child/other was on a radicalisation programme waiting list
2. He`s Syrian and both his parents died in 2015, so here he is.
I gather we`ll now be asked to condemn the Prevent Clearing and Assessment Service for not processing this poor orphan quickly enough-this will be due to Torikutz.
Funny this-don`t remember poor Thomas Mair getting all this mint tea and sympathy about his meds, anger management courses being full or irregular-or any troubled life he alleged for his narrative, as dreamet up by Martha and her muffins.
Martha did of course ask the Mexico City bloke how many bodies had been counted-and would he be a dear and give us his projected number of dead we can look forward to?-that preferably eye-catching enough for Eddie Mair at 5pm?
Wonder if Tommy and Eddie were separated at birth? I would argue that Eddie does more damage to the national cohesion quilt than did poor Tom.
Martha is thick, but gauche enough to be the bleeding heart of BBC news…imagine our bucket boy only misplaced a fuse on the Christmas tree lights that he was fixing for his dear old foster mum?
There are a lot of very murky theories surrounding the murder of Jo Cox and undoubtedly there are questions that are not being asked. Unless you are connected to serious criminals, guns are still not easy to come by in this country, whether manufactured or, as Mair was said to have used, home made. Mair was mentally unstable, not a criminal, so where did that gun come from? And do we really know why he selected the unfortunate Mrs Cox as his target?
A properly run news organisation would have moved heaven and earth to get answers to these questions. Which rules out the BBC, of course, which habitually avoids asking questions it doesn’t wish to have answered (how did Kevin Crehan die being another, glaring, example).
The gun Mair used was was a sawn-off .22 rifle which had been stolen from its rightful owner the year before.
It seems the police have completely failed to trace its history in the time between it being stolen and turning up in Mair’s possession.
Mair was a quiet and law-abiding man, albeit suffering from mental health problems. We have no idea what turned him into a gun toting murderer, much less where he got the gun from. As you said, unless you are part of the criminal scene, which he was not, you would not know where to get a black market gun.
Apart from the fact that Mair killed Jo Cox, we know almost nothing about why he did it or where he got the weapon. It goes down as just another of those “lone nut” assassinations which we are not meant to ask questions about.
The fact that the murder of Jo Cox exactly one week before the referendum halted the growing momentum for the No vote, and almost changed the result of the referendum, and thus the course of British history, is evidently just one of those things.
Thank you for that information on Mair’s gun – very interesting. And, as you say, completely glossed over by the media who seized on Cox’s death with such alacrity.
I’m with Trump. I wish we had a Donald Trump. The EU would be paying us to leave.
Here is another example of weak world government.
The Al-Qaeda magazine publishes an online Muslim magazine called Inspire. It shows you how to make a bomb that kill people. The world leaders think it is fine to publish such a magazine. You can get the magazine today, apparently there are 50,000 Muslim subscribers to this magazine in Britain today. .
The pressure cooker bomb illustrated in the magazine was used the other day at Parsons Green.
The BBC have not reported this
We were very lucky on this occasion that the bomb failed to go off. Many, many people would have died. Many would have been schoolchildren.
The EU are sending funds (our money) only to French Martinique and other French /Portuguese islands but not to any British colonies affected by the hurricanes.
In Germany a 16 year old girl, who the BBC call an Iraqi refugee, hands in a bag found on a train to the police. The bag contains 14,000 Euros. The BBC make a story out of it declaring her a hero and promote their story to their homepage with the headline: “Refugee praised for handing in £12k left on subway“.
The report itself is headlined: “Iraqi refugee in Berlin praised for handing over cash find”
Note that the BBC have taken a minor foreign news story, and have headlined it and promoted it in order to push their own agenda – hence leading the story with the headline “refugee” and “Iraqi refugee”.
Now that is a very minor story plucked from obscurity. However there has been an Iraqi Refugee at the centre of a MAJOR story – the recent London Train Bombing. The 18 year old at the centre of this story is an Iraqi Refugee in Britain.
Except here there are no BBC headlines containing the words “Refugee” or “Iraqi Refugee”. In fact it is very difficult to find any information on him inside the actual BBC reports such is the BBC endeavour to HIDE this central fact. Try finding this fact anywhere In this latest BBC report on the London Train Bombing. The best the BBC can do is come up with the following line buried in the story “He is thought to have moved to the UK from Iraq aged 15 when his parents died”
This is yet another blatant example of the BBC bias in action.
– Does this mean he (Tom Symonds) said it or that the BBC inferred what he said?
– Or that Tom Symonds had taken someones comment and inferred what was said?
– Why is the BBC possibly adding ‘might not have planned any kind of terrorist attack’?
– Can I see the BBC reporters notes please?’s a story the BBC won’t be promoting from German press:
“In the first six months of 2017 the number of recorded sex crimes in Bavaria rose by 48 percent. The revelation that asylum seekers were often suspects has opened a difficult discussion in the southern state”
The AfD are also apparently higher in the polls than anticipated according to German Press…probably wont hear that on the BBC…
“….an Iraqi refugee, hands in a bag found on a train to the police. The bag contains 14,000 Euros. The BBC make a story out of it declaring her a hero and promote their story to their homepage with the headline: “Refugee praised for handing in £12k left on subway“.”
Surely that entitles to BBC to push for a Nobel Peace Prize and a place at Oxford? At the very least, I would expect the refugee to be offered a cooking programme series by the BBC, surely?
Let us not forget that ‘Muhammad’ gets a special (privileged) page on the internet, no other name is given one … The popularity of the name Muhammad/Mohammed/Mohammad {}
“But in the Muslim community the name Muhammad or one of its variations is very dominant as it is traditional to name baby boys after the prophet of Islam out of respect and honour for him.”
– Dominant is an interesting choice of word for the name Mohammed?
Ward is Muslim. He has said that his name, Jihad, which is popular where he was raised in Philadelphia, has been misunderstood due to the negative stereotypes associated with it.
Hi Markymark – I think if you include all the spelling variants of Muhammad it comes out top. It is an extremely popular among a certain community. I think it also tops the poll for names of suicide bombers and the like.
Our wonderful impartial Office Of National Statistics, (the lot that critcised Boris’ EU numbers without reading his article), tells us that Oliver is the most popular name for new-born boys in England and Wales.
What about Mo? Well he comes in at a mere number 8 as ‘Muhammad’ and then makes another appearance and number 31 as ‘Mohammed’ and also at number 68 as ‘Mohammad’.
Arguably ‘Ollie’, (69), is a variant of ‘Oliver’ and ‘Charles’ , (72), is a variant of ‘Charlie’ and Tommy (57) is a variant of Thomas.
So the Top Ten should be:
1. Oliver/Ollie 7546
2. Muhammad/Mohammed/Mohammad 6084
3. Harry 5284
4. George 5263
5. Charlie/Charles 5100
6. Thomas/Tommy 4964
7. Jack 4751
8. Jacob 4485
9. Noah 4305
10. Oscar 3894
Not that the ONS would think of mis-using government statistics.
Mohammed might be a common name, but I suspect that the pool of family names might be much smaller.
Meanwhile, Benedict Cumberbatch looked into housing Syrian refugees, but decided against it. Well I looked into sawing my right leg off with a rusty saw, but decided against it.
Just do your job and shut the f*ck up, all of you.
Beeb website reports that transgender kids are having a hard time at school. Yeah let’s just change human nature. Kids pick on the school other for being fat, poor or whatever. If you suddenly start wearing a dress how is it humanly possible to not get picked on?
Women’s wages are stagnating; transgender rights being breached at school; someone sacked for ostensibly ‘racist’ thought crime. A superb day at the office for the Beeb.
Very good speech by Victor Orban ( find it on Gates of Vienna and others ). No coverage worth a light from our useless MSM. A proper European speech in defence of European values and no wonder the EU apparatchniks loathe him. He is a committed European but just not the variety approved of by the BBC and Brussels.
The divide now in Europe is between the immigrant ( non European ones) welcoming states and the states that believe in the ancient civilisation of Europe and have no intention of giving it up to please Soros and the EU .
The divide looks pretty unbridgeable and does rather throw a new light on Brexit . I doubt the remainers of the BBc will want to examine this at all.
Please read it and try to get others to do so.
Dave S thank you for bringing that speech to our attention. Interestingly, Mr Orban blames the current situation partly on western intervention in Islamic countries, which should endear him to the BBC! I have reservations about Mr Orban – he has some rather odd ideas about governance and seems to have a liking for ‘crony capitalism’ – but overall he comes across as one of the few intelligent, visionary leaders in Europe. Someone like Merkel seems unlikely to have the intellectual capacity to make such a speech.
Anybody who has an interest in Sport will know the BBC have been running a hate campaign against the England manager of the Women’s National Football team – name of Mark Sampson. For his sins he is white and he is a man. He also happens to have been the most successful English manager of the Women’s Football team.
Anyway a former player who happens to be trained as a lawyer I believe has been running complaints against him – claiming he was racist. Mark Sampson has been cleared of racism by two investigations – but that wasn’t good enough for the BBC – they have been running daily stories on him.
Anyway it seems Mark Sampson has finally decided he can’t take the harassment any longer from the BBC, allied media, and vicious feminist anti-racist groups – so he has decided to resign. The BBC immediately make this their LEADING story on their UK News section, the Sports News section, the Football News section, the Women’s Football News section. It is also currently their third news item on the BBC homepage, and the second news item on their News homepage. Talk about the BBC breaking out the champagne and pleasuring themselves to this outcome.
Reminds me of the senior scientist who had to resign because he made a solution joke about girl scientists falling in love in the lab or similar. Beyond madness now
All it means is the workplace will become a soulless, humourless desert. There will be no humour, fun or camaraderie if everyone knows that one misplaced word could ruin your life.
Once again the supposedly oppressed are in fact the oppressors.
Sounds familiar …. all sounds a bit totalitarian … “Allah did not create man so that he could have fun. The aim of creation was for mankind to be put to the test through hardship and prayer. An Islamic regime must be serious in every field. There are no jokes in Islam. There is no humour in Islam. There is no fun in Islam. There can be no fun and joy in whatever is serious.” —Ayatollah Khomeini, jan1980
A country with a population of 80 million Muslim people follow this man’s beliefs and ideas in the year 2017!
Just as Enoch Powell warned, the 1969 Race Relations Act empowers agent provocateurs/shit stirrers. The idea that a lawyer and professional footballer would feel bullied and traumatised by a single comment is preposterous.
Beeb ,
You gotta laugh though- some non white on the make has bought down an England manager after a 6-0 win – I know it doesn’t count cos it’s silly girlie footy which even sky won’t buy but even so….
On the upside the lady has launched a long career as a victim in the Lawrence mould with a seat on question time, match of the day, reviewing the papers, mini documentaries about how bad life is and a cooking programme with peerage at the end ! Nailed it!
And not forgetting the monster, should you have nothing left to write about after the series, book deal, tv deal, holidays around the world …. Nadiya Hussain opens up about her panic disorder ‘monster’ { sep2017}
Nadiya Hussain has spoken about her constant struggle with a panic disorder, saying her “whole life revolves around not falling apart”.
Sorry I forgot the ‘going back to my roots ‘ stuff and daytime teli doing
‘ why it’s so good to move to the country/ France / australia / anywhere but Blighty…. the punters on this show all seem to be of a certain heritage… ( for the record I have never actually watched one so could be a bit wrong).
She is perfect: a black woman footballer who claims to have been bullied by a man. Beeb executives are probably about to offer her a ten figure contract but are too busy masturbating in a circle to sign it.
Does anybody anywhere actually LIKE Gary Lineker ? I’ve had conversations with various people from all age groups, and I’m still unable to find a single person who thinks he’s ok.
Yes, I have been following this story closely. No day passes without BBC reference to this situation. Even during last night’s 6-0 win over Russia with our very pale-skinned team.
There has been total one-sided reporting from Dan Roan and it seems Sampson refused to speak to the BBC.
The two comments to which the ghastly Aluko is referring were not in anyway racist, just some light-hearted banter (if that). She was dropped from the team and has sought revenge. by placing the race card.
The BBC likes nothing more than a trumped-up racism story in sport. Remember Mark Klattenberg and the BBC’s promotion of the Black Lawyers’ Association (of whatever they were called).
Still find it amazing how they condemn Murdoch and yet I don’t believe his organization has sheltered a paedophile(s) for years and years and years and are still to this day unbowed – not even a “Aw sorry gov, these things happen, what can you do.”
In the light of Land Rover ending production Ineos would like to open a £600m factory making new 4x4s
..I wonder what Jim Radcliffe Oil/Gas tycoon will power the engine with ?
Amol on R4 now
@SamBaker of @thepooluk : Woman’s news website (mate of Amol ?)
Talking about Parsons Green with @kayaburgess (Religion reporter + @SteveJonesPA (Social media editor at the PA)
Those journos were told to go away after contacting Grenfell families
Stew, is that ‘asking price’ or ‘actual sale price’?
This needs to be looked at in the round: less people are learning to drive, especially the young. People in large cities are giving up their cars. Car purchase methods are changing. Car use, overall, is falling. UK road miles, despite massive increase in taxi use, delivery traffic, construction lorries and bus traffic, only relatively recently recovered (2015) from before the 2007-2009 crash.
There is more. Increasingly, countries around the globe are announcing the end of oil-distilled liquid fuels for transport, China being the latest.
Then there is the oil price. Brent Crude is up 25% in less than three months. If it keeps going at that rate, car use will fall further. More will transition to hybrids. A friend of mine showed me his ‘new’ one on Monday. 70mpg. He loves it.
The snowball has been rolled. It will only ever grow in the months and years to come.
don’t be daft you can’t extrapolate things like that ..oil is still way cheaper that a few years ago.
So called renewables are useless (that’s why they need subsidies)
And that will continue cos a sheik can drop the price of oil/gas to almost zero rather than leave it in the ground.
Stew, it is up 25% – that’s a quarter – in just over two months. At that pace, it will be up near $100 p/b before winter is over and a seasonal decline starts. (I don’t think it will go as high as that unless something exceptional happens.)
You have seen the positive effect on the UK economy when the oil price declined and then went off a cliff from its peak. $135 p/b was it? Down to $40 and the UK economy started to thrive.
Residuals were always important in the old days of car purchase. Now they are bought differently, they are even more important to the market and they look as though they will start to collapse over the next seven to eight years. Seven to eight years take us to 2025/26. One third of the way to 2040 and no more new oil-distil fuel cars. Who is going to buy a petrol- or diesel-fuelled car in 2032/33?
You have to look at this in the round. All aspects. Take buses. London. Biggest bus fleet and miles. There are increasing numbers of LPG, other gas and hybrid buses on the road in Greater London. Conventional electric is on the way. I will be very surprised if new electric buses do not incorporate p-v cells in the roofs soon. Same for vans. Photo-voltaic cells will go on improving and getting cheaper. That’s another snowball to grow and grow.
Then there are the politicians. They are wedded to AGW/CC and the Paris Climate Concord. They cannot back down on that now. They will increase restrictions, not reduce them, on oil-distil fuel cars.
I’m a ‘petrol-head’ just like you but I’m an economic realist and, in reality now, an economist.
The Death Sentence of oil was signed this year. Unless, of course, some other dramatic factor or factors arise.
Solo woman adventure kayaker killed on Amazon
Jesus I have been down the Amazon all the way into Bolivia on public boats, and I can converse in Portuguese
but I still wouldn’t go to tribal and bandit areas on my own are not in Kansas anymore
Cant get my head around how naïve a lot of my fellow country men are nowdays. Did she think hugs and cuddles would see her through? Its all rather pathetic.
– Bi-sexual, free spirit, anarchist, self loving, rebellious
– Anarchist – A person who believes in or tries to bring about anarchy.
– Anarchism is a political philosophy that advocates self-governed societies based on voluntary institutions.
Serious question here. How long before the BBC questions the colour of police cars ? Or says it’s an extension of white control over BME… police cars and vans soon ?
Listening to LBC on-line for the first time, Iain Dale talking to Michael Heseltine. Lord Heseltine has just joined Vince Cable in the Dodgy Old Dodderers Corner. Heseltine thinks the UK will join the Euro one day!
Hezza is probably scheming for Blighty to fail outside the eu and joining the euro will be one of the costs of rejoining in a few years. Hopefully some civil war will have taken place in one of the 27 so the overall situation will have changed by then. I just hope if such an event occurs we don’t get involved like 1914 and 1939. We gained nothing out of either apart from a sick high horse and a seat on the UN security council .
Fed, I wouldn’t be surprised if people try to subvert the UK economy after March 2019. Many of the Remainers are very bitter. Some of them have a lot of money and financial power. Money can be used as a weapon. Others abroad may try to do the same.
Statue of Limitations { 20sep2017}
“…in the President’s words, terrorists will “never again have a safe haven” in Kandahar or Jalalabad, while simultaneously allowing them ever safer havens in Manchester and Brussels and Paris and Stockholm, Ottawa, Orlando, Sydney…Muslims don’t need a majority in order to successfully take control of non-Muslim societies”
“There’s nothing controversial in saying you prefer Magna Carta to Sharia.”
I am taking the liberty of re-posting this from earlier, by ‘Broadcasting’.
It is symptomatic of the thousand ways the mendacious beebistan deceives. Not usually with outright lies, too easily refuted, but with small ‘dissimulations’; by magnifying some stories while minimising others; by omitting small details or emphasising others; by elisions. The unwary reader /viewer would not notice these sleights of hand, which is why it’s so important they be exposed again and again. In this case the hidden agenda is to present ‘refugees’ in the best possible light, while minimising the fact that some become terrorists.
And one small detail: the ‘refugees’ in question took 2 days between finding the bag and handing it in. They didn’t exactly rush to do the right thing, it seems.
A story of two Iraqi child refugees.
In Germany a 16 year old girl, who the BBC call an Iraqi refugee, hands in a bag found on a train to the police. The bag contains 14,000 Euros. The BBC make a story out of it declaring her a hero and promote their story to their homepage with the headline: “Refugee praised for handing in £12k left on subway“.
The report itself is headlined: “Iraqi refugee in Berlin praised for handing over cash find”
Note that the BBC have taken a minor foreign news story, and have headlined it and promoted it in order to push their own agenda – hence leading the story with the headline “refugee” and “Iraqi refugee”.
Now that is a very minor story plucked from obscurity. However there has been an Iraqi Refugee at the centre of a MAJOR story – the recent London Train Bombing. The 18 year old at the centre of this story is an Iraqi Refugee in Britain.
Except here there are no BBC headlines containing the words “Refugee” or “Iraqi Refugee”. In fact it is very difficult to find any information on him inside the actual BBC reports such is the BBC endeavour to HIDE this central fact. Try finding this fact anywhere In this latest BBC report on the London Train Bombing. The best the BBC can do is come up with the following line buried in the story “He is thought to have moved to the UK from Iraq aged 15 when his parents died”
This is yet another blatant example of the BBC bias in action.
Hi Charles Martel – Just to add, I am beginning to move away from the idea that the BBC is biased. What the BBC are doing is stronger than bias – it is agenda setting. The BBC act more like a campaigning organisation pushing several agendas and they select, distort and misreport in order to push those agendas.
The apotheosis of this was when they ran a story on a ‘Muslim’ being wrongly questioned by US immigration, then when he committed a sexual offence he had become an ‘Indian’ in the Beeb’s story.
It’s like in Harry Potter where nobody dare mention the name Voldemort. Now when there is a terror attack the ‘I’ and ‘M’ words are never used.
The FA has sacked the wimmins football manager for some made up reason. It’s time for a girl to step to be the girlie manager – my vote is for Hattie Harmon to manage the sistas. A nice scalp for al Beeb. Lucky girly footy doesn’t count for anything.
Al Beeb on line is trumpeting a paddy power advert which said ” always bet on black” in relation to a boxing match . The advertising standards authority has banned it because —– well its banned it.
Disclosure – I am not black, care less about boxing but do like a bet for a bit of fun.
This is an update to MarkyMark’s & JimS’ posts above.
The most popular name for boys born in England and Wales last year was Muhammad when you take into account the various spelling variants of Muhammed. The BBC is trying to hide the fact that Britain and England in particular is very rapidly becoming Islamic.
So update to JimS list above 1. Muhammad + variants 8023
2. Oliver/Ollie 7546
3. Harry 5284
4. George 5263
5. Charlie/Charles 5100
6. Thomas/Tommy 4964
7. Jack 4751
8. Jacob 4485
9. Noah 4305
10. Oscar 3894
Variants of Muhammad
Muhammad 3908
Mohammed 2228
Mohammad 948
Muhammed 531
Mohamed 321
Mohamad 31
Muhamad 12
Muhammad-Ali 10
Muhamed 7
Muhammadali 4
Muhammad-Ismail 4
Muhammad-Isa 4
Muhammad-Ismaeel 3
Muhammad-Umar 3
Muhammet 3
Muhamet 3
Mo 3
Total = 8023
Off topic I know but I was infuriated by this quote from the ‘names’ article, “…….,is on the up as a first name – 18 in 2016 compared with less than three in 1996” LESS THAN THREE, LESS THAN THREE – wtf does that mean? It’s either two, one or none, surely not beyond the author to count then record and present the actual figure? I recognise this is another example of ‘journalese’ akin to “massive heart attack”, “rushed to hospital”, “police sniffer dogs” etc but it still makes me cross – and I’m 110% sure about that!
The uncertainty is down to the ONS not reporting numbers below three on the dubious grounds that these individuals, (if any), might be identifiable.
Rather than take a kick at Nigel Farage the BBC might have written a better story about the dumbing down of names. Plenty of lads were called Ollie, Charlie or Tommy by their families and friends but no self-respecting parent would have used those names for the registered name of their child. (I say self-respecting but of course it is actually respect for the child who has to carry that label through life. But then we have at least two generations of ‘children’**, that unfortunately have been able to breed, that see nothing wrong in giving a child a name that wouldn’t be fit for a dog).
** As in the the 35 year-old ‘comedians’ that still think the smut that grown-ups grew out of at age nine is fit for broadcasting.
Media Lens, new to me.
Not new to me is the one sided anti Government line this “analysis” is peddling, under the guise of a critique of a Polly opinion piece.
Anti Government being anti (THIS, CONSERVATIVE) government.
Not impressed.
ML is one of those critics of the BBC from the basis it is not left enough, and/or a government stooge.
Hence the ‘awks’, as there are many within the BBC who share the first belief and as for the second see it as a good or bad thing depending on which party is in power.
I find their friendly fire interesting, especially when it is so overt and makes BBC high command dissembling hard to sustain.
They also have a knack for pulling out factual evidence where the BBC is simply unprofessional and agenda driven that lays bare the daft notion they get things about right by failing truth or accuracy everywhere.
Sadly, most on the left recognise that the BBC serves their cause too well to sacrifice, but ML’s chipping might serve to make some capable of logic feel it is a compromised resource.
BBC Beyond 100 Days – introduced as a far-right German Party leader on to talk … she starts to explain that they are filling the center position because Merkel has moved to the left …. then the BBC cut her short, no sorry we have to go, due to Theresa May’s start of speech at UN. BBC Beyond Parody. Who is timing this programme? How convenient? Sorry my paranoia has kicked in.
Beatrix Von Storch MEP (Afd) 19:39 on BBC Beyond 100 Paradoxical Days.
Channel 4 Great British Bake Off – off to Netherlands for information about the Dutch Stroopwafel. They start with a blurred image with a Hijab (nice bright blue) covered women walking across the screen. A Dutch person in clogs? Nope … blink and you’ll miss it.
It does make you wonder if it was a natural shot or not … ?
An Ooh Err Missus moment on bbc WS – Having just played the Iranian demolition of Trump’s UN speech – with ill concealed bbc glee – they ask an Iranian, “Yes, Trump is correct in what he says. We do need to change. We should not be funding wars and insurgencies.”
Standing on a city street corner waiting for a bus can be more risky than you think, especially if you and your child are dressed in a black burka in an attempt to practice your muslim customs and beliefs.
Iska Corey and her daughter Iskatoon, age 10 were simply waiting for local bus 56 on the corner of Deerborn Avenue and Mulberry Court when a nearsighted municipal trash collector stepped off the garbage truck and promptly threw a surprised Iska and Iskatoon into the trash dumpster bin at the rear of the truck, two other black garbed objects were hastilly thrown in on top of them before they could yell for help.
It wasn’t until almost a dozen stops later that trash collector Bwanai Mogotobo, age 66, noticed movement and an arm waving in the pile of refuse. He immediately stopped the truck helping a very irate Iska out of the stinking garbage pile. Mogotobo was placed on paid administrative leave pending an investigation by the city. The two women were taken to Ali Baba Islamic Hospital for a complete examination and later released.
Mogotobo, who has been with the city for 44 years, said he’s seen nothing like it before. “Now, I once threw a hippie in the trash back in 1972 for smelling like a turd pile, but this surprised me!”
A local CAIR representative filed a complaint with the city citing ‘severe Islamaphobia’ and reckless endangerment. The city has offered to issue poka-dotted garbage bags so future mistakes can’t happen.
Iska and her daughter were unhurt and the city has offered to reimburse their dry cleaner for any expenses. According to Iska it was ‘Allah’s will’ that escaped unharmed and vows never to stand next to any trash bags again.
I’ve often thought that we all ought to carry folding burkhas in our pockets so that we can put them on immediately in the event of a terror attack. It would be far better protection than ‘run, hide, tell’.
Unless of course it’s those Far Right terrorists who keep attacking everybody all the time.
Meanwhile, back at the UN.
Theresa the traitor declares war on extremists.
Also known as patriots.
May, you dim bitch, you are the extremist, as are your mates at the UN.
The honourable Donald, excepted.
Give us a vote on the UN May, we will vote to stop paying for another anti British waste of money.
When you do that May why not use our money efficiently? Make it a multiple simultaneous referendum.
Here are some questions for your referendum May.
Would you ever have voted for a, possibly unlimited, number of violent people from a murderous religion who hate the British being allowed into the UK?
In the UK we always have several million unemployed, ugly, lazy, stupid, workshy, criminally-inclined white
people. Given this would you ever have voted for millions of stupid etc, non whites, who also hate us, being allowed into the UK?
You have been restrained in your remarks about T. May. I was scandalised by her dreadful speech at the UN, emphasising yet again just how far she is from my views. What a contrast with Trump’s exceptionally fine and forthright speech.
JohnCMar 4, 00:22 Start the Week 3rd March 2025 taff, the usual BBC response is to simply not report it. A search with Google shows several UK sites reporting…
JohnCMar 4, 00:00 Start the Week 3rd March 2025 I think you overcomplicate it there Zelazek: Trump is outspokenly right-wing. And the Left absolutely hate people like him with…
ZelazekMar 3, 23:46 Start the Week 3rd March 2025 Jeff – exactly. They hate Trump no matter what. Their reasons will appear illogical and contradictory over time. This hatred…
tomoMar 3, 23:39 Start the Week 3rd March 2025 Still no mention on the BBC… Even given the Daily Mail’s hyperbolising it’s pretty crazy…
JohnCMar 3, 23:29 Start the Week 3rd March 2025 Two dead after car drives into crowd in Germany Damn those cars : when will they stop driving into…
JohnCMar 3, 23:24 Start the Week 3rd March 2025 I think the recent statements from the EU of how they want to be the worlds leading military superpower opened…
The bbc have a motto.
It’s something like ‘nations shall speak peace to one another’ or some pretentious crap.
I think it should change its motto.
My suggestion.
The customer is always wrong.
Alluha Akbar ( no offense , let alone hate, intended if the spelling is incorrect) would be a more appropriate motto for the 21st century BBC.
I felt the need to get my apology in first before Saunders thought police came knocking!
If they come after you they’ll need to come after YouTube and a huge number of posters AND most junior / infant school kids, the schools and their parents.
A few examples , pour encourager les autres, will be the way they do it.
I think a lot about causing offence on this blog – which is the only one to which I contribute. Our freedom of speak is now restricted on the off chance that someone might be offended. I also fear the monitoring of this site with authorities with a list of isp addresses should anyone here go beyond displaying their disapproval of the way al Beeb supports the way things have become in our once great country.
Apparently, muslims hate the word spelt moslem..really….then i shall spell it thus in future….
I think it was “Nation shall speak peace unto nation.” You used to be able to see the slogan just below the statue of Ariel on the wall above the main entrance to (old) Broadcasting House. Maybe it is still there. “Pretentious crap” is a bit harsh, but fair.
How about a more modern version: “Thank you for your comment regarding editorial bias in our programming, which we are investigating.”
Baby Names
BBC thread here
Headline is “Olivia has replaced Amelia as the most popular baby girls’ name in England and Wales, while Muhammad has entered the top 10 most popular boys’ names.”
Whereas in fact the real story is Mohamed (including all various spellings) is TOP BOYS NAME FOR THE 5TH YEAR RUNNING
The full list of names is here
Top 10 girls’ names in England and Wales
1. Olivia – 5,017
2. Amelia – 4,777
3. Emily – 3,551
4. Isla – 3,476
5. Ava – 3,285
6. Isabella – 2,729
7. Lily – 2,722
8. Jessica – 2,703
9. Ella – 2,702
10. Mia – 2,662
Top 10 boys’ names in England and Wales
1. Oliver – 6,623
2. Harry – 5,284
3. George – 5,263
4. Jack – 4,751
5. Jacob – 4,485
6. Noah – 4,305
7. Charlie – 4,190
8. Muhammad – 3,908
9. Thomas – 3,898
10. Oscar – 3,894
You will see Muhammad is listed as entering the top 10 list of boys names for the first time – LIE
THE TRUTH IS THAT In all, there were 7,084 Muhammad, Mohammad, and Mohammed boys born in 2016 — ahead of the official first place boy’s name Oliver, which saw 6,623 boys in 2016.
Putting this into perspective. There were 696,271 live births in England and Wales in 2016. Assuming 50% were female then ~348,136 were male. The top ten boys names represent (including an extra 3,894 for Mohammed variations) is slightly over 7% of all male births.
Muhammad, Mohammad, and Mohammed boys born in 2016 are 2% of all male births. Given that Muslims make up 4.4% of the total UK population and that most Muslim families have, at least (not sure how polygamy – legal or not figures for the name game), one named Mohammed (all spellings) that shouldn’t leave your nappies in too much of a knot.
Nice analysis and it indicates towards the true problem. They have half a dozen names and would never contemplate a non-Muslim name. If every ‘white’ (for want of a better term) boy born next year had to be named from a shortlist of 3 or 4 names, I imagine the number of kids called “John” would be somewhat higher next time around.
I don’t want a survey looking at the number of Muhammads and asking “why are there so many Muslims?” but I would like a debate along the lines of “Why do people begging for asylum and government assistance consider giving their child a western name a badge of shame and dishonour?”
Assuming that all variations of Mo are Muslim and that Muslims represent 4% of the population and that they give birth at the same rate as everyone else then all of the Moes, (2%), represent half of all Muslim boy births.
Which proves nothing but that Muslims lack imagination when it comes to naming boys.
But don’t try naming your teddy bear Mo, or you’ll never need a hat again.
As Mugabe and Gaddafi use their slot within the UN General Assembly to make speeches attacking the West, what was the reaction in Africa? { sep2009}
– Evil will be given a platform?
Unsurprisingly the BBC side with terror states over Donald Trump. In the BBC World News section they headline President Trumps UN speech as: “Trumps UN Hate Speech Criticised”.
And who do the BBC give voice to that criticise Donald Trumps speech? Why none other than the terror states themselves: Iran, North Korea and Venezuela. In fact North Korea didn’t respond to Trump’s speech, but that didn’t stop the BBC jumping to their defence.
Not only should the BBC tax be stopped, many of its editors and reporters should be jailed for supporting terror.
Socialist apologists don’t like it when the failed, bloody, calamitous historical record of their favoured ideology is pointed out to them. I really enjoyed Trump’s UN address. How nice to see a POTUS stand in front of those venal progressive scumbags and spell out their rank hypocrisy to their faces. To hear socialism called out on a global stage as the vile, depraved, divisive, murderous toxic bile it has been, is and always will be.
The BBC must be especially incensed – I can imagine the Corporation’s progressive cadre seething with barely disguised rage as their treasured world view is once again punched squarely in the face by the facts. Trump’s appeal for help to avert a humanitarian disaster already unfolding in Venezuela – once again, thanks to the wonders of collectivist socialism – was a wonderful thing to see. I’m not sure what America can really do, but if they can rally other Latin American nations to intervene in Venezuela’s socialist slide towards absolute catastrophe then all the better.
I stayed away from watching any msm coverage of Trump’s UN address. I watched the whole speech, unedited, online in HD via YouTube. No ‘explainers’, no ‘commentators’, nobody to game the speech with ‘nuance’. Life is so much more enjoyable when you cut out the fake news and think for yourself.
You’ve highlighted several really important issues there, a particularly important one being of the power of the Internet to steal back from propagandists like the BBC and CNN the ability to distort – or, as they would have it, ‘explain’ or ‘contextualise’ – what someone else says.
We have seen two perfect examples of this recently, the first being Boris Johnson’s £350 million article, the second being Pres. Trump’s address to the UN. The very last thing the liberal elite want is riff raff like you or me having access to raw information that they haven’t been able to distort or ‘analyse’ beforehand.
Armed with their second rate educations and third rate minds, BBC hacks believe they are essential to enable little people like us to ‘make sense of’ the world. Without them there to interpret everything for us, we will make terrible decisions.
Like leaving the EU. Or electing a government which acts in our interests.
This is why BBC ‘journalists’ really hate the Internet. It threatens their freedom to lie.
“The very last thing the liberal elite want is riff raff like you or me having access to raw information that they haven’t been able to distort or ‘analyse’ beforehand.”
RT’s CrossTalk had a lot to say about this very recently, and the US’s attempts to have RT designated a “foreign agency”, or something or other (I forget the precise term).
They’re worried.
They are definitely worried and that is what is really behind the ‘crack downs’ on Internet use championed by politicians. It achieves two ends – it persuades the feeble minded that our betters are ‘doing something’ when, of course, they are not and it enables the ‘elite’ to exert yet more control over what we think and do. Tyrants down the ages have always sugared the pill of their tyranny with a coating of ‘for your own good’.
This “crack down” has naff all to do with terrorism, extremism or whatever anyone wishes to call it. Its all about stopping middle England’s law abiding citizens having access to information and contact with people that the state believe can undermine them. A classic example is the way the recent protests in Poland, Denmark, France etc. have gone largely unreported. The BBC censors our news intake with the complicity of HMG already so this is just the next step. The Government is hiding behind the terrorist smoke screen to be able to carry out whatever level of censorship they feel they need to keep us silenced. Be in no doubt, the Orwellian future is just around the corner if not upon us already ladies and gentlemen.
And Sky removing Fox News from the UK – mere coincidence.
I think this is also why many media sites remove comment options on articles. Partly, to be fair, it is about libel and the need to monitor abuse, but also I think they don’t like how easy it is for ordinary non-journalists to disprove statements in articles and offer an alternative viewpoint.
I think Murdoch dropped Fox as a way to curry favour with the government to let him take over Sky. Fat lot of good it did him, as the bid has been referred to the Competition & Markets Authority.
If Murdoch has any sense he will reinstate Fox, as the so-called conservative government will screw him whatever he does.
Oh for the Obama days. “Ermm, some em, err, folks, they err, kinda, errrrrmmmmm, do errrrrr, stuff.”
In Trump’s press conference just before he was inaugurated the Beeb tried to portray it as chaotic when on reality it was measured, controlled and you got a sense that this was a natural born leader who could achieve great things.
Of course the Beeb just reported their reporter’s infantile questions about whether he would consider his position because of the farcical piss gate nonsense they had made up. They try to make out he is the unhinged one, whilst they just wanted to focus on an obviously false story rather than the substantive business of running the world’s most powerful country. It was embareasing.
Yes the internet could well be the greatest ever gift of freedom and liberty. It is effectively a universal First Amendment which is why our leaders hate it so much.
Provided that the Presidency of the incumbent in the WH can be guaranteed to last at least as long as Roosevelt, I would support the UK becoming the far eastern member of the USA. I would willing pay at least our EU contributions to join. There we have a man who articulates what many of us feel and believe and who recognises that the decades of liberalism has led the West into high danger. At times he may do so in rather lurid and unusual ways and never having been groomed for high office he can and does make the odd blunder . Plus of course his liberal left enemies , almost the entire establishment, are out to get him and exploit every opportunity he gives them. But he is doing what those who voted for him want. We need more like him to stick up for ordinary folks and for the West. Sadly we have no one in this country that comes remotely close.
Sadly, if Britain had been voting in the US election, Hillary Clinton would be the President now.
Are you suggesting that Corbyn dons a frock?
Sadly true.
Doublethinker, I am old enough to remember Mr Ronald Reagan being mocked in much the same way. Yet he is now remembered by most as a great statesman.
I m not sure whether the North Atlantic Free Trade Agreement still applies but many years ago there was talk of joining that on leaving the EU.
I like those contra- history jobs where Blighty won the war of independence and the plan to centre the British empire in North America would have gone ahead. We could have then gone on to take South America from the Spanish and Portuguese. More pink bits on the map.
I guess it was hate speech to call the Nork leader Rocket Man
List of United Nations Security Council resolutions concerning North Korea {wiki}
Held that North Korea’s invasion of South Korea in the Korean War constituted a “breach of peace” and demanded immediate cessation of hostilities.
25 June 1950
Urged North Korea to reconsider its withdrawal from the Nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty (NPT) and abide by its international obligations.
11 May 1993
Condemned North Korea’s 2006 launch of ballistic missiles and imposed sanctions.
15 July 2006
The UNSC unanimously strengthened its oil sanctions regime against the DPRK, in response to that country’s sixth nuclear test.
11 September 2017
Defectors use satellite images to identify North Korean mass graves {telegraph nov2016}
North Korea forbids all forms of freedom of expression, political opposition or independent media.
The country is suffering from a food crisis with mass undernourishment in rural areas, with many starving to death
An estimated 100,000 North Korean citizens are held in brutal prison camps for those who dare to break the rules
Torture, forced labour and public executions in the camps are commonplace according to escapees
Many prisoners are “guilty by association” – ie. if a member of a family is found to have committed a crime, the entire family is imprisoned
The United Nations has repeatedly condemned what it calls “systemic human rights abuse” in North Korea and has placed tough sanctions on the secretive regime
Polish firms employing North Korean ‘slave labourers’ benefit from EU aid { –
As many as 800 North Korean “slave labourers” are working in the shipbuilding and construction sectors in Poland, in some cases for companies that are receiving financial support from the European Union. … The UN estimates that North Korea earns as much as £1.6 billion a year from labourers it sends overseas, with that money used to fund the regime’s nuclear weapons and missile programmes.
This style of ‘journalism’ is so awful: just get people who support your agenda to comment and build the article around their opinions. It’s so infantile and amateurish. Why not report what was said and leave us to formulate our own opinions? With anything there will be strong opinions for and against. This would be bad enough for a GCSE media studies project but for an organisation with a budget of billions it is disgraceful.
What about some voices against all the SJW crap they shove down our throats, which the vast majority of people oppose? How many people are sick and tired of being told how to think by professional victims who have no discernible life skills or talents whatsoever? Oh no – that would be ‘hate speech.’ Meanwhile they are free to spew hatred at the leader of our nation’s most important ally.
Just why is it called the “BRITISH” broadcasting corporation, it has no sense of being British, in fact it is the very opposite. It attacks on every occasion every thing that our Country means and stands for. And as for England the hatred is open as we see on all occasions. They support everything that will destroy our Nation.
Suggestions for the BBC to make programmes about that really show the nation and the world ;
How the police don’t police anymore, but act as an anti insurrection force against middle class people , and as salesmen for cctv and security apparatus. Something you can get for free from the manufacturers and insurance companies.
How judges and magistrates are 15 years behind the time and love criminals and have no idea what the criminals think of them .
What the effect of a ” Hard Brexit” will have on the ordinary people of the 27 other countries, the unemployment , businesses collapsing, loss of revenue, possible world depression for everyone except Barnier , Juncker , Merkel , and EUro elite .
The Gramscians infiltration of the university’s, police , civil service, teaching, media and especially the good old BBC
New ways to fund the BBC !
Real racism in migrants who come here .
The real cost of immigration .
The way the senior civil service takes lots of British taxpayers money then acts as though it’s paid by someone else .
How the police give up on taking action against foreigners who transgress the laws .
The snooty attitude of the anointed visionaries. ( and do an interview with Thomas Sowell ) .
Why Donald Trump is right , the swamp needs draining in ALL countries .
The most perplexing questions of 2017 ready to be answered by BBC Panorama …
a. If a man writes a piece of fiction, should he have a death contract put on his life?
b. If a man declares he is homosexual should he be shunned?
c. If a man draws a cartoon should he be sent death threats?
d. Do you think you should be given a job based solely on your religion?
e. Do you think you should discriminate against animals?
f. Do you think UK Tax Payers should support and pay for Sharia to operate in the UK?
g. Should dogs be shunned from society, considering they have helped mankind a lot?
a. If no, then please write to Iran to remove current death sentence for Salman Rushdie. (Fiction)
b. If no, then please ask for it to be stopped in Majority Muslim Countries. (Homosexuals)
c. If no, then please ask this to be stopped in Majority Muslim Countries. (Cartoons)
d. If no, then remove the restriction that only Muslims can recite from the Koran and slaughter the animals for Halal food. (Positive Religious/Employment Discrimination)
e. If no, then start using pork products in your baking. (Animal Discrimination)
f. Halal food, bought, enforces the Sharia laws as it conforms to Sharia doctrine.
g. If no, then every Muslim should adopt a dog for the family to break this barrier. (Animal Discrimination)
You left out the one about leaving an exploding bucket in a Lidl bag on the district line ( other supermarket bags are available).
On snowflake TV this morning.
Aka VD show around 1050
Title of story “Secret gigs for refugees”
Pass the sick bag.
BBC HomePage
Deadly quake rocks Mexico
Two more arrested over London Tube bomb attack: Parsons Green bombing: Two more arrested over Tube attack
Sexism outcry as woman fined for urinating in public: Dutch sexism outcry after woman fined for peeing in public
Linked story: “Indian court grants woman divorce over lack of home toilet”
Linked story: “Toilets and transgender rights“
Surprised al Beeb hasn’t managed to blame trump, Brexit or fictitious global warming for the earthquake, comrade harrabin will probably have an expert in the morning to explain all.
On Toady this morning, Alan Duncan was being interviewed with the barely concealed narrative of perceived slow government response to the hurricane-affected UK territories in the Caribbean.
The interviewer then asks ” what are you doing about Mexico?” (Referencing the overnight earthquake)
I so wish he had said ” waiting for them to tell us what help they need, you stupid thicko”
If only the likes of Sir Alan Duncan(one of the biggest oiliest creeps still in political life) would have the nous to rattle a big bucket around when being interviewed-with all money and loose change from Montague/Webb etc all being passed on to Mexico/Leeward Islands or the BBCs chosen crisis in need of our funding. And name and shame the millionaires in BBC Towers who DON`T put a fat cheque into the bucket.
As long as he remembers to bring it home though-if you leave that at the BBC, someone will put some fairy lights in it, and offer it to some rent boy drug pusher type by the end of the show.
Now-re Mexico-any chance of those vibrant migrants in the USA getting on a plane or the Trump Train , going home to help their fellow nationals after this earthquake? Donald could remove an awful lot of looters and drug dealers from his country AND help the Mexicans get their country back and thriving, with all those exciting and enriching gangs from MS13 etc.
Just a suggestion.
Heard that too sluff- Humpreys is raising his distain level. I wish CCHQ would just refuse to put their people up for interview until al Beeb learns some manners and adopts a less sneering attitude.
I wished Duncan would have raised the barrier to using all that 13 billion overseas aid budget to aid overseas when it really is needed as opposed to building roads for the taliban to get to ambushes quicker in their afgee crap hole.
Link to previous posts …
START THE WEEK OPEN THREAD…. By David Vance | September 18, 2017 | BBC bias … Page 2 … page 3
DT: Nigel Farage says he could stop paying licence fee after BBC reported he had ‘blood on his hands’.
YES Nige, just do it! Become an inspiration to millions! Start a revolution! Destroy the evil beebistan!
Panorama featured ‘Germany’s new Nazis’ last night, and I knew exactly who the target would be, given the coming German election, and how they would be discredited. I was not disappointed: the programme started by looking at a group of thuggish young men who, incensed by Merkel’s ILLEGAL opening of German borders, went on the rampage, destroying property and threatening asylum seekers and economic migrants in Freital. (Nobody was killed). Suddenly the real target, the centrist AfD drifted into view, portrayed as a continuation of the Freital mob. I call them centrist because the CDU has drifted to the left under Merkel, and there is a vacuum in the centre, which the AfD is filling.
There IS in fact a far-right party in Germany (a legal one) which may possibly have some sympathy for the Nazi cause (if proven they would have been banned). It is called the NPD. But Panorama was not after the NPD; it was out to do what all the German media are doing in order to maintain the current cosy, authoritarian consensus: making out that the AfD are Nazis. I call it an authoritarian consensus as the two largest parties are in a coalition and the boss, Mrs Merkel has declared that there is NO ALTERNARTIVE to her policies. (Does that have an anti-democratic ring to it?) Merkel has actually broken many laws and spat on her oath when taking office. But Panorama gleefully reported that the Saxony State Prosecutor was taking action against the ‘far-right’ for …well…er …hmm…wanting to keep Germany essentially German? Disliking a chancellor who views the German constitution with contempt and thinks SHE IS the state?
And as for the naughty, naughty AfD who think you should have alternatives in politics because of something called democracy, the BBC, unsurprisingly, lost no time bringing out the swastikas. Trust a BBC programme to smear the democratic and peaceful centre in politics; they simply don’t recognise it!
I do hope (not hate) that BBC Panorama look at all alternative parties on the rise … In Europe, where populist rhetoric and Islamophobia are on the rise and minorities feel increasingly pushed to the margins of society, Muslims are establishing their own political parties to make their voices heard and to solve their political problems. { apr2017}
Once such new party …. Let’s look at DENK/Netherlands: “According to the manifesto (DENK), imams should not only be appointed to mosques, but also in health care, prisons and the armed forces.” {wiki}
// {previous post}
I think the more perceptive among us get it that, if you’re not Alt Left, Progressive Liberal, Globalist, Green then you simply must be a Nazi and it strikes me as on the level of, some little child telling another, “You smell so there!”
Not so long ago there were simply, racists, xenophobes, trans-phobes, homophobes, Islamophobes, fascists and white supremacists – so progress indeed.
Now we have just Nazis. Well, I guess that makes things simpler and will make banner writing so much easier.
I wonder how many actually know anything of European history and the Nazis?
“…I wonder how many actually know anything of European history and the Nazis?”
I’m willing to bet far more know something at least about the Nazis than they ever will about the Communists. 30 years of progressive, revisionist education has seen to that. The Nazis (real name: National Socialists – see that trick? It’s the same one progressives played with the Khmer Rouge (real name: Communist Party of Kampuchea (they didn’t ever call themselves the ‘Khmer Rouge’!) have always been promoted by these dissemblers in education as the biggest of ‘big bads’, happy as they are to overlook Communism’s far greater crimes in the 20th century.
So yeah – that’s how we end up with something vaguely called ‘Nazis’ as some mythical Public Enemy No.1. If you ignore history, just chuck it down the memory hole, forget all about it and pretend it either never happened or somehow wasn’t the real thing we can all live in world where socialism didn’t murder well over 100 million people as it repeatedly strove to achieve a Communist utopia.
Welcome to history, 2017 – not quite as it happened, but why worry about the details?
I always enjoy seeing the reaction of leftists when I point out that the Nazis and the Soviets were on the same side for TWO YEARS in the Second World War! In fact, if Hitler had not been so stupid and vainglorious as to invade Russia, they might well have remained allies.
The ‘Far Right’ is such a huge problem. Remember those English Nazis arrested the other week then released without charge as they posed no threat? Someone said they might even be writing some letters to a local pub landlord because their music was too loud on Saturday. Grrrrrrr.
Correct me but pushing a faux or exaggerated ‘outside threat’ is key to repression and taking people’s eye off the ball?
And yes, it is noted that the corrupt, morally and intellectually bankrupt Left, would support and defend any amount of vile scum in order to defend their own squalid views.
But why? Why is public money going to new religious sites, and not hospitals, schools, transportation? Why is the president of the city of Lisbon publicly supporting this construction (of a Mosque) with Lisbon’s money? No one is asking these questions in the Portuguese mass media, and even our right-wing Catholic politicians remain silent. { 20sep2017}
Simultaneously, something happened this month to our immigration laws. Now it is much easier to obtain a legal permit to stay in Portugal (Sweden-style, basically). In just one week since the law went into effect, we have 1300% more immigration requests per week compared with the previous law: 4,037 permits in a single week! Source (in Portuguese)
… this follows on nicely with …
“New rule: If churches don’t have to pay taxes, they can’t call the fire department when they catch fire. Sorry reverend, that’s one of those services that goes along paying in. I’ll use the fire department I pay for. You can pray for rain.” – Bill Maher
Assist Mexico by sending 11,000,000+ relief workers to help right now! {@StefanMolyneux } i.e. all the illegal, undocumented Mexican dreamers
The BBC tell us that Emir Khan of the Londonistan Caliphate has said that islamic radicalisation is only taking place through the internet and that is (he is quoted as saying), “the only game in town” (“all part and parcel” no doubt). So, clearly the Emir ignores the influence of the islamic cult handbook, the quaran which is littered with hatred toward the kuffar i.e. you and me and equally importantly, all of the islamic cult preachers who one presumes to suddenly be no longer preaching hatred of us on our soil. Always good to know. You have to agree, its takiyya at its best although totally transparent.
Maybe he meant to include, Mosques, schools and terraced houses along with the errrrr, internet but forgot?
What else WOULD Sadiq Khan say?
Islamic sock puppet, duly elected by the London clots…they deserve each other, only wish the good kids and folk can realise what`s being done to their city in their name.
Mr. Khan, photocopiers verses Internet?
“Mr Khan* had gone to the local print shop to have fifty copies of Forty-Four Ways to Support Jihad printed and bound. The staff later called the police…” {steynonline sep2017}
Mr. Khan, Mosques verses Internet?
“I myself am a Muslim…I’m also a realist, there is an Elephant in the room here…we have Saudi trained clerics coming in (to the Mosques) speaking to children as young as seven … I would say, for now stop, close down all Saudi financed Mosques.” [BBC Question Time 25May2017 @47m12s]
Mr. Khan, Leaflets verses the Internet?
“Direct from Didsbury mosque this is a leaflet that I was given on an open day and this says living in a society in which people have accepted Western lifestyle as their way of life brings immorality at every step” – [BBC Question Time 25May2017 @ 25m49s]”
Mr. Khan, the Streets of Luton verses the Internet?
“If the law of the land is Islamic, we will respect the law of the land. If it’s not Islamic (the law) then the law of the land, and those who make them, can go to hell quite honestly.” {youtube Luton}
If you saw something on the internet, surely the first thing you would do is speak to your imam at the mosque and other co-religionists who would instantly shun you and explain how terribly wrong that interpretation of the faith is? Why on earth would you not discuss such matters at your place of worship?
‘Radicalised on the internet’ is such a fake narrative which once again allows our invertebrate leaders to avoid having to make tough decisions and say ‘offensive’ facts. They see our lives as collateral damage. They just kick the can down the road as they want all the luxurious trappings of power without having to deal with any of its responsibilities.
Farron vs Khan. A religious comparison? One religion is more equal than the other and will win you votes.
Sadiq Khan was sworn in as the new Mayor of London and requested the Qu’ran rather than the Bible on May 2016…as the book is so important for Khan to choose, let’s ask some questions (references from Marmaduke Pickthall translation).
Is Muhammad the Perfect Moral Example?
… is everything done in the Qu’ran acceptable in the 21st Century? Q33:21
“Ye have indeed in the Messenger of Allah a beautiful pattern (of conduct) for anyone whose hope is in Allah and the Final Day, and who engages much in the Praise of Allah.”
Islamophobia summed up in one sentence in the Qu’ran – “O you who believe! Ask not about things which, if made plain to you, may cause you trouble.”. or as interpreted by me “Don’t think too hard, just get back to reading THE book and look for the answer there.”
If only Trump would make this speech – the BBC would love him
“Across the Middle East, basic security, basic order has broken down. We see too many Governments muzzling journalists, quashing decent and censoring the flow of information. …” {youtube – Watch President Obama deliver his final speech at United Nations – 20 Sep 2016}
– Can someone please time the gaps in Obama’s speech to determine if it’s 50% empty space?
– And everyone left the UN feeling good in 2016 ….
“We see liberal societies express opposition when women choose to cover themselves.” – President Obama
– See what Obama did there, women ‘choose’ and are ‘not forced’. Which culture or country are we talking about? A Muslim women in USA or a Muslim women in Iran or Saudi Arabia. A Muslim women in Bradford, UK?
Can I be the first to predict what will be coming re the Parsons Green bomb plot?
Martha Kearney is the leaky sieve,the dumb waitress of BBC buffets, soon to be placed before us.
She and her boy Danny Shaw said this
1. Our 18 year old man/child/other was on a radicalisation programme waiting list
2. He`s Syrian and both his parents died in 2015, so here he is.
I gather we`ll now be asked to condemn the Prevent Clearing and Assessment Service for not processing this poor orphan quickly enough-this will be due to Torikutz.
Funny this-don`t remember poor Thomas Mair getting all this mint tea and sympathy about his meds, anger management courses being full or irregular-or any troubled life he alleged for his narrative, as dreamet up by Martha and her muffins.
Martha did of course ask the Mexico City bloke how many bodies had been counted-and would he be a dear and give us his projected number of dead we can look forward to?-that preferably eye-catching enough for Eddie Mair at 5pm?
Wonder if Tommy and Eddie were separated at birth? I would argue that Eddie does more damage to the national cohesion quilt than did poor Tom.
Martha is thick, but gauche enough to be the bleeding heart of BBC news…imagine our bucket boy only misplaced a fuse on the Christmas tree lights that he was fixing for his dear old foster mum?
I also don’t remember any explanation of where Mair got his gun from., nor the BBC asking any searching questions about it.
Sometimes you learn more about what’s going on by noticing what people don’t ask than what they do.
Help me with this GCooper. What is the question over the gun? I know the police cannot establish how he got it
There are a lot of very murky theories surrounding the murder of Jo Cox and undoubtedly there are questions that are not being asked. Unless you are connected to serious criminals, guns are still not easy to come by in this country, whether manufactured or, as Mair was said to have used, home made. Mair was mentally unstable, not a criminal, so where did that gun come from? And do we really know why he selected the unfortunate Mrs Cox as his target?
A properly run news organisation would have moved heaven and earth to get answers to these questions. Which rules out the BBC, of course, which habitually avoids asking questions it doesn’t wish to have answered (how did Kevin Crehan die being another, glaring, example).
The gun Mair used was was a sawn-off .22 rifle which had been stolen from its rightful owner the year before.
It seems the police have completely failed to trace its history in the time between it being stolen and turning up in Mair’s possession.
Mair was a quiet and law-abiding man, albeit suffering from mental health problems. We have no idea what turned him into a gun toting murderer, much less where he got the gun from. As you said, unless you are part of the criminal scene, which he was not, you would not know where to get a black market gun.
Apart from the fact that Mair killed Jo Cox, we know almost nothing about why he did it or where he got the weapon. It goes down as just another of those “lone nut” assassinations which we are not meant to ask questions about.
The fact that the murder of Jo Cox exactly one week before the referendum halted the growing momentum for the No vote, and almost changed the result of the referendum, and thus the course of British history, is evidently just one of those things.
Thank you for that information on Mair’s gun – very interesting. And, as you say, completely glossed over by the media who seized on Cox’s death with such alacrity.
I also don’t remember any explanation of where Mair got his gun from., nor the BBC asking any searching questions about it.
Sometimes you learn more about what’s going on by noticing what people don’t ask than what they do.
Good post. Now you have reminded me of that my suspicisions are mounting.
Where is Mair?
Is he getting any visitors seeking information about his politics/morals/state of mind?
As for example the visitors Suttcliffe and the notorious Myra Hyndley had.
I suspect you’ll never see or hear from him again.
There’s something decidedly fishy going on there, and I’m not talking about the contents of Baldricks Apple Crumble….
I’m with Trump. I wish we had a Donald Trump. The EU would be paying us to leave.
Here is another example of weak world government.
The Al-Qaeda magazine publishes an online Muslim magazine called Inspire. It shows you how to make a bomb that kill people. The world leaders think it is fine to publish such a magazine. You can get the magazine today, apparently there are 50,000 Muslim subscribers to this magazine in Britain today. .
The pressure cooker bomb illustrated in the magazine was used the other day at Parsons Green.
The BBC have not reported this
We were very lucky on this occasion that the bomb failed to go off. Many, many people would have died. Many would have been schoolchildren.
What the hell is going on in this world.
In Sweden we now have a situation where a refugee has raped a 12 year child but the Head of Malmo police said there are now so many rapes in Malmo that they are unable to deal with it.
The BBC do not report this.
The EU are sending funds (our money) only to French Martinique and other French /Portuguese islands but not to any British colonies affected by the hurricanes.
The BBC are not reporting this.
God, I blinking hate the BBC.
BBC = The Devil’s mouthpiece.
I think you mean arsehole but are too polite to say.
Well certainly a lot of excrement issues forth from it.
BBC -World Leaders In The Devil’s Excrement.
A story of two Iraqi child refugees.
In Germany a 16 year old girl, who the BBC call an Iraqi refugee, hands in a bag found on a train to the police. The bag contains 14,000 Euros. The BBC make a story out of it declaring her a hero and promote their story to their homepage with the headline: “Refugee praised for handing in £12k left on subway“.
The report itself is headlined: “Iraqi refugee in Berlin praised for handing over cash find”
Note that the BBC have taken a minor foreign news story, and have headlined it and promoted it in order to push their own agenda – hence leading the story with the headline “refugee” and “Iraqi refugee”.
Now that is a very minor story plucked from obscurity. However there has been an Iraqi Refugee at the centre of a MAJOR story – the recent London Train Bombing. The 18 year old at the centre of this story is an Iraqi Refugee in Britain.
Except here there are no BBC headlines containing the words “Refugee” or “Iraqi Refugee”. In fact it is very difficult to find any information on him inside the actual BBC reports such is the BBC endeavour to HIDE this central fact. Try finding this fact anywhere In this latest BBC report on the London Train Bombing. The best the BBC can do is come up with the following line buried in the story “He is thought to have moved to the UK from Iraq aged 15 when his parents died”
This is yet another blatant example of the BBC bias in action.
Also noticed ‘They might not have planned any kind of terrorist attack but were acquaintances, lived together or were family members, he said.’ { 20sep2017} comment which was not surrounded by quotation marks.
– Does this mean he (Tom Symonds) said it or that the BBC inferred what he said?
– Or that Tom Symonds had taken someones comment and inferred what was said?
– Why is the BBC possibly adding ‘might not have planned any kind of terrorist attack’?
– Can I see the BBC reporters notes please?’s a story the BBC won’t be promoting from German press:
“In the first six months of 2017 the number of recorded sex crimes in Bavaria rose by 48 percent. The revelation that asylum seekers were often suspects has opened a difficult discussion in the southern state”
The AfD are also apparently higher in the polls than anticipated according to German Press…probably wont hear that on the BBC…
“….an Iraqi refugee, hands in a bag found on a train to the police. The bag contains 14,000 Euros. The BBC make a story out of it declaring her a hero and promote their story to their homepage with the headline: “Refugee praised for handing in £12k left on subway“.”
Surely that entitles to BBC to push for a Nobel Peace Prize and a place at Oxford? At the very least, I would expect the refugee to be offered a cooking programme series by the BBC, surely?
Baby names: Olivia top for girls as William makes way for Muhammad { 20sep2017}
Let us not forget that ‘Muhammad’ gets a special (privileged) page on the internet, no other name is given one … The popularity of the name Muhammad/Mohammed/Mohammad {}
“But in the Muslim community the name Muhammad or one of its variations is very dominant as it is traditional to name baby boys after the prophet of Islam out of respect and honour for him.”
– Dominant is an interesting choice of word for the name Mohammed?
I guess the name Mohammed will not be increasing in China … China Bans List of Islamic Names, Including ‘Muhammad’, in Xinjiang Region { apr2017}
– I cannot find a story about China banning names on the BBC £3.5bn News Service ‘Xinjiang ban’ (does show beards,events and veils banned).
Not, Jihadi then?
Jihad Ward (born May 11, 1994) is an American football defensive tackle for the Oakland Raiders of the National Football League (NFL). He played college football at Illinois. {wiki}
Ward is Muslim. He has said that his name, Jihad, which is popular where he was raised in Philadelphia, has been misunderstood due to the negative stereotypes associated with it.
Hi Markymark – I think if you include all the spelling variants of Muhammad it comes out top. It is an extremely popular among a certain community. I think it also tops the poll for names of suicide bombers and the like.
Now that would be an interesting correlation – name verses crime!
Our wonderful impartial Office Of National Statistics, (the lot that critcised Boris’ EU numbers without reading his article), tells us that Oliver is the most popular name for new-born boys in England and Wales.
What about Mo? Well he comes in at a mere number 8 as ‘Muhammad’ and then makes another appearance and number 31 as ‘Mohammed’ and also at number 68 as ‘Mohammad’.
Arguably ‘Ollie’, (69), is a variant of ‘Oliver’ and ‘Charles’ , (72), is a variant of ‘Charlie’ and Tommy (57) is a variant of Thomas.
So the Top Ten should be:
1. Oliver/Ollie 7546
2. Muhammad/Mohammed/Mohammad 6084
3. Harry 5284
4. George 5263
5. Charlie/Charles 5100
6. Thomas/Tommy 4964
7. Jack 4751
8. Jacob 4485
9. Noah 4305
10. Oscar 3894
Not that the ONS would think of mis-using government statistics.
‘William makes way for Muhammad’ is almost a threat, a statement of fact. What the future holds.
Shouldn’t it just be that Olivia and Oliver are top names in ONS Statistics?
Mohammed might be a common name, but I suspect that the pool of family names might be much smaller.
Meanwhile, Benedict Cumberbatch looked into housing Syrian refugees, but decided against it. Well I looked into sawing my right leg off with a rusty saw, but decided against it.
Just do your job and shut the f*ck up, all of you.
Benedict Cumberbatch: ‘We Did Look Into’ Housing Syrian Refugees, Decided Against It
Beeb website reports that transgender kids are having a hard time at school. Yeah let’s just change human nature. Kids pick on the school other for being fat, poor or whatever. If you suddenly start wearing a dress how is it humanly possible to not get picked on?
Women’s wages are stagnating; transgender rights being breached at school; someone sacked for ostensibly ‘racist’ thought crime. A superb day at the office for the Beeb.
Very good speech by Victor Orban ( find it on Gates of Vienna and others ). No coverage worth a light from our useless MSM. A proper European speech in defence of European values and no wonder the EU apparatchniks loathe him. He is a committed European but just not the variety approved of by the BBC and Brussels.
The divide now in Europe is between the immigrant ( non European ones) welcoming states and the states that believe in the ancient civilisation of Europe and have no intention of giving it up to please Soros and the EU .
The divide looks pretty unbridgeable and does rather throw a new light on Brexit . I doubt the remainers of the BBc will want to examine this at all.
Please read it and try to get others to do so.
Dave S thank you for bringing that speech to our attention. Interestingly, Mr Orban blames the current situation partly on western intervention in Islamic countries, which should endear him to the BBC! I have reservations about Mr Orban – he has some rather odd ideas about governance and seems to have a liking for ‘crony capitalism’ – but overall he comes across as one of the few intelligent, visionary leaders in Europe. Someone like Merkel seems unlikely to have the intellectual capacity to make such a speech.
Anybody who has an interest in Sport will know the BBC have been running a hate campaign against the England manager of the Women’s National Football team – name of Mark Sampson. For his sins he is white and he is a man. He also happens to have been the most successful English manager of the Women’s Football team.
Anyway a former player who happens to be trained as a lawyer I believe has been running complaints against him – claiming he was racist. Mark Sampson has been cleared of racism by two investigations – but that wasn’t good enough for the BBC – they have been running daily stories on him.
Anyway it seems Mark Sampson has finally decided he can’t take the harassment any longer from the BBC, allied media, and vicious feminist anti-racist groups – so he has decided to resign. The BBC immediately make this their LEADING story on their UK News section, the Sports News section, the Football News section, the Women’s Football News section. It is also currently their third news item on the BBC homepage, and the second news item on their News homepage. Talk about the BBC breaking out the champagne and pleasuring themselves to this outcome.
They obviously see it as a victory. Putting a man out of work and damaging his reputation.
Reminds me of the senior scientist who had to resign because he made a solution joke about girl scientists falling in love in the lab or similar. Beyond madness now
I wonder if the beeb will afford him the same courtesy as a platform that was offered to his accuser?
All it means is the workplace will become a soulless, humourless desert. There will be no humour, fun or camaraderie if everyone knows that one misplaced word could ruin your life.
Once again the supposedly oppressed are in fact the oppressors.
Sounds familiar …. all sounds a bit totalitarian … “Allah did not create man so that he could have fun. The aim of creation was for mankind to be put to the test through hardship and prayer. An Islamic regime must be serious in every field. There are no jokes in Islam. There is no humour in Islam. There is no fun in Islam. There can be no fun and joy in whatever is serious.” —Ayatollah Khomeini, jan1980
A country with a population of 80 million Muslim people follow this man’s beliefs and ideas in the year 2017!
Just as Enoch Powell warned, the 1969 Race Relations Act empowers agent provocateurs/shit stirrers. The idea that a lawyer and professional footballer would feel bullied and traumatised by a single comment is preposterous.
Beeb ,
You gotta laugh though- some non white on the make has bought down an England manager after a 6-0 win – I know it doesn’t count cos it’s silly girlie footy which even sky won’t buy but even so….
On the upside the lady has launched a long career as a victim in the Lawrence mould with a seat on question time, match of the day, reviewing the papers, mini documentaries about how bad life is and a cooking programme with peerage at the end ! Nailed it!
And not forgetting the monster, should you have nothing left to write about after the series, book deal, tv deal, holidays around the world …. Nadiya Hussain opens up about her panic disorder ‘monster’ { sep2017}
Nadiya Hussain has spoken about her constant struggle with a panic disorder, saying her “whole life revolves around not falling apart”.
Sorry I forgot the ‘going back to my roots ‘ stuff and daytime teli doing
‘ why it’s so good to move to the country/ France / australia / anywhere but Blighty…. the punters on this show all seem to be of a certain heritage… ( for the record I have never actually watched one so could be a bit wrong).
I have a panic attack every time I have to go into London. I wonder if the Beeb would like to interview me about it?
She is perfect: a black woman footballer who claims to have been bullied by a man. Beeb executives are probably about to offer her a ten figure contract but are too busy masturbating in a circle to sign it.
I reckon she will be given Gary Lineker’s job sooner than later.
Does anybody anywhere actually LIKE Gary Lineker ? I’ve had conversations with various people from all age groups, and I’m still unable to find a single person who thinks he’s ok.
She’s not quite perfect. She hasn’t got a wooden leg and doesn’t wear a hijab.
Ah, but can she cook ?
“too busy masturbating in a circle to sign it.”
Shapeist! It’s actually called a ‘Fairy ring” 🙂
Yes, I have been following this story closely. No day passes without BBC reference to this situation. Even during last night’s 6-0 win over Russia with our very pale-skinned team.
There has been total one-sided reporting from Dan Roan and it seems Sampson refused to speak to the BBC.
The two comments to which the ghastly Aluko is referring were not in anyway racist, just some light-hearted banter (if that). She was dropped from the team and has sought revenge. by placing the race card.
The BBC likes nothing more than a trumped-up racism story in sport. Remember Mark Klattenberg and the BBC’s promotion of the Black Lawyers’ Association (of whatever they were called).
Still find it amazing how they condemn Murdoch and yet I don’t believe his organization has sheltered a paedophile(s) for years and years and years and are still to this day unbowed – not even a “Aw sorry gov, these things happen, what can you do.”
This topic has been discussed earlier.
Guessing this is a public poll result the BBC may not find time to report?
Some trolled Farage with
POLL: Should non licence fee payers be banned from appearing on Question Time and other BBC programmes?
Who are the 9% who voted NO to Gaunty’s poll ?
“We follow the ancient law, which in politics that goes like this: a country without borders is like an egg without its shell.” – {youtube – Viktor Orban: Will there be a Christian Europe?}
In the light of Land Rover ending production Ineos would like to open a £600m factory making new 4x4s
..I wonder what Jim Radcliffe Oil/Gas tycoon will power the engine with ?
2.25 Petrol please…leaf springs…galvanised chassis and bulkhead…split windscreen…Series 3A type…but better made…please…
Amol on R4 now
@SamBaker of @thepooluk : Woman’s news website (mate of Amol ?)
Talking about Parsons Green with @kayaburgess (Religion reporter + @SteveJonesPA (Social media editor at the PA)
Those journos were told to go away after contacting Grenfell families
BBC News
South Korean and US troops are getting ready for war – but are their military drills justified?
The BBC likes asking questions. The answers they are getting to this so far may not be quite as pleasant reading.
Secondhand value of used diesels is only 2% higher that last year
..Hardly an indication of a collapse
Stew, is that ‘asking price’ or ‘actual sale price’?
This needs to be looked at in the round: less people are learning to drive, especially the young. People in large cities are giving up their cars. Car purchase methods are changing. Car use, overall, is falling. UK road miles, despite massive increase in taxi use, delivery traffic, construction lorries and bus traffic, only relatively recently recovered (2015) from before the 2007-2009 crash.
There is more. Increasingly, countries around the globe are announcing the end of oil-distilled liquid fuels for transport, China being the latest.
Then there is the oil price. Brent Crude is up 25% in less than three months. If it keeps going at that rate, car use will fall further. More will transition to hybrids. A friend of mine showed me his ‘new’ one on Monday. 70mpg. He loves it.
The snowball has been rolled. It will only ever grow in the months and years to come.
don’t be daft you can’t extrapolate things like that ..oil is still way cheaper that a few years ago.
So called renewables are useless (that’s why they need subsidies)
And that will continue cos a sheik can drop the price of oil/gas to almost zero rather than leave it in the ground.
Stew, it is up 25% – that’s a quarter – in just over two months. At that pace, it will be up near $100 p/b before winter is over and a seasonal decline starts. (I don’t think it will go as high as that unless something exceptional happens.)
You have seen the positive effect on the UK economy when the oil price declined and then went off a cliff from its peak. $135 p/b was it? Down to $40 and the UK economy started to thrive.
Residuals were always important in the old days of car purchase. Now they are bought differently, they are even more important to the market and they look as though they will start to collapse over the next seven to eight years. Seven to eight years take us to 2025/26. One third of the way to 2040 and no more new oil-distil fuel cars. Who is going to buy a petrol- or diesel-fuelled car in 2032/33?
You have to look at this in the round. All aspects. Take buses. London. Biggest bus fleet and miles. There are increasing numbers of LPG, other gas and hybrid buses on the road in Greater London. Conventional electric is on the way. I will be very surprised if new electric buses do not incorporate p-v cells in the roofs soon. Same for vans. Photo-voltaic cells will go on improving and getting cheaper. That’s another snowball to grow and grow.
Then there are the politicians. They are wedded to AGW/CC and the Paris Climate Concord. They cannot back down on that now. They will increase restrictions, not reduce them, on oil-distil fuel cars.
I’m a ‘petrol-head’ just like you but I’m an economic realist and, in reality now, an economist.
The Death Sentence of oil was signed this year. Unless, of course, some other dramatic factor or factors arise.
Stop whistling in the dark!
Solar panels on bus roofs? That should just about power the card-reader and Wi-Fi!
Hybrids are only worthwhile for in city use. I dread to think what the replacement cost for a failed battery would be.
Solo woman adventure kayaker killed on Amazon
Jesus I have been down the Amazon all the way into Bolivia on public boats, and I can converse in Portuguese
but I still wouldn’t go to tribal and bandit areas on my own are not in Kansas anymore
Wouldn’t she have been copying Blue Peter’s Helen Skelton ??
Cant get my head around how naïve a lot of my fellow country men are nowdays. Did she think hugs and cuddles would see her through? Its all rather pathetic.
Suppose some one will wanna stick up a statue to replace someone the lefties don’t like.
Wonder if the toothy fish-life of the Amazon would have let juicy Helen pass unhindered if they knew what was in that skimpy craft…..
Lauren also says she’s disappointed she labelled herself as bisexual when she came out, insisting that she is “a free spirit”. “It’s good to be an anarchist and just love yourself. That’s the most rebellious thing you can do right now.”
“People still talk [rubbish],” she says.
– Bi-sexual, free spirit, anarchist, self loving, rebellious
– Anarchist – A person who believes in or tries to bring about anarchy.
– Anarchism is a political philosophy that advocates self-governed societies based on voluntary institutions.
Serious question here. How long before the BBC questions the colour of police cars ? Or says it’s an extension of white control over BME… police cars and vans soon ?
All police cars were black when everyone was white 😉
Rainbow colours? The BBC will love that.
Don’t know if it still applies, but they were always referred to as the Black Marias.
Also a card game. Though at school it was referred to by another name. Apt, all things considered.
Listening to LBC on-line for the first time, Iain Dale talking to Michael Heseltine. Lord Heseltine has just joined Vince Cable in the Dodgy Old Dodderers Corner. Heseltine thinks the UK will join the Euro one day!
Hezza is probably scheming for Blighty to fail outside the eu and joining the euro will be one of the costs of rejoining in a few years. Hopefully some civil war will have taken place in one of the 27 so the overall situation will have changed by then. I just hope if such an event occurs we don’t get involved like 1914 and 1939. We gained nothing out of either apart from a sick high horse and a seat on the UN security council .
Fed, I wouldn’t be surprised if people try to subvert the UK economy after March 2019. Many of the Remainers are very bitter. Some of them have a lot of money and financial power. Money can be used as a weapon. Others abroad may try to do the same.
Learn the lessons of RBS!
Yes it might coincide with the ‘natural’ market down which has to happen sooner or later.
I’m waiting for some paper to say ” this time is different” that’s “sell ” time !
As with Trump in the USA, the problem goes beyond media to those entrusted to serve the public.
Here, of course, the BBC is both. And is actively undermining national interest at every stage.
Mr. Farage has a point.
Statue of Limitations { 20sep2017}
“…in the President’s words, terrorists will “never again have a safe haven” in Kandahar or Jalalabad, while simultaneously allowing them ever safer havens in Manchester and Brussels and Paris and Stockholm, Ottawa, Orlando, Sydney…Muslims don’t need a majority in order to successfully take control of non-Muslim societies”
“There’s nothing controversial in saying you prefer Magna Carta to Sharia.”
Just as the movements to remove Confederate statues, or those of British colonial rulers, force us to re-examine officially sanctioned versions of history, so the movement to topple monuments to racist scientists offers an opportunity to rewrite the histories of science. { – 19sep2017}
I am taking the liberty of re-posting this from earlier, by ‘Broadcasting’.
It is symptomatic of the thousand ways the mendacious beebistan deceives. Not usually with outright lies, too easily refuted, but with small ‘dissimulations’; by magnifying some stories while minimising others; by omitting small details or emphasising others; by elisions. The unwary reader /viewer would not notice these sleights of hand, which is why it’s so important they be exposed again and again. In this case the hidden agenda is to present ‘refugees’ in the best possible light, while minimising the fact that some become terrorists.
And one small detail: the ‘refugees’ in question took 2 days between finding the bag and handing it in. They didn’t exactly rush to do the right thing, it seems.
A story of two Iraqi child refugees.
In Germany a 16 year old girl, who the BBC call an Iraqi refugee, hands in a bag found on a train to the police. The bag contains 14,000 Euros. The BBC make a story out of it declaring her a hero and promote their story to their homepage with the headline: “Refugee praised for handing in £12k left on subway“.
The report itself is headlined: “Iraqi refugee in Berlin praised for handing over cash find”
Note that the BBC have taken a minor foreign news story, and have headlined it and promoted it in order to push their own agenda – hence leading the story with the headline “refugee” and “Iraqi refugee”.
Now that is a very minor story plucked from obscurity. However there has been an Iraqi Refugee at the centre of a MAJOR story – the recent London Train Bombing. The 18 year old at the centre of this story is an Iraqi Refugee in Britain.
Except here there are no BBC headlines containing the words “Refugee” or “Iraqi Refugee”. In fact it is very difficult to find any information on him inside the actual BBC reports such is the BBC endeavour to HIDE this central fact. Try finding this fact anywhere In this latest BBC report on the London Train Bombing. The best the BBC can do is come up with the following line buried in the story “He is thought to have moved to the UK from Iraq aged 15 when his parents died”
This is yet another blatant example of the BBC bias in action.
Hi Charles Martel – Just to add, I am beginning to move away from the idea that the BBC is biased. What the BBC are doing is stronger than bias – it is agenda setting. The BBC act more like a campaigning organisation pushing several agendas and they select, distort and misreport in order to push those agendas.
The apotheosis of this was when they ran a story on a ‘Muslim’ being wrongly questioned by US immigration, then when he committed a sexual offence he had become an ‘Indian’ in the Beeb’s story.
It’s like in Harry Potter where nobody dare mention the name Voldemort. Now when there is a terror attack the ‘I’ and ‘M’ words are never used.
As a an indigenous, patriotic Brit’, the bbc offends me constantly. Can I be classed as a minority and a victim?
The FA has sacked the wimmins football manager for some made up reason. It’s time for a girl to step to be the girlie manager – my vote is for Hattie Harmon to manage the sistas. A nice scalp for al Beeb. Lucky girly footy doesn’t count for anything.
Mysogeny ? Just free comment from me.
How about giving Ron Atkinson a chance? 🙂
Living in the nation of eggshells
Al Beeb on line is trumpeting a paddy power advert which said ” always bet on black” in relation to a boxing match . The advertising standards authority has banned it because —– well its banned it.
Disclosure – I am not black, care less about boxing but do like a bet for a bit of fun.
This is an update to MarkyMark’s & JimS’ posts above.
The most popular name for boys born in England and Wales last year was Muhammad when you take into account the various spelling variants of Muhammed. The BBC is trying to hide the fact that Britain and England in particular is very rapidly becoming Islamic.
So update to JimS list above
1. Muhammad + variants 8023
2. Oliver/Ollie 7546
3. Harry 5284
4. George 5263
5. Charlie/Charles 5100
6. Thomas/Tommy 4964
7. Jack 4751
8. Jacob 4485
9. Noah 4305
10. Oscar 3894
Variants of Muhammad
Muhammad 3908
Mohammed 2228
Mohammad 948
Muhammed 531
Mohamed 321
Mohamad 31
Muhamad 12
Muhammad-Ali 10
Muhamed 7
Muhammadali 4
Muhammad-Ismail 4
Muhammad-Isa 4
Muhammad-Ismaeel 3
Muhammad-Umar 3
Muhammet 3
Muhamet 3
Mo 3
Total = 8023
Note that the BBC have made an anti-Brexit story out of it:
Now it’s our duty to counteract this perception of Muslims. (a perception problem is different to facing the truth) To those who say that there is a conflict of being loyal to Britain and a Muslim, you have to look no further than Mohamed Farah. Our national hero is a practising Muslim. The double gold medallist saw no conflict between crossing the finish line in the Union Flag and dropping to the ground in prayer.(was the flag submitting to Allah in this display of Patriotism?) In fact, he showed how seamlessly religion and patriotism can go together….As one survey revealed (no reference given), 83% of Muslims said they were proud to be British, compared to 79% of Britons overall. {by Baroness Warsi – jan2013 }
So much contradiction between data … who to believe?
“…BBC poll in 2015 found that 27% of British Muslims had quote ‘Some sympathy’ (27% or a third) for the people who went into the offices of Charlie Hebdo and killed the cartoonists, editors and journalists there. Channel 4 poll from last year (2015), found that only 1% of UK Muslims think that publications should have the right to publish the cartoons of Mohammed.”
– Douglas Murray (2016?)
Off topic I know but I was infuriated by this quote from the ‘names’ article, “…….,is on the up as a first name – 18 in 2016 compared with less than three in 1996” LESS THAN THREE, LESS THAN THREE – wtf does that mean? It’s either two, one or none, surely not beyond the author to count then record and present the actual figure? I recognise this is another example of ‘journalese’ akin to “massive heart attack”, “rushed to hospital”, “police sniffer dogs” etc but it still makes me cross – and I’m 110% sure about that!
The uncertainty is down to the ONS not reporting numbers below three on the dubious grounds that these individuals, (if any), might be identifiable.
Rather than take a kick at Nigel Farage the BBC might have written a better story about the dumbing down of names. Plenty of lads were called Ollie, Charlie or Tommy by their families and friends but no self-respecting parent would have used those names for the registered name of their child. (I say self-respecting but of course it is actually respect for the child who has to carry that label through life. But then we have at least two generations of ‘children’**, that unfortunately have been able to breed, that see nothing wrong in giving a child a name that wouldn’t be fit for a dog).
** As in the the 35 year-old ‘comedians’ that still think the smut that grown-ups grew out of at age nine is fit for broadcasting.
How many Grandfathers are turning in their graves I wonder.
Bit awks around the water cooler?
Media Lens, new to me.
Not new to me is the one sided anti Government line this “analysis” is peddling, under the guise of a critique of a Polly opinion piece.
Anti Government being anti (THIS, CONSERVATIVE) government.
Not impressed.
ML is one of those critics of the BBC from the basis it is not left enough, and/or a government stooge.
Hence the ‘awks’, as there are many within the BBC who share the first belief and as for the second see it as a good or bad thing depending on which party is in power.
I find their friendly fire interesting, especially when it is so overt and makes BBC high command dissembling hard to sustain.
They also have a knack for pulling out factual evidence where the BBC is simply unprofessional and agenda driven that lays bare the daft notion they get things about right by failing truth or accuracy everywhere.
Sadly, most on the left recognise that the BBC serves their cause too well to sacrifice, but ML’s chipping might serve to make some capable of logic feel it is a compromised resource.
BBC Beyond 100 Days – introduced as a far-right German Party leader on to talk … she starts to explain that they are filling the center position because Merkel has moved to the left …. then the BBC cut her short, no sorry we have to go, due to Theresa May’s start of speech at UN. BBC Beyond Parody. Who is timing this programme? How convenient? Sorry my paranoia has kicked in.
Beatrix Von Storch MEP (Afd) 19:39 on BBC Beyond 100 Paradoxical Days.
Channel 4 Great British Bake Off – off to Netherlands for information about the Dutch Stroopwafel. They start with a blurred image with a Hijab (nice bright blue) covered women walking across the screen. A Dutch person in clogs? Nope … blink and you’ll miss it.
It does make you wonder if it was a natural shot or not … ?
An Ooh Err Missus moment on bbc WS – Having just played the Iranian demolition of Trump’s UN speech – with ill concealed bbc glee – they ask an Iranian, “Yes, Trump is correct in what he says. We do need to change. We should not be funding wars and insurgencies.”
Standing on a city street corner waiting for a bus can be more risky than you think, especially if you and your child are dressed in a black burka in an attempt to practice your muslim customs and beliefs.
Iska Corey and her daughter Iskatoon, age 10 were simply waiting for local bus 56 on the corner of Deerborn Avenue and Mulberry Court when a nearsighted municipal trash collector stepped off the garbage truck and promptly threw a surprised Iska and Iskatoon into the trash dumpster bin at the rear of the truck, two other black garbed objects were hastilly thrown in on top of them before they could yell for help.
It wasn’t until almost a dozen stops later that trash collector Bwanai Mogotobo, age 66, noticed movement and an arm waving in the pile of refuse. He immediately stopped the truck helping a very irate Iska out of the stinking garbage pile. Mogotobo was placed on paid administrative leave pending an investigation by the city. The two women were taken to Ali Baba Islamic Hospital for a complete examination and later released.
Mogotobo, who has been with the city for 44 years, said he’s seen nothing like it before. “Now, I once threw a hippie in the trash back in 1972 for smelling like a turd pile, but this surprised me!”
A local CAIR representative filed a complaint with the city citing ‘severe Islamaphobia’ and reckless endangerment. The city has offered to issue poka-dotted garbage bags so future mistakes can’t happen.
Iska and her daughter were unhurt and the city has offered to reimburse their dry cleaner for any expenses. According to Iska it was ‘Allah’s will’ that escaped unharmed and vows never to stand next to any trash bags again.
PM at UN: we will not let anyone destroy our way of life.
Gender equality. Britain 2nd biggest funder. Camera on 3 blokes looking at phone laughing whilst May talks. In front of Israel.
I’ve often thought that we all ought to carry folding burkhas in our pockets so that we can put them on immediately in the event of a terror attack. It would be far better protection than ‘run, hide, tell’.
Unless of course it’s those Far Right terrorists who keep attacking everybody all the time.
What, you mean like those fold up Pac-a-Mac’s ? Good idea !
Fold up paki-macs!
Meanwhile, back at the UN.
Theresa the traitor declares war on extremists.
Also known as patriots.
May, you dim bitch, you are the extremist, as are your mates at the UN.
The honourable Donald, excepted.
Give us a vote on the UN May, we will vote to stop paying for another anti British waste of money.
When you do that May why not use our money efficiently? Make it a multiple simultaneous referendum.
Here are some questions for your referendum May.
Would you ever have voted for a, possibly unlimited, number of violent people from a murderous religion who hate the British being allowed into the UK?
In the UK we always have several million unemployed, ugly, lazy, stupid, workshy, criminally-inclined white
people. Given this would you ever have voted for millions of stupid etc, non whites, who also hate us, being allowed into the UK?
You have been restrained in your remarks about T. May. I was scandalised by her dreadful speech at the UN, emphasising yet again just how far she is from my views. What a contrast with Trump’s exceptionally fine and forthright speech.