Breitbart tells us that Muhammad, in all its spelling variations, is the most popular name in Britain right now, which should give pause for thought about the future.
Muhammad is the top name for baby boys in the English regions of London and the West Midlands in 2016, and was the top scoring across the whole of England and Wales in the year when slight variations in spelling are taken into account.
The ONS has decided not to let us know that fact and the BBC is ignoring it completely not even mentioning ‘Muhammad’ in its report.…a report in which they are more concerned about mocking ‘Nigel’, Farage of course, and suggesting that perhaps the Far Right racist nazi fascist bogeyman Enoch Powell’s name is becoming more popular, just about……subtly linking it to Brexit…because as we know all Leave voters are nazi little englanders…..
One political name has undergone something of a revival in recent years, with 26 children beginning their journey in life last year as Enoch – up from none two decades earlier.
It is not known how many – if any – named their offspring after controversial “rivers of blood” MP Enoch Powell, however.
Curiously no mention that Muhammad has pushed ‘William’ out of the top 10….you might have thought the BBC would have noted that as Prince What’shisname, not Harry, the other one, is called William and commented on the lessening popularity of a name associated with such a high profile personage.
Curious absolutely no mention that ‘Muhammad’ has taken over.
Odd that so many people should name their children after a mass murdering slaver and war lord who has imposed upon the world an ideology that the likes of Churchill thought of as dedicated to spreading hatred and war and yet nobody says #Muhammadmustfall….no one questions the spread of the temples dedicated to this man and his ideology. No one in the Southern States in the US thinks they should have another civil war and revive slavery and yet the statues of long dead civil war generals must be removed….in contrast how is it that a whole infrastructure dedicated to the glorification and worship of a 1400 year old ideology that is far from dead, one that is intent on subjugating the world, and whose worshippers seek to live their lives guided by Muhammad’s words and actions, is beyond criticism?
Its been the top name for several years when you add them together ,but the BBC and media generally are pretending that Oliver is the top boys name .Nobody seems to have the cojones to add the dots together and headline it .Or would that be hate crime.? Or religiously aggravated harassment ? Who knows these days. The media is silenced on these issues that have major implications for our futures.
Never mind about Brexit being bad for us I’m much more concerned about the coming escalation in Islamic extremism on the streets of Britain , as the police continue to round up refugees for the attempted bomb.Where is the outrage and demands for no more refugees,If only we had a Trump leading us.
BBC continues on its merry dumbed down way preparing the nation for a dancing programme.
Jihadis are not the problem. In fact, they are alerting us to the coming existential crisis. Muslim population growth is several times larger then European rates. In less then 50 years, Muslims will be a majority. And that’s that. Sharia, and the end of Western civilisation
As the Muslim population increases, attacks will get more frequent, with “moderate“ Muslim demands that the state give more to the “marginalised” Muslim youth, or they will become even more radicalised. And so on. The more you give to the so-called moderates, the more our society will become Islamic. Moderate and radical Muslims play the good cop bad cop routine.
As the late Laurence Auster wrote:
Islam is a mortal threat to our civilization. But we cannot destroy Islam.· · Nor can we democratize Islam.· · Nor can we assimilate Islam.· · Therefore the only way to make ourselves safe from Islam is to separate ourselves
If the BBC can’t even to report on what is the most popular boys name in the UK last year, simply because it is Muslim, they are hardly going to report about the negative consequences of Muslim cultural enrichment in our towns and cities are they; so what exactly is the point of the BBC? It serves as a disinformation service for Cultural Marxists.
Didn’t Cat Stevens change his name to something similar?
Perhaps the BBC could enlighten us…
How does Mohamid fit along with gender fluidity. Can you be Mohamid if you decide to be a girl?
Mohamidess, Mohamidina?
How about headless Moamidina?
Or acid fractured Mohamidess?
Germany is screwed. Being Germans, they are always behind the curve. They just dont know it.
Anyway. If Sharia is to be successful anywhere, it will probably be in Germany, as it will be implemented with typical German efficiency.
Jews – better get out fast from Germany, while you can still can get a good price for immovable assets, such as houses.
The popularity of the name Mohammed and its variants is a chilling precursor to the remorseless demographics that will lead to our country being taken over and a grim future for our grandchildren. No wonder the BBC covers it up.
This,of course follows on from this article by Mark Steyn:
It’s Still the Demography, Stupid {steynonline jan2016}
Ten years ago this month – January 2006 – The Wall Street Journal and The New Criterion published my first draft of what would become the thesis of my bestselling book, America Alone. The Journal headline sums it up: “It’s the Demography, Stupid.” Opening paragraph:
Most people reading this have strong stomachs, so let me lay it out as baldly as I can: Much of what we loosely call the Western world will not survive this century, and much of it will effectively disappear within our lifetimes, including many if not most Western European countries. There’ll probably still be a geographical area on the map marked as Italy or the Netherlands–probably–just as in Istanbul there’s still a building called St. Sophia’s Cathedral. But it’s not a cathedral; it’s merely a designation for a piece of real estate. Likewise, Italy and the Netherlands will merely be designations for real estate. The challenge for those who reckon Western civilization is on balance better than the alternatives is to figure out a way to save at least some parts of the West.
The argument was straightforward. The western world is going out of business because it’s given up having babies. (… and that was 10 years ago)
ref: ‘…William makes way for Muhammad’ { 20sep2017} (is that Prince William?)
I just beat you to it Mark.
Yes Marky your summary is about right how disturbing-a word from the past leader of Lybia said that Islam would win the war against the west throught the wombs of its women and with the advent of Europe opening its doors to millions of Muslims from the Afria/Middle East & Indian sub continent it is well on its way. How eveil are those that have been controlling us these past 40 years, pursuing the duplisitous argument for a Multicultural society. They have engangered the whole of the western society which is now at war. Muhammad is here to stay for the moment…
But what will all those baby boy Muhammad’s grow up to believe?
Dante’s Divine Comedy ‘offensive and should be banned’ {telegraph}
It is a world-renowned work of literature and one of the foundation stones of the Italian language, but Dante’s Divine Comedy has been condemned as racist, homophobic, anti-Islamist and anti-Semitic.
The classic work should be removed from school curricula, according to Gherush 92, a human rights organisation which acts as a consultant to UN bodies on racism and discrimination.
Dante’s epic is “offensive and discriminatory” and has no place in a modern classroom, said Valentina Sereni, the group’s president.
Divided into three parts – Hell, Purgatory and Heaven – the poem consists of 100 cantos, of which half a dozen were marked out for particular criticism by the group.
It represents Islam as a heresy and Mohammed as a schismatic and refers to Jews as greedy, scheming moneylenders and traitors, Miss Sereni told the Adnkronos news agency.”The Prophet Mohammed was subjected to a horrific punishment – his body was split from end to end so that his entrails dangled out, an image that offends Islamic culture,” she said.
“We do not advocate censorship or the burning of books, but we would like it acknowledged, clearly and unambiguously, that in the Divine Comedy there is racist, Islamophobic and anti-Semitic content. Art cannot be above criticism,” Miss Sereni said.
– But religion can be above criticism and stop the showing of art? See what Miss Sereni did?
“It represents Islam as a heresy ”
Islam IS a heresy.
Islamophobic Hate Crime Detected. Thirty minutes with the Morality Police will sort you out, please step into our car for corrective therapy … no hate or heresy or Haram …
Gaddafi wants EU cash (£4bn) to stop African migrants { aug2010}
Migrant crisis: Turkey (Erdogan) threatens EU with new surge (EU Tax Payers are paying Erdogan £2.6 billion) { nov2016}
… God forbid that the UK or EU us it’s EU citizens as pawns in the Brexit negotiations …
Marky, what baffles me is that people such as Angela Merkel can’t be stupid, so she must know this stuff, so why is she speeding up the process by opening the floodgates to immigrants?
Wild Bill, I often wonder this myself. I think when it comes down to it, Merkel probably has largely benign intentions in opening the floodgates. I don’t credit her with the ability or vision to carry out something like the Koudenhove-Kalerghi plan of replacing Europe’s population. I think it’s more likely that she just thinks short term and is concerned about her ratings.
When migrants started arriving at the borders, she had the choice of keeping them out or letting them in. An army of snowflake advisors, NGOs and pollsters and the German equivalents of Lilly Allen and Benderdict Cumberbath would have told here it would be political suicide to keep them out, and a few bean counters probably pointed out that it might be good to swell the population a bit to increase the tax take, create a pool of grateful voters and keep down labour costs.
I think she gambled that mass immigration would make her look like a kind-hearted benevolent leader, and besides probably lacked the ability to think ahead and wonder if it was actually a good idea, because that would be racist, and this is nicht in ordnung und undenkbar.
Even if she did think ahead and wonder if creating mini-Baghdads throughout Germany was a possibility, it wouldn’t concern her because like all leaders she is cut off from daily reality, and lives in a sanitised world of bodyguards, zil-lane limousines, private jets and fortified luxury accomodation. She will never have to queue for a doctor or worry if her children can get a school place or be blown up by a bomb on a tube train. Any brown people she meets will be highly educated, westernised liberals like herself.
That’s a kind-hearted and entirely credible assessment Cranmer. It may even be true. Then again, she once held a position in the East German Communist Party and in darker moments, that makes me wonder whether she is not, in fact, involved in something far longer term and altogether dirtier than the usual short term political shenanigans.
The Soviet KGB defector Yuri Bezmenov, said that the first step to victory was to “demoralise” the West, which would take about 20 years. After that the collapse would be quick.
He said this about 30 years ago, and it seems clear to me that the West is now utterly demoralised.
Women, quite rightly and naturally, are full of compassion, particularly for other women in distress, but generally not capable of seeing the bigger picture. Men OTH hand do see the bigger picture, as it they who will be called on to defend their territory, and are far more likely to take hard decisions.
There are reasons why so many women are now leaders of Western nations, by popular vote. The result though is the feminising of Western nations, and with it, the further encroachment of Islam in territory which they never imagined they could impinge on.
Trump is a complete surprise, or else we would have Hillary, Teresa, Merkel, and a female dominated Scandinavia. The other European leaders are by and large, second rate women, i.e., effeminates, with the exception of Victor Orban.
We are in trouble when I see this
Even though it is old, the very fact that such an appointment could be made, is indicative that Europe has accepted at heart, that there is no difference between men and women. This is a dangerous concept to under gird national defence.
The feminisation of the West, which some argue really took off with the introduction of the birth-control pill, has certain unmistakeable characteristics.
As a generalisation, men produce and women distribute. Men clobbered the woolly mammoth, women chopped up the carcase and handed bits around. So taking care of everyone, deserving or not, is very much a feminine trait. Men say, let the b**ger starve, he didn’t do any work.
As NCBBC points out, Western politics is full of what Arnold S. once referred to as “girly men” (until he became one himself), with a few exceptions — Orban, Wilders, Akesson. And Trump, of course.
Certainly, there is no politician I can think of in the UK with albondigas, which is why I very much fear they are going to roll over in Brexit negotiations.
Anybody in authority with any common sense knows, or learns very quickly, that courting popularity doesn’t work in the long run. In might work for a while, but then contempt sets in.
Ask a teacher, if you can find one with any common sense. Their jobs are far harder now than when they were aloof but respected.
Ask Tony Blair as well.
On second thoughts, don’t go anywhere near Tony Blair.
Cranmer, she does not have any children, neither do May, Sturgeon or Macron, possibly others as well, it does make you think.
WildBill – have you read the following books as they explain the why better than I can …
“The Strange Death of Europe: Douglas Murray {amazon}”
“Seeing Things as They Are: Selected Journalism and Other Writings: George Orwell {amazon}“.
I would sum it up as being morally superior even to your own demise. Smiling at everyone as the ship sinks, with everyone on it.
“If liberty means anything at all, it means the right to tell people what they do not want to hear” – George Orwell
I am making my way through Douglas’ book…slowly…why?..i end up closing it and throwing it on the sofa, in frustration and rage…he gets to me in a big way…i feel like i want to get a group together and murder and eliminate the traitors in our country en masse…reverse terrorism if you like, payback for ruining our society, don’t let the bastards have any future, rather like they’ve ensured the next generation plus of white, Christian people won’t have…far-fetched?..really?…i’m 60 now, but this will happen in the near future…and i wish the people that take up the task every success in taking back our society from the evil that is Islam and cultural marxism…start now.
I caught the last half-hour of the all-female science experts spot on Up All Night last night. One of the topics that was brought up several times was how ‘man’ would be able to take to the stars and colonise space. Where would the water and oxygen come from? Would we need to take it with us? Would we need to recycle or could we find new sources?
All total fantasy.
The sun rises from and sets into a swamp and the troubles in Mexico City are as a result of not having enough mountains to hold the earth down.
Alan’s (halal) Snack Bar. Get used to it, it’s part of living in the modern world.
Its quite noticeable that science programs on TV – Physics, Astronomy, engineering, are now dominated by the few women who graduated, despite the fact that women engineers have never been more then 10% of the total.
Its a laugh, but at the same time its not true, and not fair to the men who created the technological civilisation that now dominates the planet.
Same in my industry (railways). The few female engineers there are (there are some very good ones, who are good because they are good not because they have breasts) bear no resemblance to the masses of presumably actors in recruitment videos (presumably to make it appear female friendly?)
What I’ve noticed is many female railway ‘professionals’ do jobs like HR, sales, recruitment etc, NOT railway engineering or operations (which are the lifeblood of the industry).
We have a massive shortage of engineers across all disciplines, and these idiots are going round over promoting female engineers. Apparently its mens fault there aren’t any – I never see any action on why so many Primary School Teachers are women though….
On a closely related topic.
The 99 names of “Allah”. “Allah” A pretender to the crown of The Almighty. An impostor.
In amongst the many titles [pretended to] by this “Allah” character. We see this slipped in:
61 Al Mumit (المميت) The Bringer of Death, the Destroyer.
Worship this god. Give your land over to the worship & honour of this deity.
This is the result. Death & destruction. Simples. We see it happening now.
91 Ad Dharr (الضآر) The Distresser
22 Al Khaafid (الخافض) The Abaser, The Demeanor
25 Al Muzil (المذل) The Humiliator
78 Al Muta’ali (المتعالي) The Self Exalted
Justin Welby? Anything to say about the destruction of your nation? Your People?
Very good find.
Goes well with all that Taqiyya that Muslims practice. No winder if Allah and Mo do it too.
Qur’an 3:54—And they (the unbelievers) planned to deceive, and Allah planned to deceive (the unbelievers), and Allah is the best of deceivers.
Qur’an 7:99—Are they then safe from Allah’s deception? No one feels safe from Allah’s deception except those that shall perish.
Qur’an 8:30—And (remember) when the unbelievers plotted deception against you (O Muhammad), to imprison you, or kill you, or expel you. They plotted deception, but Allah also plotted deception; and Allah is the best of deceivers.
Lucy, hi,
The following link explains why the Quran deliberately deceives its followers re the Ishmael v Isaac argument:
Isaac or Ishmael?
The Judeo-Christian teaching is that the Son offered for sacrifice was definately Isaac and truths such as this is how to destroy the Islamic faith! By TRUTH!
But our esteemed PM Sharia May tells it, not privately but in front of the whole world, that she has no use for President Trump and the USA.
T May might be trying to ruin our relations with America, thus forcing us back into the arms of EU.
Here are two teenagers who will like nothing then to destroy our relatoins with Pres Trump and America, so we are forced back into the EU. .
Only the DNA-corrupted BBC could put a Israelophobe in charge of ME editorial, stuff all its magazine shows ‘discussing’ Brexit with Remainers… and allow one of HRC’s groupies handle the US beat.
The West tried. It’s not working out. Time for Muslim Countries on Muslim Refugees compassion to prevail ..
According to a 2014 report entitled “Left Out In The Cold“ by human rights organization Amnesty International, the GCC(Saudi Arabia, Bahrain, Kuwait, Qatar, Oman and the UAE). had not officially resettled a single Syrian refugee since the crisis began in 2011. {huffingtonpost }
“How did we flee from the region of our Muslim brethren (Saudi Arabia, Bahrain, Kuwait, Qatar, Oman and the UAE), which should take more responsibility for us than a country they describe as infidels?”
– Saudi Arabia 0 refugees accepted.
– Iran not mentioned in the report.
– ‘Russia and China have not offered to resettle any Syrian refugees.’
How many have the Vatican taken ?
1000? Italy evicts 1,000 migrants from building in central Rome { 20aug2017
“Nearly 1,000 migrants, many of them refugees from Eritrea and Ethiopia, have been evicted from a squatted building in Rome, forcing several of them to sleep rough in the street.”
“The eviction was criticized by Amnesty International, the UN Refugee Agency UNHCR and Luigi Manconi, chairman of the Human Rights Committee of the Italian Senate, and applauded by many politicians.”
It is not known how many – if any – named their offspring after controversial “rivers of blood” MP Enoch Powell, however.
Only 26 children, yet the world’s largest news provider couldn’t spare the time and resources to find the parents and ask, “Why did you chose the name Enoch”?
BTW According to the Bible Enoch “walked with God: and he was no more; for God took him” (Gen 5:21–24). I suspect that was a far greater incentive to chose the name than the memory of a 1968 speech, made before virtually all of today’s parents were even born.
Perhaps, acknowledging an upsurge in any religion other than Islam is more embarrassing to the BBC than that possibility?
Danish Prime Minister Warns of the Emergence of Muslim Parallel Societies, No-Go Zones
“We have tried everything possible, but we just could not solve the problem,” Rasmussen said and called on the Danish parliament to “engage us in a different and more robust way”
There is no option but to separate from Islam and Muslims. Or else face the prospect of a civil war that make Bosnia look like a garden party. Partition of the UK and Europe to follow.
Maybe the way to get to the truth about birth demographics would be to call them all ‘mo’ – you know that nice quiet Muslim family down the road who are very religious and put their prayer mat outside and do their stuff – who’d have ever thought one of their nice quiet kids would put a bucket bomb with anti personnel ball bearings in a carriage on the District Line. – that’s it “ mo”,
Covering up the truth about the number of ‘mo’s is the same mentality as those who would not allow and discussion about being swamped with immigrants over the last 30 or 40 years.