Caught the repeat of More Or Less this Sunday and they are laying into Boris in a most patronising way regarding the £350 million, or so, (a bit like the BBC’s ‘some say’?).
It has all been explained before and Boris is just wrong. The pity is that they, like Sir David, never bothered to read what Boris actually said, but then the BBC and Sir David where wrong before and are wrong now.
Just to show how smart they are they give an example of Boris buying a domestic appliance with a discount. Of course the reality is nothing like this. There is a choice whether to buy a TV or not. The EU is more like paying rent and getting a discount for walking the landlord’s dog.
The rent has to be paid. The landlord gets to set the rent. The landlord gets to grant or withdraw the discount. The only way to ‘get back control’ is to buy a house and leave.
Jim, IIRC, it was Tim Harford who did the sums on the BBC Referendum Fact Check that demonstrated that the Leave Bus £350m claim was in fact quite correct – for 2014 – well, if you overlook the fact that it’s just a little bit, £11m, shy of the correct figure. An under-estimate to be on the safe side.
Quite how Tim & the BBC can now say it is wrong is quite crazy, even by the BBC’s recent standards. Kinda goes with Vince Cable “I can be Prime Minister” and Jeremy Corbyn “Prepare for Government”.
Poor Tim seems to have opted for the Open University tie-ins that suit the Left.
He did start out as a potential British version of the Freakonomics franchise in the USA. Could have been good.
But once you sell your soul to the OU/BBC Confederacy of Good Facts, well you end up like Tim and all BBC science, business and statistics crew.
“No matter what they tell you-what you believe is true”.
The BBC need that chiselled in Latin over their hollowed portals…St Stephen Gatley, so I believe.
He`s from Boyzone-the BBC will like that.
I never thought that even the most stupid and self-serving of American sports stars would refuse to honour their own flag.
Like the TV awards last week-every time they pull such a stunt, they please CNN and the Guardian-but millions disconnect, won`t buy and will surely hit them in the pocket. Only part of their anatomy that feels these days.
Yes, there`s no ” Boycott” officially-but TV subs, attendances will become clear(of course, BBCNN will never tell you this, let alone check that its true).
Like the St Marys match attendance on Saturday or the Arsenal non-attendance against Cologne….failure can never seen to be an option in sport, the empty seats will get blanked out. But we know.
“Two Men”…Hate crime”.
Forgive the cynicism, but it`ll be two muslims or -at best for the left-some random chancers on a burglary or such-had they been white and British, surely the media would have leaked it triumphantly to tie in with AfD etc…
Never used to be so cynical-but after Jo Cox, who trust the BBC anymore?
Can Al Beeb be prosecuted for ‘hate crime’ against President Donald Trump ?
Its becoming relentless now…………………..
“Trump NFL row: Defiance after US president urges boycott”
Trump is Netanyahu’s poodle. Seriously, look up who is Trump’s administration, who his immediate family is married to/in relationship with. Trump is a ZOG, fake opposition to liberalism/globalisation.
Right-wingers are increasingly becoming aware of this and are leaving fraudsters like Alex Jones in droves – just check his Youtube channel to see the comments. Alex Jones and his like did a great job getting Trump in power, playing up the idea Trump is against the mysterious boogie-men, “Globalists”, while never ever identifying them as Zionists and Freemasons.
Voter s in the reich 61 million . Number who voted afd @18 % but few news sources want to give the actual number.,do the math as our American cousins would -like omg – say
Bet Macrons “triumph” seems a long time ago now to the idiot left.
If only they could see him through the tear gas nowadays.
But-as ever with the BBC-not a peep, just some labour solidarity clips for Corbyns bores.
AfD vote TRIPLED since 2013.
Greens and Lefties made no progress.
Merkel and Schulzs show pony parties did as badly as they did back in 1949. These are SEISMIC changes-but the BBC will be in denial, as AfD go for the biggies-Islam, migration and the Euro.
Nearly 90 seats too-no wonder Soros will be buying up the black bloc of Hamburg for some time yet.
This Beeb article is billed as an analysis of the German election, the only problem is it is completely without any real analysis. If you want some analysis you better read something else. The FT gives us a proper breakdown and points out the division between East and West Germany, amongst Male “East” voters the Afd came first, this is truly astonishing and surely worthy of “analysis”. Instead on the Beeb article we just get some old Merkel supporter trying to make the non too subtle link to the Afd now and 1930s Germany.
On the face of it looks like a piece of factual journalism, but there are of course sub minimal Beeb messages, we are told:
“The result is a verdict, perhaps, on Mrs Merkel’s decision to open Germany’s doors to one million refugees.”
Note use of the word refugees rather than migrants.
“What about the AfD?
The party is expected to take 94 seats in the 709-seat federal parliament after capitalising on a backlash against Mrs Merkel’s policy towards migrants and refugees, many of them from war-torn, mainly Muslim countries like Syria.”
On the surface a factual statement, but its not. How many is “many” and yes “many” were Muslim, probably the vast majority, but were so “many” from war-torn countries – actually not so many.
Two things we’re not seeing in any BBC (or any other media outlet tbf) reporting:
1. Merkel’s share of the vote is substantially lower than May’s, so presumably she is weaker, and
2. The impact of having a non-EU supporting third party in the Bundestag on the Brexit process.
This latter point is particularly important since the creation of a coalition government in Germany will take time and given the lead role Germany plays behind the EU scenes
As an aside, the BBC says in its article that AfD will not play any part in coalition talks, but then neither will Schultz’s party (which came second), so there’s not a great deal of choice for partners. Another election anyone?
The BBC reports seem to reflect depression rather than euphoria at the re election of mad Merkel. The performance of the AfD is the reason of course. Even in uber PC Germany that performance signals that people have had enough of Globalist One World mad cap policies. The BBC sees this result as confirming that the insurrection of the ordinary voter against the liberal left elite Globalists. The elite now faces battles on multiple fronts , USA, UK, Poland , Hungary, where voters have used their votes to successfully challenge the elite. In France, Holland , Austria and now Germany , the people are sending powerful signals through the ballot box that they too have had enough. They will resist Globalisation despite the best efforts of the elite and MSM to cow them into submission.
I don’t expect that the elite will change though. They will keep on suppressing their people’s fears and trying to force through their agenda. But this results adds a new important front to the battle , a new political party to try and undermine , more evidence that the people are rejecting the ideas that the likes of the BBC cherish. With each passing insurrection of the people the liberal elite grow weaker , their repression of their own people grows harsher and more obvious. Eventually like so many other ruling elites in history they are overthrown. Well done all AfD voters. But the elite will fight ever harder to hold on to power , there is some way to go before we can get the tumbrel out.
Finally I think this result may help Brexit because Merkel will have to form a coalition with the FDP who are strongly pro business and who are likely to want a good trade deal with the UK.
The Austrian legislative election is upcoming on 15 October, that one will be interesting too…
Excellent post DT.
One thing to note is that we learned from the US election that the BBC tends to regurgitate the words of its favoured news outlet(s) in the country concerned when it comes to actual news and analysis. It may take some time for them to adjust to what they have recorded as an unexpected outcome. Already the narrative is forming though, as you say.
Might be time for Farage-or Anne Marie Waters to link with Pegida , and create an anti-EU bloc of votes and mutual aid…the commies like phrases like that , as do the anarchists as I recall. Let`s hope AfD steel themselves and get re3ady for the swamp tsunami that wil ensue in Merkels backyard. Unbearable ,and bans will follow.
Probably via Zuckerberg and EU irregularies-Petry might have left the top off a pen back in 2009 in the Brussels building.
It’s funny how , when you dip into al beeb news , there is no disguising their locus standi with regard to the growth of sane politics in the form of afd. Next time let’s hope they get near to a majority .
As I write this I am listening to a beeboid saying the afd is breaking up. I don’t care. As long as guest workers get the message they’ll be going home soon that’s the main message . Hopefully .
“Anger at Labour conference Brexit vote”
All parties are divided, the simple answer to all this division? – Crash out of the EU!
That is what we voted for – either “Remain a member of the European Union” or “Leave the European Union”
Despite Carmoron’s biased, pre-referendum booklet, we voted ‘out’. How simple can you get?
“Brexit means Brexit” Mrs May.
I would urge everybody on here, especially those in constituencies which voted heavily to Leave or marginally to Remain, to email your MP to let them know that there won’t be any of your votes coming their way at the next GE; if they don’t implement what the majority voted for in the referendum.
All most of these b@st@rds are concerned about is getting re-elected. If they think enough of their constituents are getting upset about how things are going re Brexit, that they might be out of a job; it will work wonders to concentrate their minds on making sure the task that needs doing gets done.
The three Sunderland mp’s are all Labour Remainers in an area which voted to leave.
As the latest labour position on the eu is to be both in and out at the same time (out in name only) it will be interesting to see if labour keep these three seats.
We need ukip (or the new Farage party if it happens) because the tories are also backsliding on the eu.
If JRM or maybe someone like Redwood takes over from May then possibly the tories will have a chance although it’s unlikely.
UKIP or Farage seems the best bet.
I’ll miss May’s fantastic speeches;
Brexit means Brexit.
Boris is Boris.
Enough is enough.
Where does she get all these brilliant speech writers from.
“The three Sunderland mp’s are all Labour Remainers in an area which voted to leave.”
And will the Labour Remainers be re-elected next time around? Of course they will.
Tribal loyalty trumps everything, even mass rape. That’s a huge part of the problem, right there. They almost deserve what they get, except that they drag everyone else down with them.
Wish I had time to stand outside the Labour Conference with a placard that said …
“Do you have private healthcare or is your kid in private school or are you one of the FEW with earnings greater than £80K? Then try the Tory Conference!”
Not really bias, more ‘ rubbing our noses in diversity’ Muslim London Mayor Sadiq Khan presenting the prizes on Country File for …wait for it ..One Man and his Dog ..Hahaha…
I live in the middle of nothing in north Scotland yet this week saw the first attempted rape in my wee town. 2 men of ‘Asian’ appearance attacked a 20 year old at 2.40am after following her from the nightclub. Turns out we have over 50 Syrian ‘refugees’ in our wee town.
Welcome to life in modern Europe. I live in a small village mercifully free from any enrichers but in local towns four or five miles away enrichment is in full swing. I know it only a matter of time before they arrive in my village. Interestingly most villagers don’t want any enrichment but believe that there is no way to prevent it. England , Wales and now Scotland are being invader with the help of their own governments.
And even without direct “enrichment”, there’s the problem of white flight from large cities upsetting the traditions in rural comminities.
“but believe that there is no way to prevent it” – for individuals, no. We have to decide, however, how far we’re prepared to go to preserve our way of life. IMO, the options are firm action now by voting for non mainstream parties, or violent action in 10/20/30 years’ time.
Strange thing is I’ve always been under the impression that if I was to assist an invader I would hang by the neck until dead or at the very least serve a very long prison term and be portrayed in the media as unspeakably evil. Obviously I was mistaken.
Meanwhile the BBC got the highest viewing figures ever for the first night of a dance programme.I long since worked out that its pretty much manipulated and formulaic and earns the BBC a heap of cash in the phone votes. Then there’s the tour. .
There will be lurid headlines across the media to keep our attention and get us talking about the programme .Pretty good for a non commercial organisation .Wonder how they will shoehorn Brexit into it .?
Deborah – This is what the BBC hopes that – we the public have all morphed into- TV dinner loving Television zombies who are more concerned with with the price of mobile phone roaming charges (if we leave the EU) and a ready tear for the memory of Princess DI (The peoples Princess) rather than thinking sentient individuals who are concerned about what these bastards and their political Remoras have turned this country into.
Meanwhile whilst our attention is all taken up with diamante accessories and glimpses of gyrating bodies the likes of Theresa and Kuenssberg carry on with the real work unnoticed except by a few.
At least Strictly is apolitical, despite their best attempts to kick up a fuss about Calman not having a female dance partner. It might be the last programme which does not try to shoehorn some political message down our throats.
We learned several series ago that if participants don’t sign up to the tour, they have little chance of making it to the final, and even within Strictly there are political messages around diversity. Just wait for the behind the scenes participant interviews, that’s where all the messaging kicks in.
Shall we see Nadya appear next year ?? surely so. The glamorisation of her continues apace – the headscarves consigned to the dustbin replaced by colourful turbans and artfully created make-up. Now we hear she’s waving the banner for panic attack sufferers, her star is rapidly rising. Meanwhile the other Bake Off winners – who are they again ? have to be content with the odd cook book published.
I doubt it is her talent in the kitchen. But I have never seen her programmes nor read her book about British food. In her book does she mention any pork recipes. How can you write about British food without some pork recipes? Or recipes with beer in them etc. If she hasn’t mentioned pork then she isn’t entitled to call it British food. In fact missing out pork is as offensive to me as forcing her to include such recipes . So what are these people doing in our country? They aren’t and never will be British but they are a threat to us and our culture.
I’ve never seen her programmes either DT, on principle that those other poor (and white) sods who managed to skilfully win cookery competitions on the BBC, but publicity wise never made it past the following days pages of the national press, let alone be feted with her own programmes. I believe in the early days comments were made on social media and the press about this, but its all died a death now, and liked mixed race advertising we’re lumbered with it !
The number of programmes which seem to follow exactly the same budget format is a disgrace: some sort of contest with judges and weekly eliminations. They don’t even have to employ actors it is such a cop out.
Just happened to hear a play on radio 4 last week about a story in the life of Samuel Beckett the playwright . It was a pleasant play set in the 1960’s with no real agenda as far as I could tell until the woman telling the story told us she had sex with someone for the first time “to make it easier for her when she went to university ” This promotion of permissiveness just didn’t fit in with the tone of the play at all. I suspect the BBC added this to the original play . Clearly this is not the worst that the BBC does but it still needs to be pointed out to anyone who cares about the values that the BBC is pushing on to society. .
Beeb, of course Strictly is political. It became very obvious quite early on last series that Ora (I think that is his name, he is now occasionally on Countryfile) was going to win. There had been discussion on line about how the Great British Public were unwilling to vote black in Strictly and the BBC were determined to change that. Ora was partnered with a popular dancer, he was given the dances that most suited him, he had already had dancing lessons etc etc. Are there not many British dancers? Why do you think we have this endless parade of handsome young men and scantily dressed women from Eastern Europe to show us that immigration from Eastern Europe is desirable and with such lovely people, nothing to fear? We have the leggy black female professional to also demonstrate that black people from in this case South Africa are needed here. I have forgotten her name and she seems very sweet and an excellent dancer but again she was partenered with somebody who could already dance, she was given the most beautiful outfits, the best camera shots etc. You know when Strictly wants to get rid of a couple. ‘She’ gets frumpy clothes and mistakes are highlighted in the reprise. The couple are also given a rotten piece of music to dance to. Kevin from Grimsby is the only one who can overcome this for a while. Plus we are never given the number of public votes, we just have to believe the BBC.
I could continue for pages but just remember someone posted on here that nothing happens on the BBC by chance. Strictly is no different.
Beeb website reports that Birmingham tops ‘cash for crash’ leagues. I wonder why that might be. I have also noted how ‘diverse’ the names are of those on trial for these terrible crimes where the vulnerable are cheated out of their life savings. We all know how honest and incorruptible they are in Pakistan, and we are clearly benefiting from that gallant culture.
Strangely the Beeb website is running with a hate crime against a surgeon and those poor Rohingya Muslims again, that black swan which is being reported on for the thousandth time. Do they think if they just report on that group over and over forever people will ignore the no go zones, rape gangs, terrorism et alia?
So koonsberg needs a minder at the socialist conference. I should think if the same conditions applied at the Conservative conference the country would run out of minders for lefty journos turning up there. There were probably a few trying to keep people awake at the liberal one.
Bodyguard’s for BBC’s Laura ‘£200K’ Kuenssberg paid for by the BBC Tax Payer, under threat of prison – how about letting Ms.Kuenssberg work from home monitoring twitter feeds and send in a young and hungry political journalist.
A bodyguard is a waste of BBC Tax Payer’s time and money, as the bodyguard has to be feed and given a room as well. How many other people at the conference need a bodyguard?
That’ll be the mythical far-right again. Oh, no it won’t, will it? Any more than it’s the far right protesting with violence in Germany because a whopping 13% voted for an unapproved party.
RD, no, I think Laura’s threat (obviously deemed credible by the Police) is from a hard-Left devotee, upset with her treatment of Jeremy Corbyn during the June 2017 GE.
In addition, poor old Laura doesn’t appear to have any moderate friends – either – anywhere, with her recent Twitter post greeted with suggestions of ‘Resign’. I keep intending to write more about her dilemma and the obvious solution but haven’t quite reached that point of near-desperation.
I have so many others.
Meanwhile, Mishal – obviously becoming very anxious about her share portfolio – gives John McDonnell a serious attack of the interruptions on the TOADY Programme between 8-9am on R4.
Times front-page has photo
The guys job is to is to keep a distance between Laura for protection.
… For protection of public so that froth & bile coming out of Laura’s mouth doesn’t splash all over the public.
Roland ,
I wonder if a certain former MP and leader of the liberals will wish the 13% of Germans will die off too because they Dont adhere to his – snout in the EU trough – doctrine.
R4 6 o’clock news. Lost count of how many times extreme right-wing was said. Justin Webb even managed to get Nazi in. I can accept right wing or nationalist but the hysteria over the AFD’S showing is ridiculous to the point that you would think the brown shirts are lurking outside every door. The German public have protested at the ballot box, simple as that. As I posted last night BBC, Sky & RT are telling us how worried we should be at the AFD’s showing to which I suggested the reason the AFD did well is because the voters are worried.
Also on R4 6 o’clock they were giving a lot of coverage to the Labour party conference but I didn’t here them referenced to as extreme left wing or Marxist. If you look at the make up of their leadership I would think that is a more than justified description.
The likes of the BBC should be careful what they wish for. Their narrative is: The only people who oppose hyper-migration and Islamification are the Far Right (sic). The mood of increasing numbers of people throughout Europe is: We no longer care – we’ll vote for anyone who is going to deal with these problems and to hell with the consequences.
If politicians won’t allow us to discuss the immense problems we see with the importation of Islam, we are left with no choice but to vote for a party that will discuss it. Regardless of the label its opponents attempt to attach.
People have had a choice for many a long year. They already have serious concerns, realise the situation is grim, and then they walk through the polling booths and put an X on the same three parties that thyey’ve always voted for. Fuck knows why, but it happens.
They continue electing the same old same fucking old. WTF is wrong with people?
I understand theres a proportion who cant see any problems, and their attitude is usually based upon two foundations:
A there’s good and bad amongst all cultures
B I know lots of moslems and they are very nice people.
I sometimes despair.
GWF yes utterly totally agree, I often use the 1939 analogy to try and educate, but I usually fail.
They live safe in the knowledge they are morally superior to the knuckle-dragger me.
Evidence? Meeeeh, who needs it, when I have faith-inspired confidence that nothing can go wrong, and listening to the bbc proves nothingbis going wrong. If only these fascist types would stop hating the moslems, all would be peace and love.
WTF will wakes the idiots up?
DC – I am pretty much in the same boat as you as regards my adult son. We recently went on a “bonding” type holiday to Canada and I seemed to be constantly getting lectures because I “should not say this” or I ” should not say that ”
Whilst some of it is just natural behavior as my son has grown up and now has his own opinions. What frightens me is the absolute certainty that they seem to have, that the past has nothing to teach us and as you say without us middle aged anachronisms life would be much better.
I have sort of now come to the opinion that most of these snowflakes may never “wake up” even when things reach their logical conclusion.
God help them as we have had the best of our lives.
As it will always be our fault for not being nicer.
Still it will be their shitstorm then – I hope they enjoy it.
Good that you know nice muslims . Let’s hope their sons or daughters don’t spend time in their bedrooms planning they’re one way tourist ticket trip to Turkey to go site seeing in an Isis training camp across the border ( unless they get killed there of course )
Are you a minority amongst your peer grouping and your family members as regards these issues.?
I am
When the fuck are people going to awake from their comas?
I have only known the Far Left and that is terrifying. A nail bomb on a train is shrugged off and the mass rape and torture of school girls is allowed and covered up. Plus this is all only going to get worse.
The Far Left has brought some of the greatest civilisations in history to their knees. I am far more concerned with the Far Left than any imaginary ‘Far Right.’
The fact that the BBC can only hint about an imaginary ‘far right’ but can ignore the physical presence on our streets of the ‘far left’ tells us we need to know about its impartiality.
Somhow they ‘know’ the inner thoughts of Farage and everyone who might have supported him. They ‘know’ what every Daily Mail reader thinks. These are just predjudiced sterotypes of their own wishful imaginations.
Yet they are deaf to the actual voices and banners of the extreme left on the streets or, for that matter, the clearly stated aims of ISIS, (all misunderstood nice mummies’ boys really), because real Islam is what they would like to imagine it to be.
DT we have no ‘elected’ politicians, perfectly true.
But there are politicians.
UKIP has a leadership contest in process right now. The result will be announced at party conference at end of Sept. Anne Marie Waters is running for that post. We have to be bold and support those with guts, and ignore the forore that will come from the media if shes elected.
I have high hopes she can do it.
It seems every MSM newspaper and media outlet, not just the Beeb, are labelling the Afd “far right”. If I look at the Wiki entry its says “is a right-wing populist and Eurosceptic political party in Germany” , which is a bit different. The Afd is clearly a protest vote against mass third world immigration and EU federalisation, so if you hold those views are you now one of the “far right”?
ED, ultra-conservative party would be an equally accurate description for the bulk of the AfD. No doubt it has some nasties among its members and hangers on but which Political Party does not? Evidence: Laura Kuenssberg requiring a bodyguard it is said due to a threat from a militant Corbyn supporter.
Much as LK is a disappointment to me, no journalist should face that in a westernised society.
The AfD can only DREAM that all BBC grillers are of the calibre of Gentleman Jim Naughtie. Poor florid jock got knocked about some bloke called Gauland last week-and this morning some lady called Storth or something sent the shortbread numpty into orbit.
Not household names yet-but I for one will draw my cigarette cards and collect AfD “stars in the making”…Frauke Petry reminds me of a luscious Thelma from “The Likely Lads”!
Utterly embarrassing-even in their second language, these two newbies from the AfD destroy Naughtie as he weeps at Beyreuth, puffs himself up to his full key fob height as he refuses to listen to any answers from these populist racists, who clearly don`t know the will of the German people as he does. Even calls 40% of old East German voters “neo-Nazis”.They used to be commies Jim, thought you`d like that son!
Appalling blinkered idiocies from Naughtie-the Bertie Vogts of EU ravings. Our lady clearly has to tell him twice that they do NOT want mosques banned-just no more built, no bloody muezzin or minarets.
Jim confused-as if the public space getting invaded by architecture skylines and caterwaulung at 4.45 am is not an issue for Germans.
Poor Jim-dotard, dolt in dotage…but we`re paying for his pickled prostate and broken blood vessels as he perambulates with matron all wrapped in his tartan blanket with a saltaire on his Relaint Robun chariot of fire.
The two attackers aged in their 30’s and 50’s were probably Asian/Pakistani from a different muslim sect. Hence the ‘Hate Crime’ and not ‘Terrorism’. Both have been arrested so were probably known.
Remember Harlow and how it was misreported to suit the alt-left BBC? The ‘blood on Farage’s hands’ quote by the BBC?
The ‘asian’ community now has gone straight into victim meltdown overdrive.
The reporting of this attack has been very carefully orchestrated by the left leaning MSM. If you read the reports they can’t write a sentence without mentioning hate crime or the fact that he was a muslim and muslim leaders are shocked.
The attack victim is, of course, “much loved” and the community are demanding answers how this terrible hate crime could occur.
The implication is clear – it was obviously an islamophobic attack, probably by a couple of Brexit voters.
The attackers were 54 and 32yrs old – the right sort of age gap to be related. Possibly father and son?
The attack was at 6pm in the evening and it turns out the victim was not seriously wounded, it was only what would be described as a flesh wound.
The victim was a surgeon – possible motive due to consequences of surgical procedure?
I remember the initial reporting of Lee Rigby having his head hacked off in the street and not once did the MSM lead with the term hate crime or allow for quotes from members of the community. Then it was just a senseless attack without motive.
Misrepresentation is a PR trick and R4Today is laying it on thick.
Beeboid speak
Islamist Terrorism=”Part and Parcel” so carry on
” Being concerned about UNCONTROLLED immigration ” = major concern = Far Right = Nazi
Shorthand – not many people you know do that. I trained as a reporter in 1996 and 1997. It was a tough, vocational course, very different from the “meeja” people have referred to on this site. Shorthand, media law, etc. Absolutely zero leftie nonsense. I still work as a journalist but I am not part, thankfully, of the MSM. I write about business, engineering, motorcycling, and so on. But I know how the leftie system works, have seen it at first hand, and how it indoctrinates the good people. I distinctly remember the day, during my time on that coveted journalism course, when Labour won in 1997: the middle class leftie students punching the air. I thought, even then, bad times lay ahead. I was on the web, recently, glancing at the towns where I had lived when I lived in Britain. I had the amazing opportunity to leave nine years ago, and I have never looked back. I saw the Brexit coverage by current local and regional reporters. All the stories, without exception – very subtly – were ostensibly neutral, but just slightly leftie biased by the reporter. In a nutshell, the Brexit people were sort of creepy, that was the angle. The average reader would not identify the subtle indoctrination, but I could see it instantly in every report I read. The only way to correct the slant was by the comments of the public on those newspaper sites, stating that the reporters had actually made things up. Still, we got a 52% win. Imagine what it would have been like if there had been no bias by the print press or “Auntie”; maybe a 60% win or higher. After my time in the local press, I worked for a magazine company. Paul Mason used to visit my floor from time to time, and we would chat briefly. A second colleague from that company also joined the BBC. Lives now a comfortable life in Essex and works as a public relations man. A Facebook friend – actually a good guy. A year or so ago, he left a Facebook comment about how great the BBC was. I – emboldened by this great website – disagreed. My point being, the BBC is biased, and that because of that, they hold the public in contempt, which is true. Unless you really scrutinise a Facebook page, you don’t really know who knows who. In a few minutes my comment had been belligerently responded to by someone from Edelman, a German firm, and the biggest PR company in the world. His point was, I could sense the resent on his part – I had dared to question the way facts are presented – the BBC is wonderful, do you want Fox instead? I thought yes, apart from the BBC Natural History Unit, I would indeed prefer Fox. But I didn’t reply, I just let it go. Imagine the venom and snide Facebook comments. You might as well debate with 10-year-olds. This is the media that dictates how we see things, and how we react to them. I am not a conspiracy theorist, and now I happily live outside the EU, but this is the way that it is. Terrifying.
Summary :
– when I trained in media in 1996 there was Absolutely zero leftie nonsense.
– when Labour won in 1997, I thought, bad times lay ahead
– Brexit : newspaper reports were almost always slightly biased to left, without it , it would have been not 53% but 60%
– On Facebook mediBubbleworld people show up, and shout you down. Giving us the false dichotomy that without the BBC everyhing would be Fox
– Their quality of debate is like 10 year olds, Terrifying.
The BBC holds seminars to herd its Journalists into politically correct conformity. And then disciplines them with politically correct training courses if they break the rules.
So it would be interesting to find out who chose all those ridiculously unqualified and scientifically ignorant participants to its Climate Change Seminars.
We found out who organised the seminars, and presumably the BBC got someone from the Grantham Institute to pick the participants. And we found out that the BBC avoids appointing independent scientific investigative journalists, probably also on the advice of the Grantham Institute. So it would seem impossible for BBC Journalists to investigate the Grantham Institute.
So we know Lord Hall has replaced the “journalistic pursuit of the truth” with an Orwellian system of information output control, by inviting participants of seminars of people favoured by the political elite, to control BBC Journalists through repression and fear of being carted off on to some politically correct training course, if they violate the predetermined narrative set be the seminar.
But a Judicial review of the BBC would help the public to realise how much Lord Hall himself has contributed to the political corruption of Journalism at the BBC.
I don’t think most people on this site realise how much Lord Hall himself is responsible for the corruption of journalism at the BBC.
A national broadcaster acting in the interests of the people to ‘inform and educate’ should be all over this story. This is a massive omission for a party that has pretensions to lead the country. INTENTIONALLY USELESS BBC yet again.
I see another Labour Party supporting interviewer was worse than completely useless in her new role as Andrew Neill’s replacement on Sunday Politics programme. Didn’t follow up anything which could have pinned Corbyn down, useless. Tom Newton Dunn pointed this out.
Now I wonder if she got the job because she is John Smith’s daughter. I will be interested to see if she can improve her interrogative methods when she interviews a non Labour politician.
R4Today kept insisting “One of the AfD leaders said they want mosques and minaret banned.
At 8:30 they finally had the deputy AfD leader who’d been on the Farage show yesterday.
” Hang on it’s Muezzin and Minarets, Muslims will still have mosques”
Beeboid just repeated the question as if he hadn’t heard.
@BBCr4today Jim naughtie 'WHY??? don't you want mosques and minarets???' Why? Repeated question
China Uighurs: Xinjiang ban on long beards and veils
China Uighurs: Xinjiang city of Urumqi to ban Islamic veil
China bans Xinjiang officials from observing Ramadan fast
Xinjiang city bans Islamic dress on public transport
‘All-out offensive’ in Xinjiang risks worsening grievances
China police arrest Xinjiang ‘terror gang’
China sentences 55 people in Xinjiang stadium
Imam of China’s largest mosque killed in Xinjiang
Second Misrepresentation in the interview .
“Are you happy to have Neo Nazis voting for your Party ?”
Ans : “Ridiculous we got 30% of vote in some areas , it’s ridiculous to suggest that 30% are Neo Nazis”
Third question “What about poor innocent people who are fleeing war ?”
Ans “Genuine refugees should be properly processed, Merkel has failed to do this so the majority of new German immigrants are economic migrants
… And when you let in them, that’s sends a message to the ones back home, that you can come in to”
DavidVance tweeted them
(I would have answered that I’m sure the families if victims of Islamic attacks and rapes voted for AfD, cos no other party seems to care)
Media narrative. Merkel allows millions of third world Muslims in = hero. AfD seek to save Germany = Nazis.
Ms von Storch held the line against Numpty very well, I thought. The point about the current lot bringing in millions more of their (extended) families needs to be made more often.
Did anyone take a gander at This Week on Thursday? I’d been looking forward to it. Okay, it’s lightweight and a bit too jokey for my tastes. I’m old enough to remember Robin Day interviewing the likes of Enoch Powell and Tony Benn. These were political giants with interesting opinions. Andrew Neal is probably the best of an appalling crop, and he’s usually one of the BBC’s best interviewers. However, you do need interesting guests to make the thing work.
This week we had 80’s pop star Gary Numan. Oh dear…
It transpired that Gary was deeply concerned about Trump (it’s never President Trump) and global warming.
Well, who’d have thought it? It’s so desperately predictable that these has-been rockers are never worried about Muzzies attempting to commit mass murder on our streets and railways, but they’re fretting about the US president and the weather.
I have to say though that whatever was on Gary’s mind I was far more intigued by what was perched on his head. Dear God this wasn’t so much a wig as road kill. Surely he didn’t buy this dreadful black mass of fur from a professional wig maker; more likely a taxidermist. The darned thing was atrocious. It clung precariously to his scalp like a dead crow.
I noticed Andrew Neal eyeing the ghastly apparition with something that looked like envy and I imagined Brillo asking, “Eh, Gazza, do you fancy doing a swap?”
The two men chatted amiably about Numan’s new album and his dystopian fears for our society. But it was difficult to concentrate.
There were so many syrups on screen that this didn’t seem like a political programme at all.
More like an advert for Tate and Lyle …
“Global warming”? That’s all a bit last decade isn’t it? I thought it had all morphed into Climate Change given that there hasn’t been any warming since 1997.
In the Telegraph this morning there is the usual Monday piece by Charles Moore. In it describes how he has known Dianne Abbot since university and how she has changed her accent, attitudes etc. He then goes on to write about their recent appearance on Any Questions from Lancing College . Inevitably he says the question arose of the place of private independent schools in modern Britain and of course we all know that Abbot sent her children to an independent school in London, the City of London school. When asked about the hypocrisy of her doing this but Labours anti independent school stance Abbot replied that the City of London school was run by the City of London and was in effect a council run school. Moore says he felt that was an attempt to pull the wool over people’s eyes but couldn’t put his finger on why. After the programme was off air he looked up the details of the City of London school and found that the fees were over five thousand per term , about seventeen thousand a year, which assuming normal tax rates is about thirty thousand plus before tax. The school was built by the City but in all other respects is an independent just like Lancing College.
So on national radio Abbott lies , no surprise there almost all senior Labour politicians stink to high heaven of hypocrisy, but my surprise is that given the venue and Abbotts presence on the panel it was highly likely that such a question would arise and I thought that Moore ought to have been prepared for it by looking up details of the school in question. He could then have treated us to exposing the hypocritical cow in the act of lying on live national radio .
If the centre right is going to fight back against the looney left they cannot afford to miss opportunities like this.
To be fair to Charles he did try to call out the Beeb for their anti Brexit stance but was met with howls of derision from such an unbalanced audience.
It’s really disgusting what the BBC is. They don’t even deserve to have to the word British in their title given how much they hate us.
I then saw Alan Johnson who I usually like trying to make out that Tim Martin was some kind of nasty ‘Johny Foreigner disliking (his own words); xenophobe because he dared to have a counter opinion to Alan and the establishment. Tim should blown up right there and then at such a disgusting comment.
Even Portillo who used to be one of the few sensible voices on the Beeb seems to have had his wings clipped on Brexit.
From the part of The Times visible to me “Nuclear strike on US inevitable, says Kim’s foreign minister
North Korea warned that a nuclear attack on the US was “inevitable”, prompting President Trump to say that he was contemplating regime change or targeted assassination of the leadership in Pyongyang”
The BBC are eager to report each of Trump’s tweets “escalating” tension with North Korea, but somehow they fail to report the provocation from PRNK that prompts Trump’s comments.
I’m (currently) a Times subscriber. Elsewhere there the ineffable Leftoid Justin Webb writes …’Step forward Chuck Schumer, leader of the Democrats in the Senate, the most powerful Democrat in the nation. A man who could make or break a Trump presidency and might choose, to the horror of some, the former over the latter. To understand the complicated politics of Chuck Schumer, go back to 2009, when Democrats were celebrating the coming of Barack Obama and the new president was tackling healthcare reform with vim and vigour. Days after Obama announced his plan I was having a drink with a senate aide to Schumer who I thought to be a left-wing Democrat. “Great about Obamacare,” I ventured.
“Jeez,” he replied. “It’s a pile of crap. We hope it fails.”
At the very moment that the Obama administration was getting into gear, the office of one of the most powerful Democrats in Congress, a man who had been around since the time of Ronald Reagan, was raising its eyes to the ceiling.’
Who else but a Leftoid Beeboid would start a question with such a positive endorsement of St Barack’s healthcare policy as ‘Great about Obamacare’?
I see the Beeb are delighted about how some of the NFL players are taking a knee. I say good on Trump for talking about this. One of the USA’s admirable traits is it’s inherent patriotism but this silly protest (which yes people are entitled to do) is allowed to be commented on and should be by the President.
Let’s be clear Colin Kapernick wasn’t doing this because he was a noble warrior wanting to highlight racial oppression. His form was failing and if he made himself a difficult obstinate cuss, it would be harder for the 49ers to boot him out last year.
The NFL is approximately 68% black so the notion of these individuals protesting inequality is a joke. Just another example of politics creeping into everything where even when turning on the telly to watch some American Football you have to be reminded how privileged you are as a white male and how guilty you should be feeling.
So first it’s taking a knee, then what booing during the anthem, burning the stars and stripes?
Blacks in USA are massively advantaged with Affirmative Action (pro-black, anti-white policies) yet still failing miserably.
And if there’s so much discrimination, how come they do so well in sport and music? (If you can call Rap music.)
Payne, “I see the Beeb are delighted about how some of the NFL players are taking a knee. I say good on Trump for talking about this.”
Not sure, I agree. OK, have decided. I definitely do not agree. Whether President or PM, you need to be careful about the battles you fight and the opponents you take on. President Trump might have been better advised to let that one go or even better, get it ignored. He is going to have his hands full anyway with North Korea, as well as helping see Syria through to peace.
AFL/NFL is like a religion in US. It is also an industry. If you end up taking it on and escalating to things like a player strike, then the President is going to lose a lot of friends. Trump will either lose face here or lose support.
As good PR as well as normal humanity, he would be much better involved in fronting aid agencies and US charities in pouring their help into Mexico to locate remaining earthquake survivors and provide assistance to victims.
Those who watch, support and pay into the NFL are the most Patriotic of all Americans. Do you really believe that biology denying, race baiting, Islam-fanatic, white hating, US hating, piss smelling shit-stains watch the NFL? The US flag and anthem mean everything to those at the game and those doing their childish and wrong political posturing at the games will be looked on as selfish, deluded traitors by the viewers and supporters.
US politics has been hijacked by a group of militants that are using peoples hardship as a way of achieving success. What the black militants and social agitators who hate the US are asking for can never be achieved. They are asking for something that cannot happen, because it doesnt exist. The anger and hatred of those in the US against their own people and county HAS to be shown up for what it is, and Trump knows this. The US is going to go backwards and become more divided if the enemy is not exposed and taken on.
This is such a pointless and ridiculous situation the left have created here. They have create very angry group of people who now feel they are complete victims to a group of unidentifiable people (who are white) because they are black. This narrative has been crafted for decades by the left to win a power base for voters etc and the media have been active in harvesting this lie…..and now its out of control, and because the very thing these race baitors are figthing for doesnt exist, it needs the only thing that trumps all political and religious beliefs to expose it…the love for the United State of America. Americans are not going to stand for traitors against their country, especially rich ones at the NFL.
ttp, “Do you really believe that biology denying, race baiting, Islam-fanatic, white hating, US hating, piss smelling shit-stains watch the NFL?”
Think you have completely missed the point. President Trump is never going to win over that category. What he HAS to do is carry on ‘shocking people’ while not losing core support. That is the important thing. He is now in a battle that he cannot win and may actually lose him core Republican-voter support but will definitely also lose him ‘face’.
By going ‘counter-media’ with vocal encouragement & perhaps some cash help for aid to Mexico, he will put the Libbies and Left-mob in the US on the wrong foot. If he ignores the AFL/NFL protest all they can do is keep going at the same level and it will eventually count for little. By his intervention, Trump has now encouraged the AFL/NFL BAME players to escalate their strategy. The team owners (fellow businessmen like President Trump and possible Republican voters/Trump supporters) will be caught in the middle and feeling the squeeze.
Understand it now?
A lot of politics at No.10/White House level has to be carefully considered and responded to this way. The smallest, simplest, most innocuous appearing ‘event’ or ‘crisis’ can easily get out of hand and divert from much more important business while wiping away support.
I havent missed the point at all. Its your point and take on this, and I am certainly not going to stand on a pedestal and say your point is wrong.
How well has playing this media game gone for everyone not a Democrat in the US? How well has it gone for the appeaser in this country? Everything is getting worse because of the enemy, not because of Trump. Whatever Trump does the media will find a way to say it’s a crisis or u-turn or he is evil. Everything has gone to death-con 1 from even before he won the Presidency. The media are at war with Trump, they always will be. Trump has actually carried out policies that go against conservative values in recent weeks, and the media are still at war with him. What do you think is going to happen if he doesn’t say something and get involved? This fake outrage by multi-millionaire stars will be hijacked by the media and fake narrative and hatred will be used against Trump as justification. Inaction or action is vilified and attacked by the enemy of Trump regardless, so like him I would go on the attack too.
Those who are reporting on the racist and hate filled attack on the American flag are the very ones who have caused this. To expose them and their way in which they report this is the very thing the US needs. I disagree that it pushes more people away, as the American flag and its importance to the lives of Americans is everything. The more people at home think “what the fuck? These rich, privileged millionaires are constantly attacking the very country that put them in this rich and incredible life” then the more the militant, selfish, traitorous media who attack Trump attack the country instead, and expose the truth behind these deviants…that those in power hate the US, they hate everything it stands for, and they are doing everything they can to destroy it.
Exactly! “How well has playing this media game gone for everyone not a Democrat in the US? How well has it gone for the appeaser in this country?”
Trump should not be playing an away game on this. That is what he has now been suckered into. He should have refrained from joining in but perhaps made a careful statement at some point that makes the protesters appear anti-American.
By calling for teams to sack players he is now in it up to his ears. What can he escalate to?
He needs to keep wrong-footing the media (those not on his side) with surprising moves. Remember the bunker buster bomb test?
It’s a pity David P no longer posts here, because I’d be interested to hear his take. I understood that the Americans take their National Anthem very seriously and would take a very dim view of anyone disrespecting it, whatever the reason. I’d assumed it was this feeling that Trump was seeking to exploit – one again straight over the heads of the MSM whose Pavlovian reaction was so predictable. But I’m willing to be proved wrong on that.
RD, absolutely correct. The American flag also. Hence my original post.
President Trump would have been better advised to have just restricted his comment to respecting the flag and anthem.
He has ramped that up to calling for dismissals. What happens next? Team owners say no? Possibly. Trump loses.
Team owners comply (players – ethnic minorities look like victims – media interest) and get mired in lawsuits (more media interest) and possibly suffer in games (fans start complaining – even yet more media interest, remember media mostly biased against Trump) and on it goes. Trump still loses.
Meanwhile, Trump has to deal with N.Korea.
If you get into a war of escalation with the protesting players there, there can only be one winner and lots and lots of losers.
Of course having to stand or bow creates a divide – which side are you on? If you agree with both what do you do? Kneel and then stand up or stand up and then kneel? Do the people kneeling know why they are kneeling – have they been asked or told?
Whilst I think there would be easier battles to face, I do think it right for Trump to say something about this. The Americans take their anthem and flag very seriously and this continued ‘playing politics with the anthem’ will piss a lot of people off.
Hell, I’ve been to an amusement park (Cedar Point in Ohio) where at the end of the day, the park finished and they played the anthem. Everyone stopped, and I mean everyone, from women pushing prams to teenagers with their gangs to respect the flag and the anthem.
Yes, Americans take their NFL seriously and I’ve watched it for many years but this endless creep of politics into every facet of their lives, especially with the likes of ESPN allowing themselves to become so politically involved is going to cheese a lot of people off.
It’s just another example of feted out of touch individuals (like actors) making unsubstantiated claims to signal their values to everyone. I mean a black actor at the Emmy’s recently thanked Trump for making Blacks the most oppressed group in America. How exactly has this happened, what specific laws are there that advocate black oppression?
The reality is that there aren’t, hence these pampered fools are pissing on their own anthem (in a country that takes that stuff seriously) to make a non existent, unsubstantiated point.
Yes, more NFL players are likely to take a knee to annoy Trump off but by doing so just reveals their continuing hypocrisy and utter contempt for the rule of democracy in America. Trump won, deal with it.
After the last night of the proms, I wondered if American remainers wave the “United Empire Loyalist Flag“ , “Grand Union Flag” or the “Hawaiian Flag” at these events.
My son had a presentation at his US school – a pic of Trump came up – many cheered. A pic of Obama came up – many booed! At least the kids either have a good sense of humour, or a good perspective. I think most are immune to this stupid media bias. Of course, it probably reflects the general area.
Stew, what puzzles me as a one-time ‘Obama-hopeful’ is what has been going on during eight years of Obama’s Presidency?!!! What was he doing for all that time?
A BAME President should have brought the race issue to an end in the USA. It appears to have left Black Americans especially aggrieved.
I think that Trump just withdrew the invitation to the White House which had been made to a gentleman of colour who played basket ball, he said that he was conflicted about whether to accept due to who was the present occupant.
It was then that Trump said it was a great honour for someone to be asked to visit the White House and if you had to think about whether you’d accept then you shouldn’t be going.
The NFL is slowly dying in the U.S. lower viewing figures year on year, last year the excuse offered for this was the “divisive” election, FFS! What’s their excuse going to be this year?
Whites are gradually turning away from it, a sport the majority of whose players don’t look like them and many of whom clearly despise them and their country, as shown by their disrespectful behaviour before the matches begin.
Last week I was on holiday on the opposite side of the pond and saw much of the CNN coverage – and God do they hate Trump
Whilst I think Trump is definitely no diplomat – What I do admire about him is his injection of political honesty, and refusal to play by the widely accepted media left wing rules. Basically this particular player was suggesting that he found Trump unpleasant and was trying to make political capital out of the situation (and probably expected the White House to go into damage limitation mode to persuade him to come to the White House) – Pleeeeeeeeeease come!
Instead Trump basically told him to piss off which obviously damaged the fragile ego of this pampered sports star and the sycophantic left wing media.
I think this illustrates why Trump is so popular with many “normal” US citizens. He cuts through all the media hypocrisy and reacts like most normal people would do in a similair situation. Pity we dont have a Trump in this country I think he/she would do well.
The nearest we have is Tommy Robinson though he would never get the initial coverage needed unless he of course sold out, in which case he would not be Tommy Robinson we need!
In a post-politics world , I can only guess that sport and arts become totems for cultural wars by proxy.
Sport is a god, Trumps views will probably win in that his people know that the Black Power mob have been at this since 1968 in Mexico Citys Olympics.
Could anybody imagine the Russians, Chinese or Turks allowing this offence being publicly given to the nation that made them and their families?
I don`t expect them to like Trump at all-but America is not him, he`s holding an office that their Obama turned into such a cesspit that he was able to walk into it. Why no critique of how the Democrats(like Labour here) have lost all touch with reality.
They know no working class people or their viewpoints-and they confuse sports and celebrity endorsements as being worth votes to them.
Actors and sports stars are perpetual kids and showmen, women who say other peoples words, carry out other peoples plans on a games pitch for a kings ransom. Unworthily too. When these are your role models?…well, might as well havnd over to a Modi or an Erdogan, Putin or an Orban. Who at least are grown ups and have some sense of historical place and purpose to their fellow countrymen.
Does anyone know the Labour Party policy on Brexit?
I mean, what day of the week is it? Monday? What’s their policy today?
So on such a vital issue, you might expect an impartial investigative broadcaster to be really hammering on this.
But of course its not happening.
Instead we just get the odious mass bBBC Labour conference unchallenging love-in, and of course we can’t be asking Dianne Abbott any difficult questions, can we? No, because that would be beastly and vindictive.
The hypocrisy is so bare-faced it is a totally demeaning to those still watching (to be fair, mainly students and those with little tax-paying history)
Their policy is whatever you, the voter, wants. They are trying to offer in and out by being able to say that so-and-so said this to some, and so-and-someone else said the opposite. You pick and chose what you want and can prove Liebor is for it, or against it.
Anyone who’s not seen the movie, ‘Team America’ I urge you to do so. Made in 2004 what shocks today is how very little has changed. Hollywood is unchanged, NK , the ME and the UN are unchanged, terror and our response to it is unchanged, plus it is very funny.
I hear millionaire, elite Colin Firth who’s lived in Italy for 20 years thinks Brexit is a disastrous idea. I shall have to rethink my opinions now he’s spoken or maybe not?
And that Islamo-Marxist asshole Khan, appears in US news, comparing Trump to ISIS. I suggest he experiences life under both – see which he prefers. I struggle to find adequate words but one will suffice – ENEMY.
– Mayor in charge of 7000+ pubs of London with moral conflict with his religion?
– Mayor in charge of betting shops of London with moral conflict with his religion?
– Mayor promises fewer chicken shops (2017) but was promoting more Halal chicken production (2012).
– Mayor promotes Halal food process – which is positive employment discrimination for Muslims {}
“London chose me as their mayor, not just an ethnic minority, not just a religious minority, but a Londoner of Islamic faith. (no idea on percentage that voted on faith or find a mention of Allah in Khan’s Manifesto?)” – Sadiq Khan
With a turnout of 45.3% ! And that was an increase.
Considering that his support in “certain” areas was probably not far short of 100%, it’s not a big achievement. I suggest a law under which the post is abolished if turnout never reaches, say, 60%.
Never ceases to amaze me that they should think such is worthy of reporting.
Great thinkers, those with knowledge and intellect? No – just scribblers, play actors, pop stars.
Afraid we can’t ignore the actors/presenters because they have sway over people’s opinions … just look at Gary ‘£1.75m wages paid under threat of prison + just lost his 2nd house in Barbados + 0 refugees taken in’ Lineker has just said through his BBC 100% approved comments on twitter …
Gary Lineker is being unfair here. What are the problems that were introduced to the normal citizens? Were the citizens asked if they wanted the immigration?
– Gary has not housed one of these refugees yet and he is in a position better than most in the UK – £1.75m salary which is paid to him under threat of prison, multiple homes, multiple jobs, excellent pension, able to use the BBC brand to sell his products.
– Gary ‘£1.75m’ Lineker it’s OK for a country to take in 1 million refugees but does not take 1 in himself?
– Has Gary Lineker followed the case of BBC Search ‘Freiburg attack’ … better reporting on another site … when the judge questioned him concerning “sex with a dead girl,” and the offender said: “It didn’t bother me to have sex with a dead girl.” (Hussein K.)” {gatesofvienna}?
Clare, even better is to start a boycott. Just do not attend a play or film in which Firth acts. People like Colin Firth derive their political power via an economic platform.
This appears to have already happened with performance comedy with pro-EU, anti-Brexit comedians noticing a fall in attendances and unfavourable audience response to any anti-Brexit material in their acts.
I don’t really care what Firth or that Nanny McPhee woman think about Brexit or anything else outside their profession, I just don’t want to hear from them any more than I want to hear from my window cleaner.
Without letting the BBC off the hook, the widespead obsession with celebrity must carry some of the blame for this. Unfortunately, here I am discussing them. Not worth the effort, really.
It’s a very good film and the end message is still very relevant about dicks needing to f*** arseholes.
I also heard that about Colin Firth and confess to being quite disappointed in him. Here’s a man who’s made a career of playing quintessentially English characters who seems to think that we can’t make it on our own and that our national identity should be distilled down into some massive vanilla blamange.
His ‘people’ obviously felt the message needed massaging to be properly understood on social media, but rather struggled with communities where the dialogue is not just broadcast.
“… There are no jokes in Islam. There is no humour in Islam. There is no fun in Islam. …”
– Ayatollah Khomeini, jan1980, 80 million people follow this man’s beliefs and ideas
– Note that Salman Rushdie is still under protection (2017) and that the fatwa was renewed in 2016 and can never be cancelled according to the Iranian state.
Brilliant! More of that sort of humour please. What a fab guy, so funny and lucid at 91.
What knockers! How did they get that past the PC censors?
How would you like to be remembered? (ie, you will surely be dying soon!) – answer – taller, I’d like to be remembered as about 6’2″
“To site the other person you just said that would *trigger you Sam Harris*, Mark Steyn said this the other day, *this is the conversation we will be having when the Mullahs nuke us*.Everyone will be discussing if someone is transgender despite the fact they’ve had no operation (ref Jack Monroe in UK)” – Douglas Murray {youtube}.
Their next Tweet
(This is the Radio3 yesterday which served as a platform for every London black voice to gripe)
Do they only tweet about #bbcPetIssues and Virtue Signalling ?
"People are looking for new narratives, particularly in the US right now."
Compare that with the Headline news of HATE CRIME when a person is stabbed on his way to a Mosque. He was taken to hospital and discharged within hours. BBC happy to declare this a HATE CRIME.
In the incident in the United States – a Sudanese immigrant kills and injures several people outside and inside a Church – and the BBC declare the reason for the attack as unknown.
Yes, and BBC are on to their second day of reporting this !!!HATE CRIME!!!. BBC managed to set up an interview with the so-called victim, showing us a video of the moments after this supposed attack, the man sitting there holding his neck, no blood – not even on his shirt which can clearly be seen in the article. BBC then shows us a bandage on the back of his neck during the interview – still no sign of blood.
I noticed it was only the BBC who called it a !!!HATE CRIME!!! – no one was quoted calling it that.
I’ll call it what I suspect it was: a BBC false flag.
OT: I’m reading a great book at the moment: ‘Pol Pot Plans The Future – Confidential Leadership Documents from Democratic Kampuchea, 1976 – 1977’. Surreal. Mind blowing. Terrifying.
You see, it’s not that the Khmer Rouge (real name: Communist Party of Kampuchea (CPK, also known as ‘Angkar, or ‘The Party’)) did socialism wrong; it’s that they did it absolutely correctly. Pity about the nearly two million murdered along the way towards that glorious communist utopia. Salut, comrades!
If there’s one topic that makes a beeboid drool it’s slavery, past or present.
So it’s surprising that this heart-breaking story never made it to our most trusted broadcaster.
The Evening Standard saw fit to give it 2 pages, yet nothing on beebistan. Surely not because the slave owners and abusers were from their favourite ‘religion’?
“Anne’s bus ride to freedom after two years of domestic slavery
She worked 24-hour shifts for a Saudi family who refused to pay her and confiscated her passport. She fled after a chance meeting in Hyde Park.”
“…..a Saudi family who refused to pay her and confiscated her passport. She fled after a chance meeting in Hyde Park.”” She got off lightly.
The norm in Saudi Arabia. You can watch the lovely muslim girls flying in by the plane load regularly clothed in essential muslim drag unwittingly heading for servitude and slavery. Funny thing was, within two years, I watched the girls boarding planes in the old Halim airport in Jarkarta destined for the Middle East. All bubbly and looking forward to their “employment” somewhere in the Middle East unsuspecting as to what will happen to them…………..
Never destined to see their families again.
Tragic G, really really tragic. There is a huge story of terrible suffering and abuse and slavery there, which we never hear of in the msm, least of all the beebistan. An expose’ of that would be truly brave and ground-breaking. Don’t expect the beeb to do one any time soon.
G – It’s the Filipinas I feel most sorry for, being non-muslim they get even worse treatment.
Even in London you see them forced to wear the uniform of oppression and dutifully following behind their Masters, or looking after their children in the parks while never seeing their own back home, breaks my heart. God knows what goes on in the vile Arab states, though now and again a story leaks out, usually not covered by the muslim-adoring beebistan: a death in suspicious circumstances, a beating, an inexplicable accident, a ‘fall’ from a balcony, a rape, a suicide. And unlike in the UK, they have no-one to turn to, nowhere to run, the authorities are fully complicit and even their own government or embassy are too reliant on their income to rock the boat. Shameful. But where’s the outrage in the media? A bacon attack gets more coverage, or an imagined dirty look.
Charlie, the World is full of imbalance right now and its getting worse by the day, certainly the flames are fanned by the utterly biased bbc islam lovers. At my stage of life, I will no doubt not see the day of reckoning which is surely coming as sure as, ‘….tiny eggs are….’.
Yawn ! accidentally watched Keir Starmer’s monologue at the Conference. Four words, applause, four words, applause, four words, applause. God on a bike, clearly these ‘conferences’ are for the brain dead who just about sum up the energy to clap away like seals in between prodding their toys.
I nearly fell off my chair laughing when he po-faced claimed Labour were the grown-oops.
The UK is mired in ‘politics of the least atrocious’ territory to be sure, but has he glanced around a shad cab table and assessed the brain cell count of an Abbott or the gravitas of Emily ‘Jo Brand’ Thornbury?
And has any journo from BBC, Global, etc dared ask?
Jack Muirs prog about Diversity in the media also served as a platform for every blck Londoner to air their gripes.
: “Black people don’t enter the media, cos it’s an environment with no black people
#1 That is racism itself
#2 Of course there are media companies like the voice and some Christian media which is mostly black
A black reporter called racism cos the editor insisted on having a special item on a missing girl cos she was “Pretty/white/creative”
She claimed the Missing girl was news cos white
Surely the news worthiness came from the fact she was pretty and female ?
An ugly white boy would also has not been covered.
US travel ban go include N Korea
Germany: Wetin make Merkel ‘market’ still dey sell?
Helen Zille: Why dis politician dey bathe only once every three days?
Olympic champion Kelly Holmes dey ‘cut herself everyday’
Saudi Arabia: Women enter stadium for di first time Jogging woman wey dey always poo-poo for somebody dormot
Like a Bonobo out-guessing Paul Mason, they could have already sneaked in a cost-cutting kindergarten drop-out as a sub and claiming it is work experience.
BBC accidentally left comments open on a GreenEnergy article
Story says we need to build much more power if we are to have Electric Cars
And the interviewee who builds big wind farms, says building more windfarms is the solution
Scottish Power says UK will need to boost capacity – Scottish Power says electric cars and a shift to electric …
If you drive from North to South, you’ll see we already have FAR too many turbines blighting our countryside. If you visit Scotland, you’ll see FAR too many turbines already ruin a beautiful landscape. And what we get in return is a pathetic amount of electricity – while many turbines are not even operating!
The key is WHO benefits financially from these turbines, their production, etc. The same old 1 percenters who own and ruin everything in our country.
Aluko is giving evidence to a select committee. Of course she could say the Earth was flat and nobody would question her lest they be accused of racism. The MPs will have an orgy of virtue signalling.
How devastating an accusation of racism – however spurious – must be for small businesses. When they lecture us about under representation they never consider this crucial factor. How could you relax and do your job properly knowing one misplaced word could be deliberately misinterpreted and ruin your livelihood?
BBC News website re Crash for Cash.
Illustrated, of course, by picture of two middle-aged, middle-class WHITE men, while all the data shows that a certain ethnicity carries out the majority of the scams, evidence supported by the news that Birmingham is the national hotspot. The report continues that: “Manchester, Bradford, London and Oldham also featured on the list”.
“We don’t know the exact reason Birmingham features so heavily in these surveys,” said Ben Fletcher, the director of the IFB, a not-for-profit organisation set up to detect fraud.
Popeye wrote: “We don’t know the exact reason Birmingham features so heavily in these surveys,” said Ben Fletcher, the director of the IFB, a not-for-profit organisation set up to detect fraud.”
The thing is, this has been well known for ages, in fact ANPR cameras were put in place in those areas of Birmingham a few year in which to target the crash for cash idiots. However the likes of the bBC cried foul play at this and because of the negative publicity they were taken down .
Funny how the bBC can report those areas as been predominately Islamic when promoting Muslims as victims, yet when found to be hotbeds of Insurance fraud, they refrain from doing so.
At least Chamberlain was thought to be trying to buy time to fight when it came.
May seems to be flying in as many enemy combatants as possible to ensure the fight is a surprise, brief, total and does not necessarily proceed to the advantage of the native British population.
The BBC really do seem to share Labour’s delusion that it won the general election. This morning BBC front page (&business page top) report was Labour’s “pledge” to cut credit card debt. “Under the changes, nobody would pay more in interest than they had originally borrowed.” How would a party without power effect any “changes”?
By way of contrast the Bank of England (ie the actual regulatory body) report on credit issued this morning only gets slight coverage, despite it flagging up concerns over the exposure of the banks. The subject only matters when giving publicity to the BBC’s allies?
The BBC £3.5bn News Service, paid under threat of prison, must scan the alternative media to see what else is happening in the World? So they can spot Fake News and correct it for us rather than ignore it?
Foodbanks reporting that a ‘million people’ use foodbanks. BBC says on average a person goes twice so it is actually half a million. If people go three times it’s even less. So if the foodbanks add better reporting we would have a more realistic figure, but if the food banks just report on totals then it looks a lot worst than it is.
BBC News at One in total meltdown over the German election… In summary the story goes (with appropriatelt frozen faced newsreader): Right Wing AFD party gains election wins, the first since the ’30’s (Duh, does mean that they’re Nazis?)
Then all subsequent stories are about “oppressed” minorites and badman Trump.
I especially liked the Art item and the end that started with featuring two black artists, then one German (at which point I said to my wife… “The next one’s got to be Mooslem”. Can you guess what happened next?
So glad I don’t watch it any more . Repeats of Dads Army circa 1974 and that’s it .,less al beeb is good for you . Don’t forget to sign the ‘ dump the licence ‘
Petition. Think it’s over 300000 now?
What about the “Deutsche Reichspartei” a pro-European Neo-Nazi political party that believed in a white supremacists European Union. They joined, Oswald Mosley’s “National Party of Europe” for the creation of “Europe” as a Nation through a common European government, and the creation of an elected European parliament.
Its why Barbara Castle regarded Pro-Europeans at snotty Oxford University as White Supremacists.
In fact I do not understand why the narrative about multiracial Commonwealth supporting Brexiteers, is about Brexeteers being racist, whilst common sense should point to the fact that Pro-EU white supremacists do not have any problems with the existence of a European Union.
For instance, for white supremacists, the differences of Polish immigrants are linguistic and cultural, not racial.
Thought this very revealing. Bi-curious being a term for looking into your lesbian side or likewise.
The BBC have sex and sexual imagery on their brains-guess that`s why they`re so keen to go to Brighton and not Redcar for their conferences.
Ah, they are currently working on a means to share this information, which, at the same time would serve to continue to further their own perspective. It’s a tough one for them, but no doubt Mr. Harrabin is burning the midnight oil to come up with something. Or maybe not.
Compare and contrast: ‘hate crime’ against muslim gets a front page post on evil beebistan webshite, whereas this other story is buried so deep it’s almost impossible to find, even once you’ve drilled down to Manchester.
4 degrees of separation. I guess that’s a fair indication of beebistan’s priorities in what counts as a story.
“Oldham Koran teacher jailed for sexually abusing girls aged under 14”
We are now in to the third week of the abominable Jeremy Vine (£700,000-£749,999) in effect stopping Facebook comments for his dreadful programme. It used to be that the R2 Facebook page was used, with one thread being added for each of the four topics “discussed” every day. There was the odd exception to this, but this was the norm. Two weeks ago those threads failed to appear on the R2 page, and have not done so since. Instead, those who can be bothered to comment hijack one of the other non-related threads and add their comments there. These presumably go unread by Vine and his minions. One day last week Vine put a single discussion thread up on his own personal FB page but I got the impression that unless the writer put “Love the show Jeremy” or similar they were summarily blocked and their comment deleted. Certainly the comments lacked the diversity, for want of a better word, that appeared on the R2 FB threads. All of this is despite him saying something vague like “…and there is Facebook too…” at the start of each programme.
My complaints are in, but are being (deliberately?) misinterpreted. “I understand you feel the BBC Facebook page for Radio 2 is lacking in information.” was a classic can’t-be-bothered-to-read-your-message response received last week. My main thrust now is that Vine is using his personal account for BBC business, which flies in the face of the BBC’s social media guidelines:
Frankly I couldn’t care less about the comments, but the BBC make such a big deal about following rules that it is time they were reminded what their own rules are. I won’t hold my breath while waiting for them to sort it out.
Up until circa 2010 Radio 2 had a message board that anyone could comment on. I joined at the time of Chris Evans taking over from Terry Wogan basically to air my dismay that a totally inappropriate replacement was taking over, as did the majority of others at the time.
The unpopularity of the Evans appointment was off the scale, nearly every post was totally against, but the moderation was really heavy handed, many posts disappeared and only pro ones remained, the moderator who was allowed to reply was very cliquey with a handful of pro-posters who’s posts ultimately were the only ones allowed to remain. I suspect the pro ones were actually BBC employees, as I’m sure many of the numerous ‘love the BBC’ posters on the Digital Spy Forum website are.
Needless to say the messageboards were removed by the BBC not long afterwards. This was what really opened my eyes to the full extent of BBC bias and the licence payers powerlessness to question the behemoth that they fund.
I was hugely amused by albeeb instantly marginalising the AFd voters as ” eastern Germans” implying the kind of lack of intellect applied to brexiteers like me. Trump voters are racist rednecks so they don’t count . Ukipers are old and northern so they don’t count or just need to get it right next time .
Whatever the outcome of this whole process I’m sure the historians of the future ( if objective ) will look back at this time and wonder what the hell were the liberals thinking ? How could they allow their country to be endangered by hoards of grasping foreigners . ( not many English speakers left where I live) . ! It be Insane .
26. Do you accept that the immigration most people worry about – that of people determined to challenge our security and way of life, in the name of a perverted view of Islam – is not affected by Brexit?
UN seeks to expand EU plan for resettling refugees {ft – aug2017 – paywall}
“Filippo Grandi, the UN High Commissioner for Refugees, disclosed the plans in Berlin on Friday, calling for an extension of a current two-year scheme for resettling 22,000 Syrian asylum seekers. The expansion would raise the numbers covered to 40,000 annually from 2018 and expand the range of countries from which refugees would come.” – When is “Enough is Enough”? 1 Million? 2 Million? 10 Million?
– For the Many (endless torrent of refugees), Not the Few (sovereign citizens left)
– En Marche! Forward! (but I won’t say where we are going)
“26. Do you accept that the immigration most people worry about – that of people determined to challenge our security and way of life, in the name of a perverted view of Islam – is not affected by Brexit?” Just wait until the lovely muslim immigrants into Europe gain naturalisation aka ‘free movement’ and that will all change if Brexit does not take place………..
Which of these sounds better?
“Gradual Diversity ala Douglas Murray” OR “Disruptive Diversity ala Merkel”
Had a thought this morning, possibly Osama bin Laden was the classic example of our failing to understand the power of a religion.
A man with money, privilege, a western education, the ability to improve the World yet he says …
A couple of days after the US election, I saw a very good video on Youtube which did a very detailed analysis of the election result based upon the analysis made by the New York Times. It was very interesting, and it showed the extent to which the BBC was misanalysing and presenting the result.
The BBC like to claim that Trump was elected by uneducated White Males from the rust bucket states, and It seeks to down plays the role of progressives and people of colour in the vote for Trump. But that is not true. Trump won the election by winning the swing states, not the rust bucket states, which were always predominantly Republican, in any event.
I cannot remember the precise details of the analysis, but I remember very well the thrust of the analysis and the approximate figures. Some of which I am certain on. The analysis compared the Trump/Clinton election, with the previous Obama/Romney election, and the change in the voting demographics/patterns. The outcome was a s follows.
Trump only increased the vote of white males by 1% over and above those that voted for Romney.
Trump lost 1% of the female vote, compared to those who voted for Romney. Clinton was not particularly popular with female voters.
The Black vote increased dramatically from 1% who voted for Romney, to 8% who voted for Trump.
The Hispanic vote increased dramatically from 17%, 18% or 19% who voted for Romney to 29% who voted for Trump.
The same trend was also seen with Asian votes where Trump increased his share by 9 to 12%
Trump also increased his share of the millennial vote which went up by 8 or 9% over that achieved by Romney.
It is clear from these details that the White Male vote played no significant role in the outcome. The swing states were won by the 10 to 12% increase in the Hispanic vote, and the 7% increase in the Black vote. Trump won the presidency because he appealed far more to the minorities than did Romney.
Of course, the BBC also like to give the impression that Clinton really won because she secured the majority of votes. The BBC likes to overlook that the US is a continent, and that whereas the UK is made up of 650 constituencies, the US is made up of over 3,100 counties of which Trump won approximately 2,600 compared to Clinton’s total of about 500. Trump won nearly 85% of the counties. Just image if Labour won say 550 of the 650 constituencies and how the BBC would report that success.
It was a Trump landslide as the map below confirms:
The BBC is reliably unreliable. It tells you what Leftists think, and what Leftists want you to think, or to be more accurate, they would prefer it if you didn’t think at all, and simply repeated their Leftist mantras; they are the tax funded broadcasting equivalent of a one Party State stamping on your face, forever.
Fedup2Feb 23, 18:18 Weekend 22nd February 2025 Probably the biggest mistake – but even if she’d have set up a sovereign wealth fund her successors would have…
Up2snuffFeb 23, 17:45 Weekend 22nd February 2025 MM, Thatcher squandered our N.Sea oil & gas instead of doing the same as Norway!
Charlie FarleyFeb 23, 17:34 Weekend 22nd February 2025 Tomo , I’m in Hampshire / isle of Wight and Elections are cancelled until 2026 supposedly…….it’s everywhere that Reform are…
Fedup2Feb 23, 17:32 Weekend 22nd February 2025 First German exit poll suggests ADF got 20% – BBc sounded chippy
tomoFeb 23, 17:18 Weekend 22nd February 2025 Wiltshire has local elections in May just wondering if it’s only Labour places that are skipping democracy?
tomoFeb 23, 17:16 Weekend 22nd February 2025 Ever wonder (I have, often… – sad I know, but that dork ain’t worth £1million a year)
richard DFeb 23, 17:08 Weekend 22nd February 2025 The even bigger story will unfold tomorrow, in all the left-wing (i.e. mainstream) outfits, press, media, etc., where it will…
tomoFeb 23, 16:56 Weekend 22nd February 2025
ZephirFeb 23, 16:52 Weekend 22nd February 2025 “The BBC’s reporting conveniently ignores the core issue: the astronomical cost of net zero policies to the average British household.…
I’m so stunned to be first on a new thread, I’m lost for words !!!!
I am so stunned to be able to like the first comment on the new thread.
I lost my thesaurus, I can’t find the words to describe how I feel .
Hi Brissles, if you are stunned it means you are not Halal and therefore not Islam compliant. As such I shall have to report you to Sadiq Khan.
Does that mean he is not going to eat Brissles?
Lol !! thank you both, but being ‘enjoyed’ by Sadistic Khan – stunned or otherwise, is not top of my bucket list !!
Caught the repeat of More Or Less this Sunday and they are laying into Boris in a most patronising way regarding the £350 million, or so, (a bit like the BBC’s ‘some say’?).
It has all been explained before and Boris is just wrong. The pity is that they, like Sir David, never bothered to read what Boris actually said, but then the BBC and Sir David where wrong before and are wrong now.
Just to show how smart they are they give an example of Boris buying a domestic appliance with a discount. Of course the reality is nothing like this. There is a choice whether to buy a TV or not. The EU is more like paying rent and getting a discount for walking the landlord’s dog.
The rent has to be paid. The landlord gets to set the rent. The landlord gets to grant or withdraw the discount. The only way to ‘get back control’ is to buy a house and leave.
Is that simple enough for you Tim Harford?
Jim, IIRC, it was Tim Harford who did the sums on the BBC Referendum Fact Check that demonstrated that the Leave Bus £350m claim was in fact quite correct – for 2014 – well, if you overlook the fact that it’s just a little bit, £11m, shy of the correct figure. An under-estimate to be on the safe side.
Quite how Tim & the BBC can now say it is wrong is quite crazy, even by the BBC’s recent standards. Kinda goes with Vince Cable “I can be Prime Minister” and Jeremy Corbyn “Prepare for Government”.
Poor Tim seems to have opted for the Open University tie-ins that suit the Left.
He did start out as a potential British version of the Freakonomics franchise in the USA. Could have been good.
But once you sell your soul to the OU/BBC Confederacy of Good Facts, well you end up like Tim and all BBC science, business and statistics crew.
“No matter what they tell you-what you believe is true”.
The BBC need that chiselled in Latin over their hollowed portals…St Stephen Gatley, so I believe.
He`s from Boyzone-the BBC will like that.
BBC uses story of the kneelers to bash Trump
I assume these are not necessarily the heroic kneelers, but here is a comment on ten NFL millionaires
If you burn the coal, you pay the toll.
I never thought that even the most stupid and self-serving of American sports stars would refuse to honour their own flag.
Like the TV awards last week-every time they pull such a stunt, they please CNN and the Guardian-but millions disconnect, won`t buy and will surely hit them in the pocket. Only part of their anatomy that feels these days.
Yes, there`s no ” Boycott” officially-but TV subs, attendances will become clear(of course, BBCNN will never tell you this, let alone check that its true).
Like the St Marys match attendance on Saturday or the Arsenal non-attendance against Cologne….failure can never seen to be an option in sport, the empty seats will get blanked out. But we know.
Hate Crime?
This is an odd one…………..
“Altrincham hate crime probe after surgeon stabbed outside mosque”
The Muslim Council of Britain said it was shocked by the attack and urged the government to implement its “hate crime action plan”. { 25sep2017}
– MCB have the answer, an action plan … {}
Hate Incidents After European Referendum Results: A Compilation {}
– Muslim Council of Britain (MCB) Site shows reported hate crimes
THIS IS WHAT YOU HAVE DONE, BREXIT: The aftermath of Brexit – Send us your stories about how you have been affected by the EU Referendum and Britain leaving the EU – Working with @PostRefRacism to highlight the concerning increase in racism post-referendum here in the UK. {}
– Site that associates events with referendum
“Two Men”…Hate crime”.
Forgive the cynicism, but it`ll be two muslims or -at best for the left-some random chancers on a burglary or such-had they been white and British, surely the media would have leaked it triumphantly to tie in with AfD etc…
Never used to be so cynical-but after Jo Cox, who trust the BBC anymore?
Can Al Beeb be prosecuted for ‘hate crime’ against President Donald Trump ?
Its becoming relentless now…………………..
“Trump NFL row: Defiance after US president urges boycott”
And we have Theresa …….
Nuff said.
For the Many (words), Not the Few (actions).
Trump is Netanyahu’s poodle. Seriously, look up who is Trump’s administration, who his immediate family is married to/in relationship with. Trump is a ZOG, fake opposition to liberalism/globalisation.
Right-wingers are increasingly becoming aware of this and are leaving fraudsters like Alex Jones in droves – just check his Youtube channel to see the comments. Alex Jones and his like did a great job getting Trump in power, playing up the idea Trump is against the mysterious boogie-men, “Globalists”, while never ever identifying them as Zionists and Freemasons.
A hollow victory for Angela Merkel
Lucy Pevensey
“A hollow victory for Angela Merkel”
The tide is begining to turn.
Voter s in the reich 61 million . Number who voted afd @18 % but few news sources want to give the actual number.,do the math as our American cousins would -like omg – say
Fedup, I cant find a source that gives more than 13.2% , can you link to a source please?
DC-they reported on Talk Radio this morning that in East Germany it was 20%
Thank you Dystopian,.
Of course, the East Germans know what it’s like to be ruled by Lefties.
I think it was a provisional estimate by Reuters. Be interested if the final count is 13 %.
I don’t understand or care about the reichs voting system but do they have another go if they don’t like the outcome as is proposed here?
And here’s a chart kindly compiled by Nash that compares the platforms of the various parties on major issues. As you can see, AfD is the sole dissenter on all these issues. Except for the AfD, Germany is essentially run by a Uniparty, much like Great Britain and the United States: {gatesofvienna 24sep2017}
// relates to A hollow victory for Angela Merkel { 24sep2017}
Bet Macrons “triumph” seems a long time ago now to the idiot left.
If only they could see him through the tear gas nowadays.
But-as ever with the BBC-not a peep, just some labour solidarity clips for Corbyns bores.
AfD vote TRIPLED since 2013.
Greens and Lefties made no progress.
Merkel and Schulzs show pony parties did as badly as they did back in 1949. These are SEISMIC changes-but the BBC will be in denial, as AfD go for the biggies-Islam, migration and the Euro.
Nearly 90 seats too-no wonder Soros will be buying up the black bloc of Hamburg for some time yet.
This Beeb article is billed as an analysis of the German election, the only problem is it is completely without any real analysis. If you want some analysis you better read something else. The FT gives us a proper breakdown and points out the division between East and West Germany, amongst Male “East” voters the Afd came first, this is truly astonishing and surely worthy of “analysis”. Instead on the Beeb article we just get some old Merkel supporter trying to make the non too subtle link to the Afd now and 1930s Germany.
The Beebs main article on the German election
German election: Merkel wins fourth term, AfD nationalists rise
On the face of it looks like a piece of factual journalism, but there are of course sub minimal Beeb messages, we are told:
“The result is a verdict, perhaps, on Mrs Merkel’s decision to open Germany’s doors to one million refugees.”
Note use of the word refugees rather than migrants.
“What about the AfD?
The party is expected to take 94 seats in the 709-seat federal parliament after capitalising on a backlash against Mrs Merkel’s policy towards migrants and refugees, many of them from war-torn, mainly Muslim countries like Syria.”
On the surface a factual statement, but its not. How many is “many” and yes “many” were Muslim, probably the vast majority, but were so “many” from war-torn countries – actually not so many.
Two things we’re not seeing in any BBC (or any other media outlet tbf) reporting:
1. Merkel’s share of the vote is substantially lower than May’s, so presumably she is weaker, and
2. The impact of having a non-EU supporting third party in the Bundestag on the Brexit process.
This latter point is particularly important since the creation of a coalition government in Germany will take time and given the lead role Germany plays behind the EU scenes
As an aside, the BBC says in its article that AfD will not play any part in coalition talks, but then neither will Schultz’s party (which came second), so there’s not a great deal of choice for partners. Another election anyone?
“The FT gives us a proper breakdown and points out the division between East and West Germany”
Yes, according to the Spectator: “In the former East Germany, AfD is the second-largest party with 22pc of the vote.”
That accords with the attitude of Poles towards Muslim immigration. Seems those Commies were at least getting something right.
The BBC reports seem to reflect depression rather than euphoria at the re election of mad Merkel. The performance of the AfD is the reason of course. Even in uber PC Germany that performance signals that people have had enough of Globalist One World mad cap policies. The BBC sees this result as confirming that the insurrection of the ordinary voter against the liberal left elite Globalists. The elite now faces battles on multiple fronts , USA, UK, Poland , Hungary, where voters have used their votes to successfully challenge the elite. In France, Holland , Austria and now Germany , the people are sending powerful signals through the ballot box that they too have had enough. They will resist Globalisation despite the best efforts of the elite and MSM to cow them into submission.
I don’t expect that the elite will change though. They will keep on suppressing their people’s fears and trying to force through their agenda. But this results adds a new important front to the battle , a new political party to try and undermine , more evidence that the people are rejecting the ideas that the likes of the BBC cherish. With each passing insurrection of the people the liberal elite grow weaker , their repression of their own people grows harsher and more obvious. Eventually like so many other ruling elites in history they are overthrown. Well done all AfD voters. But the elite will fight ever harder to hold on to power , there is some way to go before we can get the tumbrel out.
Finally I think this result may help Brexit because Merkel will have to form a coalition with the FDP who are strongly pro business and who are likely to want a good trade deal with the UK.
The Austrian legislative election is upcoming on 15 October, that one will be interesting too…
Excellent post DT.
One thing to note is that we learned from the US election that the BBC tends to regurgitate the words of its favoured news outlet(s) in the country concerned when it comes to actual news and analysis. It may take some time for them to adjust to what they have recorded as an unexpected outcome. Already the narrative is forming though, as you say.
Might be time for Farage-or Anne Marie Waters to link with Pegida , and create an anti-EU bloc of votes and mutual aid…the commies like phrases like that , as do the anarchists as I recall. Let`s hope AfD steel themselves and get re3ady for the swamp tsunami that wil ensue in Merkels backyard. Unbearable ,and bans will follow.
Probably via Zuckerberg and EU irregularies-Petry might have left the top off a pen back in 2009 in the Brussels building.
It’s funny how , when you dip into al beeb news , there is no disguising their locus standi with regard to the growth of sane politics in the form of afd. Next time let’s hope they get near to a majority .
As I write this I am listening to a beeboid saying the afd is breaking up. I don’t care. As long as guest workers get the message they’ll be going home soon that’s the main message . Hopefully .
“Anger at Labour conference Brexit vote”
All parties are divided, the simple answer to all this division? – Crash out of the EU!
That is what we voted for – either “Remain a member of the European Union” or “Leave the European Union”
Despite Carmoron’s biased, pre-referendum booklet, we voted ‘out’. How simple can you get?
“Brexit means Brexit” Mrs May.
Quite correct taffman.
I would urge everybody on here, especially those in constituencies which voted heavily to Leave or marginally to Remain, to email your MP to let them know that there won’t be any of your votes coming their way at the next GE; if they don’t implement what the majority voted for in the referendum.
All most of these b@st@rds are concerned about is getting re-elected. If they think enough of their constituents are getting upset about how things are going re Brexit, that they might be out of a job; it will work wonders to concentrate their minds on making sure the task that needs doing gets done.
The three Sunderland mp’s are all Labour Remainers in an area which voted to leave.
As the latest labour position on the eu is to be both in and out at the same time (out in name only) it will be interesting to see if labour keep these three seats.
We need ukip (or the new Farage party if it happens) because the tories are also backsliding on the eu.
If JRM or maybe someone like Redwood takes over from May then possibly the tories will have a chance although it’s unlikely.
UKIP or Farage seems the best bet.
I’ll miss May’s fantastic speeches;
Brexit means Brexit.
Boris is Boris.
Enough is enough.
Where does she get all these brilliant speech writers from.
“The three Sunderland mp’s are all Labour Remainers in an area which voted to leave.”
And will the Labour Remainers be re-elected next time around? Of course they will.
Tribal loyalty trumps everything, even mass rape. That’s a huge part of the problem, right there. They almost deserve what they get, except that they drag everyone else down with them.
“Where does she get all these brilliant speech writers from.”
Poundland at a guess.
One she hasn’t used yet.
About Islamic State.
IS is IS.
Labour Conference UK 2017 …
Hands up if you have private healthcare.
Hands up if your kids go to a private school.
Hands up if you are one of the FEW earning more than £80K.
All those with your hands up leave the Labour Conference {twitter} now.
I know quite a lot of labour voters who fail your test. Of course they all work in the public sector.
Wish I had time to stand outside the Labour Conference with a placard that said …
“Do you have private healthcare or is your kid in private school or are you one of the FEW with earnings greater than £80K? Then try the Tory Conference!”
Cringeworthy moment Diane Abbott is handed ‘list of terror groups’ she would NOT ban { jun2017}
DIANE ABBOTT was put on the spot on The Andrew Marr Show after she was offered a list of “dangerous” groups that she had refused to vote to ban under UK law.
Not really bias, more ‘ rubbing our noses in diversity’ Muslim London Mayor Sadiq Khan presenting the prizes on Country File for …wait for it ..One Man and his Dog ..Hahaha…
Yes, a irony if ever i saw one.
Wasn’t it just toe-curlingly embarrassing?
Terrorism on our streets, exponential increase in knife crime and acid attacks and the Mayor pitches up for 1 man and his dog.
Muslims don’t even like dogs !!!
I expect the feeling might be mutual? (Congrats for being first up at top of page!)
….(Congrats for being first up at top of page!)…..
Am currently holding a party for one to celebrate !!!
One man and his Khan. Associating with dogs will deter angels from visiting his house.
Doesn’t he regard dogs as unclean?
I live in the middle of nothing in north Scotland yet this week saw the first attempted rape in my wee town. 2 men of ‘Asian’ appearance attacked a 20 year old at 2.40am after following her from the nightclub. Turns out we have over 50 Syrian ‘refugees’ in our wee town.
Welcome to life in modern Europe. I live in a small village mercifully free from any enrichers but in local towns four or five miles away enrichment is in full swing. I know it only a matter of time before they arrive in my village. Interestingly most villagers don’t want any enrichment but believe that there is no way to prevent it. England , Wales and now Scotland are being invader with the help of their own governments.
And even without direct “enrichment”, there’s the problem of white flight from large cities upsetting the traditions in rural comminities.
“but believe that there is no way to prevent it” – for individuals, no. We have to decide, however, how far we’re prepared to go to preserve our way of life. IMO, the options are firm action now by voting for non mainstream parties, or violent action in 10/20/30 years’ time.
AFD gives me hope.
There was a piece on Look North yesterday reporting on the enlargement of the (sole) mosque in York, nowhere is immune from this unwelcome “vibrancy”.
Strange thing is I’ve always been under the impression that if I was to assist an invader I would hang by the neck until dead or at the very least serve a very long prison term and be portrayed in the media as unspeakably evil. Obviously I was mistaken.
I’m due to visit north(-ish) Scotland in a few weeks, far though it is from the Dordogne.
Fancy a beer?
Meanwhile the BBC got the highest viewing figures ever for the first night of a dance programme.I long since worked out that its pretty much manipulated and formulaic and earns the BBC a heap of cash in the phone votes. Then there’s the tour. .
There will be lurid headlines across the media to keep our attention and get us talking about the programme .Pretty good for a non commercial organisation .Wonder how they will shoehorn Brexit into it .?
Deborah – This is what the BBC hopes that – we the public have all morphed into- TV dinner loving Television zombies who are more concerned with with the price of mobile phone roaming charges (if we leave the EU) and a ready tear for the memory of Princess DI (The peoples Princess) rather than thinking sentient individuals who are concerned about what these bastards and their political Remoras have turned this country into.
Meanwhile whilst our attention is all taken up with diamante accessories and glimpses of gyrating bodies the likes of Theresa and Kuenssberg carry on with the real work unnoticed except by a few.
At least Strictly is apolitical, despite their best attempts to kick up a fuss about Calman not having a female dance partner. It might be the last programme which does not try to shoehorn some political message down our throats.
It’s not without its petty biases though.
We learned several series ago that if participants don’t sign up to the tour, they have little chance of making it to the final, and even within Strictly there are political messages around diversity. Just wait for the behind the scenes participant interviews, that’s where all the messaging kicks in.
Shall we see Nadya appear next year ?? surely so. The glamorisation of her continues apace – the headscarves consigned to the dustbin replaced by colourful turbans and artfully created make-up. Now we hear she’s waving the banner for panic attack sufferers, her star is rapidly rising. Meanwhile the other Bake Off winners – who are they again ? have to be content with the odd cook book published.
She must have something that the other contestants didn’t. For the life of me, I can’t imagine what …..
I doubt it is her talent in the kitchen. But I have never seen her programmes nor read her book about British food. In her book does she mention any pork recipes. How can you write about British food without some pork recipes? Or recipes with beer in them etc. If she hasn’t mentioned pork then she isn’t entitled to call it British food. In fact missing out pork is as offensive to me as forcing her to include such recipes . So what are these people doing in our country? They aren’t and never will be British but they are a threat to us and our culture.
I’ve never seen her programmes either DT, on principle that those other poor (and white) sods who managed to skilfully win cookery competitions on the BBC, but publicity wise never made it past the following days pages of the national press, let alone be feted with her own programmes. I believe in the early days comments were made on social media and the press about this, but its all died a death now, and liked mixed race advertising we’re lumbered with it !
BB, so-called Reality TV was one of several reasons why I gave up watching TV over 12 years ago.
£147 x 12 = £1764
The number of programmes which seem to follow exactly the same budget format is a disgrace: some sort of contest with judges and weekly eliminations. They don’t even have to employ actors it is such a cop out.
BB, there are also some indications that a lot of it is highly UnReality TV and ‘stage managed’ for broadcast time and column inches.
No wonder the watching public are said to be turning to nature and wildlife programmes as an alternative.
Are you telling me the X-Factor might be rigged? 😯
Just happened to hear a play on radio 4 last week about a story in the life of Samuel Beckett the playwright . It was a pleasant play set in the 1960’s with no real agenda as far as I could tell until the woman telling the story told us she had sex with someone for the first time “to make it easier for her when she went to university ” This promotion of permissiveness just didn’t fit in with the tone of the play at all. I suspect the BBC added this to the original play . Clearly this is not the worst that the BBC does but it still needs to be pointed out to anyone who cares about the values that the BBC is pushing on to society. .
Beeb, of course Strictly is political. It became very obvious quite early on last series that Ora (I think that is his name, he is now occasionally on Countryfile) was going to win. There had been discussion on line about how the Great British Public were unwilling to vote black in Strictly and the BBC were determined to change that. Ora was partnered with a popular dancer, he was given the dances that most suited him, he had already had dancing lessons etc etc. Are there not many British dancers? Why do you think we have this endless parade of handsome young men and scantily dressed women from Eastern Europe to show us that immigration from Eastern Europe is desirable and with such lovely people, nothing to fear? We have the leggy black female professional to also demonstrate that black people from in this case South Africa are needed here. I have forgotten her name and she seems very sweet and an excellent dancer but again she was partenered with somebody who could already dance, she was given the most beautiful outfits, the best camera shots etc. You know when Strictly wants to get rid of a couple. ‘She’ gets frumpy clothes and mistakes are highlighted in the reprise. The couple are also given a rotten piece of music to dance to. Kevin from Grimsby is the only one who can overcome this for a while. Plus we are never given the number of public votes, we just have to believe the BBC.
I could continue for pages but just remember someone posted on here that nothing happens on the BBC by chance. Strictly is no different.
Deborah – solid post. EVERYTHING that Al beebus broadcasts, to some degree or other, forms part of their Progressive agenda.
Beeb website reports that Birmingham tops ‘cash for crash’ leagues. I wonder why that might be. I have also noted how ‘diverse’ the names are of those on trial for these terrible crimes where the vulnerable are cheated out of their life savings. We all know how honest and incorruptible they are in Pakistan, and we are clearly benefiting from that gallant culture.
Strangely the Beeb website is running with a hate crime against a surgeon and those poor Rohingya Muslims again, that black swan which is being reported on for the thousandth time. Do they think if they just report on that group over and over forever people will ignore the no go zones, rape gangs, terrorism et alia?
So koonsberg needs a minder at the socialist conference. I should think if the same conditions applied at the Conservative conference the country would run out of minders for lefty journos turning up there. There were probably a few trying to keep people awake at the liberal one.
Bodyguard’s for BBC’s Laura ‘£200K’ Kuenssberg paid for by the BBC Tax Payer, under threat of prison – how about letting Ms.Kuenssberg work from home monitoring twitter feeds and send in a young and hungry political journalist.
A bodyguard is a waste of BBC Tax Payer’s time and money, as the bodyguard has to be feed and given a room as well. How many other people at the conference need a bodyguard?
That’ll be the mythical far-right again. Oh, no it won’t, will it? Any more than it’s the far right protesting with violence in Germany because a whopping 13% voted for an unapproved party.
RD, no, I think Laura’s threat (obviously deemed credible by the Police) is from a hard-Left devotee, upset with her treatment of Jeremy Corbyn during the June 2017 GE.
In addition, poor old Laura doesn’t appear to have any moderate friends – either – anywhere, with her recent Twitter post greeted with suggestions of ‘Resign’. I keep intending to write more about her dilemma and the obvious solution but haven’t quite reached that point of near-desperation.
I have so many others.
Meanwhile, Mishal – obviously becoming very anxious about her share portfolio – gives John McDonnell a serious attack of the interruptions on the TOADY Programme between 8-9am on R4.
Times front-page has photo
The guys job is to is to keep a distance between Laura for protection.
… For protection of public so that froth & bile coming out of Laura’s mouth doesn’t splash all over the public.
Roland ,
I wonder if a certain former MP and leader of the liberals will wish the 13% of Germans will die off too because they Dont adhere to his – snout in the EU trough – doctrine.
Almost smacks of actual nazi views
R4 6 o’clock news. Lost count of how many times extreme right-wing was said. Justin Webb even managed to get Nazi in. I can accept right wing or nationalist but the hysteria over the AFD’S showing is ridiculous to the point that you would think the brown shirts are lurking outside every door. The German public have protested at the ballot box, simple as that. As I posted last night BBC, Sky & RT are telling us how worried we should be at the AFD’s showing to which I suggested the reason the AFD did well is because the voters are worried.
Also on R4 6 o’clock they were giving a lot of coverage to the Labour party conference but I didn’t here them referenced to as extreme left wing or Marxist. If you look at the make up of their leadership I would think that is a more than justified description.
The likes of the BBC should be careful what they wish for. Their narrative is: The only people who oppose hyper-migration and Islamification are the Far Right (sic). The mood of increasing numbers of people throughout Europe is: We no longer care – we’ll vote for anyone who is going to deal with these problems and to hell with the consequences.
That’s it in a nutshell Ian, they just don’t get it.
If politicians won’t allow us to discuss the immense problems we see with the importation of Islam, we are left with no choice but to vote for a party that will discuss it. Regardless of the label its opponents attempt to attach.
People have had a choice for many a long year. They already have serious concerns, realise the situation is grim, and then they walk through the polling booths and put an X on the same three parties that thyey’ve always voted for. Fuck knows why, but it happens.
They continue electing the same old same fucking old. WTF is wrong with people?
I understand theres a proportion who cant see any problems, and their attitude is usually based upon two foundations:
A there’s good and bad amongst all cultures
B I know lots of moslems and they are very nice people.
I sometimes despair.
the news this morning said of the AFD
“The far-right party described by the OTHER parties as NAZIS, have STORMED into parliament”
nice choice of words so called bbc , lovely balanced even handed reporting
A there’s good and bad amongst all cultures
B I know lots of moslems and they are very nice people.
So much contradiction between data … who to believe?
….As one survey revealed (no reference given), 83% of Muslims said they were proud to be British, compared to 79% of Britons overall. {by Baroness Warsi – jan2013 }
Proud to be British – but what is British? Is being British having freedom to draw cartoons …
“ Channel 4 poll from last year (2015), found that only 1% of UK Muslims think that publications should have the right to publish the cartoons of Mohammed.” {by Douglas Murray}
GWF yes utterly totally agree, I often use the 1939 analogy to try and educate, but I usually fail.
They live safe in the knowledge they are morally superior to the knuckle-dragger me.
Evidence? Meeeeh, who needs it, when I have faith-inspired confidence that nothing can go wrong, and listening to the bbc proves nothingbis going wrong. If only these fascist types would stop hating the moslems, all would be peace and love.
WTF will wakes the idiots up?
DC – I am pretty much in the same boat as you as regards my adult son. We recently went on a “bonding” type holiday to Canada and I seemed to be constantly getting lectures because I “should not say this” or I ” should not say that ”
Whilst some of it is just natural behavior as my son has grown up and now has his own opinions. What frightens me is the absolute certainty that they seem to have, that the past has nothing to teach us and as you say without us middle aged anachronisms life would be much better.
I have sort of now come to the opinion that most of these snowflakes may never “wake up” even when things reach their logical conclusion.
God help them as we have had the best of our lives.
As it will always be our fault for not being nicer.
Still it will be their shitstorm then – I hope they enjoy it.
Good that you know nice muslims . Let’s hope their sons or daughters don’t spend time in their bedrooms planning they’re one way tourist ticket trip to Turkey to go site seeing in an Isis training camp across the border ( unless they get killed there of course )
Are you a minority amongst your peer grouping and your family members as regards these issues.?
I am
When the fuck are people going to awake from their comas?
I have only known the Far Left and that is terrifying. A nail bomb on a train is shrugged off and the mass rape and torture of school girls is allowed and covered up. Plus this is all only going to get worse.
The Far Left has brought some of the greatest civilisations in history to their knees. I am far more concerned with the Far Left than any imaginary ‘Far Right.’
The fact that the BBC can only hint about an imaginary ‘far right’ but can ignore the physical presence on our streets of the ‘far left’ tells us we need to know about its impartiality.
Somhow they ‘know’ the inner thoughts of Farage and everyone who might have supported him. They ‘know’ what every Daily Mail reader thinks. These are just predjudiced sterotypes of their own wishful imaginations.
Yet they are deaf to the actual voices and banners of the extreme left on the streets or, for that matter, the clearly stated aims of ISIS, (all misunderstood nice mummies’ boys really), because real Islam is what they would like to imagine it to be.
I have an admission to make…I buy the Daily Mail! I don’t believe it influences me greatly. I suppose I must be a Nazi 🙁
I don’t believe any newspaper has anywhere near the influence that the BBC enjoys.
The difference, of course, is that you don’t have to pay money to the Guardian in order to read the Daily Mail.
Correct. Except in dear old Blighty because we have no politician with the courage to stand up to Islam!
DT we have no ‘elected’ politicians, perfectly true.
But there are politicians.
UKIP has a leadership contest in process right now. The result will be announced at party conference at end of Sept. Anne Marie Waters is running for that post. We have to be bold and support those with guts, and ignore the forore that will come from the media if shes elected.
I have high hopes she can do it.
It seems every MSM newspaper and media outlet, not just the Beeb, are labelling the Afd “far right”. If I look at the Wiki entry its says “is a right-wing populist and Eurosceptic political party in Germany” , which is a bit different. The Afd is clearly a protest vote against mass third world immigration and EU federalisation, so if you hold those views are you now one of the “far right”?
ED, ultra-conservative party would be an equally accurate description for the bulk of the AfD. No doubt it has some nasties among its members and hangers on but which Political Party does not? Evidence: Laura Kuenssberg requiring a bodyguard it is said due to a threat from a militant Corbyn supporter.
Much as LK is a disappointment to me, no journalist should face that in a westernised society.
The AfD can only DREAM that all BBC grillers are of the calibre of Gentleman Jim Naughtie. Poor florid jock got knocked about some bloke called Gauland last week-and this morning some lady called Storth or something sent the shortbread numpty into orbit.
Not household names yet-but I for one will draw my cigarette cards and collect AfD “stars in the making”…Frauke Petry reminds me of a luscious Thelma from “The Likely Lads”!
Utterly embarrassing-even in their second language, these two newbies from the AfD destroy Naughtie as he weeps at Beyreuth, puffs himself up to his full key fob height as he refuses to listen to any answers from these populist racists, who clearly don`t know the will of the German people as he does. Even calls 40% of old East German voters “neo-Nazis”.They used to be commies Jim, thought you`d like that son!
Appalling blinkered idiocies from Naughtie-the Bertie Vogts of EU ravings. Our lady clearly has to tell him twice that they do NOT want mosques banned-just no more built, no bloody muezzin or minarets.
Jim confused-as if the public space getting invaded by architecture skylines and caterwaulung at 4.45 am is not an issue for Germans.
Poor Jim-dotard, dolt in dotage…but we`re paying for his pickled prostate and broken blood vessels as he perambulates with matron all wrapped in his tartan blanket with a saltaire on his Relaint Robun chariot of fire.
“Traders Most Positive on Pound Sterling Since 2015, Euro Losing Favour”
Brace yourselves for the inevitable BBC saturation coverage of this story.
BBC Online News:
“”Altrincham mosque stabbing: Surgeon attacked in ‘hate crime'””
The two attackers aged in their 30’s and 50’s were probably Asian/Pakistani from a different muslim sect. Hence the ‘Hate Crime’ and not ‘Terrorism’. Both have been arrested so were probably known.
Remember Harlow and how it was misreported to suit the alt-left BBC? The ‘blood on Farage’s hands’ quote by the BBC?
The ‘asian’ community now has gone straight into victim meltdown overdrive.
We’ll see.
The reporting of this attack has been very carefully orchestrated by the left leaning MSM. If you read the reports they can’t write a sentence without mentioning hate crime or the fact that he was a muslim and muslim leaders are shocked.
The attack victim is, of course, “much loved” and the community are demanding answers how this terrible hate crime could occur.
The implication is clear – it was obviously an islamophobic attack, probably by a couple of Brexit voters.
The attackers were 54 and 32yrs old – the right sort of age gap to be related. Possibly father and son?
The attack was at 6pm in the evening and it turns out the victim was not seriously wounded, it was only what would be described as a flesh wound.
The victim was a surgeon – possible motive due to consequences of surgical procedure?
I remember the initial reporting of Lee Rigby having his head hacked off in the street and not once did the MSM lead with the term hate crime or allow for quotes from members of the community. Then it was just a senseless attack without motive.
There should be no penalty for Muslim on Muslim attacks because it’s their culture you know.
With its obsession with all US news I have no idea why the BBC isn’t covering this ‘hate crime’s.
Maybe another Christian murdered isn’t unusual enough to be newsworthy?
Exactly what I said to the wife this morning over breakfast.
Unless they are Black Christian churchgoers (Charleston by “White Supremacist”) of course
Misrepresentation is a PR trick and R4Today is laying it on thick.
Beeboid speak
Islamist Terrorism=”Part and Parcel” so carry on
” Being concerned about UNCONTROLLED immigration ” = major concern = Far Right = Nazi
Shorthand – not many people you know do that. I trained as a reporter in 1996 and 1997. It was a tough, vocational course, very different from the “meeja” people have referred to on this site. Shorthand, media law, etc. Absolutely zero leftie nonsense. I still work as a journalist but I am not part, thankfully, of the MSM. I write about business, engineering, motorcycling, and so on. But I know how the leftie system works, have seen it at first hand, and how it indoctrinates the good people. I distinctly remember the day, during my time on that coveted journalism course, when Labour won in 1997: the middle class leftie students punching the air. I thought, even then, bad times lay ahead. I was on the web, recently, glancing at the towns where I had lived when I lived in Britain. I had the amazing opportunity to leave nine years ago, and I have never looked back. I saw the Brexit coverage by current local and regional reporters. All the stories, without exception – very subtly – were ostensibly neutral, but just slightly leftie biased by the reporter. In a nutshell, the Brexit people were sort of creepy, that was the angle. The average reader would not identify the subtle indoctrination, but I could see it instantly in every report I read. The only way to correct the slant was by the comments of the public on those newspaper sites, stating that the reporters had actually made things up. Still, we got a 52% win. Imagine what it would have been like if there had been no bias by the print press or “Auntie”; maybe a 60% win or higher. After my time in the local press, I worked for a magazine company. Paul Mason used to visit my floor from time to time, and we would chat briefly. A second colleague from that company also joined the BBC. Lives now a comfortable life in Essex and works as a public relations man. A Facebook friend – actually a good guy. A year or so ago, he left a Facebook comment about how great the BBC was. I – emboldened by this great website – disagreed. My point being, the BBC is biased, and that because of that, they hold the public in contempt, which is true. Unless you really scrutinise a Facebook page, you don’t really know who knows who. In a few minutes my comment had been belligerently responded to by someone from Edelman, a German firm, and the biggest PR company in the world. His point was, I could sense the resent on his part – I had dared to question the way facts are presented – the BBC is wonderful, do you want Fox instead? I thought yes, apart from the BBC Natural History Unit, I would indeed prefer Fox. But I didn’t reply, I just let it go. Imagine the venom and snide Facebook comments. You might as well debate with 10-year-olds. This is the media that dictates how we see things, and how we react to them. I am not a conspiracy theorist, and now I happily live outside the EU, but this is the way that it is. Terrifying.
Summary :
– when I trained in media in 1996 there was Absolutely zero leftie nonsense.
– when Labour won in 1997, I thought, bad times lay ahead
– Brexit : newspaper reports were almost always slightly biased to left, without it , it would have been not 53% but 60%
– On Facebook mediBubbleworld people show up, and shout you down. Giving us the false dichotomy that without the BBC everyhing would be Fox
– Their quality of debate is like 10 year olds, Terrifying.
The BBC holds seminars to herd its Journalists into politically correct conformity. And then disciplines them with politically correct training courses if they break the rules.
So it would be interesting to find out who chose all those ridiculously unqualified and scientifically ignorant participants to its Climate Change Seminars.
We found out who organised the seminars, and presumably the BBC got someone from the Grantham Institute to pick the participants. And we found out that the BBC avoids appointing independent scientific investigative journalists, probably also on the advice of the Grantham Institute. So it would seem impossible for BBC Journalists to investigate the Grantham Institute.
So we know Lord Hall has replaced the “journalistic pursuit of the truth” with an Orwellian system of information output control, by inviting participants of seminars of people favoured by the political elite, to control BBC Journalists through repression and fear of being carted off on to some politically correct training course, if they violate the predetermined narrative set be the seminar.
But a Judicial review of the BBC would help the public to realise how much Lord Hall himself has contributed to the political corruption of Journalism at the BBC.
I don’t think most people on this site realise how much Lord Hall himself is responsible for the corruption of journalism at the BBC.
Hmmm! Labour Party not debating their position on the EU (if they ever had one). Obviously not important.
A national broadcaster acting in the interests of the people to ‘inform and educate’ should be all over this story. This is a massive omission for a party that has pretensions to lead the country. INTENTIONALLY USELESS BBC yet again.
I see another Labour Party supporting interviewer was worse than completely useless in her new role as Andrew Neill’s replacement on Sunday Politics programme. Didn’t follow up anything which could have pinned Corbyn down, useless. Tom Newton Dunn pointed this out.
Now I wonder if she got the job because she is John Smith’s daughter. I will be interested to see if she can improve her interrogative methods when she interviews a non Labour politician.
R4Today kept insisting “One of the AfD leaders said they want mosques and minaret banned.
At 8:30 they finally had the deputy AfD leader who’d been on the Farage show yesterday.
” Hang on it’s Muezzin and Minarets, Muslims will still have mosques”
Beeboid just repeated the question as if he hadn’t heard.
So China has far-right tendencies with their bans against Muslims?
BBC Search ‘Xinjiang ban’ …
China Uighurs: Xinjiang ban on long beards and veils
China Uighurs: Xinjiang city of Urumqi to ban Islamic veil
China bans Xinjiang officials from observing Ramadan fast
Xinjiang city bans Islamic dress on public transport
‘All-out offensive’ in Xinjiang risks worsening grievances
China police arrest Xinjiang ‘terror gang’
China sentences 55 people in Xinjiang stadium
Imam of China’s largest mosque killed in Xinjiang
Or China Bans List of Islamic Names, Including ‘Muhammad’, in Xinjiang Region { apr2017}
Second Misrepresentation in the interview .
“Are you happy to have Neo Nazis voting for your Party ?”
Ans : “Ridiculous we got 30% of vote in some areas , it’s ridiculous to suggest that 30% are Neo Nazis”
Third question “What about poor innocent people who are fleeing war ?”
Ans “Genuine refugees should be properly processed, Merkel has failed to do this so the majority of new German immigrants are economic migrants
… And when you let in them, that’s sends a message to the ones back home, that you can come in to”
DavidVance tweeted them
(I would have answered that I’m sure the families if victims of Islamic attacks and rapes voted for AfD, cos no other party seems to care)
Ms von Storch held the line against Numpty very well, I thought. The point about the current lot bringing in millions more of their (extended) families needs to be made more often.
Yep, she was grand. Clear as a bell-even a muezzin.
How come she can be so lucid in English, when Naughtie and the whole elite can only talk Leftish?
Did anyone take a gander at This Week on Thursday? I’d been looking forward to it. Okay, it’s lightweight and a bit too jokey for my tastes. I’m old enough to remember Robin Day interviewing the likes of Enoch Powell and Tony Benn. These were political giants with interesting opinions. Andrew Neal is probably the best of an appalling crop, and he’s usually one of the BBC’s best interviewers. However, you do need interesting guests to make the thing work.
This week we had 80’s pop star Gary Numan. Oh dear…
It transpired that Gary was deeply concerned about Trump (it’s never President Trump) and global warming.
Well, who’d have thought it? It’s so desperately predictable that these has-been rockers are never worried about Muzzies attempting to commit mass murder on our streets and railways, but they’re fretting about the US president and the weather.
I have to say though that whatever was on Gary’s mind I was far more intigued by what was perched on his head. Dear God this wasn’t so much a wig as road kill. Surely he didn’t buy this dreadful black mass of fur from a professional wig maker; more likely a taxidermist. The darned thing was atrocious. It clung precariously to his scalp like a dead crow.
I noticed Andrew Neal eyeing the ghastly apparition with something that looked like envy and I imagined Brillo asking, “Eh, Gazza, do you fancy doing a swap?”
The two men chatted amiably about Numan’s new album and his dystopian fears for our society. But it was difficult to concentrate.
There were so many syrups on screen that this didn’t seem like a political programme at all.
More like an advert for Tate and Lyle …
Translation “Syrup of figs”= wigs
Thanks Stew. I’m a Cockney. I often feel I need a translator.
“Global warming”? That’s all a bit last decade isn’t it? I thought it had all morphed into Climate Change given that there hasn’t been any warming since 1997.
Superb post – laughed my socks off.
In the Telegraph this morning there is the usual Monday piece by Charles Moore. In it describes how he has known Dianne Abbot since university and how she has changed her accent, attitudes etc. He then goes on to write about their recent appearance on Any Questions from Lancing College . Inevitably he says the question arose of the place of private independent schools in modern Britain and of course we all know that Abbot sent her children to an independent school in London, the City of London school. When asked about the hypocrisy of her doing this but Labours anti independent school stance Abbot replied that the City of London school was run by the City of London and was in effect a council run school. Moore says he felt that was an attempt to pull the wool over people’s eyes but couldn’t put his finger on why. After the programme was off air he looked up the details of the City of London school and found that the fees were over five thousand per term , about seventeen thousand a year, which assuming normal tax rates is about thirty thousand plus before tax. The school was built by the City but in all other respects is an independent just like Lancing College.
So on national radio Abbott lies , no surprise there almost all senior Labour politicians stink to high heaven of hypocrisy, but my surprise is that given the venue and Abbotts presence on the panel it was highly likely that such a question would arise and I thought that Moore ought to have been prepared for it by looking up details of the school in question. He could then have treated us to exposing the hypocritical cow in the act of lying on live national radio .
If the centre right is going to fight back against the looney left they cannot afford to miss opportunities like this.
To be fair to Charles he did try to call out the Beeb for their anti Brexit stance but was met with howls of derision from such an unbalanced audience.
It’s really disgusting what the BBC is. They don’t even deserve to have to the word British in their title given how much they hate us.
I then saw Alan Johnson who I usually like trying to make out that Tim Martin was some kind of nasty ‘Johny Foreigner disliking (his own words); xenophobe because he dared to have a counter opinion to Alan and the establishment. Tim should blown up right there and then at such a disgusting comment.
Even Portillo who used to be one of the few sensible voices on the Beeb seems to have had his wings clipped on Brexit.
Not that you’d know from the audience, but Lancing College has a UKIP councillor, a Conservative MP and voted Leave.
From the part of The Times visible to me “Nuclear strike on US inevitable, says Kim’s foreign minister
North Korea warned that a nuclear attack on the US was “inevitable”, prompting President Trump to say that he was contemplating regime change or targeted assassination of the leadership in Pyongyang”
The BBC are eager to report each of Trump’s tweets “escalating” tension with North Korea, but somehow they fail to report the provocation from PRNK that prompts Trump’s comments.
I’m (currently) a Times subscriber. Elsewhere there the ineffable Leftoid Justin Webb writes …’Step forward Chuck Schumer, leader of the Democrats in the Senate, the most powerful Democrat in the nation. A man who could make or break a Trump presidency and might choose, to the horror of some, the former over the latter. To understand the complicated politics of Chuck Schumer, go back to 2009, when Democrats were celebrating the coming of Barack Obama and the new president was tackling healthcare reform with vim and vigour. Days after Obama announced his plan I was having a drink with a senate aide to Schumer who I thought to be a left-wing Democrat. “Great about Obamacare,” I ventured.
“Jeez,” he replied. “It’s a pile of crap. We hope it fails.”
At the very moment that the Obama administration was getting into gear, the office of one of the most powerful Democrats in Congress, a man who had been around since the time of Ronald Reagan, was raising its eyes to the ceiling.’
Who else but a Leftoid Beeboid would start a question with such a positive endorsement of St Barack’s healthcare policy as ‘Great about Obamacare’?
I see the Beeb are delighted about how some of the NFL players are taking a knee. I say good on Trump for talking about this. One of the USA’s admirable traits is it’s inherent patriotism but this silly protest (which yes people are entitled to do) is allowed to be commented on and should be by the President.
Let’s be clear Colin Kapernick wasn’t doing this because he was a noble warrior wanting to highlight racial oppression. His form was failing and if he made himself a difficult obstinate cuss, it would be harder for the 49ers to boot him out last year.
The NFL is approximately 68% black so the notion of these individuals protesting inequality is a joke. Just another example of politics creeping into everything where even when turning on the telly to watch some American Football you have to be reminded how privileged you are as a white male and how guilty you should be feeling.
So first it’s taking a knee, then what booing during the anthem, burning the stars and stripes?
Blacks in USA are massively advantaged with Affirmative Action (pro-black, anti-white policies) yet still failing miserably.
And if there’s so much discrimination, how come they do so well in sport and music? (If you can call Rap music.)
Payne, “I see the Beeb are delighted about how some of the NFL players are taking a knee. I say good on Trump for talking about this.”
Not sure, I agree. OK, have decided. I definitely do not agree. Whether President or PM, you need to be careful about the battles you fight and the opponents you take on. President Trump might have been better advised to let that one go or even better, get it ignored. He is going to have his hands full anyway with North Korea, as well as helping see Syria through to peace.
AFL/NFL is like a religion in US. It is also an industry. If you end up taking it on and escalating to things like a player strike, then the President is going to lose a lot of friends. Trump will either lose face here or lose support.
As good PR as well as normal humanity, he would be much better involved in fronting aid agencies and US charities in pouring their help into Mexico to locate remaining earthquake survivors and provide assistance to victims.
Those who watch, support and pay into the NFL are the most Patriotic of all Americans. Do you really believe that biology denying, race baiting, Islam-fanatic, white hating, US hating, piss smelling shit-stains watch the NFL? The US flag and anthem mean everything to those at the game and those doing their childish and wrong political posturing at the games will be looked on as selfish, deluded traitors by the viewers and supporters.
US politics has been hijacked by a group of militants that are using peoples hardship as a way of achieving success. What the black militants and social agitators who hate the US are asking for can never be achieved. They are asking for something that cannot happen, because it doesnt exist. The anger and hatred of those in the US against their own people and county HAS to be shown up for what it is, and Trump knows this. The US is going to go backwards and become more divided if the enemy is not exposed and taken on.
This is such a pointless and ridiculous situation the left have created here. They have create very angry group of people who now feel they are complete victims to a group of unidentifiable people (who are white) because they are black. This narrative has been crafted for decades by the left to win a power base for voters etc and the media have been active in harvesting this lie…..and now its out of control, and because the very thing these race baitors are figthing for doesnt exist, it needs the only thing that trumps all political and religious beliefs to expose it…the love for the United State of America. Americans are not going to stand for traitors against their country, especially rich ones at the NFL.
Well done Donald Trump
ttp, “Do you really believe that biology denying, race baiting, Islam-fanatic, white hating, US hating, piss smelling shit-stains watch the NFL?”
Think you have completely missed the point. President Trump is never going to win over that category. What he HAS to do is carry on ‘shocking people’ while not losing core support. That is the important thing. He is now in a battle that he cannot win and may actually lose him core Republican-voter support but will definitely also lose him ‘face’.
By going ‘counter-media’ with vocal encouragement & perhaps some cash help for aid to Mexico, he will put the Libbies and Left-mob in the US on the wrong foot. If he ignores the AFL/NFL protest all they can do is keep going at the same level and it will eventually count for little. By his intervention, Trump has now encouraged the AFL/NFL BAME players to escalate their strategy. The team owners (fellow businessmen like President Trump and possible Republican voters/Trump supporters) will be caught in the middle and feeling the squeeze.
Understand it now?
A lot of politics at No.10/White House level has to be carefully considered and responded to this way. The smallest, simplest, most innocuous appearing ‘event’ or ‘crisis’ can easily get out of hand and divert from much more important business while wiping away support.
I havent missed the point at all. Its your point and take on this, and I am certainly not going to stand on a pedestal and say your point is wrong.
How well has playing this media game gone for everyone not a Democrat in the US? How well has it gone for the appeaser in this country? Everything is getting worse because of the enemy, not because of Trump. Whatever Trump does the media will find a way to say it’s a crisis or u-turn or he is evil. Everything has gone to death-con 1 from even before he won the Presidency. The media are at war with Trump, they always will be. Trump has actually carried out policies that go against conservative values in recent weeks, and the media are still at war with him. What do you think is going to happen if he doesn’t say something and get involved? This fake outrage by multi-millionaire stars will be hijacked by the media and fake narrative and hatred will be used against Trump as justification. Inaction or action is vilified and attacked by the enemy of Trump regardless, so like him I would go on the attack too.
Those who are reporting on the racist and hate filled attack on the American flag are the very ones who have caused this. To expose them and their way in which they report this is the very thing the US needs. I disagree that it pushes more people away, as the American flag and its importance to the lives of Americans is everything. The more people at home think “what the fuck? These rich, privileged millionaires are constantly attacking the very country that put them in this rich and incredible life” then the more the militant, selfish, traitorous media who attack Trump attack the country instead, and expose the truth behind these deviants…that those in power hate the US, they hate everything it stands for, and they are doing everything they can to destroy it.
Exactly! “How well has playing this media game gone for everyone not a Democrat in the US? How well has it gone for the appeaser in this country?”
Trump should not be playing an away game on this. That is what he has now been suckered into. He should have refrained from joining in but perhaps made a careful statement at some point that makes the protesters appear anti-American.
By calling for teams to sack players he is now in it up to his ears. What can he escalate to?
He needs to keep wrong-footing the media (those not on his side) with surprising moves. Remember the bunker buster bomb test?
It’s a pity David P no longer posts here, because I’d be interested to hear his take. I understood that the Americans take their National Anthem very seriously and would take a very dim view of anyone disrespecting it, whatever the reason. I’d assumed it was this feeling that Trump was seeking to exploit – one again straight over the heads of the MSM whose Pavlovian reaction was so predictable. But I’m willing to be proved wrong on that.
RD, absolutely correct. The American flag also. Hence my original post.
President Trump would have been better advised to have just restricted his comment to respecting the flag and anthem.
He has ramped that up to calling for dismissals. What happens next? Team owners say no? Possibly. Trump loses.
Team owners comply (players – ethnic minorities look like victims – media interest) and get mired in lawsuits (more media interest) and possibly suffer in games (fans start complaining – even yet more media interest, remember media mostly biased against Trump) and on it goes. Trump still loses.
Meanwhile, Trump has to deal with N.Korea.
If you get into a war of escalation with the protesting players there, there can only be one winner and lots and lots of losers.
Remember this … Jeremy Corbyn was accused of refusing to bow at the Remembrance Day service in Whitehall by various sections of the media, though once it was revealed he had (slightly nodded his head), the Labour leader was then accused of not bowing low enough. {theguardian nov2015}
Of course having to stand or bow creates a divide – which side are you on? If you agree with both what do you do? Kneel and then stand up or stand up and then kneel? Do the people kneeling know why they are kneeling – have they been asked or told?
Katty Kay knows better.
Whilst I think there would be easier battles to face, I do think it right for Trump to say something about this. The Americans take their anthem and flag very seriously and this continued ‘playing politics with the anthem’ will piss a lot of people off.
Hell, I’ve been to an amusement park (Cedar Point in Ohio) where at the end of the day, the park finished and they played the anthem. Everyone stopped, and I mean everyone, from women pushing prams to teenagers with their gangs to respect the flag and the anthem.
Yes, Americans take their NFL seriously and I’ve watched it for many years but this endless creep of politics into every facet of their lives, especially with the likes of ESPN allowing themselves to become so politically involved is going to cheese a lot of people off.
It’s just another example of feted out of touch individuals (like actors) making unsubstantiated claims to signal their values to everyone. I mean a black actor at the Emmy’s recently thanked Trump for making Blacks the most oppressed group in America. How exactly has this happened, what specific laws are there that advocate black oppression?
The reality is that there aren’t, hence these pampered fools are pissing on their own anthem (in a country that takes that stuff seriously) to make a non existent, unsubstantiated point.
Yes, more NFL players are likely to take a knee to annoy Trump off but by doing so just reveals their continuing hypocrisy and utter contempt for the rule of democracy in America. Trump won, deal with it.
After the last night of the proms, I wondered if American remainers wave the “United Empire Loyalist Flag“ , “Grand Union Flag” or the “Hawaiian Flag” at these events.
My son had a presentation at his US school – a pic of Trump came up – many cheered. A pic of Obama came up – many booed! At least the kids either have a good sense of humour, or a good perspective. I think most are immune to this stupid media bias. Of course, it probably reflects the general area.
I agree that a president should be above the fray and all the rest of it, but I can understand why Trump is unpresidentially blowing a gasket.
If I were the announcer, I would replay the national anthem until all players were standing. The match wouldn’t start till then.
Do we know if the National Anthem protests were going on during Obama ?
..and haven’t police shooting of blacks FALLEN since Trump ?
Seems NFL is a about White sports fans paying thus making a select group of largely black men very rich.
Stew, what puzzles me as a one-time ‘Obama-hopeful’ is what has been going on during eight years of Obama’s Presidency?!!! What was he doing for all that time?
A BAME President should have brought the race issue to an end in the USA. It appears to have left Black Americans especially aggrieved.
I think that Trump just withdrew the invitation to the White House which had been made to a gentleman of colour who played basket ball, he said that he was conflicted about whether to accept due to who was the present occupant.
It was then that Trump said it was a great honour for someone to be asked to visit the White House and if you had to think about whether you’d accept then you shouldn’t be going.
The NFL is slowly dying in the U.S. lower viewing figures year on year, last year the excuse offered for this was the “divisive” election, FFS! What’s their excuse going to be this year?
Whites are gradually turning away from it, a sport the majority of whose players don’t look like them and many of whom clearly despise them and their country, as shown by their disrespectful behaviour before the matches begin.
Last week I was on holiday on the opposite side of the pond and saw much of the CNN coverage – and God do they hate Trump
Whilst I think Trump is definitely no diplomat – What I do admire about him is his injection of political honesty, and refusal to play by the widely accepted media left wing rules. Basically this particular player was suggesting that he found Trump unpleasant and was trying to make political capital out of the situation (and probably expected the White House to go into damage limitation mode to persuade him to come to the White House) – Pleeeeeeeeeease come!
Instead Trump basically told him to piss off which obviously damaged the fragile ego of this pampered sports star and the sycophantic left wing media.
I think this illustrates why Trump is so popular with many “normal” US citizens. He cuts through all the media hypocrisy and reacts like most normal people would do in a similair situation. Pity we dont have a Trump in this country I think he/she would do well.
The nearest we have is Tommy Robinson though he would never get the initial coverage needed unless he of course sold out, in which case he would not be Tommy Robinson we need!
In a post-politics world , I can only guess that sport and arts become totems for cultural wars by proxy.
Sport is a god, Trumps views will probably win in that his people know that the Black Power mob have been at this since 1968 in Mexico Citys Olympics.
Could anybody imagine the Russians, Chinese or Turks allowing this offence being publicly given to the nation that made them and their families?
I don`t expect them to like Trump at all-but America is not him, he`s holding an office that their Obama turned into such a cesspit that he was able to walk into it. Why no critique of how the Democrats(like Labour here) have lost all touch with reality.
They know no working class people or their viewpoints-and they confuse sports and celebrity endorsements as being worth votes to them.
Actors and sports stars are perpetual kids and showmen, women who say other peoples words, carry out other peoples plans on a games pitch for a kings ransom. Unworthily too. When these are your role models?…well, might as well havnd over to a Modi or an Erdogan, Putin or an Orban. Who at least are grown ups and have some sense of historical place and purpose to their fellow countrymen.
Does anyone know the Labour Party policy on Brexit?
I mean, what day of the week is it? Monday? What’s their policy today?
So on such a vital issue, you might expect an impartial investigative broadcaster to be really hammering on this.
But of course its not happening.
Instead we just get the odious mass bBBC Labour conference unchallenging love-in, and of course we can’t be asking Dianne Abbott any difficult questions, can we? No, because that would be beastly and vindictive.
The hypocrisy is so bare-faced it is a totally demeaning to those still watching (to be fair, mainly students and those with little tax-paying history)
Their policy is whatever you, the voter, wants. They are trying to offer in and out by being able to say that so-and-so said this to some, and so-and-someone else said the opposite. You pick and chose what you want and can prove Liebor is for it, or against it.
R4 Women’s Hour continue the BBC Misrepresentation saying AfD are “Far Right” and anti-women’s rights
Isn’t not being raped/molested a women’s right ?
Ah now the have the woman a German reporter who’s more balanced (Stephanie from Die Welt)
In bBBC land, far right means anyone opposed to open door mass immigration.
But Merkel being anti-gay marriage is OK?
Mrs Merkel has changed her stance on same-sex adoption – but nonetheless voted to oppose gay marriage { 30jun2017}
… meanwhile, in other places where gays are not tolerated this is what happens …
Chechnya gay detentions: Reports of torture emerge { 11apr2017}
For several weeks reports have been emerging from the Russian Republic of Chechnya of a violent campaign against gay people.
Mark, you forget the prime requisite to be a leftist – double think, double speak, plain old hypocrisy.
Double forget in double time? But remember we are all able to do the Double Think thing … makes life easier not to think awkward thoughts.
Elites will always need cheap cleaners.
Anyone who’s not seen the movie, ‘Team America’ I urge you to do so. Made in 2004 what shocks today is how very little has changed. Hollywood is unchanged, NK , the ME and the UN are unchanged, terror and our response to it is unchanged, plus it is very funny.
I hear millionaire, elite Colin Firth who’s lived in Italy for 20 years thinks Brexit is a disastrous idea. I shall have to rethink my opinions now he’s spoken or maybe not?
And that Islamo-Marxist asshole Khan, appears in US news, comparing Trump to ISIS. I suggest he experiences life under both – see which he prefers. I struggle to find adequate words but one will suffice – ENEMY.
I have a feeling that Trump is bringing the ‘reluctant participant’ (Sadiq Khan) into the conversation because he needs to be in it.
“I’m happy to educate people who are ignorant,” Khan told the audience. {thesun 24sep2017}
“London chose me as their mayor, not just an ethnic minority, not just a religious minority, but a Londoner of Islamic faith.” – Sadiq Khan, { sep2016}
– Mayor in charge of 7000+ pubs of London with moral conflict with his religion?
– Mayor in charge of betting shops of London with moral conflict with his religion?
– Mayor promises fewer chicken shops (2017) but was promoting more Halal chicken production (2012).
– Mayor promotes Halal food process – which is positive employment discrimination for Muslims {}
“London chose me as their mayor, not just an ethnic minority, not just a religious minority, but a Londoner of Islamic faith. (no idea on percentage that voted on faith or find a mention of Allah in Khan’s Manifesto?)” – Sadiq Khan
“London chose me as their mayor”
With a turnout of 45.3% ! And that was an increase.
Considering that his support in “certain” areas was probably not far short of 100%, it’s not a big achievement. I suggest a law under which the post is abolished if turnout never reaches, say, 60%.
“Considering that his support in “certain” areas was probably not far short of 100%”
In those areas his share of the vote was 120%.
Correlation doesn’t imply causation …
London mayoral election, 2016 {wiki}

Islam in London (2011) {wiki}

“I hear millionaire, elite Colin Firth”
They thrive on it; just ignore them.
Never ceases to amaze me that they should think such is worthy of reporting.
Great thinkers, those with knowledge and intellect? No – just scribblers, play actors, pop stars.
Afraid we can’t ignore the actors/presenters because they have sway over people’s opinions … just look at Gary ‘£1.75m wages paid under threat of prison + just lost his 2nd house in Barbados + 0 refugees taken in’ Lineker has just said through his BBC 100% approved comments on twitter …
Despite helping fellow human beings. Might catch on, who knows.Gary Lineker added, {Gary Lineker to his 6.59million twitter followers}
… responds to …
“The bigger story tonight: Merkel lets more than one million refugees into Germany and then still manages to become Chancellor again.”
Gary Lineker is being unfair here. What are the problems that were introduced to the normal citizens? Were the citizens asked if they wanted the immigration?
– Gary has not housed one of these refugees yet and he is in a position better than most in the UK – £1.75m salary which is paid to him under threat of prison, multiple homes, multiple jobs, excellent pension, able to use the BBC brand to sell his products.
– Gary ‘£1.75m’ Lineker it’s OK for a country to take in 1 million refugees but does not take 1 in himself?
– Has Gary Lineker followed the case of BBC Search ‘Freiburg attack’ … better reporting on another site … when the judge questioned him concerning “sex with a dead girl,” and the offender said: “It didn’t bother me to have sex with a dead girl.” (Hussein K.)” {gatesofvienna}?
Clare, even better is to start a boycott. Just do not attend a play or film in which Firth acts. People like Colin Firth derive their political power via an economic platform.
This appears to have already happened with performance comedy with pro-EU, anti-Brexit comedians noticing a fall in attendances and unfavourable audience response to any anti-Brexit material in their acts.
I (sort of) agree with that.
I don’t really care what Firth or that Nanny McPhee woman think about Brexit or anything else outside their profession, I just don’t want to hear from them any more than I want to hear from my window cleaner.
Without letting the BBC off the hook, the widespead obsession with celebrity must carry some of the blame for this. Unfortunately, here I am discussing them. Not worth the effort, really.
It doesn’t really leave many films one can watch these days.
It’s a very good film and the end message is still very relevant about dicks needing to f*** arseholes.
I also heard that about Colin Firth and confess to being quite disappointed in him. Here’s a man who’s made a career of playing quintessentially English characters who seems to think that we can’t make it on our own and that our national identity should be distilled down into some massive vanilla blamange.
His ‘people’ obviously felt the message needed massaging to be properly understood on social media, but rather struggled with communities where the dialogue is not just broadcast.
Wackos on this Twitter thread are claiming Political Correctness is not a thing
#Misrepresentation #1 tactic of LibMob.. redifining language
Asked whether he (Terry Jones) would make a similarly (Life of Brian) satirical film about Muslims, he said: “Probably not – looking at Salman Rushdie [whose controversial book The Satanic Verses forced him into hiding for 10 years]. {theguardian oct2011}
“… There are no jokes in Islam. There is no humour in Islam. There is no fun in Islam. …”
– Ayatollah Khomeini, jan1980, 80 million people follow this man’s beliefs and ideas
– Note that Salman Rushdie is still under protection (2017) and that the fatwa was renewed in 2016 and can never be cancelled according to the Iranian state.
It’s actually a thing called a “hukm” which, unlike a fatwa, doesn’t expire with the death of the imam who issued it.
Brilliant! More of that sort of humour please. What a fab guy, so funny and lucid at 91.
What knockers! How did they get that past the PC censors?
How would you like to be remembered? (ie, you will surely be dying soon!) – answer – taller, I’d like to be remembered as about 6’2″
Is the BBCRadio4 Twitter feed a comedy parody itself ?
latest tweet “A is for Asexual”
We talking, Amoeba, Slugs and other lowest life forms?
“To site the other person you just said that would *trigger you Sam Harris*, Mark Steyn said this the other day, *this is the conversation we will be having when the Mullahs nuke us*.Everyone will be discussing if someone is transgender despite the fact they’ve had no operation (ref Jack Monroe in UK)” – Douglas Murray {youtube}.
Their next Tweet
(This is the Radio3 yesterday which served as a platform for every London black voice to gripe)
Do they only tweet about #bbcPetIssues and Virtue Signalling ?
They do like their sex, the BBC.
Meanwhile, in a camper van in the carpark…
A man shoots a number of churchgoers in Tennessee.
Beebistan not very interested, I wonder why?
Compare that with the Headline news of HATE CRIME when a person is stabbed on his way to a Mosque. He was taken to hospital and discharged within hours. BBC happy to declare this a HATE CRIME.
In the incident in the United States – a Sudanese immigrant kills and injures several people outside and inside a Church – and the BBC declare the reason for the attack as unknown.
BBC Propaganda.
Yes, and BBC are on to their second day of reporting this !!!HATE CRIME!!!. BBC managed to set up an interview with the so-called victim, showing us a video of the moments after this supposed attack, the man sitting there holding his neck, no blood – not even on his shirt which can clearly be seen in the article. BBC then shows us a bandage on the back of his neck during the interview – still no sign of blood.
I noticed it was only the BBC who called it a !!!HATE CRIME!!! – no one was quoted calling it that.
I’ll call it what I suspect it was: a BBC false flag.
OT: I’m reading a great book at the moment: ‘Pol Pot Plans The Future – Confidential Leadership Documents from Democratic Kampuchea, 1976 – 1977’. Surreal. Mind blowing. Terrifying.
You see, it’s not that the Khmer Rouge (real name: Communist Party of Kampuchea (CPK, also known as ‘Angkar, or ‘The Party’)) did socialism wrong; it’s that they did it absolutely correctly. Pity about the nearly two million murdered along the way towards that glorious communist utopia. Salut, comrades!
If there’s one topic that makes a beeboid drool it’s slavery, past or present.
So it’s surprising that this heart-breaking story never made it to our most trusted broadcaster.
The Evening Standard saw fit to give it 2 pages, yet nothing on beebistan. Surely not because the slave owners and abusers were from their favourite ‘religion’?
“Anne’s bus ride to freedom after two years of domestic slavery
She worked 24-hour shifts for a Saudi family who refused to pay her and confiscated her passport. She fled after a chance meeting in Hyde Park.”
“…..a Saudi family who refused to pay her and confiscated her passport. She fled after a chance meeting in Hyde Park.”” She got off lightly.
The norm in Saudi Arabia. You can watch the lovely muslim girls flying in by the plane load regularly clothed in essential muslim drag unwittingly heading for servitude and slavery. Funny thing was, within two years, I watched the girls boarding planes in the old Halim airport in Jarkarta destined for the Middle East. All bubbly and looking forward to their “employment” somewhere in the Middle East unsuspecting as to what will happen to them…………..
Never destined to see their families again.
Tragic G, really really tragic. There is a huge story of terrible suffering and abuse and slavery there, which we never hear of in the msm, least of all the beebistan. An expose’ of that would be truly brave and ground-breaking. Don’t expect the beeb to do one any time soon.
G – It’s the Filipinas I feel most sorry for, being non-muslim they get even worse treatment.
Even in London you see them forced to wear the uniform of oppression and dutifully following behind their Masters, or looking after their children in the parks while never seeing their own back home, breaks my heart. God knows what goes on in the vile Arab states, though now and again a story leaks out, usually not covered by the muslim-adoring beebistan: a death in suspicious circumstances, a beating, an inexplicable accident, a ‘fall’ from a balcony, a rape, a suicide. And unlike in the UK, they have no-one to turn to, nowhere to run, the authorities are fully complicit and even their own government or embassy are too reliant on their income to rock the boat. Shameful. But where’s the outrage in the media? A bacon attack gets more coverage, or an imagined dirty look.
Charlie, the World is full of imbalance right now and its getting worse by the day, certainly the flames are fanned by the utterly biased bbc islam lovers. At my stage of life, I will no doubt not see the day of reckoning which is surely coming as sure as, ‘….tiny eggs are….’.
Yawn ! accidentally watched Keir Starmer’s monologue at the Conference. Four words, applause, four words, applause, four words, applause. God on a bike, clearly these ‘conferences’ are for the brain dead who just about sum up the energy to clap away like seals in between prodding their toys.
Classic FM Global tripe is also clearly smitten.
I nearly fell off my chair laughing when he po-faced claimed Labour were the grown-oops.
The UK is mired in ‘politics of the least atrocious’ territory to be sure, but has he glanced around a shad cab table and assessed the brain cell count of an Abbott or the gravitas of Emily ‘Jo Brand’ Thornbury?
And has any journo from BBC, Global, etc dared ask?
Jack Muirs prog about Diversity in the media also served as a platform for every blck Londoner to air their gripes.
: “Black people don’t enter the media, cos it’s an environment with no black people
#1 That is racism itself
#2 Of course there are media companies like the voice and some Christian media which is mostly black
A black reporter called racism cos the editor insisted on having a special item on a missing girl cos she was “Pretty/white/creative”
She claimed the Missing girl was news cos white
Surely the news worthiness came from the fact she was pretty and female ?
An ugly white boy would also has not been covered.
I see Jim Muir is cross feeding, his Guardian article today is “Jimmy the milkman” about UK Press Diversity
News | Pidgin …
US travel ban go include N Korea
Germany: Wetin make Merkel ‘market’ still dey sell?
Helen Zille: Why dis politician dey bathe only once every three days?
Olympic champion Kelly Holmes dey ‘cut herself everyday’
Saudi Arabia: Women enter stadium for di first time
Jogging woman wey dey always poo-poo for somebody dormot
Like a Bonobo out-guessing Paul Mason, they could have already sneaked in a cost-cutting kindergarten drop-out as a sub and claiming it is work experience.
BBC accidentally left comments open on a GreenEnergy article
Story says we need to build much more power if we are to have Electric Cars
And the interviewee who builds big wind farms, says building more windfarms is the solution
If you drive from North to South, you’ll see we already have FAR too many turbines blighting our countryside. If you visit Scotland, you’ll see FAR too many turbines already ruin a beautiful landscape. And what we get in return is a pathetic amount of electricity – while many turbines are not even operating!
The key is WHO benefits financially from these turbines, their production, etc. The same old 1 percenters who own and ruin everything in our country.
Aluko is giving evidence to a select committee. Of course she could say the Earth was flat and nobody would question her lest they be accused of racism. The MPs will have an orgy of virtue signalling.
How devastating an accusation of racism – however spurious – must be for small businesses. When they lecture us about under representation they never consider this crucial factor. How could you relax and do your job properly knowing one misplaced word could be deliberately misinterpreted and ruin your livelihood?
BBC News website re Crash for Cash.
Illustrated, of course, by picture of two middle-aged, middle-class WHITE men, while all the data shows that a certain ethnicity carries out the majority of the scams, evidence supported by the news that Birmingham is the national hotspot. The report continues that: “Manchester, Bradford, London and Oldham also featured on the list”.
“We don’t know the exact reason Birmingham features so heavily in these surveys,” said Ben Fletcher, the director of the IFB, a not-for-profit organisation set up to detect fraud.
Answers on a postcard to
Popeye wrote:
“We don’t know the exact reason Birmingham features so heavily in these surveys,” said Ben Fletcher, the director of the IFB, a not-for-profit organisation set up to detect fraud.”
The thing is, this has been well known for ages, in fact ANPR cameras were put in place in those areas of Birmingham a few year in which to target the crash for cash idiots. However the likes of the bBC cried foul play at this and because of the negative publicity they were taken down .
Funny how the bBC can report those areas as been predominately Islamic when promoting Muslims as victims, yet when found to be hotbeds of Insurance fraud, they refrain from doing so.
The bbC the propaganda arm for Islam in the UK
Benefits and accident claim shops springing up all over London……..
The main question seems to me why do we have Chamberlain as PM right now?
At least Chamberlain was thought to be trying to buy time to fight when it came.
May seems to be flying in as many enemy combatants as possible to ensure the fight is a surprise, brief, total and does not necessarily proceed to the advantage of the native British population.
The BBC really do seem to share Labour’s delusion that it won the general election. This morning BBC front page (&business page top) report was Labour’s “pledge” to cut credit card debt. “Under the changes, nobody would pay more in interest than they had originally borrowed.” How would a party without power effect any “changes”?
By way of contrast the Bank of England (ie the actual regulatory body) report on credit issued this morning only gets slight coverage, despite it flagging up concerns over the exposure of the banks. The subject only matters when giving publicity to the BBC’s allies?
Funny how nobody at the bBC is promoting the view that Merkel lost.
Not that funny – after Patsy May’s speech – I wondering who just who did win the election and the referendum.
“Merkel wins and is determined to invite 1 million more refugees by 2018!” verses BBC headline “Germany’s far-right party to ‘fight invasion of foreigners’ { 25sep2017}“
So, whilst the bBC is screaming out from the highest minaret about how a Muslim was attacked by a couple of men as a hate crime:
Altrincham mosque stabbing: Surgeon attacked in ‘hate crime’
They haven’t managed to give the same coverage to this story from a few miles away:
Mosque Tutor jailed for abusing little girls
Or even this from across the Pennines:
40 year old sex pest jailed for sex attack on child of 14
Or even this story from Malaysia
Self-service launderette bans non-Muslims
Funny that.
The BBC £3.5bn News Service, paid under threat of prison, must scan the alternative media to see what else is happening in the World? So they can spot Fake News and correct it for us rather than ignore it?
Reality Check: Question Time fact checks in full { 30apr2015}
Foodbanks reporting that a ‘million people’ use foodbanks. BBC says on average a person goes twice so it is actually half a million. If people go three times it’s even less. So if the foodbanks add better reporting we would have a more realistic figure, but if the food banks just report on totals then it looks a lot worst than it is.
“…sixteen and a half thousand people in County Durham in receipt of food parcels. To the nurses, to the junior doctors, to the firefighters…” @3:27 {Laura Pidcock | Maiden Speech | jul2017}
// an old post
Sloppy MSM : “Winterton in Scunthorpe”
no it’s not it’s NEAR Scunthorpe , 7 miles from Scunthorpe
Both are in North Lincolnshire
(Re school stabbing)
BBC News at One in total meltdown over the German election… In summary the story goes (with appropriatelt frozen faced newsreader): Right Wing AFD party gains election wins, the first since the ’30’s (Duh, does mean that they’re Nazis?)
Then all subsequent stories are about “oppressed” minorites and badman Trump.
I especially liked the Art item and the end that started with featuring two black artists, then one German (at which point I said to my wife… “The next one’s got to be Mooslem”. Can you guess what happened next?
You could not make it up!!
As always with the BBC – no, you couldn’t. But they did!
So glad I don’t watch it any more . Repeats of Dads Army circa 1974 and that’s it .,less al beeb is good for you . Don’t forget to sign the ‘ dump the licence ‘
Petition. Think it’s over 300000 now?
What about the “Deutsche Reichspartei” a pro-European Neo-Nazi political party that believed in a white supremacists European Union. They joined, Oswald Mosley’s “National Party of Europe” for the creation of “Europe” as a Nation through a common European government, and the creation of an elected European parliament.
Its why Barbara Castle regarded Pro-Europeans at snotty Oxford University as White Supremacists.
In fact I do not understand why the narrative about multiracial Commonwealth supporting Brexiteers, is about Brexeteers being racist, whilst common sense should point to the fact that Pro-EU white supremacists do not have any problems with the existence of a European Union.
For instance, for white supremacists, the differences of Polish immigrants are linguistic and cultural, not racial.
BBC R4 08:45: To quote… “UK Business is Labour curious. Business wants to know what’s in their DNA”
Do they ever actually listen to themselves?
The BBC still going with DNA in metaphor as anything other than daft, ironic or both is… quaint.
Thought this very revealing. Bi-curious being a term for looking into your lesbian side or likewise.
The BBC have sex and sexual imagery on their brains-guess that`s why they`re so keen to go to Brighton and not Redcar for their conferences.
I seem to have missed the, no doubt extensive, media coverage that scientists got their computer climate WARMING models WRONG?
Ah, they are currently working on a means to share this information, which, at the same time would serve to continue to further their own perspective. It’s a tough one for them, but no doubt Mr. Harrabin is burning the midnight oil to come up with something. Or maybe not.
Compare and contrast: ‘hate crime’ against muslim gets a front page post on evil beebistan webshite, whereas this other story is buried so deep it’s almost impossible to find, even once you’ve drilled down to Manchester.
4 degrees of separation. I guess that’s a fair indication of beebistan’s priorities in what counts as a story.
“Oldham Koran teacher jailed for sexually abusing girls aged under 14”

bBBC are despicable
Don’t stir up racial discontent unless it is in favour of non whites.
Wonder if he’ll be subject to an ‘ honour killing ‘ ( since when did they have honour ? ) or will he be made to marry a 12 year old ?
I’m confused…shouldn’t those girls be stoned to death? 🙁
We are now in to the third week of the abominable Jeremy Vine (£700,000-£749,999) in effect stopping Facebook comments for his dreadful programme. It used to be that the R2 Facebook page was used, with one thread being added for each of the four topics “discussed” every day. There was the odd exception to this, but this was the norm. Two weeks ago those threads failed to appear on the R2 page, and have not done so since. Instead, those who can be bothered to comment hijack one of the other non-related threads and add their comments there. These presumably go unread by Vine and his minions. One day last week Vine put a single discussion thread up on his own personal FB page but I got the impression that unless the writer put “Love the show Jeremy” or similar they were summarily blocked and their comment deleted. Certainly the comments lacked the diversity, for want of a better word, that appeared on the R2 FB threads. All of this is despite him saying something vague like “…and there is Facebook too…” at the start of each programme.
My complaints are in, but are being (deliberately?) misinterpreted. “I understand you feel the BBC Facebook page for Radio 2 is lacking in information.” was a classic can’t-be-bothered-to-read-your-message response received last week. My main thrust now is that Vine is using his personal account for BBC business, which flies in the face of the BBC’s social media guidelines:
Click to access 26_03_15_bbc_news_group_social_media_guidance.pdf
Frankly I couldn’t care less about the comments, but the BBC make such a big deal about following rules that it is time they were reminded what their own rules are. I won’t hold my breath while waiting for them to sort it out.
Up until circa 2010 Radio 2 had a message board that anyone could comment on. I joined at the time of Chris Evans taking over from Terry Wogan basically to air my dismay that a totally inappropriate replacement was taking over, as did the majority of others at the time.
The unpopularity of the Evans appointment was off the scale, nearly every post was totally against, but the moderation was really heavy handed, many posts disappeared and only pro ones remained, the moderator who was allowed to reply was very cliquey with a handful of pro-posters who’s posts ultimately were the only ones allowed to remain. I suspect the pro ones were actually BBC employees, as I’m sure many of the numerous ‘love the BBC’ posters on the Digital Spy Forum website are.
Needless to say the messageboards were removed by the BBC not long afterwards. This was what really opened my eyes to the full extent of BBC bias and the licence payers powerlessness to question the behemoth that they fund.
Model kidnap a publicity stunt, court told – BBC News
No sh1t Sherlock!
That the defence case
… Not yet the verdict of the case.
And one of the accused refuses to travel from UK to Italy for the case.
Mystery as man found dead next to pet snake – BBC News
“Mystery as” man found asphyxiated next to pet snake. Possibility it was the snake.
bBBC reporting on the wrong kind of snake there.
No sh1t Sherlock!
I wonder if it was a white far right supporting snake possibly a hate crime.
I was hugely amused by albeeb instantly marginalising the AFd voters as ” eastern Germans” implying the kind of lack of intellect applied to brexiteers like me. Trump voters are racist rednecks so they don’t count . Ukipers are old and northern so they don’t count or just need to get it right next time .
Whatever the outcome of this whole process I’m sure the historians of the future ( if objective ) will look back at this time and wonder what the hell were the liberals thinking ? How could they allow their country to be endangered by hoards of grasping foreigners . ( not many English speakers left where I live) . ! It be Insane .
‘Trump voters are racist rednecks so they don’t count’
A bit like Diane Abbott on all counts then?
Katty seems on message over the pond, certainly.
GW, it would be interesting to see how many ‘rednecks’ there are in Miami and Orlando, FA.
Studies show “Racial attitudes..a “major factor” in why less-well-educated whites backed his candidacy so strongly,”
– Article is behind paywall so can’t see the report to comment on it’s data. Wonder if Katty gets a commission on sigh ups?
48 questions all Leavers have to answer {theneweuropean}
26. Do you accept that the immigration most people worry about – that of people determined to challenge our security and way of life, in the name of a perverted view of Islam – is not affected by Brexit?
UN seeks to expand EU plan for resettling refugees {ft – aug2017 – paywall}
“Filippo Grandi, the UN High Commissioner for Refugees, disclosed the plans in Berlin on Friday, calling for an extension of a current two-year scheme for resettling 22,000 Syrian asylum seekers. The expansion would raise the numbers covered to 40,000 annually from 2018 and expand the range of countries from which refugees would come.”
– When is “Enough is Enough”? 1 Million? 2 Million? 10 Million?
– For the Many (endless torrent of refugees), Not the Few (sovereign citizens left)
– En Marche! Forward! (but I won’t say where we are going)
“26. Do you accept that the immigration most people worry about – that of people determined to challenge our security and way of life, in the name of a perverted view of Islam – is not affected by Brexit?” Just wait until the lovely muslim immigrants into Europe gain naturalisation aka ‘free movement’ and that will all change if Brexit does not take place………..
Which of these sounds better?
“Gradual Diversity ala Douglas Murray” OR “Disruptive Diversity ala Merkel”
Had a thought this morning, possibly Osama bin Laden was the classic example of our failing to understand the power of a religion.
A man with money, privilege, a western education, the ability to improve the World yet he says …
(Q1) Why are we fighting and opposing you?
(A1) Because you attacked us and continue to attack us.
(Q2)What are we calling you to, and what do we want from you?
(A2) The first thing that we are calling you to is Islam. … It is to this religion that we call you; the seal of all the previous religions.
{theguardian 2002}
A couple of days after the US election, I saw a very good video on Youtube which did a very detailed analysis of the election result based upon the analysis made by the New York Times. It was very interesting, and it showed the extent to which the BBC was misanalysing and presenting the result.
The BBC like to claim that Trump was elected by uneducated White Males from the rust bucket states, and It seeks to down plays the role of progressives and people of colour in the vote for Trump. But that is not true. Trump won the election by winning the swing states, not the rust bucket states, which were always predominantly Republican, in any event.
I cannot remember the precise details of the analysis, but I remember very well the thrust of the analysis and the approximate figures. Some of which I am certain on. The analysis compared the Trump/Clinton election, with the previous Obama/Romney election, and the change in the voting demographics/patterns. The outcome was a s follows.
Trump only increased the vote of white males by 1% over and above those that voted for Romney.
Trump lost 1% of the female vote, compared to those who voted for Romney. Clinton was not particularly popular with female voters.
The Black vote increased dramatically from 1% who voted for Romney, to 8% who voted for Trump.
The Hispanic vote increased dramatically from 17%, 18% or 19% who voted for Romney to 29% who voted for Trump.
The same trend was also seen with Asian votes where Trump increased his share by 9 to 12%
Trump also increased his share of the millennial vote which went up by 8 or 9% over that achieved by Romney.
It is clear from these details that the White Male vote played no significant role in the outcome. The swing states were won by the 10 to 12% increase in the Hispanic vote, and the 7% increase in the Black vote. Trump won the presidency because he appealed far more to the minorities than did Romney.
Of course, the BBC also like to give the impression that Clinton really won because she secured the majority of votes. The BBC likes to overlook that the US is a continent, and that whereas the UK is made up of 650 constituencies, the US is made up of over 3,100 counties of which Trump won approximately 2,600 compared to Clinton’s total of about 500. Trump won nearly 85% of the counties. Just image if Labour won say 550 of the 650 constituencies and how the BBC would report that success.
It was a Trump landslide as the map below confirms:
The BBC is reliably unreliable. It tells you what Leftists think, and what Leftists want you to think, or to be more accurate, they would prefer it if you didn’t think at all, and simply repeated their Leftist mantras; they are the tax funded broadcasting equivalent of a one Party State stamping on your face, forever.