The BBC’s WATO seemed fascinated by McDonnell’s promise to end PFI schemes. On and on they went yet, curiously, somehow seemed to forget who it was who turned the taps on full and flooded the NHS with them. Step forward Gordon ‘McDoom’ Brown – father of a thousand failures and now airbrushed from history by his own kind.
We may never know who first flooded the public sector with these sucker deals back in 1999 to 2006.
We are where we are-now is not the time to look into a futile blame game.
Like Hillsborough and Orgreave.
As they did with Walter Wolfgang in 2005. We can hardly say we don`t know that Labour and the left think of Jews, of Israel and of Zion.
How ANY Jew stays with Labour, defends them or supports them in any way is astonishing to me.
Funny though – the more easily available, information there is to hand, book or keyboard, the more stupidity that’s apparent.
Opinions are not facts or ultimate truths – they are just opinions. Some arrived at honestly, some touted simply as a means to an end.
Israelis are not like Nazis you, dirty, filthy, Islamo-Marxist slime.
I understand that if Theresa May refuses to resign, she could face being prosecuted under the “Bribery Act 2010” which prohibits her from paying foreign officials £20 billion to obtain contracts or business advantage.
The woman is redundant as of now. As of her election more accurately. She cannot deliver Brexit as she promised so she should go to her comfy retirement sooner rather than later.
Damp squib, dead duck, chocolate teapot and ash-tray on a bike. Those heels were made for walkin’.
If the Tories don’t get her out and bring in Jacob Rees Mogg they are finished.
Any party that guarantees an immediate Brexit will win the next GE.
Any party that gets Nigel Farage as their EU negotiator is a winner!
If the remoaners get their way, you know, “I accept we are leaving the eu but…………..”
Labour saying we will leave the eu but stay in the single market etc.
Then, can somebody let me know what we have actually left by leaving the eu.
Yes Emmanuel – We have LEFT the concept of leaving anything if it does not agree with the interests of the left establishment. I am afraid we are now in the new world of left wing ideological linguistics where phrases can mean whatever you want them to mean if you have a left wing narrative to push.
It never ceases to amaze me at how prophetic Orwell was – though the left ( despite the main thrust of 1984) still tries to claim him as their own.
I suppose we have also left the the concept of honest debate – though in all truth, this has been happening for years.
Was travelling South Wales yesterday, and lost count of the number of ‘projects’ bearing that flag and some waffle that, loosely translated, meant ‘paid for by UK taxpayer money sent to Brussels and parsimoniously sent back eventually, less the vig’.
Global News has excelled itself just now, and surely Dateline London will not take this lying down.
Their top ‘story’ was the NK foreign spokes weasel claiming that saying back off stuff was a declaration of war and they can now shoot down anything they fancy anywhere.
Seems the ‘journalists’ at Global did not have the time or space to see how words stack up versus deeds;
If they were both mozzies the, ‘a baby’ would be 8 or so. That could yield a considerable variety of contorted mouth shapes and if you add in the element of LGBT………ABCDEFG…..etc you could really arrive at the Heinz variety number.
Biased BBC1 at 1759 just before the news. A trailer. For…..
The Labour Party leader’s speech!!!!
12 noon. Wednedsay. Live on the bBBC.
Completely impartial, of course.
Biased BBC at 1801.
Labour will bring in house all the PFI contracts.
How much will this cost and where will the money come from?
No-one knows.
And the bBBC are not exactly asking too enthusiastically.
They did ask about this on the 1.00 news…nothing to worry about apparently…roughly £100 billion or 2 or more. They hadn’t worked it out yet but, Diane can bring that figure down 🙁
Maybe Apple could do a hate crime emoji which reports you for retraining when one write s something a bit naughty. – I write this as I do not believe in the mad hate crime concept.
Liebour will also offer free marmite sandwiches and the winning numbers for the Euro Millions for the next 3 thousand years. Each UK citizen will also get to stay at Buckingham Palace free for a week. These promises are far more realistic than the ones being presented in Brighton today.
Why do the BBC get away with their “far-right” description of the AfD? Why not “right” or “centre right”….”popular and democratically elected”…”resurgent or pioneering” …”women friendly and Judeao Christian”?
Couldn`t all THESE be just as valid, had you the independence of mind to think for yourself? OK then-if not all this-why do they continue to call them “the anti-migrant party”?
They are just as well knows as being the “anti-EU” or “anti-Euro” party as well.
But these descriptions wouldn`t help the BBC to get them banned or attacked.
Typical BBC.
To be honest, I`m getting to like Erdogan more and more-wish we had his tactics to deal with the lefties, traitors and godless over here.
THAT`S how bad the BBC are-I never used to think this way, but we`re going to need something like him to deal with our traitors,
“AFD is the first far right wing party to hold parliamentary seats in Germany since the Nazis. We ask: ‘Which British political party is most like AFD?'”
…at which point I could see where the piece was going, and switched off with a view to keeping my BP down.
I’ve been v busy at work recently so haven’t posted for some time. But while I’m on, last week’s “Any Questions?” from Lancing was a beaut: audience overwhelmingly and laughably Remoaner. So I switched that off too.
And I’m not interested in cookery contests or ballroom dancing.
Only a military coup would achieve anything. Short, sharp military rule would simplify daily affairs until a balanced political system could be installed. If that happened, I bet all the airports would be overrun by dual passport holders like pakistanis, heading out double quick.
Chris, I’ve been saying for a long time that maybe in my lifetime or certainly in my children’s we will have tanks on the streets. My only worry now is who will be driving them.
G, I can remember as a child in the sixties that the army would regularly be doing manoeuvre’s in our rural setting. I found it reassuring even then as they travelled through the village.. Anyway, maybe I should have put “our last remaining tank on the street”.
Not being a huge consumer of al Beeb now I don’t know what their stance on this is. Since she is a ‘nice’ white girl with a future do they let her off the hook?
Some lefties moan about the number of blacks and non who’re like pakis locked up for being bad /evil . I think they are best banged up if they’ve done bad things again and again. Where are the white gangs? Does this play into the lefties hands . Hopefully someone will appeal to the AG for a sentence review.
I thought I’d post this article from UK Polling which appears to fly directly in the face of what the BBC have been transmitting this past week. It will also serve as a yardstick as to whether what you are being told is the truth or if it is conjecture which cannot be justified:
Yesterday I got a few questions about a new BMG poll in the Independent that had voting intentions in a hypothetical EU referendum tomorrow at 52% remain, 48% leave. The Indy wrote this up with a pretty hyperbolic “Majority want to stay!!!”. The full results – along with a fair more reasonable and caveated write-up by BMG themselves – are here.
So, what is the bigger picture in terms of attitudes to Brexit, and is there any sign of people changing their minds?
I should start by pointing out that how people would vote in a hypothetical referendum tomorrow is not necessarily the same question as what people think should happen now (perhaps surprisingly!). If you ask people what should happen now, a clear majority say Britain should leave the EU. If you ask people how they’d vote in a referendum now, they are split down the middle between Remain and Leave. The difference appears to be because there is a chunk of people who personally favour remain, but think the government has a duty to leave following the referendum. Neither of these is necessarily a “better” measure of public opinion, opinion is best understood by looking at both: that is, the public are split equally on what they’d prefer, but some remainers think that the referendum means Brexit should go ahead anyway.
If we do look specifically at how people would vote in a referendum tomorrow, there is comparatively little change since 2016. Most Remain voters would still vote Remain, most Leave voters would still vote Leave. People who did not vote at all in 2016 tend to split in favour of Remain, meaning that the overall figure tends to be around a 50-50 split. Polls, of course, typically have a margin of error of around 2 or 3 points. This means if the actual position is a 50-50 split, then normal sample variation will inevitably spit out some results that are 52-48, or 48-52, or whatever. This is the unavoidable result of normal statistical variance, however, it does mean that now and again there will be a poll showing Remain with a small lead, which pro-Remain sorts will get wrongly overexcited about.
In terms of a trend, my impression is that there is some small degree of movement against Brexit… but it is very small. It is hard to discern a trend from questions asking the referendum question because they are infrequent, different companies use different methods and there may be different “house effects”. BMG have probably asked it more regularly than any other company, and looking at just their figures (in the link above) there is a slight trend towards Remain.
YouGov regularly ask a question about whether Britain was right or wrong to vote to Leave the EU (below), which also shows a very tight race, but a slight trend towards Remain. Last year it tended to show slightly more people thought it was the right decision than the wrong decision, now it tends to hover around neck-and-neck.
In summary, there hasn’t been any vast sea-change in attitudes towards Brexit. Most people who voted Remain would do so again, most people who voted Leave would do so again. There is some movement back and forth, but it mostly cancels itself out. If you look at the two most frequently repeated questions, the BMG question on referendum VI and the YouGov question on whether the decision was right or wrong, then there does appear to be movement towards Remain… but it is as yet pretty small and pretty slow. In short, there are some “bregrets”, but not enough to really get excited about. If there is going to be a big change, I still wouldn’t expect to see it until the leaving deal (and the consequences of it) become a bit clearer.
BMG polls. Ah yes, the same ‘reliable’ pollsters who constantly found Remain ahead and the remain lead building up to polling day. Ideal fodder for the BBC, Independent and Guardian newspapers but not really worth troubling ourselves over.
I hate to tell you this scribblingscribe, but I’d say that’s pretty accurate and well within the margin of error. If you want greater accuracy than that then the only way is to wait for the actual result.
But I wonder if you bothered to read the article? It tell you that nothing much has changed since the referendum despite what the BBC and its remoaning friends are telling us.
If it’s too many words then read the last paragraph as it sums everything up, and it is the ammunition against those calling for a second referendum.
Thoughtful, sarcasm and passive aggression is a wonderful weapon but not of use here.
Yes, I did read the article but my point still stands. BMG were woefully wrong on the day before the election, in favour of the remain group.
The same Independent newspaper questioned a poll showing how remainers now wanted a hard Brexit with a far greater percentage. -Well outside a margin for error, so place your poisoned quill back on the desk for a moment. Oddly, The Independent didn’t trouble itself to question the poll showing the 52% in favour of remain.
And I hope this isn’t too many for words for you, as I am sure you are desperate to go on and personally abuse someone else with a view you don’t share. And yes, you probably could find fault with my attempt at passive aggression and sarcasm. I guess some are better at that than actually reading a post for what it actually says. (And there I go again! Passive aggression and sarcasm must be addictive).
Passive aggression? You must have been to one of those snowflake training camps!
The point of posting the article (yet again) is so readers might have the facts, the evidence, and be able to recognise the bias of the BBC when it arises, and be able to contradict it with example. Nothing has changed with Brexit, save for the fact that a sizeable number of those who voted remain accept the vote and now believe we should just get on with it.
None of these it appears work for or appear on the BBC !
EU chiefs resign en masse {theguardian mar1999}
Europe was left decapitated last night as the entire European Commission resigned en masse after a devastating report by an independent committee of inquiry which found that they had “lost control of the administration”.
The commission’s president, Jacques Santer, came from an emotional commission meeting just after midnight and said: “In the light of the report from the committee, the members of the commission have unanimously agreed to resign collectively.”
The German commissioner, Monika Wulf-Mathies, and the Portuguese commisioner, Jo Pinheiro, were mildly criticised over the employment of friends and relatives, and the Spanish commissioner, Manuel Marin, was said to have “exposed Echo [the humanitarian department which he ran] to fraud and irregularities.”
Again … cruel animal slaughter plus employment discrimination. They need to combine the two as the discrimination gives it a legal angle.
What is halal meat? { may2014}
“The Islamic form of slaughtering animals or poultry, dhabiha, involves killing through a cut to the jugular vein, carotid artery and windpipe. … Animals must be alive and healthy at the time of slaughter and all blood is drained from the carcass. During the process, a Muslim will recite a dedication, know as tasmiya or shahada.”
– ‘a Muslim will recite a dedication‘ which means non-Muslims not allowed to carry out the slaughter. Which means employment discrimination – easily sorted by or converting to Islam to get the job.
While it is nice to see on this site that people are seeing through the charade of the Theresa May premiership at last, I am a bit confused by their call for her to step down. Who is going to replace her and her coterie? There is only one electoral option available and that is Jeremy Corbyn and with him his deranged followers. I don’t like it but that’s the way it is.
Why is it that way? Simply because of the two party system.
The UK voting system is not only out of date it is a damn liability. It is not fit for purpose. It is an ex-parrot. Whatever.
Get rid of it!
I made a promise earlier this year that I would stop banging on about Proportional Representation for six months as it upset quite a few people on here. That was before May called her stupid snap election and transformed Corbyn’s image from a clown to a potential leader.
Surely now it must be obvious that PR is a must?
If we had PR then UKIP would have had about 50 seats in the previous election. But there again it might see the fluffy rise of the deluded Greens and I couldn’t bear that. Maybe there would be too many deals done by too many parties and thus we would have an ineffectual government. But there again so what’s new about that you might well ask. On balance I don’t know. I think I’d just about stay with the current format but there again……..I knew I shouldn’t have woke up too early. Back to bed. Corbyn’s speech tomorrow, BBC will love it obviously, without asking and demanding any penetrating answers to questions. Cue Sarah Smith maybe. My god she is so bad at her job.
Oh well back to the land of nod dreaming of a free from a German led EU. Free to make our own decisions, free to trade with the world,free from an EU Army, free from corrupt EU bureaucrats and straight bananas. Bliss.
“PR would be good because it would help UKIP, and I agree with UKIP. But then again PR would be bad, because it would help the Greens, and I disagree with the Greens.”
PR is good because under PR, every elector’s vote counts.
Personally I would favour PR where even “failure to vote” counts. In other words, if 10% of the electorate fail to vote, spoil their ballot paper, or tick “none of the above” then 10% of the seats in parliament remain empty.
Last weekend we saw two General Elections. They both used the same sensible system of proportional representation.
Firstly in Germany where a new party the AfD were able to enter with a sizable number of seats. This has broken the liberal elitist monopoly and Merkel will have opposition for the first time
Secondly in New Zealand where the NZ First Party has come to hold the balance of power between the pro-immigration National(tory party) and a Labour/ Green alliance. Yes it will be a coalition. But the NZ First party is led by Winston Peters who is an admirer of Nigel Farage and the party itself is in several ways similar to ukip. Whichever way it chooses to go it will be a voice for common sense and will foil the more extreme elements in the party of government.
So there are two positive results for the MMP system.
Meanwhile in the UK the parliamentary opposition to the current lunacy is…is…
Did I mention a referendum JimS? What would be the point at the moment as there never has been any real discussion on the issue. It would just produce the same result. There has to be public acceptance on the issue. It would take a several years to work up enough public support and not left to incompetent dingbats like the Lib Dems. The sort of people who need to get behind this first are the thinkers, who are many on this site. It’s been a few years since the previous referendum but I would be against calling for another until a few more years have gone by. But a proportional system has to be in our sights early and not left until the last minute.
Campaigning for PR is as important as raising public awareness of the bias of the foul BBC. Which the thinkers on this site do very well.
I know what you had in mind and I think I have answered that. To make my position clear I would think it very poor form of me or anyone to propose an immediate referendum so soon after the last one. You bring up a valid point.
I think there should be a 10 or perhaps 12 year gap between referenda on the the same issue and have no time for the Sturgeons and Cleggs of the world with their constant squealing. I would suggest a referendum in 2022 at the earliest. But in the meantime it is perfectly legitimate to raise public awareness without being classed as ” an illiberal non-democrat”. Or are you really wanting to stifle discussion?
Wouldn’t you just know the beebistan would be all over this one? On their Home page, no less, under ‘Must See’ at time of writing. “How a Birmingham Muslim’s suitcase became art”
Of course, it perfectly fits their endless relentless narrative of muslims as victims.
Art? Agitprop more like. ‘Must avoid’.
To save you the trouble of watching this steaming pile of poor-me crap, the ‘artist’ (ha ha) is moaning about being stopped and searched at airports. Racial profiling, boo-hoo. Well of course they profile you, you brown bearded moron, given that 99.99% of airplane terrorism has been by brown bearded morons like yourself. Who do you want them to stop and search, Mother Teresa’s nuns? How many times have THEY tried to blow up planes?
Personally I’m reassured they DO search you. And given the huge amount of discomfort your co-religionists cause every single traveller with extra time-wasting security procedures, you should just shut up and suck it up. Or complain to the terrorists. Take your suitcase and exhibit it in the Islamic State – see if THEY give you a grant to moan.
He whines, ‘Every time i go abroad i definitely have a second search, or potentially a second search.’ Potentially?? What does that mean? It means he’s making it up.
Meanwhile every time I travel I have to queue forever, take my shoes off, take my belt off and shuffle along with my trousers round my ankles. And I blame brown bearded types like him! Search him officer, and take your time!
“How a Birmingham Muslim’s suitcase became art
An artist has taken inspiration from his suitcase for a new exhibition highlighting the prejudice he and others have faced as Muslims.
Faisal Hussain, 40, from Birmingham, says he hopes his take on the “victimisation” of Muslim communities will lead to a better understanding of their experience.
The exhibition is called Suspect Objects Suspect Subjects and can be seen at Birmingham’s Centrala Art Gallery.”
quisquose – yes, if only, but I can’t see how for the life of me. Maybe they should threaten airports with violence if they stop and search them, that might work?
Mssr Martel,
“highlighting the prejudice”
Why don’t they highlight the prejudice all non-Muslims face from Muslims? Far more serious . Gee that might be more like a public service. [scratches head] Actually making good use of the licence tax we all have to pay. Beeby? How do I unsubscribe?
Did I dream it, or did I actually see a fairly even-handed report on the AFD on last night’s News at Ten? Where they focussed on a group of voters and discussed how they came from a variety of voting backgrounds? Where they interviewed an elderly lady who explained how she dare not go out in the evening due to the numbers of young immigrant men roaming around? Surely not!
Listening to a little bit of toady.
The Islam job creation girl has a chat with the shadow health sec during the socialist conference. Just let’s him talk and talk. I heard redwood being interrupted by £650k hump last week and redwood wasn’t allowed to end a sentence before the next attack. Rich old hump is due for his al Beeb pension together with the grandiose naughtie still failing at his attempt at being alistair cook.
This is because the BBC is the propaganda section of the Labour Party who also I believe have a women’s section and a black section but no white section. Discrimination or no?
Oh no they say, this is POSITIVE DISCRIMINATION which is a totally different animal. WTF?
Talk about Newspeak
In fairness James Naughtie was pretty even handed on R4 6 o’clock news last night. Maybe some of these are starting to realise that their way of life is under threat as much as the Plebs. Probably wishful thinking.
Maybe you’re right. However when the dangerous shadow chancellor announces the end of Pfi it does seem to be examined by al Beeb. Everyone one was wrong on pfi . Politicians like major and brown using accountancy tricks to get stuff built in key constuencies for political reasons and damn the contract details leading to hige liabilities year on year on public bodies.
The cost of ending pfi would be huge but it’s another money tree job for the socialists.
“Shami Chakrabarti has criticised the government’s trade union legislation requiring a 50% turnout in strike ballots and said she would not condemn people for choosing to defy it.”
So if it is ok to break any laws you don’t like, what is the point of lawyers like Shami Chakrabati?
Surely PFI was just an accountancy trick to spend billions on public sector projects but crucially without it going on the books as current capital spending, but instead to be taken from future revenue.
It was the spend spend spend Gordon Brown mentality writ large, without anyone noticing.
Of course, ‘bringing it in house’ is gesture politics of the worst kind. Hugely expensive and with little actual benefit.
A subject worthy of a fine impartial investigation. How about it, BBC? No, thought not.
It also shows of course why Labour politicians should NEVER be put in charge of the nation’s finances. They regard the people’s money as theirs, to be spent or wasted at will, and that mentality is shared by the jobs-for-life civil servants. Hence, no-one can be bothered to check the fine print of the contracts.
Defence projects require administration. If the civil service do the job it’s a burden on the government’s current account, (pen-pushing waste). Pass the work over to a defence contractor and wrap it up with an equipment contract and it becomes ‘investment in front-line equipment’, (cutting-edge technology).
I have a theory that the ancient Egyptians knew all about accountancy and management. Anyone that tells you that they have come up with an ‘innovative’ approach to either of those activities is a con man and their idea is either illegal or ought to be!
Sluff, in 1992 when PFI was introduced, the UK was still in near-recession (Recession Part 2) resulting from the Thatcher meltdown and Part 3 was about to follow. In addition, the Major Government was on the point of bankrupting the Bank of England with its abortive attempt to prove it was a big beast in Europe and the EU with the pound in the ERM. In those circumstances, carefully negotiated PFI contracts made some sense.
You are right that Labour went overboard on them. Labour is generally shameless at seeking to buy votes. All Parties are, to an extent, but my ‘unbiased’ finger points at Labour as being the worst. Labour realised it could improve its standing within the business community in general and reassure Big Business in particular. This was a ‘community’ that was deemed hostile to Labour due to their past fiscal & economic impropriety.
But the Labour Government of 1997-2010 was significant for other things as well. It started to game politics, much more than ever before, to seek to gain permanent advantage over the opposition. (It has always irked Labour that they have never held power for a full Parliamentary term of five years and then been re-elected to a second full term of five years. Yet another factor that contributed to 2007-09.) It therefore sought to shed responsibility for its specific actions, especially when they might harm their chances at General Election time. Handing Base Rate responsibility to the Bank of England is another example of this ‘distancing’.
PFI contracts are advantageous because not only do they buy influence by shifting vast amounts of taxpayers’ money into business hands, they can do so at the remove of one, at least, from Westminster to Whitehall and possibly even further from Whitehall to some devolved body. This removes the possibility of a politician being held to account, especially later on when they are hoping to climb the Ministerial ladder into the Big Three and then, possibly, to PM. Then there is the hope of a Chancellor that the vast amounts of tax cash handed to the private sector both creates jobs and more tax and in the hands of executives gets invested in stocks & property in the UK and creates more tax revenues in its wake.
Unfortunately Labour forgot to account for 1. their own greed for votes and 2. the greed of business & its executives, especially, 3. bonus culture that started in the 1980s and the distortion that that creates, and, 4. off-shoring, the movement abroad of personal wealth from accumulated income.
I would echo your call for an investigation but I think it really needs to be a Judge-led Inquiry with full criminal prosecution powers. It will not happen. What is more likely to happen is that the next crash, whether an after-shock of 2007-09 or the Real Big One, will lay a lot of this bare but also make it a thing of the past.
OT as not the BBC.
However, I have just returned from holiday and a welcome break from political events. We recorded stuff on our SKY box and decided to watch the first of a new series of ‘Doc Martin’ with Martin Clunes. I enjoy this programme because of it’s setting and complete lack of political posturing, and it has a genuine feel about it with believable characters. Oh dear what a let down they have a new female vicar ( yes they exist but this is political posturing rammed down your throat ), they use her to make the locals look backward sexist and thick ( as they treat Brexit voters ), it transpires later in the programme ( and I guessed it was coming ) that she was a lesbian.
I will watch episode two with trepidation now as no doubt further diversity quotas will enter the series.
So sad that I now have to watch another programme with trepidation rather than joyful anticipation .
they have been engaged in subtle and not so subtle viewer indoctrination for years. Look at Casualty/Holby City and Silent Witness in the last couple of years (Terrorism and Refugees) where they lay out their narrative for all to see, chapter and verse and dress it up as drama. The only difference now is they dispense with much of the subtlety and go full on libtard gospel.
I’m just waiting for the next ‘right wing’ terrorist type drama or baby eating brexiteer nutjob serial killer to come slithering out of the rancid stable.
I buy a copy of the TV Times on a Friday and take a few moments out to look through and mark those programs I wish to view/record. The last six months? Down and down and down to perhaps twenty or so I now mark. Reaching the point where spending on the publication just does not seem justfiable. I’m conscious of the deteriorating lack of quality, even humour (good honest humour) seems defenestrated. Makes it even easier to ditch the tv licence when it comes up for renewal. I’ll switch to internet and Netfix or something for entertainment. Always got the radio for so-called “News”.
I do the same, tick off what I think I can stomach, but like you I find I tick very little, three or four days nothing. All of the criminal drama programmes are so samey, lead female cop who is smarter tougher than any other male, criminals who are always white male.. you know the end as soon as you see the start!
I used to watch ‘Location location location’ however they have now taken to homosexual couples lesbian and mixed race couples so much now that a normal couple is not ‘usual’.
Many homosexual couples talk about buying a house where they can raise a family… I’m not convinced Kirsty approves deep down as I think she is a traditionalist, but we all need a job!
As for humour there is none whatsoever unless you consider bashing Trump Brexit and Tory MPs as humour… toilet humour maybe!
Yup! You’ve guessed it – the alt-left American Naomi Klein puts in yet another appearance on the Today programme. Naturally, she is here to promote Corbyn’s alt-left government-in-waiting by making a speech at their conference, but managed to insert some anti-Trump comments aided and abetted by the egregious M. Hussein. I would have been disappointed had she not done so! I look forward to equal treatment during next week’s Conservative conference, with the Today programme interviewing Ann Coulter – or indeed John Bolton or Mark Stein. A great supporter of Chavez was our Naomi, but Hussein let her off with a few patsy questions about the present dire condition of that country.
My ” Monty Python moment today was on the Breakfast Programme. Our Steff with her strong northern brogue
was interviewing a Chinese lady expert about wind energy. She reminded me by her speech, of the Chinese doctor when
examining an ugly women from top to bottom says to the patient ” I know what is wrong ! you have zachary syndrome.”
“What’s zachary syndrome?” The poor girl retorts. ” Your arse looks EXACTLY the same as your face..”
Yes that was my Monty Python moment on the Beeb this morning.
Should be interesting on LBC now as James O’Brien tries to explain away “A fringe event at Labour conference has heard calls to expel Jewish activists from the party, while a speaker compared Israel to Nazis and the audience was banned from tweeting in an attempt to silence “hostile” coverage.”
It was on Nick Ferrari earlier.
It may be temporary but do any of you have difficulty in getting Breitbart comments section today?
I can read the articles but at the end the comments are missing from all the articles.
Has it changed to some kind of subscription or something.
I can’t see a login place at the top but whenever I’ve needed to login I’m directed to a login renewal page where I just tick the remember me box and it’s back to normal.
None of that is available at the moment.
Maybe it’s a breitbart issue and will soon return but do any of you have anything similar going on?
I have been on their briefly this morning and no issues, however I find regularly that it takes a long time for the comments section to materialize. Sometimes I have to refresh the page. As for commenting I wouldn’t know as it isn’t a site I contribute on.
Hi Emmanuel-love the moniker.
I can’t reach the comments section either-a search shows that ‘comments’ on various sites have been disrupted or removed. There was a comment re Yahoo that this was as a result of a new US govt. rule , but I have no confirmation of that.
My gut feeling is that the Elite do not want lateral information flows (which they cannot control) but only ‘top-down’ information/propaganda that they can influence. If this is true , people will have to be a lot more circumspect in the future………and , of course, it chops off many sites at the knees (i.e. Brietbart) as the ‘comments’ section (or Vox-Pop as I like to think of it) was the most interesting and informative part of any ‘alt-right’ news site.
Oh , and by the way , this DOESN’T mean that we’ll all be meekly going back to the biased BBC for our news-their version of ‘news’ belongs in a ‘Pravda’-type museum situated in West London somewhere.
I expect it will be up and running normally again sometime.
Having sites like this and Breitbart gives us at least some way of finding out truths which may otherwise be hidden from us.
I wouldn’t be aware of half of what’s going on without sites like this.
I would recognise the bbc bias but would possibly think I was over reacting without the confirmations I get from you lot out there.
– I have not read this report. Dropped here incase someone has spare time.
The work is carried on through two new posts – a News Editor and a deputy – whose jobs are to
drive significant stories across all outlets and bring together teams to work on specific longerrunning
stories. Examples include the ‘Trojan Horse’ story (claims that some Muslim groups were
attempting to take control of a number of schools in Birmingham), British Jihadis fighting in Syria
and Iraq, and the sex grooming cases in Rotherham and Rochdale.
This is where the BBC is heading … in case you were in any doubt …
An interesting exchange on The Today prog’ this morning. Polly Toynbee was at the Labour Party conference and was enthusing about the atmosphere. “It’s all due to the election victory,” she cooed.
Hang on a minute, Poll, I felt like saying, Labour LOST the last election. They (you) are in OPPOSITION.
There seems to be a media meme that keeps suggesting Labour won even though they came second.
And the only reason they did well at all was due to the Tories appalling manifesto and our disappearing prime minister, the ever dithering, Theresa Maybe.
The really sad thing is the Conservatives had the chance to give us an attractive, bright, fresh PM, in the (comely) shape of Andrea Leadsome, but…
Andrea didn’t duck any debates, was always coherent and controlled, was a committed and passionate Brexiteer and was able to speak human.
Her innocent remarks regarding parentage were met with faux outrage and a nasty hatchet job did for her.
And so here we are. An ineffectual robot in number 10 and an elderly commie waiting to move in and Europe rubbing their hands together.
Losing is winning. I can be Prime Minister. Prepare for Government. UK taxpayers didn’t pay £361million per week to the EU in 2014 because they got a rebate of £200m p.w. straight back into their bank accounts. “I, Kim JongUn, will obliterate America with my nuclear missiles.” Anyone who is not in Momentum and/or the Labour Party is a right-wing Fascist. And racist. And misogynist. And capitalist.
Jeff, the ‘victory’ I believe she refers to is one of propoganda. The young kiddies flocked to the banner upon a promise to ‘deal with student debts’. Luckily, although it bought them a not insignificant slurry of votes and they started to backtrack on this promise, they did not win thus were not in a position to honour their pledge. Also, Corbin signalled strongly that the referendum must stand in an effort to retain labour Brexiteers, of whom there are many. And now! Who the bloody hell knows. But in terms of disinformation, flip flops and basic untruths, Marx would have had tears of joy rolling down his face at this historic ‘victory’!!
They probably enjoy additional defence from Tell Mama, Hope not Hate, UAF, Antifa, Class War, Momentum and the SWP, just in case someone tries to post a UKIP leaflet through the door.
There is no guarantee that they will be watching, too many to watch … “If they (terrorist) did anything out of the ordinary – if they weren’t in their normal location, if they were acting in an odd way and it was brought to somebody’s attention, or they did something criminal – then they would be looked at doubly.” Does a terror watch list exist in the UK and how is it used by police? { jun2017}
– See what happened? We can’t watch the terrorists all the time, but when the terrorist does something odd we will get them, even though the chances are we missed it because we can’t watch them all the time.
The bBBC have helpfully published a comparison between North and south Korea across a range of economic and social categories.
Not surprisingly it shows North Korea has, shall we say, underperformed somewhat.
What a shame our fine impartial statist broadcaster cannot quite make the link between these proven relative capabilities of the socialist versus the market economic systems, and then apply them to the current policies of the Labour Party !!!!!
Other socialist success stories are available of course. Cuba, Venezuela, pre 1990s China, etc.
But somehow the bBBC just cannot quite bring themselves to spell this out.
I’ve been wondering what the reply to that question will be when it’s the Conservative conference.
The EU has insisted on capitulation over money, exclusive legal rights for EU citizens and the Irish border before any negotiations can begin. May’s Florence speech offered concessions and especially a substantial sum of money, but the EU response this week has been “Thank you, but it’s not enough”. If this intransigence continues through to the end of this week’s negotiating session it creates a situation where we have a clear choice – capitulation or defiance. The Conservatives could than rally behind the idea that our offer more than was generous but having it thrown back in our faces proves that the EU’s priority is to punish us for out vote to leave, and that we can’t negotiate with a counter party that merely repeats its initial demands.
When the BBC ask Boris for the Conservative position on the EU the answer will be that we are leaving in March 2019; and that while we would like it to be as friends that’s their decision.
He doesn’t need to stick two fingers up, but it would be an appropriate gesture – both to our enemies in the EU and the quislings in the BBC.
Whatever the Conservatives reply to that question doesn’t matter…both BBC and Labour will be hostile.
For the rest of what you say I’m morosely in agreement 🙁
The UK seems to be roundly criticised on both sides for making no proposals and coming up with no solutions to the initial 3 problems before negotiations proper can begin. It seems to me we’ve made offers on those? I just don’t believe they’re going to ‘negotiate’. All I’ve heard from the EU so far is totally unacceptable.
Do they want an unfriendly and unhelpful nation at their door…I say let’s give them that. For my small part I stopped buying EU goods some time ago…it can be done 🙂
I don’t know what to make of May…only time will tell. I don’t think they’ll force her out just yet but, I can now envisage her resigning in the Cameronesque fashion. When Cameron deserted his post, the new PM and Cabinet should have been made up entirely of Brexiteers IMO.
The EU says the UK has not offered enough…well, let them explain exactly what IS enough! Let us see.
Now, I wonder how the BBC reports this development? 🙁
“Coming up we’ll be talking to Jon Lansman founder if the Momentum movement …which led to Jeremy Corbyn’s VICTORY”
Actual words of the WatO trailer at 12:30
Coming second in an election is not VICTORY
…Except in an Orwellian dictionary.
Mr. Mc.Donnell says they will have “detailed implementation manuals” if elected so they can hit the ground running. Trust me John, the possible run on the pound will be like a Vicars tea party compared to what else will be forthcoming. As for “detailed implementation manuals” does it remind anyone else of something in the past and will the party workers be waving them at us with glorious celebratory music in the background. Somebody wake me up for Christ’s sake.
Wackiness from Lincolnshire police again
Commissioned a new logo which removes Symbols of Lincolnshire
But inserted the hugely symbolic 2017 trigger word “Pride” emphasized as if to say ‘gays are more equal”
This is fairly standard rebranding that dates from the Blair era – remove the crown and add some silly meaningless statement. The Home Office did this years ago. Of course we know the police are now completely politicised (probably with help from Common Purpose) so this is no surprise but what puzzles me is why has this not happened to the same extent with HM forces? The cultural Marxists have to destroy their traditional loyalty to the crown as they have done with most other institutions, so why is it not happening? Is it something to do with Blair’s middle east wars?
Should crosses be banned from classrooms? { oct2003}
A court decision to order a state kindergarten to remove crucifixes from its classrooms has caused controversy in Italy.
The ruling by a judge in the central town of L’Aquila, following a complaint by an Italian Muslim leader, has re-opened a bitter debate about religious symbols.
This is clearly a problem of intolerance of the host country by an outsider, Mr Smith the Muslim leader has also called for the removal of a 15th century Christian Fresco in Bologna Cathedral on the grounds that it shows the prophet Mohammed This man is absolutely determined to ignore the fact that as a immigrant he should respect the culture and customs of his new adopted land. – Yan Michek, Switzerland
I can’t help thinking that if it had been the opposite and a Catholic had sought the removal of Islamic symbols, they would have been slammed for being racist. Once again national culture and history are sacrificed on the altar of political correctness. – Dean, UK
– This conversation has been going on for some time. The removal of history so we can all be filled with gay pride. If we remove our culture/symbols what will replace them?
@Marky Someone points out there is an internal police buzzword PRIDE
been used since 2016
Now what do you believe
option #1 it’s a complete coincidence that it fits with gay PRIDE
option #2 The cheeky buggers thought of gay pride first and then thought a acronym to make it first.
PRIDE in the normal sense of the word it’s quite a negative thing
Pride= arrogance “Pride comes before a fall”
I say internal police buzzword , cos on the Lincs Police website it’s only used on training PDFs except for one webpage
They say it means
Professionalism, Respect, Integrity, Dedication and Empathy.
But when I search Facebook one of the two pages it produces shows it being used in a double way to also show respect to gays ….by West Yorks Police
IROs were carried out by individuals aged between 14 and 52 years at the date of charge or suicide attack – a range of 39 years. The mean age was 26.8 years and the modal age was 22. One-third of females were aged 22.
Imagine going back in time 60 years and telling your Grandfather there's Somalian rape gangs in Bristol, he'd assume Britain lost a war
— Tolerant Fellow ???????????????????????????? ???????? (@thetolerantman) September 25, 2017
– 7 year period of gang rapes, still going on. But the BBC complete an edgy drama called ‘3 Girls’ to mock the numbers involved. Why didn’t the BBC produce a drama about how the media failed to get involved? Still going on …. today … now ….
Lucy, this is the result of a variation of Burkes ‘All that is necessary for the triumph of evil is that good men do nothing’.
We have vacated the moral high ground where the pursuit of criminality used to be colour, ethnically and religiously blind. Justice has one eye on the ‘victim’ and one eye on the female victim. Confusion reigns so they do nothing. Once you pull back, the rapists will do what they are pre-ordained to do – abuse and degrade women – in particular, white women as they have a free pass.
Heard Harriet sounding off on R4 earlier. This to do with LK’s requirement for a ‘bodyguard’ allocation due to threats of violence (?) on twitter by some Labour foot soldiers (thugs). Now, I’ve seldom agreed with HH prior to this interview – ok – I’ve never agreed with HH in any shape or form BUT I find myself nodding like a parcel shelf dog when she proclaims the right of journalists to report events free from threats and intimidation and bias so that they can produce balanced even handed reports. When, says I. When do we get to see these non biased journalistic delights?
She spoilt it then by making it a woman thing (men apparently are not so threatened) and, although making a passing reference to Labour, went on to included all political acitivists including………..right wing groups. WTF! I am sure the offensive tweet was Labour originated – and why no ‘left wing’ tags! Sigh…I was just beginning to warm to her.
Stew, in all honesty, HH makes EVERYTHING a gender issue. That much I can agree with. The ranting on from this embodiment of moderation about LK being a right wing stooge is just laughable. Timmy Mallet could score points off of Corbyn and his ‘evovling’ policies and clearly this lady has had a common sense bypass.
By the By, searched on ‘Corbyn conflict issues’ in Google and the whole first page consisted of left wing rags with their various links. Scary.
StewGreenMar 7, 01:28 Midweek 5th March 2025 “Mental Health” probably Unless he is is white British , which means he’s a far far far right bigoted TERRORIST
StewGreenMar 7, 01:26 Midweek 5th March 2025 The #BiasedBBC news dept is really a PR org to promote the London Lib-Supremacist causes See how their England “news”…
Fedup2Mar 6, 22:59 Midweek 5th March 2025 Poppy Atkinson – 10 – was the little girl killed by a car yesterday . The killer – 40 -…
StewGreenMar 6, 22:37 Midweek 5th March 2025 BTW James Goddard tweeted about this case at 10pm last night That is well before anyone else picked up on…
Fedup2Mar 6, 22:26 Midweek 5th March 2025 Not BBC On YouTube there is a 10 part series called ‘first among equals ‘ which is a 1986 TV…
StewGreenMar 6, 22:24 Midweek 5th March 2025 @Marky isn’t your second graphic deceptive ? Your post is about NATO but that graphic appears to be the growth…
KaiserMar 6, 22:21 Midweek 5th March 2025 oddly I came across exactly the same suggestion in the daily sceptics chats this morning
StewGreenMar 6, 22:19 Midweek 5th March 2025 Afghan CHILD rapist in Falkirk I just saw the British Stand video from the morning I see someone mentioned the…
FlotsamMar 6, 21:39 Midweek 5th March 2025 There could be plusses to Charles III being Islamic. Camilla in a burqua.
Fedup2Mar 6, 21:13 Midweek 5th March 2025 No – I don’t know – but if the primary purpose / duty – of the firm is to keep…
The BBC’s WATO seemed fascinated by McDonnell’s promise to end PFI schemes. On and on they went yet, curiously, somehow seemed to forget who it was who turned the taps on full and flooded the NHS with them. Step forward Gordon ‘McDoom’ Brown – father of a thousand failures and now airbrushed from history by his own kind.
We may never know who first flooded the public sector with these sucker deals back in 1999 to 2006.
We are where we are-now is not the time to look into a futile blame game.
Like Hillsborough and Orgreave.
Here you go chrisH.
“Sky’s Ed Conway has this helpful graph showing 604 PFI projects started under Labour, compared to 112 under the Tories.”
(Just post the tweet link and we can see the graph.. .here
Labour Party Conference fringe meeting call to expel Jews from the party because Israelis are like Nazis.
Hopefully the BBC will cover this bit of far left racism.
From Guido
Labour. For The Muslims Not For The Jews.
Labour for the Muzzie NOT the Jew
(rhymes with for the many not the few)
As they did with Walter Wolfgang in 2005. We can hardly say we don`t know that Labour and the left think of Jews, of Israel and of Zion.
How ANY Jew stays with Labour, defends them or supports them in any way is astonishing to me.
Funny though – the more easily available, information there is to hand, book or keyboard, the more stupidity that’s apparent.
Opinions are not facts or ultimate truths – they are just opinions. Some arrived at honestly, some touted simply as a means to an end.
Israelis are not like Nazis you, dirty, filthy, Islamo-Marxist slime.
That’s right, Israelis are not like Nazis. Palestinians are like Nazis
But “Liberals” are OK with that.
I understand that if Theresa May refuses to resign, she could face being prosecuted under the “Bribery Act 2010” which prohibits her from paying foreign officials £20 billion to obtain contracts or business advantage.
The woman is redundant as of now. As of her election more accurately. She cannot deliver Brexit as she promised so she should go to her comfy retirement sooner rather than later.
Damp squib, dead duck, chocolate teapot and ash-tray on a bike. Those heels were made for walkin’.
If the Tories don’t get her out and bring in Jacob Rees Mogg they are finished.
Any party that guarantees an immediate Brexit will win the next GE.
Any party that gets Nigel Farage as their EU negotiator is a winner!
Countryside Alliance head writes on celebs getting a platform from BBC then using it for Towniefile campaigning
If the remoaners get their way, you know, “I accept we are leaving the eu but…………..”
Labour saying we will leave the eu but stay in the single market etc.
Then, can somebody let me know what we have actually left by leaving the eu.
Yes Emmanuel – We have LEFT the concept of leaving anything if it does not agree with the interests of the left establishment. I am afraid we are now in the new world of left wing ideological linguistics where phrases can mean whatever you want them to mean if you have a left wing narrative to push.
It never ceases to amaze me at how prophetic Orwell was – though the left ( despite the main thrust of 1984) still tries to claim him as their own.
I suppose we have also left the the concept of honest debate – though in all truth, this has been happening for years.
‘Then, can somebody let me know what we have actually left by leaving the eu ?’
That pretty blue flag with the stars on it. Apart from that, we are entering a, ‘transition period’ which will last a century or so, maybe two.
Was travelling South Wales yesterday, and lost count of the number of ‘projects’ bearing that flag and some waffle that, loosely translated, meant ‘paid for by UK taxpayer money sent to Brussels and parsimoniously sent back eventually, less the vig’.
They`ll be twenty seven crescents within our lifetimes.
Matt Ridley on the darkening of enlightenment on uni campuses etc.
‘Shout em down, smash the statues’ etc
Global News has excelled itself just now, and surely Dateline London will not take this lying down.
Their top ‘story’ was the NK foreign spokes weasel claiming that saying back off stuff was a declaration of war and they can now shoot down anything they fancy anywhere.
Seems the ‘journalists’ at Global did not have the time or space to see how words stack up versus deeds;
With luck the BBC may move beyond tucking the facts away on some cobwebbed online outpost, and maybe actually ‘analyse’ the difference?
Or… not.
Western media being so blinded by their Trumpophobia to anyone else doing actually very worrying stuff is beyond irresponsible.
If only:

I bet that copper on the left feels a right tit 🙂
But the less said about Hollande and Merkel the better.
I did spot that too but, I thought it would be a bit tasteless to comment.
Wait a minute…would it be tasteless? 🙁
One of the best pictures I have seen for years’
Do both Laura Kuennsberg and Duggie Carswell both speak out of the same side of their mouths?
If they speak from different sides and they got together and had a baby, would it speak out of the middle of its mouth?
“would it speak out of the middle of its mouth?”
Maybe. However, it would be with a forked tongue!
If it was anything like those two it would speak out of it’s arse!
L. Very true, but the Bulls**** coming out would stifle it before it could say a word!
If they were both mozzies the, ‘a baby’ would be 8 or so. That could yield a considerable variety of contorted mouth shapes and if you add in the element of LGBT………ABCDEFG…..etc you could really arrive at the Heinz variety number.
Biased BBC1 at 1759 just before the news. A trailer. For…..
The Labour Party leader’s speech!!!!
12 noon. Wednedsay. Live on the bBBC.
Completely impartial, of course.
In fairness they did big up the pm non speach last week about surrendering to the EU. It was in the vein of the “enough is enough” nonsense.
I think when she goes she will be viewed similarly to that other joke – Gordon Brown – with his British jobs for British workers nonsence.
Biased BBC at 1801.
Labour will bring in house all the PFI contracts.
How much will this cost and where will the money come from?
No-one knows.
And the bBBC are not exactly asking too enthusiastically.
They did ask about this on the 1.00 news…nothing to worry about apparently…roughly £100 billion or 2 or more. They hadn’t worked it out yet but, Diane can bring that figure down 🙁
Looks like she needs to bring her own figure down first. I do hope I haven’t gone and hurt her feelingth.
Maybe Apple could do a hate crime emoji which reports you for retraining when one write s something a bit naughty. – I write this as I do not believe in the mad hate crime concept.
Liebour will also offer free marmite sandwiches and the winning numbers for the Euro Millions for the next 3 thousand years. Each UK citizen will also get to stay at Buckingham Palace free for a week. These promises are far more realistic than the ones being presented in Brighton today.
Why do the BBC get away with their “far-right” description of the AfD? Why not “right” or “centre right”….”popular and democratically elected”…”resurgent or pioneering” …”women friendly and Judeao Christian”?
Couldn`t all THESE be just as valid, had you the independence of mind to think for yourself? OK then-if not all this-why do they continue to call them “the anti-migrant party”?
They are just as well knows as being the “anti-EU” or “anti-Euro” party as well.
But these descriptions wouldn`t help the BBC to get them banned or attacked.
Typical BBC.
To be honest, I`m getting to like Erdogan more and more-wish we had his tactics to deal with the lefties, traitors and godless over here.
THAT`S how bad the BBC are-I never used to think this way, but we`re going to need something like him to deal with our traitors,
The BBC have an agenda and you and me are not part of it.
BBC R2 were at it again yesterday morning:
“AFD is the first far right wing party to hold parliamentary seats in Germany since the Nazis. We ask: ‘Which British political party is most like AFD?'”
…at which point I could see where the piece was going, and switched off with a view to keeping my BP down.
I’ve been v busy at work recently so haven’t posted for some time. But while I’m on, last week’s “Any Questions?” from Lancing was a beaut: audience overwhelmingly and laughably Remoaner. So I switched that off too.
And I’m not interested in cookery contests or ballroom dancing.
Why should I be obliged to help pay for all this?
Only a military coup would achieve anything. Short, sharp military rule would simplify daily affairs until a balanced political system could be installed. If that happened, I bet all the airports would be overrun by dual passport holders like pakistanis, heading out double quick.
Chris, I’ve been saying for a long time that maybe in my lifetime or certainly in my children’s we will have tanks on the streets. My only worry now is who will be driving them.
“we will have tanks on the streets.” Just like the 50’s but those were on their way to be mothballed.
G, I can remember as a child in the sixties that the army would regularly be doing manoeuvre’s in our rural setting. I found it reassuring even then as they travelled through the village.. Anyway, maybe I should have put “our last remaining tank on the street”.
It’s the ones on the pavements you have to watch for. They get as far as Westminster Square the nation’s ‘leaders’ may take note.
Jordan Peterson makes a good argument about work that could be applied to Brexit negotiations.
If you don’t have an escape route then you are a slave.
So working at Burger King means nothing …. a custodial sentence would damage her hopes of becoming a surgeon.
You have created a parallel legal system. Well done!
Not being a huge consumer of al Beeb now I don’t know what their stance on this is. Since she is a ‘nice’ white girl with a future do they let her off the hook?
Some lefties moan about the number of blacks and non who’re like pakis locked up for being bad /evil . I think they are best banged up if they’ve done bad things again and again. Where are the white gangs? Does this play into the lefties hands . Hopefully someone will appeal to the AG for a sentence review.
Man who hit wife with bat and made her drink bleach spared jail after judge says she was ‘not vulnerable’ {independent mar2017}
– What happens if it was the victims fault for the crime?
I thought I’d post this article from UK Polling which appears to fly directly in the face of what the BBC have been transmitting this past week. It will also serve as a yardstick as to whether what you are being told is the truth or if it is conjecture which cannot be justified:
Yesterday I got a few questions about a new BMG poll in the Independent that had voting intentions in a hypothetical EU referendum tomorrow at 52% remain, 48% leave. The Indy wrote this up with a pretty hyperbolic “Majority want to stay!!!”. The full results – along with a fair more reasonable and caveated write-up by BMG themselves – are here.
So, what is the bigger picture in terms of attitudes to Brexit, and is there any sign of people changing their minds?
I should start by pointing out that how people would vote in a hypothetical referendum tomorrow is not necessarily the same question as what people think should happen now (perhaps surprisingly!). If you ask people what should happen now, a clear majority say Britain should leave the EU. If you ask people how they’d vote in a referendum now, they are split down the middle between Remain and Leave. The difference appears to be because there is a chunk of people who personally favour remain, but think the government has a duty to leave following the referendum. Neither of these is necessarily a “better” measure of public opinion, opinion is best understood by looking at both: that is, the public are split equally on what they’d prefer, but some remainers think that the referendum means Brexit should go ahead anyway.
If we do look specifically at how people would vote in a referendum tomorrow, there is comparatively little change since 2016. Most Remain voters would still vote Remain, most Leave voters would still vote Leave. People who did not vote at all in 2016 tend to split in favour of Remain, meaning that the overall figure tends to be around a 50-50 split. Polls, of course, typically have a margin of error of around 2 or 3 points. This means if the actual position is a 50-50 split, then normal sample variation will inevitably spit out some results that are 52-48, or 48-52, or whatever. This is the unavoidable result of normal statistical variance, however, it does mean that now and again there will be a poll showing Remain with a small lead, which pro-Remain sorts will get wrongly overexcited about.
In terms of a trend, my impression is that there is some small degree of movement against Brexit… but it is very small. It is hard to discern a trend from questions asking the referendum question because they are infrequent, different companies use different methods and there may be different “house effects”. BMG have probably asked it more regularly than any other company, and looking at just their figures (in the link above) there is a slight trend towards Remain.
YouGov regularly ask a question about whether Britain was right or wrong to vote to Leave the EU (below), which also shows a very tight race, but a slight trend towards Remain. Last year it tended to show slightly more people thought it was the right decision than the wrong decision, now it tends to hover around neck-and-neck.
In summary, there hasn’t been any vast sea-change in attitudes towards Brexit. Most people who voted Remain would do so again, most people who voted Leave would do so again. There is some movement back and forth, but it mostly cancels itself out. If you look at the two most frequently repeated questions, the BMG question on referendum VI and the YouGov question on whether the decision was right or wrong, then there does appear to be movement towards Remain… but it is as yet pretty small and pretty slow. In short, there are some “bregrets”, but not enough to really get excited about. If there is going to be a big change, I still wouldn’t expect to see it until the leaving deal (and the consequences of it) become a bit clearer.
BMG polls. Ah yes, the same ‘reliable’ pollsters who constantly found Remain ahead and the remain lead building up to polling day. Ideal fodder for the BBC, Independent and Guardian newspapers but not really worth troubling ourselves over.
Here is more of their nonsense taken just the day before polling day:
Remain 52%, Leave 48%, could they be any more off beam?
A mere ‘clerical error’ might be blamed.
I hate to tell you this scribblingscribe, but I’d say that’s pretty accurate and well within the margin of error. If you want greater accuracy than that then the only way is to wait for the actual result.
But I wonder if you bothered to read the article? It tell you that nothing much has changed since the referendum despite what the BBC and its remoaning friends are telling us.
If it’s too many words then read the last paragraph as it sums everything up, and it is the ammunition against those calling for a second referendum.
Thoughtful, sarcasm and passive aggression is a wonderful weapon but not of use here.
Yes, I did read the article but my point still stands. BMG were woefully wrong on the day before the election, in favour of the remain group.
The same Independent newspaper questioned a poll showing how remainers now wanted a hard Brexit with a far greater percentage. -Well outside a margin for error, so place your poisoned quill back on the desk for a moment. Oddly, The Independent didn’t trouble itself to question the poll showing the 52% in favour of remain.
And I hope this isn’t too many for words for you, as I am sure you are desperate to go on and personally abuse someone else with a view you don’t share. And yes, you probably could find fault with my attempt at passive aggression and sarcasm. I guess some are better at that than actually reading a post for what it actually says. (And there I go again! Passive aggression and sarcasm must be addictive).
Wow you’re touchy!
Passive aggression? You must have been to one of those snowflake training camps!
The point of posting the article (yet again) is so readers might have the facts, the evidence, and be able to recognise the bias of the BBC when it arises, and be able to contradict it with example. Nothing has changed with Brexit, save for the fact that a sizeable number of those who voted remain accept the vote and now believe we should just get on with it.
None of these it appears work for or appear on the BBC !
Islamic State (IS, formerly ISIS/ISIL) has challenged Prince Harry to a fight in a new propaganda video.
ISIS agent tried to recruit BBC reporter for London Bridge attack
The BBC reporter allegedly declined stating that his organisation were already massively helping their cause.
Donald Trump has just sent me a message
“Brexit an ‘awful complicated mess’ says Merkel adviser”
Of course he would say that wouldn’t he?
EU chiefs resign en masse {theguardian mar1999}
Europe was left decapitated last night as the entire European Commission resigned en masse after a devastating report by an independent committee of inquiry which found that they had “lost control of the administration”.
The commission’s president, Jacques Santer, came from an emotional commission meeting just after midnight and said: “In the light of the report from the committee, the members of the commission have unanimously agreed to resign collectively.”
The German commissioner, Monika Wulf-Mathies, and the Portuguese commisioner, Jo Pinheiro, were mildly criticised over the employment of friends and relatives, and the Spanish commissioner, Manuel Marin, was said to have “exposed Echo [the humanitarian department which he ran] to fraud and irregularities.”
… meanwhile as Merkel says “Brexit an ‘awful complicated mess’ says Merkel adviser {}” in EU La La Land 2017 …
Polish MP accuses Juncker of ‘alcohol dependency’ {mar2017}
Greek debt crisis: ‘People can’t see any light at the end of any tunnel’ {theguardian jul2017}
At the same time, last year saw another rise in hate crime in Germany – particularly against foreigners. Anti-Semitic incidents climbed by some 7.5 percent (from 1,366 to 1,468). Nevertheless, there was a small drop in the number of attacks on asylum-seekers’ homes. { apr2017}
EU plans to keep migrants in Libya would trap thousands in ‘catastrophic conditions’, Germany warns {independent may2017}
Newcastle grooming gang (18 suspects) victim left suicidal and sleeping with knife by bed after being raped, court hears (700 potential victims TBC){independent sep2017}
“The abuse dates back several years and was only revealed by an investigation codenamed Operation Shelter, that started in 2014 after two victims separately came forward to police.”
Eh up from Trendy Lefty lobby group Natnl Secular Society
We should stop cruel animal slaughter in the name of religion, argues Keith Rossiter
Again … cruel animal slaughter plus employment discrimination. They need to combine the two as the discrimination gives it a legal angle.
What is halal meat? { may2014}
“The Islamic form of slaughtering animals or poultry, dhabiha, involves killing through a cut to the jugular vein, carotid artery and windpipe. … Animals must be alive and healthy at the time of slaughter and all blood is drained from the carcass. During the process, a Muslim will recite a dedication, know as tasmiya or shahada.”
– ‘a Muslim will recite a dedication‘ which means non-Muslims not allowed to carry out the slaughter. Which means employment discrimination – easily sorted by or converting to Islam to get the job.
Did 52% want to stay in the EU ?
or did they say NO
..No means No !
48% is greater than 52%
2 + 2 = 5
“War is Peace, Freedom is Slavery, Ignorance is Strength”
“United in diversity” (European Union Slogan)
United – joined together politically, for a common purpose, or by common feelings.
Diversity – a range of different things.
While it is nice to see on this site that people are seeing through the charade of the Theresa May premiership at last, I am a bit confused by their call for her to step down. Who is going to replace her and her coterie? There is only one electoral option available and that is Jeremy Corbyn and with him his deranged followers. I don’t like it but that’s the way it is.
Why is it that way? Simply because of the two party system.
The UK voting system is not only out of date it is a damn liability. It is not fit for purpose. It is an ex-parrot. Whatever.
Get rid of it!
I made a promise earlier this year that I would stop banging on about Proportional Representation for six months as it upset quite a few people on here. That was before May called her stupid snap election and transformed Corbyn’s image from a clown to a potential leader.
Surely now it must be obvious that PR is a must?
If we had PR then UKIP would have had about 50 seats in the previous election. But there again it might see the fluffy rise of the deluded Greens and I couldn’t bear that. Maybe there would be too many deals done by too many parties and thus we would have an ineffectual government. But there again so what’s new about that you might well ask. On balance I don’t know. I think I’d just about stay with the current format but there again……..I knew I shouldn’t have woke up too early. Back to bed. Corbyn’s speech tomorrow, BBC will love it obviously, without asking and demanding any penetrating answers to questions. Cue Sarah Smith maybe. My god she is so bad at her job.
Oh well back to the land of nod dreaming of a free from a German led EU. Free to make our own decisions, free to trade with the world,free from an EU Army, free from corrupt EU bureaucrats and straight bananas. Bliss.
“PR would be good because it would help UKIP, and I agree with UKIP. But then again PR would be bad, because it would help the Greens, and I disagree with the Greens.”
PR is good because under PR, every elector’s vote counts.
Personally I would favour PR where even “failure to vote” counts. In other words, if 10% of the electorate fail to vote, spoil their ballot paper, or tick “none of the above” then 10% of the seats in parliament remain empty.
In other words you used to be indecisive but now you’re not so sure.
On the subject of PR I’m sure you’re not alone.
Consider this O ye doubters:
Last weekend we saw two General Elections. They both used the same sensible system of proportional representation.
Firstly in Germany where a new party the AfD were able to enter with a sizable number of seats. This has broken the liberal elitist monopoly and Merkel will have opposition for the first time
Secondly in New Zealand where the NZ First Party has come to hold the balance of power between the pro-immigration National(tory party) and a Labour/ Green alliance. Yes it will be a coalition. But the NZ First party is led by Winston Peters who is an admirer of Nigel Farage and the party itself is in several ways similar to ukip. Whichever way it chooses to go it will be a voice for common sense and will foil the more extreme elements in the party of government.
So there are two positive results for the MMP system.
Meanwhile in the UK the parliamentary opposition to the current lunacy is…is…
Not another referendum result to be over-ruled?
Perhaps you are an illiberal non-democrat like Clegg?
Did I mention a referendum JimS? What would be the point at the moment as there never has been any real discussion on the issue. It would just produce the same result. There has to be public acceptance on the issue. It would take a several years to work up enough public support and not left to incompetent dingbats like the Lib Dems. The sort of people who need to get behind this first are the thinkers, who are many on this site. It’s been a few years since the previous referendum but I would be against calling for another until a few more years have gone by. But a proportional system has to be in our sights early and not left until the last minute.
Campaigning for PR is as important as raising public awareness of the bias of the foul BBC. Which the thinkers on this site do very well.
The name callers less so.
I had in mind Nick Cleggs AV referendum of 2010 and his desire to re-run the 2016 EU referendum.
I know what you had in mind and I think I have answered that. To make my position clear I would think it very poor form of me or anyone to propose an immediate referendum so soon after the last one. You bring up a valid point.
I think there should be a 10 or perhaps 12 year gap between referenda on the the same issue and have no time for the Sturgeons and Cleggs of the world with their constant squealing. I would suggest a referendum in 2022 at the earliest. But in the meantime it is perfectly legitimate to raise public awareness without being classed as ” an illiberal non-democrat”. Or are you really wanting to stifle discussion?
Wouldn’t you just know the beebistan would be all over this one? On their Home page, no less, under ‘Must See’ at time of writing. “How a Birmingham Muslim’s suitcase became art”
Of course, it perfectly fits their endless relentless narrative of muslims as victims.
Art? Agitprop more like. ‘Must avoid’.
To save you the trouble of watching this steaming pile of poor-me crap, the ‘artist’ (ha ha) is moaning about being stopped and searched at airports. Racial profiling, boo-hoo. Well of course they profile you, you brown bearded moron, given that 99.99% of airplane terrorism has been by brown bearded morons like yourself. Who do you want them to stop and search, Mother Teresa’s nuns? How many times have THEY tried to blow up planes?
Personally I’m reassured they DO search you. And given the huge amount of discomfort your co-religionists cause every single traveller with extra time-wasting security procedures, you should just shut up and suck it up. Or complain to the terrorists. Take your suitcase and exhibit it in the Islamic State – see if THEY give you a grant to moan.
He whines, ‘Every time i go abroad i definitely have a second search, or potentially a second search.’ Potentially?? What does that mean? It means he’s making it up.
Meanwhile every time I travel I have to queue forever, take my shoes off, take my belt off and shuffle along with my trousers round my ankles. And I blame brown bearded types like him! Search him officer, and take your time!
“How a Birmingham Muslim’s suitcase became art
An artist has taken inspiration from his suitcase for a new exhibition highlighting the prejudice he and others have faced as Muslims.
Faisal Hussain, 40, from Birmingham, says he hopes his take on the “victimisation” of Muslim communities will lead to a better understanding of their experience.
The exhibition is called Suspect Objects Suspect Subjects and can be seen at Birmingham’s Centrala Art Gallery.”
You know, you really don’t have to shuffle along with your trousers round your ankles. Still, each to their own.
If only there was a way for Muslims to stop being treated with suspicion.
quisquose – yes, if only, but I can’t see how for the life of me. Maybe they should threaten airports with violence if they stop and search them, that might work?
How a book of fiction caused deaths and protests.
How a cartoon caused people to kill and boycott bacon.
How a film called Submission caused the death of the producer – which criticized the treatment of women in Islam and resulted in an outrage from the Dutch Muslim community
Artwork showing Sylvanian Families terrorised by Isis banned from free speech exhibition
How a Birmingham Muslim’s suitcase became art – ALLOW
Fiction, cartoon, films, Sylvanian Families – BAN
Mssr Martel,
“highlighting the prejudice”
Why don’t they highlight the prejudice all non-Muslims face from Muslims? Far more serious . Gee that might be more like a public service. [scratches head] Actually making good use of the licence tax we all have to pay. Beeby? How do I unsubscribe?
Did I dream it, or did I actually see a fairly even-handed report on the AFD on last night’s News at Ten? Where they focussed on a group of voters and discussed how they came from a variety of voting backgrounds? Where they interviewed an elderly lady who explained how she dare not go out in the evening due to the numbers of young immigrant men roaming around? Surely not!
By ‘elderly’ you mean more than 9, the permitted age?
Listening to a little bit of toady.
The Islam job creation girl has a chat with the shadow health sec during the socialist conference. Just let’s him talk and talk. I heard redwood being interrupted by £650k hump last week and redwood wasn’t allowed to end a sentence before the next attack. Rich old hump is due for his al Beeb pension together with the grandiose naughtie still failing at his attempt at being alistair cook.
This is because the BBC is the propaganda section of the Labour Party who also I believe have a women’s section and a black section but no white section. Discrimination or no?
Oh no they say, this is POSITIVE DISCRIMINATION which is a totally different animal. WTF?
Talk about Newspeak
In fairness James Naughtie was pretty even handed on R4 6 o’clock news last night. Maybe some of these are starting to realise that their way of life is under threat as much as the Plebs. Probably wishful thinking.
Maybe you’re right. However when the dangerous shadow chancellor announces the end of Pfi it does seem to be examined by al Beeb. Everyone one was wrong on pfi . Politicians like major and brown using accountancy tricks to get stuff built in key constuencies for political reasons and damn the contract details leading to hige liabilities year on year on public bodies.
The cost of ending pfi would be huge but it’s another money tree job for the socialists.
“Shami Chakrabarti has criticised the government’s trade union legislation requiring a 50% turnout in strike ballots and said she would not condemn people for choosing to defy it.”
So if it is ok to break any laws you don’t like, what is the point of lawyers like Shami Chakrabati?
Surely PFI was just an accountancy trick to spend billions on public sector projects but crucially without it going on the books as current capital spending, but instead to be taken from future revenue.
It was the spend spend spend Gordon Brown mentality writ large, without anyone noticing.
Of course, ‘bringing it in house’ is gesture politics of the worst kind. Hugely expensive and with little actual benefit.
A subject worthy of a fine impartial investigation. How about it, BBC? No, thought not.
It also shows of course why Labour politicians should NEVER be put in charge of the nation’s finances. They regard the people’s money as theirs, to be spent or wasted at will, and that mentality is shared by the jobs-for-life civil servants. Hence, no-one can be bothered to check the fine print of the contracts.
Great post. Thanks.
Government is rife with these little tricks.
Defence projects require administration. If the civil service do the job it’s a burden on the government’s current account, (pen-pushing waste). Pass the work over to a defence contractor and wrap it up with an equipment contract and it becomes ‘investment in front-line equipment’, (cutting-edge technology).
I have a theory that the ancient Egyptians knew all about accountancy and management. Anyone that tells you that they have come up with an ‘innovative’ approach to either of those activities is a con man and their idea is either illegal or ought to be!
Sluff, in 1992 when PFI was introduced, the UK was still in near-recession (Recession Part 2) resulting from the Thatcher meltdown and Part 3 was about to follow. In addition, the Major Government was on the point of bankrupting the Bank of England with its abortive attempt to prove it was a big beast in Europe and the EU with the pound in the ERM. In those circumstances, carefully negotiated PFI contracts made some sense.
You are right that Labour went overboard on them. Labour is generally shameless at seeking to buy votes. All Parties are, to an extent, but my ‘unbiased’ finger points at Labour as being the worst. Labour realised it could improve its standing within the business community in general and reassure Big Business in particular. This was a ‘community’ that was deemed hostile to Labour due to their past fiscal & economic impropriety.
But the Labour Government of 1997-2010 was significant for other things as well. It started to game politics, much more than ever before, to seek to gain permanent advantage over the opposition. (It has always irked Labour that they have never held power for a full Parliamentary term of five years and then been re-elected to a second full term of five years. Yet another factor that contributed to 2007-09.) It therefore sought to shed responsibility for its specific actions, especially when they might harm their chances at General Election time. Handing Base Rate responsibility to the Bank of England is another example of this ‘distancing’.
PFI contracts are advantageous because not only do they buy influence by shifting vast amounts of taxpayers’ money into business hands, they can do so at the remove of one, at least, from Westminster to Whitehall and possibly even further from Whitehall to some devolved body. This removes the possibility of a politician being held to account, especially later on when they are hoping to climb the Ministerial ladder into the Big Three and then, possibly, to PM. Then there is the hope of a Chancellor that the vast amounts of tax cash handed to the private sector both creates jobs and more tax and in the hands of executives gets invested in stocks & property in the UK and creates more tax revenues in its wake.
Unfortunately Labour forgot to account for 1. their own greed for votes and 2. the greed of business & its executives, especially, 3. bonus culture that started in the 1980s and the distortion that that creates, and, 4. off-shoring, the movement abroad of personal wealth from accumulated income.
I would echo your call for an investigation but I think it really needs to be a Judge-led Inquiry with full criminal prosecution powers. It will not happen. What is more likely to happen is that the next crash, whether an after-shock of 2007-09 or the Real Big One, will lay a lot of this bare but also make it a thing of the past.
‘They regard the people’s money as theirs to be spent or wasted at will’. Some might say like the beeb…
OT as not the BBC.
However, I have just returned from holiday and a welcome break from political events. We recorded stuff on our SKY box and decided to watch the first of a new series of ‘Doc Martin’ with Martin Clunes. I enjoy this programme because of it’s setting and complete lack of political posturing, and it has a genuine feel about it with believable characters. Oh dear what a let down they have a new female vicar ( yes they exist but this is political posturing rammed down your throat ), they use her to make the locals look backward sexist and thick ( as they treat Brexit voters ), it transpires later in the programme ( and I guessed it was coming ) that she was a lesbian.
I will watch episode two with trepidation now as no doubt further diversity quotas will enter the series.
So sad that I now have to watch another programme with trepidation rather than joyful anticipation .
Jerry Owen
Yes,I entirely agree. Great shame.
they have been engaged in subtle and not so subtle viewer indoctrination for years. Look at Casualty/Holby City and Silent Witness in the last couple of years (Terrorism and Refugees) where they lay out their narrative for all to see, chapter and verse and dress it up as drama. The only difference now is they dispense with much of the subtlety and go full on libtard gospel.
I’m just waiting for the next ‘right wing’ terrorist type drama or baby eating brexiteer nutjob serial killer to come slithering out of the rancid stable.
I buy a copy of the TV Times on a Friday and take a few moments out to look through and mark those programs I wish to view/record. The last six months? Down and down and down to perhaps twenty or so I now mark. Reaching the point where spending on the publication just does not seem justfiable. I’m conscious of the deteriorating lack of quality, even humour (good honest humour) seems defenestrated. Makes it even easier to ditch the tv licence when it comes up for renewal. I’ll switch to internet and Netfix or something for entertainment. Always got the radio for so-called “News”.
I do the same, tick off what I think I can stomach, but like you I find I tick very little, three or four days nothing. All of the criminal drama programmes are so samey, lead female cop who is smarter tougher than any other male, criminals who are always white male.. you know the end as soon as you see the start!
I used to watch ‘Location location location’ however they have now taken to homosexual couples lesbian and mixed race couples so much now that a normal couple is not ‘usual’.
Many homosexual couples talk about buying a house where they can raise a family… I’m not convinced Kirsty approves deep down as I think she is a traditionalist, but we all need a job!
As for humour there is none whatsoever unless you consider bashing Trump Brexit and Tory MPs as humour… toilet humour maybe!
Yup! You’ve guessed it – the alt-left American Naomi Klein puts in yet another appearance on the Today programme. Naturally, she is here to promote Corbyn’s alt-left government-in-waiting by making a speech at their conference, but managed to insert some anti-Trump comments aided and abetted by the egregious M. Hussein. I would have been disappointed had she not done so! I look forward to equal treatment during next week’s Conservative conference, with the Today programme interviewing Ann Coulter – or indeed John Bolton or Mark Stein. A great supporter of Chavez was our Naomi, but Hussein let her off with a few patsy questions about the present dire condition of that country.
My ” Monty Python moment today was on the Breakfast Programme. Our Steff with her strong northern brogue
was interviewing a Chinese lady expert about wind energy. She reminded me by her speech, of the Chinese doctor when
examining an ugly women from top to bottom says to the patient ” I know what is wrong ! you have zachary syndrome.”
“What’s zachary syndrome?” The poor girl retorts. ” Your arse looks EXACTLY the same as your face..”
Yes that was my Monty Python moment on the Beeb this morning.
Should be interesting on LBC now as James O’Brien tries to explain away “A fringe event at Labour conference has heard calls to expel Jewish activists from the party, while a speaker compared Israel to Nazis and the audience was banned from tweeting in an attempt to silence “hostile” coverage.”
It was on Nick Ferrari earlier.
It may be temporary but do any of you have difficulty in getting Breitbart comments section today?
I can read the articles but at the end the comments are missing from all the articles.
Has it changed to some kind of subscription or something.
I can’t see a login place at the top but whenever I’ve needed to login I’m directed to a login renewal page where I just tick the remember me box and it’s back to normal.
None of that is available at the moment.
Maybe it’s a breitbart issue and will soon return but do any of you have anything similar going on?
I have been on their briefly this morning and no issues, however I find regularly that it takes a long time for the comments section to materialize. Sometimes I have to refresh the page. As for commenting I wouldn’t know as it isn’t a site I contribute on.
Hi Emmanuel-love the moniker.
I can’t reach the comments section either-a search shows that ‘comments’ on various sites have been disrupted or removed. There was a comment re Yahoo that this was as a result of a new US govt. rule , but I have no confirmation of that.
My gut feeling is that the Elite do not want lateral information flows (which they cannot control) but only ‘top-down’ information/propaganda that they can influence. If this is true , people will have to be a lot more circumspect in the future………and , of course, it chops off many sites at the knees (i.e. Brietbart) as the ‘comments’ section (or Vox-Pop as I like to think of it) was the most interesting and informative part of any ‘alt-right’ news site.
Oh , and by the way , this DOESN’T mean that we’ll all be meekly going back to the biased BBC for our news-their version of ‘news’ belongs in a ‘Pravda’-type museum situated in West London somewhere.
I eat my words just been on there again and no comments!
I believe that Disqus is down.
I expect it will be up and running normally again sometime.
Having sites like this and Breitbart gives us at least some way of finding out truths which may otherwise be hidden from us.
I wouldn’t be aware of half of what’s going on without sites like this.
I would recognise the bbc bias but would possibly think I was over reacting without the confirmations I get from you lot out there.
I’ve just tried Breitbart. Disqus is up and running but it took 2 minutes to open
In 2012 the Trust decided to launch an impartiality review of the breadth of opinion reflected in BBC output.
– I have not read this report. Dropped here incase someone has spare time.
The work is carried on through two new posts – a News Editor and a deputy – whose jobs are to
drive significant stories across all outlets and bring together teams to work on specific longerrunning
stories. Examples include the ‘Trojan Horse’ story (claims that some Muslim groups were
attempting to take control of a number of schools in Birmingham), British Jihadis fighting in Syria
and Iraq, and the sex grooming cases in Rotherham and Rochdale.
This is where the BBC is heading … in case you were in any doubt …
This seems tied to the finding, unsurprising for a survey of those with a religious affiliation, that
religion itself is a force for good in society. (all religions are good? all are equally good for society?)
This research (Muslim/Hindu @44% , Christian @17%, Jewish @28%) will form the basis of how we best serve audiences and reflect the diversity of faiths and opinions in our programming going forward. { 2014 update}
Wasserman Schultz kept (Imran) Awan (now suspected of multiple abuse cases on Muslim women) on the payroll months after he was banned from the House computer network on February 2, 2017, for being a suspect in a criminal investigation. She reportedly wanted to defend his rights, as have other Democrat members of Congress who say he was unfairly targeted for being a Muslim. {breitbart sep2017}
… the BBC coming up empty on the £3.5bn News Service last story 25jul2017.
An interesting exchange on The Today prog’ this morning. Polly Toynbee was at the Labour Party conference and was enthusing about the atmosphere. “It’s all due to the election victory,” she cooed.
Hang on a minute, Poll, I felt like saying, Labour LOST the last election. They (you) are in OPPOSITION.
There seems to be a media meme that keeps suggesting Labour won even though they came second.
And the only reason they did well at all was due to the Tories appalling manifesto and our disappearing prime minister, the ever dithering, Theresa Maybe.
The really sad thing is the Conservatives had the chance to give us an attractive, bright, fresh PM, in the (comely) shape of Andrea Leadsome, but…
Andrea didn’t duck any debates, was always coherent and controlled, was a committed and passionate Brexiteer and was able to speak human.
Her innocent remarks regarding parentage were met with faux outrage and a nasty hatchet job did for her.
And so here we are. An ineffectual robot in number 10 and an elderly commie waiting to move in and Europe rubbing their hands together.
Must be 1984-speak, Jeff.
Losing is winning. I can be Prime Minister. Prepare for Government. UK taxpayers didn’t pay £361million per week to the EU in 2014 because they got a rebate of £200m p.w. straight back into their bank accounts. “I, Kim JongUn, will obliterate America with my nuclear missiles.” Anyone who is not in Momentum and/or the Labour Party is a right-wing Fascist. And racist. And misogynist. And capitalist.
Jeff, the ‘victory’ I believe she refers to is one of propoganda. The young kiddies flocked to the banner upon a promise to ‘deal with student debts’. Luckily, although it bought them a not insignificant slurry of votes and they started to backtrack on this promise, they did not win thus were not in a position to honour their pledge. Also, Corbin signalled strongly that the referendum must stand in an effort to retain labour Brexiteers, of whom there are many. And now! Who the bloody hell knows. But in terms of disinformation, flip flops and basic untruths, Marx would have had tears of joy rolling down his face at this historic ‘victory’!!
Neighbourhood Watch Cancelled …

They probably enjoy additional defence from Tell Mama, Hope not Hate, UAF, Antifa, Class War, Momentum and the SWP, just in case someone tries to post a UKIP leaflet through the door.
There is no guarantee that they will be watching, too many to watch … “If they (terrorist) did anything out of the ordinary – if they weren’t in their normal location, if they were acting in an odd way and it was brought to somebody’s attention, or they did something criminal – then they would be looked at doubly.”
Does a terror watch list exist in the UK and how is it used by police? { jun2017}
– See what happened? We can’t watch the terrorists all the time, but when the terrorist does something odd we will get them, even though the chances are we missed it because we can’t watch them all the time.
The bBBC have helpfully published a comparison between North and south Korea across a range of economic and social categories.
Not surprisingly it shows North Korea has, shall we say, underperformed somewhat.
What a shame our fine impartial statist broadcaster cannot quite make the link between these proven relative capabilities of the socialist versus the market economic systems, and then apply them to the current policies of the Labour Party !!!!!
Other socialist success stories are available of course. Cuba, Venezuela, pre 1990s China, etc.
But somehow the bBBC just cannot quite bring themselves to spell this out.
I like how the BBC end on a graph where North Korea win something “…but North Koreans have more babies”!
Why don’t the BBC talk about censorship in their article ‘Nine charts which tell you all you need to know about North Korea {}‘ and what the people know about the outside World …. all you need to know?
The Bible and Animal Farm are banned in North Korea {wiki}.
Radio or television sets which can be bought in North Korea are preset to receive only the government frequencies and sealed with a label to prevent tampering with the equipment. … North Korea is routinely ranked at the bottom of the Press Freedom Index rankings published annually by Reporters Without Borders.{wiki}
Isn’t it odd when the Tories disagree over Brexit it’s a scandal. When the labour party won’t even discuss it it’s OK?
The delightful Lady Nugee was interviewed last night on TV 🙁
Q : What exactly is Labour’s position on the EU?
A : ‘We’re absolutely clear on that…nothing is off the table’.
I’ve been wondering what the reply to that question will be when it’s the Conservative conference.
The EU has insisted on capitulation over money, exclusive legal rights for EU citizens and the Irish border before any negotiations can begin. May’s Florence speech offered concessions and especially a substantial sum of money, but the EU response this week has been “Thank you, but it’s not enough”. If this intransigence continues through to the end of this week’s negotiating session it creates a situation where we have a clear choice – capitulation or defiance. The Conservatives could than rally behind the idea that our offer more than was generous but having it thrown back in our faces proves that the EU’s priority is to punish us for out vote to leave, and that we can’t negotiate with a counter party that merely repeats its initial demands.
When the BBC ask Boris for the Conservative position on the EU the answer will be that we are leaving in March 2019; and that while we would like it to be as friends that’s their decision.
He doesn’t need to stick two fingers up, but it would be an appropriate gesture – both to our enemies in the EU and the quislings in the BBC.
Whatever the Conservatives reply to that question doesn’t matter…both BBC and Labour will be hostile.
For the rest of what you say I’m morosely in agreement 🙁
The UK seems to be roundly criticised on both sides for making no proposals and coming up with no solutions to the initial 3 problems before negotiations proper can begin. It seems to me we’ve made offers on those? I just don’t believe they’re going to ‘negotiate’. All I’ve heard from the EU so far is totally unacceptable.
Do they want an unfriendly and unhelpful nation at their door…I say let’s give them that. For my small part I stopped buying EU goods some time ago…it can be done 🙂
After this, if she doesn’t choose defiance the Conservative activists will destroy her.
I don’t know what to make of May…only time will tell. I don’t think they’ll force her out just yet but, I can now envisage her resigning in the Cameronesque fashion. When Cameron deserted his post, the new PM and Cabinet should have been made up entirely of Brexiteers IMO.
The EU says the UK has not offered enough…well, let them explain exactly what IS enough! Let us see.
Now, I wonder how the BBC reports this development? 🙁
“I don’t know what to make of May”
Pet food?
“Coming up we’ll be talking to Jon Lansman founder if the Momentum movement …which led to Jeremy Corbyn’s VICTORY”
Actual words of the WatO trailer at 12:30
Coming second in an election is not VICTORY
…Except in an Orwellian dictionary.
Mr. Mc.Donnell says they will have “detailed implementation manuals” if elected so they can hit the ground running. Trust me John, the possible run on the pound will be like a Vicars tea party compared to what else will be forthcoming. As for “detailed implementation manuals” does it remind anyone else of something in the past and will the party workers be waving them at us with glorious celebratory music in the background. Somebody wake me up for Christ’s sake.
Jesus look at the wording of this radio 4 FB post
“Fantasy of a small nation”
It’s a DNA thing.
Maybe they can get Sir. Boaty to use it in an ‘interview’?
Wackiness from Lincolnshire police again
Commissioned a new logo which removes Symbols of Lincolnshire
But inserted the hugely symbolic 2017 trigger word “Pride” emphasized as if to say ‘gays are more equal”
Old logo had the Lincolnshire shield

The band of Ermine represents Ermine Street
The band of blue represents : sea & rivers
Bbc Lincolnshire have put up audio of the Chief constable explaining
Nothing to do with Gay Pride? The new badging has been produced at no extra cost by the graphics and publication department and is designed to be forward-looking, promoting a sustainable force, re-stating the force’s commitment to PRIDE, re-stating traditions (by retaining helmet, cap and flag badges) and not dismissive of the force’s past.
… not connected with …
This is fairly standard rebranding that dates from the Blair era – remove the crown and add some silly meaningless statement. The Home Office did this years ago. Of course we know the police are now completely politicised (probably with help from Common Purpose) so this is no surprise but what puzzles me is why has this not happened to the same extent with HM forces? The cultural Marxists have to destroy their traditional loyalty to the crown as they have done with most other institutions, so why is it not happening? Is it something to do with Blair’s middle east wars?
Should crosses be banned from classrooms? { oct2003}
A court decision to order a state kindergarten to remove crucifixes from its classrooms has caused controversy in Italy.
The ruling by a judge in the central town of L’Aquila, following a complaint by an Italian Muslim leader, has re-opened a bitter debate about religious symbols.
This is clearly a problem of intolerance of the host country by an outsider, Mr Smith the Muslim leader has also called for the removal of a 15th century Christian Fresco in Bologna Cathedral on the grounds that it shows the prophet Mohammed This man is absolutely determined to ignore the fact that as a immigrant he should respect the culture and customs of his new adopted land. – Yan Michek, Switzerland
I can’t help thinking that if it had been the opposite and a Catholic had sought the removal of Islamic symbols, they would have been slammed for being racist. Once again national culture and history are sacrificed on the altar of political correctness. – Dean, UK
– This conversation has been going on for some time. The removal of history so we can all be filled with gay pride. If we remove our culture/symbols what will replace them?
@Marky Someone points out there is an internal police buzzword PRIDE
been used since 2016
Now what do you believe
option #1 it’s a complete coincidence that it fits with gay PRIDE
option #2 The cheeky buggers thought of gay pride first and then thought a acronym to make it first.
PRIDE in the normal sense of the word it’s quite a negative thing
Pride= arrogance “Pride comes before a fall”
I say internal police buzzword , cos on the Lincs Police website it’s only used on training PDFs except for one webpage
They say it means
Professionalism, Respect, Integrity, Dedication and Empathy.
But when I search Facebook one of the two pages it produces shows it being used in a double way to also show respect to gays ….by West Yorks Police
These used to be far away problems … On Saturday, at least 28 people were killed and more than 80 wounded when three female suicide bombers detonated their explosives outside a camp for displaced people in Konduga (Nigeria). … The UN children’s fund said last month 83 children had been used as suicide bombers this year, four times as many as in all of 2016. {mwcnews sep2017}
… but seems to be closer by the day …
While IROs (Islamism-related offences in the UK) are primarily committed by young men, women’s involvement in terrorism has increased; overall, offenders are getting younger {pdf – ISLAMIST TERRORISM ANALYSIS OF OFFENCES AND ATTACKS IN THE UK (1998-2015)}
IROs were carried out by individuals aged between 14 and 52 years at the date of charge or suicide attack – a range of 39 years. The mean age was 26.8 years and the modal age was 22. One-third of females were aged 22.
Localised Lone Wolf Grooming Gang of One?
“As the screaming continued, she told the girl her friend would suffer even more if she did not comply and said ‘she is chilling with my boys’. The second girl was pulled into a number of rooms by the men who took turns to rape her throughout the night.” {pdf – page9 – Child Sexual Exploitation Issues in Rochdale Metropolitan Borough Council During the Period 2006 to 2013}
– 7 year period of gang rapes, still going on. But the BBC complete an edgy drama called ‘3 Girls’ to mock the numbers involved. Why didn’t the BBC produce a drama about how the media failed to get involved? Still going on …. today … now ….
Lucy, this is the result of a variation of Burkes ‘All that is necessary for the triumph of evil is that good men do nothing’.
We have vacated the moral high ground where the pursuit of criminality used to be colour, ethnically and religiously blind. Justice has one eye on the ‘victim’ and one eye on the female victim. Confusion reigns so they do nothing. Once you pull back, the rapists will do what they are pre-ordained to do – abuse and degrade women – in particular, white women as they have a free pass.
A search is being carried out on Cedar Road in Fenham by counter terrorism police after a “22-year-old man” was arrested on Monday evening.
Heard Harriet sounding off on R4 earlier. This to do with LK’s requirement for a ‘bodyguard’ allocation due to threats of violence (?) on twitter by some Labour foot soldiers (thugs). Now, I’ve seldom agreed with HH prior to this interview – ok – I’ve never agreed with HH in any shape or form BUT I find myself nodding like a parcel shelf dog when she proclaims the right of journalists to report events free from threats and intimidation and bias so that they can produce balanced even handed reports. When, says I. When do we get to see these non biased journalistic delights?
She spoilt it then by making it a woman thing (men apparently are not so threatened) and, although making a passing reference to Labour, went on to included all political acitivists including………..right wing groups. WTF! I am sure the offensive tweet was Labour originated – and why no ‘left wing’ tags! Sigh…I was just beginning to warm to her.
Interesting – again, the only solution is 100% women safe spaces so they won’t feel intimidated by men.
“By 2020, the BBC wants its employees to comprise 50% women, 8% disabled people, 8% lesbian, gay, bisexual or transgender people and 15% people from black, Asian and ethnic minority backgrounds.{ 14sep2017}”
50% Women + 4% Lesbian women** + 4% disabled women + 7.5% BAME women = 65.5% Women
Or 34.5% Men Only in the BBC View of the new World, which would be safer for Laura Kuenssberg?
** no idea how to split Gay/Bisexual or Transgender into men and women?
“Yo, how far off the rails is your country?” Pretty far fam “Lol check out Britain”
Liberal Democrat politician says schools should be able to suggest PROSTITUTION as a career to pupils. Dennis Parsons compared prostitution with accountancy at a conference. {twitter}
“Delegates heard that decriminalising prostitution would raise £1 billion a year for the Treasury in taxes.”
Prostitution Revenue By Country: Germany$18 Billion (Legal Industry) …. and can build up the UKs manufacturing industry with sex meters … “German city of Bonn taxes prostitutes with meter” { aug2011}
“The German city of Bonn has installed a meter to tax prostitutes for soliciting on its streets at a rate of six euros (£5.30; $8.70) per night.”
A bizarre post pouring bile on Laura Kuennessberg has appeared on the Radio4 supporters page.
The instigator seems to be a poor person with mental issues who is easily stirred up by propaganda.
..but what gets me is that so many people go along with her
.. Saying intimidation of a jpurno is OK¬if_t=feedback_reaction_generic
Stew, in all honesty, HH makes EVERYTHING a gender issue. That much I can agree with. The ranting on from this embodiment of moderation about LK being a right wing stooge is just laughable. Timmy Mallet could score points off of Corbyn and his ‘evovling’ policies and clearly this lady has had a common sense bypass.
By the By, searched on ‘Corbyn conflict issues’ in Google and the whole first page consisted of left wing rags with their various links. Scary.