You won’t see Labour Empowering Atheist women, or Christian women, or Hindu women, or Sikh women, or Buddhist women, or Jewish women – so why do Labour feel the need to Empower Muslim women?
We are supposed to be living in a secular society. The only conclusion to draw is that Labour has been infiltrated by Islam and now actively pushes an Islamic agenda (amongst other agendas).
“We see that people simply lack basic knowledge on Islam and Muslims’ practices. We see a need for the introduction of more comparative religion courses, or religious teaching, in a formal and informal educational setting.”
– The problem with Islamophobia is that we need more Islam.
– The problem with the European Union is we need more European Union
– The problem with migration is we need more migration
Re BBC post on Diane Abbott.
Why Kings Road? Sexist!
No excuses either that there are no Queens Roads in Brighton. I was there last year and every road was a Queens thoroughfare.
Wonder if they`re selling blow up Diane Abbott dolls yet, got to make good bouncy castles.
Alicia Sinclair
BBC. = British Bumboy Corporation and Brighton is the bumboy capitol of the UK.
Oh, thorry ith that conthidered hate thpeech. I await the 3am knock on the door from the thpeech polithe
we must not get prematurely exited and wait for the official reports. No doubts all our thoughts and predictions will emerge much to the subjective non-appreciation of the, “victims”.
Maybe they wanted the sprinkler system to pump out champagne instead of water . Bad things happen every so often . Some avoidable and others not. But to go on and on as a victim is over the top .
I wish the state wasn’t involved in housing people at all in this era .
Sprinklers are not fitted to flats in the UK as a matter of course, even upmarket ones.
Berkeley Homes, not exactly downmarket, only fit them in open plan flats. This is clear from their online specs. Maybe idiots in downmarket flats need them more.
Why are so many so-called journalists totally unable to acquaint themselves with basic facts?
That’s true Clare, and have only just realised it, despite living in a council flat for 18 years many years ago ! there was a fire escape of sorts, – full length door in the lounge, opening to a railing, which we presumed we would have to tie sheets together to escape in the event of a fire ! solidly built building, but no sprinklers.
BBC 2 this evening.
Horizon. Being Transgender
“This film explores what it actually means to be transgender, and what happens when a person transitions psychologically, physically and biologically. We follow a number of transgender people going through their own transition.”
I, or in fact most normal people don’t give a toss about any of this. What people wish to do in the confines of their own homes is entirely up to them as long as nothing illegal is being done…and should be kept there.
Most gays and gender fluid people that I know, keep their views to themselves and I have absolutely no problem with anyone at all about sexual orientation. Why oh why do the BBC feel the need cram this down our throats.
“minority extremist” – someone in a minority group who feels the majority should bend to their own culture or traditions or views using violence if necessary.
Totally agree with you Davylars – Like you I could not give a flying f##k about what people get up to in their own lives , it is their business but I think the BBCs obsession with this sort of crap is just another way to devalue and destabalise the values and norms that our society has built up over the centuries.
In essence the abnormal becomes the new normal.
These people are wreckers but do not have the whit to realise that what they are creating is chaos not the pink, fluffy socialist luvy duvy land. If you create an ethical and moral vacuum in society eventually something else will take its place. The question is what?
I expect the penny wont drop with them until some of their creative and artistic directors start to get their free flying lessons from atop the ten story buildings.
Oaknash…………I could not give a flying f##k about what people get up to in their own lives , it is their business but I think the BBCs obsession with this sort of crap is just another way to devalue and destabalise the values and norms that our society has built up over the centuries.
Well said. I’m starting to feel I’m living in an asylum ! Whatever is causing this phenomenon ? even at the turn of this century there wasn’t this upsurge of gender confusion, let alone decades ago. I don’t believe for one moment that there have been thousands of children in the past living in the closet about being a boy or a girl, otherwise those children would all be adults now demanding sex operations. So is there something in the water ? why is it NOW that there is an explosion of girls wanting to be boys and vice versa ? and the media and schools going bonkers on it. Its sheer lunacy.
If I had said to my Dad in the 50’s when I was 10, that I wanted to be a boy and to be known as Kevin, he would have said ‘don’t be bloody ridiculous, Kevin’s a silly name’, and that would have been the end of it. Like millions of others, my brothers had boys toys and I had girls – in pink. Saying that, perhaps the Action Man doll had a lot to answer for !!
Brissles – I know what you mean – I feel the same way too.
As for the cause of all of this I think it is a devils pact between weak, vain and lazy politicians, single issue “meeja” types and cynical left wing/anarchy supporting “psuedo” intellectuals who think that by destroying our society they will be creating some sort of “peoples revolution” However like most intellectual revolution types they will probably all end up being murdered in their bathtubs as far more cynical and aggressive forces push their own agendas instead.
I used to laugh at all these mincing “arty” types pushing this bizarre agenda – but the fact is, is that so influential is the media that even relatively level headed youngsters appear to have have bought into this pernicious nonsense – and so the whole mainstream agenda moves a step more extreme , paving the way for “God knows what” and more unwholsome and smutty weirdness in the future.
Maybe next year plod will be driving around in cars decorated with images of gay sexual practices and the sirens replaced with orgasmic groans – who knows?
If even five years ago you had told me that coppers would be driving around in cars decorated to look like a cross between my little pony and a packet of variety condoms – I would have laughed in your face. But these days anything goes.
What is for sure is that at some point all of this will hit the rails whether it is because people in general will react against it or whether it is because society will implode or maybe we will be faced with such a violent threat our gay obsessing coppers will be unable to protect us and will be pushed away into irrelevance as people will have to take action themselves to defend what remains of our society
I know not but pardon the expression at this rate we will be ” disappearing up our own arseholes”
“If I had said to my Dad in the 50’s when I was 10, that I wanted to be a boy and to be known as Kevin, he would have said ‘don’t be bloody ridiculous, Kevin’s a silly name’, and that would have been the end of it.”
Okay. And if you’d said to your Dad that you wanted to be a girl; and he said don’t be bloody ridiculous, you’re a boy. Would that have been the end of it?
The BBC, anxious to subvert, anxious to undermine, anxious to promote so-called more progressive ideas to divide, anxious to change the UK and in the process fragment the population all the more. Just anxious: ‘Fifth Columnists’. But, anxious for a civil war? Undoubtedly.
“I’m not sure that “cram this down our throats” is an appropriate expression for this topic.”
People on this site seem to have an obsession with things being “forced down their throats”. Transexuals; “forced down their throats”. Gay people publicly kissing; “forced down their throats”. A Black man on Homes Under the Hammer; “forced down their throats”.
maxi, I hope this not yet another ‘hit and run’ visit from you.
Are you not worried that the BBC appears to have relatively recently and markedly changed from a reporter on News & Current Affairs into a peace-time* propagandist for various ’causes’?
(* I’m aware, as I hope you would be, of past BBC history.)
It’s a kind of end of human evolution thing I guess . No wonder al beeb is for ever doing stuff about mental health when it’s screwing so many up be ‘expressing themselves ‘. Just unnatural
Well remember the sex-change stuff as offered to us in the seventies etc. Used to be the News Of The World, and other lowbrow newsrags…
Even they wouldn`t have been offering us colonic irrigation, sex with pigs and wine bottles or tattoed, pierced weirdies who`d rather be freak barbie dolls than humans. All because the media are curious and will pay.
We need the News of the World back, the liberal deviance and grievance seekers have truly lost their minds, as well as any shame or point.
IS must enjoy looking at who they`ll be facing-and maybe thats why the BBC major on these eunuchs, catamites, sodomites or whatever words they are, but couldn`t spell.
You are the dogs bollocks (sorry but where I come from that means 1st class.)
You’re right. IS surely cannot believe their luck. I suppose it’ll have to be Dads Army to the rescue when the shooting starts as I’m sure it must. The BBC will then have to make the extremely delicate decision as to which side to support especially as they have played such a prominent roll in psychologically castrating our young men.
Alicia, a counter-argument would be that I could choose not to buy NotW but the BBC web-site, for example, covers N&CA but also has this propaganda mixed in. It’s even in the radio programme listings! We all realise as adults that some people struggle with identity – and may or may not have done so ourselves as youngsters – but it has now gone way beyond a natural recognition of that struggle and a concern & help for those facing it.
It has, as far as the BBC is concerned, become and aspect of ‘culture’ that must be ‘consumed’ by a proportion of young people.
R4 PM. David Buick (Stockbroker etc.) discussing McDonnells speech. Very good assessment without giving away his opinion. Bet if you got him in a room on his own he’d say the blokes completely off his head.
Yes DB is always switched on in his assessments. Surprised they had such a strong brexiter on . He is of the opinion , I believe , that we just walk and go with WTO rules . We ll save our tax money and get our seas and borders back .we can then fund what is best for Blighty and dump the ecj case law .
From now on, whenever I hear someone on the BBC slam President Trump and seek to absolve the North Korean regime of wrongdoing, I shall think of the bleak and anguished words of the parents of Otto Warmbier in an interview this morning.
It had been said that Otto was in a coma when he left North Korea, but it was worse. The ‘Townhall’ article says:
During an interview with Fox and friends Tuesday morning, Fred and Cindy Warmbier explained in detail how Otto was brought home and what they experienced. They walked onto a plane to find their son deaf, blind, on a feeding tube and violently convulsing. “When we got halfway up the steps we heard this howling, involuntary, inhuman sound,” Fred said. “It looked like someone had taken a pair of pliers and rearranged his bottom teeth. He had a large scar on his right foot. North Korea is not a victim. They are terrorists,” he continued. “They purposely injured Otto.” “They destroyed him,” Cindy added.
All I hope is that BBC controllers and managers read that and adjust their biased reporting accordingly.
Why am I getting the idea that there is a coalescing of the angry and the bitter over Brexit?
Corbyns free pass from the left is surely down to youth mobilising for Remain, allied to the promises of seedy old man who won`t have to pay for the promises they`ll not keep, the civil war they`ll have fermented. Its like a gathering of the clans over the borders with the likes of Alastair Campbell ready to skirl into battle.
They seem emboldened and ever more nasty in their open contempt for the British people who voted to leave-as if they have the real knowledge of what we meant when we said no.
Shouldn`t be surprised when the left and the eurofanatics gang up-both learned plenty from the Soviet Union , both are soft fascists and both are antisemitic dumps.
This evil coalescing of the likes of Starmer and Corbyn , Blair and Heseltine only shows how wicked the europroject is, how entrenched and entitled, complacent they`ve become.
They need to know that the MPs expenses of 2009, the bank crisis of 2007/8 are not forgotten and will be reheated alongside their remaining machinations. We want out, and if they twist democracy and the popular ballot into irrelevance, then we too will do the same to their laws and their authority.
If only we had a political class who saw the dangers in treating us with such contempt-and would get on with making trade deals with the USA whilst they still care about us. May and the elite have wilfully scorned our one true ally here in the west, sometimes think that Mays appalling throwing of the election and scorn for Trump are deliberate efforts to overturn our vote. Don`t they know we all get the REAL news from elsewhere these days?
And we know what scares them.
And to add more credence to your post Alicia that wonderful Mayor of London has been mouthing off saying if Labour win the next election we will have another referendum. The concerted attack is completely transparent.
“Brexit: Donald Tusk says not enough progress in talks”
“European Council president Donald Tusk has said not enough progress has been made to move to the next phase of Brexit talks in Brussels.”
We may hold the top cards but who appears to be doing the begging ? Its not the EU , its our Mrs May.
HYS is not going well for the remoaners.
The whole Brexit coverage continually puts the EU as professors and impartial experts coolly marking the homework of runty thick English vermin and their dopey elected Schools Council. Really sick of the power gradient between the wondeful EU and the appalling English who seem to wilfully refuse to bow their heads whilst getting forced into the dock by the BBC and the dispassionate and grown up remaining class. When will people refuse to do the homework set, the futile tests and when will they get out of that bloody dock?
They belong in Nuremburg as they were in 1946-8….not us.
The likes of Tusk and Juncker are failed unelected factory rejects in a bargain bin-why the hell do we let ourselves get lectured to by these anti-democratic nazi holdovers?
Alicia Sinclair
Q. Why do we let ourselves get lectured to?
A. Because too many of us fail to see that we have a Trojan horse sitting in our homes which day after day tells us what to think.
I can’t understand why we are still making nice with them . Just do a degaul and keep saying “no” right up to the wire in 550 days. Dup will love it too
It is outrageous that the BBC are allowed to get away with writing these heavily biased, Trump bashing pieces, not to mention without stating the author of the piece:
I’ve noticed before that references to Doreen Tipton, possibly posted by yourself, don’t come with any links to Facebook, where her videos appear.
BUT last night I scanned through this site on my generic tablet and its ‘out of the box browser’ and some link text was clearly there!
So why do the links not show up on Firefox 55.0.3? Could it be that the link has just been ‘ctrl-v’ed into the comment rather than expicitly set in ‘a’ tags?
[Just looked at this via the dodgy Microsoft Edge and there are two links set inside a blockquote, none of which is visible under the aforesaid Firefox].
Well it was nice to hear a bbc WS wench shooting down the Macron plan for a two tier Europe/EU/Euro thingy.
Pointing out that the poor Europeans won’t like it and the Right will go to town on it.
Did sound awfully like the Bonaparte plan.
An interesting post about the BBC complaints procedure on Conservative Woman:
“The BBC initial Complaints system is apparently outsourced to Capita. No complaint is allegedly ever accepted at first.
Only when a complaint gets as far as the ECU (Executive Complaints Unit?) do BBC staff start to address the issue, even then, however strong a case, it is difficult to obtain any concession that something might have been handled rather better.”
Saturday 7th October 13:45 – 14:45
London – Waterstones, Gower Street
… discuss her new book “Inferior”
which shows how women are being ‘rediscovered’ and explores what these revelations mean for us as individuals and as a society.
London – Gower Street Friday 6th October 15:30 – 16:30
Join author and activist Julie Sherry as part of International Socialism’s forum discussing
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Women in Politics: MPs Rachel Reeves and Jess Phillips in conversation with Anushka Asthana
London – Gower Street Tuesday 10th October 18:30
Join MPs Rachel Reeves, author of Alice in Westminster: The Political Life of Alice Bacon, and Jess Phillips, author of Everywoman: One Woman’s Truth about Speaking the Truth), as they speak to the Guardian’s Anushka Asthana about the challenges facing women in politics from post-WW2 to the present.
Bitch Lit Book Club: Passing by Nella Larsen
London – Gower Street Thursday 12th October 18:30 – 20:30
BITCH LIT is a monthly book club devoted to new feminist writing and cult classics by women. Join us for endless wine, cheese and irreverent, fun discussion led by literary critic Lucy Scholes and Gower Street’s Elizabeth Morris. Our book for October 12th is Passing by Harlem Renaissance writer Nella Larsen.
Setting one heck of a precedent there, Maxicony. You just obliterated an entire industry and the BBC sofas set to give them nurture and a pulpit for their outrage.
Melanie Phillips , sits on the fence again , about THAT Labour Party meeting
“What was so chilling was not just that the meeting, called Free Speech on Israel (aka Safe Space for Hate) didn’t just provide bigots with the opportunity to spew their bile. It cheered and applauded them.”
Professor Curry’s views as expressed in this clip – matches my own views. I have knowledge in this area. When I ventured into talking about lab. based science I was accused of supporting the “climate change conspiracy” – so I agreed not to claim any expertise on the subject matter.
No.7, I did. Obviously others are having problems, too. At one point, I think I had tried all of the postings and none played in my browser. More listings were being added while I searched and tested and eventually one played after a hiccough. I wonder if someone is trying to disrupt any Tucker material?
I left Britain – the BBC always refers to that amazing country as the “UK” – because “Britain” sounds proper solid and something to be ashamed about – a few years ago. The big jet went up from Heathrow. We flew over Continental Europe, and Russia, and Mongolia, and bits of China. I say “Continental” because when I was a print journalist in the UK, actually it was England, I was corrected by leftie people for referring to “Europe”, as if I was separate or saw myself as superior in some way. We are all Europeans. So, now, Japan. What I struggle with is just how rubbish and banal the telly here is. And what the BBC was. Astonishingly good. Two or three decades ago: Brian Hanrahan. The very well dressed, super cool, Basil Brush. Maida Vale and the great studios, I think for free to nurture new talent, supported by the taxpayer. Those great sounds. All that greatness. Loved it. And Japanese telly is just useless. At the same time, the Japanese are pretty cool and the country is famously safe. Back to the telly. The BBC, despite all its ostensible right-on policy, is not stupid. They operate a massive organization, paid for by the British taxpayer, and adverts, but in fact run themselves as any other normal large firm does – to feed themselves. I watched their coverage here in Japan of the London 2012 Games. I noticed that it was on You Tube soon afterwards – but then they took it down. BBC Iplayer will not work here. In a way that is fair, because no-one but UK citizens pay the licence tax. Still. You would have thought the PC Beeboids would throw out their programmes for free, at people who do not look like them – people they secretly think they are superior to.
I also heard her refer to “ labour – the party of workers’ . This work experience girl hasn’t even the skill to glaze over their bias with the weasel words such as “some say” , “it has Been said by “ .
I was musing how many toady presented do not vote labour. I think there are 5? But couldn’t think of one as a non labour voter. I think they should be duty bound to declare their personal beliefs
“I also heard her refer to “ labour – the party of workers’ ”
Funny that. It’s always the areas full of benefit scroungers with no intention of working that have the majority of ‘ vote labour’ posters and placards.
It is an alliance between public sectors employees and welfare dependents i.e. it is an alliance between all those who expect [it is social justice] everybody else to give them money. The ones who generate the money they live on are despised as parasites, because the Left always project. They call everybody else racist and sexist because they the advocate an identity politics which is nothing more than racism and sexism. They believe in quotas.
Labour – the party of the workers? I think they have made it abundantly clear over the last 20 years that their greatest enemy is the British, white,heterosexual male worker. For fifty years I swallowed the Lib/Lab shit. Never again! Hopefully millions of others have seen the light.
Labour certainly abandoned the Unemployed as soon as they were in Government in 1997. Can’t say I have heard anything about the 1.4m Unemployed coming from the Brighton conference this week.
The Conservatives, for all their faults, are certainly now the Party of job creation and for workers.
I hope they have a good conference and the Chancellor has a superb Budget ready.
Just heard the Shadow Education Secretary being interviewed on Toady, she was barely able to string a coherent sentence together; listening to her it is clear she possesses an almost Abbotesque level of intellect – f*****g pond life in other words.
I wonder what these people actually think when they hear / watch themselves compared to other more erudite and articulate politicians? Do they just delude themselves as being their equal or do they just hope that no-one else notices quite how thick they are?
Heard her start talking , turned off and went for a tea. I remember a while ago labour let her out of the box to talk about number – she did an Abbot – got laughed at and was put back in the box again. They had to let her out for the conference .
Another money tree job.
I think she’s the one who boasts about giving birth to a bastard at 17 and “ look at me now – I’m an mp on the gravy train”
Yep. Dianne Abbott definitely has competition, as has John Prescott.
She, one Angela ‘leftmob gobshite’ Rayner did the Tony Benn trick of talking a lot and conflating lots of issues such that the apparent overall effect is of a great many causes of dissatisfaction and too many issues are mentioned to be challenged on all of them, such that by inference a number of them are thus taken to be true. A useful tactic to which the bBBC choose not to develop solutions. Pretty sure Rayner said that Further Education would receive double the money to be spent on ending tuition fees. So that’s 9 +18 equals a £27 bn committment, just on after school education, but no grilling of course on where the money comes from. My guess is rampant inflation to devalue the debt and devalue the value of savings held by the thrifty. Equality through inflation !
I predict the introduction of capital controls on foreign exchange as there will be a torrent of cash into the USD, Y, SFR, and even the Euro.
Mischel ‘useless’ Hussein knew the low calibre of the interviewee and I distinctly thought started the interview noddy style, as if asking questions to a child, and then just let her rant unchallenged.
The bBBC at its ‘best’, in other words.
R5 now presenter getting each caller to say “I solemnly swear to never again use plastic straws”
..FFS it’s not her job to take a side and campaign
Especially since she uses £1.50 stainless steel straw which would have 1000 years if equivalent CO2 in manufacture
Why People Are Wearing Safety Pins After the Election { nov2016}
“After the Brexit vote was called, U.K. citizens feared the xenophobic rhetoric echoing across their country. In a silent, peaceful protest, they began to wear safety pins on their clothing. Now, Americans in a similar position are following their lead. … And now Americans have resolved to do the same as an effort to stand in solidarity with immigrants and oppressed groups. ‘Tell anyone afraid in Trump’s new America they don’t stand alone,’ … ”
– Now that no one wears safety pins anymore I assume that the World is now safe!
Take a Knee; Wear a safety pin; Don a pink hat; Men holding hands together; Put on a Hijab for a day; Paint a police car rainbow colours – do these acts achieve much in the real world? If I refuse to comply or don’t like them am I wrong or uncaring or evil?
“Keith Vaz (67% voters for Labour in GE17), the senior Labour backbencher, claimed more than £75,500 in expenses for a flat in Westminster despite his family home being a £1.15 million house just 12 miles from parliament.”
“Mr Vaz’s claims have always been in accordance with the spirit and rules of the Green Book,” – Reported 9 May 2009.
The in power party will get more coverage because they set things in motion. It’s like saying why do Eskimos always talk about snow? Conservatives did this, Conservatives did that, Conservatives caused this.
For me it is the representation of the Labour Party that is worrying –
Jeremy Corbyn: Labour on the threshold of power { 27sep2017}
Should be ‘Jeremy Corbyn believes Labour are on the threshold of power’
DeborahFeb 23, 23:41 Start the Week 24th February 2025 Reported tonight on GBNews that Stonewall is going to lose half its staff because of Trump’s stalling USAID. Until now,…
JohnCFeb 23, 23:27 Start the Week 24th February 2025 Bowen said the same thing in one of his articles. Clearly it’s part of ‘BBC Groupthink’ now. Trump should have…
JohnCFeb 23, 23:12 Start the Week 24th February 2025 The BBC don’t seem bothered at all that Hamas murdered those young boys and their mother with their bare hands…
NiborFeb 23, 23:10 Start the Week 24th February 2025 Sorry if already mentioned , But this “Trump wants to win the Nobel Peace prize ” ! Does he really…
JohnCFeb 23, 23:07 Start the Week 24th February 2025 Zelensky willing to give up presidency in exchange for Nato membership Sometimes I read a BBC article and wonder…
pugnaziousFeb 23, 23:05 Start the Week 24th February 2025 ‘The desecration of our country continues…’ And at the heart of it is our national broadcaster which teaches people…
pugnaziousFeb 23, 22:42 Start the Week 24th February 2025 ‘ ‘7 October was the day Gazans broke out of their dismal prison and exacted terrible revenge. When Israelis, soldiers…
harry142857Feb 23, 22:10 Start the Week 24th February 2025 Sure local mayor Andy Burnham will pressurise the councillor to resign, not.
For whatever reason, the Baltimore Ravens and the Jacksonville Jaguars engaged in a game of American football at Wembley Stadium in London on Sunday. “The Star-Spangled Banner” was played, and two dozen players dropped to the ground and “took a knee”. Then “God Save The Queen” was played, and all the Americans got off their knees and remained standing for the duration. What are we to make of this? { 26sep2017}
A national anthem can be a national anthem or an opportunity for self-expression, but not both.
And, if this is yet one more thing that Americans can no longer agree on, if a people lack the minimal social glue to rise reflexively when the band strikes up the first bars of “O-oh, say, can you…”, you have to wonder whether anything remains to bind us together at all.
You won’t see Labour Empowering Atheist women, or Christian women, or Hindu women, or Sikh women, or Buddhist women, or Jewish women – so why do Labour feel the need to Empower Muslim women?
We are supposed to be living in a secular society. The only conclusion to draw is that Labour has been infiltrated by Islam and now actively pushes an Islamic agenda (amongst other agendas).
For The Muslims Not For The Jews
For the Muzzie not for the Jew
This poster is doing the rounds, perhaps not at the Conference It’s not the Moslem women that need empowering
MPs in Turkey support bill allowing child rapists to go free if they marry their victim {independent nov2016}
“Although the legal age of consent is 18 in Turkey, child marriage is widespread, particularly in the southeast. ”
“Most, but not all, of the more serious incidents of rape and attempted rape and some of the more serious sexual assaults I have described took place on Savile’s own premises and not at the BBC. They were, however, connected with Savile’s work for the BBC. Usually, Savile either met the victim at the BBC or else he groomed the victim by offering the opportunity to attend the BBC before taking the victim elsewhere, often to his home or campervan. … For example, the News of the World made allegations about the taking of pornographic pictures of young girls and the picking-up of girls under 16 by male members of staff on the programme (Top of the Pops 1969-1971). {THE JIMMY SAVILE INVESTIGATION REPORT – feb2016}“
Islam meets Labour meets the BBC childrens Christmas party( as if!). A dream fit for Rotherham, for Sir Jimmy Savile and for John Peel too.
Register of Members’ Interests Naseem Shah:
The Concordia Forum, Portugal
European Islamophobia Summit, Turkey, 2016
European Islamophobia Summit. 2017
“When talking about Islamophobia, we mean anti-Muslim racism. … Criticism of Muslims or of the Islamic religion is not necessarily Islamophobic. {islamophobiaeurope}
“We see that people simply lack basic knowledge on Islam and Muslims’ practices. We see a need for the introduction of more comparative religion courses, or religious teaching, in a formal and informal educational setting.”
– The problem with Islamophobia is that we need more Islam.
– The problem with the European Union is we need more European Union
– The problem with migration is we need more migration
If Muslim women need EMPOWERING
.. then that is cos someone has DIS- EMPOWERED them
… Who would that be ? ______ Men
No! I don’t believe it. ______ Men would never do such a thing. Would they??
Re BBC post on Diane Abbott.
Why Kings Road? Sexist!
No excuses either that there are no Queens Roads in Brighton. I was there last year and every road was a Queens thoroughfare.
Wonder if they`re selling blow up Diane Abbott dolls yet, got to make good bouncy castles.
Alicia Sinclair
BBC. = British Bumboy Corporation and Brighton is the bumboy capitol of the UK.
Oh, thorry ith that conthidered hate thpeech. I await the 3am knock on the door from the thpeech polithe
What a feckin surprise, Diane Abbot!
4:30pm Radio4 more #MoreEqualThanOthers
Guess which type of sportsperson they have decided to celebrate ?
Fake or Real ? BA rant against Nigerian passengers
Air Afrikaans – “We hope you enjoy your flight … slut”
Hardly bloody racist is it ? It’s like say Nigerians go for fraud on a regular organised basis .
Or that Muslims kill non believers in the name of their false god
Declaration – i am a Christian and try to follow the teaching of Christ – and often fail. ( I am not a happy clapper though )
We didn’t put sprinklers in Grenfell Tower because residents didn’t want the disruption of fitting them, claims council chief {dailymail 16jun2017}
“Kensington and Chelsea Council boss said residents didn’t agree over sprinklers”
– Not sure if there is any follow up evidence, there should be a paper trail for this kind of thing – meeting notes etc
we must not get prematurely exited and wait for the official reports. No doubts all our thoughts and predictions will emerge much to the subjective non-appreciation of the, “victims”.
Maybe they wanted the sprinkler system to pump out champagne instead of water . Bad things happen every so often . Some avoidable and others not. But to go on and on as a victim is over the top .
I wish the state wasn’t involved in housing people at all in this era .
Sprinklers are not fitted to flats in the UK as a matter of course, even upmarket ones.
Berkeley Homes, not exactly downmarket, only fit them in open plan flats. This is clear from their online specs. Maybe idiots in downmarket flats need them more.
Why are so many so-called journalists totally unable to acquaint themselves with basic facts?
That’s true Clare, and have only just realised it, despite living in a council flat for 18 years many years ago ! there was a fire escape of sorts, – full length door in the lounge, opening to a railing, which we presumed we would have to tie sheets together to escape in the event of a fire ! solidly built building, but no sprinklers.
I don’t know about ‘disruption’ ! more like the Council would have to keep fitting them if they were constantly nicked for scrap !
Dubai hotel’s sprinklers ran out of water 15 minutes into fire { jan2016}
The extent of the fire was beyond the capacity of regular sprinkler systems to cope with a major blaze across multiple floors.
The National reported that the cladding on the building’s facade did not meet fire safety standards.
– Possibly the sprinklers would not have resolved the Grenfell Tower disaster?
The cladding is on the outside.
Are there sprinklers on the outside?
BBC 2 this evening.
Horizon. Being Transgender
“This film explores what it actually means to be transgender, and what happens when a person transitions psychologically, physically and biologically. We follow a number of transgender people going through their own transition.”
I, or in fact most normal people don’t give a toss about any of this. What people wish to do in the confines of their own homes is entirely up to them as long as nothing illegal is being done…and should be kept there.
Most gays and gender fluid people that I know, keep their views to themselves and I have absolutely no problem with anyone at all about sexual orientation. Why oh why do the BBC feel the need cram this down our throats.
Unlucky-in-love transgender woman reveals she’s rejected by straight men because she still has ‘male parts’ – despite being chatted up all the time {dailymail nov2015}
– She meets men but never hears from them again after telling them the truth
She said: ‘I don’t know what’s wrong with me I’m going to be 21 soon and I haven’t even had a relationship for even a month.’
… ….
Only 0.3 percent of the United States population is comprised of trans people, or roughly 700,000 individuals, per the Williams Institute. {dailywire}
Further, as noted by The Daily Caller, a similar study from the United Kingdom “found that only 0.1 percent of the UK population was transgender.” This study focused on only those individuals who actually underwent a sex change, as opposed the surveys by the Williams Institute, which focused on those who merely identified as trans.
… …
Schools accused of ‘sowing confusion’ in children’s minds by over-promoting transgender issues
“The role of the teacher becomes policing the values, thoughts and language of children to bring them in line with one particular ideological position.”
… …
“minority extremist” – someone in a minority group who feels the majority should bend to their own culture or traditions or views using violence if necessary.
Totally agree with you Davylars – Like you I could not give a flying f##k about what people get up to in their own lives , it is their business but I think the BBCs obsession with this sort of crap is just another way to devalue and destabalise the values and norms that our society has built up over the centuries.
In essence the abnormal becomes the new normal.
These people are wreckers but do not have the whit to realise that what they are creating is chaos not the pink, fluffy socialist luvy duvy land. If you create an ethical and moral vacuum in society eventually something else will take its place. The question is what?
I expect the penny wont drop with them until some of their creative and artistic directors start to get their free flying lessons from atop the ten story buildings.
Oaknash…………I could not give a flying f##k about what people get up to in their own lives , it is their business but I think the BBCs obsession with this sort of crap is just another way to devalue and destabalise the values and norms that our society has built up over the centuries.
Well said. I’m starting to feel I’m living in an asylum ! Whatever is causing this phenomenon ? even at the turn of this century there wasn’t this upsurge of gender confusion, let alone decades ago. I don’t believe for one moment that there have been thousands of children in the past living in the closet about being a boy or a girl, otherwise those children would all be adults now demanding sex operations. So is there something in the water ? why is it NOW that there is an explosion of girls wanting to be boys and vice versa ? and the media and schools going bonkers on it. Its sheer lunacy.
If I had said to my Dad in the 50’s when I was 10, that I wanted to be a boy and to be known as Kevin, he would have said ‘don’t be bloody ridiculous, Kevin’s a silly name’, and that would have been the end of it. Like millions of others, my brothers had boys toys and I had girls – in pink. Saying that, perhaps the Action Man doll had a lot to answer for !!
Brissles – I know what you mean – I feel the same way too.
As for the cause of all of this I think it is a devils pact between weak, vain and lazy politicians, single issue “meeja” types and cynical left wing/anarchy supporting “psuedo” intellectuals who think that by destroying our society they will be creating some sort of “peoples revolution” However like most intellectual revolution types they will probably all end up being murdered in their bathtubs as far more cynical and aggressive forces push their own agendas instead.
I used to laugh at all these mincing “arty” types pushing this bizarre agenda – but the fact is, is that so influential is the media that even relatively level headed youngsters appear to have have bought into this pernicious nonsense – and so the whole mainstream agenda moves a step more extreme , paving the way for “God knows what” and more unwholsome and smutty weirdness in the future.
Maybe next year plod will be driving around in cars decorated with images of gay sexual practices and the sirens replaced with orgasmic groans – who knows?
If even five years ago you had told me that coppers would be driving around in cars decorated to look like a cross between my little pony and a packet of variety condoms – I would have laughed in your face. But these days anything goes.
What is for sure is that at some point all of this will hit the rails whether it is because people in general will react against it or whether it is because society will implode or maybe we will be faced with such a violent threat our gay obsessing coppers will be unable to protect us and will be pushed away into irrelevance as people will have to take action themselves to defend what remains of our society
I know not but pardon the expression at this rate we will be ” disappearing up our own arseholes”
Still I suppose some might like that as well.
“If I had said to my Dad in the 50’s when I was 10, that I wanted to be a boy and to be known as Kevin, he would have said ‘don’t be bloody ridiculous, Kevin’s a silly name’, and that would have been the end of it.”
Okay. And if you’d said to your Dad that you wanted to be a girl; and he said don’t be bloody ridiculous, you’re a boy. Would that have been the end of it?
“why is it NOW that there is an explosion of girls wanting to be boys and vice versa ?”
“and the media and schools going bonkers on it. Its sheer lunacy.”
The answer is in the question. Because the bBBC and MSM as well as schools are trying to normalise it and make it into a trendy fashionable choice.
The BBC, anxious to subvert, anxious to undermine, anxious to promote so-called more progressive ideas to divide, anxious to change the UK and in the process fragment the population all the more. Just anxious: ‘Fifth Columnists’. But, anxious for a civil war? Undoubtedly.
“Why oh why do the BBC feel the need cram this down our throats.”
I’m not sure that “cram this down our throats” is an appropriate expression for this topic.
“I’m not sure that “cram this down our throats” is an appropriate expression for this topic.”
People on this site seem to have an obsession with things being “forced down their throats”. Transexuals; “forced down their throats”. Gay people publicly kissing; “forced down their throats”. A Black man on Homes Under the Hammer; “forced down their throats”.
“Curious” you say. There’s nothing curious about highlighting the essential ingredients of brainwashing.
maxi, I hope this not yet another ‘hit and run’ visit from you.
Are you not worried that the BBC appears to have relatively recently and markedly changed from a reporter on News & Current Affairs into a peace-time* propagandist for various ’causes’?
(* I’m aware, as I hope you would be, of past BBC history.)
It’s a kind of end of human evolution thing I guess . No wonder al beeb is for ever doing stuff about mental health when it’s screwing so many up be ‘expressing themselves ‘. Just unnatural
Well remember the sex-change stuff as offered to us in the seventies etc. Used to be the News Of The World, and other lowbrow newsrags…
Even they wouldn`t have been offering us colonic irrigation, sex with pigs and wine bottles or tattoed, pierced weirdies who`d rather be freak barbie dolls than humans. All because the media are curious and will pay.
We need the News of the World back, the liberal deviance and grievance seekers have truly lost their minds, as well as any shame or point.
IS must enjoy looking at who they`ll be facing-and maybe thats why the BBC major on these eunuchs, catamites, sodomites or whatever words they are, but couldn`t spell.
You are the dogs bollocks (sorry but where I come from that means 1st class.)
You’re right. IS surely cannot believe their luck. I suppose it’ll have to be Dads Army to the rescue when the shooting starts as I’m sure it must. The BBC will then have to make the extremely delicate decision as to which side to support especially as they have played such a prominent roll in psychologically castrating our young men.
Alicia, a counter-argument would be that I could choose not to buy NotW but the BBC web-site, for example, covers N&CA but also has this propaganda mixed in. It’s even in the radio programme listings! We all realise as adults that some people struggle with identity – and may or may not have done so ourselves as youngsters – but it has now gone way beyond a natural recognition of that struggle and a concern & help for those facing it.
It has, as far as the BBC is concerned, become and aspect of ‘culture’ that must be ‘consumed’ by a proportion of young people.
That, I think, is worrying.
R4 PM. David Buick (Stockbroker etc.) discussing McDonnells speech. Very good assessment without giving away his opinion. Bet if you got him in a room on his own he’d say the blokes completely off his head.
Yes DB is always switched on in his assessments. Surprised they had such a strong brexiter on . He is of the opinion , I believe , that we just walk and go with WTO rules . We ll save our tax money and get our seas and borders back .we can then fund what is best for Blighty and dump the ecj case law .
From now on, whenever I hear someone on the BBC slam President Trump and seek to absolve the North Korean regime of wrongdoing, I shall think of the bleak and anguished words of the parents of Otto Warmbier in an interview this morning.
It had been said that Otto was in a coma when he left North Korea, but it was worse. The ‘Townhall’ article says:
During an interview with Fox and friends Tuesday morning, Fred and Cindy Warmbier explained in detail how Otto was brought home and what they experienced. They walked onto a plane to find their son deaf, blind, on a feeding tube and violently convulsing. “When we got halfway up the steps we heard this howling, involuntary, inhuman sound,” Fred said. “It looked like someone had taken a pair of pliers and rearranged his bottom teeth. He had a large scar on his right foot. North Korea is not a victim. They are terrorists,” he continued. “They purposely injured Otto.” “They destroyed him,” Cindy added.
All I hope is that BBC controllers and managers read that and adjust their biased reporting accordingly.
Why am I getting the idea that there is a coalescing of the angry and the bitter over Brexit?
Corbyns free pass from the left is surely down to youth mobilising for Remain, allied to the promises of seedy old man who won`t have to pay for the promises they`ll not keep, the civil war they`ll have fermented. Its like a gathering of the clans over the borders with the likes of Alastair Campbell ready to skirl into battle.
They seem emboldened and ever more nasty in their open contempt for the British people who voted to leave-as if they have the real knowledge of what we meant when we said no.
Shouldn`t be surprised when the left and the eurofanatics gang up-both learned plenty from the Soviet Union , both are soft fascists and both are antisemitic dumps.
This evil coalescing of the likes of Starmer and Corbyn , Blair and Heseltine only shows how wicked the europroject is, how entrenched and entitled, complacent they`ve become.
They need to know that the MPs expenses of 2009, the bank crisis of 2007/8 are not forgotten and will be reheated alongside their remaining machinations. We want out, and if they twist democracy and the popular ballot into irrelevance, then we too will do the same to their laws and their authority.
If only we had a political class who saw the dangers in treating us with such contempt-and would get on with making trade deals with the USA whilst they still care about us. May and the elite have wilfully scorned our one true ally here in the west, sometimes think that Mays appalling throwing of the election and scorn for Trump are deliberate efforts to overturn our vote. Don`t they know we all get the REAL news from elsewhere these days?
And we know what scares them.
And to add more credence to your post Alicia that wonderful Mayor of London has been mouthing off saying if Labour win the next election we will have another referendum. The concerted attack is completely transparent.
“Brexit: Donald Tusk says not enough progress in talks”
“European Council president Donald Tusk has said not enough progress has been made to move to the next phase of Brexit talks in Brussels.”
We may hold the top cards but who appears to be doing the begging ? Its not the EU , its our Mrs May.
HYS is not going well for the remoaners.
The whole Brexit coverage continually puts the EU as professors and impartial experts coolly marking the homework of runty thick English vermin and their dopey elected Schools Council. Really sick of the power gradient between the wondeful EU and the appalling English who seem to wilfully refuse to bow their heads whilst getting forced into the dock by the BBC and the dispassionate and grown up remaining class. When will people refuse to do the homework set, the futile tests and when will they get out of that bloody dock?
They belong in Nuremburg as they were in 1946-8….not us.
The likes of Tusk and Juncker are failed unelected factory rejects in a bargain bin-why the hell do we let ourselves get lectured to by these anti-democratic nazi holdovers?
Alicia Sinclair
Q. Why do we let ourselves get lectured to?
A. Because too many of us fail to see that we have a Trojan horse sitting in our homes which day after day tells us what to think.
I can’t understand why we are still making nice with them . Just do a degaul and keep saying “no” right up to the wire in 550 days. Dup will love it too
It is outrageous that the BBC are allowed to get away with writing these heavily biased, Trump bashing pieces, not to mention without stating the author of the piece:
Does Trump care about Puerto Rico’s hurricane victims?
Doreen Tipton
Excellent on Brexit Breakfast
I’ve noticed before that references to Doreen Tipton, possibly posted by yourself, don’t come with any links to Facebook, where her videos appear.
BUT last night I scanned through this site on my generic tablet and its ‘out of the box browser’ and some link text was clearly there!
So why do the links not show up on Firefox 55.0.3? Could it be that the link has just been ‘ctrl-v’ed into the comment rather than expicitly set in ‘a’ tags?
[Just looked at this via the dodgy Microsoft Edge and there are two links set inside a blockquote, none of which is visible under the aforesaid Firefox].
Well it was nice to hear a bbc WS wench shooting down the Macron plan for a two tier Europe/EU/Euro thingy.
Pointing out that the poor Europeans won’t like it and the Right will go to town on it.
Did sound awfully like the Bonaparte plan.
An interesting post about the BBC complaints procedure on Conservative Woman:
“The BBC initial Complaints system is apparently outsourced to Capita. No complaint is allegedly ever accepted at first.
Only when a complaint gets as far as the ECU (Executive Complaints Unit?) do BBC staff start to address the issue, even then, however strong a case, it is difficult to obtain any concession that something might have been handled rather better.”
Such bureaucracy, such state funded resources – The old Soviets could only look and weep.
Sussex students …. no conservatives found. Labour. Libdem. Green. I can’t believe this ….
Sussex being a leftie uni! In the 80’s it was only beaten, in terms of leftyness, by UEA – famed for climategate.
Saturday 7th October 13:45 – 14:45
London – Waterstones, Gower Street
… discuss her new book “Inferior”
which shows how women are being ‘rediscovered’ and explores what these revelations mean for us as individuals and as a society.
Is there a pattern with the events ????
I’ve not noticed any events titled men’s books
“I’ve not noticed any events titled men’s books”
Then write a book and organise an event. Or would you rather be happier in doing nothing but wallow in self-pity?
Hi Max:
Have you spotted any right wing bias in the BBC lately?
maxi, is that right? You? Not standing up for Equality?
Setting one heck of a precedent there, Maxicony. You just obliterated an entire industry and the BBC sofas set to give them nurture and a pulpit for their outrage.
dark looks round the water cooler later.
waterstones gower street which is surrounded by UCL and around the corner from ULU which is lefty central and full of corbynistas.
KatieH, not far from the BBC either. Will Jenni be there? Or Jim?
Melanie Phillips , sits on the fence again , about THAT Labour Party meeting
“What was so chilling was not just that the meeting, called Free Speech on Israel (aka Safe Space for Hate) didn’t just provide bigots with the opportunity to spew their bile. It cheered and applauded them.”
Melanie has more balls than the rest of the Times journalists put together.
For any Horrorbin worshippers and BBC ghosts –
PS Professor Curry was sacked from Georgia University for asking some sensible questions about Mann’s prognostications.
Professor Curry’s views as expressed in this clip – matches my own views. I have knowledge in this area. When I ventured into talking about lab. based science I was accused of supporting the “climate change conspiracy” – so I agreed not to claim any expertise on the subject matter.
Number 7, something funny with this – refuses to play in my browser. Have tried Internet search and other options but none of those play either.
Any ideas?
Do a search for Tucker v Curry on youtube.
That’s the link.
No.7, I did. Obviously others are having problems, too. At one point, I think I had tried all of the postings and none played in my browser. More listings were being added while I searched and tested and eventually one played after a hiccough. I wonder if someone is trying to disrupt any Tucker material?
I left Britain – the BBC always refers to that amazing country as the “UK” – because “Britain” sounds proper solid and something to be ashamed about – a few years ago. The big jet went up from Heathrow. We flew over Continental Europe, and Russia, and Mongolia, and bits of China. I say “Continental” because when I was a print journalist in the UK, actually it was England, I was corrected by leftie people for referring to “Europe”, as if I was separate or saw myself as superior in some way. We are all Europeans. So, now, Japan. What I struggle with is just how rubbish and banal the telly here is. And what the BBC was. Astonishingly good. Two or three decades ago: Brian Hanrahan. The very well dressed, super cool, Basil Brush. Maida Vale and the great studios, I think for free to nurture new talent, supported by the taxpayer. Those great sounds. All that greatness. Loved it. And Japanese telly is just useless. At the same time, the Japanese are pretty cool and the country is famously safe. Back to the telly. The BBC, despite all its ostensible right-on policy, is not stupid. They operate a massive organization, paid for by the British taxpayer, and adverts, but in fact run themselves as any other normal large firm does – to feed themselves. I watched their coverage here in Japan of the London 2012 Games. I noticed that it was on You Tube soon afterwards – but then they took it down. BBC Iplayer will not work here. In a way that is fair, because no-one but UK citizens pay the licence tax. Still. You would have thought the PC Beeboids would throw out their programmes for free, at people who do not look like them – people they secretly think they are superior to.
Al Beeb hates the name of Great Britain.
Al Beeb hates the identity of British and British traditions . It loves Europe hence its Biase.
Radio 4 Today 6.45am……Mishel Hussain starts a new report with, “Jeremy will address the conference today…”.
I also heard her refer to “ labour – the party of workers’ . This work experience girl hasn’t even the skill to glaze over their bias with the weasel words such as “some say” , “it has Been said by “ .
I was musing how many toady presented do not vote labour. I think there are 5? But couldn’t think of one as a non labour voter. I think they should be duty bound to declare their personal beliefs
“I also heard her refer to “ labour – the party of workers’ ”
Funny that. It’s always the areas full of benefit scroungers with no intention of working that have the majority of ‘ vote labour’ posters and placards.
It is an alliance between public sectors employees and welfare dependents i.e. it is an alliance between all those who expect [it is social justice] everybody else to give them money. The ones who generate the money they live on are despised as parasites, because the Left always project. They call everybody else racist and sexist because they the advocate an identity politics which is nothing more than racism and sexism. They believe in quotas.
Labour – the party of the workers? I think they have made it abundantly clear over the last 20 years that their greatest enemy is the British, white,heterosexual male worker. For fifty years I swallowed the Lib/Lab shit. Never again! Hopefully millions of others have seen the light.
Labour certainly abandoned the Unemployed as soon as they were in Government in 1997. Can’t say I have heard anything about the 1.4m Unemployed coming from the Brighton conference this week.
The Conservatives, for all their faults, are certainly now the Party of job creation and for workers.
I hope they have a good conference and the Chancellor has a superb Budget ready.
Just heard the Shadow Education Secretary being interviewed on Toady, she was barely able to string a coherent sentence together; listening to her it is clear she possesses an almost Abbotesque level of intellect – f*****g pond life in other words.
I wonder what these people actually think when they hear / watch themselves compared to other more erudite and articulate politicians? Do they just delude themselves as being their equal or do they just hope that no-one else notices quite how thick they are?
Heard her start talking , turned off and went for a tea. I remember a while ago labour let her out of the box to talk about number – she did an Abbot – got laughed at and was put back in the box again. They had to let her out for the conference .
Another money tree job.
I think she’s the one who boasts about giving birth to a bastard at 17 and “ look at me now – I’m an mp on the gravy train”
Yep. Dianne Abbott definitely has competition, as has John Prescott.
She, one Angela ‘leftmob gobshite’ Rayner did the Tony Benn trick of talking a lot and conflating lots of issues such that the apparent overall effect is of a great many causes of dissatisfaction and too many issues are mentioned to be challenged on all of them, such that by inference a number of them are thus taken to be true. A useful tactic to which the bBBC choose not to develop solutions. Pretty sure Rayner said that Further Education would receive double the money to be spent on ending tuition fees. So that’s 9 +18 equals a £27 bn committment, just on after school education, but no grilling of course on where the money comes from. My guess is rampant inflation to devalue the debt and devalue the value of savings held by the thrifty. Equality through inflation !
I predict the introduction of capital controls on foreign exchange as there will be a torrent of cash into the USD, Y, SFR, and even the Euro.
Mischel ‘useless’ Hussein knew the low calibre of the interviewee and I distinctly thought started the interview noddy style, as if asking questions to a child, and then just let her rant unchallenged.
The bBBC at its ‘best’, in other words.
BBC news this morning:
“Vehicle thefts have risen by 30% in three years…..” –
Where are the theft ‘hotspots’?
“London was the worst place for vehicle theft with nearly a third being taken from the capital, followed by the West Midlands, West Yorkshire and Greater Manchester.” Really?
What’ the BBC hiding?
Just that tiny bit of research lacking, as always.
“It’s quite possible that resources have been put into fighting online crime, fraud and domestic violence, and front line policing has been sidelined,” said Mr Waddington, a criminal lawyer of 35 years.{telegraph 26apr2017}
Violent crime on the rise in every corner of the country, figures suggest {telegraph apr2017}
“The debate surrounding knife crime was thrown again into the spotlight after six people aged between 17 and 48 were killed in London between April 22 and Friday afternoon, with at least one believed to be gang related.”
Violent crime was up by 18%, robbery by 16% and sex offences by 14%. { jul2017}
“Police are even reporting a spike in “traditional” crimes, such as burglary and car theft. They had been in long-term decline for around 20 years.”
‘Acid attack capital of Britain’ revealed as assaults with corrosive liquids soar {mirror mar2017}
“The borough with the most acid attacks was Newham in east London – which had three times more attacks than the next highest borough, with a total of 398 attacks from 2011 to 2016.”
Vehicle thefts have risen by 30% in three years, says the RAC { 27sep2017}
R5 now presenter getting each caller to say “I solemnly swear to never again use plastic straws”
..FFS it’s not her job to take a side and campaign
Especially since she uses £1.50 stainless steel straw which would have 1000 years if equivalent CO2 in manufacture
Propaganda they’re tweeting
Point is all plastic can be burned safely in high temperature incinerators.
They have an expert caller on now.
the insanity continues in the states
Why People Are Wearing Safety Pins After the Election { nov2016}
“After the Brexit vote was called, U.K. citizens feared the xenophobic rhetoric echoing across their country. In a silent, peaceful protest, they began to wear safety pins on their clothing. Now, Americans in a similar position are following their lead. … And now Americans have resolved to do the same as an effort to stand in solidarity with immigrants and oppressed groups. ‘Tell anyone afraid in Trump’s new America they don’t stand alone,’ … ”
– Now that no one wears safety pins anymore I assume that the World is now safe!
Take a Knee; Wear a safety pin; Don a pink hat; Men holding hands together; Put on a Hijab for a day; Paint a police car rainbow colours – do these acts achieve much in the real world? If I refuse to comply or don’t like them am I wrong or uncaring or evil?
Scientists are kneeling in solidarity: Using the hashtag #ScientistsTakeAKnee, scientists around the world are sharing pictures of themselves kneeling in support of equality. {twitter}
Why not two knees? Why not bow? Why not submit?
Jeremy Corbyn: Labour on the threshold of power { 27sep2017}
“Jeremy Corbyn is to tell supporters Labour is “on the threshold of power” and stands ready for government.”
Where is the best place to be a woman in Britain? { sep2017}
“Islington, in north London, was rated the worst place for women to live.”
Labour MP in charge of Islington from 1983 to 2017 (34 years to improve the area) is Jeremy Corbyn.
At the Labour 2017 Conference …
6.45pm: ‘Labour’s shameful migration secret’ with Owen Jones, a Yarls Wood detainee and others. Buddies Cafe Bar
8.30pm: Diversity Nite is back on! Infamously hosted by Keith Vaz, we’ve heard he’s back on this year. Walkabout
“Keith Vaz has been appointed to a parliamentary committee preparing a new law to tackle corruption and money laundering. {dailymail nov2016} The Leicester East MP is currently under investigation by the Metropolitan Police … ”
“Keith Vaz (67% voters for Labour in GE17), the senior Labour backbencher, claimed more than £75,500 in expenses for a flat in Westminster despite his family home being a £1.15 million house just 12 miles from parliament.”
“Mr Vaz’s claims have always been in accordance with the spirit and rules of the Green Book,” – Reported 9 May 2009.
Interesting counter argument to BBC biased towards the left here….
Thoughts please?
The in power party will get more coverage because they set things in motion. It’s like saying why do Eskimos always talk about snow? Conservatives did this, Conservatives did that, Conservatives caused this.
I did like the comment ‘It also concluded that the BBC has failed to “go beyond the headlines”.’
For me it is the representation of the Labour Party that is worrying –
Jeremy Corbyn: Labour on the threshold of power { 27sep2017}
Should be ‘Jeremy Corbyn believes Labour are on the threshold of power’
Remember when the BBC dropped a big photo of Jeremy Corbyn giving a football top to Mr. Barnier when talking about Brexit { jul2017}?