The BBC’s Brexit Blood Libel


The BBC has run a campaign of hate and demonisation against those people in Britain who voted for Brexit and in particular the politicians who led the campaign such as Boris Johnson and Nigel Farage.

The perfect example of this was their reporting on the death of a Polish man in a late night fracas in Harlow which the BBC sensationalised as a racist killing #duetoBrexit…the BBC telling us that Brexit has apparently given licence to all the racists in Britain to freely express their hatred and prejudice towards immigrants.  Britain, the BBC frequently opines, is a ‘nastier and more racist place’ since Brexit.

The death of the Polish man was reported in alarmist tones such as this on the Six O’clock News…

‘the fear is that this was a frenzied racist attack triggered by the Brexit referendum’

BBC Newsnight went all the way and put the blame squarely on Brexit and indeed put out an accusation that Nigel Farage had ‘blood on his hands’ and told us of ‘the ugly mood in our country post-Brexit.’

Trouble is there was not a jot of real evidence this was the case and indeed the truth was that it was the Pole who started the fight and who made racist comments.

The BBC have refused to apologise for what is in effect a blood-libel against all those who voted Leave accusing them of being racists and Fascists.  Tony Blair likes to say openly that Brexit ‘was driven by the Far Right’...a complete lie….but it is not just him who uses that language, it is the respectable, impartial, non-partisan, accurate and truthful BBC that does so also.  Emma Barnett saying ‘some might say Brexit is an extreme right-wing stance’….that was her immediate reaction to Dominic Grieve suggesting Corbyn was a hard-left politician.  Interesting reaction that tells us a lot….Barnett spits out an aggressive defence of hard-left Corbyn and does so by labelling Brexit as a Far-Right plan. Think we know where she is coming from…the same place so many of her BBC colleagues do….one on the Today show who recently labelled Brexit politicians as ‘Ultras’…and we all know what that means…extremist, fanatical, dangerous, violent, Far Right thugs.

The BBC has also refused to apologise to Nigel Farage despite making a hugely offensive comment about him that has led to both himself and his family being abused.

What has the BBC done?  It has ploughed on regardless and continued to peddle its campaign of hate against the British and promote the idea that they are all racist and are targeting the ‘other’….rather than apologise and admit their reporting has been racist and highly irresponsible, giving licence to Remain campaigners and so-called anti-racists to attack and vilify Leave voters and politicians, they double up on the claims and continue to peddle the type of anti-British narrative that they did in the reports about the Polish man…..

‘I want to get rid of my Polish accent’

Kasha moved to the UK from Poland 27 years ago, but recently started to feel some people are hostile towards her because of the way she speaks.

She’s decided she wants to get rid of her accent.

About time Lord Hall Hall was hauled up before a Parliamentary committeee and asked to explain why he is presiding over an organisation that is running a hate campaign that paints white British people as far-right racists who hate immigrants.  Hall Hall was extremely bitter about losing the referendum and no doubt is happy to see his employees run such a campaign, he certainly does nothing to stop them.  Farage should sue him for every penny…he has a water-tight case against the BBC that would expose the anti-Brexit bias that runs throughout the BBC and its reporting.





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7 Responses to The BBC’s Brexit Blood Libel

  1. Deborahanother says:

    Prominent people need to really start taking on the BBC.Farage should go for the jugular. Look at what they did to Cliff Richard broadcasting that stuff live .Its disgraceful Im glad he’s sueing them ,but there needs to be more .They are getting away with it .The media often willingly cover for them.And to be honest the general public either don’t know or don’t care.


  2. magicoat says:

    The BBC obviously thinks that brexiteer’s are guilty of thoughtcrime… an Orwellian expression used to describe illegal and unacceptable thoughts. The term was in the dystopian novel Nineteen Eighty-Four by George Orwell, wherein thoughtcrime is the criminal act of holding unspoken beliefs or doubts that oppose or question Ingsoc, or in our case the deep state ….
    or whoever is pulling the strings of the BBC.
    Now we have the BBC attempting to control not only our speech and actions, but also the thoughts of the the great unwashed. To entertain unacceptable thoughts is known as crimethink. Step forward Nigel and Boris and admit your sins….how many finger am I holding up Nigel!!
    In Newspeak, the ideologically purified dialect of the party Crimestop is a way to avoid crimethink by immediately purging dangerous thoughts from the mind.


  3. STEVONATRON says:

    Aside from grilling Hall, I’d shine some light on the fact the BBC is clearly run by the Rothschild spouse, Marcus Agius, who has presided as Senior Independent Director of the BBC since 2006. He’s also a committee member to act as one of the three trustees of the Bilderberg Group. This is all fact, not theory and can be easily verified.

    I don’t believe in coincidence – certainly where the Rothschilds and the BBC are concerned, and they have been in the game of promoting pro-Rothschild propaganda for a while, as is exposed in this article:

    When BBC promotes the EU, it’s because this man wants it to do so. When the BBC attacks those who campaigned to leave and voted to leave the EU, it’s because this man wants it to.

    The fake conservatives always said they would scrap the license fee if in power, they’ve had chance after chance to do so, but keep refusing when it comes to the crunch – because they are part of the same criminal freemasons that owns our country and the BBC.


  4. G says:

    Someone mentioned here a few days ago that Nigel should seek Crowdfunding for a Libel claim against the BBC. He should, at the very least seek Counsels Opinion on the issue in support of any Crowdfunding finance. I for one, would be quite happy to chip in as, no doubt, most others here would.


  5. Jerry Owen says:

    Don’t forget the disgusting reporting by the BBC of the BLM movement in America where five American police officers were shot dead in one night.. this led directly to violence against our own police officers in Hyde Park a little while later when a ‘music’ event got out of hand. I know we all keep saying something must be done about the ‘bloody’ BBC but it needs a politician or two to have the guts to call the BBC for what it is, there are slight murmurings form some politicians about the BBC but they are to weak and vague. They need to come out fighting against the Liberal NWO control of the media.
    They could do worse than take a leaf out of President Trump’s book… who incidentally is referred to as Mr Trump a great deal of the time ( and just plain Trump as well ) as if he wasn’t actually a President.