Two speeches, two classic examples of revived 1970′ failed political dogmas masquerading as progress and nicer, kinder politics. Anyone listening might have thought Christmas had come early as McDonnell and Corbyn spread the great tidings of joy to all men [and women, gay people and all ethnic minorities]….presents for everyone…and a massive turkey with one left wing….it goes round in ever decreasing circles with its head up its backside eating itself.
As usual with the BBC we don’t get the real analysis, background and context to anything concerning Corbyn and his gang. The McDonnell and Corbyn speeches get cursory scrutiny, McDonnell’s being a complete fantasy wishlist, Corbyn’s along similar lines peppered with the usual tripe about justice and equality and padded out with false accusations liberally, or illiberally, targeted at the usual bête noirs of the Far Left…..Margaret Thatcher was actually blamed for the Grenfell Tower fire….surely it was Lord Nelson….or was it Boadicea…or maybe Donald Trump?
The BBC’s effort seems to be concerned with giving us a dry run down of some of the highlights, chosen to highlight his disdain for those targets, the Tories, Big Business and the Right-wing Press, and the brilliance of his ‘manifesto’.
The problem is that Corbyn’s speech showed him up to be a liar, a hypocrite and a fantasist…not that you’d know from the BBC coverage as it avoids asking real questions about Corbyn’s narrative….such as is any of it true? We have a BBC ‘Reality Check’ but it is limited to Corbyn’s approach to the EU, and it is a fair enough run down…but ends on a false note about immigration…apparently it doesn’t lower wages….when we know from many, many sources that it does.
Perception is important but a Bank of England report in 2015 suggested that evidence for a link between immigration and low wages was relatively marginal.
So let’s have a look at some of the lies.
I was actually sitting today at traffic lights caused by roadworks as a water company was digging up the road to replace the mains pipes, as it has been doing in the area for over a year when Corbyn said this…
“Take the water industry. Of the nine water companies in England six are now owned by private equity or foreign sovereign wealth funds. Their profits are handed out in dividends to shareholders while the infrastructure crumbles the companies pay little or nothing in tax and executive pay has soared as the service deteriorates.”
The water companies have invested over £150 billion since privatisation and those hedge funds etc are in fact investing your pensions, those dividends Corbyn hates so much pays into those pensions.
Corbyn attacks the big companies and demands that government listen to the people, the small voices…and at the same time announces that he will do exactly what those big companies want and will ignore the Brexit vote [the voice of those little people] and stay in the Single Market and keep on importing that cheap labour under freedom of movement.
The of course he is outraged about terrorism telling us how it is an attack on democracy….yeah but….not so long ago Jeremy and McDonnell, and of course Abbott, were vocal supporters of the IRA [not to mention the Islamist Hamas] telling us how bombs and bullets were the only way to get what you want. Odd how the BBC doesn’t make a great song and dance about such links to terrorists and challenge these three on their hypocrisy.
Naturally he supports the Palestinians…no mention that Israel has been under attack by those self-same Palestinians and their fellow Muslims for 70 years…and as for illegal settlers…surely they are just undocumented migrants?
Let’s give real support to end the oppression of the Palestinian people, the 50-year occupation and illegal settlement expansion and move to a genuine two-state solution of the Israel-Palestine conflict.
Then there was this from Corbyn…..
Some of the most shocking cases of people not being listened to must surely be the recent revelations of widespread child sex abuse.
Can this be the same Corbyn who oh so very recently kicked out two of his party for speaking out about that abuse?…
Labour Muslim Candidate Deselected After Raising Pakistani Gang Abuse
Female Labour candidate Amina Lone (pictured above), who stood in Morecambe in the 2015 General Election, has been de-selected as a future Labour candidate in either parliamentary or local elections, meaning that she will not be able to defend her existing council seat in Manchester at the next round of local elections.
Ms. Lone has been living up to her surname by being a lone voice in the muslim community in Manchester speaking out about Pakistani male abuse, and she is also one of the high profile Labour members that rallied in support of Rotherham MP Sarah Champion when she was recently forced to resign from the Shadow Cabinet.
Sarah Champion is being used as a ‘scapegoat’ after warning of cultural link in child sex cases, critics claim
Sarah Champion, the Labour MP forced to step down for speaking out about child sex grooming by the Pakistani community, is being “punished” and “used as a scapegoat” critics have warned.
Amina Lone, the co-director of the Social Action and Research Foundation, said the former Equalities shadow minister should not have been asked to leave Jeremy Corbyn’s front bench team last night.
She told the BBC’s Newsnight programme: “She has been punished and used as a scapegoat because as a politician she’s an easy target”, adding that Labour should not have forced her into silence.
Then of course there is the fact that the BBC’s own Laura Kuenssberg has had to have a body guard whilst at the Labour conference….why would that be? Does the Great Leader not like being asked questions or does he just like unqualified adulation? Kuenssberg is not the only woman to get masses of abuse from within the Labour ranks…during the Labour leadership race the female candidates were subjected to massive abuse and intimidation, not to mention the odd brick through their windows. A Labour MP who suffered anti-Semitic abuse was ignored whilst their abuser was glad-handed by Corbyn who laughed and joked with him immediately after the abuse had occured.
The anti-semitism inquiry was a white-wash with the leader of that inquiry coincidentally being given a peerage straight afterwards.
There’s so much more and so little time but enough time to say that Corbyn’s claim that he is ‘the Mainstream now’ is somewhat surreal….May is the Mainstream…she got more votes and that is why she is PM.
Corbyn must be using the Abbottcus to do his calculations…but then this is a man who thinks he actually won the election.
Let’s remember exactly what Corbyn supported……
I remember what Corbyn and his fellow scum supported. I’d just finished my second two-year tour in NI…….
Joe – NI is forgotten now. Never happened. Didn’t matter. Corbyn is a saint in waiting . On the upside mcguiness is dead and no doubt God will be eager to talk to Adams and his monsters – friends of corbyn who he will probably encourage to take up their seats in our parliament. They certainly take the expenses.
What you said reminded me of the pro republican bias al Beeb showed then.
For the record I am RC and Blighty born and bred.
Labour is truly the nasty party, full of bigots, lead by people who’s clear intention (they don’t even bother to hide it) is to turn the UK into another failed Marxist state. And the Beeb doesnt even think they are far left or extreme left, when quite clearly this is not the case – just compare Labour party positions to other large left EU parties.
Lets see how the Beeb reports on the forthcoming Tory conference and if Laura has a body guard for this one, though she might need him if loads of violent Momentum supporters are bussed in.
“Him” ?
In the interests of diversity, I wouldn’t be surprised if the BBC arrange for Laura K to have a female bodyguard in a wheelchair.
Your right, I originally wrote “it” and didn’t like it so changed it to “him”, but i confess that I do not know if Laura’s body guard is actually male, female, trans or another gender I’m currently not aware of. So I can only hope that Big Brother will show mercy and forgive my sexist crime.
In true BBC progressiveness, Laura’s body guard should be a disabled transgenda ‘woman’. There’s no one in society better suited to protect Laura.
EDIT: Just noticed Lobster beat me to that comment haha!
That is a good point, it would be good if the media pointed out in advance how much rioting and violence will be expected from Hard Left troublemakers, at the Tory conference.
According to Kuenssberg labour have ‘made a huge leap forwards’ .. a subjective statement if ever there were one! But then perhaps anti Semitism being made a populist policy in the labour party ranks is considered ‘huge’ progress.
I note that Corbyn had a go at America in trying to start a war ( NK ) without condemning North Korea. This man would side with Kim Jong-um, just as he sides with the IRA ( they haven’t gone away you know ! ) Cuban and Venezuelan economics.
My biggest fear however is not the economy as bad as it will be but my own personal liberty, these people will gladly build the gulags and it wouldn’t surprise me if they gerrymandered our ‘democratic system’ so badly that they were in power for perpetuity.. a process Blair and Mandelson started many years ago, a process incidentally not reversed by the ( alleged ) Tories, proving we have a political class and not opposition party politics.
Gerrymandering is different from importing a culture that is doctrinally committed to remove our civilisation for good, and replace it with Sharia. This is what Blair and Brown have done. And no one has called them on it.
I cant think of any punishment that suits such a crime – a crime that makes treason look good.
In the case of Blair and Brown no form of punishment should be excluded from the list – they would all be ‘a source of innocent merriment, of innocent merriment’.
I watched his dreary speech which al beeb had given such a big build up . I don’t bother with al beeb ‘ analysis ‘ any more unless Brillo is doing it .
There is group ignorance of memory loss about what the labour leadership has said in the past . It seems to be a sign of the time . You can promise things and people believe it . You can say anything which is contrary to what you’ve said before and no one cares .
Except – of course – the conservatives or UKIP. Then the whole ‘anti’ clicks in with clips of previous interviews. No such treatment for the comrades .
During Corbin s speach the markets didn’t move
We are in a dangerous situation, IMO. We have a crackpot, left-wing opposition which looks more incompetent, racist, and far more aggressive than anything on offer in the 1970s, and we have a large number of voters who have no memory of the period or any interest whatsoever in anything that happened before their narcissistic existence came into being.
We have a dumbed down MSM, and an unspeakably biased BBC.
We have a Tory party that seems to find conservatism embarrassing, and a PM whose judgement is fatally flawed (“nasty party”, immigration when Home Secretary, calling the general election, delaying Brexit). Paradoxically, Brexit could give Corbyn more freedom to pursue his mad dreams, which is obviously why he is reluctant to oppose it. Then there’s the effect of immigration.
It is said that “young people” attach more importance to what they hear on YouTube than broadcast TV, and Paul Joseph Watson, for example, has a large following. I hope they are right because there is serious cause for concern.
The most effective way to destroy people is to deny and obliterate their own understanding of their history
-George Orwell.
Do we recognize anything here?
Clare, I agree with your concerns.
We have been heading to this point for a number of years and our vote to depart from the political construct EU has galvanised those who have hidden their core supranational beliefs to break cover to keep the project on track.
The MSM and in particular, our national broadcaster, are more overt in their propaganda than I have ever seen – and I have been watching them for years.
The ineffectual (non) conservatives, the herd like mentality of our propagandised youth, the seeming plausibility of Corbyn to those who have never experienced the rank hatred of Union thuggery and our wonderful public servants, many who were born to suckle at the teat of the state and they wish for no other life. All of this the perfect storm, perhaps coming earlier than they anticipated.
We soon may need to do more than to just add our voices to this cause, methinks.
Brother Number One’s speech to the Inner Party cadre went down well. Convinced already that they have the next general election in the bag and with the ever-willing comrades at the BBC breathlessly parroting Momentum’s pre-speech spin about Labour now being ‘a government in waiting’ all day, the comrades, collectively, feel smug. The worker-peasant revolution can’t be too far behind, brothers and sisters!
And whom do these paragons of socialist virtue choose as their role models? Here’s a clue:
When Labour Leaders keep the ideological company of thugs, bullies, brutes and mass murderers as their guiding lights the rest of us have very good reason to be worried.
Corbyn should watch his back too, because the even more dangerous John McDonnel will be after his job as soon as he can.
I don’t see that. JMcD as the power behind the chair while JC takes any flak going – yes, that’s believable.
I agree, I think McD is the real threat, it chills me just to look at him.
Well, the cap fits quite well sir.
Diane’s -penis,
Its funny you saying that McDonnel gives you the chills…………….that is exactly what my mother (87 years) said when we were watching the Oh Jeremy Corbyn show on Wednesday ( 5 mins) then quick switch to Bargain Hunt ( repeat)
She said….that other one McDonnel sends a chill down my spine) reckon she can spot the IRA a mile off.
I tried to cheer her up by saying that Jeremy had been voted into 3rd place behind “Dont Know” in a survey for who’s best for P.M