They didn’t seem to cover the vanhoften lecture at the LSE -my alma Marta- last night. This character is the archetypal euro crat. From college politics, domestic politics , euro politics . Never had a real job and now he lectures us- 445? Days to brexit .
I know – I’m a bit of an extreme brexiter – if that fits the image. I was there when the red flag generation had gone and joined al beeb. It was kind of pink in a non sexual way .,
Hi, just want to give a nod of appreciation to David Vance, Alan & whoever sorts out the particulars on this site, for acting on some of our suggestions, such as holding the previous open thread in second position for a period of time, when you create a new open thread.
Hi General, let’s not go that far. Sounds like you might be suffering from something called Stockholm Syndrome. I can think of many other things I could be doing rather than spending time having to look at the ordure being produced by the BBC.
The BBC are having a real impact. They are undermining the English, they are helping to damage British trade, they are promoting Islam and extreme feminism, and supporting a Labour party filled with incompetents and individuals that have supported terrorist and anti-western groups of the past and present.
But then if you’re payed around £600,000 you are so well insulated from the lies you pedal.
To the bbc filth hounds it is, just a bit of fun, an experiment in propaganda and manipulation.
Humph was interviewing Carney this morning and almost treated him with respect . But you could hear humph was desperate to ‘do a peston
And get some damaging admission about interest rates, bank viability or Brexit . Like any amoral journo he’d love to crash the market . Luckily he failed even after a very long interview .
Peston – remember – leaked details about bank difficulties as rescue attempts were being made and killed northern rock and Bradford and bingley.
“I just reported the truth guvner”
Humph tried to tell Carney that personal debt was on the increase ( a line regularly pushed by BBC ) but Carney stressed that personal debt has been reduced by 20%. Humph did not like that… that part of the interview will not be repeated.
The ‘Reality Check’ on their website always makes me smile.
This coming from an organisation which thinks all cultures are equal; equality of outcome for all, regardless of their efforts, proclivities and talents is a noble and cost effective ideal; Jeremy Corbyn would make a great Prime Minister; the EU is a fantastic organisation; men and women are the same; ‘grime’ music stars should be celebrated despite all the criminality they incite; transgenderism and LGBT rights are top of everyone’s concerns; the ‘Far Right’ is more dangerous than Islamic terrorism (1 death versus 460 in the past three years.)
If only they were forced to earn their money through subscription rather than the regressive tv tax – that would give them one hell of a reality check. Then they might be forced to up their game – few would pay to be deceived and insulted like this.
Via @GuestWho : Obama Cried
So what is News ?
= telling us urgent information about changes in our world which affect us
…OR = using £3.5bn of public resources to hammer home their own political messages with public relations tricks like PLAYING our emotions
Cos the BBC hardly ever pushes Obama messages
From Wednesday : “Women can’t have opinions of their own, otherwise they’re traitors.” #DefinitelyNotSexist
Note the Beeboid trick ‘I tweeted nothing political, golly no
.. I merely alerted the world that an Obama advisor had an interesting opinion on Brexit’
One event is a Country seeking sovereignty.
One event is how to provide healthcare for a Nation.
One is internal.
One is external.
One has World consequences.
One has National consequences.
#bringbackourgirls – makes you wonder who Michelle Obama was asking to do this? The wife of the most powerful man in the World, with a special relationship with the Country who could have taken action, reduced to holding a piece of card for the World to read a #hashtag that did NOT bring the girls back.
// {old post}
O’Bummer is like one of those exiled European monarchs of the 1930s. The BBC is still loyally supporting him as the ‘real’ President. I bet they’d love him to set up some sort of government in exile in London, like the Free French in WW2.
Iraq – only just getting over the Iranian conflict, Saddam, the Gulf War and IS is now getting ready for a fight with the Kurds.
Funny old World – needs someone to provide a cartoon for that one.
Hi Blackwell – are you on the taxpayers payroll at the BBC? I can’t remember if we have met before so to speak. I think it was you that made a comment on my comment a few months back?
‘I want to get rid of my Polish accent’
Kasha moved to the UK from Poland 27 years ago, but recently started to feel some people are hostile towards her because of the way she speaks.
She’s decided she wants to get rid of her accent.
Kasha’s story is featured in Accents Speak Louder Than Words, one of 12 short films commissioned for Listen to Britain. Viewers in the UK can watch the programme at 21:00 on Sunday 24 September on BBC Four or catch up later online.
Really? Fałszywe wiadomości. As they say in Poland.
It was never about the individual polish person or any individual . It was about the decision by Blair brown to allow uncontrolled access to Blighty by a lot of east Europeans when the rest of the eu ( ex Eire ) restricted access.
So our public services are crushed by large numbers of new people seeking work and a better life .
That, I think , is part of the reason for our brexit vote. Not all of course . Al beeb will never agree that line
Again, people could treat it with equanimity if there were an equal mass migration of British to some country to seek a, ‘better life’. The reason the ‘better life’ exists here is because THEY were not here – till now that is.
Question Time was interesting last night. It was one of those very rare occasions when I felt there was a more balanced audience as well as a better balanced panel. Now I wonder if it was because the Media/Culture Minister Karen Bradley (the blocker of Fox) was present.
Even Dimbledore seemed to lose his patience at one stage with the big mouth Geordie Labour Chairman Ian Lavery.
Keunsberg needing a minder, anti semite meetings, cult like chanting, holocaust deniers, social media abuse, I wonder if the Blairite BBC are beginning to tumble at the prospect of a Nazi like qualities of a Marxist Britain.
@Wronged Same thing happened last year; DURING THE LABOUR PARTY conference there was no bussed in Labour audience on Question Time.
(I remember commenting …it was in Boston Lincs that time)
Re @Wronged’s comment : “those very rare occasions when I felt there was a more balanced audience as well as a better balanced panel.”
Never watch it but I did see the bit guido put on twitter showing the audience burst out laughing when the socialist said “labour is the government in waiting” I thought dimbley was going to tell the audience to shut up but her held back. Priceless.
I watched QT last night, what struck me was how much al Beebus hate Corbyn!
The Labour chap had one of the most peculiar North-East accents I’ve ever heard and appeared as almost a caricature of a thuggish trade union leader, I don’t know whether that is his actually provenance.
I thought Richard Tice, was excellent: no flannel whatsoever, his longest answer ran to all of about four sentences. I especially enjoyed the look on the Tory woman’s face when he said that if TM was still leader in 5 years then Corbyn would be the next PM.
Listening to The Art of Rhetoric by Simon Hogart on Radio 4 Extra, (from 2010?), he mentions that Johnnie Cochran, a defence lawyer for OJ Simpson, carefully stressed the ‘wrong’ words to disrupt the jury’s thought-train. So that explains the delivery of Robert Peston, son of Labour peer Lord Peston, and ex-BBC business editor!
It’s not what the BBC mentions, but what the BBC doesn’t mention.
It’s not what the BBC shows, but what the BBC repeats.
I have to admit that I used to ‘hate’ Lady Margaret Thatcher when hate was allowed. But now it’s a crime to hate, I can’t hate her.
Which is good because I’ve actually listened to her speeches and have seen not an evil woman, but a patriotic and clear thinking and speaking women.
I always think about the way Mrs Thatcher was vilified for saying ‘there is no such thing as society’. What she meant was that it was no good saying , ‘somebody should do something about this’ and doing nothing yourself eg if your neighbour is an old person and needs shopping, it is no good expecting ‘society’ to go to Sainsbury’s for the old lady but should do so your self. Not so very difficult is it – but every snowflake thinks that even more of my tax should go towards paying for things like this rather than them picking them idle selves up and doing it themselves voluntarily.
Can you imagine Mrs.T being pushed around by Merkel, Junkers & Co. Instead of Tusk coming out of No.10 all tidy and smug, he would have been looking as though he’d gone 10 rounds with Mike Tyson.
“OPEN BORDERS” she would have shouted, “over my dead body”. Bloody sad really that we don’t have a true leader that would stand up to them.
Valid point but if she hadn’t Ted Heath might have had an excuse to keep her in the background seeing her as a rebel. In any event she certainly kept the brakes on until her successors caved in.
I took exactly the same route. What a wonderful thing is hindsight.
If only we could get that first.
By the way “hate” is still fine provided you hate from a left wing perspective
I recall as a schoolboy in the early 80s, a boy in my class made fun of Thatcher and our form teacher upbraided him for it. He said ‘can you imagine having to make the decision to have to send British soldiers to their deaths in the Falklands? Unless you are prepared to do that, then don’t mock her.’ I can’t imagine a modern teacher saying such a thing. It would probably be a hate crime!
The art of not arguing or thinking (audience stands up and turn back on speaker) and looking like you are doing something (walking out across stage) by actually not doing anything (you’ve learnt nothing and not argued your point) so both sides have lost … If Katie Hopkins visits your school you know what to do . Watch this video . {twitter}
A comment: – Legends, every single one of them 🙂
– We are replacing language and discussion with useless actions of solidarity so we don’t have to open our mouths and expose our thoughts to the World and our friends.
– Do you think that all the people who walk out agree 100% on everthing?
I can see the BBC Pidgin site being awarded a Comedy Gold Award, not on purpose.
“Science: Bi study di picture of di leading feminists, sceintists dey discover why feminist dey don like glamour models. #HughHefner”
BBC £3.5bn Comedy News Service …
Di BBC news ting for di sub-Sahara IQ {twitter}
“BBC PIDGIN / @BBC__DlNDU : For all dem BBC news in Pidgin, for dey unerstan di low IQ from dey sub-Sahara.”
For all dem BBC news in Pidgin, for dey unerstan di low IQ from dey sub-Sahara.
News: #macmillancoffeemorning for raise di monies for di people hab cancer. Like 15 year old Owen. Owen hab cancer of di personality.
Whenebba me read disam pidgin English on dem BBC juju lantern him call ‘internet’, me am remind of dem Alen Coren book ‘Collected Bulletins of Idi Amin’. Dem book me tink mos likely ban by de white man nowadays, but stillem can be found in de Hoxfam shops fo roundbout 20 shillins in de money.
BBC R4 TODAY: Ed Balls has seen the light! Hallelujah!
Unfortunately, it is 10, 12, 15 years way too late. Ed Balls apparently thinks it would have been good if the Labour Government of 1997-2010 had taken a more involved attitude and relationship with the Bank of England after cutting them free from the hold of the Government of the Day in 1997.
Well, he didn’t actually say that.
He has popped up to underline .. er .. no, wrong word, undermine – with the BBC’s help – Theresa May’s speech yesterday at the Bank of England. That and grab a headline that will no doubt be worked over by our beloved bit of the media this weekend and into next week which just happens to be Conservative Party Conference time. Well, well. What a coincidence.
The PM’s speech does appear to be slightly worrying because she should be thinking along the same lines as Ed Balls. I haven’t seen a full text or heard many snippets. Radio 4 and the BBC web-site seem more anxious to carry on bashing Brexit and the Conservatives.
So the bBC has come out with a negative story regards the MOD just before the Tory party conference begins: Foxhound MoD vehicles ‘keep breaking down’ Armoured vehicles designed to protect British troops from roadside bombs keep breaking down, the BBC understands.
Foxhounds – first deployed in 2012 – were designed to safeguard soldiers in a blast and operate in hot conditions.
An Army sergeant in Iraq, responsible for maintaining a fleet of seven Foxhounds, told the BBC the vehicle was “a massive waste of money”…The Army sergeant, who did not want to be named, said the vehicles keep overheating. “They break down all the time. They cannot handle the heat, they have a massive problem with it. “At 50 degrees the engine cooks out.”He said he was having to strip the vehicles down every five or six weeks to keep them running. Normally, this would only be done twice a year….Tools were not provided to deal with this so he bought his own specialist equipment, he said.
1) From past experience, that 2 strip downs a year is usually for home based vehicles. Vehicles on tour receive more as they are used more.
2) Funny enough, the reason why so many third world countries operate the most basic types of vehicles and weapons is because they require less maintenance.
3) I’m a bit suspicious of the having to bring my own tools bit. As all REME elements carry their own tools, which I suspect for the foxhound is specialised.
The entire story is very vague, and spends more time berating the MOD for historical events. When the Chally 2 was sent to the gulf the media companied that they kept breaking down due to the ingress of fine sand into the filters, a quick change soon resolved that and they have operated better than most armoured vehicles.
I’m all for exposing issues when it comes to military equipment, yet the foxhound was purchased to save lives and yet the bBC article doesn’t mention any deaths to people using it. (And I’m pretty sure they would if they could) Which tells me it is doing the job it was designed to do.
And the BBC has followed up with a negative story on social security payments – just on the eve of the Conservative Party Conference. It’s almost as if they planned it! I’m not surprised – this has been the policy of the BBC over the past few years.
The Foxhound, designed jointly by Formula 1 engineers Ricardo and Force Protection Europe, owned by US giant General Dynamics, twinned cutting edge engineering technology with British boat manufacturing techniques to develop a V-shaped armoured hull to safeguard those inside from roadside bombs.
Its wheels work independently of each other, enabling it to drive away from an ambush if one is disabled, and it has four wheel steering allowing it to operate in highly built up areas.
“The Urgent Operational Requirement Programme has saved countless lives in operations in Iraq and Afghanistan.
Pounce, if I recall correctly, stories in the news about under-equipped troops have been standard journalistic ‘click bait’ since the Crimean War. I would not trust the Beeb on any military matters and tend to check such stories with acquaintances in the forces.
Oh you will hear loads about this, or at least the protest which even the Labour supporting Mirror Group rag the Manchester evening snowflakes News is calling a gauntlet of hate.
Of course the coverage at the last Tory conference in Manchester started off presenting the Left wing terrorists as just concerned people venting their frustration / letting off steam / having a bit of fun at Tory expense, until the mood turned ugly and a Journalist was attacked.
Then the coverage changed to tell the truth for a change, and the Political Correctness Enforcement Squad formerly known as ‘The Police’ were forced to act.
This year they have moved the protest well away so the terrorists cannot attack the conference delegates, something which should have been done last time, and allegations were made that the terrorists were deliberately allowed close enough to launch their hate filled attacks.
There is no need for ANY cuts to public spending; no need to decimate public services; no need for unemployment or pay and pension cuts; no need for Austerity and privatisation. There IS an alternative.
There is a housing crisis across Britain and homelessness is at an all-time high. Recession, unemployment, poverty, the Bedroom Tax and removing Council Tax rebates is resulting in many more people losing their homes through repossession and eviction.
Disabled people have been hit disproportionately by austerity; Young people have been hit with cuts to the Education Maintenance Allowance and the rise in tuition fees ; Instead of wasting money on military intervention or developing weapons of mass destruction, ; The Panama Papers exposed the super-rich hiding their wealth in tax havens on an industrial scale. … ‘tax gap’ is as much as £119 billion. This is enough to plug the funding cuts to the NHS and provide free education for all.
We oppose Western intervention that has created a humanitarian crisis as people flee bombs being dropped on their homes, towns and cities.
We say that refugees are welcome here and that the UK should give sanctuary and asylum.
– Allowing more people into the country which is already strained will add to problems?
– Don’t drop bombs on ISIS?
– Reduce tax to 10% and everyone is happy
What do BBC respect more actual RULES or propaganda values in pushing LibMob agenda ?
Graphic of BBC Trust 2009 ruling
By ignoring the ruling Harra seems to class his work as NON-“Factual Programming”
The BBC’s Chief Global Warming propagandist yesterday
It’s interesting that wronged says that Question Time last night was worth watching because The Daily Politics is joining Question Time and Newsnight on my list of programmes I used to watch.
I just do not need to watch it anymore, it offers nothing.
Awful, just awful.
Agreed Rich – the radio stuff was a little bit fairer but seems to caught the virus infecting the rest of the network.
It makes it a bit of a balancing act between
Suffering the al beeb diet and abstaining . It really is a shame that there is an alternative source for those who do not shares the al beeb politics .
Agreed Rich – the radio stuff was a little bit fairer but seems to caught the virus infecting the rest of the network.
It makes it a bit of a balancing act between
Suffering the al beeb diet and abstaining . It really is a shame that there is an alternative source for those who do not shares the al beeb politics .
OK, I GIVE UP. What is a Reality Check Correspondent ? Lol ! listening to the BBC news at 12.30 the newsreader began the story of UK residents applying for dual nationality passports, citing Colin Firth in particular, she then said “now over to our Reality Check Correspondent” – I thought I’d misheard, so replayed it and wrote it down, yep its true. Clearly the Beeb have run out of titles, so was it a case of Ideas in the Suggestion Box please ?
The BBC is committed to building a culturally diverse workforce and therefore strongly encourages applications from underrepresented groups. We are committed to equality of opportunity and welcome applications from individuals, regardless of their background.
– Why use ‘Reality Check’ and then use ‘Fact Check’? Why not just ‘Fact Check’?
BBC: OUR MISSION AND VALUES We respect each other and celebrate our diversity
We respect all our colleagues, whoever they are. We’re honest, direct and always courteous. We challenge others’ ideas but we respect decisions once made. We are ambassadors for our organisation; we speak out if something is not right and deal with it within the BBC.
– The comment statement ‘we speak out if something is not right and deal with it within the BBC’ does this not apply to giving pedophiles a centre stage, presenters using the BBC brand to sell themselves and external companies (CarFest+Crisps) and massive gender pay gaps?
13 years of labour and their lies and none of this reality bollocks. Corbyn and the gang spout the biggest load of commie shite and anti semitism for the past week in brighton and nothing, a free pass.
In the Netherlands, Denk ran on a platform against the integration of immigrants into Dutch society (instead advocating “mutual acceptance”, a euphemism for creating parallel Muslim societies); and for establishment of a “racism police” that would register “offenders” and exclude them from holding public office.
“I consider every death of an American, British or Dutch soldier as a victory”. — Dyab Abu Jahjah, leader of a group called Movement X and possibly starting an Islamist party in Belgium. The Belgian political magazine Knack named Jahjah the country’s fourth-most influential person.
The “I.S.L.A.M” party, founded in 2012, is working to implement Islamic law, sharia, in Belgium. The party already has branches in the Brussels districts of Anderlecht, Molenbeek and Liege. The party wants to “translate religion into practice”.
In France, as the journalist Yves Mamou recently reported, the PEJ has already approved 68 candidates and wants to abolish the separation of church and state, make veils mandatory for schoolgirls in public schools, introduce halal food in all schools and fight “Islamophobia”.
Brussels, 25% Muslim, has enormous potential for Islamic parties.
How many Europeans are even paying attention to their agendas?
– Brussels (25% Muslim)- the heart of the bureaucratic European Union.
The BBC has been allowing comments on quite a few EU stories of late. I’m surprised at this, as the general consensus is invariably that the EU should go and get stuffed.
Comments have again been allowed today, on “Brexit: Miracle needed to advance talks, says Juncker”. With predictable results. This is the current first page of highest-rated comments. Presumably even the BBC must notice this?
3. Posted by Illation on 2 hours ago
Its almost as though Juncker has already decided not to negotiate constructively, regardless of what the UK offers.
1. Posted by Landlova on 2 hours ago
Basic problem – EU want UK to agree everything they ask for, not open to any negotiation. Makes you realise why Canada agreement took over 7 years to final draft.
7. Posted by Jebediah Kerman on 2 hours ago
Its fine. Just go Junker. We don’t need a deal. If we have tariffs both ways, we are the ones with a trade deficit. We’ll make a killing. Go back to Brussels, strangle it with more integration and we’ll watch you circle the drain from a safe distance.
14. Posted by the peoples poet on 2 hours ago
MIRACLE as in: great britain won’t let us have it all our own way.
what an unpleasant organisation the EU is.
36. Posted by post office queue on 2 hours ago
the EU cannot afford to show BREXIT as a success.
they are like a child being dragged to the dentists.
stick to your guns, davis, dont let em have it all their own way.
16. Posted by SS on 2 hours ago
Miracle? You mean £100bn?
4. Posted by Jaykay on 2 hours ago
I think what Juncker is actually saying is, until the Germans resolve the fallout from their election we are not ready.
5. Posted by John Lilburne on 2 hours ago
And how many had he had when he said this?
I look forward to the day when his opinion counts for nothing.
11. Posted by glenn on 2 hours ago
What they are actually saying is unless you do as you are told you have no chance.
13. Posted by Totallyright on 2 hours ago
Does that miracle come in the form of 100 bn quid mate? Well the only miracle you’re gonna get is if we don’t just tell you to jog on, you boring old snowflake.
Comments have again been allowed today, on “Brexit: Miracle needed to advance talks, says Juncker”.
Just checked
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A small article in the Daily Mail yesterday (Thursday) caught my eye. ‘Terror police hold woman aged 65 under Secrets Act’ it said. This coincided with a Police constable at the local BR station handing out ‘terror’ notices of how ‘Communities defeat Terrorism’ and ‘We stand together’ (tackling hate crime) and listing how you can be ‘offended’ by almost everything (but calling those responsible for terrorism into account you cannot). You see we cannot ‘name’ them racially even though we know exactly who they are an were they come from. Anyway… reading on ..’ the woman aged 65 has been arrested by counter-terrorism officers for allegedly breaking the Official Secrets Act’…’She was arrested under section 1 of the 1911 Act which covers unlawful disclosure of information ‘prejudicial to the safety of the state’. i.e. spying. The Police did not say which government dept. this was – but it was not MI5, Mi6 or GCHQ. But there are a number of UK based QUANGOS which have dual status and that includes the BBC (which is officially run by the Home Office, subject to the same civil-service requirements). The BBC has been in the past (and still is) a leaky sieve on holding any governments secrets (as Philby, Burgess and and Mcalean can testify), the BBC is full of political cross-dressers and communist sympathisers going back to the last great war. Now they feel ‘victory is within reach’, that would be the great EU question and the only other game in town is one of Islamic terrorism. And that the BBC is also rather partial to avoiding any question that Islam is implicated in any terrorism offenses. And that unfortunately included the Police having to hand out notices that (in effect) trying to spot a terrorist (or Spy) in our midst. So we are at war. We just are not allowed to state that we are at war. It would be better to look the other way rather than be called something ‘unpleasant’ (by sensitive left wingers), because (in the same Police handout) stating the obvious can also be considered a ‘hate crime’ and that is far more serious. So on balance better to look-the-other-way and listen to reports on the BBC that ‘a man’ that attacked/exploited/targetted can not reported nor can most BBC infiltration, discovered or not, they are still there, ready for the ‘final push’. I speculate on this. Spies working for a foreign power in the civil-service are not new. But our failure to detect them is weakened by rubbish pamphlets by the Police warning us not to report anything suspicious (as it would could be misconstrued as a ‘hate crime’ – whilst also preparing us for worse to come – and accept that it may not get reported, as this is the liberal multicultural wonderland that the EU has imposed on us all and that they despise everything about the ‘west’ and the sooner we are all ‘nationalised’ in one big EU superstate then all differences will disappear. That is at least is how the BBC would like it to be presented. One happy bunch of Corbyn Comrades in arms. It is war – but not as we know it!
I was watching a Mark Steyn lecture on U Tube today and in it he predicts that Russia will have an Islamic majority by mid century! This was news to me as I hadn’t realised that Russia had anything like as many Muslims within its present boundaries as it apparently does. I had thought that Eastern Europe including Russia could keep Christian civilisation alive but now it seems that the likes of Poland are going to be caught in a pincer movement reminiscent of 1939 with Islamified Western Europe on one side and Islamified Russia on the other. Is there any light at the end of this dark , dark tunnel?
Despite the gloomy prognosis I still don’t see why we should go quietly and swallow the pathetic bromides offered up by the BBC. I for one don’t want to a Muslim. Does anyone wish to convert? But unless something drastic happens that is what is increasingly likely to happen.
The western governments have probably worked out long ago that a Islamification was in their view inevitable but if that is true why didn’t they start counter measures such as encouraging European birth rates by special allowance, stopping immigration both legal and illegal etc . If they had acted thirty or forty years ago the situation today would be very different. And why oh why did Mad Merkel and bastard Blair actively encourage mass Muslim migration. Is there another answer other than that they wanted to destroy western Cristian civilisation ? But Blair makes no secret of his Christian faith, surely he wouldn’t want European Christianity destroyed. . So is he an Islamic agent masquerading as a Christian? Seems unlikely , so we are left with only one explanation , he is so thick that he never thought that Muslims would outbreed Christian at a rate of three to one, he and all his highly paid advisors never thought that their crack pot policies would eventually destroy us.
DT, I thought the Russians had been quietly squeezing Muslims out of Russia and either into the M-E & Afghanistan or into the Islamic Republics formed from the old Soviet satellite states.
I think Blair may be part of an overall world religious group that will try to pull together all faiths, including R-Catholics and a chunk of Protestant Christendom, but possibly, probably, almost certainly excluding Jews. Pope Francis has made some friendly noises recently in the direction of Islam.
I’m finding it very difficult to believe that so many of all these Western countries’ politicians are so naïve. Rather, I’m being to believe, they are subject to the basest of human vices – greed. Billions of dollars of Middle Eastern money must be being thrown at opinion-formers and law-makers in the West – I can’t see any other reason for the partiality given to Muslims. Please tell me I’m wrong!
Apparently Junkers52 – the one named after a WW2 German transport plane – is saying it will take a miracle to get the brexit talks sorted .
Now normally I pray for miracles- lottery – premium bonds 5pm at Newmarket – but on this occasion let’s have no miracle . End the talks . Tell em we re going and we ll sort stuff out in the 2 year transition starting now. Or put JRM in charge or negotiations
Mo Marley to take charge of England girls footy team after al beeb got the bloke manager sacked .
I’m not sure if she is related to Bob , Jacob or the profit . ( yes I know what mo is short for but this is writed on a Friday afternoon ).and sadly sober despite the spelling
Incompetent paedophile-stopping South Yorkshire police
Yorkshire Post published name of an officer who failed to act in Lost prophets case after as an FOI request accidentally failed to redact his name.
3 Officers played the trick of retiring before investigations completed.
What a loophole !
Some celebrities are jumping on a bandwagon if offering £1 books for World Book Day 2018
For charitee/publicitee
– One is a certain BBC prized cooking star
– One is a certain BBC prized female sports commentator
.. who’s gay, who’s…..
#RoleModels pushed forward.
‘The Board of Deputies has distanced itself from a far-right figure, after he reportedly spoke at a Jewish community event in Manchester.
Jewish Voice’ launched an anti-Islamaphobia campaign “to fight Tommy Robinson and the Far-Right”.
When asked by members of Jewish Voice if Robinson, whose real name is Stephen Yaxley-Lennon, is “a friend of the Jewish community”, the Board said: “Tommy Robinson’s record of anti-Muslim provocation means that he could never be a partner of a respectable or mainstream Jewish organisation”.
“Brexit: Miracle needed to advance talks, says Juncker”
“It would take a “miracle” for Brexit talks to progress quickly enough to persuade the EU to start discussing trade soon, a top official has said. ”
And the “miracle” may have arrived in the form of Andrew Bolton!
Ably “assisted” by no less than – Nigel Farage !
Brexit means Brexit !
Nazi Heeber Jeeberists. LOL that about sums it up. (All the extremist media hype about fictitious NAZIs)
Nazi Heeber Jeeberists. 🙂
Used in a sentence: ‘ The BBC employs an army of Nazi Heeber Jeeberists to whip up fear among the British populace and misdirect public attention away from the real source of danger. ‘
4:30pm R4 “The Brits seeking European passports elsewhere
In partnership with Reality Check, ”
They said that since 1/3 of all taxi journeys it seems there is no evidence that they ate note dangerous that other taxis or minicabs.
WTF did they bother debunking that Guardian claim from 2009
In 2017 people know not to take their worldview from BBC/Guardian
just 15 of the world's biggest ships may now emit as much pollution as all the world's 760m cars via @guardian
— Caroline Lubbers (@CarolineLubbers) May 13, 2012
#1 Misrepresentation cos by pollution they are ONLY talking about sulphur pollution
#2 by do they mean “could” : the example theorised about ships not yet built would use the worst fuel and worst filters.
And they assumed the cars were cleanest possible.
#3 The fallacy of comparing apples with oranges :
A car is not a sulphur polluter cos petrol contains minute amount of sulphur so a million times practically nothing still equals not much.
Whereas ships used to use fuel of 3.3% sulphur ( and anyway don’t use as much now)
By that logic I could go to Saudi or Pakistan and imbibe whilst eating a pork pie and distributing bibles. The Muslim chap may well be telling the truth when he says raping ten year olds is ok in his home land. The great concern , that surely even the likes of terminally thick, Lineacker, is that if people like that arrive in our country they will do just as he has. Oh I have just remembered Rotherham, Rochdale, Oxford etc etc etc . Surely even din wit Gary can see the dangers of allowing aliens like that into our country. To answer stupid Gary’s point about what is wrong with our country , what’s wrong is that fools like him have any influence or platform at all to put forward their naive and gullible views.
Its all to do with that ‘wall of silence’ the Government is maintaining to further its aims for the, not-so-clandestine islamisation of the UK. Little do they realise that not spelling out when it will stop only promotes even more fear and loathing for islam. Sooner or later, in that vacuum, it will be The People versus The Government and only then will the ever restrictive laws imposed on the white brit come shuddering to a halt and a reversal implemented. Drain the Swamp…………..
So, UKIP members have run screaming from the only leadership candidate capable of challenging the moslem friendly arseholes who infect our major parties.
It will be to their everlasting shame they have fallen for the MSM lies and smears agsinst Anne Marie Waters, a woman with more balls than the rest of the candidates put together. Utter fools
I was just listening to Iain Stale on LBC. He seemed to be amazed and outraged that anyone could find fault with Islam. He would have no hesitation in denouncing Nazism as evil, yet Islam an ideology which shares many similarities with facism is apparently beyond reproach. What is wrong with these people? Maybe they believe the Koran really is the revealed truth straight from an all-powerful, all-knowing supernatural entity. A modern western society pandering to regressive thirdworld superstition is absurd.
Tell the First Lady that Dr. Seuss is racist propaganda!!!! …wait not that one… the new one… because it just became racist just now…
I stand to be corrected but here is a bit of blink-and- you’ll-miss- it’ bias.
And all the more insidious for that.
At 1759 on BBC1, there was a trailer for ‘The Conservative Leader’s Speech’ at the Tory conference next week.
Seems unremarkable?
Except that last week, the equivalent trailer was for ‘Jeremy Corbyn’s’ speech. Not ‘The Labour Party leader’s speech’.
See the difference. The one has the personality cult appeal, typical of many socialist governments, the other carries anonymity and a little uncertainty.
How very convenient for our impartial state broadcaster.
“At 1759 on BBC1, there was a trailer for ‘The Conservative Leader’s Speech’ at the Tory conference next week.
Seems unremarkable?
Except that last week, the equivalent trailer was for ‘Jeremy Corbyn’s’ speech. Not ‘The Labour Party leader’s speech’.”
Stuff, September 25, 2017 at 6:03 pm:
“Biased BBC1 at 1759 just before the news. A trailer. For…..
The Labour Party leader’s speech!!!!
12 noon. Wednedsay. Live on the bBBC.
Completely impartial, of course.”
One popular comment being shared on Twitter said: “Not letting non-Muslims use these self-service washing machines on the pretext of cleanliness is something that blackens the name of Islam.”
If we want to get serious about tackling islam and its expansion in the UK, we first need to recognise the fake opposition – people who deliberately channel public anger away from those responsible for the UK’s population replacement. People like Tommy Robinson are fake opposition to this; they’ll take us very close to the cause but then steer us away. They create more anger, more division – but ultimately, we’ll get no closer to stopping the problem.
Basically, it’s every bit as important we reject fake opposition as much – if not more – than those pushing islam. You can’t cure a problem if you can’t recognise the cause. Tommy Robinson and his friends are a placebo.
Tommy Robinson needs to be seen as a victim of the state, he needs to be seen as a freedom fighter so we can sympathise with him and not question his intentions. The more the BBC, et al, bash Tommy, the more we’ll support him and the more sure we’ll feel that he has good intentions, when in actual fact he’s part of the problem.
But no, I’m not saying we need to fight him and people like him – I encourage people to do some digging into him with an objective mind and when you see the truth about him and those around him, I think you’ll feel compelled to ignore them.
Hi Stevonation. Can you expand on what you mean by calling Tommy Robinson and his friends fake opposition and a placebo and why he should be rejected?
Are you talking about Tommy Robinson the real person, or the BBC – Left-Liberal Media presented image of “Tommy Robinson”, or some other “Tommy Robinson”?
Personally I know very little about Tommy Robinson and the English Defence League.
I have seen some of Tommy Robinsons videos on youtube – where he seems very knowledgeable on Islam and is explaining his concern about spreading Islam in Britain.
I have also seen some media headlines calling the English Defence League an extreme right – racist – Nazi like group.
And I have seen comments by several people (perhaps social justice warriors) on social media as well as in the mainstream media calling Tommy Robinson a vile extremist.
He’ll not lie about islam – not that I’ve been aware of anyway, but he’ll do the opposite of what the BBC does and hike up our concerns to the point we’ll feel enraged. I know – because I used to follow him! But he’ll never bring us any closer to truth about the UK’s population replacement.
Vladimir Lenin was the first to pioneer the fake opposition. BBC and the left elite know who Stephen Christopher Yaxley-Lennon is, and they know he’s not a real patriot.
I’m sure you can see my reply is a little bit cryptic, there’s only so much I feel comfortable writing about this.
Hi Stevonatron – Okay – I an going to conclude that you at some stage in the past perhaps knew him and perhaps attended meetings with him and others where certain things were discussed. All I can say is people can change and even groups can change (the Labour Party being an example). I don’t know much about the English Defence League – but I assume it contains a range of people. I will put it on my “to check” list and I will check your link on your original post later.
The other thing to note is that sometimes alliances are needed in order to address much bigger, more powerful “foes”. But those alliances can be temporary.
Don’t bother with Stevonatron. He is talking Crap. Nazi Crap. Check his link out. It’s one of those ‘all the fault of the Jews’ type. And also consider the completely bonkers assertion that Tommy Robinson and Nigel Farage are plants to lead us astray.
These people are the REAL far right. The people that the lying BBC wants to associate with patriots.
I have often been approached by these people and their poisonous nutcase views. I reject them entirely. And I’m not Jewish or especially supportive of Jews or Israel before anybody wants to fling that one at me.
Yet another rebirthing, rebranding of a bbc troll. I’ve said it before, their bilge is simply best ignored. Dont be tempted to engage in the bullshit they spout.
Ignore the bbc wankers.
Yes, Yasser.
The link claims that Tommy Robinson is an “Irish Jew”.
Opposition to islam goes beyond narrow nationalism. It is a threat to all cultures that do not want to be enslaved.
BBC currently reporting utter bullshit about Cuba firing “sonic wave attacks” at US diplomats, giving them headaches and dizziness. The US government is advising citizens not to go there….
I’m wondering how much more bilge the western public is going to take from the mainstream media, when we can clearly see this is stuff of fantasy and nothing more than a pretext for America to start turning the screw on another of the last few remaining non-Rothschild banking countries. The alt-media – those forever derided by the BBC as “fake news”, have been warning for a long time now that the MSM would soon start reporting about these “mysterious” sonic wave attacks – and here we are!
Thankfully, most comments on the BBC’s Facebook post totally rejects the story. It needs to be a common sight to see the public rejecting the BBC and their materialised “news”. I wonder how much open criticism the BBC would take before they decide to shut down their Facebook/Twitter page? Freedom of speech to the BBC is garlic to a vampire…
When it comes to globalisation, the BBC’s truck with Trump neutralises. You only need to see the way they have reported positively about his stance towards N Korea (another of those last few non-Rothschild banking countries) to see another example of this.
By the way, I don’t suppose you know that the BBC is directed by a Rothschild spouse? Look him up, he’s called Marcus Ambrose Paul Agius. The more you dig into this Rothschild family, the more you understand the reasons behind the wars we’ve had and why the media always propagandises for them.
Maxincony: … This is an anti-Muslim-pro-Jew blog …
Hi Maxincony, I wasn’t sure whether you worked for the BBC or whether you also had other interests. Your past comments lead me to believe you are connected with the BBC in some way. But I am now becoming convinced you also have other “interests” and motivations.
Maxi, you forgot to add that a few doors down is the anti white, anti British, anti free speech anti decency anti western pro caliphate pro terrorist BBC. It will only cost you a hundred and whatever pounds. A bargain for any pervert!
It now £147 a year to those who still pay the BBC viewing tax for your dose of anti-Trump, anti UK, anti-west, Pro muslim vermin, pro gimmegrunt/rapugee, pro European Union, pro islam, pro left/marxist etc etc propaganda from the BBC. But I no longer own a TV so the only money the BBC gets from me is what the European Urinal steals out of my taxes. And when it comes to the BBC a former BBC employee used the BBC as the model for his “Ministry Of Truth in his book 1984
Might I suggest watching Christopher Hitchens and Peter Hitchens to see great debating in action. Also show how we are missing knowledge and critical thinking …
I would also suggest Carl Sagan ….
And to end on some Thomas Sowell
The above four have changed my view of the world, hopefully being a more realistic one. But I am still learning.
Missing knowledge and critical thinking, You wont get knowledge and critical thinking from the BBC, The BBC hasnt dont knowledge and critical thinking for years. Now pro European Union, islam, muslim, leftard, gimmegrunt, marxism etc the BBC is a world leader in that
Personally I have almost completely given up watching TV. Currently enjoying seeing again Reggie Perrin, series 1 ticked all the boxes; sexism, racism and homophobia
So yes in a TV drama there must be a black man character who’ll be a gooodie and optional white Man who’ll be dumbo for butt of jokes and a bad guy.
But Isn’t that the joke in the Captain Obvious TV commercial, Howard the Halifax man accidentally walks into the ad, cos that way they fulfil the obligation to have the token black man.
“But Isn’t that the joke in the Captain Obvious TV commercial, Howard the Halifax man accidentally walks into the ad, cos that way they fulfil the obligation to have the token black man.”
Stew, I can’t tell if you are trying to be funny or if you seriously believe this; but no, that is not “the joke”.
England’s Dreaming, I don’t have a TV but do enjoy the old well-made TV plays you can find on Youtube such as Armchair Theatre. Many of them have a sense of libertarianism about them which would not be allowed nowadays due to PC.
Fedup2Mar 29, 11:49 Weekend 29th March 2025 Not about the BBC – But about freedom – the malicious arrest of 2 parents – from the DT STARTS…
Fedup2Mar 29, 11:45 Weekend 29th March 2025 Sometime the self awareness of the BBC is a source of mild humour …. On ‘from our own correspondent ‘…
Emmanuel GoldsteinMar 29, 11:44 Weekend 29th March 2025 Foscari. It’s especially bad up here in Sunderland where the local North East radio is forever going on about their…
BRISSLESMar 29, 10:55 Weekend 29th March 2025 Absolutely! Well done W. (pssst Snuffy – he’s a lurker ) 😀
Fedup2Mar 29, 10:45 Weekend 29th March 2025 Digg My instant response is – is he a real doctor ? Where qualified ? I found his company address…
tomoMar 29, 10:42 Weekend 29th March 2025 Stew – I went and looked 🙂 It would’ve been fun if they did issue that sort of travel advisory…
tomoMar 29, 10:34 Weekend 29th March 2025 I remember when Tim Pool and others had their work flagrantly stolen by corporate media – who in some cases…
tomoMar 29, 10:20 Weekend 29th March 2025 Foscari The sausage machine of nooze has really got performative and the editors / directors get the on-screen “key talent”…
tomoMar 29, 10:14 Weekend 29th March 2025 “wind going to be cheaper” already 9x cheaper! – the (usually paid for) Zealots screech The systematic mendacity of the…
Not asked by the BBC ;
Why are we pledging unconditionally to protect European countries if they are going to impoverish us for daring to vote Brexit ?
They didn’t seem to cover the vanhoften lecture at the LSE -my alma Marta- last night. This character is the archetypal euro crat. From college politics, domestic politics , euro politics . Never had a real job and now he lectures us- 445? Days to brexit .
No mention that the emir of london was in attendance either
I’m sorry Fedup2 whenever I see LSE my brain goes London School of Extremists.
Mrs K. Maybe it should be Loud Shouty Extremists.
I know – I’m a bit of an extreme brexiter – if that fits the image. I was there when the red flag generation had gone and joined al beeb. It was kind of pink in a non sexual way .,
The real protection of Europe
A Million Christians to Pray Rosary on Poland’s Border Commemorating Historical Defeat of Islam
Is this Racism?
Poles should watch their backs on every side. EU commissioners are mostly ex-communists, who will see this as an attack on them.
I take it that since al beeb sends hoards to the hag ( or whatever the muzzies call it ) they’ll send a muzzie beeboid to cover a Christian event.
Hi, just want to give a nod of appreciation to David Vance, Alan & whoever sorts out the particulars on this site, for acting on some of our suggestions, such as holding the previous open thread in second position for a period of time, when you create a new open thread.
And to the many posters who spend the time unearthing some of the unreported stories that keep us up to speed.
And to the BBC for supplying so much ammunition.
Hi General, let’s not go that far. Sounds like you might be suffering from something called Stockholm Syndrome. I can think of many other things I could be doing rather than spending time having to look at the ordure being produced by the BBC.
The BBC are having a real impact. They are undermining the English, they are helping to damage British trade, they are promoting Islam and extreme feminism, and supporting a Labour party filled with incompetents and individuals that have supported terrorist and anti-western groups of the past and present.
But then if you’re payed around £600,000 you are so well insulated from the lies you pedal.
To the bbc filth hounds it is, just a bit of fun, an experiment in propaganda and manipulation.
Jazzhands just about nails it there.
Humph was interviewing Carney this morning and almost treated him with respect . But you could hear humph was desperate to ‘do a peston
And get some damaging admission about interest rates, bank viability or Brexit . Like any amoral journo he’d love to crash the market . Luckily he failed even after a very long interview .
Peston – remember – leaked details about bank difficulties as rescue attempts were being made and killed northern rock and Bradford and bingley.
“I just reported the truth guvner”
I only caught the first thirty minutes and both Humph and his co presenter talking to us like we are still in primary school.
Humph tried to tell Carney that personal debt was on the increase ( a line regularly pushed by BBC ) but Carney stressed that personal debt has been reduced by 20%. Humph did not like that… that part of the interview will not be repeated.
The ‘Reality Check’ on their website always makes me smile.
This coming from an organisation which thinks all cultures are equal; equality of outcome for all, regardless of their efforts, proclivities and talents is a noble and cost effective ideal; Jeremy Corbyn would make a great Prime Minister; the EU is a fantastic organisation; men and women are the same; ‘grime’ music stars should be celebrated despite all the criminality they incite; transgenderism and LGBT rights are top of everyone’s concerns; the ‘Far Right’ is more dangerous than Islamic terrorism (1 death versus 460 in the past three years.)
If only they were forced to earn their money through subscription rather than the regressive tv tax – that would give them one hell of a reality check. Then they might be forced to up their game – few would pay to be deceived and insulted like this.
BB I always thought “Check Reality” was a better name for this particular BBC feature.
Quick Link back to Friday a.m. posts on the previous Midweek thread
Via @GuestWho : Obama Cried
So what is News ?
= telling us urgent information about changes in our world which affect us
…OR = using £3.5bn of public resources to hammer home their own political messages with public relations tricks like PLAYING our emotions
Cos the BBC hardly ever pushes Obama messages
From Wednesday : “Women can’t have opinions of their own, otherwise they’re traitors.” #DefinitelyNotSexist
from Today
Katty seems to operate on a limited brief at best.
Given free reign everynight on beeb news for an hour to bash trump with the help of the smug christian fraser
Note the Beeboid trick ‘I tweeted nothing political, golly no
.. I merely alerted the world that an Obama advisor had an interesting opinion on Brexit’
Most seem wise to the BBC’s rather blatant one degree of separation selective shares.
Maybe not OFCOM. Or any in Westminster.
One event is a Country seeking sovereignty.
One event is how to provide healthcare for a Nation.
One is internal.
One is external.
One has World consequences.
One has National consequences.
relates to … Brexit is the Obamacare repeal of British politics. {twitter 29sep2017}
#bringbackourgirls – makes you wonder who Michelle Obama was asking to do this? The wife of the most powerful man in the World, with a special relationship with the Country who could have taken action, reduced to holding a piece of card for the World to read a #hashtag that did NOT bring the girls back.
// {old post}
If you bought a Katty Kay doll it would have a string on the back
when pulled the doll would say “Trump evil ! Brexit evil !” creepy laugh
O’Bummer is like one of those exiled European monarchs of the 1930s. The BBC is still loyally supporting him as the ‘real’ President. I bet they’d love him to set up some sort of government in exile in London, like the Free French in WW2.
A bit of Friday levity…
Kurdistan, Catalonia, Britain – all net contributors, all wanting independence. We should form a club.
The Kurds are the lid on the bottle of the Islamic Genie. In my opinion.
If removed then Turkey and Iran will be joined and the sphere of Islam will rule the Middle-East.
Iraq – only just getting over the Iranian conflict, Saddam, the Gulf War and IS is now getting ready for a fight with the Kurds.
Funny old World – needs someone to provide a cartoon for that one.
The BBC never show any interest in highlighting the plight of the oppressed Turkish Kurds nor hardly any interest discussing the Armenian genocide.
Hi Blackwell – are you on the taxpayers payroll at the BBC? I can’t remember if we have met before so to speak. I think it was you that made a comment on my comment a few months back?
‘I want to get rid of my Polish accent’
Kasha moved to the UK from Poland 27 years ago, but recently started to feel some people are hostile towards her because of the way she speaks.
She’s decided she wants to get rid of her accent.
Kasha’s story is featured in Accents Speak Louder Than Words, one of 12 short films commissioned for Listen to Britain. Viewers in the UK can watch the programme at 21:00 on Sunday 24 September on BBC Four or catch up later online.
Really? Fałszywe wiadomości. As they say in Poland.
It was never about the individual polish person or any individual . It was about the decision by Blair brown to allow uncontrolled access to Blighty by a lot of east Europeans when the rest of the eu ( ex Eire ) restricted access.
So our public services are crushed by large numbers of new people seeking work and a better life .
That, I think , is part of the reason for our brexit vote. Not all of course . Al beeb will never agree that line
Again, people could treat it with equanimity if there were an equal mass migration of British to some country to seek a, ‘better life’. The reason the ‘better life’ exists here is because THEY were not here – till now that is.
And don’t forget, if Corbyn got in power he would do the same, his party would give him no choice.
Worth Sharing :
UK Government’s Climate/Energy policy : impose great harms on people, in return for virtually no impact on global emissions
Question Time was interesting last night. It was one of those very rare occasions when I felt there was a more balanced audience as well as a better balanced panel. Now I wonder if it was because the Media/Culture Minister Karen Bradley (the blocker of Fox) was present.
Even Dimbledore seemed to lose his patience at one stage with the big mouth Geordie Labour Chairman Ian Lavery.
Keunsberg needing a minder, anti semite meetings, cult like chanting, holocaust deniers, social media abuse, I wonder if the Blairite BBC are beginning to tumble at the prospect of a Nazi like qualities of a Marxist Britain.
I doubt it but we live in hope.
@Wronged Same thing happened last year; DURING THE LABOUR PARTY conference there was no bussed in Labour audience on Question Time.
(I remember commenting …it was in Boston Lincs that time)
Re @Wronged’s comment : “those very rare occasions when I felt there was a more balanced audience as well as a better balanced panel.”
Never watch it but I did see the bit guido put on twitter showing the audience burst out laughing when the socialist said “labour is the government in waiting” I thought dimbley was going to tell the audience to shut up but her held back. Priceless.
I watched QT last night, what struck me was how much al Beebus hate Corbyn!
The Labour chap had one of the most peculiar North-East accents I’ve ever heard and appeared as almost a caricature of a thuggish trade union leader, I don’t know whether that is his actually provenance.
I thought Richard Tice, was excellent: no flannel whatsoever, his longest answer ran to all of about four sentences. I especially enjoyed the look on the Tory woman’s face when he said that if TM was still leader in 5 years then Corbyn would be the next PM.
I learnt something from the BBC!
Listening to The Art of Rhetoric by Simon Hogart on Radio 4 Extra, (from 2010?), he mentions that Johnnie Cochran, a defence lawyer for OJ Simpson, carefully stressed the ‘wrong’ words to disrupt the jury’s thought-train. So that explains the delivery of Robert Peston, son of Labour peer Lord Peston, and ex-BBC business editor!
I thought he was just weird.
It’s not what the BBC mentions, but what the BBC doesn’t mention.
It’s not what the BBC shows, but what the BBC repeats.
I have to admit that I used to ‘hate’ Lady Margaret Thatcher when hate was allowed. But now it’s a crime to hate, I can’t hate her.
Which is good because I’ve actually listened to her speeches and have seen not an evil woman, but a patriotic and clear thinking and speaking women.
“… there are two things. One you recognise what is happening. Two, are you prepared to do anything about it. “ – Margaret Thatcher
Well done Mark, it’s called ‘growing up’, and ‘thinking for yourself’.
Something most beeboids have yet to do.
With you there Mark. They do say socialist leanings are for the young and you should worry when supposed socialists are of an age.
Was good to hear someone quoting Margret Thatcher last night on BBC Question Time. See {}.
And the BBC should start all it’s political broadcasts with ….
“If liberty means anything at all, it means the right to tell people what they do not want to hear” – George Orwell
“Seeing Things as They Are: George Orwell {amazon}“.
If you are right wing at 16 you have no heart.
If you’re left wing at 60 you have no brain.
I always think about the way Mrs Thatcher was vilified for saying ‘there is no such thing as society’. What she meant was that it was no good saying , ‘somebody should do something about this’ and doing nothing yourself eg if your neighbour is an old person and needs shopping, it is no good expecting ‘society’ to go to Sainsbury’s for the old lady but should do so your self. Not so very difficult is it – but every snowflake thinks that even more of my tax should go towards paying for things like this rather than them picking them idle selves up and doing it themselves voluntarily.
Can you imagine Mrs.T being pushed around by Merkel, Junkers & Co. Instead of Tusk coming out of No.10 all tidy and smug, he would have been looking as though he’d gone 10 rounds with Mike Tyson.
“OPEN BORDERS” she would have shouted, “over my dead body”. Bloody sad really that we don’t have a true leader that would stand up to them.
It’s such a shame she supported us going into the wretched “Common Market” in the first place, she should have listened to Enoch.
Valid point but if she hadn’t Ted Heath might have had an excuse to keep her in the background seeing her as a rebel. In any event she certainly kept the brakes on until her successors caved in.
I took exactly the same route. What a wonderful thing is hindsight.
If only we could get that first.
By the way “hate” is still fine provided you hate from a left wing perspective
I was just too young to vote, really annoyed me then and now glad I didn’t as I believed the lie that it was just a trading agreement.
I recall as a schoolboy in the early 80s, a boy in my class made fun of Thatcher and our form teacher upbraided him for it. He said ‘can you imagine having to make the decision to have to send British soldiers to their deaths in the Falklands? Unless you are prepared to do that, then don’t mock her.’ I can’t imagine a modern teacher saying such a thing. It would probably be a hate crime!
The art of not arguing or thinking (audience stands up and turn back on speaker) and looking like you are doing something (walking out across stage) by actually not doing anything (you’ve learnt nothing and not argued your point) so both sides have lost …
If Katie Hopkins visits your school you know what to do . Watch this video . {twitter}
A comment: – Legends, every single one of them 🙂
– We are replacing language and discussion with useless actions of solidarity so we don’t have to open our mouths and expose our thoughts to the World and our friends.
– Do you think that all the people who walk out agree 100% on everthing?
Brunel is a third world moslem dominated university
yep the old Brunel Uni orchestrated walkout stunt Nov 2015
..old news
Kneel. Walkout. Chant. Shout. Scream. Wear a safety pin. Hold a #hashtag. Boycott. Turn your back to someone.
Somehow we forgot about discussing and talking.
I can see the BBC Pidgin site being awarded a Comedy Gold Award, not on purpose.
“Science: Bi study di picture of di leading feminists, sceintists dey discover why feminist dey don like glamour models. #HughHefner”
BBC £3.5bn Comedy News Service …
Di BBC news ting for di sub-Sahara IQ {twitter}
“BBC PIDGIN / @BBC__DlNDU : For all dem BBC news in Pidgin, for dey unerstan di low IQ from dey sub-Sahara.”
For all dem BBC news in Pidgin, for dey unerstan di low IQ from dey sub-Sahara.
News: #macmillancoffeemorning for raise di monies for di people hab cancer. Like 15 year old Owen. Owen hab cancer of di personality.
England ??: Most #Brexit voter dey confess dey bi raysists. #Raysist #diversity #FridayFeeling
Politics: Jamaica IQ, black nigroe , Diane Abbot MP, says ‘ban whitey.’ #Lab17 #Labour
England ??: Polis: “Gibs me dat plenty monies. We buy glitter for hats & stop muslamic terrorist.”
– I thought this was real. Ha! But it’s very good spoof…
Whenebba me read disam pidgin English on dem BBC juju lantern him call ‘internet’, me am remind of dem Alen Coren book ‘Collected Bulletins of Idi Amin’. Dem book me tink mos likely ban by de white man nowadays, but stillem can be found in de Hoxfam shops fo roundbout 20 shillins in de money.
I miss Coren. Can’t say the same about his rotten SJW offspring, though.
GCooper, yes. I wonder what they make of his Idi Amin book?
Memory holed. I remember his Amin articles when they first appeared in Punch. Hilarious but enough to have had him burned at the stake today.
Mics did you really have publish such a motley picture without warning ? And what is peter cook doing in it ( b&w pic lower left?)
Who are all those people (I only recognise maybe 2 or 3)?
Who cares?
BBC R4 TODAY: Ed Balls has seen the light! Hallelujah!
Unfortunately, it is 10, 12, 15 years way too late. Ed Balls apparently thinks it would have been good if the Labour Government of 1997-2010 had taken a more involved attitude and relationship with the Bank of England after cutting them free from the hold of the Government of the Day in 1997.
Well, he didn’t actually say that.
He has popped up to underline .. er .. no, wrong word, undermine – with the BBC’s help – Theresa May’s speech yesterday at the Bank of England. That and grab a headline that will no doubt be worked over by our beloved bit of the media this weekend and into next week which just happens to be Conservative Party Conference time. Well, well. What a coincidence.
The PM’s speech does appear to be slightly worrying because she should be thinking along the same lines as Ed Balls. I haven’t seen a full text or heard many snippets. Radio 4 and the BBC web-site seem more anxious to carry on bashing Brexit and the Conservatives.
So the bBC has come out with a negative story regards the MOD just before the Tory party conference begins:
Foxhound MoD vehicles ‘keep breaking down’
Armoured vehicles designed to protect British troops from roadside bombs keep breaking down, the BBC understands.
Foxhounds – first deployed in 2012 – were designed to safeguard soldiers in a blast and operate in hot conditions.
An Army sergeant in Iraq, responsible for maintaining a fleet of seven Foxhounds, told the BBC the vehicle was “a massive waste of money”…The Army sergeant, who did not want to be named, said the vehicles keep overheating. “They break down all the time. They cannot handle the heat, they have a massive problem with it. “At 50 degrees the engine cooks out.”He said he was having to strip the vehicles down every five or six weeks to keep them running. Normally, this would only be done twice a year….Tools were not provided to deal with this so he bought his own specialist equipment, he said.
1) From past experience, that 2 strip downs a year is usually for home based vehicles. Vehicles on tour receive more as they are used more.
2) Funny enough, the reason why so many third world countries operate the most basic types of vehicles and weapons is because they require less maintenance.
3) I’m a bit suspicious of the having to bring my own tools bit. As all REME elements carry their own tools, which I suspect for the foxhound is specialised.
The entire story is very vague, and spends more time berating the MOD for historical events. When the Chally 2 was sent to the gulf the media companied that they kept breaking down due to the ingress of fine sand into the filters, a quick change soon resolved that and they have operated better than most armoured vehicles.
I’m all for exposing issues when it comes to military equipment, yet the foxhound was purchased to save lives and yet the bBC article doesn’t mention any deaths to people using it. (And I’m pretty sure they would if they could) Which tells me it is doing the job it was designed to do.
The bBC spreading fake news stroies
And the BBC has followed up with a negative story on social security payments – just on the eve of the Conservative Party Conference. It’s almost as if they planned it! I’m not surprised – this has been the policy of the BBC over the past few years.
The Foxhound, designed jointly by Formula 1 engineers Ricardo and Force Protection Europe, owned by US giant General Dynamics, twinned cutting edge engineering technology with British boat manufacturing techniques to develop a V-shaped armoured hull to safeguard those inside from roadside bombs.
Its wheels work independently of each other, enabling it to drive away from an ambush if one is disabled, and it has four wheel steering allowing it to operate in highly built up areas.
“The Urgent Operational Requirement Programme has saved countless lives in operations in Iraq and Afghanistan.
British troops’ £400m armoured vehicles brought in for Iraq and Afghanistan ‘break down in hot weather’ {telegraph 29sep2017}
Pounce, if I recall correctly, stories in the news about under-equipped troops have been standard journalistic ‘click bait’ since the Crimean War. I would not trust the Beeb on any military matters and tend to check such stories with acquaintances in the forces.
“Since BREXIT, I see that the mood has reveresed. the opinion has reversed. In a certain way the European Union has regained popularity. Note that people are less critical to the Union…they want to reform Europe. “ – EU more popular since Brexit MEP claims we don’t want to leave
… reform ….
EU deal: What David Cameron asked for (reformed EU)… and what he actually got {telegraph 29sep2017}
Demo planned at Tory Conference in support of Grenfell. Not heard much from the BBC on this case.
Tip : you may be able to reduce size of big images by sticking a width setting at the end on the URL
e.g ….jpg?w=250
will try that, thanks
For those of us not already fluent in BB Code here arew some informative web pages for implementing BB Code ( The language this forum uses )
I suggest saving the pages for future reference….
Oh you will hear loads about this, or at least the protest which even the Labour supporting Mirror Group rag the Manchester evening snowflakes News is calling a gauntlet of hate.
Of course the coverage at the last Tory conference in Manchester started off presenting the Left wing terrorists as just concerned people venting their frustration / letting off steam / having a bit of fun at Tory expense, until the mood turned ugly and a Journalist was attacked.
Then the coverage changed to tell the truth for a change, and the Political Correctness Enforcement Squad formerly known as ‘The Police’ were forced to act.
This year they have moved the protest well away so the terrorists cannot attack the conference delegates, something which should have been done last time, and allegations were made that the terrorists were deliberately allowed close enough to launch their hate filled attacks.
There is no need for ANY cuts to public spending; no need to decimate public services; no need for unemployment or pay and pension cuts; no need for Austerity and privatisation. There IS an alternative.
There is a housing crisis across Britain and homelessness is at an all-time high. Recession, unemployment, poverty, the Bedroom Tax and removing Council Tax rebates is resulting in many more people losing their homes through repossession and eviction.
Disabled people have been hit disproportionately by austerity; Young people have been hit with cuts to the Education Maintenance Allowance and the rise in tuition fees ; Instead of wasting money on military intervention or developing weapons of mass destruction, ; The Panama Papers exposed the super-rich hiding their wealth in tax havens on an industrial scale. … ‘tax gap’ is as much as £119 billion. This is enough to plug the funding cuts to the NHS and provide free education for all.
We oppose Western intervention that has created a humanitarian crisis as people flee bombs being dropped on their homes, towns and cities.
We say that refugees are welcome here and that the UK should give sanctuary and asylum.
– Allowing more people into the country which is already strained will add to problems?
– Don’t drop bombs on ISIS?
– Reduce tax to 10% and everyone is happy
What do BBC respect more actual RULES or propaganda values in pushing LibMob agenda ?

Graphic of BBC Trust 2009 ruling
By ignoring the ruling Harra seems to class his work as NON-“Factual Programming”
The BBC’s Chief Global Warming propagandist yesterday
“As we so often see, it included a picture of cooling towers, deliberately and dishonestly designed to designed to confuse water vapour with CO2.
This is of course a common trick across the media. But back in 2009, following a complaint about the use of cooling tower images, the BBC Trust upheld the complaint”
BBC logic says-
“But that ruling was in 2009 and therefore ancient history and therefore no longer valid.”
It’s interesting that wronged says that Question Time last night was worth watching because The Daily Politics is joining Question Time and Newsnight on my list of programmes I used to watch.
I just do not need to watch it anymore, it offers nothing.
Awful, just awful.
Agreed Rich – the radio stuff was a little bit fairer but seems to caught the virus infecting the rest of the network.
It makes it a bit of a balancing act between
Suffering the al beeb diet and abstaining . It really is a shame that there is an alternative source for those who do not shares the al beeb politics .
Agreed Rich – the radio stuff was a little bit fairer but seems to caught the virus infecting the rest of the network.
It makes it a bit of a balancing act between
Suffering the al beeb diet and abstaining . It really is a shame that there is an alternative source for those who do not shares the al beeb politics .
OK, I GIVE UP. What is a Reality Check Correspondent ? Lol ! listening to the BBC news at 12.30 the newsreader began the story of UK residents applying for dual nationality passports, citing Colin Firth in particular, she then said “now over to our Reality Check Correspondent” – I thought I’d misheard, so replayed it and wrote it down, yep its true. Clearly the Beeb have run out of titles, so was it a case of Ideas in the Suggestion Box please ?
Political Researcher: Analysis and Research provides the best informed and most comprehensive service of news and current affairs analysis and interpretation for editors, correspondents, producers and senior managers throughout the BBC. It sits at the heart of Reality Check, BBC’s fact checking operation. We produce up to the minute briefing on all the top news stories, organise seminars on key subjects, and co-ordinate surveys and polling. {}
The BBC is committed to building a culturally diverse workforce and therefore strongly encourages applications from underrepresented groups. We are committed to equality of opportunity and welcome applications from individuals, regardless of their background.
– Why use ‘Reality Check’ and then use ‘Fact Check’? Why not just ‘Fact Check’?
We respect each other and celebrate our diversity
We respect all our colleagues, whoever they are. We’re honest, direct and always courteous. We challenge others’ ideas but we respect decisions once made. We are ambassadors for our organisation; we speak out if something is not right and deal with it within the BBC.
– The comment statement ‘we speak out if something is not right and deal with it within the BBC’ does this not apply to giving pedophiles a centre stage, presenters using the BBC brand to sell themselves and external companies (CarFest+Crisps) and massive gender pay gaps?
…..”organise seminars on key subjects’…….
That’s the BBC in a nutshell, oh, and the NHS as well as I remember !!!
13 years of labour and their lies and none of this reality bollocks. Corbyn and the gang spout the biggest load of commie shite and anti semitism for the past week in brighton and nothing, a free pass.
Emboldened and ready to be political …
Europe: What do Islamic Parties Want? { – Judith Bergman – 29sep2017}
Sweden’s Jasin party is not unique. Islamist parties have begun to emerge in many European countries, such as the Netherlands, Austria, Belgium, and France.
In the Netherlands, Denk ran on a platform against the integration of immigrants into Dutch society (instead advocating “mutual acceptance”, a euphemism for creating parallel Muslim societies); and for establishment of a “racism police” that would register “offenders” and exclude them from holding public office.
“I consider every death of an American, British or Dutch soldier as a victory”. — Dyab Abu Jahjah, leader of a group called Movement X and possibly starting an Islamist party in Belgium. The Belgian political magazine Knack named Jahjah the country’s fourth-most influential person.
The “I.S.L.A.M” party, founded in 2012, is working to implement Islamic law, sharia, in Belgium. The party already has branches in the Brussels districts of Anderlecht, Molenbeek and Liege. The party wants to “translate religion into practice”.
In France, as the journalist Yves Mamou recently reported, the PEJ has already approved 68 candidates and wants to abolish the separation of church and state, make veils mandatory for schoolgirls in public schools, introduce halal food in all schools and fight “Islamophobia”.
Brussels, 25% Muslim, has enormous potential for Islamic parties.
How many Europeans are even paying attention to their agendas?
– Brussels (25% Muslim)- the heart of the bureaucratic European Union.
In 1974, Islam was recognized as one of the subsidized religions in Belgium and the Muslim Executive of Belgium was founded in 1996. In 2006, the government gave €6.1 million (US$7.7 million) to Islamic groups. There are an estimated 328-380 mosques in the country.
– What is about to hatch out of the £240million Brussels European Egg Shaped Building?
Europe: Muslims to become the majority within 40 years
The BBC has been allowing comments on quite a few EU stories of late. I’m surprised at this, as the general consensus is invariably that the EU should go and get stuffed.
Comments have again been allowed today, on “Brexit: Miracle needed to advance talks, says Juncker”. With predictable results. This is the current first page of highest-rated comments. Presumably even the BBC must notice this?
Why doesn’t the media expose the EU for the stance they’re taking instead of just critising the UK? Why the bias? { [ 29sep2017 – Brexit: Miracle needed to advance talks, says Juncker}
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Roland Deschain
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A small article in the Daily Mail yesterday (Thursday) caught my eye. ‘Terror police hold woman aged 65 under Secrets Act’ it said. This coincided with a Police constable at the local BR station handing out ‘terror’ notices of how ‘Communities defeat Terrorism’ and ‘We stand together’ (tackling hate crime) and listing how you can be ‘offended’ by almost everything (but calling those responsible for terrorism into account you cannot). You see we cannot ‘name’ them racially even though we know exactly who they are an were they come from. Anyway… reading on ..’ the woman aged 65 has been arrested by counter-terrorism officers for allegedly breaking the Official Secrets Act’…’She was arrested under section 1 of the 1911 Act which covers unlawful disclosure of information ‘prejudicial to the safety of the state’. i.e. spying. The Police did not say which government dept. this was – but it was not MI5, Mi6 or GCHQ. But there are a number of UK based QUANGOS which have dual status and that includes the BBC (which is officially run by the Home Office, subject to the same civil-service requirements). The BBC has been in the past (and still is) a leaky sieve on holding any governments secrets (as Philby, Burgess and and Mcalean can testify), the BBC is full of political cross-dressers and communist sympathisers going back to the last great war. Now they feel ‘victory is within reach’, that would be the great EU question and the only other game in town is one of Islamic terrorism. And that the BBC is also rather partial to avoiding any question that Islam is implicated in any terrorism offenses. And that unfortunately included the Police having to hand out notices that (in effect) trying to spot a terrorist (or Spy) in our midst.
So we are at war. We just are not allowed to state that we are at war. It would be better to look the other way rather than be called something ‘unpleasant’ (by sensitive left wingers), because (in the same Police handout) stating the obvious can also be considered a ‘hate crime’ and that is far more serious. So on balance better to look-the-other-way and listen to reports on the BBC that ‘a man’ that attacked/exploited/targetted can not reported nor can most BBC infiltration, discovered or not, they are still there, ready for the ‘final push’. I speculate on this. Spies working for a foreign power in the civil-service are not new. But our failure to detect them is weakened by rubbish pamphlets by the Police warning us not to report anything suspicious (as it would could be misconstrued as a ‘hate crime’ – whilst also preparing us for worse to come – and accept that it may not get reported, as this is the liberal multicultural wonderland that the EU has imposed on us all and that they despise everything about the ‘west’ and the sooner we are all ‘nationalised’ in one big EU superstate then all differences will disappear. That is at least is how the BBC would like it to be presented. One happy bunch of Corbyn Comrades in arms. It is war – but not as we know it!
J.K. Rowling says we’re all mispronouncing the name of He Who Must Not Be Named
… They Who Must Not Be Named! … back to JK Rowling’s twitter …
Disappointed by this log (UKIP Lion), which shows sad lack of belief in UK. One of our native-born hedgehogs could trounce Johnny Foreign Lion any day.
Funded by the EU:
Through the Ottoman Empire Islam spreads across the Balkans … The European colonial empires found soldiers,raw materials, … exoticism in the their Muslim colonies and … in Europe, the Muslim communities experience widely different fates () @1:21
– Ottoman/Islam = spreads
– European/Christian = colonial empires found
– No mention of Muslim fates in Muslim countries
well spotted ponce, another reason to get out of the eu
im not going to put a like on it though, cos i fuckin hate the videos insidious propaganda
I can see why Treezer intends Britain to stay in the EU
I guess she got the Christian/Islam stuff from her peculiar dad
I was watching a Mark Steyn lecture on U Tube today and in it he predicts that Russia will have an Islamic majority by mid century! This was news to me as I hadn’t realised that Russia had anything like as many Muslims within its present boundaries as it apparently does. I had thought that Eastern Europe including Russia could keep Christian civilisation alive but now it seems that the likes of Poland are going to be caught in a pincer movement reminiscent of 1939 with Islamified Western Europe on one side and Islamified Russia on the other. Is there any light at the end of this dark , dark tunnel?
Despite the gloomy prognosis I still don’t see why we should go quietly and swallow the pathetic bromides offered up by the BBC. I for one don’t want to a Muslim. Does anyone wish to convert? But unless something drastic happens that is what is increasingly likely to happen.
The western governments have probably worked out long ago that a Islamification was in their view inevitable but if that is true why didn’t they start counter measures such as encouraging European birth rates by special allowance, stopping immigration both legal and illegal etc . If they had acted thirty or forty years ago the situation today would be very different. And why oh why did Mad Merkel and bastard Blair actively encourage mass Muslim migration. Is there another answer other than that they wanted to destroy western Cristian civilisation ? But Blair makes no secret of his Christian faith, surely he wouldn’t want European Christianity destroyed. . So is he an Islamic agent masquerading as a Christian? Seems unlikely , so we are left with only one explanation , he is so thick that he never thought that Muslims would outbreed Christian at a rate of three to one, he and all his highly paid advisors never thought that their crack pot policies would eventually destroy us.
DT, I thought the Russians had been quietly squeezing Muslims out of Russia and either into the M-E & Afghanistan or into the Islamic Republics formed from the old Soviet satellite states.
I think Blair may be part of an overall world religious group that will try to pull together all faiths, including R-Catholics and a chunk of Protestant Christendom, but possibly, probably, almost certainly excluding Jews. Pope Francis has made some friendly noises recently in the direction of Islam.
Moscow has one of the largest populations of Muslims of any city in Europe.
I’m finding it very difficult to believe that so many of all these Western countries’ politicians are so naïve. Rather, I’m being to believe, they are subject to the basest of human vices – greed. Billions of dollars of Middle Eastern money must be being thrown at opinion-formers and law-makers in the West – I can’t see any other reason for the partiality given to Muslims. Please tell me I’m wrong!
You are wrong. There – does that satisfy you? More to the point do you believe it?
No? I got it from the BBC so I don’t either.
Apparently Junkers52 – the one named after a WW2 German transport plane – is saying it will take a miracle to get the brexit talks sorted .
Now normally I pray for miracles- lottery – premium bonds 5pm at Newmarket – but on this occasion let’s have no miracle . End the talks . Tell em we re going and we ll sort stuff out in the 2 year transition starting now. Or put JRM in charge or negotiations
Stop press
Mo Marley to take charge of England girls footy team after al beeb got the bloke manager sacked .
I’m not sure if she is related to Bob , Jacob or the profit . ( yes I know what mo is short for but this is writed on a Friday afternoon ).and sadly sober despite the spelling
well she looks like a man but maybe bats for the other team
Can trans men play ladies’ football? But then, who cares?
If you scan the top BBC News Page … you get a story ….
May urged to halt Universal Credit … Carney expects rate rise in ‘near term’ … Miracle needed in Brexit talks – Juncker
Theresa May urged to halt Universal Credit roll-out { 29sep2017}
Dame Louise Casey urged the prime minister to pause the roll-out of the new benefit system so it can be fixed.
Have we seen ‘Dame Louise Casey’, the top adviser before?
There is no “consistent evidence” that the Government’s Troubled Families Programme had any impact on turning people’s lives around, a highly critical report by MPs has warned. The programme, launched by David Cameron’s government in 2011 alongside Dame Louise Casey, aimed to reduce antisocial behavior, make sure children were attending education, cut worklessness and reduce costs to the public sector from these problems. {independent}
– BBC uses word ‘halt’ then switch to ‘pause’.
– Top advisor, Louise Casey, introduced a useless scheme for the Conservatives.
Why is this not mentioned?
Incompetent paedophile-stopping South Yorkshire police
Yorkshire Post published name of an officer who failed to act in Lost prophets case after as an FOI request accidentally failed to redact his name.
3 Officers played the trick of retiring before investigations completed.
What a loophole !
Some celebrities are jumping on a bandwagon if offering £1 books for World Book Day 2018
For charitee/publicitee
– One is a certain BBC prized cooking star
– One is a certain BBC prized female sports commentator
.. who’s gay, who’s…..
#RoleModels pushed forward.
What bugs me about Jews, even Jews in Israel, is this: They are freaking out over the AfD results, and there is ZERO evidence that AfD would be harmful to Jews at all. Yet there are mountains of evidence, both statistical and anecdotal, that the policies of Merkel, Schulz, etc. are extremely harmful to Jews, especially in the long term. Once the country gets fully Islamized, the Jews in Germany can either move to Israel, or kiss their a** goodbye. { 28sep2017}
The revealing data, compiled by a German group called XYEinzelfall, also includes an incident of a 10-year-old boy being raped by an Iraqi man in the Theresienbad public swimming baths in Austria.
Same in the UK with Jews freaking out about Tommy Robinson and the far right,
‘The Board of Deputies has distanced itself from a far-right figure, after he reportedly spoke at a Jewish community event in Manchester.
Jewish Voice’ launched an anti-Islamaphobia campaign “to fight Tommy Robinson and the Far-Right”.
When asked by members of Jewish Voice if Robinson, whose real name is Stephen Yaxley-Lennon, is “a friend of the Jewish community”, the Board said: “Tommy Robinson’s record of anti-Muslim provocation means that he could never be a partner of a respectable or mainstream Jewish organisation”.
“Brexit: Miracle needed to advance talks, says Juncker”
“It would take a “miracle” for Brexit talks to progress quickly enough to persuade the EU to start discussing trade soon, a top official has said. ”
And the “miracle” may have arrived in the form of Andrew Bolton!
Ably “assisted” by no less than – Nigel Farage !
Brexit means Brexit !
For “Andrew Bolton” read Henry Bolton.
8pm R4
Prog tonight about marketing, might well help in decoding PR guff.
“Survey proves racism”
Not it’s not a proper survey ..a survey just asking people to say how they feel isn’t worth taking seriously.
Nazi Heeber Jeeberists. LOL that about sums it up. (All the extremist media hype about fictitious NAZIs)
Nazi Heeber Jeeberists. 🙂
Used in a sentence: ‘ The BBC employs an army of Nazi Heeber Jeeberists to whip up fear among the British populace and misdirect public attention away from the real source of danger. ‘
And we are taxed for this $h!t.
4:30pm R4 “The Brits seeking European passports elsewhere
In partnership with Reality Check, ”
They said that since 1/3 of all taxi journeys it seems there is no evidence that they ate note dangerous that other taxis or minicabs.
WTF did they bother debunking that Guardian claim from 2009
In 2017 people know not to take their worldview from BBC/Guardian
#1 Misrepresentation cos by pollution they are ONLY talking about sulphur pollution
#2 by do they mean “could” : the example theorised about ships not yet built would use the worst fuel and worst filters.
And they assumed the cars were cleanest possible.
#3 The fallacy of comparing apples with oranges :
A car is not a sulphur polluter cos petrol contains minute amount of sulphur so a million times practically nothing still equals not much.
Whereas ships used to use fuel of 3.3% sulphur ( and anyway don’t use as much now)
How the BBC get around their 100% approved presenter content and guidelines
…. A BBC statement said: “Gary is a freelance broadcaster and this is a personal Twitter account.” { oct2016}
“The treatment by some towards these young refugees is hideously racist and utterly heartless. What’s happening to our country?”
“Wonder what makes some people feel, by sheer good fortune of place of birth, superior to others. I need a lie down.”
“Thank you for a massive amount of support on here. Proof that the vast majority of people in this country are decent, caring human beings.”
Earlier this week, a Tory MP called for child migrants arriving in the UK from Calais to have their teeth tested to verify their age.
That suggestion was condemned by dentists, with the British Dental Association saying it was unethical.
… seven months later, after Gary ‘£1.75m wages paid under threat of prison’ Lineker comments …
Three quarters of ‘suspicious’ child migrants in Sweden turned out to be over 18, tests on their teeth and knees prove {01jun2017}
Muslim refugee (Mufiz Rahaman is a Rohingya Muslim from Myanmar), 20, who raped a boy (a Rohingya Muslim), 10, in his Sydney home says what he did ‘is not a crime (raping 10 year old boys) because it is acceptable (for Rohingya Muslim) in his homeland (Myanmar)‘ { sep2016}
By that logic I could go to Saudi or Pakistan and imbibe whilst eating a pork pie and distributing bibles. The Muslim chap may well be telling the truth when he says raping ten year olds is ok in his home land. The great concern , that surely even the likes of terminally thick, Lineacker, is that if people like that arrive in our country they will do just as he has. Oh I have just remembered Rotherham, Rochdale, Oxford etc etc etc . Surely even din wit Gary can see the dangers of allowing aliens like that into our country. To answer stupid Gary’s point about what is wrong with our country , what’s wrong is that fools like him have any influence or platform at all to put forward their naive and gullible views.
Its all to do with that ‘wall of silence’ the Government is maintaining to further its aims for the, not-so-clandestine islamisation of the UK. Little do they realise that not spelling out when it will stop only promotes even more fear and loathing for islam. Sooner or later, in that vacuum, it will be The People versus The Government and only then will the ever restrictive laws imposed on the white brit come shuddering to a halt and a reversal implemented. Drain the Swamp…………..
So, UKIP members have run screaming from the only leadership candidate capable of challenging the moslem friendly arseholes who infect our major parties.
It will be to their everlasting shame they have fallen for the MSM lies and smears agsinst Anne Marie Waters, a woman with more balls than the rest of the candidates put together. Utter fools
I was just listening to Iain Stale on LBC. He seemed to be amazed and outraged that anyone could find fault with Islam. He would have no hesitation in denouncing Nazism as evil, yet Islam an ideology which shares many similarities with facism is apparently beyond reproach. What is wrong with these people? Maybe they believe the Koran really is the revealed truth straight from an all-powerful, all-knowing supernatural entity. A modern western society pandering to regressive thirdworld superstition is absurd.
“I’d kick him right in his #HillaryClinton”
BBC were right on the first ‘story’, so….
I stand to be corrected but here is a bit of blink-and- you’ll-miss- it’ bias.
And all the more insidious for that.
At 1759 on BBC1, there was a trailer for ‘The Conservative Leader’s Speech’ at the Tory conference next week.
Seems unremarkable?
Except that last week, the equivalent trailer was for ‘Jeremy Corbyn’s’ speech. Not ‘The Labour Party leader’s speech’.
See the difference. The one has the personality cult appeal, typical of many socialist governments, the other carries anonymity and a little uncertainty.
How very convenient for our impartial state broadcaster.
More BBC innuendo. Like propaganda it only works on the unaware. Once you become aware of it, it is rendered harmless and futile.
Lefty Wright,
“Like propaganda it only works on the unaware.”
This is exactly what Daniel Dennett warned about in ‘Daniel Dennett on Tools To Transform Our Thinking: The Surely Alarm …”you have just found the weak point in the argument”” @13:44′ .{youtube}
Sluff, September 29, 2017 at 6:14 pm:
“At 1759 on BBC1, there was a trailer for ‘The Conservative Leader’s Speech’ at the Tory conference next week.
Seems unremarkable?
Except that last week, the equivalent trailer was for ‘Jeremy Corbyn’s’ speech. Not ‘The Labour Party leader’s speech’.”
Stuff, September 25, 2017 at 6:03 pm:
“Biased BBC1 at 1759 just before the news. A trailer. For…..
The Labour Party leader’s speech!!!!
12 noon. Wednedsay. Live on the bBBC.
Completely impartial, of course.”
You are corrected, Stuff.
A bit of blink-and- you’ll-miss-it bias, perhaps?
How very convenient.
This laundrette only accepts Muslim customers for reasons of purity,” it said. “Any inconvenience is very much regretted.”
Is it a halal launderette?
Malaysians in a lather over laundrette for Muslims {29sep2017}
One popular comment being shared on Twitter said: “Not letting non-Muslims use these self-service washing machines on the pretext of cleanliness is something that blackens the name of Islam.”
Gutted about AMW. We need to get serious about Islam, and quick. AMW is one of the few people who can do this. We are sleepwalking towards sharia.
If we want to get serious about tackling islam and its expansion in the UK, we first need to recognise the fake opposition – people who deliberately channel public anger away from those responsible for the UK’s population replacement. People like Tommy Robinson are fake opposition to this; they’ll take us very close to the cause but then steer us away. They create more anger, more division – but ultimately, we’ll get no closer to stopping the problem.
I thought this was a good article which covers what I’ve said:
Basically, it’s every bit as important we reject fake opposition as much – if not more – than those pushing islam. You can’t cure a problem if you can’t recognise the cause. Tommy Robinson and his friends are a placebo.
Are you saying that it becomes about the person and not the ideology that is being fought? Tommy Roinson not Islam.
Tommy Robinson needs to be seen as a victim of the state, he needs to be seen as a freedom fighter so we can sympathise with him and not question his intentions. The more the BBC, et al, bash Tommy, the more we’ll support him and the more sure we’ll feel that he has good intentions, when in actual fact he’s part of the problem.
But no, I’m not saying we need to fight him and people like him – I encourage people to do some digging into him with an objective mind and when you see the truth about him and those around him, I think you’ll feel compelled to ignore them.
Hi Stevonation. Can you expand on what you mean by calling Tommy Robinson and his friends fake opposition and a placebo and why he should be rejected?
Are you talking about Tommy Robinson the real person, or the BBC – Left-Liberal Media presented image of “Tommy Robinson”, or some other “Tommy Robinson”?
Personally I know very little about Tommy Robinson and the English Defence League.
I have seen some of Tommy Robinsons videos on youtube – where he seems very knowledgeable on Islam and is explaining his concern about spreading Islam in Britain.
I have also seen some media headlines calling the English Defence League an extreme right – racist – Nazi like group.
And I have seen comments by several people (perhaps social justice warriors) on social media as well as in the mainstream media calling Tommy Robinson a vile extremist.
But what is the truth?
Ps – I’ll check your link later.
He’ll not lie about islam – not that I’ve been aware of anyway, but he’ll do the opposite of what the BBC does and hike up our concerns to the point we’ll feel enraged. I know – because I used to follow him! But he’ll never bring us any closer to truth about the UK’s population replacement.
Vladimir Lenin was the first to pioneer the fake opposition. BBC and the left elite know who Stephen Christopher Yaxley-Lennon is, and they know he’s not a real patriot.
I’m sure you can see my reply is a little bit cryptic, there’s only so much I feel comfortable writing about this.
Hi Stevonatron – Okay – I an going to conclude that you at some stage in the past perhaps knew him and perhaps attended meetings with him and others where certain things were discussed. All I can say is people can change and even groups can change (the Labour Party being an example). I don’t know much about the English Defence League – but I assume it contains a range of people. I will put it on my “to check” list and I will check your link on your original post later.
The other thing to note is that sometimes alliances are needed in order to address much bigger, more powerful “foes”. But those alliances can be temporary.
Don’t bother with Stevonatron. He is talking Crap. Nazi Crap. Check his link out. It’s one of those ‘all the fault of the Jews’ type. And also consider the completely bonkers assertion that Tommy Robinson and Nigel Farage are plants to lead us astray.
These people are the REAL far right. The people that the lying BBC wants to associate with patriots.
I have often been approached by these people and their poisonous nutcase views. I reject them entirely. And I’m not Jewish or especially supportive of Jews or Israel before anybody wants to fling that one at me.
Yet another rebirthing, rebranding of a bbc troll. I’ve said it before, their bilge is simply best ignored. Dont be tempted to engage in the bullshit they spout.
Ignore the bbc wankers.
Unfamiliar agitator posts.
Trolls get scrambled.
History repeats.
Moving on.
Yes, Yasser.
The link claims that Tommy Robinson is an “Irish Jew”.
Opposition to islam goes beyond narrow nationalism. It is a threat to all cultures that do not want to be enslaved.
Don’t know what significance to draw, if any, but ISIS is now the, ‘Self styled Islamic State’ ?
BBC currently reporting utter bullshit about Cuba firing “sonic wave attacks” at US diplomats, giving them headaches and dizziness. The US government is advising citizens not to go there….
I’m wondering how much more bilge the western public is going to take from the mainstream media, when we can clearly see this is stuff of fantasy and nothing more than a pretext for America to start turning the screw on another of the last few remaining non-Rothschild banking countries. The alt-media – those forever derided by the BBC as “fake news”, have been warning for a long time now that the MSM would soon start reporting about these “mysterious” sonic wave attacks – and here we are!
Thankfully, most comments on the BBC’s Facebook post totally rejects the story. It needs to be a common sight to see the public rejecting the BBC and their materialised “news”. I wonder how much open criticism the BBC would take before they decide to shut down their Facebook/Twitter page? Freedom of speech to the BBC is garlic to a vampire…
Odd they should report the doings of a socialist country doing bad things or are they viewing it in a positive, anti-Trump way?
When it comes to globalisation, the BBC’s truck with Trump neutralises. You only need to see the way they have reported positively about his stance towards N Korea (another of those last few non-Rothschild banking countries) to see another example of this.
By the way, I don’t suppose you know that the BBC is directed by a Rothschild spouse? Look him up, he’s called Marcus Ambrose Paul Agius. The more you dig into this Rothschild family, the more you understand the reasons behind the wars we’ve had and why the media always propagandises for them.
What planet do you come from STEVONATRON?
It seems from your posts above it has something to do with anti-Semitism!
Number 7,
“What planet do you come from STEVONATRON?
It seems from your posts above it has something to do with anti-Semitism!”
Yes, STEVONATRON. You seem to have taken a wrong turning. This is an anti-Muslim-pro-Jew blog; the anti-Muslim-anti-Jew blog is one door along…
Maxincony: … This is an anti-Muslim-pro-Jew blog …
Hi Maxincony, I wasn’t sure whether you worked for the BBC or whether you also had other interests. Your past comments lead me to believe you are connected with the BBC in some way. But I am now becoming convinced you also have other “interests” and motivations.
Maxi, you forgot to add that a few doors down is the anti white, anti British, anti free speech anti decency anti western pro caliphate pro terrorist BBC. It will only cost you a hundred and whatever pounds. A bargain for any pervert!
It now £147 a year to those who still pay the BBC viewing tax for your dose of anti-Trump, anti UK, anti-west, Pro muslim vermin, pro gimmegrunt/rapugee, pro European Union, pro islam, pro left/marxist etc etc propaganda from the BBC. But I no longer own a TV so the only money the BBC gets from me is what the European Urinal steals out of my taxes. And when it comes to the BBC a former BBC employee used the BBC as the model for his “Ministry Of Truth in his book 1984
Might I suggest watching Christopher Hitchens and Peter Hitchens to see great debating in action. Also show how we are missing knowledge and critical thinking …
I would also suggest Carl Sagan ….
And to end on some Thomas Sowell
The above four have changed my view of the world, hopefully being a more realistic one. But I am still learning.
Missing knowledge and critical thinking, You wont get knowledge and critical thinking from the BBC, The BBC hasnt dont knowledge and critical thinking for years. Now pro European Union, islam, muslim, leftard, gimmegrunt, marxism etc the BBC is a world leader in that
Why don’t you go and post your anti-Semitic hate elsewhere?, as for the 10 people liked his reply – shameful.
Rod Liddle has written a good piece in the Specie on just how poor TV drama has become, originality, whit and suspense sacrificed on the PC altar
Personally I have almost completely given up watching TV. Currently enjoying seeing again Reggie Perrin, series 1 ticked all the boxes; sexism, racism and homophobia
“NTNOCN – Stout Life” – this was posted by someone else and is brilliant.
So yes in a TV drama there must be a black man character who’ll be a gooodie and optional white Man who’ll be dumbo for butt of jokes and a bad guy.
But Isn’t that the joke in the Captain Obvious TV commercial, Howard the Halifax man accidentally walks into the ad, cos that way they fulfil the obligation to have the token black man.
“But Isn’t that the joke in the Captain Obvious TV commercial, Howard the Halifax man accidentally walks into the ad, cos that way they fulfil the obligation to have the token black man.”
Stew, I can’t tell if you are trying to be funny or if you seriously believe this; but no, that is not “the joke”.
Our resident troll Maxi is back
HI maxi,
Have you signed here yet?………….
England’s Dreaming, I don’t have a TV but do enjoy the old well-made TV plays you can find on Youtube such as Armchair Theatre. Many of them have a sense of libertarianism about them which would not be allowed nowadays due to PC.