Benefits or enrichment in Stoke
Rashid Hussain got 3 months
and he already had an eight-month suspended sentence from when he was working as a taxi driver and he knocked out a passenger in a row over a fare, but the judge activated only half of that.
See this sort of thing often when out & about but police rarely take action usually tell people complain in morning
No-one has been lampooned more than Maggie was (I now wish I had supported her at the time)
but she took it all like a man. What a woman. R.I.P.
My worry about this guy is that he wants to carry the media with him. He is wrong- the media want to destroy him and UKIP Hopefully he will come out fighting
UKIP is finished as a force. When will the disagreements between the senior party officials break out again? At local party members level, I witnessed the constant squabbling and backbiting – UKIP is riven with this sickness, all the hallmarks of a doomed organisation.
I think I agree with you that UKIP is finished. It achieved its primary aim in getting us out of the EU. But it is not a player in the current negotiations and its views on the kind of deal we will get is not a big enough issue to enthuse and win over millions of new voters. Bolton’s focus is on the wrong thing. UKIP needs a new big issue and its only chance of flourishing is if it becomes the anti-Islam party. Of course all the other parties and the BBC and the media will hate it even more than they do now but it is the only niche in the political landscape that is fertile ground for them. Even more important than the political fortunes of the party is the moral and existential necessity of saving our country from Islamicisation. We need a party and a leader that can do this. Bolton in my opinion is not the man for the job. He has an impressive CV but he looks weak to me and too keen to ingratiate himself with the Muslim-loving Establishment. Anne Marie Waters was strong enough to handle the abuse that goes with the job. She understood that Islam threatens our very survival and I regret that she lost.
Mr Bolton’s career seems to have been in security. He is probably an efficient manager, but I see no signs that he has any of the charisma needed for a leader.
I hope he lasts longer than a year, then again, I hope the same for Ukip.
Biased BBC selective news at 2200. Narrative- higher public sector pay awards.
Teacher starting salaries £22467
Low compared with Quantitative Surveyors starting salary around £27500.
But not mentioned
Quantity surveyor holiday entitlement
Average quantity surveyor pension scheme costs and benefits.
Perhaps if the whole truth was told……..
Teachers- NQT salary £22467. Guaranteed 10% pay scale increments for 7 years. Pension benefits worth £20000 lump sum equivalent value. 12 weeks annual holiday……..the so-called teacher shortage would disappear!
Don’t expect the bBBC to spell it out.
Sluff, it is verboten to point out that teachers’ pay should be viewed in light of their long holidays. One charming female teacher I met at a party told me she would throw her drink in my face if I repeated such a falsehood. Apparently the entire hols are spent marking or filling in forms. And since teachers have the most important job in the world – ie, instilling socialism into the next generation – no amount of money could ever be high enough!
When I was studying teaching I was told that once the ‘lesson plan’ is done then the rest is a doddle. I wouldn’t be a teacher though – in a state school – because of the multicultural makeup of the kids – many of whom called ‘mo’.
There’s no doubt socialists run state teach education which is why , when the kids go to yoonee , a lot of them can barely write a 5000 word essay. But they are aware of when they are being victimised or when someone is being racist.
I would also not rely on being backed up if imposing disciple or dealing with’ parents.’
But the consequences are felt in the yoonies.
A major aspect of assessment which determines job security, pay, promotion and allocation of work, etc., is dependent upon student assessment returns which are taken as objective criteria for evaluating a lecturer’s competence.
And you only need a couple of oppressed inarticulate under qualified students to draw attention to racism, micro-aggression, or being boring to them, or being bullied when asked to stop using their phones during lectures – and your career is buggered.
Hence – degrees and high grades for dindo nuttinks and Mohamids are showered like confetti
Stuff..clearly the BBC didn’t feel the need to address the bigger picture even if you do put holidays and other benefits aside…All you have to do is scan the Union scales to see the bigger picture..
“On the main pay scale your salary will most likely start on M1 (£22,917 – £28,660) and can increase to M6 (£33,824 – £39,006)* and then it goes on ”
Qualified teachers who reach the top of the main pay scale can apply to cross the ‘threshold’ to the upper pay scale, which ranges from point U1 to U3. On the upper pay scale your salary will range from U1 (£35,927 – £43,616) and can increase to U3 (£38,633 – £47,298)*.
I think if you compare the job insecurity of surveyors and the salaries you find being a teacher is a better route for money and peace of mind…but of course that doesn’t matter…in a BBC discussion..
Stunning. Just stunning. R4 decides to treat its listeners to an analysis of today’s UKIP election and whom do they bring in to deliver a weighty, unbiased and considered opinion? A 14 year old boy from The Huffington Post!
Every time you think the BBC cannot possibly get worse – it does.
EuroNews – Pakistan’s Pioneer Female Truck Drivers
“Who will drive the car? I said to my husband ‘I will drive the car’. He questioned ‘How is that possible?’ By the grace of God I will drive the car.”
“But for women aspiring for such jobs there are cultural obstacles…”
… all cultures are equal, but with God’s grace women can drive the car …
“Be it so. This burning of widows (India/suttee) is your custom; prepare the funeral pile. But my nation has also a custom. When men burn women alive we hang them, and confiscate all their property. My carpenters shall therefore erect gibbets on which to hang all concerned when the widow is consumed. Let us all act according to national customs.”
– Charles James Napier on the subject of suttee {wiki}
Since women aren’t allowed to drive the driving examiners will be men and the test for women could have a 100% it’s well known that Arab wimin can’t reverse. …..
I don’t think there will be “hundreds” of newly permitted women drivers in the KSA, although there are some women who already do drive there and have done for a long time – the Bedouin women in remote areas; it is a huge country remember, roughly the same size as western Europe.
Hey look! an old friend of ours, from the past – And we just thought shed gone away to count her money and polish her signed pictures of Yentob. Nice one Theresa you just get better and better!
But prejudice is in both remain and leave groups. “Men (29%) were more likely than women (23%) to say they were racially prejudiced, and leave voters (34%) were more likely to say the same than remain voters (18%)”.
Can they split group into liars and truth tellers. Are remainers more likely to lie about being prejudiced.
Given the current state of Muslim attacks and terror in Europe in its wider geographical sense rather than political sense, I think that you would have to be remarkably stupid or suicidal not to be prejudiced against Muslims . Of the people whom I know well enough to have an open discussion with, perhaps a dozen and a half, I know that all of them are very concerned about Islam, fear it and would support any politician who was willing to stand up to it. Islamophobia is a very rational response to the situation that we find ourselves in.
It really is quite extraordinary that I have to use the words , ‘know well enough to have an open discussion with’ , it would have been ridiculous forty years ago to even think that our freedom of speech could be restricted in this way. What a decline in our freedom we have witnessed.
I don’t think it is a question of “prejudice” – that imlpies irrationality.
The muslim menace in Britain is wholly an imported problem. Countries like Japan and Poland have not sufferred muslim terrorism because the muslim population has not reached a critical mass, while other countries with a large muslim population have. It’s like performing a controlled experiment and there is really only one way to interpret it.
StewGreen September 29, 2017 at 4:28 pm
“Survey proves racism”
Not it’s not a proper survey ..a survey just asking people to say how they feel isn’t worth taking seriously
Ste and others
This ‘survey’ is a load of bunkum….how the Guardian can even entertain the headline is ridiculous. One read tells you all you need to know..but this little bit got missed out of the Guardian crafted story
” It is, however, important to note that data collected using different modes is not directly
comparable. Evidence on the impact of shifting sensitive questions from face-to-face surveys (such
as BSA) to surveys conducted by web/telephone (such as the NatCen Panel) suggests that this
may decrease the likelihood of disclousure”
They don’t even say they have adjusted the sample//findings to take into account changes in demographics and only ask
“Do you think most white people in Britain would mind/would you mind if
a close relative were to marry a person who is Muslim/of black or West
Indian origin?”
They mixed colour and religion in the questions…so apparently only white/Christian people can be racist..
Even if you took their report at face value – it hasn’t changed much…but hey let’s forget the positive and blame conservative white male leavers…
I’ve just done a very quick bit of mental arithmetic, and I personally know 14 couples (at least, probably more if I think a bit harder) in the first category but none in the second.
Now the hard bit is to say that because this title/article agrees 100% with me I need to look deeper. Who has the time to do this – easier to agree and move on with life.
Is that photograph genuine? I know the Guardian are rather keen on it, they’ve used it before :
Somthing about this image just doesn’t feel right. I know the attitudes of suspicion behind the sentiment did exist and it is something of a holy grail for present day grievance activists and campaigners to seek out such images – in fact so much so that I am suspicious.
You are right to question
#1 The photo is provenced “A racist boarding house advertisement, 1964.
Photograph: Bill Orchard/REX/Shutterstock”
#2 Yet it is strange that such a perfect image has only ever been used on the net twice , and that’s by the Guardian
The advertisement is is pinned outside the window . I’m trying to remember back to those days and I cannot recall anything like that. Ads like that were always behind the glass. Nothing to do with the content. It’s just that naughty little boys like… mates who rang doorbells and ran away would have enjoyed collecting those like we did stamps and conkers.
While certainly not authentic, it is a snap good enough for guilt ridden Guardian readers to drool over
Yes it probably is genuine but from 50 years ago. A lot of boarding houses in my area used to have signs saying “ no blacks no Irish and no dogs” in various orders of priority. I don’t see any relevance to today though and is a pretty tired image for al guardian to use –
Signs saying ‘no coloureds’ probably did exist, but the fact that everyone repeats the ‘no blacks no dogs no Irish’ without any evidence suggests it is apocryphal, possibly derived from a 1970s Spike Milligan joke: ‘They said no blacks no dogs no Irish. So if you were a black Irish wolfhound you didn’t stand a chance’. What leftists tend to forget is that a. such signs were legal at the time, and b, (according to Breitbart, at least) signs reading ‘Muslims only’ for rooms to let in London in 2017 (illegal) can still be found.
Guest Who
Wrong .We are more likely to be Realists not Racists. There is a difference but obviously not the the Guardian and it’s readers,of whom I used to be one. What a twat I must have been.
I meant to add Rona is like some antibiotic resistant (or in this case shame resistant) STD. She does not bloody go away. It seems to be Theresas way – always reward failure with promotion. And in this case she rewarded herself!
Theresa. Hammond and Rudd all supported “Remain” and who did we get as bloody Prime Minister, Chancellor and Home Secretary! As we all know here, we have a “Remain ” Government in all but name.
What’s the point here ?
That a few comments on the aftermath help in Puerto Rico are being used as a stick to bash Trump
Aid is there, and in any big operations there are screwups and misunderstandings.
She seems to be a Democrat
It would have been the islands Democrat politicians who should have done the prepraration.
Matthew Paris interviewed on Toady earlier asked his views on the position of a seriously weakened Treezer pre PPConference.
Nothing wrong with Treezer he stated, she is simply being held a “Hostage” by, “……the Brexit HEADBANGERS in the party”. A Times reporter: that’s really objective balanced reporting? “Headbangers” – A Hate Crime?
Turn radio off.
Vince Cable, 21.09.17 – “Quite apart from the actual [Brexit] divorce bill, 10,000 jobs have already moved out of the financial services sector.” This from the ex-Secretary of State for Business, Innovation and Skills (2010–2015).
“If Brexit is a divorce who are there 28 people in the marriage and what are their relationships to each other?”
Could it have something to do with the LGBT statistical variations?
G – a sturdy sack; a few concrete blocks; a length of rope and a quiet stretch of canal would encompass a more appropriate demise for Vincent. It would simply be a waste of money and drugs to lug him round to the vets.
They overlook one important fact. To the best of my knowledge the EU Negotiators and the 27 other States have not yet agreed that the UK may have a ‘transition period’ for its leaving of the EU. They talk as if it is a done deal.
It will be a big chuckle if the EU come back on that request and say: “Non.”
So says the BBC weather girl this morning. Our dolly dimwit Naga Munchetty was prompting her to draw some connection with the Carribean hurricane season which so fascinated the BBC – but all Naga got was a breezy knock back.
I sense the weather people are now treading a careful line since they know full well their global warming panic is in retreat.
How will/does that work in practice? Am I missing something?
“Most residents of England and Wales belonged to the White ethnic group (86 per cent, 48.2
million) in 2011, and the majority of these belonged to the White British group (80 per cent of the
total population, 45.1 million). In London in 2011, 45 per cent (3.7 million) out of 8.2 million usual
residents were White British.
Separate laws for London compared to the rest of England and Wales?
Scroll down to the section headed, “Terrorist Targets”. “……where westerners can be found…..”? What are you saying F&CO? Terrorists actually seek out “westerners”? Why would that be F&CO? Could it be that the terrorists are under instruction to attack “where westerners can be found”. But who is this doing the attacking and why?………………………..
Please enlighten us.
8:30am R4Today Welby spat against the BBC
‘yeh, well we the church have tidied up our sexual abuse problems
not like the BBC ..And BBC has a sexist paygap !”
Humphrys suddenly had an official BBC opinion to hand
“There was an independent judge led inquiry into sexual abuse at the BBC”
It’s like pantomime dame season, cos they are both pointing fingers yet they’re as bad as each other.
"BBC hadn't shown the same integrity over accusations of child abuse that the Catholic/Anglican churches had." LOL
A BBC spokesman said: “The national gender pay gap is 18%. The BBC’s is under 10% and we have committed to closing it in 2020.
“The Church of England’s own published pay gap for non-office holders is 41%.
It is incredibly distasteful to divert from victims of REAL sexual abuse to talk of paygaps
which from the number of non-prosecutions seem to be more about women’s choices rather thatn illegal discrimination.
Will it be reported on our, “Most trusted….”?
I’m taking wagers right now. Any bets?
A UK version would be slightly different. Imagine: A million souls, marching in absolute silence but displaying a placard bearing the following words (or careful variations on): ‘I’m continually having serious hate thoughts toward a certain section of the UK population – what are you going to about it Hate Thought Policemen’?
That could provide the Government with enough concern to prepare legislation to deal with this new ‘Hate Crime’. Let’s call it the ‘Orwell Bill’
Straight from Leave.EU (aka UKIP)
“A brief bio of Bolton: Henry David Bolton OBE is one of the United Kingdom’s foremost authorities on international security. Following a distinguished career in the British Army and Thames Valley Police, Captain Bolton was awarded an OBE in 2013 “for services to international security and stabilisation”.
“……for services to International security and stabilisation”? Didn’t he do well Brucie!
Where are those International Terrorist statistics, I put them down somewhere…………..
Give me strength.
A couple of weeks ago I attended a talk at Waterstones Piccadilly, given by author Anthony Horowitz. He’s written loads of stuff for the telly and been in that sphere for decades and was, I’d have thought, as pc savvy as it as possible to be.However, even Anthony fell foul of the intolerant pc bullies.
He mentioned being interviewed a number of years ago, when the interviewer bowled him a bit of a googly.
I think we’ll all remember the notorious and nasty case when a gay couple arrived at a Christian B & B but weren’t allowed a room with a double bed. He was asked for his opinion on the fracas.
“I was careful. To begin with, I made it clear that I was one hundred per cent in favour of gay marriage and that I didn’t agree with the Christian couple. However, I thought we should try to understand their point of view (even though I didn’t share it) and perhaps they didn’t deserve the hate mail and death threats they had received.”
He couldn’t have been any more careful, could he?. However, this wasn’t nearly good enough for some of his left leaning audience. He told us that he had received a torrent of abuse. A couple of teachers wrote to him to say that his books would never appear in their schools again. Someone else thought all his books should be burned.
Isn’t that charming? Hate mail and death threats. All in the name of tolerance and inclusivity.
And book burning!
Now where have we heard that before?
Mr Vance,
Sir , ( and others – with apologies for being a bit off subject) but I want to tell people about a way of saving money if a person with dementia is in their own home. They do not need to pay community charge. Google this if you need more. Al Beeb covered in a bit yesterday but they are busy talking about chickens at the moment. I was personally affected by this ( the dementia issue not the chicken yet) thanks.
The “Globalists” (aka Multiculturalists) view of why the Visegrad Four will not be told by the leader of the 4th Reich that they will take ‘Refugees’ –
Perhaps the answer is easier than that: they just don’t want muzzies commandeering their countries.
BBC report on the new UKIP leader and casually mention that he is the fourth leader in a year Just to let you know they are an unstable party.
So how will they handle him?
My prediction. Interviewers will harp on asking when he is going to sack Ann Marie Walters, when he is going to come down heavy on Nazis, Islamophobes and waaycists in UKIP, and thereby avoid discussing his sensible plans regarding BREXIT
The MSM does not need to put the boot into Ukip anymore. Nigel Farage is doing that for them. Check out his Daily Telegraph article.
To me this article does ukip no good, the man himself no good, and by his stupidity, Brexit no good.
Nige, you were a great leader in your day but well, you never really got the hang of party membership did you?
OK, GWF and others, this is one occasion when I will be delighted to be told I am completely wrong or I am over-reacting. But calling a huge percentage of ukip’s membership racist because they are concerned about Islam is the last thing the party needs at this stage. I did not vote for AMW but the spiteful way Nige has crowed after the Bolton victory has left me staggered.
Tell me I’ve got it wrong, please.
Three hour retrospective on Ned Sherrin this am on R4 Xtra. Reminded me that the bbc DID preside over talent at one time.
The non PC Ned with tales that illustrated that you don’t need to be hateful to do put-downs – you can be very, very funny. At one point John Walters read a list of MSM predictions – all wrong. Nothing changes.
It contrasted with the impoverished ‘Loose Ends’ of today with it’s talentless guests and host.
And this really cracked me up – the bio of Queen Victoria relating that the MSM of the day ran a campaign that, leading top the Crimean War – Albert was accused of, ‘colluding with the Russians’. Sound familiar?
A Freedom of Information request made to the ONS –
“I am compiling a report on the increase in crime and the effects that an influx of refugees and migrants has on the UK figures…………..
1. How you record ethnicity in relation to crime (if at all) and, If you do why it is not readily available in the statistics you have published.
2. Any directive you have been issued with regarding divulging the relationship between ethnicity and crime to the public in your statistics.
3. The figures relating to sexual crimes of women and children and race/ethnicity.
4. The figures relating to robberies and burglaries and race/ethnicity”
Certainly not clear enough for me: the Request should have specifically referred to the ‘perpetrator’ of the crime which, I think the enquirer was seeking. However, the ONS no doubt, gleefully, took their reply off on the obvious tangent the inquirer permitted and focused on the Victim.
The ONS reply. “We routinely publish data from the CSEW giving the prevalence of crime victimisation broken down according to the ethnicity of the victim.” and, “You also asked for information on ethnicity in relation to sexual offences, robbery and burglary. We publish CSEW data on the ethnicity of victims of different forms of crime in separate statistical bulletins, also released annually. Data on robbery victims are published on the ONS website…”
So, there you have it. Stats are available for the ethnicity of a victim of a crime but not the ethnicity of the perpetrator.
‘Pull the other one………..’.
Here, let me help you out ONS
Boy, 14, critical after Small Heath stabbing near mosque
Police have not ruled out it could be racially motivated and have appealed for anyone with information about the “tragic event” to contact them.
Inference by the BBC of course being it must be racist attack as it is near a mosque. Actually appears to be pretty difficult to be stabbed NOT near a mosque in that area, as the map shows
Police also haven’t ruled out it was a completely random attack by a psycho in clown suit and with at least as many costume shops as mosques in the area this would seem to suggest an equal likelihood as a racial/religious attack… assuming the buildings in the vicinity are that important an indicator of perp and motive as the Beeb infers
That ‘have not ruled out’ is shameful – a true measure of how out of control the far Left BBC has got. If the police are any good (questionable in the West Midlands, I know) they won’t have ruled anything out yet, up to and including a Martian invasion.
As always seems to happen, when such baseless accusations are ruled out, the BBC will fail to mention the incident again, satisfied with itself, no doubt, for having left the impression of another ‘racist’ attack in the minds of its gullible audience.
This kind of crime is one of those which can be used as evidence of al beeb bias. If this is racially motives and not the usual ‘dissing’ thing young males go for then we ll hear a lot about it and ‘ assuring the community’ local labour blaming cuts for the stabbing ( sorry) it it’s not racial then it gets buried until the next one comes along .
In the wake of hurricane devastation in the Caribbean, Clive Anderson and some morons discuss the role lawyers are playing in trying to stop the climate from changing.
If you Ask Atmospheric Physicists and Meteorologists if there is any science on man-made Hurricanes, all I get is, NO, but the standard fake Global Warming hypothesis actually can imply that Hurricanes should get less active, as the rate of warming six miles up, for the hypothesis used in computer models, is double that on the surface. Its why the hypothesis predicts an increase in droughts due to less and less weather.
The idiotic thing is that Climate alarmism wants both an increase in Hurricanes and an increase in Droughts, both are not happening, contradict the science of the hypothesis and common sense.
This type of mixture of none existent evidence and contradictory assumptions, presented by the BBC as fact. Is also found in the reasons for the resignation of the world renown Hurricane expert Chris Landsea from the IPCC.
Exactly so, Richard. You cannot have melting Arctic and Antarctic ice due to global warming and global droughts. You cannot have massive sea level rise and massive temperature increases. These are mutually exclusive.
I remember the wonderful item the BBC ran on radio News in the 1990s. It was a (PR) claim from an environmental pressure group (it may have been Friends of the Earth) that Venice would dry out thanks to Global Warming. “The tourists will have to look at muddy canals!” It ran on the 6a.m. and 7a.m. and possibly the 8a.m. main news Bulletins but obviously someone had ‘phoned the BBC to tell them “Go look at an atlas. While you are at it, talk to a Civil Engineer who knows a bit about Venice.”
The item was excluded from the 9a.m. News and disappeared for the rest of the day never to be seen again.
It may have been an early example of the BBC being willing to broadcast Fake/FalseNews due to one of their overriding preoccupations taking precedence.
Richard Pinder
I can never quite bring myself to believe the so called expert opinion on global warming /climate change for the simple reason that the “experts” rarely seem to be able to agree with each other. Even if they do they go and spoil it for me by saying,after an extreme weather event, “This hasn’t happened for 200/300” years or whatever.
Also we are told that Britain was once a part of the European land mass. So what happened to cause the hiatus?
This happened way before industrialization so human activity is most unlikely to have had any effect.
I have reached my own conclusion which is that the planet does whatever it wants when it wants,irrespective of what we do.It’s bigger than us .However, fortunes are being made keeping the story running.
I looked for the UKIP Conference on BBC Parliament.
I found Scottish local government being broadcast by the BBC’s transmitters in Yorkshire.
In fact we in Yorkshire can only watch local government broadcasts from Scotland, Wales Ireland and for some reason, London. Presumably because the BBC knows that most people in London are not English.
In fact if we include the House of Lords, there is very rarely anything on BBC Parliament, democratically representative of the people of Yorkshire. The last time BBC “Question Time” came to Yorkshire, nobody on the panel was born or represented Yorkshire.
I think its revenge by the BBC, for the fact that Yorkshire voted for the highest percentage (50%) of UKIP MEP’s, in the last EU elections.
This is a picture of BBC employees leaving the BBC Look North HQ in Hull. The three white squares B, B and C just about visible above the entrance, on the left of the picture. As you can see, they are all people of colour. Again as with the Black face of Hull and all those poets, artists and all those representatives of the slaves of old, including the one from the United Nations. This is evidence that the BBC is discriminating against Hull’s white working-class people, because of the Brexit vote.
These BBC aliens are walking past the fountain in Queens Gardens, towards the Bus Stop near the Beverley Gate, to catch the blue buses, probably back to the Deep. The Deep is the world’s only submarium, a deep blue one.
No Tory hardship evident in Hull, then. Not a wonderfully pleasant sight or task but you will have to search hard to find any emaciated or even slim folk there.
If, sometime in the future, Scotland votes for independence, can anyone on here suggest what ‘divorce’ payment (a la Brexit) Scotland will be paying us.
Oxford College removes painting of Burmese leader.
Guardian writer excoriates Burma for not giving Muzzie terrorists the keys to the kingdom.
Hundreds of comments support the Guardian position.
The following comment refers to a suggestion that India should house all the, now fugitive, terrorists.
“roisin Leary 21h ago
India have done more than their share, if even they harbour reservations regarding taking this particular band of fleeing hordes, this says something considering their precious unblemished track record in such matters . Why you believe all countries are obliged to put their own native populous at risk to satisfy the vanities of a few champagne humanitarians speaks volumes.”
There’s an interesting image going around of a moppet crying to order, mainly by being pinched to serve the shot.
The BBC clearly still do not do irony.
Meanwhile the BBC’s (esp. Katty Kay) uncritical support of the mayor of Puerto Rico seems to be going about as well as their getting behind certain librarians.
Guest Who
According to the BBC News website the said Gothenburg citizens who attacked Antifa were Nazis.
The definition of a Nazi widens every day. I guess we’re all in there somewhere. Which means it probably encompasses the majority.
“According to the BBC News website the said Gothenburg citizens who attacked Antifa were Nazis. The definition of a Nazi widens every day. I guess we’re all in there somewhere.”
Speak for yourself LW. The clashes took place during a rally of ‘The Nordic Resistance Movement’.
Hello Maxi, still on the night shift?
Is this night shift affecting your demeanour or did someone show you a photograph of a pig?
Every so often you triumphantly produce an imaginary “scoop” on BBBC, in the manner of a child trying to mollify an irate parent.
Somebody produces an example of BBC bias every ten minutes on this website which you are unable to challenge.
TWMTB 0, BBBC 87325
BBC Radio 5 Live. 8.00 pm news. About second or third on news list I think. The BBC interview some unknown U.S. Republican politician. He says Donald Trump says things about what is happening abroad, but this is not transferred into immediate action and as a result Donald Trump is responsible for all the deaths and hardships due to natural and manmade disasters outside of the United States.
Also as a news item in the same news bulletin is the anniversary of BBC radio one and two. They say they poached all the talent from pirate radio, to get that pirate feel to the radio stations, but then stamped them with “BBC values” to make them unique and special.
21:38pm C4 “And with today’s rise of the far right, we have to remember the WW2 massacre like this one in Vinca Italy”
…. sorry this is LibMob Virtue signalling
There is NOT a great rise in FASCISM in modern Europe, what there is is a street level reaction as people react to real horrific crimes which seem to have been caused by BAD migrants due to failure of EU authorities to control migration and let in only GOOD migrants
Now …If a non-Lib does a crime it’s not right and there are a only few fools, but their crimes are far less in total than those of the migrants/non-integrated
Yep…I noticed that. He makes a point of calling Germans Nazis and their Italian allies Fascists…I believe that this is to deflect us from thinking of the enemy as ‘Germans’. My Dad and his brothers fought throughout WW2 and their aim was to defeat Germany and Germans, they didn’t give a damn whether they were Nazis or not 🙁
C4 also shoehorned such LibMob Virtue signalling into the Tony Robinson programme hour earlier
about walking Offa’s Dyke
Channel 4 production meeting “THis prog is too full of white people, Tony is white and a man, Offa was white, Wordsworth was white, King Arthur was probably white …damn, damn damn ”
#1 Tony is seen walking into some random woman’s garden : ” Oh you are Indian”, “born in Uganda”
#2 “Ah here’s Offa’s 1 pence coin here has something written about Islam”
bizarrely this appears to be true ..and an ethnic-brown skinned Muslim man was on screen to tell us this.
…Diversity Bingo game ..continues
I don’t know how they can say that the Arabic wasn’t added laterin Rome or elsewhere
\\Only three gold coins of Offa’s have survived: one is a copy of an Abbasid dinar of 774 and carries Arabic text on one side, with “Offa Rex” on the other.
The gold coins are of uncertain use but may have been struck to be used as alms or for gifts to Rome.//
Tony Robinson: ‘Prudish Victorians rewrote history to claim “Offa’s Dyke” was a big wall, when in fact the Dyke was a person – the first lesbian to hold public office in England’. (OK he didn’t actually say that but that is a fairly common BBC history programme formula).
A few weeks ago on Countryfile, Adam Henson bumped into a group of 12 year old boys with big rucksacks that smelled strongly of nitrates in The Lake District. They were assisting buxom blond haired Ellie who was feeling quite dizzy after drinking some Groomer’s Gate spring water that the boys had recently given her.
After helping the boys carefully lower Ellie’s now unconscious body into the boot of their unlicensed mini-cab Adam bids a cheery farewell before bumping quite by accident into Yasmin Alibhai-Brown who is tending to her her herd of Tamworth Spots at her halal pork pie and scratchings farm.
Podesta emails reveal that Facebook COO Sheryl Sandberg wanted Hillary Clinton to win "badly", provided research to her in March 2015 and met privately with her on multiple occasions.
Boy stabbed at Birmingham Mosque festival
Is it Muslim sectarianism ..seems so
cos the official Muslim United letter uses the phrase
“attackers do not represent us”
Some indications the stabbing of 14-year old boy outside a Birmingham mosque is Sunni-on-Shia terrorism. ~10 Salafis tried to enter mosque
But there is no doubt that it will be listed as a hate crime and so can be laid at the door of to Brexit and a sign of the racism that lurks in the heart of every white person in the UK. It doesn’t matter if no whites folks were involved or not. After all as Shadow Home Secretary Abbott said only white people can be guilty of racism. ( I simply cannot imagine that foul cow as Home Secretary but it could happen , God Save Us) The whole hate crime industry , because there is no doubt that there are plenty of parasites who make their living from this ridiculous law, is just another weapon for those on the left to beat the rest of the country with. The leftists will use these manufactured statistics to ‘prove’ that there is a need to take increased measures Of repression against the white people of our country. To be white today in the UK is to be a second class citizen and to be targeted by the police and the government.
I just hope is that the Security Services MI5 and MI6 have a contingency plan in respect of information in the terrible event of Abbott becoming Home Secretary. She and the Corbyn government simply cannot be allowed full access to the full range of intelligence data that we receive from US and other countries Abbott abhors. I do not trust her to use it responsibly.
None of these cultural Marxist PC contortions of plays, films or other such should be supported by any right thinking person, they should be hit in the pocket: where it hurts these b@st@rds most!
“There is no sound a Liberal fears more than the click of a closing purse.” Keith Alexander.
Why don’t all these Remain c***s just move to their beloved EU?
We’re constantly being told that they are all the intelligent portion of the population which voted that way, surely such folk would be welcomed with open arms by their EU brothers and sisters since they could contribute so much to their new homeland and it would “punish” the UK even more to no longer have these talented folk here among us; a win-win for both them and the EU.
After all, why would they want to stay with all the un-educated filth (whom they deplore) that voted Leave?
If it’s going to be such a disaster here as a consequence of our departure from that bloc, then you would expect them to jump ship as soon as possible. I’m certain it would be tough going without the likes of O’Brien; Clegg and all the rest but I’m sure we’ll do our best to cope.
I feel the same when it comes to those who hate Western values and culture – what are they doing here?
No one is forcing them to stay and surely they would be so much happier elsewhere.
For one thing many of them are lazy bas*tards who for all their veneer of cosmopolitanism can’t be bothered to learn a foreign language. In my experience a lot of people love the EU not because they love foreign cultures but because they hate their own and see the EU as some sort of glorified Loyal Opposition to ‘the tories’.
Marr is being so impertinent to Theresa May, demanding apologies. She is the Prime Minister; I sound like my mum but I do wish people had more respect these days.
Contrast with the treatment of any ROP ‘community leader’ or similar interviewed in the wake of the latest atrocity, who gets their tummy tickled by the Beeb and has their most outrageous comments go unchallenged.
I read a good article by Brendan O’Neill which says how implicitly racist it is always demanding that no difficult questions ever be asked of the Islamic community as if they were sub human and incapable of rational thought. Imagine the Beeb asking a Muslim for any sort of apology? It would never happen.
Its the headlines that reveal bias.
Does Trump care about Puerto Rico’s hurricane victims?
Not much, we are encouraged to infer. A later BBC piece refers to aid and Trumps tweets, but the amount is never put clearly
The BBC does err on the ‘selective’ when it comes to matters USA these days. Seems Katty Kay is guiding BBC editorial integrity there just as Jezza Boom does across the ME..
Hence there is stuff they trumpet and stuff they Trump off.
Turning out the narrative in the media is not the same as the one on the ground as reported less filtered elsewhere.
A bit like them going daft over some no name Librarian dissing Melanie over a kids book when the same book has been deployed in racist attacks by Michelle and Hillary.
And said junior federal employee with oddly direct links to the msm has been shown dressed in a costume according to her as akin to KKK robes, and has been slapped down by superiors.
Little, if any of which, has the BBC managed to bring to the attention of its trusting audience base.
It’s also classic BBC ‘advocacy thinly disguised as a question’ headline.
The whole thing seems a repeat of the attempt to trash the Royal Navy recently, complete with gobby local who has amazing direct access to the BBC to scream.
For anyone who has a licence you can treat yourself to BBC’s new drama ‘The Last Post’, which by the looks of it has something to do with the Aden Emergency. I’m going to be Mystic Meg and predict our hateful colonialist military are not going to be presented in a good light!
I’ve often thought the Aden emergency would make a good film but would not trust any contemporary writer to do a fair job. The only non-WW2 drama I can recall that treated the British Army reasonably fairly was ‘A Breed of Heroes’ (1994) a made for BBCTV drama about the first regiment sent over to Northern Ireland.
I may,
You sum up exactly why I won’t be watching. However, if anyone on the site does watch it for monitoring purposes and finds it doesn’t follow the usual BBC pattern of portraying any individual, group or institution , that represents Britain, in the worst possible light , but portrays the other side as virtuous , exploited , victims , and posts this unlikely outcome on the site, I may be persuaded to risk my blood pressure and take a peek.
DeborahFeb 23, 23:41 Start the Week 24th February 2025 Reported tonight on GBNews that Stonewall is going to lose half its staff because of Trump’s stalling USAID. Until now,…
JohnCFeb 23, 23:27 Start the Week 24th February 2025 Bowen said the same thing in one of his articles. Clearly it’s part of ‘BBC Groupthink’ now. Trump should have…
JohnCFeb 23, 23:12 Start the Week 24th February 2025 The BBC don’t seem bothered at all that Hamas murdered those young boys and their mother with their bare hands…
NiborFeb 23, 23:10 Start the Week 24th February 2025 Sorry if already mentioned , But this “Trump wants to win the Nobel Peace prize ” ! Does he really…
JohnCFeb 23, 23:07 Start the Week 24th February 2025 Zelensky willing to give up presidency in exchange for Nato membership Sometimes I read a BBC article and wonder…
pugnaziousFeb 23, 23:05 Start the Week 24th February 2025 ‘The desecration of our country continues…’ And at the heart of it is our national broadcaster which teaches people…
pugnaziousFeb 23, 22:42 Start the Week 24th February 2025 ‘ ‘7 October was the day Gazans broke out of their dismal prison and exacted terrible revenge. When Israelis, soldiers…
harry142857Feb 23, 22:10 Start the Week 24th February 2025 Sure local mayor Andy Burnham will pressurise the councillor to resign, not.
Benefits or enrichment in Stoke
Rashid Hussain got 3 months
and he already had an eight-month suspended sentence from when he was working as a taxi driver and he knocked out a passenger in a row over a fare, but the judge activated only half of that.
A further instance of the growing inequality in the eyes of the law between Brits and immigrants.
SpecialVictims are more equal than others
(strange there was no comment from Max-Con)
Countdown starts for the BBC:
How long before they find some ‘fake dirt’ on the new UKIP leader?
24 hours?
Dover Sentry
As with Farage, Trump, and then Rees-Mogg, they will first begin by lampooning him.
“…..they will first begin by lampooning him.” I presume you mean other party members?
No-one has been lampooned more than Maggie was (I now wish I had supported her at the time)
but she took it all like a man. What a woman. R.I.P.
The new leader of UKIP…………………………….
Ex Army and Police.
My worry about this guy is that he wants to carry the media with him. He is wrong- the media want to destroy him and UKIP Hopefully he will come out fighting
Thanks for posting, Taff.
I wonder if Bolton realises just what he is letting himself in for?
Perhaps the combined support of Farage, Banks and a certain Mr Trump could see him through?
Now more than ever, we need a leader.
UKIP is finished as a force. When will the disagreements between the senior party officials break out again? At local party members level, I witnessed the constant squabbling and backbiting – UKIP is riven with this sickness, all the hallmarks of a doomed organisation.
I think I agree with you that UKIP is finished. It achieved its primary aim in getting us out of the EU. But it is not a player in the current negotiations and its views on the kind of deal we will get is not a big enough issue to enthuse and win over millions of new voters. Bolton’s focus is on the wrong thing. UKIP needs a new big issue and its only chance of flourishing is if it becomes the anti-Islam party. Of course all the other parties and the BBC and the media will hate it even more than they do now but it is the only niche in the political landscape that is fertile ground for them. Even more important than the political fortunes of the party is the moral and existential necessity of saving our country from Islamicisation. We need a party and a leader that can do this. Bolton in my opinion is not the man for the job. He has an impressive CV but he looks weak to me and too keen to ingratiate himself with the Muslim-loving Establishment. Anne Marie Waters was strong enough to handle the abuse that goes with the job. She understood that Islam threatens our very survival and I regret that she lost.
Mr Bolton’s career seems to have been in security. He is probably an efficient manager, but I see no signs that he has any of the charisma needed for a leader.
I hope he lasts longer than a year, then again, I hope the same for Ukip.
And sadly, until about 14 months ago, a Lib Dem.
Now how on earth is that possible? I smell a very large rat indeed.
Cartoon roundup on the week’s news:
Biased BBC selective news at 2200. Narrative- higher public sector pay awards.
Teacher starting salaries £22467
Low compared with Quantitative Surveyors starting salary around £27500.
But not mentioned
Quantity surveyor holiday entitlement
Average quantity surveyor pension scheme costs and benefits.
Perhaps if the whole truth was told……..
Teachers- NQT salary £22467. Guaranteed 10% pay scale increments for 7 years. Pension benefits worth £20000 lump sum equivalent value. 12 weeks annual holiday……..the so-called teacher shortage would disappear!
Don’t expect the bBBC to spell it out.
Sluff, it is verboten to point out that teachers’ pay should be viewed in light of their long holidays. One charming female teacher I met at a party told me she would throw her drink in my face if I repeated such a falsehood. Apparently the entire hols are spent marking or filling in forms. And since teachers have the most important job in the world – ie, instilling socialism into the next generation – no amount of money could ever be high enough!
When I was studying teaching I was told that once the ‘lesson plan’ is done then the rest is a doddle. I wouldn’t be a teacher though – in a state school – because of the multicultural makeup of the kids – many of whom called ‘mo’.
There’s no doubt socialists run state teach education which is why , when the kids go to yoonee , a lot of them can barely write a 5000 word essay. But they are aware of when they are being victimised or when someone is being racist.
I would also not rely on being backed up if imposing disciple or dealing with’ parents.’
I thought all these kids were called Dindu Nuffin
But the consequences are felt in the yoonies.
A major aspect of assessment which determines job security, pay, promotion and allocation of work, etc., is dependent upon student assessment returns which are taken as objective criteria for evaluating a lecturer’s competence.
And you only need a couple of oppressed inarticulate under qualified students to draw attention to racism, micro-aggression, or being boring to them, or being bullied when asked to stop using their phones during lectures – and your career is buggered.
Hence – degrees and high grades for dindo nuttinks and Mohamids are showered like confetti
That explains David Lammy.
Stuff..clearly the BBC didn’t feel the need to address the bigger picture even if you do put holidays and other benefits aside…All you have to do is scan the Union scales to see the bigger picture..
“On the main pay scale your salary will most likely start on M1 (£22,917 – £28,660) and can increase to M6 (£33,824 – £39,006)* and then it goes on ”
Qualified teachers who reach the top of the main pay scale can apply to cross the ‘threshold’ to the upper pay scale, which ranges from point U1 to U3. On the upper pay scale your salary will range from U1 (£35,927 – £43,616) and can increase to U3 (£38,633 – £47,298)*.
I think if you compare the job insecurity of surveyors and the salaries you find being a teacher is a better route for money and peace of mind…but of course that doesn’t matter…in a BBC discussion..
Stunning. Just stunning. R4 decides to treat its listeners to an analysis of today’s UKIP election and whom do they bring in to deliver a weighty, unbiased and considered opinion? A 14 year old boy from The Huffington Post!
Every time you think the BBC cannot possibly get worse – it does.
EuroNews – Pakistan’s Pioneer Female Truck Drivers
“Who will drive the car? I said to my husband ‘I will drive the car’. He questioned ‘How is that possible?’ By the grace of God I will drive the car.”
“But for women aspiring for such jobs there are cultural obstacles…”
… all cultures are equal, but with God’s grace women can drive the car …
“Be it so. This burning of widows (India/suttee) is your custom; prepare the funeral pile. But my nation has also a custom. When men burn women alive we hang them, and confiscate all their property. My carpenters shall therefore erect gibbets on which to hang all concerned when the widow is consumed. Let us all act according to national customs.”
– Charles James Napier on the subject of suttee {wiki}
I don’t want to be on the road in Saudi when hundreds of newly permitted women drivers take to the wheel.
Just imagine someone who has never driven before is let loose on the road; now multiply that by thousands.
Remember the first time some youngster (or worse, oldster) passed their test?
Since women aren’t allowed to drive the driving examiners will be men and the test for women could have a 100% it’s well known that Arab wimin can’t reverse. …..
I don’t think there will be “hundreds” of newly permitted women drivers in the KSA, although there are some women who already do drive there and have done for a long time – the Bedouin women in remote areas; it is a huge country remember, roughly the same size as western Europe.
Oh and now the inevitable Anti Trump comments …….yawwwwn
BBC NewsNight – every evening it should be about free speech.
But tonight it’s off to Mars, Microsoft/Tech Tax and Fleetwood Mac.
“If liberty means anything at all, it means the right to tell people what they do not want to hear” – George Orwell
Why is NewsNight looking for 99.999999% safe for rocket launches when cars and planes aren’t that safe?
Each of us has about a fifty percent (50%) chance of dying of cardiovascular disease. Whenever we fly, we have a one one-hundred-thousandth of one percent (.000014%) chance of dying!
But what was the safety record of planes in the early days?
p.s. am drunk so not sure what the point is here….good night!
Hey look! an old friend of ours, from the past – And we just thought shed gone away to count her money and polish her signed pictures of Yentob. Nice one Theresa you just get better and better!
The BBC week is set, in all likelihood.
But prejudice is in both remain and leave groups. “Men (29%) were more likely than women (23%) to say they were racially prejudiced, and leave voters (34%) were more likely to say the same than remain voters (18%)”.
Can they split group into liars and truth tellers. Are remainers more likely to lie about being prejudiced.
Given the current state of Muslim attacks and terror in Europe in its wider geographical sense rather than political sense, I think that you would have to be remarkably stupid or suicidal not to be prejudiced against Muslims . Of the people whom I know well enough to have an open discussion with, perhaps a dozen and a half, I know that all of them are very concerned about Islam, fear it and would support any politician who was willing to stand up to it. Islamophobia is a very rational response to the situation that we find ourselves in.
It really is quite extraordinary that I have to use the words , ‘know well enough to have an open discussion with’ , it would have been ridiculous forty years ago to even think that our freedom of speech could be restricted in this way. What a decline in our freedom we have witnessed.
I don’t think it is a question of “prejudice” – that imlpies irrationality.
The muslim menace in Britain is wholly an imported problem. Countries like Japan and Poland have not sufferred muslim terrorism because the muslim population has not reached a critical mass, while other countries with a large muslim population have. It’s like performing a controlled experiment and there is really only one way to interpret it.
StewGreen September 29, 2017 at 4:28 pm
“Survey proves racism”
Not it’s not a proper survey ..a survey just asking people to say how they feel isn’t worth taking seriously
Wonder if these attitudes have changed recently …
And in your opinion, should any publication have the right to publish pictures which make fun of the Prophet? Yes 1% // No 87% { – pdf -page 612}
… or could this poll be linked to this poll … ‘Tory men who voted leave more likely to be racially prejudiced’ {twitter}?
Ste and others
This ‘survey’ is a load of bunkum….how the Guardian can even entertain the headline is ridiculous. One read tells you all you need to know..but this little bit got missed out of the Guardian crafted story
” It is, however, important to note that data collected using different modes is not directly
comparable. Evidence on the impact of shifting sensitive questions from face-to-face surveys (such
as BSA) to surveys conducted by web/telephone (such as the NatCen Panel) suggests that this
may decrease the likelihood of disclousure”
They don’t even say they have adjusted the sample//findings to take into account changes in demographics and only ask
“Do you think most white people in Britain would mind/would you mind if
a close relative were to marry a person who is Muslim/of black or West
Indian origin?”
They mixed colour and religion in the questions…so apparently only white/Christian people can be racist..
Even if you took their report at face value – it hasn’t changed much…but hey let’s forget the positive and blame conservative white male leavers…
I would like to bet that there are far more white people with black partners, than there are Muslims with partners who are non-Muslim.
I’ve just done a very quick bit of mental arithmetic, and I personally know 14 couples (at least, probably more if I think a bit harder) in the first category but none in the second.
Most people will read the title ‘Tory men who voted leave more likely to be racially prejudiced‘, agree and carry on with their lives. knowing that what they thought to be true is true because a newspaper agrees with them.
Now the hard bit is to say that because this title/article agrees 100% with me I need to look deeper. Who has the time to do this – easier to agree and move on with life.
Is that photograph genuine? I know the Guardian are rather keen on it, they’ve used it before :
Somthing about this image just doesn’t feel right. I know the attitudes of suspicion behind the sentiment did exist and it is something of a holy grail for present day grievance activists and campaigners to seek out such images – in fact so much so that I am suspicious.
Definitely the real deal.
Provided by Jeremy Bowen’s personal cameraman before doing Obits & Funerals in the ME.
You are right to question
#1 The photo is provenced “A racist boarding house advertisement, 1964.
Photograph: Bill Orchard/REX/Shutterstock”
#2 Yet it is strange that such a perfect image has only ever been used on the net twice , and that’s by the Guardian
The advertisement is is pinned outside the window . I’m trying to remember back to those days and I cannot recall anything like that. Ads like that were always behind the glass. Nothing to do with the content. It’s just that naughty little boys like… mates who rang doorbells and ran away would have enjoyed collecting those like we did stamps and conkers.
While certainly not authentic, it is a snap good enough for guilt ridden Guardian readers to drool over
Yes it probably is genuine but from 50 years ago. A lot of boarding houses in my area used to have signs saying “ no blacks no Irish and no dogs” in various orders of priority. I don’t see any relevance to today though and is a pretty tired image for al guardian to use –
Signs saying ‘no coloureds’ probably did exist, but the fact that everyone repeats the ‘no blacks no dogs no Irish’ without any evidence suggests it is apocryphal, possibly derived from a 1970s Spike Milligan joke: ‘They said no blacks no dogs no Irish. So if you were a black Irish wolfhound you didn’t stand a chance’. What leftists tend to forget is that a. such signs were legal at the time, and b, (according to Breitbart, at least) signs reading ‘Muslims only’ for rooms to let in London in 2017 (illegal) can still be found.
Guest Who
Wrong .We are more likely to be Realists not Racists. There is a difference but obviously not the the Guardian and it’s readers,of whom I used to be one. What a twat I must have been.

I wonder if the Guardian are as keen to show this image?
I don’t really see much difference between the two, to be honest.
Where was this picture taken? Iraq or Libya perhaps?
On the approach to Mecca in Saudi Arabia, apparently.
Hi Lefty Wright – this picture was taken in Londistan in 2072.
Those en route to Hampstead Heath best not take a wrong turn to where the cranes are around The Shard.
Londistan?? Shiiiit! I’m outta here!!
Lobster – Maybe it breaches community hypocrisy standards?
I meant to add Rona is like some antibiotic resistant (or in this case shame resistant) STD. She does not bloody go away. It seems to be Theresas way – always reward failure with promotion. And in this case she rewarded herself!
Theresa. Hammond and Rudd all supported “Remain” and who did we get as bloody Prime Minister, Chancellor and Home Secretary! As we all know here, we have a “Remain ” Government in all but name.
FFS wake up England!
Blonde on blonde…
..on blonde..
The bbc’s peroxide teams really are as one.
Laura K weighed in yet?
What’s the point here ?
That a few comments on the aftermath help in Puerto Rico are being used as a stick to bash Trump
Aid is there, and in any big operations there are screwups and misunderstandings.
She seems to be a Democrat
It would have been the islands Democrat politicians who should have done the prepraration.
The four bottle blondes are hoping to make it a thing.
Here. Where no one votes in US elections.
Surprised Ems has not got her kid to run a poll on it.
Matthew Paris interviewed on Toady earlier asked his views on the position of a seriously weakened Treezer pre PPConference.
Nothing wrong with Treezer he stated, she is simply being held a “Hostage” by, “……the Brexit HEADBANGERS in the party”. A Times reporter: that’s really objective balanced reporting? “Headbangers” – A Hate Crime?
Turn radio off.
Vince Cable, 21.09.17 – “Quite apart from the actual [Brexit] divorce bill, 10,000 jobs have already moved out of the financial services sector.” This from the ex-Secretary of State for Business, Innovation and Skills (2010–2015).
It is that time to take Vince off to make his final visit to the vet? [Always heart-wrenching having a pet put down particularly for senility]
When people use ‘divorce’ like Vince Cable to describe a Nations vote to change it’s direction they should be told to stop using that word.
If they insist on using the word divorce, which is the sad break up of a couple in wedlock they need to explain:
If Brexit is a divorce who are there 28 people in the marriage and what are their relationships to each other?
If Brexit is a divorce who are the adults who are the children?
If Brexit is a divorce who is the one to blame for the relationship breaking down?
If Brexit is a divorce who is in charge of the finances?
If Brexit is a divorce … Serious question: How would you expect a polygamist with 28 wives to treat the first wife who wanted a divorce? #brexit {twitter David Starkey}
“If Brexit is a divorce who are there 28 people in the marriage and what are their relationships to each other?”
Could it have something to do with the LGBT statistical variations?
G – a sturdy sack; a few concrete blocks; a length of rope and a quiet stretch of canal would encompass a more appropriate demise for Vincent. It would simply be a waste of money and drugs to lug him round to the vets.
BBC is Big on Bojo. (R4 News & TODAY)
They overlook one important fact. To the best of my knowledge the EU Negotiators and the 27 other States have not yet agreed that the UK may have a ‘transition period’ for its leaving of the EU. They talk as if it is a done deal.
It will be a big chuckle if the EU come back on that request and say: “Non.”
“Just the normal autumnal storms”
So says the BBC weather girl this morning. Our dolly dimwit Naga Munchetty was prompting her to draw some connection with the Carribean hurricane season which so fascinated the BBC – but all Naga got was a breezy knock back.
I sense the weather people are now treading a careful line since they know full well their global warming panic is in retreat.
Naga’s Twitter exchanges on fashion with fellow Bat Guano U. grads each morning are more her forte.
BBC News: 09:16 “We have to make laws based on the Many and not the Few.”
How will/does that work in practice? Am I missing something?
“Most residents of England and Wales belonged to the White ethnic group (86 per cent, 48.2
million) in 2011, and the majority of these belonged to the White British group (80 per cent of the
total population, 45.1 million). In London in 2011, 45 per cent (3.7 million) out of 8.2 million usual
residents were White British.
Separate laws for London compared to the rest of England and Wales?
Foreign and Commonwealth Office – Advice to travellers –
Scroll down to the section headed, “Terrorist Targets”. “……where westerners can be found…..”? What are you saying F&CO? Terrorists actually seek out “westerners”? Why would that be F&CO? Could it be that the terrorists are under instruction to attack “where westerners can be found”. But who is this doing the attacking and why?………………………..
Please enlighten us.
8:30am R4Today Welby spat against the BBC
‘yeh, well we the church have tidied up our sexual abuse problems
not like the BBC ..And BBC has a sexist paygap !”
Humphrys suddenly had an official BBC opinion to hand
“There was an independent judge led inquiry into sexual abuse at the BBC”
It’s like pantomime dame season, cos they are both pointing fingers yet they’re as bad as each other.
The Take of an article is always the bottom
It is incredibly distasteful to divert from victims of REAL sexual abuse to talk of paygaps
which from the number of non-prosecutions seem to be more about women’s choices rather thatn illegal discrimination.
Time to wheel the ‘safe’ collars back on. Giles and the Rev are now back in action.
Humpy and Nick need to get a safe space and console.
There is that camper in the carpark.
CNN the modern garbage truck
Will it be reported on our, “Most trusted….”?
I’m taking wagers right now. Any bets?
A UK version would be slightly different. Imagine: A million souls, marching in absolute silence but displaying a placard bearing the following words (or careful variations on): ‘I’m continually having serious hate thoughts toward a certain section of the UK population – what are you going to about it Hate Thought Policemen’?
That could provide the Government with enough concern to prepare legislation to deal with this new ‘Hate Crime’. Let’s call it the ‘Orwell Bill’
Straight from Leave.EU (aka UKIP)
“A brief bio of Bolton: Henry David Bolton OBE is one of the United Kingdom’s foremost authorities on international security. Following a distinguished career in the British Army and Thames Valley Police, Captain Bolton was awarded an OBE in 2013 “for services to international security and stabilisation”.
“……for services to International security and stabilisation”? Didn’t he do well Brucie!
Where are those International Terrorist statistics, I put them down somewhere…………..
Give me strength.
A couple of weeks ago I attended a talk at Waterstones Piccadilly, given by author Anthony Horowitz. He’s written loads of stuff for the telly and been in that sphere for decades and was, I’d have thought, as pc savvy as it as possible to be.However, even Anthony fell foul of the intolerant pc bullies.
He mentioned being interviewed a number of years ago, when the interviewer bowled him a bit of a googly.
I think we’ll all remember the notorious and nasty case when a gay couple arrived at a Christian B & B but weren’t allowed a room with a double bed. He was asked for his opinion on the fracas.
“I was careful. To begin with, I made it clear that I was one hundred per cent in favour of gay marriage and that I didn’t agree with the Christian couple. However, I thought we should try to understand their point of view (even though I didn’t share it) and perhaps they didn’t deserve the hate mail and death threats they had received.”
He couldn’t have been any more careful, could he?. However, this wasn’t nearly good enough for some of his left leaning audience. He told us that he had received a torrent of abuse. A couple of teachers wrote to him to say that his books would never appear in their schools again. Someone else thought all his books should be burned.
Isn’t that charming? Hate mail and death threats. All in the name of tolerance and inclusivity.
And book burning!
Now where have we heard that before?
Mr Vance,
Sir , ( and others – with apologies for being a bit off subject) but I want to tell people about a way of saving money if a person with dementia is in their own home. They do not need to pay community charge. Google this if you need more. Al Beeb covered in a bit yesterday but they are busy talking about chickens at the moment. I was personally affected by this ( the dementia issue not the chicken yet) thanks.
The “Globalists” (aka Multiculturalists) view of why the Visegrad Four will not be told by the leader of the 4th Reich that they will take ‘Refugees’ –
Perhaps the answer is easier than that: they just don’t want muzzies commandeering their countries.
BBC report on the new UKIP leader and casually mention that he is the fourth leader in a year Just to let you know they are an unstable party.
So how will they handle him?
My prediction. Interviewers will harp on asking when he is going to sack Ann Marie Walters, when he is going to come down heavy on Nazis, Islamophobes and waaycists in UKIP, and thereby avoid discussing his sensible plans regarding BREXIT
The MSM does not need to put the boot into Ukip anymore. Nigel Farage is doing that for them. Check out his Daily Telegraph article.
To me this article does ukip no good, the man himself no good, and by his stupidity, Brexit no good.
Nige, you were a great leader in your day but well, you never really got the hang of party membership did you?
OK, GWF and others, this is one occasion when I will be delighted to be told I am completely wrong or I am over-reacting. But calling a huge percentage of ukip’s membership racist because they are concerned about Islam is the last thing the party needs at this stage. I did not vote for AMW but the spiteful way Nige has crowed after the Bolton victory has left me staggered.
Tell me I’ve got it wrong, please.
Three hour retrospective on Ned Sherrin this am on R4 Xtra. Reminded me that the bbc DID preside over talent at one time.
The non PC Ned with tales that illustrated that you don’t need to be hateful to do put-downs – you can be very, very funny. At one point John Walters read a list of MSM predictions – all wrong. Nothing changes.
It contrasted with the impoverished ‘Loose Ends’ of today with it’s talentless guests and host.
And this really cracked me up – the bio of Queen Victoria relating that the MSM of the day ran a campaign that, leading top the Crimean War – Albert was accused of, ‘colluding with the Russians’. Sound familiar?
A Freedom of Information request made to the ONS –
“I am compiling a report on the increase in crime and the effects that an influx of refugees and migrants has on the UK figures…………..
1. How you record ethnicity in relation to crime (if at all) and, If you do why it is not readily available in the statistics you have published.
2. Any directive you have been issued with regarding divulging the relationship between ethnicity and crime to the public in your statistics.
3. The figures relating to sexual crimes of women and children and race/ethnicity.
4. The figures relating to robberies and burglaries and race/ethnicity”
Certainly not clear enough for me: the Request should have specifically referred to the ‘perpetrator’ of the crime which, I think the enquirer was seeking. However, the ONS no doubt, gleefully, took their reply off on the obvious tangent the inquirer permitted and focused on the Victim.
The ONS reply. “We routinely publish data from the CSEW giving the prevalence of crime victimisation broken down according to the ethnicity of the victim.” and, “You also asked for information on ethnicity in relation to sexual offences, robbery and burglary. We publish CSEW data on the ethnicity of victims of different forms of crime in separate statistical bulletins, also released annually. Data on robbery victims are published on the ONS website…”
So, there you have it. Stats are available for the ethnicity of a victim of a crime but not the ethnicity of the perpetrator.
‘Pull the other one………..’.
Here, let me help you out ONS
Boy, 14, critical after Small Heath stabbing near mosque
Police have not ruled out it could be racially motivated and have appealed for anyone with information about the “tragic event” to contact them.
Inference by the BBC of course being it must be racist attack as it is near a mosque. Actually appears to be pretty difficult to be stabbed NOT near a mosque in that area, as the map shows
Police also haven’t ruled out it was a completely random attack by a psycho in clown suit and with at least as many costume shops as mosques in the area this would seem to suggest an equal likelihood as a racial/religious attack… assuming the buildings in the vicinity are that important an indicator of perp and motive as the Beeb infers
That ‘have not ruled out’ is shameful – a true measure of how out of control the far Left BBC has got. If the police are any good (questionable in the West Midlands, I know) they won’t have ruled anything out yet, up to and including a Martian invasion.
As always seems to happen, when such baseless accusations are ruled out, the BBC will fail to mention the incident again, satisfied with itself, no doubt, for having left the impression of another ‘racist’ attack in the minds of its gullible audience.
This kind of crime is one of those which can be used as evidence of al beeb bias. If this is racially motives and not the usual ‘dissing’ thing young males go for then we ll hear a lot about it and ‘ assuring the community’ local labour blaming cuts for the stabbing ( sorry) it it’s not racial then it gets buried until the next one comes along .
The Law and Climate Change: 10.15pm: Radio 4:
In the wake of hurricane devastation in the Caribbean, Clive Anderson and some morons discuss the role lawyers are playing in trying to stop the climate from changing.
If you Ask Atmospheric Physicists and Meteorologists if there is any science on man-made Hurricanes, all I get is, NO, but the standard fake Global Warming hypothesis actually can imply that Hurricanes should get less active, as the rate of warming six miles up, for the hypothesis used in computer models, is double that on the surface. Its why the hypothesis predicts an increase in droughts due to less and less weather.
The idiotic thing is that Climate alarmism wants both an increase in Hurricanes and an increase in Droughts, both are not happening, contradict the science of the hypothesis and common sense.
This type of mixture of none existent evidence and contradictory assumptions, presented by the BBC as fact. Is also found in the reasons for the resignation of the world renown Hurricane expert Chris Landsea from the IPCC.
Exactly so, Richard. You cannot have melting Arctic and Antarctic ice due to global warming and global droughts. You cannot have massive sea level rise and massive temperature increases. These are mutually exclusive.
I remember the wonderful item the BBC ran on radio News in the 1990s. It was a (PR) claim from an environmental pressure group (it may have been Friends of the Earth) that Venice would dry out thanks to Global Warming. “The tourists will have to look at muddy canals!” It ran on the 6a.m. and 7a.m. and possibly the 8a.m. main news Bulletins but obviously someone had ‘phoned the BBC to tell them “Go look at an atlas. While you are at it, talk to a Civil Engineer who knows a bit about Venice.”
The item was excluded from the 9a.m. News and disappeared for the rest of the day never to be seen again.
It may have been an early example of the BBC being willing to broadcast Fake/FalseNews due to one of their overriding preoccupations taking precedence.
Richard Pinder
I can never quite bring myself to believe the so called expert opinion on global warming /climate change for the simple reason that the “experts” rarely seem to be able to agree with each other. Even if they do they go and spoil it for me by saying,after an extreme weather event, “This hasn’t happened for 200/300” years or whatever.
Also we are told that Britain was once a part of the European land mass. So what happened to cause the hiatus?
This happened way before industrialization so human activity is most unlikely to have had any effect.
I have reached my own conclusion which is that the planet does whatever it wants when it wants,irrespective of what we do.It’s bigger than us .However, fortunes are being made keeping the story running.
Until recently, only developed countries were obligated or encouraged to provide climate finance for developing countries. But several countries classified by the UNFCCC as developing — such as Qatar and Saudi Arabia — have the financial capacity to contribute (but don’t?). { dec2015}
I looked for the UKIP Conference on BBC Parliament.
I found Scottish local government being broadcast by the BBC’s transmitters in Yorkshire.
In fact we in Yorkshire can only watch local government broadcasts from Scotland, Wales Ireland and for some reason, London. Presumably because the BBC knows that most people in London are not English.
In fact if we include the House of Lords, there is very rarely anything on BBC Parliament, democratically representative of the people of Yorkshire. The last time BBC “Question Time” came to Yorkshire, nobody on the panel was born or represented Yorkshire.
I think its revenge by the BBC, for the fact that Yorkshire voted for the highest percentage (50%) of UKIP MEP’s, in the last EU elections.
This is a picture of BBC employees leaving the BBC Look North HQ in Hull. The three white squares B, B and C just about visible above the entrance, on the left of the picture. As you can see, they are all people of colour. Again as with the Black face of Hull and all those poets, artists and all those representatives of the slaves of old, including the one from the United Nations. This is evidence that the BBC is discriminating against Hull’s white working-class people, because of the Brexit vote.
These BBC aliens are walking past the fountain in Queens Gardens, towards the Bus Stop near the Beverley Gate, to catch the blue buses, probably back to the Deep. The Deep is the world’s only submarium, a deep blue one.

Are they making a blue movie……….?
Having been stripped of their belongings, they were all told that they were heading for a nice shower block 🙁
Perhaps they’ve just heard that there’s a boat waiting in the harbour. They certainly look happy to be going home.
No Tory hardship evident in Hull, then. Not a wonderfully pleasant sight or task but you will have to search hard to find any emaciated or even slim folk there.
All on BBC salaries?
Surely not.
If, sometime in the future, Scotland votes for independence, can anyone on here suggest what ‘divorce’ payment (a la Brexit) Scotland will be paying us.
Over to you Jean Claude Wanker
Very, very good.
Hopefully that balances the accidental ‘report’. Oops.
Oxford College removes painting of Burmese leader.
Guardian writer excoriates Burma for not giving Muzzie terrorists the keys to the kingdom.
Hundreds of comments support the Guardian position.
The following comment refers to a suggestion that India should house all the, now fugitive, terrorists.
“roisin Leary 21h ago
India have done more than their share, if even they harbour reservations regarding taking this particular band of fleeing hordes, this says something considering their precious unblemished track record in such matters . Why you believe all countries are obliged to put their own native populous at risk to satisfy the vanities of a few champagne humanitarians speaks volumes.”
Nice one!!
There’s an interesting image going around of a moppet crying to order, mainly by being pinched to serve the shot.
The BBC clearly still do not do irony.
Meanwhile the BBC’s (esp. Katty Kay) uncritical support of the mayor of Puerto Rico seems to be going about as well as their getting behind certain librarians.
Not sure what the BBC’s take is on this as yet. Best to assume nothing happened.
Guest Who
According to the BBC News website the said Gothenburg citizens who attacked Antifa were Nazis.
The definition of a Nazi widens every day. I guess we’re all in there somewhere. Which means it probably encompasses the majority.
Lefty Wright,
“According to the BBC News website the said Gothenburg citizens who attacked Antifa were Nazis. The definition of a Nazi widens every day. I guess we’re all in there somewhere.”
Speak for yourself LW. The clashes took place during a rally of ‘The Nordic Resistance Movement’.
From it’s own website:
“The Nordic Resistance Movement is a National Socialist organization.”
Hello Maxi, still on the night shift?
Is this night shift affecting your demeanour or did someone show you a photograph of a pig?
Every so often you triumphantly produce an imaginary “scoop” on BBBC, in the manner of a child trying to mollify an irate parent.
Somebody produces an example of BBC bias every ten minutes on this website which you are unable to challenge.
TWMTB 0, BBBC 87325
‘PeterSweden’ for your delectation:
“I dont like facism, but I think hitler had some good points. I am pretty certain that the holocaust actually never happened.”
Hi Maxi
Sign this …………………………….
“Every little helps”
How about a discussion instead of a mud sling, maxi?
New from the BBC TV Licensing Blog this week:
– TV Licensing on Twitter Revisited
– Bishop Bashes BBC Over Savile Abuse Scandal
BBC Radio 5 Live. 8.00 pm news. About second or third on news list I think. The BBC interview some unknown U.S. Republican politician. He says Donald Trump says things about what is happening abroad, but this is not transferred into immediate action and as a result Donald Trump is responsible for all the deaths and hardships due to natural and manmade disasters outside of the United States.
Also as a news item in the same news bulletin is the anniversary of BBC radio one and two. They say they poached all the talent from pirate radio, to get that pirate feel to the radio stations, but then stamped them with “BBC values” to make them unique and special.
And they have succeeded. Uniquely and specially juvenile. Beam me up!!
21:38pm C4 “And with today’s rise of the far right, we have to remember the WW2 massacre like this one in Vinca Italy”
…. sorry this is LibMob Virtue signalling
There is NOT a great rise in FASCISM in modern Europe, what there is is a street level reaction as people react to real horrific crimes which seem to have been caused by BAD migrants due to failure of EU authorities to control migration and let in only GOOD migrants
Now …If a non-Lib does a crime it’s not right and there are a only few fools, but their crimes are far less in total than those of the migrants/non-integrated
actually that’s 20:38 since I was watching C4+1 : Escape Trails was a monument in Vinca Italy where the Nazis had gunned down 140 women and children
Yep…I noticed that. He makes a point of calling Germans Nazis and their Italian allies Fascists…I believe that this is to deflect us from thinking of the enemy as ‘Germans’. My Dad and his brothers fought throughout WW2 and their aim was to defeat Germany and Germans, they didn’t give a damn whether they were Nazis or not 🙁
C4 also shoehorned such LibMob Virtue signalling into the Tony Robinson programme hour earlier
about walking Offa’s Dyke
Channel 4 production meeting “THis prog is too full of white people, Tony is white and a man, Offa was white, Wordsworth was white, King Arthur was probably white …damn, damn damn ”
#1 Tony is seen walking into some random woman’s garden : ” Oh you are Indian”, “born in Uganda”
#2 “Ah here’s Offa’s 1 pence coin here has something written about Islam”
bizarrely this appears to be true ..and an ethnic-brown skinned Muslim man was on screen to tell us this.
…Diversity Bingo game ..continues
I don’t know how they can say that the Arabic wasn’t added laterin Rome or elsewhere
\\Only three gold coins of Offa’s have survived: one is a copy of an Abbasid dinar of 774 and carries Arabic text on one side, with “Offa Rex” on the other.
The gold coins are of uncertain use but may have been struck to be used as alms or for gifts to Rome.//
Given Offa’s structural claim to fame, it seems surprising Sue, Jack, Sandi and the rest of the girls were not asked to walk the walk.
Tony Robinson: ‘Prudish Victorians rewrote history to claim “Offa’s Dyke” was a big wall, when in fact the Dyke was a person – the first lesbian to hold public office in England’. (OK he didn’t actually say that but that is a fairly common BBC history programme formula).
Perhaps the story of the Dutch boy who put his finger in the dyke could be re-written as an example of sexual molestation.
A few weeks ago on Countryfile, Adam Henson bumped into a group of 12 year old boys with big rucksacks that smelled strongly of nitrates in The Lake District. They were assisting buxom blond haired Ellie who was feeling quite dizzy after drinking some Groomer’s Gate spring water that the boys had recently given her.
After helping the boys carefully lower Ellie’s now unconscious body into the boot of their unlicensed mini-cab Adam bids a cheery farewell before bumping quite by accident into Yasmin Alibhai-Brown who is tending to her her herd of Tamworth Spots at her halal pork pie and scratchings farm.
Breaking : Old Street “incident”
..armed police all over the place
Station re-opened
..false alarm maybe
Hillary is connected to Facebook
Boy stabbed at Birmingham Mosque festival
Is it Muslim sectarianism ..seems so
cos the official Muslim United letter uses the phrase
“attackers do not represent us”
But there is no doubt that it will be listed as a hate crime and so can be laid at the door of to Brexit and a sign of the racism that lurks in the heart of every white person in the UK. It doesn’t matter if no whites folks were involved or not. After all as Shadow Home Secretary Abbott said only white people can be guilty of racism. ( I simply cannot imagine that foul cow as Home Secretary but it could happen , God Save Us) The whole hate crime industry , because there is no doubt that there are plenty of parasites who make their living from this ridiculous law, is just another weapon for those on the left to beat the rest of the country with. The leftists will use these manufactured statistics to ‘prove’ that there is a need to take increased measures Of repression against the white people of our country. To be white today in the UK is to be a second class citizen and to be targeted by the police and the government.
I just hope is that the Security Services MI5 and MI6 have a contingency plan in respect of information in the terrible event of Abbott becoming Home Secretary. She and the Corbyn government simply cannot be allowed full access to the full range of intelligence data that we receive from US and other countries Abbott abhors. I do not trust her to use it responsibly.
I am getting really really sick of this. The obsession with blackness is excessive and grotesquely racist.
Try to see these actors as some kind of pet for the entertainment of the left middle classes
Rather like the black servant boys of the 18th Century – cute and cool.
Anyhow, piles are bad enough, I really wouldn’t want Coriol anus!
Their concern for minorities would at least have some integrity if it included all minorities, but it doesn’t.
I could see a black Churchill, but never a Chinese one. Not that it would make any more sense, mind.
None of these cultural Marxist PC contortions of plays, films or other such should be supported by any right thinking person, they should be hit in the pocket: where it hurts these b@st@rds most!
“There is no sound a Liberal fears more than the click of a closing purse.” Keith Alexander.
BBC specially selected impartial guest host shares politics at door views his own:
It’s something to do with DNA. Apparently.
Why don’t all these Remain c***s just move to their beloved EU?
We’re constantly being told that they are all the intelligent portion of the population which voted that way, surely such folk would be welcomed with open arms by their EU brothers and sisters since they could contribute so much to their new homeland and it would “punish” the UK even more to no longer have these talented folk here among us; a win-win for both them and the EU.
After all, why would they want to stay with all the un-educated filth (whom they deplore) that voted Leave?
If it’s going to be such a disaster here as a consequence of our departure from that bloc, then you would expect them to jump ship as soon as possible. I’m certain it would be tough going without the likes of O’Brien; Clegg and all the rest but I’m sure we’ll do our best to cope.
I feel the same when it comes to those who hate Western values and culture – what are they doing here?
No one is forcing them to stay and surely they would be so much happier elsewhere.
For one thing many of them are lazy bas*tards who for all their veneer of cosmopolitanism can’t be bothered to learn a foreign language. In my experience a lot of people love the EU not because they love foreign cultures but because they hate their own and see the EU as some sort of glorified Loyal Opposition to ‘the tories’.
BBC education and information. Best to check elsewhere.
Marr is being so impertinent to Theresa May, demanding apologies. She is the Prime Minister; I sound like my mum but I do wish people had more respect these days.
Contrast with the treatment of any ROP ‘community leader’ or similar interviewed in the wake of the latest atrocity, who gets their tummy tickled by the Beeb and has their most outrageous comments go unchallenged.
I read a good article by Brendan O’Neill which says how implicitly racist it is always demanding that no difficult questions ever be asked of the Islamic community as if they were sub human and incapable of rational thought. Imagine the Beeb asking a Muslim for any sort of apology? It would never happen.
Its the headlines that reveal bias.
Does Trump care about Puerto Rico’s hurricane victims?
Not much, we are encouraged to infer. A later BBC piece refers to aid and Trumps tweets, but the amount is never put clearly
The BBC does err on the ‘selective’ when it comes to matters USA these days. Seems Katty Kay is guiding BBC editorial integrity there just as Jezza Boom does across the ME..
Hence there is stuff they trumpet and stuff they Trump off.
Turning out the narrative in the media is not the same as the one on the ground as reported less filtered elsewhere.
A bit like them going daft over some no name Librarian dissing Melanie over a kids book when the same book has been deployed in racist attacks by Michelle and Hillary.
And said junior federal employee with oddly direct links to the msm has been shown dressed in a costume according to her as akin to KKK robes, and has been slapped down by superiors.
Little, if any of which, has the BBC managed to bring to the attention of its trusting audience base.
It’s also classic BBC ‘advocacy thinly disguised as a question’ headline.
The whole thing seems a repeat of the attempt to trash the Royal Navy recently, complete with gobby local who has amazing direct access to the BBC to scream.
Which backfired big time.
Maybe they hope bashing Trump may stick better?
For anyone who has a licence you can treat yourself to BBC’s new drama ‘The Last Post’, which by the looks of it has something to do with the Aden Emergency. I’m going to be Mystic Meg and predict our hateful colonialist military are not going to be presented in a good light!
I’ve often thought the Aden emergency would make a good film but would not trust any contemporary writer to do a fair job. The only non-WW2 drama I can recall that treated the British Army reasonably fairly was ‘A Breed of Heroes’ (1994) a made for BBCTV drama about the first regiment sent over to Northern Ireland.
I may,
You sum up exactly why I won’t be watching. However, if anyone on the site does watch it for monitoring purposes and finds it doesn’t follow the usual BBC pattern of portraying any individual, group or institution , that represents Britain, in the worst possible light , but portrays the other side as virtuous , exploited , victims , and posts this unlikely outcome on the site, I may be persuaded to risk my blood pressure and take a peek.