World News-worthy item? Or yet another lame excuse for vicarious Trump bashing by our most trusted and highest paid Broadcaster?
“Coolio: ‘I may move to Europe because of Trump’ ”
And I may move to America to avoid one more hideous rap ‘artiste’.
But he won’t of course, like all the other luvvies and celebs who threatened to move here.
P.S. When will c-Rap be banned as the often violent, homophobic, misogynistic, anti-white anti-Semitic racist hate crime that it is? Silly me, I forgot: only whites can be racist, see: the Collected Thoughts of Flabbot.
Brief reports from Canada of pro/anti immigration clashes. But to be anti immigration you are automatically a Nazi so it becomes an anti-fascist protest rather than a pro immigration protest. Clever stuff – bet only I spotted that!
BBC in the East this a.m. broadcast an appeal by the Chelmsford Muslim community that we should consider taking in Rohynga Muslim refugees. This would make sense: earlier this week Monica Ali (?) pointed out in an opinion piece on Radio 4 that Britain was really to blame for the fate of the Rohyngas (along with Britain’s looting and pillaging of India, which had -up to colonization- been a prosperous society, according to her). I can’t remember the convoluted justification for why the Burmese are really not to blame, but I think it might have been in the previous ‘A point of view’ on Radio 4. ‘Today’s point of view ‘ was presented by someone called Andrew Sullivan, who bemoaned the deep ,tribal’ divisions in the US. Needless to say, only one tribe was to blame: Trump’s followers. And Trump. This surprised me, as I’ve only ever heard positive and loving comments on Trump by the BBC; never a single word of cricitism. Daily, non-stop.
Excellent and clever BBC camerawork during the Sunday Politics Heseltine interview. When he said: ‘I was consistently loyal to Margaret Thatcher’ there was no sign whatsoever of his nose lengthening.
I read on Guido about Edmonton attack 4 hours ago. Now the Beeb catches up 20 minutes ago. What do all those journalists actually do? Or perhaps they have to wait for the management meetings to decide the Party line first.
They were confused popeye, the attack was by a truck and by a knife , their single brain cell took four hours to work out it was a single incident involving 2 methods of attack. They’ll be wanting trucks and knives banned from now on .
A later incident was carried out by a truck which was stopped after hitting several people, no information on any human involved. I apologise a 30 yr old man was arrested they believe he was acting alone but aren’t ruling out that others were involved. Talk about confused, I am and I read the article. Still if it’s terrorist incident it’ll vanish in the Beeb black hole and we won’t have to worry about it.
When you’re riding 1st class on the left wing gravy train you have to be careful what you say. Also you have to make sure you all sing from the same hymn sheet. Even if you alight at the next station you have to keep schtum. What a magnificent,diverse outfit!
popeye – They sat on the story for 4 hours desperately hoping the attack was by a white Republican Trump supporter.
But because all the media were running it, they eventually had to.
Yes popeye, they have Political Commissars, like the Soviets did at the beginning of WW2, who made it impossible for the military to operate effectively. Before they were abolished, I believe some soldiers took matters in their own hands and shot some of them. Certainly the Germans did.
One can only dream…
“Boy, 17, charged after M3 closure”, is the title of the news item.
Throughout the piece he is referred to as a ‘boy’. Now why would the BBC be mitigating the individual’s responsibility before releasing any facts? When does a boy become a teenager, or a young man?
Another reason why criminals should be named at all ages . People need to be held responsible for their crimes – the nonsense about anonymity aiding rehabilitation is a 1960s loopy joke
Apologies if this has already been picked up by someone.
Anyway Justin – This is probably just the start – You can expect lots more fun like this to come if you carry on with your own Merkelesque policies of appeasement and shooting the messenger.
It will be interesting to see just like most of the other European leaders, how many of your own people you will also be willing to sacrifice on the alter of political correctness.
It’s the same old tired nonsense from the same old tired nonsensical people –
“…..a delegation of the Muslim World League (MWL), an international NGO based in, and funded by, Saudi Arabia, lauded Pope Francis for his past statements rejecting the link between Islam and violence. During their “historic meeting,” MWL Secretary-General Muhammad Abdul-Kareem Al-Issa and the Pope exchanged gifts and reportedly vowed to enhance cooperation “in all areas to achieve common goals, notably the spread of peace and harmony.”
The Pope and Archie Bish Welby will be singing the same hymn of ‘peace and harmony’ when the muzzies are stringing them up Mussolini fashion.
From the Mail: Laura Kuennsberg has brought her bodyguard (supplied by the BBC) to the Conservative Party Conference, even though the threats to her last week came exclusively from the ultra-left fascists. This atrocious action by the BBC is clearly meant to imply that there may be threats from the Conservatives. During the Labour Conference, the BBC never broadcast the fact that threats to their reporter came from the fascists-of-the-left, and now they compound their deceit with a deliberate lie. The BBC – propagandist, crooked and vile.
True, but the peace-loving leftists have promised to cause serious trouble at the party conference of the lying, tory scum who should be hung off bridges. So, Laura requires the protection from the left.
Indeed, two years ago, the non-violent, democratic left spat at anyone entering the conference and threatened women with rape. The police watched on, fearful of acting in case the BBC accused them of hate. Oddly the BBC didn’t appear to be too fussed with this appalling intimidation.
The Conservative Party should ask the fragrant Laura what specific threats she has received, relating to her presence at their conference, that require her to be accompanied by a bodyguard as she attends this event as part of her work as an Al beebus reporter.
If she can’t provide any then her bodyguard should be refused permission to attend in that capacity, since what it does is to allow Al beebus the opportunity to present an equivalence between the behaviour of members and supporters of the CP and that of the Labour Party at their conference.
One of the best ways for Laura to improve her life might be to win some respect if not outright fans. Some suggestions:
– avoid taking excessive holidays except when family emergencies necessitate
– avoid doing personal promotion (ie not showing photos of ME with someone slightly less or very less important at every opportunity, especially in a NEW DRESS and showing how SLIM AND ELEGANT I AM)
– start Blogging regularly
– always have the Blog open to comment
– be strictly neutral on politics
– teach viewers, listeners & website users things about our politics they do not know
– decide to live a little closer to where you work because a 300 mile one-way commute at taxpayer expense tends to send lots of wrong messages
– work at least half as hard as Robert Peston and three-quarters as hard as Nick Robinson
– work at softening and warming the voice a bit
You are wrong mate – the bodyguard is supplied by the taxpayer . Seems serious question about how the spend can be justified at the Conservative party conference when the old bill have been proclaiming the level of security in the run up .
I rather think the BBC would pay from its budget, but in either case the funding comes from the tax-payer! However, that’s secondary to my main point about the necessity for the BBC to insist on a bodyguard for her at the Conservative Party Conference. I don’t buy the argument that it is to protect her from the fascist-left that will be circling the venue. The police are there to do that job. No, this a ploy by the BBC to deflect blame.
Had the misfortune to see some of POV. What a joke. Under the guise of being transparent, democratic and ‘open to criticism’, it’s really an orgy of self-congratulation with minor innocuous criticisms allowed.
So the thoroughly corrupt and corrupting, biased, mendacious poisoner of minds admits to having had some sound problems in some of its dramas or whatever.
You’re missing the Point you B.B.Bastards – It would be like some mass murderer going to confession and admitting to having eaten a piece of chocolate!
Yes Lefty, I noticed the silly voices too. A subtle attempt at subliminal suggestion? ‘Anyone who criticises us is a moron, probably voted for Brexit too’.
Richard Branson gives an interview in the Sunday Times (pay-walled) in which he describes the devastation to his home on the island of Necker, British Virgin Islands due to the recent hurricanes.
He is asked whether he thinks it is due to climate change and answers “The sea is much warmer this year, so it could be. We haven’t had a hurricane for 10 years and yet we’ve just had three in three weeks.”
So there we have it – proof that someone who is stupid enough to think that the climate and weather systems move in 10 year cycles can also be a billionaire.
He then goes off on a huge anti-Trump, anti-Brexit rant…….what a total bleached blonde fop he is.
The planet farts and shits all over us whenever it wants to and Beardie thinks he knows how to stop it. Oh well I suppose the truth will dawn one day. Not.
If Branson had gone to prison for evading Purchase Tax in 1971, as he should have, then perhaps we would have heard no more of the annoying bastard. Sadly, his barrister daddy pulled strings and he got off with a fine instead.
The fact remains that Branson was guilty of tax evasion. He is not an honest man. Something to bear in mind the next time he gobs off about anything (which is most of the time).
Tom Bower’s excellent biography of Branson, which he did all he could to stop, is a real eye opener into how this character got to where he is today; it includes a detailed description of the tax evasion in which RB involved himself to which you allude.
Have to laugh about Catalonia – the state government of Spain beating citizens trying to vote . So a potential break away for Spain .
Yet the other night al beeb gave free rein to one of the eu mafia saying about how the whole of Europe is coming together in response to brexit . He wasn’t challenged . Surprised?
Ironic that Catalonia is about the same population as Scotland .,
What is important according to the BBC Web-site News Page r/h column – items 1 to 7:
#2 Marilyn Manson crushed by stage scenery
#3 OJ Simpson released from jail on parole
#5 Strictly wins latest TV ratings battle
#6 Premier League latest updates
#7 Lady Gaga: Getting stronger every day
Al Beeb doesn’t seem to know how to handle the Catalonian Republic situation . Does it support Spain in accordance with pro EU doctrine thus being anti Brexit? Or does it support an oppressed minority like it normally does – whatever the justication or lack of ?
More seriously the way crowds appear to being treated has echoes of Northern Ireland in the sixties before the troubles started. I suppose because of the Islamic terrorist situation those Catalonians who might turn to targeting the Spanish State might be more hesitant to do so.
For the record I am not Spanish or from Northern Ireland so comment should be treated accordingly .
Heseltine telling us if the immigration policy can be changed throughout Europe then no need for Brexit to continue. Now correct me please if I’m wrong but surely its the ruling elite such as him that have got us in this unholy mess. The majority of “ordinary” people new that an open border policy could only culminate in the current scenario. He is also deluded if he thinks that is the only reason the vote went the way it did. I for one am sick to death of the MSM giving a non stop unbalanced view of this whole subject.
Synch, I take exception with this “its the ruling elite such as him” ! 😉
I am a subject of Her Majesty, Queen Elizabeth II. One of her predecessors graciously agreed that Peers would become subject like myself to a democratically elected House of representatives where Her Majesty governs with and within Parliament.
Queen Elizabeth rules me, her Government of the day governs me – by mutual consent. 🙂
What, Hezza? How do you work that out taffman? He’s just a subject like me. OK, he gets £300 a day for showing up in the Upper House. Sooner we get rid of the House of Lords the better. Either that or dig up and put back the hereditaries and chuck out the placemen and placewomen.
Al Beeb love to roll out heseltine time and time again to give the antibrexit view without challenge. He has been a sad figure with a chip on his shoulder because he never got the top job to accord with his ego.. He knows that the 4 freedoms cannot be amended by the EU. Cameron found that out and thankfully was forced to commit suicide by referendum politicians have treated the electorate like dolts over the years with regard to immigration being aided and abetted by the traitorous al Beeb.
Labour likes immigrants for more votes. Tories like them for cheaper labour. Neither have given a damn about the British taxpayer.
I also think @BBCr4today programme which often does deals not to ask a particular question should have to reveal that deal on air in the cue
The beebistan giving lots of sympathetic air-time to events in Barcelona, where an ancient, independent and plucky people are taking part in a Referendum for independence from an oppressive union.
A bit like Brexit, some might say, towards which the beeb seem much less sympathetic.
Catalonian= a brave and noble freedom fighter.
Brexiteer= a bigoted, racist, fascist reactionary.
At least Junker doesn’t yet have his EU army to put down provincial revolts. Spanish troops might hesitate to shoot down fellow Spaniards, even if they are calling themselves Catalans. Junker’s enforcers won’t be so squeamish.
Unless the Spanish government shows some sense this could end in a re-run of Tragic Week.
Unfortunately, this is not the first time that a German government has made an already-difficult situation in the Balkans even worse. As Yugoslavia came apart in the early 1990s, Berlin sabotaged a promising international initiative that might have calmed the brewing storm in the newly minted country of Bosnia and Herzegovina. { sep2011}
– I wish I had a head for history because I would be able to see these repeated mistakes with clarity, rather than through the lens of the BBC
Yep,knew the BBC would be stuffed over this one.
The E.U have no concept of how to play this-they hate referendums and votes, but love countries splitting into smaller bits-the Basque region, Scotland etc.
So no E.U steer, and if there is none, then who the hell do the BBC rely on?
Funny though how a civil war can begin in a country, and the EU have nothing to say-like the Carribean hurricanes over the domain of three states(France, UK and Holland)-the EU have nothing to say. Simply a bureaucratic device to keep the keys to the minibar for Juncker as the continent goes into conflagration.
The battle in France has been taken to the streets…………………………….
“Marseille: Fatal knife attack at train station”
“According to BFMTV, the attacker was killed by French soldiers who were already in the station as part of Operation Sentinelle, which sees combat troops patrol streets and protect key sites amid an ongoing state of emergency.”
I don’t want to criticise the soldiers who managed to kill the bugger, but the strategy is not preventing deaths. He killed two before going off to meet his virgins.
Nigel Farage warned that something like this would happen once Merkel opened the door.
They laughed at him then, but they are not laughing now.
I bet the French are having second thoughts about Macron and Le Pen.
Like us Taff the French populace are not laughing but they had an opportunity to confront this issue and lost their nerve. It will take a truly radical election result before anything changes but I fear the snowflake generation throughout Europe cannot or do not want to see what is happening under their noses.
“NHS ‘not fit for 21st Century’, says chief hospital inspector”
One of the world’d biggest employers. Too many directors, administrators and pen-pushers .
Not enough doctors and nurses.
Lucky old beeb: events in Catalonia keep ‘nothing-to-do-with-islam’ Islamic terror attacks in France and Canada off the top spot in their ‘news’.
Just part and parcel, eh?
Yes Charlie –
And any sign of real or contrived splits / disagreements / discussions within the conservative conference will also be used to buffer any Islamic terrorism . Al Beeb will even find a fringe meeting or drunken conservative councillor at 1 in the morning twittering something s/he should to help push the Corbin early election agenda so that they can muddle or stop Brexit.
You can almost hear the countdown until this happens.
(actual winner was a typical white farm daughter)
But strange that when their infernal calendar winners were announced : The runner has a South African accent
and the winner was her boyfriend Halek who seems East European
(both were good photos)
Before that we had 10 minutes of emotional blackmail about the coming Countryfile’s Charity Ramble in aid of the liggle disabled children
previous item
“not sure what trees in inner city Sheffield have got to do with the countryside”
Yes, I’m gradually going off this program. Too much subtle psychological training creeping in. I’m sure the producers would say they are only reflecting a changing world. No thanks. We should be made aware how TV is being used as a hidden persuader. Perhaps the BBC could open up this subject. No? Thought not.
The finest series I have watched for a long time was Yorkshire Vet on Channel 5. An excellent,entertaining program with no subliminal political message that I could detect. Television at it’s best. Thank you Channel 5. More please.
It seems that Google is censoring information about the Catalans.
It is going to be embarrassing when the Conservatives stand to applaud Treezer when she recommends censorship of the social media at her Conference.
“Theresa May pledges help for young on student fees and housing
Theresa May has admitted a change in her party’s approach on tuition fees in England, saying she has listened to voters and fees will freeze at £9,250.”
So she says that “she has listened to voters ……”
Well, she is not listening to the Brexit voters .
She is facing two options , implement Brexit now, or loose her job and the next election.
Or something worse. They really do seem oblivious to the building tension. Of course if it eventually explodes in their faces it will again be the fault of the patriot Brits and not the politicians, who blunder on regardless.
Treezer is trying to provide for a generation of Diversity Studies students for her multikulture within the EU These students will be employed in the ever increasing Diversity industry, spreading the good word in every school, office, and workplace in the country. An army that will control what we eat, wear, and enjoy during our leisure
Five bizarre ‘lessons’ in Indian textbooks { sep2015}
A national textbook for 11-year-old students created uproar in 2012 when it was discovered that it said that people who eat meat “easily cheat, tell lies, forget promises, are dishonest and tell bad words, steal, fight and turn to violence and commit sex crimes”.
In 2006, it was discovered that a textbook for 14-year-olds in the northern Indian state of Rajasthan compared housewives to donkeys.
Japan had launched a nuclear attack on the US during World War Two
The book, meant for 15-year-olds also spelled “Gandhi” as “Gandi” …
Highway to Heaven: What one Canadian street could teach the world about religious harmony { 28sep2017/shown on bbc site today}
“A Sikh, two Muslims, a Jew, a Christian and a Buddhist walk into a room.”
“We are all human beings created by the same god for the same destiny,” Hasan says, while sitting outside the BC Muslim Association before evening prayers.
“In Canada, as soon as you step out of the airplane you are no different than everyone else,” he says. “I love this, and I think this is an example for the rest of the world.”
A man struck an officer directing traffic outside a football stadium with his vehicle, stabbed him and then fled. Police arrested a suspect several hours later after a car chase in which four pedestrians were hit.
Authorities believe the man acted alone, although they have not ruled out the possibility that others were involved, Edmonton Police Service Chief Rod Knecht said at a Sunday morning news conference.
Acted alone? And what – we’re supposed to take comfort from that. What when there come to a few hundred or thousand – all acting alone?
When might they get it? We just ain’t listening.
Virtue Signal watch
C4 The Chateau : A couple are staying ..and the C4 cameras just happen to catch them making a marriage proposal
..they just happen to be 2 gays
#MoreEqualThanOthers ?
By Hugh Schofield, BBC News, Paris
“French media report that the killer was in his 20s with a police record for petty offences.
If so, that fits in with a steady pattern of recent attacks in France, carried out by individuals who seem to have a deep hatred of French authority, aggravated by exposure to Islamist ideas.” ….. Aggravated?
Just switched off BBC TV News at ten. The usual rubbish. First we have the Spanish crisis. I suppose that is what it is. Evil police and innocent rioters. So nothing new there.
Then the Tory Conference preceded by a long clip of the antifa etc screaming hordes of under employed students,teachers and other assorted state leeches.
You would think from the BBC’s account this country was governed by an illegitimate government imposed by force. But then I suppose in their eyes it is.
Look this is getting out of hand. It is going to end up in a sort of civil war as the shires want no part of the BBC’s portrayed agenda. Not that Kuensberg and the rest care. Just as in the US the screaming liberals think they are in the driving seat all the time. They might just get the rudest and hardest of lessons soon.
Dave-“Evil police and innocent rioters.” so of course you are being facetious. You think these people
trying to VOTE are rioters? Please explain. Catalonia with it’s under 6 million population through
it’s hard work manages to carry much of the rest of generally lazy Spain.
I still quite cant believe your sarcasm. ” The usual rubbish?” Was the Spanish Civil War “rubbish”
as well Dave. Or am I being thick Dave ? Am I watching Fake News watching policemen using
batons and rubber bullets to stop people voting?
Just for you. The BBC/progressive view is that police anywhere in the West are by default evil . The usual ‘rubbish’ is that attitude and a comment on the BBC not on Spain. Then the same attitude infested the BBC segment on the Tory conference. Protesters good. Police and security bad.
I was not particularly referring to the Spanish crisis about which I have no feelings whatsoever but to an attitude of mind typical of progressives everywhere.
The BBC cannot help itself . It is that simple.
Just thinking. We won our referendum last June 23rd.
And yet “The New European” was up and running, spewing bile within the month.
How on earth was this possible?
Aren`t there rules on setting up papers, tests….printing runs and permissions required?
How did all this happen, who funds it and who provides trhe presses-and who is covering the losses, seeing as no-one buys it?
“Der Starmer” surely is costing Soros and Gina Millers mates a fortune!
To Lose is To Win
48% Remain in EU > 52% Leave the EU
For the Few, Not the Many.
Enough is NOT Enough.
Brexit means – soft, hard, cliff edge, fast, slow, extreme, radical, in, out, full, partial, easy, complex, vote again way of leaving the EU. Who knew there were so many ways to Brexit?
“Because when immigration is too high (no figure given), when the pace of change is too fast, it’s impossible to build a cohesive society. ” – Theresa May as Home Secretary // Speech to the Conservative Party Conference 2015
– impossible rather than hard or complex or will take time. Theresa May has said with current immigration levels it will be ‘Impossible to build a cohesive society’ in 2015 and beyond.
– the Labour Leader Jeremy Corbyn has created the worst place to live in the UK, having 34 years to it. No social paradise in Islington but ‘Housing in Islington was among the least affordable in Britain,’
– BBC, if you want to report on two things (immigration/housing) then please mention the above as they both have dire impacts on our Country today, now. Not some future where 65%+ of the BBC are forced to be women.
LIke the Labour Partys “triumph” at the election.
The Remainers “won” the moral argument…Labour “won” the election.
But Trump “lost” the “popular vote” , so should be impeached and the job given to Hillary. Truth is I`m past caring-but so wonder what kind of twister psychic mindset is required to hold all this load of thoughts loosely together. Schizoid.
Knowledge of science and medicine in the Islamic world was far more sophisticated than in Western Europe.
Cordoba in Muslim Spain was a city of over half a million inhabitants with street lighting and running water. At the same time 10,000 Londoners lived in timber-framed houses and used the river as their sewer.
Muslims were going to beauty parlours, using deodorants and drinking from glasses, at a time when English books of behaviour were still telling page-boys not to pick their nose over their food, spit on the table, or throw uneaten food onto the floor.
The Crusades were not the most important wars in the history of the Islamic world. One historian described them as barely a pinprick on the Islamic world.
The fall of Constantinople led to an influx of ‘rescued’ manuscripts into the rest of Europe that helped drive new learning in the Renaissance.
… The Muslim economy stretched much farther and was more sophisticated than the trade of Western Europe
… The Islamic world was far ahead of the western world in the Middle Ages.
Muslim doctors did post-mortems and human dissection. They noticed that blood circulated round the body 400 years before the West.
There were female doctors and nurses.
Many Muslims were well-educated.
A Muslim singer from Baghdad called Ziryab came to Cordoba bringing all kinds of trendy fashions from the east. He opened beauty parlours and popularised hairstyles, deodorants, toothpaste, the three-course meal, drinking from glasses and table manners.
… The Islamic empire had a huge impact on the development of medieval Western Europe. It is possible to argue that the Islamic world provided the foundations for developments in western civilisation:
Knowledge ;
Culture – Spanish flamenco dancing was influenced by the rhythms of Arab music;
Trade – Without these Columbus would never have reached America;
Architecture – The pointed arch from Muslim mosques was copied in western Gothic architecture;
Large areas of Europe were conquered by Muslims. When these areas such as southern Spain were recaptured and placed under Christian rule Muslim customs and architecture remained.
– How come Saudi Arabia and Iran did not carry on these traditions, being rich in oil, of being ‘more sophisticated’ than Western Civilisation?
– BBC’s view of the World. Warts have been removed.
Drove past Salisbury Cathedral today. Just how did we thick idiotic primitive Westerners ever manage to build it?
I must be deluded. The building does not exist.
The more they ridiculously overstate the achievements of the Islamic world in the past, then the more inexplicable becomes the eclipse of the Islamic world by the Christian and secular world of today. Where in the world are people fleeing from a non-muslim country to a Muslim country apart from Buddhist Burma?
Watching some hit piece on Channel 4 re Boris.
If I`ve got it right, the liberal hacks hate the Tories-but if Boris points out where the Tories are wrong then they hate Boris for saying so. That`s their job, and Boris refusing to stay on the abbatoir belt seems to make them hate him more than the Tories.
Think i`ve got it right.
Not a fan of Boris-but when I see a load of bitter nomark MPs and sacked creeps like Andrew Mitchell(funny how people like him, disembowelled by the media will STILL go onto the media to stab a colleague in the back) pour bile and jealousy all over a decent Brexiteer…then it`s clear what they`re up to . Sheer jealousy, yet Channel 4 are able to freely time their lazy hit pieces before the Tory Conference. Puts me in mind of how the Gang Of Four got treated after the death of Mao.
I hope the Canadians are enjoying their taste of enrichment (not their first btw). Especially the insufferably smug Justin-I’m so handsome-I’m so young- I’m so liberal-Trudeau, who very ostentatiously welcomed those illegals fleeing the evil Trump.
The old saw that a liberal is just a conservative who hasn’t been mugged yet should be updated: a virtue-signalling let-them-all-in liberal is just a conservative who hasn’t been bombed yet.
Edmonton: Five injured in Canada ‘terror’ incidents.
(Note the quotation marks around terror, and the insipid term ‘incidents’.
Except that doesn’t work now, I’m afraid. A liberal who is bombed thinks that a few verses of Imagine and some candles plus a hashtag will make everything all right again.
The BBC on their CBBC channel have as top news story: Black History Month in Britain: Great women you should know about. This Is also currently being headlined on the BBC’s homepage.
Included in this dubious list as a Great Person you Should Know About is Dianne Abbot – the incompetent Shadow Home Secretary of the Jeremy Corbyn Labour Party – who’s main claim to fame was being black, being one of Corbyn’s mistresses and being full of hot air as demonstrated in the previous general election campaign – where even Jeremy Corbyn, in an unprecedented step, was forced to withdraw her from the public view after yet another display of incompetence on radio.
They have also listed Mary Seacole – which is someone that has been pushed by Black political activists as being more or of equal importance to Florence Nightingale, only for Historians to note that Mary Seacole was a mixed race figure of minor relevance who was primarily in Crimea to sell her wares. In the current piece of propaganda generated by the BBC, the BBC don’t even mention Florence Nightingale and seem to have confused Florence Nightingale for Mother Theresa for fecks sake!
Broadcasting – I was hoping you were joking about The Flabbot, so I checked and it’s true! They’ve really included her among Great Black Women.
But I suppose they’re almost right: she is great (half a ton); she is black… and only Jezza can vouch if she’s a woman, brave man.
Broadcasting – I was hoping you were joking about The Flabbot, so I checked and it’s true! They’ve really included her among Great Black Women.
But I suppose they’re almost right: she is great (half a ton); she is black… and only Jezza can vouch if she’s a woman, brave man.
Broadcasting – I was hoping you were joking about The Flabbot, so I checked and it’s true! They’ve really included her among Great Black Women.
But I suppose they’re almost right: she is great (half a ton); she is black… and only Jezza can vouch if she’s a woman, brave man.
“Catalan referendum: Catalonia has ‘won right to statehood”
Catalan – The European Union’s conundrum ?
Will Catalonia have to apply to join the EU?
I don’t think they should bother, the whole artificial bureaucratic and undemocratic state is about to collapse like a ‘house of cards’.
Pleasantly surprised by the prominence given on the BBC News website to the violence being perpetrated by the Spanish state against Catalan independence supporters. Will be interesting to see if this continues as it becomes apparent that the EU is unwilling to condemn the police violence.
Don’t be surprised as its the Beebs way of diverting attention away from the latest terrorist acts in France and Canada. The DG at the BBC will be getting complaints soon from ISIS for poor coverage.
After the inaction in France and the EU following the Nice and Paris attacks I doubt the latest attack will sway the French government or voters. In contrast the State violence in Catalonia has the potential to begin the disintegration of Spain, and derail the anti-nationalist tendency in the EU. The EU is not troubled by a compliant Spain.
I confess I can’t imagine what the Spanish authorities hope to achieve. Had the UK authorities tried to stop a similar Scottish referendum in this manner I can guarantee it would ensure a swift end to the union.
For all his complacency, when it comes to having referendums I respect Cameron’s consistency and fairness. Even if he did stop the civil service from making any preparation for Brexit, then went back on his word and buggered off to let others sort it out.
JohnCFeb 24, 03:22 Start the Week 24th February 2025 Another video I spent longer watching than I intended.
ZephirFeb 24, 03:18 Start the Week 24th February 2025 Yes, I noticed this yesterday, all short sighted (in so many ways) and all wear the same stupid starmer glasses…..…
DeborahFeb 23, 23:41 Start the Week 24th February 2025 Reported tonight on GBNews that Stonewall is going to lose half its staff because of Trump’s stalling USAID. Until now,…
JohnCFeb 23, 23:27 Start the Week 24th February 2025 Bowen said the same thing in one of his articles. Clearly it’s part of ‘BBC Groupthink’ now. Trump should have…
JohnCFeb 23, 23:12 Start the Week 24th February 2025 The BBC don’t seem bothered at all that Hamas murdered those young boys and their mother with their bare hands…
NiborFeb 23, 23:10 Start the Week 24th February 2025 Sorry if already mentioned , But this “Trump wants to win the Nobel Peace prize ” ! Does he really…
JohnCFeb 23, 23:07 Start the Week 24th February 2025 Zelensky willing to give up presidency in exchange for Nato membership Sometimes I read a BBC article and wonder…
pugnaziousFeb 23, 23:05 Start the Week 24th February 2025 ‘The desecration of our country continues…’ And at the heart of it is our national broadcaster which teaches people…
World News-worthy item? Or yet another lame excuse for vicarious Trump bashing by our most trusted and highest paid Broadcaster?
“Coolio: ‘I may move to Europe because of Trump’ ”
And I may move to America to avoid one more hideous rap ‘artiste’.
But he won’t of course, like all the other luvvies and celebs who threatened to move here.
P.S. When will c-Rap be banned as the often violent, homophobic, misogynistic, anti-white anti-Semitic racist hate crime that it is? Silly me, I forgot: only whites can be racist, see: the Collected Thoughts of Flabbot.
The list is as long as a BBC pension statement, matched only by Remainders leaving for Venice. Or Lake Como residents heading back ‘home’.
Just an idea. Leave, remain or be quiet. Don’t supply an empty promise just to make a point Mr. Coolio.
Brief reports from Canada of pro/anti immigration clashes. But to be anti immigration you are automatically a Nazi so it becomes an anti-fascist protest rather than a pro immigration protest. Clever stuff – bet only I spotted that!
BBC in the East this a.m. broadcast an appeal by the Chelmsford Muslim community that we should consider taking in Rohynga Muslim refugees. This would make sense: earlier this week Monica Ali (?) pointed out in an opinion piece on Radio 4 that Britain was really to blame for the fate of the Rohyngas (along with Britain’s looting and pillaging of India, which had -up to colonization- been a prosperous society, according to her). I can’t remember the convoluted justification for why the Burmese are really not to blame, but I think it might have been in the previous ‘A point of view’ on Radio 4. ‘Today’s point of view ‘ was presented by someone called Andrew Sullivan, who bemoaned the deep ,tribal’ divisions in the US. Needless to say, only one tribe was to blame: Trump’s followers. And Trump. This surprised me, as I’ve only ever heard positive and loving comments on Trump by the BBC; never a single word of cricitism. Daily, non-stop.
Excellent and clever BBC camerawork during the Sunday Politics Heseltine interview. When he said: ‘I was consistently loyal to Margaret Thatcher’ there was no sign whatsoever of his nose lengthening.
Beltane, one week in four, every four weeks is – I guess – consistent, is it not?
A lot of ‘not caring’ today.
So I share.
I read on Guido about Edmonton attack 4 hours ago. Now the Beeb catches up 20 minutes ago. What do all those journalists actually do? Or perhaps they have to wait for the management meetings to decide the Party line first.
They were confused popeye, the attack was by a truck and by a knife , their single brain cell took four hours to work out it was a single incident involving 2 methods of attack. They’ll be wanting trucks and knives banned from now on .
A later incident was carried out by a truck which was stopped after hitting several people, no information on any human involved. I apologise a 30 yr old man was arrested they believe he was acting alone but aren’t ruling out that others were involved. Talk about confused, I am and I read the article. Still if it’s terrorist incident it’ll vanish in the Beeb black hole and we won’t have to worry about it.
Or whether to report it all. The North American beat has a singular focus and is pretty packed already.
When you’re riding 1st class on the left wing gravy train you have to be careful what you say. Also you have to make sure you all sing from the same hymn sheet. Even if you alight at the next station you have to keep schtum. What a magnificent,diverse outfit!
popeye – They sat on the story for 4 hours desperately hoping the attack was by a white Republican Trump supporter.
But because all the media were running it, they eventually had to.
Yes popeye, they have Political Commissars, like the Soviets did at the beginning of WW2, who made it impossible for the military to operate effectively. Before they were abolished, I believe some soldiers took matters in their own hands and shot some of them. Certainly the Germans did.
One can only dream…
“Boy, 17, charged after M3 closure”, is the title of the news item.
Throughout the piece he is referred to as a ‘boy’. Now why would the BBC be mitigating the individual’s responsibility before releasing any facts? When does a boy become a teenager, or a young man?
Or a serious threat.
Was he wearing a life jacket?
When indeed. When does a “boy” become a “child”? Answer: when he’s a “child refugee”.
“Boy, 17, charged after M3 closure”, is the title of the news item.
If he’s from the religion we must not name 17 counts as an infant.
Or possibly an embryo.
Another reason why criminals should be named at all ages . People need to be held responsible for their crimes – the nonsense about anonymity aiding rehabilitation is a 1960s loopy joke
Apologies if this has already been picked up by someone.
Anyway Justin – This is probably just the start – You can expect lots more fun to come!
Hope you think it was all worth it!
Apologies if this has already been picked up by someone.
Anyway Justin – This is probably just the start – You can expect lots more fun like this to come if you carry on with your own Merkelesque policies of appeasement and shooting the messenger.
It will be interesting to see just like most of the other European leaders, how many of your own people you will also be willing to sacrifice on the alter of political correctness.
Hope you think it was all worth it!
Stabby-stabby at Marseilles railway station. “Allahu Akbar” – Bang, you’re dead.
Old – sadly the one in canada was taken alive .
It’s the same old tired nonsense from the same old tired nonsensical people –
“…..a delegation of the Muslim World League (MWL), an international NGO based in, and funded by, Saudi Arabia, lauded Pope Francis for his past statements rejecting the link between Islam and violence. During their “historic meeting,” MWL Secretary-General Muhammad Abdul-Kareem Al-Issa and the Pope exchanged gifts and reportedly vowed to enhance cooperation “in all areas to achieve common goals, notably the spread of peace and harmony.”
The Pope and Archie Bish Welby will be singing the same hymn of ‘peace and harmony’ when the muzzies are stringing them up Mussolini fashion.
From the Mail: Laura Kuennsberg has brought her bodyguard (supplied by the BBC) to the Conservative Party Conference, even though the threats to her last week came exclusively from the ultra-left fascists. This atrocious action by the BBC is clearly meant to imply that there may be threats from the Conservatives. During the Labour Conference, the BBC never broadcast the fact that threats to their reporter came from the fascists-of-the-left, and now they compound their deceit with a deliberate lie. The BBC – propagandist, crooked and vile.
True, but the peace-loving leftists have promised to cause serious trouble at the party conference of the lying, tory scum who should be hung off bridges. So, Laura requires the protection from the left.
Indeed, two years ago, the non-violent, democratic left spat at anyone entering the conference and threatened women with rape. The police watched on, fearful of acting in case the BBC accused them of hate. Oddly the BBC didn’t appear to be too fussed with this appalling intimidation.
The Conservative Party should ask the fragrant Laura what specific threats she has received, relating to her presence at their conference, that require her to be accompanied by a bodyguard as she attends this event as part of her work as an Al beebus reporter.
If she can’t provide any then her bodyguard should be refused permission to attend in that capacity, since what it does is to allow Al beebus the opportunity to present an equivalence between the behaviour of members and supporters of the CP and that of the Labour Party at their conference.
Good point, Al.
One of the best ways for Laura to improve her life might be to win some respect if not outright fans. Some suggestions:
– avoid taking excessive holidays except when family emergencies necessitate
– avoid doing personal promotion (ie not showing photos of ME with someone slightly less or very less important at every opportunity, especially in a NEW DRESS and showing how SLIM AND ELEGANT I AM)
– start Blogging regularly
– always have the Blog open to comment
– be strictly neutral on politics
– teach viewers, listeners & website users things about our politics they do not know
– decide to live a little closer to where you work because a 300 mile one-way commute at taxpayer expense tends to send lots of wrong messages
– work at least half as hard as Robert Peston and three-quarters as hard as Nick Robinson
– work at softening and warming the voice a bit
You are wrong mate – the bodyguard is supplied by the taxpayer . Seems serious question about how the spend can be justified at the Conservative party conference when the old bill have been proclaiming the level of security in the run up .
I rather think the BBC would pay from its budget, but in either case the funding comes from the tax-payer! However, that’s secondary to my main point about the necessity for the BBC to insist on a bodyguard for her at the Conservative Party Conference. I don’t buy the argument that it is to protect her from the fascist-left that will be circling the venue. The police are there to do that job. No, this a ploy by the BBC to deflect blame.
Had the misfortune to see some of POV. What a joke. Under the guise of being transparent, democratic and ‘open to criticism’, it’s really an orgy of self-congratulation with minor innocuous criticisms allowed.
So the thoroughly corrupt and corrupting, biased, mendacious poisoner of minds admits to having had some sound problems in some of its dramas or whatever.
You’re missing the Point you B.B.Bastards – It would be like some mass murderer going to confession and admitting to having eaten a piece of chocolate!
We’ve got be fair. We get the added bonus of silly voices with which to air the said minor, innocuous criticisms.
Yes Lefty, I noticed the silly voices too. A subtle attempt at subliminal suggestion? ‘Anyone who criticises us is a moron, probably voted for Brexit too’.
Richard Branson gives an interview in the Sunday Times (pay-walled) in which he describes the devastation to his home on the island of Necker, British Virgin Islands due to the recent hurricanes.
He is asked whether he thinks it is due to climate change and answers “The sea is much warmer this year, so it could be. We haven’t had a hurricane for 10 years and yet we’ve just had three in three weeks.”
So there we have it – proof that someone who is stupid enough to think that the climate and weather systems move in 10 year cycles can also be a billionaire.
He then goes off on a huge anti-Trump, anti-Brexit rant…….what a total bleached blonde fop he is.
The planet farts and shits all over us whenever it wants to and Beardie thinks he knows how to stop it. Oh well I suppose the truth will dawn one day. Not.
Presumably the planes and diesel trains which carry the Virgin logo don’t contribute to Climate Change then.
Or the column of GHGs that emerge from the exhausts of Virgin Galactic to pop rich mates up a bit higher than others.
If Branson had gone to prison for evading Purchase Tax in 1971, as he should have, then perhaps we would have heard no more of the annoying bastard. Sadly, his barrister daddy pulled strings and he got off with a fine instead.
The fact remains that Branson was guilty of tax evasion. He is not an honest man. Something to bear in mind the next time he gobs off about anything (which is most of the time).
R i C – solid post.
Tom Bower’s excellent biography of Branson, which he did all he could to stop, is a real eye opener into how this character got to where he is today; it includes a detailed description of the tax evasion in which RB involved himself to which you allude.
Have to laugh about Catalonia – the state government of Spain beating citizens trying to vote . So a potential break away for Spain .
Yet the other night al beeb gave free rein to one of the eu mafia saying about how the whole of Europe is coming together in response to brexit . He wasn’t challenged . Surprised?
Ironic that Catalonia is about the same population as Scotland .,
What is important according to the BBC Web-site News Page r/h column – items 1 to 7:
#2 Marilyn Manson crushed by stage scenery
#3 OJ Simpson released from jail on parole
#5 Strictly wins latest TV ratings battle
#6 Premier League latest updates
#7 Lady Gaga: Getting stronger every day
Slow news day?
Al Beeb doesn’t seem to know how to handle the Catalonian Republic situation . Does it support Spain in accordance with pro EU doctrine thus being anti Brexit? Or does it support an oppressed minority like it normally does – whatever the justication or lack of ?
More seriously the way crowds appear to being treated has echoes of Northern Ireland in the sixties before the troubles started. I suppose because of the Islamic terrorist situation those Catalonians who might turn to targeting the Spanish State might be more hesitant to do so.
For the record I am not Spanish or from Northern Ireland so comment should be treated accordingly .
Heseltine telling us if the immigration policy can be changed throughout Europe then no need for Brexit to continue. Now correct me please if I’m wrong but surely its the ruling elite such as him that have got us in this unholy mess. The majority of “ordinary” people new that an open border policy could only culminate in the current scenario. He is also deluded if he thinks that is the only reason the vote went the way it did. I for one am sick to death of the MSM giving a non stop unbalanced view of this whole subject.
Synch, I take exception with this “its the ruling elite such as him” ! 😉
I am a subject of Her Majesty, Queen Elizabeth II. One of her predecessors graciously agreed that Peers would become subject like myself to a democratically elected House of representatives where Her Majesty governs with and within Parliament.
Queen Elizabeth rules me, her Government of the day governs me – by mutual consent. 🙂
Snuff, I remember when Blair once called the armed forces “his”. No Tony, they swear allegiance to Her Majesty.
I am afraid to say that we Welsh ‘imposed’ him on you.
What, Hezza? How do you work that out taffman? He’s just a subject like me. OK, he gets £300 a day for showing up in the Upper House. Sooner we get rid of the House of Lords the better. Either that or dig up and put back the hereditaries and chuck out the placemen and placewomen.
He was a member of the “tit club”, I kid you not – “seek and ye shall find”.
Sorry, taffman, still don’t get it unless ‘tit club’ is a reference to Hezza’s publishing past.
OK. Check Wikipedia
The only thing I want to read about Heselslime is his obituary.
😀 !
very good.
Al Beeb love to roll out heseltine time and time again to give the antibrexit view without challenge. He has been a sad figure with a chip on his shoulder because he never got the top job to accord with his ego.. He knows that the 4 freedoms cannot be amended by the EU. Cameron found that out and thankfully was forced to commit suicide by referendum politicians have treated the electorate like dolts over the years with regard to immigration being aided and abetted by the traitorous al Beeb.
Labour likes immigrants for more votes. Tories like them for cheaper labour. Neither have given a damn about the British taxpayer.
Horses’ mouths close to the BBC say:
Trust them. It’s in their FNA.
The beebistan giving lots of sympathetic air-time to events in Barcelona, where an ancient, independent and plucky people are taking part in a Referendum for independence from an oppressive union.
A bit like Brexit, some might say, towards which the beeb seem much less sympathetic.
Catalonian= a brave and noble freedom fighter.
Brexiteer= a bigoted, racist, fascist reactionary.
Don’t expect intellectual consistency from the Left.
No, just intellectual constipation.
At least Junker doesn’t yet have his EU army to put down provincial revolts. Spanish troops might hesitate to shoot down fellow Spaniards, even if they are calling themselves Catalans. Junker’s enforcers won’t be so squeamish.
Unless the Spanish government shows some sense this could end in a re-run of Tragic Week.
Surely Jean Claude is cracking open the ’87 by now?
Rather than meriting praise, Merkel’s rigid, obtuse and decidedly unhelpful stance may have torpedoed any chance of resolving the Kosovo dispute in either a timely or sustainable fashion. Her ultimatum also undercuts the most democratic and pro-Western Serbian government that the EU is likely to encounter in the foreseeable future.
Unfortunately, this is not the first time that a German government has made an already-difficult situation in the Balkans even worse. As Yugoslavia came apart in the early 1990s, Berlin sabotaged a promising international initiative that might have calmed the brewing storm in the newly minted country of Bosnia and Herzegovina. { sep2011}
– I wish I had a head for history because I would be able to see these repeated mistakes with clarity, rather than through the lens of the BBC
Someone already mentioned the Beeb are confused on how to play the events in Barcelona. I’ll give them some help. Just ring the Guardian.
Yep,knew the BBC would be stuffed over this one.
The E.U have no concept of how to play this-they hate referendums and votes, but love countries splitting into smaller bits-the Basque region, Scotland etc.
So no E.U steer, and if there is none, then who the hell do the BBC rely on?
Funny though how a civil war can begin in a country, and the EU have nothing to say-like the Carribean hurricanes over the domain of three states(France, UK and Holland)-the EU have nothing to say. Simply a bureaucratic device to keep the keys to the minibar for Juncker as the continent goes into conflagration.
The battle in France has been taken to the streets…………………………….
“Marseille: Fatal knife attack at train station”
“According to BFMTV, the attacker was killed by French soldiers who were already in the station as part of Operation Sentinelle, which sees combat troops patrol streets and protect key sites amid an ongoing state of emergency.”
I don’t want to criticise the soldiers who managed to kill the bugger, but the strategy is not preventing deaths. He killed two before going off to meet his virgins.
Nigel Farage warned that something like this would happen once Merkel opened the door.
They laughed at him then, but they are not laughing now.
I bet the French are having second thoughts about Macron and Le Pen.
Perhaps same in Denmark – Geert Wilders. Last week the army was employed to help the police regain control from the muzzies –
Didn’t expect the BBC to tell us but, any word on what’s happened? I can’t find anything since the above message.
Like us Taff the French populace are not laughing but they had an opportunity to confront this issue and lost their nerve. It will take a truly radical election result before anything changes but I fear the snowflake generation throughout Europe cannot or do not want to see what is happening under their noses.
“NHS ‘not fit for 21st Century’, says chief hospital inspector”
One of the world’d biggest employers. Too many directors, administrators and pen-pushers .
Not enough doctors and nurses.
Lucky old beeb: events in Catalonia keep ‘nothing-to-do-with-islam’ Islamic terror attacks in France and Canada off the top spot in their ‘news’.
Just part and parcel, eh?
Yes Charlie –
And any sign of real or contrived splits / disagreements / discussions within the conservative conference will also be used to buffer any Islamic terrorism . Al Beeb will even find a fringe meeting or drunken conservative councillor at 1 in the morning twittering something s/he should to help push the Corbin early election agenda so that they can muddle or stop Brexit.
You can almost hear the countdown until this happens.
Countryfile is one of BBC’s top SJW shows aimed at suburban liberals
so the producers reality has to be tweaked .
(actual winner was a typical white farm daughter)
But strange that when their infernal calendar winners were announced : The runner has a South African accent
and the winner was her boyfriend Halek who seems East European
(both were good photos)
Before that we had 10 minutes of emotional blackmail about the coming Countryfile’s Charity Ramble in aid of the liggle disabled children
previous item
“not sure what trees in inner city Sheffield have got to do with the countryside”
Ongoing item : The Socialist Ramblers
Next week : Prince Charles about some-in
Yes, I’m gradually going off this program. Too much subtle psychological training creeping in. I’m sure the producers would say they are only reflecting a changing world. No thanks. We should be made aware how TV is being used as a hidden persuader. Perhaps the BBC could open up this subject. No? Thought not.
The finest series I have watched for a long time was Yorkshire Vet on Channel 5. An excellent,entertaining program with no subliminal political message that I could detect. Television at it’s best. Thank you Channel 5. More please.
It seems that Google is censoring information about the Catalans.
It is going to be embarrassing when the Conservatives stand to applaud Treezer when she recommends censorship of the social media at her Conference.
“Theresa May pledges help for young on student fees and housing
Theresa May has admitted a change in her party’s approach on tuition fees in England, saying she has listened to voters and fees will freeze at £9,250.”
So she says that “she has listened to voters ……”
Well, she is not listening to the Brexit voters .
She is facing two options , implement Brexit now, or loose her job and the next election.
taffman, David ‘Two-Brains’ Willetts leaving a trail of disaster, chaos and expense for the taxpayer in his wake.
Ironically, I don’t think the ‘young’ can be bothered to vote unless its a ‘like’ or ‘tick’ on face book.
Or something worse. They really do seem oblivious to the building tension. Of course if it eventually explodes in their faces it will again be the fault of the patriot Brits and not the politicians, who blunder on regardless.
Treezer is trying to provide for a generation of Diversity Studies students for her multikulture within the EU These students will be employed in the ever increasing Diversity industry, spreading the good word in every school, office, and workplace in the country. An army that will control what we eat, wear, and enjoy during our leisure
Let all students self-identify as Indian and … Undergraduate tuition fee costs in India can be very cheap, with some courses as low as £300 a year {}.
We are all the same, immigrants of the same planet, so how can India separate or identify between a national and non-national in India?
What do you get for £300?
A Class IX Hindi textbook has referred to Jesus Christ as a demon. The Hindi textbook belonged to the Gujarat State School Textbook Board (GSSTB). The erroneous sentence states that stories of this ‘demon’ will never be forgotten. { jun2017}
.. or …
Five bizarre ‘lessons’ in Indian textbooks { sep2015}
A national textbook for 11-year-old students created uproar in 2012 when it was discovered that it said that people who eat meat “easily cheat, tell lies, forget promises, are dishonest and tell bad words, steal, fight and turn to violence and commit sex crimes”.
In 2006, it was discovered that a textbook for 14-year-olds in the northern Indian state of Rajasthan compared housewives to donkeys.
Japan had launched a nuclear attack on the US during World War Two
The book, meant for 15-year-olds also spelled “Gandhi” as “Gandi” …
Highway to Heaven: What one Canadian street could teach the world about religious harmony { 28sep2017/shown on bbc site today}
“A Sikh, two Muslims, a Jew, a Christian and a Buddhist walk into a room.”
“We are all human beings created by the same god for the same destiny,” Hasan says, while sitting outside the BC Muslim Association before evening prayers.
“In Canada, as soon as you step out of the airplane you are no different than everyone else,” he says. “I love this, and I think this is an example for the rest of the world.”
… 3 days later in Canada…
Man who stabbed officer, struck four pedestrians had Islamic State flag, Canadian police say { 01oct2017}
A man struck an officer directing traffic outside a football stadium with his vehicle, stabbed him and then fled. Police arrested a suspect several hours later after a car chase in which four pedestrians were hit.
Authorities believe the man acted alone, although they have not ruled out the possibility that others were involved, Edmonton Police Service Chief Rod Knecht said at a Sunday morning news conference.
Acted alone? And what – we’re supposed to take comfort from that. What when there come to a few hundred or thousand – all acting alone?
When might they get it? We just ain’t listening.
Welcome to the new reality in Canada. Thank Trudeau for following Merkel and the rest.
Virtue Signal watch
C4 The Chateau : A couple are staying ..and the C4 cameras just happen to catch them making a marriage proposal
..they just happen to be 2 gays
#MoreEqualThanOthers ?
Alleged Tory at Large!
This is what’s passing for a Conservative Leader? Grrrrr!
What’s NOT for a nutcase Socialist to like? It’s a disgrace.
Not for the few.
“Enough is Enough … of being Conservative. Let’s be like Labour!”
“For the Many (who want Free Stuff), Not the Few (who want to Earn a Living).”
By Hugh Schofield, BBC News, Paris
“French media report that the killer was in his 20s with a police record for petty offences.
If so, that fits in with a steady pattern of recent attacks in France, carried out by individuals who seem to have a deep hatred of French authority, aggravated by exposure to Islamist ideas.” ….. Aggravated?
I expect the EU hierarchy will approve the Spanish government’s thugs behaviour in Catalonia.. Let’s see how
the BBC’S “impartiality ” shows itself.
Well then.
Do YOU think that
a) The Church
b) The BBC
is more responsible , more culpable in regard of their track record in abusing children?
I myself think that
c) sport
d) non-church religion…Islam
are other contenders for this award.
Any chance of “More Or Less” giving us a reality check and some research methodology on this burning issue?
Just switched off BBC TV News at ten. The usual rubbish. First we have the Spanish crisis. I suppose that is what it is. Evil police and innocent rioters. So nothing new there.
Then the Tory Conference preceded by a long clip of the antifa etc screaming hordes of under employed students,teachers and other assorted state leeches.
You would think from the BBC’s account this country was governed by an illegitimate government imposed by force. But then I suppose in their eyes it is.
Look this is getting out of hand. It is going to end up in a sort of civil war as the shires want no part of the BBC’s portrayed agenda. Not that Kuensberg and the rest care. Just as in the US the screaming liberals think they are in the driving seat all the time. They might just get the rudest and hardest of lessons soon.
Dave-“Evil police and innocent rioters.” so of course you are being facetious. You think these people
trying to VOTE are rioters? Please explain. Catalonia with it’s under 6 million population through
it’s hard work manages to carry much of the rest of generally lazy Spain.
I still quite cant believe your sarcasm. ” The usual rubbish?” Was the Spanish Civil War “rubbish”
as well Dave. Or am I being thick Dave ? Am I watching Fake News watching policemen using
batons and rubber bullets to stop people voting?
Just for you. The BBC/progressive view is that police anywhere in the West are by default evil . The usual ‘rubbish’ is that attitude and a comment on the BBC not on Spain. Then the same attitude infested the BBC segment on the Tory conference. Protesters good. Police and security bad.
I was not particularly referring to the Spanish crisis about which I have no feelings whatsoever but to an attitude of mind typical of progressives everywhere.
The BBC cannot help itself . It is that simple.
Just thinking. We won our referendum last June 23rd.
And yet “The New European” was up and running, spewing bile within the month.
How on earth was this possible?
Aren`t there rules on setting up papers, tests….printing runs and permissions required?
How did all this happen, who funds it and who provides trhe presses-and who is covering the losses, seeing as no-one buys it?
“Der Starmer” surely is costing Soros and Gina Millers mates a fortune!
To Lose is To Win
48% Remain in EU > 52% Leave the EU
For the Few, Not the Many.
Enough is NOT Enough.
Brexit means – soft, hard, cliff edge, fast, slow, extreme, radical, in, out, full, partial, easy, complex, vote again way of leaving the EU. Who knew there were so many ways to Brexit?
“Because when immigration is too high (no figure given), when the pace of change is too fast, it’s impossible to build a cohesive society. ” – Theresa May as Home Secretary // Speech to the Conservative Party Conference 2015
– impossible rather than hard or complex or will take time. Theresa May has said with current immigration levels it will be ‘Impossible to build a cohesive society’ in 2015 and beyond.
“Islington, in north London, was rated the worst place for women to live (2017).” – Islington’s MP for 34 years is Labour Leader Jeremy Corbyn
– the Labour Leader Jeremy Corbyn has created the worst place to live in the UK, having 34 years to it. No social paradise in Islington but ‘Housing in Islington was among the least affordable in Britain,’
– BBC, if you want to report on two things (immigration/housing) then please mention the above as they both have dire impacts on our Country today, now. Not some future where 65%+ of the BBC are forced to be women.
LIke the Labour Partys “triumph” at the election.
The Remainers “won” the moral argument…Labour “won” the election.
But Trump “lost” the “popular vote” , so should be impeached and the job given to Hillary. Truth is I`m past caring-but so wonder what kind of twister psychic mindset is required to hold all this load of thoughts loosely together. Schizoid.
Report to your local gulag at once. WE will make it clear to you .
The Islamic world in the Middle Ages
Throughout the Middle Ages, the Muslim world was more advanced and more civilised than Christian Western Europe, which learned a huge amount from its neighbour. { Bitesize Revision}
Knowledge of science and medicine in the Islamic world was far more sophisticated than in Western Europe.
Cordoba in Muslim Spain was a city of over half a million inhabitants with street lighting and running water. At the same time 10,000 Londoners lived in timber-framed houses and used the river as their sewer.
Muslims were going to beauty parlours, using deodorants and drinking from glasses, at a time when English books of behaviour were still telling page-boys not to pick their nose over their food, spit on the table, or throw uneaten food onto the floor.
The Crusades were not the most important wars in the history of the Islamic world. One historian described them as barely a pinprick on the Islamic world.
The fall of Constantinople led to an influx of ‘rescued’ manuscripts into the rest of Europe that helped drive new learning in the Renaissance.
The Muslim economy stretched much farther and was more sophisticated than the trade of Western Europe
The Islamic world was far ahead of the western world in the Middle Ages.
Muslim doctors did post-mortems and human dissection. They noticed that blood circulated round the body 400 years before the West.
There were female doctors and nurses.
Many Muslims were well-educated.
A Muslim singer from Baghdad called Ziryab came to Cordoba bringing all kinds of trendy fashions from the east. He opened beauty parlours and popularised hairstyles, deodorants, toothpaste, the three-course meal, drinking from glasses and table manners.
The Islamic empire had a huge impact on the development of medieval Western Europe. It is possible to argue that the Islamic world provided the foundations for developments in western civilisation:
Knowledge ;
Culture – Spanish flamenco dancing was influenced by the rhythms of Arab music;
Trade – Without these Columbus would never have reached America;
Architecture – The pointed arch from Muslim mosques was copied in western Gothic architecture;
Large areas of Europe were conquered by Muslims. When these areas such as southern Spain were recaptured and placed under Christian rule Muslim customs and architecture remained.
– How come Saudi Arabia and Iran did not carry on these traditions, being rich in oil, of being ‘more sophisticated’ than Western Civilisation?
– BBC’s view of the World. Warts have been removed.
Drove past Salisbury Cathedral today. Just how did we thick idiotic primitive Westerners ever manage to build it?
I must be deluded. The building does not exist.
The more they ridiculously overstate the achievements of the Islamic world in the past, then the more inexplicable becomes the eclipse of the Islamic world by the Christian and secular world of today. Where in the world are people fleeing from a non-muslim country to a Muslim country apart from Buddhist Burma?
Watching some hit piece on Channel 4 re Boris.
If I`ve got it right, the liberal hacks hate the Tories-but if Boris points out where the Tories are wrong then they hate Boris for saying so. That`s their job, and Boris refusing to stay on the abbatoir belt seems to make them hate him more than the Tories.
Think i`ve got it right.
Not a fan of Boris-but when I see a load of bitter nomark MPs and sacked creeps like Andrew Mitchell(funny how people like him, disembowelled by the media will STILL go onto the media to stab a colleague in the back) pour bile and jealousy all over a decent Brexiteer…then it`s clear what they`re up to . Sheer jealousy, yet Channel 4 are able to freely time their lazy hit pieces before the Tory Conference. Puts me in mind of how the Gang Of Four got treated after the death of Mao.
I hope the Canadians are enjoying their taste of enrichment (not their first btw). Especially the insufferably smug Justin-I’m so handsome-I’m so young- I’m so liberal-Trudeau, who very ostentatiously welcomed those illegals fleeing the evil Trump.
The old saw that a liberal is just a conservative who hasn’t been mugged yet should be updated: a virtue-signalling let-them-all-in liberal is just a conservative who hasn’t been bombed yet.
Edmonton: Five injured in Canada ‘terror’ incidents.
(Note the quotation marks around terror, and the insipid term ‘incidents’.
From the article it’s pretty obvious it was a terrorist attack, even little Justin says so.
Except that doesn’t work now, I’m afraid. A liberal who is bombed thinks that a few verses of Imagine and some candles plus a hashtag will make everything all right again.
Roland Deschain
It used to be known as “whistling in the dark”.
The BBC on their CBBC channel have as top news story: Black History Month in Britain: Great women you should know about. This Is also currently being headlined on the BBC’s homepage.
Included in this dubious list as a Great Person you Should Know About is Dianne Abbot – the incompetent Shadow Home Secretary of the Jeremy Corbyn Labour Party – who’s main claim to fame was being black, being one of Corbyn’s mistresses and being full of hot air as demonstrated in the previous general election campaign – where even Jeremy Corbyn, in an unprecedented step, was forced to withdraw her from the public view after yet another display of incompetence on radio.
They have also listed Mary Seacole – which is someone that has been pushed by Black political activists as being more or of equal importance to Florence Nightingale, only for Historians to note that Mary Seacole was a mixed race figure of minor relevance who was primarily in Crimea to sell her wares. In the current piece of propaganda generated by the BBC, the BBC don’t even mention Florence Nightingale and seem to have confused Florence Nightingale for Mother Theresa for fecks sake!
The BBC propaganda is relentless.
Broadcasting – I was hoping you were joking about The Flabbot, so I checked and it’s true! They’ve really included her among Great Black Women.
But I suppose they’re almost right: she is great (half a ton); she is black… and only Jezza can vouch if she’s a woman, brave man.
Broadcasting – I was hoping you were joking about The Flabbot, so I checked and it’s true! They’ve really included her among Great Black Women.
But I suppose they’re almost right: she is great (half a ton); she is black… and only Jezza can vouch if she’s a woman, brave man.
Broadcasting – I was hoping you were joking about The Flabbot, so I checked and it’s true! They’ve really included her among Great Black Women.
But I suppose they’re almost right: she is great (half a ton); she is black… and only Jezza can vouch if she’s a woman, brave man.
“Catalan referendum: Catalonia has ‘won right to statehood”
Catalan – The European Union’s conundrum ?
Will Catalonia have to apply to join the EU?
I don’t think they should bother, the whole artificial bureaucratic and undemocratic state is about to collapse like a ‘house of cards’.
Pleasantly surprised by the prominence given on the BBC News website to the violence being perpetrated by the Spanish state against Catalan independence supporters. Will be interesting to see if this continues as it becomes apparent that the EU is unwilling to condemn the police violence.
Don’t be surprised as its the Beebs way of diverting attention away from the latest terrorist acts in France and Canada. The DG at the BBC will be getting complaints soon from ISIS for poor coverage.
After the inaction in France and the EU following the Nice and Paris attacks I doubt the latest attack will sway the French government or voters. In contrast the State violence in Catalonia has the potential to begin the disintegration of Spain, and derail the anti-nationalist tendency in the EU. The EU is not troubled by a compliant Spain.
I confess I can’t imagine what the Spanish authorities hope to achieve. Had the UK authorities tried to stop a similar Scottish referendum in this manner I can guarantee it would ensure a swift end to the union.
For all his complacency, when it comes to having referendums I respect Cameron’s consistency and fairness. Even if he did stop the civil service from making any preparation for Brexit, then went back on his word and buggered off to let others sort it out.
Are all these European countries ‘phobic’ ?
Belgium ……………………..
France ……………………….
Et All ………………………….
Except ? Great Britain .
Anyone moved to Europe since Brexit ? Well here’s one that may…………………………
A lesson for Jezza Corbynomics, Teresa appeasonomics, BBC whinynomics, the electorate and the moochers. Stuff for nothing always ends the same way.
Even the cartoon Lula looks a bit like Jezza