The liberal do-gooders falling out with each other.
Normally the BBC treats every utterance from his holyship as the word of God, Gospel, especially if he is doing a drive-by take-down of the Tories or their welfare or ‘austerity’ policies.
Today not so much as the Archbish, the Most Reverend Justin Welby, lays into the BBC.
The BBC’s response was immediately to source voices critical of the Churche’s own response to abuse claims against it rather than to look too closely at what Welby said about the BBC, never mind admit he may have been right…naturally he is completely wrong and the BBC just doesn’t recognise anything he says.
I imagine the BBC will send Dimbleby round to the Archbish’s place to give him a dressing down.
The Spectator is similarly unimpressed with the BBC’s self-serving response [not to mention ungrateful as the Archbish gave his services to them]…
The BBC’s self-absorption has obscured Justin Welby’s real message
You have to try really hard to get any idea of what the Archbishop of Canterbury, Justin Welby actually said in his interview for the BBC Today programme, the one where he said the BBC had acted with less integrity than the Church of England or the Catholic church when it came to the abuse of children by Jimmy Savile. You may well have heard that part because it is what the BBC itself reported on its own news broadcasts and duly, every other news outlet followed its lead.
The BBC opted to focus on the one bit of the interview where Justin Welby had the impudence to criticise it. Perhaps – probably – he was rash to say that the BBC’s response to Savile had less integrity than that of the churches when it came to abuse, but was it really that interesting? If the Corporation has done one thing, it’s to bear out what the Archbishop says that the reflexes of institutions are to protect themselves. Justin Welby may well feel he’s been stitched up by the BBC – quoted out of context and with one observation blown out of all proportion from the rest and used to condemn him – the programme promptly invited victim support groups to take issue with his remarks. Presumably he gave this interview in a friendly spirit. Well, that’ll teach him.
The hard left have been eating their own for some time now, most likely because they know they can’t win the argument against conservativism or libertarian values, and they no longer possess the authority to silence dissent. But they have to attack someone or something, because hate is all they have. So they target each other for hollow, phyrric victories as a defence mechanism to try and convince themselves that they’re still in the right and that their influence hasn’t been diminished by crushing defeat after crushing defeat.
My take on this is that the BBC far from believing that it and it leftist chums have lost the argument believe they are winning it! They regard the arch bishop as a useful idiot who represents one of the left behind institutions of the country that they have so nearly destroyed. Often, as he tries to curry favour , he says things that the BBC agree with but on this occasion he has blotted his copy book by criticising them and he will need to be taught a lesson. The BBC remains the most influential and dangerous institution in this country. It has been instrumental in bringing the country to a position opposite migration from which we probably never recover.
I heard the interview – al beeb – through their £650 k genial mouthpiece Humph – was fully ready on a classic deflection .
I think al beeb is getting a bit worried – hence even more defensive – about how its’ agenda is being identified and challenged. The equal pay thing has also made it nervous when my view was that they are all given far too much tax payers money irrespective of their genitals.
He gets 100 times more than I get.
To the bbc, I’ll do his job for £25,000
I would preface any comment on Mr Hump by typing that…£650 K pa….hits home….time he retired…as the dumblebum too….he looks red-eyed and fagged out anyway…let go you fools.
It’s delish: the ultra-liberal ArchBish having a bash at the beeb-trash, and the beeb biffing the Bish right back.
It’s almost as much fun as the fascist-feminists beating up the extreme-trannies the other day.
‘Managers’ at the BBC all have publicly-funded smartphones, which have pre-programmed buttons to call anyone at any time, when their cushioned lifestyle for ‘broadcasting’ is threatened.
Directly their phones sense an attack, the buttons are pressed by bored techies (under oath to keep schtum), and the fees of £700.00 are authorised automatically for tiresome oafs like Russell Brand or Diane Abbott to appear in a flash and spout rubbish.
Why anyone thinks Humphreys is interesting any more is beyond me. His after-dinner ‘speeches’ consist of him just standing there, and getting the crowd to ask him questions, which to me is both utterly boring, and not worth the ear-time.
Totally, agree Charlie – what fun! – These Libtards (including our ardent, earnest hand wringing, pro Islam migration, arch bish) probably consider that now the revolution is close to being won (where they have destroyed much of our culture, history, and Christian based traditions) seem to now be turning to the perennial revolutionary habit of attacking each other.
Who will end up with the ice pick in the back of his cranium is difficult to tell
The BBC have had years of experience of “bashing the bishop”
Whereas the Bish (apart from bishop bashing – well C OF E bashing anyway) is relatively inexperienced in bashing anything bigger than himself or at least his own church)
My money is on the BBC to win. So Justin my advice to you is that you are playing with the big boys/girlz/Ze s now. Just because you joined their gang in helping to re-arrange the face and then push the quiet, stuffy kid into the river after stealing his bullseyes, does not mean that they either like or respect you. I would advise you to reupholster our mitre with kevlar and run home to mummy quick (oh you cant – because my now wants to be a daddy) Oh well never mind and good luck!
You twat!
Reminds me of an observation made during the Civil War…Sir Jacob Astley, the King’s general of the infantry, sat on a drum at Bourton on the Water, lamented the Parl victory, and said to his captors..’ Now you have may now go and play amongst yourselves’…and they did…