I worry that this site is starting to resemble guardian comments – although I think there is more sensible moderation.
The tit for tat stuff on the catflap section about Catalonia is unseemly and out of character.
Any way – al Beeb is hoping to be responsible for taking the political head of the PM. They haven’t focused it yet because of the natural public sympathy for a woman with a cough speaking to a few million people . Al Beeb scored points on noticing that letters from the sign behind the PM fell off. I watched but didn’t notice. They’ll use it for symbolism about the Conservative party betcha.
Totally agree Fedup. We must not turn this site into an alternative tabloid outlet. It’s the joy of reading comments on here that they are reasoned and informative. We don’t all agree but let’s keep it civil.
I didn’t even know there was moderation – and I’ve been coming here since long before David Vance saved the blog from abandonment.
It might be helpful as we’ve had some significant trolling attacks at times and it would be useful if we knew who the moderators were and what policy they will be following.
I excuse the coughing and her less than adept handling of the interruption, but the socialist, big-government content of her speech appalled me. It was imperative she raised the spirits of the congregation with a clear and optimistic vision for the future and preferably some stirring rhetoric, but instead the speech was low-key in tone and delivery. I sat through it all. Truly this was Mogodon May on public display.
I am concerned about her big government approach. Only a couple of years ago we were arguing that it is best to retain the voluntary opt in approach to organ donation. We argued that better information regarding transplant successes and clarity regarding criteria for post mortem retrieval would be the best direction. But following Wales and Labour the PM decided that the government owns your bodies
As for the speech. I have seen it compared to Monty Python plus Faulty Towers.
Perhaps her cough will be the excuse to retire due to ill health
Guido referred to the letter F falling off the sign, suggesting it meant ‘F off’.
Lucy, it’s already Law in Wales. If you dont opt out of organ donation your are assumed to have given consent.
With or without the moral arguments, I refuse to allow the bastards to decide for me. So I have officially opted out.
It may not be a ‘good’ decision, but they can fuck off, it’s MY decision.
I suppose hospitals will now have organ harvesters and ambulance chasers. I wonder if organs will be a proud new export industry – one way to fund the NHS -and our brave national treasure has a proud history of killing people ( like my dad )
There has been for some time an EU scheme for distributing organs. A few years ago I visited a young lad in Germany who had consented to have an experimental artificial heart. They never told him that it meant he had lost his place in the queue in Amsterdam
Thank you. It’s a tricky and personal issue- depending on the most very personal circumstances and belief. I worry when the state starts getting involved because views can become more entrenched – particularly if someone lands up making money out of another’s loss.
When the staffers were running down a populist list for the speech I wonder what they dropped out? Looking after dementia sufferers. ? At least she didn’t talk about bloody fox hunting again.
I really hope junkers52 or one of the other corrupt EU dictators says something about it so that people can unite against them 452 days to Brexit.
Fu2, but but but, dont you know the NHS is staffed by hosts of angels, knights in shining armour, unicorns etc etc.
I’m sad to learn you had tragic personal experience of it. The reality of course is they have the same proportion on incompetent or malicious bastards ( insert any adjectives) as the rest of society.
I’m sure the motives behind the law were well intentioned, however, the road to hell is paved……eyc etc
Thank you dys.
At the time I had been studying medical negligence and i had a very strong case. It wouldn’t have bought my dad back. Never trust medics .
Does that apply to Muslims Dysgwr?
I`d have thought that their imams would have something to say about that-the body is supposed to be intact and facing Mecca for the djinn to find their way to Allahs table I`d have thought!
You’ve probably just destroyed the policy before they’ve even drafted the Bill. Can muzzles receive the organs of kuffers? – which I understand are Jews and Christians and anyone not of the correct brand of their corrupt false religion .
I checked the Saudi Commission on organ retrieval. They are OK with the UK criteria for brainstem death as Allah determines each breath a man will take. Hence irreversible apnoea will meet their standard. Kidney donation is OK because they won’t pee in heaven, but livers donation not good because their prophet’s uncle had his liver pulled out and eaten by an infidel. As for receiving organs from infidels, it might work, given that you can show that it gave someone the extra breaths Allah allocated. As for xenografts, pigs are the best donors so hard cack Abdul
I’ve just realised that and this morning opted out of the scheme on line. Much to my chagrin I had to go through a multi option questionnaire including my ethnic identity. Light blue touch paper retire to a safe distance. I’m English and that’s it The nearest option is White British. To say I dislike being labelled British is a minor understatement I had this game with the registry office last year. I therefore complained and I am waiting for the Welsh NHS to reply to why they are ignoring my race.
May is proposing an opting out system, organs can be harvested unless you opt out in a written declaration, and show the health officials what a selfish bastard you are. Get my point. Progressives support it.
I have argued against this in numerous countries, as we did in Wales prior to the Welsh authorities’ decision to go for opting out. What is needed is accurate information about successes, involvement of people in donation schemes, consideration of live donation with compensation to donors, consideration of organs from ‘tainted sources – eg where the patient dies of cancer. There are scores of suggestions out there to promote the voluntary system, rather than letting the state decide.
Yeah yeah, so they say, it will increase supply of organs. But as I hinted, it puts pressure on those who decide to opt out. And what about those who will appear on the BBC arguing that those who opt out should not receive organs should they require them? Of course the reply will be that they are entitles to receive organs as they have paid the NHS through taxes for them. And what of relatives who object to retrieval, even though uncle Joe had not opted out? Legal cases where relatives fight hospitals.
Note also that organ and tissue retrieval is not confined to major organs such as hearts, lungs, kidneys and livers. It extends to a vast range of tissues. And what about aborted fetuses? Presumably the state can sell them off to laboratories as ex-non persons. Or are they to be regarded as organs donated by the ex-mother? But now property of the state,
What angers me is that we have a PM with no awareness of ethical matters riding along with a media stuffed with mindless progressives, where ethics is determined by an appeal to cost benefit calculations and ethical argument itself depicted as something based on outmoded religious beliefs.
Removal of laws requiring seat belts in cars and crash helmets on motorbikes would increase the number or available organs
I visited a transplant centre in Sao Paulo where they get five motor bike fatalities each day. I asked about the safety helmets and the surgeon said they are useful in helping the parents identify the bodies.l
I have no problem with my parts being harvested once dead, if it helps another family/friends have a loved one around for a bit longer. BUT! And this is the big BUT, why not buy the organs from the family of the deceased and that way at least the family can help build their lives back together or visit a location the deceased enjoyed. Only a thought and my first post, so please go easy on me.
P.S. It is not a fleshed out idea, sorry for the pun, it is only a thought.
Horus – off the al beeb bias subject but I think some kind of tax credit would be a good idea because money might lead to complex crimes which I think Hollywood touches on every so often
Anyway – welcome to the discussion . We tend to be more civilised and considered than some sites I’ve seen . I sometimes muse on what we ll do after we win our war against al beeb and make it a decent non tax payer funded outfit .
Can but dream . I can barely watch or listen to the poison anymore cos I feel alien in my own country / culture.
It’s a pity the tories are so red at the moment. You could feel the conference squirm when she started going on about stop and search. She didn’t notice the increase in stabbing as a result did she? Suppose they’ll get the organs from dead black males as a result of her two policies. Sorry to be a bit brutal.
Socialism is alive and well in the Conservative party. Communism is alive and well in the Labour Party. The Gramscian forty year campaign is bearing fruit. What a pity that the magic money tree needed to support both of these philosophies died long ago. Seriously the centre of gravity of politics in the UK has moved steadily leftwards and is accelerating. I do think that the capture by the left of the educational system and of the BBC in the sixties and seventies are in large part responsible. Also modern communication means that the ability of the left to organise is massively enhanced and allows a small number of fanatics to mobilise millions of impressionable young snowflakes.
This is one example of what can happen when Islam infiltrates itself into a position of authority and power. This story was barely promoted beyond regional level news by the BBC and was rapidly buried by them. This should have been headline news on the BBC homepage because it is a case of Police Corruption. The fact that it wasn’t must be due to the fact the criminals were adherents of what the BBC consider to be the “religion of peace” and they were from a “community” the BBC promotes as having a victimhood status.
Headline: West Midlands Police officers jailed over drugs plot
From the section Birmingham & Black Country
Police Officers: Wahid Husman & Tahsib Majid both jailed at Birmingham Crown Court for plotting to steal and sell drugs for profit. They worked as part of a criminal gang within their “community”. The full list that was convicted is:
PC Tahsib Majid, 36, Birmingham PC Wahid Husman, 48, Birmingham Imran Rehman, 42, Derby Asam Qayum, 29, Birmingham Shahzad Mushtaq, 42, Birmingham Akeesh Rasab, 27, Birmingham Imaan Haidri, 26, Birmingham
PC Wahid Husman accessed police computer systems to feed information to a number of criminal associates, while PC Tahsib Majid committed a data protection offence on behalf of an associate. http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-england-birmingham-41471765
I get a feed from my local London rag every day. If I posted every piece of local news with a mussie in my area convicted of some bestial crime I wouldn’t be posting anything else. I try to centre on the bias of al Beeb – just as easy. Come back Brillo .
These asian officers have obviously only been criminalised because of their race- they couldn’t be naturally bent now could they. Scum.
Maybe somewhere there is a daily list of convictions. General question to all – is there some accessible judicial database for England and Wales which gives a list of convictions with basic details?
Well …… Actually there is a very reliable source for such things which can be used for reference even when certain cases are not made public domain due to a media blackout…. Here you go enjoy…… http://www.thelawpages.com/index.php
Apols – I didn’t have that data base in mind . A quick check on defendants called “Mohammed “ only causes 308 entries – yes I know there are a lot of variations on that alien name
I just posted this and then a new thread opens up :
Listen for an entire hour, as the despicable Jonathan Vernon-Smith on BBC 3CR “investigates” the deeply racist “proposition” that “White people do not care for their elderly relatives” – “white people are more selfish and do not want to make sacrifices for elderly members of their family” etc. It goes on and on….. numerous examples of brown people calling in and saying how they look after their elderly, and that white people do not, etc. etc. From 9 – 10 this morning.
I thought cultural Marxists like the BBC were always cautioning us against generalisations such as ‘black people do so and so’ or ‘Pakistanis think such and such’?
Funny how flexible their beliefs can be, isn’t it?
Hi, can someone make a digital copy of this and post the recording somewhere – just in case the BBC decide to delete it later. I can’t access it as I haven’t yet registered with the BBC. How would one go about making a digital copy of it (other than playing it out aloud and digitally recording the sound)? Thanks.
There are free programmes with which you can download audio and video files. I use one called Keepvid and liked it so much I upgraded to the Pro version which wasn’t expensive, and I use it all the time. Worth a try.
Theresa May showing shat she is best at, with the Tory party convention. Even with a set piece choreographed speech she can, like some double cursed Midas manage to screw up everything she touches.
With Theresa if is can go wrong the question now is, how disastrously.
And to think this woman is handling the Brexit negotiations !
Listening to the Jeremy Vile Show this lunchtime and he was discussing TM’s speech with a Tory supporter from Somerset, in the course of which Vile asked this chap who he’d like to see as leader instead of May. The answer was J R-M to which Jezza replies that they meant to be talking about the speech.
WTF! You were the one who asked him who he wanted to have as leader, then when he answers and starts giving his reasons you don’t want to hear his response. Pillock!
Surprising that somebody with a mental condition – Campbell should be paid any attention.al Beeb like him because he’s always ready to get his appearance money and stick to the al Beeb script.
No fan of May, but Brodkin surely had plenty help from Channel 4, Guardian and BBC types.
He pulled the same stuff with Trump when he came to the golf coourse in Scotland last year, and he had full media production facilities by way of support and placing the hacks for the stunt.
Did Philip Green as well, Blatter too.
Only a clueless Tory Party would have let him in.
Boris should have thumped him for daring to smarm up to him for the money shot photos that the Guardian and Grenfell types will now be able to use.
Labour set their goons onto Jews like Walter Wolfgang, put bricks through Angela Eagles windows.
The media don`t mention these-Laura might find a horses head on the futon if she did.
A disciplined far left antidemocratic set of brownshirts are getting uppity, it won`t be May or Rudd that I`ll be asking for protection.
We`ve got to stop them getting power in the same ways as they`re using to gain it.
Laura Doomsberg on BBC was going on about how bad Mrs May’s speech was because of the cough and the ‘prankster’. But neither of these were her fault, so why are they relevant? If Stephen Hawkings gave a lecture in Cambridge and his voicebox started going a bit ‘Norman Collier’, would the BBC claim that affected the message he was giving? Of course not. A cough is a mild form of ‘disability’, surely, and we’re not supposed to mention those!
How much have Saudi and the Gulf States put in then?
No chance of the DEC giving a stuff about all those Christians who`ve been run out of the Middle East , when not killed is there?
Course not…always bloody Muslims at the front of the liberal queues with a begging bowl.
Don`t blame them-we`re soft as camel dung, economic jihad is halal…
We need to get a few thousand bearded blokes out of our childrens homes, so we can take care of our own kids…but who`s saying that at Tory Conference?
How long before the hand wringing luvvies start campaigning to offer them mythical places in their palatial homes? Not long I wager. Of course if we don agree then Lineacker will accuse us being heartless racists. Well Gery dim wit I don’t give a toss about what you think. Just shut up and stick to what you are paid a ridiculous amount of tax payers money for , introducing a not very good programme about football. Give me Sky Sport any day.
Stew – damn I missed it – is being repeated? I suppose The Lady doesn’t have any statues for the snow flakes to tear down . The comrades at oxford city council have taken away the freedom of the city and presumably put her under house arrest in the same was as her generals have ( I know she’s meant to be free).
Albeeb will make her a non person on wimmins hour – no book of the week – no thought for the day – no editor of Toady – no guest appearances on have I got news, now show , that Irish gay fella, ramblings, an audience with comrade naughtie, a chat with humph- so much to miss eh?
Think that Aung San at least will be able to hold her head up when she walks down her own streets though. Unlike Blair or Campbell for examples.
She`s a patriot, lost her husband early due to cancer and was refused permission to get a return visa to see him on his deathbed in England.
So no Winterval card from Naughtie won`t bother this brave, great lady.
Basically if the Left hate you-you`re one of ours.
Trump…Putin…Erdogan…if the BBC hate them, then God will be with them.
You sound uncharacteristically angry, ChrisH – not that I blame you in the least. I keep thinking things are coming to a head and that something is going to give, sooner rather than later. The next day, they just turn up the pressure even higher and nothing happens.
Chris – I’ve got limited knowledge about Burma – but do you think they are expelling Muslims in a similar way to the partition of the pakis and Indians in 1940 something ? I get the feeling that’s the aim – done in order to prevent Isis turning up and trying to take over the country.
You might read between the lines about what I have written. Al Beeb put her on a pedestal. I knew about the situation about her husband and the way the military used nationality against her. I also remember that she said she was indebted to al Beeb for getting her news from the al Beeb world service when under house arrest. I hope she didn’t believe all she heard.
Hi Fedup – all I know is that it is a highly complex situation that has developed historically. As far as I can tell there is a Muslim separatist movement going on with international Jihadis in the area, external agitators, and a Myanmar / Hindu population backlash.
ps to ChrisH – I have noticed that the BBC take a highly favourable approach to Erdogan and Turkish matters. They could be a lot more critical of him but they are not. I have not seen them cover the current oppression of the Turkish Kurdish population.
For a reason that I don’t know, everyone seems to hate the Rohingya.
The Burmese dislike them intensely, as do the Thais, and even the Malays treat them pretty badly. The parallel may not be apt, but they seemed to be viewed in South-East Asia rather as gypsies are viewed in Europe.
The Burmese view is that the Rohingya are illegal migrants from over the border in Bangladesh who they were prepared to tolerate as long as they behaved themselves. Once they started getting demanding, the Burmese authorities decided that, as Geert Wilders would say “Genug es genug”.
It`s never good when groups like Hutu, Yazidi and now Rohingya come to the fore.
I can only feel sympathy for all the human tragedies, but I know what the media choose to report and why. So any favoured group for the BBC and Channel 4 can only a Trojan Horse for their liberal agendas.
As for any group that is “Muslim”-well, I turn to Riyadh, Memri TV and see why they never stump up or give a fig, unless it`s to spread the faith via mosques and attributable denials of what they`re doing.
If we want to survive now, we need to see Sunni and Shia as being Corbyn and Umuna-a division we need to put cherry bombs down, whilst funding and supporting the losing side.
If we want to have a world worth keeping-we need to see how the Red Brigades, the IRA and Al Queda have brought us to our knees-and give them back in kind.
I think that the Burmese government (not necessarily Suu Kyi, who has limited powers over the army) has decided that the best solution to islamic terrorism and seperatism is not to have any muslims in your country. The way they have gone about doing it seems brutal and cruel, but the aim of the Burmese government seems to be to protect the future of Burma and the Burmese people.
We in Europe face the prospect of demographic annihilation the 21st century. Who are we to tell the Burmese they are wrong?
And I am far from convinced that we have had accurate reporting of the events preceding this expulsion, either – certainly not from the BBC which has become incapable of telling the truth about certain subjects.
I believe I read that a photo of her in the BBC news room has been removed. I suspect that like all sensible people she thinks that her country is better off without all the endless problems that having a Muslim population in your midst causes. I just wish we had had a few like her fifty years ago.
The BBC are so juvenile focusing on Theresa May’s cough rather than the content. They have a video news story containing Theresa May coughing to background music. The BBC claim to be a standard bearer for equality and diversity – yet someone who has a sore throat they mock, and make a jeering video story out of it. http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/av/uk-politics-41505588/theresa-may-speech-five-things-that-weren-t-expected
The BBC have been running headlines such as “Theresa May’s Nightmare”, “What Went Wrong for Theresa May”, “Theresa May struggles throughout her speech”, “Theresa May handed her P45”, “How Much Longer Should Theresa May be Prime Minister?”, there are also headlines of Tory Division, of Boris Johnson planning a coup etc. etc. http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/politics http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-politics-41503160
Compare that with how the BBC covered last weeks Labour Party Conference and the way they presented Corbyn’s Speech as some sort of messianic event.
The BBC are supposed to comment on substantive issues and content – they are supposed to inform the public. Instead they create mocking videos and jeering headlines. There is plenty to criticise Theresa May on – except the BBC probably support her various political stances (Islam is peace, soft Brexit, delayed brexit etc). Where is the careful examination of Jeremy Corbyn and Dianne Abbott etc? Labour will win by a landslide at the next election in part due to the BBC. I think Theresa May should be replaced as a matter of some urgency – but the BBC have already been running discrediting campaigns against possible alternatives Boris Johnson, Jacob Rees Mogg etc . For example: http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/blogs-trending-41192147 http://www.bbc.co.uk/bbcthree/item/ce6853ab-453a-4ac2-8bef-c41c5b15dc04 http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-politics-41466846
There is just no sensible and substantive reporting of British politics by the BBC.
She is rapidly becoming the Tories’ answer to Gordon Brown. Everything she touches turns to sh!t. The BBC will waste no time in twisting the knife every opportunity they get – and they will get plenty.
Until now I have felt it was too dangerous to unseat her. But it has now reached the stage where it is too dangerous to leave her in place, as the result will be Corbyn. Though who would replace her, I have no idea. Boris is not trustworthy and I’m not convinced by JRM.
You nailed it roly – that who she reminds me of an English version of G Brown – the broody man politics forgot. I agree that JRM wouldn’t get the necessary support – he’s far too popular with ordinary people – my tip is the little Asian girl who does the tax giveaways in the department of overseas free cash. She’d be tough for al Beeb to deal with, get support from girls and minorities. I don’t know about the religion aspect though.
Speaking of little Asian girls, I wish Dia Chakravarty would go into politics; she is fearless, clever, amusing and attractive, with very sound opinions.
Roland Dechain: “it has now reached the stage where it is too dangerous to leave her in place, as the result will be Corbyn. Though who would replace her, I have no idea. Boris is not trustworthy and I’m not convinced by JRM“.
Hi Roland Deschain – might I suggest you have already fallen for the media spin? Why do you get the sense that Boris is not trustworthy? Why are you not convinced by JRM? Do you personally know Boris and JRM? If not what are your data sources and how reliable are they? The media loved to paint Boris as a buffoon when he was Mayor of London and focused heavily on the fact that he was a Bullingdon Club member when he was at University. More recently they have painted him as a power hungry maniac. But anyone who puts their name up for election as party leader or PM can be said to be a power hungry maniac. A lot of it is media spin and maybe you have fallen for it.
And look at the alternatives – Jeremy Corbyn … Diane Abbott …
“…might I suggest you have already fallen for the media spin?”
It’s possible. Or maybe you’ve fallen for Boris’s. We can only make our best judgement in the light of the facts available to us.
I confess I was unaware we need to have personal knowledge of politicians to have an opinion. I shall bow to your more intimate relationship with politicians.
Hi Roland Deschain, okay you don’t want Theresa May (fair enough), you don’t want Boris Johnson (not trustworthy in your view), you don’t want Rees Mogg (you’re unconvinced by him) – who do you want, who do you think will beat Jeremy Corbyn at the next election? There has to be someone to face him, otherwise it will be a “walkover” win for Corbyn and company.
1. Boris is known as unreliable from his days as a journalist. I can recall one Editor saying how Bojo drove him to distraction by always being late with his copy. Late but sometimes/often/frequently brilliant with content.
2. Gove has been painted as ‘stabbing Boris in the back’ in the 2016 leadership contest. In reality, as Bojo’s Campaign Manager, for the next round he would have had to canvass for votes among the supporting MPs of those candidates eliminated and those pulling out after Round 1. He was obviously being told “We cannot back Boris but if you stand we will back you as a candidate against May and Leadsome.” You can speculate as to exactly why those MPs would not support Boris but broadly people in Parliament, who have moved in his circle for years and worked with him, do not want him as their Party leader.
3. He has a current Ministerial job for which he is ideally suited and in which he should be excelling. He is not. He appears to be absent much of the time. The world actually needs someone like Boris helping heal wounds and avoid conflicts or get out of them.
4. GE17: Boris was absent for much of the campaign. He has not apologised. Much of the Parliamentary Conservative Party badly let down and wounded their own foot soldiers, the essential and most important workers at Election time. (We do not know who was fully/partly responsible and why it happened. There has been an astonishing lack of journalistic investigation. I can recall only one Guardian article that was long on words but short on real content. Nothing from the BBC!) Boris was party to that. He needs to own up and say “Sorry”, too. Some of the others even more so.
BBC2 20:33 Billion dollar prog still pushing the myth that Aplle inventsed the Smartphone and invented Apps.
My Windows smartphone was in 2000, started downloading apps a couple of years after than
“”Female-only Cambridge college to accept transgender applicants””
“”But Germaine Greer, who has lectured at Newnham, told the Daily Telegraph: “If they (Murray Edwards College) really don’t believe that gender is binary, then they really shouldn’t be a single sex college.””
I have virtually stopped watching all tv including the News. I used to be a news junkie, 6pm news on BBC1, local news, then Channel 4 news at 7 and finally the 10pm news back on BBC1. My excuse was I could see how a story developed. Now? The two minutes before the weather forecast – and even the local farmers have given up on any weather forecasting because it is so hopeless.
It is my lead in to why I watched Strictly on Saturday night. I have given up on everything else. I watched previous series and had noticed the manipulation grow greater. (I have given up Bake-Off for the same reason. Nothing to do with it going to Channel 4). Having watched for the first time this series I noticed who was paired with who. Well to begin with I hadn’t a clue who most of them are – assumed the one dancing to You Never Walk Alone was either a footballer or on Eastenders and he turned out to be a tv chef. Debbie McGee trained as a ballet dancer – so what is she doing on the programme? Presumably to show that older women can do well. Kevin Clifton’s sister won last year having been partnered by the black sports presenter now on Countryfile. But we cannot have a British born professional win this year as well – so we have Joanne shifted to talking dance on It Takes Two and Kevin partnered with Susan Calman (I didn’t hear her mention her wife on Saturday and even she said she preferred to dance with a man. She looks ridiculous enough at about 4ft nothing gazing at Kevin’s navel without dancing cheek to cheek with another woman.) But the most obvious is putting the black professional dancer with the handsome paraolympian who is amazing doing the jive with his new blade. The BBC are obviously desperate to have another black winner (even if it is the professional) in spite of the claims in the Daily Mail that this weeks cast off was got rid of BECAUSE the British TV audience doesn’t like voting for black people. (I suspect these stories are fed to the media by the BBC PR department.
Trust the BBC to leave nothing to chance. (Well except the voting but as we are not given the figures, what the results really are is totally irrelevant.) If the BBC cannot help but manipulate even what is supposed to be the most light hearted of their programmes, it is surprising that there are not even more examples of bias than we highlight here.
You are not the only one. Since brexit last June and trump in November watching the news has become a real chore and I really can’t be bothered with it. The message I’m getting all the time is they don’t want to broadcast to me only to people who agree with them. There has always been bias at the Beeb but in the past year it’s off the scale with their open hate towards brexiteers and trump and his supporters. This goes for all channels. Sky are equally as bad since they have had a clear out last year and became a mirror image of the Beeb. The venom against trump from them is off the scale and they don’t care.
When the election was announced the Beeb went into overdrive to destroy the conservatives in their mission to stop brexit which is the ultimate goal. The manifesto was attacked relentlessly whilst labours was allowed away Scott free. Manchester happened and they upped the ante along with all the rest of them. Election night came around and you could see the glee in their faces and you knew who they were backing. They have been relentless ever since. Last week we had a labour lovein with no mentions of divisions which is obvious to a blind man that their is. This week a complete 180 with story after story of divisions and attack after attack even openly mocking the pm in interviews. Today she lost her voice but struggled through over an hour even with the dickhead nelson and his prank. All we get all day is the cough as the news and the prankster. Oh how they laugh. This isnt news this is just political activists in action.
Channels like cnn and MSNBC are just as bad. Totally unwatchable as all they have become is get trump at any cost channels and they have given up on news. The political propaganda and diversity agenda is infesting everything from drama to adverts and it’s basically saying if you don’t like it tough go somewhere else. I feel like a nomad in a desert of garbage
Agree with you both Deb and Kat. Same here, – a one time news junkie, who always watched BBC news in the morning if only to watch the banter between Simon McCoy and whoever was on with him. Then Victoria Derbyshire was foisted on us with her wrist slitting reports and simpering sympathy, together with shouty Norman Wisdom and his windmill arms. Over to Sky, and (groan) its worse, portly Bolton with even fatter Islam – both struggling to breath on camera (and they had the gall to take the P out of May today !); and don’t get me started on Kay Burley with her Chukki doll eyes – spooky. The Paper Reviews on both channels raises my blood pressure too much, and I suspect the faux arguing between reviewers seems a tad too contrived.
Haven’t bothered with Bake Off at all this season. Cant add anymore to the comments on Strictly, Deborah, you were spot on with everything. The one programme I have enjoyed is Garden Rescue (admittedly there is more of Charlie than 20 years ago, but she’s good for a laugh), perhaps they could do something with mine !!!
How is it that the tories get relentlessly questioned on a project or policy costing £1 billion yet labours predicted spend of everything for everybody at over £300 billion is just nodded through without a thought.
It can’t all come from the few percent rise in business corporation tax in labours ‘fully costed’ manifesto, can it?
I was reading that George Osborne’s brilliant idea to raise Stamp Duty has only brought in half the money the Treasury wonks thought it would. These geniuses don’t seem to realise that if you tax something too much, people just change their behaviour to stop paying the tax. In this case, sales of top price homes, especially in London, have virtually ground to a halt.
Corbyn and his commissars think you can tax people to buggery and they will meekly line up to pay. It was tried by Old Labour in the 1960s. In one year, what with the higher rate tax of 83%, and a 15% “unearned income surcharge” (ie having the sheer gall to earn interest on money you had saved), allied to a special Surtax of 6% (if I remember rightly), some people faced being taxed at a rate of about 104%! Comrade Corbyn probably thinks is is quite fair, and they should be grateful they did not receive the fate of the Kulaks.
Socialists (and I do not exempt the likes of Mrs May) seem to think that the economy is a cake, and they can slice it up as they see fit, and no-one can do anything about it. In the 1960s, better off people just stopped working and saving, or else left the country altogether. You would have thought the lesson would have been learned by now, but leftists such as the BBC seem to think that “this time it will be different”. It won’t. Everywhere it has been tried, without exception, socialism brings economic chaos and disaster.
All together now: “Oh, Jeremy Corbyn” (repeat ad nauseam).
Deborah ,
I fully agree. The same even true of the Young Musician of the Year. There was a black lad who played the Chelonia and as soon as he was profiled I knew he was the winner. Nothin that the BBC touches is free from their social engineering zeal, be it politics, news, sport, drama, documentaries , science . The whole of their output is given over to persuading the white indegenous population of the UK to acquiesce in the take over of their own country. And if you dare to protest well they will attack you and your family. Of course they have done this with the full support of successive governments. Labour I can understand but why the Tories allowed it to happen is a puzzle. My best guess is that they thought it was inevitable and so decided that we should be kept as calm as possible whilst the country was stolen from beneath our feet?
I know quite a few musicians and almost all of them believe that hornplayer Ben Goldscheider, outstanding musician on a treacherous instrument, should have won.
Fortunately, his career seems to be flourishing regardless.
Heard that Home Ed programme with Winifred Robinson this morning on Radio 4(11 am).
Boy, the left are f*cked aren`t they?
Muslims are quite correct, chances are that you`ll always learn more from a week in Raqqa than five years at Obamacondom Comp.
Maybe it`s time to regard sending kids to Blairs fiction factories as no better than risking them in a playgroup run by Cyril Smith or Jimmy Savile.
Time to get rid of schools-Islam is lighting the way.
Trust me-I`m a teacher!
How can you be a ‘news junky’ if you left out “newsnight”? ( joke)I, too, ration my exposure to tv news and dream of the day there is a right wing news channel with a pro Brexit weather forecast and good news stories about what is going to happen after we are out ( in 452 days plus or minus 2 long years ).
One of the reasons I like this blog is that people like me – who don’t know what channel X factor, Britain’s got something or strictly is on can still exchange sensible views with others who like those programmes.
A pro-Palestinian Labour group has apologised after it posted a message on social media referring to a “final solution”.
Labour Friends of Palestine and the Middle East (LFPME) said it was sorry for an “extremely poor choice of words”.
The group published posts on Facebook and Twitter on Monday about Labour’s support for a two-state solution to the Israeli-Palestinian conflict.
The caption, posted together with a picture of the Dome of the Rock in Jerusalem behind barbed wire, read: “The Labour party’s two state solution will END the occupation – our solution will be the final solution. #FreePalestine #EndtheSeige [sic]”.
I thought the BBC wa going to stop their main anchor people being flown out to cover disasters and use local people. So why exactly is Clive Myrie in Las Vegas? At the very least couldn’t Jon Sopel have covered the shooting?
Sopel was there as well to spit venom over trump as usual but I don’t think he got any ammo for airtime – unlike the shooter. The other n American correspondent – g. O Donahue also turned up but looked a bit embarrassed because – being a real journo – he wondered what the hell he was doing there apart from indulging in the vicarious grief the al Beeb loves so much – “ our thoughts are with … “ (when they are not) –
“ thanks to the first responders”( couldn’t give a damn / Intel failures / who is to blame/ why so slow – lessons will / will not be – learnt ) .
Think the story is done now apart from 58 funerals and the poor devils suffering in hospital. Myrie and co will be in the first class on the way back to Blighty.
Sopel is supposed to cover the White House but he’s hardly ever there for the press briefings only outside throwing his bile and twisting everything that was said. What’s the point of being there if you hate the place. Give the job To someone who wants to be there and wants to be a reporter not a biased hack
– I guess when you play football you get all the traits of a footballer – equality for all.
– “highly impaired” – does this mean drunk or is it a new gender pronoun?
See what the BBC did with their £3.5bn Word Association Service? “Jacob Rees-Mogg” = “You’re a despicable person”. They didn’t show in the title that the protestor had no argument, that he made no sense. People will read the news title, think Conservative’s are despicable (nasty) and then move on with their lives. Will they watch the video?
EU referendum: ‘It’s your fault, Jeremy’ – Corbyn heckled {bbc.co.uk 25jun2016}
“Jeremy Corbyn has been heckled by Labour activist Tom Mauchline over the EU referendum result while attending the Pride in London march. He was accused of failing to convince his party’s supporters to back the Remain campaign, but replied ‘I did all I could’.”
“She also apologised to activists in Manchester for an election campaign that had been “too scripted, too presidential”.
When the time comes , will she apologise for not getting a true Brexit for us, a Brexit that we voted for ?
Taffman – Maybe it was just the impression I got yesterday – but certainly just listening to R4 IT seemed to me that the BBC appeared slightly sympathetic to Theresa yesterday.
I suspect this is for a number of reasons
1 – They have probably realised that currently she is the greatest asset that Remain have got in preventing any sort of effective Brexit from happening. She is more than willing to concede any principle/red line in order to weaken our expectations about what sort of Brexit can be achieved.. She will string things out as long as she can to allow the MSM/left to chisel away at our confidence and put new barriers in the way.
2 – She currently is espousing “Labour light” policies and slowly pushing the Tories to the left. At this rate they will soon be swallowed into the Lib/Dem “pit of irrelevance, where they have lost their identity and have just been turned into a poor copy of Labour. I love her answer to the “housing crisis” – We must build more Council Homes – Oh how innovative – Well maybe you stupid cow we should reduce immigration first before we build over every little bit of land that doesnt already have a sprawl of Barret homes across it!
3 The longer they can keep her going – the more incompetent she comes across. And with “Uncle Joe sorry I mean Uncle Jeremy sitting in the wings and getting all the favourable coverage this will ensure a fare more significant Labour landslide.
4 The last reason why I believe the BBC is favouring May is that Boris appears to have committed the cardinal sin of being positive about Brexit and about Britain.
At the moment all the Conservative “Remain” leadership alternatives to May come across as what they are – a collection of grey, careerist Cyborgs who in truth would probably weaken the remain case even further. Currently “The Appeaser” is the best they have got hence the hatchets out for Boris. Besides which all this talk of “roaring Lions” quite puts one off ones ethical Organic Matcha Latte with Coconut Milk.
The BBC for years have been re-training the Lion to be quiet and generally “mince” and use the transgender toilet , at the end of the day we cant have all that hard work going to waste.
What this all comes down to at the end of the day is that Theresa is a leader who at best believed in very little and at worst is now actively working against Brexit. Whilst I still have a few reservations about BOJO (generally preferring JRM) I do think now he is probably the best hope we have of achieving any sort of meaningful Brexit.
What I am more sure about than I have ever been – is that “THE APPEASER MUST GO” if not our country will be turned into Emmas “the grey cloud bolted isle” finally giving away to Corbyn chaos – And then God help us all.
I don’t think that al Beebus wants a Labour landslide with Corbyn at the helm, if it was someone like Lady Nugee or Deir Starmer leading it then they would; Corbs is just a little too to the Left and perceived as anti-Israel and anti-Jewish.
A lot of members of the Nazi death squads felt a tinge of sympathy for their victims but it didn’t stop them murdering millions. Perhaps the BBC feel similarly about the PM. After all ,as you say , she is well on the way to fulfilling most their agenda.
Fedup2 mentioned Aung San no longer being a darling of the Bbc and that this may mean she isn’t asked to appear with ‘the gay Irish fella’, he of the big pay cheque. Not Nolan, he’s not gay. Nope.
It’s that vacuous vessel of value-for-money, Our Graham. And he’s really going for gold this time. Probably to match his sparkly jacket and her polyester trouser suit.
It’s the leader of the free female world, the fragrant Hilary Clinton. She’s on with Graham Norton some time in the next few weeks, swapping fashion tips no doubt. A glass or two of Peach Concorde each as they discuss her latest book and how to spend taxpayers money. Might even hear Trump mentioned, wonder who else they’ll have on? Emma Thompson? Clare Izzard? Eddie Balding? Music by Stormzy? No doubt it will be a suitably balanced sofa.
Just giving you all a heads up so you can set the old VHS. Hinge and Bracket spring to mind for some reason, although they were less false.
Rich ,
Thank you for helping me remember the name of that rich beeboid . I don’t watch his programme as I have issues about camp camp camp . He was good in Father Ted but then – so was everyone .one of the very few glories of C4
Bet he asks st Hilary about getting stains out of hubbys clothes ( easy laugh).
Christ the beeb will be in heaven when she turns up. It will be like an obama visit, the new saviour has arrived. The show will be rammed with lefties with music to accompany. Lots of digs at trump guaranteed. No mention at all that the poisonous little cow has been reduced to signing her book in costco.
I don’t watch Norton and I’m surprised anyone does ,He is a vastly overpaid one trick pony.Clinton will feel right at home on the BBC where the Trump bashing continues unabated.
Wonder if he will ask her about Bills womanising or the Clinton Foundation.
To think the tax extorted from us pays for people like him to pontificate on nothing of any interest.
The repellent Norton appears on my screen whenever I sign in to BBC. For sound broadcasts the equivalent person is St David Attenborough. I feel surrounded.
When attempting to access the website a few minutes ago I received a “502 bad gateway” error.
I have never had this error before, on any site.
Is this normal, not due to GCHQ etc?
I took and saved a screen shot of the error, which I am reluctant to attach to this post.
I will make this screen shot available to the administrators on request.
You probably tried to log on when gchq were changing the tapes. You do realise this site is run by them and the bbc to snare independent thinkers who are a potential threat to the State . In fact , Truth , who do you work for??
In case it helps someone who is genuinely worried about this, if you switch to the latest incarnation of the Opera browser, it comes with a free, built-in VPN.
It’s quite similar to Chrome in use, so shouldn’t be too daunting for anyone.
Lefty ,
Me and the rest of the chaps at Cheltenham are highly entertained by all your comments . We were going to get rid of the licence years ago but just wanted to wind you lot up.
Do you really think all those wealthy beeboids really support the left? Ah forgot about the offshores.
LW, one would imagine each knowing just a tiny portion of the overall picture, with only the top brass ( hell bent on their KCMG’s etc) really seeing the overall picture. Maybe there’s a Snowden in there, or perhaps a Bradley Manning ?
But one is certain of a serious amount of hilarity ensuing as they chuckle at us mere mortals.
Then after work they go down the pub and pretend to be one of us.
Toady says Paddock spent over a decade preparing his attack, a sneaky suggestion it had been in the pipeline before Trump’s election. I don’t believe them. Whatever his motive it is probably best it is covered up as I fear we are on the cusp of some serious civil unrest.
From the world’s leading liberal voice.
TWLLV, for those interested.
“What’s a ‘lone wolf’? It’s the special name we give white terrorists Moustafa Bayoumi”
Muzzie apologist complaining that Stephen Paddock is not being described as a terrorist.
The Religion of Peace website has recorded 31842 terrorist attacks since 2001. The ROP does not claim their list is complete. Want to challenge the total Muzzie? Add a few thousand attacks we did not notice?
Gengis Khan, died 1227 thankfully, and his immediate descendants killed approximately 25 million people.
Not bad for people armed with bows and swords.
Grandson Berke Khan converted to Islam c1236 and lived the life of a typical Muslim ruler.
He was a bloodthirsty mass murderer.
The Mongolians erected a 250 foot high equestrian statue of Gengis Khan in 2008, in a celebration of the Mongol Empire!
A celebration of an empire Islamic for most of its mass murdering years!
No hiding statues of Lenin in Museums for the Mongolians, 250 feet high.
Timur was described by Arnold Toynbee (yes, relation of Polly), as “the most accomplished architect of destruction in the savage annals of mankind”. Timur killed 300,000 Hindus in Delhi on one day in 1398 (Wikipedia states 100,000 but they have a NPOV). Did I mention Timur was a Muzzie? Well he was.
To be fair Timur also killed millions of Muzzies, well they were the wrong kind of Muzzies.
While I have your attention Muzzie, you might want to look at Wikipedia “List of Massacres in India”. Numerous examples in there with lots of Muzzies murdering Hindus. Plenty of zeroes in the casualties column.
In fact this massacring is the only thing the Muzzies are any good at, practice makes perfect. Plenty of other lists, anywhere and everywhere the planet has been enriched by Muzzies.
Heard of death and taxes? Thats what the Muzzies do. Forget about the Golden Age invented the day before yesterday to impress the gullible.
Very few gullible people on this website. How dare you, or any other Muzzie, complain about one crackpot in the USA.
You and all your kind should emulate St John Chrysostom, go around on your hands and knees for 1500 years, apologising to all non Muzzies every minute of every day. Come back after that and ask our forgiveness. We will think about it.
Ever person in this photo: – same political party – Endorsed same candidate – same stance on every issue. Ladies and gentlemen, "comedy" pic.twitter.com/XE9ZxlSAcK
This ruthless mocking of May cannot be helping with the ‘female confidence gap’ which the Beeb told us is holding women back.
It must have been terrifying having someone rush the stage. How was she to know he was not armed and dangerous? The Beeb think it is a hilarious prank but if one of their favoured groups were targeted thus they would preach about ‘hate speech’ and ‘bigotry’ or whatever.
Am I the only one to think that the falling letters were also engineered deliberately?
On the 6pm BBC1 “News” last night there was almost nothing on the content of the PM’s speech but lots about her cough and the two pranks, none of which were of any importance.
Sorry – posted before I read JamesArthur.
It stinks to me as well. The whole thing reeked of a media collusion to keep the tories in shambles narrative going. Anything to stop the evil brexit. That stage setup has been fine for the whole conference until Mays speech and lo and behold the numbers start falling during just her speech. Nelson got in there with help probably from channel 4 as he done progs lately going after rich people and trying to make fools of them. Such a brave little lad isn’t he, now Lee try doing a stunt like that at the labour conference last week about anti semeitism seeing as you are a jew yourself. Not a chance and momentum would probably take you aside and beat the living hell out of you with their new kinder gentler politics. He will probably be on the last leg on 4 tomorrow hailed as a hero by the rich beeb approved socialist ‘comics’ on there.
Labours conference last week was dropped like a stone after the rambling socialist spiel of corbyn promising the earth but no idea at all on how to pay for it. They know its crap but will never bring themselves to say it but for some insane reason they are pushing the nutcase. Probably in the hope that if they get in tones little lickspittle Herr Starmer will save them from the dreaded brexit.
May is both a woman and a diabetic. in any other line of work, she`d be cossetted or given some margin of error.
But like Thatcher and Palin-the rampant misogyny, sexism and sheer evil aimed at them seems not to bother the arses of a jane Garvey or a Diabetes defence campaigner( there must be one out there).
Utterly disgusting lefty sexism-just as well she`s not Jewish as well.
May`s crap,,,but the left desperately want her gone, so they can bring the likes of Thornberry and Abbott to the fore as feminist role models.
Thatcher is airbrushed now and mocked as a dead witch…May needs a few fighters around her to deal with the likes of McClusky, McDonnell and Milne…lefties are nearly all public school , privately educated scum who can only bully in packs.
Why hasn`t George Osborne lost all his jobs for his hopes for Theresa May getting cut up and left in his freezer?
Guess Soros pays for him as much as he does for Milne or Campbell.
Thank you, Diane Abbott (Labour MP), for speaking out about your diabetes {theguardian.com 19jun2017}
“Let’s hope the Labour frontbencher’s revelation galvanises some of Britain’s estimated 1 million undiagnosed diabetics to seek medical help”
“Politicians are not the only ones who may struggle to control their diabetes at this time of year. Fasting during Ramadan, which lasts until 24 June is particularly difficult for people with diabetes. In the UK, the fast can last for 17 hours each day for a month and, in hot weather, that can lead to both hypoglycaemia and dehydration. Those wanting to fast are advised to get medical advice and consult local imams.”
-Diane Abbott – Shadow Secretary of State for Health // In office 27 June 2016 – 6 October 2016
Well said! I also think Mrs May is a complete disaster but the misogyny show against her is disgusting – all the more so when it comes from those who claim to be feminists and ‘liberals’. As for Osborne, I agree again, he should have been sacked for that disgraceful remark.
“Libyan leader Col Muammar Gaddafi says the EU should pay Libya at least 5bn euros (£4bn; $6.3bn) a year to stop illegal African immigration and avoid a ‘black Europe’.
‘We don’t know what will happen, what will be the reaction of the white and Christian Europeans faced with this influx of starving and ignorant Africans,’ Col Gaddafi said…
He told them that Islam should become the religion of Europe and gave them free copies of the Koran, after he (Col Muammar Gaddafi) had lectured them for an hour on the freedoms enjoyed by women in Libya.”
Is it just me or is the BBC focussing on the coughs and the prank at the Tory conference and not the substance…why all the word like disastrous, appalling, farcical regarding the speech.
I love the way the BBC say ‘it is thought that many MPs may be asking for her to leave’ – so thought, maybe, possibly!
Laura Kuenssberg “dozens of MPs are thought to be getting together to get her to resign”…..who are these MPs?
But the funniest advert on the BBC this morning on R4 was for Nick Robinson’s Political – ” no spin, no bias, etc etc…” do they really listen to themselves?
Let the BBC obsess on Theresa Mays cough sweets , or on how brave and witty Lee Nelson was to pull his usual stunts for the Guardian and BBC.
On Sunday, two young women had their throats cut and were stabbed to death in Marseilles.
I have yet to hear who they were, or who did this-all I know is that it was a Muslim who had only been arrested in Lyon the day before, but was allowed to head down to Marseilles.
I also noted last night that the US Senate Intelligence Committee have confirmed that Trumps election result had absolutely nothing to do with Russia. Yes, there is £100,000 of Facebook advertising that may yet be traced back to the likes of Russia or some rouble-trading nation-but the content was neutral overall. No bias to Trump at all…this was over a two year period between 2015-7.
So then-Muslim atrocity number 187 in France, two girls who could be our kids on Interrail dying outside the trains station of Frances third city , at the hands of a Muslim criminal migrant with no one documentary trail. And Trump cleared of any Russian involvement in his election triumph. But not a peep or a priority, as far as the BBC are concerned. Just Theresa Mays cough sweets.
Fake, fakir fucking fake lies and slurry from the BBC who we`re funding.
Bake your own excrement, call it news and get Trump impeached, Soubry as PM and hog tie us all for Islam.
Wake up England.
BBc breakfast. The drones have a relatively long section about May’s speech. Two guests are in to give out the criticism so the drones don’t have to bother.
Appears to be misplaced to me. Distortion of the news agenda? Could be a dangerous path to go down.
Come on BBC, get some integrity in your operation. You need to be a trusted broadcaster and service provider. This piece casts serious doubts over your suitability as such.
Ha ha, unfortunately I am working from home and listening to R4….why you ask? So now a section on what it means to be English..with Ben Fogle….so who do they bring in to discuss englishness? A female Iraqi comedienne…..sorry can they be serious? She sounds very nice but hardly somebody with credibility… To be fair Ben Fogle didn’t get drawn down the White-Black issues the presenter tried to raise…
James Arthur,
Don’t listen is my advice. Your health will improve enormously once you regain your self esteem . It surely takes its toll on your health to be labelled a white ( assuming you are) racist facist heartless scum bag , day after day, month after month, year after year. The NHS would see a dramatic fall in admissions of white males if the BBC were shut down.
A business idea I am looking at reasonably seriously is the creation of an online radio station which would be a conservative alternative to Radios 3 and 4. It would be a mixture of classical music, conservative politics, and non-lefty talking books etc. The main challenge is in getting good content without having to pay out a lot in royalties.
Question Time tonight. One of the very few occasions that the Beeb have a panel of 3 right wingers to two left wingers. Is this further evidence of the Blairite BBC being frightened of the Marxist Labour Momentum? Keunsberg bodyguards, BBC luvvie Blairite politicians out in the cold,etc.
Having completely biased panel numbers over the past few years, we have now had right wing panellists outnumbering left wing panellists twice in the last three episodes.
Probably wishful thinking, but is there a slight (very slight) turning of the tide?
wronged, have they just invited three Conservative-inclined Panellists in order to make them either squirm after ‘that’ Conference or stab the Conservative Leader and PM in the back?
Up2, I’m with you on this one. They see an opportunity to continue the vitriol and also trip someone up for some more good copy. He said this, she said that, how long will she remain, when will Boris be sacked.
(Actually have an engagement elsewhere but I still wouldn’t watch if at home, not that I can legally do so. I am so glad to have given up TV. I may be disinclined to listen to Any Questions tomorrow.)
Might well be correct there Lucy, it is difficult to identify political direction as it sometimes intertwines within itself with hypocrisy amid weak vote catching political correctness. Personally, I still regard Genghis Khan as a bit of a lefty.
I watched the whole of President Trump’s speech from Las Vegas and found it quite moving. He spoke, it seemed to me, with great sympathy and sincerity. It was ‘Presidential’ and was apparently very well received by victim’s families as well as the unbiased sections of the media. So what does the BBC do? Decide to invite on to the Today programme (08:45) a speech-writer for Obama, who proceeded (to Michal Hussein’s evident satisfaction) to denigrate and pour scorn. The BBC – biased, corrupt and vile.
Words, punctuation and pauses (Obama pauses a lot) have a price … Barack Obama’s $400,000 speaking fees reveal what few want to admit {theguardian may2017}
“That Obama’s project was or ever would be racial and economic justice was always a dream – and the sooner we let go of this and recognize Obama for who he is and what he does (speeches for Money ala Clinton), the better we’ll all be.”
I heard that and thought the same – even when one of the youngsters he talked to said it had helped them they found a way to put their comment down.
The angle was evident from the start. However at least the American didn’t get drawn to far down Hussein’s line about May and her speech – she was clearly hoping he would lambast May…
I’ve noticed that Mr Trump quite often does little asides that sound unscripted, with things like ‘thanks for that, it was really nice’ etc. I’ve also read reports of how he phoned up ordinary people etc to speak to them after disasters etc. It may be carefully choreographed, but sounds genuine to me. By contrast Obama struck me as a bit fake when he did that, especially his tweet about ‘Ahmed’s Clock’ which had ‘PR rapid response team’ written all over it.
Big non-Tory thing on TODAY this a.m. is falling car sales. The BBC appear to have forgotten that they have been telling us for about three months how the public are making so many vehicle purchases under dodgy financing deals and taking on so much massive personal debt that it could crash the UK banks, the UK economy, the World even.
Senior BBC News Editors should be called to account for this obvious contradiction getting out as FakeNews/FalseNews on their airwaves and web-site.
Another day, another accused rape gang from the “community” that the BBC categorise as a victimhood group.
This didn’t make it beyond a minor story on a regional news section of the BBC website:
BBC Headline: Twelve charged with Rotherham child sexual abuse offences
Twelve men have been charged in connection with the sexual abuse of eight young girls in Rotherham …
Meanwhile the BBC runs headlines accusing the Home Office of inhumanity for delays in processing Immigration claims:
BBC Headline Home Office delays: ‘We are living in a virtual prison’ … Roofi & Aamir, who did not want to give their surname, said they are desperate to move now they have 10-month-old Hammad. They applied for indefinite leave to remain in May 2016 … http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-england-41324228
“Justice For All! Justice For All! Even the criminals!”
“Amnesty For All! Amnesty For All! Even the criminals!”
“Austerity Kills People! Austerity Kills People!”
“Our Protesting Costs the Police Money! Out Protesting Costs the Police Money!”
“Our Protesting Creates Austerity! Our Protesting Creates Austerity!”
“Austerity Kills People! Austerity Kills People!”
Are there any tv commentators/celebrities who appear not to have been prematurely released from their local funny farm. I find it hard to name many.
Euro Moments: Thatcher says ‘no, no, no’ to Europe {bbc.co.uk may2014}
“She (Thatcher) was responding to a call by European Commission president Jacques Delors’ for the European Parliament to be the democratic body of the European Community, the commission to be the executive and the Council of Ministers to be the senate. … Mrs Thatcher herself was ousted from Downing Street by her party a few days later.”
I’m so glad to see that there are still some reasoned voices speaking out for the US people as a counterweight to the platitudes spouted by the MSM. How many times must it be said that weapons (firearms, trucks, political propaganda, drugs etc.) don’t kill per se but that people who have their minds and bodies exposed and addicted to any drip drip diet of hatred, division will inevitably become more likely to commit similar outrages. I may be echoing Hannity (and others on biasedbbc.tv) but, earlier in the week, as news of this appalling massacre was breaking, I too was amazed to hear how callously and readily the BBC had diverted their news coverage from any sort of empathy for the victims towards a fully fledged and ready-to-fly political agenda. Although swept into a corner by the BBC, there appear to be many worrying questions with regard to this killing spree that require some straight answers and I’ll be turning to Alex Jones to get them rather than to the BBC. The BBC have reduced news reporting to the status of a dead art, and as far as I am concerned, they are the now the laughable conspiracy theorists.
The BBC correspondents are quick to bring up the subject of gun control following the Las Vegas murders.
Odd how they didn’t ask questions about Mrs May’s policy of building more homes, namely, why do we need so many new homes in the first place? What could possibly be happening with our national demographics that requires such a large scale building programme?
To be fair (!), the BBC news did interview a chap called Mehdi, who could barely speak English, about how he and his family needed a council house. Quite why Britain needs Mehdi and his family was a question the BBC forgot to ask.
The BBC correspondents are quick to bring up the subject of gun control following the Las Vegas murders.
Odd how they didn’t ask questions about Mrs May’s policy of building more homes, namely, why do we need so many new homes in the first place? What could possibly be happening with our national demographics that requires such a large scale building programme?
The BBC correspondents are quick to bring up the subject of gun control following the Las Vegas murders.
Odd how they didn’t ask questions about Mrs May’s policy of building more homes, namely, why do we need so many new homes in the first place? What could possibly be happening with our national demographics that requires such a large scale building programme?
Similarly, when I heard the chorus strike up about ‘gun control’ my immediate thought was: hold on. When Muslims run riot in the UK, hacking people to death in the street and blowing up concert halls filled with schoolgirls, why don’t BBC journalists ask awkward questions and demand action about that? Why, instead, do they tell us we should ignore the horror and just ‘carry on as normal’?
It’s a rhetorical question, of course because everyone reading this blog knows why.
Ban all placards will solve all our problems … “Slay those who Insult Islam”; “Europe You will Pay. Demolition is on it’s way”; “Butcher Those who mock Islam”; “Behead those who Insult Islam” …
And thank you, Wronged. I completely agree, of course. Britain is in dangerous waters at present. We are trying to undo the vast damage done by membership of the EU, into which we were sold by the traitor Heath and kept by arrogant fools like Heseltine. We are also, once again, beset with Marxist-Leninists, who will destroy the country given half a chance – and they may well be. Neither Mrs May nor any of her cabinet members is up to the task at hand. I am really not sure where we can turn for leadership
Perspective is a wonderful thing, this is why the BBC do not engage in it.
May has had a poor showing in the Conservative conference and is not a particularly polished performer in any case. However, she DID win the election and IS in power. The constant comparisons to the God like Corbyn and his messianic appeal and hilariously generous policy offerings are so much pissing in the wind. The election is over – the Conservatives are in power for the next 5 years – FFS lets move on!
Brexit is the thing. May has unified (to a degree) the warring factions within her party such to present a credible plan of action for exiting the EU. Does this deliver everything Brexiteers demanded? Of course it bloody doesn’t. This is politics, you never get all that your hearts desire, that’s how the game is played. Suffice to say, when dealing with the EU and its component parts, consensual agreement ain’t their thing. So, sooner or later, despite all concessions made, they will hold onto their red lines and we will be forced by their intransigence into a hard exit and straight onto WTO rules. And it will be THEIR doing – not Mays!
StewGreenMar 7, 01:28 Midweek 5th March 2025 “Mental Health” probably Unless he is is white British , which means he’s a far far far right bigoted TERRORIST
StewGreenMar 7, 01:26 Midweek 5th March 2025 The #BiasedBBC news dept is really a PR org to promote the London Lib-Supremacist causes See how their England “news”…
Fedup2Mar 6, 22:59 Midweek 5th March 2025 Poppy Atkinson – 10 – was the little girl killed by a car yesterday . The killer – 40 -…
StewGreenMar 6, 22:37 Midweek 5th March 2025 BTW James Goddard tweeted about this case at 10pm last night That is well before anyone else picked up on…
Fedup2Mar 6, 22:26 Midweek 5th March 2025 Not BBC On YouTube there is a 10 part series called ‘first among equals ‘ which is a 1986 TV…
StewGreenMar 6, 22:24 Midweek 5th March 2025 @Marky isn’t your second graphic deceptive ? Your post is about NATO but that graphic appears to be the growth…
KaiserMar 6, 22:21 Midweek 5th March 2025 oddly I came across exactly the same suggestion in the daily sceptics chats this morning
StewGreenMar 6, 22:19 Midweek 5th March 2025 Afghan CHILD rapist in Falkirk I just saw the British Stand video from the morning I see someone mentioned the…
FlotsamMar 6, 21:39 Midweek 5th March 2025 There could be plusses to Charles III being Islamic. Camilla in a burqua.
Fedup2Mar 6, 21:13 Midweek 5th March 2025 No – I don’t know – but if the primary purpose / duty – of the firm is to keep…
First !!
Oh God, its gone to his head !
He’s clawed his way to the top.
Nipped in quick – even.
Antennae obviously finely tuned to the subtle currents of Thread opening.
That takes the Bisque-it.
You’ll get a smack from Old Goat if you’re not careful, Lobbie, he’s going potty about this.
I’d encourage you to hang in there and not get caught up in anything.
This is getting like “Going Postal”…
I worry that this site is starting to resemble guardian comments – although I think there is more sensible moderation.
The tit for tat stuff on the catflap section about Catalonia is unseemly and out of character.
Any way – al Beeb is hoping to be responsible for taking the political head of the PM. They haven’t focused it yet because of the natural public sympathy for a woman with a cough speaking to a few million people . Al Beeb scored points on noticing that letters from the sign behind the PM fell off. I watched but didn’t notice. They’ll use it for symbolism about the Conservative party betcha.
Totally agree Fedup. We must not turn this site into an alternative tabloid outlet. It’s the joy of reading comments on here that they are reasoned and informative. We don’t all agree but let’s keep it civil.
I didn’t even know there was moderation – and I’ve been coming here since long before David Vance saved the blog from abandonment.
It might be helpful as we’ve had some significant trolling attacks at times and it would be useful if we knew who the moderators were and what policy they will be following.
I excuse the coughing and her less than adept handling of the interruption, but the socialist, big-government content of her speech appalled me. It was imperative she raised the spirits of the congregation with a clear and optimistic vision for the future and preferably some stirring rhetoric, but instead the speech was low-key in tone and delivery. I sat through it all. Truly this was Mogodon May on public display.
I am concerned about her big government approach. Only a couple of years ago we were arguing that it is best to retain the voluntary opt in approach to organ donation. We argued that better information regarding transplant successes and clarity regarding criteria for post mortem retrieval would be the best direction. But following Wales and Labour the PM decided that the government owns your bodies
As for the speech. I have seen it compared to Monty Python plus Faulty Towers.
Perhaps her cough will be the excuse to retire due to ill health
Guido referred to the letter F falling off the sign, suggesting it meant ‘F off’.
You mean they are now harvesting organs from accident victims & the like without prior written consent? I had no idea. It’s a bit creepy.
Isn’t the government concerned about the consequences of putting right-wing xenophobe parts into beautiful liberal bodies?
Lucy, it’s already Law in Wales. If you dont opt out of organ donation your are assumed to have given consent.
With or without the moral arguments, I refuse to allow the bastards to decide for me. So I have officially opted out.
It may not be a ‘good’ decision, but they can fuck off, it’s MY decision.
I suppose hospitals will now have organ harvesters and ambulance chasers. I wonder if organs will be a proud new export industry – one way to fund the NHS -and our brave national treasure has a proud history of killing people ( like my dad )
There has been for some time an EU scheme for distributing organs. A few years ago I visited a young lad in Germany who had consented to have an experimental artificial heart. They never told him that it meant he had lost his place in the queue in Amsterdam
Thank you. It’s a tricky and personal issue- depending on the most very personal circumstances and belief. I worry when the state starts getting involved because views can become more entrenched – particularly if someone lands up making money out of another’s loss.
When the staffers were running down a populist list for the speech I wonder what they dropped out? Looking after dementia sufferers. ? At least she didn’t talk about bloody fox hunting again.
I really hope junkers52 or one of the other corrupt EU dictators says something about it so that people can unite against them 452 days to Brexit.
Fu2, but but but, dont you know the NHS is staffed by hosts of angels, knights in shining armour, unicorns etc etc.
I’m sad to learn you had tragic personal experience of it. The reality of course is they have the same proportion on incompetent or malicious bastards ( insert any adjectives) as the rest of society.
I’m sure the motives behind the law were well intentioned, however, the road to hell is paved……eyc etc
Thank you dys.
At the time I had been studying medical negligence and i had a very strong case. It wouldn’t have bought my dad back. Never trust medics .
Does that apply to Muslims Dysgwr?
I`d have thought that their imams would have something to say about that-the body is supposed to be intact and facing Mecca for the djinn to find their way to Allahs table I`d have thought!
You’ve probably just destroyed the policy before they’ve even drafted the Bill. Can muzzles receive the organs of kuffers? – which I understand are Jews and Christians and anyone not of the correct brand of their corrupt false religion .
My organs are riddled with bacon fat.
I checked the Saudi Commission on organ retrieval. They are OK with the UK criteria for brainstem death as Allah determines each breath a man will take. Hence irreversible apnoea will meet their standard. Kidney donation is OK because they won’t pee in heaven, but livers donation not good because their prophet’s uncle had his liver pulled out and eaten by an infidel. As for receiving organs from infidels, it might work, given that you can show that it gave someone the extra breaths Allah allocated. As for xenografts, pigs are the best donors so hard cack Abdul
I’ve just realised that and this morning opted out of the scheme on line. Much to my chagrin I had to go through a multi option questionnaire including my ethnic identity. Light blue touch paper retire to a safe distance. I’m English and that’s it The nearest option is White British. To say I dislike being labelled British is a minor understatement I had this game with the registry office last year. I therefore complained and I am waiting for the Welsh NHS to reply to why they are ignoring my race.
Lucy Pevensey
May is proposing an opting out system, organs can be harvested unless you opt out in a written declaration, and show the health officials what a selfish bastard you are. Get my point. Progressives support it.
I have argued against this in numerous countries, as we did in Wales prior to the Welsh authorities’ decision to go for opting out. What is needed is accurate information about successes, involvement of people in donation schemes, consideration of live donation with compensation to donors, consideration of organs from ‘tainted sources – eg where the patient dies of cancer. There are scores of suggestions out there to promote the voluntary system, rather than letting the state decide.
Yeah yeah, so they say, it will increase supply of organs. But as I hinted, it puts pressure on those who decide to opt out. And what about those who will appear on the BBC arguing that those who opt out should not receive organs should they require them? Of course the reply will be that they are entitles to receive organs as they have paid the NHS through taxes for them. And what of relatives who object to retrieval, even though uncle Joe had not opted out? Legal cases where relatives fight hospitals.
Note also that organ and tissue retrieval is not confined to major organs such as hearts, lungs, kidneys and livers. It extends to a vast range of tissues. And what about aborted fetuses? Presumably the state can sell them off to laboratories as ex-non persons. Or are they to be regarded as organs donated by the ex-mother? But now property of the state,
What angers me is that we have a PM with no awareness of ethical matters riding along with a media stuffed with mindless progressives, where ethics is determined by an appeal to cost benefit calculations and ethical argument itself depicted as something based on outmoded religious beliefs.
Link to Mail article supporting May
Thank you G.W.F. for the thorough explanation. I knew very little about it.
So proponents say it will increase the supply of organs? Of course it will if they are allowed to snatch them without asking!
“But I’m not quite dead” …
Removal of laws requiring seat belts in cars and crash helmets on motorbikes would increase the number or available organs
I visited a transplant centre in Sao Paulo where they get five motor bike fatalities each day. I asked about the safety helmets and the surgeon said they are useful in helping the parents identify the bodies.l
I have no problem with my parts being harvested once dead, if it helps another family/friends have a loved one around for a bit longer. BUT! And this is the big BUT, why not buy the organs from the family of the deceased and that way at least the family can help build their lives back together or visit a location the deceased enjoyed. Only a thought and my first post, so please go easy on me.
P.S. It is not a fleshed out idea, sorry for the pun, it is only a thought.
Horus – off the al beeb bias subject but I think some kind of tax credit would be a good idea because money might lead to complex crimes which I think Hollywood touches on every so often
Anyway – welcome to the discussion . We tend to be more civilised and considered than some sites I’ve seen . I sometimes muse on what we ll do after we win our war against al beeb and make it a decent non tax payer funded outfit .
Can but dream . I can barely watch or listen to the poison anymore cos I feel alien in my own country / culture.
I know not about such as moslems CH, but that is the Welsh Law, and I have opted out
It’s a pity the tories are so red at the moment. You could feel the conference squirm when she started going on about stop and search. She didn’t notice the increase in stabbing as a result did she? Suppose they’ll get the organs from dead black males as a result of her two policies. Sorry to be a bit brutal.
Socialism is alive and well in the Conservative party. Communism is alive and well in the Labour Party. The Gramscian forty year campaign is bearing fruit. What a pity that the magic money tree needed to support both of these philosophies died long ago. Seriously the centre of gravity of politics in the UK has moved steadily leftwards and is accelerating. I do think that the capture by the left of the educational system and of the BBC in the sixties and seventies are in large part responsible. Also modern communication means that the ability of the left to organise is massively enhanced and allows a small number of fanatics to mobilise millions of impressionable young snowflakes.
This is one example of what can happen when Islam infiltrates itself into a position of authority and power. This story was barely promoted beyond regional level news by the BBC and was rapidly buried by them. This should have been headline news on the BBC homepage because it is a case of Police Corruption. The fact that it wasn’t must be due to the fact the criminals were adherents of what the BBC consider to be the “religion of peace” and they were from a “community” the BBC promotes as having a victimhood status.
Headline: West Midlands Police officers jailed over drugs plot
From the section Birmingham & Black Country
Police Officers: Wahid Husman & Tahsib Majid both jailed at Birmingham Crown Court for plotting to steal and sell drugs for profit. They worked as part of a criminal gang within their “community”. The full list that was convicted is:
PC Tahsib Majid, 36, Birmingham
PC Wahid Husman, 48, Birmingham
Imran Rehman, 42, Derby
Asam Qayum, 29, Birmingham
Shahzad Mushtaq, 42, Birmingham
Akeesh Rasab, 27, Birmingham
Imaan Haidri, 26, Birmingham
PC Wahid Husman accessed police computer systems to feed information to a number of criminal associates, while PC Tahsib Majid committed a data protection offence on behalf of an associate.
I get a feed from my local London rag every day. If I posted every piece of local news with a mussie in my area convicted of some bestial crime I wouldn’t be posting anything else. I try to centre on the bias of al Beeb – just as easy. Come back Brillo .
These asian officers have obviously only been criminalised because of their race- they couldn’t be naturally bent now could they. Scum.
Maybe somewhere there is a daily list of convictions. General question to all – is there some accessible judicial database for England and Wales which gives a list of convictions with basic details?
Broadcasting –
No there isn’t such a public database. The Home Office publishes annual crime stats but these are general.
Well …… Actually there is a very reliable source for such things which can be used for reference even when certain cases are not made public domain due to a media blackout…. Here you go enjoy……
I think thats the case you are after…. It seems they`re being tried for more offences..
Hi Justin Casey – thanks – that’s brilliant.
Apols – I didn’t have that data base in mind . A quick check on defendants called “Mohammed “ only causes 308 entries – yes I know there are a lot of variations on that alien name
Can’t remember seeing it on any tv news progs, and that amount of corrupt cops together is big news I would have thought?
I just posted this and then a new thread opens up :
Listen for an entire hour, as the despicable Jonathan Vernon-Smith on BBC 3CR “investigates” the deeply racist “proposition” that “White people do not care for their elderly relatives” – “white people are more selfish and do not want to make sacrifices for elderly members of their family” etc. It goes on and on….. numerous examples of brown people calling in and saying how they look after their elderly, and that white people do not, etc. etc. From 9 – 10 this morning.
I was spitting this morning – I have already complained to the BBC and sense this will go all the way to Ofcom.
I thought cultural Marxists like the BBC were always cautioning us against generalisations such as ‘black people do so and so’ or ‘Pakistanis think such and such’?
Funny how flexible their beliefs can be, isn’t it?
Hi, can someone make a digital copy of this and post the recording somewhere – just in case the BBC decide to delete it later. I can’t access it as I haven’t yet registered with the BBC. How would one go about making a digital copy of it (other than playing it out aloud and digitally recording the sound)? Thanks.
Sounds handy, but I have no idea how to do that. Surely they wouldn’t dare delete it and pretend that they never said those things??
There are free programmes with which you can download audio and video files. I use one called Keepvid and liked it so much I upgraded to the Pro version which wasn’t expensive, and I use it all the time. Worth a try.
I heard something about that on LBC, whites should learn from ethnics.
Martin Luther King begged us to consider people by their character and not the colour of their skin.
The modern “progressive” Left and the SJW types do the exact opposite.
Quick link back to previous thread First post on Wednesday
Theresa May showing shat she is best at, with the Tory party convention. Even with a set piece choreographed speech she can, like some double cursed Midas manage to screw up everything she touches.
With Theresa if is can go wrong the question now is, how disastrously.
And to think this woman is handling the Brexit negotiations !
“Theresa May showing shat she is best at…”
Yep, that typo just about sums her up!
Speaking of AF Neil
Listening to the Jeremy Vile Show this lunchtime and he was discussing TM’s speech with a Tory supporter from Somerset, in the course of which Vile asked this chap who he’d like to see as leader instead of May. The answer was J R-M to which Jezza replies that they meant to be talking about the speech.
WTF! You were the one who asked him who he wanted to have as leader, then when he answers and starts giving his reasons you don’t want to hear his response. Pillock!
Surprising that somebody with a mental condition – Campbell should be paid any attention.al Beeb like him because he’s always ready to get his appearance money and stick to the al Beeb script.
Ironic that Mrs May and Ms Abbot have used the “too many “ interviews excuse for their dismal performance in differing circumstances.
No fan of May, but Brodkin surely had plenty help from Channel 4, Guardian and BBC types.
He pulled the same stuff with Trump when he came to the golf coourse in Scotland last year, and he had full media production facilities by way of support and placing the hacks for the stunt.
Did Philip Green as well, Blatter too.
Only a clueless Tory Party would have let him in.
Boris should have thumped him for daring to smarm up to him for the money shot photos that the Guardian and Grenfell types will now be able to use.
Labour set their goons onto Jews like Walter Wolfgang, put bricks through Angela Eagles windows.
The media don`t mention these-Laura might find a horses head on the futon if she did.
A disciplined far left antidemocratic set of brownshirts are getting uppity, it won`t be May or Rudd that I`ll be asking for protection.
We`ve got to stop them getting power in the same ways as they`re using to gain it.
cH – I think he should pull (or attempt) an incredibly amusing stunt like that in Moscow next time, on Putin:
“See ya, wouldn’t want to be ya!” Or at least not for the next five years anyway.
I blame sexism/misogyny.
Laura Doomsberg on BBC was going on about how bad Mrs May’s speech was because of the cough and the ‘prankster’. But neither of these were her fault, so why are they relevant? If Stephen Hawkings gave a lecture in Cambridge and his voicebox started going a bit ‘Norman Collier’, would the BBC claim that affected the message he was giving? Of course not. A cough is a mild form of ‘disability’, surely, and we’re not supposed to mention those!
Rohinga disaster appeal advert : ran at 4:30 Radio 4 and 7:30pm BBC4
How much have Saudi and the Gulf States put in then?
No chance of the DEC giving a stuff about all those Christians who`ve been run out of the Middle East , when not killed is there?
Course not…always bloody Muslims at the front of the liberal queues with a begging bowl.
Don`t blame them-we`re soft as camel dung, economic jihad is halal…
We need to get a few thousand bearded blokes out of our childrens homes, so we can take care of our own kids…but who`s saying that at Tory Conference?
How long before the hand wringing luvvies start campaigning to offer them mythical places in their palatial homes? Not long I wager. Of course if we don agree then Lineacker will accuse us being heartless racists. Well Gery dim wit I don’t give a toss about what you think. Just shut up and stick to what you are paid a ridiculous amount of tax payers money for , introducing a not very good programme about football. Give me Sky Sport any day.
Stew – damn I missed it – is being repeated? I suppose The Lady doesn’t have any statues for the snow flakes to tear down . The comrades at oxford city council have taken away the freedom of the city and presumably put her under house arrest in the same was as her generals have ( I know she’s meant to be free).
Albeeb will make her a non person on wimmins hour – no book of the week – no thought for the day – no editor of Toady – no guest appearances on have I got news, now show , that Irish gay fella, ramblings, an audience with comrade naughtie, a chat with humph- so much to miss eh?
Think that Aung San at least will be able to hold her head up when she walks down her own streets though. Unlike Blair or Campbell for examples.
She`s a patriot, lost her husband early due to cancer and was refused permission to get a return visa to see him on his deathbed in England.
So no Winterval card from Naughtie won`t bother this brave, great lady.
Basically if the Left hate you-you`re one of ours.
Trump…Putin…Erdogan…if the BBC hate them, then God will be with them.
You sound uncharacteristically angry, ChrisH – not that I blame you in the least. I keep thinking things are coming to a head and that something is going to give, sooner rather than later. The next day, they just turn up the pressure even higher and nothing happens.
Chris – I’ve got limited knowledge about Burma – but do you think they are expelling Muslims in a similar way to the partition of the pakis and Indians in 1940 something ? I get the feeling that’s the aim – done in order to prevent Isis turning up and trying to take over the country.
You might read between the lines about what I have written. Al Beeb put her on a pedestal. I knew about the situation about her husband and the way the military used nationality against her. I also remember that she said she was indebted to al Beeb for getting her news from the al Beeb world service when under house arrest. I hope she didn’t believe all she heard.
Hi Fedup – all I know is that it is a highly complex situation that has developed historically. As far as I can tell there is a Muslim separatist movement going on with international Jihadis in the area, external agitators, and a Myanmar / Hindu population backlash.
ps to ChrisH – I have noticed that the BBC take a highly favourable approach to Erdogan and Turkish matters. They could be a lot more critical of him but they are not. I have not seen them cover the current oppression of the Turkish Kurdish population.
For a reason that I don’t know, everyone seems to hate the Rohingya.
The Burmese dislike them intensely, as do the Thais, and even the Malays treat them pretty badly. The parallel may not be apt, but they seemed to be viewed in South-East Asia rather as gypsies are viewed in Europe.
The Burmese view is that the Rohingya are illegal migrants from over the border in Bangladesh who they were prepared to tolerate as long as they behaved themselves. Once they started getting demanding, the Burmese authorities decided that, as Geert Wilders would say “Genug es genug”.
It`s never good when groups like Hutu, Yazidi and now Rohingya come to the fore.
I can only feel sympathy for all the human tragedies, but I know what the media choose to report and why. So any favoured group for the BBC and Channel 4 can only a Trojan Horse for their liberal agendas.
As for any group that is “Muslim”-well, I turn to Riyadh, Memri TV and see why they never stump up or give a fig, unless it`s to spread the faith via mosques and attributable denials of what they`re doing.
If we want to survive now, we need to see Sunni and Shia as being Corbyn and Umuna-a division we need to put cherry bombs down, whilst funding and supporting the losing side.
If we want to have a world worth keeping-we need to see how the Red Brigades, the IRA and Al Queda have brought us to our knees-and give them back in kind.
I think that the Burmese government (not necessarily Suu Kyi, who has limited powers over the army) has decided that the best solution to islamic terrorism and seperatism is not to have any muslims in your country. The way they have gone about doing it seems brutal and cruel, but the aim of the Burmese government seems to be to protect the future of Burma and the Burmese people.
We in Europe face the prospect of demographic annihilation the 21st century. Who are we to tell the Burmese they are wrong?
And I am far from convinced that we have had accurate reporting of the events preceding this expulsion, either – certainly not from the BBC which has become incapable of telling the truth about certain subjects.
I believe I read that a photo of her in the BBC news room has been removed. I suspect that like all sensible people she thinks that her country is better off without all the endless problems that having a Muslim population in your midst causes. I just wish we had had a few like her fifty years ago.
The spineless Fellows of her old college have taken her portrait down. Says it all about Oxford, really.
The BBC are so juvenile focusing on Theresa May’s cough rather than the content. They have a video news story containing Theresa May coughing to background music. The BBC claim to be a standard bearer for equality and diversity – yet someone who has a sore throat they mock, and make a jeering video story out of it.
The BBC have been running headlines such as “Theresa May’s Nightmare”, “What Went Wrong for Theresa May”, “Theresa May struggles throughout her speech”, “Theresa May handed her P45”, “How Much Longer Should Theresa May be Prime Minister?”, there are also headlines of Tory Division, of Boris Johnson planning a coup etc. etc.
Compare that with how the BBC covered last weeks Labour Party Conference and the way they presented Corbyn’s Speech as some sort of messianic event.
The Daily Mail have about 5 separate stories on what a disaster it was so are they also biased to the Left?
One priceless comment was that the speech was so damaging that ISIS have claimed responsibility !
The BBC are supposed to comment on substantive issues and content – they are supposed to inform the public. Instead they create mocking videos and jeering headlines. There is plenty to criticise Theresa May on – except the BBC probably support her various political stances (Islam is peace, soft Brexit, delayed brexit etc). Where is the careful examination of Jeremy Corbyn and Dianne Abbott etc? Labour will win by a landslide at the next election in part due to the BBC. I think Theresa May should be replaced as a matter of some urgency – but the BBC have already been running discrediting campaigns against possible alternatives Boris Johnson, Jacob Rees Mogg etc . For example:
There is just no sensible and substantive reporting of British politics by the BBC.
The Mail doesn’t care much for May, either. The difference between it and the BBC’s reaction is why they don’t care for her.
That said, the Mail has been reduced to click bait these days. They’ll do anything to get a response.
She is rapidly becoming the Tories’ answer to Gordon Brown. Everything she touches turns to sh!t. The BBC will waste no time in twisting the knife every opportunity they get – and they will get plenty.
Until now I have felt it was too dangerous to unseat her. But it has now reached the stage where it is too dangerous to leave her in place, as the result will be Corbyn. Though who would replace her, I have no idea. Boris is not trustworthy and I’m not convinced by JRM.
You nailed it roly – that who she reminds me of an English version of G Brown – the broody man politics forgot. I agree that JRM wouldn’t get the necessary support – he’s far too popular with ordinary people – my tip is the little Asian girl who does the tax giveaways in the department of overseas free cash. She’d be tough for al Beeb to deal with, get support from girls and minorities. I don’t know about the religion aspect though.
Speaking of little Asian girls, I wish Dia Chakravarty would go into politics; she is fearless, clever, amusing and attractive, with very sound opinions.
Roland Dechain: “it has now reached the stage where it is too dangerous to leave her in place, as the result will be Corbyn. Though who would replace her, I have no idea. Boris is not trustworthy and I’m not convinced by JRM“.
Hi Roland Deschain – might I suggest you have already fallen for the media spin? Why do you get the sense that Boris is not trustworthy? Why are you not convinced by JRM? Do you personally know Boris and JRM? If not what are your data sources and how reliable are they? The media loved to paint Boris as a buffoon when he was Mayor of London and focused heavily on the fact that he was a Bullingdon Club member when he was at University. More recently they have painted him as a power hungry maniac. But anyone who puts their name up for election as party leader or PM can be said to be a power hungry maniac. A lot of it is media spin and maybe you have fallen for it.
And look at the alternatives – Jeremy Corbyn … Diane Abbott …
“…might I suggest you have already fallen for the media spin?”
It’s possible. Or maybe you’ve fallen for Boris’s. We can only make our best judgement in the light of the facts available to us.
I confess I was unaware we need to have personal knowledge of politicians to have an opinion. I shall bow to your more intimate relationship with politicians.
Hi Roland Deschain, okay you don’t want Theresa May (fair enough), you don’t want Boris Johnson (not trustworthy in your view), you don’t want Rees Mogg (you’re unconvinced by him) – who do you want, who do you think will beat Jeremy Corbyn at the next election? There has to be someone to face him, otherwise it will be a “walkover” win for Corbyn and company.
1. Boris is known as unreliable from his days as a journalist. I can recall one Editor saying how Bojo drove him to distraction by always being late with his copy. Late but sometimes/often/frequently brilliant with content.
2. Gove has been painted as ‘stabbing Boris in the back’ in the 2016 leadership contest. In reality, as Bojo’s Campaign Manager, for the next round he would have had to canvass for votes among the supporting MPs of those candidates eliminated and those pulling out after Round 1. He was obviously being told “We cannot back Boris but if you stand we will back you as a candidate against May and Leadsome.” You can speculate as to exactly why those MPs would not support Boris but broadly people in Parliament, who have moved in his circle for years and worked with him, do not want him as their Party leader.
3. He has a current Ministerial job for which he is ideally suited and in which he should be excelling. He is not. He appears to be absent much of the time. The world actually needs someone like Boris helping heal wounds and avoid conflicts or get out of them.
4. GE17: Boris was absent for much of the campaign. He has not apologised. Much of the Parliamentary Conservative Party badly let down and wounded their own foot soldiers, the essential and most important workers at Election time. (We do not know who was fully/partly responsible and why it happened. There has been an astonishing lack of journalistic investigation. I can recall only one Guardian article that was long on words but short on real content. Nothing from the BBC!) Boris was party to that. He needs to own up and say “Sorry”, too. Some of the others even more so.
Noticed that on BBC homepage it was doom and gloom for the Conservatives – not one single headline on policy.
Truly the BBC has turned into Hell-O-magazine.
‘PM struggles through interrupted speech’, ‘Coughing, heckling – what went wrong for May’, ‘Security review after PM pranked’.
– PM Offers country and new migrants new houses?
– PM Offers country and new migrants your organs?
– PM Offers NO advice on Brexit?
BBC2 20:33 Billion dollar prog still pushing the myth that Aplle inventsed the Smartphone and invented Apps.
My Windows smartphone was in 2000, started downloading apps a couple of years after than
BBC Online News:
“”Female-only Cambridge college to accept transgender applicants””
“”But Germaine Greer, who has lectured at Newnham, told the Daily Telegraph: “If they (Murray Edwards College) really don’t believe that gender is binary, then they really shouldn’t be a single sex college.””
Ah, the dichotomy of it all…
University challenge –
Trans college Cambridge v bisexuals college oxford.
Definitely no conferring
Dover Sentry
And Millwall F.C. have just signed up their first female player. Well, why wouldn’t they???
I have virtually stopped watching all tv including the News. I used to be a news junkie, 6pm news on BBC1, local news, then Channel 4 news at 7 and finally the 10pm news back on BBC1. My excuse was I could see how a story developed. Now? The two minutes before the weather forecast – and even the local farmers have given up on any weather forecasting because it is so hopeless.
It is my lead in to why I watched Strictly on Saturday night. I have given up on everything else. I watched previous series and had noticed the manipulation grow greater. (I have given up Bake-Off for the same reason. Nothing to do with it going to Channel 4). Having watched for the first time this series I noticed who was paired with who. Well to begin with I hadn’t a clue who most of them are – assumed the one dancing to You Never Walk Alone was either a footballer or on Eastenders and he turned out to be a tv chef. Debbie McGee trained as a ballet dancer – so what is she doing on the programme? Presumably to show that older women can do well. Kevin Clifton’s sister won last year having been partnered by the black sports presenter now on Countryfile. But we cannot have a British born professional win this year as well – so we have Joanne shifted to talking dance on It Takes Two and Kevin partnered with Susan Calman (I didn’t hear her mention her wife on Saturday and even she said she preferred to dance with a man. She looks ridiculous enough at about 4ft nothing gazing at Kevin’s navel without dancing cheek to cheek with another woman.) But the most obvious is putting the black professional dancer with the handsome paraolympian who is amazing doing the jive with his new blade. The BBC are obviously desperate to have another black winner (even if it is the professional) in spite of the claims in the Daily Mail that this weeks cast off was got rid of BECAUSE the British TV audience doesn’t like voting for black people. (I suspect these stories are fed to the media by the BBC PR department.
Trust the BBC to leave nothing to chance. (Well except the voting but as we are not given the figures, what the results really are is totally irrelevant.) If the BBC cannot help but manipulate even what is supposed to be the most light hearted of their programmes, it is surprising that there are not even more examples of bias than we highlight here.
You are not the only one. Since brexit last June and trump in November watching the news has become a real chore and I really can’t be bothered with it. The message I’m getting all the time is they don’t want to broadcast to me only to people who agree with them. There has always been bias at the Beeb but in the past year it’s off the scale with their open hate towards brexiteers and trump and his supporters. This goes for all channels. Sky are equally as bad since they have had a clear out last year and became a mirror image of the Beeb. The venom against trump from them is off the scale and they don’t care.
When the election was announced the Beeb went into overdrive to destroy the conservatives in their mission to stop brexit which is the ultimate goal. The manifesto was attacked relentlessly whilst labours was allowed away Scott free. Manchester happened and they upped the ante along with all the rest of them. Election night came around and you could see the glee in their faces and you knew who they were backing. They have been relentless ever since. Last week we had a labour lovein with no mentions of divisions which is obvious to a blind man that their is. This week a complete 180 with story after story of divisions and attack after attack even openly mocking the pm in interviews. Today she lost her voice but struggled through over an hour even with the dickhead nelson and his prank. All we get all day is the cough as the news and the prankster. Oh how they laugh. This isnt news this is just political activists in action.
Channels like cnn and MSNBC are just as bad. Totally unwatchable as all they have become is get trump at any cost channels and they have given up on news. The political propaganda and diversity agenda is infesting everything from drama to adverts and it’s basically saying if you don’t like it tough go somewhere else. I feel like a nomad in a desert of garbage
Agree with you both Deb and Kat. Same here, – a one time news junkie, who always watched BBC news in the morning if only to watch the banter between Simon McCoy and whoever was on with him. Then Victoria Derbyshire was foisted on us with her wrist slitting reports and simpering sympathy, together with shouty Norman Wisdom and his windmill arms. Over to Sky, and (groan) its worse, portly Bolton with even fatter Islam – both struggling to breath on camera (and they had the gall to take the P out of May today !); and don’t get me started on Kay Burley with her Chukki doll eyes – spooky. The Paper Reviews on both channels raises my blood pressure too much, and I suspect the faux arguing between reviewers seems a tad too contrived.
Haven’t bothered with Bake Off at all this season. Cant add anymore to the comments on Strictly, Deborah, you were spot on with everything. The one programme I have enjoyed is Garden Rescue (admittedly there is more of Charlie than 20 years ago, but she’s good for a laugh), perhaps they could do something with mine !!!
How is it that the tories get relentlessly questioned on a project or policy costing £1 billion yet labours predicted spend of everything for everybody at over £300 billion is just nodded through without a thought.
It can’t all come from the few percent rise in business corporation tax in labours ‘fully costed’ manifesto, can it?
I was reading that George Osborne’s brilliant idea to raise Stamp Duty has only brought in half the money the Treasury wonks thought it would. These geniuses don’t seem to realise that if you tax something too much, people just change their behaviour to stop paying the tax. In this case, sales of top price homes, especially in London, have virtually ground to a halt.
Corbyn and his commissars think you can tax people to buggery and they will meekly line up to pay. It was tried by Old Labour in the 1960s. In one year, what with the higher rate tax of 83%, and a 15% “unearned income surcharge” (ie having the sheer gall to earn interest on money you had saved), allied to a special Surtax of 6% (if I remember rightly), some people faced being taxed at a rate of about 104%! Comrade Corbyn probably thinks is is quite fair, and they should be grateful they did not receive the fate of the Kulaks.
Socialists (and I do not exempt the likes of Mrs May) seem to think that the economy is a cake, and they can slice it up as they see fit, and no-one can do anything about it. In the 1960s, better off people just stopped working and saving, or else left the country altogether. You would have thought the lesson would have been learned by now, but leftists such as the BBC seem to think that “this time it will be different”. It won’t. Everywhere it has been tried, without exception, socialism brings economic chaos and disaster.
All together now: “Oh, Jeremy Corbyn” (repeat ad nauseam).
Deborah ,
I fully agree. The same even true of the Young Musician of the Year. There was a black lad who played the Chelonia and as soon as he was profiled I knew he was the winner. Nothin that the BBC touches is free from their social engineering zeal, be it politics, news, sport, drama, documentaries , science . The whole of their output is given over to persuading the white indegenous population of the UK to acquiesce in the take over of their own country. And if you dare to protest well they will attack you and your family. Of course they have done this with the full support of successive governments. Labour I can understand but why the Tories allowed it to happen is a puzzle. My best guess is that they thought it was inevitable and so decided that we should be kept as calm as possible whilst the country was stolen from beneath our feet?
I know quite a few musicians and almost all of them believe that hornplayer Ben Goldscheider, outstanding musician on a treacherous instrument, should have won.
Fortunately, his career seems to be flourishing regardless.
Heard that Home Ed programme with Winifred Robinson this morning on Radio 4(11 am).
Boy, the left are f*cked aren`t they?
Muslims are quite correct, chances are that you`ll always learn more from a week in Raqqa than five years at Obamacondom Comp.
Maybe it`s time to regard sending kids to Blairs fiction factories as no better than risking them in a playgroup run by Cyril Smith or Jimmy Savile.
Time to get rid of schools-Islam is lighting the way.
Trust me-I`m a teacher!
How can you be a ‘news junky’ if you left out “newsnight”? ( joke)I, too, ration my exposure to tv news and dream of the day there is a right wing news channel with a pro Brexit weather forecast and good news stories about what is going to happen after we are out ( in 452 days plus or minus 2 long years ).
One of the reasons I like this blog is that people like me – who don’t know what channel X factor, Britain’s got something or strictly is on can still exchange sensible views with others who like those programmes.
A pro-Palestinian Labour group has apologised after it posted a message on social media referring to a “final solution”.
Labour Friends of Palestine and the Middle East (LFPME) said it was sorry for an “extremely poor choice of words”.
The group published posts on Facebook and Twitter on Monday about Labour’s support for a two-state solution to the Israeli-Palestinian conflict.
The caption, posted together with a picture of the Dome of the Rock in Jerusalem behind barbed wire, read: “The Labour party’s two state solution will END the occupation – our solution will be the final solution. #FreePalestine #EndtheSeige [sic]”.
Clearly an ‘accident’.
I thought the BBC wa going to stop their main anchor people being flown out to cover disasters and use local people. So why exactly is Clive Myrie in Las Vegas? At the very least couldn’t Jon Sopel have covered the shooting?
Sopel was there as well to spit venom over trump as usual but I don’t think he got any ammo for airtime – unlike the shooter. The other n American correspondent – g. O Donahue also turned up but looked a bit embarrassed because – being a real journo – he wondered what the hell he was doing there apart from indulging in the vicarious grief the al Beeb loves so much – “ our thoughts are with … “ (when they are not) –
“ thanks to the first responders”( couldn’t give a damn / Intel failures / who is to blame/ why so slow – lessons will / will not be – learnt ) .
Think the story is done now apart from 58 funerals and the poor devils suffering in hospital. Myrie and co will be in the first class on the way back to Blighty.
Sopel is supposed to cover the White House but he’s hardly ever there for the press briefings only outside throwing his bile and twisting everything that was said. What’s the point of being there if you hate the place. Give the job To someone who wants to be there and wants to be a reporter not a biased hack
Why is Myrie in Las Vegas ? probably the same reason why Sky flew Burley out to cover the eclipse in the summer !
The more shootings Jon Sopel covers, the more hope there is of a satisfactory outcome.
USA striker Alex Morgan (female player) and two players from MLS team Orlando City were escorted out of Disney’s Epcot Centre by police because they were “impaired and verbally aggressive” in a pub.{bbc.co.uk 04oct2017}
– I guess when you play football you get all the traits of a footballer – equality for all.
– “highly impaired” – does this mean drunk or is it a new gender pronoun?
BBC Pushing for ‘DEC charities unite to launch Rohingya crisis appeal’ {bbc.co.uk 04oct2017}.
Part of the DEC group {wiki} is ‘Islamic Relief {wiki}‘ who offer charity around the world, but seem to be Muslim focused disasters.
Muslim charity (Islamic Relief) to put ‘Allah is great’ posters on buses (London, Birmingham, Manchester, Leicester and Bradford) to portray Islam in a positive light {independent.co.uk 08may2016}
Islamic Relief UK was told by HSBC its activities in “high-risk jurisdictions” posed a challenge to the bank due to pressure from US authorities to deal with money laundering, according to a statement published on the charity’s website on Monday. {jan2016}
British Islamic charity (Islamic Relief) invites hardline Muslim (Dr Yasir Qadhi) ‘hate preacher’ who said killing of gays and stoning of adulterers is part of Islam is to speak on its fundraising tour.{dailymail 12apr2017}
1994: received UK government funding for the first time (£180,000 for a training centre in Sudan)
“…and don’t you worry. It’s coming to a place near you…we cannot have state subsidized preachers (or adverts on buses or charities)…give it up or give it to your deadliest enemy and pay for the rope that will choke you.“ {youtube}
Evening all,
Maxincony will be along shortly to give us some evidence of Al Beeb right-wing bias.
My message to you all as the day comes to a close?
This Great Nation needs a leader who is a great statesman – Rees-Mogg is the man !…………..
Yet a hundred years on and we are still ‘Lions led by donkeys’
See what the BBC did with their £3.5bn Word Association Service? “Jacob Rees-Mogg” = “You’re a despicable person”. They didn’t show in the title that the protestor had no argument, that he made no sense. People will read the news title, think Conservative’s are despicable (nasty) and then move on with their lives. Will they watch the video?
Jacob Rees-Mogg takes on protesters: ‘You’re a despicable person’ {bbc.co.uk 03oct2017}
“Conservative MP Jacob Rees-Mogg challenges protesters at a party conference fringe event in Manchester to a debate”
EU referendum: ‘It’s your fault, Jeremy’ – Corbyn heckled {bbc.co.uk 25jun2016}
“Jeremy Corbyn has been heckled by Labour activist Tom Mauchline over the EU referendum result while attending the Pride in London march. He was accused of failing to convince his party’s supporters to back the Remain campaign, but replied ‘I did all I could’.”
– Conservative = Despicable
– Labour = Heckled with ‘It’s your fault’. {bbc.co.uk 25jun2016}
– The UK is paying, under threat of prison, £147per/month // £3.5bn per/year for a Word Association Service!
“She also apologised to activists in Manchester for an election campaign that had been “too scripted, too presidential”.
When the time comes , will she apologise for not getting a true Brexit for us, a Brexit that we voted for ?
Link for the above post …………
Taffman – Maybe it was just the impression I got yesterday – but certainly just listening to R4 IT seemed to me that the BBC appeared slightly sympathetic to Theresa yesterday.
I suspect this is for a number of reasons
1 – They have probably realised that currently she is the greatest asset that Remain have got in preventing any sort of effective Brexit from happening. She is more than willing to concede any principle/red line in order to weaken our expectations about what sort of Brexit can be achieved.. She will string things out as long as she can to allow the MSM/left to chisel away at our confidence and put new barriers in the way.
2 – She currently is espousing “Labour light” policies and slowly pushing the Tories to the left. At this rate they will soon be swallowed into the Lib/Dem “pit of irrelevance, where they have lost their identity and have just been turned into a poor copy of Labour. I love her answer to the “housing crisis” – We must build more Council Homes – Oh how innovative – Well maybe you stupid cow we should reduce immigration first before we build over every little bit of land that doesnt already have a sprawl of Barret homes across it!
3 The longer they can keep her going – the more incompetent she comes across. And with “Uncle Joe sorry I mean Uncle Jeremy sitting in the wings and getting all the favourable coverage this will ensure a fare more significant Labour landslide.
4 The last reason why I believe the BBC is favouring May is that Boris appears to have committed the cardinal sin of being positive about Brexit and about Britain.
At the moment all the Conservative “Remain” leadership alternatives to May come across as what they are – a collection of grey, careerist Cyborgs who in truth would probably weaken the remain case even further. Currently “The Appeaser” is the best they have got hence the hatchets out for Boris. Besides which all this talk of “roaring Lions” quite puts one off ones ethical Organic Matcha Latte with Coconut Milk.
The BBC for years have been re-training the Lion to be quiet and generally “mince” and use the transgender toilet , at the end of the day we cant have all that hard work going to waste.
What this all comes down to at the end of the day is that Theresa is a leader who at best believed in very little and at worst is now actively working against Brexit. Whilst I still have a few reservations about BOJO (generally preferring JRM) I do think now he is probably the best hope we have of achieving any sort of meaningful Brexit.
What I am more sure about than I have ever been – is that “THE APPEASER MUST GO” if not our country will be turned into Emmas “the grey cloud bolted isle” finally giving away to Corbyn chaos – And then God help us all.
I don’t think that al Beebus wants a Labour landslide with Corbyn at the helm, if it was someone like Lady Nugee or Deir Starmer leading it then they would; Corbs is just a little too to the Left and perceived as anti-Israel and anti-Jewish.
A lot of members of the Nazi death squads felt a tinge of sympathy for their victims but it didn’t stop them murdering millions. Perhaps the BBC feel similarly about the PM. After all ,as you say , she is well on the way to fulfilling most their agenda.
“too scripted” Theresa May says, reading a script that was provided from the Labour Party?
Theresa May shouldn’t apologise – where is Anna Soubry’s apology?
“The Labour party has been a beacon of liberalism on these issues (immigration/sovereignty) …” {youtube – @6:07 – Anna Soubry}
Fedup2 mentioned Aung San no longer being a darling of the Bbc and that this may mean she isn’t asked to appear with ‘the gay Irish fella’, he of the big pay cheque. Not Nolan, he’s not gay. Nope.
It’s that vacuous vessel of value-for-money, Our Graham. And he’s really going for gold this time. Probably to match his sparkly jacket and her polyester trouser suit.
It’s the leader of the free female world, the fragrant Hilary Clinton. She’s on with Graham Norton some time in the next few weeks, swapping fashion tips no doubt. A glass or two of Peach Concorde each as they discuss her latest book and how to spend taxpayers money. Might even hear Trump mentioned, wonder who else they’ll have on? Emma Thompson? Clare Izzard? Eddie Balding? Music by Stormzy? No doubt it will be a suitably balanced sofa.
Just giving you all a heads up so you can set the old VHS. Hinge and Bracket spring to mind for some reason, although they were less false.
Rich ,
Thank you for helping me remember the name of that rich beeboid . I don’t watch his programme as I have issues about camp camp camp . He was good in Father Ted but then – so was everyone .one of the very few glories of C4
Bet he asks st Hilary about getting stains out of hubbys clothes ( easy laugh).
Christ the beeb will be in heaven when she turns up. It will be like an obama visit, the new saviour has arrived. The show will be rammed with lefties with music to accompany. Lots of digs at trump guaranteed. No mention at all that the poisonous little cow has been reduced to signing her book in costco.
I don’t watch Norton and I’m surprised anyone does ,He is a vastly overpaid one trick pony.Clinton will feel right at home on the BBC where the Trump bashing continues unabated.
Wonder if he will ask her about Bills womanising or the Clinton Foundation.
To think the tax extorted from us pays for people like him to pontificate on nothing of any interest.
And my next guest is someone I have fancied for years. The President of United States of America– DONALD J. TRUMP!
How many ‘series’ does Norton have in a year anyway ? There airwaves are only free of him for a few weeks before a NEW series is announced !
And the same guests.
The repellent Norton appears on my screen whenever I sign in to BBC. For sound broadcasts the equivalent person is St David Attenborough. I feel surrounded.
When attempting to access the website a few minutes ago I received a “502 bad gateway” error.
I have never had this error before, on any site.
Is this normal, not due to GCHQ etc?
I took and saved a screen shot of the error, which I am reluctant to attach to this post.
I will make this screen shot available to the administrators on request.
You probably tried to log on when gchq were changing the tapes. You do realise this site is run by them and the bbc to snare independent thinkers who are a potential threat to the State . In fact , Truth , who do you work for??
Many a true word spoken in jest. Seriously within a few years what you joke about could be reality. It already is in Sweden and Germany.
Get VPN.
In case it helps someone who is genuinely worried about this, if you switch to the latest incarnation of the Opera browser, it comes with a free, built-in VPN.
It’s quite similar to Chrome in use, so shouldn’t be too daunting for anyone.
Does anyone think a VPN will protect your ID from GCHQ. ?
I somehow doubt that.
Over to the techies for replies?
Oh I do hope they are looking in. Some of them may even wake up and realize what dupes they have become.
Lefty ,
Me and the rest of the chaps at Cheltenham are highly entertained by all your comments . We were going to get rid of the licence years ago but just wanted to wind you lot up.
Do you really think all those wealthy beeboids really support the left? Ah forgot about the offshores.
LW, one would imagine each knowing just a tiny portion of the overall picture, with only the top brass ( hell bent on their KCMG’s etc) really seeing the overall picture. Maybe there’s a Snowden in there, or perhaps a Bradley Manning ?
But one is certain of a serious amount of hilarity ensuing as they chuckle at us mere mortals.
Then after work they go down the pub and pretend to be one of us.
Generic thank you to all who offered suggestions.
Toady says Paddock spent over a decade preparing his attack, a sneaky suggestion it had been in the pipeline before Trump’s election. I don’t believe them. Whatever his motive it is probably best it is covered up as I fear we are on the cusp of some serious civil unrest.
From the world’s leading liberal voice.
TWLLV, for those interested.
“What’s a ‘lone wolf’? It’s the special name we give white terrorists Moustafa Bayoumi”
Muzzie apologist complaining that Stephen Paddock is not being described as a terrorist.
The Religion of Peace website has recorded 31842 terrorist attacks since 2001. The ROP does not claim their list is complete. Want to challenge the total Muzzie? Add a few thousand attacks we did not notice?
Gengis Khan, died 1227 thankfully, and his immediate descendants killed approximately 25 million people.
Not bad for people armed with bows and swords.
Grandson Berke Khan converted to Islam c1236 and lived the life of a typical Muslim ruler.
He was a bloodthirsty mass murderer.
The Mongolians erected a 250 foot high equestrian statue of Gengis Khan in 2008, in a celebration of the Mongol Empire!
A celebration of an empire Islamic for most of its mass murdering years!
No hiding statues of Lenin in Museums for the Mongolians, 250 feet high.
Timur was described by Arnold Toynbee (yes, relation of Polly), as “the most accomplished architect of destruction in the savage annals of mankind”. Timur killed 300,000 Hindus in Delhi on one day in 1398 (Wikipedia states 100,000 but they have a NPOV). Did I mention Timur was a Muzzie? Well he was.
To be fair Timur also killed millions of Muzzies, well they were the wrong kind of Muzzies.
While I have your attention Muzzie, you might want to look at Wikipedia “List of Massacres in India”. Numerous examples in there with lots of Muzzies murdering Hindus. Plenty of zeroes in the casualties column.
In fact this massacring is the only thing the Muzzies are any good at, practice makes perfect. Plenty of other lists, anywhere and everywhere the planet has been enriched by Muzzies.
Heard of death and taxes? Thats what the Muzzies do. Forget about the Golden Age invented the day before yesterday to impress the gullible.
Very few gullible people on this website. How dare you, or any other Muzzie, complain about one crackpot in the USA.
You and all your kind should emulate St John Chrysostom, go around on your hands and knees for 1500 years, apologising to all non Muzzies every minute of every day. Come back after that and ask our forgiveness. We will think about it.
OT (not really):
Thanks heavens hete in the UK, we don’t have a James Corden, or John Oliver.
Danny Cohen or Greg Dyke may still find this collection vexing, for instance, hideously.
Not one holding up a blood soaked head effigy.
Nice suits though.
Star Chamber? Echo Chamber?
“The Star Chamber was originally established (c. 1641) to ensure the fair enforcement of laws against socially and politically prominent people so powerful that ordinary courts would probably hesitate to convict them of their crimes. However, it became synonymous with social and political oppression through the arbitrary use and abuse of the power it wielded (twitter and TV?).“{wiki}
Ever person in this photo:- same political party; – Endorsed same candidate ; – same stance on every issue. ; Ladies and gentlemen, “comedy”{@OwenBenjamin}
This ruthless mocking of May cannot be helping with the ‘female confidence gap’ which the Beeb told us is holding women back.
It must have been terrifying having someone rush the stage. How was she to know he was not armed and dangerous? The Beeb think it is a hilarious prank but if one of their favoured groups were targeted thus they would preach about ‘hate speech’ and ‘bigotry’ or whatever.
Am I the only one to think that the falling letters were also engineered deliberately?
On the 6pm BBC1 “News” last night there was almost nothing on the content of the PM’s speech but lots about her cough and the two pranks, none of which were of any importance.
Sorry – posted before I read JamesArthur.
I’m not sure about the falling letters but I am certain that the P45 was a set-up with at least media collusion, if not active participation.
“this is the conversation we will be having when the Mullahs nuke us” – Douglas Murray {youtube}
The BBC is no longer pro-adult news. £3.5bn!
One year on from the death of Nelson Mandela, Thamsanqa Jantjie, the fake sign language interpreter who appeared at the leader’s memeorial service, is attempting a change of career{telegraph.co.uk dec2014}
‘Thamsanqa Jantjie caused outrage when he stood for hours alongside global leaders making “childish hand gestures” in a bizarre attempt to sign their tributes to the late freedom campaigner.’
It stinks to me as well. The whole thing reeked of a media collusion to keep the tories in shambles narrative going. Anything to stop the evil brexit. That stage setup has been fine for the whole conference until Mays speech and lo and behold the numbers start falling during just her speech. Nelson got in there with help probably from channel 4 as he done progs lately going after rich people and trying to make fools of them. Such a brave little lad isn’t he, now Lee try doing a stunt like that at the labour conference last week about anti semeitism seeing as you are a jew yourself. Not a chance and momentum would probably take you aside and beat the living hell out of you with their new kinder gentler politics. He will probably be on the last leg on 4 tomorrow hailed as a hero by the rich beeb approved socialist ‘comics’ on there.
Labours conference last week was dropped like a stone after the rambling socialist spiel of corbyn promising the earth but no idea at all on how to pay for it. They know its crap but will never bring themselves to say it but for some insane reason they are pushing the nutcase. Probably in the hope that if they get in tones little lickspittle Herr Starmer will save them from the dreaded brexit.
May is both a woman and a diabetic. in any other line of work, she`d be cossetted or given some margin of error.
But like Thatcher and Palin-the rampant misogyny, sexism and sheer evil aimed at them seems not to bother the arses of a jane Garvey or a Diabetes defence campaigner( there must be one out there).
Utterly disgusting lefty sexism-just as well she`s not Jewish as well.
May`s crap,,,but the left desperately want her gone, so they can bring the likes of Thornberry and Abbott to the fore as feminist role models.
Thatcher is airbrushed now and mocked as a dead witch…May needs a few fighters around her to deal with the likes of McClusky, McDonnell and Milne…lefties are nearly all public school , privately educated scum who can only bully in packs.
Why hasn`t George Osborne lost all his jobs for his hopes for Theresa May getting cut up and left in his freezer?
Guess Soros pays for him as much as he does for Milne or Campbell.
Thank you, Diane Abbott (Labour MP), for speaking out about your diabetes {theguardian.com 19jun2017}
“Let’s hope the Labour frontbencher’s revelation galvanises some of Britain’s estimated 1 million undiagnosed diabetics to seek medical help”
“Politicians are not the only ones who may struggle to control their diabetes at this time of year. Fasting during Ramadan, which lasts until 24 June is particularly difficult for people with diabetes. In the UK, the fast can last for 17 hours each day for a month and, in hot weather, that can lead to both hypoglycaemia and dehydration. Those wanting to fast are advised to get medical advice and consult local imams.”
-Diane Abbott – Shadow Secretary of State for Health // In office 27 June 2016 – 6 October 2016
Well said! I also think Mrs May is a complete disaster but the misogyny show against her is disgusting – all the more so when it comes from those who claim to be feminists and ‘liberals’. As for Osborne, I agree again, he should have been sacked for that disgraceful remark.
Sacked by whom and from what?
The BBC is pushing their latest 100 wimmin thing:
Indonesia’s never had a politician like tattooed, high school dropout-turned-businesswoman Susi Pudjiastuti.
(Via 100 Women) #100Women
Amongst her many accomplishments (or lack of) they cite in approving terms, she blows up illegal boats. Apparently.
Not sure the BBC has thought this one through, fully.
But the Libyan coastguard may be interested.
Talking of blowing boats up for money or praise … Gaddafi wants EU cash (£4bn) to stop African migrants {bbc.co.uk aug2010}
“Libyan leader Col Muammar Gaddafi says the EU should pay Libya at least 5bn euros (£4bn; $6.3bn) a year to stop illegal African immigration and avoid a ‘black Europe’.
‘We don’t know what will happen, what will be the reaction of the white and Christian Europeans faced with this influx of starving and ignorant Africans,’ Col Gaddafi said…
He told them that Islam should become the religion of Europe and gave them free copies of the Koran, after he (Col Muammar Gaddafi) had lectured them for an hour on the freedoms enjoyed by women in Libya.”
Is it just me or is the BBC focussing on the coughs and the prank at the Tory conference and not the substance…why all the word like disastrous, appalling, farcical regarding the speech.
I love the way the BBC say ‘it is thought that many MPs may be asking for her to leave’ – so thought, maybe, possibly!
Laura Kuenssberg “dozens of MPs are thought to be getting together to get her to resign”…..who are these MPs?
But the funniest advert on the BBC this morning on R4 was for Nick Robinson’s Political – ” no spin, no bias, etc etc…” do they really listen to themselves?
You have asked a question of the BBC.
The BBC does not answer questions.
Especially about substantiation.
They are exempted.
Let the BBC obsess on Theresa Mays cough sweets , or on how brave and witty Lee Nelson was to pull his usual stunts for the Guardian and BBC.
On Sunday, two young women had their throats cut and were stabbed to death in Marseilles.
I have yet to hear who they were, or who did this-all I know is that it was a Muslim who had only been arrested in Lyon the day before, but was allowed to head down to Marseilles.
I also noted last night that the US Senate Intelligence Committee have confirmed that Trumps election result had absolutely nothing to do with Russia. Yes, there is £100,000 of Facebook advertising that may yet be traced back to the likes of Russia or some rouble-trading nation-but the content was neutral overall. No bias to Trump at all…this was over a two year period between 2015-7.
So then-Muslim atrocity number 187 in France, two girls who could be our kids on Interrail dying outside the trains station of Frances third city , at the hands of a Muslim criminal migrant with no one documentary trail. And Trump cleared of any Russian involvement in his election triumph. But not a peep or a priority, as far as the BBC are concerned. Just Theresa Mays cough sweets.
Fake, fakir fucking fake lies and slurry from the BBC who we`re funding.
Bake your own excrement, call it news and get Trump impeached, Soubry as PM and hog tie us all for Islam.
Wake up England.
BBc breakfast. The drones have a relatively long section about May’s speech. Two guests are in to give out the criticism so the drones don’t have to bother.
BBC one degree of separation editorial integrity in action.
And they do have plenty of ‘guests’ to choose from:
Seems rude for the BBC to point this out. So they don’t.
No so much BBC bias but a weird item under World News for US & Canada:
Appears to be misplaced to me. Distortion of the news agenda? Could be a dangerous path to go down.
Come on BBC, get some integrity in your operation. You need to be a trusted broadcaster and service provider. This piece casts serious doubts over your suitability as such.
Ha ha, unfortunately I am working from home and listening to R4….why you ask? So now a section on what it means to be English..with Ben Fogle….so who do they bring in to discuss englishness? A female Iraqi comedienne…..sorry can they be serious? She sounds very nice but hardly somebody with credibility… To be fair Ben Fogle didn’t get drawn down the White-Black issues the presenter tried to raise…
James Arthur,
Don’t listen is my advice. Your health will improve enormously once you regain your self esteem . It surely takes its toll on your health to be labelled a white ( assuming you are) racist facist heartless scum bag , day after day, month after month, year after year. The NHS would see a dramatic fall in admissions of white males if the BBC were shut down.
A business idea I am looking at reasonably seriously is the creation of an online radio station which would be a conservative alternative to Radios 3 and 4. It would be a mixture of classical music, conservative politics, and non-lefty talking books etc. The main challenge is in getting good content without having to pay out a lot in royalties.
How to find the most British people, ask Baroness Warsi … “….As one survey revealed (no reference given), 83% of Muslims said they were proud to be British, compared to 79% of Britons overall.” {gov.uk – by Baroness Warsi – jan2013 }
{old post}
Question Time tonight. One of the very few occasions that the Beeb have a panel of 3 right wingers to two left wingers. Is this further evidence of the Blairite BBC being frightened of the Marxist Labour Momentum? Keunsberg bodyguards, BBC luvvie Blairite politicians out in the cold,etc.
Having completely biased panel numbers over the past few years, we have now had right wing panellists outnumbering left wing panellists twice in the last three episodes.
Probably wishful thinking, but is there a slight (very slight) turning of the tide?
wronged, have they just invited three Conservative-inclined Panellists in order to make them either squirm after ‘that’ Conference or stab the Conservative Leader and PM in the back?
Up2, I’m with you on this one. They see an opportunity to continue the vitriol and also trip someone up for some more good copy. He said this, she said that, how long will she remain, when will Boris be sacked.
Synch, am so glad I will not be watching!
(Actually have an engagement elsewhere but I still wouldn’t watch if at home, not that I can legally do so. I am so glad to have given up TV. I may be disinclined to listen to Any Questions tomorrow.)
Or is it just that right is pretty much left these days?
Might well be correct there Lucy, it is difficult to identify political direction as it sometimes intertwines within itself with hypocrisy amid weak vote catching political correctness. Personally, I still regard Genghis Khan as a bit of a lefty.
I watched the whole of President Trump’s speech from Las Vegas and found it quite moving. He spoke, it seemed to me, with great sympathy and sincerity. It was ‘Presidential’ and was apparently very well received by victim’s families as well as the unbiased sections of the media. So what does the BBC do? Decide to invite on to the Today programme (08:45) a speech-writer for Obama, who proceeded (to Michal Hussein’s evident satisfaction) to denigrate and pour scorn. The BBC – biased, corrupt and vile.
Words, punctuation and pauses (Obama pauses a lot) have a price … Barack Obama’s $400,000 speaking fees reveal what few want to admit {theguardian may2017}
“That Obama’s project was or ever would be racial and economic justice was always a dream – and the sooner we let go of this and recognize Obama for who he is and what he does (speeches for Money ala Clinton), the better we’ll all be.”
I think President Obama did more to widen the racial gap than the KKK ever managed.
I heard that and thought the same – even when one of the youngsters he talked to said it had helped them they found a way to put their comment down.
The angle was evident from the start. However at least the American didn’t get drawn to far down Hussein’s line about May and her speech – she was clearly hoping he would lambast May…
I’ve noticed that Mr Trump quite often does little asides that sound unscripted, with things like ‘thanks for that, it was really nice’ etc. I’ve also read reports of how he phoned up ordinary people etc to speak to them after disasters etc. It may be carefully choreographed, but sounds genuine to me. By contrast Obama struck me as a bit fake when he did that, especially his tweet about ‘Ahmed’s Clock’ which had ‘PR rapid response team’ written all over it.
Big non-Tory thing on TODAY this a.m. is falling car sales. The BBC appear to have forgotten that they have been telling us for about three months how the public are making so many vehicle purchases under dodgy financing deals and taking on so much massive personal debt that it could crash the UK banks, the UK economy, the World even.
Senior BBC News Editors should be called to account for this obvious contradiction getting out as FakeNews/FalseNews on their airwaves and web-site.
Aah dem grate Bibbycee.
‘im all buggerup!
‘im ragein’ ma tettah. Can get na peace.
BBC PIDGIN @BBC__DlNDU Oct 2 ” World: Di low IQ, inbred muslamics will bi the plenty plenty people in Europe in 2 generation.”
I’ve been pissing myself at this Twitter account. Can’t see it staying up for long.
I did catch a quick snippet of the real Pidgin Service. It just sounds like one long episode of ‘The Number One Ladies Detective Agency’.
Yeah – I thought it was real BBC site! Guess you have to contain your bias …
“Pipe to Pipe Bushman code for two pedophiles having sex with each other whilst watching children through a shrub” {featuring Gary ‘£1.75m + BT Sport + Crisps + Pension’ Lineker – BrassEye}
Don’t be forgettin dem great USA big chief Obama, him half white an half black but by de miracle of de lawd he done become one hundred percent black!
Another day, another accused rape gang from the “community” that the BBC categorise as a victimhood group.
This didn’t make it beyond a minor story on a regional news section of the BBC website:
BBC Headline: Twelve charged with Rotherham child sexual abuse offences
Twelve men have been charged in connection with the sexual abuse of eight young girls in Rotherham …
The twelve men charged are:
• Amjal Rafiq, 38, Rotherham
• Nabeel Kurshid, 34, Rotherham
• Iqlak Yousaf, 33, Rotherham
• Mohammed Imran Ali Akhtar, 36, Rotherham
• Tanweer Ali, 36, Rotherham
• Mohammaed Ashan, 33, Wymott
• Masaeud Malik, 33, Doncaster
• Waseem Khaliq, 33, Wealstun
• Aftab Hussain, 38, Rotherham
• Salah Ahmed El-Hakam, 38, Sheffield
• Abid Saddiq, 36, Rotherham
• Sharaz Hussain, 33, Rotherham
One wonders if there is anybody remaining from this community that has yet to be charged with raping little white girls. http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-england-south-yorkshire-41496281
Meanwhile, only in the public sector (but not in the bBBC news) …
Meanwhile the BBC runs headlines accusing the Home Office of inhumanity for delays in processing Immigration claims:
BBC Headline Home Office delays: ‘We are living in a virtual prison’
… Roofi & Aamir, who did not want to give their surname, said they are desperate to move now they have 10-month-old Hammad. They applied for indefinite leave to remain in May 2016 …
BBC Headline Home Office visa delays ‘inhumane’
… Waseem Iqbal, with son Muhammad, says he missed his father’s funeral in Pakistan …
Apply a ‘Diane Abbott’ amnesty for all and the “Home Office visa delays ‘inhumane’” {bbc.co.uk 03oct2017} will be resolved.
“Justice For All! Justice For All! Even the criminals!”
“Amnesty For All! Amnesty For All! Even the criminals!”
“Austerity Kills People! Austerity Kills People!”
“Our Protesting Costs the Police Money! Out Protesting Costs the Police Money!”
“Our Protesting Creates Austerity! Our Protesting Creates Austerity!”
“Austerity Kills People! Austerity Kills People!”
Channel 5 now for off the scale bile from matthew wright about May
Are there any tv commentators/celebrities who appear not to have been prematurely released from their local funny farm. I find it hard to name many.
Channel 5 – That still going?
Once I’d have compared it with the Sun but that would now be unfair.
Cometh the hour ………….. Goeth the Woman.
Are the feminist ‘sisters’ rallying around May?
Guess not – that’s the thing with special interests, they’re very picky.
Euro Moments: Thatcher says ‘no, no, no’ to Europe {bbc.co.uk may2014}
“She (Thatcher) was responding to a call by European Commission president Jacques Delors’ for the European Parliament to be the democratic body of the European Community, the commission to be the executive and the Council of Ministers to be the senate. … Mrs Thatcher herself was ousted from Downing Street by her party a few days later.”
“… there are two things. One you recognise what is happening. Two, are you prepared to do anything about it. “ – Margaret Thatcher
“… because they (EU Commission) talk in generalities. You hear it very frequently in European speeches. You must of heard it many times. I’m one of the few people who says ‘What do you mean by that?. What do you mean by European Union? What do you mean by monetary union? What do you mean by United States of Europe? What do you mean? What do you mean?’ ” – Margaret Thatcher {@00:59 bbc.co.uk}
The lunacy continues in the states
I’m so glad to see that there are still some reasoned voices speaking out for the US people as a counterweight to the platitudes spouted by the MSM. How many times must it be said that weapons (firearms, trucks, political propaganda, drugs etc.) don’t kill per se but that people who have their minds and bodies exposed and addicted to any drip drip diet of hatred, division will inevitably become more likely to commit similar outrages. I may be echoing Hannity (and others on biasedbbc.tv) but, earlier in the week, as news of this appalling massacre was breaking, I too was amazed to hear how callously and readily the BBC had diverted their news coverage from any sort of empathy for the victims towards a fully fledged and ready-to-fly political agenda. Although swept into a corner by the BBC, there appear to be many worrying questions with regard to this killing spree that require some straight answers and I’ll be turning to Alex Jones to get them rather than to the BBC. The BBC have reduced news reporting to the status of a dead art, and as far as I am concerned, they are the now the laughable conspiracy theorists.
The BBC correspondents are quick to bring up the subject of gun control following the Las Vegas murders.
Odd how they didn’t ask questions about Mrs May’s policy of building more homes, namely, why do we need so many new homes in the first place? What could possibly be happening with our national demographics that requires such a large scale building programme?
To be fair (!), the BBC news did interview a chap called Mehdi, who could barely speak English, about how he and his family needed a council house. Quite why Britain needs Mehdi and his family was a question the BBC forgot to ask.
The BBC correspondents are quick to bring up the subject of gun control following the Las Vegas murders.
Odd how they didn’t ask questions about Mrs May’s policy of building more homes, namely, why do we need so many new homes in the first place? What could possibly be happening with our national demographics that requires such a large scale building programme?
The BBC correspondents are quick to bring up the subject of gun control following the Las Vegas murders.
Odd how they didn’t ask questions about Mrs May’s policy of building more homes, namely, why do we need so many new homes in the first place? What could possibly be happening with our national demographics that requires such a large scale building programme?
Very true, Cranmer.
Similarly, when I heard the chorus strike up about ‘gun control’ my immediate thought was: hold on. When Muslims run riot in the UK, hacking people to death in the street and blowing up concert halls filled with schoolgirls, why don’t BBC journalists ask awkward questions and demand action about that? Why, instead, do they tell us we should ignore the horror and just ‘carry on as normal’?
It’s a rhetorical question, of course because everyone reading this blog knows why.
Ban all placards will solve all our problems … “Slay those who Insult Islam”; “Europe You will Pay. Demolition is on it’s way”; “Butcher Those who mock Islam”; “Behead those who Insult Islam” …
Kathy Gyngell has an excellent post about Margaret Thatcher in today’s Conservative Woman. It is highly recommended.
Thank you G Cooper, a very good piece. How I wish we had a Maggie now.
I cannot believe we still have no statue in Parliament Square of our saviour. Cowardly current Tories.
McCluskey would be wetting himself in fear if she and Norman Tebbit were around today.
Biggest mistake of Maggies career was giving British traitor Heseltine a cabinet post.
And thank you, Wronged. I completely agree, of course. Britain is in dangerous waters at present. We are trying to undo the vast damage done by membership of the EU, into which we were sold by the traitor Heath and kept by arrogant fools like Heseltine. We are also, once again, beset with Marxist-Leninists, who will destroy the country given half a chance – and they may well be. Neither Mrs May nor any of her cabinet members is up to the task at hand. I am really not sure where we can turn for leadership
Perspective is a wonderful thing, this is why the BBC do not engage in it.
May has had a poor showing in the Conservative conference and is not a particularly polished performer in any case. However, she DID win the election and IS in power. The constant comparisons to the God like Corbyn and his messianic appeal and hilariously generous policy offerings are so much pissing in the wind. The election is over – the Conservatives are in power for the next 5 years – FFS lets move on!
Brexit is the thing. May has unified (to a degree) the warring factions within her party such to present a credible plan of action for exiting the EU. Does this deliver everything Brexiteers demanded? Of course it bloody doesn’t. This is politics, you never get all that your hearts desire, that’s how the game is played. Suffice to say, when dealing with the EU and its component parts, consensual agreement ain’t their thing. So, sooner or later, despite all concessions made, they will hold onto their red lines and we will be forced by their intransigence into a hard exit and straight onto WTO rules. And it will be THEIR doing – not Mays!