Whatever the BBC does Boris seems to survive…so far.
A long BBC campaign to get rid of Boris continues apace…..Boris being the popular face of a real Brexit and of course a possible leader of the Tory Party…so two good reasons for the BBC to try and make him too toxic to touch.
R4 last night asserted that May must get rid of her biggest irritant, Boris. He must go as he has been undermining her authority by laying out his vision of what Brexit should be….which is pretty much what May told us she was going to deliver…Brexit means Brexit. Any Questions on Saturday was demanding to know if Boris is ‘fit for purpose’ and, that other BBC narrative, how long can May last and who can replace her, is she ‘terminally damaged’?….a constant theme from the BBC clearly trying to create the feeling that May is weak and has not long to go….the BBC thinking as I heard last night is she can’t possibly stay on after Christmas. This is the BBC trying to make the news not reporting it, the BBC trying to sow doubt and concern and the thought, amongst the more stupid and weak minded Tory MPs, that they need to unseat her and that there is broadspread background chatter to do so when that just isn’t so…it’s all BBC black propaganda.
Here’s the latest BBC offering…
Theresa May ‘resilient’ amid Conservative Party infighting
After some waffle we get to the real point…
Asked what she would do about Foreign Secretary Boris Johnson – who has been seen by some as disloyal after writing two articles setting out his own vision for Brexit – she said she would not “hide from a challenge”, and would “make sure I always have the best people in my cabinet, to make the most of the wealth of talent available in the party”.
But she added: “I have a terrific cabinet.”
And that is basically it….no word about any other cabinet minister who might be sacked for ‘disloyalty’……which is odd as both the Telegraph and the Mail have the same story…that MPs are demanding Phillip Hammond’s head…..
Boris Johnson will ‘just say no’ if Theresa May tries to sack him amid calls for ‘miserable’ Philip Hammond to face axe
May under pressure to sack Spreadsheet Phil: Leave MPs fear the chancellor is trying to stall Brexit negotiations
And on Guido [Via Peston on ITV]…
Nadine: May Should Sack Hammond
May wanted to fire Hammond after the election but he was saved by her weakness following the result. There’s a case that Hammond is far more at odds with government policy than Boris or any other Cabinet Brexiter.
Even in the Guardian:
Conservative Brexiters turn fire on Philip Hammond’s Treasury
How long can the BBC keep protecting pro-EU Remainer ‘disloyal’ Hammond whilst solely targeting Boris?
The constant attacks from the BBC on Boris are nothing short of outrageous. Those who disobey the BBC will always be harassed by it, and there doesn’t appear to be any means to challenge the BBC on this intense persecution.
When Boris was appointed Foreign Secretary, the BBC did a twenty minute profile of him on their news channel, it was 20 minutes of virulent, nasty attacks with the BBC only able to find people who had negative views of him.
Somehow the BBC has to understand that there are many people who disagree with the BBC’s entrenched views and ought to be allowed to state them without fear of the corporation hammering them.
I do hope that if Boris becomes Prime Minister that he has a very long memory and a vengeful nature with regards to the BBC.
I was shocked to see Rudd near pulling Boris off his chair at May’s coughing speech! Having to do that with one of your fellow ministers shows the little respect that Boris must have towards May! You would think standing to applause May would be his own idea and not because a fellow minister has hold of your right arm!
I can’t remember seeing anything so embarrassing at any government gathering in my time?
That shot speaks wonders for how low this government has fallen since the Ref vote! Sad!
Personally, I am more shocked that there is a place in any party for a clown like Amber Rudd. Boris may be a slightly dangerous buffoon but the ‘risen without trace’ authoritarian Rudd is downright sinister.
school ma’am Rudd defends May with faux loyalty as she knows May is short term only whilst being on manoeuvres herself which involves constant put downs and undermining of one of her main challengers – Boris.
May and her fellow remainers backed by the BBC are holding on for as long as it takes to scupper Brexit.
Shooting Boris down is a warning to Brexiteers in the party.
I find it so boring when watching any political show where every minister is asked a question something like “Do you think Boris should be sacked”
To be fair to the bbbc, all the tv shows are the same with their agenda of trying to get Boris sacked.
Looking at the MPs, all the good ones, the funny ones and happy ones are brexiteers, Boris, JRM, the lovely Nadine and Priti.
All the mingers and dour miserable ones are remoaners such as Hammond and Rudd.
I know who I would rather be marooned with on a desert island.
Just think, if Boris did get the pm job, him and Donald with their blonde hair flowing, together, doing things the people actually want.
the BBBC does not deserve your fairness as it exhibits none of its own. You are correct however in that this is a general MSM feeding frenzy aimed ultimately at destabilising the Brexit negotiations, seeking to exploit areas of perceived weakness, bringing all of their fire power to bear disregarding fact and accuracy and fairness.
BBBC are so discredited and ill thought of that even libtards seek accuracy in reporting elsewhere.
Once Brexit has been successfully concluded, and it will, abolishing the Bogus Broadcasting Company becomes the next campaign.
People seem to have forgotten that Boris served two terms as Mayor of London and did a great job of it.