Hypocrisy time: the Spectator reports that Culture Secretary Karen Brady, responsible ( if that’s the right word for someone so ineffectual) for BBC oversight, didn’t have a TV licence for telly viewing or i player using in her constuency office.
As Private Eye has pointed out, Karen Brady peddled pornography at the beginning of her career working for West Ham chairman David Gold. It’s a bit rich that now she presents herself as a feminist icon.
I’m working on the assumption that HMG is starting to play the sort of mind games the EU and it’s remainers have been doing for the last year . – with regard to saying the accursed ecj will have jurisdiction after article 50 has expired .
If it’s not mind games and just thickery then brexiters are in trouble as the remainers fudge it . I suppose starmer will be making hay.
They have just received funding from the Foreign Office (that’s us, the taxpayers) to set up 12 more foreign language stations. That kind of serious funding plus that from the TV tax, you might, just might think just a little effort might, just might, go towards promoting the interests of this country?
But hell no, they have the morality and loyalty of Google and Facebook ie: zero.
That said Google and FB have earned their money.
Hi GWF, I may be wrong with this, but it seems that Paul J. Watson might be the altered voice behind this video. If so, he has finally decided what to do next after he was stopped economically from posting videos onto youtube, following owner Googles big brother demonitisation over the past year of all information and protest videos that goes against the progressive liberal fascist consensus of the elites.
Basically if this is to be a new movement, we need strong leaders, with impeccable backgrounds. Basically a system that parallels that already developed by Islamists in their progressive takeover of Britain, is needed to counteract this. It will take time & requires planning.
@BBCInsideOutYL InsideOut Yorks/Lincs item : Who’s going to leave cos of Brexit ?
It seems like another item pushed in by an NGO
but this time it turned out to be the father of one of the girls in the show
Jeremy Abrahams from Sheffield is making an exhibition “about couples where one partner is EU born and the other UK born”
#1 example his daughter Alison works for Amnesty in Brussels
“Who’s going to employ a British person in Belgium ?”
stupid woman you already have a job with a British origin NGO
#2 The Italian woman Cristina Cerulli who works as architecture lecturer in Sheffield
She had planned to move her family to Florence
..but then in an update after a holiday there, they’ve changed their minds
The exhibition is part of the UK Social Science festival in Sheffield
Bloody hell.. just followed DS’s link to BBC Birmingham news and can’t believe the idiots have shown the fairy light device. I wondered how you could make a fairy light into a detonator and now those clowns have shown the whole world. Anyone with a slight knowledge in chemistry and electronics now have a blueprint.. Expect a lot more of these devices now. If they had an ounce of sense, they should pull that image down. They are very quick to castigate google and YouTube for divulging such information..
Don’t know if anyone else has noticed this but it is a worrying sign. Hillary Clinton is to visit Swansea University on the 14th October to be awarded an honorary doctorate. Any mention of the award on social media is met with a barrage of criticism from what appears to be the consensus that she is a warmongering, dishonest, crook. Yet a search of Google for any negative opinion, protest or disgust with this travesty draws a blank and can only lead one to assume Google are censoring out anything but positive Clinton news. If they do it with this, what else are they hiding from us?
The Football Lads Alliance demo.
Watch Tommy Robinson humiliate the shit from the BBC towards the end of the video.
Comments on You Tube show what many think of the BBC
Perhaps Maxicony might respond to them
If only two people had turned up to the Football Lads Alliance march, then the BBC would have reported it … EDL Chelmsford march attracts two supporters {24sep2017}
“Essex Police said the force had “acted on intelligence” and had put on extra patrols in Chelmsford on Saturday.”
The poor BBC guy knows he’s caught up in a mad game
TR : “Will you in your news report call this march right wing ?”
Beeboid : “Yes cos it’s labelled as such”
TR : how ?
Beeboid : well it’s about anti terrorism and border control
TR : So even though the Labour manifesto says the same about stricter border control you’ll call this far right ?
Beeboid : Er yes.
The video is edited but looks true
just before 3:14 it contains a black guy saying he’s seen no racism problem
The Beeboid basically admitted he was there to video trouble
I just search BBC web , there is still no story on the march
Got a recent copy of the Socialist Review with an article by Wayman Bennet and an ameneusis who joined the letters up for him.
No-do they not like the FLA? Yes-they do not.
Incoherent drive bys all through the article, but they are clueless- they are VERY sensitive to the Great God of Footy, and all those working class chappies are bound to be Labour and union fodder aren`t they?
So Hillsborough gets lobbed in, the FLA guilty of false consciousness and naive-run by racists like Tommy and Nigel. This ought to be the start of something, hope Anne Marie sends us all out with flyers to the next Wednesbury game… this one could destroy the left, seeing that Emily Thornberry and Dianne Abbott couldn`t even get into the Scotland team.
Those Socialist Review articles are available on line
and their video does indeed show thousands and thousands of people at the Rally
“Some of those demonstrating seemed genuine in their belief that the FLA is not racist.
They said they were there because they wanted the government to do more to tackle terrorism.”“People say we’re EDL, but this has nothing to do with the EDL,” said one. “It’s bringing everyone together.”
But even if some think the FLA isn’t racist, racists and fascists feel comfortable at its events. Tommy Robinson was treated as a celebrity.
Speeches at the start of the protest included ex cops, former soldiers and others. The biggest cheers went to the most right wing speeches.
FLA founder John Meighan was loudly cheered when he called for the deportation of terror suspects.
Antifa are cowards. The thought of meeting 30,000 working class guys who hate their guts must have given them brown trousers.
This FLA march is a bit like the march of the London dockers in support of Enoch Powell in 1968. That was the authentic voice of the white working class, so it has been censored out of history. The BBC would prefer you to know about middle class students protesting against the Vietnam War in Grosvenor Square.
I think it after the left wing establishment saw the white working class take to the streets that they decided to import a new proletariat. Try and find a white person now in Tower Hamlets. The ethnic cleansing has been complete.
ITV News – 2000 people polled 49% say BREXIT is going badly. 18% said it was going OK.
Um, who? London only? But that means 51% are OK or Happy … can hear the presenter wanting to talk over Priti Patel.
Remain Emily Thornberry comes in to talk and presenter sits back and listens … get the physcologists into read their body language.
Presenter is not moderating the talk … confused. Labour view is “… economy first, security second.”
– without security there is no economy. Top Tip: “Monarch airlines and terrorism”
“We are united in conservative party … ” – Priti Patel
“Realllllyyyyy!” says the presenter.
They might be British born, but I cannot see any way in which they are British. They see themselves as a race apart (literally), muslim overlords taking their rightful tribute of kaffir women.
During the war, if an SS family based in Poland had a child, was the child Polish? No, he was a member of the German master race, and would be educated from birth to treat the Poles as untermensch. That is what is going on here, except our left wing traitors in government are happy to collude with the destruction of their own people. At least the Poles put up a fight.
That's the last interview I'll give to BBC. All my arguments highlighting how UK goldplates EU woman's equality laws were cut out. https://t.co/bN7Qn2wOO4
not BBC but BT ..has anyone got any shares in them ??
Their head of sustainability seems to be saying some mad things (Twitterfeed full of madness)
“This year we achieved an 81 per cent reduction in the carbon intensity of our global business which has led to greater efficiency, lower operating costs, and a reduction in our carbon footprint.”
That breaks the “too wow to be true” rule.
“BT’s proactive approach to sustainability has been engrained in the company since it set its first emissions target in 1992”
“began tracking its carbon emissions in 1992”
There is no proper contemporary evidence for this 1992 start date claim
A few years ago EDF estimated that 10% of the UK’s electricity was used for ‘ICT’. I attended a presentation a couple of years ago where it was suggested that if economic growth in Japan hadn’t been hit by their nuclear problems then they would have run out of electricity capacity by now owing to the growth in ICT requirements.
The observant might have noticed that BT’s green cabinets have been gradually gaining friends nearby. The older cabinets are just junction boxes, the newer ones are connected to fibre cables and they consume power. (You can see the louvres and hear the cooling fans). Now the old cabinets are getting little buddies attached to them. They are for the G.fast service. It uses power, too much for the fibre cabinets to cope with, hence the new little boxes.
It always worries me when business managers ‘get excited’, I would rather they be sane and level-headed.
All of these streaming services, Youtube videos etc. need hosting somewhere and they also need the infrastructure to deliver the ‘bits’ to the user. All of this needs power. The use of Wi-Fi and mobile networks gives the illusion of ‘magic’ but somewhere out there is hardware working its socks off, burning up the juice.
I imagine BT has come up with ‘innovative’ schemes whereby ‘unbundled’ services reduce their ‘carbon’ burden, i.e. if half the connections on a FTC cabinet are for TalkTalk customers and half for BT then only half of the ‘carbon’ used by the cabinet is set against BT’s ‘sustainability’ account.
Racist attitudes and the growth of far-right parties pose a threat to democracy, the rights of trade union organisations, a free media and racial equality.
Its members have a responsibility to stop racism being expressed in the media.
… You do not have to report on racist organisations.
Lib-left media will try to keep FLA invisible unless/until it can tie them to Far Right/racism. It hates non-Left working class people.
Dramatic Grenfell baby story probably never happened says BBC. So how much more ‘fake news’ did they publish at the time? How much of their speculation was rubbish?
Far too busy trying to boost Corbyn’s campaign I think.
BBC original news story has not had a correction note to it
..Yet The BBC frequently stealth edits news stories it publishes http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-40276194
As I said on Sunday
There is a BBC news story : Fish eat plastic like teens eat fast food,
..a similarly too wow to be true story for which the paper was quite quickly RETRACTED
that BBC article still sits there WITHOUT any correction note http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/science-environment-36435288
This ‘race audit’ is a wet dream for the BBC. Of course it is the fault of society as a whole for any negative outcomes, not the minority culture. If children from certain black communities are more likely to be excluded from school perhaps they have a bad attitude towards their studies; perhaps people called Mohamed are less likely to get job interviews as they are less likely to integrate which has a negative effect on team spirit; and perhaps a lack of ambition is what makes more BAME individuals unemployed – it must blow their minds that they can get free money and rent for doing nothing.
Of course none of these crucial factors will be considered and the Beeb will have a collective orgasm all day emoting about ‘discrimination’ and how evil white society is. They really are beneath contempt.
So I am up at 6 to go to a job I do not like, and I will pay taxes towards unemployment benefits for others – some of whom would rather stay in bed than go to a crappy job. And I am the racist oppressor here? It’s nonsense.
Plus I wonder how many registered as unemployed for benefits have secret jobs paid in cash they do not declare. An audit into who is committing most benefit fraud would be very interesting but it will never happen. My heart is pounding as I am so nervous about work today, yet the Beeb tell me I am some evil racist because more BAME people are unemployed? They can f*ck off.
Any journalist worth their salt can talk to the public to find out what is going on. For example a friend of friend. A white English girl started dating a Bosnian Muslim immigrant who was working as a waiter in an English south coastal town. He was surprised at how lax security was compared to what he was used to back at home. He started stealing (shop lifting) because he could get away with it. He was going out with a Christian girl because Muslim boys are allowed to do so (a Muslim girl cannot go out with a Christian boy). When the young man’s family came over they started putting pressure on the English girl to conform to Muslim ways. She had aspirations of becoming an engineer whereas the young man’s family said her duty was to have a large family and stay in the home. The English girl couldn’t stand this pressure from the young man’s family and she split up. Not before the young man’s criminality had got worse and he was eventually arrested and served a small jail sentence.
I imagine this is just one example of many stories. This happened about ten – fifteen years ago. I know of a few other similar stories – including immigrants putting pressure on English girls to marry them and have children with them so they can stay in the country. Basically English society is pretty much fragmented at certain levels and individuals can always be found and taken advantage of. Maybe the laws have been changed since, I don’t know.
There is no analysis, journalistic integrity or intellectual rigour. It is all this broad brush shrieking of ‘discrimination’ and ‘racism’ without crunching the numbers and getting to the heart of the problem. The Left has forgotten how to argue.
Of course if you take people from completely different cultures and place them in our system there will be wildly different outcomes for different groups. Just to observe these differences and shriek about it does not help anyone.
According to the BBC’s lead story: Theresa May to introduce further affirmative action to challenge and change British society even further which is perceived as still being intrinsically racist and bigoted.
Sky and the BBC all over this this morning. Turned over to RT instead, as I often do.
The BBC studio had a black headmaster complaining about the usual stuff. I was fascinated by the fact that this headmaster (!) had found it necessary to turn up to an interview on national television wearing what looked like a flat cap which had been inflated to the size and shape of a balloon. It might have been some Rasta thing – I neither know nor care. And he expected to be taken seriously? Really?
Meanwhile, how are SE Asian kids doing at school? Do they also need help from cradle to grave?
You can add BBC R4 to that list, Clare. It was just vomit-inducing. A shoddy government report compiled by Guardianistas for Guardianiistas and, of course, the BBC treats it at as holy writ.
On Toady first thing – We were treated to another R4 “hit job” on white society as to why effniks dont do so well in society (for effniks I think we can safely assume they mean mainly muslims) , effnik couldnt get mortgage – why ? – subtle prejudice of course.
Somalian woman (who is only now learning english after years in the UK – good of her dont you think!) Her son has a “degree” and is only working as a security guard. I wonder why? – white prejudice of course people! Sorry Missis maybe he should be allowed to choose his own job and salary instead , suggest he starts with brain surgery and works upwards.
No evidence presented just the hint that somehow these people have suffered because of some sort of prejudice. We all know what the Government report on this will be . It will be the normal lazy “brownwash” shit that we as a society are all to blame and prejudiced and we should change our ways rather than placing any sort of responsibility on these vibrant effniks to maybe change some of their attitudes and expectations.
The whole item was an exhibition of finger wagging and guilt trippery as only the BBC knows how. How this organisation has changed these days from news to pure propaganda. At least not having a licence I dont have to pay for this shit!
It’s that ‘no evidence’ that really irks. We were subjected to this facile nonsense from the BBC without so much as a hint that there might be more to what is going on here than prejudice.
Somalis in Leicester (and perish the thought anyone should ask why we have Somalis in Leicester at all!) do not do well in life and this is automatically our fault.
Given that any and every other government report is subjected to the most minute examination and routine excoriation, why is it that this banal nonsense is somehow exempt from even the slightest scrutiny?
“Speaking at an ocean conservation conference in Malta, the Prince of Wales stirred up controversy by praising Somalian pirates for scaring off trawler crews to create a greater wealth of marine life.”
– I present to you your future King of England.
– If Leicester (UK) Somalians want jobs back home, piracy for the environment seems to to be the future.
I retract this story – ‘Prince Charles praises jihadi pirates’ – it has been sensationalised by the Express title.
Prince Charles was using Somalia as evidence (no report supplied, just his comments) that the fish thrived when no fishing was taking place off coast of Somalia.
I still believe Charles is very misguided in his green over zealous actions and Middle East connections – this shows why it is important to go to the source and see the report yourself.
I really wanted Charles to sound so stupid, so more fool me.
Didn’t they hop over from Holland under the EU freedom of movement rules? Somalia was a Dutch colony. I think they come here because the bennies are better than Holland.
Somalia had nothing to do with Holland, the Dutch were just soft enough to let them in. As soon as they got papers, they came over here instead. Many thanks to our Dutch friends for that.
When will the Tories stop feeding the BBC trolls with things like “race audits”?
Self-infliced masochism by the useless Tories. The BBC will be grateful for the free hits, and no need to even read it.
“A report to be published later today”-is ALWAYS a BBC excuse to give us no news, just their agitations and musings on their favoured areas of grievance farming.
Humphrys tells me that Sajiv Tory will be hauled into the beaks office to account for why the Tories have failed in things like sport, childrens TV and things not BBC.
Sajiv , being a Muslim of Pakistani origin; would normally tell white overpaid and hideously privileged media jockeys like John to put a sock in it.
But he`s a Tory-so will be guilty and grovelling. The Tories are THICK-this is not news, but they play into Corbyns grasping bony hands all the time.
Me?…I`ll be checking on Anne Maries new Party, and taking soundings about whether Redditch is ready for her.
PS-given what a eunuch Sajiv is nowadays-maybe we need no Prevent strategy-just an overnight stay at the Tory Party Conference might turn them into metrosexual, clueless clones, and save us the bombings and beheadings.
Theresa May is pathetic. You never get the respect of your enemies by fighting on their terms. How did she think this “race audit” would be presented? Did she think the Conservatives would get any credit for it?
It is the same with the EU. She needs to set out our terms, clearly and concisely, and publish them for all to see, and then insist that the EU negotiate with us in good faith. At the moment, the EU are walking all over her. They see she is weak, and think if they do not offer Britain a deal we will cancel Article 50 and shuffle back into the fold with our tail between our legs.
Now is the time for leadership, and Theresa May just can’t do it. What is unfolding is akin to what would have happened in 1940 if Lord Halifax had become Prime Minister instead of Churchill. It is a slow motion train wreck.
Quite right. Following so close on the heels of her risible pretend negotiations with the EU, this latest ‘race audit’ is an insult. It;s almost as if she gets her advice direct from the BBC – and yet, as is always the case, the more she appeases them, the worse they treat her.
Where are the men in grey suits when you need them most?
For the past three months or so the BBC have continually been creating headline news that links India to rape, that links Hindus to rape and that links Sikhs to rape.
Notice the first two words of the headline “India rape”. While I have been observing the BBC website not once have I seen the headline “Pakistan rape”, “Muslim rape” etc. The propaganda is as clear as night and day & I find it fecking juvenile. Yet nothing is done about it and the BBC are becoming shriller and shriller.
So, 71% of our Chinese ethnic minority primary school pupils meet the standard for reading, writing and maths compared with 54% of white British kids. Why are our institutionally racist educational establishments so incompetent at racism that they are allowing another race to outperform us?
Zelazek – I’m sure you’re aware of similar stats in the USA (despite Trump and Brexit) where the Asians regularly outperform the Whites in most academic areas. Asians being Korean, Vietnamese, etc
I thought I’d go back to one of the habits of my life. Listen to the Toady programme for an hour or two.
Mistake. I am a white Anglo right wing male. As far as I am concerned the Toady agenda is alien to me. As usual what I write here might upset a few. Good
In no order – the girl dpp talking about the prosecution of dead people.
An American pushing his book about Jewish history.
A black American talking about Obama and Trump.
The CQC boss saying service must work together { again}.
A Tory PM publishing some survey about how badly [ non whites are treated by the system – unbelievable – in Corbin in power already] .
Something bad about cuts and the so called health service,
prison governors saying the prisons are too full again ( surely a good thing )- a bit of me says execute the lifers to make room but I’d better not.
Beeboids and guardian readers must think that this was an excellent show . Me? I’m so bloody glad I don’t pay for it.
If some ethnic groups like Chinese out perform white Brits how can the system be at fault? Could other groups not learn from the Chinese attitude rather than trying to rehaul the whole system? We must be doing something right if the Chinese are thriving.
Nothing succeeds like failure with equality. Humph moans they have known about these statistics for decades and the situation has not improved. Maybe we have done all that is humanly possible to help minorities but some just do not want to integrate? It is a two way process; it’s like friendship – you cannot be someone’s friend unless they want to be friends with you.
Javid is on Toady unable to mention crucial hate facts because to do so would lead to his dismissal and possible arrest. How can we ever solve these problems if you can get arrested for having certain opinions, however reasonable they may be? So there will be lots of vague, muddled thinking and virtue signalling and more millions will be squandered on the wrong medicine – the idea that it is the system that is entirely wrong and not individual attitudes.
In the next breath they will be moaning there is not enough money for something or other. Why peddle nonsense like this if you want to save money? The equalities industry costs over a billion pounds a year!
I see also in the news today a record number of people have been convicted for sexual offences. I wonder if the Beeb will be looking into any racial disparities here and demanding urgent action?
“Baroness Young says that successive governments “had not taken the issue seriously,” but she argues that the solutions are about more than just challenging institutional racism.”
– Stop and search finds more criminals, time to stop ‘Stop and Search’.
More sexual offences eh? That’s a bad thing because white men can’t control themselves right? Or is it a bunch of third world peasants who have made it to the promised land or white girls who are kaffirs.
More terrorist arrests? Old bill victimising obvious hard working ethnic groups right ? Or a war on us by Islam
More teen stabbing deaths . Less police stop,and search . No connection there at all.
Poor Treezer ain’t gonna win any Tory votes with that lefty waste of time. I wonder how much taxpayers money producing that non sense ?
Al Beeb is leaving Labour alone at the moment in order to cause the conservatives to become weaker in preparation for the forthcoming election which al Beeb wants. More cash for the dimbley / vine production company dividends .
Nowadays a white elderly man saying to a women, well done girl, is accused of a sexual hate crime and made equivalent to that of a Muslim rape gang member. Except Muslim rape gang members are never referred to as such by the BBC nor the police: just a man committing sexual offences, without the hate.
Yet another morning of UK bashing from the BBC. From the start of R4 and on breakfast all I have heard is how we are a country with terrible productivity worse than all our major competitors including France ( don’t make me laugh) and how the BAME are all hard done to because our society is mainly white and (males in particular) are all racists and how Brexit caused the problems at BAE and how we can’t negotiate with the EU ergo we are not doing it too well ….
News flash…talking at moment about nuclear energy and BBC guy says we had to leave Euratom because of Brexit…interviewee says no we didnt…presenter changes subject :-)…is there no subject they can’t blame Brexit for!!!!!
BBC = Bash Britain Constantly
Students at Oxford University banned the Christian Union from a freshers fair to protect lonely new undergraduates from “harm” and accused Christianity of being “an excuse for homophobia and neo-colonialism”
As reported in The Times today – concerning the decision by student leaders at Balliol College Oxford: LINK TO STORY
I’ll make a mental note to associate Oxford Uni graduates with any lack of objectivity in the future. We should all do the same with people who display such bias. I guess it just means that the BBC will be employing more Oxford Uni graduates in the future as they already exhibit the required personal qualities…………..
The decades-long covert and overt demeaning of Christians and Christian values and belief in almost all BBC output is bound to have had a corrosive effect on impressionable minds. We cannot tell whether this directly contributed to the warped sense of right and wrong in the mind of the officers of the Balliol Student’s Union, but the BBC has certainly been a significant anti-Christian propagandist for a very long time.
Sky and BBC giving airtime again to lack of diversity in EVERYTHING ! clearly they haven’t been to my local hospital where the only white staff are admin ! Ethnic children are given a rough time — um, my education might be lacking but are there white gangs involved in drugs and carrying guns ? I made mention yesterday of some BBC announcers having rubbish articulation, I find it astounding that second + generations of British Caribbean and British African still retain their ethnic way of conversing – (although most white English kids now have trouble speaking properly). Ts and Hs becomes Fs and Gs become Ks, as in nuffink. Teach all children to speak articulately and they will all have a better chance in life.
Is Britain racist?
Well, which ‘Britains’ are we talking about?
The ones who forbid their daughters to mix with white boys whilst at the same time ‘grooming’ white (‘trash’) girls?
The ones who hate us for not believing in their ‘religion’?
The ones who want to blow up our children at pop concerts?
The ones who want to mow us down or jump out of cars and cut our throats?
Why doesn’t Treezer ‘order’ a study into exactly what the truth is about what is written in Islamic scripture and debate it openly.
I think she is picking on the wrong people when she demands that we must “explain or change”!
Poland was the most common country of birth for mothers born outside the UK, followed by Pakistan and India.
Pakistan was the most common country of birth for fathers born outside the UK, followed by Poland and India.
Poland, Pakistan and India were the 3 most common countries of birth for women born outside the UK who gave birth in 2015 (Table 2). Between 2001 and 2006, Pakistan, India and Bangladesh were consistently the 3 most common countries. However, in 2007, Poland replaced Bangladesh as the third most common country, rising to second place in 2008 and first place in 2010.
MM – That is why, when all is said and done, it really doesn’t matter a damn whether we are inside or outside the EU: Britons will become a minority within their own homeland in 50 – 60 years time.
On that conclusion Al Shubtill, that 50 years time Europeans will be replaced, we have no choice but to try and keep the embers of freedom of thought and freedom of speech burning.
Hoping that they will transition into a generation that wants to fight tooth and nail for it.
If Islam can be brought into the light and women unshackled … we may have a glimmer of hope.
Just makes you made that the Government, with all it’s clever people who should know history, didn’t promote at least a 2.5 or higher birth rate for it’s native population. This also makes a mockery of giving aid to countries to help it’s populations …
I was referring specifically to the UK, Eastern Europe and its people doesn’t face what we and the rest of Western Europe do and nor will they, because they have seen what has befallen our countries and as Hungary demonstrates they aren’t going to make the same catastrophic mistakes.
Also I wasn’t just referring to Muslim or Third World immigration, although that is the greater evil, none of us were consulted about whether we wanted the huge numbers of Eastern Europeans to move here; my answer to that would have been in the negative, since no immigration on that scale is ever good for the indigenous folk.
The unfortunate situation is that the pro-multiculti-no-such-thing-as-borders-Left and the pro-cheap-labour-and-consumers-from-anywhere-Right, have completely f***ed the future for generations of Britons yet to come; we are way, way beyond where putting a cross next to a name on a ballot paper is going to reverse this.
How about these simple questions before we get to racism …. it’s to do with a different -ism …
a. If a man writes a piece of fiction, should he have a death contract put on his life?
b. If a person declares they are homosexual should they be shunned?
c. If a man in a country draws a cartoon should that country be boycotted and the cartoonist sent death threats?
d. Do you think you should be given a job based solely on your religion?
e. Do you think you should discriminate against animals?
f. Do you think UK Tax Payers should support and pay for Sharia to operate in the UK?
a. If no, then please write to Iran to remove current death sentence for Salman Rushdie. (Fiction Writers)
b. If no, then please ask for it to be stopped in Majority Muslim Countries. (Homosexuals)
c. If no, then please ask this to be stopped in Majority Muslim Countries. (Persecution of Cartoonists)
d. If no, then remove the restriction that only Muslims can recite from the Koran and slaughter the animals for Halal food. (Positive Religious/Employment Discrimination)
e. If no, then start using pork products in your baking. (Animal Discrimination)
f. Halal food, bought, enforces the Sharia laws as it conforms to Sharia doctrine.
The liberal media are cock-a-hoop this morning with the BAME inequality story. But nobody has noticed the elephant in the room despite the smell. Multi-culturalism is a complete failure and the reason no one will concede to that theory is that the genie is well and truly out of the bottle. Can you blame companies who don’t want to employ BAME because they either talk like a rapper or carry so much cultural baggage with them it’s like an employment tribunal waiting to happen.
When are the churches going to do a Moses and lead their people OUT of such places as Oxford Student forums like these?
To accuse Christianity of being homophobic/colonialist only shows how much ground has been ceded to cretins and bullies from the left-even a cursory knowledge of what Jesus said and did deals with that malicious and ignorant claptrap , coming from Orwells hatespeak vocab book.
Yet-from the Church-nothing.
About time all Christians mobilised, began to boycott and pull the plug in all areas of public life that assume the lefts superiority. No more Thought For The Day, ban them from services etc maybe? No adoptions or hospital props like the coffee shop-let the NHS pay.
This cannot go on-if the MCB can create such havoc, Christians could do far more if they bothered to fight back-they`re going to have to, like it or not.
Expect a mass migration to Swansea for BBC luvvies who will cover Hillary Clinton’s Hon Doctorate at the Yoony of Swansea, Oct 14th. She will probably tell the students that she won the Presidential election, making her the first woman to hold this office. She cannot tell the students that Trump won because that would hurt their feelings. Should she need to go for a cack (as we say in Wales) the University have posted instructions on how to use the toilets. No bag it and bin it for our University students. http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-wales-south-west-wales-16983788
Link to an earlier BBC report on Swansea Yoony’s advice on how to pooh to the budding brain surgeons, philosophers, engineers and future leaders
Might need to make the drawings clearer so they don`t use the sink or the washing machines as well though…we find that they need to know that kitchen roll is NOT loo paper round here.
Where feedback is allowed on social media, the big event seems to have gone down like a bucket of warm sick with a significant proportion of those not part of the Observatory on the Human Rights of Children and Young People.
Luckily at the Bay Campus.
Just got sent this, which I doubt will be a vox pop the BBC will be tracking down:
“Frankly could not care what Hillary does. Although my flat mate wanted our building to put out a giant Trump banner for her arrival”.
Dare I suggest that anyone who thinks you squat on top of the toilet seat probably shouldn’t be going to uni in the first place? Possibly the circus, though.
You may jest Dys .. our market town didn’t have any green and red and gold Christmas trees, “Merry Christmas”, Stars of Bethlehem etc, in our Christmas lights last year, just blue and white and a huge “Love and Respect” hung across the road so we were all sure to see it, feel suitably virtue signalled and know exactly what the future holds for us.
What is needed is a ‘vote the bums out’ candidate to stand in every local election, promising just one thing – to make the councillors who allow this sort of thing to happen live in fear of losing their endless expense accounts. and ‘attendance allowances’. In most cases, these insane ideas come from council employees who are allowed to run things to suit their Guardianista instructions, while the councillors just enjoy their perks.
So no White Christmas there then. Perhaps Santa will change the direction of the wind before too long. If he doesn’t I forecast the mother of all tornadoes.
Not in my town Lefty … it’s full of imported champagne Socialists who work for the BBC or used to live in Hampstead and walk around the streets with polystyrene coffee cups before getting into their black 4 wheel drive BMW’s and Mercedes. The number of Vote Labour stickers round here at GE time is enough to make you walk round with a sick bucket to hand. Very very intelligent but absolutely clueless!
BBC have given up reporting on journalism … it just uses titles …. Torture survivors win detention ruling
“Survivors of torture have won a legal challenge against Home Office rules on asylum seeker detention in the UK.”
– Notice that the title is almost the same as the content. BBC has given up!
– That’s it. no other details – no links. Why bother ….
A new Government audit confirms, some say, us white British are a bunch of racists. It also confirms that white children from poorer families still aren’t doing so good and although we have significant numbers ethnic Mayors, MPs, Healthcare and media types it’s just not good enough although white British make up around 80% of the population.
The BBC website has a ‘news’ story about how people called Mohamed are less likely to be called for an interview.
My brother has a small business and employs some young women. A disproportionate amount of people called Mohamed are convicted for sexual offences against young women. Imagine the Pandora’s box he would open if he employed someone who behaved inappropriately with his female staff: multiple law suits; his reputation would be in the gutter; the constant worry of it all. What right-minded person would take that risk?
“The BBC website has a ‘news’ story about how people called Mohamed are less likely to be called for an interview…
My brother has a small business and employs some young women. A disproportionate amount of people called Mohamed are convicted for sexual offences against young women… What right-minded person would take that risk?”
Yes, so it’s ok not to give someone a job because of their name. Every doctor called Harold should be sacked forthwith; just to be on the safe side.
Oh, and is this the same ‘brother’ who employed a nanny who became pregnant a month later? Remember? The last time you were caught out lying?
Let’s introduce “Love Speech” or “Love Incidents”.
I dropped this on order-order.com to help everyone who does not Love Enough.
Enough is Enough …
Let’s introduce “Love Speech” or “Love Incidents”.
From now on when I call you an ‘idiot’ I use the word ‘genius’.
LS (Love Speech)
idiot = genius
genius = genius
enemy = friend
friend = friend
evil = good
good = good
up = down
down = down
stupid = clever
clever = clever
don’t = do
do = do
Prior to using these terms I will prefix each sentence with LS (for Love Speech) or HS (for Hate Speech) or NS (for Normal Speech).
Let’s have a go.
LS. Dear Amber Rudd, I think you are a genius and a true friend of speech. HS. You are a racist. NS. Please don’t kill free speech, it’s such a stupid thing to do.
p.s. Sometimes I will switch between Love/Hate/NormalSpeech but will not tell you I am doing so, that is called Perceived Speech.
Only if your white and willing to go to jail or happen to have a rather dark skin . A few years from now there will be more white jailbirds than there are members of the public. Concentration Camp anyone? This cannot end well.
Agree. Sometimes it is pure stupidity and randomness. Our own conspiracies fill the void.
But the London Museum just seems odd with the Uber, passengers?, museum, dark skinned suspect, Uber being banned, Amber Rudd clamping down on internet trolls, Hopkins taking down her tweets, #HopeNotHopkins people coming out enforce.
But hey, we used to think that the Earth was in the center of the Universe – couldn’t have been more wrong!
. . . Uber: Women voice safety fears over London licence loss {bbc.co.uk 23sep2017}
“Concerns about how Uber deals with alleged attacks have also been raised by the Metropolitan Police Service, following cases such as a driver who was jailed for assaulting a woman.”
Uber sued by car-share stab victim {bbc.co.uk 05apr2017}
A woman who was attacked with a knife in an Uber car is suing the ride-sharing company.
Chicago resident Jennifer Camacho says another passenger slashed her face several times while using Uber Pool.
The service lets strangers share a car to reduce the cost of a trip.
The race report is officially released at midday. I bet BBC executives are already masturbating in a circle in anticipation. Expect wall to wall coverage with every sofa full of victims from every culture and nation except our own saying how horrible our country is, so horrible that they risked life and limb to come and live here. It might be time to escape to a safe space.
BBC is ecstatic and in full on virtue signalling mode over the race report. Cue more non white faces on the BBC Sky is no better. Will Lord Hall Hall finally give up his white privileged position for an ethnic person . Theresa’s government will demand to know if not ,why not.
BBC cannot cover news on migrant crime : cos that’s racist
So what about someone having a dream organic farm ?
… ah well there’s space for that on Radio4, Countryfile and last nights Inside Out Southwest
And stick in the anti-Brexit Comments as well..
(the entire second half of the prog) http://www.bbc.co.uk/iplayer/episode/b097ysjs/inside-out-south-west-09102017
Surprisingly InsideOut London used the words “illegal immigrants” as they trailed next weeks issues
– Fraudsters helping illegal immigrants (false passports )
(MacIntyre already did this 2 years ago on his Channel 5 undercover prog)
– Dementia ..therapy
– Banksy restoration
Muslim Reform Group Reached Out to 3,000 US Mosques, Got Only 40 Responses {jihadwatch.org {24feb2017}
“We spent significant resources on this outreach over a period of ten months. We reached out through snail mail, e-mail, and telephone to over 3,000 mosques and over 500 known public American Muslims. We received only 40-plus rather dismissive responses from our outreach, and sadly less than ten of them were positive. In fact, one mosque in South Carolina left us a vicious voice mail threatening our staff if we contacted them again.”
Love that ‘we’ from Owen. Especially in a paper low on the ABC ratings. And also his ignoring broadcast, especially the broadcaster more bent than most, who has him in constant standby.
Top comment:
Kornilov The irony of a Guardian columnist railing about newspapers not reflecting the views of the populace correctly is beyond ridiculous.
To which some genius, possibly Nick Robinson has masterfully countered with ‘No it isn’t’. Bless.
‘ the BBC’s Andrew Neil is a climate change sceptic’, says Owen Jones.
That proves the BBC is right wing. The BBC is a large organization. Name another sceptic
Least we forget how it all works … videos, words, pictures … you don’t get to choose the arrangement … the BBC does ….
Chaos as police stop Hungary migrant train – Gavin Hewitt – BBC -Sep 2015 @53s
“… then a really distressing incident happened. A women who was carrying a small baby began crying for help (photo of lady carrying baby). One of her companions tried to help her (photo of man with women on track, riot police reaching towards them) Somehow there became a push and a shove with the police. She ended up on the railway lines (by the male refugee dragging her and the baby to the floor, but this is not said) with the riot police trying to pull her back, and this of course inflamed all the other people…”
-Gavin Hewitt – Sep 2015
Can I suggest a little story – “Male refugee forces pregnant women refugee holding child down onto a train track, police drag him away for her safety. Riot police then lift women with child off track with tender arms.”
“The Two Ronnies – The Worm That Turned (1 of 8)”
The Date line is 2012, England is in the grip of a new regime of Terror. Traditionally a land of brave heros and great statesmen. Britan now laboured under the yoke of a power guarenteed to strike fear into the hearts of all men… The country is being run by women…
“The fee introduced under the naturalisation of the work force programme by the labour ministry will be increased to 400 Saudi riyals from January 2018. It will go up by 200 Saudi riyals every year until 2020.”
Mmmm, does the BBC and the media need to dig a little deeper into how fat Cyril got away with it? As far back as 1979 there was this in Private Eye http://liberalengland.blogspot.co.uk/2013/09/private-eyes-1979-item-on-cyril-smith.html including the line ‘There is not an important newspaper or TV station in the land which has not received a copy …’ . Yet as recently as 2010 Mr Clegg could say he was “deeply saddened” to hear of the death of the fat one, before his crimes received full publicity.
Does any of this matter now? I’d say yes, as it’s symptomatic of the lack of curiosity show by the media into the criminal behaviour of powerful people it favours, including those in the media itself. As by far away the biggest and best funded news provider in the world the BBC should be much more impartial and intrepid. When was the last time the BBC exposed anything?
Hear! Hear! And before anyone else gets in first, let me just say that I do not believe for an instant that Jimmy Savile’s predilections were unknown at the BBC. If that were the case then they were the only people in the media who didn’t know what the disgusting pervert was up to.
Mulumebet Girma was jailed for helping failed suicide bomber Hussain Osman flee after his plot to kill Tube passengers on July 21, 2005. She helped him escape to Brighton before he took a Eurostar to Paris and ended up in Rome, where he was arrested. After being released, Ms Girma was employed by Southwark Borough Council in south London, as reported in The Sun.
The former model even became a “poster girl” for the local authority, which put her on the cover of a council magazine, Southwark Housing News, to promote an apprenticeship scheme.
She failed to tell her employer about her criminal record and has since been sacked, the council said.
Ms Girma, also known as Mulu, was 24 in 2008 when she was jailed for 10 years, which was reduced to five after an appeal. She had been found guilty of assisting an offender and failing to disclose information about Osman’s involvement in the attempted attacks. She was sentenced alongside Osman’s wife – and her sister – Yeshi Girma, then 32, who is serving 11 years and 9 months in prison.
Osman, along with Muktar Said Ibrahim, Yassin Omar, and Ramzi Mohammed, tried to detonate rucksacks laden with explosives on three Underground trains at Shepherd’s Bush station, Oval station and Warren Street station, together with a bus in Hackney Road, killing themselves and passengers, but the bombs failed to go off.
The attempted attacks came two weeks after four suicide bombers struck in central London, killing 52 people and injuring more than 770. They were jailed for life in July 2007 after being convicted at London’s Woolwich Crown Court of conspiracy to murder. At their trial, the four had maintained that the events of July 21 were an elaborate hoax designed to protest against and draw attention to Britain’s role in the attack upon and occupation of Iraq.
Another Contradiction :
BBC front-page : Immigrants are discriminated against.
Sun Front-page : Immigrant was privileged by being given council job, then chosen as poster girl…and that was all after she’d betrayed this country by helping a terrorist escape.
Report on BAe job losses. Norman Smith stated the following:-
“…..there will be questions about Brexit too. The boss of BAe Systems said the decision had nothing to do with Brexit, but already some are questioning whether we’d be better remaining in the single market”.
The above is my transcript of what Norman Smith had to say. The BAe boss said it had nothing to do with Brexit, but Smith had to mention ‘some’ as saying otherwise. Who are these ‘some’? The anonymous ‘some’ who the BBC always speak of when they want support for the BBC anti-Brexit narrative?
Note the contradiction
Remainiacs : “We are a little country so we need to always be with Europe cooperating otherwise we’re screwed”
Us : ” So why are these BAe jobs being lost ?”
: ” The French didn’t join the Eurofighter project, they produced their own plane ..now nations are buying it ..thus Euro fighter sales are low”
There have been no Typhoon sales to any European state apart from the consortium which build them and Austria. There have been sales to Saudi Arabia, which is considering a further order. However, this has been put on hold as our dear friends and neighbours the French have come up with a counter offer to sell them Rafales instead. How does Brexit come into this? Only in Norman Smith’s mind, it appears.
Meanwhile, the efforts of Worzel Gummidge to “end the arms trade” and to refuse to sell arms to Saudi Arabia are not mentioned by good old Norman. Is it possible that Labour’s anti-arms trade campaign might just have been a factor in the Saudi decision? Surely not, because Norman Smith hasn’t mentioned it. I wonder what “some people” make of that?
Remember the Great Brexit Hate Crime2 ?
Where the Croydon pub crowd chased a Kurdish refugee .
The trial has just started of 6 whitish youths
… I guess some truth will come out in court over the next weeks.
Only person charged with a hate crime is 1 teenager.
He was interviewing Alison Saunders, the Director of Public Prosecutions and all he did was state the truth that the scales of justice had tipped too far towards the accuser due to the ridiculous law that allows anonymity to the accuser, regardless of outcome.
Alison Saunders replaced Keir Starmer in her role and is even more useless at it than he was. Particularly sinister was her comment that just because someone is found not guilty of rape, doesn’t mean that they didn’t do it……….what?…….so we have the head of the Public Prosecution service saying on air that even though men were found not guilty by a jury she thinks they still did it.
No doubt she’ll be lined up as an MP for labour once her spell on the DPP gravy train comes to an end.
Third ,
Lawyers are taught that not guilty means there wasn’t enough evidence to convict – not that someone actually didn’t do the deed. It’s one of those ideas which legal bods love but decent people think is a waste of time and thought.
The interview was frankly mad. The idea of gathering evidence for an alleged offence by some one who is dead is an insult to the taxpayer . A complete waste of time and money and no closure for an alleged victim . Taxpayers money needs to be cared for and not spent such a cavalier way.,
I think the thing that I find most disturbing is that Alison Saunders was effectively claiming that those men found not guilty were actually guilty, but at no time did she claim that if the justice system is so flawed for that to happen then the men found guilty must also have been innocent.
All men are vicious dirty rapists – it fits the snowflake mentality.
AsISeeItFeb 24, 09:12 Start the Week 24th February 2025 Nigel Farage would be wise to back off from his enthusiasm for proportional representatation. The tendency – seen again and…
MarkyMarkFeb 24, 08:23 Start the Week 24th February 2025 China can buy land in London to build embassy – signed off by Labour. UK cannot own any land in…
Fedup2Feb 24, 08:17 Start the Week 24th February 2025 It seems to be a ‘theme ‘ the US democrats don’t get – Trump has crossed a barrier of ‘party…
Hypocrisy time: the Spectator reports that Culture Secretary Karen Brady, responsible ( if that’s the right word for someone so ineffectual) for BBC oversight, didn’t have a TV licence for telly viewing or i player using in her constuency office.
As Private Eye has pointed out, Karen Brady peddled pornography at the beginning of her career working for West Ham chairman David Gold. It’s a bit rich that now she presents herself as a feminist icon.
Before our friend Maxi gets too excited there is government minister called Karen Bradley and life peer called Baroness (Karren) Brady.
Neither of them are called Karen Brady.
Correction Bradley. This Karen would never make it in the ‘glamour’ industry!
Well, who knows. A demo on Nov 5th outside BBC against its bias.
Bet the BBC won’t report it.
I would like to attend. I would go dressed in an Owen Jones mask or maybe a Dimblebum one.
Actually this is a good site, with excellent reports
I am increasingly seeing the BBC as some sort of liberal Death Star sucking the life out of the country.
I’m working on the assumption that HMG is starting to play the sort of mind games the EU and it’s remainers have been doing for the last year . – with regard to saying the accursed ecj will have jurisdiction after article 50 has expired .
If it’s not mind games and just thickery then brexiters are in trouble as the remainers fudge it . I suppose starmer will be making hay.
They have just received funding from the Foreign Office (that’s us, the taxpayers) to set up 12 more foreign language stations. That kind of serious funding plus that from the TV tax, you might, just might think just a little effort might, just might, go towards promoting the interests of this country?
But hell no, they have the morality and loyalty of Google and Facebook ie: zero.
That said Google and FB have earned their money.
Hi GWF, I may be wrong with this, but it seems that Paul J. Watson might be the altered voice behind this video. If so, he has finally decided what to do next after he was stopped economically from posting videos onto youtube, following owner Googles big brother demonitisation over the past year of all information and protest videos that goes against the progressive liberal fascist consensus of the elites.
Basically if this is to be a new movement, we need strong leaders, with impeccable backgrounds. Basically a system that parallels that already developed by Islamists in their progressive takeover of Britain, is needed to counteract this. It will take time & requires planning.
Our Nigel tonight
@BBCInsideOutYL InsideOut Yorks/Lincs item : Who’s going to leave cos of Brexit ?
It seems like another item pushed in by an NGO
but this time it turned out to be the father of one of the girls in the show
Jeremy Abrahams from Sheffield is making an exhibition “about couples where one partner is EU born and the other UK born”
#1 example his daughter Alison works for Amnesty in Brussels
“Who’s going to employ a British person in Belgium ?”
stupid woman you already have a job with a British origin NGO
#2 The Italian woman Cristina Cerulli who works as architecture lecturer in Sheffield
She had planned to move her family to Florence
..but then in an update after a holiday there, they’ve changed their minds
The exhibition is part of the UK Social Science festival in Sheffield
BBC Online News (Birmingham & Black Country section):
“”Fairy lights bomb plotter Zahid Hussain jailed for life””
Shouldn’t this be on the main page? Unless of course the BBC was seeking damage limitation.
Bloody hell.. just followed DS’s link to BBC Birmingham news and can’t believe the idiots have shown the fairy light device. I wondered how you could make a fairy light into a detonator and now those clowns have shown the whole world. Anyone with a slight knowledge in chemistry and electronics now have a blueprint.. Expect a lot more of these devices now. If they had an ounce of sense, they should pull that image down. They are very quick to castigate google and YouTube for divulging such information..
Maybe Amber Rudd can take the BBC Organisation down for disseminating illegal IED materials?
Don’t know if anyone else has noticed this but it is a worrying sign. Hillary Clinton is to visit Swansea University on the 14th October to be awarded an honorary doctorate. Any mention of the award on social media is met with a barrage of criticism from what appears to be the consensus that she is a warmongering, dishonest, crook. Yet a search of Google for any negative opinion, protest or disgust with this travesty draws a blank and can only lead one to assume Google are censoring out anything but positive Clinton news. If they do it with this, what else are they hiding from us?
I suspect that it’s the thin end of a very thick wedge.
Article about the FLA march last Saturday in The Spectator. Also attended by a group called Veterans Against Terrorism, and Gurkhas.
The Football Lads Alliance demo.
Watch Tommy Robinson humiliate the shit from the BBC towards the end of the video.
Comments on You Tube show what many think of the BBC
Perhaps Maxicony might respond to them
If only two people had turned up to the Football Lads Alliance march, then the BBC would have reported it … EDL Chelmsford march attracts two supporters {24sep2017}
“Essex Police said the force had “acted on intelligence” and had put on extra patrols in Chelmsford on Saturday.”
The poor BBC guy knows he’s caught up in a mad game
TR : “Will you in your news report call this march right wing ?”
Beeboid : “Yes cos it’s labelled as such”
TR : how ?
Beeboid : well it’s about anti terrorism and border control
TR : So even though the Labour manifesto says the same about stricter border control you’ll call this far right ?
Beeboid : Er yes.
The video is edited but looks true
just before 3:14 it contains a black guy saying he’s seen no racism problem
The Beeboid basically admitted he was there to video trouble
I just search BBC web , there is still no story on the march
Got a recent copy of the Socialist Review with an article by Wayman Bennet and an ameneusis who joined the letters up for him.
No-do they not like the FLA? Yes-they do not.
Incoherent drive bys all through the article, but they are clueless- they are VERY sensitive to the Great God of Footy, and all those working class chappies are bound to be Labour and union fodder aren`t they?
So Hillsborough gets lobbed in, the FLA guilty of false consciousness and naive-run by racists like Tommy and Nigel. This ought to be the start of something, hope Anne Marie sends us all out with flyers to the next Wednesbury game… this one could destroy the left, seeing that Emily Thornberry and Dianne Abbott couldn`t even get into the Scotland team.
Those Socialist Review articles are available on line
and their video does indeed show thousands and thousands of people at the Rally
Sep 22nd : https://socialistworker.co.uk/art/45360/Whos+on+the+march+We+investigate+the+Football+Lads+Alliance
and 3 articles since the rally
– https://socialistworker.co.uk/art/45443/Racism+was+at+the+heart+of+Football+Lads+Alliance+march
video : “we’ve lost our freedom of speech, we are not allowed to say anything any more”
Racist chants ? “We want ourr country back” “Natinal Anthem” “England England” occasional mutters “we are not racists”
Shows police kettling tightly the marchers ..and some frustration..one bloke swears at police as the crowd shout “scum” at them
The reason why this march was peaceful is of course cos the Antifa agitators failed to turn up like they normally do.
Antifa are cowards. The thought of meeting 30,000 working class guys who hate their guts must have given them brown trousers.
This FLA march is a bit like the march of the London dockers in support of Enoch Powell in 1968. That was the authentic voice of the white working class, so it has been censored out of history. The BBC would prefer you to know about middle class students protesting against the Vietnam War in Grosvenor Square.
I think it after the left wing establishment saw the white working class take to the streets that they decided to import a new proletariat. Try and find a white person now in Tower Hamlets. The ethnic cleansing has been complete.
Grooming gangs across the country are repeating the horrific abuse exposed in Rotherham, Rochdale, Oxford and most recently Newcastle, victims and investigators have warned. {independent.co.uk 08oct2017}
“Operation Sanctuary: “We do not believe that what we have uncovered is unique to Newcastle””
“…especially from the kind of organised grooming and sexual exploitation that has come to light in towns and cities across the UK.”
Grooming – Brush and clean the coat of (a horse, dog, or other animal).
Grooming – prepare or train (someone) for a particular purpose or activity.
Sadistic Nationwide Child Rape Gangs and Sex Traffickers – The rape and torturing of hundreds of children and pouring fuel over them for fun
Like the BBC does … ‘Grooming Gangs’
Just so we are clear on what the problem is …
See Page 1 of “Independent Inquiry into Child Sexual Exploitation in Rotherham – 1997 – 2013 – Jay OBE {pdf}”
ITV News – 2000 people polled 49% say BREXIT is going badly. 18% said it was going OK.
Um, who? London only? But that means 51% are OK or Happy … can hear the presenter wanting to talk over Priti Patel.
Remain Emily Thornberry comes in to talk and presenter sits back and listens … get the physcologists into read their body language.
Presenter is not moderating the talk … confused. Labour view is “… economy first, security second.”
– without security there is no economy. Top Tip: “Monarch airlines and terrorism”
“We are united in conservative party … ” – Priti Patel
“Realllllyyyyy!” says the presenter.
I found Nick Ferrari (who I understand was a Leaver) to be fairly even-handed with both the Tory hairy@rse haggette and the nasty-eyed Labour sow.
He’s on ITV tonight presenting a political discussion show
The men (rapists) were from the Bangladeshi, Pakistani, Indian, Iraqi, Iranian and Turkish communities and were mainly British-born, with most living in the West End of Newcastle. {bbc.co.uk 9oct2017}
“Operation Sanctuary: Final member (Nadeem Aslam was sent to prison for 12 years for drugs offences as part of Operation Shelter) of sex grooming gang jailed”
– Two operations – Sanctuary and Shelter.
– Why not name it ‘Operation Rape Britain’.
– United in diversity
They might be British born, but I cannot see any way in which they are British. They see themselves as a race apart (literally), muslim overlords taking their rightful tribute of kaffir women.
During the war, if an SS family based in Poland had a child, was the child Polish? No, he was a member of the German master race, and would be educated from birth to treat the Poles as untermensch. That is what is going on here, except our left wing traitors in government are happy to collude with the destruction of their own people. At least the Poles put up a fight.
Liz Bilney Business Woman and CEO of Leave.EU,
Do you think BBC Wales Sunday Politics would give her a fair hearing ?
not BBC but BT ..has anyone got any shares in them ??
Their head of sustainability seems to be saying some mad things (Twitterfeed full of madness)
“This year we achieved an 81 per cent reduction in the carbon intensity of our global business which has led to greater efficiency, lower operating costs, and a reduction in our carbon footprint.”
That breaks the “too wow to be true” rule.
“BT’s proactive approach to sustainability has been engrained in the company since it set its first emissions target in 1992”
“began tracking its carbon emissions in 1992”
There is no proper contemporary evidence for this 1992 start date claim
A few years ago EDF estimated that 10% of the UK’s electricity was used for ‘ICT’. I attended a presentation a couple of years ago where it was suggested that if economic growth in Japan hadn’t been hit by their nuclear problems then they would have run out of electricity capacity by now owing to the growth in ICT requirements.
The observant might have noticed that BT’s green cabinets have been gradually gaining friends nearby. The older cabinets are just junction boxes, the newer ones are connected to fibre cables and they consume power. (You can see the louvres and hear the cooling fans). Now the old cabinets are getting little buddies attached to them. They are for the G.fast service. It uses power, too much for the fibre cabinets to cope with, hence the new little boxes.
It always worries me when business managers ‘get excited’, I would rather they be sane and level-headed.
All of these streaming services, Youtube videos etc. need hosting somewhere and they also need the infrastructure to deliver the ‘bits’ to the user. All of this needs power. The use of Wi-Fi and mobile networks gives the illusion of ‘magic’ but somewhere out there is hardware working its socks off, burning up the juice.
I imagine BT has come up with ‘innovative’ schemes whereby ‘unbundled’ services reduce their ‘carbon’ burden, i.e. if half the connections on a FTC cabinet are for TalkTalk customers and half for BT then only half of the ‘carbon’ used by the cabinet is set against BT’s ‘sustainability’ account.
Thanks for that info. I had wondered why the cabinets near me seemed to be breeding. I walked past them the other day and there was yet another one!
Reminder the NUJ special-PC rules are the reason Football lads doesn’t get reported
So they only have to twist that an event so it can be labelled with the boo word “far right” and then they have an excuse for dropping fairness in reporting
Dramatic Grenfell baby story probably never happened says BBC. So how much more ‘fake news’ did they publish at the time? How much of their speculation was rubbish?
Far too busy trying to boost Corbyn’s campaign I think.
BBC original news story has not had a correction note to it
..Yet The BBC frequently stealth edits news stories it publishes
As I said on Sunday
There is a BBC news story : Fish eat plastic like teens eat fast food,
..a similarly too wow to be true story for which the paper was quite quickly RETRACTED
that BBC article still sits there WITHOUT any correction note
This ‘race audit’ is a wet dream for the BBC. Of course it is the fault of society as a whole for any negative outcomes, not the minority culture. If children from certain black communities are more likely to be excluded from school perhaps they have a bad attitude towards their studies; perhaps people called Mohamed are less likely to get job interviews as they are less likely to integrate which has a negative effect on team spirit; and perhaps a lack of ambition is what makes more BAME individuals unemployed – it must blow their minds that they can get free money and rent for doing nothing.
Of course none of these crucial factors will be considered and the Beeb will have a collective orgasm all day emoting about ‘discrimination’ and how evil white society is. They really are beneath contempt.
So I am up at 6 to go to a job I do not like, and I will pay taxes towards unemployment benefits for others – some of whom would rather stay in bed than go to a crappy job. And I am the racist oppressor here? It’s nonsense.
Plus I wonder how many registered as unemployed for benefits have secret jobs paid in cash they do not declare. An audit into who is committing most benefit fraud would be very interesting but it will never happen. My heart is pounding as I am so nervous about work today, yet the Beeb tell me I am some evil racist because more BAME people are unemployed? They can f*ck off.
You paid for Anjhem Choudry’s house and way of life, now you are paying him to continue studying in prison … buying the rope that will hang us.
Exactly. He called Job Seekers’ Allowance Jihadi Seekers’ Allowance!
Any journalist worth their salt can talk to the public to find out what is going on. For example a friend of friend. A white English girl started dating a Bosnian Muslim immigrant who was working as a waiter in an English south coastal town. He was surprised at how lax security was compared to what he was used to back at home. He started stealing (shop lifting) because he could get away with it. He was going out with a Christian girl because Muslim boys are allowed to do so (a Muslim girl cannot go out with a Christian boy). When the young man’s family came over they started putting pressure on the English girl to conform to Muslim ways. She had aspirations of becoming an engineer whereas the young man’s family said her duty was to have a large family and stay in the home. The English girl couldn’t stand this pressure from the young man’s family and she split up. Not before the young man’s criminality had got worse and he was eventually arrested and served a small jail sentence.
I imagine this is just one example of many stories. This happened about ten – fifteen years ago. I know of a few other similar stories – including immigrants putting pressure on English girls to marry them and have children with them so they can stay in the country. Basically English society is pretty much fragmented at certain levels and individuals can always be found and taken advantage of. Maybe the laws have been changed since, I don’t know.
There is no analysis, journalistic integrity or intellectual rigour. It is all this broad brush shrieking of ‘discrimination’ and ‘racism’ without crunching the numbers and getting to the heart of the problem. The Left has forgotten how to argue.
Of course if you take people from completely different cultures and place them in our system there will be wildly different outcomes for different groups. Just to observe these differences and shriek about it does not help anyone.
According to the BBC’s lead story: Theresa May to introduce further affirmative action to challenge and change British society even further which is perceived as still being intrinsically racist and bigoted.
BBC Headline: UK must take action on racial disparity, says Theresa May
Sky and the BBC all over this this morning. Turned over to RT instead, as I often do.
The BBC studio had a black headmaster complaining about the usual stuff. I was fascinated by the fact that this headmaster (!) had found it necessary to turn up to an interview on national television wearing what looked like a flat cap which had been inflated to the size and shape of a balloon. It might have been some Rasta thing – I neither know nor care. And he expected to be taken seriously? Really?
Meanwhile, how are SE Asian kids doing at school? Do they also need help from cradle to grave?
You can add BBC R4 to that list, Clare. It was just vomit-inducing. A shoddy government report compiled by Guardianistas for Guardianiistas and, of course, the BBC treats it at as holy writ.
On Toady first thing – We were treated to another R4 “hit job” on white society as to why effniks dont do so well in society (for effniks I think we can safely assume they mean mainly muslims) , effnik couldnt get mortgage – why ? – subtle prejudice of course.
Somalian woman (who is only now learning english after years in the UK – good of her dont you think!) Her son has a “degree” and is only working as a security guard. I wonder why? – white prejudice of course people! Sorry Missis maybe he should be allowed to choose his own job and salary instead , suggest he starts with brain surgery and works upwards.
No evidence presented just the hint that somehow these people have suffered because of some sort of prejudice. We all know what the Government report on this will be . It will be the normal lazy “brownwash” shit that we as a society are all to blame and prejudiced and we should change our ways rather than placing any sort of responsibility on these vibrant effniks to maybe change some of their attitudes and expectations.
The whole item was an exhibition of finger wagging and guilt trippery as only the BBC knows how. How this organisation has changed these days from news to pure propaganda. At least not having a licence I dont have to pay for this shit!
It’s that ‘no evidence’ that really irks. We were subjected to this facile nonsense from the BBC without so much as a hint that there might be more to what is going on here than prejudice.
Somalis in Leicester (and perish the thought anyone should ask why we have Somalis in Leicester at all!) do not do well in life and this is automatically our fault.
Given that any and every other government report is subjected to the most minute examination and routine excoriation, why is it that this banal nonsense is somehow exempt from even the slightest scrutiny?
I think we all know the answer.
“Somalis in Leicester ……. do not do well in life”
Or in Somalia.
Prince Charles praises jihadi pirates (in Somalia) for scaring off fishermen (real jobs and economic opportunity): “fantastic explosion for bigger and better fish” (environment wins, but people die) {jihadwatch.org 08oct2017}
“Speaking at an ocean conservation conference in Malta, the Prince of Wales stirred up controversy by praising Somalian pirates for scaring off trawler crews to create a greater wealth of marine life.”
– I present to you your future King of England.
– If Leicester (UK) Somalians want jobs back home, piracy for the environment seems to to be the future.
I retract this story – ‘Prince Charles praises jihadi pirates’ – it has been sensationalised by the Express title.
Prince Charles was using Somalia as evidence (no report supplied, just his comments) that the fish thrived when no fishing was taking place off coast of Somalia.
I still believe Charles is very misguided in his green over zealous actions and Middle East connections – this shows why it is important to go to the source and see the report yourself.
I really wanted Charles to sound so stupid, so more fool me.
I’m surprised there’s any left in Somalia.
Didn’t they hop over from Holland under the EU freedom of movement rules? Somalia was a Dutch colony. I think they come here because the bennies are better than Holland.
Somalia had nothing to do with Holland, the Dutch were just soft enough to let them in. As soon as they got papers, they came over here instead. Many thanks to our Dutch friends for that.
Thanks for the correction, Not sure why I thought that. Depressing anyway.
Moderate Muslim in Somalia … what are their life choices?
When will the Tories stop feeding the BBC trolls with things like “race audits”?
Self-infliced masochism by the useless Tories. The BBC will be grateful for the free hits, and no need to even read it.
“A report to be published later today”-is ALWAYS a BBC excuse to give us no news, just their agitations and musings on their favoured areas of grievance farming.
Humphrys tells me that Sajiv Tory will be hauled into the beaks office to account for why the Tories have failed in things like sport, childrens TV and things not BBC.
Sajiv , being a Muslim of Pakistani origin; would normally tell white overpaid and hideously privileged media jockeys like John to put a sock in it.
But he`s a Tory-so will be guilty and grovelling. The Tories are THICK-this is not news, but they play into Corbyns grasping bony hands all the time.
Me?…I`ll be checking on Anne Maries new Party, and taking soundings about whether Redditch is ready for her.
PS-given what a eunuch Sajiv is nowadays-maybe we need no Prevent strategy-just an overnight stay at the Tory Party Conference might turn them into metrosexual, clueless clones, and save us the bombings and beheadings.
And all from the woman who gave the Left that other priceless offering: ‘The nasty party’.
Treezer – ZaNu Labour’s secret legacy.
Theresa May is pathetic. You never get the respect of your enemies by fighting on their terms. How did she think this “race audit” would be presented? Did she think the Conservatives would get any credit for it?
It is the same with the EU. She needs to set out our terms, clearly and concisely, and publish them for all to see, and then insist that the EU negotiate with us in good faith. At the moment, the EU are walking all over her. They see she is weak, and think if they do not offer Britain a deal we will cancel Article 50 and shuffle back into the fold with our tail between our legs.
Now is the time for leadership, and Theresa May just can’t do it. What is unfolding is akin to what would have happened in 1940 if Lord Halifax had become Prime Minister instead of Churchill. It is a slow motion train wreck.
Quite right. Following so close on the heels of her risible pretend negotiations with the EU, this latest ‘race audit’ is an insult. It;s almost as if she gets her advice direct from the BBC – and yet, as is always the case, the more she appeases them, the worse they treat her.
Where are the men in grey suits when you need them most?
For the past three months or so the BBC have continually been creating headline news that links India to rape, that links Hindus to rape and that links Sikhs to rape.
In their latest agenda to associate rape with India, Hindus and Sikhs, they have as their lead story in both the Asian news and Indian news sections: Raped girl’s baby ‘was fathered by uncle’
If you click the link to the story the Headline of the article is: India rape: Child’s baby ‘was fathered by second uncle’
Notice the first two words of the headline “India rape”. While I have been observing the BBC website not once have I seen the headline “Pakistan rape”, “Muslim rape” etc. The propaganda is as clear as night and day & I find it fecking juvenile. Yet nothing is done about it and the BBC are becoming shriller and shriller.
‘Asian Rape’
Every other culture “rapes” only one culture “enriches” instead!
Go on Aunty say it -you know you want to!
So, 71% of our Chinese ethnic minority primary school pupils meet the standard for reading, writing and maths compared with 54% of white British kids. Why are our institutionally racist educational establishments so incompetent at racism that they are allowing another race to outperform us?
Zelazek – I’m sure you’re aware of similar stats in the USA (despite Trump and Brexit) where the Asians regularly outperform the Whites in most academic areas. Asians being Korean, Vietnamese, etc
I’m a stranger to Toady World
I thought I’d go back to one of the habits of my life. Listen to the Toady programme for an hour or two.
Mistake. I am a white Anglo right wing male. As far as I am concerned the Toady agenda is alien to me. As usual what I write here might upset a few. Good
In no order – the girl dpp talking about the prosecution of dead people.
An American pushing his book about Jewish history.
A black American talking about Obama and Trump.
The CQC boss saying service must work together { again}.
A Tory PM publishing some survey about how badly [ non whites are treated by the system – unbelievable – in Corbin in power already] .
Something bad about cuts and the so called health service,
prison governors saying the prisons are too full again ( surely a good thing )- a bit of me says execute the lifers to make room but I’d better not.
Beeboids and guardian readers must think that this was an excellent show . Me? I’m so bloody glad I don’t pay for it.
There was no item relevant to me.
If some ethnic groups like Chinese out perform white Brits how can the system be at fault? Could other groups not learn from the Chinese attitude rather than trying to rehaul the whole system? We must be doing something right if the Chinese are thriving.
Nothing succeeds like failure with equality. Humph moans they have known about these statistics for decades and the situation has not improved. Maybe we have done all that is humanly possible to help minorities but some just do not want to integrate? It is a two way process; it’s like friendship – you cannot be someone’s friend unless they want to be friends with you.
Javid is on Toady unable to mention crucial hate facts because to do so would lead to his dismissal and possible arrest. How can we ever solve these problems if you can get arrested for having certain opinions, however reasonable they may be? So there will be lots of vague, muddled thinking and virtue signalling and more millions will be squandered on the wrong medicine – the idea that it is the system that is entirely wrong and not individual attitudes.
Swamp needs draining and fast.
In the next breath they will be moaning there is not enough money for something or other. Why peddle nonsense like this if you want to save money? The equalities industry costs over a billion pounds a year!
Beeb Bro.
I nominate you for P.M.
I see also in the news today a record number of people have been convicted for sexual offences. I wonder if the Beeb will be looking into any racial disparities here and demanding urgent action?
Sharp rise in the proportion of young black and ethnic minority prisoners {theguardian.com 24jun2015}
“Campaigners cite stop and search as a key reason why 40% of those behind bars hail from BME background – a greater disproportion than in the US”
“Baroness Young says that successive governments “had not taken the issue seriously,” but she argues that the solutions are about more than just challenging institutional racism.”
– Stop and search finds more criminals, time to stop ‘Stop and Search’.
Exactly the kind of stunning logic that characterises the Guardian and the BBC.
And SKY.
Currently running the heart rending story of a poor bearded moppet whose mum failed to restrain him from his life of crime.
Frankly proving a tough sell on the empathy stakes where comments are allowed.
Still Treezer has doubtless got his vote.
Sky and the BBC are pretty much indistinguishable now.
Except we don’t HAVE TO pay for Sky! I know which I prefer.
More sexual offences eh? That’s a bad thing because white men can’t control themselves right? Or is it a bunch of third world peasants who have made it to the promised land or white girls who are kaffirs.
More terrorist arrests? Old bill victimising obvious hard working ethnic groups right ? Or a war on us by Islam
More teen stabbing deaths . Less police stop,and search . No connection there at all.
Poor Treezer ain’t gonna win any Tory votes with that lefty waste of time. I wonder how much taxpayers money producing that non sense ?
Al Beeb is leaving Labour alone at the moment in order to cause the conservatives to become weaker in preparation for the forthcoming election which al Beeb wants. More cash for the dimbley / vine production company dividends .
Nowadays a white elderly man saying to a women, well done girl, is accused of a sexual hate crime and made equivalent to that of a Muslim rape gang member. Except Muslim rape gang members are never referred to as such by the BBC nor the police: just a man committing sexual offences, without the hate.
Yet another morning of UK bashing from the BBC. From the start of R4 and on breakfast all I have heard is how we are a country with terrible productivity worse than all our major competitors including France ( don’t make me laugh) and how the BAME are all hard done to because our society is mainly white and (males in particular) are all racists and how Brexit caused the problems at BAE and how we can’t negotiate with the EU ergo we are not doing it too well ….
News flash…talking at moment about nuclear energy and BBC guy says we had to leave Euratom because of Brexit…interviewee says no we didnt…presenter changes subject :-)…is there no subject they can’t blame Brexit for!!!!!
BBC = Bash Britain Constantly
French ‘productivity’ statistics must discount all of the ‘en grève’ time – a national pastime.
Students at Oxford University banned the Christian Union from a freshers fair to protect lonely new undergraduates from “harm” and accused Christianity of being “an excuse for homophobia and neo-colonialism”
As reported in The Times today – concerning the decision by student leaders at Balliol College Oxford:
I’ll make a mental note to associate Oxford Uni graduates with any lack of objectivity in the future. We should all do the same with people who display such bias. I guess it just means that the BBC will be employing more Oxford Uni graduates in the future as they already exhibit the required personal qualities…………..
Balliol has long been a sacred place for the Left. It does Oxford no favours. Edward Heath? Yvette Cooper? What do you expect?
The decades-long covert and overt demeaning of Christians and Christian values and belief in almost all BBC output is bound to have had a corrosive effect on impressionable minds. We cannot tell whether this directly contributed to the warped sense of right and wrong in the mind of the officers of the Balliol Student’s Union, but the BBC has certainly been a significant anti-Christian propagandist for a very long time.
Sky and BBC giving airtime again to lack of diversity in EVERYTHING ! clearly they haven’t been to my local hospital where the only white staff are admin ! Ethnic children are given a rough time — um, my education might be lacking but are there white gangs involved in drugs and carrying guns ? I made mention yesterday of some BBC announcers having rubbish articulation, I find it astounding that second + generations of British Caribbean and British African still retain their ethnic way of conversing – (although most white English kids now have trouble speaking properly). Ts and Hs becomes Fs and Gs become Ks, as in nuffink. Teach all children to speak articulately and they will all have a better chance in life.
Is Britain racist?
Well, which ‘Britains’ are we talking about?
The ones who forbid their daughters to mix with white boys whilst at the same time ‘grooming’ white (‘trash’) girls?
The ones who hate us for not believing in their ‘religion’?
The ones who want to blow up our children at pop concerts?
The ones who want to mow us down or jump out of cars and cut our throats?
Why doesn’t Treezer ‘order’ a study into exactly what the truth is about what is written in Islamic scripture and debate it openly.
I think she is picking on the wrong people when she demands that we must “explain or change”!
Over a quarter (27.5%) of live births in England and Wales in 2015 were to women born outside the UK, the highest level on record. {ons.gov.uk 2015}
Poland was the most common country of birth for mothers born outside the UK, followed by Pakistan and India.
Pakistan was the most common country of birth for fathers born outside the UK, followed by Poland and India.
Poland, Pakistan and India were the 3 most common countries of birth for women born outside the UK who gave birth in 2015 (Table 2). Between 2001 and 2006, Pakistan, India and Bangladesh were consistently the 3 most common countries. However, in 2007, Poland replaced Bangladesh as the third most common country, rising to second place in 2008 and first place in 2010.
MM – That is why, when all is said and done, it really doesn’t matter a damn whether we are inside or outside the EU: Britons will become a minority within their own homeland in 50 – 60 years time.
On that conclusion Al Shubtill, that 50 years time Europeans will be replaced, we have no choice but to try and keep the embers of freedom of thought and freedom of speech burning.
Hoping that they will transition into a generation that wants to fight tooth and nail for it.
If Islam can be brought into the light and women unshackled … we may have a glimmer of hope.
Just makes you made that the Government, with all it’s clever people who should know history, didn’t promote at least a 2.5 or higher birth rate for it’s native population. This also makes a mockery of giving aid to countries to help it’s populations …
Using a panel of 136 countries in the period 1973-2004 we show that increases in foreign aid induce population growth. The evidence also points out different impacts across regions and depending on whether one considers multinational or bilateral aid. {webmeets.com – pdf}
“The Malthusian model suggest that if this aid directly translates into individuals increases in wealth, those individuals will choose to increase their fertility rates as long as they view children as normal goods”
I was referring specifically to the UK, Eastern Europe and its people doesn’t face what we and the rest of Western Europe do and nor will they, because they have seen what has befallen our countries and as Hungary demonstrates they aren’t going to make the same catastrophic mistakes.
Also I wasn’t just referring to Muslim or Third World immigration, although that is the greater evil, none of us were consulted about whether we wanted the huge numbers of Eastern Europeans to move here; my answer to that would have been in the negative, since no immigration on that scale is ever good for the indigenous folk.
The unfortunate situation is that the pro-multiculti-no-such-thing-as-borders-Left and the pro-cheap-labour-and-consumers-from-anywhere-Right, have completely f***ed the future for generations of Britons yet to come; we are way, way beyond where putting a cross next to a name on a ballot paper is going to reverse this.
How about these simple questions before we get to racism …. it’s to do with a different -ism …
a. If a man writes a piece of fiction, should he have a death contract put on his life?
b. If a person declares they are homosexual should they be shunned?
c. If a man in a country draws a cartoon should that country be boycotted and the cartoonist sent death threats?
d. Do you think you should be given a job based solely on your religion?
e. Do you think you should discriminate against animals?
f. Do you think UK Tax Payers should support and pay for Sharia to operate in the UK?
a. If no, then please write to Iran to remove current death sentence for Salman Rushdie. (Fiction Writers)
b. If no, then please ask for it to be stopped in Majority Muslim Countries. (Homosexuals)
c. If no, then please ask this to be stopped in Majority Muslim Countries. (Persecution of Cartoonists)
d. If no, then remove the restriction that only Muslims can recite from the Koran and slaughter the animals for Halal food. (Positive Religious/Employment Discrimination)
e. If no, then start using pork products in your baking. (Animal Discrimination)
f. Halal food, bought, enforces the Sharia laws as it conforms to Sharia doctrine.
The liberal media are cock-a-hoop this morning with the BAME inequality story. But nobody has noticed the elephant in the room despite the smell. Multi-culturalism is a complete failure and the reason no one will concede to that theory is that the genie is well and truly out of the bottle. Can you blame companies who don’t want to employ BAME because they either talk like a rapper or carry so much cultural baggage with them it’s like an employment tribunal waiting to happen.
When are the churches going to do a Moses and lead their people OUT of such places as Oxford Student forums like these?
To accuse Christianity of being homophobic/colonialist only shows how much ground has been ceded to cretins and bullies from the left-even a cursory knowledge of what Jesus said and did deals with that malicious and ignorant claptrap , coming from Orwells hatespeak vocab book.
Yet-from the Church-nothing.
About time all Christians mobilised, began to boycott and pull the plug in all areas of public life that assume the lefts superiority. No more Thought For The Day, ban them from services etc maybe? No adoptions or hospital props like the coffee shop-let the NHS pay.
This cannot go on-if the MCB can create such havoc, Christians could do far more if they bothered to fight back-they`re going to have to, like it or not.
“Considering the current condition of the Catholic Church under Pope Francis, Fr. Pietrek might be accurately described as a dissident priest.”
We have to preserve the tradition of our fathers, not only in the liturgy, but also in the practical behavior of Catholic social teaching, the way it was taught to us for hundreds of years, also in the defense against Islam: … {gatesofvienna.net oct2017}
Expect a mass migration to Swansea for BBC luvvies who will cover Hillary Clinton’s Hon Doctorate at the Yoony of Swansea, Oct 14th. She will probably tell the students that she won the Presidential election, making her the first woman to hold this office. She cannot tell the students that Trump won because that would hurt their feelings. Should she need to go for a cack (as we say in Wales) the University have posted instructions on how to use the toilets. No bag it and bin it for our University students.
Link to an earlier BBC report on Swansea Yoony’s advice on how to pooh to the budding brain surgeons, philosophers, engineers and future leaders
Might need to make the drawings clearer so they don`t use the sink or the washing machines as well though…we find that they need to know that kitchen roll is NOT loo paper round here.
Re Hillary’s Doctorate. Its for her work helping families and children around the world. But not in Rotherham
BBC say
Where feedback is allowed on social media, the big event seems to have gone down like a bucket of warm sick with a significant proportion of those not part of the Observatory on the Human Rights of Children and Young People.
Luckily at the Bay Campus.
Just got sent this, which I doubt will be a vox pop the BBC will be tracking down:
“Frankly could not care what Hillary does. Although my flat mate wanted our building to put out a giant Trump banner for her arrival”.
There is hope for our youth yet.
Dare I suggest that anyone who thinks you squat on top of the toilet seat probably shouldn’t be going to uni in the first place? Possibly the circus, though.
“I know it’s hard to keep all these female victims (of Bill Clinton) in perspective.”@3:50
CHRISTOPHER HITCHENS Book Discussion: No One Left to Lie – Bill Clinton (30 April 1999)
// Click imag for amazon book.
Did anyone notice how the ‘fairy lights bomber’ was “bedroom radicalised”?
I think Treezer ought to order a report into these bedrooms immediately
“bedroom radicalised”? … “Bomb suspect Zahid Hussain ‘made fairy light detonator’ {bbc.co.uk }27apr2017”

Buying the rope that will hang us?
Paying for the Christmas Lights that will blow us up?
– was he on welfare/benefits paid by the Tax Payer?
Admin – please remove this big image – sorry everyone.
Don’t be. It could have been this large picture.

Say what you like about Corbyn, but he was a brave man.
They said he couldn’t mount Everest.
Roland Deshcain
As my old mucker used to say “OH DEAR OH DEAR OH DEAR. OH POXY FCUKING DEAR!
That’s Yvette back to the interior designers again.
That spare bedroom may never get finished.
They’ll be banning Christmas lights next
You may jest Dys .. our market town didn’t have any green and red and gold Christmas trees, “Merry Christmas”, Stars of Bethlehem etc, in our Christmas lights last year, just blue and white and a huge “Love and Respect” hung across the road so we were all sure to see it, feel suitably virtue signalled and know exactly what the future holds for us.
What is needed is a ‘vote the bums out’ candidate to stand in every local election, promising just one thing – to make the councillors who allow this sort of thing to happen live in fear of losing their endless expense accounts. and ‘attendance allowances’. In most cases, these insane ideas come from council employees who are allowed to run things to suit their Guardianista instructions, while the councillors just enjoy their perks.
So no White Christmas there then. Perhaps Santa will change the direction of the wind before too long. If he doesn’t I forecast the mother of all tornadoes.
Not in my town Lefty … it’s full of imported champagne Socialists who work for the BBC or used to live in Hampstead and walk around the streets with polystyrene coffee cups before getting into their black 4 wheel drive BMW’s and Mercedes. The number of Vote Labour stickers round here at GE time is enough to make you walk round with a sick bucket to hand. Very very intelligent but absolutely clueless!
BBC have given up reporting on journalism … it just uses titles …. Torture survivors win detention ruling
“Survivors of torture have won a legal challenge against Home Office rules on asylum seeker detention in the UK.”
– Notice that the title is almost the same as the content. BBC has given up!
– That’s it. no other details – no links. Why bother ….
A new Government audit confirms, some say, us white British are a bunch of racists. It also confirms that white children from poorer families still aren’t doing so good and although we have significant numbers ethnic Mayors, MPs, Healthcare and media types it’s just not good enough although white British make up around 80% of the population.
The BBC website has a ‘news’ story about how people called Mohamed are less likely to be called for an interview.
My brother has a small business and employs some young women. A disproportionate amount of people called Mohamed are convicted for sexual offences against young women. Imagine the Pandora’s box he would open if he employed someone who behaved inappropriately with his female staff: multiple law suits; his reputation would be in the gutter; the constant worry of it all. What right-minded person would take that risk?
Beeb Brother,
“The BBC website has a ‘news’ story about how people called Mohamed are less likely to be called for an interview…
My brother has a small business and employs some young women. A disproportionate amount of people called Mohamed are convicted for sexual offences against young women… What right-minded person would take that risk?”
Yes, so it’s ok not to give someone a job because of their name. Every doctor called Harold should be sacked forthwith; just to be on the safe side.
Oh, and is this the same ‘brother’ who employed a nanny who became pregnant a month later? Remember? The last time you were caught out lying?
Hi Maxincony
They still got you on ‘Nights’?
What is your opinion on this site , would you sign their petition ?
Its up for debate on the 16th October.
Emails failing to reach Katie Hopkins (mwc@khp.ltd) – is this the beginning of Amber Rudd’s purge of Hate and Anger from the Internet?
I normally email some of my posts to Kate Hopkins, to expose the BBC and to keep a record of the post, which I can search easily using Google Email.
It might be a technical fault … we will see.
Katie Hopkins stands by tweets in wake of Natural History Museum crash {theguardian.co.uk 09oct2017}
“No, I think they were very much encouraging people to see that this looks like a terror attack and I stand by those. I stand by the idea that it’s a terror attack. I don’t shy away from that. It’s my personal opinion.”
Are we still “allowed” a personal opinion??
Let’s introduce “Love Speech” or “Love Incidents”.
I dropped this on order-order.com to help everyone who does not Love Enough.
Enough is Enough …
Let’s introduce “Love Speech” or “Love Incidents”.
From now on when I call you an ‘idiot’ I use the word ‘genius’.
LS (Love Speech)
idiot = genius
genius = genius
enemy = friend
friend = friend
evil = good
good = good
up = down
down = down
stupid = clever
clever = clever
don’t = do
do = do
Prior to using these terms I will prefix each sentence with LS (for Love Speech) or HS (for Hate Speech) or NS (for Normal Speech).
Let’s have a go.
LS. Dear Amber Rudd, I think you are a genius and a true friend of speech. HS. You are a racist. NS. Please don’t kill free speech, it’s such a stupid thing to do.
p.s. Sometimes I will switch between Love/Hate/NormalSpeech but will not tell you I am doing so, that is called Perceived Speech.
I think it is called ‘Face Crime.’
No! And most certainly not if you express it in public and Amber finds out.
Only if your white and willing to go to jail or happen to have a rather dark skin . A few years from now there will be more white jailbirds than there are members of the public. Concentration Camp anyone? This cannot end well.
Hopkins is right to stand by the facts. They can only pull accident tales for a short while. Same with the lone white gun man yarn in LA,
Agree. Sometimes it is pure stupidity and randomness. Our own conspiracies fill the void.
But the London Museum just seems odd with the Uber, passengers?, museum, dark skinned suspect, Uber being banned, Amber Rudd clamping down on internet trolls, Hopkins taking down her tweets, #HopeNotHopkins people coming out enforce.
But hey, we used to think that the Earth was in the center of the Universe – couldn’t have been more wrong!
. . .
Uber: Women voice safety fears over London licence loss {bbc.co.uk 23sep2017}
“Concerns about how Uber deals with alleged attacks have also been raised by the Metropolitan Police Service, following cases such as a driver who was jailed for assaulting a woman.”
Her driver, an Eritrean refugee who had been working for Uber for only three weeks, quickly made her feel uneasy.{dailymail.co.uk 28jul2017}
From February 2015 and February 2016, there were 32 claims made against firm’s drivers in London
Uber sued by car-share stab victim {bbc.co.uk 05apr2017}
A woman who was attacked with a knife in an Uber car is suing the ride-sharing company.
Chicago resident Jennifer Camacho says another passenger slashed her face several times while using Uber Pool.
The service lets strangers share a car to reduce the cost of a trip.
The race report is officially released at midday. I bet BBC executives are already masturbating in a circle in anticipation. Expect wall to wall coverage with every sofa full of victims from every culture and nation except our own saying how horrible our country is, so horrible that they risked life and limb to come and live here. It might be time to escape to a safe space.
“I bet BBC executives are already masturbating in a circle in anticipation. Expect wall to wall coverage ”
That’s an image I’m struggling to ignore.
They steal all their ideas from Hollywood.
Beeb Bro.
Masturbating in a circle? What are you insinuating? Cum to think of it— you’re fcuking right!
Botney’s Bukkake Circle?
Jimmy would approve.
BBC is ecstatic and in full on virtue signalling mode over the race report. Cue more non white faces on the BBC Sky is no better. Will Lord Hall Hall finally give up his white privileged position for an ethnic person . Theresa’s government will demand to know if not ,why not.
BBC cannot cover news on migrant crime : cos that’s racist
So what about someone having a dream organic farm ?
… ah well there’s space for that on Radio4, Countryfile and last nights Inside Out Southwest
And stick in the anti-Brexit Comments as well..
(the entire second half of the prog)
Surprisingly InsideOut London used the words “illegal immigrants” as they trailed next weeks issues
– Fraudsters helping illegal immigrants (false passports )
(MacIntyre already did this 2 years ago on his Channel 5 undercover prog)
– Dementia ..therapy
– Banksy restoration
BBC cannot cover news on migrant crime :Cos that’s a racket.
The @guardian reached out to 26 male actors and directors to comment on Harvey Weinstein. None responded. {twitter}
… reminds me of …
Muslim Reform Group Reached Out to 3,000 US Mosques, Got Only 40 Responses {jihadwatch.org {24feb2017}
“We spent significant resources on this outreach over a period of ten months. We reached out through snail mail, e-mail, and telephone to over 3,000 mosques and over 500 known public American Muslims. We received only 40-plus rather dismissive responses from our outreach, and sadly less than ten of them were positive. In fact, one mosque in South Carolina left us a vicious voice mail threatening our staff if we contacted them again.”
Also reminds me of here when certain Flokkers got exercised by who had not joined them in an outrage flounce. On… not saying anything.
Of course the next step is actively creating the opportunity, and where the Graun goes, so will the BBC follow, albeit with customary selectivity.
Speaking of the BBC print arm:
Love that ‘we’ from Owen. Especially in a paper low on the ABC ratings. And also his ignoring broadcast, especially the broadcaster more bent than most, who has him in constant standby.
Top comment:
The irony of a Guardian columnist railing about newspapers not reflecting the views of the populace correctly is beyond ridiculous.
To which some genius, possibly Nick Robinson has masterfully countered with ‘No it isn’t’. Bless.
Meanwhile from older and… well older GRaun heads…
I’ll just “quote” this:
“…despite Kuenssberg’s admirable subtlety and desire to avoid partiality when trying to interpret complex and fluid events..”
“… trying to interpret complex and fluid events.” ala Kuenssberg is not doing her job correctly – time to be replaced?
Why not report like Katty Kay ‘Wow…‘?
BBC’s £3.5bn News Service … fit for purpose?
Guest Who
‘ the BBC’s Andrew Neil is a climate change sceptic’, says Owen Jones.
That proves the BBC is right wing. The BBC is a large organization. Name another sceptic
I thought Brillo had just “retired”
Least we forget how it all works … videos, words, pictures … you don’t get to choose the arrangement … the BBC does ….
Chaos as police stop Hungary migrant train – Gavin Hewitt – BBC -Sep 2015 @53s
“… then a really distressing incident happened. A women who was carrying a small baby began crying for help (photo of lady carrying baby). One of her companions tried to help her (photo of man with women on track, riot police reaching towards them) Somehow there became a push and a shove with the police. She ended up on the railway lines (by the male refugee dragging her and the baby to the floor, but this is not said) with the riot police trying to pull her back, and this of course inflamed all the other people…”
-Gavin Hewitt – Sep 2015
Watch the video and the male refugee (companion trying to help?) drags the women and baby to the floor, by force.
Can I suggest a little story – “Male refugee forces pregnant women refugee holding child down onto a train track, police drag him away for her safety. Riot police then lift women with child off track with tender arms.”
{old post}
“No it isn’t”
Is this a five minute argument or the full half hour?
“The Two Ronnies – The Worm That Turned (1 of 8)”
The Date line is 2012, England is in the grip of a new regime of Terror. Traditionally a land of brave heros and great statesmen. Britan now laboured under the yoke of a power guarenteed to strike fear into the hearts of all men… The country is being run by women…
the Two Ronnies thought they were making a joke, not a prophecy!
indeed …
The Two Ronnies really did but thought and effort into their scripts. Amazing.
Hear Hear to that. I remember it well.
Maybe Saudi Arabia is on it’s last push of Islam … women driving to spur on the economy … and taxing to the bitter end … But what has set alarm bells ringing for the expats is a new levy coming into force from 1 July 2017. The fee called ‘family tax’ or ‘expat levy’ was proposed in the Saudi budget for the year 2017 to shore up its sagging revenue in the aftermath of the decline in the global prices of oil. {firstpost.com 22jun2017}
“The fee introduced under the naturalisation of the work force programme by the labour ministry will be increased to 400 Saudi riyals from January 2018. It will go up by 200 Saudi riyals every year until 2020.”
Rochdale inquiry: Cyril Smith ‘acted as puppet master abuser’
Mmmm, does the BBC and the media need to dig a little deeper into how fat Cyril got away with it? As far back as 1979 there was this in Private Eye http://liberalengland.blogspot.co.uk/2013/09/private-eyes-1979-item-on-cyril-smith.html including the line ‘There is not an important newspaper or TV station in the land which has not received a copy …’ . Yet as recently as 2010 Mr Clegg could say he was “deeply saddened” to hear of the death of the fat one, before his crimes received full publicity.
Does any of this matter now? I’d say yes, as it’s symptomatic of the lack of curiosity show by the media into the criminal behaviour of powerful people it favours, including those in the media itself. As by far away the biggest and best funded news provider in the world the BBC should be much more impartial and intrepid. When was the last time the BBC exposed anything?
Hear! Hear! And before anyone else gets in first, let me just say that I do not believe for an instant that Jimmy Savile’s predilections were unknown at the BBC. If that were the case then they were the only people in the media who didn’t know what the disgusting pervert was up to.
On BBC’s own doorstep … “Most, but not all, of the more serious incidents of rape and attempted rape and some of the more serious sexual assaults I have described took place on Savile’s own premises and not at the BBC. They were, however, connected with Savile’s work for the BBC. Usually, Savile either met the victim at the BBC or else he groomed the victim by offering the opportunity to attend the BBC before taking the victim elsewhere, often to his home or campervan. … For example, the News of the World made allegations about the taking of pornographic pictures of young girls and the picking-up of girls under 16 by male members of staff on the programme (Top of the Pops 1969-1971). {THE JIMMY SAVILE INVESTIGATION REPORT – feb2016}“ … how do you stop such behaviour? You can’t ….
A woman who helped a would-be London bomber escape secured a council job after lying about her history, it has emerged. https://uk.yahoo.com/news/council-worker-dismissed-conviction-helping-004650258.html
Mulumebet Girma was jailed for helping failed suicide bomber Hussain Osman flee after his plot to kill Tube passengers on July 21, 2005. She helped him escape to Brighton before he took a Eurostar to Paris and ended up in Rome, where he was arrested. After being released, Ms Girma was employed by Southwark Borough Council in south London, as reported in The Sun.
The former model even became a “poster girl” for the local authority, which put her on the cover of a council magazine, Southwark Housing News, to promote an apprenticeship scheme.
She failed to tell her employer about her criminal record and has since been sacked, the council said.
Ms Girma, also known as Mulu, was 24 in 2008 when she was jailed for 10 years, which was reduced to five after an appeal. She had been found guilty of assisting an offender and failing to disclose information about Osman’s involvement in the attempted attacks. She was sentenced alongside Osman’s wife – and her sister – Yeshi Girma, then 32, who is serving 11 years and 9 months in prison.
Osman, along with Muktar Said Ibrahim, Yassin Omar, and Ramzi Mohammed, tried to detonate rucksacks laden with explosives on three Underground trains at Shepherd’s Bush station, Oval station and Warren Street station, together with a bus in Hackney Road, killing themselves and passengers, but the bombs failed to go off.
The attempted attacks came two weeks after four suicide bombers struck in central London, killing 52 people and injuring more than 770. They were jailed for life in July 2007 after being convicted at London’s Woolwich Crown Court of conspiracy to murder. At their trial, the four had maintained that the events of July 21 were an elaborate hoax designed to protest against and draw attention to Britain’s role in the attack upon and occupation of Iraq.
Another Contradiction :
BBC front-page : Immigrants are discriminated against.
Sun Front-page : Immigrant was privileged by being given council job, then chosen as poster girl…and that was all after she’d betrayed this country by helping a terrorist escape.
Another Contradiction:
Sadiq Khan is Mayor of London.
Diane Abbott is Shadow Home Secretary
BBC TV NEWS at 13.07
Report on BAe job losses. Norman Smith stated the following:-
“…..there will be questions about Brexit too. The boss of BAe Systems said the decision had nothing to do with Brexit, but already some are questioning whether we’d be better remaining in the single market”.
The above is my transcript of what Norman Smith had to say. The BAe boss said it had nothing to do with Brexit, but Smith had to mention ‘some’ as saying otherwise. Who are these ‘some’? The anonymous ‘some’ who the BBC always speak of when they want support for the BBC anti-Brexit narrative?
Note the contradiction
Remainiacs : “We are a little country so we need to always be with Europe cooperating otherwise we’re screwed”
Us : ” So why are these BAe jobs being lost ?”
: ” The French didn’t join the Eurofighter project, they produced their own plane ..now nations are buying it ..thus Euro fighter sales are low”
There have been no Typhoon sales to any European state apart from the consortium which build them and Austria. There have been sales to Saudi Arabia, which is considering a further order. However, this has been put on hold as our dear friends and neighbours the French have come up with a counter offer to sell them Rafales instead. How does Brexit come into this? Only in Norman Smith’s mind, it appears.
Meanwhile, the efforts of Worzel Gummidge to “end the arms trade” and to refuse to sell arms to Saudi Arabia are not mentioned by good old Norman. Is it possible that Labour’s anti-arms trade campaign might just have been a factor in the Saudi decision? Surely not, because Norman Smith hasn’t mentioned it. I wonder what “some people” make of that?
@Rob ha we were typing at the same time !
When we are out we can defend out industries how we choose . The yanks may have a point about state aid to bombardier but there is a fine line .
Remember the Great Brexit Hate Crime2 ?
Where the Croydon pub crowd chased a Kurdish refugee .
The trial has just started of 6 whitish youths
… I guess some truth will come out in court over the next weeks.
Only person charged with a hate crime is 1 teenager.
Perceived ‘hate crime’ or an Actual ‘hate crime’ or a Perceived ‘hate incident’ or an actual a ‘hate incident’ or an Actual Crime?
“John Humphrys branded ‘dinosaur’ over ‘utterly inappropriate’ remark about rape trials on Today programme”.
He was interviewing Alison Saunders, the Director of Public Prosecutions and all he did was state the truth that the scales of justice had tipped too far towards the accuser due to the ridiculous law that allows anonymity to the accuser, regardless of outcome.
Alison Saunders replaced Keir Starmer in her role and is even more useless at it than he was. Particularly sinister was her comment that just because someone is found not guilty of rape, doesn’t mean that they didn’t do it……….what?…….so we have the head of the Public Prosecution service saying on air that even though men were found not guilty by a jury she thinks they still did it.
No doubt she’ll be lined up as an MP for labour once her spell on the DPP gravy train comes to an end.
Third ,
Lawyers are taught that not guilty means there wasn’t enough evidence to convict – not that someone actually didn’t do the deed. It’s one of those ideas which legal bods love but decent people think is a waste of time and thought.
The interview was frankly mad. The idea of gathering evidence for an alleged offence by some one who is dead is an insult to the taxpayer . A complete waste of time and money and no closure for an alleged victim . Taxpayers money needs to be cared for and not spent such a cavalier way.,
I agree with everything you’ve written.
I think the thing that I find most disturbing is that Alison Saunders was effectively claiming that those men found not guilty were actually guilty, but at no time did she claim that if the justice system is so flawed for that to happen then the men found guilty must also have been innocent.
All men are vicious dirty rapists – it fits the snowflake mentality.
Whilst all food production goes to one religion all the other jobs will be …. A recent advertisement publicized has once again fanned anger among the religious minorities in Pakistan as the advertisement for the posts of sanitary workers calls for non-Muslim candidates only. This discriminatory ad was publicized by the Sindh government. {christiansinpakistan.com 07oct2017}
– Direction of travel is important … where will Halal lead … just look to where it is popular.