Normally the BBC is the very compliant mouthpiece for the EU, whatever anyone from the EU says is reported with reverence and respect….the statements given weight, credibility and authority by the BBC and treated as if the only possible and reasonable way of looking at things. Statements from the British government on the other hand are treated with contempt and disbelief.
This changed, at least for a while, on Tuesday when the Today programme[08:10] actually recognised and admitted for the first time that it was the EU that was being awkward, being intransigent and intent on delaying negotiations. You may also note that the BBC now grudgingly admits that a deal is essentially done on how to treat EU citizens in Britain [and of course Brits abroad] the only hold up being the EU’s demand for more money…so once again it’s the EU blocking that deal when we are told it is vital that t is done as soon as possible…and previously we were told it was the UK government that was the guilty party in slowing things up….the BBC reporting the EU’s ‘opinion’ as fact. Why is the money linked to this aspect of the negotiations? No reason, just blackmail by the EU.
Does one programme signify a change in outlook overall from the BBC or will it revert to type? After all it has spent the last year talking down the British negotiating team and their efforts…so why change?
We hear that the Brexiteers described by the BBC as ‘Ultras’...which is a term normally reserved for hard-core, violent activists, and indeed we were told that ‘some might say Brexit is an extreme right-wing policy’. The BBC also happy to call Leave voters racists, bigots, uneducated and poor.
Brexit is always too difficult and complicated for any government to accomplish, May is weak and about to be unseated at any moment, the government is weak and dysfunctional, Brexit will damage science, ground aircraft, give us all cancer, poison us with chlorinated chickens, allow in terrorists and criminals en masse, Britain is failing to meet expectations and demands of the EU [Britain’s fault of course], there is a lack of trust in the British negotiators, it is up to Britain to make the gesture, Britain has to show it understands how serious this is [lol], populism is stalking Europe #duetoBrexit and it is only the EU that has kept the peace, May is toast the government ‘knackered’, Britain’s negotiations with the EU are ‘laughable’, no progress, May is not delivering, Brexit just creates uncertainty [thus stop it], Brexit is not going well….and of course the ever present question…‘have you changed you mind about Brexit?’.…‘you’ being Leave voters of course….the BBC keeping up the idea that a second referendum can and should happen.
All tosh of course and so often the EU’s own narrative parroted by the BBC collaborators trying to undermine and discredit Brexit.
The reality is that it is the EU that is intransigent and intent on making the negotiations as difficult and long drawn out as possible in the hope that either we will just abandon Brexit or that should we actually leave we get the worse possible deal that acts as a warning to others who might be thinking along the same lines. Curious that the BBC doesn’t make parallels between Brexit and Catalonia….would that raise the possibility that there are many other regions or states that would similarly like to go independent?….this would destroy the EU grand project…which would be a good thing as it might lead to what the EU should be…a loose co-operative of like-minded nation states that act together on certain issues but are not otherwise linked, either politically, financially nor culturally and no freedom of movement. The EU Commission and Parliament should be abolished and an infrastructure for mutual negotiations put in their place without the idea of an overarching European government or state being imposed.
The EU State raises more problems than it solves, and indeed creates the very problems that it seeks to solve, such as radical nationalism or financial instability, whereas sovereign states acting together in mutual interest in a loose federation would be far more flexible and agreeable to all…except to the EU panjandrums who, unelected, rule over us now.
But that’s a view that you don’t hear on the BBC…we never get to hear what a future ruled by the EU superstate would be like…never mind that that is a significant issue for those who voted for Brexit.
The BBC are really out of control. They are unbearable and never have I ever despised them so much. I like the way far-Left pro-Liebour Newshite are painting the IRA-supporting commie Corbyn as a serious player in all of this. Disgraceful that the anti-English Labour party are out in Brussels undermining and underselling our country, scum that they are. The irritating motormouth Laura Kuenssberg has also been pissing me off with her turning up everywhere like a shit that won’t flush, whilst that snooty goodie-two-shoes Fiona Bruce also irrirates me by her mere presence; she is so talentless, isn’t she? Does anyone else find that Clive Myrie smug, too?
So, overall, we have a brainwashed youth who hate this country, we also have a Liebour party who hate Britain and who are undermining our country with prospect of gaining power, and we have a weak and completely and utterly useless f****** PM who is making a mockery of this nation throygh her abject incompetence and refusal to accept that she is so useless and hated. And we are flooded by Islamist extremists many of whom are being allowed to return by this inept and treacherous government. So happy days folks.
At least Myrie is busy with the Rohynga muslims.
Al Beeb has stopped using the word “muslim’ when saying rohinga ( can’t be bothered to spell it right cos I don’t care ) . I suppose some albeeb knows the decent British would switch off .
What life of air miles for Myrie eh? Vegas last week ( crocodile tourist tears) now off to Bangladesh, lot of tax cash there for no reason
It’s a shame al Beeb won’t mention that Blighty funds 15% at least of the far EU budget. That’s a lot for 28 countries eh?
We are accused of wanting our cake and eating it. Free movement of goods, services but not people.
Al Beeb does not accuse the EU of wanting our money even though we are not in their club. Apply strict legal rules to what we have to spend taxpayers money on as we brexit but no more. It’s not morality . They won’t be nice to us for a while so why bother with them .
Thankfully there’s only 17 months left.
The BBC are at the forefront of the media PR campaign for a socialist european federation. This has been their lifes work and they will not stand idly by whilst the project disappears down the plughole of failed left wing fairy tale utopias. They report and continue to report the ongoing negotiations from an EU perspective, denigrating and mocking every comment made by Mays team, revelling in the hopelessness of our ‘weak’ position whilst enthusing Junkers wise nuggets, elevated to sage status. What a F*****g Joke!
Once our independence has been regained, and I have never doubted that this will come to pass, there will need to be a societal re-adjustment and re-balancing in favour of the centre right majority and the abolishing of the fifth column BBC.
I think that is one of the reasons al Beeb is so obviously and consistently anti Brexit.
I hope someone is keeping a list of the number of pro Brexit programmes, in any context, within al Beeb . I honestly can’t think of one. I recall there has been – maybe – one of those dimbley shows where there has been equality of outer sand inners. Includes the run up to the referendum .
Given all the times that the sainted(and admittedly photogenic) Yanis Varoufakis has been invited to spout his Marxist(and well-argued) books on the BBC-one might have thought that they`d actually listened, or read what he describes as his benighted country tried to deal with the E.U.
The E.U have only strategy, but use quislings in the nation state, graft and corruption-as well as wilful and perverse denial of any democractic accountability-to cobble up nasty, personal and brutal tactics where the man is played.
They have only a vague bureaucratic wish to hold power, headlines and pensions with all those perks. Hence the fact that their own accounts have never been signed off. Power allows you this.
That Varoufakis himself was so treated by the Euro machine was bad enough in regard of any “democratic/sovereignty” rationale…but that he himself STILL though that we ought to stay in the E.U in order to “reform it from within”-well, it only shows the limits of Marxism, when a free gig around Europe on a motorbike is the prize.
The BBC devotes itself 24/7 now to align itself with anti-democratic and neo-fascist efforts to keep us in the E.U…how the heck we pay for Lord HawHaw to endlessly tell us of the will of a Eurosoviet that invites a Hitler-lite Caliphate is beyond me.
No deal is the only option now-and we need to be firebombing all that they hold dear-I`ll be friends with all on the continent who also want the E.U smashed to pieces-CzechXit next?