Another domino fallen and yet it just wasn’t supposed to happen, the surge to the Right was a blip that ended as people came to their senses and voted for Macron and Merkel. The Czech voters proved the BBC wrong…as did the Austrians.
After the Austrian result the BBC played down the fact that a right-winger had been elected and indeed tried to compare him to Trudeau and Macron… trendy, young pro-EU politicians that the BBC clearly want you to think Kurz is like so that they can continue their narrative of an über liberal fight back.
Their report on the winner of the Czech election, Andrej Babis, similarly plays down his politics stating that he is merely anti-establishment and eurosceptic….
Mr Babis, 63, is the country’s second-richest man and campaigned on an anti-establishment and Eurosceptic platform.
They namecheck the SPD as the nasty anti-Islam, anti-immigrant party….
The BBC’s correspondent in Prague, Rob Cameron, said the SPD’s strong performance was particularly noteworthy, as the far-right party wants to ban Islam in the Czech Republic.
Curious they forget that Babis is of a similar mind……from Breitbart….
Czech Election Favourite on Mass Migration: ‘We Have to Fight for What Our Ancestors Built Here’
“The biggest added value of the European Union is the national identity of each country.
“We have to fight for what our ancestors built here. If there will be more Muslims than Belgians in Brussels, that’s their problem. I don’t want that here. They won’t be telling us who should live here.”
The Czech President backs such thinking…
Czech President: ‘It’s Impossible to Integrate Muslims into Western Europe’
Who can blame them for doubting that Muslim integration is possible as they look around at countries that have allowed mass migration of Muslims.
The BBC recently gave a lot of airtime to the recent survey that said certain ethnic groups were not succeeding as much as other groups……the blame was placed squarely on a racist Britain blocking the progress and ambitions of these groups…however that’s not the problem. The problem is mass immigration of low skilled, uneducated migrants, especially those from countries that have utterly different cultural, religious and social values who flock together in ghettos that mean they have absolutely no chance of integrating even if they had wished to and thus no chance of improving their lot in life.
I used the same headline on the weekend blog . It’s great to hear such good news. Very few people will be aware of it whilst the msm gets them to look the other way moaning about storms and Harvey having a go at some other actress in need to a career boost .
But at least the Czech are standing up for their country and their Europe not one infested by an alien belief bent on destroying us.,
I think it important that as this cultural engineering catastrophe is reversed over the next decade or two that it must not be forgotten who led us to the catastrophe in the first place.
They mustn’t be allowed to sleaze their way out of it (oddly, Blair popped into my head as I typed that).
“Blair popped into my head”
And Parliament is full of Blair’s stooges
“Blair popped into my head”
That must be a nasty experience. For my Police record I hate him and all his lies.
BBC playing it down and talking about the rise of the “far right ” when in fact its the voice of he voters saying no to the status Quo.
The BBC now feel able to make more of the Catalonia crisis now the fascist Spanish government is mounting their crack down and reversing Catalonias autonomy .More arrests and beatings in the offings .The BBC seem to think this is OK.
There is a piece in the Sunday Times about how the government has allowed many ISIS fighters back into our country. We know for certain that some of these will be well trained terrorists on a mission to kill as many Brits as possible. The crazy government has more or less abandoned us to Islamic terror, how else can you interpret their policies? There is no political party in the UK which will defend us against Islam as their priority. I am certain that we must look eastwards , to the likes of Visegrad group and Austria , for the examples of leadership required to prevent us becoming an Islamic state in the course of this century.
DT: ” and no political party in the UK………..etc”
Dont even think of UKIP as a way forward either. Their ( used to be ‘our’) new leader resembles a common purpose new Chief of Police, and he is actually a Limp Dumb in a previous life, and one suspects he still is.
In his acceptance speech at Conference, he managed to address the issues around immigration without mentioning the “I” word.
No suprise really as he got elected by branding other candidates as nazis for being anti-islam.
His elevation to leader is going to decimate the UKIP membership, and spur on other groups to take on the fight against the filth of islam.
As it stands at present, you are correct DT, we are devoid of any political defence against even the most extreme aming them. They understand cowardice and weakness.
Did I say Islam is evil? Almost forgot.
Doublethinker October 22, 2017 at 9:19 am
” There is no political party in the UK which will defend us against Islam as their priority. ”
Well, unlike the MSM, I’m keeping an eye on the party being launched by Anne Marie Waters
If she can get some of the tens of thousands (who were also ignored) of the Football Lads Alliance on board it may get a bit of traction.
Who else is there?
AM Waters is a brave Lady. She is putting her neck on the line , not just because some Muslim terrorist may try and kill her , but because the UK authorities and MSM will do everything in their power to shut her party down. They will target her and her family relentlessly , year after year. She will get the full Tommy Robinson treatment with trumped up charges and victimisation. Any of her supporters who rise to prominence will be similarly targeted. The UK authorities seem unable or unwilling to take on Islam so they take on those who dare to point this out and seek to do something about it.
Well Spinning, AMW hasnt very much support among the members of UKIP i used to meet at Branch meetings.
In two separate branches in the run up to that leadership election only one lone voice in each branch spoke in support of her.
Most were bamboozled by Bolton’s mega-impressive CV, which to me was ‘ much ado about nothing’.
UKIP will rue the day they rejected AMW, when this wimp Bolton turns back to his Limp Dumb attitudes.
Anyhoos, I’ve quit as branch sec, they can stick UKIP right up their arses, and that includes Faridge!
I feel your pain.
The Ukip establishment certainly ganged up on Ann Marie, yet she was offering an actual vision of a party with a USP which could appeal to voters disfranchised by the LibLabCon. You have three main parties who all insist that immigration is fine, diversity is strength and terrorism has nothing to do with islam. That must leave millions of people who cannot support any of them.
What exactly is Ukip’s point now? Assuming we leave the EU, it is surely job done and they can wind themselves up, and watch British become a muslim society by the end of the century. Far better that, it seems, than to risk being called “racist” or “islamophobic”.
The new leader of Ukip (is he called Bolton, I really cannot remember) is a career securicrat with no charm or charisma. How can anyone be a LibDem, and then suddenly decide that Ukip is actually the party for them? The LibDems are the party of the EU above all else, it simply does not make sense.
Sadly, I feel that Ukip was a party with a great opportunity, but faced with an open goal, kicked the ball wide. It’s a great shame, both for Ukip and for Britain.
Did the Czech election actually happen? If your only access to the news was the MSM you’d think nothing much had occurred.
A very similar thing happened a couple of weeks ago with the 80,000 man march through our capital city.
These were overwhelmingly white, working class blokes concerned about intolerant religious extremists that have infiltrated our country. Nothing on the TV media. Zilch!
The ever trustworthy and reliable BBC managed to report about demos in Barcelona, but failed to tell us what was happening in our own backyard.
This really is quite an extraordinary position we find ourselves in.
In the case of our state broadcaster, we are paying them to deceive us.
Never thought I’d see the day…
Agreed and I find myself increasingly watching RT as a consequence. The BBC and Sky, as sources of news, are beneath contempt.
The good people of New Europe are now in the bag for us.
We need to cleave them from the rest of the E.U-these are patriots who know all too well what a “united Europe looks like”. The Soviets did that-as did Hitler before them.
When even AUSTRIA and Germany(mainly the old Eastern part, of course) are seeing real sense-and their EU masters are silent, and seething-then we need to parachute out of the spiralling crap Concorde before it hits the ground.
No deal-WTO rules, and start now to reward our old New European allies, let the Muslims take the rest for a while.
Lombardy and Veneto today as well-Italy is on the turn…and what about Malta too…Corsica?
Why just settle for our own small concrete block from the wall?-we could do a lot more to liberate many more from Junkcers drunks.
If they really think that policical grease stains like Rudd, Hammond, Clegg and Starmer are the ONLY option to negotiate with-we`ll soon be getting REAL fighters, if New Europe catches fire as it ought to.
Dysgwr_Cymraeg and Doublethinker – Thanks for your comments.
Apologies to ‘BBC bias’ purists but the BBC does exemplify the disparity in attitude that exists in the treatment of certain topics, particularly Islam.
Dysgwr_Cymraeg – I saw Anne Marie Waters at a couple of hustings and a branch meeting and on each occasion the support for her was overwhelming. I voted for her but was prepared to give the Bolton leadership a chance. However, his marginalisation of David Kurten, possibly the only person in public life to comment on the insidious nature of Common Purpose , was unforgivable.
I know people who have allowed their UKIP sub to lapse and I will do the same when the time comes.
I welcome the comments here but, apart from shouting at the telly, I am now voiceless against what I feel is the greatest threat to this country.
Doublethinker – I think I’m correct in saying that AMW does intend reaching out to like-minded folk in the Visegrad Group, Austria and allies in western Europe.
I too admire her courage, fear for her safety and wish her every success.
As I said in my previous comment – Who else is there?
I don’t think the Irish Leftist AMW is the solution to anything; aside from being against Islam and pro-Israel, which precipitated her separation from the Labour Party (she tried, unsuccessfully, to be their parliamentary candidate both in Brighton and South Swindon).
On every other issue she’s a Marxist feminist: anti-Christian (she started off as the spokesperson for the far-left National Secular Society, which attempted to get the Pope uninvited to Britain; pro-abortion here and in her home country where it is banned; pro-Gay marriage and the compulsory propagandizing of homosexuality in schools (she is a “married” lesbian) and pro-immigration so long as it’s not Muslims, she doesn’t object to other BAME immigrants moving here at all.
Are they really views and policies which the majority of those who vote UKIP would also support?
I believe UKIP dodged a bullet by not choosing her as leader and should jettison her from the party as soon as possible; she would prove to be a colossal political liability.
Ah. Good research there Al. Does at least introduce additional considerations when thinking about a party led by AMW.
Well, until Marxist, feminist lesbians start trying to kill us and rape our kids, I’ll give her the benefit of the doubt.
No, they’ll just end by doing what all Marxists (lesbian or otherwise) do: destroy countries and their societies.
If you believe that the majority of UKIP voters, if she’d become leader, would continue to give support once her background and views (such as the promotion of homosexuality in schools) became widely known, which al Beebus and the rest of the MSM would ensure. Then I think you’d discover you’re very much mistaken, that support would evaporate since her political beliefs (Islam aside) are the antithesis of those of most Kippers.