I always thought Burger King was the home of the Whopper but it seems increasingly that it is the BBC’s most prestigious current affairs programme…the Today show. Lie after lie after lie and it’s from Remain propagandists who are oddly enough nearly always given the prime 08:10 spot. The BBC is entirely corrupt and seems to get away with it.
The BBC’s Nick Robinson, who we know is completely unbalanced about Brexit, has been treating us to a series of podcasts called ‘Political Thinking’.….though looking at the blurb the thinking is pretty much from people with ideas the BBC agrees with…..Gus O’Donnell, Ruth Davidson [opposed to Brexit], the head of Corbyn’s ‘Brownshirts’….Momentum, Ed Miliband, George Osborne [opposed to Brexit]. Jacqui Smith, Owen Jones and Maurice Glasman, Paul Mason and Remainer William Hague.
On the Today show today we had the O’Donnell podcast hyped with the alarmist thought from him that what is happening in Catalonia is going to happen here…ie banks and businesses, according to him, fleeing an ‘independent’ Catalonia. Hmmm…as I understand it that is not true….the banks and businesses merely moved their head offices out of Catalonia…mostly a legal exercise. To compare Catalonia to Brexit is utterly ridiculous and sensationalist…..Catalonia conducted an illegal referendum and looks like it will declare itself independent regardless of the law with no planning, no discussion, no negotiations and no infrastructure to support that as a sovereign nation….and they will ‘crash’ out of the EU without the long term process of withdrawal that Britain will go through for an orderly and legal pull-out….and there is a chance that actual violence will break out to enforce independence. No wonder banks and businesses look to secure their legal status but that is a situation that just will not happen in the British case even if there is a ‘no deal’…because that would still be legal and planned for.
The threat of being cut off from Spain is prompting companies in Catalonia to move their head offices to other parts of the country.
O’Donnell also came up with the lie that David Davis had promised us that we would get the exact same benefits of the Single Market once we left the EU as we have as members….except he didn’t promise that...it was of course merely an aim……an idea worth considering…that he hoped to persuade May to attempt……
What we have come up with—I hope to persuade her that this is a very worthwhile aim—is the idea of a comprehensive free trade agreement and a comprehensive customs agreement that will deliver the exact same benefits as we have, but also enable my right hon. Friend the Secretary of State for International Trade to go and form trade deals with the rest of the world, which is the real upside of leaving the European Union.
And why wouldn’t you aim for that? You’d be daft not to.
Two big whoppers and the BBC serves them up to us with relish…the reality is we are force fed this Remainist tripe by the BBC in a long term campaign designed to scare us into dumping Brexit or making a betrayal by the politicians more ‘acceptable’ as people, for so long told Brexit is a catastrophe and a disaster, roll over in apathetic acceptance.
Perhaps it is the BBC that we should dump.
One might also note that Davis said in the same Common’s appearance….
I am afraid that I view “hard Brexit” and “soft Brexit” as terms of propaganda.
Which is why the BBC uses the terms so profusely.
It is utterly stupid of the BBBC to compare the situation in Catalonia with the majority of Brits wanting to leave the EU.
The stories just don’t correlate at all, except in the minds behind perfumed twisted smirks of expensive ‘managers’ in W1A. (‘Brut’ futures are well up these days)!
Nobody around here in sanity-land believes a word of what they say now, the BBC is seen as a laughable little bunch of very expensive tax-funded buffoons, piddling about with matters which they can’t (or won’t) understand – well would you bother, with eye-watering wages for being prats?
Their ‘website’ is a joke too, and you can often see the fifth formers’ influence in the design and content rather like spotting an Owen Jones appearance within seconds, and quickly moving on to read something interesting…
Speaking of lie after lie, the bbc press dept. seems to have had a nerve struck:
As you can see, the BBC does not produce any numbers. And I am not aware that the monthly complaints data includes the total number of Editorial Complaints in that month.
The precise number of complaints per year I have is 259,886, but this is more fake news from the BBC, because these are the figures from 2014/15. The figures for 2015/16 seem to have been cut short in January 2016, and to my knowledge, no record of Editorial complaints has been released since then. According to my sources, post-Brexit complaints at the BBC are running an almost 100% increase on previous years. So that could mean complaints are currently running at over 2,000 per day.
My sources seem to get the information from a leaky Capita office called BBC Audience Services, in Belfast.
“complaints are only a small proportion of the huge audience response we get each day”

OK they are forever asking you to comment and tweet them on topics
So not all are complaints, but there seems to be thousands each and every day.
Maybe 20% -50% of “audience response ” is complaints
“What is happening in Catalonia is going to happen here”
Catalonia gives Nicola Sturgeon the idea of declaring an illegal referendum. Unionists boycott the illegal referendum. Therefore the SNP win the referendum. Nicola Sturgeon unilaterally declares Scotland independent.
Teresa May could send in the English police force to duff up SNP voters, but I think she would defer all responsibility about what to do to Ruth Davidson and other Unionist supporters in Scotland. Probably demanding another referendum that Scottish Unionists can trust, with help from Welsh and Northern Irish scrutineers.
If Scotland done a Catalonia.
I think you could count on May doing nothing except talk about it.
We might get something like:
SNP is SNP or Sturgeon is Sturgeon.
Action isn’t something that May does.
When it’s all over, then she will reappear and hint that she was always on whichever side won.
Two or Three years ago perhaps but I think you give the SNP too much clout, the Catalans got 99% of the vote on a near-50% turnout. The SNP would struggle to get that kind of turnout from their own supporters. The SNP used to push a legit economic argument which has been replaced by Sturgeon’s left wing rhetoric, hence the reason the North East (SNP strongholds) switched to Conservative at the last election. Further, they’ve been fairly dreadful in office and hardly put forward the impression that they could be trusted with an independent state, not to mention alienating the 50% or so of people who don’t like being called English and racist for wanting out of the EU. There’s quite a strong correlation actually between people who voted Leave and people who voted SNP back in the 90s.
Yes Scottishcalvin: In the first referendum on Europe, I believe the SNP was the only political party in Britain that was solidly 100% for Leave.
Then in the second referendum on Europe, I believe UKIP was the only political party in Britain that was solidly 100% for Leave.
The SNP have taken a bizarrely contradictory approach to Europe as well. In 2014 the idea of whether an independent Scottish state would remain in or be allowed to join the EU was described as irrelevant, now it’s a key concern apparently, presumably due to political expedience and trying to undermine the PM. And this is before you even start on how ‘leaving the UK’ and ‘leaving the EU’ are based on almost identical arguments and how support for one and support for the other should be a near-perfect correlation. Assuming your argument for leaving England isn’t to pursue a socialist command economy based on unicorns, magic and Ian Rankin novels…
Czech mate
The Czechs have voted for an anti Eu billionaire . The communists got the lowest ever part of the vote@8%.
I bet it will be like Austria last week where al beeb simply ignored it.
So that’s 3 head aches for the EU – and us . Pull it down .
“On the Today show today we had the O’Donnell podcast hyped with the alarmist thought from him that what is happening in Catalonia is going to happen here… To compare Catalonia to Brexit is utterly ridiculous and sensationalist…..”
You talk about “whoppers” but here are some of your blatant lies in all their glory.
He wasn’t comparing Catalonia to Brexit, he was specifically talking about the risks of leaving the EU with no deal.
“…banks and businesses, according to him, fleeing an ‘independent’ Catalonia. Hmmm…as I understand it that is not true…”
Of course it isn’t true, Alan; because you just made it up.
“O’Donnell also came up with the lie that David Davis had promised us that we would get the exact same benefits of the Single Market once we left the EU as we have as members…”
When did he come up with that? I didn’t hear it in the podcast?
“it was of course merely an aim……an idea worth considering…that he hoped to persuade May to attempt……”
Good grief, the Hansard record shows Davis was trying to persuade Anna Soubry (who asked the question) to come round to the government position. How stupid do you have to be not to realise that?
“…hoped to persuade May to attempt…” Is utter nonsense.
So to summarise; you lie about what people said and your political ‘analysis’ is a joke.
You’re a clown, Alan.
Saw some American BBC effort to trash Trump in the garden of the Governors mansion in Charlotteville, Carolina(but where else?). It was on the “political channel” late last night with Zanib Badawi.
Didn`t go well-yes, plenty libtard grievance queens in the audience. But also a feisty couple of locals who were pastors, black, tough women republicans for Trump too. Best bit was when some lefty looking bloke turned on the BBC and said they were only there to cause trouble with their closed idiotic baited questions like “Is Donald Trump a racist?”.
Zanib looked wounded…but who could argue with the odious BBCs efforts, so she seemed to be saying.
No-Trump has the REAL people of the USA still with him.
Not than Arampour, Greer, Churchill -alongside their CNN/HuffPo “colleagues” will ever let them get to the microphone to speak to we fellow patriots in England.
The BBC has given up on us-when will we respond in kind to that?