Funny old world. Muslims insist they are doing Jihad and joining the Islamic State in the name of Allah to further his religion and the BBC insists they are not. They are, the BBC insists, deluded, ignorantly perverting the religion of peace and doing things Muhammed would never have countenanced…despite the ISIS blitz across the Middle East being exactly what Muhammed did…conquering and colonisation, chopping off heads, taking sex slaves, knocking down temples and destroying ‘idols’. It is the 7th century brought to technicolour modern life.
However, someone makes a highly dubious claim that the Vikings were a little bit Muslim and the BBC is there embracing this new ‘fact’ and spreading the glad tidings across the world. Muslims aren’t Muslim enough for the BBC but Vikings can be declared ‘Muslim’ on the evidence of a small piece of embroidery on a piece of cloth.
Some might think the BBC was doing the embroidery, of history that is.
A Swedish ‘academic’ has announced that she has discovered the word ‘Allah’ woven into Viking textiles…the BBC report this as absolute truth…
Why did Vikings have ‘Allah’ embroidered into funeral clothes?
The question should of course rather be ‘Did the Vikings embroider ‘Allah’ into their clothing?’ but that’s not a narrative the BBC wants….it wants us all to think Islam was widely accepted as a good religion by everyone throughout history and thus we should accept that ourselves never mind all the evidence that this just isn’t true and that Islam is far from the religion of peace that the BBC would have us believe.
The BBC farms out the job of reporting this to a Muslim….Tharik Hussain is a London-based freelance journalist, travel writer and broadcaster who specialises in Muslim heritage. So what we get from the already Islamophillic BBC is a Muslim, whose job is to promote Islamic heritage and interests, to report impartially upon a controversial subject. Naturally what we get is a complete acceptance of the story and the spin that perhaps some Vikings were Muslim….more evidence…a silver ring with an Islamic inscription upon it….no thoughts that this could have been a gift, traded, pillaged or brought North by a slave….it’s a definite sign the Vikings were a little bit Muslim.
The ‘academic’ is in fact a contemporary artists who says “a cliché is something that we are supposed to see in a certain way. When you get close to it, it can have a new meaning – it is that twist I am interested in.” So she is interested in twisting our perceptions….creating new meanings. She certainly did that with her ‘Islamic’ inscription…it has to be rotated and have extra script added to it to make it into ‘Allah’…as even the BBC admits…
Enlarging the patterns and looking at the reflection in a mirror revealed the word ‘Allah’ (God) in Arabic
‘Enlarging the patterns’ is disingenuous….she actually added parts to it not merely ‘enlarged’ it which gives the idea that it was merely magnified.
What is magnified though is the conclusion….from a scrap of ‘evidence’ we are expected to believe that maybe some Vikings were Muslim and Islam had a significant presence in Europe…this is pure pro-Muslim propaganda not news…literally smoke and mirrors. If the BBC had asked a few questions they might have found a different narrative instead of BBC ‘Truthiness’….
“Vikings had rich contact with the Arab world. This textile? No,” she began, noting that the textile “has no Arabic at all but the story has gone viral” thanks to news outlets like the Times and BBC.
“There is something very troubling here about the relationship between news media and experts, who should have been consulted for verification,” she continued. “It should go without saying that a single scholar’s un-peer-reviewed claim does not truth make.”
“Here’s the deal with Viking ‘Allah’ textile, as I have been able to piece it together over past few days. As an Islamic art historian & archaeologist, I was immediately suspicious about style of Arabic epigraphy. It’s really so simple that I spent five days thinking, it couldn’t be that Larsson would make so fundamental and obvious a mistake,” said Mulder.
Mulder explained that the most obvious issue with Larsson’s methodology was that the Viking textile is dated to the 10th century, while the style of epigraphy in Larsson’s drawing comes from the 15th century.
“It’s a style called square Kufic, and it’s common in Iran, Central Asia on architecture after 15th century,” she said, providing an example of the style.
She added that the earliest example of the style dates to 11th to early 12th century Muslim architecture—all dating to at least 100 years after the Viking textile found in Birka. She also noted that Larsson’s drawing of the word “Allah” in Kufic script wasn’t even common until the 15th century.
In other words, Larsson and her team’s findings are the result of pareidolia—they saw Arabic patterns where there weren’t any.
Mulder’s debunking of Larsson extended to the rest of the textile, as well. She pointed out that Larsson’s claims are based on supposition, and not proof.
The professor also stated that the only reason the story went viral was because of contemporary politics.
That the Vikings had contact with the Middle East and the Far East has never been in dispute. Mulder said that the “Allah” textile exhibits what Stephen Colbert referred to as “truthiness” despite being unanchored from reality, because it helped to reinforce a specific narrative.
“But ‘truthiness’ cannot be enough for news media, especially in this age of accusations of #FakeNews,” said the professor, who urged journalists to “pick up the phone” and call experts before publishing their stories.
The Independent has corrected its original story…
Viking textile did not feature word ‘Allah’, expert says
Medieval Islamic art and archaeology professor Stephennie Mulder disputes the findings, saying the inscription has ‘no Arabic at all’
The BBC has yet to do so, the original story going un-updated. But then why wouldn’t ‘Allah’ appear in Viking clothing…his name appears everywhere else, Jesus and Abraham were Muslim don’t you know…….which must prove something about Islam if only the BBC could think of it……
Proof ISIS is Muslim…Allah gave them the sign to dress infidel disbelievers in orange jump suits and to behead them…..
And Christianity is toast….
Get a million monkeys and a million typewriters and you’ll mostly get broken typewriters covered in poo.
Plus BBC editorial.
I like the tonality of that ‘vigilant’.
I wonder if it includes those who do not hear, see or smell rockets launching from their hotel Blue Peter gardens?
Oh its the liberal media.
Are Vikings guilty of cultural appropriation now then? Should the Danes be paying money to a Hamas charity for daring to mock or parody their god?
Hope Channel 4 get the frillies sued off them for putting a hook nose on a Manc woman, in order to show us all what a Muslim woman looks like.
How is that not blackface, deeply insulting to any faith-even Islam in this case?
Channel 4 are no better that the Black and White Minstrels now.
Cut them off. Racist,deeply patronising-and am hoping for a fatwa for them.
The bBC reports on a
racist hatecrime in Birmingham:Man arrested in Birmingham for kicking woman in head
Not only did they not report this at the time, but ehre is what they left out:
UK: Man caught on camera kicking an unconscious woman in the face.
Can you imagine the bBC doing likewise if the guilty bastard was a white man kicking a non white person?
Also on the same page the bbc has a link to the Dudley News.
“Dudley GP in court over alleged sex attacks”
But the bbc do not have the same headline.
In the Dudley News they include “Dr Jaswant Rathore”
What this continent needs is for the Scandinavians to rediscover their roots and kick the invaders out and then come over here and France and Do the same. May the wrath of the Norsemen deliver us.
I’m not with mocking religion. I just hope they don’t leave any of the Isis creatures and their followers alive.
They wouldn’t be taking prisoners except to execute so the same should be done this them. This cannot be regarded as a hate crime if I just want them dead can it ?
I had to resort to the OED to discover the definition.
So it has been added to my list of words to use whenever possible. You may regret this Alan.
The Viking “connection”, the bbc report seemed bollox to me. Ten minutes investigation confirmed my suspicions. One man with a laptop. One half decent journalist could probably have done it in five minutes, or less.
With the vast resources at the disposal of TWMTB and the number and the excellence, allegedly, of the journalists in its employ, the report not going straight in the bin, is a disgrace.
That the bbc, then spends OUR money on some self-employed Muzzie with an axe to grind with the chip on his shoulder, to sex-up, known, by the bbc to be exactly the FAKE NEWS they are always alleging in others, is, or should be, licence ending.
This needs to be made known to Donald Trump, five minutes of Trump savaging the bbc about this might cut the bastards off at the knees.
Are May and co doing anything? I have not attempted to discover. If not why not?
This should be on the front page of The Express and The Mail for years.
Incidentally my Norton Security blocked the second link from Pounce (4:56).
I concluded long ago that the genuine Muslims are the one’s named ISIS.
Were on the other hand, the Muslims over here (UK) are the actual heretics who have watered-down the complete doctrines of the Islamic Faith!