When Britain Invaded Russia
The brutal war a century ago which transformed Russia’s relations with the west.
A hundred years since the Russian Revolution and apparently, according to the BBC, everything that has happened since has been our fault…..we are the reason the Russians are so bolshy. Can’t help thinking the BBC are using this anniversary to push a bit of agitprop to help Corbyn out…telling us how wonderful Communism could have been given a fair chance and that revolutionary politics can transform your country for the better.
Presumably the BBC has never heard of the Crimean war or ‘The Great Game’….let me see…..arrhh yes…Crimean War…in the 1850’s….maybe Diane Abbott thinks that is post-1917 but I’d hoped better of the BBC.
Once again the BBC reinvents history to suit its own agenda…Orwell would be gratified to see ‘1984’ springing to life.
Still gotta admire the way the Russkies roll their R’s….
Nice choir but in need of a better soloist.
” Can’t help thinking the BBC are using this anniversary to push a bit of agitprop to help Corbyn out…telling us how wonderful Communism could have been given a fair chance ”
Sheesh! My 30+ year old nephew actually thinks Owen Jones is the saviour of broadcasting/politics in the UK!
And to my surprise and anger he has deluded his dad into believing the same!
And this is the danger for UK society at the next general election! Dopey parents having the same mind-set as their will-not-work- children-but-expect-every=benefit-going misfits!
Please comrades, a little understanding. This is a difficult one for the BBC: innate sympathy for Communism, yet having to peddle the official Government line of rampant Russophobia.